Self-Supervised Multimodal Opinion Summarization

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Self-Supervised Multimodal Opinion Summarization
Self-Supervised Multimodal Opinion Summarization

                                                    Jinbae Im, Moonki Kim, Hoyeop Lee, Hyunsouk Cho, Sehee Chung
                                                               Knowledge AI Lab., NCSOFT Co., South Korea

                                             Recently, opinion summarization, which is the                         (a) Unimodal framework
arXiv:2105.13135v1 [cs.CL] 27 May 2021

                                             generation of a summary from multiple re-
                                             views, has been conducted in a self-supervised
                                             manner by considering a sampled review as
                                             a pseudo summary. However, non-text data
                                             such as image and metadata related to reviews
                                             have been considered less often. To use the
                                             abundant information contained in non-text
                                             data, we propose a self-supervised multimodal
                                             opinion summarization framework called Mul-                          (b) Multimodal framework
                                             timodalSum. Our framework obtains a repre-
                                             sentation of each modality using a separate en-        Figure 1: Self-supervised opinion summarization
                                             coder for each modality, and the text decoder          frameworks
                                             generates a summary. To resolve the inher-
                                             ent heterogeneity of multimodal data, we pro-
                                             pose a multimodal training pipeline. We first          studies used an unsupervised approach for opinion
                                             pretrain the text encoder–decoder based solely         summarization (Ku et al., 2006; Paul et al., 2010;
                                             on text modality data. Subsequently, we pre-           Carenini et al., 2013; Ganesan et al., 2010; Gerani
                                             train the non-text modality encoders by con-
                                                                                                    et al., 2014). Recent studies (Bražinskas and Titov,
                                             sidering the pretrained text decoder as a pivot
                                             for the homogeneous representation of multi-           2020; Amplayo and Lapata, 2020; Elsahar et al.,
                                             modal data. Finally, to fuse multimodal rep-           2021) used a self-supervised learning framework
                                             resentations, we train the entire framework in         that creates a synthetic pair of source reviews and
                                             an end-to-end manner. We demonstrate the su-           a pseudo summary by sampling a review text from
                                             periority of MultimodalSum by conducting ex-           a training corpus and considering it as a pseudo
                                             periments on Yelp and Amazon datasets.                 summary, as in Figure 1a.
                                                                                                       Users’ opinions are based on their perception of
                                         1   Introduction
                                                                                                    a specific entity and perceptions originate from var-
                                         Opinion summarization is the task of automatically         ious characteristics of the entity; therefore, opinion
                                         generating summaries from multiple documents               summarization can use such characteristics. For
                                         containing users’ thoughts on businesses or prod-          instance, Yelp provides users food or menu images
                                         ucts. This summarization of users’ opinions can            and various metadata about restaurants, as in Fig-
                                         provide information that helps other users with            ure 1b. This non-text information influences the
                                         their decision-making on consumption. Unlike con-          review text generation process of users (Truong
                                         ventional single-document or multiple-document             and Lauw, 2019). Therefore, using this additional
                                         summarization, where we can obtain the prevalent           information can help in opinion summarization,
                                         annotated summaries (Nallapati et al., 2016; See           especially under unsupervised settings (Su et al.,
                                         et al., 2017; Paulus et al., 2018; Liu et al., 2018; Liu   2019; Huang et al., 2020). Furthermore, the train-
                                         and Lapata, 2019; Perez-Beltrachini et al., 2019),         ing process of generating a review text (a pseudo
                                         opinion summarization is challenging; it is difficult      summary) based on the images and metadata for
                                         to find summarized opinions of users. Accordingly,         self-supervised learning is consistent with the ac-
Self-Supervised Multimodal Opinion Summarization
tual process of writing a review text by a user.        ous works on unsupervised opinion summarization
   This study proposes a self-supervised multi-         have focused on extractive approaches. Clustering-
modal opinion summarization framework called            based approaches (Carenini et al., 2006; Ku et al.,
MultimodalSum by extending the existing self-           2006; Paul et al., 2010; Angelidis and Lapata, 2018)
supervised opinion summarization framework, as          were used to cluster opinions regarding the same
shown in Figure 1. Our framework receives source        aspect and extract the text representing each clus-
reviews, images, and a table on the specific busi-      ter. Graph-based approaches (Erkan and Radev,
ness or product as input and generates a pseudo         2004; Mihalcea and Tarau, 2004; Zheng and Lap-
summary as output. Note that images and the ta-         ata, 2019) were used to construct a graph—where
ble are not aligned with an individual review in        nodes were sentences, and edges were similari-
the framework, but they correspond to the specific      ties between sentences—and extract the sentences
entity. We adopt the encoder–decoder framework          based on their centrality.
and build multiple encoders representing each in-          Although some abstractive approaches were not
put modality. However, a fundamental challenge          based on neural networks (Ganesan et al., 2010;
lies in the heterogeneous data of various modali-       Gerani et al., 2014; Di Fabbrizio et al., 2014),
ties (Baltrušaitis et al., 2018).                      neural network-based approaches have been gain-
   To address this challenge, we propose a multi-       ing attention recently. Chu and Liu (2019) gen-
modal training pipeline. The pipeline regards the       erated an abstractive summary from a denoising
text modality as a pivot modality. Therefore, we        autoencoder-based model. More recent abstrac-
pretrain the text modality encoder and decoder for a    tive approaches have focused on self-supervised
specific business or product via the self-supervised    learning. Bražinskas and Titov (2020) randomly
opinion summarization framework. Subsequently,          selected N review texts for each entity and con-
we pretrain modality encoders for images and a ta-      structed N synthetic pairs by sequentially regard-
ble to generate review texts belonging to the same      ing one review text as a pseudo summary and the
business or product using the pretrained text de-       others as source reviews. Amplayo and Lapata
coder. When pretraining the non-text modality en-       (2020) sampled a review text as a pseudo summary
coders, the pretrained text decoder is frozen so that   and generated various noisy versions of it as source
the image and table modality encoders obtain ho-        reviews. Elsahar et al. (2021) selected review texts
mogeneous representations with the pretrained text      similar to the sampled pseudo summary as source
encoder. Finally, after pretraining input modalities,   reviews, based on TF-IDF cosine similarity. We
we train the entire model in an end-to-end manner       construct synthetic pairs based on Bražinskas and
to combine multimodal information.                      Titov (2020) and extend the self-supervised opinion
   Our contributions can be summarized as follows:      summarization to a multimodal version.
   • this study is the first work on self-supervised       Multimodal text summarization has been mainly
      multimodal opinion summarization;                 studied in a supervised manner. Text summaries
   • we propose a multimodal training pipeline          were created by using other modality data as ad-
      to resolve the heterogeneity between input        ditional input (Li et al., 2018, 2020a), and some
      modalities;                                       studies provided not only a text summary but also
   • we verify the effectiveness of our model           other modality information as output (Zhu et al.,
      framework and model training pipeline             2018; Chen and Zhuge, 2018; Zhu et al., 2020; Li
      through various experiments on Yelp and           et al., 2020b; Fu et al., 2020). Furthermore, most
      Amazon datasets.                                  studies summarized a single sentence or document.
                                                        Although Li et al. (2020a) summarized multiple
2   Related Work                                        documents, they used non-subjective documents.
                                                        Our study is the first unsupervised multimodal text
Generally, opinion summarization has been con-          summarization work that summarizes multiple sub-
ducted in an unsupervised manner, which can be          jective documents.
divided into extractive and abstractive approaches.
The extractive approach selects the most meaning-       3   Problem Formulation
ful texts from input opinion documents, and the ab-
stractive approach generates summarized texts that      The goal of the self-supervised multimodal opin-
are not shown in the input documents. Most previ-       ion summarization is to generate a pseudo sum-
Self-Supervised Multimodal Opinion Summarization
mary from multimodal data. Following existing             the text decoder generates dj from htext as follows:
self-supervised opinion summarization studies, we
consider a review text selected from an entire re-                     htext = BARTenc (D−j ),
view corpus as a pseudo summary. We extend                               dj = BARTdec (htext ),
the formulation of Bražinskas and Titov (2020)
to a multimodal version. Let R = {r1 , r2 , ..., rN }     where D−j = {d1 , ..., dj−1 , dj+1 , ..., dN } denotes
denote the set of reviews about an entity (e.g., a        the set of review texts from R−j . Each review text
business or product). Each review, rj , consists of       consists of lD tokens and htext ∈ R(N −1)×lD ×eD .
review text, dj , and review rating, sj , that repre-     4.2    Image Encoder
sents the overall sentiment of the review text. We
denote images uploaded by a user or provided by           We use a convolutional neural network specialized
a company for the entity as I = {i1 , i2 , ..., iM }      in analyzing visual imagery. In particular, we use
and a table containing abundant metadata about            ImageNet pretrained ResNet101 (He et al., 2016),
the entity as T . Here, T consists of several fields,     which is widely used as a backbone network. We
and each field contains its own name and value.           add an additional linear layer in place of the image
We set j-th review text dj as the pseudo summary          classification layer to match feature distribution
and let it be generated from R−j , I, and T , where       and dimensionality with text modality representa-
R−j = {r1 , ..., rj−1 , rj+1 , ..., rN } denotes source   tions. Our image encoder obtains encoded image
reviews. To help the model summarize what stands          representations himg from I as follows:
out overall in the review corpus, we calculate the                 himg = ResNet101(I) Wimg ,
loss for all N cases of selecting dj from R, and
train the model using the average loss. During            where Wimg ∈ ReI ×eD denotes the additional lin-
testing, we generate a summary from R, I, and T .         ear weights. himg obtains RM ×lI ×eD , where lI
                                                          represents the size of the flattened image feature
4     Model Framework                                     map obtained from ResNet101.

                                                          4.3    Table Encoder
The proposed model framework, MultimodalSum,
is designed with an encoder–decoder structure, as         To effectively encode metadata, we design our ta-
in Figure 1b. To address the heterogeneity of three       ble encoder based on the framework of data-to-text
input modalities, we configure each modality en-          research (Puduppully et al., 2019). The input to
coder to effectively process data in each modality.       our table encoder T is a series of field-name and
We set a text decoder to generate summary text            field-value pairs. Each field gets eT -dimensional
by synthesizing encoded representations from the          representations through a multilayer perceptron af-
three modality encoders. Details are described in         ter concatenating the representations of field-name
the following subsections.                                and field-value. The encoded table representations
                                                          htable is obtained by stacking each field representa-
4.1    Text Encoder and Decoder                           tion into F and adding a linear layer as follows:

Our text encoder and decoder are based on                            fk = ReLU([nk ; vk ] Wf + bf ),
BART (Lewis et al., 2020). BART is a Trans-                       htable = F Wtable ,
former (Vaswani et al., 2017) encoder–decoder pre-
trained model that is particularly effective when         where n and v denote eT -dimensional represen-
fine-tuned for text generation and has high sum-          tations of field name and value, respectively, and
marization performance. Furthermore, because the          Wf ∈ R2eT ×eT , bf ∈ ReT are parameters. By
pseudo summary of self-supervised multimodal              stacking lT field representations, we obtain F ∈
opinion summarization is an individual review text        R1×lT ×eT . The additional linear weights Wtable ∈
(dj ), we determine that pretraining BART based on        ReT ×eD play the same role as in the image encoder,
a denoising autoencoder is suitable for our frame-        and htable ∈ R1×lT ×eD .
work. Therefore, we further pretrain BART using
                                                          5     Model Training Pipeline
the entire training review corpus (Gururangan et al.,
2020). Our text encoder obtains eD -dimensional           To effectively train the model framework, we set
encoded text representations htext from D−j and           a model training pipeline, which consists of three
Self-Supervised Multimodal Opinion Summarization
(a) Text modality pretraining

              (b) Other modalities pretraining                       (c) Training for multiple modalities

Figure 2: Self-supervised multimodal opinion summarization training pipeline. Blurred boxes in “Other modalities
pretraining” indicate that the text decoders are untrained.

steps, as in Figure 2. The first step is text modality
pretraining, in which a model learns unsupervised
summarization capabilities using only text modal-
ity data. Next, during the pretraining for other
modalities, an encoder for each modality is trained
using the text modality decoder learned in the pre-
vious step as a pivot. The main purpose of this step
is that other modalities have representations whose
                                                           Figure 3: Text decoder input representations. The in-
distribution is similar to that of the text modality. In
                                                           put embeddings are the sum of the token embeddings,
the last step, the entire model framework is trained       rating deviation times deviation embeddings, and the
using all the modality data. Details of each step          positional embeddings.
can be found in the next subsections.

5.1   Text Modality Pretraining
                                                           use a rating deviation between the source reviews
In this step, we pretrain the text encoder and de-         and the target as an additional input feature of the
coder for self-supervised opinion summarization.           text decoder, inspired by Bražinskas et al. (2020).
As this was an important step for unsupervised             We define the average ratings of the source reviews
multimodal neural machine translation (Su et al.,          minus the
                                                                   PNrating of the target as the rating deviation:
2019), we apply it to our framework. For the               sdj = i6=j si /(N − 1) − sj . We use sdj to help
set of reviews about an entity R, we train the             generate a pseudo summary dj during training and
model to generate a pseudo summary dj from                 set it as 0 to generate a summary with average se-
source reviews R−j for all N cases as follows:             mantic of input reviews during inference. To reflect
loss = N
           j=1 log p(dj |R−j ). The text encoder ob-       the rating deviation, we modify the way in which
tains htext ∈ R(N −1)×lD ×eD from D−j , and the            a Transformer creates input embeddings, as in Fig-
text decoder aggregates the encoded representa-            ure 3. We create deviation embeddings with the
tions of N − 1 review texts to generate dj . We            same dimensionality as token embeddings and add
model the aggregation of multiple encoded repre-           sdj × deviation embeddings to the token embed-
sentations in the multi-head self-attention layer of       dings in the same way as positional embeddings.
the text decoder. To generate a pseudo summary                Our methods to close the gap between training
that covers the overall contents of source reviews,        and inference tasks do not require additional model-
we simply average the N − 1 single-head attention          ing or training in comparison with previous works.
results for each encoded representation (RlD ×eD )         We achieve noising and denoising effects by simply
at each head (Elsahar et al., 2021).                       using rating deviation embeddings without varia-
   The limitation of the self-supervised opinion           tional inference in Bražinskas and Titov (2020).
summarization is that training and inference tasks         Furthermore, the information that the rating devi-
are different. The model learns a review genera-           ation is 0 plays the role of an input prompt for
tion task using a review text as a pseudo summary;         inference, without the need to train a separate clas-
however, the model needs to perform a summary              sifier for selecting control tokens to be used as input
generation task at inference. To close this gap, we        prompts (Elsahar et al., 2021).
Self-Supervised Multimodal Opinion Summarization
5.2   Other Modalities Pretraining                          Yelp                         Train    Dev     Test
                                                            #businesses                 50,113    100     100
As the main modality for summarization is the text          #reviews/business              8       8        8
modality, we pretrain the image and table encoders          #summaries/business            1*      1        1
                                                            #max images                   10      10       10
by pivoting the text modality. Although the data            #max fields                   47      47       47
of the three modalities are heterogeneous, each en-         Amazon                       Train    Dev     Test
coder should be trained to obtain homogeneous               #products                   60,935     28      32
                                                            #reviews/product               8       8       8
representations. We achieve this by using the pre-          #summaries/product             1*      3        3
trained text decoder as a pivot. We train the im-           #max images                    1       1        1
age encoder and the table encoder along with the            #max fields                 5+128    5+128   5+128
text decoder to generate a review text of the entity    Table 1: Data statistics; 1* in Train column indicates
to which images or metadata belong: I or T →            that it is a pseudo summary.
dj ∈ R. The image and table encoders obtain himg
and htable from I and T , respectively, and the text    where matext , maimg , and matable denote each
decoder generates dj from himg or htable . Note that    modality attention result from htext , himg , and
we aggregate M encoded representations of himg          htable , respectively.        symbolizes element-
as in the text modality pretraining, and the weights    wise multiplication and eD -dimensional multi-
of the text decoder are made constant. I or T cor-      modal gates α and β are calculated as fol-
responds to all N reviews, and this means that I or     lows: α = φ([matext ; maimg ] Wα ) and β =
T has multiple references. We convert a multiple-       φ([matext ; matable ] Wβ ). Note that α or β obtains
reference setting to a single-reference setting to      the zero vector when images or metadata do not
match the model output with the text modality pre-      exist. It is common to use sigmoid as an activation
training. We simply create N single reference pairs     function φ. However, it can lead to confusion in the
from each entity and shuffle pairs from all enti-       text decoder pretrained using only the text source.
ties to construct the training dataset (Zheng et al.,   Because the values of W are initialized at approx-
2018). As the text decoder was trained for generat-     imately 0, the values of α and β are initialized at
ing a review text from text encoded representations,    approximately 0.5 when sigmoid is used. To ini-
the image and table encoders are bound to pro-          tialize the gate values at approximately 0, we use
duce similar representations with the text encoder      ReLU(tanh(x)) as φ(x). This enables the continu-
to generate the same review text. In this way, we       ous use of text information, and images or metadata
can maximize the ability to extract the information     are used selectively.
necessary for generating the review text.

5.3   Training for Multiple Modalities
                                                        6       Experimental Setup
We train the entire multimodal framework from the       6.1       Datasets
pretrained encoders and decoder. The encoder of         To evaluate the effectiveness of the model frame-
each modality obtains an encoded representation         work and training pipeline on datasets with dif-
for each modality, and the text decoder generates       ferent domains and characteristics, we performed
the pseudo summary dj from multimodal encoded           experiments on two review datasets: Yelp Dataset
representations htext , himg , and htable . To fuse     Challenge1 and Amazon product reviews (He and
multimodal representations, we aim to meet three        McAuley, 2016). The Yelp dataset provides re-
requirements. First, the text modality, which is        views based on personal experiences for a specific
the main modality, is primarily used. Second, the       business. It also provides numerous images (e.g.,
model works even if images or metadata are not          food and drinks) uploaded by the users. Note
available. Third, the model makes the most of the       that the maximum number of images, M , was
legacy from pretraining. To fulfill the requirements,   set to 10 based on the 90th percentile. In addi-
multi-modality fusion is applied to the multi-head      tion, the dataset contains abundant metadata of
self-attention layer of the text decoder. The text      businesses according to the characteristics of each
decoder obtains the attention result for each modal-    business. On the contrary, the Amazon dataset
ity at each layer. We fuse the attention results for    provides reviews with more objective and specific
multiple modalities as follows:                         details about a particular product. It contains a sin-
mafused = matext + α       maimg + β       matable ,  
Self-Supervised Multimodal Opinion Summarization
gle image provided by the supplier, and provides         sentences based on graph centrality.
relatively limited metadata for the product. For            For abstractive models, we used non-neural and
evaluation, we used the data used in previous re-        neural models. Opinosis (Ganesan et al., 2010) is
search (Chu and Liu, 2019; Bražinskas and Titov,        a non-neural model that uses a graph-based sum-
2020). The data were generated by Amazon Me-             marizer based on token-level redundancy. Mean-
chanical Turk workers who summarized 8 input             Sum (Chu and Liu, 2019) is a neural model that is
review texts. Therefore, we set N to 9 so that a         based on a denoising-autoencoder and generates
pseudo summary is generated from 8 source re-            a summary from mean representations of source
views during training. For the Amazon dataset,           reviews. We also used three self-supervised abstrac-
3 summaries are given per product. Simple data           tive models. DenoiseSum (Amplayo and Lapata,
statistics are shown in Table 1, and other details       2020) generates a summary by denoising source re-
can be found in Appendix A.1.                            views. Copycat (Bražinskas and Titov, 2020) uses
                                                         a hierarchical variational autoencoder model and
6.2     Experimental Details                             generates a summary from mean latent codes of
All the models2 were implemented with Py-                the source reviews. Self & Control (Elsahar et al.,
Torch (Paszke et al., 2019), and we used the Trans-      2021) generates a summary from Transformer mod-
formers library from Hugging Face (Wolf et al.,          els and uses some control tokens as additional in-
2020) as the backbone skeleton. Our text encoder         puts to the text decoder.
and decoder were initialized using BART-Large
and further pretrained using the training review         7     Results
corpus with the same objective as BART. eD , eI ,        We evaluated our model framework and model
and eT were all set to 1,024. We trained the entire      training pipeline. In particular, we evaluated the
models using the Adam optimizer (Kingma and Ba,          summarization quality compared to other baseline
2014) with a linear learning rate decay on NVIDIA        models in terms of automatic and human evalua-
V100s. We decayed the model weights with 0.1.            tion, and conducted ablation studies.
For each training pipeline, we set different batch
sizes, epochs, learning rates, and warmup steps ac-      7.1     Main Results
cording to the amount of learning required at each       7.1.1    Automatic Evaluation
step. We used label smoothing with 0.1 and set the
maximum norm of gradients as 1 for other modal-          To evaluate the summarization quality, we used
ities pretraining and multiple-modalities training.      two automatic measures: ROUGE-{1,2,L} (Lin,
During testing, we used beam search with early           2004) and BERT-score (Zhang et al., 2020). The
stopping and discarded hypotheses that contain           former is a token-level measure for comparing 1,
twice the same trigram. Different beam size, length      2, and adaptive L-gram matching tokens, and the
penalty, and max length were set for Yelp and Ama-       latter is a document-level measure using pretrained
zon. The best hyperparameter values and other            BERT (Devlin et al., 2019). Contrary to ROUGE-
details are described in Appendix A.2.                   score, which is based on exact matching between
                                                         n-gram words, BERT-score is based on the seman-
6.3     Comparison Models                                tic similarity between word embeddings that reflect
                                                         the context of the document through BERT. It is
We compared our model to extractive and abstrac-
                                                         approved that BERT-score is more robust to adver-
tive opinion summarization models. For extrac-
                                                         sarial examples and correlates better with human
tive models, we used some simple baseline mod-
                                                         judgments compared to other measures for machine
els (Bražinskas and Titov, 2020). Clustroid selects
                                                         translation and image captioning. We hypothesize
one review that gets the highest ROUGE-L score
                                                         that BERT-score is strong in opinion summariza-
with the other reviews of an entity. Lead constructs
                                                         tion as well, and BERT-score would complement
a summary by extracting and concatenating the
lead sentences from all review texts of an entity.
                                                            The results for opinion summarization on two
Random simply selects one random review from
                                                         datasets are shown in Table 2. MultimodalSum
an entity. LexRank (Erkan and Radev, 2004) is
                                                         showed superior results compared with extractive
an extractive model that selects the most salient
                                                         and abstractive baselines for both token-level and
       Our code is available at   document-level measures. From the results, we
Yelp                            Amazon
                 Model                                      R-1    R-2      R-L     FBERT     R-1     R-2      R-L    FBERT
   Extractive    Clustroid (Bražinskas and Titov, 2020)   26.28   3.48    15.36     85.8    29.27    4.41    17.78    86.4
                 Lead (Bražinskas and Titov, 2020)        26.34   3.72    13.86     85.1    30.32    5.85    15.96    85.8
                 Random (Bražinskas and Titov, 2020)      23.04   2.44    13.44     85.1    28.93    4.58    16.76    86.0
                 LexRank (Erkan and Radev, 2004)           24.90   2.76    14.28     85.4    29.46    5.53    17.74    86.4
                 Opinosis (Ganesan et al., 2010)           20.62   2.18    12.55     84.4    24.04    3.69    14.58    85.2

                 MeanSum (Chu and Liu, 2019)               28.86   3.66    15.91     86.5    29.20    4.70    18.15     -
                 DenoiseSum (Amplayo and Lapata, 2020)     30.14   4.99    17.65     85.9       -       -       -       -
                 Copycat (Bražinskas and Titov, 2020)     29.47   5.26    18.09     87.4    31.97    5.81    20.16    87.7
                 Self & Control (Elsahar et al., 2021)     32.76   8.65    18.82     86.8       -       -       -       -
                 MultimodalSum (ours)                      33.00   6.63    19.84*    87.7*   34.19*   7.05* 20.81      87.9

Table 2: Opinion summarization results on Yelp and Amazon datasets. R-1, R-2, R-L, and FBERT refer to ROUGE-
{1,2,L}, and BERT-score, respectively. The best models are marked in bold, and the second-best models are
underlined. * indicates that our model shows significant gains (p < 0.05) over the second-best model based on
paired bootstrap resampling (Koehn, 2004). All the reported scores are based on F1.

                               Gold                                           Sample summaries on the Yelp dataset are shown
 Wow, where to start? Some of the best sweet foods I’ve
 ever had. I wasn’t sure what to try, so I tried a few things,             in Table 3. They were generated from source re-
 and oh my goodness they were delicious. That’s not all                    views on Baby Cakes bakery. Copycat misused
 though, they serve drinks too so I got a latte and that was               “sweet tooth” and generated “lemon mernigue pie”
 good too. There is a lot of variety here to choose from
 that’ll make any sweet tooth salivate. Definitely a good                  that was not mentioned in the source reviews. Self
 place!                                                                    & Control generated a summary about a buffet by
                             Copycat                                       totally misunderstanding one sentence from source
 If you’re looking for a sweet tooth this is the place to go
 if you want a delicious dessert. I had the lemon meringue                 reviews: “If you love the desserts in Studio B Buf-
 pie and it was delicious. The only thing I didn’t like was                fet in the M Hotel but don’t want to wait in the
 that I could eat half of it, but it was a little pricey for what
 you get.
                                                                           massive buffet line or even eat in the buffet, Baby
                         Self & Control                                    Cakes in the M Hotel is really nice fix.” Further-
 If you’re a fan of the Matos Buffet, this is a good place to              more, “Matos Buffet” is a non-existent word. On
 visit. If you want to have a sweet tooth this is the place to
 be. The desserts are delicious and they have a good variety
                                                                           the contrary, MultimodalSum generated a good
 of desserts to choose from. The only thing I don’t like                   summary with a rich description of chocolate crois-
 about this place is that you have to wait in line for a long              sants. Although “chocolate chip cookie” was not
 time to get in. Other than that, you can’t really go wrong
 with any of the desserts in the buffet. The drinks are good               found in the source reviews, our model generated
 and the desserts are yummy too. They also have desserts                   it from cookie images. Note that the term can
 that are not too sweet. I’m not a huge fan of buffets, but                be found in other reviews that were not used as
 this is one of my favorite buffets.
                         MultimodalSum                                     source reviews. Additional sample summaries on
 This is a cute little bakery located in the M resort. I had the           two datasets are shown in Appendix A.5.
 chocolate croissant and it was very good. The croissants
 were soft and moist and the filling was delicious. I also
 had a chocolate chip cookie which was also good. I would
                                                                           7.1.2    Human Evaluation
 definitely recommend this place if you are in the area.                   To evaluate the quality of summarization based on
Table 3: Sample summaries generated by various mod-                        human criteria, we conducted a user study. We as-
els on the Yelp dataset                                                    sessed the quality of summaries using Best-Worst
                                                                           Scaling (BWS; Louviere et al. (2015)). BWS is
                                                                           known to produce more reliable results than rak-
conclude that the multimodal framework outper-                             ing scales (Kiritchenko and Mohammad, 2017) and
formed the unimodal framework for unsupervised                             is widely used in self-supervised opinion summa-
opinion summarization. In particular, our model                            rization studies. We recruited 10 NLP experts and
achieved state-of-the-art results on the Amazon                            asked each participant to choose one best and one
dataset and outperformed the comparable model by                           worst summary from four summaries for three crite-
a large margin in the R-L representing the ROUGE                           ria. For each participant’s response, the best model
scores on the Yelp dataset. Although Self & Con-                           received +1, the worst model received -1, and the
trol showed high R-2 score, we attributed their                            rest of the models received 0 scores. The final
score to the inferred N -gram control tokens used                          scores were obtained by averaging the scores of all
as additional inputs to the text decoder.                                  the responses from all participants.
Figure 4: Multimodal gate heatmaps; From the table and two images, our model generates a summary. Heatmaps
represent the overall influence of table and images for generating each word in the summary. Note that the summary
is a real example generated from our model without beam search.

   For Overall criterion, Self & Control, Copy-           for generating a summary text, and the multimodal
cat, MultimodalSum, and gold summaries scored             gates for a part of the generated summary are ex-
-0.527, -0.113, +0.260, and +0.380 on the Yelp            pressed as heatmaps. As we intended, table and
dataset, respectively. MultimodalSum showed su-           image information was selectively used to generate
perior performance in human evaluation as well            a specific word in the summary. The aggregated
as automatic evaluation. We note that human               value of the table was relatively high for generating
judgments correlate better with BERT-score than           “Red Lobster”, which is the name of the restaurants.
ROUGE-score. Self & Control achieved a very low           It was relatively high for images, when generat-
human evaluation score despite its high ROUGE-            ing “food” that is depicted in two images. Another
score in automatic evaluation. We analyzed the            characteristic of the result is that aggregated values
summaries of Self & Control, and we found several         of the table were higher than those of the image:
flaws such as redundant words, ungrammatical ex-          mean values for the table and image in the entire
pressions, and factual hallucinations. It generated a     test data were 0.103 and 0.045, respectively. This
non-existent word by combining several subwords.          implies that table information is more used when
It was particularly noticeable when a proper noun         creating a summary, and this observation is valid in
was generated. Furthermore, Self & Control gen-           that the table contains a large amount of metadata.
erated an implausible sentence by copying some            Note that the values displayed on the heatmaps are
words from source reviews. From the results, we           small by and large, as they were aggregated from
conclude that both automatic evaluation and human         eD -dimensional vector.
evaluation performances should be supported to be
a good summarization model and BERT-score can              7.2   Ablation Studies
complement ROUGE-score in automatic evalua-               For ablation studies, we analyzed the effective-
tion. Details on human evaluation and full results        ness of our model framework and model training
can be found in Appendix A.3.                             pipeline in Table 4. To analyze the model frame-
                                                          work, we first compared the summarization quality
7.1.3   Effects of Multimodality
                                                          with four versions of unimodal model framework,
To analyze the effects of multimodal data on              as in the first block of Table 4. BART denotes the
opinion summarization, we analyzed the multi-             model framework in Figure 1a, whose weights are
modal gate. Since the multimodal gate is a eD -           the weights of BART-Large. It represents the lower
dimensional vector, we averaged it by a scalar            bound of our model framework without any train-
value. Furthermore, as multimodal gates exist for         ing. BART-Review denotes the model framework
each layer of the text decoder, we averaged them to       whose weights are from further pretrained BART
measure the overall influence of a table or images        using the entire training review corpus. Unimodal-
when generating each token in the decoder. An             Sum refers to the results of the text modality pre-
example of aggregated multimodal gates is shown           training, and we classified it into two frameworks
in Figure 4. It shows the table and images used           according to the use of the rating deviation.
Surprisingly, using only BART achieved compa-               Models                                R-L
                                                               BART                                 14.85
rable or better results than many extractive and ab-           BART-Review                          15.23
stractive baselines in Table 2. Furthermore, further           UnimodalSum w/o rating deviation     18.98
pretraining using the review corpus brought perfor-            UnimodalSum w/ rating deviation      19.40
                                                               MultimodalSum                        19.84
mance improvements. Qualitatively, BART with                     w/o image modality                 19.54
further pretraining generated more diverse words                 w/o table modality                 19.47
and rich expressions from the review corpus. This                w/o other modalities pretraining   19.26
                                                                 w/o text modality pretraining      19.24
proved our assumption that denoising autoencoder-                w/o all modalities pretraining     19.14
based pretraining helps in self-supervised multi-       Table 4: Ablation studies on the Yelp dataset. The first
modal opinion summarization. Based on the BART-         and second blocks represent various versions of the uni-
Review, UnimodalSum achieved superior results.          modal model framework and multimodal model frame-
Furthermore, the use of rating deviation improved       work, respectively. The third block shows the differ-
the quality of summarization. We conclude that          ences in our multimodal framework’s performance ac-
learning to generate reviews based on wide ranges       cording to the absence of specific steps in the model
                                                        training pipeline.
of rating deviations including 0 during training
helps to generate a better summary of the average
semantics of the input reviews.                         modalSum without other modalities pretraining has
   To analyze the effect of other modalities in our     the capability of text summarization, it showed low
model framework, we compared the summariza-             summarization performance at the beginning of the
tion quality with three versions of multimodal          training due to the heterogeneity of the three modal-
model frameworks, as in the second block of Ta-         ity representations. However, MultimodalSum
ble 4. We removed the image or table modality           without text modality pretraining, whose image
from MultimodalSum to analyze the contribution          and table encoders were pretrained using BART-
of each modality. Results showed that both modali-      Review as a pivot, showed stable performance from
ties improved the summarization quality compared        the beginning, but the performance did not improve
with UnimodalSum, and they brought additional           significantly. From the results, we conclude that
improvements when used altogether. This indi-           both text modality and other modalities pretraining
cates that using non-text information helps in self-    help the training of multimodal framework. For
supervised opinion summarization. As expected,          the other modalities pretraining, we conducted a
the utility of the table modality was higher than       further analysis in the Appendix A.4.
that of the image modality. The image modal-
                                                        8   Conclusions
ity contains detailed information not revealed in
the table modality (e.g., appearance of food, in-       We proposed the first self-supervised multimodal
side/outside mood of business, design of product,       opinion summarization framework. Our framework
and color/texture of product). However, the infor-      can reflect text, images, and metadata together as
mation is unorganized to the extent that the utility    an extension of the existing self-supervised opinion
of the image modality depends on the capacity of        summarization framework. To resolve the hetero-
the image encoder to extract unorganized informa-       geneity of multimodal data, we also proposed a
tion. Although MultimodalSum used a represen-           multimodal training pipeline. We verified the ef-
tative image encoder because our study is the first     fectiveness of our multimodal framework and train-
work on multimodal opinion summarization, we            ing pipeline with various experiments on real re-
expect that the utility of the image modality will be   view datasets. Self-supervised multimodal opinion
greater if unorganized information can be extracted     summarization can be used in various ways in the
effectively from the image using advanced image         future, such as providing a multimodal summary
encoders.                                               or enabling a multimodal retrieval. By retrieving
                                                        reviews related to a specific image or metadata,
   For analyzing the model training pipeline, we
                                                        controlled opinion summarization will be possible.
removed text modality or/and other modalities pre-
training from the pipeline. By removing each of         Acknowledgments
them, the performance of MultimodalSum declined,
and removing all of the pretraining steps caused        We thank the anonymous reviewers for their in-
an additional performance drop. Although Multi-         sightful comments and suggestions.
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A     Appendix                                                Pipeline step      batch   epochs   warmup     lr
                                                              Text pretrain       16        5       0.5    5e-05
A.1    Dataset Preprocessing                                  Others pretrain     32       20        1     1e-04
                                                              Multimodal train     8        5      0.25    1e-05
We selected businesses and products with a mini-             Table 5: Hyperparameter values for each step in model
mum of 10 reviews and popular entities above the             training pipeline.
90th percentile were removed. The minimum and
maximum length of the words were set as 35 and
100 for Yelp, and 45 and 70 for Amazon, respec-              tokens, we set the maximum number of tokens as
tively. We set the maximum number of tokens as               128. We regarded each token in description as each
128 using the BART tokenizer for training, and we            field, so we got total 5 + 128 fields.
did not limit the maximum tokens for inference.
                                                             A.2   Experimental Details
For the Amazon dataset, we selected 4 categories:
Electronics; Clothing, Shoes and Jewelry; Home               Our image encoder is based on ResNet101.
and Kitchen; Health and Personal Care. As Yelp               ResNet101 is composed of 1 convolution layer,
dataset contains unlimited number of images for              4 convolution layer blocks, and 1 fully connected
each entity, we did not use images for popular enti-         layer block. Among them, 4 convolution layer
ties above the 90th percentile. On the other hand,           blocks play an important role in analyzing image.
Amazon dataset contains a single image for each              Through each convolution layer block, the size of
entity. Therefore, we did not use images only when           the image feature map is reduced to 1/4, but it gets
meaningless images such as non-image icon or up-             high-level features. To maintain the ability to ex-
date icon were used or the image links had expired.          tract low-level features of the image, we set the
   For Yelp dataset, we selected name, ratings, cat-         model weights up to the second convolution layer
egories, hours, and attributes among the metadata.           block not to be trained further. We only used up
We used the hours of each day of the week as seven           to the third convolution layer block to increase the
fields and used all metadata contained in attributes         resolution of feature maps without using too high-
as each field. For some attributes (‘Ambience’,              level features for image classification. In this way,
‘BusinessParking’, ‘GoodForMeal’) that have sub-             lI was set to 14 × 14 and eI was set to 1,024.
ordinate attributes, we used each subordinate at-               To use the knowledge of text modality in table
tribute. Among the fields, we selected 47 fields             encoder, we obtained field name embeddings by
used by at least 10% of the entities. We set the             summing the BART token embeddings for the to-
maximum number of categories as 6 based on the               kens contained in the field name. Because var-
90th percentile, and averaged the representations of         ious data types can be used for field value, we
each category. For ratings, we converted it to binary        used different processing methods for each data
notation consisting of 4 digits (22 , 21 , 20 , 2−1 ). For   type. Nominal values were handled in the same
hours, we considered (open hour, close hour) as              way as the field name. Binary and ordinal values
a 2-dimensional vector, and conducted K-means                were processed by replacing them with nominal val-
clustering. We selected four clusters based on sil-          ues of corresponding meanings: ‘true’ and ‘false’
houette score: (16.5, 23.2), (8.7, 17.1), (6.4, 23),         were used for binary values, and ‘cheap’, ‘aver-
and (10.6, 22.6). Based on the clusters, we con-             age’, ‘expensive’, and ‘very expensive’ were used
verted hours into a categorical type.                        for ‘RestaurantsPriceRange’. Numerical values
   For Amazon dataset, we selected six fields:               were converted to binary notation, and we obtained
name, price, brand, categories, ratings, and descrip-        the representations by summing embeddings cor-
tion. We set the maximum number of categories                responding to the place, where the place value is
as 3 based on the 90th percentile, and averaged the          1. For other categorical values, we simply trained
representations of each category. Furthermore, as            embeddings corresponding to each category.
each category consists of hierarchies with a maxi-              We set each hyperparameter value different for
mum of 8 depths, we averaged the representations             each step in the model training pipeline, as in
of hierarchies to get each category representation.          Table 5. We set the batch size according to the
For price and ratings, we converted them to binary           memory usage and set other values according to
notation consisting of 11 and 4 digits, respectively,        the amount of learning required. Hyperparameter
after rounding them to the nearest 0.5 to contain            ranges for epochs and lr (learning rate) were [3, 5,
digit for 2−1 . As some descriptions consist of many         10, 15, 20] and [1e-03, 1e-04, 5e-05, 1e-05, 5e-06],
Models           Grammaticality   Coherence   Overall                             Image                   Table
      Self & Control      -0.517         -0.500     -0.527       Models          R-1     R-2     R-L     R-1     R-2     R-L
      Copycat              0.163         -0.077     -0.113       Untrained      21.03    2.45   14.17   24.04   2.92    15.10
      MultimodalSum        0.367          0.290      0.260       Triplet        20.06    2.49   13.15   25.67   3.52    15.16
      Gold                -0.013          0.287      0.380       Pivot (ours)   25.87    3.62   15.70   27.32   4.12    16.57

Table 6: Human evaluation results in terms of the BWS         Table 7: Reference reviews generation results on the
on the Yelp dataset.                                          Yelp dataset.

respectively, and optimized values were chosen                A.4     Analysis on Other Modalities
from validation loss in one trial. For summary                        Pretraining
generation at test time, we set different hyperpa-            To analyze the various models for the other modal-
rameter values for each dataset. Beam size, length            ities pretraining, we evaluated the performance of
penalty, and max length were set to 4, 0.97, and              the reference review generation task that gener-
105 for Yelp and 2, 0.9, and 80 for Amazon, re-               ates corresponding reviews from images or a ta-
spectively. Note that max length was set first to             ble. For evaluation, we used the data that were
prevent incomplete termination and length penalty             not used for training data: we left 10% of the data
was determined based on the ROUGE scores on                   for Yelp and 5% for Amazon. We chose two com-
validation dataset. The number of training parame-            parison models: Untrained and Triplet. Untrained
ters for text, image, and table modality pretraining          denotes the model that image encoder or table en-
are 406.3M, 27.1M, and 3.2M, respectively, and                coder keeps untrained. This option indicates the
that for multimodal training is 486.9M. Run time              lower bound containing only the effect of the text
for text modality pretraining was 16h on 4 GPUs,              decoder. Triplet denotes the triplet-based metric-
and it took 41h and 43h on 2 GPUs for image and               learning model, based on Lee et al. (2018) and Vo
table modality training, respectively. For final mul-         and Hays (2016). For triplet (images or a table,
timodal training, it took 14h on 8 GPUs.                      reviews of positive entity, reviews of negative enti-
                                                              ties), we trained the image or table encoder based
A.3    Human Evaluation                                       on the pretrained text encoder, by placing the im-
For human evaluation, we randomly selected 30                 age or table encoded representations close to the
entities from Yelp test data, and used three criteria:        positive reviews representations and far from the
Grmmaticality (the summary should be fluent and               negative reviews representations. Note that pre-
grammatical), Coherence (the summary should be                trained text encoder was not trained further.
well structured and well organized), and Overall                 Results on the other modalities pretraining are
(based on your own criteria, select the best and              shown in Table 7. For each model, the pretrained
the worst summary of the reviews). Results for                decoder generated a review from image or table
three criteria are shown in Table 6. Self & Control           encoded representations. We measured the average
achieved very poor performance for all criteria due           ROUGE scores between the generated review and
to its flaws that were not revealed in the automatic          N reference reviews. The first finding was that
evaluation. Surprisingly, MultimodalSum outper-               results of table outperformed those of image. It
formed gold summaries for two criteria; however,              indicates that table has more helpful information
its overall performance lagged behind Gold. As                for generating reference review. The second find-
our model was initialized from BART-Large that                ing was that our method based on the text decoder
had been pretrained using large corpus and fur-               outperformed the Triplet based on the text encoder.
ther pretrained using training review corpus, it may          Especially, Triplet achieved very poor performance
have generated fluent and coherent summaries. It              for image because it is hard to match M images to
seems that our model lagged behind Gold in Over-              N reference reviews for metric learning. On the
all due to various criteria other than those two. The         contrary, our method achieved much better perfor-
fact that Gold scored lower than Copycat in Gram-             mance by pivoting the text decoder. Triplet showed
maticality may seem inconsistent with the result              good performance on table because it is relatively
from Bražinskas and Titov (2020). However, we                easy to match 1 table to N reference reviews; how-
assumed that this result was due to a combination             ever, our method outperformed it. We conclude
of the four models in relative evaluation. The rank-          that our method lets the image and table encoder
ing for Copycat and Gold may have changed in                  get proper representations to generate reference
absolute evaluation.                                          reviews regardless of the number of inputs.
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