SJ Sparklers 60 fast facts about Surbana Jurong's impact on our world

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SJ Sparklers 60 fast facts about Surbana Jurong's impact on our world

                            S J Sparklers
                             60 fast facts about Surbana Jurong’s impact on our world

    SJ Sparklers
    60 fast facts about Surbana Jurong’s impact on our world
SJ Sparklers 60 fast facts about Surbana Jurong's impact on our world
Surbana Jurong Group is a global urban, infrastructure and managed services
                                                             consulting firm, with over 70 years of track record in successful project delivery.
                                                             Headquartered in Singapore, the group has a global talent pool of 16,000 across
                                                           Surbana Jurong and our member companies AETOS, Atelier Ten, B+H, KTP, Prostruct,
                                                            RBG, SAA, Sino-Sun and SMEC, based in more than 120 offices in over 40 countries.
                                                            They include architects, designers, planners, engineers and other specialists driven
                                                                 by progressive thinking and creative ideas to help shape a better future.

                                                                Our tag line “Building Cities, Shaping Lives” expresses how every project or
                                                            undertaking is, for the Group, an opportunity to fulfil aspirations and enrich lives.
                                                            By designing and delivering quality housing, work spaces, roads, rail, hydropower,
                                                           dams, underground and coastal protections and other critical infrastructure needed
                                                            by our clients, we are redefining cities and transforming them into sustainable and
                                                           liveable spaces where communities and businesses, present and future, can thrive.

                                                            Surbana Jurong is ranked 26th in ENR 2020 Top 225 International Design Firms.

SJ Sparklers
60 fast facts about Surbana Jurong’s impact on our world
SJ Sparklers 60 fast facts about Surbana Jurong's impact on our world
Designed and delivered world’s first international
bubble facility where business travellers can meet safely
Surbana Jurong is part of a consortium which developed
Connect@Changi, a pilot purpose-built accommodation for
international travellers to conduct business meetings in a safe
and quarantine-free environment in Singapore. SJ provided an
innovative one-stop-shop turnkey solution for this unprecedented
project, collating all stakeholders’ requirements and translated
these into reality. The initial phase, which has been completed,
consists of over 660 guest rooms and 150 meeting rooms.

Connect@Changi was built at the Singapore Expo site where
SJ first set up the community care and recovery facilities (CCF)
in response to the pandemic. A 50-strong team of healthcare
planners, architects, engineers, project managers, quantity
surveyors and procurers completed two halls with 950 beds
within three days and 10 halls with 8,000 beds within four weeks.
This CCF helped to alleviate pressure on hospital beds and was
decommissioned in December 2020.


SJ Sparklers
60 fast facts about Surbana Jurong’s impact on our world
SJ Sparklers 60 fast facts about Surbana Jurong's impact on our world
Launched innovative sustainability-linked bond which
drew over S$1.7 billion in orders
Surbana Jurong Group successfully launched a S$250 million
sustainability-linked bond due 2031, under its US$1 billion
multicurrency debt issuance programme. It is the:
• First public sustainability-linked bond issuance from
    a Southeast
    Asian based company;
• First Singapore dollar-denominated sustainability-linked bond;
• First Asian sustainability-linked bond to feature a premium
    step-up structure at maturity.
This 10-year Singapore dollar bond at a coupon rate of 2.48 per
cent drew tremendous interest from high quality institutional
investors and private banks internationally. The offering was more
than six times oversubscribed, drawing over S$1.7 billion in orders.

                                                                       Surbana Jurong has pledged
                                                                       to achieve net zero emissions
                                                                       at SJ Campus by 2030.

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60 fast facts about Surbana Jurong’s impact on our world
SJ Sparklers 60 fast facts about Surbana Jurong's impact on our world
Designing public homes in China’s biggest free trade
zone in Hainan Province
The SJ North Asia architecture team is supporting public housing
development in the Yangpu Economic Development Zone, the
largest economic zone in Hainan. Yangpu itself is the largest port
city there. The housing project covers 5,000 units in 84 residential
blocks over a total GFA of 950,000sqm.
With SJ’s longstanding involvement in the masterplan for Hainan’s
economic development zone development, this housing project
marks SJ’s most successful attempt in exporting Singapore’s Public
Design Principles into the China market.

                                                                       Yangpu Economic
                                                                       Development Zone

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60 fast facts about Surbana Jurong’s impact on our world
SJ Sparklers 60 fast facts about Surbana Jurong's impact on our world
Designed Singapore’s                             SJ architecture designed the NUS School of Design and Environment
first new-build net-zero                         4, Singapore’s first new-build net-zero energy building, in
                                                 collaboration with Serie + Multiply Consultants. As it achieves its
energy building                                  net-zero energy target, the building provides users with healthy
                                                 spaces where staff and students can interact, creating the social
                                                 environment to boost creativity and innovation.

Designed world’s                                 SJ architecture designed and delivered the world’s first multi-
firstmulti-tiered urban                         tiered fish farm. This vertical farm, which is modular and scalable,
                                                 is expected to increase local fish production by 50%, significantly
fish farm                                        contributing towards food sustainability in Singapore.

Delivered over                                   SJ Township and SJ Infrastructure have designed and delivered 26
onemillion homes                                townships, including over one million homes in Singapore. Today,
                                                 seven out of 10 Singaporeans live in homes designed by SJ Township.
in Singapore                                    SJ Site Supervision has played an integral role in overseeing the
                                                 construction and delivery of these homes in Singapore.

                                                                                                                        NUS School of Design
                                                                                                                        & Environment 4
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60 fast facts about Surbana Jurong’s impact on our world
SJ Sparklers 60 fast facts about Surbana Jurong's impact on our world
Master planning for                              Surbana Jurong has developed master plans in more than 60
60+ countries                                    countries and over 100 industrial parks globally, including Lagos
                                                 Free Zone in Nigeria.

Developed Suzhou                                 Surbana Jurong undertook the master planning (including the
Industrial Park, home                            Development Guide Plan), for Phases 1, 2 & 3 and also Project
                                                 Management of the entire Suzhou Industrial Park, an integrated
to 5,000 companies                               township providing industrial park development with housing,
                                                 community, recreational and educational facilities. It has been
                                                 home to over 5,000 foreign companies since its inception in 1994.

Addressing persistent                            SJ Capital, the investment and asset management arm of Surbana
funding gap faced by                             Jurong, is building a series of equity and quasi-debt instruments
                                                 to address a persistent funding gap that most greenfield urban and
greenfield urban and                             infrastructure projects.
infrastructure projects
                                                 To date, SJ Capital has entered into two partnerships: (1) a US$500
                                                 million Joint Venture Fund Company (“Mitbana”) with Mitsubishi
                                                 Corporation from Japan that will invest in townships and transit-
                                                 oriented developments (TODs) in ASEAN and South Asia; and (2)
                                                 a USD$500 million Co-Investment Agreement with the Silk Road          The US$2.1 billion Lagos Free Zone is Nigeria’s
                                                 Fund from China that will invest in greenfield and brownfield         largest privately owned special economic zone,
                                                 infrastructure projects in ASEAN.                                     designed by Surbana Jurong in partnership with
                                                                                                                       China Harbour Engineering Company.
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60 fast facts about Surbana Jurong’s impact on our world
SJ Sparklers 60 fast facts about Surbana Jurong's impact on our world
Securing significant urban development commitments
Mitbana is now developing the first interconnected multi-modal
transport hub in Greater Jakarta with Indonesian conglomerate
Sinar Mas Land. Located in the Intermoda district in BSD City, the
Transit-Oriented Development will offer unparalleled access to
multiple public transportation options including road, rail, and
park-and-ride facilities which will enhance last-mile connectivity
and reduce congestion to and from the Jakarta city centre.

                                                                     Artist’s impression of Intermoda
                                                                     multi-modal transport hub

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60 fast facts about Surbana Jurong’s impact on our world
SJ Sparklers 60 fast facts about Surbana Jurong's impact on our world
Planning four new airports and expanding six airports
SJ Aviation is currently involved in the planning of four new
airports, namely:
• Bucharest, Romania
• Latina Airport, Italy
• Kediri, Indonesia
• North Bali, Indonesia

SJ Aviation is also involved in the expansion of six airports
• Lombok, Indonesia
• Labuan Bajo (Komodo), Indonesia
• Honiara, Solomon Islands
• Velana Airport, Maldives

                                                                Kediri Airport, Indonesia

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60 fast facts about Surbana Jurong’s impact on our world
SJ Sparklers 60 fast facts about Surbana Jurong's impact on our world
Operates autonomous                              SJ Defence, a homeland, civil and military defence infrastructure
drones for security                              and training solutions provider, employs cutting-edge drone
in urban areas                                   technologies to meet critical safety and security needs. The team
                                                 collaborated with Singapore’s Ministry of Home Affairs to trial
                                                 autonomous drones safely in urban areas and remote sites beyond
                                                 visual line of sight.

Managing the only fully                          SJ Defence manages the only fully integrated live firing range
integrated live firing                           complex in Southeast Asia.
range complex
in Southeast Asia

Designed and managed                             SJ Defence has designed, built and managed facilities for the
facilities for training                          training of more than 800,000 soldiers, policemen and firemen
800,000                                          over the last eight years in Singapore.

                                                                                                                     Drone for SJ Defence
SJ Sparklers
60 fast facts about Surbana Jurong’s impact on our world
Created three million                            To help Singapore carry out its role as the largest bunkering hub
cubic metres of bulk                             in the world, Asia’s Oil Product Pricing Centre and one of the top
liquids storage capacity                         three independent storage bases, SJ Energy & Industrial engineers
on Jurong Island                                 developed over three million cubic metres of bulk liquids storage
                                                 capacity on Jurong Island, equivalent to 30% of the total third-
                                                 party storage capacity in the island.

Operates autonomous                              SJ Underground Development is involved in the design of a
drones for security in                           pedestrian underground tunnel in the heart of Singapore’s Civic
urban areas                                      District, adopting the “Rectangular Tunnel Boring Machine”
                                                 method of construction. The tunnel between the Funan integrated
                                                 development and Capitol Piazza has greatly enhanced connectivity
                                                 in the Civic District and is the first time this advanced technology has
                                                 been applied in a commercial project.

Deployed advanced      SJ Underground Development is involved in the second phase of
technology for Deep    Singapore’s Deep Tunnel Sewerage System, delivering a design
Tunnel Sewerage System which adopts the “Vertical Shaft Sinking Machine” method of
                                                 construction. This advanced technology for shaft construction
                                                 works is a first in Asia.

                                                                                                                            A view of Jurong Island
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60 fast facts about Surbana Jurong’s impact on our world
Designed Jurong Rock                             SJ Energy & Industrial engineers designed Jurong Rock Caverns,
Caverns, the first                               the first Undersea Hydrocarbon Storage Caverns in the world, for
Undersea Hydrocarbon                             storing crude oil, naphtha and condensate. Located more than
Storage Caverns in the                           100m underground, the facility provides safe and secure storage
                                                 for liquid hydrocarbons and frees up usable land above ground.

First to adopt Mobile                            SJ Land Survey is the first in Singapore to adopt the Mobile Laser
Laser Scanning survey                            Scanning survey technique to map out flood-prone areas for
technique to map out                             Singapore’s Public Utilities Board. SJ Land Survey also completed
flood prone areas in                             the largest cadastral land survey in Singapore, covering about
                                                 1,000 ha of land for the development of Changi Airport Terminal 5.
Singapore                                        (Cadastral survey is a technical practice showing the extent, value
                                                 and ownership of land.)

Expanded Singapore’s                             SJ Infrastructure has been involved in practically all of the land
land area by 25%                                 reclamation works in Singapore over the last four decades,
through reclamation                              an outcome of which is the expansion of Singapore’s land area
works                                            by some 25%.

                                                                                                                       Jurong Rock Caverns
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60 fast facts about Surbana Jurong’s impact on our world
Created longest man-                             SJ Infrastructure engineers created Punggol Waterway, which at
made waterway in                                 4.2km is the longest man-made waterway in Singapore. The good
Singapore                                        earth dug up to form the waterway was used to fill up other low-
                                                 lying areas within Punggol Town as part of the earthworks scope.

Secured inaugural ABC     Surbana Jurong secured the inaugural ABC (Active-Beautiful-
(Active-Beautiful-Clean) Clean) Waters Gold Certification from Singapore’s Public Utilities
Waters Gold Certification Board for the Rivervale Shores residential project. With more than
                                                 50% of the area allocated to planting, the development offers
                                                 lush greenery and recreational spaces. Among its sustainability
                                                 features, the project maintains the pre-development peak
                                                 stormwater runoff and keeps a rainwater harvesting tank to collect
                                                 treated water for reuse in the irrigation of its gardens.

First large corporate     Surbana Jurong is the first large corporate organisation in
organisation in Singapore Singapore to attain ISO 37001. The accreditation specifies
to attain ISO 37001       requirements and provides guidance for establishing,
                                                 implementing, maintaining, reviewing and improving an
                                                 organisation’s anti-bribery management system.

                                                                                                                      Punggol Waterway
SJ Sparklers
60 fast facts about Surbana Jurong’s impact on our world
Transforming facilities                          SMM is transforming facilities management (FM) with Digital FM
management with                                  with its OMNI BIM-enabled FM solution that was developed in-
Digital FM                                       house. By integrating 3D Building Information Modelling (BIM)with
                                                 FM processes, and connecting with smart devices, the OMNI BIM-
                                                 enabled FM solution gives the FM practitioner real-time monitoring
                                                 and analytical capabilities to make quick, data-driven decisions
                                                 about maintenance, utilities usage and equipment health. OMNI
                                                 also helps to diagnose and predict asset performance.

Key contractor for                               SMM, the facilities management arm of Surbana Jurong, has been
Singapore’s Ministry of                          a key contractor for Singapore’s Ministry of Defence (MINDEF)
Defence for over two                             for over two decades. SMM provides facilities management,
decades                                          preventive and corrective maintenance, conservancy, project
                                                 management and 24/7 emergency services for MINDEF’s camps
                                                 and operationally ready facilities.

First multidisciplinary  Surbana Jurong is the first multidisciplinary consultancy in Asia to
consultancy in Asia to   attain the new ISO 19650. The accreditation recognises standards
attain the new ISO 19650 in the organisation and digitisation of information about buildings
                                                 and civil engineering works, including BIM.
                                                                                                                      A screenshot of the operation
                                                                                                                      of the OMNI BIM-enabled
                                                                                                                      FM solution
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60 fast facts about Surbana Jurong’s impact on our world
Project with largest GFA to participate in Green Mark
Super Low Energy Study
SJ Campus is the project with the largest gross floor area to
participate in the Green Mark for Super Low Energy (SLE) Building
Pilot study. It was awarded Green Mark Platinum (SLE) by
Singapore Building and Construction Authority in 2019.

                                                                    SJ Campus

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60 fast facts about Surbana Jurong’s impact on our world
Member of the Surbana Jurong Group

SJ Sparklers
60 fast facts about Surbana Jurong’s impact on our world
50+ years’ experience in security and safety
AETOS has over 50 years of experience providing security
and safety services to Singapore’s key maritime, aviation and
infrastructure installations. Since the onset of COVID-19, AETOS
has supported national efforts to combat the pandemic. Several
hundred Auxiliary Police Officers and Security Officers provide
security for migrant worker dormitories, hospitals, and alternative
accommodation facilities, including Government Quarantine
Facilities and military camps.

                                                                      An AETOS officer donning
                                                                      PPE for work

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60 fast facts about Surbana Jurong’s impact on our world
Reducing carbon emissions by switching
to electric vehicles
Together with Singapore’s DBS Bank, AETOS is switching to the
use of electric vehicles (EVs) for the transportation of cash and
valuables escort service by 2026. For a start, both firms are using
an EV van to transport cash from DBS and POSB branches to a
cash processing centre. On average, a single vehicle used for such
services travels more than 170km daily. The switch is in line with
Singapore’s move to adopt the use of EV by 2040, and will cut the
equivalent of carbon emissions by up to 47kg a day.

                                                                      AETOS’ electric vehicle for cash
                                                                      and valuables escort service

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60 fast facts about Surbana Jurong’s impact on our world
Member of the Surbana Jurong Group

SJ Sparklers
60 fast facts about Surbana Jurong’s impact on our world
Designed the world’s longest public art
installation: Illuminated River
Working with New York artist Leo Villareal and London architects
Lifschutz Davidson Sandilands, Atelier Ten has developed a
sustainable lighting solution that illuminates 3.2 miles of London’s
bridges, the longest public art commission in the world.

Photo by James Newton

                                                                       Westminster Bridge, one
                                                                       of the nine bridges in London
                                                                       in the project

SJ Sparklers
60 fast facts about Surbana Jurong’s impact on our world
Environmental design and CFD modelling for the
world’s tallest indoor waterfall: HSBC Rain Vortex
Standing 40m tall with water cascading down from the dome-
shaped roof of Jewel Changi Airport, the HSBC Rain Vortex is the
world’s tallest indoor waterfall. Arching over one of the world’s
largest air-conditioned gardens and waterfall is a large glass roof
more than three times the size of a football pitch.

Designed by Safdie Architects, this architectural marvel has
been a centre of attention for many since Jewel opened doors
in April 2019. To balance the need for abundant heat and light
for plants, and thermal comfort for people, Atelier Ten provided
computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modelling, strategic
environmental design and energy analysis for the project.

                                                                      Jewel Changi Airport

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60 fast facts about Surbana Jurong’s impact on our world
Member of the Surbana Jurong Group

SJ Sparklers
60 fast facts about Surbana Jurong’s impact on our world
Ranked among world’s                             B+H and CHIL Interior Design maintained and advanced their
top Architecture and                             positions in the global rankings of architecture and interior design
Interior Design practices                        practices. B+H was awarded 59th place among the world’s top
                                                 100 architecture practices in the World Architecture 100 (WA100)
                                                 2021 survey and was also ranked #57 among the world’s Top 100
                                                 Interior Design practices in the Interior Design Magazine Top 100
                                                 Giants 2021 global survey. CHIL Interior Design, the hospitality
                                                 design studio of B+H, was ranked #48 in the Interior Design
                                                 Magazine 2020 Hospitality Giants list.

Showing remarkable                               Leveraging the firm’s 28-year legacy in Greater China, B+H is seeing
growth in China’s                                remarkable growth and progress since opening its Shenzhen
Greater Bay Area                                 studio in 2020. With several new projects and high-profile design
                                                 competitions won, including the Shenzhen Children’s Hospital &
                                                 Science and Education Building and the Shenzhen Natural History
                                                 Museum, B+H is the only firm establishing international design
                                                 presence and hiring locally. Leading with the firm’s in-house, multi-
                                                 disciplinary experience – providing integrated master-planning,
                                                 architecture, urban planning, spatial planning, interior design,
                                                 landscape design, and Experience Design – B+H provides its full
                                                 suite of design + consulting offerings for clients across the region
                                                 through its Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Shanghai studios.
                                                                                                                         Artist’s impression of Shenzhen
                                                                                                                         Natural History Museum
SJ Sparklers
60 fast facts about Surbana Jurong’s impact on our world
Leading-edge                                     B+H has a proven track-record of delivering leading-edge
zero carbon track                                sustainable projects, including Canada’s first Zero Carbon Building
record                                           Design certified institutional building, Canada’s first retrofit to
                                                 achieve a Zero Carbon Building Design certification, and the first
                                                 net-zero carbon facility dedicated to archival preservation in the

One of the first foreign                         B+H was one of the first foreign architecture firms to establish
architecture firms                               a presence in China in 1992 when the firm opened its Shanghai
to establish presence                            studio after winning a design competition for Xiamen International
in China                                         Airport.

50+ years of healthcare                          With over 50 years of healthcare design experience, B+H has
design experience                                designed over 1.2 million sqm of healthcare space across North
                                                 America, Asia and the Middle East in the last 10 years.

                                                                                                                       Joyce Centre for Partership
                                                                                                                       & Innovation, Mohawk College,
                                                                                                                       Canada’s first Zero Carbon Building
                                                                                                                       Design certified institutional building
SJ Sparklers
60 fast facts about Surbana Jurong’s impact on our world
Member of the Surbana Jurong Group

SJ Sparklers
60 fast facts about Surbana Jurong’s impact on our world
Working on Singapore’s                           KTP and SJ Infrastructure are involved in designing and
seventh Mass Rapid                               constructing Jurong Region Line, Singapore’s seventh Mass Rapid
Transit line to serve                            Transit line. The 24km long elevated transit system will significantly
more than 500,000                                expand the current rail network in Singapore to serve more than
                                                 500,000 commuters daily in the future.
commuters daily

Connecting northern                              KTP and SJ Infrastructure are involved in the design and construction
and central Singapore                            of Singapore’s North-South Corridor (NSC) that will better connect
through North-South                              the northern and central parts of Singapore. When completed in
Corridor                                         2026, the 21.5km, largely underground expressway will intersect
                                                 various expressways and support Singapore’s car-lite vision.

Working on next-                                 KTP and SJ Infrastructure are the main consultants in the
generation industrial hub                        development of Singapore’s Jurong Innovation District, a
where firms embrace                              600-hectare next-generation industrial hub where enterprises
Industry 4.0 capabilities                        involved in advanced manufacturing, urban solutions and smart
                                                 logistics can embrace Industry 4.0 capabilities.

                                                                                                                          Artist’s impression of the
                                                                                                                          Jurong Regional Line
SJ Sparklers
60 fast facts about Surbana Jurong’s impact on our world
Member of the Surbana Jurong Group

SJ Sparklers
60 fast facts about Surbana Jurong’s impact on our world
Operates Singapore’s                             Prostruct Consulting, a leading infrastructure consultancy
only accredited lab                              specialising in protective security and blast protection, operates
to conduct blast testing                         the only laboratory accredited by the Singapore Accreditation
on building structures                           Council to conduct blast testing on building structures. The
                                                 innovations Prostruct developed include a blast-resistant roller
                                                 shutter door and a crash barrier design that protects infrastructure
                                                 against truck crashes. Prostruct has also co-developed a “ready-to-
                                                 stick” wrap that protects concrete pillars against cracks and nearby

Building resilience                              Prostruct helped to secure the structure of JTC Chemicals Hub@
in a new generation                              Tuas South, Singapore’s first high-rise multi-tenanted development
of critical and sensitive                        that houses companies involved in the manufacture, blending and
infrastructure                                   distribution of hazardous chemicals.

                                                 Prostruct provided protective security design for Jewel Changi
                                                 Airport, including blast façade design for Changi Airport Terminal
                                                 4 and Terminal 2. It is currently providing protective design for the
                                                 Jurong Regional MRT Line Depot and Stations, Singapore’s seventh
                                                 MRT line.

                                                                                                                         Prostruct’s innovative
                                                                                                                         roller shutter door
SJ Sparklers
60 fast facts about Surbana Jurong’s impact on our world
Member of the Surbana Jurong Group

SJ Sparklers
60 fast facts about Surbana Jurong’s impact on our world
The Southern                                     RBG delivered structural and civil engineering services and 3D
Hemisphere’s tallest                             imaging/construction sequence visualisation of Australia 108, a
residential building                             skyscraper with 1,105 apartments over 100 floors. Australia 108
                                                 is the tallest building by roof height, the second tallest building
                                                 by full height in Australia, and Southern Hemisphere’s tallest
                                                 residential building.

The world’s tallest                              RBG helped deliver the world’s tallest green wall and largest
green wall and largest                           cantilevering heliostat on One Central Park, Sydney. Among its
cantilevering heliostat                          many awards, the building was awarded a 5-star Green Star for
                                                 “Multi-Unit Residential Design v1” Certified Rating by the Green
                                                 Building Council of Australia. This award made One Central Park
                                                 the largest multi-residential building (by net lettable area) in
                                                 Australia at the time to receive such a designation. Cumulatively,
                                                 there are over 250 species of Australian plants and flowers in the
                                                 building, comprising both exotic and Australian native plants.

Developed stable                                 The Meygen Tidal Turbines is the first of its kind, currently the
platform for first of                            largest planned tidal stream project in the world, and is the only
its kind hydropower                              commercial multi-turbine array to have commenced construction.
project                                          The site covers 3.5km in some of the fastest flowing waters in the
                                                 United Kingdom. As a result, RBG developed the stable platform
                                                 for seabed hydropower in the North Sea.                               Australia 108

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60 fast facts about Surbana Jurong’s impact on our world
Lifting UAE’s largest steel dome structure into place
RBG played a vital role in the formation of Al Wasl Plaza, UAE’s
largest steel dome structure at the centre of the Expo 2020 site
and an engineering marvel. Working within an international team
of engineers and contractors, RBG developed the construction
methodology and erection sequence to install the 80m high, 150m
diameter dome and established the monitoring protocols to lift
the structure into place safely.

                                                                   Al Wasl Plaza Dome

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60 fast facts about Surbana Jurong’s impact on our world
Member of the Surbana Jurong Group

SJ Sparklers
60 fast facts about Surbana Jurong’s impact on our world
Designed and delivered                           SAA is the architect for Singapore’s largest healthcare facility, the
Singapore’s largest                              1,800-bed Woodlands Health Campus. The campus will be the
healthcare facility                              first to feature an integrated acute and community hospital and
                                                 a purpose-built park for patient healing.

Designed and delivered                           Over the last three decades, SAA has helped to design and deliver
about one-third of                               87 or over a third of the stations within Singapore’s Mass Rapid
Singapore’s Mass Rapid                           Transit rail system.
Transit stations

Orchestrated delivery                            SAA led the multidisciplinary team that orchestrated the delivery
of President’s Design                            of the Singapore Changi Airport Terminal 4. The project won the
Award winning Changi                             President’s Design Award in 2018.
Airport T4

                                                                                                                         Woodlands Health Campus

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60 fast facts about Surbana Jurong’s impact on our world
Supporting medical innovation in Hainan
Known as the Hainan Bo’ao Lecheng International Healthcare
Incubator Hub, the project forms the gateway into the Hainan
Bo’ao Lecheng International Medical Tourism Pilot Zone. The
project covers over 60,000sqm and will boost the positioning of the
Pilot Zone as an international medical tourism destination, with a
cutting-edge medical R&D base. It will be completed in late 2021.

                                                                      Hainan Bo’ao Lecheng
                                                                      International Healthcare
                                                                      Incubator Hub

SJ Sparklers
60 fast facts about Surbana Jurong’s impact on our world
Designing futuristic tech parks for China’s
semiconductor industry
The Nanjing Jiangbei New Area Technology Park Semiconductor
City Creative Techpark is envisioned as an iconic and innovative
R&D precinct that will be the benchmark for future Techpark
developments.The development comprises a main tower with
an attached convention centre, one commercial mall, seven
standalone commercial buildings, and four semiconductor office
towers with an iconic skybridge between the two towers linking
both separate plots. It will be completed in 2024.

                                                                   Nanjing Jiangbei
                                                                   Semiconductor Techpark

SJ Sparklers
60 fast facts about Surbana Jurong’s impact on our world
Member of the Surbana Jurong Group

SJ Sparklers
60 fast facts about Surbana Jurong’s impact on our world
Expanding one of the seven civil engineering
wonders of the modern world
The Snowy Mountains Hydroelectric Scheme, the namesake
project of Surbana Jurong Group’s member company SMEC,
is a major renewable energy scheme in Australia. It is also
known as one of the civil engineering wonders of the modern
world. SMEC is proud to continue its involvement in the
planned expansion of the scheme, also known as Snowy 2.0.
Upon completion, Snowy 2.0 will be one of the world’s biggest
pumped hydropower storage plants, providing enough energy
storage to power the equivalent of half a million homes.

                                                                Snowy Mountains
                                                                Hydroelectric Scheme

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60 fast facts about Surbana Jurong’s impact on our world
Engineered the Atal                              SMEC was engaged in 2006 to provide design, engineering and
Tunnel, a gamechanger                            advisory services on the project, which was discussed as early as
for India as the world’s                         1860 by the Moravian Mission. SMEC also took on a subsequent
longest highway tunnel                           role as the Independent Engineer. Cutting through the Pir Panjal
                                                 range of the Himalayas, the 9km Atal Tunnel (formerly called the
over 10,000 ft                                   Rohtang Tunnel) is the result of a persistent, collaborative effort
                                                 between SMEC, the client and the contractors. After 14 years of
                                                 construction, the Atal Tunnel was opened to the public in 2020.
                                                 The tunnel facilitates two-way traffic and is designed to cater to up
                                                 to 3,000 vehicles per day in any weather conditions all year round,
                                                 making it a transformative project for India.

Supplying clean water                            SMEC is helping improve the delivery of clean water in Semarang,
to 60,000 to 70,000                              the capital of Central Java in Indonesia. The project seeks to supply
more households                                  clean water to 60,000 to 70,000 more households. Currently, only
in Central Java                                  62% of households in Semarang have access to drinking water.

Supplying sustainable,                           SMEC’s water engineers are helping to design and implement
drought-resistant                                sustainable, drought-resistant drinking water supply schemes for
drinking water to millions                       about 1,400 villages with a combined population of 3.4 million in the
in 1,400 villages in India                       Vindhya and Bundelkhand regions.
                                                                                                                         Atal Tunnel

SJ Sparklers
60 fast facts about Surbana Jurong’s impact on our world
Designed Australia’s deepest road tunnel
NorthConnex is a 9km tunnel reaching a maximum depth of 90m,
making it Australia’s deepest road tunnel. The tunnel enables
motorists to travel from Newcastle to Melbourne without a single
set of traffic lights, paving the way for more efficient state and
national freight movements, and delivers significant community
benefits by taking 5,000 trucks a day off neighbourhood streets.
SMEC and our joint venture partners provided road, tunnel,
drainage, geotechnical, civil structures, traffic and pavement
design services.

NorthConnex is the first road tunnel to be awarded a ‘Leading’
Infrastructure Sustainability (IS) Design rating by the Infrastructure
Sustainability Council of Australia (ISCA). A ‘Leading’ IS rating
is the highest possible achievement in the IS rating scheme.


SJ Sparklers
60 fast facts about Surbana Jurong’s impact on our world
Supporting the design                            SMEC is heavily involved in the design of the 148km North-South
of the first and longest                         Commuter Railway (NSCR) Project, which will connect Metro
railway viaduct in the                           Manila to Clark International Airport in Central Luzon and Calamba
Philippines                                      City in Southern Luzon. The project will be constructed along many
                                                 constrained right-of-way and heavily developed areas.

                                                 NSCR North Phase 1, a 38km-long railway line will connect Malolos
                                                 in the Province of Bulacan to Tutuban in Manila, and the 53km-
                                                 long NSCR North Phase 2 from Malolos to Clark. The NSCR South
                                                 will run for 57km from Solis to Calamba. The project, when
                                                 completed in 2025, will alleviate congestion and cut travelling time
                                                 for commuters.

Supervised construction                          SMEC supervised the construction of Indonesia’s first Light Rail
of Indonesia’s first-ever                        Transit (LRT) system, the Palembang LRT, in South Sumatera
light rail system                                Province. Covering 23.4km with 13 stations and a depot, it is
                                                 a mammoth project connecting Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II
                                                 International Airport and Jakabaring Sport Centre.

                                                 A multi-national team of some 100 people were involved for
                                                 27 months, fast-tracking the design and construction of critical
                                                 components to ensure the LRT was operational before the start
                                                 of the Asian Games, which Indonesia hosted in June 2018.               Artist’s impression of Clark
                                                                                                                        International Airport Station
SJ Sparklers
60 fast facts about Surbana Jurong’s impact on our world
Designed one of the                              The Mount Edgecombe Interchange, designed and construction
longest incrementally                            managed by SMEC South Africa, is regarded as the largest
launched bridges in the                          interchange project in South Africa. The Interchange boasts one
Southern Hemisphere                              of the longest incrementally launched bridges in the Southern
                                                 Hemisphere spanning 947m in length. In total, there are six new
                                                 bridges; three existing bridges widened or lengthened; and a total
                                                 of 12.4km of ramps on this project. Its elegance and innovative
                                                 engineering design successfully resolved a pressing problem
                                                 of ever-growing traffic demands, and spurred growth in one of
                                                 Durban’s fastest growing areas.

Designed one of the                              SMEC’s bridge engineers in South Africa designed one of the
highest and longest main                         highest and longest main span balance cantilever bridges in the
span balance cantilever                          world across the Mtentu River, and the second longest cable-stay
bridges in the world                             span crossing in Africa over the Msikaba River. These two mega-
                                                 bridges form part of the greenfield section of the Wild Coast
                                                 Highways project, a new highway that will reduce travelling time
                                                 by more than three hours for travellers in South Africa.

Ulu Jelai Hydroelectric                          SMEC has played a key role for more than a decade in the Ulu Jelai
Project contributes                              Hydroelectric Project in Malaysia, which contributes 326GWh annually   Mount Edgecombe Interchange
326 GWh to Malaysia’s                            to the country’s power supply system and promotes clean air by
annual power supply                              reducing 250,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent per year.

SJ Sparklers
60 fast facts about Surbana Jurong’s impact on our world
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   @surbanajurong   Surbana Jurong
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