Smart Harbors Raising the Standard

Page created by Steve Williams
Smart Harbors Raising the Standard
Smart Harbors
                                                                                   Raising the Standard
     Spring 2021                        Coast Guard Announces New Law Requiring Use of
                                        Engine Cut-off Switches
Why become a Virginia                       WASHINGTON, March 10th, 2021–         vessel, leaving
Clean Boater?                           Operators of recreational vessels
                                        less than 26 feet in length will be
                                                                                  the operator
                                                                                  stranded in the
   By adopting pollution prevention     required to use an engine cut-off         water as the
measures, Virginia Clean Boaters        switch (ECOS) and associated ECOS         boat continues
can take satisfaction in knowing        link (ECOSL) as of April 1, 2021, as      on course, or
they are doing their part to:           the U.S. Coast Guard implements a         the boat begins to circle the person
 • Keep Virginia waterways clean.       law passed by Congress.                   in the water eventually striking
                                            The ECOS and ECOSL prevent            them, often with the propeller. These
 • Preserve our
                                        runaway vessels and the threats they      dangerous runaway vessel situations
   waterways for
                                        pose. The ECOSL attaches the vessel       put the ejected operator, other users
   the future.
                                        operator to a switch that shuts off the   of the waterway, and marine law
 • Learn and teach                      engine if the operator is displaced       enforcement officers and other first
   clean boating                        from the helm. The ECOSL is usually a     responders in serious danger.
   habits.                              lanyard-style cord that attaches to an        Section 503 of the Coast Guard
                                        ECOS either in close proximity to the     Authorization Act of 2018 required
                                        helm or on the outboard motor itself      manufacturers of covered recreational
                                        if the vessel is operated by a tiller.    boats (less than 26 feet in length,
Please Send Us Your News!               When enough tension is applied, the       with an engine capable of 115 lbs. of
   Do you have a new and exciting       ECOSL disengages from the ECOS and        static thrust) to equip the vessel with
method for managing recyclables         the motor is automatically shut down.     an ECOS installed as of December
at your facility? Are there any regu-   Wireless ECOS have recently been          2019. Owners of recreational vessels
latory items that you would like        developed and are also approved for       produced after December 2019 are
addressed? Has your facility won        use. These devices use an electronic      required to maintain the ECOS on
an award, hired a new manager or        “fob” that is carried by the operator     their vessel in a serviceable condition.
purchased a fancy pump-out boat?        and senses when it is submerged           It is recommended that recreational
   If you have any news that you        in water, activating the ECOS and         vessel owners regularly check their
would like included in the Clean        turning the engine off. Wireless          existing ECOS system to ensure it
Marina Newsletter, Smart Harbors,       devices are available on the after-       works, following manufacturer’s
please let us know. This is a quar-     market and are beginning to become        instructions.
terly newsletter with the next issue    available as manufacturer-installed           Section 8316 of the National
scheduled for Summer 2021 and           options.                                  Defense Authorization Act of 2021
we would like to include informa-           Each year the Coast Guard receives    requires individuals operating
tion from the marina community.         reports of recreational vessel opera-     covered recreational vessels (less than
Comments or                             tors who fall or are suddenly and         26 feet in length, with an engine
questions please                        unexpectedly thrown out of their          capable of 115 lbs. of static thrust;
email VCMP:                             boat. These events have led to            3 HP or more) to use ECOS “links.”
askVCMP@                                injuries and deaths. During these         Using the ECOSL is required only or call                        incidents the boat continues to           when the primary helm is not within
804-684-7768.                           operate with no one in control of the
                                                                                                     Continued on page 2

Smart Harbors Raising the Standard
Things to Know about the COVID-19 Pandemic
Updated Mar. 8, 2021                     Getting a COVID-19 Vaccine                  • If you have symptoms of
                                           • Authorized COVID-19 vaccines              COVID-19 and want to get tested,
Important Ways to Slow the                                                             call your healthcare provider first.
                                             can help protect you from
                                             COVID-19.                               • If you have symptoms of
 • Wear a mask that covers your
                                           • You should get a COVID-19                 COVID-19 and choose to not
   nose and mouth to help protect
                                             vaccine when it is available to you.      get tested, it is important to stay
   yourself and others.
                                                                                       home. Find out what to do if you
 • Stay 6 feet apart from others who       • Once you are fully vaccinated,
                                                                                       are sick.
   don’t live with you.                      you may be able to start doing
                                             some things that you had               What Symptoms to Watch For
 • Get a COVID-19 vaccine when it is         stopped doing because of the             The most common symptoms of
   available to you.                         pandemic.                              COVID-19 are:
 • Avoid crowds and poorly venti-                                                    • Fever
   lated indoor spaces.                  What to Do If You’re Sick
                                           • Stay home except to get medical         • Cough
 • Wash your hands often with soap           care.                                   • Headaches
   and water. Use hand sanitizer if                                                  • Fatigue
   soap and water aren’t available.        • Isolate yourself from other
                                             members of your family to               • Muscle or body aches
If You are at Risk of Getting                prevent spread to them and              • Loss of taste or smell
Very Sick                                    the people that they may have           • Sore throat
 • People of any age, even healthy           contact with, like grandparents.        • Nausea
   young adults and children, can          • Even if you don’t feel sick, you        • Diarrhea
   get COVID-19.                             can spread COVID-19 to others.            Other symptoms are signs of
 • People who are older or have            • Get care immediately if you are        serious illness. If someone has trouble
   certain underlying medical condi-         having emergency warning signs,        breathing, chest pain or pressure, or
   tions are at higher risk of getting       like trouble breathing, pain or        difficulty staying awake, get medical
   very sick from COVID-19.                  pressure in chest.                     care immediately.
 • Other groups may be at higher                                                       Content source: National Center
                                         How to Get a Test for Current
   risk for getting COVID-19 or                                                     for Immunization and Respiratory
   having more severe illness.           Infection
                                                                                    Diseases (NCIRD), Division of Viral
                                           • You can visit your state or local
                                             health department’s website to
                                             look for the latest local informa-
Oil Absorbent Bilge                          tion on testing.

Pads Available                           Coast Guard Announces New Law Requiring Use of Engine Cut-off Switches,
   The Virginia Clean Marine             continued from page 1
Program has oil absorbent bilge
pads available for distribution.         an enclosed cabin, and when the            gates recreational vessel operators to
The bilge pads were purchased            boat is operating on plane or above        use critical safety equipment already
with a grant from the Chesapeake         displacement speed. Common situa-          present on their boat.
Bay Restoration Fund. Please             tions where ECOSL use would not be            Seven states currently have ECOS
email, if you           required include docking/trailering,       use laws for traditional recreational
would like bilge pads for your slip      trolling and operating in no-wake          vessels, and 44 states have ECOS use
holders.                                 zones.                                     laws for personal watercraft (PWC).
                                            The Coast Guard believes that              Boaters are encouraged to check
                                         the overwhelming majority of recre-        the U.S. Coast Guard website for
                                         ational vessels produced for decades       additional information on this new
                                         have had an ECOS installed, so this        use requirement and other safety
                                         new use requirement simply obli-           regulations and recommendations.

Smart Harbors Raising the Standard
The Essential BoatUS Spring Commissioning Checklist
and more ways to ensure a trouble-free boating season
    SPRINGFIELD, VA, March 8,              7.   Make sure your engine
2021 – Boat Owners Association of               intake sea strainer (if
The United States (BoatUS) offers               equipped) is not cracked
its updated Spring Commissioning                or bent from ice and is
Checklist to help boaters start the             free of corrosion, clean
season right. The nation’s largest              and properly secured.
advocacy, service and savings group        8.   With inboards, check the
also offers, a new            engine shaft and rudder
one-stop-shop for everything you                stuffing boxes for correct
need to know about the yearly ritual            adjustment. A stuffing box
of recreational boat commissioning. A           should leak no more than Is she ready to go for the season? The BoatUS
PDF copy of the checklist is available          two or three drops each       Spring Commissioning checklist can help ensure
to download, print, and take to the             minute when the prop          she will. Photo credit: BoatUS.
boat with you. Be sure to follow all            shaft is turning. Check the
manufacturer recommendations for                shaft log hose for deterioration
your specific boat, engine and acces-                                                   2. Inspect fuel tanks, fuel pumps
                                                and rusty hose clamps.                      and filters for leaks. Ensure
                                           9.   Inspect, lubricate and exercise            portable tanks and lines are
Before You Launch                               seacocks.                                  completely drained of stale fuel
 1.   Inspect all around the hose          10. Use a garden hose to check for              before filling with fresh fuel.
      clamps for rust and replace as           deck leaks at ports and hatches.            Clean or replace fuel filters and/
      necessary. Double clamp fuel             Renew caulk or gaskets as                   or fuel-water separators if not
      lines and exhaust hoses with             necessary.                                  done before winterization.
      marine-rated stainless steel hose                                               3.   Every few years, remove and
      clamps. While not technically        11. Inspect and test the bilge pump
                                               and float switch to make sure               inspect exhaust manifolds and
      required, it’s wise to double                                                        risers for corrosion (for inboard-
      clamp whenever possible on all           they’re both working properly.
                                               Also inspect the pump’s hose.               powered and inboard/outboard
      hoses − especially those below                                                       boats).
      the waterline.                       12. Check stove and remote LPG
                                               tanks for loose fittings, leaking      4.   Charge battery.
 2.   Inspect all hoses for stiffness,
      rot, leaks and cracking, and             hoses and properly functioning         5.   Clean and tighten electrical
      replace any that are faulty.             shutoff systems. Use the pres-              connections, especially both
      Make sure they fit snugly.               sure gauge to conduct a leak                ends of battery cables. Use
                                               down test to check for system               a wire brush to clean battery
 3.   Inspect prop(s) for dings, pitting       leaks.                                      terminals, and top off cells with
      and distortion. Make sure cotter                                                     distilled water (if applicable).
      pins are secure.                     13. Inspect dock and anchor lines
                                               for chafe and wear.                    6.   Inspect the bilge ventilation
 4.   Grip the prop (on inboard drive                                                      intake and blower ducting
      systems) and try moving the          14. If equipped, ensure that the
                                               stern drain plug is installed.              for damage or leaks and run
      shaft up and down and side                                                           the blower to confirm correct
      to side. If it’s loose and can be    15. After the boat is launched, be              operation.
      wiggled, the cutless bearing             sure to check all thru-hulls for
      may need to be replaced.                 leaks.                                 7.   Test engine warnings and
 5.   Check the rudderstock to ensure      Engines and Fuel Systems
      it hasn’t been bent. Operate                                                   Engine Outdrives and
                                           1.   Inspect fuel lines, including fuel
      the wheel or tiller to ensure the         tank fill and vent hoses, for        Outboards
      steering works correctly. Check           softness, brittleness or cracking.    1.   Inspect rubber outdrive bellows
      the rudder bearing for unusual            Check all joints for leaks, and            for cracked, dried and/or dete-
      play or movement.                         make sure all lines are well               riorated spots (look especially in
 6.   Inspect the hull for blisters,            supported with noncombus-                  the folds) and replace if suspect.
      distortions and stress cracks.            tible clips or straps with smooth
                                                edges.                                                 continued on page 4

The Essential BoatUS Spring Commis-             the lanyard is in serviceable              or boat’s shore power inlet or
sioning Checklist, continued from               condition.                                 the dock’s receptacle must be
page 3                                     2.   Check expiration dates on flares.          replaced.

                                           3.   Inspect fire extinguishers.           2.   Test ground-fault protection on
 2.   Check power steering and
                                                Replace if more than 12 years              your boat and private dock, and
      power trim oil levels.
                                                from the date of manufacture               know how to prevent Electric
 3.   Replace anodes/zincs that are                                                        Shock Drowning.
                                                or if age is unknown. More than
      more than half wasted.
                                                40 million Kidde extinguishers       The Paperwork
 4.   Inspect the outer jacket of               with plastic handles were             1.   Make sure your boat registration
      control cables. Cracks or                 recalled on Nov. 2, 2017.                  is up to date. Don’t forget your
      swelling indicate corrosion and
                                           4.   Ensure you have properly                   boat trailer tags.
      mean that the cable must be
                                                sized and wearable life jackets       2.   Review your boat insurance
                                                in good condition for each                 policy and update coverage if
 5.   Inspect lower unit oil level and          passenger, including kids. Check           needed. BoatUS provides free
      top off as necessary.                     inflatable life jacket cylinders           quotes at
Sailboat Rigging                                and dissolvable “pill” bobbins             ance. Provide a copy to your
                                                in auto-inflating models.                  marina or club.
 1.   Inspect swage fittings for cracks
      and heavy rust (some discolor-       5.   Test smoke, carbon monoxide,          3.   Ensure your BoatUS member-
      ation is acceptable). Inspect wire        fume and bilge alarms.                     ship is in good standing, and
      halyards and running backstays       6.   Check running lights for opera-            check your TowBoatUS coverage
      for “fishhooks” and rust.                 tion and spare bulb inventory.             by logging into
 2.   Remove tape on turnbuckles           7.   Update paper charts and chart-             Account, or join at
      and lubricate threads, prefer-            plotter software.                          Membership.
      ably with Teflon. Replace old                                                   4.   Download the free BoatUS App
                                           8.   Replenish first-aid kit items that
      tape with fresh tape, and ensure                                                     ( to make it
                                                may have been used last season
      that water is able to freely drain                                                   easy to summon on-water assis-
                                                or are expired.
      from it.                                                                             tance and speed response times
                                           9.   Check the operation of                     as well to check tide tables,
 3.   If you suspect the core around a
                                                VHF radio(s) and that the                  weather, and partner discounts.
      chainplate is damp, remove the
                                                MMSI number is correctly
      chainplate to inspect and make
                                                programmed in. (BoatUS
                                                members can obtain a free            About Boat Owners Association of
Trailers                                        MMSI number at           The United States (BoatUS):
 1.   Inspect tire treads and sidewalls         MMSI.)                                  Celebrating more than 50 years,
      for cracks or lack of tread and      10. Get a free vessel safety check        BoatUS is the nation’s largest orga-
      replace as necessary. Check air          from the U.S. Coast Guard             nization of recreational boaters with
      pressure; don’t forget the spare.        Auxiliary or U.S. Power Squad-        more than 700,000 members. We
                                               rons. Find out more at cgaux.         are the boat owners’ voice on Capitol
 2.   Inspect wheel bearings and
                                               org/vsc.                              Hill and fight for their rights. We are
      repack as necessary.
                                                                                     The Boat Owners Auto Club and help
 3.   Test all lights and replace any      11. With Covid still around, it’s a       ensure a roadside trailer breakdown
      broken bulbs or lenses.                  good idea to keep sanitizer and       doesn’t end a boating or fishing trip
                                               spare masks aboard. And don’t         before it begins. When boats break
 4.   Inspect winch to make sure it’s
                                               forget to follow social distancing    down on the water, TowBoatUS brings
      working properly. Inspect hitch
                                               guidelines in the yard or marina      them safely back to the launch ramp
                                               while prepping.                       or dock, 24/7. BoatUS offers GEICO
 5.   Inspect trailer frame and axel(s)
                                           For the Dock                              Marine Insurance policies that give
      for rust. Sand and paint to
                                           1.   In addition to checking its entire   boat owners affordable, specialized
      prevent further deterioration.
                                                length for wear or abrasions,        coverage and superior service they
 6.   Inspect brakes and brake fluid                                                 need. We help keep boaters safe and
                                                check both ends of the shore
      reservoir.                                                                     our waters clean with assistance from
                                                power cable connections, as
                                                well as the shore power recep-       the nonprofit BoatUS Foundation for
                                                tacle on the boat, for burns,        Boating Safety and Clean Water. Visit
 1.   Ensure your engine cut-off
                                                which indicate the cable and/
      switch is working properly, and
An Angler’s Winter Chore Could Help Spark an Idea that Increases Fishing Line Recycling
$30,000 in cash prizes on the line for best solutions
    SPRINGFIELD, VA, February 2,                                                          are encouraged to apply, as are school
2021 - Winter is annual mainte-                                                           teams and groups. Contest entries can
nance time for many anglers, and                                                          be submitted with as little as a link to
respooling with new line and recy-                                                        a video demonstration of the idea or
cling the old is a common task. Ever                                                      a one-page graphic summary. Videos
thought about what happens once                                                           are limited to 4 minutes.
you dispose of the old line in a                                                             Contest rules and conditions,
fishing line recycling tube?                                                              details on the current recycling
    It’s not pretty. Turning fishing line                                                 process and videos on how various
into new products is labor-intensive,                                                     plastics and soft baits are recycled
requiring a series of workers to                                                          can be found at the Recast & Recycle
manually comb through, sort, clean,                                                       website
remove hooks and weights, and sepa-
rate out miles of encrusted debris in                                                     About the BoatUS Foundation for
entangled fishing line. So as you pile                                                    Boating Safety and Clean Water:
up a few reels of line to be recycled                                                        The BoatUS Foundation for
this winter, the BoatUS Foundation                                                        Boating Safety and Clean Water is
for Boating Safety and Clean Water is                                                     a national leader promoting safe,
asking for your ideas on how to help                                                      clean and responsible boating.
grow the volume of line recycled each                                                     Funded primarily by donations from
year.                                                                                     the more than 700,000 members
    Teaming up with fishing tackle          Do you have any better ideas on how           of Boat Owners Association of The
company Berkley, the BoatUS Foun-           to recycle soft baits and old fishing line?   United States (BoatUS), the nonprofit
dation’s Recast & Recycle Contest           There’s $30,000 in cash prizes at stake       provides innovative educational
seeks out new ideas and improve-            in the Recast and Recycle contest.            outreach directly to boaters and
ments to the process, new ideas for                                                       anglers with the aim of reducing
recycled products, or technology                                                          accidents and fatalities, increasing
breakthroughs for the current process                                                     stewardship of America’s waterways
that will increase the volume of line       creating a new market to fully sustain        and keeping boating safe for all. A
and soft baits that are recycled. Entry     recycling efforts.”                           range of boating safety courses –
is simple – all you have to do is send          Judges will add weight to contest         including 36 free state courses – can
a short video or one-page summary           submissions that actually work, are           be found at
explaining your idea. Thirty thousand       practical, innovative, and have the
dollars in prize money is at stake          potential to have a significant impact.       About Pure Fishing:
for the three best ideas submitted              The first-place prize is $15,000,            Pure Fishing, Inc. is a leading
through May 14, 2021.                       second place receives $10,000,                global provider of fishing tackle,
    “It’s great that anglers recycle,”      and $5,000 will be awarded for                lures, rods and reels with a portfolio
said BoatUS Foundation Director of          third place. Contest submissions can          of brands that includes Abu Garcia,
Outreach Alanna Keating. “Now we            address any part of the process (or           All Star, Berkley, Fenwick, Fin-Nor,
need to ask for help with scaling up        multiple parts) of taking discarded           Greys, Hardy, Hodgman, Johnson,
recycling with a greater volume of          fishing line and soft plastics from end       JRC, Mitchell, Penn, Pflueger, Sebile,
line, whether it’s a time- and labor-       of life to a new beginning. Profes-           Shakespeare®, SpiderWire, Stren,
saving process improvement or               sionals, amateurs and students alike          Ugly Stik, and Van Staal.

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