Smart pole in Hiedanranta Data center - Orbis

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Smart pole in Hiedanranta Data center - Orbis
Orbis Oy customer magazine No 1/2020
                                             ESTON IA • L AT V IA • L ITH UAN I A

Smart pole in   Data center                  Perspectives
Hiedanranta     cooling                      on the story
                  1 - Orbiscope 1/2020
Smart pole in Hiedanranta Data center - Orbis
Editorial                               2   Editorial
                                            2019 was a particularly significant year for Orbis Oy as we celebrated the 70th
Business cooperation
                                            anniversary of our company on several occasions. We wanted to approach this
produces smart pole                     3   remarkable journey through people and their stories because that’s what business
                                            is all about – people. I am very happy and impressed about how many former and
Three reasons to choose
                                            current Orbis employee, customer and partner took time and shared their memo-
rear door cooling in data center 5          ries from over the years. You can find some of these interviews in this issue.
Our production moved to                     Yet, now is the time to turn a new page for future stories. We are facing a major
new, larger premises                    6   digital upheaval that will enable completely new services and changes the way
                                            we use different services – both as consumers and as businesses. Data transfer is
#ORBIS70                                    needed to create the platform on which these new solutions can be built.
– perspectives on the story             7
                                            We at Orbis want to be involved in this change and play our part in building a bet-
Orbis is selected to                        ter tomorrow. We have started significant investments, so that we can continue to
                                            serve our customers as well as possible also in the future. As I write this, the Orbis’
the LuxTurrim5G+ project               11
                                            manufacturing plant is currently being relocated to completely new premises,
                                            which will enable more efficient and versatile production.
                                            Orbis is actively involved in the development of future smart city solutions,
                                            examples of which are LuxTurrim5G+ ecosystem and a smart pole developed and
                                            installed in the Hiedanranta district of Tampere. In these projects, the role of our
                                            own research and development, and our own production will be emphasized.
                                            The new factory premises will provide us a good framework. Our expertise is also
                                            developed through recruitment and partnerships.
                                            I personally look forward to what the next decade will offer. It is certain that there
                                            will be no lack of opportunities. Throughout history, Orbis Oy has boldly embraced
                                            new challenges, and this new decade is no exception.
                                            Wishing you happy reading,

                                                                                                         Jani Linna-Aro
                                                                                                         +358 40 350 1866

Orbiskooppi 1/2019
Circulation: 850 pcs
Publisher: Orbis Oy,
Vanha Kaarelantie 9,
FI-01610 Vantaa, Finland
Phone +358 20 478 830
Editor in chief: Paula Meuronen
Register: Orbis Oy customer register
Orders and change of address
Printhouse: AM Digipaino

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Smart pole in Hiedanranta Data center - Orbis
Business cooperation

produces smart pole
Orbis Oy, together with DNA Oyj and Tehomet Oy, has
built a smart pole in the Hiedanranta district in the city of
Tampere, Finland. The pilot project combined the exper-
tise of all three companies and provided valuable experi-
ence for developing new smart city solutions.

The expansion in digital services and       Through our collaboration we were able       time to create the design in order to
new technologies requires a data            to create a functioning solution that        ensure that all the components would
communication infrastructure that can       meets the data transfer needs of the         fit into the finished solution as planned.
transfer large amounts of data wire-        future,” says Anu Peussa from Orbis
                                                                                         In addition to being responsible for run-
lessly and reliably in real time. Smart     Oy, who headed the project.
                                                                                         ning the pilot project, Orbis Oy is also
pole technology is being integrated
                                                                                         behind the cabling and connectivity
into the urban environment as dis-
creetly as possible while protecting it
                                            Challenges inspire                           solutions for integrated data transfer
from vandalism. The pole functions as       innovation                                   and power supply. The smart pole as
                                                                                         an installation environment and the
a base for various devices and sensors,     According to Sami Huuskonen from             interfaces of the various devices meant
and within the reach it brings services     Tehomet Oy, which was responsible            that there was a lot to be developed.
to city residents and companies. The        for the design and manufacture of the        The limited space inside the pole posed
Hiedanranta pilot pole incorporates         pole, the overall appearance in the          the greatest challenge. Cables were
not only a mobile network base station      cityscape has to be taken into consid-       grouped together, technologies were
but also controllable LED lights, CCTV      eration: “I feel that it is important to     combined into hybrid solutions and
camera, a USB charging point and a          ensure that the equipment is disguised       new, small and weather-proof connec-
bench for resting.                          and integrated as far as possible in order   tion boxes were developed. In addition,
“The first product development version of   to avoid an uncoordinated urban environ-     there are extra connection points in the
a smart pole suitable for a park envi-      ment.” Because the pilot pole combines       pole which ensure that more devices
ronment has been built in Hiedanranta.      lighting with other equipment, it took       can be flexibly added in the future if

                                                                                         The smart pole was raised in Hiedanranta,
                                                                                         Tampere in September 2019.

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Smart pole in Hiedanranta Data center - Orbis
“In the 5G mobile network, base stations

       are being built in close distances so in
       addition to smart poles, cabling will be
       integrated into other street elements,
       such as bus stops,” Anu Peussa explains.

       Cities steer
       These days, data communication
       services are no longer solely in the
       hands of telecommunication operators.
       End users and cities play a key role in
       determining needs and construction
       sites because they decide what kind of
       services are needed and desired.
       For Hiedanranta the vision of the
       City of Tampere is to be an attractive
       district for its residents and companies
       operating in the area. Hiedanranta is
       a place for innovation that serves as
       a development environment and a
       platform for collaboration for smart
       and sustainable urban development
       projects and experiments. Hiedanran-
       ta’s aim is to be an example for a smart
       city district, making the area a suitable
       location for the smart pole pilot project.
       “The city wants to be a facilitator for
       trialing of various types of solutions. It
       would be good to find a common solution
       that is largely based on the existing
       urban environment. In order to speed up
       the construction of data communications
       networks, we want the construction to
       be carried out all at once, which helps us                                               At the base of the smart pole there is a bench
                                                                                                for resting and a charging point for park
       to maintain an aesthetically pleasing ur-
                                                                                                visitors. Equipment relating to smart pole tech-
       ban environment. In normal construction,                                                 nology can be housed inside the bench. At the
       we make reservations for the growing                                                     top of the smart pole there is a CCTV camera
       demand for data communications,” says                                                    and LED lights, while the mobile network base
       the City of Tampere’s Project Manager,                                                   station equipment is located underneath a
                                                                                                protective cover.
       Mika Heikkilä about the construction
       of a smart city environment.
       Telecommunication operator DNA Oyj’s
       Tero Seppälä participated in the smart       pere to learn about the smart pole: “We     project in the city of Espoo headed
       pole project as a technical expert. He       are particularly interested in presenting   by Nokia. The aim of the project is to
       sees potential in smart poles: “This is      the Hiedanranta pilot project to city       productize the smart pole concept into
       a new business concept for DNA. We           representatives who are responsible for     a modular product family suitable for
       are interested to see how this project       digitalization and data transfer.” Sami     different urban environments.
       will develop and what form potential         Huuskonen from Tehomet Oy adds:                       Watch a video about the smart pole
       cooperation with other cities will take.”    ”The aim is to start a dialog about the
       Seppälä provided important support           benefits and challenges of integration of
       for the construction of the pilot pole,      various technologies into urban infra-
       for instance by providing information        structure.”
       on the physical size and power require-
       ments of the mobile network equip-
       ment and on development trends of 5G         More smart poles are
       technology.                                  already in the pipeline                                            Anu Peussa
       A concrete example is helpful for            Orbis and Tehomet continue the co-                                 +358 400 902 402
       the planning of future needs and Anu         operation on smart poles. Both com-                      
       Peussa from Orbis Oy would like the          panies are involved in the construction
       developers of smart cities to visit Tam-     of the next pilots in the LuxTurrim5G+

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Smart pole in Hiedanranta Data center - Orbis
Three reasons to choose

rear door cooling in data center
In the early 2000s, two new systems came into the market to cool down the data centers:
in-row cooling and rear door cooling. Both aim to bring cooling closer to the heat source
so that the solution is as energy efficient as possible. Both methods naturally have their
own strengths, and both are in use in the market. The share of rear door coolers is on the
rise, so we found out the three most important factors behind the popularity.

1. Less space – more                        Today the water used for cooling in        additional costs. Therefore, rear door
                                            a data center can be over 20 degrees       cooling solutions are generally less
racks                                       warm. This enables more energy effi-       costly than in-row coolers.
When back-door cooling is used, the         cient recycling or free cooling at much
number of racks can be maximized            higher outdoor temperatures. Warmer
and more cooling power is obtained          cooling water makes it easier to control   Download a brochure
from the same components. Cooler            the dew point and the problems of con-
behind the rack takes up considerably       densation water in rear door cooling
less space in the rack row than in-row      have been eliminated. The temperature
cooling.                                    of the water used for cooling the data
                                            center also directly affects the energy
In-row coolers are located between the      efficiency of the entire data center.
racks and as part of the solution in the
data centers are often hot/cold aisles.
In-row coolers take up space in the rack    3. Lower costs                                              Sami Niiranen
row, so considerably less racks can be
                                            Rear door cooling does not require                          +358 40 141 6694
accommodated in the same space than
                                            hot/cold aisle structures, the installa-          
in rear door cooling. In addition, hot/
                                            tion of which and possible additional
cold aisle structures pose many chal-
                                            structures in case of changes will cause
lenges to usability.

2. Warm water –
no condensation
When warm air flows through a cold ra-
diator, the air will easily reach the dew
point and the radiator will begin to con-
dense. Due to the compact structure
of the rear coolers, this condensation
water has been difficult to remove.

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Smart pole in Hiedanranta Data center - Orbis
Our production moved to new,

       larger premises
       Orbis Oy has been manufacturing customized telecommu-
       nication cables and assemblies for over 20 years in Saue,
       Estonia. A new factory was completed in December 2019.
       In January, our production moved into       Kaldas, Department Director, as orders     We can manufacture more hybrid
       a newly completed building, just a          for fiber optic products are increasing.   configurations that combine different
       stone’s throw from the former prem-         Thank you to our entire production         technologies. In the next issue of
       ises. The new premises have been            staff who participated in the move and     Orbiscope, we will tell you more about
       designed with a particular focus on the     to our customers who anticipated the       our production in Saue.
       space requirements for a large product      timing of orders!
       portfolio and the importance of envi-
                                                   “We still have some work to do with
       ronmental cleanliness in the manufac-
                                                   furnishing and organization of the new
       ture of fiber optic products.
                                                   premises, but the atmosphere among
       The move was carried out in a con-          the staff is good. It’s nice to come to
       trolled manner within a week. The old       new premises”, says Asko Kaldas.            Asko Kaldas
       factory was emptied and new premises                                                    +372 508 8607
                                                   The new, larger production space will
       were immediately furnished. The first                                         
                                                   allow for a more diverse product port-
       phases of production began quickly in
                                                   folio and higher production volumes.
       the new premises, which pleased Asko

                                                                                              Our production moved to new premises in


        Watch the interview
        Vadim Kondratiev is the Director of
        Orbis Solutions OOO, our Moscow
        subsidiary, and we interviewed him for
        our series of “Orbis70 – perspectives on

        the story” that honours the company’s
        70 year anniversary. Vadim tells, among
        other things, what special knowledge
        Orbis has to offer to a country the size

        of Russia.

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Smart pole in Hiedanranta Data center - Orbis

                                                                                                                                      #ORBIS70 – PERSPECTIVES ON THE STORY
– perspectives on the story
Jani Linna-Aro, who became CEO of Orbis Oy in 2019,
was first introduced to the family business – set up by his
grandfather – while still at primary school. Back then he
was working at the warehouse during his summer holidays.
After graduating from the Helsinki          sectors and form an integral part of        long-term perspective and the core
School of Economics, Jani pursued a         nearly all services. The importance of      values of a family business are visible in
career at Deloitte, first as a consultant   data transmission is growing and it is      its everyday functions. Long careers are
and later as an IT Manager. In 2014, he     starting to play a critical role.           examples of employee commitment to
joined the Board of Directors at Orbis                                                  the company.
                                            For Orbis, this development opens up
and in 2017 he left Deloitte to become
                                            entirely new opportunities.                 “As we are celebrating 70 years of Orbis,
the Development Director at Orbis.
                                                                                        our primary thought is gratitude. Without
                                            “We are already able to supply multiple
“At that time we started to think about                                                 our employees, customers, partners and
                                            solutions for various sectors and the
how to develop the company further                                                      other important stakeholders, we would
                                            number of variations is growing all the
and started to plan a generational shift.                                               not be celebrating 70 years in the busi-
                                            time. One of our strengths is that we are
When I took over the business from my                                                   ness. Few companies in the IT sector have
                                            not completely dependent on others, but
father Markku at the beginning of 2019,                                                 roots stretching back this far,” says Jani.
                                            are able to guarantee quality in our own
the transition didn’t happen overnight,”
                                            production,” says Jani.                     The world is changing to more
says Jani.
                                                                                        complex all the time and no
                                            “I think we have the privilege to be
                                                                                        company can solve the
                                            involved in the breakthrough of digitali-
Facing the future                           zation and to be able to follow it from a
                                                                                        future challenges
at the forefront of                         vantage point. We have an opportunity to
the industry                                make our mark,” he states.                  “The future will
                                                                                        bring a grow-
Jani believes that the expansion of 5G                                                  ing need for
and the breakthrough in the data cen-       Team spirit and pulling                     partnerships.
ter market will create growth opportu-      together                                    Orbis has a 70-
nities for the company, as it becomes                                                   year old history
all the more important to have securely     It is important to Jani that Orbis is
                                            regarded as a workplace that genu-          to prove that
functioning data connections.                                                           we know how
                                            inely cares about its employees. The
As a result of digitalization, data         company is being developed with a           to cooperate,”
communications relate to all industry                                                   says Jani.

                                                                                           “We have the
                                                                                privilege to be involved
                                                                                and to make our mark.”

                                            Jani Linna-Aro
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Smart pole in Hiedanranta Data center - Orbis

                                             “I was able to follow
                                             closely the development
                                             of technology.”

                                       Veli Koskilehto
                                       Veli Koskilehto started his career at Orbis as a Technical
                                       Sales Engineer in 1962. For many decades, he was the
                                       Account Manager for measuring and communications
                                       equipment by Rohde&Schwarz. Veli retired in 2001.
                                       “Things were modest in the early days,”   Finland and the missions of the Ministry      The third highlight from Veli’s career,
                                       says Veli. The company occupied two       for Foreign Affairs of Finland.               that he wants to share, was the project
                                       rooms on the top floor of owner Leo                                                     of creating a standardized quality
                                                                                 “Our largest contracts were made in the
                                       Linna-Aro’s family home, together with                                                  system for Orbis. In his experience,
                                                                                 1970s and 1980s, when we entered into
                                       a storeroom in the basement and a                                                       a quality system not only improves
                                                                                 contracts for communications equip-
                                       dry toilet in the yard. As the business                                                 the image of the company, but it also
                                                                                 ment with the Finnish Defence Forces.
                                       expanded, the Linna-Aro family moved                                                    makes it easier to handle less pleasant
                                                                                 For instance, one contract was worth as
                                       elsewhere and the company took over                                                     aspects like reclamations, when every-
                                                                                 much as one D-mark from every Finn,”
                                       the ground floor of the house as well.                                                  one accepts the corrective measures.
                                                                                 says Veli, thrilled with his sales achieve-
                                       Later, as the company grew, bigger
                                                                                 ments. He adds: “When the head office         “It was a difficult task, but we got it
                                       premises were built and rented.
                                                                                 in Munich demanded that we should fur-        done.”
                                                                                 ther increase our sales, I suggested that
                                       Transmitters and                          they do the same in Germany: Get each         Since Veli’s retirement, Orbis has had
                                                                                                                               to deal with the rapid changes in the
                                       receivers boosted                         80 million Germans to pay one D-mark to
                                                                                                                               telecommunications industry in the
                                       growth                                                                                  early 2000s, which resulted in, for
                                                                                                                               instance, Rohde&Schwarz setting up its
                                       While Veli was working for the com-
                                       pany, Orbis’ operations focused on
                                                                                 Three highlights from a                       own subsidiary in Finland in 2004.
                                       supplier representations, of which the    long career                                   In Veli’s opinion, Orbis has gone from
                                       most important in terms of financial      What Veli appreciates the most about          strength to strength in recent years.
                                       value were Germany’s Rohde&Schwarz        his long career is that he was able to        The company has moved from commu-
                                       and the Swiss cable and connector         follow up and participate in the techno-      nications equipment to telecommuni-
                                       manufacturer Huber+Suhner.                logical development. “In the beginning,       cations more broadly. “Orbis’ manage-
                                                                                 we had the manually operated ARP short        ment has a positive view of the future
                                       At that time, communications equip-
                                                                                 wave radios, then the NMT Nordic mobile       and I cannot see a reason to disagree,”
                                       ment, i.e. wireless communication
                                                                                 radio network, and finally GSM. I was         says this old Technical Sales Engineer
                                       transmitters and receivers, were essen-
                                                                                 able to follow the development closely        with a grin when he participates in Or-
                                       tial and measuring instruments were
                                                                                 because we delivered a lot of measuring       bis’ Annual General Meeting in 2019.
                                       required for the production and use
                                       of these devices. Orbis’ customers in-    instruments for these networks.” Another      “Do your best and the rest will follow,” is
                                       cluded the Finnish Defence Forces, the    interesting story of technical develop-       the message Veli would like to pass on
                                       Finnish Civil Aviation Administration,    ment concerned the digitalisation and         to everyone working at Orbis.
                                       the Posts and Telecommunications of       automation of communications equip-
                                                                                 ment in the Finnish Defence Forces.

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Smart pole in Hiedanranta Data center - Orbis
“Orbis’ open and

                                                                                                                                     #ORBIS70 – PERSPECTIVES ON THE STORY
collaboration has
worked well in the
past and will certainly
continue to do so
in the future.”

Eero Rossi
Before his current position as CEO of Orbis Systems Oy,
Eero Rossi worked for 13 years for Orbis Oy.
Eero joined Orbis in 1997 as a team         Orbis Systems’ core competence is the       worked well in the past and will certainly
leader. “I’ve counted that I had five       functional testing of its clients’ mobile   continue to do so in the future.”
different jobs at Orbis Oy.” His jobs in-   network devices. The company’s new
                                                                                        Eero goes on to consider the future
cluded product development, process         area of expertise is OTA testing: The
                                                                                        of Orbis Oy. One significant change
development and leading a business          signals of 5G devices, which are cur-
                                                                                        is that the family-owned company
unit. He says Orbis Oy was an interest-     rently under development, are tested
                                                                                        was smoothly transferred to the next
ing place to work at because he likes       in RF chambers over the air interface.
                                                                                        generation. He is sure that Orbis Oy will
to be at the heart of technological         “We’re especially good at increasing the
                                                                                        be capable, as always, of anticipating
development. “There were enormous           testing capacity in the production line.
                                                                                        and adapting to changing technolo-
changes in technology – in the mobile       We can deliver high volumes of testing
                                                                                        gies: “Orbis always seeks the changing
phone devices and then in all the various   systems globally,” Eero praises.
                                                                                        point and gets straight in there, instead
G’s on the base station side.”
                                                                                        of waiting and just going with the flow.
“I enjoyed working at Orbis Oy. Of          Reliable customer-                          5G and Smart City are already up and
course, when a company is adaptable, its    specific services                           running, so the doors are open for big
employees must also be,” says Eero.                                                     opportunities for Orbis Oy.”
                                            Orbis Systems Oy still works with Orbis
                                            Oy, now as a customer. In its products
Start of                                    Orbis Systems uses cables made by and
Orbis Systems Oy                            components imported by Orbis. “We
                                            define the specs together,” says Eero.
In 2012, Orbis split its system business
                                            Excellent component quality plays a
into a separate company, Orbis Systems
                                            key role in building solutions for cut-
Oy. Despite the same ownership base,
                                            ting-edge technologies. Reliable deliv-
the two companies do not operate
                                            eries are another key point, when Orbis
under a group structure. Orbis Systems
                                            Systems wants to enable its customers
Oy, led by Eero, does its business com-
                                            to launch quickly new technologies to
pletely independently.
                                            the market.
Eero describes the separation process
                                            When asked how a small Finnish com-
as technically difficult. The prepara-
                                            pany like Orbis Oy can cope with global
tions took a long time, so that by the
                                            competition, Eero exclaims: “Very well!”
time the company was split, the busi-
                                            and goes on to explain: “When it comes
ness operations were already separate.
                                            to Orbis Oy, local customer service is
Orbis Systems Oy’s mission is to have
                                            important. Customers want to feel that
a strong presence in global market
                                            they are important. Orbis’ open and
and to focus on developing its own
                                            customer-centered collaboration has

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                                                                                                                                     “With Orbis
                                                                                                                         the solution was found
                                                                                                                                   very quickly.”

                                       Mika Solonen
                                       Lehto Asunnot, part of the Finnish construction sector
                                       company Lehto Group, focuses on constructing new and
                                       residential buildings, which are apartment blocks, terraced
                                       houses and multi-family residentials. They are built in
                                       Finland’s busiest growth centers and provincial centers,
                                       locations with good transportation connections.
                                       Mika Solonen, who is a project manager      everything from scratch on the construc-
                                       in the electrical department and in-        tion site. We raised the issue with Orbis,
                                       volved in new building projects at Leh-     and the solution was found very quickly,”    Development work
                                       to Asunnot, works in close cooperation      says Solonen.                                continues
                                       with Orbis. He is in charge of organizing
                                                                                   Today Orbis delivers the fiber optic cab-    We aim to expand the cooperation
                                       the deliveries to construction sites and,
                                                                                   les and building distributors to Lehto       between Orbis and Lehto Asunnot in
                                       among other things, specifies the fiber
                                                                                   Asunnot as complete packages, ready          order to be able to obtain also coaxial
                                       optic cables needed.
                                                                                   for use in preassembled construction.        cables and cables for use between
                                                                                   Orbis also provides the CAT cables,          buildings as ready-to-use packages,
                                       More preassembled                           and it is working on developing similar      delivered directly from the factory to
                                       cables                                      solutions for other cable types too.         the construction sites.
                                       The cooperation between Orbis and           The cooperation with Orbis saves Lehto       Solonen finds the cooperation with
                                       Lehto Asunnot started a couple of           Asunnot both time and money, since           Orbis extremely smooth and easy.
                                       years ago.                                  it is much more economical to do the
                                                                                   required components in factories than        “We only need to fill one form to get all
                                       “It was in early fall 2017 when we          on the construction sites. Solonen           the required products delivered directly
                                       started wondering whether it would be       anticipates that new buildings will be       to the construction site,” he explains,
                                       possible to obtain fiber optic cables and   built more and more as preassemblies         concluding, “I’d like to warmly thank
                                       building distributors as a ready-to-use     in factories than on the construction        Orbis for the pleasant and smooth co-
                                       package, so that we wouldn’t need to do     site.                                        operation!”

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Orbis is selected to the

LuxTurrim5G+ project
LuxTurrim5G is a Nokia Bell Labs driven ecosystem project,
which started in 2017. It develops and demonstrates a fast
5G network based on smart light poles with other devices.
In October 2019, the project continued       Orbis brings important expertise to the
to its second phase, consisting of two       development of flexible solutions for
highly interlinked projects: LuxTur-         cabling and connections. Celebrating
rim5G+ and Neutral Host Pilot.               its 70th anniversary, the company has
                                             solid expertise in data transmission,
The aim of the LuxTurrim5G+ is now
                                             radio frequency and fiber optic tech-
to prepare the smart pole concept
                                             nologies. “We are very excited to join the   The first smart pole prototype in the
for productization and wider pilot                                                        second phase of the LuxTurrim5G+ project
                                             LuxTurrim5G+ project where together
implementations both in Finland and                                                       was raised at the Nokia Campus in Kera,
                                             with other partner companies we can
globally.                                                                                 city of Espoo in December 2019.
                                             create an innovative connectivity plat-
                                             form that enables new services, creates
Expertise in cabling                         value for the cities and opens up new
and connections                              business opportunities globally”, says
                                             Jani Linna-Aro, CEO of Orbis.
New partner companies were invited                                                                     Jani Linna-Aro
to the second phase of the project to                                                                  +358 40 350 1866
                                             Read more abourt the project
bring their expertise for the joint de-        
velopment. Orbis is one of the selected
new partners.


Watch the interview
Orbis and Huber+Suhner have been
collaborating for some 50 years, and
our CEO Jani Linna-Aro got the chance
to interview Huber+Suhner’s Regional
Distribution Manager Phil Stanway.
How does Phil see our partnership
today and what does the future for the
industry look like? These are some of

the matters that Phil commented on in
this video interview that is a part of our
series “Orbis70 – perspectives on the
story” that we’ve compiled to celebrate
the companys 70th anniversary.

                                                       11 - Orbiscope 1/2020


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