Page created by Russell Mitchell
DECEMBER 1, 2022 . VOLUME 121 . ISSUE 12 . TCU360.COM

                                                                       PAGE 3
    T H E

                                                                      BREAKING GROUND
                                                                      FOR NEW HOUSING
                                                                      BUILDING IN JANUARY


GRADUATION                                    PAGE 4

                                                                                PHOTO BY SOPHIA ALLEN

GOING MOBILE                   STUDY SPOTS
PAGE 16                        PAGE 3
2                                                                                                                                                        December 1, 2022 · The Skiff ·


Summa, Magna? What that Latin on your diploma means

                                                                                                                                                     The Skiff
                                                                                                                                                               TCU Box 298050
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                                                                                                                                                   Editor ARIEL WALLACE

                                                                                                                                     Design Editor              Chief Ad Designer
                                                                                                                                    Kristen Pastrano             Jadyn Zielniski
                                                                                                                                                  Associate Editor
                                                                                                                                                   Grace Morison
                                                                                                      PHOTO BY BETH GRIFFITH
TCU students wait to hear their name called during commencement.                                                                 Director of Student Media Sales and Operations
                                                                                                                                                                  Leah Griffin
By JUSTIN DESALES                Students who               examination. TCU’s                  is set to take place on
STAFF WRITER, TCU 360         graduate Summa Cum            winter commencement                 Saturday, Dec. 17.                                  Director of Student Media
                              Laude have achieved an                                                                                                         Jean Marie Brown
    Students who earned       average GPA of 3.9 or                                     December 2022
a GPA of 3.5, or higher       above.                                              Commencement Ceremony                                      Chair, Department of Journalism
will be recognized during        Students who                      9 a.m., and 2 p.m. Dec. 17 in Ed & Rae Schollmaier Arena                                Uche Onyebadi, Ph. D
commencement with             graduate Magna Cum
Latin honors.                 Laude earned a GPA              9:00 a.m. order of ceremony:                                      Distribution: Newspapers are available free on campus and
    Based on the totality     between 3.7 and 3.89.              AddRan College of of Liberal Arts                             surrounding locations, limit one per person. Additional copies
of a student’s grade             Students who                    College of Fine Arts                                                       are $.50 and are available at the Skiff office.
point average, Latin          graduate Cum Laude                 Neeley School of Business                                                   The Skiff is an official student publication
honors began in 1869,         have a GPA between 3.5                                                                                                  of Texas Christian University,
when Harvard College          and 3.69.                       2 p.m. order of ceremony:                                               produced by students of TCU and sponsored by the
became the first college         Latin honors at TCU              Brite Divinity School                                                             TCU Department of Journalism.
in the United States to       are reserved for students           Bob Schieffer College of Communication                       It operates under the policies of the Student Media Committee.
provide final honors to       who have earned at least            College of Education                                                      The Skiff is published Thursdays during fall
its graduates. Since then,    58 of their credits on              College of Science & Engineering                                  and spring semesters except finals week and holidays.
many colleges in the          TCU’s campus, excluding             Harris College of Nursing & Health Sciences
U.S. have adopted this        those completed by an                                                                              COPYRIGHT All rights for the entire contents of this newspaper shall be the
tradition and provide                                                                                                             property of the Student Media.No part thereof may be reproduced or aired
their students with these                                                                                                       without prior consent of the Student Media Director. The Skiff does not assume
honors upon graduation.                                                                                                                     liability for any product and services advertised herein.
    Students often begin                                                                                                         Liability for misprints due to our error is limited to the cost of the advertising.
their college career with
the goal of achieving a                                                                                                                                     The Skiff
grade point average to                                                                                                                                 Circulation: 1,000
be in one of the three                                                                                                                            Subscriptions: 817-257-6274
major groups.Upon                                                                                                                                  Rates are $30 per semester.
graduation, students
receive an indication of                                                                                                                       Moudy Building South
their honors on their                                                                                                                           Newsroom, Room 212
diplomas. Additionally,                                                                                                              2805 S. University Drive, Fort Worth, TX 76109
it will be mentioned as
the students have their
names called to collect
their diplomas on stage.
December 1, 2022 · The Skiff ·                                                                                                                                                                3


Texas Construction University: TCU to break ground starting January
By NATALIE MITCHELL                   Construction of two            access to campus, said
STAFF WRITER, TCU 360             new residence halls for            Kathy Cavins-Tull, vice
                                  first-year students and a          chancellor of student
   Faculty and students           dining hall are expected           affairs.
should be prepared for            to start in January.                  “When we break
construction when they                The construction is            ground, we will make
return to campus after            expected to affect traffic         paths for students to
winter break.                     patterns and pedestrian            walk because everything
                                                                     will be fenced off,”
                                                                     Cavins-Tull said.
                                                                        The new buildings
                                                                     will be located behind
                                                                     the Neeley School
                                                                     of Business and are
                                                                     expected to be completed
                                                                     during the 2024-25
                                                                     academic year. Crews
                                                                     have already started                                                                              PHOTO COURTESY OF TCU PHOTOS
                                                                     working on the utility          TCU’s proposed plan for the appearance of the new buildings.
                                                                     lines in the area.
                                                                        The new dorms
                                                                     will ease the housing              Chancellor Victor               you live on campus, the           residence halls will help
                                                                     crunch for first-year and       Boschini said there are            better experience you             us because we will have
                                                                     sophomore students as           no plans to ease that              have, the better grades           a bunch more space that
                               PHOTO COURTESY OF HEESOO YANG         TCU retains its two-year        requirement. “I can show           you get, everything is            we don’t have now.”
Construction of TCU’s newest building, The Harrison, began in 2020   on-campus living                you 40 academic studies            better,” Boschini said.
and completed in 2021.                                               requirement.                    that show the longer               “Opening these two new

Finals are approaching: Here are some student-favorite library spots
By GRACIE REINHARDT               said junior psychology                Booking a room can              “Whenever we want               those little circle tables         the loudest area in the
STAFF WRITER, TCU 360             major Beatrice Ascione.            also be useful when             to take a break from               right by the bistro are            library,” Ascione said.
                                     “Second floor                   working on group                studying, we just get up,          really helpful because
   With finals                    computer labs are always           projects or when                go get water, or even              that’s when it’s really
approaching, the Mary             really fun because it’s            studying with a friend.
Couts Burnett Library             like a medium, so it’s still          “If I have a friend
will become a hub for             quiet so you can find that         that’s going to study
on-campus studying.               peace, but you can still           with me, I find it easier
   TCU students use               talk to a friend and study         to book a study room
the various spaces of             with them,” Ascione said.          because it’s like, ok us
the library to study for          “That’s where I usually            two have a space to just
exams, meet up for                study the most.”                   freely talk, but then also
group projects and finish            According to the                be quiet if we need to,”
last-minute assignments.          library’s website, there           Ascione said.
   The library has three          are twenty-one study                  When students need
different floors that             rooms. They can be                 a study break, the Bistro
students can choose               reserved twenty-four               Burnett Cafe on the
from based on the type            hours before use.                  library’s first floor has
of study environment                 “I really like the study        a variety of foods and
they prefer. Some enjoy           rooms, that’s what I kind          drinks that students can
studying and doing                of always do when I go             buy via a meal swipe,
assignments in loud               there just because they            campus cash or another
areas, while others need          have the white board               form of payment.
silence.                          walls where you can                   The cafe is also one of
   The second floor               write,” said junior biology        the library’s louder areas,
computer lab areas have           and Spanish double                 so it is a good place to chat                                                                       PHOTO COURTESY OF GRACIE REINHARDT
a balanced noise level,           major Kristin Povinelli.           with friends, said Ascione.     Students study in the quiet section on the first floor of the library.
4                                                                                                                                   December 1, 2022 · The Skiff ·


Plan your graduation weekend: Top places to Visit in Forth Worth
By SOPHIA ALLEN               something for everyone         The Amon Carter             Indigenous
STAFF WRITER, TCU 360         to enjoy in Funkytown.     Museum of American          Photography and
                                                         Art is coming off a         Stephanie Syjuco:
   Fort Worth is home         MUSEUMS                    year of celebrating         Double Vision. The
to many attractions that                                 its 60th anniversary.       museum switches out
embrace its Western              Fort Worth has a trio   Current exhibits include    its own collections for
pride. On graduation          of art museums, each       Speaking with Light:        its galleries on a yearly
weekend, there is             representing a different   Contemporary                basis. Exhibits include
                                                                                     works of both contem-
                                                                                     porary and historical
                                                                                     art, with collections of                                           PHOTO SOPHIA ALLEN
                                                                                     photographs as well.        Outside the entrance to the Modern Art Museum of
                                                                                         The Kimbell Art         Fort Worth.
                                                                                     Museum is free to
                                                                                     attend unless you want      celebrating Spanish           works from the 1940s.
                                                                                     to view the special         painter Bartolomé             Designed by Japanese
                                                                                     exhibition. While it        Esteban Murillo. Murillo      architect Tadao Ando,
                                                                                     is a smaller gallery,       depicts the life of           it is named one of the
                                                                                     the Kimbell includes        ordinary people living        “World’s Most Beautiful
                                                                                     sculptures, as well         in seventeenth-centu-         Art Museums” by Travel
                                                                                     as traditional-style        ry Seville, Spain. These      + Leisure magazine.
                                                                                     paintings.                  works will be on display
                                                                                         The current special     until late January 2023.
                                                                PHOTO SOPHIA ALLEN   exhibit at the Kimbell         The Modern Art             CONTINUED ON PAGE 5
#ForFortWorth Mural designed by Mariell Guzman.                                      is called Murillo: From     Museum of Fort Worth
                                                                                     Heaven to Earth,            features contemporary
December 1, 2022 · The Skiff ·                                                                                                                                              5

                                                                    PHOTO SOPHIA ALLEN                                                                              PHOTO SOPHIA ALLEN
Exchange street view in the Stock Yards.                                                  Fort Worth Stock Exchange entrance decorated for Christmas.

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4           Stockyard Championship       of the residents, visitors   drown out the city noise.
                                Rodeo every Friday and       of the zoo can feed
The Modern has                  Saturday night.              the giraffes, touch the      Photo Stops
paintings, sculptures and           Fort Worth Botanic       stingrays or stop by
films. General admission        Gardens is the oldest        the Outdoor Learning             The Water Gardens is
cost is $16. Admission          major botanical garden in    theatre.                         a staple for Fort
is free on Friday and           Texas, offering 120 acres       If a friend or family     Worth. Designed by
half-off on Sunday.             of 2500 different kinds      member needs proof           Phillip Johnson, the
General admission               of flora and plants. The     the horned frog is a real    water gardens offers
provides access to the          gardens are also home to     animal, the TCU mascot       many spots for some
galleries as well as the        the Botanical Research       can also be seen.            great photos.                                                             PHOTO SOPHIA ALLEN
two special exhibitions         Institute of Texas and the      The zoo partnered             The main attraction            Upclose of the #ForFortWorth Mural designed by
on display– Modern              Philecology Herbarium.       with TCU, as well as         is the reflecting pool set         Mariell Guzman.
Masters: A Tribute to               General admission        Texas Parks and Wildlife,    below 22-foot high walls,
Anne Windfohr Marion            is $12. The gardens          to help this reptile be      with water trickling down          close to TCU sprinkled         stops. This piece is a fully
and I’ll Be Your Mirror:        include displays on          released into the wild and   the sides. Visitors are            throughout the cultural        painted basketball court
Art and the Digital             pathways, educational        restore the threatened       able to make it close to           district.                      that expands underneath
Screen.                         stops and different areas    species population. This     the bottom through the                 Along the Trinity Trail,   the walking bridge.
    All three museums           with specified plants so     year on Sept. 15 they        built-in staircase.                there is an impromptu             Located nearby is the
also provide a food             every visitor can walk       were able to release 150         There are also steps           gallery called ‘Painting       #ForFortWorth mural,
option for quick snacks.        away having learned          hatchlings, 115 from         that they can climb as             the River’.                    done by Mariell Guzman
    The Stockyards is           something.                   the zoo, at the Mason        well to snap a picture                 Designed by                that captures the spirit
the full Texas experience.          This holiday season      Mountain Wildlife            with the city skyline in           Arnoldo Hurtado, Noel          and symbols of the city
Whether it’s smokey BBQ         the Fort Worth Botanic       Management Area.             the background.                    Viramontes and Ricky           on 7 City Church.
at Risky’s or witnessing        Gardens will host:              Rooftop Cinema                Fans of street art can         Cotto, Trinity Art Court
country line dancing at         “Lightscape”. Starting on    Club Fort Worth allows       find many hidden gems              is one of the featured
Billy Bob’s, Fort Worth         Nov. 18, this event will     you to relax, but it
locals and visitors are in      include a mile-long path     isn’t your regular
for entertainment.              filled with Christmas        movie theatre. Located
    Billy Bob’s Texas hosts     light tunnels, a fire        on the Worthington
a variety of events and         garden and seasonal          Renaissance, moviegoers
concerts at their venue.        drinks such as hot           can watch classic and
Country line dancing is         chocolate just to name       current movies every
offered every Saturday at       a few things to look         night.
12 p.m., and live country       forward to.                     It is a drive-in
music can be heard                  The Fort Worth Zoo       movie without the cars,
almost every Friday or          also celebrates its 30th     themed to be a suburban
Saturday.                       anniversary. Located         backyard with lawn
    The stockyards also         just minutes away from       chairs, street-style food,
host the cattle drive every     campus it is home to         and fake grass.
day at 11:30 a.m. and           7,000 animals and 550           Ticket holders will
4:00 p.m.                       different species.           also be given headphones
    The Cowtown                     For immersive            to wear during the movie
Coliseum hosts the              experiences with some        to enhance the audio and
6                                                                                                                                                                          December 1, 2022 · The Skiff ·


Christmas in the Commons: TCU annual Tree Lighting
   TCU celebrates the beginning of the holiday season with its annual Christmas Tree Lighting. Students, staff, faculty and families from all over Fort Worth gather
in the Commons for music, food, fireworks and of course, the “snow.” Take a look at how it went.

                                             PHOTO BY SOPHIA ALLEN                                                  PHOTO BY SOPHIA ALLEN                                                   PHOTO BY SOPHIA ALLEN
Before the 2022 TCU Christmas Tree is lit, singers Ellie and Drew Hol-   Kids from Fort Worth, TX play have a ‘snow’ ball fight, enjoying the     SuperFrog rocks a Santa suit and purple hat as he waits for the next
comb perform some classic and personally written holiday songs.          unusual weather.                                                         group of guests to take a photo with him.

                                                                                                                                                                                                PHOTO BY SOPHIA ALLEN
                                                                                                            With the final high note from Mariah Carey’s ‘All I Want for Christmas is You’ blasting, the finale of fireworks
                                                                                                            can be seen.

                                                                                                                                                                                          PHOTO BY SOPHIA ALLEN
                                                                                                            Frog Fountain surrounded by different food venues at the 2022 Christmas Lighting.
December 1, 2022 · The Skiff ·                                                                                                                                                  7

TCU Survival Guide: How to tailgate like a Horned Frog
                                                                                                          Surviving the Sun Drink Water & Eat                     drink with 8 oz. of water
                                                                                                                                    (21+ tips too)                and to keep track of
                                                                                                            Day games for the                                     the number of drinks
                                                                                                          Frogs can also include        “Having a meal that       throughout the day, by
                                                                                                          hours in the Texas sun.   will take a while to digest   can tabs/bottle caps/pen
                                                                                                          Here are some ways that   — for example, ones that      marks on a wrist.
                                                                                                          Horned Frogs can block    contain complex carbo-           And “A post tailgate
                                                                                                          out the rays:             hydrates and protein          snack is a must,” said
                                                                                                            • Sunglasses            — can be helpful to           Andrea Ordman, a senior
                                                                                                            • Cowboy Hat            manage the effects of         marketing major.
                                                                                                            • Sunscreen: The        alcohol,” said Stewart.          Where can students
                                                                                                                 FDA recommends     “Specifically, drinking       find assistance at the
                                                                                                                 a SPF of 15 or     in higher tempera-            game for their mental/
                                                                                                                 higher             tures will increase the       physical wellness?
                                                                                                            • Deodorant             speed of dehydration             “Students can let any
                                                                                                                                    and compound the              Police Officer or Game
                                                                                                          Next Level:               effects of alcohol on your    Day Security staff know
                                                                                                                                    system. Having food           and they will either be
                                                                                  PHOTO BY JACK WALLACE   •   Hand Fan:             in your stomach slows         directed to the closest
The tailgate trailer serves food to the TCU faithful before the Arizona State match                       •   Setting Spray/Oil     the absorption rate of        medical tent, or they
                                                                                                              Wipes                 alcohol, and helps your       will have medical staff
By LUCY PUENTE                     in having a successful              Must Haves                         •   Sweat rag             body manage processing        radioed to the location of
STAFF WRITER, TCU 360              game day experience.”                                                                            it.”                          emergency,” Stewart said.
                                      Whether tailgating or            •    TCU Student ID                                              The TCU Wellness
   Take tailgating to the          just going to the game,             •    State ID                                                Center suggests
next level with these tips         students can make a plan            •    Map out a plan. Get                                     alternating each alcoholic
from TCU Seniors and               including everything                     the location.
the TCU Wellness Center.           from how to get to and              •    Charged Phone
   “We recommend that              from the game, food and
people get plenty of sleep         hydration breaks and a              Next Level
the night before going to          system to look out for
a major event,” said Brad          each other, Stewart said.           •    Portable Charger
Stewart the associate                 And, “You absolutely             •    Clear Bag
director of fitness &              need a fully charged
wellness education at              phone to get through the            Shoes
the Campus Recreation              whole day,” said James
& Wellness Promotion               Ross, senior supply chain           •    Cowboy boots
Center. “Thinking through          value management major.             •    Sneakers
your plan for the day the
night before can be helpful                                               “Have a go-to pair
                                                                       of shoes you don’t care
                                                                       about getting dirty or
                                                                       walking in,” said senior
                                                                       marketing major, Andrea

                                                                       Next level:

                                                                       •    Running socks with

                                                                          “Looking at the
                                                                       weather and understand-
                                                                       ing the effects that high
                                                                       heat or cold will have on
                                                                       your experience and wear
                                                                       clothes that will support
                                         PHOTO BY LUCY PUENTE          this,” Stewart advised.
Popular gamebay footwear includes sneakers and cowboy boots
8   September 3, 2021 · The Skiff ·
September 3, 2021 · The Skiff ·                                                          9


                                                                Congratulations, graduates!
                                                              The world needs leaders like you to
                                                           make a difference, and we know you
                                                        will take what you’ve learned at TCU
                                                     to build a brighter future.
                                                 All of your hard work has paid off.
                                                Welcome to the alumni family.
                                             Go Frogs and Lead On!

                                  – Megan and
                               Victor Boschini
10                                                                                                                                                                December 1, 2022 · The Skiff ·


TCU football goes undefeated in the regular season
By WALTER FLANAGIN                   The No. 3 ranked
STAF WRITER, TCU 360              Horned Frogs will face
                                  Kansas State in the Big
   Following a win over           12 Championship Game
Iowa State on Saturday,           Saturday Dec. 3.
TCU football secured                 Here is a look back at
their first undefeated            some of the highlights of
regular season since              their season.

                                                                                                                                                                           PHOTO COURTESY OF GOFROGS.COM
                                                                     TCU wide reciever Derius Davis runs past a Colorado defender during the game against the Buffalos on Sept. 2, in Boulder, Colo. In new head
                                                                     coach Sonny Dykes’ debut with the Horned Frogs TCU won the game 38-13.

                                             PHOTO COURTESY OF AP                                                 PHOTO COURTESY OF AP                                   PHOTO COURTESY OF GOFROGS.COM
TCU wide receiver Quentin Johnston, back, attempts to catch a pass   TCU quarterback Max Duggan (15) throws a touchdown pass as Okla-       TCU wide reciever Gunnar Henderson motions for a 1st down during
as SMU linebacker Isaac Slade-Matautia, front, defends during the    homa defensive back Damond Harmon (17) defends during the first        the game against SMU on Sept. 24, in Dallas, Texas. TCU head coach
second half of the game on Sept. 24, in Dallas, Texas. The Horned    half of the game on Oct. 1, in Fort Worth, Texas. The Horned Frogs     Sonny Dykes coached at SMU from 2018 to 2021. The Horned Frogs
Frogs won the game 42-34. (AP Photo/Gareth Patterson)                won the game 55-24. (AP Photo/Ron Jenkins)                             won the game 42-34.

                                                                   PHOTO COURTESY OF GOFROGS.COM                                                                          PHOTO COURTESY OF GOFROGS.COM
TCU Football players embrace during the game against Kansas on Oct. 8, in Lawrence, Kan. The No. 19     TCU running back Kendre Miller runs past West Virginia defenders during the game in Morgantown, W.Va.
Jayhawks were 5-0 for the first time since 2009. The Horned Frogs won the game 38-31.                   on Oct. 29. The Horned Frogs won the game 41-31.
December 1, 2022 · The Skiff ·                                                                                                                                                                             11

                                                                                                                                                                                      PHOTO COURTESY OF GOFROGS.COM
                                                                                                                TCU running back Kendre Miller motions for a fourth down during the game against Kansas State on Oct.
                                                                     PHOTO COURTESY OF GOFROGS.COM              22, in Fort Worth, Texas. The Horned Frogs trailed 28-10 with 8:09 to play in the second quarter before
TCU running back Kendre Miller runs past Texas Tech defenders during the game on Nov. 5, in Fort Worth,         shutting out the No. 17 Wildcats in the second half to win 38-28. This was TCU Football’s second straight
Texas. The Horned Frogs trailed the Red Raiders 17-13 at the start of the fourth quarter before scoring 21      double-digit comeback against a ranked opponent. The week before TCU had trailed the No. 8 Oklahoma
straight to win 34-24.                                                                                          State Cowboys by 14 at the start of the fourth quarter before winning the game in double-overtime.

                              PHOTO COURTESY OF GOFROGS.COM
TCU linebacker Johnny Hodges tackles a Texas ballcarrier during the
game against the Longhorns on Nov. 12, in Austin, Texas. The Horned
Frogs never trailed and won the game 17-10.

                                  PHOTO COURTESY OF GOFROGS.COM
TCU placekicker Griffin Kell is lifted up following his walk off field goal                                                                                                       PHOTO COURTESY OF GOFROGS.COM
while the clock was running out at the end of the game against Baylor         TCU cornerback Josh Newton celebrates during the game against Iowa State in Fort Worth, Texas on November 26th. The defense scored 14
in Waco, Texas on Nov. 19. The Horned Frogs won the game 29-28.               points as the Horned Frogs won the game 62-14.
12                                                                                                                                           December 1, 2022 · The Skiff ·


TCU seniors prepare to start their careers following graduation
By ELLA GONZALES                “My goal for my last       Victory lap
STAFF WRITER, TCU 360        year on TCU’s campus is
                             to enjoy every moment,”          Some seniors
   The December              said Hailey Brown, a          said leaving will be
graduates of TCU’s           senior marketing and          bittersweet goodbye
sesquicentennial are due     finance major. “Attending     because of the opportuni-
to receive their diplomas    football games, speaker       ties they have had here.
Dec. 17. Post graduation     series, career fairs,            “TCU’s biggest
plans range from gap         concerts, and sorority        contribution to me has
years to jumping straight    events for the last time      been establishing my
into a career and even       are all on my senior          passion for leadership,”
medical school.              bucket list. By graduation    said Hannah Floyd,
                             I hope to look back and       a senior supply chain
Final to-do’s                say I used my time on         management and
                             TCU’s campus to make          marketing double major.
   Many seniors said it      an impact on those            “I’ve found the value in
was important to take        around me as well as          continuous learning and
advantage of their last      allow my peers to do the      will continue this into
year at TCU. They said       same for me.”                 my career. Even when I
they would miss the             TCU has annual             am working and not in
community, access to         traditions, such as senior    the classroom anymore,
professors and advisors,     sunrise, Frog Stock music     I want to find ways to
the library and leadership   festival and the Christmas    constantly educate myself                                                       PHOTO COURTESY OF TEXAS CHRSITIAN UNIVERSITY
opportunities.               tree lighting, that seniors   because TCU has taught      Marketing majors participating dring class in the Neely School of Bussiness.
                             said they will miss.          me the value in this.”

                                                                                                                                     PHOTO COURTESY OF TEXAS CHRISTIAN UNIVERISTY
                                                                                       TCU’S Campus Commons.

                                                                                          Seniors said TCU’s            friendships and relation-           “There’s always been
                                                                                       tight knit community             ships I have made,” said         someone to eat every
                                                                                       is hard to leave behind.         Carrie Williams, a senior        meal with, a friend
                                                                                       With only 10,000                 social work major.               made in every class and
                                                                                       students on campus,                 Brown said going to           an encouraging peer
                                                                                       students can creating            college in another state         when I’ve wanted to try
                                                                                       lasting bonds and                can be tough, but she            something new,” Brown
                                                                                       friendships for a lifetime.      always felt supported by         said.
                                                                                          “TCU’s biggest contri-        the people around her.
                                                                                       bution to me is the
December 1, 2022 · The Skiff ·                         133


                                             FROM STUDENT MEDiA
14                                                                                                                                                                                December 1, 2022 · The Skiff ·

      Listen NOw
      When TCU Went Home:
      Revisiting the Pandemic

                                                                              Carpe Diem by Niklas Eriksson
The Stars Show the Kind of             does it make your job pleasant,
Day You’ll Have: 5-Dynamic;            it’s smart. Be smart today.
4-Positive; 3-Average; 2-So-so;        Tonight: Think for yourself.
                                       LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)
ARIES (March 21-April 19)              HH Today you might have
HH Right off the bat, you have         disputes with your kids, or
to realize that cooperation from       possibly a friend or a member of
others will be difficult today. Just   a group. This quarrel might be
accept this. Don’t expect too          about choosing a social occasion
much from others. Tension about        or outing. It might relate to
politics, religion or racial issues    your kids. It also might relate
might arise even if you keep a         to the cost of something and
low profile and hide. Tonight:         how to divide or share it. It’s a
Avoid controversy.                     challenging day! Tonight: Check
                                       your finances.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20)                                                      Dustin by Steve Kelley and Jeff Parker
HH Another day, and more               VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
squabbles about money,                 HHH Do what you can to keep
earnings and your possessions.         harmony at home as well as
These disputes also might be           with partners and close friends.
about shared property, inher-          Think before you speak. Make no
itances or the limits of your          assumptions. Don’t be critical
responsibilities for someone.          of others. This way you can get
Discover what is expected of you.      through this day unscathed,
You have to face this. Tonight:        which is what you want to do.
Know your rights.                      Tonight: Cooperate.

                                       LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
GEMINI (May 21-June 20)                HH LSquabbles with daily
HH Your closest relationships          contacts like siblings, relatives
will be tested today. You might        and neighbors might arise today.
feel annoyed with someone              You also might find yourself at
close to you. This is challenging,     odds with someone at work or           SAGITTARIUS (Nov.                   others, especially at work, this       for a peaceful solution. Tonight:
because you want to get along          about a work-related issue. Since      22-Dec. 21)                         would be ideal. However, you           Check your possessions.
with these people. Today,              this is the tenor of this day, avoid   HHH Today there are three           might get sucked into something
however, you are also high-viz,        this unpleasantness if you can.        planets in your sign at odds with   that you can’t avoid. If so, be part   PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)
which means people notice              You don’t need it. Tonight: Work.      Mars and the Moon. Yes, this        of the solution, not part of the       HH Your dealings with parents,         LAST WEEK’S
you. Be aware of this. Tonight:                                               could be the Gunfight at the O.K.   problem. Tonight: Be honest.           bosses and the police will be          SUDOKU SOLUTION
Double-check instructions.             SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)              Corral. Remember that you are                                              challenging today. Fortunately,
                                       HH Money squabbles might               dealing with family and people      AQUARIUS                               the Moon is in your sign today.
CANCER (June 21-July 22)               occur today. Or you might have         who are close to you. Conflict      (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)                      Although this will make you
HH Work squabbles and                  a difference of opinion with           only makes things worse. Stay       HHH You might be involved in           excitable, it will help you get your
differing opinions with                someone about something that           chill. Tonight: Cocoon.             goal-setting today or working          way. Fingers crossed. Just coast.
co-workers, clients or customers       you own. Whatever the case, kids                                           with younger, creative people.         Tonight: You’re in charge.
might be a challenge for you           or partner, it’s best to go along to   CAPRICORN                           Nevertheless, conflict with kids
today. Many people underesti-          get along today. Keep the peace.       (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)                   or disputes about money or
mate how important it is to get        Tonight: Relax.                        HHH If you can do your best to      something that you own might
along with co-workers. Not only                                               be low-key to avoid conflict with   ruin the picture for you. Look
December 1, 2022 · The Skiff ·                                                                                                                                                             15

                                                                     Edited by Will Shortz                        GRE/GMAT/LSAT Prep Classes and Free Strategy Sessions

 1       2     3      4              5     6     7      8       9           10      11        12      13

 14                                  15                                     16
                                                                                                                Gear up
                                                                                                                for grad school.
 17                                  18                                     19
                                                                                                                                                                                  Register Now!
         20                  21                         22            23

 24                          25            26    27                   28                                       TCU Extended Education         (817) 257–7132        

 29                          30                                       31

                                                                                                               Sudoku                    DIRECTIONS
                                                                                                                                         Fill in the grid so that every 3x3 box, row. and column
 32                   33             34                         35
                                                                                                                                         contains the digits 1 through 9 without repeating numbers.
 36                                  37                 38                  39      40        41      42

                      43     44                  45                         46

 47      48    49                          50                         51            52

 53                                        54                                       55

 56                                  57                         58          59

 60                                  61          62     63                  64                        65

 66                                  67                                     68

 69                                  70                                     71

                                                                                        PUZZLE BY RICKY CRUZ

        ACROSS              37   Cynthia who           71   D.C. address?          40   Item of feline
 1   Vacuum                      played Harriet                                         furniture
                                 Tubman in 2019’s
 5   Direction for               “Harriet”                      DOWN
     snowbirds                                                                     41   “Five stars!”
                            39   Longtime CBS           1   Air Force Two riders
10   Foes of Frodo               drama                  2   Crude industrialist?   42   Oodles
14   ___ colada             43   Where to find          3   Not derived from
                                 “Fresh Air”                living matter
15   Best                                                                          44   Part of PRNDL
                            45   Identity prefix        4   “It’s a ___!’”
16   The Big Easy
                            46   Wildly                 5   Place where            47   College-level H.S.
17   Mail opening                outlandish story           everything should           class with scales
18   Brunch offering        47   Range maker                have a mate                 and intervals
19   Subj. that includes    50   Frenzied               6   Couple’s word
     the study of           52   Alternative to a       7   Tribe for which a      48   Formula 1                         LAST WEEK’S CROSSWORD SOLUTIONS
     bubbles?                    boot                       state is named              locale
20   Eat, quaintly          53   Lawn                   8   Reason for an end                                              C   O   D
                                                                                                                                   A      N B A           F   A B     L   E   S
                                 equipment with an          zone celebration,      49   Rouse
22   Fatty, as tissue
                                 engine                     for short                                                      A   D   A
                                                                                                                                   M      O E D           L   I A     I   S   E
     Old T-shirt, maybe
                            54   Hole ___               9   Did some               50   Where a                            R   E   B
                                                                                                                                   U    T T E D           O   L D     M   A   N
25   Complains,                                             gardening                   trapeze artist
                            55   Rite Aid rival
                                                                                        performs                           B   A   S
                                                                                                                                   S    O   B L A         R   E D     O   U   T
                            56   Like some             10   Like some families
28   Confronts reality           questions that will   11   Ornate                                                                 E    G O     L         A   D E     N
                                 never be answered                                 51   Co. big
29   Modern ___                                        12   Places to hang                                                 N   O R M      B B A L         L     A     C   T
     They line the          58   Be in direct               hangers
     Champs-Élysées              competition                                       57   Device with                        C   H E E    R I E S T             A L     E   R   T
                                                       13   Most reasonable             Alexa
31   Finish, as a           60   Bergdorf
                                                       21   “Shark Tank” airer                                             I   F C      Y E A H I         G   H       L   I   E
                            61   Saguaros, e.g.        23   Highly debatable       59   Tiny pedestals,                    S   U I T    E   H OM          E   S A     L   E   S
     “That’s a bad idea!”                                                               of a sort
                            64   They may be           24   Give a makeover                                                    N P R      M E T E         D     T     O   S   S
34   “That __ Then, This         split or loose
     Is Now” (1971 S. E.
                                                       26   A ways away
                                                                                   62   Nashville                                R A    D A R             S   E E
     Hinton novel)          66   Frozen treat          27   Confident assertion
                            67   Words mouthed to      33   Home of
                                                                                        awards org.                        P   R O V    O L O N E             S I     L   O   S
35   Solution to
     some chemistry
                                 a TV camera                Dollywood              63   Little one                         R   E C A    N T   S K         I   P T     O   W   N
                                 Make amends?
     problems?              68
                            69   Frozen treat
                                                       35   Moving too slowly,
                                                                                                                           E   L A I    N E   F E         D     U     G   L   I
     Start of a                                                                         Apt name for a
     reminiscence           70   Give an address       38   Prosecco o Chianti
                                                                                        goulash chef                       P   O L L    E D   WD          S     P     O   S   T
16                                                                                                                                                            December 1, 2022 · The Skiff ·


 Student IDs projected to go mobile, limiting current hassles
By ELLA GONZALES                   Why transition?                   New era of technology
STAFF WRITER, TCU 360                                                for college campuses
                                      ID cards on mobile
   TCU student                     phones would prevent                  Other universties have
government association             students from losing              already implemented
president Brandon Fox              their cards. It would also        digital I.D.’s on their
and TCU administration             help enhance safety, as           campuses. Students from
are working to transition          people would not be able          other colleges see the
student ID physical                to use other peoples’             mobile ID as a benefit to
cards to electronic passes         cards to access dorm              their college experience.
accessed by phone. The             buildings, rooms and                  Faith Comstock,
two million dollar project         meal plans.                       a student from the
would be funded by the                Brandon Fox sees the           University of Tennessee,
university.                        transition as “a way to           said using a digital ID is                                                                              PHOTO BY ELLA GONZALES
   The project has not yet         ease student life so you          convenient.                  TCU Student event pass leads way for future mobile identification.
been approved by TCU               don’t have to go through              “Because my ID is
administration.                    the hassle of trying to get       digital, I am able to have   works even if my phone              students can’t get locked          prox reader. To grant
   “The administration is          a new ID.”                        it easily accessible in my   is dead.”                           out of dorms,” Velasco             access, a student would
very open to this, and we             There is no time frame         apple wallet,” Comstock         Kailee Velasco, a                added. “Cons are I like            hold their phone up to
are starting to get some           for when this project             said. “It pops up on my      student at the University           having physical student            the entrance. Physical
good steam behind the              may get approved. The             screen when I hold it        of Alabama said it is               ID because I like seeing           ID cards would not be
project which puts us in a         transition would likely           up to a scanner. I never     helpful that your ID can’t          myself change over the             issued unless a student
good spot,” Fox said.              take an entire summer.            have to worry about not      get lost.                           years.”                            has no mobile device.
                                                                     being able to get into          “It also works even if              Every swipe entrance
                                                                     a building, because it       your phone is dead so               would be switched to a


Want to shop local? A roundup of Fort Worth’s best boutiques
By PEYTON COLLINS                 to special event attire.           and accessories at an        of offering several brands          in limited quantities, it             In 2014, the store
STAFF WRITER, TCU 360                                                affordable price.            for customers to browse.            is difficult to find these         moved to its current
                                                                        The shop was named           The shop is a popular            pieces anywhere else.              location at 4900 Camp
                                                                     by its owner, Kristi         destination for TCU                                                    Bowie Blvd.
                                                                     Parker, who has three        students to find their              Beehive                               The brand prides
                                                                     daughters. Parker was        purple pieces for game                                                 themselves on finding
                                                                     inspired by each of          days.                                  Beehive is a boutique           pieces that you won’t find
                                                                     her daughter’s unique        Esther Penn                         that aims to empower               anywhere else.
                                                                     styles and now offers an                                         women through good
                                                                     assortment of pieces so          Esther Penn, a                  vibes and confidence. The          American Threads
                                                                     that every customer can      women’s fashion                     store carries a selection
                                                                     find something they like.    boutique founded by                 of fun statement pieces,              American Threads is
                                                                     has no mobile device.        Alyson Johnson and                  prints, denim, shoes and           a women’s boutique with
                                                                                                  Kacey Cargile.                      accessories, as well as            several locations, as well
                                                                     Dear Hannah                      Ester Penn is location          basics with a twist.               as an online platform.
                                                                                                  is located at 3328 W. 7th              The Fort Worth                     Most American
                                                                        Dear Hannah is            St.                                 location can be found at           Threads locations are
                                       PHOTO BY PEYTON COLLINS       a bright and vibrant             The owners handpick             480P8 Camp Bowie Blvd.             near college campuses,
The vibrant store atmosphere at Dear Hannah’s Fort Worth location.   boutique with two            unique items, switching                                                making it a fan favorite
                                                                     locations: Fort Worth        them out based on                   Hale House                         for college students. The
                                  THREE                              and Dallas.                  trends. The merchandise                                                store offers trending
If you’re looking for                                                   The Fort Worth            is inspired and sourced                Hale House began                pieces at an affordable
Fort Worth boutiques                 THREE is located                location can be found in     from Los Angeles.                   in 1955 in an airstream            price.
to explore on your                at 3460 Blue Bonnet                the West Bend shopping       Every item is heavily               trailer. Customers could              The Fort Worth
next shopping spree,              Circle. The boutique               area . The shop was          considered before being             browse through vintage             location is in University
these local stores have           has a variety of unique            founded by Hannah            bought for the store, and           pieces, home, gifts and            Park Village.
everything game day fits          and trendy clothing                Callier with the intention   because items are bought            jewelry items.
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