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Sommelier INDIA

                                                       AUTUMN 2021 `250

             THE WINE MAGAZINE

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Sommelier INDIA - Copia Vineyards ...
contents                                      VOL 17: ISSUE 3, AUTUMN 2021   `250
                                                                                                                                    Volume 17 Issue 3
                                                                                                                                     Autumn 2021

                                                                                                                                  Founder Reva K Singh
                                                                                                                                  Publisher Shiv B Singh
                                                                                                                                      Advisory Council
                                                                                                                              Dhruv M Sawhney – New Delhi

  24                                                                                                                           Ravi Viswanathan – Singapore
                                                                                                                             Sanjiv S Dugal – Providence, USA

                                                                                                                               Editor in Chief Reva K Singh
                                                                                                                             Chief Copy Editor Bunny Suraiya
                                                                                                                            Tastings Co-ordinator Gagan Sharma

                                                                                                                                   Correspondents – India
                                                                                                                             Alok Chandra, Brinda Gill, Aditi
                                                                                                                             Pai, Kaveri Ponnapa, Ruma Singh
                                                                                                                               Correspondents – Overseas
                                                                                                                            Renu Chahil-Graf – EU, Rosemary
                                                                                                                               George – UK, Mira Advani
                                                                                                                             Honeycutt – US, Michèle Shah
                                                                                                                               Alessandra Piubello – Italy,
                                                                                                                                   Carol Wright – UK
                                                                                                                                  Contributing writers
                                                                                                                                Raghu Bahadur, Sourish
                                                                                                                             Bhattacharyya, Raymond Blake,
                                                                                                                              Shoba Narayan, Jon Wyand
                                                                                                                               Administration and Accounts
                                                                                                                                    Harendra Singh
                                                                                                       Mira Advani                  Design Inkspot Inc
                                                                                                       Honeycutt is the           Layout Artist T M Jose
                                                                                                       Wine Editor of                     Printed at
                                                                                                       PASO Magazine,          EIH Ltd, Unit Printing Press,
                                                                                                                            Plot no. 22, Sector 5, IMT Manesar,
                                                                                                       based in Paso                 Haryana - 122050
FEATURES                                                                            Robles. She is curator and writer of
                                                                                                                               Sommelier India is a controlled
                                                                                    “Signature Wines & Wineries of
                                                                                                                             circulation quarterly produced by
                                                                                    Coastal California”, curator of “The       CMI, Consolidated Media Int,
24 INDIAN WOMEN IN WINE BLAZE A TRAIL                                               Winemakers of Paso Robles” (both        C-320, Defence Colony, New Delhi –
                                                                                                                            110 024, India. T +91-11-2433-1013.
IN CALIFORNIA Mira A Honeycutt profiles six                                         large format coffee table books) and       E
Indian women who are making a name in an                                            the author of “California’s Central        W
industry dominated by men                                                           Coast, The Ultimate Winery Guide”.
                                                                                                                               Subscription: One year `1000
                                                                                    She also writes for the Napa Valley       Two years `2000. Three, `3000
                                                                                    Register. Mira has chronicled the           The views expressed in the
                                                                                    wine world for several international      publication are the writers’ own
                                                                                                                              and not necessarily those of the
                                                                                    publications and has written on                     publishers.
                                                                                    international cinema for The
                                                                                    Hollywood Reporter.

2 Sommelier INDIA   JULY-SEPTEMBER 2021                                                                                JULY-SEPTEMBER 2021      Sommelier INDIA 3
Sommelier INDIA - Copia Vineyards ...
BLAZING A NEW                                                                                                                                “It was a deep dive,” said Anita who
                                                                                                                                                accompanied Varinder on the trip and the two

                                                                                                                                                got an in-depth tour of vineyards and wineries.
                                                                                                                                                Soon the couple was interning with one of
                                                                                                                                                Paso’s most esteemed winemakers, Eric Jensen
                                                                                                                                                at his Booker winery. Two years later, they
         Mira Advani Honeycutt meets six women of Indian descent
                                                                                                                                                acquired Copia Vineyards, not far from Booker.
          who are making a mark in an industry dominated by men                                                                                    I meet Anita and Varinder at their hillside
                                                                                                                                                Copia Vineyards, a 50-acre ranch on Paso’s

                                                                                                                                                prestigious Willow Creek District appellation,
                  en dominate California’s wine                                                                                                 rich with calcareous soil. Their contemporary-
                  industry. Women are very                                                                                                      style home sits on a hilltop complete with
                  much a minority. Although                                                                                                     an infinity pool, a rose garden and a lush
                  women have come far in recent                                                                                                 vegetable patch.
years, according to a 2020 study conducted by                                                                                                      Some 20 acres were planted in 2019 to Syrah,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Mira Advani Honeycutt
Women Winemakers of California and Beyond,                                                                                                      Grenache, Mourvèdre, Cabernet Sauvignon
approximately only 14% of the 4,200-plus bonded                                                                                                 and Petite Verdot. Their first few vintages
wineries in California report a woman as their                                                                                                  were produced with fruit sourced from Paso
lead winemaker and even fewer as winery owners.                                                                                                 and Santa Barbara County vineyards. This
Yet, almost under the radar, there is a handful                                                                                                 year the Sahis look forward to their first Copia
of Indian women who are blazing an impressive                                                                                                   Vineyards harvest. While Varinder is the            cult winery, Dalla Valle Vineyards. (See page 36)   Priyanka Dhar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        French, Napa’s
trail in this patriarchal landscape. This group                                                                                                 hands-on winemaker, Anita brings her culinary         Is it any wonder that she was head-hunted
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        first Indian woman
includes vintners such as Anita Sahi, Priyanka                                                                                                  knowledge and experienced palate to the             in 2019 by Napa’s historic Signorello Estate        winemaker
Dhar French, Anisya Fritz, Neeta Mittal, Janu                                                                                                   blending table.                                     for the winemaker position? Here, as the third
Goelz and Raghni Naidu.                                                                                                                            Reflections of Anita’s heritage come through     winemaker of a winery known for complex
                                                       Mykaela Faulconer

  All these women are following their passion                                                                                                   in her gracious hospitality when she’s curating     and structured Napa Cabs and a brilliant
to produce a range of wines from Bordeaux, and                                                                                                  a tasting experience. “Taking care of people is     Chardonnay, she will continue to uphold its         Priyanka was
Rhône-style to Burgundian varietals, from Napa                                                                                                  a mark of pride,” Anita expressed. The Indian       decades-long legacy.
and Sonoma to California’s Central Coast, and                                                                                                   touch is reflected on the labels in the style of      In the devastating 2017 Napa fires,
picking up awards and high ratings along the way.                     Anita Sahi and       York’s restaurateur Drew Nierporent where            the Saraswati mantra. “The triangle represents      Signorello’s original winery, founded in 1977,      in 2019 by
                                                                      husband, Varinder
For all of them, their traditions and family values
                                                                      pictured among
                                                                                           her true wine education began, helping her to        knowledge,” she said, referring to the knowledge    was destroyed but the vineyards were saved.         Napa’s historic
have been the assets they bring to their profession.                  the vines at Copia   develop a sophisticated palate. “To be able to       she continues to gather on her wine journey         The rebuilding process has started with
“Failure is not an option,” said Janu, echoing her                                         orchestrate dinners using a Wine Spectator Grand     with Varinder on their Copia estate.                ground breaking scheduled this summer.
parents’ emphasis on success. “We were brought up                                          Award winning wine cellar that is 20,000-plus           Copia’s annual case production is 1,500 cases.   Overseeing construction of the new 28,000           Estate for the
with sweat equity,” commented Priyanka, whose                                              bottles deep was a privilege,” recalled Anita.       Its portfolio includes Rhône-style blends and       square foot winery and caves is among               winemaker
parents emphasized the importance of education.                                               Anita met her husband Varinder Sahi in            Chardonnay.                                         Priyanka’s responsibilities.                        position as
“That has been a cornerstone for me.”                                                      Chicago in 2015. A one-hour date over a glass of                                                           “I’ve always followed the path of estate-
                                                                                           Provençal Rosé, arranged online, led to 12 hours     PriyAnkA DhAr French, Winemaker,                    driven wines,” said Priyanka, a Mumbaikar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        the third
AnitA SAhi, Proprietor/General Manager, Copia                                              together. The romance had clearly kicked in          Signorello Estate, Napa Valley                      who at the young age of 34 has amassed              winemaker of
Vineyards, Paso Robles                                                                     and the two moved in together in Indianapolis          Priyanka’s power-packed resumé reflects not       a wealth of knowledge while interning or            the winery
  Born and raised in the Chicago area, Anita                                               where Varinder was based. At the time, his           only her experiences in global wine regions         working at wineries in France, California and
Kothari was drawn to all things culinary at a young                                        family owned vineyards in Lodi, California,          but also her work alongside such luminaries as      New Zealand, where she met her husband
age. From her stints in television and with public                                         which motivated Varinder to study viticulture        renowned enologist Michel Rolland and noted         Alex French.
relations firms, she transitioned to the restaurant                                        at the University of Davis California. Part of the   winemaker Andy Erickson during her five-year          Priyanka comes from a family of scientists
industry working with such luminaries as New                                               course included a trip to Paso wineries.             tenure as cellar master/viticulturist at Napa’s     so she knew early on the general direction in

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contemporary-styled hospitality lounge. “We           of our culture.” She views her winery team as
                                                                                                                                     are not looking at short term.”                       one big joint family. “We belong to each other
                                                                                                                                       With a background in international business,        and this place.”                                    Neeta Pillai was
                                                                                                                                     Anisya met Lynn Fritz in 1996 when the two               Anisya is also rooted in the community as she
                                                                                                                                     founded the Fritz Institute in San Francisco,         mentors young people interested in food and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               always drawn
                                                                                                                                     a humanitarian non-profit organization with           wine. Since business is such an essential part      to the Indian
                                                                                                                                     a global outreach including India. Along the          of the industry, in 2012 she created a ten-week     arts and it’s
                                                                                                                                     way, they got married. It wasn’t until 2008 that      Certificate course in Wine Entrepreneurship
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               the richness of
                                                                                                                                     Anisya decided she needed a hiatus. That’s            that she teaches at nearby Sonoma State College.
                                                                                                                                     when Lynn proposed she take on the role of               Lynmar’s annual production is 11,000 cases.      Indian culture
                                                                                                                                     Lynmar’s Director of Consumer Experience, an          Its portfolio includes Pinot Noir and Chardonnay    that has been
                                                                                                                                     aspect that was fast becoming a significant part      crafted by winemaker Pete Soergel.                  instrumental
                                                                                                                                     of the California wine industry.
                                                                                                                                       “I didn’t know anything about wine; I had           neetA MittAl, Co-Founder LXV Wine,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               in creating the
                                                                                                                                     to learn from the ground up,” said Anisya, a          Paso Robles                                         LXV image
                                                                                                                                     former executive who drew on her business               Achieving the status of one of the Top Ten
                                                                                                                                     acumen to manage sales and hospitality.               tasting rooms in America by the USA Today
Anisya Fritz,             which she was headed. Chemistry caught her         a taste of the Indian wine scene. She decided to        There were challenges in learning the                 newspaper is no small feat. The LXV Wine            Neeta Mittal
oversees the                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   introduced wine
gardens and               attention, especially food sciences. “It’s an      continue with her travels to New Zealand and            business from scratch, especially the language        Tasting Lounge is a sensory landscape of wine       and spice pairings at
culinary programme        application-based science,” said the pragmatic     then to Napa at Della Valle winery. (See pg 36.)        of wine and food, admitted Anisya, who now            and spices, located in a humble shopping strip in   LXV Wines
at Lynmar Estate
                          winemaker, who graduated from Mumbai’s                The young winemaker’s goal is to carry her           meticulously manages the gardens as well as
                          Institute of Chemical Technology. The              knowledge back to India’s wine industry. She            the culinary programme.
                          introduction to wine came via one of her college   admits that she’s not familiar with India’s               Lynmar Estate began with the 40-acre Quail
                          field trips, which included visits to a spice      tropical wine environment, but feels that               Hill Ranch acquired by Lynn in 1980. The
                          blending company, the Amul milk processing         she could in the future bring her technical             original parcel has grown over time to the
Lynmar Estate             unit, the Parle biscuit factory and Sula winery    knowledge to this burgeoning wine region.               current 102 acres as Lynn began acquiring
is a paradise             in Nashik. The last one appealed to her.           “But for now, I know I’m needed here, while             neighbouring parcels and pieced together a
tucked into                  Priyanka’s plans to study winemaking            they rebuild Signorello,” she says.                     contiguous ranch. In 1990, Lynmar Estate was
                          abroad didn’t sit well with her parents, but          Signorello’s annual production is 3,000 cases. Its   established, and began producing Pinot Noir
the small town            they recognized her determination. She was         portfolio includes Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay,      and Chardonnay from its 40-acre vineyard
of Sebastopol.            accepted into the Masters’ Programme in            Sauvignon Blanc and Pinot Noir.                         planted in 20 different blocks and farmed to
Acres of well-            Adelaide, in Bordeaux and at the University                                                                sustainable practices.
                          of California Davis (UC Davis). She chose the      AniSyA Fritz, Proprietor/Director of Consumer             Hailing from Kerala, Anisya née Thomas,
                          latter and graduated with a Master of Science      Experience, Lynmar Estate, Sebastopol,                  came to the US in the early 1980s and received
vineyards                 degree in Viticulture & Enology.                   Sonoma County                                           her Masters Degree in Business from Virginia
form a mosaic                It was here that Priyanka earned internships      Located in the heart of Sonoma’s Russian              Polytechnic Institute and State University.
around bursts             at such prestigious wineries as Napa’s E           River Valley appellation, Lynmar Estate is              But she grew up as a military brat travelling
                          & J Gallo and Louis Martini, and later at          a paradise tucked into the small town of                across India. “Twelve schools in twelve years,”
of flowers and            Hospices de Beaune in Burgundy, France.            Sebastopol. Acres of well-manicured vineyards           she mused, an experience she claims was
an abundant               Of her multiple experiences, Priyanka states:      form a mosaic around bursts of flowers and an           helpful in the earlier days of working long
vegetable garden          “My biggest education has been expanding           abundant vegetable garden.                              hours at the winery with different people.
                          my own palate.                                       This is the result of the long-term vision            “You learn to be flexible.”
                             In 2011 she was tapped by Tonnellerie           of Anisya Fritz and her husband Lynn. “We                 Hospitality, said Anisya, is a significant
                          Demptos to represent its French oak barrels in     are here for a lifetime as stewards of the              part of Indian culture. “Sharing warmth and
                          India, a stint that lasted one year and gave her   land,” she told me, seated in Lynmar Estate’s           treating strangers like family is an essential part

26 Sommelier INDIA   JULY-SEPTEMBER 2021                                                                                                                                                                                JULY-SEPTEMBER 2021         Sommelier INDIA 27
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Paso Robles’ quaint and charming downtown         the deck of her ranch overlooking the well-            different wines, its fruit sourced from the
                           area. The LXV Ranch, on the other hand,           manicured vineyards.                                   appellations of San Benito and Arroyo Seco in
                           home to the Mittals’ newly planted Armaa.N          The Mittals were based in Los Angeles (she           nearby Monterey County. Production is done at
Janu knew                  Vineyard, is on Paso’s prestigious appellation    was a screenwriter/producer and he was an IT           a winery in Paso Robles and a tasting room is
                           of Willow Creek District. The 13.5-acre           executive at Sony Studios) when they decided to        located in downtown Morgan Hill. (All these
she was on the             property is planted to eight acres and includes   commit to producing wine and discovered the            locations are no more than an hour or two
right path when            Sangiovese, Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet          region of Paso Robles. Their LXV Wine brand            driving distance from each other.) Alara wines
her very first             Franc and Syrah.                                  was launched with the inaugural vintage of             reflect Janu’s free spirit. “I’m not a scientific
                              Holding      an     engineering      degree,   2010 Rising Tempo, a well-received Rhône-style         winemaker; I’m more palate-driven,” said Janu
vintage of 2017
                           Mumbaiker Neeta Pillai was always drawn           blend, its fruit sourced from Paso vineyards.          of her well-defined palate that owes much to her
Grenache Blanc             to the Indian arts and it’s the richness of         “In two years we decided this is not us,” said       heritage of Singaporean/Indian food.
won “Best of               Indian culture that has been instrumental         Neeta. Her palate favoured Sangiovese and                Annual production is 2,000 cases of Chardonnay,
Show” at the               in creating the LXV image. Of her heritage,       Kunal leaned toward Bordeaux. The LXV                  Pinot Noir, Barbera, Sangiovese, Negrette and

                                                                                                                                                                                         Mira Advani Honeycutt
                           Neeta says, “It’s actually been an advantage.”    portfolio has since evolved to reflect their tastes,   Cabernet Pfeffer.
Central Coast              She has woven an Indian-ness into the world       Bordeaux-style wines crafted by noted Paso
Competition in             of food and wine and LXV is now known for         winemaker Jeff Strekas. Fruit for the wines is         r AGhni nAiDu, Owner/founder, Naidu
2018                       its wine and spice pairings.                      sourced from Paso and Santa Barbara County             Vineyards & Wines, Sebastopol, Sonoma
                              Neeta and Kunal Mittal, who celebrate          vineyards and produced at a Paso winery.               County
                           their 20th wedding anniversary this year, met       LXV Wine’s annual case production is 2,000              Raghni’s approach to showcasing her brand                             “That’s what got me where I am today,” said               Raghni Naidu, an
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       immigrant woman in
                           as students at the University of California       cases. Its portfolio includes Bordeaux style blends    goes beyond just a typical visit to a wine tasting                     Raghni, adding that their weekends were spent               the changing California
                           Berkeley. Their stomping ground was nearby        and Sangiovese.                                        room. She has curated an immersive experience                          exploring the Napa and Sonoma wine country.                 wine industry
Free spirited Janu
Goelz pictured at
                           Napa Valley. “Our romance started in wine                                                                of the Sonoma lifestyle with a stay at Naidu’s                         In 2018, the Naidus acquired the nine-acre
work in the winery         country,” said Neeta, as we chat seated on        JAnu Goelz, Founder/winemaker, Alara                   private and secluded guesthouse where the                              ranch which had been planted to a Pinot Noir
                                                                             Cellars, Morgan Hill, Santa Clara Valley               wines can be savoured along with a tour of                             vineyard in 2000.
                                                                                Janu knew she was on the right path when            the vineyards, local farms and lavender fields.                          “I’ve lived in different countries and my
                                                                             her very first vintage of 2017 Grenache Blanc          “Enjoy the wine country at your own pace,                              experiences have shaped who I am today,”
                                                                             won “Best of Show” at the Central Coast                create a memory of it,” Raghni recommends.                             Raghni reflected. Her heritage and family                   Raghni
                                                                             Competition in 2018. Not only was this the                The day I visited Raghni, the guesthouse was                        values, she explained, enables the hard work                grew up in
                                                                             first time she had worked with this variety, but       occupied so we tasted the wines under an oak                           and perseverance that she brings to her business
                                                                             it was also the very first time she had entered        tree in her four-acre Pinot Noir vineyard. “Pinot                      every day. The backbone of the California wine
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Amritsar where
                                                                             a wine competition. “I must have been doing            is what got me into drinking wine,” she said of                        industry was and are immigrants, Raghni                     fine dining
                                                                             something right,” said Janu.                           her choice for this appellation.                                       points out. “Although when you think of a                   was part of her
                                                                                Born and raised in Morgan Hill, Janu (Janaki           Naidu Vineyards released its wines in 2020                          winemaker, an immigrant woman may not be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       life. Her wine
                                                                             Arasu) graduated from the University of San            with its inaugural 2018 vintage of estate Pinot                        what one expects, but I’m trying to change that
                                                                             Francisco in International Business. But her           Noir, and a Viognier and a Zinfandel/Carignane                         whenever I can.”                                            introduction,
                                                                             career path took her from acting and fashion           blend (the last two from sourced fruit). Wines                           Naidu Vineyard’s annual case production is 250            however, came
                                                                             to television. Janu knew winemaking was her            are crafted by winemaker Matt Duffy and                                cases. Its portfolio is focused on Pinot Noir, with other   from her
                                                                             calling when she met her future husband Jason          produced in the nearby town of Santa Rosa.                             varietals and blends changing with each vintage.
                                                                             Goelz, founder/winemaker of Jason-Stephens                Raghni née, Khanna grew up in Amritsar
                                                                             winery in Gilroy, in 2012 at a party. Janu caught      where fine dining was part of her life. Her                              While listening to their stories, passion and
                                                                             the wine bug and soon immersed herself in              wine introduction, however, came via her                               commitment, it is evident that these women
                                                                             what she jokingly calls “the University of Jason”.     travels. While studying sales and marketing                            have tapped into their inner shakti, marrying
                                                                                Janu launched her Alara Cellars in Gilroy,          in Melbourne, Australia, she met her future                            the best of American entrepreneurship with
                                                                             a two-hour drive south of San Francisco. The           husband Kaushik Naidu and the two moved                                their Indian heritage and blazing a trail in
                                                                             inaugural 2016 vintage was released with 12            to San Francisco.                                                      California’s wine industry. v

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