Flight Deck - WINGS - navywings.org.uk - Navy Wings

Page created by Gladys Cole
Flight Deck - WINGS - navywings.org.uk - Navy Wings
December 2018

                 THE FREE NEWSLETTER FOR
                 N AV Y W I N G S S U P P O R T E R S

Flight Deck - WINGS - navywings.org.uk - Navy Wings
From the
                                            Chief Executive
                                            I am now in my third year in this privileged position and the whirlwind of
                                            activity never ceases to amaze me. Navy Wings goes from strength to
                                            strength and our collection continues to expand, with 18 fixed and rotary
                                            wing aircraft in the Associate collection and the addition of a Wasp in the
                                            Core collection. Meanwhile, numbers of Supporters grow apace, our
                                            range of merchandise is proving popular and our relationship with our
                                            affiliated ship, HMS Queen Elizabeth, continues to blossom.

       Contact Us                           The history, education and innovation represented by our naval aircraft is
                                            world-class and we are working closely with the Royal Navy to transfer
                                                                                                                           Forward   We are at the most exciting period in the
                                                                                                                                     Charity’s history as we transition and
         General Enquiries                  the RN Historic Flight onto the civilian register. From 1 April 2019, Navy               expand to take on the aircraft of the Royal
         01935 842005                       Wings will take full ownership and financial responsibility for these                    Navy Historic Flight.
         office@navywings.org.uk            unique heritage aircraft and I am confident that with RN support, we can
         Communications Director and        expand our fundraising efforts to meet this challenge. The entire                        As well as adapting our flying and
         Major Donor Fundraising            collection will be renamed the Navy Wings Heritage Flight. The difficulty                engineering processes to fully meet civil
         01935 849200                       with all charities is raising awareness that fundraising is required in the              aviation requirements, we are also adopting
                                            first place, but that message is starting to gain momentum and we are on                 a new commercial business model. The
         Operations Manager                 the right track. Finally, let me thank everyone who supports us, whether                 experience of operating the Sea Vixen and
         01935 456279                       individuals, corporates or private owners who fund the Associate                         Sea Fury T20 will stand us in good stead.
         katie.campbell@navywings.org.uk    collection, for without your continued backing these superb examples of
         Chief Engineer                     flying naval aircraft will be grounded and lost to future generations.                   The benefits of the new model will include
         01935 456433                                                                                                                greater freedom to generate innovative
         kevin.bugg@navywings.org.uk        Jock Alexander OBE FRAeS
                                                                                                                                     income streams and develop our charitable
         Chief Pilot                                                  Thank You!                                                     and business aims. This will enable us to
         01935 456997                                                                                                                offer experience flights, aircraft for special
         steve.collier@navywings.org.uk                                                                                              events and high standards of maintenance
         Supporters & Corporate Relations
         01935 455685
                                            £1 Million                                                                               and conservation. Importantly, we are also
                                                                                                                                     actively renewing our focus on partnerships
                                                                                                                                     and apprentice schemes with other
         Press and Media
                                                       2019 Target                                                                   organisations in the aviation skills and
         01935 455685                       As a nation, the UK understands the value of heritage and does it very                   heritage sector.
         louise.evans@navywings.org.uk      well. This year’s Armistice commemorations highlighted the importance
                                            of our military heritage ensuring that the service and sacrifice of our                  Our heritage is a national asset and our
         01935 455311                       Armed Forces is never forgotten                                                          flying aircraft are a unique and dynamic
         jon.parkinson@navywings.org.uk                                                                                              archive of technological achievement,
                                            Our naval aviation heritage is less well known and as our responsibilities
                                                                                                                                     innovation and history of great rarity value.
                                            and costs increase, we rely on your help to raise the £1 million we need in
                  NavyWingsUK                                                                                                        As we discover new ways to do things and
                                            2019 to keep our historic naval aircraft flying. Please spread the word to
                                                                                                                                     fulfil a stronger public-facing and
                  @NavyWingsUK              friends and family to help us achieve this. The Royal Naval Air Service and
                                                                                                                                     educational role, our unrivalled collection of
                                            Fleet Air Arm have never let us down in our time of need. We owe it to the
                  @Navy_Wings                                                                                                        naval aircraft, will be an inspiration.
                                            nation to keep our historic aircraft flying for future generations.

Front cover photography by Lee Howard
Flight Deck - WINGS - navywings.org.uk - Navy Wings

                                                                 A History of
                                                                                                                                 Supporters Day in June

                                                                World Firsts!                                                    was another great event
                                                                                                                                 for the Charity with many
                                                                                                                                 making the most of their
                                                                                                                                 Supporter benefits to see
                                                                                                                                 and experience the aircraft
                                                                                                                                 first hand.

                                                                                                                                 This year the event also
                                                                                                                                 included interviews with
                                                                                                                                 veterans from different eras of
                                                                                                                                 naval flying bringing the
                                                                                                                                 storytelling and aircraft

                                                                                                                                 “The idea to incorporate

                                                                                                                Supporters Day
                                                                                                                                 veterans’ talks and invite
                                                                                                                                 current serving aircrew was
                                           As the story of naval aviation continues, F-35 jets are                               very good” said Captain
                                           now flying from HMS Queen Elizabeth following the first                               Michael Rawlinson OBE.
                                           landing of an F-35 on the carrier by Commander Nathan
                                           Gray on 25 September 2018.

                                           Nathan, who was a top graduate at the US Navy Test Pilot
                                           School and one of the last to fly the British Harrier, said of his
                                           historic landing, “It was a great privilege landing one of the
                                           most advanced fifth generation aircraft on the world’s only
                                           purpose-built fifth generation carrier!”                                              Veterans representing the
                                                                                                                                 different eras included John
                                                                                                                                 Fay, a Swordfish pilot,
                                                                                                                                 Captain Fred Hefford OBE
                                                                                                                                 DSC AFC, a Naval Test Pilot
                                                                                                                                 who flew Sea Furies and
                                                                                                                                 conducted Buccaneer and
          From Stringbag
                                                                                                                                 Phantom trials, Tony
            to Stealth Jet                                                                                                       Hayward who flew Sea
                                                                                                                                 Venoms with 894 Squadron
Earlier this year Nathan visited RNAS
                                                                                                                                 in HMS Eagle, Admiral Sir
Yeovilton to fly in the Swordfish.
                                                                                                                                 Michael Layard KCB CBE
“The heritage value of the Swordfish
                                                                                                                                 who flew the Sea Vixen and
was just extraordinary, enlightening
                                                                                                                                 Commodore Bill Covington
me about so much of our rich
                                           Nathan Gray presents Aaron Dunning (17), the youngest sailor                          CBE who flew the Sea Harrier
aviation history. Whilst Irish linen has
                                           onboard HMS Queen Elizabeth with a White Ensign flown in the                          in the Falklands conflict in
been replaced by carbon fibre, the
                                           F-35 when he made his historic landing. Astonishingly, Aaron                          1982.
spirit of naval aviation remains
unchanged” said Nathan.                    shares his surname with Squadron Commander Dunning DSC,
                                           the first pilot to land an aircraft on a ship underway.

                                                                                                                                                    Flight Deck | 2018
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Associate Collection                                                                                                                                                                      Associate Aircraft
                                                                                                                                                                                          AVRO Curtiss Type Waterbird

                                      New arrivals                                                                                                                                        AVRO 504K
                                                                                                                                                                                          E2977, G-EBHB
The Navy Wings Associate
                                                                                                                                                                                          AVRO 504K
Collection has been a great
success story for the Charity
having grown from two to                                                                                                                                                                  AVRO 504L
                                                                                                                                                                                          E5, G-EASD
eighteen aircraft in two
years.                                                                                                                                                                                    Bristol Scout Type C
                                                                                                                                                                                          1264, G-FDHB

The initiative to work with                                                                                                                                                               de Havilland DHC-1 Chipmunk
                                                                                                                                                                                          1377, G-BARS
private aircraft owners has
brought different naval aircraft                                                                                Sea King HU.5 XV666                                                       de Havilland DH.82A Tiger Moth
                                                                                                                                                                                          T8191, G-BWMK
types into the Navy Wings
                                                                                                                The Westland Sea King is one of the most successful helicopters ever
Collection, enabling the Charity      Wasp HAS.1 XT420 G-CBUI                                                                                                                             Douglas AD4-NA Skyraider
                                                                                                                built and having given stalwart service to the Fleet Air Arm for nearly   126922, G-RADR
to represent the more complete
                                      Westland Wasp HAS.1 G-CBUI is another new addition to the                 50 years, the Charity is delighted to have a Sea King in the Associate
story of naval flying on the air                                                                                                                                                          Seafire Mk.XV
display circuit.                      Associate Collection this year. Owned by Chris Marsden, G-CBUI will       Collection. Sea King XV666 is one of the last remaining Sea Kings on      SR462, G-TGVP
                                      move into the Navy Wings Heritage Flight in 2019, joining the two         the military register and is now leased to HeliOperations training the
                                                                                                                                                                                          Seafire Mk.XVII
The impact of the Associate           Swordfish, the Sea Fury pair and Sea Vixen. The Wasp represents the       German Navy. Having seen service with 826, 706, 814, 824 and 771          SX336, G-KASX
Collection, which now includes        forerunner of all small ship helicopters including the unmanned           Naval Air Squadrons, XV666 is likely to attract great following at Navy
                                                                                                                                                                                          Stinson Reliant
six helicopters, is also delivering   versions of today. Specifically designed to operate from frigates, the    Wings events over the coming years.                                       42-46703, N69745
benefits in increased profile,        Wasp made a vital contribution to understanding and solving the                                                                                     AT-6D Texan
income generation and                 challenges of flying from small ships at sea.                                                                                                       42-85068, G-KAMY
exposure to new audiences.
                                                                                                                                                                                          Westland Gazelle HT.2
                                      Tiger Moth T8191 G-BWMK                                                                                                                             XX436, G-ZZLE
“This year, a Tiger Moth, a
                                                                                                                                                                                          Westland Sea King HU.5
second Wasp and a Sea King                                                                                                                                                                XV666
joined the Collection and the
                                                                                                                                                                                          Westland Wessex HU.5
Wessex V gained her Permit to                                                                                                                                                             XT761, G-WSEX
Fly,” said Commander Rick
                                                                                                                                                                                          Westland Wessex HU.5
Collins, the Associate Collection
                                                                                                                                                                                          Westland Wasp HAS.1
                                                                                                                 AVRO 504K E2977 G-EBHB                                                   XT420, G-CBUI
“The Associate Collection also
came together to make a                                                                                         One hundred years on from the First World War, Navy Wings is              Westland Wasp HAS.1
                                      Owned by Kevin Crumplin, his immaculate de Havilland DH.82A Royal         fortunate to have three AVRO 504s in the Associate Collection. Built in   XT787, G-KAXT
superb contribution to
Shuttleworth Fly Navy Day in          Navy Tiger Moth vintage biplane trainer is an important and welcome       1918 and owned by Tom Harris, G-EBHB flew seven times this year,
June and RNAS Yeovilton Air           addition to the Associate Collection. Based at Henstridge, ‘Navy Tiger’   clocking up 3.5 hours, a tremendous achievement for an aircraft built
Day in July.”                         made her first appearance at RNAS Yeovilton Air Day.                      a hundred years ago.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Flight Deck | 2018
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Swordfish Heritage Day
                                                                       World War Two veterans who
                                                                       flew the Swordfish on Arctic
                                                                       Convoys and in the Battle of the
                                                                       Atlantic returned to RNAS
                                                                       Yeovilton in September for a
                                                                       special Supporters day
                                                                       celebrating the proud heritage of
                                                                       the Swordfish and all who flew,
                                                                       maintained and worked on these
                                                                       iconic biplanes.

                                                                       The veterans shared their stories
                                                                       with Supporters and current serving
                                                                       aircrew in a series of ‘fireside chats’,
Among the veterans attending the Swordfish Heritage Day was
                                                                       re-living the years in which they took
John Bowden, above left, who flew on Arctic Convoys; John also
                                                                       part in some of the most bitterly
survived ‘ditching’ in the freezing waters of the Atlantic. “Five of
our veterans were members of the Goldfish Club” said Laila
Sadler. “David Barrell, John Bowden and Peter Jinks survived
                                                                       fought campaigns in which Britain
                                                                       and her Allies have ever been              WW2 Swordfish Heroes                                            21 September 2018
ditching in the Swordfish and John Fay and Bill Reeks survived
ditching in Avengers.” David Barrell recounted ditching with a
                                                                       “Bringing the veterans together with
live torpedo fitted and Telegraphist Air Gunner, Peter Jinks,
                                                                       the only flying Swordfish Mk1 in the
ditched seven times! “I was pretty twitchy after that!” said Peter.
                                                                       world was very poignant” said Sub
                                                                       Lieutenant Jonty Inderwick.
                                                                       “Hearing their experiences really
                                                                       made me appreciate what it must
                                                                       have been like flying in open
                                                                       cockpits in the mid-Atlantic. They
                                                                       helped turn the tide of the war. It was
                                                                       very inspiring” continued Jonty.

                                                                       Pilots, Observers, Telegraphist Air

                                                                       Gunners and Maintainers were all
                                                                       represented including two veterans         Lieutenant Commander Ralph Jameson VRD RNVR (95),                   We drew strength from
                                                                       with the Arctic Star.                      who flew 27 aircraft types in his flying career, told Paul
                                                                                                                                                                                      our experiences in the
                                                                                                                  Beaver of the day in March 1944 when Royal Navy test pilot
                                                                       “Our World War Two veterans are the        Eric ‘Winkle’ Brown made aviation history, landing a
                                                                                                                                                                                      Swordfish. Please help to
Swordfish hero, Lieutenant Commander Eugene Esmonde VC
DSO was represented by his nephew, above right, also named             last of a great generation. They flew      Mosquito on a carrier. “It was luck that I was onboard HMS          support her as she
Eugene Esmonde, after his uncle. Eugene Esmonde was                    outdated aircraft, against a               Indefatigable that day” said Ralph. “It was the first landing       helped save so many.
awarded the Victoria Cross for his heroic attempt to halt the          determined enemy, in the worst             of a twin-engined aircraft on a carrier deck in the world and
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Peter Jinks
‘Channel Dash’ in 1942, leading his Squadron of Swordfish in a         flying conditions in the world - and       everyone felt a great sense of achievement.”                                   Telegraphist Air Gunner
torpedo attack against the German battlefleet in the English           won” said historian Paul Beaver.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                Flight Deck | 2018
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                             Time Flies!                                                                                                               FLEET AIR ARM
                                                                                                                                                          in Association with Navy Wings

                                                                                                                                          The achievements of the Fleet Air Arm’s most outstanding men
                                                                                                                                          and women of today were celebrated at a special ceremony in
                                                                                                                                          the House of Commons in October, attended by Members of
                                                                                                                                          Parliament, the head of the Fleet Air Arm, Rear Admiral Keith
                                                                                                                                          Blount CB OBE and hosted by Marcus Jones MP.
Photography by Lee Howard

                                                                                                                                          Award winners were                                beyond the call of duty. “They are
                                                                                                                                          congratulated by their                            the leaders, team players and
                                                                                                                                          constituency MPs and the                          change-makers of the future” said
                                                                                                                                          Deputy Speaker, the Rt Hon                        Keith. This year’s top award went
                                                                            Navy Wings Trustee, Tim Manna, who has generously given       Dame Eleanor Laing MP.                            to an exceptional winner,
                                                                            his time and commitment to the Charity for over 20 years                                                        Leading Air Engineering               Reaching
                                                                            was given a surprise flight in the Swordfish in August as a                                                     Technician Marko Jejna for his
                                                                            big thank you! Tim, who served as a US Navy pilot before                                                        outstanding work on the F-35.         for the Sky
                                                                            going into banking with JP Morgan and Merrill Lynch, is a                                                                                             A remarkable and quite
                                                                            passionate collector of vintage warbirds. “I don’t know                                                         “Marko Jejna has achieved a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  exceptional winner, LAET(M)
                                                                                                                                                                                            highly impressive level of
                                                                            where the years have gone!” said Tim “I have enjoyed every                                                                                            Marko Jejna, is presented with
                                                                                                                                                                                            expertise and qualification in both
                                                                            minute and flying in the Swordfish was a truly memorable                                                                                              a Bremont watch by Navy
                                                                                                                                                            Photography SAC Kitty Barrett   the UK and US Marine Corps and
                                                                            experience.” Tim’s T6 Harvard and Seafire Mk XVII are key                                                                                             Wings Ambassador and
                                                                                                                                          The annual awards, sponsored                      is one of only five UK engineers
                                                                            aircraft in the Navy Wings Associate Collection.                                                                                                      co-founder of the British Watch
                                                                                                                                          by Navy Wings Ambassador,                         qualified to ground run the F-35”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Company Bremont, Nick
                                                                                                                                          Keith Knowles OBE, recognise                      said Keith Blount. “His focus,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  English (left) and Rear Admiral
                            Totally Inspirational!                                                                                        not only the highest level of
                                                                                                                                          professional performance but
                                                                                                                                                                                            knowledge and commitment has
                                                                                                                                                                                            enhanced the UK F-35
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Keith Blount CB OBE (right).

                            Navy Wings Ambassadors, including motor                                                                       those who contribute above and                    programme immeasurably.”
                            racing legend Derek Bell MBE were invited to
                            lunch onboard HMS Queen Elizabeth in June.

                            Ambassadors help raise funds for Navy Wings
                            through their influence and endorsement and the visit
                                                                                                                                            Legacy Giving
                                                                                                                                            When you leave a gift in your will, you provide the financial help that
                            to the carrier was an opportunity for the Charity to say                                                        enables us to plan for the longer term, buying or restoring an engine or
                            thank you.                                                                                                      undertaking a major restoration project. John Osmond served as an Air
                                                                                                                                            Engineer Officer with the Fleet Air Arm during the Falklands conflict and
                            “It was a totally inspirational day!” said Derek. Other                                                         has pledged a legacy to Navy Wings.
                            Ambassadors at the lunch included musician,
                                                                                                                                            “Since 1909, the founding principle of naval flying has been problem
                            songwriter and founding member of Genesis, Mike
                                                                                                                                            solving and innovation. Our heritage is remarkable, and I am pleased to
                            Rutherford and Alumni Ambassador, Sir Mark
                                                                                                                                            leave a legacy to ensure that the technological achievement of naval
                            Thomson Bt.
                                                                                                                                            aviation continues to inspire young engineers of the future.”                                         John Osmond
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Navy Wings Legator

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Flight Deck | 2018
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Corporate Partnerships                                                                                                                                                                           WINGS
Navy Wings relies on the support of our corporate partners and in recent years these partnerships
have doubled, impacting in a positive and transformational way on the work of the Charity.

Traditionally recruited from the defence sector,
companies from industry and private enterprise are
now coming onboard, inspired by the innovation
of our heritage and the unique setting we offer for
off-site visits.
                                                                                                            Annual Networking Dinner
                                                                                                            Firmly established as a highly successful Charity networking
                                                                                                            event, this year’s dinner was held in the historic Vintners’ Hall in
Hospitality Industry Support                                                                                the City of London.
Navy Wings has several corporate partners in the
                                                                                                            Open to all, the evening provides an opportunity for corporate
hospitality industry, including Beds & Bars, who
                                                                                                            partners, senior industry and military leaders, and Fleet Air Arm
generously host events and run the Beds & Bars
Awards, raising profile and giving recognition to
                                                                                                            veterans working in aerospace and defence to catch-up, build
                                                                                                            connections and share ideas in relaxed and prestigious surroundings.
                                                                                                                                                                                    Beds & Bars
young people working in the Fleet Air Arm today.                                                            Guests included the Vice Chief of Defence Staff and Royal Navy Fleet
                                                                                                            Commander who gave a powerful and entertaining overview of naval
                             CEO of Beds & Bars,                                                            aviation today. The generosity of Historic Helicopters Chairman,        The Beds & Bars Awards,
                             Keith Knowles OBE                                                              Andrew Whitehouse, saw a rare bottle of Navy Rum raise £600 in the      now in their fifth year, are
                             said, “I believe in                                                            auction and John Runyard won an experience flight in the Charity’s      testament to the long-term
                             putting people first and                                                       Sea Fury. The 2019 Dinner will be held at the Honourable Artillery      engagement of Beds & Bars
                                                         The Wadworth marketing team visited the Navy
                                                                                                            Company. Details from laila.sadler@navywings.org.uk                     and their commitment to
                             like to help in ways that   Wings Heritage Centre in the summer and
                                                                                                                                                                                    Investors in People.
                             are not just about          Wadworth also donated a magnificent hand
                             money but much more         painted Swordfish pub sign for auction at the
                             about inspiring others.     Armistice Centenary Dinner in October.
                                                                                                             Swordfish Golf Tournament                                              Awarded to Junior Ratings

                                                                                                                                                                                    who have performed with
   Beds & Bars has a         My hope is that the
                                                                                                                                                                                    distinction and stood out
   long history of           Beds & Bars charitable                                                                                                                                 from their peer group, the
   working with              partnership with Navy       Nominate Navy Wings                                                                                                        awards are made three
   charities and
                        ‘    Wings will give the         in Your Company Giving                                                                                                     times a year. The winners
   making a difference       Charity the support it      Programme                                                                                                                  receive a trip to London and
                             needs to make a real                                                                                                                                   weekend break in Europe.
         Keith Knowles OBE
                                                         We are always grateful when a Supporter
                             step-change.”               nominates Navy Wings as their chosen charity                                                                               The autumn award winners
                                                         in their company’s annual giving programme                                                                                 were LAET Trowbridge-
Wadworth & Co is another corporate partner who           and are delighted to offer you a personal visit.                           Our annual Charity Golf Fundraiser at           Smith, above and LSC Tom
helps the Charity in a range of ways and with            Bring a friend from work or a family member.                               Bowood Hotel and Golf Resort was as             Williams, below.
whom we enjoy a special synergy with our                                                                                            popular as ever this year seeing fierce
                                                         Payroll Giving
Swordfish aircraft and Wadworth Swordfish Ale, a                                                                                    competition from 19 teams. Wadworth
                                                         If your company offers Payroll Giving you can
blend of Wadworth beer and Pusser’s Navy Rum.                                                                                       Brewery Shire horses and dray added
                                                         pay your annual subscription to Navy Wings in
Each time a pint is sold, Navy Wings receives a                                                                                     distinctive heritage value to the day.
                                                         this way. Just £3 a month provides all the
donation and as a result, Wadworth has become a                                                                                     Leonardo valiantly regained their champions’
                                                         benefits of Supporter membership
regular donor.                                                                                                                      title in their tournament with the Royal Navy
                                                                                                                                    whilst the overall winners of the Swordfish
                                                                                                                                    trophy were Church House Investments.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Flight Deck | 2018
Flight Deck - WINGS - navywings.org.uk - Navy Wings

Nearly 40,000 visitors enjoyed a
spectacular day of flying at RNAS Yeovilton
Air Day in July.
                                                     AIR DAY
Heritage is always an important part of the event
and a highlight this year was the display by the
Navy Wings Sea Fury T20 and its adversary, a
                                                                                                Your Support
MiG-15 jet, similar to the one famously shot
down by Sea Furies in combat over North Korea
                                                                                                In Action!
in 1952.                                             RNAS YEOVILTON                             Navy Wings aircraft display at air shows
                                                                                                around the country but there is no better
The Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15UTI led the Sea                                                      place than RNAS Yeovilton, the home of the
Fury demonstrating the high speed of the                                                        Fleet Air Arm, for you to see your support in
aircraft and giving the crowd an exciting taste of                                              action!
carrier air combat 65 years ago.
                                                                                                Join us for lunch in the Navy Wings
                                                                                                marquee, walk through history with our
“Bringing Fleet Air Arm Battle Honours to life
                                                                                                explainers in the aircraft static park and
through historic aircraft demonstrates the
                                                                                                shop in our new 1,300 square foot
immense value of the UK’s naval aviation
                                                                                                merchandising pavilion!
heritage” said pilot of the Sea Fury, Lieutenant
Commander Chris Götke AFC.

“The Sea Furies were operating from HMS
Ocean just as F-35 jets will operate from HMS
Queen Elizabeth anywhere in the world”
continued Chris.

“The encounter on 9 August 1952 was the first
time a jet had been shot down by a British
piston-engined fighter in the Korean War. The

                                                                                                                                                  Photography by Lee Howard
four Sea Furies were outnumbered two to one
by the enemy MiGs and whilst the modern,
swept-wing jets were faster, they were out-
manoeuvred by the agility of the Sea Fury.”

The MiG from the Norwegian Air Force Historical
Squadron was flown by Kenneth Mette
Aarkvisia. The two aircraft flew in fighting wing
                                                     Navy Wings Supporters Marquee
formation delighting spectators with the Sea                    and private viewing enclosure
Fury chasing the MiG through its gunsight.

Veteran Sea Fury pilot, Brian ‘Schmoo’ Ellis, who
took part in the historic dogfight in 1952,
watched the display. “It was great to see the two
aircraft together” said Schmoo “The actual
attack happened so quickly, but I remember it
was pretty daring flying against the odds!”

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                                                                                                                   Night Vision
Admiral Sir John Treacher           Crash Site of WW2                                                              25 October 2018
KCB, a veteran of the Arctic
                                    Hellcat Pilot Found
Convoys and President of
the Charity for many years,         74 years on
died in April, aged 93.

A charismatic leader,
successful both in the Royal
Navy and in business, Sir
John took a great interest in
the Navy’s aviation heritage,
through his Presidency of the
Swordfish Heritage Trust and
its development into the Fly
Navy Heritage Trust and Navy
Wings of today.                   Lieutenant Commander Ron Richardson RNZNVR was listed
                                  ‘missing presumed killed’ after failing to return from an attack
Sir John was a passionate         on the Tirpitz in a Norwegian fjord on 24 August 1944.
advocate of carrier aviation,
                                  Commanding Officer of 1840           now Commander (Air) HMS
his autobiography ‘Life at Full
                                  Naval Air Squadron, Ron’s            Prince of Wales. “My grandfather
Throttle’ having been inspired
                                  Squadron was part of a strike        was last seen taking-out a
by flying Seafires in Korea and
                                  force of 40 Barracuda bombers        German radar station, sweeping
overseeing the introduction
                                  and 50 fighters, including           low over the facility with his
into service of the Skyraider
                                  Corsairs, Hellcats and Fireflies.    arrestor gear down deliberately                                     The Navy Wings Night Shoot, in association with
and Phantom.
                                                                       ripping out the aerials. It was an                                  Threshold Aero, raises over £5,000 a year for the
                                  For 74 years his widow, Navy         incredibly daring attack but                                        Charity. Attended by some of the top aviation
Later he famously fought the
                                  Wings Supporter, Sheila              sadly, as he climbed away he                                        photographers in the country, this year for the first
Sea Harrier decision through
                                  Thomson (95) did not know what       was hit by anti-aircraft fire and                                   time the Sea Harrier FA2, loaded with missiles, guns
the MOD to its hugely
                                  had happened to him but this         then lost in cloud.”                                                and bombs, was the star attraction. A ground run by
successful service in the
                                  summer, his son, grandson and                                                                            a Merlin HC Mk 4 and the addition of a Wildcat AH1
Falklands War. His great
                                  grandchildren went to Norway         “Finding his aircraft was a hugely                                  and Wasp made for a very impressive line-up.
influence also shaped
                                  and found the crash site of Ron’s    moving experience” continued
appointments with aerospace
                                  Hellcat preserved in snow and        Phil. The aircraft is only visible in
game-changers of the time,
                                  ice since 1944, 3,000 feet up a      summer when the snow recedes.
Westland Helicopters and
                                  mountain.                            It gave us a great sense of pride
Meggitt. Sir John was a
                                                                       and closure. My grandfather was
generous supporter of the
                                  Ron’s grandson, Commander            Mentioned in Despatches and
Charity and left an annual
                                  Phil Richardson OBE was so           the legacy of his courage lives on
bursary to support the Trust’s
                                  inspired by the bravery of the       in the aircraft of the Navy Wings
education programme.
                                  grandfather he didn’t know, that     Collection.”
                                  he joined the Fleet Air Arm and is
                                                                                                               Photography by Lee Howard

                                                                                                                                                                                   Flight Deck | 2018
Flight Deck - WINGS - navywings.org.uk - Navy Wings

Sea King Simulator                                                                                                                            Oily Rag
Experience                                                                                                                                                                                                          Navy Wings
Navy Wings Corporate partner,                                                                                                                                                                                       Engineering
HeliOperations, who bought the Sea King
Simulator at RNAS Culdrose in October, has
offered the Charity a unique fundraising                                                                                                                                                                            Wednesday 5 December
opportunity providing flight experiences for                                                                                                                                                                        09.00 - 13.00
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Tickets £20
groups and individuals to take to the skies in
this world class military helicopter simulator.                                                                                                                                                                     Our engineers carry out
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    highly skilled restoration,
Visits can be tailored to suit your requirements from    to land on a ship at sea, fly low-level over                                                                                                               machine work and engine
an exhilarating team building experience for six, with   Afghanistan, deliver Special Forces to an oil rig or                                                                                                       rebuilds. Meet individual
dinner and overnight stay in a hotel, to packages for    rescue a survivor in a life-raft. You will also                                                                                                            engineers working on the Sea
smaller groups or individuals seeking a more             experience using Night Vision Goggles and taking                                                                                                           Vixen, Swordfish and Sea
premium, bespoke or immersive day. Experience a          evasive action against enemy fire. Further details                                                                                                         Fury and enjoy a tour of the

range of missions as your instructor shows you how       seaking.experience@navywings.org.uk.                                                                                                                       heritage hangar.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Book online at
                                                                                                                                              Throughout 2018 our engineers have worked hard to get                 navywings.org.uk
  ON G

                                                                                                                                              the aircraft in the best possible condition to transfer them to       or call 01935 455685

                                                                                                                                              the civil register in preparation for change of ownership
                                                                                                                                              from the Royal Navy to Navy Wings.

       BMW R nine
                                                                                                                                              Swordfish LS326 is on schedule to receive her new engine in the
                                                                                                                                              New Year and the aim is that she will join Swordfish W5856 in the

                                                                                   2019 RAFFLE
       T Racer
                                                                                                                                              skies for the 2019 display season. The Sea Fury T20 is at North

                                                                              Tickets £10 each
                                                                                                                                              Weald for routine winter maintenance and the Sea Fury FB11 is
                                                                                                                                              under suspended maintenance until funds become available for
                                                                                          Online from January
       Bahnstormer Custom                                                                                                                     her engine rebuild. The Sea Hawk is in dry storage ready for when

       Edition Motorbike!                                                                          Supporting
                                                                                                                                              the Charity is in a position to fund her return to the skies.

                                                                                                   Naval Charities
                                                                                                                                              The Sea Vixen team continue to assess damage and build a plan
                                                                                                                     WINGS                    to return XP924 to flight following the wheels up landing in May
                                                                                                                                              2017. This year has also provided an opportunity to carry out long
                                                                                                                                              term deep maintenance. In parallel the team is in discussion with
                                                                                                                                              external organisations regarding design authority for the rebuild.        Become a Navy Wings
                                                                                                                                              This is a big project and we need the help of our Supporters to            Supporter today and
      navywings.org.uk                                                                                                                        help fund the return to flight. Supporters can help by donating and         receive our monthly
                                                                                                   Promoter: Navy Wings, RNAS Yeovilton,
                                                                                                            Ilchester, Somerset BA22 8HT
                                                                                                    Licensed by the Gambling Commission
                                                                                                Terms and Conditions visit navywings.org.uk
                                                                                                                                              shopping on the Navy Wings Store visit navywings.org.uk.                          e-news online

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Flight Deck | 2018

Prince Michael of Kent
Praises Work of Navy Wings
HRH Prince Michael of Kent

                                                                                                                         Photography by John Goodman
GCVO was the Charity’s Guest
of Honour at the Shuttleworth
Fly Navy Air Show at Old
Warden in June.

Speaking with Navy Wings
aircraft owners and aircrews,
Prince Michael showed great
interest in the history of each
aircraft and expressed his
admiration for the work of Charity.

Fly Navy is the only airshow in

                                                                                                                      FLEET AIR ARM SQUADRON
the country where the flying          The flying display included an
                                                                          Navy Wings was delighted to welcome
display is almost exclusively         unprecedented number of Navy
                                                                          members of the Fleet Air Arm Squadron to
naval aircraft and this year’s        Wings aircraft including the
                                                                          afternoon tea in the Ambassadors’
airshow in glorious sunshine was      Swordfish, Sea Fury, Bristol
                                                                          Marquee. The Fleet Air Arm Squadron is a
an unrivalled showcase of naval       Scout, Stinson Reliant, Navy
                                                                          non-military organisation with a shared
aviation heritage.                    Gazelle and Westland Wasp. The
                                                                          interest in supporting Royal Navy flying.
                                      Catalina, Corsair, Grumman
                                                                          One of the Squadron members who
With the Bristol Scout, three Avro    Wildcat and Sea Hurricane also
                                                                          attended was longstanding Navy Wings
504s, the Swordfish and Sea           gave impressive displays.
                                                                          Supporter, Commander John Ford
Hurricane, all classic aircraft of
                                                                          (pictured right) who saw active service
their era, positioned in front of     “The day was a tremendous
                                                                          during the Suez Campaign and was
the Navy Wings Ambassadors            success, fulfilling the Charity’s
                                                                          Commander (Air) of both RNAS Yeovilton
Marquee the day was described         aims to educate, inspire and
                                                                          and HMS Ark Royal.
by one of our guests as               remember in a powerful way”
“marvellous, magnificent, moving      said Sue Eagles,
and memorable!”                       Communications Director.

To see three Avro 504s together       “The Merlin HM Mk 2 from 820
is a rare occurrence and in this      Naval Air Squadron was also a
Centenary year of the end of the      great attraction, making the link
First World War, was a deserving      from heritage to current
tribute for this outstanding          operations and the future.”

                                                                                                          Flight Deck | 2018

895 Naval
Airmen lost
their lives in the
First World War

                                                                                                                                                   Photography by Charlie Davies
Navy Wings celebrated this          collection before dining in the     The Captain of HMS Queen
year’s Centenary of the end of      stunning atrium courtyard. The      Elizabeth, Captain Nick Cooke-
the First World War with a          former sculpture garden was         Priest OBE, who was among the
spectacular Armistice Dinner at     spectacularly decorated with        guests, spoke of the close
Hertford House, home of the         naval ensigns and illuminated       affiliation between Navy Wings
Wallace Collection in London on     urns of poppies. “It made me feel   and the carrier and thanked
9 October.                          very proud” said Ambassador,        Rodger personally for his
                                    Lars Steffensen.                    generosity and support.
Themed ‘An Evening to
Remember’, the historic setting     The evening included an auction
provided a perfect backdrop to      which raised over £60,000 to
pay tribute to the Royal Naval      support the work of the Charity.
Air Service and the 895 officers    One of the star lots, the Ensign
and men who lost their lives in     flown by HMS Queen Elizabeth
the Great War.                      during her maiden voyage from
                                    Rosyth to Portsmouth, sold for
Guests enjoyed a champagne          £14,000 to Navy Wings
reception and private view of the   Ambassador, Rodger Dudding.

                                                                                                         AN EVENING TO REMEMBER   Flight Deck | 2018

Legend Among Icons
Swordfish Mk1 W5856 had a
very successful year
                                                                                                                        Why we
completing all her air show
appearances around the
“It’s a tribute to this remarkable
                                                                                                                        Navy Wings
aircraft that she continues to fly
in her eighth decade” said
                                                                                                                   Sub Lieutenants Aren Tingle and Andy Jones                                   The Best in
Lieutenant Commander Glenn                                                                                         “Navy Wings is a great organisation with a strong sense of
Allison.                                                                                                           purpose. We’re proud to be Supporters. Everyone should join!                 the Business!
                                                                                                                   Once you start reading about our heritage you can’t stop! The
“She started the season with                                                                                                                                                                    Tim Boughton, a Trustee and
                                                                                                                   stories are real page-turners making you realise the great
Abingdon air show and                                                                                                                                                                           fundraiser for the Fly Navy
                                                                                                                   significance of the aircraft and our amazing history.”
Supporters Day followed by                                                                                                                                                                      Heritage Trust for ten years,
Shuttleworth, Yeovilton,                                                                                           Matthew Houghton                                                             pictured centre, stepped down
Blackpool, East Fortune and                                                                                                                 “I have loved aeroplanes since I was a boy          at the end of last year and was
Sunderland. The welcome                                                                                                                     and having worked with the Fleet Air Arm,           presented with a thank you gift
wherever we went was fantastic.                                                                                                                                                                 by Chairman Rear Admiral Tom
                                                                                                                                            I understand how important it is to keep
We also flew over HMS Ringtail                                                                                                                                                                  Cunningham CBE and Chief
                                      Swordfish Mk1                                                                                         these aircraft flying. Keeping the stories
where there was a huge turnout                                                                                                                                                                  Executive, Commodore Jock
                                      W5856                                                                                                 alive also helps to remember the ethos of
of people.”                                                                                                                                                                                     Alexander OBE. Tim played a
                                                                                                                                            naval flying and the bravery of those who
Navy Wings Supporter,                                                                                                                       have flown in the Naval Service.”                   leading role in establishing the
Lawrence Critchley, said “The fly-
by over Burscough was greatly
                                      Royal Navy Display Pilot                                                     Leading Hand Dean Stello
                                                                                                                                                                                                Trust’s cadre of Ambassadors
                                                                                                                                                                                                and raised tens of thousands of
appreciated honouring the             for 15 Years                                                                                    “I joined the Charity Navy Wings because it
                                                                                                                                           is important to let people know what the
                                                                                                                                                                                                pounds through major donor
town’s naval past. The Swordfish                                                                                                                                                                fundraising. “Tim is the best in
                                      Commanding Officer of                                                                                Fleet Air Arm has done for our country. The
was based at HMS Ringtail                                                                                                                                                                       the business” said Tom
                                      the Royal Navy Historic
during the war and people still                                                                                                            Charity provides a great opportunity to be a         Cunningham. “He made a lasting
                                      Flight for the past five
have a great affection for the                                                                                                             part of the Navy's heritage, to give back            contribution to the work of the
                                      years, Lieutenant
aircraft.”                                                                                                                                 and help keep the aircraft flying as a lasting       Charity and we wish him well for
                                      Commander Chris Götke
                                                                                                                                           legacy for future generations.”                      the future.”
“After a few years of engineering     AFC, handed over
challenges, it was rewarding for      command to Lieutenant
                                      Commander Mark
the flight to have such a brilliant
season” said Chris Götke. “The        Jameson in October.
                                                                                                                                                   At Ease!
aircraft was flown by an                                                                                                                           Royal Naval Air Station Culdrose held a very successful Heritage Day this
experienced team and it was a         Chris, who flew as a volunteer pilot with the Flight for ten years                                           year including an all ranks and rates dinner in the evening raising funds for
great team achievement. The           before becoming Commanding Officer, is uniquely qualified as the                                             Navy Wings. A new initiative, ‘Ease Springs for Navy Wings’ introduced at
engine had to be inspected            Royal Navy’s Sea Fury, Sea Hawk, Seafire and Swordfish display                                               the dinner by Commander Jason Phillips OBE, proved very popular! For
every 15 hours and the                pilot and has become as much a legend in aviation circles as the                                             those in the know, who have to go, it was a great relief, providing extra
scheduling of inspections             aircraft he flies! “Mark is taking on the Flight at a critical time as the                                   funds in the pot! Commander Jason Phillips, pictured right, handed over a
around the display programme          Royal Navy prepares to transfer the aircraft to Navy Wings next                                              cheque for £175 to Commodore Bill Covington CBE.
was a credit to everyone.”            year” said Chris.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Flight Deck | 2018

Volunteers Noticeboard
The Navy Wings community relies on our fantastic team of
volunteers who help at air shows and events, provide
technical expertise and go that extra mile to raise the funds
we need to keep our aircraft flying.

Over 30 volunteers attended our Volunteers Day last
February. “Volunteers are making a real difference to the

work of the Charity” said Chief Executive Jock Alexander.

                                                                                                                                                                   T V
“The experience, knowledge and great attitude to life of

                                                                                                                                                                       AT E
                                                                                                                                                                  D H
those now coming forward is really helping us step-up to
the challenges ahead.”
                                                                        Maggie and Bryan Keet
                                                                                                                      Gift of Membership
                                                                                                                      The Perfect Christmas Gift
                                                                                               do a magnificent
                                                                        job supporting the Chari                      for Friends and Family
                                                                                                 ty at air shows
                                                                        and events around the co
                                                                                                  untry selling       Christmas is the time for giving so
                                                                        Navy Wings merchandis
                                                                                                e.                    why not give Navy Wings
                                                                                                                      Supporter membership to a
                                                                                                                      friend, family member or even

                                                                                                                      yourself! Perfect for anyone who
                                                                                                                      loves aviation, Navy Wings
                                                    ollier and                                                        membership includes privileged
                            E a g le s, ‘Skips’ C
               lair, To n y                                n hand                                                     access to the Navy Wings
   Andy Sinc                     ir D a y E x  plainers, o
                              A                             aircraft.
                gs help as                       about the                                                            collection of historic naval aircraft,
   Nigel Mag                    th  e p u b li c
                 embers of                                                                                            discounted entrance to events, air
    to talk to m
                                                                                                                      shows, museums and Supporter
                                                                                                                      days and Navy Wings Dine card

Any Volunteers?                                                           Fundraising                                 with up to 50% discounts at
                                                                                                                      restaurants countrywide. For just
                                                                                                                      £35.00 your gift comes beautifully
Visits and Education
We are particularly looking for volunteers to give guided
tours for visiting groups and to support our education
                                                                          and Events                                  packaged in a gift box with
                                                                                                                      certificate of membership, Navy
                                                                           Derek Bon                                  Wings pen and lapel pin. To
programme.                                                                             d helps at
                                                                          ‘There is a             Supporte
                                                                                      tremendo              r days.   purchase Navy Wings
                                                                         in the Nav             us esprit d
Special Projects                                                                     y Wings c              e corps   membership simply visit our
                                                                        Derek “ma              ommunity
If you have expertise in air or electrical engineering,                              de even m            ” said      website navywings.org.uk/gift
                                                                        great peo               ore specia
avionics, airworthiness, survival equipment, spares                                ple!”                   l by
control or flying and maintaining heritage aircraft we                                                                Navy Wings is committed to preserving
                                                                                                                      and promoting the Nation’s naval aviation
would love to hear from you. Our next Volunteers Day is                                                               heritage for future generations.
on Monday 11 February 2019. To get involved contact
                                                                                                                                                                   Flight Deck | 2018
Making a Gift                                                                                                                                                               2019
                                                                                                                                                                            Monday 11 February
     Increase your annual
     subscription                                                                                     Raise money for                                                       Volunteers Day, RNAS Yeovilton
     The annual subscription to be                                                                    Navy Wings                                                            Thursday 14 March
     a Supporter is £30, however, if                                                                  every time you                                                        Navy Wings Night Shoot
     you feel able to give more this                                                                  shop online
     is a great way to help our                                                                                                                                             Thursday 14 March
                                                                                                      Every time you shop                                                   Company Dinner
     annual giving programme.                                                                         online select Fly Navy
                                                                                                                                                                            The Honourable Artillery Company
                                                                                                      Heritage Trust as your
     Give the Gift of                                                                                                                                                       London
                                                                                                      chosen charity and a
     Membership to Friends
                                                                                                      donation will be made to                                              Thursday 9 May
     and Family                                                                                       Navy Wings. It’s simple,                                              RNAS Culdrose Heritage Day
     By giving the gift of                                                                            easy and free.
     membership you give others                                                                                                                                             Saturday 11 May
     the opportunity to be a part of                                                                                                                                        Navy Wings Associates Fly In
     the Navy Wings community.                                                                                                                                              and Supporters Day

     Take part in fundraising                                                                         Make Fly Navy Heritage                                                Tuesday 11 June
     activities                                                                                       Trust your favourite charity                                          Swordfish Golf Tournament
     Our calendar of events                                                                           on AmazonSmile. Shop                                                  Bowood Country Club, Devizes
     includes plenty of                                                                               smile.amazon.co.uk and
                                                                                                                                                                            Saturday 13 July
     opportunities to get involved                                                                    every time you shop,
                                                                                                                                                                            RNAS Yeovilton Air Day
     or run a fundraiser with your                                                                    Amazon gives to Navy
                                                                                                                                                                            Navy Wings Supporters Marquee
     squadron, club or friends.                                                                       Wings.
                                                                                                                                                                            Friday 20 September
     Make a Donation                                                                                                                                                        Navy Wings Supporters Day
     Making a donation, especially                                                                                                                                          The Fleet Air Arm in the Battle of Britain
     if you are happy for us to claim
                                                                                                      Shop online with
     Gift Aid, is an easy and flexible                                                                                                                                      Tuesday 22 October
                                                                                                      easyfundraising.org.uk and
     way to give and is always                                                                                                                                              Ambassadors Dinner London
                                                                                                      select Fly Navy Heritage
     greatly appreciated.                                                                             Trust as your chosen                                                  Thursday 24 October
                                                                                                      charity raising money for                                             Navy Wings Night Shoot
     Shop at the Navy Wings
                                                                                                      Navy Wings as you shop.
     Flight Store
     Whatever your interest in                                                                                                                                                Navy Wings Heritage Centre
     British aviation the Navy Wings                                                                                                                                                South Dispersal
     Flight store has something for
                                                                                                      As you buy from eBay go                                                       RNAS Yeovilton
     everyone with generous
                                                                                                      through the check-out                                                            Ilchester
     discounts for Supporters and                                                                     process and select Fly
     Alumni Associations.                                                                                                                                                         Somerset BA22 8HT
                                                                                                      Navy Heritage Trust as
                                                                                                      your chosen charity raising
                                                                                                                                                                                     01935 842005
     Leave a Legacy in Your Will                                                                                                                                               office@navywings.org.uk
                                                                                                      money for Navy Wings as
     Leaving a legacy in your will is
                                                                                                      you shop.                                                                    navywings.org.uk
     a lasting way to give to future
     generations.                                                                                                                                                             If you no longer wish to receive mail from
                                                                                                                                                                              Navy Wings please call 01935 842005 or
                                       Navy Wings brings together the aircraft, people and story of the Nation’s naval aviation heritage.
                                                                                                                                                                                visit navywings.org.uk to unsubscribe.
 Navy Wings is a brand of the Fly Navy Heritage Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England & Wales No 5971284 Registered charity no. 1117272.
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