Page created by Patrick Stevenson
                              F E B R U A R Y   2 0 2 1


Renewed Energy for the Year Ahead
     The strength and resilience of the Southern Nevada                     you when we can gather again.
community is unlike any other. As I begin to call Southern                       Our promise to bring you valued,
Nevada my home, I am honored to be taking the reigns as the                 trusted, and essential programming
new president and general manager of Vegas PBS. Planning                    has not changed. Always committed
to move and start my new tenure in this role amidst a global                to diversity, equity, and inclusion,
pandemic could have been daunting, but there is a certainty                 this month we bring additional
in the mission of Vegas PBS that provides confidence in the                 programming that celebrates African
future. When I was interviewing for this position, I was inspired           American History Month. The Black Church: This is Our Story,
by the Vegas PBS mission to create an informed and engaged                  This is Our Song will premiere on Tuesday, February 16 and
community through high-tech, high-touch experiences that                    23, at 9 p.m. This two-part series from executive producer, host
educate and empower individuals and organizations. Over                     and writer Henry Louis Gates, Jr. reveals the broad history and
the years I have seen that mission expressed. I am excited                  culture of the Black church and explores African American faith
to lead this forward-facing organization that is committed to               communities on the frontlines of hope and change. History fans
bringing people together through new virtual platforms and                  can enjoy Africa’s Great Civilizations on Sunday, February 21
providing services to those who need them most.                             starting at 9 a.m. This six-hour series takes a breathtaking

                                                                            journey through two hundred thousand years of history,
      I am excited to lead this forward-                                    showing how Africans have helped shape our world today.
 facing organization that is committed                                            Science afficionados will enjoy Beyond the Elements on
to bringing people together through new                                     NOVA, a 3-part mini-series beginning on Wednesday, February
                                                                            3, at 9 p.m. Follow a worldwide quest to find the key molecules
virtual platforms and providing services                                    and chemical reactions that have paved the way for human
     to those who need them most.”                                          civilization, life, and even the universe as we know it. Among
                                                                            our local titles, if you missed the premiere of The Showgirl: A
    I could not be more motivated by the work Vegas PBS                     Las Vegas Icon in September of last year, you can catch it again
accomplished in response to the current health crisis and in                on Friday, February 19, at 9 p.m. This Vegas PBS documentary
responding to the needs of the communities it serves. For 26                features former showgirls and Las Vegas Strip headliners, as
years Tom Axtell worked tirelessly to achieve meaningful and                they reveal the glamorous history of an iconic, yet now rare,
long-lasting accomplishments for the station in the local and               symbol of Las Vegas show business.
national public media arenas. I have long admired Tom’s work.
His capacity for impact at the station and within the national                   We begin the year with a new energy and excitement for
PBS system created a tremendous legacy that we will continue                what is ahead. Your support of our public television station and
to build upon.                                                              services makes it all possible. I look forward to meeting you, our
                                                                            loyal members and supporters, face-to-face soon. Until then,
    I am looking ahead with new perspective and tremendous                  stay safe and be well.
optimism for 2021. As a supporter of Vegas PBS you provide the
backbone of our success, and I am looking forward to meeting                         – Mary Mazur, President & General Manager

Vegas PBS Management Team                         Southern Nevada Public Television                 Board Members
President and General Manager                     Board Of Directors
Mary Mazur                                        Executive Director                                Vince Alberta, University of Nevada,
Educational Media Services Director               Mary Mazur, Vegas PBS
                                                                                                    Las Vegas
Niki Bates                                        President
                                                  Clark Dumont, Clark Dumont                        Linda Ammons, Community Volunteer
Development Director
Salvador Carrera                                  Communications, LLC.                              Tracy Bower, Desert Research Institute
Production Services Director                      Vice President                                    Cheryl (Cheri) Rosenow, US Bank
Kareem Hatcher                                    Nora Luna, UNR Cooperative Extension              Bill Curran, Ballard Spahr, LLP
Business Manager                                                                                    Mo Denis, Nevada State Senator
Brandon Merrill                                   Michael Cunningham, Bank of Nevada
                                                                                                    Jason Gastwirth, Caesars Entertainment
Communications and Brand Management Director      Treasurer and SNPT Planned Giving Council Chair
Allison Monette                                   Kim Walker, Kim Walker, Inc.                      Stephen Greathouse,
                                                                                                    Community Volunteer
Content Director                                  FCC Licensees
Cyndy Robbins                                                                                       Marydean Martin, Marydean & Associates
                                                  Lola Brooks
Workforce Training & Economic Development         Linda P. Cavazos                                  Steve Seroka, Community Volunteer
Director                                          Irene A. Cepeda
Debra Solt                                        Danielle Ford
                                                  Evelyn Garcia Morales
Engineering, IT and Emergency Response Director   Lisa Guzman
John Turner                                       Katie Williams
Contact Vegas PBS with comments & suggestions:
Vegas PBS & Southern Nevada Public Television • 3050 E Flamingo Rd., Las Vegas, NV 89121
702.799.1010 • Fax 702.799.2806 • • Email

                                                                                                                          FEBRUARY 2021          3
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                                                                                                              Februar y 2021


                                                                          13 Special Local Features Exploring icons and events
                                                                          that have shaped our community


6 The Black Church:                                                       14 History        Trailblazers throughout history
This Is Our Story, This Is Our Song
The history and importance of the Black church is explored by professor
and historian, Henry Louis Gates, Jr.

                                                                          Monthly Features
                                                                              3       Message from our president &
                                                                                      general manager

                                     10                                       9       Member Events

10 Science & Nature Experience nature’s wonderful stories                     17      Vegas PBS Channel 10 Program Listings

                                                                              28      Children’s Lineup

                                                                              28      Create Spotlights

                                                                              29      Jackpot!, WORLD and Rewind Spotlights

                                     12                                       30      Program Sponsors

12 The Arts         Enjoy concerts from the comfort and safety of home

                                                                                                                       FEBRUARY 2021   5

                                                                                    The Black Church:
                                                                                                          Finding Your Roots with Henry
                                                                   This Is Our Story. This Is Our Song.   Louis Gates, Jr.
                                                                                                          Tuesdays at 8 p.m.
                                                                                                          (Repeats Wednesdays at 2:30 p.m.)
                                                                                                          No Irish Need Apply, February 2
                                                                                                            Henry Louis Gates, Jr., explores the roots of
                                                                                                          actor Jane Lynch and comedian Jim Gaffigan,
                                                                                                          revealing the Irish American experience through
                                                                                                          their families.

                                                                                                           Jim Gaffigan

                                                                                                          The Shirts on Their Backs
                                                                                                          February 9
                                                                                                            Discover the immigrant roots of actors Tony
                                                                                                          Shalhoub and Christopher Meloni and learn
                                                                                                          about their ancestors who came to America to
                                                                                                          build a better life.

     Throughout February
       This February, we draw inspiration from those who are bold enough to stand up for equity and
                                                                                                           Henry Gates, Jr. and Tony Shalloub
    inclusion for all. We examine our past to learn from the struggles and successes of those who
    have walked before us. We discover the important roles individuals with diverse perspectives and
    backgrounds play in our world and gain strength by embracing and celebrating this diversity.
                                                                                                          Write My Name in The Book
                                                                                                          of Life, February 16
    Titles featuring Henry Louis                      Gates, Jr., traces the 400-year-old story of the      With the help of Henry Louis Gates, Jr.,
    Gates, Jr., an American literary                  Black church in America, all the way down to        musician Pharrell Williams and filmmaker Kasi
    critic, professor, historian,                     its bedrock role as the site of African American    Lemmons uncover extraordinarily rare first-
    filmmaker and public intellectual                 survival and grace, organizing and resilience,      person accounts of their enslaved ancestors.
    who serves as the Alphonse                        thriving and testifying, autonomy and freedom,      Country Roots, February 23
    Fletcher University Professor and                 solidarity and speaking truth to power.               We reveal the remarkably diverse
    director of the Hutchins Center                   (Repeats Wednesdays at 3:30 p.m. and both           backgrounds of country music icons Clint
    for African and African American                  episodes are scheduled Sunday, February 28          Black and Rosanne Cash.
    Research at Harvard University                    from 11:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.)

    The Black Church: This Is Our                       ◄ The day and time of this program may change,
    Story. This Is Our Song.                            depending on when President Biden’s speech is scheduled.
    Tuesdays, February 16 and 23
    at 9 p.m.                                           It is unknown at the time of publication. For up-to-date
                                                                                                          Elizabeth Is Missing
      This moving four-hour, two-part series from
    executive producer, host and writer Henry Louis     schedules, visit                                                on Masterpiece

The Anisfield-Wolf Book                           Count Basie -                                      African Americans:
Awards 2020                                       Through His Own Eyes                               The Las Vegas Experience
Sunday, February 21 at 10:30 p.m.                 Monday, February 1 at 11 p.m.                      Monday, February 8 at 10 p.m.
   Join the 85-year tradition of recognizing        This revealing biography, told in Count             Discover the momentous events that defined
books which make significant contributions        Basie’s own words, uncovers for the first time     the African American experience in Las
to our understanding of racism and human          the private passions and ambitions that inspired   Vegas throughout the civil rights era. These
diversity. Hosted by Jury Chair Henry Louis       the world-famous bandleader and pianist.           events altered the city’s history and changed
Gates Jr., we visit the hometowns of the 2020     (Repeats Wednesday, February 3 at 4:30 p.m.)       thousands of lives. For example, the Moulin
award recipients — historian Eric Foner,                                                             Rouge Agreement of 1960 affected day-to-day
poet Ilya Kaminsky, scholar Charles King and                                                         interactions as it desegregated the city, while
novelist Namwali Serpell.                                                                            the Westside Riot of 1969 rocked the entire
                                                                                                     community to its core.
A Conversation with                                                                                  (Repeats Wednesday, February 10 at 3:30
Henry Louis Gates, Jr.                                                                               p.m. and Friday, February 19 at 10 p.m.)
Sunday, February 21 at 11:30 p.m.
   In this intimate interview, Suzanne                                                               In Their Own Words:
Malveaux talks with the writer and scholar                                                           Muhammad Ali
about growing up in West Virginia, as well as                                                        Monday, February 8 at 11 p.m.
his career in academia and public television.                                                           Follow Muhammad Ali’s path from a gym
Gates also shares his side of the story in                                                           in Louisville to boxing successes, conversion to
the infamous arrest outside of his home in                                                           Islam, opposition to the draft, exile from the
Cambridge, Massachusetts, and the “beer                                                              ring, comeback fights, Parkinson’s disease and
summit” afterward.                                                                                   his inspirational re-emergence at the Atlanta
                                                                                                     (Repeats Wednesday, February 10 at 4:30 p.m.)
Antiques Roadshow:                                American Experience:
                                                  The Murder of Emmett Till
Celebrating Black Americana                                                                          One Night in March
Monday, February 1 at 9 p.m.                                                                         Friday, February 12 at 11:30 p.m.
                                                  American Experience:
  Highlights from this special episode include                                                         This is the story of a historic college
                                                  The Murder of Emmett Till                          basketball game that captured the national
an 1821 U.S. citizenship certificate for George   Tuesday, February 2 at 9 p.m.
Barker, a free man of color and an African                                                           imagination, influenced a state and helped
                                                     A 14-year-old Black boy was brutally
American beauty book written by Madam C.J.                                                           redefine a sport. Interviews, rare footage and
                                                  murdered on a visit to Mississippi from Chicago
Walker, the first American female millionaire.                                                       archival photos transport viewers back to a
                                                  in 1955 after whistling at a white woman in a
                                                                                                     tumultuous time in United States history, just
                                                  grocery store. Emmitt Till’s tragic death and
Charley Pride: I’m Just Me:                       the subsequent publicity about the trial helped
                                                                                                     as the Civil Rights movement began gaining
American Masters                                                                                     momentum throughout the South.
                                                  spark the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s.
Monday, February 1 at 10 p.m.                                                                                                     Independent Lens:
                                                                                                                                     Women in Blue
   Explore the complicated history of the         Marching Forward
American South and its music through the          Friday, February 5 at 11 p.m.
life of country star Charley Pride. Raised in        In the segregated South, music inspires two
segregated Mississippi, his journey shows the     marching band directors to cross color lines
ways that artistic expression can triumph over    and give their students the opportunity of a
prejudice and injustice. (Repeats Wednesday,      lifetime.
February 3 at 3:30 p.m.)
                                                  Independent Lens: 9to5:
                                                  The Story of a Movement
                                                  Sunday, February 7 at 11 p.m.
                                                    Learn about the real-life fight that inspired
                                                  a hit and changed the American workplace.
                                                  9to5, formed by a group of Boston secretaries,
                                                  was an inspiring demand for equality that          Independent Lens:
                                                  encapsulated the spirit of both the women’s        Women in Blue
                                                  and labor movements in the 1970s.                  Sunday, February 14 at 11 p.m.
                                                                                                        This documentary takes viewers deep inside
                                                  American Experience:                               the Minneapolis Police Department (MPD)
                                                  Goin’ Back to T-Town                               during the tumultuous years leading up to the
                                                  Monday, February 8 at 9 p.m.                       murder of George Floyd. Under the leadership
                                                    Hear the story of Greenwood, an                  of MDP’s first female chief, women officers
                                                  extraordinary Black community in Tulsa,            seek gender equity, redefining what it means
                              Charley Pride:      Oklahoma, that prospered during the 1920s and      to protect and serve and face setbacks when a
              I’m Just Me: American Masters       ‘30s despite rampant and hostile segregation.      new chief comes onboard.
                                                                                                                             FEBRUARY 2021              7

       British Drama
         Every Sunday Evening
                                                                                                                                 The Long Song on Masterpiece

    Endeavour Season 5 and 6                             Miss Scarlet & The Duke
                                                         on Masterpiece Mystery!
                                                                                                              The Long Song on Masterpiece
    on Masterpiece at 6:30 p.m.                                                                               at 10 p.m. (concludes February 14)
    Icarus, February 7                                                                                        NEW!
       After the mysterious disappearance of a                                                                   Based on a novel by Andrea Levy, this series
    teacher, Endeavour finds himself investigating                                                            is set during the final days of slavery in 19th
    the dark world of a public school. When a body                                                            century Jamaica. Following the hardships and
    is discovered, Endeavour has to question who                                                              survival of plantation slave, July, and her odious
    he can trust — and uncover the truth about the                                                            mistress, Caroline, the miniseries stars Tamara
    crimes before more people are hurt.                                                                       Lawrance and Hayley Atwell.

    Pylon, February 14
      The murder of a schoolgirl brings Endeavour       Miss Scarlet & The Duke on
    back to Oxford. When he refuses to accept that      Masterpiece Mystery! at 8 p.m.
    the main suspect is guilty, Endeavour must          (concludes February 21)
    uncover the truth and rescue a victim before it’s      Go on the case with private eye Eliza Scarlet,
    too late.                                           Victorian England’s first-ever female sleuth, as
    Apollo, February 21                                 she solves crimes – and sometimes flirts – with her
       A car accident proves to be murder, leading      partner and childhood friend, Detective Inspector
                                                                                                               The Long Song
    Endeavour to investigate suspects in unlikely       William “The Duke” Wellington.                         on Masterpiece
    places.                                             All Creatures Great and                               MORE DRAMA THROUGHOUT THE WEEK
                                                        Small on Masterpiece at 9 p.m.                        Thursdays:
                                                        (concludes February 21)                               A Place To Call Home, two back-
                                                           Follow veterinarian James Herriot at the
                                                                                                              to-back episodes starting at 8 p.m.
                                                        start of his storied career in rural Yorkshire in
                                                        the 1930s. The series is a beautiful remake of
                                                                                                              Inspector Morse at 9:30 p.m.
                                                        the popular family drama that aired on British
                                                        and American television from 1978 to 1990.            Midsomer Murders,
                                                        (Repeats Tuesdays at 2:30 p.m.)                       two back-to-back episodes
                                                                                                              starting at 7:30 p.m.
                                                                                                              Death in Paradise at 9 p.m.
                                                                                                              Silent Witness at 10 p.m.
                                                                                                              Happy Valley at 11 p.m.
                                                                                                                See Page 24
                                                                                                                for information about
                         Endeavour Season 5 and 6                                                               The Chaperone on
                                                         All Creatures Great
                                   on Masterpiece
                                                         and Small on Masterpiece                               Masterpiece and Maigret.
                                                                                          André Rieu
                                                                                          Sunday, February 28, 2021
                                Michael Bublé                                             at 8 p.m. • T-Mobile Arena
                                Concert                                                   The internationally acclaimed
                                Friday, September 24, 2021                                violinist returns to Las Vegas
                                at 8 p.m. • T-Mobile Arena                                with his 70-piece Johann Strauss
                                Vegas PBS has reserved low bowl                           orchestra, and Vegas PBS has
                                seats in Section 14 for Michael                           a limited number of low bowl
                                Bublé’s return to Las Vegas for                           seats still available at a special
                                a one-night only performance.                             rate on request. Donate $109
                                Donate $169 per ticket.                                   per ticket.

                                  Pasquale Esposito                                           John Tesh
                                  Concert                                                     Concert
                                  Saturday, May 22, 2021                                      Saturday, June 19, 2021
                                  at 8 p.m.                                                   at 3 p.m.
                                  The Space Las Vegas                                         Myron’s Cabaret Jazz
                                  The Italian tenor returns for                               Enjoy a prime table seat
                                  his next performance in an                                  plus a pre-show Meet and
                                  intimate theater setting.                                   Greet with this inspiring
                                  Donate $89 per ticket                                       pianist and composer.
                                  including a pre-show                                        Donate $79 per person.
                                  Meet and Greet.

                                                    WAIT LIST ONLY
                                             Pageant of the Masters
                                             August 29-30, 2021
                                             Departs Vegas PBS at 9 a.m.,
                                             returns at 6:30 p.m.
  Australian Pink Floyd                      Join this annual bus trip to Laguna
  Tuesday, August 24, 2021
                                             Beach for the Festival of the Arts,
  at 7:30 p.m.
                                             with dinner and an overnight stay in
                                                                                    Solvang & Wine
  Vegas PBS has a limited number of
  prime orchestra seats still available
                                             Dana Point. The next day, enjoy a      Country
  for the performance of this popular
                                             seal-watching harbor cruise at         3 Day/2 Night Trip
                                             Newport Beach before return.           September 17-19, 2021
  tribute band. You won’t want to miss
                                             Donate $439 per person, based on       Reservations will re-open after
  the sound and light extravaganza.
                                             double occupancy, or $579 single.      arrangements have been finalized.

Please note, all events are subject to rescheduling or cancellation.
For more information, please call 702.737.7500 or visit

                                                                                                         FEBRUARY 2021         9
S C I E N C E & N AT U R E

                                                                                                          Nature: Pumas: Legends of the Ice Mountains

                                                                                                       emotional intelligence.
  Nature                                             Equus: Story of the Horse:
  Wednesdays at 8 p.m.                               Origins, February 17                              Equus: Story of the Horse:
     Experience the splendors and compelling            Explore the fascinating evolutionary journey   Chasing the Wind, February 24
  stories of the natural world from all over the     of the horse, from its tiny forest-dwelling          Discover how humans have partnered with
  globe. (Repeats Thursdays at 2:30 p.m.)            ancestor called the Dawn Horse to the modern      the horse throughout the centuries, creating
  Pumas: Legends of the Ice                          steed. Encounter scientists unlocking the         more than 400 breeds, from the rare Yakutian
                                                     genetic basis of horsepower and decoding their    to the Arabian, found all around the world.
  Mountains, February 3
     Travel to the mountains of Chile to discover
  the secrets of the puma, the area’s biggest
  and most elusive predator. Discover how this
  mountain lion survives and follow the dramatic
  fate of a puma mother and her cubs.
  Big Bend: The Wild Frontier of
  Texas, February 10
    Roam the Wild West frontier land of the
  Rio Grande’s Big Bend alongside its iconic
  animals, including black bears, rattlesnakes and
              Big Bend: The Wild Frontier of Texas

10 V E G A S P B S S O U R C E
Beyond the Elements                                                                                                            The Land of the Snow and Ice
Wednesdays at 9 p.m.
   Discover the fascinating chemistry that
makes our world and everything in it —
including us.
(Repeats Fridays at 2:30 p.m.)
Reactions, February 3
  Just about every solid, liquid or gas in the
world as we know it begins with reactions
between individual atoms and molecules.
We investigate the transformative world of
chemical reactions.
Indestructible, February 10
  Explore the fantastic chemistry behind the
everyday materials we depend on and how
the quest for durability can be balanced with
products’ environmental impact.
Life, February 17                                    natural processes across Europe’s breathtaking        Big Pacific
                                                     landscape. (Repeats Thursdays at 3:30 p.m.)           Wednesdays at 11 p.m.
  Host David Pogue investigates the surprising
                                                     The Missing Lynx, February 3                             Plunge into the Pacific with researchers and
molecules that allowed life on Earth to begin
                                                       Across Iberia, rare subspecies are making a         cinematographers and observe the ocean’s rare
and, ultimately, thrive. Along the way, he finds
                                                     comeback thanks to rewilding efforts.                 and dazzling creatures in a way never before
out what we are all made of — literally.
                                                                                                           seen on television. (Repeats Thursdays at 4:30
                                                     Return of the Titans, February 10                     p.m.)
                               NOVA: Mars 2020          In Europe’s Carpathian Mountains and
                                                     beyond, the continent’s most iconic species are       Mysterious, February 3
                                                     thriving.                                              We yearn to unravel the mysterious Pacific
                                                                                                           — but she does not give up her secrets willingly.
                                                     The Land of the Snow and Ice
                                                     February 17                                           Violent, February 10
                                                       In Lapland, native Sami people and                    Learn why those that live in the Pacific must
                                                     dedicated conservation groups are working to          choose whether to avoid conflict or rise to meet it.
                                                     save an age-old reindeer migration.                   Voracious, February 17
                                                     Europe’s Amazon, February 24                             See how the challenge of finding food drives
                                                        The Danube is the largest preserved wetland on     all life in the Pacific.
                                                     the continent, a sanctuary for thousands of species   Passionate, February 24
                                                     — many are the last of their kind. Conservationists     See how the quest to multiply has spawned
                                                     are working to preserve and restore these precious    a stunning array of unusual behaviors and
                                                     habitats before it is too late.                       adaptations.

NOVA: Mars 2020
Wednesday, February 24 at 9 p.m.
   Follow along as NASA launches the Mars
2020 Mission to hunt for signs of life on the
red planet. It will be the first time a rover will
land in Jezero Crater, an ancient river delta
that could possibly be a cradle of life. Upon a
successful landing, a solar-powered rover and
a four-pound helicopter will comb the area for
signs of life until 2030 and collect samples for
possible return to Earth.
Europe’s New Wild
Wednesdays at 10 p.m.                                 Big Pacific
  Explore the resurgence of iconic wildlife and
                                                                                                                                     FEBRUARY 2021                11

  In Concert                                          Dave Chapelle:                              50 Years with
  at the Hollywood Bowl                               The Mark Twain Prize                        Peter, Paul and Mary
  Fridays                                             Friday, February 12 at 10 p.m.              Saturday, February 27 at 8 p.m.
     For the first time in its 98-year history, the     The John F. Kennedy Center for the          Celebrate the trio that provided America’s
  Hollywood Bowl canceled its season due to           Performing Arts presents the 22nd annual    soundtrack for generations and combined
  COVID-19. Now, the music plays on in this new       Mark Twain Prize for American Humor to      artistry with activism for five decades.
  series featuring some of the most unforgettable     Dave Chappelle.
  moments in the iconic venue’s history.                                                           50 Years with
                                                                                                   Peter, Paul and Mary
  Gustavo and Friends
  February 5 at 9 p.m.
    See some of host Gustavo Dudamel’s favorite
  orchestral performances from throughout the
  years and hear performers take us through their
  memorable Hollywood Bowl moments.
  February 5 at 10 p.m.
     We bring the party home to you with Katy
  Perry singing “Firework,” the “little orchestra”
  Pink Martini performing classical, pop and jazz
  (in 15 languages), flamenco singer Diego el
  Cigala performing “Soledad,”Dudamel leading
  the LA Phil in Igor Stravinsky’s “The Firebird,”
  and John Williams conducting the orchestra in
  his iconic music from “Star Wars.”
  Música Sin Fronteras
  (Music Without Borders)
  February 12 at 9 p.m.                                                                           Classical Rewind
     Immerse yourself in a Pan-American musical                                                   Sunday, February 28 at 6:30 p.m.
  journey including “Lincoln Portrait,” “La                                                          Experience the beauty, romance and
  Tierra del Olvido,” “El Baile y El Salón” and                                                   dramatic power of musical masterpieces in this
  “El amor brujo” — one of the few orchestra                                     Dave Chapelle:   visual and auditory joyride through the world
  pieces written for flamenco dance.                                       The Mark Twain Prize
                                                                                                  of classical hits.

12 V E G A S P B S S O U R C E

                                                                                                  African Americans:
                                                                                                  The Las Vegas Experience
                                                                                                  Monday, February 8 at 10 p.m. and
                                                                                                  Friday, February 19 at 10 p.m.
                                                                                                     Discover the momentous events that defined
                                                                                                  the African American experience in Las
                                                                                                  Vegas throughout the civil rights era. These
                                                                                                  events altered the city’s history and changed
                                                                                                  thousands of lives. For example, the Moulin
                                                                                                  Rouge Agreement of 1960 affected day-to-day
                                                                                                  interactions as it desegregated the city, while
                                                                                                  the Westside Riot of 1969 rocked the entire
                                                                                                  community to its core.

                                                                                                   African Americans:
                                                                                                   The Las Vegas Experience

The Showgirl: A Las Vegas Icon
Friday, February 19 at 9 p.m.
  Onstage, she’s an icon who represents Las Vegas to the world. Off stage, she’s an ordinary
person living an extraordinary life. Discover her story. (See page 21 for further details.)

    PA S S P O R T P I C K O F T H E M O N T H
                                                                                                                  Seaside Hotel on Walter’s Choice

    Vegas PBS
Seaside Hotel on Walter’s Choice
   Binge the new 6-episode foreign-language
drama starting on Thursday, February
11 on Vegas PBS Passport. Unfortunately,
broadcast rights are not available, so our
channel 10 viewers won’t be able to see this
series — just our members who have activated
their Vegas PBS Passport member benefit.
Therefore, if you haven’t activated your account
yet, why wait? Season One takes place in the
years 1928-33, as the world heads for disaster.
Follow the lives of the hotel’s regulars and the
local staff as the mood swings from optimism
to crisis. This tragicomedy captures the spirit
of the times — from Europe’s harsh economic
climate to society’s refusal to face facts —
while reflecting the current times. In Danish
with English subtitles.

                                                                                         In addition to the titles that are available to everyone,
             Always on the go?                                                           Vegas PBS members gain access to an extended library
             DOWNLOAD THE PBS VIDEO APP FOR FREE                                         of favorites. Become a sustaining member for as little as
             to stream your favorite PBS shows, create the perfect watchlist and more.   $5/month or a one time donation of $60 to unlock your
             The app is available to download for free at         Passport benefits.
                                                                                         Call 702.799.1010 or email:

                                                                                                                          FEBRUARY 2021              13

                                                      Marian Anderson:                                  Fat Boy:
                                                      Once in a Hundred Years                           The Billy Stewart Story
                                                      Monday, February 15 at 11 p.m.                    Friday, February 19 at 11 p.m.
                                                         Marian     Anderson      (1897–1993)      is      Explore the life and career of one of the most
                                                      considered one of the most important opera        popular rhythm and blues singers of the 1960s
                                                      performers of the 20th century. The celebrated    as we trace his journey from a young piano
                                                      contralto played a vital role in the acceptance   player to a famous R&B balladeer. Stewart’s
                                                      of African Americans in classical music and       soulful music touched audiences all over the
                                                      other segregated performing arts genres. We       country. This program features a rich collection
                                                      trace Anderson’s life and her struggles against   of archival stills and footage, including never-
                                                      racism and poverty.                               before-seen 8mm film of Stewart relaxing
                                                                                                        with his family and performing in various night

   Charley Pride:
   I’m Just Me:
   American Masters

  Charley Pride: I’m Just Me:
  American Masters
  Monday, February 1 at 10 p.m.
    See how country star Charley Pride used
  music to triumph over prejudice and injustice.
  (See further details on Page 7.)

  Finding Your Roots
  Tuesdays at 8 p.m.
     The acclaimed series returns with Professor
  Gates exploring the mysteries, surprises and
  revelations hidden in the family trees of popular
  figures. (See Page 6 for episode information.)
  (Repeats Wednesdays at 2:30 p.m.)                                                                      Fat Boy:
                                                                                                         The Billy Stewart Story

                                                                                                        An Evening with Berry Gordy
                                                                                                        Monday, February 22 at 11:30 p.m.
                                                                                                           The late journalist Gwen Ifill interviews
                                                                                                        entrepreneur, songwriter, record producer, movie
                                                                                                        director and producer Berry Gordy. Gordy
                                                                                                        began in Detroit where he founded Motown
                                                                                                        Records in 1959 and grew the company into
                                                                                   Marian Anderson:     the most successful African American-owned
                                                                             Once in a Hundred Years
                                                                                                        enterprise in the United States.

   Jane Lynch in                                        An Evening
   Finding Your Roots                                   with Berry Gordy

14 V E G A S P B S S O U R C E
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                                                                                FEBRUARY 2021    15
primetime | February 1 - February 8                                                                               Please visit for complete program schedule

 Vegas PBS             7:30 p.m.                    8:00 p.m.                8:30 p.m.                 9:00 p.m.                  9:30 p.m.                 10:00 p.m.
                 Start Up. Drew Patrick Antiques Roadshow: Vintage Tucson 2021 Hour 2. A Antiques Roadshow: Celebrating Black Americana.         American Masters. Life
      10         launches Michigan Fields. Mexican charro saddle.                        An 1821 U.S. citizenship certificate.                   of country singer Charley
Mon              Cook’s Country. Arroz con America’s Test Kitchen Dishing with Julia Child. Rick Steves Rome. Rise and fall of classical Rome; Richard Bangs’
                 pollo; sour orange pie. from Cook’s Illustrated Julia Child’s potato         Bernini’s Baroque Rome; the Vatican; Rome’s        Adventures with Purpose
2/1 Create                                                            preparation.            romantic night spots.                              -New Zealand
                 Molly of Denali: The Worm Hero Elementary. A         Odd Squad. Things are Arthur. Animated. The        WordGirl. Animated.     Cyberchase: A Renewable
      PBS KIDS   Turns; Little Dog Lost.   bird flies off with AJ’s   different at night.     gang enters a contest. Becky helps her father set Hope.
                                           Twigcam.                                                                      a record.
                 Nevada Week               Finding Your Roots with Henry Louis Gates, Jr.: No Finding Your Roots with Henry Louis Gates, Jr.: No FRONTLINE: China’s
      10                                   Irish Need Apply. Jane Lynch; Jim Gaffigan.        Irish Need Apply. Jane Lynch; Jim Gaffigan.        COVID Secrets

Tue              Les Stroud’s Wild Harvest. Baking with Julia.        Dishing with Julia Child: Rick Steves’ European Rick Steves’ European            Rick Steves’ Europe.
                 A harvest based on two Pattycake with chocolate To Roast a Chicken.            Travel Tips and Tricks    Travel Tips and Tricks       Fine living in Burgundy,
2/2 Create       trees.                     tulips.                                                                                                    France.
                 Molly of Denali.           Hero Elementary. Sparks’ Odd Squad. Confetti Betty Arthur. Animated. Snake; WordGirl. Animated.            Cyberchase. Animated.
      PBS KIDS   Animated. Berry-picking is Crew chases a giant ball. strikes the headquarters best friends.              Citywide crime spree.        Digit challenges Hacker
                 ruined by mosquitoes.                                in the Arctic.                                                                   to a cook-off.
                 Outdoor Nevada Remixed: Nature: Pumas: Legends of the Ice Mountains.           NOVA: Beyond the Elements: Reactions. Chemical         Europe’s New Wild: The
      10         A Walk in the Park.        Pumas in Patagonian Chile.                          reactions transform the world.                         Missing Lynx.

Wed              Cook’s Country. Texas     Lidia’s Kitchen. Butternut Dishing with Julia Child: Rick Steves Cruising the Mediterranean. Sailing from Rick Steves’ Europe.
                 thick-cut smoked pork     squash gnocchi; halibut. The Whole Fish Story.        Barcelona, Spain, to Athens, Greece; the pros and Dordogne River Valley;
2/3 Create       chops.                                                                          cons of cruising.                                     goose farm.
                 Molly of Denali.          Hero Elementary. Fur Blur Odd Squad. Infestations Arthur. Animated. Binky WordGirl. Animated.               Cyberchase: Journey of a
      PBS KIDS   Animated. Molly goes      competes in Super Pet send Ms. O from her             Barnes, Wingman.            Pretty Princess.          Thousand Food Miles.
                 fishing; Trini gets lost. Races.                     office.
                 Rick Steves’ Europe.      A Place to Call Home:      (8:45) A Place to Call Home: The Mona Lisa Smile. Inspector Morse: Happy Families. Murdered man’s
      10         Understanding global      Truth Will Out.            The horrors of the war cast a long, unwelcome          family seems unaffected.
                 hunger and poverty.                                  shadow over Inverness.
Thu              Pati’s Mexican Table. The Christopher Kimball’s      Dishing with Julia Child. Rick Steves Special: European Festivals. Rick Steves Rick Steves’ Europe.
                 town of El Fuerte; lobsterMilk Street Television     Pain de mie and a raisin celebrates the top 10 festivals in Europe, including Festivity of Barcelona;
2/4 Create       recipes.                                             bread.                     the Carnival in Venice, Italy.                        Montserrat.
                 Molly of Denali: Hot      Hero Elementary.           Odd Squad. Orla was        Arthur. Animated. Asthma; WordGirl. Animated.         Cyberchase. Animated.
      PBS KIDS   Springs Eternal; Tooey’s  Changing weather           chosen to protect the 44- costume party; pranks. Becky’s soccer team.            The team frees the Lucky
                 Hero.                     patterns.                  leaf clover.                                                                     Charms.
                 Washington Week           Nevada Week                Rick Steves’ Europe.       In Concert at the Hollywood Bowl: Gustavo and         In Concert at the Hollywood
      10                                                              Understanding global       Friends. Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake.                     Bowl. Performers include
                                                                      hunger and poverty.                                                              Katy Perry.
 Fri             Cook’s Country. Southern- America’s Test Kitchen Dishing with Julia Child. No Passport Required: Miami. The Haitian                   No Passport Required.
                 style smothered chicken. from Cook’s Illustrated Julia Child’s knife skills. community in Miami.                                      Nigerian and West African
2/5 Create                                                                                                                                             community.
                 Xavier Riddle and the     Xavier Riddle and the      Xavier Riddle and the      Xavier Riddle and the       Xavier Riddle and the     Cyberchase. Animated.
      PBS KIDS   Secret Museum             Secret Museum              Secret Museum              Secret Museum               Secret Museum             The team help their friend
                 Midsomer Murders.         (8:13) Midsomer Murders: The Dark Rider.              Death in Paradise. A trained survival expert is found Silent Witness: One of
      10         Investigating a headless Investigating a headless horseman.                     dead.                                                 Our Own: Part 2.
Sat              Pati’s Mexican Table.     Confucius Was a Foodie: Noodles: Long for Life,       The Best of the Joy of      The Best of the Joy       Richard Bangs’
                 Customs and recipes.      Food of Legends. The noodle symbolizes longevity. Painting. The beach at of Painting: The Old               Adventures with Purpose
2/6 Create                                                                                       sunset.                     Weathered Barn.           -New Zealand
                 Xavier Riddle and the     Xavier Riddle and the      Xavier Riddle and the      Xavier Riddle and the       Xavier Riddle and the     Cyberchase: Journey of a
      PBS KIDS   Secret Museum             Secret Museum              Secret Museum              Secret Museum               Secret Museum             Thousand Food Miles.

                 (6:30) Endeavour on        Miss Scarlet and the Duke on Masterpiece:            All Creatures Great and Small on Masterpiece.         The Long Song on
      10         Masterpiece. A teacher Memento Mori. A photographer receives threats.           James is honored as Attending Vet.                    Masterpiece
                 goes missing.
Sun              Les Stroud’s Wild Harvest. Confucius Was a Foodie: Origins of the Beginnings.   No Passport Required: Miami. The Haitian              Richard Bangs’
                 Greens; barbecue rib-eye The culinary roots of food.                            community in Miami.                                   Adventures with Purpose
2/7 Create       steak.
                 Xavier Riddle and the      Xavier Riddle and the     Xavier Riddle and the      Xavier Riddle and the      Xavier Riddle and the      Cyberchase: A Renewable
      PBS KIDS   Secret Museum              Secret Museum             Secret Museum              Secret Museum              Secret Museum              Hope.

                 British Antiques             Antiques Roadshow: Vintage Orlando Hour 1. James American Experience: Goin’ Back to T-Town.              African Americans: The
      10         Roadshow                     McNeill Whistler artwork.                        Business fails in Greenwood, Okla.                      Las Vegas Experience

Mon              Cook’s Country. Barbecue     America’s Test Kitchen    Dishing with Julia Child. No Passport Required: Houston. Nigerian and West     Rick Steves’ Europe.
                 chicken thighs; peach        from Cook’s Illustrated   Julia Child’s potato       African community.                                  Gardens, art and fine
2/8 Create       pies.                                                  preparation.                                                                   music.
                 Molly of Denali.             Hero Elementary. A big    Odd Squad. The agents Arthur. Animated. D.W. WordGirl. Animated.               Cyberchase:
      PBS KIDS   Animated. Suki digs up       parade balloon gets       are caught in a time loop. Tale Spin.              Becky’s last day of         Housewarming Party.
                 an old bone tool.            loose.                                                                       vacation.
Please visit for complete program schedule

     10:30 p.m.
(10:00) American
                                 11:00 p.m.                 11:30 p.m.
                         Count Basie -- Through His Own Eyes. The private
                                                                                     Our Picks for Feb 1-8
Masters. Life of country passions and ambitions that inspired bandleader
singer Charley Pride.    and pianist Count Basie.
Richard Bangs’           Family Travel with Colleen America’s Test Kitchen
Adventures with Purpose Kelly. Scenic bike ride; from Cook’s Illustrated
-New Zealand             Irish music.
Molly of Denali: The     Pinkalicious & Peterrific: Elinor Wonders Why:
Worm Turns; Little Dog All Tangled Up; Above the These Sneezes; Ari’s
Lost.                    Clouds.                    Lucky Shirt.
(10:00) FRONTLINE: China’s COVID Secrets            Nevada Week

Travelscope. Traditional Weekends with Yankee: Cook’s Country. Texas
tea snacks; Assam tea Best of New England.            thick-cut smoked pork
farm.                                                 chops.
Molly of Denali.           Pinkalicious & Peterrific: Elinor Wonders Why.
Animated. Berry-picking is Pinkfoot; Flossie the      Animated. Couch cushion
ruined by mosquitoes. Mossling.                       castle.
(10:00) Europe’s New       Big Pacific: Mysterious. Mysterious depths of the
Wild: The Missing Lynx. Pacific Ocean.
Curious Traveler.         Outside with Greg Aiello.    America’s Test Kitchen
Chateaux in central       Exploring Juneau, Alaska.    from Cook’s Illustrated
Molly of Denali.          Pinkalicious & Peterrific:   Elinor Wonders Why.
Animated. Molly goes      Sweet Pea Pixie; Pink        Animated. Ms. Mole
fishing; Trini gets lost. Piper.                       forgets her glasses.
                                                                                     The Long Story on Masterpiece
(9:30) Inspector Morse: Happy Families. Murdered       Rick Steves’ Europe.
man’s family seems unaffected.                         Understanding global
                                                       hunger and poverty.         The Long Story on Masterpiece
Travelscope. Ocean hot   Weekends with Yankee.         Cook’s Country. Southern-   Sundays at 10 p.m. beginning January 31
baths; Tao people.       Vermont’s Shelburne           style smothered chicken.
                         Farms.                                                    Based on a novel by Andrea Levy, this series is set during the final days of slavery
Molly of Denali: Hot     Pinkalicious & Peterrific Elinor Wonders Why.             in 19th century Jamaica. Following the hardships and survival of plantation slave,
Springs Eternal; Tooey’s                            Animated. Elinor learns        July, and her odious mistress, Caroline, the miniseries stars Tamara Lawrance
Hero.                                               about different plants.        and Hayley Atwell.
(10:00) In Concert at    Marching Forward. Two high school band directors
the Hollywood Bowl:      inspire an atypical collaboration in the segregated
Fireworks!               South in 1964.
(10:00) No Passport      No Passport Required: D.C. Washington, D.C.’s,
Required: Houston.       Ethiopian community.
Molly of Denali.            Pinkalicious & Peterrific: Elinor Wonders Why.
Animated. Molly helps fix   Peter’s Blues; Pink        Animated. The Exploring
the broken fish wheel.      Raspberry.                 Club finds critters.
(10:00) Silent Witness:     Happy Valley. Catherine comes face to face with
One of Our Own: Part 2.     Tommy.
Richard Bangs’             Chef Paul Prudhomme: Mike Colameco’s Real
Adventures with Purpose Louisiana Legend               Food. Ayesha Nurdjaja
- Norway                                               and Hillary Sterling.
Molly of Denali.           Pinkalicious & Peterrific: Elinor Wonders Why.
Animated. Berry-picking is Pinkfoot; Flossie the       Animated. Couch cushion
ruined by mosquitoes. Mossling.                        castle.
(10:00) The Long Song on Independent Lens: 9 to 5: The Story of a Movement.
Masterpiece                Dolly Parton’s song 9 to 5.
Richard Bang’s           Annabel Langbein: The New Scandinavian
Adventures with Purpose Free Range Cook: A Taste Cooking: The Holy Fish.
                         of Asia.
Molly of Denali: Hot     Pinkalicious & Peterrific Elinor Wonders Why.
Springs Eternal; Tooey’s                             Animated. Elinor learns
Hero.                                                about different plants.         Beyond the Elements on NOVA

(10:00) African          In Their Own Words: Muhammad Ali. Muhammad
Americans: The Las Vegas Ali’s boxing successes.                                   Beyond the Elements on NOVA
Experience                                                                         3-part mini-series, Wednesdays at 9 p.m. beginning February 3
Beyond Your Backyard: Family Travel with Colleen America’s Test Kitchen            Picking up where he left off in NOVA’s popular special, Hunting the Elements,
Muskogee, Ok.            Kelly: Marine Life in the from Cook’s Illustrated         David Pogue sets out on a worldwide quest to find the key molecules and
                                                                                   chemical reactions that have paved the way for human civilization, life and
Molly of Denali.         Pinkalicious & Peterrific: Cupid Calls It Quits
Animated. Suki digs up                                                             even the universe as we know it. (See episode information on Page 11.)
an old bone tool.
                                                                                                                                               FEBRUARY 2021              17
primetime | February 9 - February 16                                                                                Please visit for complete program schedule

 Vegas PBS             7:30 p.m.                  8:00 p.m.                  8:30 p.m.                   9:00 p.m.                  9:30 p.m.                 10:00 p.m.
                 Nevada Week                Finding Your Roots with Henry Louis Gates, Jr.: The     Al Capone: Icon. The impact of Al Capone on          FRONTLINE: Iraq’s
      10                                    Shirts on Their Backs. Tony Shalhoub; Christopher       American culture, including why people are           Assassins
                                            Meloni.                                                 fascinated by his story.
Tue              Les Stroud’s Wild Harvest: Baking with Julia.         Dishing with Julia Child:    No Passport Required: D.C. Washington, D.C.’s,       Rick Steves’ Europe. Art
                 Cattail & Pond Lily.       Fettuccine ice-cream       To Roast a Chicken.          Ethiopian community.                                 Nouveau; peat bathing.
2/9 Create                                  sandwiches.
                 Molly of Denali: New       Hero Elementary.           Odd Squad. An Odd            Arthur. Animated. Circus WordGirl. Animated.         Cyberchase. Animated.
      PBS KIDS   Nivagi; Crane Song.        Monarch butterflies go Squad gadget has been            flea; D.W. wants to be Valentine’s Day cards.        The team deciphers
                                            missing.                   stolen.                      kissed.                                              poems.
                 Outdoor Nevada Remixed: Nature: Big Bend. Wildlife of Rio Grande’s Big Bend.       NOVA: Beyond the Elements: Indestructible. Glass,    Europe’s New Wild:
      10         My Favorite Pastimes.                                                              rubber and plastic.                                  Return of the Titans.

Wed              Cook’s Country. Memphis- Lidia’s Kitchen. Blueberry Dishing with Julia Child: No Passport Required: Boston. Portuguese culinary Rick Steves’ Europe. The
                 style wet ribs in slow     and ricotta parfait.        The Whole Fish Story.      traditions.                                          Parthenon and Agora in
2/10 Create      cooker.                                                                                                                                Athens.
                 Molly of Denali.           Hero Elementary. The        Odd Squad. Oscarbots Arthur. Animated. D.W. WordGirl. Animated.                 Cyberchase: A Garden
      PBS KIDS   Animated. Molly trains for crew finds a young bird. get lost in town.             and Bud take wilderness Invisi-Bill seeks publicity. Grows in Botlyn.
                 a ski race.                                                                       adventure.
                 Rick Steves’ Europe: Why A Place to Call Home: Day (8:44) A Place to Call Home: That’s Amore. Anna Inspector Morse: The Death of the Self. Morse
      10         We Travel. The value of of Atonement.                  and Gino’s romance continues to blossom as they investigates the death of a woman.
                 travel.                                                sneak off to spend time together.
 Thu             Pati’s Mexican Table.      Christopher Kimball’s       Dishing with Julia Child. No Passport Required: Queens, NYC. Indo-Guyanese Rick Steves’ Europe. Old
                 Riding the railway to El Milk Street Television        Pain de mie and a raisin community in Queens, N.Y.                              port town of Nafplio;
2/11 Create      Fuerte.                                                bread.                                                                          Olympia.
                 Molly of Denali.           Hero Elementary. Turbo Odd Squad. Evil Sculptor Arthur. Animated. Buster WordGirl. Animated.                Pinkalicious & Peterrific:
      PBS KIDS   Animated. Molly and Trini Tina is excited to see       offers top-secret info.    receives chocolates in Captain Tangent.              Cupid Calls It Quits
                 make suncatchers.          snow.                                                  the mail.
                 Washington Week            Nevada Week                 Rick Steves’ Europe: Why In Concert at the Hollywood Bowl: Musica Sin           Dave Chappelle: The Mark
      10                                                                We Travel. The value of Fronteras (Music Without Borders). Vin Scully           Twain Prize
                                                                        travel.                    narrates Lincoln Portrait.
 Fri             Cook’s Country. Grilled America’s Test Kitchen Dishing with Julia Child. Kevin Belton’s New                  New Orleans Cooking       Kevin Belton’s New
                 bourbon steaks; dill       from Cook’s Illustrated Julia Child’s knife skills. Orleans Celebrations: All with Kevin Belton: Classic Orleans Celebrations:
2/12 Create      pickles.                                                                          That Jazz Fest.            Creole.                   Crawfish Fest.
                 (7:00) Pinkalicious &      Molly of Denali.            Nature Cat. Animated. Pinkalicious & Peterrific: Cupid Calls It Quits           Cyberchase. Animated.
      PBS KIDS   Peterrific: Cupid Calls It Animated. Molly and Trini Hal forgets to buy gifts.                                                         The team restores the
                 Quits                      make suncatchers.                                                                                           satellites.
                 Midsomer Murders: Murder of Innocence. A convict (8:21) Midsomer                  (9:02) Death in Paradise. The owner of a hair salon Silent Witness. Nikki
      10         returns to the village.                                Murders. A convict returns is killed.                                           attends a carbon copy
                                                                        to the village.                                                                 crime scene.
 Sat             Pati’s Mexican Table.      Confucius Was a Foodie: Bitter. Chinese medicinal The Best of the Joy of          The Best of the Joy of    Richard Bangs’
                 Chilorio; cookies.         herbs; durian.                                         Painting. A snowy cabin. Painting: Mountain          Adventures with Purpose
2/13 Create                                                                                                                   Serenity.                 -Switzerland
                 (7:00) Pinkalicious &      Molly of Denali.            Nature Cat. Animated. Pinkalicious & Peterrific: Cupid Calls It Quits           Cyberchase:
      PBS KIDS   Peterrific: Cupid Calls It Animated. Molly and Trini Hal forgets to buy gifts.                                                         Housewarming Party.
                 Quits                      make suncatchers.
                 (6:30) Endeavour Season Miss Scarlet and the Duke on Masterpiece: Cell 99. All Creatures Great and Small on Masterpiece. The The Long Song on
      10         6 on Masterpiece. The Eliza stumbles on a criminal enterprise.                    Dales deal with a bitter winter.                     Masterpiece
                 murder of a schoolgirl.
 Sun             Les Stroud’s Wild Harvest: Confucius Was a Foodie: Origins of the Beginnings. Kevin Belton’s New             New Orleans Cooking       Rick Steves Rome
                 Lamb’s Quarters and        The culinary roots of food.                            Orleans Celebrations: All with Kevin Belton: Classic
2/14 Create      Raspberries.                                                                      That Jazz Fest.            Creole.
                 (7:00) Pinkalicious &      Molly of Denali.            Nature Cat. Animated. Pinkalicious & Peterrific: Cupid Calls It Quits           Cyberchase: A Garden
      PBS KIDS   Peterrific: Cupid Calls It Animated. Molly and Trini Hal forgets to buy gifts.                                                         Grows in Botlyn.
                 Quits                      make suncatchers.
                 British Antiques           Antiques Roadshow: Vintage Orlando Hour 2. Fern American Experience: Voice of Freedom. Marian Anderson at the Lincoln
      10         Roadshow                   Isabel Coppedge oil.                                   Memorial.

Mon              Cook’s Country. Citrus- America’s Test Kitchen Dishing with Julia Child.           Kevin Belton’s New         Kevin Belton’s New         Rick Steves’ Europe:
                 braised pork tacos; piping from Cook’s Illustrated Julia Child’s potato            Orleans Celebrations:      Orleans Celebrations:      Istanbul. Grand Bazaar
2/15 Create      bags.                                                preparation.                  Crawfish Fest.             Beignet Fest.              and spice market.
                 Molly of Denali.           Hero Elementary. The      Odd Squad. The Unit           Arthur. Animated. Cellist WordGirl. Animated.         Cyberchase. Animated.
      PBS KIDS   Animated. Molly helps fix school’s bell won’t stop attempts to prevent             Yo-Yo Ma; Joshua           Student council            The team deciphers
                 the broken fish wheel. ringing.                      trouble.                      Redman.                    president.                 poems.
                 Nevada Week                Finding Your Roots with Henry Louis Gates, Jr.: Write   The Black Church: This Is Our Story, This Is Our Song. The roots of Black
      10                                    My Name in the Book of Life. Pharrell Williams; Kasi    religion.
 Tue             Les Stroud’s Wild Harvest: Baking with Julia.        Dishing with Julia Child:     New Orleans Cooking       Kevin Belton’s New         Rick Steves’ Europe.
                 Twisted Stalk & Wild Mint. Espresso profiteroles;    To Roast a Chicken.           with Kevin Belton: Jazz Orleans Kitchen: The Po-     Historical sites in Tehran,
2/16 Create                                 choux paste.                                            Brunch.                   Boy Sandwich.              Iran.
                 PBS KIDS Talk About:       Hero Elementary. The      Odd Squad. Mayor              Arthur. Animated. Magical WordGirl. Animated.        Cyberchase. Animated.
      PBS KIDS   Race and Racism            crew goes to Turtle       catches case of the Sing-     device; Arthur acts like Butcher fails to defeat     The water problem in
                                            Beach.                    A-Longs.                      Buster.                   WordGirl.                  Canalia.
Please visit for complete program schedule

     10:30 p.m.
(10:00) FRONTLINE:
                                 11:00 p.m.
                            Nevada Week
                                                              11:30 p.m.
                                                         Outdoor Nevada: A Walk
                                                                                      Our Picks for Feb 9-16
Iraq’s Assassins                                         in the Park.
Travelscope. Exploring the Weekends with Yankee. Cook’s Country. Barbecue
Greek Isles.                Oldest floating post office chicken thighs; peach
                            in the U.S.                 pies.
Molly of Denali: New        Pinkalicious & Peterrific: Elinor Wonders Why: The
Nivagi; Crane Song.         Snow Fairy; To Catch a Lizard Lounge; Feathers.
(10:00) Europe’s New        Big Pacific: Violent. Ocean creatures deal with
Wild: Return of the Titans. violence.
Curious Traveler. Hidden Outside with Greg Aiello.       America’s Test Kitchen
symbol of Venice on the Alaska’s Chilkoot Trail.         from Cook’s Illustrated
Molly of Denali.           Pinkalicious & Peterrific: Elinor Wonders Why:
Animated. Molly trains for Pink Lemonade; Pink        Leave It to Ari; Snow
a ski race.                Shoes.                     Friend.
(9:30) Inspector Morse: The Death of the Self.        Rick Steves’ Europe: Why
Morse investigates the death of a woman.              We Travel. The value of
Travelscope. Cinco de      Weekends with Yankee. Cook’s Country. Memphis-
Mayo in San Antonio.       Hiking up to Holt’s Ledge. style wet ribs in slow
(10:00) Pinkalicious & Pinkalicious & Peterrific: Elinor Wonders Why:
Peterrific: Cupid Calls It Treasure Hunt; Cheer Up, Speed Racer; One of              Nature: Big Bend: The Wild Frontier of Texas
Quits                      Archie.                    These Goats.
(10:00) Dave Chappelle: The Mark Twain Prize          One Night in March            Nature: Big Bend: The Wild Frontier of Texas
                                                                                    Wednesday, February 10 at 8 p.m.
Kevin Belton’s New          New Orleans Cooking          Kevin Belton’s New         Roam the Wild West frontier land of the Rio Grande’s Big Bend alongside
Orleans Celebrations:       with Kevin Belton: Jazz      Orleans Kitchen: The       its iconic animals, including black bears, rattlesnakes and scorpions.
Beignet Fest.               Brunch.                      Po-Boy Sandwich.           (Repeats Thursday, February 11 at 2:30 p.m.)
Molly of Denali.            Pinkalicious & Peterrific:   Elinor Wonders Why: Bird
Animated. Organizing a      Pink Love; Duocorn.          Song; No Need to Shout.     Marian Anderson in
race; training a dog.                                                                American Experience:
                                                                                     Voice of Freedom
(10:00) Silent Witness.     Happy Valley. Frances makes Catherine’s life a
Nikki attends a carbon      misery.
copy crime scene.
Richard Bangs’              Chef Paul Prudhomme:    Mike Colameco’s Real
Adventures with Purpose     Louisiana Legend        Food. Chef Gabriel
-Switzerland                                        Kreuther’s restaurant.
Molly of Denali: New     Pinkalicious & Peterrific: Elinor Wonders Why: The
Nivagi; Crane Song.      Snow Fairy; To Catch a Lizard Lounge; Feathers.
(10:00) The Long Song on Independent Lens: Women in Blue. Women officers
Masterpiece              seek gender equity.
(10:00) Rick Steves Rome Annabel Langbein: The New Scandinavian
                          Free Range Cook: Fiesta Cooking: Pyramids of the
                          for Friends.               North.
Molly of Denali.          Pinkalicious & Peterrific: Elinor Wonders Why:
Animated. Molly and Trini Pink Love; Duocorn.        Speed Racer; One of
make suncatchers.                                    These Goats.
(9:00) American           Marian Anderson: Once in a Hundred Years. Tracing
Experience: Voice of      Marian Anderson’s life, including her struggles
Freedom.                  against racism and poverty.
Beyond Your Backyard. Family Travel with Colleen America’s Test Kitchen
Florida’s historic coast. Kelly                      from Cook’s Illustrated
Molly of Denali.            Pinkalicious & Peterrific Elinor Wonders Why:
Animated. Molly helps fix                             Bubble House; The Syrup
the broken fish wheel.                                Tree.                         American Experience: Voice of Freedom
The Black Church: This      Nevada Week               Outdoor Nevada Remixed:       Monday, February 15 at 9 p.m.
Is Our Story, This Is Our                             My Favorite Pastimes.         On Easter Sunday, 1939, contralto Marian Anderson stood in front of
Song                                                                                the Lincoln Memorial and sang to the American people in open air. She
Travelscope. Cruising the   Weekends with Yankee.        Cook’s Country. Grilled    was barred from performing in Constitution Hall because of her race.
South Texas Coast.          Lexington, Mass.; New        bourbon steaks; dill       Anderson’s rich life story is interwoven with this landmark moment
                            England dinner.              pickles.                   in history, exploring fundamental questions about talent, race, fame,
Molly of Denali: Sap        Pinkalicious & Peterrific    Elinor Wonders Why         democracy and the American soul.
Season; Book of
                                                                                                                                      FEBRUARY 2021           19
primetime | February 17 - February 24                                                                             Please visit for complete program schedule

 Vegas PBS             7:30 p.m.                  8:00 p.m.                  8:30 p.m.                 9:00 p.m.                  9:30 p.m.                   10:00 p.m.
                 Outdoor Nevada Remixed: Nature: Equus: Story of the Horse: Origins.             NOVA: Beyond the Elements: Life. The origins of life Europe’s New Wild: The
      10         From Sky to Land.       Relationship between humans and horses.                 on Earth.                                            Land of Snow and Ice.

Wed              Cook’s Country. South     Lidia’s Kitchen. Scallops Moveable Feast with          Kevin Belton’s New         New Orleans Cooking with Rick Steves’ Europe.
                 Carolina smoked fresh     saltimbocca; seared lamb Relish                        Orleans Celebrations:      Kevin Belton: Carnival. Persepolis, Shiraz and
2/17 Create      ham.                      chops.                                                 Beignet Fest.                                         Esfahan.
                 Molly of Denali.          Hero Elementary. The       Odd Squad. Ms. O wants Arthur. Animated. Muffy WordGirl. Animated.                Cyberchase. Animated.
      PBS KIDS   Animated. Molly loses a   crew searches for a piece to win a Jackie Award. worries she is no longer Becky’s trophy                     Place value; number
                 mitten.                   of statue.                                             needed.                    disappears.                system.
                 Rick Steves’ Europe.      A Place to Call Home:      (8:45) A Place to Call Home: Worlds Apart. Elizabeth Inspector Morse: Absolute Conviction. Morse
      10         Roman hot springs;        Boom!                      is rushed to hospital where Jack confirms she has investigates death.
                 cruising canals.                                     suffered a heart attack.
 Thu             Pati’s Mexican Table.     Christopher Kimball’s      Moveable Feast with         Kevin Belton’s New        Kevin Belton’s New          Rick Steves’ Europe.
                 Chocolate chocolate       Milk Street Television     Relish                      Orleans Celebrations:     Orleans Celebrations:       Dalmation Coast; Plitvice
2/18 Create      chunk banana bread.                                                              Beignet Fest.             Jambalaya Fest.             Lakes.
                 Molly of Denali.          Hero Elementary. Muffins Odd Squad. Small furry Arthur. Animated. Killer WordGirl. Animated.                 Cyberchase. Animated.
      PBS KIDS   Animated. Suki digs up    go missing from the        creatures are on the        competes in dog show. Buildings to cheese.            Digit challenges Hacker
                 an old bone tool.         cafeteria.                 loose.                                                                            to a cook-off.
                 Washington Week           Nevada Week                Rick Steves’ Europe.        The Showgirl: A Las Vegas Icon                        African Americans: The
      10                                                              Roman hot springs;                                                                Las Vegas Experience
                                                                      cruising canals.
 Fri             Cook’s Country: Cast Iron America’s Test Kitchen Moveable Feast with             Christopher Kimball’s     Christopher Kimball’s       Christopher Kimball’s
                 Comforts. Skillet pizza from Cook’s Illustrated Relish                           Milk Street Television:   Milk Street Television:     Milk Street Television.
2/19 Create      Margherita.                                                                      Weeknight Italian.        Mexican Favorites.          Maqlubeh; hareesa.
                 The Power of We: A        The Daniel Tiger Movie: Won’t You Be Our Neighbor? PBS KIDS Talk About:          The Power of We: A          Cyberchase. Animated.
      PBS KIDS   Sesame Street Special Voices of Keegan Hedley, Heather Bambrick, Ted Race and Racism                       Sesame Street Special The team uses algebraic
                                           Dykstra.                                                                                                     equations.
                 Midsomer Murders: Written in the Stars. An amateur (8:19) Midsomer               (9:02) Death in Paradise. A blind actress is a        Silent Witness. Nikki
      10         astronomer was killed.                               Murders. An amateur         witness to murder.                                    becomes the prime
                                                                      astronomer was killed.                                                            murder suspect.
 Sat             Pati’s Mexican Table.     Confucius Was a Foodie. The culinary roots of food. The Best of the Joy of       The Best of the Joy of      Rick Steves Special:
                 Farms and fisheries of                                                           Painting: Home in the     Painting: Wilderness Trail. European Festivals
2/20 Create      Sinaloa, Mexico.                                                                 Valley.
                 The Power of We: A        The Daniel Tiger Movie: Won’t You Be Our Neighbor? PBS KIDS Talk About:          The Power of We: A          Cyberchase. Animated.
      PBS KIDS   Sesame Street Special Voices of Keegan Hedley, Heather Bambrick, Ted Race and Racism                       Sesame Street Special The water problem in
                                           Dykstra.                                                                                                     Canalia.
                 (6:30) Endeavour Season Miss Scarlet and the Duke on Masterpiece: The            All Creatures Great and Small on Masterpiece. Siegfried hosts a Christmas Eve
      10         6 on Masterpiece: Apollo. Case of Henry Scarlet. Eliza gets closer to the truth. party.

 Sun             Les Stroud’s Wild           Confucius Was a Foodie. The culinary roots of food. Christopher Kimball’s    Christopher Kimball’s          Rick Steves Cruising the
                 Harvest: Douglas Fir &                                                          Milk Street Television:  Milk Street Television:        Mediterranean
2/21 Create      Buffaloberry.                                                                   Weeknight Italian.       Mexican Favorites.
                 The Power of We: A          The Daniel Tiger Movie: Won’t You Be Our Neighbor? PBS KIDS Talk About:      The Power of We: A             Cyberchase. Animated.
      PBS KIDS   Sesame Street Special       Voices of Keegan Hedley, Heather Bambrick, Ted Race and Racism               Sesame Street Special          Digit challenges Hacker
                                             Dykstra.                                                                                                    to a cook-off.
                 British Antiques            Antiques Roadshow: Vintage Spokane Hour 1.          Antiques Roadshow: Harrisburg Hour 3. The NASA          Independent Lens:
      10         Roadshow                    Spokane bird’s-eye view lithograph.                 archive of Pearl Tucker.                                Mr. SOUL!. Cultural
                                                                                                                                                         significance of SOUL!
Mon              Cook’s Country. Garlic     America’s Test Kitchen Moveable Feast with           Christopher Kimball’s      Christopher Kimball’s        Rick Steves’ Europe.
                 fried chicken; Dutch       from Cook’s Illustrated Relish                       Milk Street Television.    Milk Street Television:      Spanish capitals Granada
2/22 Create      ovens.                                                                          Maqlubeh; hareesa.         Lasagna Bolognese.           and Córdoba.
                 Molly of Denali.           Hero Elementary. The       Odd Squad. Ms. O is       Arthur. Animated.          WordGirl. Animated.          Cyberchase: Size Me Up.
      PBS KIDS   Animated. Molly, Trini and crew finds an opossum sprayed by a weird plant.      Francine fears public      Ultimate invincible robot.
                 Nina go berry picking.     family.                                              speaking.
                 Nevada Week                Finding Your Roots with Henry Louis Gates, Jr.:      The Black Church: This Is Our Story, This Is Our Song. The Black Church
      10                                    Country Roots. Clint Black; Rosanne Cash.            expands its reach.

 Tue             Les Stroud’s Wild Harvest. Baking with Julia. Lauren Moveable Feast with     Christopher Kimball’s         Christopher Kimball’s        Rick Steves’ Europe.
                 Mussels, wild radish and Groveman: bagels,           Relish                  Milk Street Television        Milk Street Television:      Spanish culture;
2/23 Create      seaweed.                   matzos.                                                                         Weeknight Mexican.           windsurfing in Tarifa.
                 Molly of Denali: Busy      Hero Elementary. A        Odd Squad. Otto works Arthur. Animated. Arthur        WordGirl. Animated.          Cyberchase: A Camping
      PBS KIDS   Beavers; The Night         student accidentally      on a case by himself.   finds a mouse catcher.        Villains gather at Chuck’s   Conundrum.
                 Watchers.                  freezes the lake.                                                               house.
                 Outdoor Nevada: Outdoor Nature: Equus: Story of the Horse: Chasing the Wind. NOVA: Mars 2020.                                           Europe’s New Wild:
      10         Nevada Takes Off.          Relationship between humans and horses.                                                                      Europe’s Amazon.

Wed              Cook’s Country.             Lidia’s Kitchen:          Moveable Feast with       Christopher Kimball’s      Christopher Kimball’s        Rick Steves’ Europe:
                 Mississippi mud pie; food   Restaurant Inspiration.   Relish                    Milk Street Television:    Milk Street Television:      Oslo. Viking ships; Opera
2/24 Create      processors.                 Risotto; short ribs.                                Middle East Favorites.     New Israeli Cuisine.         House.
                 Molly of Denali: The        Hero Elementary. The      Odd Squad. A buried       Arthur. Animated. Arthur   WordGirl. Animated. Dr.      Cyberchase. Animated.
      PBS KIDS   Night Manager; Not So       crew helps a boy make     treasure chest.           catches Buster sucking     Two Brains hijacks a talk    Hacker plots revenge.
                 Permafrost.                 a kite.                                             his thumb.                 show.
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