Page created by Gordon Snyder

                     ART OF AIR CONDITIONING
                     Common misconceptions can contribute to a home environment
                     that is too cold, too hot, or too humid.

              BY JOHN PROCTOR

              I   f you’re confused about how to get an
                  air conditioning system to work well,
                  you are not alone. Last October,
              builders loaded with questions showed up
              for a talk I gave at the Energy and Envi-
              ronmental Building Association (EEBA)
              conference. Most of the builders’ ques-
              tions were about their own homes—the
              ones they live in. Some complained that
              they were blasted with cold air when the
              air conditioning unit was on; others com-
              plained that the house was uncomfortably
              humid. We started talking about why

                                                                                                                                                 PROCTOR ENGINEERING
              oversized air conditioners cause both of
              these problems—and also why the situa-
              tion is worse now than it was in 1995,
              when Home Energy published “Bigger Is
              Not Better.” During that discussion last        How much air conditioning is enough?
              October, builders vented strong frustra-
              tions over the numerous problems they’ve
              experienced in their attempts to get their
              customers and their HVAC contractors to       review of cooling terminology, see           the answer is clear:The single accelera-
              understand the advantages of properly         “Key Cooling Terms,” p. 50.)                 tion onto the freeway is much better than
              sized air conditioners.These frustrations                                                  the stop and start of the city driving.
              and questions are not at all unique to this       “My friend got a new air condi-              The situation is the same for air con-
              group of builders; I get these types of       tioner that was smaller than the one         ditioners. Larger air conditioners start and
              questions at every presentation I give.       she had before. It runs all the time,        stop all the time; they waste your pre-
                                                            and that’s a problem.” Here is a             cious money and contribute excessively
              Homeowner                                     related question: Is it more economical to   to pollution. These problems all stem
                                                            hop in an eight-cylinder SUV and go 1        from the fact that whenever an air condi-
              Misconceptions                                mile, racing each block and stopping at      tioner starts up, it is very inefficient. Once
                  What follows are some of the              every corner, or to hop in a six-cylinder    you have it running, you want it to keep
              misconceptions and questions that per-        car and drive 1 mile on the freeway from     running as long as you can.The air con-
              sist about air conditioning systems, as       one entrance ramp the next exit? In term     ditioner’s “gas mileage” is measured in
              well as my responses to them. (For a          of gas mileage, pollution, and economics,    1,000 Btu per kilowatt hour. Let’s call

              46                                                                     2005 SPECIAL ISSUE • HOME ENERGY
                                                                                                                                                              ing system that keeps the inside
                                               100                                                                                                            humidity low, distributes the
                                                                                                                                                              cooling to all rooms of the
                                               90           Steady state (continuous                                                                          house based on what each
                                                            running) "highway mileage"
            efficiency when run continuously
             Kbtu/kWh as % of steady state

                                                                                                                                                              room needs, is quiet, and does

                                                                                                                                                                                                            HOME ENERGY
                                                                                                                                                              not produce blasts of cold air.
                                                                                                                                                                 Homeowners from West
                                               60                                                                                                             Texas to the California coast live
                                                                                                                                                              in a dry climate.They generally
                                                                                                                                                              only have to worry about how
                                               40                                                                                                             much the air conditioner lowers
                                               30                                                                                                             the temperature measured by
                                                                                              Cycling "city                                                   the thermostat (the dry bulb
                                                                                              mileage"                                                        temperature). The ability of an
                                                10                                                                                                            air conditioner to lower dry

                                                                                                                                        PROCTOR ENGINEERING
                                                                                                                                                              bulb temperature is known as
                                                     0            1           2         3          4            5         6                                   sensible capacity.
                                                                             Compressor on-time (minutes)                                                        Homeowners in the rest of the
                                                                                                                                                              United States, and in particular western
Figure 1. The efficiency “electricity mileage” (kbtu/kWh) improves when the air conditioner stays on                                                          microclimates, have to worry about the
longer. The total energy consumption drops because there are also longer pauses between cycles when                                                           amount of moisture the outside air brings
the air conditioner does not run.                                                                                                                             into the home.When it is hot and humid
                                                                                                                                                              outside, the air entering the building is
                                                                                                                                                              cooled, but unless moisture is removed
                                                                 AIR CONDITIONING MOISTURE REMOVAL                                                            from the incoming air, the indoor relative
                                               16                                                                                                             humidity rises, often making a home feel
                                                         Blower on and off
                                                         with indoor unit                                                                                     damp and uncomfortable.
                                                                                                                                                                 A standard thermostat does not
                                               12                                                                                                             measure the amount of moisture in the
          % of total cooling capacity

                                                                                                                                                              home. So setting the thermostat lower
                                                                                                                                                              does not ensure comfort. What we
              Moisture removal

                                                                                                                                                              need in the hot-humid climates is to
                                                8                                                                                                             remove moisture.
                                                                                                                                                                 Can an air conditioner do that? Yes
                                                                                                                                                              and no. Air conditioners almost always
                                               4                                                                                                              remove some moisture from the air, and
                                                                                            Continuous blower                                                 that moisture stays on the inside coil.
                                                2                                                                                                             (The ability of an air conditioner to
                                                                                                                                                              remove moisture is known as latent
                                                                                                                               PROCTOR ENGINEERING

                                                                                                                                                              capacity.) But in order to remove a signif-
                                                     0      5    10    15     20 25 30         35 40 45         50   55   60
                                                                                                                                                              icant amount of moisture, the air condi-
                                                                            Compressor on-time (minutes)
                                                                                                                                                              tioner must run long enough for the
                                                                                                                                                              condensed water to run off the coil and
                                                                                                                                                              down the condensate drain. For a coil
Figure 2. An air conditioner connected so that the blower turns on and off with the compressor                                                                that is starting dry, this can be as long as
provides the most moisture removal. In addition, that moisture removal improves dramatically when the                                                         10 to 20 minutes. A short run time—
compressor runs longer. Continuous blower operation, on the other hand, reduces moisture removal to                                                           which is what larger air conditioners
zero, unless the compressor runs for more than 13 minutes.                                                                                                    generally provide—fails to remove suffi-
                                                                                                                                                              cient moisture in a wet climate. An air
                                                                                                                                                              conditioner connected so that the blower
that figure electricity mileage.The elec-                                                “A bigger air conditioner will                                       turns on and off with the compressor
tricity mileage of the air conditioner gets                                           make me more comfortable.”                                              provides the most moisture removal. In
better the longer it runs (see Figure 1).                                             Unfortunately, the intuitive way to                                     addition, moisture removal improves dra-
The simple fact is that larger air condi-                                             achieve comfort—put in a bigger air                                     matically when the compressor runs
tioners run very short cycles, with worse                                             conditioner—is incorrect. Instead,                                      longer (see Figure 2). Smaller air condi-
electricity mileage, than smaller units.                                              comfort comes from an air condition-                                    tioners will run longer and do a better

HOME ENERGY • 2005 SPECIAL ISSUE                                                                                                                                           47
job of removing moisture than
                     larger units.The effect of running
                     the blower all the time (an
                     increasing practice) is dramatic as
                     well—in a very different way.
                     Under continuous blower opera-

                     tion, moisture removal is zero
                     until the compressor is running
                     over 13 minutes every time it
                     comes on. Most compressor runs
                     are less than 10 minutes.

                         “Are you saying that run-
                     ning the blower continuously
                     is a bad idea?”You bet! First of
                     all, running the blower continu-

                                                                                                                                                                        PROCTOR ENGINEERING
                     ously will cost you big time. In
                     Wisconsin, for example, running
                     a standard blower year-round will
              cost you an additional 3,560 kWh ($365
              at 10¢/kWh) just to pay for running the
                                                                 Proper installation takes time and competent technicians.
              blower. On top of that, running the
              blower all the time increases duct system
              losses.The outside air leakage into the
              house increases by a factor of four in                            AIR HANDLER kWh
              many houses when the blower is on.                                                                                   • ducts that leak over 20% of
              This brings hot moist air into your                    8                                                         the   air they carry;
              home in the summer, and cold air into                                                                                • low-quality brazed joints
              your home in the winter.                                                                                         that leak refrigerant;
                                                                                                                                   • refrigerant contaminated
                                                                                                                      PROCTOR ENGINEERING
                  “A bigger air conditioner doesn’t                                                                            with air, moisture, oxidation, and

              cost that much more.” If your con-                     4                                                         particles; and
              tractor is offering to upsize your air con-                                                                          • callbacks, warranty costs,
              ditioner for very little more, he or she is            2                                                         and frustrated customers.
              cutting corners that will cost you comfort                                                                           It is worth paying extra to
              and money. A larger air conditioner                    0                                                         have    a duct system that is tested
              requires a larger furnace (air handler) and                          4-ton               3-ton                   and shown to have less than 10%
              larger ductwork. Without proper ducts                                                                            leakage (a new duct system
              and a proper furnace, the air conditioner     Figure 3. In a side-by-side test of identical homes, the 3-ton     should be built and tested to leak
              will be noisy and inefficient.                air conditioner ran 30% more than the 4-ton unit. The 3-ton        less than 6%). It’s also worth-
                                                            air handler still used 27% less energy.
                  Furthermore, it is more difficult to                                                                         while to have the installation
              install the larger ductwork to get                                                                               commissioned and verified.
              proper flow to every room.The larger                                                                             These two steps alone will pro-
              furnace has a larger blower motor that        furnace (air handler).These components                    duce an average energy savings of
              uses more energy. There is significant        are shipped from the factory, and final                   24%–35%, depending on the local cli-
              increase in blower energy consumption         assembly takes place at your home.The                     mate and on air conditioner usage.
              when a 4-ton air handler is used              outdoor unit is joined to the inside coil
              instead of a 3-ton air handler in other-      by a set of copper lines that carry the                       “If I’m not comfortable, it’s the
              wise identical homes (see Figure 3).          refrigerant to and from the inside coil.                  HVAC contractor’s fault.” A contrac-
                                                            Builders or homeowners who look only                      tor’s ability to make a homeowner com-
                 “Any new air conditioner is as             to the lowest bid are pretty much guar-                   fortable is severely limited by the
              good as any other.” Most residential          anteed to get what we call a business as                  performance of the house and by the
              air conditioners consist of an outdoor        usual installation.These installations are                willingness of the builder or homeowner
              unit and an indoor unit. The outdoor          fast and cheap, but they result in a num-                 to pay for a high-quality installation.
              unit consists of the compressor, the con-     ber of problems.Those problems include                        In some ways, buildings have gotten
              denser coil, and the outside fan. The              • too much or too little refrigerant;                much better over the last 15 years. Insu-
              indoor unit consists of an inside coil on a        • low air flow through the inside coil;              lation is more common, low solar heat

              48                                                                                                2005 SPECIAL ISSUE • HOME ENERGY
AIR FLOW                                                      WATT DRAW
                            1,800                                                             800
                                                                                                                  Standard (PSC) Motor
                            1,600                                 ECM Motor                   700

                                                                                                                                                             HOME ENERGY
           Air flow (CFM)

                                            Standard (PSC) Motor                              500

                             800                                                                                ECM Motor
                             400                                                              200

                             200                                                              100

                               0                                                               0
                                    0.0   0.2       0.4     0.6      0.8      1.0                   0.0   0.2      0.4      0.6     0.8     1.0
                                                Static pressure (IW)                                            Static pressure (IW)

 Figure 4. The air flow and watt draw of a standard permanent split capacitor (PSC) motor as well as of an electrically commutated motor (ECM) in
 the same furnace with the same blower are shown here. The flow and watt draw drops when a PSC motor encounters increased flow resistance. An
 ECM system works to maintain a constant air flow and the watt draw rises with increased flow resistance. (Figure courtesy of Bruce Wilcox, LBNL,
 and PG&E Laboratory).

gain roofs are available, and newer, high-                    by always installing large air condition-            most exciting results we have seen
efficiency glass can block much of the                        ers.This means that your new air condi-              involve contractors who take pride in
heat gain during the summer. In many                          tioner will do a poor job of removing                doing a better job and are comfortable
homes, 50% or more of the heat gain at                        moisture, will have low air flow across              with ethical third-party verification to
the hottest part of the day comes                             the inside coil, will be noisy, will cost            their customers.These contractors refuse
through the windows. When low solar                           you more to purchase, and will increase              to sell business as usual jobs. They are
heat gain windows are used, the air con-                      your utility bill for 15 to 20 years.                paid for their higher value, have high
ditioner can often be downsized by as                                                                              customer satisfaction, and experience
much as 1 ton.                                                Contractor Misconceptions                            very few callbacks and warranty calls.
    None of these improvements has
reduced the amount of moisture gener-                            It’s not just the homeowners who                      “If I use ACCA Manual J, I have
ated in the home or the amount of                             are confused. Here is the contractors’               to use higher outdoor temperatures
moisture entering the home with out-                          side of the equation.                                than they specify and lower indoor
side air.As the heat gain through walls,                                                                           temperatures than they specify. And
roofs, and windows is reduced, moisture                          “Customers will not pay for                       I have to add a fudge factor at the
removal becomes a larger and larger part                      quality; they want the biggest air                   end just to make sure there is
of the cooling load. Simply put, if you                       conditioner for the least money.”                    enough cooling.” This is a very com-
live in a leaky house, most thermal                           There will always be customers—and                   mon misunderstanding among contrac-
improvements will make your house                             builders, too—who just want the lowest               tors. To figure out whether Manual J
more susceptible to moisture problems.                        price. However, there is a growing                   produces load estimates that are too
Therefore reducing house air leakage is                       recognition that smaller air conditioners            small, we monitored homes in three
a very high priority in moist climates.                       do a better job of dehumidification, and             states. We found that, on average, the
                                                              that better installations save energy and            actual sensible load was two-thirds of
   “My contractor can tell what                               money. Installation specifications are               what Manual J estimated. This means
size air conditioner I need just by                           being enforced in some states and are                that Manual J actually overestimates a
calculating the floor area.” If you let                       under consideration by EPA for Energy                home’s air conditioning needs. Simply
the contractor use this method, he will                       Star products.                                       put, if the contractor uses Manual J
probably oversize your air conditioner by                        One of the biggest hurdles you will               without any fudge factors and selects an
a ton or more. In order to use the floor                      face is finding a way to convince the                air conditioner to just meet the sensible
area method, contractors have to deal                         customer that you are doing a better job             and moisture removal loads, the air con-
with all the differences between homes                        than your competitors. Some of the                   ditioner will be properly sized. In addi-

HOME ENERGY • 2005 SPECIAL ISSUE                                                                                            49

                       Sensible cooling load. The heat            continuously. The total capacity is the         SEER. The seasonal energy
                   gain of the home due to conduction,            sum of the latent capacity (ability to      efficiency ratio is a standard method of
                   solar radiation, infiltration of outside       remove moisture from the air) and sen-      rating air conditioners based on three

                   air, appliances, people, and pets. Burn-       sible capacity (ability to reduce the dry   tests. All three tests are run at 80°F
                   ing a light bulb, for example, adds only       bulb temperature). Each of these capac-     inside and 82°F outside. The first test
                   sensible load to the house. This sensible      ities is rated in Btu per hour (Btu/h).     is run with humid indoor conditions,
                   load raises the dry bulb temperature.          The capacity depends on the outside         the second with dry indoor conditions,
                       Dry bulb temperature. The tempera-         and inside conditions. As it gets hotter    and the third with dry conditions
                   ture measured by a standard thermometer.       outside (or cooler inside), the capacity    cycling the air conditioner on for six
                       Latent cooling load. The net               drops. The capacity at a standard set of    minutes and off for 24 minutes. The
                   amount of moisture added to the inside         conditions is often referred to as "tons    published SEER may not represent the
                   air by plants, people, cooking, infiltration   of cooling."                                actual seasonal energy efficiency of an
                   of outside air, and any other moisture             Tons of cooling. Air conditioner        air conditioner in your climate.
                   source. The amount of moisture in the air      capacity is rated at 95°F outside with          Manual J. A widely accepted method
                   can be calculated from a                                                                             of calculating the sensible and
                   combination of dry bulb                                                                              latent cooling (and heating)
                   and wet bulb temperature                                                                             loads under design conditions.
                   measurements.                                                                                            Manual S. The ACCA method
                      Wet bulb tempera-                                                                                 of selecting air conditioning
                   ture. When a wet cotton                                                                              equipment to meet the design
                   wick is placed over a                                                                                loads. It ensures that both the
                   standard thermometer                                                                                 sensible capacity and the
                   and air is blown across                                                                              latent capacity of the selected
                   the surface, the water                                                                               equipment will be adequate to
                   evaporates and cools the                                                                             meet the cooling load.
                   thermometer below the                                                                                    Manual D. The ACCA
                   dry bulb temperature.                                                                                method for designing duct sys-
                                                                                                                   PROCTOR ENGINEERING
                   This cooler temperature is                                                                           tems. Contractors often find it
                   called the wet bulb tem-                                                                             a laborious process and most
                   perature, and depends on                                                                             duct systems are just
                   how much moisture there                                                                              installed—not designed. The
                   is in the air.                                                                                       amount of time necessary to
                       Design conditions. Cooling loads                                                       design a duct system is certainly
                   vary with inside and outside conditions.       an inside temperature of 80°F and 50%       warranted in tract construction, where
                   A set of conditions specific to the local      relative humidity. Each ton of air condi-   the design is used repeatedly, and for
                   climate is necessary to calculate the          tioning is nominally 12,000 Btu/h (this     custom homes, where the total cost of
                   expected cooling load for a home. Inside       comes from the fact that it takes           the home warrants a proper design. In
                   conditions of 75°F and 50% relative            12,000 Btu/h to melt a ton of ice over      short, designing a duct system is essen-
                   humidity are usually recommended. Out-         a 24-hour period). While an air condi-      tial for proper equipment performance
                   side conditions are selected for the           tioner may be called a 3-ton unit, it       and customer comfort.
                   2.5% design point.                             may not produce 36,000 Btu/h. There is          External static pressure. The pres-
                       2.5% design. The outside summer            a wide variety of actual capacities that    sure drop external to the furnace (air
                   temperatures and coincident air moisture       are called 3 tons.                          handler). The external static pressure
                   content that will be exceeded for only             EER. The energy efficiency ratio is     includes the pressure drop across the
                   2.5% of the hours from June to Septem-         the efficiency of the air conditioner. It   A/C coil, any humidifier, any high-effi-
                   ber. In other words, 2.5% design condi-        is capacity (in Btu/h) divided by the       ciency air filter, and the duct system.
                   tions are outdoor temperatures that are        electrical input (in watts). EER            Most furnaces are certified at 0.5
                   historically exceeded in 73 of the 2,928       changes with the inside and outside         inches of water column (WC) external
                   hours in these summer months.                  conditions, falling as the temperature      static pressure. However, average sys-
                       Capacity. The capacity of an air           difference between inside and outside       tems operate at 0.75–1 inch WC.
                   conditioner is measured by the amount          increases. EER should not be confused
                   of cooling it can do when it runs              with SEER.

              50                                                                                             2005 SPECIAL ISSUE • HOME ENERGY
tion, it will provide good comfort even           if the indoor humidity is to be held at           than they should, robbing cus-
when the weather is scorching hot.                50%, the latent load cannot exceed                tomers of the high efficiency
                                                  25% of the total cooling load. When               they paid for.
   “Customers want air condition-                 these electrically commutated motors
ers that are oversized.” Customers                (ECM) are faced with restrictive ducts,              Ways Contractors
depend on the expertise of contractors            filters, and other paraphernalia, they
in selecting an air conditioner.Yet con-          are controlled to spin faster and work               Can Control Moisture

                                                                                                                                                    HOME ENERGY
tractors generally size air conditioners at       harder in an attempt to maintain the                     The primary actions to con-
least 1/2 ton larger than necessary and           air flow.To do this, they increase their             trol moisture in homes in moist
often oversize them by 1 ton or more.             power draw. When the work gets too                   or wet climates are as follows:
Even the most conscientious contractor            hard—above 0.8 inches of water col-                      • Reduce air leakage into the
is driven to avoid callbacks (or even             umn (IWC)—they give up and may                       house through the building shell.
lawsuits). If the air conditioning system         burn out.The watt draw of a standard                     • Provide controlled and ade-
isn’t working properly (duct leaks,               permanent split capacitor (PSC) motor                quate ventilation through
improper flow across the coils, improper          doesn’t change much in relation to                   mechanical means.
charge), an oversized air conditioner             changing air flow, while the watt draw                   • Eliminate duct leaks to
can mask the problem. Unfortunately,              of the ECM increases sharply as it                   and from outside. Duct leaks
many customers think that                                                                                            cause moist air to
bigger is better, so in a com-                                                                                       be drawn in from
petitive situation, the contrac-                                                                                     outside.
tor who proposes a properly                                                                                              • Reduce internal mois-
sized unit may lose the bid.                                                                                         ture sources as much as pos-
Contractors are hesitant to                                                                                          sible. Use vent fans in areas
adopt an unfamiliar method                                                                                           where moisture is gener-
of sizing when the methods                                                                                           ated, such as bathrooms and
they have developed over the                                                                                         kitchens.
years have served them                                                                                                   • Reduce heat gains to
well—“I’ve done it this way                                                                                          the return ducts by placing
for 30 years and I’ve never                                                                                          them within the building
had a complaint.” It is no sur-                                                                                      envelope or (if you have to
prise, then, that air condition-                                                                                     put them in the attic) by
ers are oversized. However,                                                                                          reducing their surface area
                                                                                                              PROCTOR ENGINEERING
the advantages of a properly                                                                                         and insulating them well.
sized air conditioner are so                                                                                             • Use the smallest air
large that these barriers need                                                                                       conditioner that will meet
to be overcome. Customers                                                                                            Manual J estimated loads.
pay a price for oversized air This technician is taking the final readings for a third-party verification of a           • Reduce the cooling
conditioners and, in many cli- high-quality installation.                                                            blower speed to 300–350
mates, lose comfort as well.                                                                                         CFM per ton.
                                                                                                                         The secondary actions
   “The new air condi-                                                                                               to control moisture in
tioners with two-speed compres-              attempts to maintain air flow (see Fig-                   homes in moist or wet climates are:
sors, variable-speed blowers, and            ure 4, p. 49).                                                • Precondition (dehumidify) the ven-
ECM motors will eliminate                        It is important to realize that the effi-             tilation air by using an energy recovery
humidity and air flow problems.              ciency gains of two-speed machines                        ventilator or a dehumidifier on the
On top of that, they use less                occur primarily on low speed. When                        incoming air.
power and the customer can use a             the temperature is very hot, two-speed                        • Add a dehumidifier.
constant fan.” Multispeed units step         machines may not be better (and may
down to a lower capacity so that they        sometimes be worse) than single-speed                     Recommendations
run longer. This helps with moisture         13-SEER or higher machines. This                          for Customers
removal. The variable-speed blowers          occurs when the two-speed machines
can also be controlled to lower air flow     run on their less efficient high speed                        There are many contractors who
when the humidity is high—a feature          (see Figure 5). It is imperative that a                   would like to do the job right.“I love to
that helps to remove moisture. How-          two-speed air conditioner runs on its                     do houses but only if we can do them
ever, there are real limits on what these    low speed almost all of the time. Duct                    properly. I try to work inexpensively, but
machines can do. Even under the most         losses and poor installation can cause                    not cheaply.” (One contractor’s response
favorable moisture removal conditions,       these units to run on high speed more                     in a Florida Solar Energy Center survey).

HOME ENERGY • 2005 SPECIAL ISSUE                                                                                   51
If you are purchasing air condi-
                     tioning equipment, here is what
                     you should do:
                         • Give the contractor the
                     Recommendations for Contrac-
                     tors listed below and insist that

                     the contractor follow those rec-
                         • If the contractor wants to
                     size by floor area, find another
                         • Insist on a copy of the calcu-
                     lations (or computer inputs and
                     outputs)—even if you don’t
                     understand them.
                         • Be willing to pay for the
                     time the contractor must spend

                                                                                                                                                                PROCTOR ENGINEERING
                     to do the job right. Don’t take
                     the lowest bid.

              Recommendations for
                                                             Figure 5. At peak conditions (in this case a load of 26,000 But/hr at 82ºF outside temperature),
                To offer your customers the most             two-speed machines may not be better (and are sometimes worse) than single-speed SEER 13 +
              energy-efficient and problem-free air          machines. At high temperatures, two-speed machines run on their less efficient high speed.
              conditioner, observe the following:

                 • Calculate the sensible and latent         1.3 nor any other) to calculate the total            Air Flow
              loads for each installation using ACCA         load from the sensible load.                             • Measure air flow using the pressure-
              Manual J or equivalent.                           • Calculate ventilation load (latent              matching method, the flow grid method,
                 • Use design outdoor conditions and         and sensible) when mechanical ventila-               or a method with equivalent accuracy.
              daily temperature range exactly for your       tion is used.                                            • Verify that air flow is be at least 350
              exact location per Manual J or ASHRAE             • Select equipment based on the                   CFM per ton in dry climates and at
              Handbook of Fundamentals. If this isn’t        manufacturer’s detailed performance                  least 300 CFM per ton in moist or wet
              possible, use the data for the closest loca-   data. Do not rely on the nominal ton-                climates, when measured through a wet
              tion with a similar climate.                   nage at 95ºF outside.                                coil (unless the manufacturer specifies a
                 • Use standard 75°F design indoor                                                                lower air flow for the local design con-
              temperature.                                   Coil Matching                                        ditions).Air flow must meet these crite-
                 • Pay great attention to window                Correctly match the indoor evapora-               ria before refrigerant charge tests.
              type, material, and interior shading.An        tor coil to the outdoor coil for the sys-
              error in this area can throw off the           tem, according to the manufacturer’s                 Refrigerant Charge
              window heat gain estimate by as much           specifications or Air Conditioning and                   Verify refrigerant charge using the
              as 100%.                                       Refrigeration Institute (ARI) standards.             superheat method or subcooling
                 • Always account for the effect of the                                                           method. When weather conditions
              overhang shading. This is one of the           Brazing, Leak Testing,                               make this impossible, the charge may
              most efficient load reduction measures.        and Evacuation                                       be weighed in.The charge adjustment
                 • Calculate infiltration rate depend-          • Purge refrigerant lines and indoor              must be calculated based on the differ-
              ing on the airtightness of the building,       coil with inert gas during brazing, to               ences between the standard coil and the
              based on blower door measurements.             prevent oxidation.                                   installed coil, and between the standard
              While you are at it, measure the duct             • Prior to start-up, evacuate systems             lineset and the installed lineset.
              leakage and fix it when the air condi-         to 500 microns or less.
              tioner is installed.                              • Isolate the system from the vacuum              John Proctor, P.E. is president of Proctor Engi-
                 • Calculate the latent load based on        pump and let sit for at least five minutes.          neering Group, Ltd., in San Rafael, Califor-
              the number of people in the building           The micron gauge should not raise                    nia. He is a frequent contributor to Home
              and the outdoor air humidity ratio. Do         more than 300 microns above the initial              Energy magazine.
              not use a “typical” multiplier (neither        vacuum level.

              52                                                                               2005 SPECIAL ISSUE • HOME ENERGY
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