THE DANISH SOLUTION: A BLUEPRINT FOR CLEAN SOIL - An introduction to the Danish soil remediation solution
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FORORD 1 THE DANISH SOLUTION: A BLUEPRINT FOR CLEAN SOIL An introduction to the Danish soil remediation solution CMYK Logo / State of Green Green C 10 - M 0 - Y 7 - K 0 Dark C0-M0-Y0-K0
2 FOREWORD CLEAN SOIL – A FRAMEWORK FOR TACKLING SOIL CONTAMINATION In Denmark, we have developed Action based on four priorities Who foots the bill? solutions to soil contamination issues Subsequently we have developed methods To ensure continued clean-up of contam- for more than three decades; and the to assess, which sites need urgent atten- inated soil, we have had to address the results show that the solutions work. tion, and which can wait. issue of responsibility and financing. With Denmark is better equipped than ever potentially thousands of contaminated sites to manage soil contamination towards across Denmark, the public coffers would a sustainable future. This publication The regional authorities prioritize their quickly run dry if the authorities alone will give you the key to our approach. remediation efforts towards: were to finance remediation efforts on all property. The early 1970’s were central to how we • Contaminated sites threatening our manage environmental challenges in groundwater resource. Therefore, the company or contractor re- Denmark, as visible signs of the effects of sponsible for damage to the environment is industrialization became a wake-up call for • Contamination where evaporation from also responsible for remediating it. However, the entire country. Denmark faced serious the soil is causing a health risk. in cases where it is not possible to impose environmental problems. Fish lay dead in an environmental responsibility, the public inland seas and rivers, and the ground- • Sites where there is a risk of human authorities finance the remediation project. water was seriously polluted. The latter is contact with the contaminated soil. particularly problematic, in a country, where The Danish recipe for soil remediation drinking water is supplied almost entirely • Contaminated sites posing a risk to We still have contaminated sites in Denmark, from our groundwater resources. nature protection areas and our lakes, and we will for many years to come, but we fjords, streams and rivers. are well underway in dealing with the task. For soil contamination, we needed to We have found a framework for identifying provide a framework for identifying and and prioritizing soil-contamination sites, and prioritizing soil-contamination sites, while at Developing innovative solutions we are continuously developing green tech- the same time developing green technologi- In the Danish approach, it has been impor- nological solutions to remedy the sites. cal solutions to remedy them. tant to ensure that public and private actors have the best possible conditions to adopt The goal is a sustainable future without soil Mapping as a first step to clean soil new green technologies and find new solu- contamination - this publication contains our But where to begin? In the early 1980s, we tions to soil contamination challenges. recipe to reach it. had no overall experience with soil remedi- ation. We were literally entering uncharted With the tasks and priorities identified, the I trust you will find plenty of inspiration. territory and as a consequence, we initially public authorities in Denmark have been began by mapping contaminated sites. able to support and fund new innovative projects in collaboration with the private Today, we have identified more than 35.000 sector and universities. This has enabled us Danish properties and sites that have been to develop unique solutions to different soil classified as either contaminated or poten- contamination challenges. tially contaminated. The public involvement has also ensured a high level of data transparency, as all innova- tions have been made publicly available, along with the data from the site mapping and investigation processes. Photo by Claus Bjørn Larsen Kirsten Brosbøll Minister for the Environment December 2014
CONTENT 3 CONTENTS Foreword by the Minister 2 Introduction 4-5 Knowledge and research 6-7 Regulation 8-9 Technology 10 Cases 12-13 Challenges 14-15 Contributors Danish Environmental Protection Agency The Information Centre on Contaminated Sites Krüger A/S RGS90 A/S COWI A/S NIRAS A/S Editors Operate A/S: Esben Würtz Sørensen Grontmij A/S: Lene Mundus
4 INTRODUCTION – THE DANISH SOLUTION GETTING SMART ABOUT CLEANING OUR SOIL Denmark is a small country in which producers and users, or dry cleaners. Sites If remediation is deemed necessary, the groundwater is the primary source of can also be included in the mapping effort work will then commence. drinking water. With contaminated due to reports from companies or property sites in their thousands, it has been owners who detect contamination on their Depending on the type and extent of paramount to develop smart ways to property. This mapping effort has been contamination, the remediation can take identify and prioritize which sites to re- ongoing since the early 1980s and has so far place at the contaminated site (in-situ) or mediate. Here are the key components resulted in more than 35,000 sites cate- by transporting the contaminated soil to a of Denmark’s unique soil remediation gorized as “contaminated” or “potentially facility for treatment (ex-situ). system. contaminated”. The remediation can be financed by the pub- In the autumn of 2014, the second phase of From suspicion to certainty lic authorities or as a voluntary remediation one of Denmark’s biggest soil remediation At stage one, the initial mapping is of course by private building developers. In the latter projects began in the wind-swept dunes on based on a suspicion of possible soil con- case, the preferred measure will often be to the country’s North Sea coast. The soil con- tamination. Therefore, each site mapped at transport the soil for ex-situ treatment. tamination in the Kærgård Plantation took stage one is subsequently subject to a pre- The public authorities traditionally sets place between 1956 and 1973, when the liminary investigation. The public authorities high standards for remediation measures, Grindstedværket chemical plant released finance these preliminary investigations, in order to stimulate eco-innovation that up to 340 tonnes of chlorinated solvents and the investigations themselves are often benefits the public health as well as the into Grindsted stream and the neighbouring carried out by private consultancies. environment. plantation. All data gathered from the investigations are New uses for purified soil Now, 40 years later, the regional authorities collected in a national database, and the site Once the remediation measures have been of Southern Denmark are in charge of the is classified as a “stage two knowledge site”. completed, the purified soil will be put to massive operation, where so far two pits good use. For example as coastal protection, of contaminated soil have been excavated The preliminary investigation is designed landscape modelling or as noise barriers and a further two will be remediated during to determine whether the site may pose a along roads with heavy traffic. phase two. When phase two is completed, risk to human health, water bodies, natural the final two pits will remain for remedia- habitats or the groundwater. If this appears Danish legislation also has a provision that tion. to be the case, an in-depth investigation is requires building developers to report launched. movements of soil from classified areas in a Although on a large scale, this is a good national register. example of how all Danish soil remediation Testing soil thoroughly works. before remediation Soil quality criteria guide efforts If the suspicions are not allayed by the When is society satisfied with a remediation A five-step approach to clean soil preliminary investigation, and the pollution effort of a contaminated site? Denmark The first thing to notice is that the regional might pose a threat to the environment or has guideline criteria for soil, groundwater, authorities are in charge of soil remediation. human health, a more thorough, indepth water bodies and evaporation to help guide In serious contamination cases, like the one investigation of the soil is carried out. soil remediation efforts. These four forms of in Kærgård Plantation, the national author- criteria are used to help evaluate the severi- ities have sometimes stepped in to assist These investigations are carried out by ty and extent of a site contamination. the remediation efforts, but the rule is that qualified professionals, who follow guide- The soil quality criteria set limits for a num- the regional authorities are free to prioritize lines from the Danish Environmental Protec- ber of substances to ensure that the soil can remediation efforts. tion Agency to prevent inadequate sampling be used freely and without fear of exposure, and minimize the risk of deliberate cheating. for example on farmland, in private gardens, The first step towards remediation of at daycare centres and on playgrounds. contaminated soil is to map potentially con- The investigation aims to map the extent of taminated sites. Authorities investigate this the contamination, quantify the risk to hu- by studying data on the historical use of spe- man health and the environment as well as cific sites. This means surveying for specific suggest a remediation measure. When the company types like gas stations, gasworks, investigators are done with this investiga- chemical companies, metal goods producers, tion, the regional authority decides whether wood preservation manufacturers, pesticide remediation is necessary or not.
INTRODUCTION – THE DANISH SOLUTION 5 Year Content 1971 The Ministry of the Environment is established 1974 The Danish Environmental Act enters into force 1984 The Act on Chemical Waste Deposits The groundwater quality criteria are applied for contaminations that pose a risk to the groundwater resource. Because of a relative 1992 The Oil Sector’s Environmental Pool is established shortage of surface water, Denmark has always relied heavily on groundwater for its 1996 Public programme for development of clean-up and water supply. Groundwater is less exposed remediation technologies relating to soil contamination to pollution than surface water, the water is of higher quality, and it requires less treatment. 1998 Guidance document on how to remediate contaminated sites € 75 million: 2000 Danish Act on Contaminated Soils money spent on soil and groundwater remediation in Denmark in 2012. 2007 Amendment to the Act on Contaminated Soil exempting soil within city limits from the mapping requirement The groundwater quality criteria apply to groundwater resources that are being used 2014 Amendment to Danish Act on Contaminated Soil to as drinking water. The criteria fundamen- include waterbodies at risk from leaking tally aim to ensure that the groundwater contaminated sites is drinkable with little or no treatment. For some substances, these criteria are even lower for groundwater than for drinking water, in order to account for the additional contribution of substances from the water pipes delivering the water to the consumer. Money spent on soil and groundwater remediation in Denmark in 2012 Finally, the limits on evaporation aim to se- cure that the site can be safely used for even % . € 50 the most sensitive use (daycare centres, 7 mio 5 4% kindergartens and playgrounds). ns io. € e gio s 4m R tie . € 8% The three components in the pali 9 mio ci at e 4% o. € Danish solution St mi ni 5 € 7% Mu e The Danish approach to soil remediation nc mio. % owes its success to three key components: 8 . 27 e ef ca ce hD knowledge, regulation and technology. € n ura nis m io. s The da l + in Each has been crucial in pushing forward d 13-27 innovation and remediation efforts towards oo a future with clean soil. P spen nt al e We will elaborate on these three compo- e m t iva n nents in the following sections. Es o r r lp tim vi na ated n additio ’E The n ies Oil Compa Source: Depotrådet 2012
6 KNOWLEDGE AND RESEARCH Water sample. Protection of the groundwater resource is crucial in Denmark, as the country relies on it for drinking water. Photo by The Information Centre on Contaminated Sites
KNOWLEDGE AND RESEARCH 7 THE FOUNDATION FOR TACKLING SOIL CONTAMINATION Research into the effects of soil tion, data about groundwater, geological soil This ensures that companies are always contamination, and new methods to composition, and historical land use is also well-informed about the newest technolo- remedy these effects, have been pivo- collected and used by the public authorities gies and developments within the field. tal in the Danish solution. Knowledge as well as the private sector. This helps the institutions routinely contribute to authorities to make the optimal decisions It has also ensured a vibrant Danish private remediation projects, and data about regarding new remediation projects. sector within soil contamination and it is es- contaminated sites is collected and timated that private companies in the sector made available to professionals and Moreover, the regional authorities have employ around 1,000 people. the public in a national database. developed a number of IT tools and assess- ment tools which help them prioritize their Ongoing research at national level When prospective buyers of a house in efforts. How do you detect gas from contaminated Denmark want to know whether their new soil intruding into the indoor air? Environ- home sits on contaminated soil, they can The Regional Information mental Project number 1590 examines the access the ”Area Information” database on Center on Contaminated Sites possible methods to do just this. the Environmental Portal. They can then Along with the database, authorities and download a soil contamination certificate on soil professionals have a powerful tool in the The Danish Environmental Protection Agen- the property free of charge. Regional Information Center on Contaminat- cy regularly funds such research projects ed Sites (RICCS). The Center is run by the five within the field of soil contamination. A The Danish Environmental Portal is an online Danish regional authorities and it collects, condition for this funding is often that the database, created by a partnership consist- analyses and disseminates knowledge on results of the projects are made available to ing of the Danish municipalities, the five soil and groundwater contamination. the public. regional authorities and the Ministry of the Environment. It aims to aid the authorities in The Center is a platform on which regional The projects provide valuable new informa- performing their regulatory functions. authorities develop and exchange knowl- tion that supplements the knowledge and edge on best administrative practices and research conducted by Danish knowledge The service for private citizens is just one new technology. institutions. Regional development benefits visible example of how the data gathered on as well. soil contamination is benefitting continued The Center also conducts a number of devel- efforts for cleaner soil. opment projects and the results are made Universities are crucial public as reports or tools for soil contamina- Soil contamination, investigations and reme- The data in the database has been collected tion professionals. diation measures often demand technology over decades and it is a powerful tool for pub- that has not yet been developed. Therefore, lic authorities and soil professionals alike. The Center also has an educational respon- Danish knowledge institutions play a key role sibility in that it holds specialized courses for in developing and testing new technology. 12: regional soil professionals. It also monitors the number of new research all sources of literature on soil contamina- Integrating the Danish universities and papers on soil and groundwa- tion in Danish, and these are added to a knowledge institutions into the soil contam- ter contamination published database (called LIX). ination value chain ensures the highest level by the Danish Environmental of professional expertise. Finally the Center issues a magazine four Protection Agency in 2014. times a year, solely dedicated to new know- ledge on soil contamination. DKJORD – the database on Denmark’s soil No commercial interests The regional authorities collect huge help knowledge sharing amounts of data. Data from the ongoing Because the regional and national authori- mapping of contaminated and potentially ties have no commercial interest in the contaminated sites in Denmark as well as knowledge obtained from the large number the many site investigations, test and pilot of projects they are responsible for, they projects, and actual remediation projects. function as a knowledge provider for private companies. This data is uploaded and stored in a central, database called ‘DKJord’ (‘DK Soil’). In addi-
8 REGULATION THE RIGHT FRAMEWORK FOR TACKLING SOIL CONTAMINATION The Danish Act on Contaminated Soil The process is as follows: from 2000 is one of the most compre- • Mapping: based on data on historical Cleaning up gasoline retail sites hensive pieces of legislation on soil use of the site (stage-one knowledge One such voluntary and very success- remediation in the world. It is the result level). ful arrangement was agreed with the of years of development for the right • Preliminary investigation Danish oil industry in 1992. legal framework on soil contamination. (stage-two knowledge level): investi- gation to identify underground storage Nine oil companies operating Before 1974, and the entry into force of tanks etc. from historical archives. Soil petrol stations in Denmark jointly the Danish Environmental Protection Act, it and groundwater samples are taken to estab-lished a fund by charging DKK was not unusual for companies to dispose decide whether or not the site is polluted. 0.01 for each litre of petrol sold to of waste chemicals by dumping barrels • Further investigations to find the consumers. into landfills. Little was known about the extent of the pollution and perform a risk associated long-term health and environ- assessment. This fund was subsequently used mental risks, but the Act on Chemical Waste • Suggestions for possible remediation to finance remediation of about Deposits in 1984 changed that. The Act also measures if the pollution poses a risk. 9,800 sites previously used for petrol heralded a massive three-decade effort to • Remediation. stations. remediate soil contaminations. • Operation and control (if it is a longterm remediation scheme). The massive task was completed in The Act on Chemical Waste Deposits was 2011, when the last contaminated the first legislative Bill to be passed which The polluter pays principle soil excavation was completed. solely addressed soil contamination. The Act For many of the contaminated sites, the charged the regional authorities in collab- question of liability has proved more than The arrangement was approved in oration with the municipalities to mapping difficult. Contamination often occurred 1994 by the Danish competition the existing chemical waste deposits and years or even decades ago, meaning the authorities as well as the EU. landfills, and the results showed a total of perpetrating companies could be bankrupt 500 contaminated sites. or closed. Even if the companies are still op- erating, it is often difficult to establish clear On the other hand, the health risks asso- It was estimated that remediation efforts liability for the contamination. ciated with this kind of contamination are would take 10 years, with a price tag of EUR negligible compared to other risk factors. 50 million. Therefore, it has been paramount to es- However, until 2007 this soil technically had tablish a clear “polluter pays principle”. The to undergo the same scrutiny as the more Introducing the five-step Danish Act on Contaminated Soil from 2000 classically contaminated sites. principle for remediation did just that. By 1993, the national mapping effort of To better focus soil remediation efforts on contaminated sites showed that the total The Act is the most comprehensive piece of the truly pressing sites, in 2007 the Danish number of contaminated sites might actually legislation on soil contamination to date and authorities introduced an amendment to be as high as 10,000, and the estimated it sets out clear criteria for who has to pay the Act on Contaminated Soil, exempting costs of remediating the contaminations had for remediation efforts. lightly contaminated soil from diffuse sky-rocketed to EUR 3 billion. sources within city limits from the mapping For soil contamination committed in the requirement. At the entry into force of the One very pressing issue was to develop tools past, the public authorities step in when legislation, it was estimated that at least to process these sites in a uniform manner remediation is not covered by insurance or it 90,000 sites could be exempted from the so that efforts could be focussed where they has been impossible to reach a settlement mapping requirement. The Danish author- were most needed. Therefore, in 1998 the on voluntary remediation. ities followed this move with an extensive Danish Environmental Protection Agency information effort aimed at citizens and mu- published a guidance document on how to For any new soil contamination, the polluter nicipalities. The aim was to provide advice on remediate contaminated sites. The guidance pays for investigation and remediation. how to minimize risks from lightly polluted document introduced the five-step approach sites – e.g. washing hands, using clean soil to tackling soil contamination. Soil classification for cultivation and cleaning vegetables. In urban areas, the soil will often contain traces of diffuse contamination from indus- trial emissions or traffic. For example lead, cadmium or PAHs.
REGULATION 9 Monitoring the movement of contaminated soil Though the mapping requirements have been relaxed for certain types of soil, it is still vital to have up-to-date data on the whereabouts of contaminated soil. Therefore, the legislation on soil move- ment introduced an obligation to notify the municipal authorities when soil from urban areas (area classification sites) is moved – for example by contractors. This obligation to report movement of soil already applies to mapped sites and soil from road areas, as this soil has often turned out to be contam- inated. Screening for threats to recipients While soil remediation initially focused on protecting human health and groundwater, in recent years Denmark has also made moves to strengthen the protection of water bodies (coasts, streams, rivers, fjords and lakes). 90,000: The number of sites in urban areas exempt from the mapping requirement. Currently, the regional authorities are working to screen contaminated sites that may pose a risk to nearby water bodies. This means investigating whether contamination from, for example, metalproducts facto- ries, dry cleaners or old landfills can pollute streams, rivers, lakes or fjords. The authorities first establish the concen- tration level of the contamination in ques- tion. Afterwards, the distance to nearby bodies of water is established. Thirdly, the screening calculates the dilution of the con- tamination once it enters the body of water. Lastly, the screening calculates the overall risk of the particular contamination for the body of water. The screening is expected to be completed by 2019. Soil sampling. Photo by NIRAS A/S
10 TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPING THE TOOLS FOR THE JOB New problems call for new solutions. The benefits of the “Triple Helix” Examples of current development Denmark has developed a frame- Crucial in the development of new technol- projects include: work in which public demand for soil ogies has been the interplay between public • Jet injection into glacial clay till deposits remediation technologies drives authorities, the private sector and knowl- • Isotope fractionation innovation. The resulting technologies edge institutions (Triple Helix). • Phytoremediation of heavy metals using have been made publicly available to tropical ferns further stimulate innovation and to When public authorities are charged with • Electrokinetic remediation of heavy-met- keep costs low. remediation of a contaminated site, the als-contaminated soils contractor is often required to develop or • Horizontal directional drilling How do you remove chlorinated solvents use high-tech insitu solutions. Furthermore, • New methods for indoor climate reme- from contaminated clayey soil? This prob- private remediation companies are encour- diation lem has caused headaches for soil remedi- aged to form partnerships with research ation experts as remediation technologies institutions. In 2012, the regional authorities invested that can remove solvents in sand and gravel a total of EUR 2.2 million on development often fail at sites with clayey soil types. National testing sites projects, and a total of sixty development for technologies projects had been set up , many of which However, the company NIRAS A/S, in To create optimal conditions for innovation were being run through public-private collaboration with the specialist American of solutions, the regional authorities have partnerships. company Geosyntec Consultants and the jointly decided to form a common national Capital Region of Denmark, have developed network of test sites. The Danish Environmental Protection Agen- a solution: removing chlorinated solvents cy also administers a pool for development by electrokinesis. The Danish regions obviously have a natural of technology within the field of soil and interest in developing new and cost-effec- groundwater contamination. The pool has The award-winning technology is a good tive methods to tackle the future remedia- been established to fund projects for EUR example of the Danish approach to devel- tion processes. Moreover, they are obligated 0.8 million in 2015. oping soil remediation technologies. to support business development in their 60: catchment area. Innovation with public backing the number of development Authorities in Denmark realised early on The network consists of a number of projects running in 2012 as that the private sector needed a public different test sites in terms of geology, a result of the regional driver to stimulate innovation of soil reme- groundwater, and contamination. The sites authorities’ commitment diation technologies. are open to small-scale as well as large-scale to developing new soil testing of a wide variety of different types of remediation technology. Therefore, the government set up a public remediation processes and technologies. programme in 1996 to develop clean-up and remediation technologies relating to Millions of EUR to develop soil contamination. new technologies At the same time, the regional authorities Since the programme started, about 292 are co-funding a wide range of test and projects have been initiated, of which 120 demonstration activities which involve have related to testing various remediation stakeholders from the knowledge sector as technologies. well as private companies and international stakeholders from all parts of the world. The remaining 172 projects deal with developing innovative investigation and re- mediation methods and enhancing general knowledge about soil contamination. In 2002 the technologies developed under the programme were evaluated and the re- sults showed that the programme is making a considerable contribution to the develop- ment of technology in the area.
TECHNOLOGY 11 Soil sampling. Photo by NIRAS A/S
12 CASES CHLORINATED SOLVENTS: THE SKULDELEV SITE A major contamination with chlorinat- More than 1,000 litres of undiluted con- Results: restoring the city pond ed solvents located beneath a city pond tamination with chlorinated solvents was The last part of the remediation effort forced the regional authorities to get pumped away from beneath the pond. consisted of sealing leaks in the sewer to creative. minimize the risk of evaporation from the Subsequently the soil was cleaned using contaminated soil. For ten years between 1958 and 1968 a heat treatment, removing half a tonne of metal manufacturer in the city of Skulde- chlorinated solvents. After the remediation, the pond will be lev used chlorinated solvents to degrease restored but the effort will continue in other metal. The wastewater was legally directed Here too the company Niras tested a new affected parts of Skuldelev. into the sewer. remediation technology using electrokinesis to clean the soil. This technology has since Forty years later, authorities began inves- gone on to win awards. tigating the site and uncovered a major contamination with chlorinated solvents Furthermore, the regional authorities used beneath the city pond. a technology where unique iron compounds were added to the contaminated soil to The main risk was from evaporation from the break down the contaminant compounds. contaminated site, which posed a health risk The method involves adding a special kind of to nearby residences. Furthermore, the au- clay (bentonite) and iron particles. thorities wanted to stop the contamination from polluting the groundwater resource. Finally, the regional authorities took meas- 1,000 litres ures to secure several of the adjoining hous- The amount of undiluted Solution: electrokinesis and iron es from vapours from the contamination. contamination pumped The remediation effort began in 2008, and The solution consists of constructing new from beneath the pond in the regional authorities have employed a flooring that allows for ventilation beneath Skuldelev number of measures. the houses. Soil remediation at the Skuldelev site. Photo by NIRAS A/S
CASES 13 GASWORKS: THE ØSTRE GASVÆRK SITE Previously a major gasworks in Den- Therefore, the authorities established a mark’s capital, Copenhagen. Now the biological water treatment plant on the previously heavily contaminated site gasworks site in 2002. is hosting a cultural center and recrea- tional area for Copenhageners. The facility uses new method to purify contaminated groundwater by adding pure For nearly a century the gasworks, Øs- oxygen before leading the water through a tre Gasværk (Eastern Gasworks) was in sand filter. operation in Copenhagen. Built in 1878, the gasworks was expanded several times with Results: Restorating the city pond new gas containers until it was decommis- And the methods has proved very efficient in sioned in 1969. removing tar compounds, like BTEX, naptha- lenes, PHAs, phenols. The purification pro- By the end of the 1980s the authorities cess gets rid of between 95 and 99 percent decided that the site needed remediation, of these compounds at an estimated price of but investigations revealed such heavy con- EUR 1-2.5 per cubic meter of contaminated tamination, that it was decided to seal the water. site and capture evaporating gasses. The technology is less efficient in removing Solution: ammonium compounds and cyanide from 95-99 percent Biological water treatment plant the contaminated water. The plant has man- The amount of tar compounds Previously purification of contaminated aged to remove between 30 and 65 percent that the biological water treat- groundwater from gasworks has proved of the cyanide from the groundwater. ment plant at Østre Gasværk more than difficult. The water typically con- manages to remove from tains a complex mixture of organic and inor- contaminated groundwater. ganic compounds that are hard to extract. Soil sampling at contaminated site. Photo by Grontmij A/S
14 CHALLENGES PREPARING FOR EXTREME WEATHER Sites that were previously consid- There is currently a big push from both New substances demand attention ered not to be of any significant risk national and regional authorities to fill this Apart from the challenge of climate change, to the environment may pose a risk knowledge gap with new research. How- the Danish authorities are currently in the future due to climate change. ever, in the meantime the authorities are investigating a number of substances that The Danish authorities are working to forced to navigate on the basis of incom- were previously deemed of little concern in tackle soil contamination in a future plete knowledge. relation to soil contamination. with increased precipitation. Moreover, other challenges need to be addressed Near-coastal sites at risk For instance, hazardous perfluorooctanoic as well. Current projections suggest that rising sea acids like PFOA and PFOS have been found levels will result in increased flooding. This to accumulate in the soil in areas used for Increased rain in the winter and less rain in could result in more leaching from contami- fire drills because the substances are used in the summer. It may seem like a negligible nated sites near the coast but the evidence fire-fighting foam. change, but changes in the weather have is unclear as to whether this means an the potential to alter the risk posed by con- increased risk to human health or the envi- Arsenic also poses challenges. The chemical taminated sites. ronment. has been used in production of sulphuric acid and is sometimes also naturally present For instance, recent research suggests that Rising groundwater levels may also pose a in the soil, and can be released to the more precipitation in the future will result risk. groundwater resource and, by extension, to in rising groundwater levels and increase the drinking water. Arsenic is hazardous to leaching from closed landfills. A 2013 study of contaminated sites in the humans and is difficult to remove from the city of Horsens (a gasworks site and wood groundwater. This does not necessarily result in an in- treatment plant) calculated that rising creased risk to the environment, but further groundwater levels could result in 10 to 20 10 to 20% : investigation is needed to evaluate this. percent more leaching of contamination into the calculated increase in the nearby fjord. leaching from a contaminated Planning under conditions site due to climate change of uncertainty For this reason, regional authorities are cur- One very real challenge when addressing rently being urged to include climate change the impact of climate change on contaminat- in their risk assessments of contaminated ed sites is the huge uncertainty in projec- sites. tions. What will the temperature increase be? How much more rain will fall? And when and how? What seems to be certain is an increased level of precipitation, which means that the current amounts of evaporation, run-off to streams and lakes as well seepage to the groundwater will change.
CHALLENGES 15 Oblique gravel sedimentation. Photo by The Information Centre on Contaminated Sites
16 FORORD DANISH EPA FOR A DETAILED MAPPING OF THE DANISH SOIL AND GROUNDWATER REMEDIATION SECTOR AND SPECIFIC CASE EXAMPLES DOWNLOAD THE WHITE PAPER “A COMMON GROUND FOR CLEAN SOIL” HERE Draft publication on soil STATEOFGREEN.COM/FILES/DOWNLOAD/6002 remediation in Denmark YOU CAN FIND MORE CASES AND CONNECT WITH DANISH EXPERTISE AT STATEOFGREEN.COM ABOUT STATE OF GREEN ABOUT THE ENVIRONMENTAL State of Green is a public-private partnership founded by the PROTECTION AGENCY Danish Government, the Confederation of Danish Industry, the Dan- The Environmental Protection Agency is part of the Ministry of the ish Energy Association, the Danish Agriculture & Food Council and Environment. The Environmental Protection Agency is responsible the Danish Wind Industry Association. for legislation and is the authority in charge of major national tasks as well as particularly complex tasks. H.R.H. Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark is patron of State of Green. The Environmental Protection Agency prepares legislation and CMYK guidelines and grants authorisations in several areas. Further du- Logo / State of Green As the official green brand for Denmark, State of Green gathers all ties include the monitoring of chemicals and offshore platforms. Green leading players in the fields of energy, climate, water and environ- C 10 - M 0 - Y 7 - K 0 ment and fosters relations with international stakeholders inter- Dark Connect through: C0-M0-Y0-K0 ested in learning from the Danish experience. Connect through:
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