SPIRIT - The Farmer's Wife Distillery

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SPIRIT - The Farmer's Wife Distillery



                          The NSW craft spirits industry is on the rise. Here’s how
                       farmers can tap into the trend, support local businesses – and
                                raise a glass to a whole new line of income.
                                    Words INGRID LAURENCE / Photography CATH MUSCAT

36   THE FARMER   DEC 2019 - JAN 2020
SPIRIT - The Farmer's Wife Distillery
           Opposite page:
   Kylie Sepos, who runs
   The Farmer’s Wife gin
   distillery on her cattle
 and free-range egg farm
    in the Hunter region,
checks the flavour of her
  produce. Below: Kylie’s
             gin and tonic.
SPIRIT - The Farmer's Wife Distillery
           t was on a holiday to Tasmania six years ago
           that third-generation NSW farmer Kylie Sepos       “We have such amazing native botanicals
           came up with the idea that has transformed
           her way of life. At the time she was working in
                                                              that are found nowhere else in the world.
           the corporate world, while her husband Gavin,      Australia is making some wonderful spirits,
           also a third-generation farmer, ran their family
           farm in Allworth in the Hunter region.
                                                              and that high quality is driving demand.”
     “In Tasmania, I just fell in love with the beautiful     –
produce and craft distilleries,” says Kylie. “I love living   KYLIE SEPOS
                                                              Allworth farmer and distillery owner
in the country and wanted to spend more time here with
the children. I said to my husband it would be amazing
to do something like this at home on the farm.”
     It took years of planning, including self-taught
training and a major investment in a handmade copper          FARM FLAVOURS                       The Farmer’s Wife is just one of dozens of
still. But in 2018, Kylie launched her gin distillery, The    Top: Kylie, with her           Australian boutique distilleries earning recognition
Farmer’s Wife, from her husband’s revamped motor-             husband Gavin, children        on the world stage. Kylie’s operation joins a rapid-
bike and machinery shed on the farm.                          Jesse and Bella, and           ly-growing craft spirits industry that showcases the
     The distillery sits across the road from their farm,     dogs Marley and Lola,          best of our farmers’ produce in its drinks, from native
where they raise 70,000 free-range laying hens and            in front of the farm shed      botanicals like lemon myrtle, wattleseed and finger
150 breeder cattle. In her first year of operation, Kylie     she currently uses for         lime, to citrus fruit and organic grains.
bottled 4,800 litres of Autumn Dry Gin – her sole prod-       her distillery. Right: the          “We have such amazing native botanicals that
uct to date – and won a major international award.            13 botanicals used to          are found nowhere else in the world,” explains Kylie.
     “We sent a bottle of our gin to London for the           flavour the gin, some of       “Australia is making some wonderful spirits, and that
London Spirits Competition, and amazingly we won              them grown on the farm         high quality is driving demand. The other thing with
a silver medal,” she says. “We were also the high-            or bought locally.             the craft spirits is that there’s a really big movement for
est-scoring label in the silver spirit category. It was                                      consumers to find out where their food comes from, and
incredible, because London is the home of gin, and                                           its quality – and spirits are following that movement.
has fantastic distilleries.”                                                                 Consumers want to know where their gin is grown.” >

38      THE FARMER       DEC 2019 - JAN 2020
SPIRIT - The Farmer's Wife Distillery
SPIRIT - The Farmer's Wife Distillery
Kylie grows some of the ingredients for her gin         STILL LIFE                       “The distillery has absolutely brought a lot to our
on the farm, buys in others locally, and imports the        Above left: Kylie adds      farm business,” Kylie says. “We always had a double
traditional flavourings such as juniper, cardamom and       ingredients to the          income thanks to my corporate job, and now the distill-
angelica from the UK. “We source local organic grape-       copper still, which was     ery has allowed me to be at home, based on the farm,
fruit, and use kaffir lime and native sage, some we buy,    handmade by Peter           have more of a country lifestyle and share that life-
some we grow,” she says. “We use lemon myrtle and           Bailey in Tasmania,         style with people.”
anise myrtle. When we buy in botanicals like the citrus,    and was the major                She warns other farmers wanting to follow her
we talk to local farmers and tell them we are looking       investment for the          into the distillery business that there are a number of
for organic produce. It’s about communication.”             distillery, costing more    challenges. Kylie, who has a business degree and two
    From the outset, they decided to support the Rural      than $60,000. Top           years of a science degree, taught herself the trade from
Aid Buy a Bale campaign. “Our business model gives          right: an old horse float   textbooks, which isn’t as hard as it seems. “It’s a very
back to farmers and the community. Being farmers in         now serves as a mobile      old industry, so there is a lot of information out there.”
the bad drought, we decided to donate $1 for every          gin bar. Above right:            The still is the main piece of equipment and the
bottle sold, and we raised $6,000 in our first year.”       blending a drink in the     major investment, she explains. “We really wanted our
    She believes in getting the product out to the          farm shed.                  distillery to be about sustainability and use everything
public to try it, so they can taste what makes Australian                               local, and having the still handcrafted in Australia is
gin unique. “My husband Gavin can build anything –                                      part of that.” It cost over $60,000. “You need to invest
so typical of a farmer – so he converted an old horse                                   in that and have it made before you can apply for
float into a mobile gin bar,” says Kylie. “We get around                                a licence, so it’s daunting,” she says. “And distilling
to local markets, rodeos, festivals and food events.”                                   involves many different levels of licensing – state and
    A couple of months ago, she had to hire in full-                                    federal and the local council.”
time help with the business, and she wants to expand
further. Plus her husband wants the distillery shed back                                GROWING PRODUCE FOR THE DISTILLERIES
for his bikes. So the couple are building a purpose-built                               If launching an on-farm distillery seems like too much
distillery on their property, including a fulltime cellar                               hard work, there are plenty of other opportunities for
door (at the moment it is open by appointment only),                                    producers to tap into the craft spirits trend and pick
a cafe and a permaculture farm, where they will grow                                    up some extra income, say industry experts.
more of the ingredients.                                                                     First, there’s the fresh supplies of seasonal produce >

40      THE FARMER      DEC 2019 - JAN 2020
SPIRIT - The Farmer's Wife Distillery

                                Australian craft spirits
 Six steps to success

                                   LOOK FOR THE
                                                                      BUILD A
                                                                                                                           LAUNCH YOUR OWN
                                                                                                                                                   BUY A LOCAL
 RESEARCH                          UNUSUAL                            RELATIONSHIP                    SUPPLY               SPIRITS BRAND           BOTTLE
 Look up local                     The boutique                       Contact the                     Make sure you        Before setting up       Support NSW
 distilleries and                  distilleries are                   distillery or                   are able to put in   your own distillery,    distilleries by
 distributors                      looking for low-                   distributor to tell             the time to meet     talk to other farm-     choosing a locally-
 online to find                    yield, high-quality                them what you do                orders if they       based operations        produced spirit
 out what sorts of                 produce with                       or can grow, and                are a sideline to    to find out what        over an imported
 grain strains and                 distinctive flavours               find out what will              your usual farm      is involved,            brand.
 botanicals they                   and a story to tell.               be in demand.                   produce.             study distilling
 work with.                        Sustainability                                                                          techniques
                                   is key – the                                                                            and licensing
                                   distilleries want to                                                                    requirements, and
                                   buy local products.                                                                     save for the still.


                                                                                                                           Thats thethe
                                                                                                                             That’s  spirit
                                                                        33% growth                                            GIN

                                                                        of local gin
       There are                                                                                                              Distilled from neutral grain alcohol
       distilleries in Australia                                                                                              flavoured with botanicals, with
       producing whisky, gin, vodka,                                                                                          juniper as the primary flavour.
       rum and other spirits.
                                                                        sales in                                              Typically unaged.

       49                                                               2018 alone.
                                                                                                                              Distilled from sugar, either molasses
                                                                                                                              or pure sugar cane. Typically aged.
                          are in NSW.
                                                                        There are                                             VODKA
                                                                                                                              Distilled from neutral grain or

                                                                        now 100 gin                                           potato. Typically unaged.


                                                                        distilleries in                                       Distilled from a mash of malted
                                                                                                                              grains. Aged for at least two years.
       of registered craft distilleries in
       Australia are in rural areas.                                    Australia.                                            FERMENTATION
                                                                                                                              The process used to create alcohol
                                                                                                                              by adding yeast to a sugar wash. It
                                                                                                                              can produce alcohol up to 14-18%
                                                                                                                              ABV (alcohol by volume).

       13.1%                                                                           27.5%
                                                                                                                              The process of evaporating the
                                                                                                                              alcohol, which boils at a lower
                                                                                                                              temperature than water, and
       of alcoholic drinks                                                                           of Australians           collecting the steam before
       consumed in Australia                                                                       consume spirits.           condensing it back into liquid form.
       are spirits.                                                                                                           Distillation produces the higher ABV
                                                                                                                              characteristic of spirits.

 Source: Nip of Courage, Stuart Gregor, Australian Bureau of Statistics 2016-17, Roy Morgan 2017

                                                                                                                           DEC 2019 - JAN 2020    THE FARMER          41
SPIRIT - The Farmer's Wife Distillery
that distilleries need to buy. “Due to our use of fresh
oranges in Rare Dry Gin, we use around six to seven            “There remains a great opportunity for native
tonnes per annum,” says Stuart Gregor, the co-founder
of Four Pillars Gin, which is based in rural Victoria. “We
                                                               botanicals. It is a matter of time before a huge
cannot use waxed fruit in the stills, so we order oranges      global player champions an Australian native
every week. We would also consume around a tonne
of finger limes and close to a tonne of fresh ginger.”         botanical as part of their exotic blend.”
      Dave Withers, master distiller at Sydney distillery      –
Archie Rose says: “We use two to three dozen farmers           STUART GREGOR
across everything. Where possible they are based in            President, Australian Distillers Association
NSW. We might use 100kg of citrus, other ingredients
as little as 5kg.”
      Native botanicals, which give Australian gin its
unique flavours, are in particularly high demand, with         FAMILY TRADITION                Many of the distilleries buy in a neutral-grade ethyl
many of them produced in NSW. “There remains a                 Top: Kylie’s husband            alcohol made from organic Australian wheat and
great opportunity for native botanicals,” says Stuart,         Gavin with Black Angus          distilled by NSW agribusiness the Manildra Group.
who is also president of the Australian Distillers             cattle and free-range               Among them is Stuart, who uses the company’s
Association. “Strawberry gum, lemon myrtle, anise              hens at the family farm         ‘extra neutral’ grade wheat spirit at Four Pillars. “It is
myrtle, wattleseed. When I look at the growth in gin           in Allworth. The property       the ideal canvas for our gins,” he says.
it is a matter of time before a huge global player cham-       was originally purchased            The ethyl alcohol is produced at Manildra’s
pions an Australian native botanical as part of their          by his grandparents, who        seven-column distillery in Nowra on the NSW South
exotic blend. Finger limes, oranges, turmeric, ginger,         arrived in the Hunter           Coast, the largest facility of its kind in South-East Asia.
all have wonderful opportunity in distillation.”               region from Hungary.            “We produce pure grain-neutral spirits for Australian
                                                                                               and international clients for use in the production of
ALL ABOUT THE BASE                                                                             vodka, gin, blended whiskies and liquors,” says Debra
It’s not just the native botanicals that are driving the                                       Forster, head of ethanol at the Manildra Group. “We’ve
success of the Australian craft spirits, it’s also the qual-                                   witnessed the distillery industry grow substantially
ity of the produce that goes into the base alcohol.                                            locally in Australia, and it’s been terrific to support

42      THE FARMER       DEC 2019 - JAN 2020
SPIRIT - The Farmer's Wife Distillery

                                                             Grower Bronwyn Petrie

                                                             “I rang every single person
                                                             who was using strawberry gum
                                                             or selling it online.”

                                                                      enterfield farmer Bronwyn       whose main line is beef cattle and
                                                                      Petrie is earning welcome       timber. “But we work for it.”
                                                                      added income during                  She takes in orders of 5-100kg
                                                             the drought by selling a product         at a time, helped by Tim and her
                                                             that grows freely on her family          ex-husband Bill. “We harvest by
                                                             property to Australian distillers.       the ute load. My shed will hold
                                                             The leaves from the strawberry           four ute loads, or 180kg.” She says
                                                             gum tree, otherwise known as             the harvest and drying process is
                                                             Eucalyptus olida, contain 98%            “relatively simple”, but the stripping
                                                             methyl cinnamate, a renowned             and hand-checking of the leaves
                                                             flavouring and aromatic. Her leaves      is “incredibly time-consuming”.
                                                             used to be harvested in the 1980s        “We’ve done many all-night jobs
                                                             and 1990s as a natural preservative      to get the order through.”
                                                             for strawberry jam: “Then the                 Bronwyn, who is also chair
                                                             Chinese came along and made a
                                                             synthetic version,” Bronwyn says.
                                                                 Two years ago, she found out
                                                             that strawberry gum was being
                                                             used in distilling, particularly for
                                                             gin, as well as in teas, spices and
                                                             soft drink essences. “I rang every
                                                             single person who was using it
                                                             or selling it online – I contacted
                                                             everyone,” Bronwyn says.
                                                                 Her persistence paid off, and
and work with like-minded Australian businesses to           today she supplies bushfood
create distinctly Australian products.”                      wholesalers including OutbackChef,
     The wheat used in the ethyl alcohol, which is           Playing With Fire Native Foods,
                                                                                                            GEORDIE DONALDSON / POOR TOMS
distilled into a range of ethanol grades for a variety       and the Taste Australia Bush Food
of industries in addition to the beverages market, is        Shop. The wholesalers sell the           of NSW Farmers’ Conservation &
grown by “thousands of Australian farming families”,         strawberry gum on to distillers,         Resource Management Committee,
Manildra says. The requirement for growers is that the       as well as to other buyers.              has some advice for other farmers
wheat must be premium quality.                                   “Until we got involved they          looking to sell to the distilleries or
     Another popular alcohol base produced in                didn’t realise we had so much of it,”    wholesalers. “Look at their websites,
Australia is made with sugar cane. Kylie Sepos of The        says Bronwyn, who has “hundreds          and you’ll see their native range
Farmer’s Wife buys the sugar cane base spirit used in        of acres” of the trees on her family’s   – and if you’ve got any of those
her gin from Wilmar in Queensland. Husk Distillers           Northern Tablelands landholdings.        products, contact people. Don’t
on the NSW North Coast, another on-farm operation,           They are very specific to the region,    worry if the produce is only seasonal
markets itself as the only paddock-to-bottle rum distill-    however, and attempts to grow            – the wholesalers will know that.
ery in Australia. It grows all of the sugar cane used to     strawberry gum elsewhere have                 “The big thing is you must
make its ‘agricole’ rums, a seasonal product that can        met with limited success, she says.      be willing to put in the time,”
only be produced during the sugar cane harvest as it             Bronwyn’s son Tim also               she warns. “It’s no good building
requires freshly crushed sugar cane juice.                   connected on social media with           up a market and then not being
     The Archie Rose distillery buys in both a base spirit   Geordie Donaldson, the production        able to maintain a supply.”
of “100% NSW wheat” for its gin, and sugar cane for          manager of Sydney distillery Poor             Farmers with a native product
use in its rums, Dave Withers says. Like Husk Distillers,    Toms, and she now directly supplies      or unique ingredients to sell will be
it has experimented with agricole rums, as well as with      the strawberry gum that is used in       warmly welcomed by the distilleries,
rums based on the longer-lasting molasses, which is          two of its gins. “Australian-made        says Geordie Donaldson of Poor Toms
sourced from NSW growers.                                    boutique gin is completely amazing,”     (pictured above, with Bronwyn’s
     But he is also focusing his efforts on the company’s    she says. “It’s extraordinary how        strawberry gum). He tells us how
new line in whiskies, produced with small batch artis-       many are being developed.”               satisfying it is to be able to buy the
anal malts sourced from growers around Griffith in the           The strawberry gum earns a           produce straight from the farmer.
NSW Riverina. Malt is a germinated cereal grain that >       “handy income” says Bronwyn,             “It’s heaps higher quality,” he says.

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SPIRIT - The Farmer's Wife Distillery
has been through a drying process, and it’s produced
for Archie Rose by two specialist NSW malt houses.
     “The producers generate malts that sit outside
                                                                A berry fine idea
the commodity chain,” Dave says. “They have unique
properties and flavours and are locally sourced.”
     He is particularly looking for revived heritage
                                                                “There would be huge demand in the gin
rye and barley strains. “Low-yielding crops that are            industry for Australian juniper.”
unwanted and forgotten, we find exciting,” he says.
“It’s not the latest licensed grain, it’s the low-yield stuff

from farmers that builds flavour.”                                        here is essentially just         Dave Withers of Archie
     One of his new grains is an ancient variety, a purple                one ingredient that           Rose agrees. “We’d love to buy
hulless barley. “It’s low-yielding but survives in the                    differentiates a vodka        local juniper, but it’s a tough
drought,” says Dave. “What’s exciting for us is it’s            from a gin – and that is juniper. The   and high barrier to entry,”
sustainable, a great flavour and supports the farmers           berry is the principle flavouring in    he says. “There’s an eight-year
through thick and thin.”                                        all gin spirits, but the challenge      timeline to yield berries, then
     The distillery uses six malts as the base of its single    for Australian distilleries,            the berries need 24 months on
malt whisky, and it was pouring the mix for drinkers as         proud of their local produce, is        the tree [before harvest]. But
an educational tool, before putting it into the barrels         that there are no commercial            we’d buy quite a lot,” he adds.
to mature it into whisky. But the unaged spirit proved          growers of juniper in the country.          Marcelle Swanson confirms
so popular, Archie Rose has released it as a drink in its       Instead, distillers have to import      it would take eight to 10 years
own right. “It celebrates NSW grains and showcases              their berries from Europe.              from buying a small juniper
the flavours in their raw form,” says Dave.                          It’s a situation that farmer,      plant to producing a crop. It
                                                                horticulturist and gardening            would also be labour-intensive
TOASTING THE FUTURE                                             book author Marcelle Swanson            to prune and harvest, as it’s a
So has the craft spirits market peaked? The real growth         describes as “crazy”. She               very prickly plant that grows
in Australian spirits over the past five years has been         produces juniper in her                 up to several metres tall, and it
fuelled by the huge surge in gin production, Stuart             ornamental garden on her farm           produces both ripe and immature
Gregor says, but there is still a “great appetite” for          on the Mornington Peninsula in          berries at the same time.
locally produced whisky. As whisky takes a minimum              Victoria, and says the plant is both        Juniper plants are also in
of two years to mature in the cask, it takes longer for         easy to grow and really productive.     short supply. Marcelle is the
distilleries to get their product to market. Rum is also             “It’s only grown in Australia      communications manager of
on the rise, he says. “Good judges think Australian             by backyard gardeners – and             The Digger’s Club, Australia’s
rum is on the cusp of something very exciting indeed.           I’m shocked by that,” she says.         largest gardening club, and its
     “I think there will be a lot more whisky and other         “Gin has been such a growth             juniper berry plants sell out as
spirit distilleries in NSW,” adds Stuart. “We grow great        industry, yet all the juniper           soon as they come into stock.
barley and wheat and increasingly rye, so we can make           berries are coming from overseas.       “We sell out of everything we
brilliant base spirits, which then require maturation in        Juniper is also used in beer and        produce,” says Marcelle. “There’s
either the tropical north or the cool highlands of the          as flavouring in smallgoods.”           big demand for them.” The
south and plenty of places in between. We have a great               So could there be profits
diversity of climates so we can make many different             to be made by an enterprising
                                                                                                        STUART GREGOR / FOUR PILLARS
styles of whisky.                                               farmer in NSW growing juniper as
     “The Australian spirits industry is somewhere like         a crop? There would certainly be
the Australian wine industry in the 1970s,” he says. “We        a market for it, the distillers say.
are incredibly small, both within the domestic market           “Gin is a huge growth market and
and in the global market. We have a long way to go              there is a demand for Australian-
– there is plenty of room for more great distilleries.”         grown botanicals,” says Kylie
     Dave Withers says that when Archie Rose launched           Sepos of The Farmer’s Wife. “We
in 2014, there were only three dozen distilleries in            would prefer to source all our
Australia, and now there’s about 200. But he sees the           ingredients from Australia. There
growth as a revival of a once-sizable industry, rather          would be huge demand in the gin
than a trend. “Australia has an amazing production              industry from Australian juniper.”
heritage,” he says. “Sydney’s large local landmarks, the            “We use around 25 tonnes
city’s governance and its rebellions, were all formed           of juniper each year, so there
on the liquor trade. So the local craft boom is really a        is a market in Australia
continuation of centuries of heritage in NSW.”                  already,” says Stuart Gregor
     He offers advice to producers wanting to get               of Four Pillars. As there are
involved with the industry. “Farmers need to call them-         now more than 100 distilleries in
selves out and make themselves known to us or to their          Australia producing gin, as well
local distillers. Get in touch and see if they can work         as thriving sales of blend-your-
together. We’re always interested to hear about what            own gin kits, the market could
farmers are growing, if they’ve got an unusual crop             be sizable. But Stuart warns that
or even components such as citrus leaves that are not           juniper is a very slow-growing tree.
usually a commodity, but could be good for our trade.           “It would be a long game rather
See what relationships you can build.” l                        than a short game,” he says.

44      THE FARMER        DEC 2019 - JAN 2020
SPIRIT - The Farmer's Wife Distillery
company says the next availability                                                                               A sample of NSW
won’t be until June 2020.
     What shouldn’t be an issue                                                                                  produce used by
is finding a region in NSW where                                                                                 the distilleries
juniper will survive. “It should
grow well in most of NSW,” she                                                                                   Anise myrtle
says. “It’s from the Northern
Hemisphere, so it tolerates                                                                                      Barley
freezing winters, frost and
                                                                                                                 Blood lime
dry conditions. It might not
do so well in humid areas, it                                                                                    Chamomile
needs a well-drained soil. But
nice cold nights are ideal.”          there’s mountains of them.            growing area overseas, to see        Citrus leaf
    Kangaroo Island Spirits                 “It’s a horrible prickly pine   how it is done. They could then
in South Australia is already         tree, it takes a long time to grow    place a forward order with           Coffee bean
growing its own juniper for           to get the volume that you need       an Australian juniper plant
                                                                                                                 Curry leaf
its gin, and the distillery’s         and if you’re competing with          supplier. Planting would need to
co-founder Jon Lark says              Macedonia then I wouldn’t have        take place in the autumn. And        Dorrigo pepperleaf
the trees are thriving on             thought the price point would         yes, then there’s that lengthy
Kangaroo Island’s cool                be commercially viable.”              wait for the first harvest.          Finger lime
coastal climate. But, as he                 Marcelle believes juniper is         Stuart Gregor also thinks
recently told news website The        still worth investigating. “I’ve      it would be worth a try,             Galangal root
Lead, he doubts he will be able       always wondered, when it grows        particularly as most juniper         Ginger
to grow enough to meet the            so easily, why isn’t anyone           berries overseas are harvested
distillery’s commercial needs.        growing it? And it wouldn’t just      from wild-grown crops. “I            Grapefruit
     “The juniper that Australia      be one farmer who could do            suspect juniper will grow faster
uses a lot of comes from places       it, it could be lots of farms.”       if properly cultivated,” he says.    Kaffir lime
like Macedonia where the                    As a first step, she suggests   “So if someone wants to take
trees are 400 years old and           farmers would need to visit a         the risk, then it might pay off.”
                                                                                                                 Lemon grass
                                                         SARAH AND JON LARK / KANGAROO ISLAND SPIRITS
                                                                                                                 Lemon myrtle



                                                                                                                 Murraya flower





                                                                                                                 Strawberry gum

                                                                                                                 Sugar cane




                           DAVE WITHERS / ARCHIE ROSE

                                                                                                DEC 2019 - JAN 2020    THE FARMER     45
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