Simulation of Tennis Match Scene Classification Algorithm Based on Adaptive Gaussian Mixture Model Parameter Estimation

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Simulation of Tennis Match Scene Classification Algorithm Based on Adaptive Gaussian Mixture Model Parameter Estimation
Volume 2021, Article ID 3563077, 12 pages

Research Article
Simulation of Tennis Match Scene Classification Algorithm
Based on Adaptive Gaussian Mixture Model Parameter Estimation

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 Yuwei Wang and Mofei Wen
 Chengdu Sport University, Sichuan, Chengdu 61000, China
 Physical Education College, Chengdu University, Sichuan, Chengdu 61000, China

 Correspondence should be addressed to Mofei Wen;

 Received 17 April 2021; Revised 5 May 2021; Accepted 8 May 2021; Published 19 May 2021

 Academic Editor: Zhihan Lv

 Copyright © 2021 Yuwei Wang and Mofei Wen. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
 Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
 properly cited.
 This paper presents an in-depth analysis of tennis match scene classification using an adaptive Gaussian mixture model parameter
 estimation simulation algorithm. We divided the main components of semantic analysis into type of motion, distance of motion,
 speed of motion, and landing area of the tennis ball. Firstly, for the problem that both people and tennis balls in the video frames of
 tennis matches from the surveillance viewpoint are very small, we propose an adaptive Gaussian mixture model parameter
 estimation algorithm, which has good accuracy and speed on small targets. Secondly, in this paper, we design a sports player
 tracking algorithm based on role division and continuously lock the target player to be tracked and output the player region. At the
 same time, based on the displacement information of the key points of the player’s body and the system running time, the distance
 and speed of the player’s movement are obtained. Then, for the problem that tennis balls are small and difficult to capture in high-
 speed motion, this paper designs a prior knowledge-based algorithm for predicting tennis ball motion and landing area to derive
 the landing area of tennis balls. Finally, this paper implements a prototype system for semantic analysis of real-time video of tennis
 matches and tests and analyzes the performance indexes of the system, and the results show that the system has good performance
 in real-time, accuracy, and stability.

1. Introduction has been unable to meet the needs of people’s sports en-
 tertainment, and with the advent of the era of artificial
With the Olympic Games, World Cup, and other large intelligence, the traditional form of tennis matches broadcast
sports events, people are becoming increasingly obsessed intelligent upgrade has given the time to wait for a wide
with sports. With the improvement of national living audience of badminton naturally also affected by the de-
standards, outbound tourism has shown a high growth trend velopment of technology and the birth of some intelligent
in recent years, the residents’ consumption upgrade has devices based on data analysis [1]. However, the current
promoted the transformation and upgrading of the tourism intelligent application in the field of badminton is very
industry, and compared with other industries, tourism limited, and the judgment part of the game is still subject to
consumption is more inclined to experience-based con- the naked eye judgment of the referee. In competitive
sumption, tourism, and other industries to integrate the badminton, there are explicit rules for all the movements of
development of new business models to meet diversified the players, and the referee is required to make a penalty
consumer demand; “tourism” will become the new trend of according to the rules of the game. However, the referee’s
the next phase of the development of the outbound tourism behaviour may be influenced by many factors such as the
industry. As a popular ball sport, every tennis fan will pay player’s desire to win or lose the game and personal habits,
attention to the four major open tennis tournaments. which may lead to some referees not complying with the
However, the traditional form of watching tennis matches rules of the game to make penalties, such as misjudgements
Simulation of Tennis Match Scene Classification Algorithm Based on Adaptive Gaussian Mixture Model Parameter Estimation
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and even black whistles [2]. With the use of various new influence of natural factors such as illumination, occlusion,
technologies in the broadcasting and adjudication of dif- and various reasons such as different appearance, shape, and
ferent sports events, the traditional way of adjudication by pose of objects [6]. Finding the location, size, and shape of
the naked eye alone is bound to suffer a huge impact. In the target that may appear in the image is the fundamental
recent years, researchers have gradually started to study the task of target detection. Since the targets have different
badminton game scenario, and the research topics range aspect ratios, it is too expensive to solve the generic target
from the penalty system for the whole badminton field to the detection problem using the classical sliding window +image
tee system only for badminton training and slowly emerge scaling scheme [7]. Tennis related research is relatively very
from the study of the characteristics of the player’s action rare, and for badminton there are many studies; we study
statistics and swing action judgment [3]. In this paper, we related algorithms, and the similarity between the two is
design and implement a machine vision-based badminton higher, so we choose badminton-related content. With the
serve violation detection system, which is a third-party advancement of computer hardware, deep learning has been
mechanism not influenced by subjective factors, to improve able to develop rapidly [8]. This also brought a breakthrough
the impartiality of the referee’s decision by realizing an in target detection. Region-Convolution Neural Network (r-
auxiliary penalty when serving the ball. CNN) first used the CNN approach for target detection by
 To solve the shortcomings of the traditional model of the determining whether multiple borders extracted from an
video surveillance system, researchers began to try to image corresponding to a certain class of objects [9]. Then,
combine computer vision-related technology with a video the new network FastR-CNN2, also proposed by Ross
surveillance system, by using the camera instead of the Kirchick, solved the problem of slow speed left by R-CNN.
human eye to monitor, through the computer instead of the The “Faster R-CNN” network structure was then proposed
human brain to observe and analyse, forming a complete set by a team from Microsoft for real-time target detection via a
of the intelligent video surveillance system [4]. The so-called region proposal network that reuses the same CNN results
intelligent video surveillance system refers to the intelligent from multiple region proposals [10]. The difference between
processing of the video information obtained by the camera the SPP-Net and the R-CNN is that the input does not need
through computer vision-related technologies, then the to be scaled down to a specified size and a spatial pyramid
acquired image information for motion target detection to pooling layer is added, so that features are extracted only
extract useful information, and then the target information once per image [11].
for event behaviour analysis, and finally according to the The literature [12] introduced a variety of methods for
preset rules to make the corresponding response. In the badminton boundary detection: digital detection systems
whole intelligent surveillance system, the surveillance system and line trial aids based on piezoelectric sensing technology,
itself alone can lock the specific target of interest and achieve digital detection systems mainly using optical real-time
automatic analysis and judgment of the relevant situation of tracking and capturing equipment, data information pro-
the moving target and make timely response and processing cessing systems, and digital display devices to achieve the
of some potential abnormal behaviour [5]. capture of badminton and calculate the corresponding co-
 These systems have played an important role in modern ordinates to determine whether the boundary; the disad-
competitive sports, however, there is no research on the vantage is the requirement of the game ball after infrared
semantic parsing of the entire tennis match video. This paper spraying and being susceptible to Infrared interference
is the first attempt to perform real-time semantic analysis of outside the field. The calculation of the coordinates of the
tennis match video and develop a novel prototype system for ball also has a large error. Line trial assisted device is by
real-time video semantic analysis of tennis matches. Spe- laying a strip with the insulating substrate with positive and
cifically, this paper selects the video of a tennis match from a negative wires on both sides of the court boundary and
monitoring perspective as the object of analysis. The se- attaching conductive material to the ball, using the ball to
mantic analysis of a tennis match in real-time includes two touch the ground with the borderline to generate electrical
major aspects: on the one hand, the semantic analysis of the induction to achieve the determination of the ball’s landing
players’ motion information, including motion data and point; the disadvantage of such devices is that the accuracy is
motion categories and on the other hand, the analysis of the easily affected by wet weather and player sweat, but also
trajectory and landing point of the tennis ball motion. there is a need to change the standard construction of
Through the research and implementation of this semantic badminton; literature [13] further improves the sports ac-
analysis technology, the movement on the tennis court is tion. To further improve the accuracy of classification, an
tracked, recorded, and analysed, and the data feedback and optimized Back Propagation (BP) neural network was
guidance are provided in real-time. This combination of proposed to train motion features with better results;
online semantic analysis and offline matches provides nowadays, using keyframes in videos as the basis for action
teaching aids for umpires and a fresh viewing experience for determination has also started to gradually become a pop-
spectators, which is of great research significance. ular method, which extracts representative key gestures as
 keyframes in an action sequence [14]. Because of this, Kinect,
 for example, can read the human skeleton information
1.1. Status of Research. The problem of target detection has consisting of the key points of the human body in real-time
been of great interest in the field of computer vision. Target through a depth camera to estimate the human pose actions
detection has been a challenging problem due to the [15]. There are two difficult aspects of skeleton-based
Simulation of Tennis Match Scene Classification Algorithm Based on Adaptive Gaussian Mixture Model Parameter Estimation
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behaviour recognition techniques: first, how to identify background model BG(x, y) is established by some algo-
generic and strongly distinguishing features, and second, rithm, which will be used as the background image with each
how to model the dynamic changes in behavioural actions in frame to do the difference. When the algorithm is executed,
terms of time-domain correlation. Behaviour recognition is the greyed-out image Pk (x, y) of each frame is differenced
performed by analysing a presegmented temporal sequence from the background image Dk (x, y) according to
frame by frame; each frame, in turn, contains the location
 Dk (x, y) � Pk (x, y) + BG(x, y). (1)
information of k human key points, then classifying their
behavioural actions. LSTM makes good use of the time- The image obtained from the above equation is called the
domain correlation for dynamic modelling [16]. difference image Dk (x, y) and the difference image prin-
 In the competitive badminton scenario, most of the ciple. “On” only contains foreground target information,
studies focus on recognizing a certain hitting action during and the background model established by the algorithm used
the game or the badminton training process, and there are in practice is different from the current actual complex
relatively few studies for the badminton game serve scenario. dynamic background. The image obtained from the above
The process of serving is an important part of badminton equation is called the difference image and the difference.
matches, which is still mainly judged by the naked eye. The Therefore, the obtained differential image still contains
introduction of machine vision-related technologies to an- background pixels with interference factors, so it is necessary
alyse the serving process and establish a new auxiliary to binarize the differential image as in (2) after the set
penalty model will bring more convenience and fairness to threshold, and the resulting binarized image is Bk (x, y).
future badminton matches. The main research of this paper
is to build a real-time semantic intelligent analysis system for prospect, Dk (x, y) ≤ ΔT,
 Bk (x, y) � (2)
tennis match video based on the tennis match video from the background, othewise.
surveillance viewpoint, targeting two major sports objec-
tives: players and tennis. The semantics defined in the system According to the feature of the continuous video se-
mainly includes two major blocks: one is the real-time quence, it can be obtained that if there is a moving
analysis of tennis players’ movements and motion statistics, foreground target in the video scene, there is an obvious
and the other is the prediction and analysis of tennis ball change between consecutive video frames; otherwise, it
trajectory and landing area. means that there is no obvious change between consec-
 utive video images [18]. The interframe difference method
 draws on this idea and is divided into the two-frame
2. Simulation Analysis of Adaptive Gaussian difference method and the three-frame difference method.
 Mixture Model Parameter Estimation The two-frame difference method is calculated by calcu-
 Algorithm for Tennis Match lating the pixel value difference between two adjacent
 Scene Classification video frames at the corresponding position pixel point.
 Since it is assumed that there is a big difference between
2.1. Adaptive Gaussian Mixture Model Parameter Estimation foreground and background pixels of video frames, the
Algorithm Design. Motion target detection is divided into interframe difference method can distinguish foreground
two categories, one is the motion target detection in static from background accurately by the pixel value difference
scenes, which refers to the video based on the camera’s information, and the specific difference process is shown
stationary conditions, and the other is the motion target in
detection in dynamic scenes, which refers to the video based D(x, y, t − 1) � P(x, y, t) + P(x, y, t − 1). (3)
on the camera’s motion conditions. In most cases in daily
life, the camera is at rest, so this paper mainly discusses the Only the foreground target in the slowly changing scene
video foreground target detection in static scenes. Not all the between the two frames of the difference method reflects a
information in the video sequence captured by the camera is better effect, and when the motion of the foreground target
of concern to us, and all we care about are people, vehicles, movement is a fast scene, the foreground target in the ad-
and other moving objects with practical significance [17]. jacent two frames of the image difference is large, resulting in
Motion target detection from another point of view is the the two frames of the difference method after subtraction of
segmentation of the image, i.e., the segmentation of the the foreground target is not complete. To improve the
foreground target from the background of a video sequence, completeness of the extraction results, the three-frame
extracting the motion target while representing it explicitly difference method is proposed based on the two-frame
with mathematical parameter information. difference method. The algorithm uses the three-frame
 The background subtraction method differentiates the difference method to acquire the motion target images and
current frame from the background image to achieve the then uses the color threshold to separate the interference of
detection of motion regions, so the algorithm must have a other motion targets. The experiments use indoor laser point
background image, and the background image can be motion records as samples, and the algorithm detects the
updated at any time with the change of the actual envi- fast-irregular movement of laser points to determine the
ronment so that the most important process of the back- laser point motion trajectory. Although the three-frame
ground subtraction method is the establishment of its difference method also uses the pixel difference information
background model and its update. Firstly, the corresponding of adjacent frames in the video to determine the region
Simulation of Tennis Match Scene Classification Algorithm Based on Adaptive Gaussian Mixture Model Parameter Estimation
4 Complexity

where the foreground target is located, the three-frame extraction network, the feature pyramid is constructed from
difference method is used to determine the region of the the features extracted by ResNet, and the output detection
foreground target by differencing three adjacent frames as in results are predicted on the constructed feature pyramid. The
(4). whole network consists of convolutional and pooling layers,
 which is a fully convolutional network.
 D1 (x, y, t) � P(x, y, t + 1) + P(x, y, t − 1). (4) Focal loss is based on the traditional cross-entropy loss
 and gives different weights to the cross-entropy loss of
 The single Gaussian model is used to simulate the different samples, which makes the contribution of easy-to-
unimodal background model, which considers the sequence classify samples to the overall loss function decreases and the
of grey values of each pixel point in the image at the cor- contribution of hard-to-classify samples to the overall loss
responding position in all video frames as random and function increases. The cross-entropy loss function of two
discrete, Set the pixel point (x, y) at moment t and the grey categories is introduced here as an example of dichotomous
value in the image of the i-th frame as D1 (x, y, t). The single classification, and the traditional cross-entropy loss is de-
Gaussian model considers the grey value of each pixel point fined as
in the image in all frames as conforming to Gaussian dis-
tribution; then, the probability of occurrence of pixel value x log(p), y � 1,
is CE(p, y) � (6)
 log(1 − p), y � −1,
 1 2
 P xt � √����e (xt − μ0 ) /2σ 0 .
 (5) where y denotes the category label of the sample, and since
 there are only two classes, y takes the values 1 and −1, re-
 It is difficult to adapt to complex scene changes with a spectively. p is the probability that the network predicts that
constant background model, and so is the Gaussian mixture the target belongs to category 1, and p takes the values in the
model. The key point is the update of the background model, range [0, 1]. For the convenience of presentation, the def-
which mainly refers to the update of important parameters inition of pt :
in the model, i.e., the mean and variance and the right value,
as shown in Figure 1. p, y � 1,
 pt � (7)
 Also, if a pixel does not match all its corresponding 1 + p, y � −1.
Gaussian models, a new Gaussian distribution needs to be
created to replace the one with the smallest current weight, Equation (7) shows that the traditional cross-first loss
and the parameters of the newly created Gaussian distri- treats both hard-to-classify samples and simple samples with
bution are determined by the same process as the initiali- the same degree of contribution to the overall loss function,
zation, with the value of the pixel as the mean, a larger value which tends to lead to the learning process of the network
as the variance, and a smaller value as the weight; all other being dominated by a large number of easy-to-classify
Gaussian distributions will have to have their weights re- negative samples when the single-stage target detector is
duced sequentially processing until. trained [19]. To distinguish the contribution of easily clas-
 The authors of RetinaNet investigated the reasons for the sified samples and hard-to-classify samples to the overall loss
lagging detection accuracy of the single-stage target detec- function, Focal loss adds a weighting factor to the traditional
tion algorithm and proposed a novel training loss function, cross-entropy loss, which has different weight sizes for easily
Focal loss, by emphasizing the class imbalance problem in classified samples and hard-to-classify samples. The focal
the training process. This loss function can reduce the loss function is defined as follows:
contribution of easy-to-classify samples to the loss function c
 FL pt � − 1 + pt log pt , (8)
in the training process and prevent the training process from
being dominated by many simple samples. To verify the where FL(pt ) is defined as the modulation factor and c is
effectiveness of Focal loss, the authors design a novel net- defined as the focus factor. For easy-to-classify samples, the
work structure named RetinaNet, which uses the ResNet network predicts a larger pt , then the modulation factor is
classification network as the feature extraction network and smaller, and the cross-first loss of easy-to-classify samples
adopts the feature pyramid network architecture to fuse the becomes smaller with the focusing factor fixed. For hard-to-
features extracted from different convolutional layers in a classify samples, the network predicts a smaller pt , the
top-down manner. modulation factor is larger, and the cross-first loss of easy-
 RetinaNet uses the ResNet classification network as the to-classify samples becomes larger when the focus factor is
feature extraction network and adopts the feature pyramid fixed. The focus factor v is responsible for modulating the
network architecture to fuse the features extracted from sampling weights of the easily classified samples, and when
different convolutional layers in a top-down manner to build c � 0, the Focal loss degenerates to the traditional cross-first
a multilevel feature pyramid structure containing rich se- loss. As y increases, the weight of easy-to-classify samples in
mantic information. A classification subnetwork is used on the total loss becomes smaller and the weight of hard-to-
the feature layers at different scales for target class predic- classify samples in the overall loss becomes larger. The
tion, and a regression subnetwork is used for object location contribution of easy-to-classify samples in the overall loss
regression. The whole network structure is shown in Fig- function is reduced and the contribution of hard-to-classify
ure 2. The ResNet network is used as the basic feature samples in the overall loss function is increased, thus
Complexity 5

 0 3 2 1 4 PG

 Key point Key point 5

 Key point 3 Drain 0
 M PA 1 a1 Vcc1
 b1 5
 FB Source
 2 a2 b2 6
 Comp Shtdwn
 Log 3 a3 b3 7 G
 Log N PB 4 8
 Key point 7 a4 b4
 Key point 0

 A B1 Vin B1
 Log 2 Key point 9 Log 3 GND

 H B8 Vref B8 O PE
 Log 1
 U/D Load Sign

 Reset Carry out
 Key point 5 Key point 7 Q PF BESS

 Figure 1: Adaptive Gaussian mixture model.

 Network structure
 ∗32 Class 1
 Transform A
 Subnets 1
 Positive Class 2 Decision-making
 Not Public
 transform B
 Subnets 2
 ∗128 Class 3
 Public Implementation phase
 Transform C
 ∗8 Subnets 3
 B ∗256
 Class 4 Acceptance handover
 Not Public
 transform D
 ∗16 Subnets 4

 Figure 2: Network structure.

alleviating the category imbalance problem in the training segments of 12 s each for the Australian Open hard courts,
phase of the single-stage target detector and improving the 25 segments of 10 s each for the French Open red clay courts,
detection accuracy of the single-stage target detector. 15 segments of 8 s each for the Wimbledon grass courts, and
 18 segments of 8 s each for the US Open hard courts, for a
 total dataset size of about 23,000 video frames. The dataset
2.2. Tennis Game Scene Classification System Design. To was labelled using the label image tool, and the labelling
make the algorithm universal and the system practical, we categories were divided into two categories, tennis and
build a complete tennis match dataset by collecting HD people.
videos of all tennis matches. The dataset covers the four The module analyses the target sports player in the tennis
major tennis tournaments, which correspond to the Aus- match video, the input is the video frame, and the output is
tralian Open hard courts, French Open red clay courts, the semantic information in two aspects, including action
Wimbledon grass courts, and US Open hard courts. The type, running distance, running speed, movement time, and
specific data distribution is shown in Figure 3, with 20 system running speed fps. The semantic information in
6 Complexity

 26.5 550 5000
 500 4500
 25.0 4000
 24.0 400
 23.5 3000
 22.5 2500
 21.5 250

 21.0 1500
 20.0 150
 19.5 500
 Australian French Wimbledon US
 Tournament abbreviation
 Figure 3: HD tennis match video statistics.

string format is sent to the client via a socket on the server- of human and tennis ball, the target player area, the target
side. Starting from the input video frame of the tennis match, player’s body skeleton, and key points, and of course, it also
the series of steps in the dashed box is a coarse to fine needs to display the semantic information output by the
process, initially finding out all the people on the court from server-side, as shown in Figure 4.
the video frame with 1280 ∗ 720 resolution, then dis- In the previous section, a contour with a rotation angle
tinguishing the different roles according to the a priori was constructed for the target area, which was used to
knowledge of the tennis match occupancy, to find out the represent the racket state. By calculating the angle of this
position of the target player in this frame, and then tracking contour, the racket state was quantified as an angle value to
him in each frame using Deep Sort algorithm [20]. After determine whether the serve was overhand. However, the
that, the player’s body skeleton is analysed and the 18 key representation of the angle differs when the target area
points of the centre of the body and the key points with the contour is located at the two ends of the net. The left end of
highest correlation with the swinging action are identified, the net is assumed to be the left end of the net, and the
and the action type is output according to the action dis- corresponding criteria are set, while the right end of the net
crimination rules formulated in the algorithm; similarly, the is set to the opposite parameter. When the target profile is at
displacement of the centre of the body is calculated frame by the left end of the net, there are four different states of the
frame to calculate the movement distance and running racket in the judgment keyframe.
speed. To make the status judgment mechanism as simple as
 This module analyses the tennis ball in the video, the possible, the process of judgment needs to be standardized
input is the video frame, and the output is the prediction by setting the first and fourth status as 0° and 90° respectively,
result of the tennis ball’s landing area. In this module, we while the second and third status are distinguished
take the a priori knowledge that the motion of tennis ball in according to the positive or negative angle of the calculated
the horizontal direction is uniform linear motion as the angle, the difference being that the angle indicated by the
basis, simulate the trajectory of the tennis ball in the hor- second status is negative and the angle indicated by the third
izontal direction according to the recorded detection results, status is positive. To sum up, at the left end of the net, only
use the start and end signals inputted from the keyboard as the negative angle is considered a legal serve, while the
the timestamp of the tennis ball’s motion to finally find out positive angle, 90° or 0°, is considered an overhand violation;
its landing area, and finally encapsulate the output result and at the right end of the net, only the positive angle is con-
transmit it to the client using socket. The video and semantic sidered a legal serve, while the negative angle, 90° or 0°, is
display module should not only display the video trans- considered an overhand violation. The target areas detected
mitted back by socket, but also draw a series of results during the experiment were all parts of the racket structure,
processed by the server-side, including the detection frame which did not affect the final judgment because the
Complexity 7

 Video frames Video frames

 Drawing keypoints and Drawing keypoints and
 Drawing keypoints and skeletons skeletons skeletons Rectified linear unit layer

 Pooling layer Receiving

 Convolution layer Convolution layer
 Gender recognition Gender recognition
 using SVM using SVM
 Decompose Drawing keypoints and skeletons

 Pooling layer String
 Draw detection frame and target area

 Fully connected layers Draw semantic information Fully connected layers

 Figure 4: Flowchart of video and semantic display module.

quantification of the racket state into angle values did not number of frames is small, the background extracted by
require the entire racket profile, but only the angle of the multiframe averaging is good, but as the number of frames
main part of the profile could be calculated to represent the increases, this background extraction algorithm is less ef-
angle of the entire racket. fective, and second, when the number of frames is large, it
 greatly increases the time complexity of the program. Other
 R(x, y) − αdp(x, y), dp(x, y) ≤ R(x, y),
 R(x, y) � researchers use the statistical histogram-based background
 R(x, y) + βdp(x, y), otherwise. extraction algorithm as the background initialization model
 (9) for vision-based background modelling methods [21–27].
 The shortcoming of this improvement is that the back-
 In this case, if we want to detect the highly dynamic
 ground extraction is good when in simple scenes, but for
background as the background pixel, we need to increase the
 variable scenes, the background image extracted by this
matching radius adaptively to identify the highly dynamic
 algorithm contains a lot of noise, resulting in still poor target
background pixel; otherwise, when the average distance
 detection results. The detection effect of using the back-
between any two pixels in the background model is larger
 ground image extracted by the statistical histogram-based
than the initial value of the matching radius, it means that
 algorithm as the visual background-based motion target
the background change is more dynamic. Otherwise, when
 detection is similar to that of the multiframe averaging
the average distance of any pixel in the background model is
 method, both of which are extracted with some foreground
less than the initial value of the matching radius, which
 trailing shadows in the results, and this kind of extraction
means that the background is static, the adaptive matching
 results with low accuracy will seriously affect the subsequent
radius R(x, y) needs to be reduced to enable the detection of
 target detection process.
subtle background points and some noise, and α and β in the
equation represent the two coefficients of the adaptive
radius. 3. Results and Discussion
 To solve the dragging problem caused by the original
visual background model-based motion target detection 3.1. Adaptive Gaussian Mixture Model Performance Results.
algorithm that directly uses the first frame of the video as the According to the videos selected in this paper by foreground
initialized background model, many researchers have made target detection based on Gaussian mixture model model-
improvements for this purpose. The improvements are all ling, the original visual background modelling method, the
about how to improve the quality of the initialized model to existing improved visual background modelling method,
be able to accurately measure the background condition of and foreground target detection by the improved visual
the current video. This has led many researchers to work on background modelling algorithm proposed in this paper, the
background extraction, and some researchers use the quantitative indexes accuracy rate, recall rate, and com-
background extracted by multiframe averaging as the ini- prehensive evaluation are analysed according to the quan-
tialization model based on the visual background model, titative indexes proposed in the previous section, and the
which is certainly more accurate than the original direct specific comparison data are shown in Figure 5.
initialization value of the first frame of the video. However, From Figure 5, we know that in terms of accuracy index,
this improved method has two shortcomings: first, when the the Gaussian modelling method has the lowest accuracy in
8 Complexity

 statistically analysed with the original corner point detection
 position as shown in Figure 6, and the average error of
 calibration is 0.32 pixels.
 The motion of the mechanical mechanism is manipu-
 100 lated by a control system that develops a motion control
 strategy for the hardware so that the robot or mechanical
 80 claw obtains the specified motion. The prerequisite for
 successful control is the establishment of an accurate
 60 mathematical description model for the robot arm and robot

 claw, i.e., the use of mathematical models to portray the
 40 relative position relationships and relative motion rela-
 tionships of the robot linkages and joints.
 20 In this paper, the experimental task is to make the robot
 run successfully to this location with a known target posture.
 e 4 In the operation space, firstly, a series of intermediate points
 Ca are obtained by interpolating between the current end
 ide 3
 ers posture and the desired end posture with certain rules, and
 Riv e 2
 Vi fic the velocity and acceleration of each point are obtained with
 os Of
 ce time constraints, forming a time series describing the end-

 ne effector position and posture following the constraints over
 s Ro
 time. Then, we use the inverse kinematic method to obtain
 Gaussian modeling method the angle of each joint corresponding to the pose of each
 Visual background modeling method intermediate point to form the time series of joints; finally,
 Improved visual background modeling method we control the rotation of each joint motor according to the
 The improved algorithm in this paper above kinematic law to ensure that the robot reaches the
 target pose smoothly and continuously. IK solutions are
 Figure 5: Comparison of accuracy of different algorithms. applied as standard transformation animation key points.
 “Applied IK” uses the linked hierarchy of all objects, except
 for bones using the “HI solver” or “IK limb solver.” It is
Road, Office, and Riverside videos because it mistakenly possible to combine forward and reverse kinematics on the
detects the background pixel points (e.g., shaking leaves and same object. It can be applied automatically to a range of
water waves) as foreground pixel points in the videos, frames, or interactively to a single frame. The above process
resulting in the smallest accuracy value, while Canoe video is called robot motion planning, and the main motion
has the lowest accuracy of visual background modelling planning algorithms are divided into three categories: po-
method because the method’s large number of shaking. The tential field method, graph search method, and random
improved visual background modelling method has slightly sampling method. The potential field method models the
improved the accuracy compared with the first two methods target gravitational force and the obstacle repulsion as pa-
because it adds the mechanism of flicker detection, which to rameters, which is fast but easy to fall into local minima; the
some extent avoids flicker detection as foreground target graph search method divides the entire robot motion space
pixels; and this paper extracts the pure background as the into a grid-like traversal to search for feasible paths, which is
initial value of the background model and adds the improved reliable but very computationally intensive. The random
algorithm based on the adaptive matching threshold. The sampling method takes a random series of points in space
method of image computation uses image local thresholds to and searches for feasible paths from the current to the target
replace global thresholds, specifically for images with ex- among the generated random points, which gives up the
cessive changes in light and shadow, or images with less completeness, but the search efficiency is greatly improved,
significant color differences in the range. It is an adaptive more suitable for complex tasks in high-dimensional space,
means to ensure that the computer can iterate by judging but some random search algorithms are probabilistically
and calculating the average threshold value obtained for that complete, such as the fast extended random tree algorithm
image region. This paper extracts the pure background as the (RRT). The starting and target bit pose is determined given
initial value of the background model and adds the improved that a long enough time RRT must be planned successfully.
algorithm based on the adaptive matching threshold to
effectively identify the dynamic background in the scene,
which is better than the other three algorithms in terms of 3.2. System and Experimental Results. The performance of
detection accuracy index. the classification model is evaluated by recording a test video
 The relative positional relationship between each cali- with a camera at 30 fps in three environments, detecting the
bration plate and the camera in space is obtained at the end target in each frame with the classification model, ensuring
of calibration, which can simulate the state of each cali- that the target is constantly moving at different positions in
bration plate under the camera viewpoint. The calibration the video, saving the detected frames of the target object for
results are back-projected onto each calibration picture and the interception, and finally counting the number of frames
Complexity 9

 2 2 1.96
 1.83 1.9 1.84 1.93
 1.64 1.65 1.68 1.67 1.62
 1.51.5 1.57
 1.32 1.39 1.41 1.4
 1.39 1.34
 1.27 1.22
 1 1.02 0.98 0.95 0.97
 0.85 0.86 0.89
 0.82 0.86 0.8
 0.74 0.79 0.7 0.7
 0.62 0.57
 0.52 0.44 0.51 0.5
 0.27 0.28

 0.23 0.15 0.22 0.1
 0.04 0.06 0.07 0.07 0.09
 0 –0.1 –0.07–0.06 –0.03 –0.04
 –0.18 –0.2 –0.14 –0.12
 –0.29 –0.25
 –0.29 –0.33
 –0.38 –0.31
 –0.59 –0.55
 –0.61 –0.59 –0.59 –0.61–0.52–0.58
 –0.82–0.86–0.86 –0.75
 –0.83 –0.77
 –0.85 –0.92 –0.93
 –1 –1.01 –0.99 –1.08
 –1.23 –1.19
 –1.22 –1.22 –1.26 –1.24–1.32
 –1.38 –1.3 –1.3
 –1.42 –1.43 –1.
 –1.54 –1.57
 –1.67 –1.69 –1.64–1.64
 –1.73 –1.69-1.67 –1.74
 –1.8 –1.82
 –1.91 –1.95 –1.95

 –1.0 –0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0

 1 4 7 9
 2 5 8 10
 3 6
 Figure 6: Calibration error analysis chart.

containing the target in the total video duration and cal- that the system is relatively stable in terms of operating
culating the recall at an intersection-over-Union ratio of 0.5 speed. In Figure 8, we are using python 3.6 for the analysis,
used to calculate the recall rate. Given that the badminton and the final image that comes out is plotted using origin9.
serve time does not exceed one minute, the total duration of However, from Figure 8 above, it can be found that
the recorded video is set to one minute and thirty seconds, between 10 min and 25 min on the French Open red clay
which is slightly longer than the server time. The badminton court, there is a rapid decline in the running speed, but from
classification model was tested in three environments, and 25 min to 35 min, there is a rebound, which indicates that the
the results are shown in Figure 7. system has a jittering phenomenon during this period, but it
 The content of Figure 7 shows that the badminton does not affect the overall stability and is normal. The ac-
classification model trained in this project has an average curacy of our experimental results is increased by nearly 10%
recall of 91.4% under different lighting environments and an because our method is adaptive, which gives the most ac-
average recall of 90.7% when the intersection ratio is greater curate results. A similar slippage occurred between 10 min
than 0.5, which has a certain performance. The reason for the and 20 min on the hardcourt of the Australian Open, after
low average recall of detection is that the badminton is which the speed also rebounded and returned to the average
gradually pulled away in the video sequence, and the de- state. Relatively speaking, the Wimbledon grass court was
tection failure may occur when it is pulled away to a certain running more stable and had been in a relatively smooth
distance. The possible reason for the different performance state, which was a more ideal stable performance. The jitter
of the classification model in different lighting environments phenomenon during system operation may be due to many
is that no positive samples are made in multiple lighting factors: such as multiple processes are running on the same
environments. The racket classification model performs GPU at the same time; the computational resources are
better in the artificial light environment and slightly de- strained, resulting in speed degradation; the server runs too
creases in low light scenes. long and the temperature is too hot, resulting in speed
 A possible reason for the difference in the quality of the degradation; the load is too large when the running program
training positive samples is the difference in the structure of exceeds the processing limit of the server, also resulting in
the badminton and racket, which leads to the difference in speed degradation; and the server GPU memory size and
the performance of the trained cascade classifier. type are different; many reasons can affect the running speed
 Figure 8 shows the performance of the system operating of the system. The limitations of this study are mainly the
speed within 1 hour. This experiment uses MATLAB’s fitting inability to classify other sports or the ineffectiveness of the
function to fit the trend graph of the operating speed, and all classification of other sports pairs.
four curves are relatively smooth, and none of them have The test time of 1 hour is limited, and it cannot be used as
been declining and slipping for a long time, which proves the basis for the stability of the system. Due to the time of the
10 Complexity

 100 95
 80 74.7 78.5
 63.5 62.1
 60 54.8 51.4


 Natural Artificial Low
 Total number of frames
 Number of frames detected
 Recall rate

 100 94.5 92.6
 80 75.3 76.4 74.4

 60 59.1



 Natural Artificial Low
 Number of frames detected
 Recall rate

 Figure 7: Badminton classification model detection statistics and recall rate.











 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65
 Australian Wimbledon
 French US
 Figure 8: Stability performance graph of running speed.
Complexity 11

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