Non-Contact Color management solutions for the cosmetics industry - How do you choose a measurement instrument?

Page created by Mary Warren
Non-Contact Color management solutions for the cosmetics industry - How do you choose a measurement instrument?
Non-Contact Color management
solutions for the cosmetics industry
How do you choose a measurement instrument?
Non-Contact Color management solutions for the cosmetics industry - How do you choose a measurement instrument?

            Ken Phillips
            Product Manager
            Non-Contact Color Solutions
            X-Rite, Inc.
Non-Contact Color management solutions for the cosmetics industry - How do you choose a measurement instrument?
About X‐Rite
• X‐Rite is the global leader in color science and technology
• The company develops, manufactures, markets and
  supports innova>ve color management solu>ons through
  measurement systems, so?ware, color standards and
• X‐Rite’s exper>se in measuring, formula>ng,
  communica>ng and matching color helps users get color
  right the first >me and every >me, which translates to
  beEer quality and reduced costs for our customers.
• X‐Rite serves a range of industries, including prin>ng,
  packaging, photography, graphic design, video, automo>ve,
  paints, plas>cs, tex>les, dental and medical.
Non-Contact Color management solutions for the cosmetics industry - How do you choose a measurement instrument?
A Revolu)on in Color Measurement
X-Rite is please to introduce two new Color QC solutions for
the cosmetics industry:
•   VS450 non-contact 45/0° spectrophotometer
•   MA98 multi-angle spectrophotometer
Non-Contact Color management solutions for the cosmetics industry - How do you choose a measurement instrument?
Color Measurement Challenges in Cosme>cs
Measuring, controlling and formula>ng the appearance of
cosme>cs products are real industrial challenges and a genuine
problem due to the nature of these products in that they are
commonly liquid, paste or powdered form
Current methodologies and processes for measuring these
products is to place the sample in a cuveEe or petri dish and
measuring through the glass or plas>c using a contact based

While this process can provide
repeatable results, it does not provide
data that correlates with what the human
eye sees, what the consumer sees in the
finished product
Non-Contact Color management solutions for the cosmetics industry - How do you choose a measurement instrument?
Color Measurement Challenges in Cosme>cs
The human eye “sees” color
based on a response to light
reflec>ng off of the surface of the
sample at a 45 degree angle
This color percep>on is a
response to not only the
reflec>ve color of the sample,
but also includes other surface
appearance aEributes of the
Total surface appearance
depends upon the texture and
the gloss of the sample in
addi>on to its color
Non-Contact Color management solutions for the cosmetics industry - How do you choose a measurement instrument?
Color Measurement Challenges in Cosme>cs
Typical lab based instruments use a spherical “diffuse”
geometry, meaning that they illuminate with diffuse light and
read the sample at 8 degrees and may or may not include the
surface gloss
Diffuse geometry is preferred when formula>ng certain
products, like paint, however 45 degree geometry is preferred
for QC
Even though 45 degree spectrophotometers are readily
available, they are largely contact based, meaning that the
instrument must contact the sample
This obviously makes measurement of powders, pastes and
liquids difficult:
Non-Contact Color management solutions for the cosmetics industry - How do you choose a measurement instrument?
Color Measurement Challenges in Cosme>cs
Contac>ng these samples contaminates the instrument, which
can result in costly instrument maintenance and repair
A tradi>onal method to address this problem is to place the
sample in a cuveEe or petri dish, and measure the sample
through the glass or plas>c

This method certainly addresses the contamina>on issue, but it
does induce other errors into the measurement:
Non-Contact Color management solutions for the cosmetics industry - How do you choose a measurement instrument?
Color Measurement Challenges in Cosme>cs

•   Compressing these products will change the appearance of
    the product (ex. compressing powder into a cuveEe reduces
    the amount of light scaEer that is natural in its raw form)
Non-Contact Color management solutions for the cosmetics industry - How do you choose a measurement instrument?
Color Measurement Challenges in Cosme>cs
•   Measuring through a translucent barrier introduces a “depth
    of field” variable between the instrument and the sample.
    This becomes an error source that must be addressed
•   This glass or plas>c barrier also introduces a first surface and
    second surface reflec>on error (typically 4% per surface)
    that must be accounted for.
•   The glass or plas>c barrier allows unwanted ambient light to
    “pipe” into the measurement area. This too, is a poten>al
    source of error
•   Condi>on of the glass or plas>c (scratches, yellowing) can
    also impart varia>on and error
Color Measurement Challenges in Cosme>cs

So, while measuring through a transparent barrier may
provide repeatable results, the results will not
correlate to the eyes natural response to the color
when in its natural form

The only way to truly measure a color and get a
colorimetric result that correlates to the human eye is
to measure the sample in its natural form, without
contac>ng the sample, using 45 degree geometry
Color Measurement Challenges in Cosme>cs
•   Growing popularity of affect pigments which change in color
    when viewed at different angles

•   These pigments can not be adequately measured with
    diffuse or single angle geometry
A Revolu)on in Color Measurement

•   VS450 non-contact 45/0° geometry spectrophotometer
•   MA98 multi-angle spectrophotometer

• VS450 is a non‐
  contact, 45/0°
  designed to
  measure all kinds of
  powder, paste and
  liquid samples in
  their natural form

• VS450 is the ideal product for use
  in produc>on for Quality Control
• Can detect change in color or
  surface appearance of the sample,
  reducing scrap and waste costs,
  and allowing further evalua>on
  and analysis
•   Non‐Contact 45/0° geometry
•   Line of Sight™ targe>ng
•   Ac>ve Visual Targe>ng ™
•   Large and small measurement
    spot sizes:

•   LED illumina>on for long life and
    durability, >20 million
•   60 ° correlated gloss
•   Best in Class color measurement

• Next genera>on mul>‐angle
  measurement tool designed for
  consistent, precise color
  measurement of pearlescent
  and other complex special
  effect pigments
• Provides 10 measurement
  angles and 2 illumina>on angles
Examples of 2nd and 3rd genera>on effect
   •   Accurate, repeatable sample posi>oning is
       obtainable with pressure feedback control
       and LED indicators
   •   Portable, lightweight, and rugged design
       featuring so? touch overmold case with two‐
       hand configura>on
   •   Ten angles of measurement and two
       illumina>on angles allow for complete
   •   Strategic design ensures aperture loca>on
       and measurements that are unaffected by
       ambient light
   •   Communica>on available through USB or
       wireless (Bluetooth)
Quality Control So?ware
                                 PRODUCT FEATURES:
                                  • Tailored to work with standard
                                    measurement instruments and database

                                  • Built‐in flexibility — supports a variety
                                    of database formats to expedite color
                                    analysis and streamline repor>ng and
                                    data management
                                  • Allows for any number of loca>ons to
                                    easily communicate and share data
                                    without the need of a network
  X‐Color QC
                                  • System and user friendly features make
  So?ware Applica>ons Solu>ons      it easy to perform color collec>on
Fixtures and Sample Holders

Standard and Custom sample holders available
Fixtures and Sample Holders
Standard Sample Holders:
   •   Instrument stand
   •   Spoon holders for measurement of
       opaque liquids, pastes and powders
   •   Petri dish holder for measurement of
       translucent liquids
Fixtures and Sample Holders

Custom sample holders
  •   Include but not limited to:

  Founda>ons                  Lips>ck   Eye Shadow
A Revolu)on in Color Measurement

• MA98 and VS450, combined with X‐Color QC and
  custom fixtures and sample holders, provide a
  comprehensive Lab to Produc>on solu>on for Quality
  Control and evalua>on and analysis, allowing color
  measurements of samples in their natural state, the
  way the eye sees them!
A Revolu)on in Color Measurement

      Thank You

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