Social Media and mHealth Technology for Cancer Screening: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
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JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH Ruco et al Review Social Media and mHealth Technology for Cancer Screening: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Arlinda Ruco1,2, MPH; Fahima Dossa3, MD; Jill Tinmouth1,4,5, MD, PhD, FRCPC; Diego Llovet1,4, PhD; Jenna Jacobson1,6, PhD; Teruko Kishibe7, MISt; Nancy Baxter1,2,8, MD, PhD, FRCSC 1 Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada 2 Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, St. Michael's Hospital, Unity Health Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada 3 Division of General Surgery, Department of Surgery, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada 4 Prevention & Cancer Control, Ontario Health (Cancer Care Ontario), Toronto, ON, Canada 5 Department of Medicine, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto, ON, Canada 6 Ted Rogers School of Management, Ryerson University, Toronto, ON, Canada 7 Library Services, St. Michael's Hospital, Unity Health Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada 8 Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia Corresponding Author: Nancy Baxter, MD, PhD, FRCSC Melbourne School of Population and Global Health University of Melbourne 207 Bouverie Street Melbourne, 3053 Australia Phone: 61 39035551 Email: Abstract Background: Cancer is a leading cause of death, and although screening can reduce cancer morbidity and mortality, participation in screening remains suboptimal. Objective: This systematic review and meta-analysis aims to evaluate the effectiveness of social media and mobile health (mHealth) interventions for cancer screening. Methods: We searched for randomized controlled trials and quasi-experimental studies of social media and mHealth interventions promoting cancer screening (breast, cervical, colorectal, lung, and prostate cancers) in adults in MEDLINE, Embase, PsycINFO, Scopus, CINAHL, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and Communication & Mass Media Complete from January 1, 2000, to July 17, 2020. Two independent reviewers screened the titles, abstracts, and full-text articles and completed the risk of bias assessments. We pooled odds ratios for screening participation using the Mantel-Haenszel method in a random-effects model. Results: We screened 18,008 records identifying 39 studies (35 mHealth and 4 social media). The types of interventions included peer support (n=1), education or awareness (n=6), reminders (n=13), or mixed (n=19). The overall pooled odds ratio was 1.49 (95% CI 1.31-1.70), with similar effect sizes across cancer types. Conclusions: Screening programs should consider mHealth interventions because of their promising role in promoting cancer screening participation. Given the limited number of studies identified, further research is needed for social media interventions. Trial Registration: PROSPERO International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews CRD42019139615; International Registered Report Identifier (IRRID): RR2-10.1136/bmjopen-2019-035411 (J Med Internet Res 2021;23(7):e26759) doi: 10.2196/26759 KEYWORDS social media; mHealth; cancer screening; digital health; mass screening; mobile phone J Med Internet Res 2021 | vol. 23 | iss. 7 | e26759 | p. 1 (page number not for citation purposes) XSL• FO RenderX
JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH Ruco et al participation or intention. We included studies pertaining to Introduction breast, cervical, colorectal, prostate, or lung cancer, as guidelines Background for screening exist for these cancers. We defined mHealth interventions as those that delivered health-related information The use of mobile health (mHealth) technologies and social via telecommunication or other wireless technologies (eg, media in the health care sphere has now become widespread smartphones and tablets) [4]. Social media interventions [1-6] and has enabled the rapid sharing of health information, included those delivered on an already established or new the launching of health promotional campaigns, access to peer purpose-built social media platform where users could create a support groups, and facilitation of appointment reminders profile and share content with other users (virtual communities) [1,2,4,6]. The World Health Organization has defined mHealth [1]. Any comparator was acceptable, including a nonintervention as the use of mobile wireless devices for medical and public group; an alternate, nonsocial media, non-mHealth intervention; health practice [1]. Social media allows those with access to or studies with a pre- and postintervention design. We included information and communication technology to become content studies with multifaceted interventions if at least one component creators and share content with others in virtual communities involved a social media– or mHealth-based strategy. Studies or networks in addition to accessing information and connecting were restricted to those conducted in adults aged 18 years or communities [1,6]. The use of mHealth and social media for older and articles published in English. In case we were unable health presents an important opportunity to reach health to access full-text articles for relevant abstracts, we contacted consumers, as these technologies and platforms can provide study authors to obtain the articles. If the authors did not more frequent interactions, deliver tailored material, and increase respond, we included the abstract if we could ascertain the accessibility to health information [1], and they now constitute eligibility criteria and if the data on the primary or secondary a major way of communicating and advertising. In addition, as outcome were available. Commentaries, editorials, letters, and access to mobile devices and the internet in low- and reviews were excluded. We also excluded articles published middle-resource nations is reported to be comparable with those before 2000 because the use of social media was not widespread in developed countries, mHealth and social media may play a before this time [4]. role in closing the gap in health disparities between high- and low-resource nations [1,7]. Search Strategy With almost 19 million people expected to be diagnosed with The search strategy was developed by a senior information cancer in 2020, cancer is one of the leading causes of death specialist (TK) and used a combination of text words and MeSH globally [8]. Cancer screening has been shown to reduce (Medical Subject Headings) terms depending on the database disease-specific mortality for a number of cancers [9-12], and to capture the following concepts: cancer, screening, and social as a result, many jurisdictions have implemented media or mHealth interventions. The search strategy was peer population-based screening programs [13,14]. However, reviewed by a second information specialist in accordance with screening participation remains suboptimal across jurisdictions the Peer Review of Electronic Search Strategies checklist [23] and cancer types [13-16]. Emerging research has explored the and has been previously published [24]. use of social media and mHealth for cancer screening [17-21]. Information Sources However, we currently lack an understanding of how effective The search was conducted using the following databases: mHealth and social media can be for cancer screening MEDLINE, Embase, PsycINFO, Scopus, CINAHL, the participation. Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and Objectives Communication & Mass Media Complete from inception to This systematic review and meta-analysis aims to explore the May 31, 2019. The search was updated on July 17, 2020. effectiveness of social media and mHealth interventions to Data Management increase cancer screening participation and intention for screen We used systematic review software (DistillerSR, Evidence detectable cancers. Partners Incorporated) to manage records during the screening and study selection phases. Methods Study Selection Study Design and Registration Two independent reviewers (AR and FD) used a piloted data This systematic review was registered with the International collection form and screened the studies in three stages: title, PROSPERO (Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews; abstract, and full text. Citations that either reviewer considered registration #CRD42019139615) and was written and reported potentially eligible at the title stage were included to maximize according to the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for sensitivity in the early stages of screening. Inclusion in the Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) checklist [22]. abstract and full-text screening stages required consensus Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria between the reviewers. Discrepancies between the reviewers at the abstract or full-text stages were resolved by discussion. Studies included in this systematic review were randomized controlled trials (RCTs) or quasi-experimental studies with a Data Extraction pre- and postintervention design reporting on the effectiveness Two reviewers independently extracted data from the included of an mHealth or social media intervention on cancer screening studies using a piloted data collection form in Excel (Version J Med Internet Res 2021 | vol. 23 | iss. 7 | e26759 | p. 2 (page number not for citation purposes) XSL• FO RenderX
JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH Ruco et al 15.0; Microsoft). Any discrepancies were resolved by group equally by the number of intervention arms of interest to discussion. Information extracted from each study included maintain the same proportion of those screened while not study characteristics (authors, date of publication, location or counting the sample size of the control group more than once, country, funding, and study design), participant characteristics as recommended by Cochrane [28]. Forest plots were created (sample size, age, sex, ethnicity, and eligibility), intervention to graphically display results stratified by cancer type and the details (type of intervention, components, comparator or control nature of the intervention. Statistical heterogeneity was group interventions, follow-up or duration, technology platform, calculated using the I2 statistic, where a cutoff of ≥75% was and delivery of intervention by whom), and outcomes of interest defined as considerable heterogeneity [28]. We conducted a (screening participation or intention including timeframe). sensitivity analysis in which we excluded articles that were Outcomes assessed to have a high risk of bias. In addition, we conducted sensitivity analyses to explore whether the overall pooled effect Screening participation (primary outcome) was defined as the estimate would differ for studies measuring the outcome of proportion of adults who participated in the screening. This cancer screening participation through self-reporting compared included self-reported outcomes as well as those confirmed with objective or administrative records and for studies through administrative records. Screening intention (secondary conducted in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). We outcome) was defined as per the primary study authors. checked for publication bias for the primary outcome among Typically, this is measured as the written intention to undergo the RCTs using a funnel plot. Statistical significance was set at screening within a specified timeframe (eg, within the next 3 a two-tailed P
JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH Ruco et al Figure 1. PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) diagram outlining the steps involved in identifying screened and included studies in the meta-analysis. J Med Internet Res 2021 | vol. 23 | iss. 7 | e26759 | p. 4 (page number not for citation purposes) XSL• FO RenderX
JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH Ruco et al Table 1. Summary of included randomized controlled trials (n=30). Study Location Type of Intervention Nature of in- Total Population Summary of inter- Outcomes cancer type tervention sample vention size Arcas et al Spain Breast mHealtha Reminder 703 Women (aged 50- Invitation letter • Proportion that [29] 69 years) with a and text message screened for breast registered mobile reminder 2 days cancer during the phone number before the mam- 2-month rescreen- mography appoint- ing period ment Vidal et al Barcelona, Breast mHealth Reminder 12,786 Breast cancer Text message re- • Proportion attend- [51] Spain screening target minder 3 days be- ing an appoint- population of the fore a scheduled ment before Octo- southern Barcelona appointment with ber 31, 2011 (3-5 metropolitan area or without a mes- months after the sage, with a new intervention) appointment date if requested Kerrison et al United King- Breast mHealth Reminder 2240 Women (aged 47- Text message re- • Proportion attend- [41] dom 53 years) who minder 48 hours ing the appoint- were due to be in- before the appoint- ment within 60 vited for their first ment and an addi- days of the initial routine breast tional text message appointment screen if they did not at- tend the initial ap- pointment Rashid et al Klang, Cervical mHealth Reminder 1000 Women (aged 20- Text message re- • Proportion com- [47] Malaysia 65 years) residing minder for a repeat pleting the Papani- in Klang who had Papanicolaou test colaou test within a nonpositive Pa- within a month 8 weeks panicolaou test in from the date of re- the previous year call and were due for repeat screening Wanyoro and Thika, Cervical mHealth Reminder 286 Women (aged 25- 4 text message re- • Proportion Kabiru [52] Kenya 70 years) attending minders in a period screened for cervi- the general outpa- of 2 weeks cal cancer at the tient clinic who same site within 2 had never had cer- weeks vical cancer screening, who owned a mobile phone, and who had normal cervi- cal Papanicolaou test after the initial baseline screening Huf et al [39] United King- Cervical mHealth Reminder 14,587 Women (aged 24- 1 of 6 text message • Proportion who dom 64 years) reminders: a sim- screened within 18 ple reminder, gener- weeks after the re- al practice endorse- minder ment, total and proportional social norms messages, and gain- and loss- framed messages J Med Internet Res 2021 | vol. 23 | iss. 7 | e26759 | p. 5 (page number not for citation purposes) XSL• FO RenderX
JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH Ruco et al Study Location Type of Intervention Nature of in- Total Population Summary of inter- Outcomes cancer type tervention sample vention size Sly et al [50] New York, CRCb mHealth Reminder 24 Adults (aged >50 Standard naviga- • Colonoscopy com- United years) with referral tion, a scheduling pletion within 3 States for screening telephone call and months colonoscopy with 2 text message ap- no personal or pointment re- family history of minders CRC or any chron- ic gastrointestinal disorder, with tele- phone service, and who spoke English Hagoel et al Israel CRC mHealth Reminder 48,091 Adults (aged 50-74 Text message re- • Proportion com- [36] years) with no diag- minders including pleting FOBT at 6 nosis of an inflam- interrogative or months matory bowel dis- noninterrogative ease or a bowel messages malignancy, who had not undergone colonoscopy with- in the previous 3 years, and who had not performed FOBTc in the previ- ous year Coronado et al United CRC mHealth Reminder 2010 Adults (aged 50-75 2 text message re- • FITd kit return rate [32] States years) not up to minders with or date with CRC without a live screening and with phone call a clinic visit in the previous year Hirst et al [38] United King- CRC mHealth Reminder 8269 Adults (aged 60-74 Usual care and a • Proportion return- dom years) text message re- ing test kit at the minder if they had end of an 18-week not returned their screening episode test kit within 8 weeks Lam et al [61] Hong Kong CRC mHealth Reminder 500 Adults (aged 40-70 A WhatsApp mes- • Proportion success- years) who were sage reminder sent fully returning the asymptomatic and 1 month before the FIT kit had a previous due date for subse- negative FIT test quent FIT and who were ex- pected for an annu- al FIT screening in the subsequent year Coronado et al Los Angeles, CRC mHealth Reminder 1767 Adults (aged 50-75 Text message • Proportion com- [33] United years) who were prompt before re- pleting the FIT kit States overdue for CRC ceipt of the FIT kit within 6 months screening and had with 2 automated attended at least phone call re- two clinic visits minders or with 2 within the past 24 automated phone months calls and up to 3 live phone call re- minders Hwang et al United CRC Social media Peer support 306 [40] States J Med Internet Res 2021 | vol. 23 | iss. 7 | e26759 | p. 6 (page number not for citation purposes) XSL• FO RenderX
JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH Ruco et al Study Location Type of Intervention Nature of in- Total Population Summary of inter- Outcomes cancer type tervention sample vention size Adults (aged 50-75 Study-specific • Proportion years) who had no web-based Spark- screened for CRC previous diagnosis Team to access the at 6 months of CRC, had no narratives and inter- (FOBT, sigmoi- history of inflam- act with the narra- doscopy, or matory bowel dis- tors (positive role colonoscopy) ease, and were not models) and other up to date with participants CRC screening Lakkis et al Beirut, Breast mHealth Mixed (edu- 385 Women (aged 40- Educational and • Completion of a [43] Lebanon cation and 75 years) who had general invitation mammography reminder) not undergone a text message for mammogram in the mammography and past 2 years 3 additional text reminders Chung et al Republic of Breast mHealth Mixed (edu- 202 Women (aged 20- Usual care and 1 • Adherent to [31] Korea cation and 65 years) who un- text message re- monthly BSEe for reminder) derwent surgery minder and 1 edu- 5 out of 6 months for breast cancer, cational text mes- excluding those sage with distant metas- tasis or recurrent breast cancer Heydari and Bushehr, Breast mHealth Mixed (edu- 120 Women (aged ≥40 Multimedia educa- • Proportion com- Noroozi [37] Iran cation and years) who were tion session pleting mammogra- reminder) elementary school through a CD and phy teachers, were not text messages; 1-2 • Intention to get a pregnant or breast- educational text mammography feeding, had no messages sent on a history of cancer, weekly basis for 1 had no family histo- month and a re- ry of breast cancer, minder about had not had breast mammography biopsy experience and mammography in the past 3 years Lee et al [44] Minnesota, Breast mHealth Mixed (edu- 131 Korean American mMammogram • Proportion receiv- United cation and immigrant women mobile app deliver- ing mammography States navigation) (aged 40-79 years) ing 8-21 messages or with a sched- who had not re- over a 7-day period uled appointment ceived a mammo- within 6 months gram in the past 2 • Intention to re- years ceive a mammogra- phy in the future on a 4-point scale (1=not within a year, 2=within a year, 3=within 3 months, and 4=within 1 month) Khademolhos- Bushehr, Cervical mHealth Mixed (edu- 95 Educational train- • Completion of the seini et al [42] Iran cation and ing through text Papanicolaou test reminder) messaging, elec- within 3 months tronic posters, info- graphics, podcasts, and video tutorial and a reminder to perform a Papanico- laou smear test J Med Internet Res 2021 | vol. 23 | iss. 7 | e26759 | p. 7 (page number not for citation purposes) XSL• FO RenderX
JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH Ruco et al Study Location Type of Intervention Nature of in- Total Population Summary of inter- Outcomes cancer type tervention sample vention size Women who were able to read and write, were mar- ried for at least 6 months, had a smartphone, had no history of geni- tal tract cancer in their family, and had no experience of doing a Papani- colaou smear test in the past 3 years Richman et al North Caroli- Cervical mHealth Mixed (edu- 264 Adults (aged 18-26 7 electronic email • Proportion com- [49] na, United or rectal cation and years) who attend- or text messages pleting HPV dose States reminder) ed the university once per month for 3 vaccine and who were vol- 7 months untarily initiating the first HPVf vac- cine dose from the campus student health center Adler et al United Cervical mHealth Mixed (edu- 95 Women (aged 21- Referral and 3 text • Proportion who [62] States cation and 65 years) with no messages delivered underwent cervi- reminder) past hysterectomy at 30-day intervals cal cancer screen- with cervical re- over a period of 90 ing 150 days after moval or known days after enroll- enrollment HIV infection ment Erwin et al Kilimanjaro Cervical mHealth Mixed (edu- 851 Women (aged 25- 15 unique text • Proportion attend- [34] and Arusha cation and 49 years) with ac- messages delivered ing cervical cancer regions, Tan- reminder) cess to a mobile over 21 days with screening within zania phone living in the or without a trans- 60 days catchment areas of portation e -vouch- Mawenzi Regional er covering return Referral Hospital transportation to and Meru District the nearest screen- Hospital ing clinic Firmino- Portugal Cervical mHealth Mixed (edu- 1220 Women (aged 25- Automated or cus- • Proportion adher- Machado et al cation and 49 years) eligible tomized text mes- ent to cervical [35] reminder) for screening and sages and phone cancer screening registered at prima- calls, followed by at 45 (step 1), 90 ry health care units text message re- (step 1+2), and that perform sys- minders of the ap- 150 days after the tematic written let- pointment (step 1), initial invitation ter invitations for phone calls by (step 1+2+3) screening clinical secretaries (step 2), and phone calls or face-to- face interviews by doctors (step 3) Linde et al Tanzania Cervical mHealth Mixed (edu- 689 Women (aged 25- 10 educative text • Proportion attend- [65] cation and 60 years) who had messages (1 per ing the scheduled reminder) tested positive for month) and 5 re- screening appoint- HPV during a pa- minders (14, 7, and ment within 30 tient-initiated op- 1 day before the days portunistic screen- scheduled screen- ing 14 months ear- ing appointment) lier over a 10-month period Romli et al Kedah, Cervical mHealth 210 [63] Malaysia J Med Internet Res 2021 | vol. 23 | iss. 7 | e26759 | p. 8 (page number not for citation purposes) XSL• FO RenderX
JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH Ruco et al Study Location Type of Intervention Nature of in- Total Population Summary of inter- Outcomes cancer type tervention sample vention size Mixed (edu- Women en- A 30-minute educa- • Proportion having cation and trepreneurs (aged tional talk, a 5- a Papanicolaou reminder) 20-65 years) who minute video on smear test received financial Papanicolaou help from Amanah smear test proce- Ikhtiar Malaysia dures, experience and who were or sharing from a cer- had been previous- vical cancer sur- ly married vivor, distribution of pamphlet on cervical cancer and Papanicolaou smear testing, and 2 text message re- minders sent over a 3-month period Baker et al Chicago, CRC mHealth Mixed (edu- 450 Adults (aged 51-75 A mailed reminder • Proportion com- [30] United cation, re- years) with pre- letter and FIT kit pleting either States minder, and ferred language with postage-paid FOBT or navigation) listed as English or envelope, automat- colonoscopy with- Spanish and with a ed telephone and in 6 months of the negative FOBT text message re- date the patient minders, and per- was due for annual sonal telephone screening outreach by a screening naviga- tor after 3 months Muller et al Anchorage, CRC mHealth Mixed (edu- 2386 Alaska Native or A maximum of 3 • Proportion [46] Alaska cation and American Indian text messages over screened (FIT, reminder) adults (aged 40-75 2 months FOBT, flexible years) with no his- sigmoidoscopy, or tory of CRC or colonoscopy) colectomy enrolled with the Southcen- tral Foundation health care system and eligible for screening Miller et al North Caroli- CRC mHealth Mixed (edu- 450 English-speaking mPATH-CRC, an • CRC screening [45] na, United cation and adults (aged 50-74 iPad app providing completed within States decision aid) years) who were screening informa- 24 weeks scheduled to see a tion, help with primary care screening decision, • Intention to re- provider and were self-ordering a ceive screening due for CRC screening test, and within the next 6 screening automated electron- months ic messages to complete the cho- sen test Reiter et al United Rectal mHealth Mixed (edu- 150 Gay or bisexual Population-target- • Proportion com- [48] States cation and men (aged 18-25 ed, individually pleting all 3 doses reminder) years) residing in tailored content of the HPV vac- the United States about HPV and cine who had not re- monthly HPV vac- ceived any HPV cination reminders vaccine doses sent via email and/or text mes- sage Wong et al Hong Kong CRC mHealth Mixed (edu- 629 [53] cation and reminder) J Med Internet Res 2021 | vol. 23 | iss. 7 | e26759 | p. 9 (page number not for citation purposes) XSL• FO RenderX
JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH Ruco et al Study Location Type of Intervention Nature of in- Total Population Summary of inter- Outcomes cancer type tervention sample vention size Adults (aged 40-70 Generic text mes- • Proportion success- years) at average sage about the im- fully returning risk of CRC who portance of regular completed FIT had a negative FIT CRC screening and specimen within 6 result in their first the time and venue months screening round for of FIT tube re- the study trieval Mahmud et al United CRC mHealth Mixed (edu- 71 Adults (aged 18-75 9 text messages • Proportion who at- [64] States cation and years) scheduled sent in the week tended their reminder) for outpatient before the sched- scheduled appoint- colonoscopy with- uled procedure ment in 2 months of ini- tial contact a mHealth: mobile health. b CRC: colorectal cancer. c FOBT: fecal occult blood test. d FIT: fecal immunochemical test. e BSE. breast self-exam. f HPV: human papilloma virus. The most common reminder strategies used were text message scheduled appointment or those participating in screening within reminders [29-39,41-43,46-55,57-65]. Educational strategies 2 weeks [52], a month [65], 45 days [35], 60 days [29,34,41,47], most commonly included general health information about the 3 months [35,42,50], 3-5 months [38,39,51], or 6 months specific cancer and information about cancer screening, [30,31,33,36,40,45,53]. including the importance of screening. Although text messages There was wide variability in the study participants. For were commonly used to deliver educational information example, the included participants were targeted based on [34,35,37,42-44,46,48,49,53-55,59,62,64,65], some studies also geographical region in some studies [34,51,56] or by their used electronic posters or infographics, CDs, videos, mobile profession as elementary school teachers [37], entrepreneurs apps, and podcasts [37,42,44,45,55,59,63]. Education was also [63], or university students [49,59]. Some studies were targeted provided through in-person educational or training sessions in to specific racial and cultural groups [44,46,54,58,67], whereas some cases in addition to a social media or mHealth strategy or others included gay and bisexual men only [48] or women who in the comparison groups [55,63]. Educational interventions were HIV positive [60]. The intervention intensity also differed using social media included social media campaigns [56] or between the studies. For example, some interventions included sharing information or daily posts about screening or cancer sending only a single text message reminder with participants who were members of a group (virtual [29,31,33,38,39,41,51], whereas others included sending 22 community) on a social media platform [66,67]. Peer support text messages over 16 days [54] or 21 messages over a 7-day interventions on social media also leveraged groups to support period [44]. For social media interventions, participants in one participants of that virtual community through the sharing of study received three daily posts over a 12-week period [67] or personal stories and narratives [40]. Outcomes were measured as many as 20 posts per day over 5 days [66]. at several time points, including the proportion attending a J Med Internet Res 2021 | vol. 23 | iss. 7 | e26759 | p. 10 (page number not for citation purposes) XSL• FO RenderX
JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH Ruco et al Table 2. Summary of included pre- and postintervention studies (n=9). Study Location Type of Intervention Nature of in- Total sam- Population Summary of inter- Outcomes cancer type tervention ple size vention Ganta et Nevada, United Cervical mHealtha Reminder 473 HIV-infected Reminders to • Proportion complet- al [60] States women (aged schedule a Papan- ing the Papanico- ≥18 years) at icolaou test via 3 laou test the HIV Well- sequential text ness Center messages and subsequently by 3 phone call at- tempts Lee et al Minnesota, Cervical mHealth Education or 30 Korean Ameri- 7-day text mes- • Proportion receiving [58] United States awareness can women sage–based inter- a Papanicolaou test (aged 21-29 vention including within 3 months years) with no quizzes and ques- • Intent to receive a previous receipt tions and engage- Papanicolaou test of a Papanico- ment in conversa- within a year laou test with tion up-to-date health insurance Lemos et Madeira, Portu- Cervical mHealth Education or 144 Female college 5 structured text • Intention to get a al [59] gal awareness students recruit- messages deliv- Papanicolaou test ed from various ered over 5 measured on a 5- undergraduate weeks and an edu- point Likert scale courses of cational video in- from 1 (definitely Madeira Univer- tervention lasting will not do) to 5 sity 12 minutes (definitely will do) Le and United States Cervical mHealth Education or 52 Church-attend- 22 text messages • Intent to get a Papan- Holt [54] awareness ing African- delivered over 16 icolaou smear test in American wom- days, containing the next 6 months en (aged 21-65 health-specific years) with no and spiritually previous medi- based content cal history of cervical cancer or hysterectomy Lyson et United States Cervical Social media Education or 782 Women (aged Health Connect • Proportion ever had al [66] awareness ≥18 years) who web-based plat- a Papanicolaou test lived in the form where partic- • Proportion ever re- United States, ipants were as- ceived the HPVb spoke English signed to groups vaccine as their primary of 9 and where language, and each participant did not have was randomly cervical cancer distributed a set of 20 tweets or messages per day over 5 days in a personalized message feed Key et al Kentucky, Unit- CRCc Social media Education or 60 Appalachian Participants • Proportion ever re- [67] ed States awareness Kentuckians joined a closed ceived a (aged ≥50 Facebook group colonoscopy or years) noncom- and were present- FOBTd pliant with cur- ed with 3 daily rent screening Facebook posts guidelines during the 12- week intervention J Med Internet Res 2021 | vol. 23 | iss. 7 | e26759 | p. 11 (page number not for citation purposes) XSL• FO RenderX
JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH Ruco et al Study Location Type of Intervention Nature of in- Total sam- Population Summary of inter- Outcomes cancer type tervention ple size vention Jessup et Massachusetts, Lung Social media Education or Variable Patients, care- Patient awareness • Number of LDCTe al [56] United States awareness depending givers, and campaign on examinations per on plat- health care Facebook and week before and af- form providers with- Google and ter the campaign in a 60-mile ra- provider cam- dius of a large paign on quaternary med- LinkedIn and ical center and Twitter 2 affiliated off- campus imag- ing sites. Pa- tient campaign targeted current and former smokers (aged ≥55 years), fe- males (aged ≥55 years), pa- tients and em- ployees of the academic medi- cal center (aged ≥18 years), and caregivers (aged ≥18 years) Fornos et Texas, United Cervical mHealth Mixed (edu- 32,807 Women (aged Newsletters, pub- • 3-year cervical can- al [57] States cation, re- ≥18 years) en- lic service an- cer screening rate minders, and rolled in Care- nouncements, au- navigation) Link who were tomated client re- not up to date minders includ- with Papanico- ing text mes- laou screening sages, and com- or actively ob- munity outreach taining Papani- colaou test ap- pointments Capik Erzurum, Prostate mHealth Mixed (edu- 75 Men (aged 41- Poster announce- • Proportion having and Turkey cation and 65 years) work- ments, interactive had a PSAf test in Gozum reminders) ing in 2 public educational ses- the last 3 months [55] institutions who sion, access to • Proportion having had not re- website, desk cal- had a prostate exam- ceived a endar information ination in the last 3 prostate cancer and reminders, months diagnosis monthly email re- minders, flyers, and 1 text mes- sage a mHealth: mobile health. b HPV: human papilloma virus. c CRC: colorectal cancer. d FOBT: fecal occult blood test. e LDCT: low-dose computed tomography. f PSA: prostate-specific antigen. having some concerns in several domains, including bias arising Quality Assessment from the randomization process, effect of assignment to Risk of bias assessments for the included studies are shown in intervention, and measurement of the outcome. All pre- and Figures 2 and 3. Briefly, 27% (8/30) of the included RCTs were postintervention studies were classified as high risk. Figure 4 classified as high risk, 23% (7/30) as having some concerns, displays the funnel plot used to check for publication bias. The and the remainder (15/30, 50%) were classified as low risk. x-axis represents the effect estimates, whereas the y-axis Common reasons for being classified as high risk included represents the study size or precision. The funnel plot generated J Med Internet Res 2021 | vol. 23 | iss. 7 | e26759 | p. 12 (page number not for citation purposes) XSL• FO RenderX
JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH Ruco et al may suggest some publication bias because of the lack of studies small effect sizes and variances. in the bottom left corner of the plot representing studies with Figure 2. Risk of bias assessment for the included randomized controlled trials (n=30) created using the Robvis tool. J Med Internet Res 2021 | vol. 23 | iss. 7 | e26759 | p. 13 (page number not for citation purposes) XSL• FO RenderX
JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH Ruco et al Figure 3. Risk of bias assessment for the included pre- and postintervention studies (n=9). J Med Internet Res 2021 | vol. 23 | iss. 7 | e26759 | p. 14 (page number not for citation purposes) XSL• FO RenderX
JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH Ruco et al Figure 4. Funnel plot of publication bias for the randomized controlled trials reporting on the primary outcome. OR: odds ratio. type, with the largest effect observed for cervical cancer Primary and Secondary Outcomes screening studies (OR 1.71, 95% CI 1.34-2.19; Figure 5). The absolute effect of being screened in the intervention arms Stratification by cancer type did not reduce the heterogeneity. was 22.22% (13,115/59,017). There was an absolute risk When we conducted a sensitivity analysis excluding trials difference of 14% (95% CI 13.12-14.33) between the assessed to have a high risk of bias, the overall pooled OR and intervention and comparison arms, with the proportion screened I2 remained stable (OR 1.54, 95% CI 1.33-1.78; Figure 6). The in the comparison arms being 35.94% (12,524/34,872). When overall pooled OR was not significant when including only stratified by cancer type, the absolute proportion screened in studies measuring screening participation through self-reporting the intervention arms was 71.68% (3935/5489) for breast cancer (OR 2.09, 95% CI 0.96-4.53). The overall pooled effect estimate compared with 64.11% (7096/11,067) in the comparison arms remained stable when including only studies that captured the (risk difference 8%; 95% CI 6.08-9.06). For cervical cancer, outcome through administrative records (OR 1.46, 95% CI there were 35.23% (2382/6760) screened in the intervention 1.28-1.66). When we included only studies conducted in LMIC arms compared with 28.26% (1548/5478) in the comparison settings (n=3), the overall pooled OR was 3.29 (95% CI arms. For CRC, the proportion screened in the intervention arms 1.02-10.60) with considerable heterogeneity (I2=93%). However, was 14.53% (6798/46,768) and 21.17% (3880/18,327) in the the pooled OR increased to 5.50 (95% CI 3.19-9.51) with only comparison arms, with a risk difference of 6% (95% CI 5.96-7.31). moderate heterogeneity (I2=38%) when only studies with a low risk of bias were included (n=2). We also conducted subgroup The overall pooled OR for cancer screening participation among analyses by meta-analyzing studies based on the nature of the the included RCTs was 1.49 (95% CI 1.31-1.70; Figure 5), intervention. The results showed an overall pooled effect indicating that the odds of getting screened increased by 49% estimate of 1.23 (95% CI 1.08-1.41) for reminder interventions for those who received a social media or mHealth intervention. (Figure 7) and 2.07 (95% CI 1.49-5.83) for mixed interventions However, considerable heterogeneity was observed (I2=88%). (Figure 8). Heterogeneity did not change when subgroup Similar effect estimates were observed when stratified by cancer analyses were conducted. J Med Internet Res 2021 | vol. 23 | iss. 7 | e26759 | p. 15 (page number not for citation purposes) XSL• FO RenderX
JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH Ruco et al Figure 5. Forest plot for the randomized controlled trials reporting on the primary outcome of cancer screening participation categorized by type of cancer (n=30). J Med Internet Res 2021 | vol. 23 | iss. 7 | e26759 | p. 16 (page number not for citation purposes) XSL• FO RenderX
JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH Ruco et al Figure 6. Sensitivity analysis for the primary outcome of interest of cancer screening participation without inclusion of randomized controlled trials with a high risk of bias (n=22). J Med Internet Res 2021 | vol. 23 | iss. 7 | e26759 | p. 17 (page number not for citation purposes) XSL• FO RenderX
JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH Ruco et al Figure 7. Forest plot for the reminder interventions reporting on the primary outcome of cancer screening participation (n=12). J Med Internet Res 2021 | vol. 23 | iss. 7 | e26759 | p. 18 (page number not for citation purposes) XSL• FO RenderX
JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH Ruco et al Figure 8. Forest plot for the mixed interventions reporting on the primary outcome of cancer screening participation (n=17). Table 3 presents the results of the secondary outcomes of outcome, except for one in which it decreased. The highest screening intention. Six studies (3 RCTs and 3 pre- and increase in screening intention was observed in the study by postintervention studies) reported on screening intention, with Lee et al [58], where there was a 24% absolute increase in the two studies reporting on screening intention only. There was intent to receive a Papanicolaou test postintervention (19/30, minor variability in the measurement of screening intention 63% preintervention and 26/30, 87% postintervention). The among the studies. For example, screening intention was treated study included a 7-day text message–based intervention that as a dichotomous variable in some studies [37,45,54,58] or included a high level of engagement with participants through scored using a four-point [44] or five-point [59] Likert scale in quizzes, questions, and engagement in conversation [58]. Owing others. Half of the studies (3/6, 50%) focused on cervical cancer, to the variability in how screening intention was measured or followed by breast cancer (2/6, 33%) and CRC (1/6, 17%). The captured, we did not perform a meta-analysis on these data. intention to screen increased in all studies reporting on this J Med Internet Res 2021 | vol. 23 | iss. 7 | e26759 | p. 19 (page number not for citation purposes) XSL• FO RenderX
JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH Ruco et al Table 3. Cancer screening intention outcome among included studies (n=6). Study Study design Outcome definition Timeframe for as- Outcome in compari- Outcome in interven- sessing outcome son group (if RCTa) tion group (if RCT) or or preintervention postintervention Heydari and RCT Intention to get a mammogram 3 months 93% (56/60) 83% (50/60) Noroozi [37] (yes or no) Lee et al [44] RCT Intention to receive a mammo- 1-week postinterven- Group differences Group differences gram in the future on a 4-point tion preintervention −0.64 postintervention 3.48 scale (1=not within a year, 2=within a year, 3=within 3 months, and 4=within 1 month) among intervention and control groups Miller et al RCT Intention to receive screening 6 months 49% (112/227) 62% (138/223) [45] measured through the postpro- gram iPad survey Le and Holt Pre- and postintervention Intent to get a Papanicolaou 6 months 48% (22/46) 52% (24/46) [54] smear test (yes or no) Lee et al [58] Pre- and postintervention Intent to receive a Papanicolaou Within 1 year 63% (19/30) 87% (26/30) test (yes or no) Lemos et al Pre- and postintervention Intention to get a Papanicolaou 6 weeks 4.50 (SD 0.64) 4.82 (SD 0.48) [59] test measured on a 5-point Lik- ert scale from 1 (definitely will not do) to 5 (definitely will do) a RCT: randomized controlled trial. message reminders are different from these other approaches Discussion because they are sent only to mobile devices compared with Principal Findings telephone calls, which may be made to landlines, for which coverage has been decreasing. In addition, text messages can Our systematic review identified 39 studies describing the be sent instantly, whereas letter or postcard reminders need to effectiveness of social media and mHealth interventions on be delivered by the post. Moreover, text messages have the cancer screening participation and/or intention. The overall opportunity to reach those with no fixed addresses. For example, pooled OR for cancer screening participation was significant, a recent systematic review on technology use among homeless favoring the intervention arm (OR 1.49, 95% CI 1.31-1.70). adults showed that a majority (94%) owned a cell phone [68]. Effect sizes were similar across all cancer types, and estimates Overall, Tamuzi et al [18] found that call reminders were the remained stable when trials deemed to be at high risk of bias only intervention to show a statistically significant pooled effect were excluded, indicating that social media, and particularly estimate. Only one study included in their review reported on mHealth interventions, can be effective for increasing cancer the effect of text message reminders, and a meta-analysis of this screening participation. type of intervention was, therefore, not possible [18]. Two systematic reviews on this topic were published in 2017 The results of this study enhance our understanding of the [17,18]. Uy et al [17] evaluated the effectiveness of text effectiveness of social media and mHealth interventions for messaging interventions on cancer screening and identified nine cancer screening. Although both previous reviews were studies that met the inclusion criteria. Absolute screening rates published in 2017, nearly 44% (17/39) of the studies in this area for text messaging interventions were 1%-15% higher and have been published since that time. Our review provides a relative screening rates were 4%-63% higher for intervention comprehensive and more contemporary understanding of this recipients in their study [17]. The authors concluded that text topic. In addition, although previous reviews focused primarily messaging interventions moderately increased screening rates on breast and cervical cancer, our study provides valuable for breast and cervical cancer; however, additional research is insights into the effectiveness of these interventions in CRC needed to better quantify this relationship [17]. Tamuzi et al screening as well. We included 13 studies focused on CRC in [18] explored mHealth interventions for cervical cancer our meta-analysis and found a significant pooled effect estimate, screening only. Their review identified 17 studies, and the suggesting that the use of these types of interventions can be authors were able to perform a meta-analysis on the results by extended to CRC as well. In comparison with the study by Uy type of intervention [18]. However, their definition of mHealth et al [17], we found that absolute screening rates between the was different from ours. In their study, Tamuzi et al [18] intervention and comparison groups were higher in our study. included telephone, letter, and text message reminders, whereas This may suggest that multicomponent interventions that couple only text message reminders were included in our study based social media or mHealth with additional strategies may be more on our adopted definition of mHealth interventions. Text J Med Internet Res 2021 | vol. 23 | iss. 7 | e26759 | p. 20 (page number not for citation purposes) XSL• FO RenderX
JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH Ruco et al effective at increasing screening rates compared with mHealth may be because there may be a limited number of other or social media strategies alone. campaigns in these resource-low settings, whereas access to mobile phones and the internet has been reported to be The results of our study must also be understood within the comparable with that of developed nations [1]. larger context of interventions for cancer screening. Brouwers et al [69] conducted a systematic review of interventions for Only a limited number of studies (n=4) tested social media increasing cancer screening rates and looked at client reminders, interventions. As such, our results are more indicative of the client incentives, mass media, small media, group education, effectiveness of mHealth interventions. A narrative systematic one-on-one education, reducing structural barriers, reducing review focusing on describing the characteristics of social media out-of-pocket costs to clients, provider assessment and feedback, interventions used for cancer prevention and management found and provider incentives. Similarly, the authors found wide that cancer screening participation or intention was not measured heterogeneity across studies and interventions and chose not to in any of the 18 studies included in the review [70]. The most meta-analyze their data. For example, their results showed that common outcome measured in these studies was knowledge small media interventions, including videos or printed materials [70]. Although research related to social media and cancer such as letters, brochures, newspapers, magazines, and screening participation has started to emerge [71], the inclusion billboards, resulted in a point percentage increase for cancer of this work was limited in our review, as there are few RCTs screening participation ranging from −32.8% to 26% among and before and after comparisons also capturing the outcome studies on breast cancer, cervical cancer, and CRC [69]. Our of screening participation or intention. This suggests areas for review showed that the absolute difference between the future research to generate more evidence on the use of social intervention and comparison arms was 14%. The magnitude of media interventions for cancer screening participation. In effect varied considerably among and between intervention addition, very few studies have been conducted on prostate and categories in the review by Brouwers et al [69], suggesting that lung cancer screening, which is similar to what was observed additional evidence is needed for interventions related to client in a previous study [17]. reminders, mass media, group education, one-on-one education, Our review and meta-analysis included a variety of mHealth reduction of structural barriers and out-of-pocket costs, and and social media interventions and multicomponent provider incentive interventions. Given the need for additional, interventions. Our review is comprehensive and contemporary high-quality evidence, it is difficult to ascertain whether social and uses a rigorous systematic approach to screen and review media and mHealth interventions fare similar, better, or worse the literature. As such, it includes a large number of studies for than non-mHealth or non–social media interventions. In the most established screening programs for breast cancer, addition, costs should also be considered when making any cervical cancer, and CRC. Owing to the large number of studies comparisons between the effectiveness of these interventions included in our review, we were able to calculate pooled effect to inform the translation of these findings into practice. estimates by cancer type to inform practice and future research. Although the pooled effect estimate in our meta-analysis was However, this study has limitations. Although we made every consistent in the subgroup and sensitivity analyses, significant effort to obtain full-text articles, there were some records heterogeneity remained. This may be because of the variability identified from our search that we could not locate. We also did in populations, interventions, or outcome measurement across not calculate a Cohen κ coefficient to report the interrater studies. For example, the populations randomized in the studies reliability between the 2 reviewers. Our review is also limited in our review included all adults up to 79 years [44], or highly in regard to social media interventions, as only four studies were specialized populations such as emergency department patients identified, with only one RCT included in the meta-analysis. [62] or HIV-positive individuals [60]. Moreover, many of the This may be a reflection of current practice or due to the fact studies included insured samples, which may not be reflective that it may be more difficult to link direct patient outcomes with of population-level interventions, and therefore, must be the use of social media. considered in the generalizability of these results. In addition, the follow-up and the intensity of each intervention varied across Conclusions studies. For example, some studies may have sent a single text In conclusion, our results suggest that mHealth interventions message reminder [37], whereas other interventions included may have a significant effect on cancer screening participation, sending multiple text messages in combination with telephone particularly for breast cancer, cervical cancer, and CRC reminders [33]. Interestingly, when we looked at studies screening. Screening programs should consider the use of conducted in LMIC settings and excluded those with a high risk mHealth interventions to increase screening participation. of bias, the overall pooled OR was even larger with only Further research focusing on social media interventions for moderate heterogeneity. These results suggest that the cancer screening participation is needed, as there was effectiveness of these interventions for cancer screening insufficient evidence available at the time of this review. participation may be more pronounced in these settings. This Acknowledgments This study was supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (grants FDN-148470 and GSO-157853). The funding agency had no role in the design or conduct of the study. The authors would like to acknowledge the contributions of Amina J Med Internet Res 2021 | vol. 23 | iss. 7 | e26759 | p. 21 (page number not for citation purposes) XSL• FO RenderX
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