Socorro Independent School District Benito Martinez Elementary School 2021-2022 Campus Improvement Plan

Page created by Gene Wilson
Socorro Independent School District Benito Martinez Elementary School 2021-2022 Campus Improvement Plan
Socorro Independent School District
                                     Benito Martinez Elementary School
                                    2021-2022 Campus Improvement Plan
                                       Accountability Rating: Not Rated: Declared State of Disaster

                                                    Board Approval Date: August 17, 2021
                                                   Public Presentation Date: August 17, 2021

Benito Martinez Elementary School                                                                         Campus #071909112
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Mission Statement
       Our Mission is to "Best prepare and inspire all our students for life long learning. Help them, teach them and love them." "PATRIOT PRIDE COMES FROM INSIDE!"

                                                                    Tomorrow's Leaders Learning Today

                                           Board Members and Superintendent
                                                                            Board of Trustees
                                                                      David Oscar Morales, President
                                                                   Ricardo O. Castellano, Vice President
                                                                         Eduardo Mena, Secretary
                                                                          Pablo Barrera, Trustee
                                                                           Paul Guerra, Trustee
                                                                       Cynthia Ann Najera, Trustee
                                                                        Michael A. Najera, Trustee

                                                                        Superintendent of Schools
                                                                           Nate Carman, Ed. D.

Benito Martinez Elementary School                                                                                                                        Campus #071909112
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Table of Contents

Comprehensive Needs Assessment                                                                                                                                                     4
   Demographics                                                                                                                                                                    4
   Student Learning                                                                                                                                                                6
   School Processes & Programs                                                                                                                                                    12
   Perceptions                                                                                                                                                                    16
Priority Problem Statements                                                                                                                                                       18
Goals                                                                                                                                                                             20
   Goal 1: SISD will ensure a safe school environment for students, staff, and community members by implementing both current and new initiatives to address safety
   concerns, keeping safety a top priority.                                                                                                                                       21
   Goal 2: SISD students will receive a quality education with rigorous instructional standards that adequately prepares them for the college and career of their choice.         27
   Goal 3: SISD will recruit and retain 100% Highly Qualified faculty, staff, and support personnel to improve student academic performance and to ensure that students
   graduate college and career ready.                                                                                                                                             45
   Goal 4: SISD will build positive parent, business, and community partnerships to ensure the academic success of students by engaging in collaborative district and campus-
   level activities; by connecting regularly via numerous means of communication; and by providing regular access to current educational information.                             50
   Goal 5: For increased accountability, SISD district leaders, campus leaders, faculty, and staff members will ensure that students receive a quality education by working
   collaboratively towards the fulfillment of educational goals at the federal, state, and district level.                                                                        55
State Compensatory                                                                                                                                                                64
   Budget for Benito Martinez Elementary School                                                                                                                                   65
   Personnel for Benito Martinez Elementary School                                                                                                                                65
Title I Personnel                                                                                                                                                                 65
Campus Funding Summary                                                                                                                                                            66
Addendums                                                                                                                                                                         70

Benito Martinez Elementary School                                                                                                                                 Campus #071909112
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Comprehensive Needs Assessment
Demographics Summary

Benito Martinez is one of 49 campuses in the Socorro Independent School District. Benito Martinez opened its doors in 1991 serving primarily middle class families. For the
2019/2020 school year Benito Martinez served 581 students in grades Pre-Kindergarten thru Fifth
Grade. The breakdown for 2019/20 is as follows:

     Student Total            581     100.00%
Early Education Grade     0          0%
Pre-Kindergarten          38         6.54%
Kindergarten              74         12.74%
1st Grade                 88         15.15%
2nd Grade                 79         13.60%
3rd Grade                 94         16.18%
4th Grade                 110        18.93%
5th Grade                 98         16.87%

Five years ago, 589 students were served by Benito Martinez, which is a decrease of 8 students (1.36%)

The student population for 2020/21 is as follows:

Gender, Benito Martinez continued its trend of having a larger percentage of Male students vs Female students

Male                                                   311   53.53%
Female                                                 270   46.47%

Hispanic-Latino                           548 94.32%

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American Indian Alaskan Native                 0    0.00%
Asian                                          1    0.17%
Black-African American                         6    1.03%
Native Hawaiian-Pacific Islander               1    0.17%
White                                         22    3.79%
Two or More                                    3    0.52%

Benito Martinez students were identified into various programs, the breakdown of students in these programs is as follows

       Student by Program                 Count   Percent
Bilingual                                     119   20.48%
English as a Second Language
                                                     0      0.00%
504                                                 16       2.75%
Free Lunch Participation                           275      47.33%
Reduced Lunch Participation                         10       1.72%
Other Economically
                                                   171      29.43%
Gifted and Talented (GT)                            46     7.92%
Special Education (SPED)                            78    13.43%
Title I Participation                              581   100.00%
Dyslexia                                             4     0.69%
Homeless                                             2     0.34%

Of our 78 Special Education Students, 21 are in Speech Therapy, 4 are mainstreamed (monitored or coteach), 21 have resource (specialized support), and 32
are self contained in our FLS and PAS units.

During the year our teachers received instruction from our SCEI Coach, administration, and from the District Instructional Specialists. During our SIT (School Improvement Team)
Meetings we decided that we needed to focus on providing the highest quality instruction that would allow us to reduce our numbers in Bilingual Education and Special Education via
meeting Exit Criteria, and to increase our numbers in GT through better identification of students.

Demographics Strengths
Our class size, for the most part, is low - averaging about 18 students per class in most grade levels. This allows for more small group and individualized differentiated instruction to happen in the

Our enrollment decreased from last year but our number of teachers remained the same, keeping our class size down. One of the contributing factors in regards to the drop of enrollment was the
COVID19 pademic. We are working to bring our students back and get them re-enrolled at our school. Our 5th grade this coming year will be our biggest grade level and the majority of our 5th grade
teachers have been PLC trained at the PLC institute. This year we have the highest number of PLC institute trained faculty in our history due to sending 9 teachers to the virtual PLC conference this
summer. This will give Benito Martinez a very strong guiding coalition in order to better the teaching, planning, and intervention processes here on campus.

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When it comes to teacher mobility there was only one teacher who requested a transfer on the district transfer list - this teacher only doing so because he believed that his position might be cut - but
that was corrected and teacher withdrew his transfer request - making it four years in a row that no teacher has requested transfers.

This past year we have seen two of our teachers promoted, one to a HS counselor, and another to a HS AVID specialist. We believe it is our duty to help our faculty and staff to move forward in their
profession and in doing so allowing them to have a greater impact on student lives.

Problem Statements Identifying Demographics Needs

Problem Statement 1 (Prioritized): During the 2020/21 school year Benito Martinez has identified the need to provide consistent Professional Development on research based
methodologies for implementing a comprehensive needs assessment. Root Cause: Not all teachers received the same level of Professional Development.

Problem Statement 2 (Prioritized): During the 2019/20 school year as a campus we started our Super School Program (Student Moving ARound Teachers - SMART time). As
Benito Martinez is new to utilizing a Super School program there were times when said program was ineffective and disorganized. This program was severely hampered during the
COVID Pandemic and we need to reinstate the program and work for greater fidelity and efficacy Root Cause: We need to implement a stronger PLC program that ensures that all
students receive the timely interventions and enrichments that they need in order to grow and achieve at higher levels on their STAAR tests. This will be provided through a better
organized and run Super School program where we will ensure that students are sorted based on need and that the lessons provided during this time are timely and focused on
individual student need.

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Student Learning
Student Learning Summary

Due to the COVID19 pandemic we had very few students take the STAAR Test this year

The majority of our parents elected to keep their children home on testing days

Threfore we will be looking at multiple data sets

       One data set we will be looking at will be the last time we had our full 3rd-5th student body taking the STAAR Tests (the 2019 data)
       Another set of data we will be looking is the limited data set from the 2021 STAAR test administration

2019 STAAR Assessment Results

              STAAR                   Approaches         Meets        Masters       Student Achievement Measure             ECD-Meets         EL-Meets      SPED-Meets
Reading                                             77           45          23                                      48.3                43            35                35
Math                                                83           55          29                                      55.7                54            54                50
Writing                                             68           32             8                                    36.0                30            30                29
Science                                             79           56          19                                      51.3                55            41                67

2021 STAAR Assessment Results

       STAAR            Approaches        Meets     Masters           Student Achievement Measure         ECD Meets      EL Meets      SPED Meets      At Risk Meets
Reading                             44%     20%          9%                                       24.3%            18%            9%             0%                18%
Math                                29%      7%          3%                                       13.0%             6%            0%             0%                 5%
Writing                             17%     17%          6%                                       13.3%            18%           25%             0%                18%
Science                             26%     13%          3%                                       14.0%            10%            0%             0%                 0%

These scores in 2021showed a marked decline in student performance, but much of that is due to the fact that only about 1/4 of our students took the tests and showed up for face to
face instruction. Many of the parents who were having their students show up for face to face instruction chose to keep their children at home during STAAR testing because they did
not feel that it was fair to STAAR test the students during the COVID19 pandemic.

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Benito Martinez will be putting a greater emphasis on Early Childhood Reading (HB3) and will work to improve our Kinder through 2nd Grade reading indicators resulting in a
growth in 3rd Grade Reading STAAR Scores

This will be accomplished by small gains across all of our subpopulations as shown below

Even though we had serious drops in 2021 due to the pandemic, our goal is to get our scholars back to where they were prepandemic and keep our scholars moving forward

Benito Martinez Elementary School                                                                                                                              Campus #071909112
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Kindergarten Reading
  Yearly Target Goals               2019 (Baseline)   2020   2021   2022      2023   2024
All Students                        48%               N/A    38%    54%       56%    58%
African-American                    N/A               N/A    N/A    N/A       N/A    N/A
Hispanic                            48%               N/A    37%    54%       56%    58%
White                               67%               N/A    N/A    67%       68%    68%
Special Education                   25%               N/A    25%    29%       30%    31%
Econ. Disadvantaged                 44%               N/A    34%    50%       53%    56%
English Learners                    53%               N/A    36%    55%       55%    55%

1st Grade Reading
  Yearly Target Goals               2019 (Baseline)   2020   2021   2022      2023   2024
All Students                        59%               N/A    28%    63%       65%    66%
African-American                    N/A               N/A    N/A    N/A       N/A    N/A
Hispanic                            59%               N/A    29%    64%       66%    67%
White                               50%               N/A    25%    55%       57%    59%
Special Education                   38%               N/A    13%    40%       40%    41%
Econ. Disadvantaged                 52%               N/A    23%    58%       61%    64%
English Learners                    68%               N/A    17%    68%       69%    69%

2nd Grade Reading
 Yearly Target Goals                2019 (Baseline)   2020   2021   2022      2023   2024
All Students                        73%               N/A    57%    74%       74%    75%
African-American                    N/A               N/A    100%   N/A       N/A    N/A
Hispanic                            74%               N/A    54%    75%       75%    76%
White                               80%               N/A    100%   80%       81%    81%
Special Education                   20%               N/A    40%    36%       42%    48%
Econ. Disadvantaged                 72%               N/A    53%    72%       73%    73%
English Learners                    47%               N/A    50%    54%       60%    66%

3rd Grade Reading
Benito Martinez Elementary School                                                               Campus #071909112
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Yearly Target Goals              2019 (Baseline)            2020    2021          2022       2023   2024
All Students                        39%                        N/A     18%           45%        48%    51%
African-American                    N/A                        N/A     N/A           N/A        N/A    N/A
Hispanic                            41%                        N/A     16%           47%        49%    51%
White                               20%                        N/A     N/A           54%        55%    56%
Special Education                   17%                        N/A     0%            25%        29%    34%
Econ. Disadvantaged                 37%                        N/A     14%           43%        45%    47%
English Learners                    35%                        N/A     0%            39%        41%    43%

Also via HB3 we will be striving to improve our students achievment in Early Childhood Mathematics in order to show an improvement in our 3rd Grade Mathematics STAAR

                                                  3rd Grade Math
   Yearly Target Goals              2019 (Baseline)         2020       2021          2022       2023   2024
All Students                        53%                        N/A     8%            55%        56%    57%
African-American                    N/A                        N/A     N/A           N/A        N/A    N/A
Hispanic                            55%                        N/A     8%            56%        56%    57%
White                               20%                        N/A     N/A           56%        62%    67%
Special Education                   25%                        N/A     0%            31%        34%    37%
Econ. Disadvantaged                 51%                        N/A     9%            53%        53%    54%
English Learners                    45%                        N/A     0%            51%        54%    57%

Below is our STAAR Alt II and STAAR Data for our 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students.

STAAR Alt II Data below:

We did not have any 3rd Grade Students taking STAAR Alt 2 come onto campus for testing, so there is no 2021 3rd grade STAAR Alt 2 Data

We did have four 4th Grade students and two 5th Grade students come on campus to take STAAR Alt 2

The data is below, these six students showed growth in every area.

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STAAR Alt 2 Comparison
Grade                    2019                   2021                               Change
3rd         Reading      67% (0% Accomplished)  No Tests Taken                     N/A
            Math         100% (0% Accomplished) No Tests Taken                     N/A
4th         Reading      83% (25% Accomplished) 100% (25% Accomplished)            +17%
            Math         83% (33% Accomplished) 100% (50% Accomplished)            +17%
            Writing      75% (42% Accomplished) 100% (50% Accomplished)            +25%
5th         Reading      78% (11% Accomplished) 100% (50% Accomplished)            +22%
            Math         89% (22% Accomplished) 100% (50% Accomplished)            +11%
            Science      89% (11% Accomplished) 100% (50% Accomplished)            +11%

Student Learning Strengths

There is little positive strengths this year due to limited data due to the COVID19 pandemic

The bright spots that we show are in STAAR Alt 2 and in Second Grade Reading

All of our STAAR Alt 2 passing rates went up and all but one STAAR Alt 2 Accomplished rate went up, and that one remained steady at 25% (4th grade reading)

In our Second Grade reading indicators we showed growth in African American (100%), White (100%), and English Learners (47% to 50%) in spite of the pandemic


Benito Martinez has put a great emphasis on improving our campus technology over the past 8 years and will continue to do so this year

Out of our budgets this past year we were able to purchase 122 student laptops (the rest were provided by the district) and 50 faculty/staff laptops

Every instructional faculty/staff member received a laptop in order to provide virtual insruction for our students. We also upgraded 26 Lenovo All In One Computers (which had
video and audio capabilities) so that the teachers could use them for virtual instruction.

We upgraded the projectors in 10 classrooms and now every classroom has a new projector that does not require an interactive white board. With this in mind we replaced/added dry
erase white boards to 17 classrooms in which they did nto have dry erase white boards or had older ones in need of repair/replacement.

We also bought every teacher a rolling cart so that they could teach and still be able to walk around their classroom and address the students who were learning virtually.

Problem Statements Identifying Student Learning Needs

Problem Statement 1 (Prioritized): For the 2020/21 school year Benito Martinez 5th Grade students scored 24.91% (Student Achievement Measure)on the reading portion of the
Benito Martinez Elementary School                                                                                                                                    Campus #071909112
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Spring Benchmark Test test compared to the SISD at 32.96% (Student Achievment Measure) Root Cause: Not all teachers are using a comprehensive reading program - need to
continue to focus on Literacy this year through the use of an incentive based reading program. We must also ensure that during our Super School Program (S.M.Ar.T.) that students
are receiving the needed Reading interventions necessary to help them to succeed.

Problem Statement 2 (Prioritized): For the 2019/20 school year Benito Martinez students scored 20.78% (Student Achievement Measure) on the math portion of the Spring
Benchmark test compared to SISD at 31.19% (Student Achievement Measure) Root Cause: Our bilingual students struggle with the wording of the problems in the Math test. We
need to emphasize the use of the academic mathematics vocabulary with every 5th grade student and provide interventions to all struggling 5th grade math students regardless of EL

Problem Statement 3: For the 2021/22 school year Benito Martinez will prioritize student academic interventions to include effective tutoring, RtI documentation, and the targeted
interventions during our Super School Program (S.M.Ar.T.). Root Cause: Students are not scoring above district average on numerous assessments and some students who should
have been RtI'ed weren't, so we need to continue to improve our RtI identification processes. This will be overseen by our Guiding Coalition that was just recently trained at PLC

Benito Martinez Elementary School                                                                                                                                Campus #071909112
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School Processes & Programs
School Processes & Programs Summary

Our instructional program begins with our Leadership Team, which is comprised of our Principal, Assistant Principal, SCEI Coach, Counselor, Librarian, and CIS. Our Leadership
Team met on Mondays to go over the calendar, discuss concerns, and worked to find ways to improve instruction and student success. Our PLC program on campus took a major hit
this year due to the COVID19 pandemic. Plans are already in place to rectify this situation and have an even stronger PLC and RtI process this coming school year. This started with
taking an additional 9 teachers to the Solution Tree PLC conference (virtual) this past summer and thereby re-energizing our Guiding Coalition. Every teacher gets a planning day
each and every 9 weeks. These planning days are organized by grade level with the Special Education teacher in charge of that grade level participating in the planning sessions.
 STAAR testing grade level teams were given extra planning days post Benchmark tests in order to plan how to incorporate areas of need and concern into their upcoming lesson

Benito believes in the idea of a No-Zero-Zone and the all students must turn in all work. In order to facilitate that belief, we fund the ICU Program from our Title I budget, which
provides help in all core subject areas during lunch (called Lunch Bunch) and after school (called Encore). We will be focusing our ICU efforts this year to provide more help and
support to as many grade levels as possible. We are also starting a Super School Program this year which we are calling S.M.Ar.T. Time (Students Moving ARound Teachers) which
will allow more time to teachers to analyze Commom Formative Assessment Data and plan interventions and enrichment for students which will be provided during pullouts, small
group instruction, tutoring, Saturday schools, and intersession.

Our Title I program allows us to provide to our Campus/Faculty/Staff Professional Development, technology, and Supplies used to support learning at all grade levels and in all
content areas, and an Temporary Instructional Aide.

Our Title I program also allows us to purchase needed supplies and instructional materials for our teachers in order to facilitate a more comprehensive and rigorous instructional
program in all content areas

Our State Compensatory Education Program consists of a SCE-I Coach who provides support for teachers and At Risk students, and a 5th grade classroom size reduction teacher. It
also pays for Intersession tutoring/interventions, Summer School, and Robotics Camps.

Technology is a big part of everything we do at our campus. We have, over the past 8 years, purchased 122 student laptops, 50 faculty/staff laptops, 11 Dell 3070's (i5 processors), 20
Lenovo Yoga 300e's (laptops), 18 Dell 3010's (2in1 laptops, i5 processors), 1 Dell 7400 (2in1 laptop, i5 processor) 47 Dell 3020 zero clients, 20 Dell 3010's (i3 processors), 10 HP
G2.5's (i5 processors), 18 HP G3's (i5 processors), 26 Lenovo m73z's (i5 processors), 5 Lenovo m93z's (i7 processors), 62 Dell Wyse 3020 Zero Clients, 14 Dell all in one Zero
Clients, 20 Lenovo Yoga Laptops, 13 Dell Optiplex 3050's (i5 processors), 20 Dell 5010 Dual Core Thin Clients, 20 Dell 3040 thin clients, 5 Dell Interactive Projectors, 38 Epson
Brightlink Interactive Projectors, 1 Desktop Document Camera, and 48 Microsoft Surface Tablets. We currently have 6 operational computer labs. It is our belief that our students
learn best when exposed to technology and plan to continue to purchase more technology to keep Benito Martinez at the forefront of SISD when it comes to technology integration at
the Elementary level. This year we plan to purchase additional laptops and projectors.

This year we will continue to implement a very thorough Social and Emotional Learning program designed to build up student self-esteem and efficacy, while at the same time
decreasing bullying and inappropriate behaviors in the classroom, cafeteria, playground, and on social media. Activities will include our Anti-Bullying Kickoff, SEL time during the
school day, SEL Book of the Month, an SEL theme for the year, Service Projects, etc. This past year we incorporated PBIS into our SEL system and helped students to understand
the different rules in different parts of the building and set up incentive plans to help them to comply with these requirements.

School Processes & Programs Strengths

       Benito Martinez's Academic Programs have resulted in the following honor:

               2016 Texas Honor Roll School
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Distinction Designations for the 2016/17 School Year
                      Academic Achievement in ELAReading
                      Academic Achievement in Science
                      Top 25 Percent Student Progress
                      Top 25 Percent Closing Performance Gaps
                      Postsecondary Readiness
               Distinction Designations for the 2017/18 School Year
                      Academic Achievement in Math
                      Academic Achievement in ELAReading
                      Academic Achievement in Science
                      Top 25 Percent Student Progress
                      Top 25 Percent Closing Performance Gaps
                      Postsecondary Readiness

       Benito Martinez's Well Rounded Academic Progams for our students include:

               Benito Martinez will offer the AVID Program for our 4th and 5th grade students again in 2018/19, plus implement portions of WICOR into our K-3 programs
                      This past summer 2 of our teachers attended AVID Path Training as the SISD DSC
                      Two summers ago our 4th grade teacher cohort, and Assistant Principal, attended AVID Summer Institute in Dallas
                      Three summers ago our 5th grade teacher cohort, and Principal, attended AVID Summer Institute in Dallas
                      During the 2016/17 school year our Robotics Team earned one medal at the SISD Robocom 4.0 and two trophies at the First LEGO League Competition at
                      During the 2018/19 school year both of our Robotics Teams andvanced to the First LEGO Leagure Comptetiton at UTEP bringing home one trophy
                      Multiple Projects during the School Year
                      Participated in GT Showcase
                      Went on GT Field Trips
                      Participated in GT Competitions (Team Quest)
               Math Bee
                      All Grade Levels sent a representative to the SISD Math Bee
               Hour of Code
                      All students in all grade levels were given the opportunity to code during our Hour of Code day
               Sports / SISD VASSP
               Awards Ceremonies
                              Scholar Award
                              Achiever Award
                              Perfect Attendance Award
                              Shining Star (1 per class)
                              Top PE Student Award (1 male and 1 female)
                              Patriot Pride Award
                              Completion Certificates
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1st thru 4th Grade
                               Scholar Award
                               Achiever Award
                               Perfect Attendance Award
                               Shining Star (1 per class)
                               Top PE Student Award (1 male and 1 female) and Mile Run (3rd and 4th)
                               Patriot Pride Award
                       5th Grade
                               Scholar Award
                               Achiever Award
                               Perfect Attendance Award
                               Shining Star (1 per class)
                               Top PE Student Award (1 male and 1 female) and Mile Run
                               Patriotism Awards
                               Top 10 Award
                               STAAR Command Recognition
                               Son of Liberty
                               Daughter of Liberty
                               Completion Certificates
               STAAR Bazaar
                       STAAR Pep Rally and Carnival
               iStation Red Cape Awards
                       Recognized Best Growth Monthly
               BlueBonnet Reading Program 3-5 including participation in "The Battle of the BlueBonnets" with one student being only one of ten to represent at the State
               BlueBonnet Conference in Austin, TX
               Opportunities for Parents to interact with their children
                       Thanksgiving Luncheon
                       Father/Son Cookout
                       Father/Daughter Dance (this event has been showcased in the past in the June 18, 2017 New York Times)
                       Mother/Son Breakfast
                       Mother/Daughter Night
       Benito has numerous times been on the New or in the Newspaper for its on campus programs and acitivities
              Front Page El Paso Times for our Childhood Cancer Rally with Mayor Oscar Leeser
              New York Times article on our Father/Daughter Dance
              Herald Post coverage of Mayor Leeser handing out certificates to our scholars who performed the Pledge of Allegiance at a recent City Council Meeting
              Our Robotics campus was featured on the TV News
              Our annual Veterans Day parade has been featured on the TV News
              Our job fair has been featured on the TV News
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Our STAAR Bazaar has been featured on the TV News

Problem Statements Identifying School Processes & Programs Needs

Problem Statement 1 (Prioritized): For the 2020/21 school year Benito Martinez saw a slight decrease in discipline referrals and incidents of bullying, but this could be attributed to
less students on campus due to the pandemic. We fear that many students will come back on campus forgetting how to behave on campus and how to socialize properly with other
students, as well as to the faculty and staff. Root Cause: Our SEL program will be in its fourth year, and our PBIS program in its third year, and time and attention must be given to
ensure that Social and Emotional Learning remains a priority at our campus leading to better behaved and more respectful students.

Problem Statement 2: For the 2020/21 school year Benito Martinez will need to acquire new and additional technology (laptops) to assist our scholars whose technology is broken
or giving them issues so that all scholars have continual access to the needed technology required in their classes. Root Cause: Over the past 7 years most of our technology
expenditure has been in classroom and computer lab technology, not in portable hand held devices. This changed last year due to the pandemic, but devices break and have problems
and we need to ensure that we have a substitute device for our scholars when theirs goes down.

Problem Statement 3 (Prioritized): For the 2018/19 school year Benito Martinez did not earn a single distinction designation and for the 2019/20 and 2020/21 school year no
distinctions were awarded (STAAR was cancelled in 19/20 due to the COVID19 closure and accountability system was put on hold for both years). Root Cause: RtI and PLCs were
not properly implemented during 2018/19 and 2020/21 school year allowing students to go backwards as well as students going backwards due to the pandemic.

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Perceptions Summary

Benito Martinez Elementary School strives to create a positive learning environment for all stake holders (Parents, Community Members, Businesses, etc.). In doing so we work hard
to invite our parents and community into our school on numerous occasions throughout the school year. Unfortunately, due to the COVID19 pandemic we were not able to hold any
on campus events this past year. We were able to utilize local businesses for parent nights which allow us to see our parents and scholars in a different light. Some of these activities
include awards ceremonies (which this past year were drive though ceremonies), Christmas programs (cancelled due to COVID19 pandemic), Open Houses (done virtually),
Father/Daughter Dances(cancelled due to COVID19 pandemic), Father/Son Cookouts (cancelled due to COVID19 pandemic), Mother/Daughter Nights (cancelled due to COVID19
pandemic), and Mother/Son Breakfasts (cancelled due to COVID19 pandemic).

Benito Martinez Elementary School strives to create a postive learning environment for all stake holders (Students). Benito Martinez strives to create a fun, safe, and risk-free
environment in which to learn and to grow. We have numerous reward and award systems in place for our students. All of our perfect attendance incentives were suspended this past
year due to the pandemic, but will come back strong this next year. Our attendance incentives for students are as foloows. Students who have perfect attendance Monday thru
Thursday have free dress on Fridays. Three weeks of perfect attendance entitles them to a 3 week treat each 3 weeks of the year. Perfect attendance for the 9 weeks allows them free
entrance to the end of the 9 weeks ATTENDance. . Every month iStation Red Cape scholars and their teachers are recognized by the Admin team and the students and their teachers
wear an iStation red cape for the day. End of the year awards ceremonies are held for every grade level including completion ceremonies for our Kinder and 5th grade scholars. For
our 4th and 5th grade scholars we also have our Black Shirt STAAR Command program to encourage our scholars to work hard and excel on the STAAR test. We also have the
largest STAAR pep rally in the district (called STAAR Bazaar) in order to pump our students up and send them into the testing environment relaxed, pumped up for success, and
ready to tackle the test.

Benito Martinez Elementary School strives to create a positive learning environment for all stake holders (FACULTY AND STAFF). Two years ago we strived to recognize and
reward teachers, faculty, and staff more that every before. Some of these programs were cut short last year due to teachers teaching from home much of the school year due to the
pandemic. We will bring back our Patriot Cafe served a complimentary continental breakfast to our Faculty and Staff every third Friday throughout the entire school year.

We also strived very hard to provide our teachers with every resource that they needed in order to be successful, to ensure this (in previous years) we sent them to any and every PD
opportunity they requested (limited this past year due to the pandemic). We hope to be able to allow our teachers to travel again this year and send teachers to both the AVID and
PLC conference as well as other PD opportunities.

Our Title I program is school wide and consists of Parent Involvement programs and activities. These activities include Parent Chaperones at dances and field trips, parenting classes,
Coffee with the Principal (every 9 weeks), Parent/Child activities (Mother/Son Breakfast, Mother/Daughter Night, Father/Son Cookout, and Father/Daughter Dance), Literacy Nights,
Math Night, etc.

Perceptions Strengths
At Benito Martinez we provided the following Family and Community Engagement opportunities during the School Year:

       Math Night
       Literacy Night
       Open House
       Student Led Parent/Teacher Conferences
       Christmas Programs
       End of the Year Awards Ceremonies
       Father/Daughter Dance
       Father/Son Cookout
       Mother/Son Breakfast
       Mother/Daughter Night
       Coffee and Pastry (AM) or Pizza (PM) with the Principal
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Parenting Classes
       Peter Piper Pizza Nights (including our SEL AntiBullying Kickoff Event)
       Burger King Nights
       Terrific Kids
       Veteran's Day Parade
       Breakfast on the Go
       Career Day (Parents as Presenters)

At the end of the 2017/18 School Year Benito Martinez organized the Corporal Benito Martinez Chapter of the National Elementary Honor Society.

               Held our inaugural induction ceremony
               Elected our 1st ever President, Vice President, Treasured, and Secretary
               Held two Service Projects before the school year ended
                        Went and helped at the Sunridge at Cielo Vista Assisted Living Center
                        Collected items for the Humane Society of El Paso
               Prior to the end of the year we elected our officers for the upcoming school year.
       This program was continued for the 18/19 and 19/20 School year where we:
              Held an beginning of the year induction ceremony
              Elected new officers
              Held multiple Service Projects
       We will hold officer elections at the beginning of the 20/21 school year and will be active participants in the school and community

During the 18/19 school year we had our very first student council and continued that into 2019/20. We will continue that into the 20/21 school year. Students will campaign and be
elected from 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students. Once we have elected our new student council they will elects officerswho will meet regularly with the principal to share ideas that will
help move the school forward.

Problem Statements Identifying Perceptions Needs

Problem Statement 1: During the past four school years Benito Martinez implemented the National Elementary Honor Society and then in the 2018/19 school year implemented a
student council, in order to get more students involved and give them a say in what is happening at their school. Prior to this implementation students did not have a voice in the
running and operation of the school. Root Cause: Prior to the implementation of these organizations nothing existed to allow student voice to be heard, this year we plan to continue
with National Elementary Honor Society and Student Council to allow greater student voice in the running and operation of the school.

Problem Statement 2: During the 2019/20 school year we had fun events for Father/Daughter, Father/Son, Mother/Daughter, and Mother/Son, but did not have any fun nights for the
entire family. Then in 2020/21 (due to the pandemic) we could not hold any of these fun events. Root Cause: We in the past have neglected the need for fun nights that include the
entire family. For the 2021/22 school year we need to plan fun events for the whole family (ie Movie Nights, Game Nights, etc.) so that our parents and students have the opportunity
to learn and grow together within the school environment.

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Priority Problem Statements
Problem Statement 1: During the 2020/21 school year Benito Martinez has identified the need to provide consistent Professional Development on research based methodologies for
implementing a comprehensive needs assessment.
Root Cause 1: Not all teachers received the same level of Professional Development.
Problem Statement 1 Areas: Demographics

Problem Statement 2: For the 2020/21 school year Benito Martinez 5th Grade students scored 24.91% (Student Achievement Measure)on the reading portion of the Spring
Benchmark Test test compared to the SISD at 32.96% (Student Achievment Measure)
Root Cause 2: Not all teachers are using a comprehensive reading program - need to continue to focus on Literacy this year through the use of an incentive based reading program.
We must also ensure that during our Super School Program (S.M.Ar.T.) that students are receiving the needed Reading interventions necessary to help them to succeed.
Problem Statement 2 Areas: Student Learning

Problem Statement 6: For the 2020/21 school year Benito Martinez saw a slight decrease in discipline referrals and incidents of bullying, but this could be attributed to less students
on campus due to the pandemic. We fear that many students will come back on campus forgetting how to behave on campus and how to socialize properly with other students, as well
as to the faculty and staff.
Root Cause 6: Our SEL program will be in its fourth year, and our PBIS program in its third year, and time and attention must be given to ensure that Social and Emotional Learning
remains a priority at our campus leading to better behaved and more respectful students.
Problem Statement 6 Areas: School Processes & Programs

Problem Statement 3: During the 2019/20 school year as a campus we started our Super School Program (Student Moving ARound Teachers - SMART time). As Benito Martinez is
new to utilizing a Super School program there were times when said program was ineffective and disorganized. This program was severely hampered during the COVID Pandemic
and we need to reinstate the program and work for greater fidelity and efficacy
Root Cause 3: We need to implement a stronger PLC program that ensures that all students receive the timely interventions and enrichments that they need in order to grow and
achieve at higher levels on their STAAR tests. This will be provided through a better organized and run Super School program where we will ensure that students are sorted based on
need and that the lessons provided during this time are timely and focused on individual student need.
Problem Statement 3 Areas: Demographics

Problem Statement 4: For the 2019/20 school year Benito Martinez students scored 20.78% (Student Achievement Measure) on the math portion of the Spring Benchmark test
compared to SISD at 31.19% (Student Achievement Measure)
Root Cause 4: Our bilingual students struggle with the wording of the problems in the Math test. We need to emphasize the use of the academic mathematics vocabulary with every
5th grade student and provide interventions to all struggling 5th grade math students regardless of EL status.
Problem Statement 4 Areas: Student Learning

Problem Statement 5: For the 2018/19 school year Benito Martinez did not earn a single distinction designation and for the 2019/20 and 2020/21 school year no distinctions were
awarded (STAAR was cancelled in 19/20 due to the COVID19 closure and accountability system was put on hold for both years).
Root Cause 5: RtI and PLCs were not properly implemented during 2018/19 and 2020/21 school year allowing students to go backwards as well as students going backwards due to
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the pandemic.
Problem Statement 5 Areas: School Processes & Programs

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                                                                         Revised/Approved: August 17, 2021

Goal 1:SISD will ensure a safe school environment for students, staff, and community members by implementing both current and new initiatives to address
safety concerns, keeping safety a top priority.

Performance Objective 1: For the 2021-2022 school year, Benito Martinez will develop and implement a plan of action to ensure that 100% of stakeholders
feel safe at school and school events.
     Evaluation Data Sources: 100% of Benito Martinez personnel will be trained with safety guidelines through campus Emergency Operating Plan (EOP).

                                                               Strategy 1 Details                                                                          Formative Reviews
Strategy 1: Administration will be present and visible before school, during school (to include lunch duty), after school, and at all school                  Formative
events in order to ensure that a safe environment is provided to all stakeholders.
                                                                                                                                                     Oct         Jan         May
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Decreased Anonymous Alerts to the district. Decreased parent complaints about the safety of
     their children. Climate Surveys
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration
     Leadership Team

      Schoolwide and Targeted Assistance Title I Elements: 2.6

                                                               Strategy 2 Details                                                                          Formative Reviews
Strategy 2: Hall Pass system will be used and monitored to ensure all visitors present an identification and sign-in prior to visiting any area of            Formative
the school. Hall Pass system runs an identification through the national sex offender registry.
                                                                                                                                                     Oct         Jan         May
      Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Hall Pass Reports
      Ensuring that all visitors have proper Hall Pass sticker ID when going past the front desk.
      Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration
      Leadership Team
      Security Guard
      Office Staff

      Schoolwide and Targeted Assistance Title I Elements: 2.6
      Funding Sources: Yearly subscription to Hall Pass - 199 - General Basic - $350

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Strategy 3 Details                                                                        Formative Reviews
Strategy 3: Ensure that all faculty, staff, and students have and wear a Benito Martinez ID card that shows that they belong to the Benito                  Formative
Martinez Community in order to safeguard all stakeholders from intruders, etc.
                                                                                                                                                  Oct         Jan           May
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Visibly being able to verify that all campus personnel and students have their badges at all
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration
     Leadership Team
     Security Guard
     Office Staff

      Funding Sources: Blank IDs, Printer Ribbons, Lanyards - 199 - General Basic - $1,000

                                                              Strategy 4 Details                                                                        Formative Reviews
Strategy 4: Create a strong Parent Volunteer Program which promotes parent participation in monitoring the safety of the school.                           Formative
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Sign in sheets                                                                                            Oct         Jan           May
     Schedules showing dates and times of parental support and involvement
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration
     Leadership Team
     Parent Volunteer Coordinator

      Schoolwide and Targeted Assistance Title I Elements: 3.1, 3.2
      Funding Sources: Snacks and Supplies for Parent Volunteer Meetings - 199 - General Basic - $500

                                          No Progress                 Accomplished                  Continue/Modify                 Discontinue

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Goal 1:SISD will ensure a safe school environment for students, staff, and community members by implementing both current and new initiatives to address
safety concerns, keeping safety a top priority.

Performance Objective 2: For the 2021-2022 school year, Benito Martinez will fulfill 100% of the requirements for safety audits and safety drills to be
prepared for multiple emergency scenarios.
     Evaluation Data Sources: There will be documentation for each and every drill conducted each month and or semester. We will continue to try and improve on our practice.
     Sign in sheets for all Safety Committee Meetings will be available.

                                                                Strategy 1 Details                                                                       Formative Reviews
Strategy 1: Fire drills will be held on a monthly basis. This will include fire drills with multiple scenarios                                               Formative
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Fire drill reports submitted to the district                                                               Oct         Jan           May
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration
     Leadership Team
     Security Guard

                                                                Strategy 2 Details                                                                       Formative Reviews
Strategy 2: All required emergency drills (lock down, shelter in place, reverse evacuation, etc.) will be held each and every semester.                     Formative
Edit Remove
                                                                                                                                                   Oct         Jan           May
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Emergency Drill reports submitted to the district
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration
     Leadership Team
     Security Guard

                                           No Progress                  Accomplished                   Continue/Modify               Discontinue

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Goal 1:SISD will ensure a safe school environment for students, staff, and community members by implementing both current and new initiatives to address
safety concerns, keeping safety a top priority.

Performance Objective 3: For the 2021-2022 school year, the number of bullying-related incidents reported at Benito Martinez will decrease from 21 to 14.
     Evaluation Data Sources: Documentation will show a decrease in bullying incidents and it will also be reflected in the Student Climate Survey with an decreased number of
     students who disagree and strongly disagree with "I am safe" (increase by 5) and "Students at my school treat my with respect (decrease by 8).

                                                            Strategy 1 Details                                                                        Formative Reviews
Strategy 1: Establish a risk-free and bully-free environment via the Connect with Kids, Kelso's Choices and the "Master Teacher" SEL                      Formative
Program to foster a healthy learning environment.
                                                                                                                                                Oct         Jan           May
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Weekly class meeting, counselor logs, Olweus surveys
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration, Leadership Team, Counselor, SEL Committee, Teachers

      Schoolwide and Targeted Assistance Title I Elements: 2.6
      Funding Sources: Master Teacher SEL Materials, SEL Posters, SEL Materials - 211 - Title I, Part A - $2,000

                                                            Strategy 2 Details                                                                        Formative Reviews
Strategy 2: SEL committee with meet on a monthly basis to review "You Have a Voice" mailbox concerns, bullying incidents, counseling                     Formative
and discipline referrals
                                                                                                                                                Oct         Jan           May
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Decrease in the number of Bullying referrals, Climate survey data, sign in sheets
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Counselor
     Assistant Principal
     SEL Committee

      Schoolwide and Targeted Assistance Title I Elements: 2.6

                                         No Progress                Accomplished                 Continue/Modify                Discontinue

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Goal 1:SISD will ensure a safe school environment for students, staff, and community members by implementing both current and new initiatives to address
safety concerns, keeping safety a top priority.

Performance Objective 4: For the 2021-2022 school year, the total number of disciplinary incidents at Benito Martinez will decrease from 30 to 25.
     Evaluation Data Sources: Documentation will show a decrease in disciplinary incidents.

                                                               Strategy 1 Details                                                                      Formative Reviews
Strategy 1: Implantation of Parent Involvement program to assist in monitoring before, during, and after school - paying specific attention to             Formative
hallways, playground, and other hot spots.
                                                                                                                                                 Oct         Jan           May
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Presence of parent volunteers on campus, sign in logs, reduced incidents of bullying
     behaviors in the Hot Spots
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration
     Leadership Team
     Parent Volunteer Coordinator
     CIS/Parent Liaison

      Schoolwide and Targeted Assistance Title I Elements: 3.1, 3.2
      Funding Sources: Umbrellas, Whistles, Neon Vests, etc. for Parent Volunteers - 199 - General Basic - $500

                                                               Strategy 2 Details                                                                      Formative Reviews
Strategy 2: Administration will be present and visible before school, during school (to include lunch duty), after school, and at all school               Formative
events in order to ensure that a safe environment is provided to all stakeholders.
                                                                                                                                                 Oct         Jan           May
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Decreased Anonymous Alerts to the district. Decreased parent complaints about the safety of
     their children. Climate Surveys
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration
     Leadership Team

      Schoolwide and Targeted Assistance Title I Elements: 2.6

                                                               Strategy 3 Details                                                                      Formative Reviews
Strategy 3: Counselor will implement programs and lessons on campus to assist students in making appropriate choices (Kelso' Choice, SEL,                 Formative
Master Teacher, Olweus, etc).
                                                                                                                                                 Oct         Jan           May
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Counselor sign in logs, decreased submissions to the "You Have a Voice" mailbox,

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Counselor's schedule
      Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Counselor

      Schoolwide and Targeted Assistance Title I Elements: 2.6

                                       No Progress               Accomplished              Continue/Modify   Discontinue

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Goal 1:SISD will ensure a safe school environment for students, staff, and community members by implementing both current and new initiatives to address
safety concerns, keeping safety a top priority.

Performance Objective 5: For the 2021-22 school year, Benito Martinez will be working to ensure the safety of our students, staff and community throughout
the ongoing pandemic of COVID-19.
     Evaluation Data Sources: Documentation will show the different strategies that were implemented on campus to keep children safe during the COVID19 Pandemic (Remote
     Learning, Hand washing/sanitizing stations/Social Distancing/Signage/Etc.)

                                                            Strategy 1 Details                                                                       Formative Reviews
Strategy 1: Benito Martinez Elementary will set up Wellness Check/Hand Sanitizing Stations at every entrance into the building during the               Formative
COVID19 pandemic
                                                                                                                                               Oct         Jan           May
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Reduce the number of COVID19 infections on campus by emphasizing that only people that
     are healthy should be on campus and that hygiene and cleanliness are one of the most important tools we have to fight the spread of
     the disease
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Admin Team, Nurse, Teachers, Safety Committee

      Funding Sources: PPE Equipment (Touchless Thermometers and Hand Sanitizing Stations) - 199 - General Basic - $1,000

                                         No Progress                Accomplished                 Continue/Modify                 Discontinue

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Goal 2: SISD students will receive a quality education with rigorous instructional standards that adequately prepares them for the college and career of their

Performance Objective 1: By the end of May 2022, Benito Martinez will develop and implement a minimum of 5 strategies to promote post secondary
education (College and Career Readiness).
     Evaluation Data Sources: Benito will continue to implement a College and Career Ready Strategic plan as evidenced by Ceiling Tile Contest, College Shirt Days, and Career
     Fairs and Expos.

                                                              Strategy 1 Details                                                                      Formative Reviews
Strategy 1: Provide differentiated instruction and enhance rigor and relevance in order to provide all students a strong academic foundation              Formative
that will prepare them for college.
                                                                                                                                                Oct         Jan           May
      Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Progress Report
      Report Cards
      Assessment Data (3,6,9, benchmarks, STAAR, etc)
      Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration
      Leadership Team
      SCEI Coach

      Schoolwide and Targeted Assistance Title I Elements: 2.4, 2.6
      Funding Sources: SCEI Coach - 199 - General Fund: SCE - $60,000, Classroom Size Reducation Teacher - 199 - General Fund:
      SCE - $60,000

                                                              Strategy 2 Details                                                                      Formative Reviews
Strategy 2: Provide opportunities for students to learn about different colleges and keep the idea of college attendance always a part of the            Formative
Benito culture (Generation Texas week, college shirt days, ceiling tile contest, college map, etc.).
                                                                                                                                                Oct         Jan           May
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Generation Texas Week

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Increase in number of students wearing college shirts
      Ceiling tile contest
      Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration
      Leadership Team

      Schoolwide and Targeted Assistance Title I Elements: 2.5, 2.6
      Funding Sources: Classroom size reduction teacher (Salary Listed under 2.1.1) - 199 - General Fund: SCE - $0

                                          No Progress              Accomplished                 Continue/Modify      Discontinue

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Goal 2: SISD students will receive a quality education with rigorous instructional standards that adequately prepares them for the college and career of their

Performance Objective 2: For the 2021-2022 school year, 100% of Benito Martinez students, encompassing all special and sub-populations, will be placed in
proper learning environments and proper grade levels to ensure that they reach their full potential.
     Evaluation Data Sources: Administration will work with PEIMS Clerk to ensure that all students are placed in the appropriate learning environments.

                                                              Strategy 1 Details                                                                        Formative Reviews
Strategy 1: Support will be provided for all students regardless of sub population status. This support will be manifest through the ICU                   Formative
Program (LunchBunch, Encore), Super School (S.M.AR.T.), in class small group interventions, PE pull outs, Tutoring, Saturday School,
                                                                                                                                                  Oct         Jan         May
Intersession, Summer School, GT instruction (to include technology, STEM supplies, art supplies, etc.) etc.
      Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Increased performance on Progress Reports, Report Cards, Assessments (3,6,9 week,
      Benchmark, STAAR, etc.)
      Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration, Leadership Team, Teachers, SCEI Coach, TIAs

      Schoolwide and Targeted Assistance Title I Elements: 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 - TEA Priorities: Build a foundation of reading and math
      Funding Sources: Extra Duty Pay for Teachers Tutoring - 211 - Title I, Part A - $26,600, - 199 - General Fund: SCE - $29,110,
      - 199 - General Fund: SCE - $0, Classroom Size Reduction Teacher (Salary listed under 2.1.1) - 199 - General Fund: SCE - $0,
      GT Students - 199 - General Fund: Gifted and Talented - $1,000

                                                              Strategy 2 Details                                                                        Formative Reviews
Strategy 2: Provide support and intervention for all at risk students to ensure all students have the opportunity to achieve academically. This            Formative
will be manifest through intervention by SCE-I Coaches, Instructional Aides, TIA's, and classroom teachers. These intervention times will
                                                                                                                                                  Oct         Jan         May
include Super School (S.M.ArT. Time), in class small group interventions, pullouts, tutoring, Saturday Schools, intersessions, summer
schools, etc.
      Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Increased performance on Progress Reports, Report Cards, Assessments (3,6,9 week,
      Benchmark, STAAR, etc.)
      Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration, Leadership Team, Teachers, SCEI Coach, TIAs

      Schoolwide and Targeted Assistance Title I Elements: 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 - TEA Priorities: Build a foundation of reading and math
      Funding Sources: SCEI Coach (Salary Listed under 2.1.1) - 199 - General Fund: SCE - $0, Classroom Size Reduction Teacher
      (Salary Listed under 2.1.1) - 199 - General Fund: SCE - $0, Title I Funded Temporary Instructional Aides - 211 - Title I, Part A -

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Strategy 3 Details                                                                        Formative Reviews
Strategy 3: Provide interventions and materials to all students who are identified as at risk (SPED (ED, ID, OHI, LD, Speech, etc.), Bilingual,            Formative
etc.) or functioning below grade level in order to assist them in increasing their knowledge and skills to bring them up to grade level.
                                                                                                                                                  Oct         Jan         May
Identification will come through previous year's STAAR scores, benchmark scores, classroom grades, teacher observation, iStation, etc.
Supplies will need to be purchased in order to meet these students needs.
      Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: iStation reports
      Eduphoria reports (post assessments)
      Teacher observations
      Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration, Leadership Team, Teachers, SCEI Coach, TIAs, Special Education Team.

      Schoolwide and Targeted Assistance Title I Elements: 2.4, 2.5, 2.6
      Funding Sources: Extra Duty Pay for Bilingual Teachers - 199 - General Fund: Bilingual - $1,000, Extra Duty Pay for SPED
      Teachers - 199 - General Fund : Special Education - $1,000

                                                              Strategy 4 Details                                                                        Formative Reviews
Strategy 4: Ensure that all GT students receive a high quality GT experience to include projects, local/regional/state competitions, GT camps,             Formative
teamquest, etc. (to include robotics camps, competitions, and projects.)
                                                                                                                                                  Oct         Jan         May
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Results from competitions
     Sign in Sheets
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration
     Leadership Team
     GT Coordinator

      Schoolwide and Targeted Assistance Title I Elements: 2.5
      Funding Sources: Supplies and Transportation for GT Students - 199 - General Fund: Gifted and Talented - $3,000

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Strategy 5 Details                                                                         Formative Reviews
Strategy 5: Implement the use of research based seating strategies (stability balls/kneeling chairs, cycle desks, standing desks, treadmill                 Formative
desks, etc.) for the benefit of ADD/ADHD, SPED, LEP, and general population students. As per the research these seating strategies allow all
                                                                                                                                                   Oct         Jan         May
student to pay better attention, have a greater amount of time on task, increase core strength, and improve posture - all leading to increased
student performance in all subject areas.
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Assessments (3,6,9 week assessments, benchmarks, STAAR)
     iStation reports
     Eduphoria reports (post assessment)
     Progress Reports
     Report Cards
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration
     Leadership Team
     CIS/Parent Liaison

      Schoolwide and Targeted Assistance Title I Elements: 2.4, 2.6
      Funding Sources: Stability Ball, Standing Desks, Cycle Desks, etc. - 199 - General Basic - $2,000, Stability Ball, Standing Desks,
      Cycle Desks, etc. - 211 - Title I, Part A - $2,000

                                                              Strategy 6 Details                                                                         Formative Reviews
Strategy 6: Acquire additional classroom technology (desk top computers, laptop computers, tablets, zero clients, thin clients, monitors, mice,             Formative
keyboards, scanners, printers, Interactive Projectors, Headphones with Microphones, etc.) in order to provide more access to technology in
                                                                                                                                                   Oct         Jan         May
our computer labs. This technology will provide quicker access to the web, faster log in times (which leads to less time off task), and more
computers for classroom technology projects. All leading to greater student achievement in all subject areas. (this includes the purchase of any
and all necessary accessories and supplies including ink/toner, bulbs, cables, paper, Interactive White Boards pens, and other peripheral
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Assessments (3,6,9 week assessments, benchmarks, STAAR)
     iStation reports
     Eduphoria reports (post assessment)
     Progress Reports
     Report Cards
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration

      Schoolwide and Targeted Assistance Title I Elements: 2.4, 2.6
      Funding Sources: Computers, Projectors - 211 - Title I, Part A - $50,000

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