Amy Tan Unintended Memoir MON May 3 | 9p - VIEWER GUIDE - KCTS 9

Page created by Joel Stewart
Amy Tan Unintended Memoir MON May 3 | 9p - VIEWER GUIDE - KCTS 9
                                                MAY 2021 | vol. 23 no. 5

                                                 Amy Tan
                                                 Unintended Memoir
                                                 MON May 3 | 9p

      New from PBS KIDS:     Life at the Waterhole           National Memorial Day
      Donkey Hodie                                           Concert 2021
Amy Tan Unintended Memoir MON May 3 | 9p - VIEWER GUIDE - KCTS 9
KCTS 9 Honors
    Asian Pacific American Heritage Month

    Amy Tan: Unintended Memoir
    MON May 3 | 9p
    Writer Amy Tan’s debut novel, The Joy Luck Club (1989),
    catapulted her to commercial and critical success. With the
    1993 blockbuster film adaption that followed, as well as
    additional bestselling novels, short stories and memoirs, Tan
    firmly established herself as one of the most respected literary
    voices working today. An intimate portrait of the inspiring
    author, this film features new interviews with Tan; fellow
    writers Kevin Kwan, Isabel Allende, Dave Barry and Ronald
    Bass; cast members from the Joy Luck Club movie; and more.

    Asian Americans
    TUE May 11 | 1p
    This groundbreaking five-part documentary series examines
    the fastest-growing racial/ethnic group in the United States.
    Told through individual lives and personal histories, the series
    examines the significant role of Asian Americans in shaping
    American history and identity, from the first wave of Asian
    immigrants in the 1850s to identity politics during the social
    and cultural turmoil of the 20th century to modern refugee
    crises in a globally connected world.

    The Donut King
    SAT May 29 | 11p
    Hard knocks, redemption, wealth, survival, risk, donuts –
    Ted Ngoy’s life story has it all. This film traces his amazing
    rags-to-riches tale, beginning with his escape from Cambodia
    and arrival in America in 1975, through his work to build a
    bakery business, to his incredible success as his business
    quickly grew into a multimillion-dollar enterprise. Along the
    way, Ngoy sponsored hundreds of visas for incoming refugees,
    helping them to get on their feet and teaching them the ways
    of the donut business. By 1979, he was living the American
    Dream – but a great rise often comes with a great fall.

                 Look for this symbol throughout the
                 guide to locate programs with a focus
                 on Asian Pacific American heritage.

Amy Tan Unintended Memoir MON May 3 | 9p - VIEWER GUIDE - KCTS 9
All new this month on

Hindenburg: The New Evidence
WED May 5 | 9p
The 1937 Hindenburg disaster remains one of the biggest
mysteries in aviation history. More than 80 years later, a film
has surfaced, showing the airship’s final seconds from a new
angle as it ignited into a fireball. NOVA follows scientists as
they review the film and test scenarios that may have led to
the Hindenburg’s fiery demise.

Great Electric Airplane Race
WED May 12 | 9p
Electric cars seem increasingly likely to replace our gas-
guzzling vehicles. Could a new generation of emission-free
electric planes do the same to the polluting airliners in our
skies? NOVA looks at an array of promising new electric planes
on the horizon and takes you for a ride in some impressive
prototypes that are already in the air.

High-Risk High-Rise
WED May 19 | 9p
Over the past few decades, the number of skyscrapers
worldwide has increased dramatically. As developers look to
maximize limited urban space, these shimmering towers are
being built ever higher – with some approaching heights of
2,000 feet. But for all their impressive engineering, are these
buildings safe? NOVA explores the science to look for answers.

The Ship that Changed the World
WED May 26 | 9p
Some five centuries ago, a revolution in European ship design
transformed ships from small coastal-bound transports into
massive oceangoing vessels – forever changing our world as
transoceanic travel became a reality. A wreck of one of these
transitional ships, found recently off the coast of Sweden,
reveals some of the engineering breakthroughs that helped
create the modern world.

Cover photo courtesy of KPJR Films.

Photos page 2, top to bottom, courtesy of KPJR Films; the film Asian Americans;
Independent Lens.

Photos this page, top to bottom, courtesy of Popperfoto/Getty Images;
Boeing; Getty Images; NOVA.

Amy Tan Unintended Memoir MON May 3 | 9p - VIEWER GUIDE - KCTS 9
what to watch                                                           MAY 1–8
     1    S AT U R DAY                  2     S U N DAY                    3       M O N DAY                   4      T U E S DAY

      a.m.                                a.m.                              a.m.                                 a.m.
      5:00 To the Contrary with           5:00 Greta Thunberg:              5:00 CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS             5:00 CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS
            Bonnie Erbe                        A Year to Save the Planet    p.m.                                 p.m.
       5:30 Consuelo Mack                      (EP 1/3) (R)                12:00 Christopher Kimball’s         12:00 Moveable Feast with
            WealthTrack                  6:00 CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS                Milk Street Television               Relish Boston, MA:
      6:00 CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS           11:00 NOVA: Fighting for                Japanese Tuesday Nights.             Gibbet Hill.
     11:00 America’s Test Kitchen              Fertility (R)                     (R)                            12:30 Simply Ming
            from Cook’s Illustrated       p.m.                             12:30 Dining with the Chef            1:00 American Masters:
            Grown Up Comfort            12:00 Samantha Brown’s              1:00 The Legacy List with                 Amy Tan: Unintended
            Classics. (R)                      Places to Love The Food           Matt Paxton                          Memoir (R)
      11:30 America’s Test Kitchen             Special.                          Day Family / Llewellyn          3:00 Inspector Morse
            from Cook’s Illustrated      12:30 Great Scenic                      Park, NJ. (R)                        The Dead of Jericho.
            Flavors of Thailand. (R)           Railway Journeys             2:00 Poldark on Masterpiece               (S1 EP 1/3) (R)
       p.m.                               1:00 Rick Steves’ Cruising the         (S1 EP 2/7) (R)                 5:00 BBC World News
     12:00 The Roosevelts:                     Mediterranean (R)            3:00 Atlantic Crossing on                 Outside Source
            An Intimate History           2:00 All Creatures Great and           Masterpiece Empty               5:30 BBC World News America
            Get Action. (1858-1901)            Small on Masterpiece              Promises. (EP 5/8) (R)         6:00 PBS NewsHour
            (EP 1/7) (R)                       (EP 1/7) (R)                 4:00 World on Fire on                7:00 Rick Steves’ Europe
      2:00 KCTS 9 Cooks: Pasta, Rice      3:00 Downton Abbey Season              Masterpiece (EP 5/7) (R)             Palestine. (R)
            & Grains (R) ✪                     2 on Masterpiece             5:00 BBC World News                  7:30 Rick Steves’ Europe
      6:00 PBS NewsHour Weekend                Part 7 of 7. (R)                  Outside Source                       Italy’s Riviera: Cinque
      6:30 Joseph Rosendo’s               5:00 Aging Backwards 3 (R)        5:30 BBC World News America               Terre. (R)
            Travelscope The Bonin/       6:00 PBS NewsHour Weekend          6:00 PBS NewsHour                    8:00 Finding Your Roots with
            Ogasawara Islands –           6:30 History with David           7:00 British Antiques                     Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
            A Land Far, Far Away. (R)          Rubenstein                        Roadshow World War I                 Laughing on the Inside.
                                               John Dickerson.                   Special. (R)                         (S7 EP 8/10) Comedians
      7:00 Antiques Roadshow              7:00 Escape to the Château        7:30 British Antiques                     Lewis Black and Roy
           Vintage Wichita. (R)                Camper Van. (S7 EP 1/4)           Roadshow Compilation 1.              Wood, Jr. learn about the
     8:00 Vera The Seagull.                    (Repeats 5/5 at 2p)               (R)                                  hardship in their family
           (S9 EP 4/4) (R)                8:00 Mrs. Wilson on               8:00 Antiques Roadshow                    trees that may have
      9:30 Unforgotten Season 1 on             Masterpiece (EP 1/3) (R)          Celebrity Edition 1.                 led them to find humor
           Masterpiece (EP 2/3) (R)      9:00 Atlantic Crossing on               (Repeats 5/5 at 3p and               in adversity.
     11:00 Pacific Heartbeat The               Masterpiece Empty                 5/8 at 7p)                           (Repeats 5/6 at 1p)
           Australian Dream.                   Promises. (EP 5/8)           9:00 American Masters:              9:00 Independent Lens:
           The remarkable and                  (Repeats 5/3 at 3p)               Amy Tan: Unintended                  Philly D.A. (EP 4/8)
           inspirational story of       10:00 World on Fire on                   Memoir                        10:00 FRONTLINE
           Indigenous AFL legend               Masterpiece (EP 5/7) (R)          (Repeats 5/4 at 1p)            11:00 Amanpour & Company
           Adam Goodes                   11:00 Walter Presents: No               See page 2.
           is showcased.                       Second Chance A French      11:00 Amanpour & Company
                                               thriller based on the
                                               novel by Harlan Coben.
                                               (EP 1/6) SERIES PREMIERE

                                                                               Antiques Roadshow
                                                                               Celebrity Edition
                                                                               MONDAYS | May 3, 10 and 17 | 8p
                                                                               This season, the Antiques Roadshow crew discovers
                                                                               fabulous hidden treasures in the homes of celebrities
                                                                               including chef Carla Hall, comedian Jay Leno, Olympic
                                                                               figure skater Nancy Kerrigan, fashion designer Christian
                                                                               Siriano and many others.
                                                                               photo courtesy of Carla Hall.

Amy Tan Unintended Memoir MON May 3 | 9p - VIEWER GUIDE - KCTS 9
5      W E D N E S DAY               6     T H U R S DAY                7       F R I DAY                      8     S AT U R DAY

 a.m.                                 a.m.                               a.m.                                   a.m.
 5:00 CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS             5:00 CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS           5:00 CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS               5:00 To the Contrary with
 p.m.                                 p.m.                                p.m.                                        Bonnie Erbe
12:00 Steven Raichlen’s              12:00 Joanne Weir’s Plates and     12:00 The Great British Baking           5:30 Consuelo Mack
      Project Fire Primal Grill.           Places Beloved Italian              Show Pastry. (S4 EP 5/10)              WealthTrack
       SEASON PREMIERE                     Chef.                               (R)                              6:00 CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS
 12:30 Lidia’s Kitchen Our           12:30 America’s Test Kitchen         1:00 Greta Thunberg:                 11:00 America’s Test Kitchen
       Courtyard Cantina. (R)              from Cook’s Illustrated             A Year to Save the Planet              from Cook’s Illustrated
  1:00 A Long Journey: The            1:00 Finding Your Roots with             (EP 2/3) (R)                           How to Roast Everything.
       Hidden Jews of the                  Henry Louis Gates, Jr.        2:00 Human: The World                        (R)
       Southwest                           Laughing on the Inside.             Within Pulse. (EP 2/6) (R)       11:30 America’s Test Kitchen
  2:00 Escape to the Château               (S7 EP 8/10) (R)              3:00 NOVA: Hindenburg: The                   from Cook’s Illustrated
       Camper Van. (S7 EP 1/4)        2:00 British Antiques                    New Evidence (R)                       All Chocolate, All the
       (R)                                 Roadshow World War I          4:00 Father Brown                            Time. (R)
  3:00 Antiques Roadshow                   Special. (R)                        The Sign of the Broken            p.m.
       Celebrity Edition 1. (R)       2:30 Vera The Seagull.                   Sword. (S3 EP 4/15) (R)         12:00 The Roosevelts:
  4:00 Rise of the Nazis Politics.         (S9 EP 4/4) (R)               5:00 BBC World News Today                    An Intimate History
       (EP 1/3) (R)                   4:00 Midsomer Murders               5:30 BBC World News America                 In the Arena. (1901-1910)
  5:00 BBC World News                      A Dying Art. Part 2 of 2.     6:00 PBS NewsHour                            (EP 2/7) (R)
       Outside Source                      (S18 EP 4/6) (R)              7:00 Washington Week                   2:00 Native America:
  5:30 BBC World News America         5:00 BBC World News                 7:30 Firing Line with                       From Caves to Cosmos
 6:00 PBS NewsHour                         Outside Source                      Margaret Hoover                        (EP 1/4) (R)
  7:00 Wild Metropolis                5:30 BBC World News America        8:00 Father Brown The Last             3:00 Amazon: The River of Life
       Commuters. (EP 2/3) (R)        6:00 PBS NewsHour                        Man. (S3 EP 5/15) When                 (R)
  8:00 Greta Thunberg:                7:00 This Old House                      Kembleford’s new                 4:30 Koko – The Gorilla Who
       A Year to Save the Planet           A Project for Every Floor.          cricket captain is framed              Talks (R)
       (EP 2/3) (R)                   7:30 Ask This Old House                  for murder, Father               6:00 PBS NewsHour Weekend
 9:00 NOVA: Hindenburg:                    Echinaceas, Kitchen                 Brown must prove his             6:30 Joseph Rosendo’s
       The New Evidence                    Punch List.                         innocence. (R)                         Travelscope Bhutan,
       (Repeats 5/7 at 3p and         8:00 Midsomer Murders              9:00 Great Performances:                     Part 1 – Gross National
       5/9 at 11a) See page 3.             Saints and Sinners.                 Uncle Vanya                            Happiness. (R)
10:00 Human: The World                     Part 1 of 2.                  11:30 Amanpour & Company               7:00 Antiques Roadshow
       Within Pulse. (EP 2/6)              (S18 EP 5/6)                                                               Celebrity Edition 1. (R)
       The human heart and                 The discovery of a                                                   8:00 Vera Hidden Depths. (S1
       the circulatory system              saint’s bones at an                                                        EP 1/4) (R)
       create the pulsing                  archaeological dig leads                                             9:30 Unforgotten Season 1 on
       rhythm of our world.                to a murder.                                                               Masterpiece (EP 3/3) (R)
       (Repeats 5/7 at 2p)                 (Repeats 5/13 at 4p)                                                11:00 Pacific Heartbeat For My
 11:00 Amanpour & Company             9:00 Inspector Morse The                                                        Father’s Kingdom. A look
                                           Silent World of Nicholas                                                   at how contemporary
                                           Quinn. (S1 EP 2/3) (R)                                                     secular families deal
                                     11:00 Amanpour & Company                                                         with the rigors of devout
                                                                                                                      Christian tithing.

                                                                            Uncle Vanya
                                                                            FRI May 7 | 9p
                                                                            Experience Anton Chekhov’s masterpiece in this Olivier
                                                                            Award-nominated West End production adapted by
                                                                            Conor McPherson. Starring Toby Jones (The Hunger Games,
                                                                            Harry Potter, Infamous) and Richard Armitage (Hannibal,
                                                                            The Crucible), this amazing performance was filmed at
                                                                            London’s Harold Pinter Theatre.
                                                                            photo courtesy of Johan Persson.

Amy Tan Unintended Memoir MON May 3 | 9p - VIEWER GUIDE - KCTS 9
what to watch                                                          MAY 9–15
    9     S U N DAY                    10    M O N DAY                     11      T U E S DAY                    12      W E D N E S DAY

      a.m.                              a.m.                                 a.m.                                   a.m.
      5:00 Greta Thunberg:              5:00 CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS             5:00 CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS               5:00 CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS
           A Year to Save the Planet    p.m.                                 p.m.                                   p.m.
           (EP 2/3) (R)                12:00 Christopher Kimball’s          12:00 Moveable Feast with             12:00 Steven Raichlen’s
     6:00 CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS                Milk Street Television               Relish Boston, MA:                     Project Fire Barbecue’s
     11:00 NOVA: Hindenburg:                 Easy French Desserts. (R)            Courtyard.                             Birthplace.
           The New Evidence (R)        12:30 Dining with the Chef           12:30 Simply Ming                      12:30 Lidia’s Kitchen The Olive
      p.m.                              1:00 The Legacy List with            1:00 Asian Americans                        Grove. (R)
    12:00 Samantha Brown’s                   Matt Paxton Seidel                   Breaking Ground. (EP 1/5)         1:00 No Asylum: The Untold
           Places to Love Fort Myers         Family / Norristown, PA.             (R) See page 2.                        Chapter of Anne Frank’s
           and Sanibel Island,               (R)                             2:00 Asian Americans A                      Story
           Florida.                     2:00 Poldark on Masterpiece               Question of Loyalty.              2:00 Escape to the Château
     12:30 Great Scenic                      (S1 EP 3/7) (R)                      (EP 2/5) (R)                           Autumn Renovation.
           Railway Journeys             3:00 Atlantic Crossing on                 See page 2.                            (S7 EP 2/4) (R)
      1:00 Rick Steves’ Andalucia:           Masterpiece The Giant           3:00 Inspector Morse The               3:00 Antiques Roadshow
           Southern Spain (R)                Awakes. (EP 6/8) (R)                 Silent World of Nicholas               Celebrity Edition 2. (R)
      2:00 All Creatures Great and      4:00 World on Fire on                     Quinn. (S1 EP 2/3) (R)            4:00 Rise of the Nazis The
           Small on Masterpiece              Masterpiece (EP 6/7) (R)        5:00 BBC World News                         First Six Months in
           (EP 2/7) (R)                 5:00 BBC World News                       Outside Source                         Power. (EP 2/3) (R)
      3:00 Downton Abbey Season              Outside Source                  5:30 BBC World News America            5:00 BBC World News
           3 on Masterpiece Part 1      5:30 BBC World News America          6:00 PBS NewsHour                           Outside Source
           of 7. (R)                    6:00 PBS NewsHour                    7:00 Crosscut Festival Main            5:30 BBC World News America
      5:30 Rick Steves’ Island          7:00 Crosscut Festival Main               Stage Session speakers           6:00 PBS NewsHour
           Hopping Europe (R)                Stage Dr. Jane Goodall               TBA. ✪                            7:00 Crosscut Festival Main
     6:00 PBS NewsHour Weekend               with Bill Nye. ✪                7:30 Crosscut Festival Main                 Stage Dr. Ibram X. Kendi
      6:30 History with David           7:30 Crosscut Festival Main               Stage Heather Cox                      and Dr. Keisha Blain with
           Rubenstein Jia Lynn               Stage Senator Jon Tester             Richardson with Knute                  Soledad O'Brien. ✪
           Yang.                             with Mark Baumgarten.                Berger. ✪                         7:30 Crosscut Festival Main
      7:00 Escape to the Château             ✪                               8:00 Extra Life: A Short                    Stage Alicia Garza with
           Autumn Renovation.           8:00 Antiques Roadshow                    History of Living Longer               Erinn Haines. ✪
           (S7 EP 2/4)                        Celebrity Edition 2.                Vaccines. (EP 1/4)                8:00 Greta Thunberg:
           (Repeats 5/12 at 2p)               (Repeats 5/12 at 3p and             (Repeats 5/13 at 1p)                   A Year to Save the Planet
      8:00 Mrs. Wilson on                     5/15 at 7p) See page 4.              SERIES PREMIERE                       (EP 3/3) (R)
           Masterpiece (EP 2/3) (R)     9:00 Antiques Roadshow               9:00 Independent Lens: Philly         9:00 NOVA: Great Electric
     9:00 Atlantic Crossing                   Celebrating Asian-Pacific            D.A. (EP 5/8)                         Airplane Race (Repeats
           on Masterpiece The                 Heritage. (R)                 10:00 FRONTLINE                              5/14 at 3p and 5/16 at 11a)
           Giant Awakes. (EP 6/8)      10:00 Harbor from the                 11:00 Amanpour & Company                    See page 3.
           (Repeats 5/10 at 3p)               Holocaust (R)                                                       10:00 Human: The World
    10:00 World on Fire on              11:00 Amanpour & Company                                                         Within Fuel. (EP 3/6)
           Masterpiece (EP 6/7) (R)                                                                                      (Repeats 5/14 at 2p)
     11:00 Walter Presents: No                                                                                     11:00 Amanpour & Company
           Second Chance (EP 2/6)

                                                     Crosscut Festival Main Stage
                                                     MON–THU | May 10–13 | 7p and 7:30p
                                                     FRI May 14 | 7:30p
                                                     Catch the best of the Crosscut Festival on-air on KCTS 9! This nine-part series
                                                     features a selection of sessions from the virtual event, highlighting topics
                                                     from national thought leaders and newsmakers. Tune in to watch sessions
                                                     with Jane Goodall, Judy Woodruff, Ibram X. Kendi, Nancy Pelosi, Alicia Garza,
                                                     Rick Steves and many more.
                                                     For tickets to the festival itself (May 3–8), visit
              MAIN STAGE
Amy Tan Unintended Memoir MON May 3 | 9p - VIEWER GUIDE - KCTS 9
13     T H U R S DAY              14     F R I DAY                        15    S AT U R DAY

a.m.                                a.m.                                   a.m.
5:00   CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS          5:00 CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS               5:00 To the Contrary with
p.m.                                p.m.                                         Bonnie Erbe
12:00 Joanne Weir’s Plates        12:00 The Great British Baking            5:30 Consuelo Mack
      and Places Chef Popi’s             Show Botanical.                         WealthTrack
      Moussaka Lesson.                   (S4 EP 6/10) (R)                  6:00 CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS
12:30 America’s Test Kitchen        1:00 Greta Thunberg:                  11:00 America’s Test Kitchen
      from Cook’s Illustrated            A Year to Save the Planet               from Cook’s Illustrated
 1:00 Extra Life: A Short                (EP 3/3) (R)                            Ultimate Italian. (R)
      History of Living Longer      2:00 Human: The World                  11:30 America’s Test Kitchen
      Vaccines. (EP 1/4) (R)             Within Fuel. (EP 3/6) (R)               from Cook’s Illustrated
 2:00 British Antiques              3:00 NOVA: Great Electric                    Modern Weeknight
      Roadshow Eltham                    Airplane Race (R)                       Meals. (R)
      Palace. (R)                  4:00 Father Brown The Last               p.m.                            Donkey Hodie
 2:30 Vera Hidden Depths.                Man. (S3 EP 5/15) (R)            12:00 The Roosevelts:             PREMIERES
      (S1 EP 1/4) (R)               5:00 BBC World News Today                    An Intimate History
 4:00 Midsomer Murders                                                                                      MON May 3 | 10a
                                    5:30 BBC World News America                  The Fire of Life. (1910-
      Saints and Sinners. Part     6:00 PBS NewsHour                             1919) (EP 3/7) (R)         This month, we introduce
      1 of 2. (S18 EP 5/6) (R)      7:00 Washington Week                   2:00 Native America: Nature      Donkey Hodie, a new puppet
 5:00 BBC World News                7:30 Crosscut Festival Main                  to Nations (EP 2/4) (R)    series for preschoolers from
      Outside Source                     Stage Rick Steves. ✪              3:00 Earth’s Sacred Wonders:
 5:30 BBC World News America                                                                                Fred Rogers Productions.
                                   8:00 Father Brown The Upcott                  House of the Divine (R)
 6:00 PBS NewsHour                                                                                          Each episode follows the
                                         Fraternity. (S3 EP 6/15) (R)      4:30 Lucy Worsley’s Royal
 7:00 Crosscut Festival Main                                                                                adventures of Donkey Hodie
                                   9:00 Great Performances:                      Palace Secrets (R)
      Stage Nancy Pelosi                 PBS for the Arts                  6:00 PBS NewsHour Weekend        and her pals as they follow their
      with Judy Woodruff. ✪              A special edition of              6:30 Joseph Rosendo’s            big dreams and work together
 7:30 Crosscut Festival                  Great Performances to                   Travelscope Bhutan,        to come up with creative
      Main Stage Robert                  celebrate and spotlight                 Part 2 – Land of the       solutions to everyday problems.
      Gates with Mary Kay                the performing arts                     Thunder Dragon. (R)
      Magistad. ✪                                                                                           Designed for our youngest
                                         during COVID-19.                  7:00 Antiques Roadshow
 8:00 Midsomer Murders                                                                                      viewers, Donkey Hodie teaches
                                  10:00 We Are Family: Songs                     Celebrity Edition 2. (R)
      Saints and Sinners.                of Hope and Unity An              8:00 Vera Telling Tales.         children about perseverance,
      Part 2 of 2. (S18 EP 5/6)          evening of uplifting,                   (S1 EP 2/4) (R)            resilience and problem-solving –
      (Repeats 5/20 at 4p)               inspirational music from          9:30 Unforgotten Season 2 on     with plenty of fun and silliness
 9:00 Inspector Morse                    the American Songbook                   Masterpiece (EP 1/3) (R)   along the way!
      Service of All the Dead.           and popular classics.            11:00 POV: Through the Night
      (S1 EP 3/3) (R)              11:00 Amanpour & Company                      The lives of two working   Check
11:00 Amanpour & Company                                                         mothers and a childcare    for dates and times of all our
                                                                                 provider intersect at a    wonderful children’s programs.
                                                                                 24-hour daycare center.

                                             Extra Life:
                                             A Short History
                                             of Living Longer
                                             SERIES PREMIERE
                                             TUE May 11 | 8p
                                             Discover the little-known story of the
                                             innovations in science and medicine that
                                             doubled the human lifespan in less than a
                                             century, and celebrate the unsung heroes
                                             of public health who believed change was
                                             possible and acted on it.
                                             photo courtesy of Nutopia.

Amy Tan Unintended Memoir MON May 3 | 9p - VIEWER GUIDE - KCTS 9
what to watch                                                                    MAY 16–22
                                          16    S U N DAY                           17          M O N DAY              18    T U E S DAY

                                            a.m.                                      a.m.                              a.m.
                                            5:00 Greta Thunberg:                      5:00 CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS          5:00 CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS
                                                 A Year to Save the Planet            p.m.                              p.m.
                                                 (EP 3/3) (R)                        12:00 Christopher Kimball’s       12:00 How She Rolls
                                           6:00 CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS                        Milk Street Television            SERIES PREMIERE
                                           11:00 NOVA: Great Electric                      Secrets of Thailand. (R)     12:30 Simply Ming
                                                 Airplane Race (R)                   12:30 Dining with the Chef          1:00 Asian Americans Good
                                            p.m.                                      1:00 The Legacy List with               Americans. (EP 3/5) (R)
                                          12:00 Samantha Brown’s                           Matt Paxton Shirley                See page 2.
                                                 Places to Love                            Macon / Aberdeen, NJ. (R)     2:00 Asian Americans
                                                 Making Travel Count.                 2:00 Poldark on Masterpiece             Generation Rising.
                                           12:30 Great Scenic Railway                      (S1 EP 4/7) (R)                    (EP 4/5) (R)
                                                 Journeys Mount Rainier               3:00 Atlantic Crossing on               See page 2.
                                                 Scenic Railroad, Chehalis                 Masterpiece The Gift.         3:00 Inspector Morse
                                                 and Centralia Railroad.                   (EP 7/8) (R)                       Service of All the Dead.
Life at the                                 1:00 Rick Steves’ Egypt:                  4:00 World on Fire on                   (S1 EP 3/3) (R)
Waterhole                                        Yesterday & Today (R)                     Masterpiece (EP 7/7) (R)      5:00 BBC World News
SERIES PREMIERE                             2:00 All Creatures Great and              5:00 BBC World News                     Outside Source
                                                 Small on Masterpiece                      Outside Source                5:30 BBC World News America
WED May 19 | 8p
                                                 (EP 3/7) (R)                         5:30 BBC World News America       6:00 PBS NewsHour
                                            3:00 Downton Abbey Season                 6:00 PBS NewsHour                  7:00 Rick Steves’ Europe
Explore the daily drama as                       3 on Masterpiece Parts 2             7:00 British Antiques                   The Netherlands Beyond
African wildlife flock to a                      and 3 of 7. (R)                           Roadshow Eltham Palace.            Amsterdam. (R)
manmade waterhole. Using                    5:30 Rick Steves’ Festive                      (R)                           7:30 Rick Steves’ Europe
state-of-the-art cameras,                        Europe (R)                           7:30 British Antiques                   Prague. (R)
conservation scientist Dr. M.              6:00 PBS NewsHour Weekend                       Roadshow Erddig. (R)          8:00 Extra Life: A Short
Sanjayan and his team uncover               6:30 History with David                   8:00 Antiques Roadshow                  History of Living Longer
the complex dynamic of this                      Rubenstein Philip J.                      Celebrity Edition 3.               Data. (EP 2/4)
bustling oasis, where elephants,                 Deloria.                                  (Repeats 5/19 at 3p and            (Repeats 5/20 at 1p)
lions, leopards and more meet               7:00 Escape to the Château                     5/22 at 7p) See page 4.            See page 7.
                                                 Riverboat. (S7 EP 3/4)               9:00 American Experience:         9:00 Independent Lens: Philly
and compete for water.
                                                 (Repeats 5/19 at 2p)                      Billy Graham                       D.A. (EP 6/8)
During the hot, dry season,                 8:00 Mrs. Wilson on                      11:00 Amanpour & Company          10:00 FRONTLINE
nocturnal activity attracts                      Masterpiece (EP 3/3) (R)                                               11:00 Amanpour & Company
the elusive hyena and other                9:00 Atlantic Crossing on
predators. When the rains come,                  Masterpiece
the area is transformed into                     The Gift. (EP 7/8)
                                                 (Repeats 5/17 at 3p)
a lush grazing pasture. With
                                          10:00 World on Fire on
plenty of food available, mating
                                                 Masterpiece (EP 7/7) (R)
and birthing seasons arrive.               11:00 Walter Presents: No
photos courtesy of Isak Pretorius (top)
                                                 Second Chance (EP 3/6)
and Clare Jones (Bottom).

                                                                Billy Graham
                                                                  MON May 17 | 9p
                                                 Explore the life of one of the most
                                                     influential Christian leaders of
                                                 the 20th century. An international
                                             celebrity by age 30, Billy Graham built
                                              a media empire, preached to millions
                                            worldwide and had the ear of business
                                                    tycoons, presidents and royalty.
                                                          photo courtesy of Associated Press.

Amy Tan Unintended Memoir MON May 3 | 9p - VIEWER GUIDE - KCTS 9
19     W E D N E S DAY             20    T H U R S DAY                21    F R I DAY                      22    S AT U R DAY

 a.m.                               a.m.                               a.m.                                 a.m.
 5:00 CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS           5:00 CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS           5:00 CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS             5:00 To the Contrary with
 p.m.                               p.m.                               p.m.                                       Bonnie Erbe
12:00 Steven Raichlen’s Project    12:00 Joanne Weir’s Plates         12:00 The Great British Baking         5:30 Consuelo Mack
      Fire Gaucho Grill.                 and Places Hungry for              Show Desserts.                        WealthTrack
12:30 Lidia’s Kitchen Kneading           Hungary.                           (S4 EP 7/10) (R)                6:00 CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS
      Dough. (R)                   12:30 America’s Test Kitchen        1:00 Life at the Waterhole          11:00 America’s Test Kitchen
 1:00 A Promise to My Father             from Cook’s Illustrated            (EP 1/3) (R)                          from Cook’s Illustrated
      (R)                           1:00 Extra Life: A Short           2:00 Human: The World                      Vegan for Everyone. (R)
 2:00 Escape to the Château              History of Living Longer           Within Defend. (EP 4/6)         11:30 America’s Test Kitchen
      Riverboat. (S7 EP 3/4) (R)         Data. (EP 2/4) (R)                 (R)                                   from Cook’s Illustrated
 3:00 Antiques Roadshow             2:00 British Antiques              3:00 NOVA: High-Risk High-                 Just Add Apples. (R)
      Celebrity Edition 3. (R)           Roadshow Crathes                   Rise (R)                         p.m.
 4:00 Rise of the Nazis Night of         Castle. (R)                   4:00 Father Brown The Upcott        12:00 The Roosevelts:
      the Long Knives. (EP 3/3)     2:30 Vera Telling Tales.                Fraternity. (S3 EP 6/15) (R)          An Intimate History
      (R)                                (S1 EP 2/4) (R)               5:00 BBC World News Today                  The Storm. (1920-1933)
 5:00 BBC World News                4:00 Midsomer Murders              5:30 BBC World News America                (EP 4/7) (R)
      Outside Source                     Saints and Sinners. Part 2    6:00 PBS NewsHour                    2:00 Native America: Cities of
 5:30 BBC World News America             of 2. (S18 EP 5/6) (R)        7:00 Washington Week                       the Sky (EP 3/4) (R)
 6:00 PBS NewsHour                  5:00 BBC World News                7:30 Firing Line with Margaret       3:00 Henry Louis Gates, Jr. –
 7:00 Japan with Sue Perkins             Outside Source                     Hoover                                Uncovering America (R)
      (EP 1/2) (R)                  5:30 BBC World News America        8:00 Father Brown                    4:30 Ledisi Live: A Tribute to
 8:00 Life at the Waterhole         6:00 PBS NewsHour                       The Kembleford Boggart.               Nina Simone
      (EP 1/3) (Repeats 5/21 at     7:00 This Old House Three of            (S3 EP 7/15) (R)                6:00 PBS NewsHour Weekend
      1p and 5/23 at 5a)                 Everything.                   9:00 Inside the Met The              6:30 Joseph Rosendo’s
       SERIES PREMIERE              7:30 Ask This Old House                 Birthday Surprise. (EP 1/3)           Travelscope A San
 9:00 NOVA: High-Risk                    Inspection, Door                   SERIES PREMIERE                       Antonio Christmas.
       High-Rise (Repeats 5/21           Restoration.                 10:00 Inside the Met All Things       7:00 Antiques Roadshow
       at 3p and 5/23 at 11a)       8:00 Midsomer Murders                    to All People? (EP 2/3)              Celebrity Edition 3. (R)
       See page 3.                       Harvest of Souls. Part        11:00 Amanpour & Company             8:00 Vera Crow Trap.
10:00 Human: The World                   1 of 2. (S18 EP 6/6) DCI                                                 (S1 EP 3/4) (R)
       Within Defend. (EP 4/6)           Barnaby and DS Nelson                                              9:30 Unforgotten Season 2 on
       The wildly advanced               unravel a complex feud                                                   Masterpiece (EP 2/3) (R)
       biology that keeps us             from the past, where                                              11:00 Pacific Heartbeat Stan.
       alive against all odds is         nothing is what it seems.                                                Stan Walker, a 26-year-
       explored. (Repeats 5/21           (Repeats 5/27 at 4p)                                                     old musician, fights a
       at 2p)                       9:00 Inspector Morse The                                                      rare cancer caused by a
 11:00 Amanpour & Company                Wolvercote Tongue.                                                       genetic mutation.
                                         (S2 EP 1/4) (R)
                                   11:00 Amanpour & Company

                                                             Inside the Met
                                                             SERIES PREMIERE
                                                             FRI May 21 | 9p
                                                             This documentary series begins as the largest art museum
                                                             in the Americas prepares to celebrate its 150th birthday with
                                                             a treasure trove of landmark exhibitions. But when COVID
                                                             strikes, the Metropolitian Museum of Art must – for the first
                                                             time in its history – close its doors. Throughout this roller-
                                                             coaster year, a film crew has had unprecedented access to the
                                                             museum. As the Met faces an uncertain future and questions
                                                             its very purpose, its 150th birthday makes history in ways no
                                                             one could have predicted.

Amy Tan Unintended Memoir MON May 3 | 9p - VIEWER GUIDE - KCTS 9
what to watch                                                                        MAY 23–29
     23     S U N DAY                     24    M O N DAY                               25        T U E S DAY                          26     W E D N E S DAY

       a.m.                                 a.m.                                          a.m.                                           a.m.
       5:00 Life at the Waterhole           5:00 CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS                      5:00 CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS                       5:00 CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS
            (EP 1/3) (R)                    p.m.                                          p.m.                                           p.m.
      6:00 CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS            12:00 Christopher Kimball’s                   12:00 How She Rolls Biscuits                   12:00 Steven Raichlen’s Project
      11:00 NOVA: High-Risk High-                Milk Street Television                        Rising in Charlotte.                           Fire Italian Fire.
            Rise (R)                             Pizza and Pasta. (R)                    12:30 Simply Ming                              12:30 Lidia’s Kitchen My
       p.m.                                12:30 Dining with the Chef                     1:00 Asian Americans                                Family’s Milk and Cheese.
     12:00 Samantha Brown’s                 1:00 The Legacy List with                          Breaking Through.                              (R)
            Places to Love Québec                Matt Paxton Six                               (EP 5/5) (R)                              1:00 Pacific Heartbeat
            City, Canada. (R)                    Generations of Stuff /                        See page 2.                                    Tokyo Hula.
      12:30 Great Scenic                         Leesburg, VA. (R)                        2:00 The Registry                              2:00 Escape to the Château
            Railway Journeys                2:00 Poldark on Masterpiece                   3:00 Inspector Morse                                Escape to the Château at
       1:00 Rick Steves’ Heart of Italy          (S1 EP 5/7) (R)                               The Wolvercote Tongue.                         Christmas. (S7 EP 4/4) (R)
            (R)                             3:00 Atlantic Crossing on                          (S2 EP 1/4) (R)                           3:00 Antiques Roadshow
       2:00 All Creatures Great and              Masterpiece A Queen                      5:00 BBC World News                                 Extraordinary Finds 2. (R)
            Small on Masterpiece                 Returns. (EP 8/8) (R)                         Outside Source                            4:00 The Queen at War (R)
            (EP 4/7) (R)                    4:00 TBA                                      5:30 BBC World News America                    5:00 BBC World News
       3:00 Downton Abbey Season            5:00 BBC World News                          6:00 PBS NewsHour                                    Outside Source
            3 on Masterpiece Parts 4             Outside Source                           7:00 Rick Steves’ Europe                       5:30 BBC World News America
            and 5 of 7. (R)                 5:30 BBC World News America                        Berlin. (R)                              6:00 PBS NewsHour
       5:30 Rick Steves’ Tasty Europe      6:00 PBS NewsHour                              7:30 Rick Steves’ Europe                       7:00 Japan with Sue Perkins
            (R)                             7:00 British Antiques                              Germany’s Hamburg and                          (EP 2/2) (R)
      6:00 PBS NewsHour Weekend                  Roadshow Crathes                              the Luther Trail. (R)                     8:00 Life at the Waterhole
       6:30 History with David                   Castle. (R)                              8:00 Extra Life: A Short                            (EP 2/3) (Repeats 5/28 at
            Rubenstein Peter Baker          7:30 British Antiques                              History of Living Longer                       1p and 5/30 at 5a)
            & Susan Glasser.                     Roadshow Cromer Pier.                         Medicine. (EP 3/4)                             See page 8.
       7:00 Escape to the Château                (R)                                           (Repeats 5/27 at 1p)                     9:00 NOVA: The Ship that
            Escape to the Château           8:00 Antiques Roadshow                             See page 7.                                    Changed the World
            at Christmas. (S7 EP 4/4)            Extraordinary Finds 2.                  9:00 Independent Lens: Philly                        (Repeats 5/28 at 3p and
            (Repeats 5/26 at 2p)                 (Repeats 5/26 at 3p and                       D.A. (EP 7/8)                                  5/30 at 11a) See page 3.
       8:00 The Queen at War (R)                 5/29 at 7p)                            10:00 FRONTLINE                                10:00 Human: The World
      9:00 Atlantic Crossing on            9:00 Antiques Roadshow Ca’                    11:00 Amanpour & Company                             Within Sense. EP 5/6
            Masterpiece A Queen                  d’Zan. Part 1 of 3. (R)                                                                      (Repeats 5/28 at 2p)
            Returns. (EP 8/8)             10:00 The Chinese Exclusion                                                                   11:00 Amanpour & Company
            (Repeats 5/24 at 3p)                 Act: American Experience
     10:00 TBA                                   (R)
      11:00 Walter Presents: No           12:00 Amanpour & Company
            Second Chance (EP 4/6)

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VOL UM E 2 3                N UM B ER 5

27     T H U R S DAY                  28    F R I DAY                     29    S AT U R DAY                   LEGEND
 a.m.                                  a.m.                                a.m.                                   (CC) With few exceptions, programs
 5:00 CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS              5:00 CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS            5:00 To the Contrary with                   are closed captioned.
 p.m.                                  p.m.                                      Bonnie Erbe                       (R) Repeat
12:00 Joanne Weir’s Plates and        12:00 The Great British Baking        5:30 Consuelo Mack                      ✪ KCTS 9tm production
      Places Very Viennese.                 Show Tudor Week.                     WealthTrack                              (S8 EP 5/8) Season 8,
12:30 America’s Test Kitchen                (S4 EP 8/10) (R)               6:00 CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS                       Episode 5 of 8
      from Cook’s Illustrated          1:00 Life at the Waterhole         11:00 America’s Test Kitchen
 1:00 Extra Life: A Short                   (EP 2/3) (R)                         from Cook’s Illustrated
      History of Living Longer:        2:00 Human: The World                     Soup for Dinner. (R)          This guide is accurate at press time.
      Medicine (EP 3/4) (R)                 Within Sense. (EP 5/6) (R)     11:30 America’s Test Kitchen        Up-to-date information is available
                                                                                                               at and in our free weekly
 2:00 British Antiques                 3:00 NOVA: The Ship That                  from Cook’s Illustrated       newsletter KCTS 9 This Week – sign
      Roadshow Buckfast 1. (R)              Changed the World (R)                Pressure Cooker               up now at
 2:30 Vera Crow Trap. (S1 EP           4:00 Father Brown                         Perfection. (R)
      3/4) (R)                              The Kembleford Boggart.         p.m.                               KCTS 9 TELEVISION
                                                                                                               401 Mercer Street | Seattle, WA 98109
 4:00 Midsomer Murders                      (S3 EP 7/15) (R)              12:00 The Roosevelts:
      Harvest of Souls.                5:00 BBC World News Today                 An Intimate History
      Part 1 of 2. (S18 EP 6/6) (R)    5:30 BBC World News America               The Rising Road. (1933-
 5:00 BBC World News                   6:00 PBS NewsHour                         1939) (EP 5/7) (R)
      Outside Source                   7:00 Washington Week                2:00 Native America: New            DONOR AND AUDIENCE RELATIONS
 5:30 BBC World News America           7:30 Firing Line with Margaret            World Rising (EP 4/4) (R)     For donations, premiums, address
 6:00 PBS NewsHour                          Hoover                         3:00 Ken Burns: The Civil War       changes and programming
 7:00 This Old House                   8:00 Father Brown                         (R)                           information:
      Finish Work Begins.                   The Lair of the Libertines.    5:00 Yellowstone Symphony           TOLL-FREE: 1.800.937.5287
 7:30 Ask This Old House                    (S3 EP 8/15) (R)                     Travel on a spectacular       Weekdays 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
      Dishwasher Retrofit,             9:00 Inside the Met                       visual journey through        Cascade Public Media Tax ID:
      Rolling Pin.                          Love and Money. (EP 3/3)             the wonders of America’s      91-1221895
 8:00 Midsomer Murders                      See page 9.                          first national park. (R)
      Harvest of Souls. Part 2        10:00 One Voice: The Songs           6:00 PBS NewsHour Weekend
      of 2. (S18 EP 6/6)                    We Share The Sacred.           6:30 Joseph Rosendo’s
                                                                                                               VIEWER GUIDE STAFF
 9:00 Inspector Morse Last                  Features the American                Travelscope Taiwan            publisher:
      Seen Wearing. (S2 EP 2/4)             Pops Orchestra                       Lantern Festival.             Kelsey Tomascheski
      (R)                                   celebrating the diverse        7:00 Antiques Roadshow              managing editor:
11:00 Amanpour & Company                    array of musical genres              Extraordinary Finds 2. (R)    Anne Stuart
                                            and influences of              8:00 Vera Little Lazarus.           design team:
                                                                                                               Greg Cohen
                                            America. (EP 1/4)                    (S1 EP 4/4) (R)               Madeleine Pisaneschi
                                            SERIES PREMIERE                9:30 Unforgotten Season 2 on        Rachel Sandoffsky
                                      10:30 One Voice: The Songs                 Masterpiece (EP 3/3) (R)
                                            We Share Broadway.            11:00 Independent Lens:
                                            (EP 2/4)                             The Donut King
                                                                                                               The KCTS 9 Viewer Guide (U.S. periodicals
                                      11:00 Amanpour & Company                   See page 2.                   postage paid at Seattle, WA, and at additional
                                                                                                               mailing offices, WA; ISSN 1552-3179) is published
                                                                                                               monthly by Cascade Public Media, a not-for-profit
                                                                                                               organization, 401 Mercer St., Seattle, WA 98109-4699.
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                                                                                                               without written consent from Cascade Public
                                                                                                               Media. Subscription is by a minimum contribution
                                                                                                               of $35 to KCTS 9, $4.72 of which is the cost of the
                                                                                                               subscription to the KCTS 9 Viewer Guide.

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                                              REVE AL YO U R WO RLD

30    S U N DAY                  31    M O N DAY

 a.m.                             a.m.
 5:00 Life at the Waterhole       5:00 CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS
      (EP 2/3) (R)                p.m.
 6:00 CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS        12:00 Christopher Kimball’s
11:00 NOVA: The Ship That              Milk Street Television
      Changed the World (R)            Tunisian Couscous. (R)
 p.m.                            12:30 Dining with the Chef
12:00 Samantha Brown’s            1:00 The Legacy List with
      Places to Love Dutchess          Matt Paxton Turn the
      County/Hudson Valley,            Page / Washington, D.C.
      NY. (R)                          (R)
12:30 Great Scenic Railway        2:00 Poldark on Masterpiece
      Journeys Durango and             (S1 EP 6/7) (R)
      Silverton Narrow Gauge      3:00 Poldark on Masterpiece
      Railroad in Colorado.            (S1 EP 7/7) (R)
 1:00 Rick Steves’ Rome           5:00 BBC World News
 2:00 All Creatures Great and          Outside Source
      Small on Masterpiece        5:30 BBC World News America
      (EP 5/7) (R)                6:00 PBS NewsHour
 3:00 Downton Abbey Season        7:00 British Antiques
      3 on Masterpiece                 Roadshow Buckfast 1. (R)
      Part 6 of 7. (R)            7:30 British Antiques
 5:30 Rick Steves’ Island              Roadshow Aerospace 1.
      Hopping Europe (R)               (R)
 6:00 PBS NewsHour Weekend        8:00 Antiques Roadshow
 6:30 History with David               Ca’ d’Zan. Part 2 of 3. (R)
      Rubenstein H.W. Brands.     9:00 Tulsa: The Fire and the                                SUN May 30 | 8p
 7:00 Surrender on the USS             Forgotten The 1921
      Missouri The official            Tulsa Race Massacre
      Japanese surrender on            is chronicled as the          Tune in to the 32nd annual broadcast of America’s
      September 2, 1945, which         community of Tulsa            national night of remembrance. This award-winning
      ended World War II, is           comes to terms with its       television event honors the military service and
      recounted.                       past.                         sacrifice of all the country’s men and women in
 8:00 National Memorial Day      11:00 Amanpour & Company            uniform, their families and those who have made the
      Concert                                                        ultimate sacrifice for America.
      (Repeats 5/30 at 9:30p)
 9:30 National Memorial Day                                          The 2021 broadcast, which features all-new content,
      Concert (R)                                                    will be hosted once again by actors Gary Sinise and
11:00 Walter Presents: No                                            Joe Mantegna. The hosts will be joined by actor Mary
      Second Chance (EP 5/6)                                         McCormack, Pops conductor Jack Everly, the National
                                                                     Symphony Orchestra and other artists to be announced.
                                                                     photo courtesy of Capitol Concerts.
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