Page created by Allan Norris
                                                                                  APRIL 2022

                                                               SPECIAL OPS HONE
                                                               SKILLS IN BLACK
                                                               WING TRIDENT
                                                               It’s all about working as a team

                                                               NIGHT VISION
                                                               EQUIPMENT UPDATE
                                                               What’s in store?

                                                               CHANGE OF
                                                               1(NZ) Brigade

        ISSUE 531 APRIL 2022
                                                     Kia Ora to you all. I trust            gymnasiums scattered throughout        located in Trentham and elements
                                                     the Easter break and a                 New Zealand. The establishment         located throughout each region
                                                                                            of JOHG was a massive change           (Northern, Central, Southern).
                                    NEWS             period of leave in April               process that required combining
              Assistance to                02        has lifted the spirit. In this         large numbers of personnel from
                    Ukraine                          month’s SMA space, it’s                the three Services, with individual    Our Mission
                                                     a pleasure to hand over                Service cultures, traditions, and
                 Safety rules              03                                               ways of working.                       JSG’s mission is to provide
                  revitalized                        writing duties to one of the
                                                                                               The two Units that made up          operationally prepared force
                                                     three Army Formations                  JOHG, known as the Deployable          elements, conduct base support
                               PEOPLE                – the first, a little less             Health Organisation (DHO) and the      operations, and support domestic
  Change of command                         10       known than its older                   Force Health Organisation (FHO),       and expeditionary operations in a
         at 1(NZ) Bde                                siblings at Brigade and                each resembled a Battalion type        joint, interagency and multinational
                                                     TRADOC. Joint Support                  ORBAT. DHO’s primary task was          environment within designated
   NATO award to new                         11                                             to provide deployable capability,      response times.
                                                     Groups (JSGs) recently                 whilst the FHO focused on                 Through this, as a Joint Enabler,
         commander                                   appointed Command WO,                  garrison health support capability.    we enable the force to do what it
     2/1 soldiers help                      13       Vance Thompson takes us                   In July 2016 JOHG was               needs to do.
  Rannerdale veterans                                through some of the recent             rebranded to the Joint Support
                                                     history, role and challenges           Component Command (JSCC)
                         TRAINING                    of JSG. Enjoy the read –
                                                                                            and sat alongside the Land             JSG – Who are we?
                                                                                            Component Command, Air
                  Foxhound 2               04        raise your awareness and               Component Command, Special             Many readers will be unsure what
                                                     continue to learn about                Operations Component Command           is part of JSG. JSG consists
     Black Wing Trident                    06
                                                     your Army.                             and Maritime Component                 of Navy, Army and Air Force
                                                     – SMA                                  Command. Whilst NZDF Health            contributing both military and
                 Alpha Koura               08
                                                                                            remained the core of JSCC, the         civilians staff across most of the
                          Venom             16                                              intent was to cast its net wider       following groups.                        and protocols. JSG personnel have
                                                     Joint Support                          across NZDF and include other             Military medics, nurses, doctors,     to be agile and resourceful in order
           Reserve Forces                   17                                              Joint Enablers under its command,      environmental health specialists,        for them to conduct their role
                                                     Group                                  such as Joint Military Police (MP),    dentists, dental assistants, physical    effectively.
                      CAPABILITY                     “Myth vs Fact”                         Joint Fuels, Joint Movements, and
                                                                                            Joint Munitions. Whilst the concept
                                                                                                                                   training instructors, military police,
                                                                                                                                   civilian nurses, doctors, dentists,
     Night vision update                    18       Kia ora koutou,                        had its merits as a joint enabler,     gym staff, civilian management and       Moving Forward
                                                     I would like to take the opportunity   the only additional capability that    administration staff, military and
                                 SPORT               to talk about the Joint Support        was likely to move into JSCC was       civilian logistic operators, General     As we move forward from
                                                     Group (JSG) and what it is about,      the NZDF MPs. It was about this        List Officers, and non-health Trade      Operation Protect commitments,
                Bodybuilding               23        as there is misunderstanding/          time a review of JSCC occurred,        Warrant Officers and soldiers,           our focus is now on Force
                 competition                         confusion across the Land Army.        and it was decided that a single       sailors and airmen.                      Regeneration. Regeneration
                                                                                            service needed to be a proponent                                                concepts are being planned and
                                                                                            of this Joint enabler. In 2019, JSCC                                            executed across NZDF. Each
                                                     Our History                            reformed under the sponsorship of      Challenges                               single service will have their own
                                                                                            the Chief of Army to what we have                                               ideas and priorities to regenerate
                                                     How did we get to where we are         today, the Joint Support Group         There are many challenges that           their force. In many cases, these
                                                     now? In December 2015, a NZDF          now making up the third NZ Army        JSG has to navigate. A formation         will all have a different focus. A
                                                     directive was released to establish    Formation and reporting directly to    made up of three different               crawl-walk-run approach will be
                                                     the Joint Operational Health Group     the Land Component Commander.          Services with a significant portion      critical to ensure capability and
                                                     (JOHG), which basically combined       JSG has grown over this time, with     of civilian staff, creates complexity.   competency are achievable over
                                                     all NZDF Health personnel and          the establishment of a Formation       The language, single service             a period of time that does not
                                                     capability, both uniformed and         Headquarters located in Trentham,      culture and traditions are a number      compromise tempo or safety.
                                                     civilian, across all three services    and the original units, the DHO        of examples that requires constant       JSG will need to support the
                                                     into one identity – JOHG. JOHG         with its HQ’s and sub units in         effort to understand to ensure           three services as they retrain and
                                                     became part of HQJFNZ.                 Linton, Burnham, Waiouru and           JSG succeeds. There are many             re-calibrate their own capabilities
                                                     Two units were established             Devonport. The FHO with its HQ in      different ‘systems’ within the JSG       and outputs, whilst concurrently
                                                     drawing from 2nd Health Support        Trentham and elements in all nine      environment which JSG personnel          focusing on retraining and
                                                     Battalion, Devonport Health            NZDF camps and bases, which            have to become familiar with and         building its own capability that has
                                                     assets and the various Air Force       now includes the Joint Military        successfully operate which are           deteriorated over the past couple
                                                     Medical Treatment Centres and          Police Unit (JMPU) with its HQ         governed by single service policies      of years.
 Cover: Ready for action: Exercise Longtan.
                    Photo: CPL Naomi James.

                                                     A Royal                                From the United Kingdom, the
                                                                                            Hercules will fly between countries
                                                     New Zealand                            in Europe, picking up donated
                                                                                            military aid and transporting the
                                       NZArmy        Air Force C-130                        cargo to destinations from where
                                                     Hercules and                           the stores can be taken by land
                                                                                            into Ukraine.
                                                     crew have begun                           The movement of donated
                                                     transporting                           military aid around Europe is being
                                                                                            coordinated by an international
  The Army News is published for the Regular
                                                     donated military                       coordination centre in Stuttgart,
  and Territorial Force and civilian staff of the
                           New Zealand Army.
                                                     aid bound for                             The New Zealand Defence
                          Editor: Judith Martin      Ukraine from                           Force has deployed a group
    Ph: 021 240 8578 E: armynews@nzdf.mil.nz                                                of eight personnel, including
                    Printing: Bluestar, Petone.
                                                     centres in Europe.                     New Zealand Army logistics
         Design: Vanessa Edridge, DPA, NZDF                                                 personnel and RNZAF air liaison
                                                     The Hercules left RNZAF Base           and air movements personnel, to
          Editorial contributions and letters are
  welcomed. They may be sent directly to Army
                                                     Auckland with a crew of nine           work as part of the international
News and do not need to be forwarded through         personnel on board.                    team coordinating the logistics
normal command channels. Submit them to The             The majority of the                 for donations, matching transport
            Editor, Army News, DPA, HQ NZDF,
    Private Bag 39997, Wellington, or by email.
                                                     approximately 50-strong Air            to aid consignments, as well as
                                                     detachment has deployed                receiving, packaging, and arranging
Deadline instructions: Army News is published
   on the third Tuesday of each month, except
                                                     independently to a base in the         the onward transportation of
   January. Please have all contributions to the     United Kingdom in advance of           military aid into Ukraine.
                 editor by the first of the month.   the aircraft’s arrival, to start the
  Nothing in the Army News should be taken as                                                  NZDF personnel will not be          personnel is in addition to the          New Zealand and the United
                                                     preparations for the movement          entering Ukraine.
    overriding any New Zealand Defence Force                                                                                       deployment of NZDF intelligence          Kingdom.
regulation. Readers should refer to the relevant     of donated military aid destined          A three-person advance party
        service publication before acting on any
                                                                                                                                   staff to the United Kingdom.               A consignment of helmets, body
                                                     for Ukraine.                           is currently in the United Kingdom,
            information given in this newspaper.                                                                                   As well, an officer is also being        armour, radios and other equipment
                                                        Among this group are alternative    where they are facilitating
                                  ISSN 1170-4411                                                                                   deployed to the UK Permanent             was flown by military aircraft to
     All material is copyright, and permission to    flying crew, maintenance               the arrival of the aircraft and
     reproduce must be sought from the editor.
                                                                                                                                   Joint Headquarters, and a liaison        Europe and delivered to Ukraine.
                                                     technicians, and two air load          assimilation of personnel into the     officer will be working at a NATO          The deployment of the Hercules
                                                     teams which will manage cargo          Stuttgart coordination centre,         headquarters in Belgium.                 and RNZAF detachment is for
                                                     loads for the aircraft. The two air    before themselves travelling to           The NZDF’s open source                up to 60 days, while the logistics
                                                     load teams will also be able to        Stuttgart.                             intelligence capability is being         team has been deployed for up to
                                                     assist with cargo movements on            The deployment of the Hercules,     utilised to take advantage of            90 days.
                                                     partner military aircraft.             air transportation and logistics       time zone differences between

                                                                                                                        Army to observe
                                                                                                                        raft of safety
DEPUTY                                                                                                                  recommendations
                                                                                                                        The Chief of Army, Major General John Boswell, says he
CHIEF OF ARMY                                                                                                           deeply regrets injuries caused to three soldiers during an
                                                                                                                        exercise at Linton Military Camp in August 2020.
                                                                                                                        The soldiers were undergoing             We ask a lot of our soldiers and
                                                                                                                        riot training to prepare them for        while it is important that they
                                                                                                                        peace-keeping duties when during         are prepared for whatever task
                                                                                                                        the training, fuel was at one stage      is demanded of them, we must
                                                                                                                        poured by a mock rioter from the         ensure we keep them safe when we
                                                                                                                        top of a container on to the trainees    prepare for such tasks.
In last month’s Army News,             and further amplified by the current    arms’ that CA envisages, and as I        and ground below.                           “Here, we clearly failed them and
                                       events in Europe.                       stated above, my challenge to you           Two people were doused in             that is not acceptable. We have
the Chief of Army, the Land
                                          So, I pose a question to each        individually. I don’t recall a time in   petrol and then caught fire when a       carried out a full Court of Inquiry,
Component Commander                    of you: as we strengthen our            my career when we have had such          molotov cocktail was thrown and          to determine what went wrong
and the Sergeant Major                 individual and collective standards,    an opportunity to influence and          didn’t shatter where it was intended,    with the training that night and
of the Army outlined                   where are we relatively against the     shape our future and we should all       instead bouncing into a container        to establish better safeguards in
the challenges and                     various threats that we may find        embrace this.                            wall, breaking, and starting a fire.     future. The Court of Inquiry made
                                       ourselves up against in our next            Being valued and respected              A third person was then burnt         12 recommendations and whist
opportunities of Army                                                                                                   when one of the panicked soldiers        one requires further assessment I
                                       operational environment? I also         should be a given in our
Regeneration. This plan                challenge you to think and act on       organisation. Camaraderie and            ran into him.                            can tell you that we have, or are in
was formalised with the                what improvements you can make          trust are essential to any team,            In a case brought to the              the process, of implementing the
release of CA’s PLANORD                or suggestions that will result in us   even more so to one whose                Palmerston North District Court          remaining 11.
– Army Regeneration, on                regenerating stronger and being         purpose is to deliver lethal             by WorkSafe the NZDF was fined              “Nothing can put right the
                                       operationally relevant sooner.          effects – one that depends on            $354,750 for failing to take steps       injuries that were caused that
14 April 2022. By now, you                                                     its comrades to deliver in a time        to protect the soldiers. The NZDF        night, but since then we have both
                                          I believe that the positivity CA
should have received more                                                      of need. Our strength comes              was also ordered to pay $100,000         supported the victims and engaged
                                       was describing requires all of
information and perhaps                us to accept the challenge of           from unity. Ki te kotahi te kākaho,      emotional harm reparation, split         in a restorative justice process.
briefings via your chain of            regeneration and ‘own’ it, while        ka whati, ki te kapuia, e kore e         between the three soldiers harmed        I have heard their victim impact
                                                                               whati. This whakataukī says that         during the incident.                     statements – they are right to be
command about how this                 striving for excellence in all that
                                       we do. After all, we are all ‘the       a toetoe stern cannot be broken             MAJGEN Boswell said after the         angry and to feel let down. I hope
will affect you.                                                               if it is in a group. I believe each      court hearing the Army should have       they can see how seriously we have
                                       system’. While we need to now
                                                                               and every one of us, you and I,          done better to keep its soldiers safe.   taken this. We can, and must, do
In my first Army News column           pause, take stock and regroup,
                                                                               should feel safe and be safe in our         “I accept the judge’s comments        better in the future.”
since I assumed the role of DCA,       that doesn’t mean that we are not
                                                                               place of work – both physically          made in handing down this fine.
I want to reiterate and emphasise      capable. Our strength comes from
                                       our Army history, values, ethos,        and psychologically. We should
some aspects of regeneration. In
                                       Ngāti Tūmatauenga, our culture,         have equitable opportunities and
his article, CA made the following
                                       and most importantly from you,          celebrate our successes at all
statement: “Soldiering must
                                                                               levels. By embracing diversity of
be ‘more than just a job’ and it       and your experiences however
                                                                               thought we will be stronger and
requires that our workspace            varied they may be. This is why we
                                                                               more competent and capable as a
is one where positivity thrives,       can approach regeneration with
                                                                               professional organisation that can
the opportunity to strive for          enthusiasm and with a view of each
                                                                               deliver operationally.
professional excellence exists,        and everyone of us making our
                                                                                   As Head of Operations in MIQ
and our people are valued and          Army the Army we want it to be.
                                                                               I worked in a flat structure, one
respected”. These three aspects           Striving for professional
                                                                               that encouraged collaboration
of this statement are what I want      excellence is integral to being a
                                                                               – I saw firsthand how powerful
to explore more fully.                 professional Army, focused on
                                                                               this was. Although the Army is a
   Our valued and critical support     being ‘ready today, prepared for
                                                                               hierarchical structure, I believe
to New Zealand on Operation            tomorrow’. How do we achieve
                                                                               we can and should engage more
Protect (which I saw firsthand         professional excellence? You will
                                                                               widely across the organisation and
as the Joint Head of Managed           have all heard the terms continual
                                                                               thereby empower you to be more
Isolation and Quarantine) provided     improvement focus and striving          able to positively influence our
us an opportunity to leverage and      for better but is this enough? Our      organisation.
hone our soft skills, being exposed    organisation can keep making                One final thought I would like
to diverse approaches as we            improvements, but still lose ground     you to consider. We are all leaders,
worked with other agencies and         relatively. American computer           from Lead Self through to Lead
organisations, from Ministry of        scientist and professor Alan            Organisation level. The actions
Health through to iwi and hapū. As     Perlis stated that “Optimization        of each of us, of you, influences
with any operation it has impacted     hinders evolution. “ Evolution is       others daily. From setting basic
us, individually and collectively.     not improvement, it’s change –          standards, holding others
Our collective readiness to meet       the willingness to try new things,      accountable for actions that
outputs has predictably dropped        different methods, uncomfortable        are not reflective of our culture,
and the regeneration plan will         tasks. Organisations (at all levels)    through to influencing policies or
address this, in the timeframe as      succeed by becoming better at           capability procurement. We are
outlined by LCC last month. As was     executing existing strategies,          ‘they’, we are ‘the system’, so if
pointed out, regeneration is both a    focusing on increasing efficiencies     you see something that can be
challenge and an opportunity for us    and improving core capabilities.        improved, do something about
all. We should however remember        That said, when the environment         it. Discuss it and raise with your
that while we are conducting           changes (as is happening                chain of command, take action
regeneration, the world remains in     now), organisations succeed             and make our Army stronger. Be
a state of flux, ever-changing and     through innovation—developing           an active part of our regeneration.
evolving, never static. The world      and experimenting with novel
remains complex, uncertain, and        strategies and shifting resources
challenging – all points highlighted   to new approaches. I believe this is    Brigadier Rose King
in last year’s Defence Assessment      the professional excellence ‘call to    Deputy Chief of Army

                                                                                                                           Sappers from the Corps of Royal
   Friday 22 April marked 100 years                                                                                        New Zealand Engineers set out 300 crosses
   since the first poppy appeal was                                                                                        of remembrance in the grounds of the Levin
   held. It was moved online in 2020 due                                                                                   Home for War Veterans in the week before
   to the pandemic, but it remains the                                                                                     Anzac Day.
   longest continuously running appeal in
   New Zealand’s history. Here, Brigadier                                                                                  The crosses represent WWI and WWII service personnel who
                                                                                                                           finished their days at the rest home.
   Rose King accepted a donation in                                                                                           They are visited by the families of many former residents who place
   exchange for a poppy from a member                                                                                      poppies and remember their loved ones. Many other people walk
   of the public in Wellington.                                                                                            around them and read the names. Lest we forget.
                                                                                                                           • Army News will have full Anzac Day coverage in its May edition

By Lucy Handford                     Quick on the heels of last year’s          Private Handro Vermeulen, a                 attack onto the Burnham Urban
Photos: Corporal Dillon Anderson     Exercise Foxhound 1, this follow-up        rifleman in 6 Platoon – 1 Section,          Training Facility which was the
                                     training exercise took place over          2/1 RNZIR, was one of the                   fictional location of an insurgent
Taking over a compound,              four days at Burnham Military
                                     Camp, West Melton Rifle Range and
                                                                                90 personnel taking part. He said
                                                                                Exercise Foxhound 2 gave him a
                                                                                                                            meeting. Once the attack was
                                                                                                                            complete the Company then had
reinforcing it, controlling the      Oxford Forest. The soldiers were
                                     given a clear mission: to disrupt the
                                                                                good indication of what he could
                                                                                be doing if deployed overseas on
                                                                                                                            to quickly re-orientate and conduct
                                                                                                                            a Cordon and Search operation
location, setting up observation     insurgents in order to secure the          an operation.                               at West Melton Rifle Range. This
                                     area of operations.                            “Foxhound 2 was an eye-opener           planning cycle and two Company
points, patrolling at all hours of       As well as preparing soldiers          for me in that it wasn’t just kicking       activities saw the Company certify

the day. These are just some of      through battle procedure and the
                                     execution of a variety of infantry
                                                                                doors down, it was a realistic
                                                                                exercise that gave me a better
                                                                                                                            that the NEA equipment enhanced
                                                                                                                            their ability to win on operations.

the tasks conducted by soldiers      specific tasks such as fighting
                                     patrols, deliberate attacks and
                                                                                understanding of what I might be
                                                                                tasked with on an overseas op,”
                                                                                                                               Officer Commanding of Bravo
                                                                                                                            Company, Major Alex Bowyer, said
from Bravo Company, 2nd/1st          ambushes at individual, section,
                                     platoon and company levels,
                                                                                he said.
                                                                                    “Working in the urban
                                                                                                                            this exercise signals a clear intent
                                                                                                                            to get soldiers training in their core
Battalion Royal New Zealand          Foxhound 2 required personnel
                                     to assimilate skills required for
                                                                                environment is my favourite and
                                                                                this gave me the opportunity to get
                                                                                                                            skills again, while introducing some
                                                                                                                            of the exciting new capability that
Infantry Regiment, on Exercise       peacekeeping missions including            better and better at urban drills.          the Army has procured.
                                     the conduct of key leadership              By far the most challenging aspect             “While Covid-19 continues to
Foxhound 2.                          engagements, securing of vital             was running security. When you’re           present us with some challenges,
                                     infrastructure and convincing the          coming up to a couple of hours              training and exercises in preparation
                                     local population to support the            lying on your guts and staring out to       for complex operations is again
                                     Army’s efforts. This was facilitated       nothing, most soldiers would agree          our key focus. Kicking off the year
                                     through the use of the Decisive            that it’s the least fun part, but it’s an   with an activity like this, which
                                     Action Training Environment                important task that has to be done,”        focused on infantry core skills,
                                     (DATE), which has recently been            he added.                                   but in a complex scenario is just
                                     adopted by NZDF and provides a                 Ex Foxhound 2 also provided             the start. Now is an exciting time
                                     comprehensive training scenario            the Network Enabled Army                    to be soldiering, with the land
                                     in which to immerse soldiers and           (NEA) programme with a further              components’ focus on re-generating
                                     commanders.                                opportunity to test the Tranche 1           to be better than before Covid-19
                                         Private George Engleback, a            C4 capabilities being delivered to          was a thing,” he said.
                                     rifleman in 4 Platoon, 2/1 RNZIR,          Land Component. The equipment
                                     said a big part of the exercise was        proved a success in a tactical
                                     about the soldiers communicating           environment, allowing commanders
                                     effectively with civilians (acted by       to plan and deliver orders quicker
                                     role players).                             and more effectively and increasing
                                         “We needed to defuse the               their situation awareness post H-hr.
                                     situation by communicating                     The action ramped up on the
                                     effectively with the public about          final day of the exercise with a
                                     why we were there, and what our            company attack to culminate the
                                     role was. That ability to interact with    activity and put the NEA equipment
                                     civilians is a really important skill to   to the ultimate test. This saw the
                                     have, and this exercise put that to        Company go into a deliberate
                                     the test. Not all training exercises       planning cycle with orders delivered
                                     have that sort of public interaction       the night before the attack. The
                                     so Foxhound 2 stood out in                 following morning with support from
                                     comparison to other, more kinetic          a NH-90 from No. 3 Squadron, the
                                     based exercises,” he said.                 Company conducted a deliberate

“Foxhound 2 was an
 eye-opener for me in
 that it wasn’t just kicking
 doors down, it was
 a realistic exercise
 that gave me a better
 understanding of what
 I might be tasked with
 on an overseas ops.”
– PTE Handro Vermeulen


By Simone Miller

20, 10, 6, 1… the loadmasters signal
to five wetsuit-clad soldiers while
the back of the C-130 Hercules
drops down over the Hauraki Gulf.
The rope is cut and an inflatable         With Covid-19 interrupting many
Zodiac rolls off while the stick          exercises, this year’s Black Wing
of special operators jog off the          Trident exercise allowed the units
aircraft, spread star-shaped, to          to conduct currency activities in an
follow the craft to the sea.              inflatable assault boat airdrop which
    Black Wing Trident is just one        had not been completed since the
exercise showcasing the training          Covid-19 pandemic began, setting
and capability of the NZDF’s              the scene for more advanced
land and air forces, aiming to            training to happen later in the year.
ensure certification of C-130                 “Unfortunately not a lot of
crews, while dispatching Special          aerial delivery opportunities have
Air Service operators and boats           happened lately courtesy of Covid-
onto the surface of the sea. Five         19. The 5 Mov Coy air dispatchers
different sub-units with more than        were keen to get stuck in and brush
10 different trades, across two           off their rigging skills while also
services, came together to achieve        updating their repertoire of rigging
a collective output.                      uncommon loads for air drop. The
    “Within the Regiment we are           exercise will allow units to conduct
very fortunate to work with NZDF’s        more advanced training scenarios
major platforms. On this activity         in the future and will help in the
No. 40 Sqn was able to parachute          continued success when working
us and our boats into the ocean           together on operations,” says the
to enable us to go and do our job.        TG6 Mov Op.
Doing things like Black Wing Trident          No day is the same within the
really demonstrate how Special            NZSAS and operators are always
Operations is a team sport.               looking at advancing their skills,
    “To make this activity work it        finding more learning and training
required a significant joint force        opportunities, and increasing their
team. Pilots, navigators, parachute       ability to be highly interoperable
jump instructors, crewman, S and S        with Navy, Army and Air Force units.
riggers, moveops, signalers,                  “To soldiers, sailors or airmen
engineers, logisticians, SAS and the      who are unsure if they could
list goes on,” says OC A Sqn.             contribute to 1 NZSAS Regt, I’d
    The exercise practises infiltrating   say all skills and trades contribute
the coast from the sea, while             to the success of the mission.
avoiding detection from land, and         We really enjoy working with our
moving a significant amount of            colleagues in RNZAF as there is
equipment for the tasks ahead. The        a real shared sense of purpose
aircraft flies southeast to the drop      working with operational air units.
zone, with the launch occurring 35        It’s a lot of fun working with mates
nautical miles off the horizon. More      across Services and seeing how
than 2,000 pounds of equipment            everyone’s contribution makes
can be carried by boat.                   operations work. We are lucky
    And while it may seem like a          that this is something we get to do
normal day in the office for some,        often,” says OC A Sqn.
the skill required is second-to-none,         If you’re interested in challenging
with risks that personnel could drift     yourself, are highly motivated
or be injured during the jump, or         and have a desire to work within
that equipment could fail, making         1 NZSAS Regt, register your
the accuracy of the drop zone and         interest now by completing an
boat rigging essential.                   AFNZ 3 found at http://org/nzsof/                   THE NEXT SELECTION FOR THE
    One of the highlights of this         LP/NZSAS.aspx or emailing

                                                                                    1 NZSAS REGT
activity for me was seeing the            SASRec@nzdf.mil.nz.
complexity of tasks the 5 Mov team
worked through. Their role was
not simple by any means, and it
was excellent to see the accuracy
and skill that went into ensuring
the boats were rigged and then
dispatched correctly. Every boat
                                                                                              O C TO B E R 2 0 2 2
was perfect, a testament to 5 Movs’
skill. “They were awesome,” says
Troop Comander A Sqn.
    2LT Zoe Williamson, of 51 AD
Troop, 5 Mov Coy, experienced the
exercise for the first time.
     “Exercise Black Wing Trident
was my first air drop exercise and
it did not disappoint. Six boats
were rigged and prepped in two
days. A highlight was getting on
the RHIBs which took us close                                                       NOMINATIONS OPEN         For more information
                                                                                                             or to download your
to the drop zone. Watching the
C-130 move into the drop zone                                                       11 JULY                  application, please
meant the anxious wait to see
if the parachutes would deploy                                                      AND CLOSE                visit the NZSOF
was almost over. Our team’s
hard work was rewarded as all                                                       12 SEPTEMBER             Intranet site:
six boats dropped successfully.
The hospitality we received while
working up in Papakura was
excellent, an experience I will never                                                    http://org/nzsof/LP/Recruiting.aspx
forget,” she says.


By Lucy Handford                  Alpha Company conducted                   Around 40 personnel headed to           Lieutenant Jordan Corke, 2IC of
Photos: Corporal Chad Sharman     Exercise Alpha Kōura in the               the Tekapo Military Training Area       Alpha Company admits this training
                                  Tekapo Military Training Area in          for the five-day exercise, with the     wasn’t all singing and dancing,
The modus operandi for soldiers   March. Major Josh Sullivan, Officer
                                  Commanding Alpha Company
                                                                            Company harbouring out in the
                                                                            field to maximise their time in the
                                                                                                                    rather it was about getting back
                                                                                                                    to the “bread and butter” of the
in Alpha Company, 2nd/1st         said the purpose of Alpha Kōura
                                  was to provide a snapshot of the
                                                                            training area. Combined with theory,
                                                                            soldiers were required to excel in
                                                                                                                    job after multiple rotations on
                                                                                                                    Op Protect.
Battalion, Royal New Zealand      basic level of competency of Alpha        engaging at distance, understand           “Our job is to live in the field and
                                  Company participants.                     the environmental conditions            close with the enemy. Exercise
Infantry Regiment, is based on       “The exercise focused on               which could affect their firing, as     Alpha Kōura focused on building

four principles: shoot, move,     soldiers’ effectiveness in key
                                  individual competencies along the
                                                                            well as display their ability to work
                                                                            effectively in a team.
                                                                                                                    those skills back up and getting that
                                                                                                                    practice in to ensure our infantry

communicate and medicate.         training themes of shoot, move
                                  and medicate. It also provided a
                                                                                Private April Ma’a, an Infantry
                                                                            soldier in 2 Platoon – 2 Section, was
                                                                                                                    personnel know the capability of
                                                                                                                    their weapon systems inside out,”
Exercise Alpha Kōura, the first   start state for understanding the
                                  subsequent planning of Alpha
                                                                            one of the participants on Exercise
                                                                            Alpha Kōura. She said the shooting
                                                                                                                    he said.
                                                                                                                       “Move, shoot, medicate
exercise of the year for the      Company’s regeneration post Op
                                  Protect. Concurrently it aided in
                                                                            was the most enjoyable aspect,
                                                                            but the training also highlighted the
                                                                                                                    and communicate are simple
                                                                                                                    competencies. Mastering these
company, focused on three of      assessing the level of instruction        importance of teamwork.                 ensure our infantry teams are
                                  provided by commanders at the                 “I enjoyed using the Glock, using   proficient. But location also plays
those principles: shoot, move     lead teams and lead leaders level,”       the MARS-L at close range was           a key role. When you train in
                                  he said.                                  cool, and in general just shooting at   unfamiliar environments, soldiers
and medicate.                        Designed to maintain infantry skill    long range. I haven’t used weapons      gain a much better understanding
                                  levels in live-field firing, the shoot    to that extent since I joined in 2020   of how different environments place
                                  element of the exercise required          so it was great to get out there,”      different pressures. That prepares
                                  soldiers to engage targets both           she said.                               soldiers for what they may face in a
                                  far-off and close up, utilising a             “This exercise also brought out     real-life scenario,” he added.
                                  number of weapon systems such             the importance of teamwork. Take           Alpha Company now seeks to
                                  as the MARS-L rifle, the Glock G17,       night navigation for example, you       enhance these skill-sets and build
                                  M203 grenade launcher and the             need to use your team. If you don’t     towards a top soldier competition
                                  Mag58 general purpose machine             it’s not going work. I learnt to lean   as a look ahead to the start of the
                                  gun. Working in sections of up to         on my team and know that they are       regeneration cycle.
                                  10, the focus was on basic infantry       there for you,” she added.
                                  core skills including static shooting         Corporal Nathan Kawana is a
                                  and marksmanship. Other activities        supply technician, working in Alpha
                                  including pack marches, night-firing,     Company Headquarters. While his
                                  navigation stands and escape and          role was largely to provide support
                                  invasion activities were also added       to those on exercise, a highlight for
                                  to the mix to induce stress and test      him was the ability to participate in
                                  the soldiers both physically and          live-shooting.
                                  mentally.                                     “During the exercise, we were
                                     In contrast, the move and              using the MAG 58 and doing a lot
                                  medicate aspects of the exercise          of drills with two personnel on the
                                  tested the soldiers on their ability      gun. We worked on calling out the
                                  to conduct tactical combat                range and communicating between
                                  casualties’ care by both day and          the gun groups. It was great to have
                                  night. Members of Alpha Company           that amount of time on the various
                                  were exposed to additional medical        weapon systems,” he said.
                                  training in between live-firing serials
                                  and then tested when they least
                                  expected it at the completion of a
                                  night navigation circuit.

 Colonel Ben Bagley (left) takes over from Colonel Stef Michie.

The command of 1 (NZ) Brigade
changed recently under the watch of
their families, officers and soldiers.
Colonel Ben Bagley has taken over
from Colonel Stef Michie.
COL Michie said being part of
1 Brigade during such a demanding
and important period was an
enormous privilege. “It was an
absolute career highlight. It’s
been incredibly tough not just for
Brigade personnel but also for their
families; I was constantly inspired
by their personal qualities and their

                                                                 NATO award for
                                                                 new commander
                                                                 Tying up all the loose ends of
                                                                 New Zealand’s Afghanistan
                                                                 commitment as Covid-19 raged in the
                                                                 country was just one of the challenges
                                                                 Colonel Ben Bagley faced on his most
                                                                 recent deployment.
                                                                 His demonstration of exemplary         He engaged with every branch of
                                                                 leadership and devotion to duty        the Afghanistan National Defence
                                                                 during the deployment has              and Security Forces, and lead a
COL Bagley, his wife Belinda and daughter Ella are challenged.   earned him a prestigious NATO          disparate group of stakeholders
                                                                 Meritorious Service Medal which        to develop solutions that enabled
                                                                 was presented to him by Defence        airfields to continue to function
                                                                 Minister Peeni Henare recently.        once handed over by the mission.
                                                                    COL Bagley deployed to                 COL Bagley’s citation said
                                                                 Afghanistan in mid-2020. His           his efforts resulted in the
                                                                 task was to close down the             continuation of airfield security
                                                                 Op Rua II training mission in the      and services, which preserved
                                                                 midst of the close down and            capability. “Through his
                                                                 withdrawal of forces for NATO’s        distinguished work ethic COL
                                                                 Operation Resolute Support. By         Bagley has influenced, reassured
                                                                 then New Zealand had reduced           and assisted members from
                                                                 its presence in Afghanistan to         all services of the Afghanistan
                                                                 only six personnel, relying heavily    National Defence and Security
                                                                 on the support provided by the         Forces,” it said.
                                                                 Australian Defence Force.                 The spread of Covid-19
                                                                    Deployed as New Zealand’s           throughout Kabul meant all
                                                                 Senior National Officer and            welfare facilities such as base
                                                                 Director of Future Operations,         gymnasiums and support facilities
                                                                 he was given the task to officially    could not be used. “For PT it
                                                                 hand back Kandahar Air Base            was just a matter of putting on
                                                                 to the Afghanistan authorities         thermals and dusting the snow
                                                                 not long after arriving in theatre.    off the equipment that had
                                                                 “We couldn’t meet Afghan officials     been moved outside to avoid
                                                                 in person, so the whole job was        the further spread of the virus.”
Ella Bagley and the Chief of Army, Major General                 completed by VTC,” he said.            The Kiwi team based in Kabul
John Boswell adjust the ceremonial korowai.                         As the Kandahar handover            did really well to overcome all
                                                                 was being organised, concurrent        of these seemingly insignificant
                                                                 planning for the handover of air       challenges to ensure they
                                                                 bases at Herat, Mazar-i-Sharif         maintained their cohesiveness
                                                                 and Bagram was also added to           and morale, he said.
                                                                 the task. As the mission drew             Base dining facilities were also
                                                                 down his duties also included          closed although takeaway food
                                                                 reducing the troop force flow into     was available. When the chefs
                                                                 theatre to prepare for withdrawal,     succumbed to Covid-19, ration
                                                                 whilst maintaining the viability and   packs were issued.
                                                                 security of key bases.                    COL Bagley said he felt
                                                                    As Director of Future               humbled to receive the award and
                                                                 Operations he led the Resolute         was proud of the work he and
                                                                 Support Force Management               his team achieved in what was a
                                                                 Board and streamlined a complex        challenging and fluid environment.
                                                                 process which enabled multi-
                                                                 nation capability to be maintained.
                                                                 His job involved keeping airfield
                                                                 operations going at a vital air
                                                                 node which enabled civil and
                                                                 military flights to continue to
                                                                 support the Afghanistan National
                                                                 Defence and Security Forces in
                                                                 Kandahar Province and southern

Linton-based soldiers on parade.

COL Bagley salutes members of the brigade.

April 25 marked the 40th anniversary of the
establishment of the Multinational Force and
Observers peace treaty in Sinai, Egypt. A New Zealand
team has been part of the treaty since its inception.
The mission supervises the implementation of the
Egyptian-Israeli Peace Treaty, and its headquarters is
based in Rome.
Participation by New Zealand              The contingent is commanded by             evaluates training courses based
originally took the form of Rotary        a LTCOL who also fills the role of         on MFO Standard Operating
Wing Air Support and subsequently         the Force Chief Plans Officer. Other       Procedures. NZCON personnel
evolved to its present form. In           essential Force positions filled by        fill the roles of operations
1998, New Zealand increased               New Zealand include:                       instructors, driving Instructors,
its participation to twenty-six           • A military police officer who acts       the Training Warrant Officer, and
personnel their primary tasks               as either an investigator or shift       senior instructor FTT. The FTT
being the provision of a Training           commander.                               provides both initial integration    In 2016 New Zealand troops based in the
and Advisory Team (NZTAT) and
                                          • A Physical Training Instructor
                                                                                     and continuation training as         Sinai Peninsula shifted to a smaller but more secure
a transport section as well as                                                       well as validating day-to-day        area in the south.
                                            who is responsible for
staff appointments throughout the                                                    operations. It is also responsible
                                            maintaining fitness across the
Force. Over the last 40 years the                                                    for the highly competitive Annual    “Morale within the contingent         The shift has turned
                                            Force. He/ she also greatly
roles provided by New Zealand                                                        Force Military Skills Competition.   is high. Everyone is settled          South Camp into “a hive of
                                            assists the Morale and Welfare
have evolved, but have centred                                                    • A Driving Section. On average,        into their roles and can see          construction activity” as the
                                            Office in running sporting and
around drivers, trainers and staff                                                  NZCON drivers travel over             how their job contributes to          MFO builds new facilities
                                            wellbeing events.
officers for the majority of that time.                                             356,630 kilometers annually.          the MFO’s mission,” said Major        to accommodate the influx,
   Since 1 December 2019,                 • The Force Passport Clerk who
                                                                                    The Sinai provides a particularly     (MAJ) Gabrielle Gofton who was        according to MAJ Gofton, who
New Zealand has also provided the           facilitates obtaining visas, local
                                                                                    challenging driving environment       the MFO’s Engineering Project         managed seven construction
MFO with its Force Commander                Egyptian ID Cards, and MFO ID
                                                                                    that is unique in the world, so       Manager at the time.                  projects in South Camp and at
(FC), Major General Evan Williams.          Cards.
                                                                                    the skills of these professional         Between May and July 2016,         the MFO Airport Terminal.
MAGJEN Williams is the third              • Three members of the Force              drivers are tested daily. The         a number of the troops from               Situated on a bluff overlooking
New Zealander to have filled the            Engineering Office: a Major             knowledge and high standards          the nations that make up the          the Red Sea, South Camp
Force Commander role, the others            who acts as a Project Manager,          they display in the operation of      MFO’s Force moved from North          compensates in views what
being Major General Donald McIver           a Warrant Officer (WO2) who             heavy lift vehicles and coaches       Camp to the South Camp near           it lacks in size. There is also
(from March 1989 to March 1991)             assists with the supervision            are shared with other drivers         Sharm el Sheikh on the southern       a range of facilities available
and Major General Warren Whiting            of remote sites, and a Project          within the Force Transport            tip of the peninsula due to the       including a gym, library and
(from March 2010 to March 2014).            Electrician.                            section via an effective driver-      deteriorating security situation in   a café with a pool table and
Thirteen nations contribute troops        • The Force Training Team (FTT)           training programme.                   the Northern Sinai.                   shuffleboard.
to the MFO.                                 which establishes, conducts, and

   The Sinai Peninsula is home to
   numerous Bedouin tribes, who
   originated from people who
   migrated to the Arabian Peninsula
   around 500 years ago. In the
   Sinai there are estimated to be
   600,000 Bedouins representing
   at least sixty percent of the
   overall Sinai populace. Bedouin
   loyalty at all levels, is predicated
   on security. It is first to the
   clan (khamsa), second to the
   tribal confederation (gabila),
   and then to the nation with
   which they identify. Access
   to profit, physical security,
   and tribal honor are the main
   drivers of tribal factions when in
   negotiations. As construction of
   a large cement wall IVO Rafah
   by EAF continues and further
   development of Central Sinai
   requires labour and stores, it is
   likely that Bedouin tribal elders
   will seek to form factions and
   unions to gain government
   construction contracts, implicitly
   aligning certain tribes with
   government forces.

                                            New Zealand troops in Sinai over the years.

By Lucy Handford                          As well as assisting the residents      “It has been marvellous to have          these soldiers are the inheritors
                                          to pack up at Rannerdale Village        the help from the soldiers. Us old       of the work that we did back then,”
Soldiers from 2nd/1st Battalion Royal     in Upper Riccarton over three           people can’t do this on our own,         he said.
                                          days, 38 soldiers transported their     so we are very grateful to them             Captain Mel De Lange,
New Zealand Infantry Regiment and         belongings using the Army Band          for their support. It reminds me of      Quartermaster for 2/1 RNZIR, said
medics from Southern Health Service       truck, and helped the veterans
                                          to unpack and settle into their
                                                                                  something I was once told, which
                                                                                  I have always remembered. If you
                                                                                                                           the unit has a history of supporting
                                                                                                                           the veterans at Rannerdale Village.
Support recently stepped up to help       new home.                               can help somebody as you pass               “When the request for support
32 Rannerdale Village veterans move          Commanding Officer of
                                          2/1 RNZIR, Lieutenant Colonel
                                                                                  along then your living has not been
                                                                                  in vain,” he said.
                                                                                                                           came through, the units agreed to
                                                                                                                           help immediately. These veterans
to their new accommodation, Aldwins       Cory Neale said “Lending a hand            Another resident 2nd/1st              have carved a pathway for all
                                          on a small task like this allows        supported was Army veteran,              current serving soldiers, they
House, a specialist rest home and         2/1 to remain meaningfully engaged      Geoff Pere, 82, who served as a          deserve all the support that we can
hospital care facility in Linwood.        with the community and especially
                                          with our veterans. We know the
                                                                                  lead scout in an infantry section
                                                                                  in Malaya.
                                                                                                                           give them. Moving at any time in
                                                                                                                           our lives is a stressful task so to be
                                          military connection is as important        “It’s fantastic that these soldiers   able to reassure them and make the
                                          for ex-service personnel as it is       have come along to help. I’ve            process of settling into their new
                                          to current members of the NZDF.         had a good chat with some of             accommodation a little easier was
                                          After all, it is their legacy that we   them. I was asking them about            the very least that we could do,”
                                          work hard to build upon every           the insignia on their new uniforms       she said.
                                          single day.”                            and they explained that they were
                                             One of the veterans supported by     from 2nd/1st. I was in the same
                                          the Army was Gordon Gerken, 96, a       unit and was part of the group
                                          WWII RNZAF veteran who served in        that established Depot Company
                                          the Pacific.                            back in the 1950s. In many ways

 Soldiers help pack up veterans' rooms.

  About 4000 New Zealand servicemen served in
  Malaya/Malaysia between 1948 and 1966.

  The Malayan Emergency was a 12-year-long
  conflict in the Malayan peninsula which arose
  from an attempt by the Malayan Communist Party
  to overthrow the British colonial administration
  of Malaya.

  Fifteen New Zealand servicemen lost their lives
  in Malaya between 1948 and 1960, three as a
  result of enemy action. The New Zealand roll of
  honour records the deaths of 20 New Zealanders
  on operational service in the combined Malayan
  and Malaysian (Borneo) campaigns between
  1948 and 1966.

   Building Financial Resilience
By Mark Williamson,                                                          Most of us are proud. We may           • A range of webinars and               to head off a future crisis, then
NZDF Benefits Manager                                                        respond to money problems in             podcasts produced for us by           please have a look at the resources
                                                                             different ways. Frequently, problems     the Retirement Commission and         available. We are all different and
At some time during our lives most of                                        are not discussed with others; they      Milestone Direct Ltd, NZDF’s          have different requirements. What
                                                                             may not even be discussed with           preferred financial advice service;   works well for one household may
us experience financial hardship, some                                       our partners. Human nature being       • Access to free budgeting              not work for another. Look at the
of it severe. Money problems may be                                          what it is, there is a temptation
                                                                             for us to ignore the problems until
                                                                                                                      services across camps and             menu of resources available and
                                                                                                                                                            select those best suited to your
                                                                                                                      bases and HQNZDF. “Money
temporary, and disappear over time,                                          they become overwhelming. Best           Talks” provides nationwide            circumstances.
often after successful interventions like                                    to avoid that. A cross section of
                                                                             financial practitioners will advise
                                                                                                                      services including their financial       Deployed personnel or
                                                                                                                                                            those posted overseas are not
                                                                                                                      mentor service which is aimed
introducing a household budget. For                                          that the best way to address             at helping households build           disadvantaged. Most of the
                                                                             money problems is to admit there                                               resources listed are able to
others, the problems may be ongoing.                                         is a problem, seek help and advice
                                                                                                                      their financial management and
                                                                                                                      budgeting skills. Some of the         be accessed via the internet,
Over years the problems may eat away                                         from experts and put in place long
                                                                             term strategies for dealing with the
                                                                                                                      camps and bases also have local       technology permitting. Partners
                                                                                                                                                            and other family members in NZ are
                                                                                                                      providers they prefer to use;
at us and significantly impact on our                                        problems.
                                                                                                                    • The discounted financial advice
                                                                                                                                                            also able to access.
health, our families, and on our work                                           This includes being proactive,
                                                                             in other words acting in advance
                                                                                                                      and planning service provided to
                                                                                                                                                               To find out more, google the
                                                                                                                                                            Force Financial Hub, or contact the
performance.                                                                 of a crisis, rather than reactive,
                                                                                                                      us by Milestone Direct Ltd;
                                                                                                                                                            NZDF Benefits Team on benefits@
                                                                             responding to a problem only once      • Adhoc presentations, including        nzdf.mil.nz, or Milestone Direct Ltd
                                                                             it has become a crisis.                  “Finding Financial Freedom”; and      on 0508 645 378.
                                                                                Defence households are like a       • Externally, there are sites like
                                                                             cross section of NZ society; some         the SORTED sites and those
                                                                             of our families will be finding it        provided by your bank which
                                                                             hard at the moment. Reflecting            also provide powerful, easy to
                                                                             this, there are a range of resources      use tools to help with money
                                                                             available to help households build        management and budgeting.
                                                                             financial resilience.                  There are some powerful tools
                                                                                Resources include:                  there to assist. Reflecting the value
                                                                             • The Force Financial Hub and          of these resources, the EXCO
                                                                                Force4Families sites which          (NZDF leadership team) recently
                                                                                provide access to a range of        approved additional funding to
                                                                                services, benefits and tools.       increase the financial capability
                                                                                This includes a financial guide     programmes run annually in camps
                                                                                for households facing financial     and bases. As Covid ebbs we hope
                                                                                pressures;                          to be able to resume classroom
                                                                             • The NZDF financial capability        training by the end of April.
                                                                               programme; partnered with               There is also funding to provide
                                                                               the Retirement Commission            financial plans for vulnerable
                                                                               delivers a range of programmes       households each year. A financial
                                                                               for Defence households.              plan is a critical document for most
                                                                               Popular programmes include           of us and involves the household
                                                                               the Women’s Programme which          working with a financial planner in
                                                                               looks at money management            working out their financial situation
                                                                               from a female perspective, and       and then in developing short and
                                                                               the NZDF Investor Education          long term goals, and strategies for
                                                                               Programme, which outlines            achieving those goals. Goals may
                                                                               the advantages of investing          range from preparing a household
                                                                               over saving and explores             budget, to paying off debt, to saving
                                                                               different types of investments.      for a first home deposit, or to
                                                                               There is also the “Get Started”      preparing for retirement.
                                                                               programme which is a great              If you are experiencing financial
                                                                               way of learning about money          hardship, or want to apply sound
                                                                               management and budgeting;            money management practices

                                                                             Further information on the
DACM Staff changes                    Career Boards                          application process can be found
                                                                             on the Army Career Management
Due to short notice postings/OP       DACM facilitated the Formation         Intranet Site under Career                Key Dates                            For more
deployments the following staff       Promotion Advisory Boards (FPAB)       Progression.                                                                   information:
                                      for qualifying officers and soldiers                                             4–5 May 22
changes have occurred at DACM:
                                      over the period 28 Mar–6 Apr.                                                                                         Army Career Management
• LTCOL Rob Loftus is now the                                                                                          Career Management Board
                                      The purpose of the FPABs is to         Kippenberger                              (CMB)
                                                                                                                                                            Intranet Site:
  RF Military Secretary, replacing    allow Formation Commanders                                                                                            http://orgs/sites/armint/I-0001/
  LTCOL Terry McDonald who            to represent their qualifying
                                                                             Scholarship Scheme                        11 May 22                            Contact us at:
  has joined the NZDF team, on        individuals for assessment of          Applications for study via the            Warrant Officer Employment           DACMRegistry@nzdf.mil.nz
  promotion to COL, contributing      promotion suitability, development     Kippenberger Scholarship Scheme
                                      needs and extension suitability.                                                 Board (WOEB)
  to the next Defence Assessment                                             are due in to DACM 16 May 22.
                                      Those represented at the                  Further information on the
• LTCOL Darren Young is now the                                                                                        16 May 22
                                      FPABs are:                             application process can be found
  TF Military Secretary, replacing    • Soldiers – SSGTs and WOs up to                                                 Kippenberger Scholarship
                                                                             on the Army Career Management
  LTCOL Ollie Te Ua                      Tier 3 WO1.                                                                   (Semester 2) applications due
                                                                             Intranet Site under Education and
• WO1 Ed Dore-Wright has              • Officers – CAPTs with 3 years        Training.                                 at DACM
  assumed the role of Soldier           seniority and above, up to and
                                                                                                                       19 May 22
  Career Manager Infantry,              including MAJs.
  replacing WO1 Dave Thomas                                                                                            CFR and OSB applications
  who is deploying to OP FARAD                                                                                         to be submitted to DACM
  as the RSM                          Officer Selection and                                                            on AFNZ413D via Chain of
• WO2 Glenn Savage has moved          Commissioning From
  from the position of ResF           the Ranks Boards
  Workforce Advisor to the role of
  Operations Warrant Officer in the   AFNZ413D applications for
                                      attendance on OSB 01/22 and the
  DACM Ops Cell
                                      CFRB over the period 10–14 July
                                      are due in to DACM 19 May 22.

   VENOM 1
Soldiers from Victor Company
honed their close country skills in
the Whirinaki Conservation Park
near Minginui, and Paradise Valley
on a recent exercise
The focus of the exercise was to         Part one was the build-up phase,
close individual and section level       which had soldiers assaulting in
skill gaps in the close country. It      pairs and teams. Part two, was the
saw a crawl, walk, run approach as       culminating point for the exercise
V Coy sought to pivot away from          which had sections conducting
the urban focus of the previous          assaults in a close country
two years.                               environment.
   Due to the effects of Covid-19,          Part one was a round robin
V Coy deployed with reduced              of three stands. The first stand
numbers which fluctuated between         covered pairs and teams moving
four and five sections over the          through a jungle lane IVO Zone 1.
course of the exercise.                  This was to build soldiers’
   It began with three days of key       confidence assaulting with
individual skills training, including    live rounds in a close country
gun team drills and standard             environment.
operating procedures (SOP), lead            The second stand involved
scout drills, reaction to contact,       soldiers operating the M203 with
movement in the close country and        chalk rounds IVO Zone 1. This also
navigation.                              allowed soldiers to develop other
   The next two days were spent          skills like JD’s, fire control, and build
on section SOP development.              their confidence when firing onto
This allowed the sections to shake       distant targets.
out and rehearse quick attacks,             The third stand was conducted
ambushes and observation posts.          at the SART range. This provided
   The blank firing phase of the         a great opportunity to develop
exercise finished off with a tactical    hand to hand fighting skills, and
phase that saw the sections              long distant shooting utilizing LSW,
conducting tasks with the addition       DMW and MARS-L. The SART
of an enemy party and having the         range provided scope to work on
opportunity to utilize the skills they   fire control orders and still build
had rehearsed in the earlier phases.     on each soldier’s confidence when
   The steep terrain and thick           operating these weapon systems.
secondary bush of the park                  The second and final part of
presented challenges, however            the exercise saw V Coy move
the training value for those who         to Paradise Valley from Zone 1.
attended was good.                       WMTA wasted no time in providing
                                         a decent amount of rain to begin
                                         part two of the live field firing. The
Live field firing                        section assaults were conducted
                                         in two days with minimal issues
The end of blank field firing phase      but still room for improvement.
saw V Coy move to Waiouru                The section ambush was the final
to begin prep for the live field         activity which saw the end of
firing phase. This phase was a           Ex Venom 1 and as a bonus NO
confirmatory of what was covered         BLINDS!
in Whirinaki Forest broken down
into two parts.

By Sergeant Caroline Williams

Arriving at The Army Depot (TAD),
Waiouru Military Camp (WMC), can be a
little daunting as a recruit, particularly
with Covid-19 thrown into the mix.
It would take more than that to            On completion of MOD 2, recruits
deter the 107 eager Reserve Force          engage in Corps training, including,
(ResF) recruits arriving to begin six      infantry, medical, or combat
weeks of training.                         engineer training.
   Reserve Force recruit training             The first Reserve Infantry
consists of two modules. Module            Corps training of the year was
one (MOD 1), normally run from             run by 2/4 RNZIR in WMC in
a Reserve Force unit prior to              January. MAJ Andrew True,
commencing initial training, gives         Officer Commanding KRITHIA
the recruit an insight into the Army       Company (for RTF 166), TAD,
battle rhythm and is also where            said the feedback was positive
they learn the basic structure             regarding the standard of recruit
of the NZ Army, rank structure,            training, and Corps trainees had
and parade skills. This gives the          been motivated and enthusiastic.
recruit a unique opportunity to            MAJ True re-iterated WO2 McGee’s
stay in a military environment, build      sentiments that MOD2, although
friendships with fellow recruits, and      challenging, was a pleasure because
confirm if the Reserve Force is what       the recruits were keen to learn.
they envisaged.                               “Training is about a positive
   Module two (MOD 2) is the main          approach. We want people joining
part of a recruit’s initial training and   the Army to have an enjoyable
is based at TAD for the duration.          experience, and of course, there
This is the foundation course where        will be times of difficulty. However,
soldiers are taught basic soldiering       arriving with the right mindset and
skills including drill, leadership,        receiving positive reinforcement
learning management systems                throughout training, builds
(LMS), first aid, weapons training,        confidence, helping recruits make
navigation, radio communication,           the right choices for the future”,
and fieldcraft. The training               said MAJ True.
culminates in a five-day field
                                           ResF soldiers and officers are
exercise in the Waiouru training
                                           volunteers who are paid for the
area where a large part of the
                                           hours they work, usually spending
course is put into action. Training is
                                           twenty plus days annually, training
blended, face-to-face learning and
                                           with their respective ResF unit.
student online learning.
                                           They have the opportunity to deploy
   “The course was short and
                                           and engage in short term regular
sharp with every soldier keen
                                           force engagements, such as the
to experience life as a soldier,”
                                           NZDF support to the operation of
said WO2 Rob McGee, Company
                                           Managed Isolation Facilities.
Sergeant Major, KRITHIA Company
(for RTF 166).
    With Covid-19 in the community,
TAD had to adapt to the constantly
changing Covid environment.
   Recruits from areas under
lockdown Level 3 were based at
Helwan Camp for the first two
weeks of training to ensure they
were Covid free, said WO2 McGee.
Regular Force instructors were also
required to step in for training due
to limited Reserve Force instructors
available as a result of the outbreak.
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