Spatial variability of Sr isotope of Gomati River Basin within Ganga Alluvial Plain: Implications for global seawater fluxioning - terrapub
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Geochemical Journal, Vol. 54, pp. 57 to 70, 2020 doi:10.2343/geochemj.2.0582 Spatial variability of Sr isotope of Gomati River Basin within Ganga Alluvial Plain: Implications for global seawater fluxioning SANDEEP SINGH1* and MUNENDRA SINGH2 1 Department of Earth Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee-247 667, India 2 Department of Geology, University of Lucknow, Lucknow-226 007, India (Received August 21, 2018; Accepted January 25, 2020) The continuous increase of the 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratio in the seawater since last 40 Ma has been correlated with the rise of the Himalaya. The Ganga-Brahmputra Fluvial System drains the Himalaya along with the Ganga Alluvial Plain (GAP) and the northern Indian Craton regions. Under the humid subtropical climatic condition, the rivers of the alluvial plain contribute a significant (~50%) in the water discharge. Previous studies have identified the Himalayan Rivers as a poten- tial source for the steady increase of marine Sr budget; overlooking the contribution of alluvial rivers. We attempt to constrain the role of GAP as a source for Sr. The Gomati River, a 900 km-long tributary of the Ganga River, drains about 30,437 km2 of the GAP with 7,390 ¥ 106 m 3/a water discharge and provides an ideal opportunity to understand the role of GAP in contribution of the global 87Sr budget. A total of 44 river water, 33 groundwater, 6 rainwater, 3 lake water, and 13 alluvial sediment samples were analyzed for 87Sr/ 86Sr isotopic ratio to determine sources and mixing relationships of the rainwater, groundwater and river water within the GAP. In the Gomati River Basin, the average Sr isotopic ratio of the river water (0.7292) is higher than that of the average Ganga River water (0.7246) and much higher than that of world seawater (0.7119) and modern seawater (0.7092). The average Sr isotopic ratio of the shallow groundwater and rainwater was 0.7242 and 0.7139, respectively. The Gomati River drains the GAP having alluvial sediments with more radiogenic Sr isotopic ratio ranging from 0.7655 to 0.7244. Due to this, the river water displays strong seasonal variability with lower Sr isotopic ratio than groundwater during the monsoon season (0.7184). Our data indicate that the high water discharge contribution with reasonably higher Sr isotopic values from GAP river water makes it an important additional source of high radiogenic Sr in addition to the Himalayan source. The chemical weathering of alluvial sediments in GAP under the monsoon-controlled climatic condition is likely to make significant contributions to the evolution and budget of Sr isotope in the global sea. Keywords: Himalaya, Ganga Foreland Basin, Ganga Alluvial Plain, Gomati River Basin, Sr isotope ther in the Ganga Delta or in the Bengal Deep-Sea Fan INTRODUCTION regions (Fig. 1A). An interesting spectacular landscape after a continen- The geometry of the Ganga Foreland Basin is con- tal collision between the Indian and Asian Plates causing trolled by flexural subsidence related to Himalayas with formation of the Himalayas no later than 57 Ma (Leech the depo-center located close to front (Mungier and et al., 2005) is the Indo-Ganga-Brahmaputra Fluvial Sys- Huyghe, 2006). Geophysical data indicate (Srinivas et al., tem and the Ganga Alluvial Plain (GAP), the middle part 2013; Mangalik et al., 2015 and references therein) the of the Indo-Ganga-Brahmaputra Plain which is the world’s presence of transverse ridges and saddles (e.g., Delhi- largest alluvial tract. This is a result of compressional Haridwar Ridge; Dholpur Saddle; Faizabad Ridge; Meja tectonics during Early Miocene and expended in Middle Saddle) along with northern depressions (e.g., the Sharda Miocene and reached present day configuration (Singh, Depression; the Bahraich Depression; the Gandak Depres- 1996). According to Singh (1996), the GAP is in a ma- sion). The northern depressions are associated with ture stage of the evolutionary cycle of the Ganga Fore- graben-like structures (Manglik et al., 2015). The land Basin which had continuous supply and filling up of magnetotelluric profile (Manglik et al., 2015) along a 285 the sediments from Himalaya by fluvial process. Weath- km transverse running close to Lucknow across GAP ering products of the GAP are further transported down- along with receiver functions of BroadBand Seismic sta- stream by alluvial rivers and subsequently deposited ei- tions (Srinivas et al., 2013) indicate that southern end of the basin have thin veneer of sediment (~200 m thick) *Corresponding author (e-mail: which gradually increase to 500–600 m around Kanpur Copyright © 2020 by The Geochemical Society of Japan. to 1.2 km to 2.5 km near Lucknow (Fig. 1B). Further, the 57
Fig. 1. (A) The Ganga River System with prominent geomorphic features of the Indian sub-continent. (B) The Ganga Foreland Basin showing the Ganga Alluvial Plain and the Gomati River Basin along with its basement structures. The Gomati River basin covers the southern part of the Sarda Depression and crosses the Faizabad Ridge, the north-eastern extension of the Bundelkhand Massif (B) Geological cross-section along Hamirpur-Bahraich of the Ganga Foreland Basin across the Ganga Alluvial Plain. (redrawn after Manglik et al., 2015). thickness of sediment rapidly increases to about ~4 km changes during the late Quaternary (Singh, 1996; Shukla close to the Himalayan Front with Grabben like struc- et al., 2001; Tandon et al., 2006; Srivastava and Shukla, tures. 2009). The GAP accumulated sediments during Cenozoic Tropical fluvial systems play an important role in char- from various lithologies of Himalayas as well as from acterizing the worldwide elemental cycles as they are re- Peninsular India (Shukla et al., 2012). Weathering is as- sponsible for the 50% global water discharge to oceans sociated with removal of minerals followed by erosion and cover only 25% of the earth’s surface (Meybeck, and sedimentations, which is controlled by climatic and 1987). The process of the recycling of Himalayan tectonic conditions of the source. In the GAP, weathering sediments also led to the pronounced monotonic rise of 87 processes are largely controlled by lithology, climate and Sr/86Sr ratio in seawater since last 40 Ma (Raymo et monsoonal patterns (Singh et al., 2005, 2007). Physical al., 1988; Edmund, 1992; Richter et al., 1992; Plamer and chemical weathering is of the moderate-intensity be- and Edmund, 1992). The 87Sr/ 86Sr ratio of Himalayan cause of temperature variation with annual rainfall con- Rivers is 0.7210 for the Brahmaputra and 0.7257 for the ditions and is also responsible for elemental distribution Ganga (Palmer and Edmond, 1989) or 0.7236 (Richter et within GAP (Singh et al., 2007). The weathering proc- al., 1992) or 0.7213 (Krishnaswami et al., 1992). It is esses are also responsible for elemental distribution within much higher compared to the average 87Sr/86Sr ratio of GAP. The geomorphological character clearly indicates river worldwide is 0.711 (Palmer and Edmond, 1989, evolution under changing climatic conditions, intra- and 1992; Harris, 1995; Galy et al., 1999). Therefore, maybe extra-basinal tectonics and sea-level induced base-level considered that the rivers draining the Himalayan region 58 S. Singh and M. Singh
have higher 87Sr/86Sr ratios. However, Singh et al. (2010) S TUDY AREA reported 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the Gomati River basin ranges between 0.7232 during the pre-monsoon season and The GAP is located in the south of the Himalaya re- 0.7370 for the post-monsoon season concluded from 4 gion and is characterized by high agricultural productiv- samples. ity to support its exponentially growing human popula- The Sr isotopic budget is a cumulative result of li- tion. It is an alluvial part in the continental drainage of thology, degree of physical and chemical weathering ex- the Ganga Fluvial System and is characterized by its low perienced by the source area and subsequent changes elevation (500 persons/km2). Himalayan rivers like; the Ganga, the Brahmaputra, the They are also characterized by eroded and incised fluvial Yamuna and part of the Indus, all flowing along the south- terraces which is deeper upstream, close to mountain ern slopes, have increased in the marine Sr after the front. Geologically, GAP is mainly formed by sediments Himalayan collision during Cenozoic period derived from the Himalayan region during Late Quater- (Krishnaswami et al., 1992; Singh et al., 1998; English nary. The uppermost part of the sediment succession in et al., 2000; Karim and Veizer, 2000; Bickle et al., 2001; the basin is made-up of inter-layered 1–2 m thick fine Dalai et al., 2003). The Sr isotopic composition of the sand and silty mud deposits with discontinuous calcrete river is a good tracer to understand the weathering and to horizons (Singh et al., 1999). These sediments are con- determine Sr budget determination (Dalai et al., 2003). sidered as the source material which undergoes the in- The Sr flux can be attributed to either silicate weathering tense chemical weathering processes controlled by the (Galy et al., 1999) or carbonate weathering (English et monsoonal precipitation, extreme annual temperature al., 2000). However, the silicate weathering is responsi- variation and mineral composition of the alluvial ble for Sr contribution as compared to carbonate weath- sediments (Singh et al., 2010). ering. and Sr isotopic ratios indicate the weathering rates The GRB is an alluvial river basin in the north-west- (Miller et al., 1993; Probst et al., 2000; Stewart et al., ern part of GAP and drains 30,437 km2area, located be- 2001). The isotopic variations of Sr also provide natural tween 25–29∞N and 80–84∞E in the interfluve region of fingerprinting of soil-water interaction (Pett-Ridge et al., the Ganga and Ghaghara rivers (Fig. 2). It encompasses 2009; Mikova, 2012) as 87Sr/ 86Sr isotopic ratio cannot an altitude range of 190 m to 60 m above mean sea level. fractionate in low-temperature geochemical reactions or The Gomati River is a groundwater-fed river with its en- biotic processes (Shand et al., 2007). tire drainage basin lying within the GAP. It originates from Sr isotopic characteristics of the Gomati River Basin the Madho Tanda located about 50 km south of foothills (GRB) from an alluvium sequence in temporary storage of the Himalaya. It extends about 900 km before joining of ~50 ka under a humid tropical climate will give infor- the Ganga River near Saidpur. The tributaries of the mation on the GAP weathering processes. The Ganga Gomati River are also groundwater-fed supported by the River drains part of the Himalaya and stands out from monsoonal precipitation. They include the Sai River other rivers in having high 87Sr/86Sr ratio. It also drains (draining about 1/3rd area), Kathna Nadi, Sarayan Nadi, the GAP and part of northern Indian Craton. Here, we Jokhan River, Bhainsi Nadi, Chiyya Nala, Kalyani Nadi, combine new isotopic data of a river basin of the GAP Rethi Nadi, Behta Nala, Pili Nadi, Loni Nadi, Kundu Nala with their hydrology inputs to provide a reconstruction and the Athhi Nala etc with drainage density ranging from of radiogenic Sr Flux of the Ganga River. Interaction be- 0.37 to 1.04 km/km 2 . Along the Gomati River, a tween groundwater and surface water is complex and de- tectonically driven incision has been superimposed over pends on many factors including landforms, geology, cli- the base level linked incision (Thakur et al., 2009). mate and the exploitation of local water resources. The The GRB experiences a humid subtropical climate hydrology and water quality of rivers are strongly con- with four distinct seasons i.e. summer (March–May), trolled by exchange of water and solutes with adjacent monsoon (June–September), post-monsoon (October– river banks and uplands. During recharge, groundwater November) and winter (December–February). Total an- acquires Sr and while moving along the flow path it in- nual rainfall in the basin is about 1025 mm and nearly teracts with Sr-bearing minerals within the geological 70–80% of it occurs in the monsoon season. The major- units. ity of rainfall is concentrated in the monsoon season from The present work is an attempt to generate Sr isotopic July to October with only few sporadic rains during the data from surface water, groundwater, rainwater and sedi- winter season. Within the GRB variation in temperature ment profile of GRB within the GAP. We investigated is as high as 47∞C in the summer season while it becomes the correlations of these components in the contribution about 2∞C during the winter season (Singh et al., 2005). to the evolution and budget of Sr isotopic flux in global About 75% of rainfall in the GRB is either returned to seawater. atmosphere through evaporation/evapotranspiration and/ Sr isotope of Gomati River Basin within Ganga Alluvial Plain (GAP) 59
Fig. 2. Map of the Gomati River basin, draining a ~30,000 km 2 interfluve area of the Ganga and the Ghaghara Rivers in the Ganga Alluvial Plain. The river basin includes the Sai River as the main tributary and 12 other tributaries. Location of sampling sites for river water collected from the Gomati River (G01-G019) and its tributaries (GT01-GT13). Lucknow monitoring area was selected for sampling of shallow groundwater for the present study. or stored as groundwater. In the monsoonal season, the value. river discharge increases manifold due to heavy rainfall The river receives its water and sediments within the and diminishes afterward. The river hydrology is charac- GAP and GRB transports weathering products as bedload, terized by high discharge (>600 m3/s) during the monsoon suspended load and dissolved load sediments. Bedload season and extremely low discharge (30 m3/s) during the Sediments of the Gomati River are basically very fine summer season. More than 75% of annual discharge oc- sand and mineralogically composed of quartz (55%), rock curs during the monsoon and post-monsoon seasons (June fragments (19%), mica (17%) and feldspar (9%). Illite is to November) (Singh et al., 2013). The river water is clas- the dominant clay mineral (Kumar and Singh, 1978). sified as Ca-Mg-HCO3 type water with average 8.0 pH 60 S. Singh and M. Singh
Table 1. Sr isotopic data of water collected during the winter season from the Gomati River (GO) and its major tributaries (GT) along with Lake (LW). (N) and (S) mean northern and southern tributaries of the Gomati River. Refer Fig. 2 for the location of sampling sites. S. No. Sampling date Elevation 87 River Location Latitude Longitude D.D./ Conflu. Sr/86Sr Sr (ppm) (dd/mm/yy) (m a.s.l.) (km) GO01 06/02/06 Gomati River Madho Tanda 185 28°38´ N 80°08´ E 0 0.73327±3 110 GO02 06/02/06 Gomati River Khutar 160 28°09´ N 80°12´ E 145 0.73416±2 154 GO03 06/02/06 Gomati River Maigalganj 148 27°44´ N 80°16´ E 175 0.72793±4 219 GO04 06/02/06 Gomati River Naimesarayan 128 27°21´ N 80°24´ E 245 0.73065±2 323 GO05 06/02/06 Gomati River Itaunja 111 27°03´ N 80°51´ E 335 0.73006±2 329 GO06 04/02/06 Gomati River Lucknow 106 26°54´ N 80°53´ E 366 0.73075±2 327 GO07 04/02/06 Gomati River Gangaganj 101 26°43´ N 81°13´ E 415 0.73016±6 381 GO08 31/01/06 Gomati River Haidergarh 100 26°39´ N 81°24´ E 476 0.72773±2 411 GO09 31/01/06 Gomati River Bazar Sukul 95 26°37´ N 81°37´ E 536 0.72794±5 391 GO10 31/01/06 Gomati River Thauri 90 26°30´ N 81°45´ E 582 0.72877±3 385 GO11 31/01/06 Gomati River Isauli 87 26°24´ N 81°52´ E 604 0.72811±8 394 GO12 31/01/06 Gomati River Sultanpur 83 26°16´ N 82°05´ E 660 0.72963±3 383 GO13 31/01/06 Gomati River Chanda 81 26°07´ N 82°22´ E 726 0.72881±5 379 GO14 01/02/06 Gomati River Dhakwa 80 26°01´ N 82°24´ E 741 0.72789±3 361 GO15 01/02/06 Gomati River Badlapur 79 25°58´ N 82°33´ E 759 0.72796±4 366 GO16 01/02/06 Gomati River Jaunpur 77 25°45´ N 82°44´ E 808 0.73036±5 362 GO17 01/02/06 Gomati River Kirakat 71 25°38´ N 82°55´ E 844 0.72754±3 340 GO18 01/02/06 Gomati River Chandwak 70 25°35´ N 83°00´ E 861 0.72762±2 342 GO19 01/02/06 Gomati River Kaithi 69 25°30´ N 83°08´ E 900 0.72754±3 336 GT01 06/02/06 Jokhan River Puranpur 172 28°22´ N 80°12´ E 66 (N) 0.73403±2 125 GT02 06/02/06 Bhainsi Nadi Pawayan 157 28°07´ N 80°09´ E 92 (N) 0.73343±2 145 GT03 06/02/06 Chhiya Nala Pawayan 152 27°46´ N 80°14´ E 161 (N) 0.72903±2 412 GT04 06/02/06 Kathna River Pisawan 141 27°39´ N 80°28´ E 215 (N) 0.73038±2 393 GT05 06/02/06 Sarayan River Sindhauli 124 27°16´ N 80°18´ E 309 (N) 0.72995±4 385 GT06 04/02/06 Behta Nala Kakori 120 26°54´ N 80°47´ E 360 (S) 0.72549±2 166 GT07 31/01/06 Reth Nadi Barabanki 117 26°55´ N 81°10´ E 422 (N) 0.72668±2 320 GT08 04/02/06 Loni Nala Gangaganj 114 26°44´ N 81°11´ E 431 (S) 0.72528±2 374 GT09 31/01/06 Rari Nadi Haidergarh 109 26°43´ N 81°27´ E 514 (N) 0.72751±5 294 GT10 31/01/06 Kalyani Nadi Ramsanehighat 107 26°47´ N 81°33´ E 514 (N) 0.72989±6 219 GT11 31/01/06 Kundu Nala Musafirkhana 104 26°24´ N 81°16´ E 597 (S) 0.73070±6 295 GT12 01/02/06 Pili Nadi Badlapur 82 25°55´ N 82°29´ E 780 (S) 0.72710±4 132 GT13 01/02/06 Sai River Jalalpur 73 25°38´ N 82°45´ E 830 (S) 0.72716±4 285 LW-A 04/02/06 Mesa Tal Gosaiganj 109 26°48´ N 81°06´ E - 0.72685±6 298 Sr isotope of Gomati River Basin within Ganga Alluvial Plain (GAP) LW-B 04/02/06 Nawabganj Nawabganj 123 26°37´ N 80°24´ E - 0.72850±2 257 61 LW-C 06/02/06 Naimesaryan Naimesaryan 144 27°21´ N 80°30´ E - 0.72906±2 241
Table 2. Sr isotopic data of groundwater from deeper tube wells (T) and shallower hand-pumps (L and C) around Lucknow area from the Gomati River Basin of the Ganga Alluvial Plain (GAP). Refer Fig. 3 for the location of sampling sites. 87 86 S. No. Sampling Sampling date Longitude Latitude Sr (ppm) Sr/ Sr location (dd/mm/yy) Isotopic ratio T-01 Baruwa 27.05.10 80°46´30˝ E 26°58´40˝ N 315 0.72552±5 T-07 Murlipurwa 26.05.10 81°02´10˝E 26°56´40˝ N 378 0.72436±5 T-09 Amaulia 08.06.10 81°03´10˝E 26°43´30˝ N 734 0.72550±6 C-01 Latifnagar 04.06.10 80°46´20˝E 26°41´20˝ N 275 0.72473±5 C-02 Daryapur 04.06.10 80°47´20˝E 26°43´20˝ N 419 0.72188±6 L-01 Gopramau 27.05.10 80°49´20˝E 26°58´40˝ N 288 0.72570±9 L-02 Kankarabad 27.05.10 80°50´20˝E 26°56´20˝ N 610 0.72545±9 C-03 Gahru 07.06.10 80°50´40˝E 26°44´30˝ N 533 0.72125±6 L-03 Sarora 26.05.10 80°52´30˝E 26°56´20˝ N 233 0.72688±4 L-04 Maura 27.05.10 80°51´20˝E 26°54´30˝ N 535 0.72554±5 C-04 Nadarganj 07.06.10 80°51´20˝E 26°46´20˝ N 1434 0.72149±5 L-05 Lokharia 27.05.10 80°54´00˝E 26°55´20˝ N 171 0.72916±6 L-06 Husainabad 27.05.10 80°54´20˝E 26°52´20˝ N 1890 0.72131±7 C-05 Alambagh 08.06.10 80°54´30˝E 26°48´40˝ N 1229 0.72259±9 C-06 University 09.06.10 80°56´20˝E 26°51´40˝ N 651 0.72543±7 C-07 Khurramnagar 28.05.10 80°50´00˝E 26°53´20˝ N 410 0.72467±6 L-07 Zoo 08.06.10 80°57´20˝E 26°50´40˝ N 914 0.72263±5 L-08 Mohanganj 08.06.10 80°58´20˝E 26°48´40˝ N 537 0.72218±5 C-08 Sugamau 28.05.10 81°00´20˝E 26°54´30˝ N 461 0.72434±10 L-09 Arjunganj 08.06.10 80°59´30˝E 26°48´40˝ N 542 0.72228±5 C-09 Saidapur 26.05.10 81°02´20˝E 26°56´30˝ N 521 0.72474±6 L-10 Mastemau 08.06.10 81°02´20˝E 26°48´30˝ N 373 0.72470±6 C-10 Baburigaon 26.05.10 81°04´20˝E 26°59´40˝ N 525 0.72476±6 L-11 Isri Khera 08.06.10 81°04´30˝E 26°48´30˝ N 567 0.72252±6 samples have also been collected during the monsoon SAMPLING AND A NALYTICAL METHODS season in July 2011 and the winter season in January 2012 River water, lake water, groundwater, and rainwater from the roof of the Geology Department of Lucknow samples have been collected for the present Sr isotopic University (Fig. 3). The 4.6 m-high cliff section along studies. Water samples of the Gomati River (GO1-GO19), the Behta Nala (a small alluvial tributary of the Gomati and its tributaries (GT1-GT13) and three lakes (LW-A, River) was exposed at Malihabad near Lucknow. A set of B, and C) were collected during the winter season in Janu- 13 sediment samples were collected from the exposed ary–February 2006 (Table 1 and Fig. 2). Further twenty- alluvial sequence and precautions have been taken not to one shallow groundwater samples (C01-10 and L01-11) include calcrete portions for the present study. from handpump and three (T01-03) from tubewell have All water samples were collected in pre-cleaned been collected around Lucknow monitoring area, which polypropylene bottles filled with deionized water. At the is about 360 km downstream of origin of Gomati River time of each sample collection, the deionized water was and meanders for about 12 km, during May–June 2010 in decanted and washed with river water two to three times grid fashion (Table 2 and Fig. 3). A monthly time series and then the water samples collected and immediately samples of the Gomati River water (CRN-1 to 12) and acidified with 1 ml of 1:1 ultrapure HCl. All samples were shallow groundwater (CGN-1 to 12) have also been col- brought to Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee for lected from Chandwak between August 2009 and May laboratory analysis. These samples were filtered in the 2010 (Table 3). Along with this, six-time series rainwater laboratory using 0.45-micron nitrate membrane filter in 62 S. Singh and M. Singh
Fig. 3. Lucknow Monitoring Area showing the location of sampling sites for shallow groundwater along (L01–L10) and across (C01–C11) the Gomati River. Refer Fig. 2 for location in central part of the Gomati River Basin. the laminar flow environment. The filtrate was taken in for further processing. Sediment samples were homog- another pre-cleaned acid-washed polyethylene bottles. enized and pulverized in the agate mortar and put in a All sediment samples were collected in a polythene clean beaker for the treatment with Hydrogen Peroxide bag and brought to the Indian Institute of Technology (50%H2O2 + 50% Milli-Q water). Samples along with Rookee for laboratory analysis. Samples were re-exam- Hydrogen Peroxide were heated up to 80–90∞C for 10– ined in the field and samples with calcrete were avoided 12 hours to remove the organic matter present in the pow- Sr isotope of Gomati River Basin within Ganga Alluvial Plain (GAP) 63
Table 3. Time Series Sr isotopic data of water from the Gomati River and groundwater collected at Chadwak of the Ganga Alluvial Plain (GAP). (CRN = Chandwak River water Natural; CGN = Chandwak Groundwater Natural). Refer Fig. 2 for the location of Chandwak (GO18) in the Gomati River Basin. Table 4. Sr isotopic data of rainwater collected during the monsoon and the winter seasons at Lucknow in the Gomati River Basin of the Ganga Alluvial Plain (GAP). Refer Fig. 2 for the location of Lucknow (GO06) in the Gomati River Basin. dered sample. Proper precautions were taken during the dissolved solution was transferred into a 2.0 ml centri- treatment, effervesce were avoided. fuge tube and centrifuged. 1.0 ml of the supernatant so- Dried sediment samples were dissolved with lution from the top portion of the centrifuge tube was HF+HNO 3 acid treatment and dissolved samples were taken and loaded onto the preconditioned Rb-Sr ion-ex- brought into 2N ultrapure HCL and dissolved. However, change of Bio-Rad AG 50 X 8, 200–400 mesh H+ form for water 100 ml of acidified water were dried at 90∞C cation exchange resin in 6 mm ID silica glass columns to and residue were dissolved into 2N ultrapure HCl. The obtain Sr by eluting with 2N HCl. Sr fraction was col- 64 S. Singh and M. Singh
Table 5. Sr isotopic data of the Cliff section on the right valley margin of the Behta Nala tributary of the Gomati River. Refer Fig. 2 for location of the Behta Nala sub-basin (GT06). Fig. 4. Longitudinal variations in the Sr isotopic (87Sr/86Sr) ratio in the water of the Gomati River (line with dot) and its tributaries (bar). Refer Fig. 2 for sample location in the Gomati River Basin. Note the higher Sr isotopic ratio in river water of the uppermost part of the basin. Refer Table 1 for data. The 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios of the water and sediment lected between 24 and 34 ml in the Savillex beaker. The samples of the GRB are presented in Tables 1 to 5. eluted Sr fraction was evaporated to dryness. 1 m l of wa- ter was added to the dried sample and dissolved the Sr RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS fraction. The dissolved fraction was subsequently loaded in pre-conditioned single degassed W filament with 1 ml River water and lake water in the GRB of TaF5 solution, having 1% Ta in the solution (Birck, The 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratio in the water of the Gomati 1986). The isotopic measurements of the samples have River, its tributaries and the lakes are presented in Table been carried out in the Thermal Ionisation Mass 1. All reported values of the 87Sr/86Sr ratio are signifi- Spectrometer, TRITON T1 at National facility at Indian cantly higher than modern seawater value (0.7092 - Institute of Technology Roorkee. The TRITON of this Meknassi et al., 2018). The 87Sr/ 86Sr isotopic ratio of laboratory has 9 Faraday collectors and one electron mul- Gomati River water ranges from 0.7342 (closer to its ori- tiplier permitting measurements of all the isotopes plus gin) to 0.7275 (near confluence with the Ganga River) interfering isotopes for the element of concern in a single and its tributaries yield values from 0.7340 to 0.7252 (Fig. static integration. Sr isotopic composition was measured 4). The value starts from 0.7333 and at the confluence of in static multi-collector mode with uncertainties better Jokhan River (Khutar) it increases to 0.7342, whereas, than 10 ppm. During a static multi-collection data acqui- the headwork of Jokhan River has value of 0.7340. As sition is done in 10 blocks of 40 cycles each giving a River flows down the value goes to 0.7279 at Maigalganj total of 400 measurements for each isotope. The amplifi- then they further increase to 0.7307 due to inflow of wa- ers are rotated among the Faraday cups between the ter from Chiya Nadi and Kathana Nadi. Further down- blocks. In general, 4 s integration time and 3 s of settling ward, the value further decreases to 0.7301 at Itonja as time are allowed using TRITON software supplied by the water from Sarayan River has lower Sr isotopic ratios firm. This makes the data acquisition fast and eliminates (0.7299). Further down the value increases to 0.7308 (at the amplifier gain differences. The reproducibility of the IIM, Lucknow), which reduces to 0.7302 at Gangaganj. data has been checked by analyzing the NIST SRM 987 This value further reduces to 0.7277 (at Haidergarh) and several times. The obtained value for 87Sr/86Sr of SRM remains the same (within error limit) to 0.7279 (at Bazar 987 agreed each time with the recommended value within Sukul). At Thakuri it increases a bit to 0.7281 may be the precision of the mass spectrometer (about 5 ppm). due to water inflow from Kundu Nala having isotopic ra- The average value for 87Sr/86Sr of SRM 987 during the tio of 0.7307 (at Musafirkhana). The value further in- period of analysis was 0.71028 ± 10 (n = 30, 1s). The creases to 0.7288 (at Sultanpur). As the river flows down total procedure blank in the laboratory is less than 8 ng. the value further decreases to 0.7279 to 0.7280 (within Sr isotope of Gomati River Basin within Ganga Alluvial Plain (GAP) 65
Fig. 5. Variation of Sr isotopic (87Sr/86Sr) ratio in shallow groundwater collected from (A) across and (B) along the Gomati River at Lucknow Monitoring Area. Refer Fig. 3 for sampling locations along and across the Gomati River at Lucknow. Note the Sr isotopic variation linked with geomorphology (Gomati River Valley) and structural element (Lucknow Fault) of the Gomati River Basin. Refer to Table 2 for data. Fig. 7. Seasonal variation in Sr isotopic (87Sr/ 86Sr) ratio of river water (open square) and groundwater (open circle) in the Gomati River at Chandwak. Refer Fig. 2 for the location of Chandawak (G018). Note the monsoon effect in river water and stable values of groundwater. Refer Table 3 for data. Fig. 6. Sr isotopic ( 87Sr/ 86Sr) ratio in rainwater collected dur- ing the monsoon (n=4) and winter (n=2) seasons from Lucknow. Refer to Table 5 for data. (2005). The higher value of the Naminsharanyan Lake water than other two lakes may be due to its close prox- imity of Lucknow Fault located within the alluvium plain error limit) at Dhakwa and Badlapur respectively. This (Fig. 1). The 87Sr/ 86Sr isotopic ratios from Gomati River value increases to 0.7304 at Jaunpur and further down- and lake water clearly indicate higher values. In spite of stream it remains almost the same as 0.7275 (at Kirakat), the minor variations, the values remain high as compared 0.7276 (at Chandwak) and 0.7275 (at Kaithi). Figure 4 to Himalayan Rivers and clearly indicate that the contri- displays the longitudinal variation in the 87Sr/ 86Sr iso- bution made by the GAP is certainly playing an impor- topic ratio in water of the Gomati River and its tributar- tant role in the Sr-flux to the Bay of Bengal. ies. The 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratio in the water of Mesa Tal, Shallow groundwater of Lucknow Nawabganj lake and Naminsharanyan lake was reported The 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratio of the Gomati River water 0.7269, 0.7285 and 0.7291, respectively. All lake water at Lucknow is about 0.7308. However, the 87Sr/ 86Sr iso- values are higher than Nainital lake (located in the topic ratio of shallow groundwater ranges between 0.7213 Himalaya) value (0.72337) as reported in Chakrapani and 0.7292 (Table 2). The 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratio of the 66 S. Singh and M. Singh
Fig. 8. (A) Vertical litholog of the alluvial sequence of 4.6 m thick cliff section (the late quaternary interfluves deposits) exposed on the right margin of the Behta Nala (a tributary of the Gomati River) at Malihabad near Lucknow. The molluscan shell bearing mud showed 14C- date around 16, 480 ± 310 years [source: Singh et al., 1999]. (B) Variation of Sr isotopic (87Sr/86Sr) ratio in the exposed alluvial sequence. Refer Fig. 2 for location of the Behta Nala (GT6). Refer Table 4 for data. (C) Correlation of (87Sr/86Sr) isotopic ratio with the global proxy surface temperature from Shakun et al., (2012). The Holocene, Younger Dryas (YD), Bolling- Allerod (B - A), Oldest Dryas (OD) and Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) intervals are also indicated. deeper groundwater ranges between 0.7244 and 0.7255. spatial variation of isotopic data clearly indicates that the Figures 5A and 5B display the variation in 87Sr/86Sr iso- shallow groundwater samples nearer to the Gomati River topic ratio shallow groundwater collected from across and have lower Sr isotopic ratios than samples that are away along the Gomati River at Lucknow, respectively. The from the main river. The abrupt decrease in the isotopic Sr isotope of Gomati River Basin within Ganga Alluvial Plain (GAP) 67
ratio of groundwater samples along the Gomati River is a the Sr isotopic ratio in the monsoon and post-monsoon hydro-geochemical manifestation of Lucknow Fault that season could be response to increased chemical fluxes controls the movement of groundwater flow within the due to weathering of the GAP (Singh et al., 2008). alluvium. Alluvial sediments of Behta Nala cliff section Rainwater of the GRB The 87Sr/ 86Sr isotopic ratios obtained from alluvial The 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratios of 6 rainwater samples sediments of the 4.6 m thick vertical cliff section exposed collected at Lucknow University site during the monsoon on the right margin of the Behta Nala, a minor tributary and winter seasons are presented in Table 4. The 87Sr/ of the Gomati River near Malihabad at Lucknow. The 86 Sr isotopic ratios in rainwater during the monsoon sea- samples are collected from top to bottom of the cliff sec- son vary between 0.7121 and 0.7163 and in the winter tion and their 87Sr/ 86Sr isotopic ratios are presented in season 0.7124 to 0.7129. All of the rainwater samples have Table 5. There are a total 8 litho-units as shown in Fig. 8. higher 87Sr/86Sr ratios than that of seawater (0.90917). They are pedogenic silty-clay (Unit A), rippled very fine- Figure 6 indicates the variable and fluctuating trends sand (Unit B), clay-rich silty-sand (Unit C), Low angle which has close association with a crustal source for the cross-bedded sand (Unit D), calcretized clayey-silt (Unit aerosol which matches well with the surface water data, E), shell-bearing mud (Unit F), carbonaceous silty-clay groundwater data, and sediments around Lucknow. This (Unit G) and bedded calcrete (Unit H). is likely to reflect the input of carbonate-rich aerosols. From the unit A, samples S-01 and S-02 are collected, Our data show that river water is more radiogenic than it consists of pedogenic silty clay, which deposited in a rainwater in the GRB. These 87Sr/86Sr isotopic composi- relatively low-energy minor channel of interfluve origin tions of Lucknow rainwater were comparable with rain- and/or channels operative on valley terrace surface. The 87 water at Kathamandu, Nepal (Galy et al., 1999). Sr/86Sr isotopic values of the samples are 0.7438 and 0.7615 respectively, which indicates higher values of the River water, rainwater and groundwater interaction at Sr isotopic ratio in unit A. In the case of Unit B, this con- Chandwak sists of rippled very fine-sand. Three samples S-03, S- One year time Series data of the 87Sr/ 86Sr isotopic ra- 04, and S-05 are collected from unit B and the ratios are tio of Gomati River water and shallow groundwater near and 0.7413, 0.7655 and 0.7639 respectively. The data the confluence with the Ganga River at Chandwak are show that there is a reduction in the 87Sr/ 86Sr isotopic presented in Table 5 and Fig. 7. All values are signifi- values as the sedimentation progresses. The lithofacies cantly higher than sea water value (0.7092). Figure 7 dis- Unit C consists of clay-rich silty sand. This unit shows plays the seasonal variation in 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratio of an erosional transition to overlying sand unit B and a gra- the Gomati River water and shallow groundwater of the dational lower contact with underlying sand unit D. The Gomati River Basin at Chandwak. These data of the 87Sr/ 87 Sr/86Sr ratio is 0.7531 (sample S-06). Unit D consists 86 Sr isotopic ratio at Chandwak indicate that the of low angle cross-bedded sand. This is almost same as groundwater is having higher values than the Gomati that of units A, B and C. Sample S-07 shows Sr isotopic River water (except in November during the post- ratio to be 0.7629. monsoon season). The 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratio of the river The underlying Unit E composed of calcretized clayey water significantly and systematically varies during the silt. This unit is very similar to unit C (clay-rich silty monsoon and post-monsoon seasons. The isotopic values sand). Samples S-08 and S-09 yield the 86Sr/ 88Sr isotopic of 87Sr/86Sr ratio increase with a dip during August fol- ratio 0.7333 and 0.7401, respectively. In the case of sam- lowed by a marked increase in ratio from September to ple no S-09, analysis was undertaken without leaching November. This decrease followed by increase in the 87Sr/ technique, 87Sr/ 86Sr isotopic ratio need not be taken into 86 Sr isotopic ratio can be attributed to interaction and account because the 86Sr/88Sr ratio is 0.1184, which should mixing of groundwater with rainwater during the monsoon be 0.1194. This may be due to the presence of calcrete in and post-monsoon seasons. During the winter and sum- the sample. The calcretized lithofacies is related to lake mer seasons, 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratio in the river water margin to over bank sedimentation environment. In Unit consistently decreases whereas, 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratio in F, which is characterized by shell bearing mud; the sedi- the shallow groundwater remains constant (Fig. 7). mentation took place in a lake environment; samples S- Sr isotopic signature of the Gomati River water is ex- 10 and S-11 are analyzed and the ratios range from 0.7244 pected to change in response to monsoon climatic varia- to 0.7323. The ratio shows a decreasing trend from the tions as a result of weathering mechanism in the alluvial lower part of the unit to the upper part. This unit also basin. In the Ganga Foreland Basin, the monsoon climate yields 14C age on molluscan shell to be 16, 480 ± 310 controls the weathering pattern of GAP including physi- years (Singh et al., 1999). Unit G consists of carbonaceous cal and chemical fluxes. Such a climatic dependence of silty clay, calcrete development is prominent in this unit. 68 S. Singh and M. Singh
The depositional environment is similar to that of Unit F. Acknowledgments—The authors are grateful to the Depart- The Sr isotopic values for S-12 are 0.7374, however other ment of Science and Technology, New Delhi for sanctioning samples have been avoided because of presence of the National Facility on Geochronology/Isotope Geology at the calcrete. In the bottom unit (Unit H) sample S-13 is IIT Roorkee, and deeply appreciate the support extended by Late Dr. K. R. Gupta and Dr. C. Sivaji. The encouragement, analyzed and the Sr ratio is 0.7432. The values of 87Sr/ 86 suggestions, and support of Prof. I. B. Singh for this research Sr isotopic ratio show a variation in the alluvial work are greatly appreciated. Dr. Dharmendra Kumar Jigyasu sediments ranges from 0.7244 to 0.7655 and presented in is acknowledged for drawing the figures. Late Rohit Kuvar and Fig. 8. Ms. Nupur Srivastava are thanked for their help during field- The unit F of Behta Nala cliff section with the work. 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