Page created by Frank Wong


   (As introduced in the National Assembly (proposed section 75); explanatory summary of
              Bill published in Government Gazette No. 36665 of 12 July 2013)
                        (The English text is the offıcial text of the Bill)

                                                               (MINISTER OF COMMUNICATIONS)

[B 24—2013]                                                                                   ISBN 978-1-77597-027-9

No. of copies printed .................................... 1 800

[                 ]    Words in bold type in square brackets indicate omissions from
                       existing enactments.
                       Words underlined with a solid line indicate insertions in
                       existing enactments.

To amend the South African Post Office SOC Ltd Act, 2011; so as to update and
transfer pension-related provisions of the South African Post Office from the Post
and Telecommunication-related Matters Act, 1958, to the South African Post Office
SOC Ltd Act, 2011; to provide for the payment of pension benefits to a former
spouse of a member on divorce or the dissolution of a customary marriage; to
improve governance provisions between the Boards of the South African Post
Office SOC Ltd and the South African Postbank Limited; to amend the Post and
Telecommunication-related Matters Act, 1958; and to provide for matters
connected therewith.

    E IT ENACTED by the Parliament of the Republic of South Africa, as
B     follows:—

Amendment of section 1 of Act 22 of 2011

  1. Section 1 of the South African Post Office SOC Ltd Act, 2011 (Act No. 22 of 2011)
(hereinafter referred to as the principal Act), is hereby amended—                        5
     (a) by the insertion of the following definition after the definition of ‘‘Board’’:
                ‘‘ ‘child’ has the meaning assigned to it in section 1 of the Children’s
                Act, 2005 (Act No. 38 of 2005);’’;
     (b) by the substitution for the definition of ‘‘Post Office Act’’ of the following
          definition:                                                                    10
                ‘‘ ‘Post and Telecommunication-related Matters Act’ means Post and
                Telecommunication-related Matters Act, 1958 (Act No. 44 of 1958);’’;
     (c) by the insertion of the following definition after the definition of ‘‘Post
                ‘‘ ‘Post Office Retirement Fund’ means the postal pension fund 15
                established in terms of section 9 of the Post and Telecommunication-
                related Matters Act, 1958 (Act No. 44 of 1958);’’; and
     (d) by the insertion of the following definition after the definition of ‘‘Public
          Finance Management Act’’:
                ‘‘ ‘rules’ means the statutes or rules of the postal pension fund made 20
                under section 10 of the Post and Telecommunication-related Matters Act,
                1958 (Act No. 44 of 1958);’’.

Amendment of section 3 of Act 22 of 2011

   2. Section 3 of the principal Act is hereby amended by the substitution for subsection
(1) of the following subsection:
         ‘‘(1) The South African Post Office SOC Ltd, the postal company contemplated
      in section 3 of the [Post Office Act] Post and Telecommunication-related Matters       5
      Act, continues to exist as a public company, notwithstanding the repeal by this Act
      of provisions in the [Post Office Act] Post and Telecommunication-related Matters
      Act relating to the postal company.’’.

Amendment of section 8 of Act 22 of 2011

  3. Section 8 of the principal Act is hereby amended—                                      10
     (a) by the substitution in subsection (2) for paragraph (a) of the following
               ‘‘(a) not more than [11] 10 non-executive members appointed in terms of
                     section 11[, one of whom must be the managing director of the
                     Postbank by virtue of his or her office];’’;                           15
     (b) by the substitution for subsection (5) of the following subsection:
                  ‘‘(5) The Board must upon invitation by the Minister nominate
               [non-executive members of the Board] persons for appointment to the
               Board of the Postbank, as contemplated in section 14(1)(b) of the
               Postbank Act.’’; and                                                         20
     (c) by the substitution for subsection (6) of the following subsection:
                  ‘‘(6) [The] If any non-executive members of the Board are appointed
               to the Board of the Postbank [are] ,such members are accountable to the
               Board of the [Post Office] Postbank in respect of their functions
               performed as Board members of the Postbank.’’.                               25

Amendment of section 11 of Act 22 of 2011

   4. Section 11 of the principal Act is hereby amended by the substitution in subsection
(4) for paragraph (c) of the following paragraph:
      ‘‘(c) the requirement that [some] members of the Board must be fit and proper
            persons [to hold the office of a member of the Board of a banking 30
            institution,] as contemplated in section 44(2)(d) of the Banks Act, 1990 (Act
            No. 94 of 1990)[, for purposes of section 8(5)]; and’’.

Insertion of sections 21A to 21I in Act 22 of 2011

  5. The following sections are hereby inserted after section 21 of the principal Act:

            ‘‘Continued existence of Post Office Retirement Fund                            35

               21A. The Post Office Retirement Fund continues to exist, despite the
            repeal of the provisions relating to such fund in the Post and Telecommu-
            nication-related Matters Act.

            Rules of Post Office Retirement Fund

              21B. (1) The control and management of the Post Office Retirement 40
            Fund, the conditions for admission to and termination of membership, the
            amount and nature of contributions by members and contributions and
            other payments by the Post Office, the benefits due to members and other
            beneficiaries, and the manner in which the rules may be amended, must be
            governed by the rules, subject to subsection (2).                           45
              (2) The rules of the Post Office Retirement Fund including any
            amendment, substitution or repeal thereof must be made by the Post Office
            Retirement Fund subject to the approval of the Minister granted with the
            concurrence of the Minister of Finance.
              (3) Any amendment, substitution or repeal of the rules of the Post Office 50
            Retirement Fund must be published by the Minister in the Gazette within 30
            days of approval as contemplated in subsection (2).
              (4) The rules bind the Post Office Retirement Fund, its members and
            beneficiaries as well as the Post Office.

Actuarial valuation of Post Office Retirement Fund

   21C. (1) The Post Office Retirement Fund appoints an actuary in terms of
the rules.
   (2) The Post Office Retirement Fund must be valued by an actuary at
intervals not exceeding three years.                                            5
   (3) The actuary referred to in subsection (1) must submit a report that
complies with the requirements set out in section 16(7) of the Pension Fund
Act,1956 (Act No. 24 of 1956), to the Minister and Minister of Finance.
   (4) A copy of the report referred to in subsection (3) must be submitted by
the actuary to the Post Office.                                                10
   (5) In compliance with the requirements of section 16(7) of the Pension
Funds Act, 1956, the actuary shall calculate, and mention in his or her
report, what amounts are necessary to maintain the Post Office Retirement
Fund in a sound financial position.
   (6) The Post Office guarantees the financial obligations of the Post Office 15
Retirement Fund.

Prohibition against cession, encumbrance or attachment of pension

   21D. (1) No pension or lump sum from the Post Office Retirement Fund,
or right to such a benefit, or right in respect of contributions made by, or on   20
behalf of a member, may be ceded, pledged or hypothecated, or be attached
or subjected to any form of execution under a judgment or order of a court
of law, except in terms of a court order made in accordance with the
provisions of section 7(8)(a) of the Divorce Act, 1979 (Act No. 70 of 1979),
or a decree for the dissolution of a customary marriage.                          25
   (2) In the event of a member or other beneficiary attempting to cede,
pledge or hypothecate a benefit or right thereto, payment of the benefit may
be withheld, suspended or entirely discontinued by the Post Office
Retirement Fund in its discretion: Provided that the fund may, during such
period as it may determine, make payment of such benefit or of any benefit        30
in pursuance of such contributions or part thereof to one or more of the
dependants of a member or other beneficiary or to a curator for such
dependant or dependants.
   (3) Notwithstanding subsections (1) and (2), the Post Office Retirement
Fund may on the date of a member’s retirement or the date on which he or          35
she ceases to be a member of the fund, deduct—
(a) any amount due to the Post Office Retirement Fund in respect of a loan
      granted by the fund in terms of its rules to a member or beneficiary,
      from any benefit to which the member or beneficiary is entitled in
      terms of such rules;                                                        40
(b) any amount due by a member to the Post Office or a subsidiary of the
      Post Office in respect of—
          (i) any loan granted by the Post Office or a subsidiary of the Post
              Office to such member at his or her request;
         (ii) any amount for which the Post Office is liable in terms of a        45
              guarantee furnished in respect of a loan granted by some other
              person to the member for the purchase of land or a dwelling or
              the erection, alteration, improvement, maintenance or repair of
              a dwelling for occupation by the member or a dependant of the
              member;                                                             50
        (iii) compensation (including the legal costs recoverable from the
              member in a matter contemplated in subparagraph (ii)) in
              respect of any damage caused to the Post Office or a subsidiary
              of the Post Office, by reason of any theft, dishonesty, fraud,
              misconduct or negligence by the member;                             55
        (iv) any other written agreement between the member and the Post
              Office or a subsidiary of the Post Office in respect of a study
              bursary or training of the member; or

      (v) any other amounts due by a member to the Post Office or a
            subsidiary of the Post Office, from any benefit payable to the
            member or a beneficiary in terms of the rules of the Post Office
            Retirement Fund, and pay such amount to the Post Office or a
            subsidiary of the Post Office;                                     5
(c) any amount which the Post Office Retirement Fund, the Post Office or
    a subsidiary of the Post Office has paid or will pay by an arrangement
    with, or on behalf of, a member or beneficiary in respect of—
       (i) such member’s or beneficiary’s subscription to a medical
            scheme registered otherwise than provisionally in terms of the 10
            Medical Schemes Act, 1998 (Act No. 131 of 1998); or
      (ii) any insurance premium payable by such member or benefi-
            ciary to an insurer registered in terms of the Long-term
            Insurance Act, 1998 (Act No. 52 of 1998), or the Short-term
            Insurance Act, 1998 (Act No. 53 of 1998), from any benefit to 15
            which the member or beneficiary is entitled in terms of the
            rules of the Post Office Retirement Fund and pay such amount,
            if due, to the Post Office, medical scheme or insurer, as the case
            may be.

Insolvency of beneficiary                                                        20

   21E. (1) If the estate of any person (hereafter referred to as the
beneficiary) in receipt of a benefit from the Post Office Retirement Fund is
sequestrated or surrendered or assigned for the benefit of his or her
creditors, payment of such benefit may forthwith be discontinued, and may
thereafter in the discretion of the Post Office Retirement Fund in whole or      25
in part be paid to or for the benefit of all or any of the following persons,
(a) the beneficiary, his spouse (whether by statutory, customary or
      religious law), and including a life partner who is a person living with
      that person as if they were married to each other; or                      30
(b) child, including an adopted child or a step-child or, failing a spouse or
      child, to any other family member dependent upon the beneficiary:
Provided that if the payment is made to the beneficiary, it must be for his or
her own personal use and, notwithstanding anything to the contrary
contained in any law relating to insolvency, such payment must not in any        35
way be attached or appropriated by the trustee of his or her insolvent estate
or by his or her creditors.
   (2) If payment of a benefit has been discontinued under this section, such
pension must revive on the rehabilitation of the beneficiary or on the
sequestration of his or her estate being set aside or the claims of his or her   40
creditors being satisfied, and he or she must receive such benefit at the same
rate and subject to the same conditions as before the sequestration,
surrender or assignment, together with any arrears that may be due.

Registration of Post Office Retirement Fund under Pension Funds Act

   21F. (1) The Registrar of Pension Funds may at the request of the Post 45
Office Retirement Fund, subject to the approval of the Minister, after
consultation with the Minister of Finance, register the Post Office
Retirement Fund in terms of section 4 of the Pension Funds Act, 1956 (Act
No. 24 of 1956), and may, for the purposes of such request, regard the Post
Office Retirement Fund as a ‘‘pension fund organisation’’ as defined in 50
section 1 of the Pension Funds Act,1956.
   (2) From the date of such registration—
(a) the whole of the Pension Funds Act, 1956, applies to the Fund;
(b) sections 21C(1), (2), (3), (4) and (5), 21D and 21E cease to apply to the
      Post Office Retirement Fund; and                                        55
(c) the Post Office Retirement Fund, for the purposes of the Income Tax
      Act, 1962 (Act No. 58 of 1962), may not be regarded as a pension fund
      as defined in paragraph (a) of the definition of ‘‘pension fund’’ in
      section 1 of the Income Tax Act, 1962.

Membership of employees of subsidiary companies

   21G. (1) If the Post Office establishes a subsidiary, an employee of the
Post Office who is transferred or seconded to such subsidiary company
continues to enjoy membership of the Post Office Retirement Fund.
   (2) Any employee employed by a subsidiary after the date of its                5
establishment, becomes a member of the Post Office Retirement Fund or, if
the subsidiary company makes use of another pension fund, the other fund.


   21H. (1) Notwithstanding the repeal of section 8 of the Post and
Telecommunication-related Matters Act by section 5 of the South African 10
Post Office SOC Ltd Amendment Act, 2013, the following rights and
benefits contemplated in subsection 8(4) of the Post and Telecommunica-
tion-related Matters Act continue to exist as if those sections have not been
   (2) For the purposes of the provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1962 (Act 15
No. 58 of 1962) (as amended from time to time), is deemed that no change
of employer took place when employment was taken up at the Post Office
or subsidiary of the Post Office by officers and employees of the then
Department of Posts and Telecommunications and that the position of the
officers and employees in respect of the phasing in of any tax levied on 20
benefits or advantages derived by reason of employment or the holding of
office as contemplated in Schedule 7 to the Income Tax Act, 1962, remains

Payment of pension interest upon divorce or dissolution of customary
marriage                                                             25

   21I. (1) The Post Office Retirement Fund must reduce a member’s
pension interest by any amount assigned from the member’s pension
interest to the member’s former spouse in terms of a decree of divorce
granted under section 7(8)(a) of the Divorce Act, 1979 (Act No. 70 of
1979), or a decree for the dissolution of a customary marriage.                  30
   (2) (a) Subject to paragraph (j), for purposes of section 7(8)(a) of the
Divorce Act, 1979 (Act No. 70 of 1979), the portion of a member’s pension
interest assigned to the member’s former spouse in terms of a decree of
divorce or a decree for the dissolution of a customary marriage is deemed
to accrue to the member on the date on which the decree of divorce or the        35
decree for the dissolution of a customary marriage is granted.
   (b) The amount of the member’s pension interest in the Post Office
Retirement Fund must be determined and the amount of the member’s
pension interest that is assigned to the former spouse must be calculated by
the Post Office Retirement Fund in accordance with the rules as at the date      40
of the decree of divorce or the decree for the dissolution of a customary
   (c) Prior to determining the amount of the member’s pension interest that
is assigned to the former spouse, the amount of the member’s pension
interest referred to in paragraph (b) must first be reduced in accordance with   45
the rules by any amount of the member’s pension interest which, in a
previous divorce or a previous dissolution of a customary marriage, was
paid over or awarded to another party.
   (d) The amount of any pension benefit that is subsequently payable to the
member in terms of the rules must be reduced by the equivalent of the            50
amount of the share of the pension interest of the member which—
 (i) was deemed to accrue to the member as a benefit in advance of the
      benefit ordinarily payable in terms of the rules; and
(ii) was assigned to the member’s former spouse,
less the amount of any additional voluntary contributions, if any, paid by       55
the member to the Post Office Retirement Fund from time to time, and
accumulated over the period from the date on which payment to the former
spouse or transfer to the approved Post Office Retirement Fund as referred

               to in paragraph (e) took place to the date on which the member first became
               entitled to a part or the whole of the balance of the benefit, with interest as
               the Board from time to time deems appropriate.
                  (e) The Post Office Retirement Fund must, within 45 days of the
               submission of the court order by the former spouse of a member, request the        5
               former spouse to elect whether the amount to be deducted must be—
                (i) paid directly to the former spouse; or
               (ii) transferred to an approved retirement fund on behalf of the former
                  (f) The former spouse must, within 120 days of being requested to make         10
               a choice—
                (i) inform the Post Office Retirement Fund of the manner in which the
                     amount referred to in paragraph (e) must be dealt with; and
               (ii) if the former spouse chooses that the amount must be paid to the
                     former spouse directly, provide the Post Office Retirement Fund with        15
                     the details that are necessary to effect the payment; or
              (iii) if the former spouse chooses that the amount must be transferred to an
                     approved pension fund on his or her behalf, provide the Post Office
                     Retirement Fund with the details of that approved retirement fund.
                  (g) The Post Office Retirement Fund must pay or transfer the amount            20
               within 60 days of being informed of the manner in which the amount must
               be dealt with in accordance with the former spouse’s choice.
                  (h) In the event that the former spouse fails to make a choice or identify
               the approved retirement fund to which the amount must be transferred
               within the period referred to in paragraph (f), the Post Office Retirement        25
               Fund must pay the amount directly to the former spouse within 30 days of
               the expiry of that period.
                  (i) Despite paragraph (h), in the event that the Post Office Retirement
               Fund cannot reasonably ascertain the manner in which the payment to the
               former spouse must be effected, the Post Office Retirement Fund must              30
               retain the amount plus interest in the Post Office Retirement Fund, until
               such time as details of the manner in which that payment must be effected
               is made available to the Post Office Retirement Fund by the member, the
               former spouse or any other person whom the Post Office Retirement Fund
               is satisfied has the necessary authority and capacity to instruct the Post        35
               Office Retirement Fund in that respect.
                  (j) Any portion of a member’s pension interest assigned to a former
               spouse in terms of a decree of divorce or a decree for the dissolution of a
               customary marriage granted prior to the enactment of this subsection must,
               for purposes of any law other than the Income Tax Act, 1962 (Act No. 58 of        40
               1962), including, but not limited to, section 7(8)(a) of the Divorce Act,
               1979 (Act No. 70 of 1979), be deemed to have accrued to the member on
               the date of enactment of this subsection, and must be paid or transferred in
               accordance with paragraphs (a) to (i).’’.

Amendment of laws                                                                                45

   6. The law mentioned in Schedule 1 is hereby amended to the extent set out in the
third column of that Schedule.

Short Title

  7. This Act is called the South African Post Office SOC Ltd Amendment Act, 2013.


                               LAWS AMENDED

Act No. and Year Short Title       Extent of amendment or Repeal

Act No. 44 of    Post and Tele-       1. Amendment of section 1—
1958             communication-    (a) by the substitution for the definition of
                 Related Matters        ‘‘Companies Act’’ of the following defi-
                 Act, 1958              nition:
                                           ‘‘ ‘Companies Act’ means the Com-
                                           panies Act, [1973 (Act No. 61 of
                                           1973)] 2008 (Act No. 71 of 2008);’’;
                                   (b) by the deletion of the definitions of
                                        ‘‘postal company’’; ‘‘postal employer’’;
                                        ‘‘postal pension fund’’; ‘‘postal service’’;
                                        and ‘‘postal transfer date’’;
                                   (c) by the substitution for the definition of
                                       ‘‘successor company’’ of the following
                                           ‘‘ ‘successor company’ means the
                                           telecommunications company incorpo-
                                           rated as contemplated in section 3(1)[,
                                           and for the purpose of the definition
                                           of ‘‘officer’’, and section 5, Chapter
                                           1B and sections 12U and 12W in-
                                           cludes the postal company].’’.

                                      2. Amendment of section 5—
                                   (a) by the substitution for the heading of the
                                        following heading:
                                           ‘‘Shareholding in successor [compa-
                                           nies] company’’
                                   (b) by the substitution for subsection (1) of
                                        the following subsection:
                                              ‘‘(1) As a consideration for the
                                           transfer contemplated in section 4(1)
                                           [each] the successor company shall, in
                                           addition to the share referred to in sec-
                                           tion 3(4)(a), issue such shares in
                                           [those companies] the company to the
                                           State as the Minister with the concur-
                                           rence of the Minister of Finance may
                                           determine: Provided that the nominal
                                           value plus any premium payable in
                                           respect of all the shares so issued by
                                           [each] the company, shall be equal to
                                           the net asset value of the enterprise
                                   (c) by the substitution for subsection (3) of
                                       the following subsection:
                                              ‘‘(3) Shares issued in terms of this
                                          section shall have such nominal value
                                          and shall be issued at such premium, if
                                          any, as the Minister with the concur-
                                          rence of the Minister of Finance may
                                          determine and shall be issued as fully
                                          paid by the transfer to the successor
                                          company [concerned] of assets and
                                          liabilities with a net asset value equal
                                          to the nominal value of the shares plus
                                          any such premium.’’;

Act No. and Year Short Title   Extent of amendment or Repeal

                               (d) by the substitution for subsection (4) of
                                    the following subsection:
                                          ‘‘(4) Any dividends received by the
                                       State in respect of shares in [a] the
                                       successor company shall be paid into
                                       the State Revenue Fund.’’;
                               (e) by the substitution for subsection (5) of
                                    the following subsection:
                                          ‘‘(5) No stamp duty shall be paid by
                                       [a] the successor company in respect
                                       of the issue of shares to the State in
                                       terms of this Act.’’; and
                               (f) by the substitution for subsection (6) of
                                   the following subsection:
                                         ‘‘(6) No money shall be paid by [a]
                                      the successor company in terms of sec-
                                      tion [63 or 75] 13 or 16 of the Compa-
                                      nies Act in respect of the creation of,
                                      or any increase in, the capital of such a

                                 3. The repeal of sections 8 and 8A.

                                 4. The substitution for section 9 of the fol-
                               lowing section:

                                 ‘‘Establishment of pension [funds] fund

                                    9. (1) From the date of commencement
                                 of the Post Office Amendment Act, 1991,
                                 there [are] is hereby established [a postal
                                 pension fund and] a telecommunications
                                 pension fund.
                                    (2) [Both the]The [funds] fund referred
                                 to in subsection (1) shall be a juristic per-

                                  5. The substitution for section 10 of the
                               following section:

                                 ‘‘Pension statutes

                                    10. (1) The control and management of
                                 the [postal pension fund and the] tele-
                                 communications pension fund, the condi-
                                 tions for admission to and termination of
                                 membership of [each] the fund, the
                                 amount and nature of contributions by
                                 members and contributions and other pay-
                                 ments by the [postal employer or the]
                                 telecommunications employer, the benefits
                                 due to members and other beneficiaries,
                                 and the manner in which the statutes may
                                 be amended, shall be governed by the stat-
                                 utes of [each] the fund[, as the case may
                                    (2) The statutes of [each] the fund shall
                                 be published by the Minister in the Gazette
                                 and shall come into operation on the
                                 [postal transfer date in the case of the
                                 postal pension fund and on the] telecom-
                                 munications transfer date [in the case of
                                 the telecommunications pension fund].

Act No. and Year Short Title   Extent of amendment or Repeal

                                    (3) Until the date of registration of the
                                 [postal pension fund and the] telecom-
                                 munications pension fund, [as the case
                                 may be,] in terms of section 10D, any
                                 amendment of the statutes of the pension
                                 fund [concerned] shall be subject to the
                                 approval of the Minister granted with the
                                 concurrence of the Minister of Finance.
                                    (4) The statutes of the [postal pension
                                 fund and the] telecommunications pen-
                                 sion fund shall be binding on [each] the
                                 fund as well as the [postal employer and
                                 the] telecommunications employer, [as the
                                 case may be,] and on the members and
                                 beneficiaries of [each] the fund.’’.

                                  6. Amendment of section 10A—
                               (a) by the substitution for subsection (1) of
                                    the following subsection:

                                      ‘‘Actuarial evaluation of pension
                                      [funds] fund

                                        10A. (1) The [postal pension fund
                                     and the] telecommunications pension
                                     fund shall [each] be valued by an ac-
                                     tuary, appointed by the Minister,
                                     within three years from the date on
                                     which the fund [concerned] was es-
                                     tablished, and thereafter [each] the
                                     fund shall be valued by such actuary at
                                     intervals not exceeding three years, as
                                     the Minister may determine.’’;
                               (b) by the substitution for subsection (3) of
                                   the following subsection:
                                        ‘‘(3) A copy of the report shall be
                                      submitted by the actuary to the em-
                                      ployer [concerned].’’; and
                               (c) by the deletion of subsections 5, 6 and 7.

                                 7. Substitution for section 10B of the fol-
                               lowing section:

                                 ‘‘Pension benefits may not be ceded,
                                 encumbered or attached

                                    10B. (1) No pension or lump sum from
                                 a pension fund referred to in section 10, or
                                 right to such a benefit, or right in respect
                                 of contributions made by, or on behalf of,
                                 a member, may be ceded, pledged or hy-
                                 pothecated, or be attached or subjected to
                                 any form of execution under a judgment or
                                 order of a court of law, except in terms of
                                 a court order made in accordance with the
                                 provisions of section 7(8)(a) of the Di-
                                 vorce Act, 1979 (Act No. 70 of 1979), or a
                                 decree for the dissolution of a customary
                                 marriage, and in the event of the benefi-
                                 ciary attempting to cede, pledge or hypoth-
                                 ecate a benefit or right thereto, payment of
                                 the benefit may be withheld, suspended or
                                 entirely discontinued by the pension fund

Act No. and Year Short Title   Extent of amendment or Repeal

                                  [concerned] in its discretion: Provided
                                 that the pension fund [concerned] may,
                                 during such period as it may determine,
                                 make payment of such benefit or of any
                                 benefit in pursuance of such contributions
                                 or part thereof to one or more of the
                                 dependants of the beneficiary or to a cura-
                                 tor for such dependant or dependants.
                                    (2) Notwithstanding the provisions of
                                 subsection (1), the pension fund [con-
                                 cerned] may on the date of a member’s
                                 retirement or the date on which he ceases
                                 to be a member of the fund, deduct—
                                 (a) any amount due to that fund in respect
                                      of a loan granted by that fund in terms
                                      of its statutes to a member or benefi-
                                      ciary, from any benefit to which the
                                      member or beneficiary is entitled in
                                      terms of such statutes;
                                 (b) any amount due by a member to his
                                      employer in respect of—
                                      (i) any loan granted by the employer
                                           to such member at his request;
                                      (ii) any amount for which the em-
                                            ployer is liable in terms of a guar-
                                            antee furnished in respect of a
                                            loan granted by some other person
                                            to the member for the purchase of
                                            land or a dwelling or the erection,
                                            alteration, improvement, mainte-
                                            nance or repair of a dwelling for
                                            occupation by the member or a
                                            dependant of the member;
                                      (iii) compensation (including the le-
                                             gal costs recoverable from the
                                             member in a matter contemplated
                                             in subparagraph (ii)) in respect of
                                             any damage caused to the em-
                                             ployer, by reason of any theft,
                                             dishonesty, fraud, misconduct or
                                             negligence by the member;
                                      (iv) any other written agreement be-
                                             tween the member and the em-
                                             ployer in respect of a study bur-
                                             sary, training of the member or
                                             the military service obligations of
                                             the member,
                                      from any benefit payable to the mem-
                                      ber or a beneficiary in terms of the
                                      statutes of that fund, and pay such
                                      amount to the employer [concerned];
                                 (c) any amount which such fund or the
                                      employer has paid or will pay by an
                                      arrangement with, or on behalf of, a
                                      member or beneficiary in respect of—
                                      (i) such member’s or beneficiary’s
                                           subscription to a medical scheme
                                           registered otherwise than provi-
                                           sionally in terms of the Medical
                                           Schemes Act, [1967 (Act No. 72 of
                                           1967)] 1998 (Act No. 131 1998);
                                      (ii) any insurance premium payable by
                                            such member or beneficiary to an

Act No. and Year Short Title   Extent of amendment or Repeal

                                     insurer registered in terms of the [In-
                                     surance Act, 1943 (Act No. 27 of
                                     1943)], Long-Term Insurance Act,1998
                                     (Act No. 52 of 1998), or Short-Term
                                     Insurance Act, 1998 (Act No. 53 of
                                 from any benefit to which the member or
                                 beneficiary is entitled in terms of the stat-
                                 utes of that fund and pay such amount, if
                                 due, to such employer, medical scheme or
                                 insurer, as the case may be.’’.

                               Amendment of section 10C—

                                 8. by the substitution for subsection (1) of
                               the following subsection:
                                     ‘‘(1) If the estate of any person in re-
                                  ceipt of a pension from a pension fund
                                  referred to in section 9 is sequestrated or
                                  surrendered or assigned for the benefit of
                                  his creditors, payment of the pension shall
                                  forthwith be discontinued, and shall there-
                                  after in the discretion of the pension fund
                                  [concerned] in whole or in part be paid to
                                  or for the benefit of all or any of the fol-
                                  lowing persons, namely, the pensioner, his
                                  wife or minor child or, failing a wife or
                                  minor child, to the mother of an illegiti-
                                  mate child or any child, whether legiti-
                                  mate, adopted or illegitimate, or to any
                                  other relative dependent upon the pen-
                                  sioner: Provided that if the payment is
                                  made to the pensioner, it shall be for his
                                  own personal use and, notwithstanding
                                  anything to the contrary contained in any
                                  law relating to insolvency, such payment
                                  shall not in any way be attached or appro-
                                  priated by the trustee of his insolvent es-
                                  tate or by his creditors.’’.

                                  9. The substitution for section 10D of the
                               following section:

                                 ‘‘Registration of pension [funds] fund

                                    10D. (1) The Registrar of Pension Funds
                                 may at the request of the [postal pension
                                 fund or the] telecommunications pension
                                 fund register the pension fund [concerned]
                                 in terms of section 4 of the Pension Funds
                                 Act, 1956 (Act No. 24 of 1956), and may,
                                 for the purposes of such request, regard
                                 such pension fund as a ‘‘pension fund or-
                                 ganization’’ as defined in section 1 of the
                                 said Act.
                                    (2) From the date of such registration—
                                 (a) the whole of the Pension Funds Act,
                                      1956, shall apply to the pension fund
                                 (b) the provisions of sections 10, 10A (1),
                                      (2), (3) and (4), 10B and 10C of this
                                      Act shall cease to apply to the pension
                                      fund [concerned]; and

Act No. and Year Short Title   Extent of amendment or Repeal

                                 (c) the pension fund [concerned] shall,
                                     for the purposes of the Income Tax
                                     Act, 1962 (Act No. 58 of 1962), not be
                                     regarded as a pension fund as defined
                                     in paragraph (a) of the definition of
                                     ‘‘pension fund’’ in section 1 of the said

                                  10. The substitution for section 10E of the
                               following section:

                                 ‘‘Membership of pension fund by em-
                                 ployees of subsidiary [companies] com-

                                    10E. (1) If [a] the successor company
                                 establishes a subsidiary company in terms
                                 of section 4(9), an employee of the succes-
                                 sor company who is transferred or sec-
                                 onded to such subsidiary company, shall
                                 continue to enjoy membership of the pen-
                                 sion fund [concerned] of which he was a
                                 member immediately before the date of his
                                 transfer or secondment.
                                    (2) Any employee employed by a sub-
                                 sidiary company after the date of its estab-
                                 lishment, shall become a member of the
                                 [postal pension fund or the] telecommu-
                                 nications pension fund, [as the case may
                                 be,] subject to the statutes of [such] the

                                 11. Insertion of the following section after
                               section 10E:

                                 ‘‘Payment of pension interest upon di-
                                 vorce or dissolution of customary mar-

                                    10F. (1) The Board must direct the Fund
                                 to reduce a member’s pension interest by
                                 any amount assigned from the member’s
                                 pension interest to the member’s former
                                 spouse in terms of a decree of divorce
                                 granted under section 7(8)(a) of the Di-
                                 vorce Act, 1979 (Act No. 70 of 1979), or a
                                 decree for the dissolution of a customary
                                    (2) (a) Subject to paragraph (j), for pur-
                                 poses of section 7(8)(a) of the Divorce
                                 Act, 1979 (Act No. 70 of 1979), the por-
                                 tion of a member’s pension interest as-
                                 signed to the member’s former spouse in
                                 terms of a decree of divorce or a decree
                                 for the dissolution of a customary marriage
                                 is deemed to accrue to the member on the
                                 date on which the decree of divorce or the
                                 decree for the dissolution of a customary
                                 marriage is granted.
                                    (b) The amount of the member’s pen-
                                 sion interest in the Fund must be deter-
                                 mined and the amount of the member’s
                                 pension interest that is assigned to the
                                 former spouse must be calculated by the

Act No. and Year Short Title   Extent of amendment or Repeal

                                 Fund in accordance with the Rules as at
                                 the date of the decree of divorce or the
                                 decree for the dissolution of a customary
                                    (c) Prior to determining the amount of
                                 the member’s pension interest that is as-
                                 signed to the former spouse, the amount of
                                 the member’s pension interest referred to
                                 in paragraph (b) must first be reduced in
                                 accordance with the rules by any amount
                                 of the member’s pension interest which, in
                                 a previous divorce or a previous dissolu-
                                 tion of a customary marriage, was paid
                                 over or awarded to another party.
                                    (d) The amount of any pension benefit
                                 that is subsequently payable to the member
                                 in terms of the Rules will be reduced by
                                 the equivalent of the amount of the share
                                 of the pension interest of the member
                                  (i) was deemed to accrue to the member
                                      as a benefit in advance of the benefit
                                      ordinarily payable in terms of the
                                      rules; and
                                 (ii) was assigned to the member’s former
                                      spouse, less the amount of any addi-
                                      tional voluntary contributions, if any,
                                      paid by the member to the Fund from
                                      time to time, and accumulated over the
                                      period from the date on which pay-
                                      ment to the former spouse or transfer
                                      to the approved fund as referred to in
                                      paragraph (e) took place to the date on
                                      which the member first became en-
                                      titled to a part or the whole of the bal-
                                      ance of the benefit, with interest as the
                                      Board from time to time deems appro-
                                    (e) The Fund must, within 45 days of
                                 the submission of the court order by the
                                 former spouse of a member, request the
                                 former spouse to elect whether the amount
                                 to be deducted must be—
                                  (i) paid directly to the former spouse; or
                                 (ii) transferred to an approved retirement
                                      fund on behalf of the former spouse.
                                    (f) The former spouse shall, within 120
                                 days of being requested to make a
                                   (i) inform the Fund of the manner in
                                       which the amount referred to in para-
                                       graph (e) must be dealt with; and
                                  (ii) if the former spouse chooses that the
                                       amount must be paid to the former
                                       spouse directly, provide the Fund with
                                       the details that are necessary to effect
                                       the payment; or
                                 (iii) if the former spouse chooses that the
                                       amount must be transferred to an ap-
                                       proved pension fund on his or her
                                       behalf, provide the Fund with the de-
                                       tails of that approved retirement fund.

Act No. and Year Short Title   Extent of amendment or Repeal

                                    (g) The Fund must pay or transfer the
                                 amount within 60 days of being informed
                                 of the manner in which the amount shall
                                 be dealt with in accordance with the
                                 former spouse’s choice.
                                    (h) In the event that the former spouse
                                 fails to make a choice or identify the ap-
                                 proved retirement fund to which the
                                 amount should be transferred within the
                                 period referred to in paragraph (f), the
                                 Fund shall pay the amount directly to the
                                 former spouse within 30 days of the expiry
                                 of that period.
                                    (i) Despite paragraph (h), in the event
                                 that the Fund cannot reasonably ascertain
                                 the manner in which the payment to the
                                 former spouse must be effected, the Fund
                                 shall retain the amount plus interest as
                                 determined by the Board in the Fund, until
                                 such time as details of the manner in
                                 which that payment must be effected is
                                 made available to the Fund by the mem-
                                 ber, the former spouse or any other person
                                 whom the Fund is satisfied has the neces-
                                 sary authority and capacity to instruct the
                                 Fund in that respect.
                                    (j) Any portion of a member’s pension
                                 interest assigned to a former spouse in
                                 terms of a decree of divorce or a decree
                                 for the dissolution of a customary marriage
                                 granted prior to the enactment of this sub-
                                 section shall, for purposes of any law other
                                 than the Income Tax Act, 1962 (Act No.
                                 58 of 1962), including, but not limited to,
                                 section 7(8)(a) of the Divorce Act, 1979
                                 (Act No. 70 of 1979), be deemed to have
                                 accrued to the member on the date of en-
                                 actment of this subsection, and must be
                                 paid or transferred in accordance with
                                 paragraphs (a) to (i).’’.

                                  12. Amendment of section 12U—
                               (a) by the substitution for the heading of the
                                   following heading:
                                      ‘‘12U. Loans to [postal company
                                      and] telecommunications com-
                               (b) by the deletion of subsection (1);
                               (c) by the substitution for subsection (3) of
                                   the following subsection:
                                         ‘‘(3) The amounts owing to the State
                                      by the [postal company and the] tele-
                                      communications company, [respec-
                                      tively,] in terms of the excluded com-
                                      mitments contemplated in
                                      [subsections (1) and] subsection (2),
                                      shall bear interest at the rate at which,
                                      and shall be repaid to the State within
                                      the period for which, the department
                                      borrowed the money in terms of the
                                      agreement concerned.’’ ; and

Act No. and Year Short Title   Extent of amendment or Repeal

                               (d) by the substitution for subsection (4) of
                                   the following subsection:
                                         ‘‘(4) For the purposes of the transfer
                                      by the department to the [postal com-
                                      pany and the] telecommunications
                                      company of the loans made to the de-
                                      partment by the State in terms of the
                                      Exchequer Act, 1975 (Act No. 66 of
                                      (a) the amount described in section 28
                                           of the Exchequer Act, 1975, as
                                           permanent capital, shall notwith-
                                           standing the provisions of the said
                                           section be deemed to be a loan
                                           made by the State to the depart-
                                           ment which shall be converted on
                                           the transfer date [concerned] into
                                           ordinary shares held by the State
                                           in the successor company [con-
                                           cerned]: Provided that the nomi-
                                           nal value and any premium pay-
                                           able in respect of the shares so
                                           issued shall be determined by the
                                           Minister with the concurrence of
                                           the Minister of Finance and shall
                                           in the aggregate be equal to the
                                           total amount of the permanent
                                     (b) the department shall to the extent
                                           of such transfer be released from
                                           any debt or obligation to the State
                                           in respect of such loans.’’.

                                  13. Substitution for section 12W of the
                               following section:

                                 ‘‘Financial instruments

                                    12W. (1) Subject to the provisions of
                                 subsections (2) and (3) and notwithstand-
                                 ing anything to the contrary contained in
                                 the Companies Act, [the postal company
                                 and] the telecommunications company
                                 may, for as long as the majority of their
                                 issued equity shares are held by the State,
                                 issue stock, securities, bills, promissory
                                 notes, debentures, debenture stock, obliga-
                                 tions or other financial instruments as
                                 proof of a loan of money and may negoti-
                                 ate or have them listed in the same manner
                                 and on the same financial markets or on
                                 the same stock exchange as is customary
                                 in the case of similar financial instruments
                                 issued by the State.
                                    (2) Financial instruments referred to in
                                 subsection (1) shall only be issued with the
                                 approval of the Minister.
                                    (3) Any financial instruments issued by
                                 [a] the successor company before the com-
                                 mencement of this section and which pur-
                                 ported to be public stock or bonds issued
                                 by the Director-General in terms of section
                                 12I(1)(b), shall be deemed to be financial
                                 instruments issued by the company [con-
                                 cerned] in terms of subsection (1).

Act No. and Year Short Title   Extent of amendment or Repeal

                                    (4) Public stock or bonds which imme-
                                 diately prior to the deletion of section 12U
                                 (5) by the Posts and Telecommunications
                                 Acts Amendment Act, 1992, were in terms
                                 of the said provision deemed to be deben-
                                 tures issued by the successor company
                                 [concerned], shall be deemed to be finan-
                                 cial instruments issued by the company
                                 [concerned] in terms of subsection (1).
                                    (5) The provisions of the Companies
                                 Act in respect of debentures shall, subject
                                 to subsection (8), not apply to financial
                                 instruments referred to in subsections (1),
                                 (3) and (4).
                                    (6) [A] The successor company may
                                 engage in commercial transactions of
                                 whatever nature, including repurchase
                                 agreements, in respect of its own financial
                                 instruments and similar financial instru-
                                 ments issued by the State or other institu-
                                    (7) [A] The successor company shall, as
                                 far as possible, keep a register of all finan-
                                 cial instruments referred to in subsections
                                 (1), (3) and (4).
                                    (8) Stock referred to in subsections (1),
                                 (3) and (4) may be transferred by means of
                                 a securities transfer form in the manner
                                 referred to in [section 135] sections 51 and
                                 53 of the Companies Act, and the stock
                                 certificate issued by the successor com-
                                 pany [concerned] in respect of such trans-
                                 fer shall be prima facie evidence of the
                                 right to such stock of the person named
                                 therein as the holder of such stock.
                                    (9) No levy, tax, stamp duty, fees or
                                 other costs of whatever nature shall be
                                 payable in respect of the issue or transfer
                                 of any financial instrument referred to in
                                 subsections (1), (3) and (4).
                                    (10) No provision of this section shall
                                 be construed as derogating from the pow-
                                 ers of [a] the successor company in terms
                                 of its memorandum of [association or its
                                 articles] incorporation and under the pro-
                                 visions of the Companies Act, to issue,
                                 negotiate or list any financial instrument as
                                 proof of the loan of money.’’.



     1.1 The Post Office Pension Fund was established on 1 October 1991 in terms of
         section 9 of the Post and Telecommunication-related Matters Act, 1958 (Act
         No. 44 of 1958) (‘‘the PTMA’’). It was renamed the Post Office Retirement
         Fund (PORF) in 2005. It is a juristic person and is managed by a Board of
         Trustees as a separate legal entity. The PORF must act in accordance with
         pension-related provisions of the PTMA and is managed and controlled in
         accordance with pension statutes or rules promulgated under section 10 of the
         said Act.

     1.2 It is necessary to transfer the pension-related provisions of the PTMA to the
         South African Post Office SOC Ltd Act, 2011 (Act No. 22 of 2011) (‘‘the
         SAPOA’’), where it is more suitably placed. The South African Post Office
         SOC Ltd Amendment Bill, 2013 (‘‘the Bill’’), will amend the SAPOA for this

     1.3 The rules of the PORF, currently, do not allow a former spouse of a member
         to claim a portion of a member’s pension interest, in terms of a divorce order
         or an order for the dissolution of a customary marriage, soon after the divorce
         order or the order for the dissolution of a customary marriage is granted. The
         former spouse can only receive a portion of the member’s interest after the
         exit of the member from the PORF.

     1.4 The rules of the PORF cannot be amended due to the provision in sections
         10B of the PTMA that provides that:

              ‘‘10B.—(1) No pension or lump sum from a pension fund referred to in
            section 10, or right to such a benefit, or right in respect of contributions
            made by, or on behalf of, a member, may be ceded, pledged or
            hypothecated, or be attached or subjected to any form of execution under a
            judgment or order of a court of law . . .’’

     1.5 The Bill will correct this prohibition in order to provide for the implementa-
         tion of the ‘‘clean-break’’ principle.

     1.6 The Pension Funds Amendment Act, 2007 (Act No. 11 of 2007), incorporated
         the ‘‘clean-break’’ principle into the Pension Funds Act, 1956 (Act No. 24 of
         1956) (‘‘the PFA’’), as section 37D(1)(d), (3)(b), (4) and (5). The ‘‘clean-
         break’’ principle allows for the non-member spouse to claim and receive a
         portion of the member’s interest that is assigned in terms of the divorce order
         or the order for the dissolution of a customary marriage, soon after the divorce
         order or the order for the dissolution of the customary marriage has been
         granted. The former spouse does not have to wait until the member exits the
         pension fund.

     1.7 A new section 21I is inserted into the SAPOA to give effect to the
         ‘‘clean-break’’ principle and section 21D is inserted to enable the PORF to
         amend its rules accordingly.


     The Bill seeks to amend the SAPOA, to achieve the following objectives:
     (a) to update and transfer pension-related provisions of the South African Post
         Office from the PTMA to the SAPOA;
     (b) to enable the payment of a pension interest to a former spouse of a member on
         divorce or the dissolution of a customary marriage;
     (c) to improve governance provisions between the Boards of the Post Office and
         Postbank in the context of the holding company and subsidiary relationship;

     (d) to ensure that members of the Board must be fit and proper persons as
         contemplated in the Banks Act; and
     (e) to amend the PTMA.


     The Bill contains the following clauses:

     3.1 Clause 1

         Clause 1 of the Bill seeks to insert new definitions for ‘‘child’’, ‘‘Post and
         Telecommunication-related Matters Act’’, ‘‘Post Office Retirement Fund’’ and

     3.2 Clause 2

         Clause 2 of the Bill seeks to amend section 3 of the Act by substituting Post
         Office Act for Post and Telecommunication-related Matters Act.

     3.3 Clause 3

         Clause 3 seeks to amend section 8(2)(a), to remove the requirement that the
         managing director of the Postbank is one of the members of the Board by
         virtue of his or her office. The fiduciary duties of the managing director of the
         Postbank should not extend to the entire affairs of the holding company since
         his or her focus should be on the affairs of the Postbank. Even though the King
         Code of Governance Principles (King III), Chapter 2, paragraph 144 provides
         that it is acceptable for a CEO of a subsidiary company to be appointed a
         director on the holding company board, it also states that the fiduciary duties
         of the director are to the company to which he or she has been appointed. This
         amendment is necessary to avoid conflict of interest.

         Clause 3 further seeks to amend section 8(5) by removing the requirement that
         the Board, when recommending persons for appointment to the Board of the
         Postbank, must nominate non-executive members of the Board of the Post
         Office. This amendment is required since the appointment criteria for
         members of the Boards of the Post Office and the Postbank respectively, are
         different. This is especially so in the context of the fit and proper requirement
         under the banking legislation that applies to members of the Postbank Board.

         Clause 3 further seeks to amend section 8(6) by making it clear that if any
         non-executive members of the Board are appointed to the Board of the
         Postbank, such members are accountable to the Board of the Postbank in
         respect of their functions performed as Board members of the Postbank. This
         amendment is made in line with King III, Chapter 2, paragraph 142 that
         provides as follows:

            ‘‘The holding company must recognise the fiduciary duties of the subsidiary
            company’s directors and particularly their duty to act in the best interest of
            the subsidiary company at all times whether or not the director is
            nominated to the board of the subsidiary company by the holding

     3.4 Clause 4

         Clause 4 of the Bill seeks to amend section 11(4)(c) to ensure that all members
         of the Board must be fit and proper persons to manage the affairs of the Post
         Office in its capacity of a controlling company of a bank, as contemplated in
         section 44 of the Banks Act, 1990 (Act No. 94 of 1990). This amendment is
         also a consequential amendment following the amendment of section 8(5).

3.5 Clause 5

    Clause 5 of the Bill seeks to insert the following provisions that are necessary
    to ensure the continued existence of the PORF and matters relevant thereto:

    3.5.1   Continued existence of Post Office Retirement Fund

            This clause seeks to provide for the continued existence of the PORF.
            The PORF refers to the retirement fund of the Post Office that was
            established on 1 October 1991 in terms of section 9 of the PTMA. It is
            a juristic person and is administered and governed by a Board of
            Trustees. This clause is necessary to ensure the PORF’s continued
            existence despite the repeal of section 9 of the said Act by this Bill.

    3.5.2   Rules of the Fund

            This clause, read with the definition of Rules seeks to provide for the
            continued existence of the Statutes or Rules of the PORF made under
            section 10 of the PTMA, despite the repeal of that section by this Bill.
            It further provides for the control and management of the Fund, the
            conditions for admission to and termination of membership, the
            amount and nature of contributions by members and contributions and
            other payments by the Post Office, the benefits due to members and
            other beneficiaries, and the manner in which the Rules may be

    3.5.3   Actuarial Valuation of the Fund

            This clause is necessary to ensure that the financial sustainability and
            feasibility of the PORF is adequately and properly measured and
            monitored. It directs how the required funding level is maintained.

    3.5.4   Prohibition against cession, encumbrance or attachment of pen-
            sion benefits

            This clause is similar to section 37D of the PFA and is necessary to
            preserve, protect and safeguard the benefits of the members of the
            PORF during their membership and when they exit the Fund. It also
            allows the PORF to make certain lawful and regular deductions from
            the benefits of the members, when such members cease to be members
            or when they exit the Fund upon retirement. This clause also enables
            the PORF to amend its Rules to give effect to the ‘‘clean-break’’

    3.5.5   Insolvency of a beneficiary

            This clause seeks to protect, preserve and safeguard the benefits of
            members of the PORF against claims of creditors. This provision
            ensures that pension benefits may not be attached if a beneficiary
            becomes insolvent, which benefits revive after rehabilitation, the
            sequestration being set aside or claims of creditors being satisfied.

    3.5.6   Registration of the Fund under the Pension Fund Act

            This clause is based on section 10D of the PTMA and is necessary to
            enable the PORF to convert to a private pension fund by registering as
            such under the PFA, subject to the approval of the Minister of
            Communications, after consultation with the Minister of Finance. This
            provision is required since it is foreseen that statutory funds may in
            future be required to become private funds in terms of the PFA.

          3.5.7   Membership of employees of subsidiary companies

                  This clause enables members of the PORF to remain members despite
                  being transferred or seconded to a subsidiary company of the Post
                  Office. It further allows employees of the subsidiary to become
                  members of the Fund if the subsidiary company does not make use of
                  another pension fund.

          3.5.8   Taxation

                  This clause ensures that the rights and benefits contemplated in
                  subsection 8(4) of the PTMA in respect of tax continue to exist despite
                  the repeal of that section by this Bill. The tax rights and benefits apply
                  to officers and employees of the then Department of Posts and
                  Telecommunications (now Communications) that were transferred to
                  the Post Office and must continue until all such officers and employees
                  have exited the PORF.

          3.5.9   Payment of pension interest upon divorce or dissolution of
                  customary marriage

                  This clause has been proposed by the Constitutional Court of South
                  Africa in the matter of PRP Ngewu to give effect to the ‘‘clean-break’’
                  principle (7 February 2013, case number 117/11) and is similar to
                  section 24A of the Government Employees Pension Law, 1996
                  (Proclamation 21 of 1996).

     3.6 Clause 6

          Clause 6 of the Bill provides for the repeal of the law mentioned in Schedule
          1 to the Act.

     3.7 Clause 7

          Clause 7 of the Bill contains the short title.


     The Bill resulted from a consultative process between the Department of
     Communications, the South African Post Office SOC Ltd and the Post Office
     Retirement Fund.


     The implementation of the ‘‘clean-break’’ principle is not anticipated to have any
     new financial implications for government or the South African Post Office SOC


     The amendments in the Bill that seek to provide for the implementation of the
     ‘‘clean-break’’ principle will address the disparity regarding the implementation of
     the ‘‘clean-break’’ principle between the PORF and other Pension Funds that are
     regulated in terms of the PFA. This has been the subject of a constitutional
     challenge in the High Court case of Mathilda Wiese and the GEPF and others as
     well as the pending case of PRP Ngewu and the PORF. The Constitutional Court of
     South Africa postponed the Ngewu case to 07 February 2013 in view of an
     undertaking by the Minister of Communications to table the amendments
     contemplated in this Bill in Parliament in the 2012 Legislative Programme.


     7.1. The State Law Advisers and the Department of Communications are of the
          opinion that the Bill must be dealt with in accordance with the procedure
          established by section 75 of the Constitution, since it contains no provision to
          which the procedure set out in section 74 or 76 of the Constitution applies.

     7.2. The State Law Advisers are of the opinion that it is not necessary to refer this
          Bill to the National House of Traditional Leaders in terms of section 18(1)(a)
          of the Traditional Leadership and Governance Framework Act, 2003 (Act No.
          41 of 2003), since it does not contain provisions pertaining to customary law
          or customs of traditional communities.
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   ISBN 978-1-77597-027-9
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