Six stories of supporter engagement - CASE STUDIES BY - chase live

Page created by Sandra Graves
Six stories of supporter engagement - CASE STUDIES BY - chase live
Six stories
of supporter

Six stories of supporter engagement - CASE STUDIES BY - chase live
Welcome to                                                   IN NUMBERS

                              Immediate Media is an award-winning
                              special interest content company, with
                                                                                    membership and loyalty
                              offices in London and Bristol.                           content agency

                              You’ll know some of the much-loved magazines
                              and media brands we publish, including
                              BBC publications and websites such as
                              BBC Good Food, Radio Times and BBC Wildlife.

                              But we also have a wide-ranging portfolio             household name charity
                              of clients across not-for-profit, charity and         and membership clients
                              membership sectors. We help our clients meet

                              their marketing goals through editorial and
                              design expertise, digital flair and strategic
                              insight. And we build long-term relationships
                              by listening carefully and delivering results.

                              Our content focuses on the passions of               Loyal subscribers – the UK
                              members, readers and supporters. From                  market leader in print
                              wildlife to history, motoring to opera, we deliver

                              content that engages, excites – and matters.

                              In the next few pages we outline some of our
                              recent work for clients in the third sector.
  Eagle House,
Immediate’s landmark          For more case studies, please visit our
                                                                                      Global visitors to our
building in central Bristol   website at                           websites in April 2020 alone
Six stories of supporter engagement - CASE STUDIES BY - chase live
Case study: Butterfly Conservation

                                     A beautiful and
                                     efficient digital                                                                    75%
                                     members’ magazine
                                                                                                                     of Butterfly Conservation
                                     Many charities and membership         ‘bolts on’ to the organisation’s           members who read the
                                                                                                                     print magazine said they
                                     organisations have printed            main website (requiring no in-            wanted the digital edition
                                     magazines, but want a digital         house development) and houses                    to continue
                                     home for this valuable content too.   all articles from their magazine.
                                     After all, some supporters prefer     Entry to the site is via a login, using
                                     to receive content digitally – for    members’ individual numbers. Once
                                     convenience or over environmental     in the site, members can browse

                                     concerns. And there are other         features, columns and news like an
                                     advantages to digital too: the        online newspaper. Video content,
                                     ability to link to online articles    graphics and longer articles can all
                                     from member emails and social         be added to the site, adding value
                                     media, for example; or to use some    to the print edition.
                                     content to attract new members.
                                                                                                                      of survey respondents
                                                                           Launched during the coronavirus               rated the digital
                                     Traditionally, online magazines       lockdown, the digital edition has          execution highly, with
                                     have been delivered as PDF-style      proved immediately popular with            new members rating it
                                     page-turners, but in a mobile-first   members. A reader survey showed             especially positively.
                                     world these are both challenging      75% wanted the digital edition to
                                     to read (lots of pinch-zooming) and   continue, and respondents rated
                                     make it hard to surface content.      the edition highly for convenience,
                                                                           cost-efficiency and impact.
                                     Instead, our solution for the
                                     charity Butterfly Conservation is     To explore the site yourself, email
                                     an elegant, simple microsite which
Six stories of supporter engagement - CASE STUDIES BY - chase live
Case study: Boundless

                        An award-winning
                        PR and membership                                                                    115
                                                                                                        pieces of national, local
                                                                                                       and online press coverage
                        The bi-monthly magazine for our        be involved in the magazine, we             for the campaign,
                        client Boundless is a much-loved       enabled them to vote on their           including the Times, Daily
                        benefit of membership, covering        favourite drives from the list of 50.      Mail, Sun and inews
                        motoring, leisure and public sector
                        issues. In 2019, though, we wanted     Our commercial team worked
                        to take its enagagement levels         closely with Boundless’ long-                     Working with
                        with both members and the wider        standing partner, LV=, to create                  Immediate is
                        public – through digital and PR        native sponsorship of the feature,      a real highlight of my
                        channels – up a level.                 and we created press releases to        job. Our business is
                                                               regional and national media. We         quite complex and we
                        Our concept was a special issue        created four different covers for       value the input they
                        which would name and celebrate         the magazine, highlighting routes       offer, from ideation to
                        the UK’s 50 Greatest Drives – the      in the four British nations. And we     creating the content –
                        best road trips in England, Wales,     upscaled the print feature into a       we know that the end
                        Scotland and N Ireland. We chose       rich, in-depth online feature which     result will be fantastic.
                        a longlist of routes by combining      is now one of Google’s top-three        They are now seen
                        insight from motoring experts and      hits for ‘great British drives’.        as an integral part of
                        the well-travelled members we                                                  our business, on hand
                        were writing for. Our contributors     The result was a multi-faceted and      daily to help members,
                        including TV presenter Vicki Butler-   industry award-winning campaign         answer questions,
                        Henderson, Top Gear contributor        which yielded an estimated £150k        and build layers into
                        Dan Read, and Boundless motoring       of media value, record page             our strategy.
                        group leaders. Then, knowing           views to the online feature, and        Hannah Raymond,
                        that Boundless members love to         incredible member feedback.             Content Manager,
Six stories of supporter engagement - CASE STUDIES BY - chase live
Case study: English Heritage

                                 Bringing history to                                                             Reaching
                                 life in supporters’                                                            969k
                                 own homes                                                                      members

                                                                                                                  with a suite of
                                                                                                               membership comms
                                 Our work for the charity English     Key Stage 2 (ages 7-11) – the             across print, web,
                                 Heritage covers a wide range         largest segment of the family              social and video
                                 of supporter and member              membership. Lively illustrations,
                                 communications, including videos,    colourful copy and a host of
                                 activities, print magazines and      craft projects come together in
                                 commercial partnerships.             a magazine that encourages kids                 We have
                                                                      to get out to EH properties (when               worked
                                 Attracting and retaining members     they can) and learn at home (when      very closely with
                                 is the lynchpin for revenue growth   they can’t).                           Immediate to develop
                                 and sustainability. Retention is                                            our member retention
                                 strongly influenced by how often     The magazine is accompanied            and communications
                                 members visit EH sites, and how      by a dedicated area of the EH          strategy. Notable
                                 strongly connected they feel to      website and a YouTube channel          successes over the
                                 the cause: our content has to        offering videos and downloadable       last year include
                                 deliver on both metrics.             activities, inspiring them to engage   a successful and
                                                                      with England’s story.                  engaging GDPR
                                 A key area of focus has been                                                campaign, the launch
                                 appealing to families – a strategy   This content is driving engagement,    of a members’ rewards
                                 which bore huge dividends as         retention and huge reach: videos on    programme, and
                                 people tried to home-school          EH’s ‘What Was Life Like?’ YouTube     video content that is
  Journalist Phoebe                                                                                          attracting record views
Smith experiences
                                 history during 2020’s coronavirus    channel have over a million views.
                                 lockdown. Our Kids Rule! magazine                                           on YouTube and social.
rough justice on a Saxon
battlefield – from English       is full of fun, engaging history     Explore more at english-heritage.      Tersia Boorer, Senior
Heritage Members’                content relevant to educational               Content Marketing
Magazine, October 2018                                                                                       Manager, English Heritage
Six stories of supporter engagement - CASE STUDIES BY - chase live
Case study: RSPB

                         Driving growth and
                         cost-efficiencies                                                               14%
                         for the RSPB
                                                                                                      of readers made an
                                                                                                     additional donation to
                         Our partnership with the RSPB has     them afresh on a new content          the RSPB as a result of
                         delivered major achievements,         management system. On social          reading the magazine
                         driving demonstrable increases in     media, we have helped the RSPB
                         member engagement and income.         engage a mass audience with their
                                                               Big Garden Birdwatch and Big
                         Starting with a relaunch of their     Wild Sleepout campaigns, and we               I have worked
                         flagship magazine, Nature’s Home,     continue to develop social assets             with the
                         we have broadened our scope to        to build their online audiences.     Immediate Media
                         produce nine different publications                                        Branded Content
                         and a range of digital content,       Drawing on our established media     team on the portfolio
                         targeting age groups from toddlers    sales relationships, we have         of RSPB supporter
                         to retirement. We work closely        increased advertising revenues       publications, including
                         with the in-house editor-in-chief     by over 20%, increasing yields,      our flagship member
                         to deliver content that engages       attracting more brand advertisers    magazine, Nature’s
                         serious birdwatchers, as well as      and accessing agency schedules.      Home, for over three
                         reaching out to new audiences         And as external postage costs        years. It has been an
                         including families and children.      have risen, we have benchmarked      incredibly productive
                         RSPB’s total member numbers           multiple operators to ensure the     and enjoyable
                         now stand at over 1.2 million.        most economical distribution.        relationship and I’m
                                                                                                    looking forward to
                         In 2017, we completed a major         Across the board, we are helping     many more years of
                         content migration project on the      ensure that as much as possible      working with them.
  ‘The Science of
Migration’. Taken from   RSPB website, assessing over 7,000    of RSPB’s revenue goes where it is   Mark Ward, Editor-in-
RSPB Nature’s Home       content pages and optimising          most needed: to conservation.        Chief, Nature’s Home
magazine, winter 2018                                                                               magazine, RSPB
Six stories of supporter engagement - CASE STUDIES BY - chase live
Case study: Battersea Dogs and Cats Home

                                             Increasing supporter
                                             revenue for                                                                        5x

                                             Battersea                                                                          rate

                                                                                                                           increase in response to
                                                                                                                         fundraising ask following
                                             Battersea Dogs & Cats Home is a      journalists’ featured in an             the magazine’s redesign
                                             world-renowned institution, caring   online video series. A feature on
                                             for over 7,000 animals every year.   ‘Battersea through the ages’
                                             Their supporter magazine, Paws,      demonstrated how the charity has
                                             is a key way of communicating        adapted to the needs of animals
                                             with over 18,000 stakeholders,       and is ‘here for every dog and cat’.             Immediate
                                             galvanizing support for campaigns,                                                    works with
                                             raising money and finding new        The magazine’s carrier sheet,          Battersea on our
                                             homes for animals.                   which includes the fundraising ask,    supporter magazine
                                                                                  was also re-designed with a larger     and annual impact
                                             In 2018, Battersea launched a new    and more impactful hero shot of a      report, with very
                                             brand identity. We worked closely    Battersea dog on the front.            positive ongoing
                                             with Battersea’s in-house teams to                                          results. Incorporating
                                             implement the rebrand, advising      The rebrand had a direct effect        a total rebrand was
                                             how the new look and feel could      on fundraising and ROI. Despite        no easy feat. Their
                                             be applied in a magazine context.    mailing volumes being reduced          designers came
                                                                                  due to GDPR compliance, the            through with visually
                                             The content of the first             fundraising ask on the cover           appealing concepts
                                             rebranded issue was carefully        letter generated almost three          that remain a great fit
                                             chosen to introduce the rebrand      times more income than forecast.       with Battersea’s vision,
   Arlow, a four-month-old                                                                                               mission, and values.
Lurcher, photographed for
                                             to supporters. The front cover       There was an almost five-fold
                                             reflected above-the-line campaign    increase in response rate, and         Dee McIntosh, Director
a feature on Battersea’s
                                                                                                                         of Communications &
lost dogs and cats                           messaging, showing Peanut and        a significant increase in the
                                                                                                                         External Affairs, Battersea
helpline. Taken from Paws                    Misty, two Battersea ‘undercover     average gift value.                    Dogs & Cats Home
magazine, winter 2018
Case study: Avon Wildlife Trust

                                    impact and                                                                       10
                                    championing cause
                                                                                                                with kids, leaders and
                                                                                                               learners to capture the
                                    The Avon Wildlife Trust (AWT)          We came up with a video               AWT education offer
                                    wanted to create an inspiring          campaign centred around the
                                    short film to raise awareness of       learning experiences of three
                                    their learning offer in Bristol, and   of their key target audiences –
                                    showcase the programmes that           a primary-age child, an adult
                                    are available for all ages. The film   wildlife conservationist and a
                                    needed to highlight the impact of      parent with his three-year-old
                                    their work on local communities        son. Through their stories, we
                                    and the environment, as well as        showcased the different ways
                                    highlighting why standing up for       in which AWT helps engage
                                    wildlife now is so important.          people with nature and wildlife
                                                                           conservation, empowering them
                                                                                                                        We are so
                                    The film needed to speak to a          to stand up for nature.
                                                                                                                        happy with
                                    wide range of audiences, ranging
                                                                                                              all of this beautiful
                                    from supporters of AWT and             Our narrative approach followed
                                                                                                              footage! You’ve all
                                    nature enthusiasts, to educators       the journey of a child growing
                                                                                                              done a great job at
                                    and corporate partners. Another        up through to an adult’s
                                                                                                              capturing what we
                                    key challenge was engaging those       engagement with nature,
                                                                                                              were looking for,
                                    families and parents in the city’s     and their hopes for the next
                                                                                                              and it’s so lovely to
                                    more deprived areas who may be         generation as a young parent.
                                                                                                              see it at this stage.
                                    unaware of the opportunities AWT       We co-created the script through
                                                                                                              Everyone loved it!
  Young and old engaging            provides. Finally, the film needed     in-depth interviews with each
with nature – video still           to feel inspirational and shareable    narrator to ensure that the end    Sarah Mitchell,
from our learning video             on social media and via e-comms.       result felt real and authentic.    Communications Officer,
for Avon Wildlife Trust                                                                                       Avon Wildlife Trust
How we can help

Supporter                       Strategy                                Digital content                     Video                               Print content                          Commercial
engagement                      and Insight                                EO and blog content
                                                                          S                                    rand storytelling
                                                                                                              B                                   Publishing strategy                     isplay and classified
                                                                          Content design & UX                Social video                       Editorial, design and                 advertising
  Awareness-raising               Content audits
                                                                           Social media content               Explainers                         photography                           Member rewards
  Galvanising action              Staff workshops and training
                                                                            E-newsletter design, writing       ‘How to’ videos                   Advertising sales                     Advertorials and
   Fundraising                     Tone of voice
                                                                             and strategy                       Animation and motion              Reprographics and print               native content
    Seasonal promotions             Reader panels and user
                                                                             Website build                      graphics                           production                            Inserts/onserts
                                                                              Content migration                 Distribution strategy             Paper buying                          Sponsorships and
Whatever your campaign                Focus groups
                                                                                                                                                     Mailing liaison and fulfilment        partnerships
objective, we can support it           Sector analysis and reporting
                                                                        Our content engages more            We offer end-to-end video                 Reader insight                       Digital campaigns
with brilliant creative and a
                                                                        than 38m people each month.         solutions, from strategy to
cross-channel media approach.   Understanding audiences and
                                                                        From web and email to social,       analytics. We have in-house         We have industry-leading               We deliver third-party revenue
We’ve worked with some of       how they engage with content
                                                                        video and TV channels, we’re        production and editing resource,    expertise in creating, publishing      for many clients, selling cross-
the UK’s leading brands and     is a central strand of our
                                                                        creating exciting new content       and video studios in London         and monetising print content.          media advertising and content
charities on campaigns which    business. We work with clients
                                                                        experiences for our audiences       and Bristol. Whatever your brief,   Working to your brand and              campaigns to build commercial
drive huge public engagement.   to develop robust content
                                                                        as well as delivering profit-       we will work with you closely to    marketing objectives, we can           partnerships and offset the cost
                                strategies and embed them
                                                                        making solutions for our clients.   explore how video can support       provide a full publishing service      of content production.
                                within their organisations.
                                                                                                            your goals and deliver ROI.         or dovetail with in-house teams.
Want to
know more?
We’d love to discuss your supporter engagement challenges and
tell you more about our work and approach. Drop us an email:

Julie Williams, Director of Branded Content
Dan Linstead, Editorial Director
Immediate Media Company Limited is the creator and owner of the copyright in all content, rationale and
creative material showcased within this document and we share it with you on a strictly confidential basis.
Any disclosure or use of this material without Immediate’s prior written agreement will be considered a
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