Shyft v4.8: a framework for uncertainty assessment and distributed hydrologic modeling for operational hydrology - GMD
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Geosci. Model Dev., 14, 821–842, 2021 © Author(s) 2021. This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. Shyft v4.8: a framework for uncertainty assessment and distributed hydrologic modeling for operational hydrology John F. Burkhart1 , Felix N. Matt1,2 , Sigbjørn Helset2 , Yisak Sultan Abdella2 , Ola Skavhaug3 , and Olga Silantyeva1 1 Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway 2 Statkraft AS, Lysaker, Norway 3 Expert Analytics AS, Oslo, Norway Correspondence: John F. Burkhart ( Received: 12 February 2020 – Discussion started: 4 May 2020 Revised: 14 October 2020 – Accepted: 16 October 2020 – Published: 5 February 2021 Abstract. This paper presents Shyft, a novel hydrologic 1 Introduction modeling software for streamflow forecasting targeted for use in hydropower production environments and research. The software enables rapid development and implementa- Operational hydrologic modeling is fundamental to several tion in operational settings and the capability to perform dis- critical domains within our society. For the purposes of flood tributed hydrologic modeling with multiple model and forc- prediction and water resource planning, the societal benefits ing configurations. Multiple models may be built up through are clear. Many nations have hydrological services that pro- the creation of hydrologic algorithms from a library of well- vide water-related data and information in a routine manner. known routines or through the creation of new routines, each The World Meteorological Organization gives an overview defined for processes such as evapotranspiration, snow accu- of the responsibilities of these services and the products they mulation and melt, and soil water response. Key to the de- provide to society, including monitoring of hydrologic pro- sign of Shyft is an application programming interface (API) cesses, provision of data, water-related information includ- that provides access to all components of the framework ing seasonal trends and forecasts, and, importantly, decision (including the individual hydrologic routines) via Python, support services (World Meteorological Organization, 2006). while maintaining high computational performance as the Despite the abundantly clear importance of such opera- algorithms are implemented in modern C++. The API al- tional systems, implementation of robust systems that are lows for rapid exploration of different model configurations able to fully incorporate recent advances in remote sensing, and selection of an optimal forecast model. Several differ- distributed data acquisition technologies, high-resolution ent methods may be aggregated and composed, allowing di- weather model inputs, and ensembles of forecasts remains rect intercomparison of models and algorithms. In order to a challenge. Pagano et al. (2014) provide an extensive review provide enterprise-level software, strong focus is given to of these challenges, as well as the potential benefits afforded computational efficiency, code quality, documentation, and by overcoming some relatively simple barriers. The Hydro- test coverage. Shyft is released open-source under the GNU logic Ensemble Prediction EXperiment (https://hepex.irstea. Lesser General Public License v3.0 and available at https: fr/, last access: 22 November 2020) is an activity that has // (last access: 22 November 2020), facil- been ongoing since 2004, and there is extensive research on itating effective cooperation between core developers, indus- the importance of the role of ensemble forecasting to reduce try, and research institutions. uncertainty in operational environments (e.g., Pappenberger et al., 2016; Wu et al., 2020). As most operational hydrological services are within the public service, government policies and guidelines influence the area of focus. Recent trends show efforts towards increas- ing commitment to sustainable water resource management, Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.
822 J. F. Burkhart et al.: Shyft v4.8 disaster avoidance and mitigation, and the need for integrated ple of the scale of the challenge is well-defined in Zappa water resource management as climatic and societal changes et al. (2008) in which the authors’ contributions to the re- are stressing resources. sults of the Demonstration of Probabilistic Hydrological and For hydropower production planning, operational hydro- Atmospheric Simulation of flood Events in the Alpine re- logic modeling provides the foundation for energy market gion (D-PHASE) project under the Mesoscale Alpine Pro- forecasting and reservoir management, addressing the inter- gramme (MAP) of the WMO World Weather Research Pro- ests of both power plant operators and governmental reg- gram (WWRP) are highlighted. In particular, they had the ulations. Hydropower production accounts for 16 % of the goal to operationally implement and demonstrate a new gen- world’s electricity generation and is the leading renewable eration of flood warning systems in which each catchment source for electricity (non-hydro-renewable and waste sum had one or more hydrological models implemented. How- up to about 7 %). Between 2007 and 2015, the global hy- ever, following the “demonstration” period, “no MAP D- dropower capacity increased by more than 30 % (World En- PHASE contributor was obviously able to implement its hy- ergy Council, 2016). In many regions around the globe, hy- drological model in all basins and couple it with all avail- dropower is therefore playing a dominant role in the regional able deterministic and ensemble numerical weather predic- energy supply. In addition, as energy production from renew- tion (NWP) models”. This presumably resulted from the able sources with limited managing possibilities (e.g., from complexity of the configurations required to run multiple wind and solar) grows rapidly, hydropower production sites models with differing domain configurations, input file for- equipped with pump storage systems provide the possibility mats, operating system requirements, and so forth. to store energy efficiently at times when total energy produc- There is an awareness in the hydrologic community re- tion surpasses demands. Increasingly critical to the growth garding the nearly profligate abundance of hydrologic mod- of energy demand is the proper accounting of water use and els. Recent efforts have proposed the development of a information to enable water resource planning (Grubert and community-based hydrologic model (Weiler and Beven, Sanders, 2018). 2015). The WRF-Hydro platform (Gochis et al., 2018) is a Great advances in hydrologic modeling are being made first possible step in that direction, along with the Structure in several facets: new observations are becoming available for Unifying Multiple Modelling Alternatives (SUMMA) through novel sensors (McCabe et al., 2017), numerical (Clark et al., 2015a), a highly configurable and flexible plat- weather prediction (NWP) and reanalysis data are increas- form for the exploration of structural model uncertainty. ingly reliable (Berg et al., 2018), detailed estimates of quan- However, the WRF-Hydro platform is computationally ex- titative precipitation estimates (QPEs) are available as model cessive for many operational requirements, and SUMMA inputs (Moreno et al., 2012, 2014; Vivoni et al., 2007; Ger- was designed with different objectives in mind than what mann et al., 2009; Liechti et al., 2013), there are improved al- has been developed within Shyft. For various reasons (see gorithms and parameterizations of physical processes (Kirch- Sect. 1.2) the development of Shyft was initiated to fill a gap ner, 2006), and, perhaps most significantly, we have greatly in operational hydrologic modeling. advanced in our understanding of uncertainty and the quan- Shyft is a modern cross-platform open-source toolbox that tification of uncertainty within hydrologic models (West- provides a computation framework for spatially distributed erberg and McMillan, 2015; Teweldebrhan et al., 2018b). hydrologic models suitable for inflow forecasting for hy- Anghileri et al. (2016) evaluated the forecast value of long- dropower production. The software is developed by Statkraft term inflow forecasts for reservoir operations using ensemble AS, Norway’s largest hydropower company and Europe’s streamflow prediction (ESP) (Day, 1985). Their results show largest generator of renewable energy, in cooperation with that the value of a forecast using ESP varies significantly as a the research community. The overall goal for the toolbox function of the seasonality, hydrologic conditions, and reser- is to provide Python-enabled high-performance components voir operation protocols. Regardless, having a robust ESP with industrial quality and use in operational environments. system in place allows operational decisions that will create Purpose-built for production planning in a hydropower envi- value. In a follow-on study, Anghileri et al. (2019) showed ronment, Shyft provides tools and libraries that also aim for that preprocessing of meteorological input variables can also domains other than hydrologic modeling, including model- significantly benefit the forecast process. ing energy markets and high-performance time series calcu- A significant challenge remains, however, in environments lations, which will not be discussed herein. that have operational requirements. In such an environment, In order to target hydrologic modeling, the software allows 24/7 up-time operations, security issues, and requirements the creation of model stacks from a library of well-known hy- from information technology departments often challenge drologic routines. Each of the individual routines are devel- introducing new or “innovative” approaches to modeling. oped within Shyft as a module and are defined for processes Furthermore, there is generally a requirement to maintain such as evapotranspiration, snow accumulation and melt, and an existing model configuration while exploring new possi- soil water response. Shyft is highly extensible, allowing oth- bilities. Often, the implementation of two parallel systems ers to contribute or develop their own routines. Other mod- is daunting and presents a technical roadblock. An exam- ules can be included in the model stack for improved han- Geosci. Model Dev., 14, 821–842, 2021
J. F. Burkhart et al.: Shyft v4.8 823 dling of snowmelt or to preprocess and interpolate point in- of uncertainty, evaluated satellite data forcing, and explored put time series of temperature and precipitation (for example) data assimilation routines for snow. to the geographic region. Several different methods may be easily aggregated and composed, allowing direct intercom- 1.1 Other frameworks parison of algorithms. The method stacks operate on a one- dimensional geo-located “cell”, or a collection of cells may To date, a large number of hydrological models exist, each be constructed to create catchments and regions within a do- differing in the input data requirements, level of details in main of interest. Calibration of the methods can be conducted process representation, flexibility in the computational sub- at the cell, catchment, or region level. unit structure, and availability of code and licensing. In the The objectives of Shyft are to (i) provide a flexible hy- following we provide a brief summary of several models that drologic forecasting toolbox built for operational environ- have garnered attention and a user community but were ul- ments, (ii) enable computationally efficient calculations of timately found not optimal for the purposes of operational hydrologic response at the regional scale, (iii) allow for using hydrologic forecasting at Statkraft. the multiple working hypothesis to quantify forecast uncer- Originally aiming for incorporation in general circula- tainties, (iv) provide the ability to conduct hydrologic sim- tion models, the Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) model ulations with multiple forcing configurations, and (v) fos- (Liang et al., 1994; Hamman et al., 2018) has been used ter rapid implementation into operational modeling improve- to address topics ranging from water resources management ments identified through research activities. to land–atmosphere interactions and climate change. In the To address the first and second objectives, computa- course of its development history of over 20 years, VIC has tional efficiency and well-test-covered software have been served as both a hydrologic model and land surface scheme. paramount. Shyft is inspired by research software developed The VIC model is characterized by a grid-based representa- for testing the multiple working hypothesis (Clark et al., tion of the model domain, statistical representation of sub- 2011). However, the developers felt that more modern cod- grid vegetation heterogeneity, and multiple soil layers with ing standards and paradigms could provide significant im- variable infiltration and nonlinear base flow. Inclusion of to- provements in computational efficiency and flexibility. Using pography allows for orographic precipitation and tempera- the latest C++ standards, a templated code concept was cho- ture lapse rates. Adaptations of VIC allow the representation sen in order to provide flexible software for use in business- of water management effects and reservoir operation (Hadde- critical applications. As Shyft is based on advanced tem- land et al., 2006a, b, 2007). Routing effects are typically ac- plated C++ concepts, the code is highly efficient and able to counted for within a separate model during post-processing. take advantage of modern-day compiler functionality, min- Directed towards use in cold and seasonally snow-covered imizing risk of faulty code and memory leaks. To address small- to medium-sized basins, the Cold Regions Hydro- the latter two objectives, the templated language functional- logical Model (CRHM) is a flexible object-oriented soft- ity allows for the development of different algorithms that are ware system. CRHM provides a framework that allows the then easily implemented into the framework. An application integration of physically based parameterizations of hydro- programming interface (API) is provided for accessing and logical processes. Current implementations consider cold- assembling different components of the framework, includ- region-specific processes such as blowing snow, snow in- ing the individual hydrologic routines. The API is exposed terception in forest canopies, sublimation, snowmelt, infil- to both the C++ and Python languages, allowing for rapid tration into frozen soils, and hillslope water movement over exploration of different model configurations and selection permafrost (Pomeroy et al., 2007). CRHM supports both spa- of an optimal forecast model. Multiple use cases are enabled tially distributed and aggregated model approaches. Due to through the API. For instance, one may choose to explore the the object-oriented structure, CRHM is used as both a re- parameter sensitivity of an individual routine directly, or one search and predictive tool that allows rapid incorporation of may be interested purely in optimized hydrologic prediction, new process algorithms. New and already existing imple- in which case one of the predefined and optimized model mentations can be linked together to form a complete hy- stacks, a sequence of routines forming a hydrologic model, drological model. Model results can either be exported to a would be of interest. text file, ESRI ArcGIS, or a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. The goal of this paper is two-fold: to introduce Shyft and The Structure for Unifying Multiple Modelling Alterna- to demonstrate some recent applications that have used het- tives (SUMMA) (Clark et al., 2015a, b) is a hydrologic erogeneous data to configure and evaluate the fidelity of sim- modeling approach that is characterized by a common set ulation. First, we present the core philosophical design deci- of conservation equations and a common numerical solver. sions in Sect. 2 and provide and overview of the architecture SUMMA constitutes a framework that allows users to test, in Sect. 3. The model formulation and hydrologic routines apply, and compare a wide range of algorithmic alternatives are discussed in Sects. 4 and 5. Secondly, we provide a re- for certain aspects of the hydrological cycle. Models can view of several recent applications that have addressed issues be applied to a range of spatial configurations (e.g., nested multi-scale grids and hydrologic response units). By enabling Geosci. Model Dev., 14, 821–842, 2021
824 J. F. Burkhart et al.: Shyft v4.8 model intercomparison in a controlled setting, SUMMA is Notable complications arise in continuously operating en- designed to explore the strengths and weaknesses of certain vironments. Current IT practices in the industry impose se- model approaches and provides a basis for future model de- vere constraints upon any changes in the production systems velopment. in order to ensure required availability and integrity. This While all these models provide functionality similar to challenges the introduction of new modeling approaches, as (and beyond) Shyft’s model structure, such as flexibility in service level and security are forcedly prioritized above in- the computational subunit structure, allowing for using the novation. To keep the pace of research, the operational re- multiple working hypothesis, and statistical representation quirements are embedded into automated testing of Shyft. of sub-grid land type representation, the philosophy behind Comprehensive unit test coverage provides proof for all lev- Shyft is fundamentally different from the existing model els of the implementation, whilst system and integration tests frameworks. These differences form the basis of the decision give objective means to validate the expected service behav- to develop a new framework, as outlined in the following sec- ior as a whole, including validation of known security con- tion. siderations. Continuous integration aligned with agile (iter- ative) development cycle minimize human effort for the ap- 1.2 Why build a new hydrologic framework? propriate quality level. Thus, adoption of the modern prac- tices balances tough IT demands with motivation for rapid Given the abundance of hydrologic models and modeling progress. Furthermore, C++ was chosen as a programming systems, the question must be asked as to why there is a language for the core functionality. In spite of a steeper learn- need to develop a new framework. Shyft is a distributed mod- ing curve, templated code provides long-term advantages for eling environment intended to provide operational forecasts reflecting the target architecture in a sustainable way, and the for hydropower production. We include the capability of the detailed documentation gives a comprehensive explanation exploration of multiple hydrologic model configurations, but of the possible entry points for the new routines. the framework is somewhat more restricted and limited from One of the key objectives was to create a well-defined API, other tools addressing the multiple model working hypoth- allowing for an interactive configuration and development esis. As discussed in Sect. 1.1, several such software solu- from the command line. In order to provide the flexibility tions exist; however, for different reasons these were found needed to address the variety of problems met in operational not suitable for deployment. The key criteria we sought when hydrologic forecasting, flexible design of workflows is criti- evaluating other software included the following: cal. By providing a Python/C++ API, we provide access to – open-source license and clear license description; Shyft functionality via the interpreted high-level program- ming language Python. This concept allows a Shyft user to – readily accessible software (e.g., not trial- or design workflows by writing Python scripts rather than re- registration-based); quiring user input via a graphical user interface (GUI). The – high-quality code that is latter is standard in many software products targeted toward hydropower forecasting but was not desired. Shyft develop- – well-commented, ment is conducted by writing code in either Python or C++ – has modern standards, and is readily scripted and configurable for conducting sim- – is API-based and not a graphical user interface ulations programmatically. (GUI), and – is highly configurable using object-oriented stan- 2 Design principles dards; – well-documented software. Shyft is a toolbox that has been purpose-developed for op- erational, regional-scale hydropower inflow forecasting. It As we started the development of Shyft, we were unable was inspired from previous implementations of the multi- to find a suitable alternative based on the existing packages ple working hypothesis approach to provide the opportunity at the time. In some cases the software is simply not read- to explore multiple model realizations and gain insight into ily available or suitably licensed. In others, documentation forecast uncertainty (Kolberg and Bruland, 2014; Clark et al., and test coverage were not sufficient. Most prior implementa- 2015b). However, key design decisions have been taken to- tions of the multiple working hypothesis have a focus on the ward the requirement to provide a tool suitable for opera- exploration of model uncertainty or provide more complex- tional environments which vary from what may be priori- ity than required, therefore adding data requirements. While tized in a pure research environment. In order to obtain the Shyft provides some mechanisms for such investigation, we level of code quality and efficiency required for use in the hy- have further extended the paradigm to enable efficient eval- dropower market, we adhered to the following design princi- uation of multiple forcing datasets in addition to model con- ples. figurations, as this is found to drive a significant component of the variability. Geosci. Model Dev., 14, 821–842, 2021
J. F. Burkhart et al.: Shyft v4.8 825 2.1 Enterprise-level software 2.5 Hot service Large organizations often have strict requirements regarding Perhaps the most ambitious principle is to develop a tool that software security, testing, and code quality. Shyft follows the may be implemented as a hot service. The concept is that latest code standards and provides well-documented source rather than model results being saved to a database for later code. It is released as open-source software and maintained at analysis and visualization, a practitioner may request simu- (last access: 22 November 2020). lation results for a certain region at a given time by running All changes to the source code are tracked, and changes are the model on the fly without writing results to file. Further- run through a test suite, greatly reducing the risk of errors more, perhaps one would like to explore slight adjustments in the code. This process is standard operation for software to some model parameters, requiring recomputation, in real development but remains less common for research software. time. This vision will only be actualized through the devel- Test coverage is maintained at greater than 90 % of the whole opment of extremely fast and computationally efficient algo- C++ code base. Python coverage is about 60 % overall, in- rithms. cluding user interface, which is difficult to test. The hydrol- The adherence to a set of design principles creates ogy part has Python test coverage of more than 70 % on av- a software framework that is consistently developed and erage and is constantly validated via research activities. easily integrated into environments requiring tested, well- commented, well-documented, and secure code. 2.2 Direct connection to data stores A central philosophy of Shyft is that “data should live at 3 Architecture and structure the source!”. In operational environments, a natural chal- lenge exists between providing a forecast as rapidly as pos- Shyft is distributed in three separate code repositories and a sible and conducting sufficient quality assurance and control “docker” repository as described in Sect. 7. (QA/QC). As the QA/QC process is often ongoing, there may Shyft utilizes two different code bases (see overview given be changes to source datasets. For this reason, intermediate in Fig. 1). Basic data structures, hydrologic algorithms, and data files should be excluded, and Shyft is developed with models are defined in Shyft’s core, which is written in C++ this concept in mind. Users are encouraged to create their in order to provide high computational efficiency. In addi- own “repositories” that connect directly to their source data, tion, an API exposes the data types defined in the core to regardless of the format (see Sect. 4). Python. Model instantiation and configuration can therefore be utilized from pure Python code. In addition, Shyft pro- 2.3 Efficient integration of new knowledge vides functionalities that facilitate the configuration and real- ization of hydrologic forecasts in operational environments. Research and development (R&D) are critical for organiza- These functionalities are provided in Shyft’s orchestration tions to maintain competitive positions. There are two pre- and are part of the Python code base. As one of Shyft’s de- vailing pathways for organizations to conduct R&D: through sign principles is that data should live at the source rather internal divisions or through external partnerships. The chal- than Shyft requiring a certain input data format, data repos- lenge of either of these approaches is that often the results itories written in Python provide access to data sources. In from the research – or “project deliveries” – are difficult to order to provide robust software, automatic unit tests cover implement efficiently in an existing framework. Shyft pro- large parts of both code bases. In the following section, de- vides a robust operational hydrologic modeling environment, tails to each on the architectural constructs are given. while providing flexible “entry points” for novel algorithms, and the ability to test the algorithms in parallel with opera- 3.1 Core tional runs. The C++ core contains several separate code folders: core 2.4 Flexible method application – for handling framework-related functionality, like serial- Aligning with the principle of enabling rapid implementation ization and multithreading; time series – aimed at operating of new knowledge, it is critical to develop a framework that with generic time series and hydrology; and all the hydro- enables flexible, exploratory research. The ability to quantify logic algorithms, including structures and methods to manip- uncertainty is highly sought. One is able to explore epistemic ulate with spatial information.1 The design and implemen- uncertainty (Beven, 2006) introduced through the choice of tation of models aim for multicore operations to ensure uti- hydrologic algorithm. Additionally, mechanisms are in place lization of all computational resources available. At the same to enable selection of alternative forcing datasets (including 1 The core also contains dtss (time series handling services, en- point vs. distributed) and to explore variability resulting from ergy_market) algorithms related to energy market modeling and these data. web_api (web services), which are out of scope of this introductory paper. Geosci. Model Dev., 14, 821–842, 2021
826 J. F. Burkhart et al.: Shyft v4.8 time, design considerations ensure the system may be run on to NumPy and SciPy documentation.2 Here we will try multiple nodes. The core algorithms utilize third-party, high- to give an overview of the types typically used in ad- performance, multithreaded libraries. These include the stan- vanced simulations via API (the comprehensive set of exam- dard C++ (latest version), boost (Demming et al., 2010), ar- ples is available at madillo (Sanderson and Curtin, 2016), and dlib (King, 2009) master/notebooks/api, last access: 22 November 2020). libraries, altogether leading to efficient code. shyft.time_series provides mathematical and statistical op- The Shyft core itself is written using C++ templates from erations and functionality for time series. A time series can the abovementioned libraries and also provides templated al- be an expression or a concrete point time series. All time gorithms that consume template arguments as input param- series do have a time axis (TimeAxis – a set of ordered non- eters. The algorithms also return templates in some cases. overlapping periods), values (api.DoubleVector), and a point This allows for high flexibility and simplicity without sacri- interpretation policy (point_interpretation_policy). The time ficing performance. In general, templates and static dispatch series can provide a value for all the intervals, and the point are used over class hierarchies and inheritance. The goal to- interpretation policy defines how the values should be inter- ward faster algorithms is achieved via optimizing the com- preted: (a) the point instant value is valid at the start of the position, enabling multithreading, and the ability to scale out period, linear between points, extends flat from the last point to multiple nodes. to +∞, and undefined before the first value; it is typical for state variables, like water level and temperature, measured at 12:00 local time. (b) The point average value represents 3.2 Shyft API an average or constant value over the period; it is typical for model input and results, like precipitation and discharge. The The Shyft API exposes all relevant Shyft core implemen- TimeSeries functionality includes the following: resampling tations that are required to configure and utilize models to – average, accumulate, time_shift; statistics – min–max, cor- Python. The API is therefore the central part of the Shyft ar- relation by Nash–Sutcliffe, Kling–Gupta; filtering – convo- chitecture that a Shyft user is encouraged to focus on. An lution, average, derivative; quality and correction – min–max overview of fundamental Shyft API types and how they can limits, replace by linear interpolation or replacement time se- be used to initialize and apply a model is shown in Fig. 2. ries; partitioning and percentiles. A user aiming to simulate hydrological models can do this api.GeoCellData represents common constant cell proper- by writing pure Python code without ever being exposed to ties across several possible models and cell assemblies. The the C++ code base. Using Python, a user can configure and idea is that most of our algorithms use one or more of these run a model and access data at various levels such as model properties, so we provide a common aspect that keeps this input variables, model parameters, and model state and out- together. Currently it keeps the mid-point api.GeoPoint, the put variables. It is of central importance to mention that as Area, api.LandTypeFractions (forest, lake, reservoir, glacier, long as a model instance is initiated, all of these data are kept and unspecified), Catchment ID, and routing information. in the random access memory of the computer, which allows Cell is a container of GeoCellData and TimeSeries of a user to communicate with a Shyft model and its underlying model forcings (api.GeoPointSource). The cell is also spe- data structures using an interactive Python command shell cific to the Model selected, so api.pt_ss_k.PTSSKCellAll ac- such as the Interactive Python (IPython; Fig. 3). In this man- tually represents cells of a Priestley–Taylor–Skaugen–Snow– ner, a user could, for instance, interactively configure a Shyft Kirchner (PTSSK) type, related to the stack selected (de- model, feed forcing data to it, run the model, and extract and scribed in Sect. 5.2). The structure collects all the necessary plot result variables. Afterwards, as the model object is still information, including cell state, cell parameters, and simu- instantiated in the interactive shell, a user could change the lation results. Cell Vector (api.pt_ss_k.PTSSKCellAllVector) model configuration, e.g., by updating certain model param- is a container for the cells. eters, rerun the model, and extract the updated model results. Region Model (api.pt_ss_k.PTSSKModel) contains Exposing all relevant Shyft core types to an interpreted pro- all the Cells and also Model Parameters at region and gramming language provides a considerable level of flexibil- catchment level (api.pt_ss_k.PTSSKParameter). Ev- ity at the user level that facilitates the realization of a large erything is vectorized, so, for example, Model State number of different operational setups. Furthermore, using vector in the form of api.pt_ss_k.PTSSKStateVector col- Python offers a Shyft user access to a programming language lects together the states of each model cell. The region with intuitive and easy-to-learn syntax, wide support through model is a provider of all functionality available: ini- a large and growing user community, over 300 standard li- tialization (Model.initialize_cell_env(...)), interpolation brary modules that contain modules and classes for a wide (Model.interpolate(...)), simulation (Model.run_cells(...)), variety of programming tasks, and cross-platform availabil- and calibration (Optimizer.optimize(...)), wherein the op- ity. All Shyft classes and methods available through the API 2 follow the documentation standards introduced in the guide document.html (last access: 22 November 2020) Geosci. Model Dev., 14, 821–842, 2021
J. F. Burkhart et al.: Shyft v4.8 827 Figure 1. Architecture of Shyft. timizer is api.pt_ss_k.PTSSKOptimizer – also a construct Shyft accesses data required to run simulations through within the model purposed specifically for the calibration. It repositories (Fowler, 2002). The use of repositories is driven is in the optimizer, where the Target Specification resides. by the aforementioned design principle to have a “direct con- To guide the model calibration we have a GoalFunction that nection to the data store”. Each type of repository has a spe- we try to minimize based on the TargetSpecification. cific responsibility, a well-defined interface, and may have a The Region Model is separated from Region Environ- multitude of implementations of these interfaces. The data ment (api.ARegionEnvironment), which is a container for all accessed by repositories usually originate from a relational Source vectors of certain types, like temperature and precip- database or file formats that are well-known. In practice, data itation, in the form of api.GeoPointSourceVector. are never accessed in any way other than through these inter- Details on the main components of Fig. 2 are pro- faces, and the intention is that data are never converted into a vided in following sections. Via API the user can interact particular format for Shyft. In order to keep code in the Shyft with the system at any possible step, so the frame- orchestration at a minimum, repositories are obliged to return work gives flexibility at any stage of simulation, but the Shyft API types. Shyft provides interfaces for the following implementation resides in the C++ part, keeping the effi- repositories. ciency at the highest possible levels. The documentation page at Region model repository. The responsibility is to pro- notebooks/shyft-intro-course-master/run_api_model.ipynb vide a configured region model, hiding away any (last access: 22 November 2020) provides a simple single- implementation-specific details regarding how the cell example of Shyft simulation via API, which extensively model configuration and data are stored (e.g., in a explains each step. NetCDF database, a geographical information system). 3.3 Repositories Geo-located time series repository. The responsibility is to provide all meteorology- and hydrology-relevant types Data required to conduct simulations are dependent on the of geo-located time series needed to run or calibrate hydrological model selected. However, at present the avail- the region model (e.g., data from station observations, able routines require at a minimum temperature and precipi- weather forecasts, climate models). tation, and most also use wind speed, relative humidity, and radiation. More details regarding the requirements of these Interpolation parameter repository. The responsibility is to data are given in Sect. 5. provide parameters for the interpolation method used in the simulation. Geosci. Model Dev., 14, 821–842, 2021
828 J. F. Burkhart et al.: Shyft v4.8 Figure 2. Description of the main Shyft API types and how they are used in order to construct a model. API types used for running simulations are shown to the left of the dashed line; additional types used for model calibration are to the right of it. ∗ Different API types exist for different Shyft models dependent on the choice of the model. For this explanatory figure we use a PTSSK stack, which is an acronym for Priestley–Taylor–Skaugen–Snow–Kirchner. ∗∗ Different API types exist for different types of input variables (e.g., temperature, precipitation, relative humidity, wind speed, radiation). State repository. The responsibility is to provide model provides a collection of utilities that allow users to configure, states for the region model and store model states for run, and post-process simulations. Orchestration provides for later use. two main objectives. Shyft provides implementations of the region model repos- The first is to offer an easy entry point for modelers seek- itory interface and the geo-located time series repository in- ing to use Shyft. By using the orchestration, users require terface for several datasets available in NetCDF formats. only a minimum of Python scripting experience in order to These are mostly used for documentation and testing and can configure and run simulations. However, the Shyft orches- likewise be utilized by a Shyft user. Users aiming for an op- tration gives only limited functionality, and users might find erational implementation of Shyft are encouraged to write it limiting to their ambitions. For this reason, Shyft users are their own repositories following the provided interfaces and strongly encouraged to learn how to effectively use Shyft API examples rather than converting data to the expectations of functionality in order to be able to enjoy the full spectrum of the provided NetCDF repositories. opportunities that the Shyft framework offers for hydrologic modeling. 3.4 Orchestration Secondly, and importantly, it is through the orchestration that full functionality can be utilized in operational environ- We define “orchestration” as the composition of the simula- ments. However, as different operational environments have tion configuration. This included defining the model domain, different objectives, it is likely that an operator of an op- selection of forcing datasets and model algorithms, and pre- erational service wants to extend the current functionalities sentation of the results. In order to facilitate the realization of the orchestration or design a completely new one from of simple hydrologic simulation and calibration tasks, Shyft scratch suitable to the needs the operator defines. The orches- provides an additional layer of Python code. The Shyft or- chestration layer is built on top of the API functionalities and Geosci. Model Dev., 14, 821–842, 2021
J. F. Burkhart et al.: Shyft v4.8 829 Figure 3. Simplified example showing how a Shyft user can configure a Shyft model using the Shyft API (from shyft import api) and (interactive) Python scripting. In line 2, the model to be used is chosen. In line 3 a model cell suitable to the model is initiated. In line 4 a cell vector, which acts as a container for all model cells, is initiated and the cell is appended to the vector (line 5). In line 6, a parameter object is initiated that provides default model parameters for the model domain. Based on the information contained in the cell vector (defining the model domain), the model parameters, and the model itself, the region model can be initiated (line 7) and, after some intermediate steps not shown in this example, stepped forward in time (line n). The example is simplified in that it gives a rough overview of how to use the Shyft API but does not provide a real working example. The functionality shown herein provides a small subset of the functionalities provided by the Shyft API. For more complete examples we recommend the Shyft documentation (, last access: 22 November 2020). tration provided in Shyft then rather serves as an introductory model domain is composed of a user-defined number of cells example. and catchments and is called a region. A Shyft region thus specifies the geographical properties required in a hydrologic simulation. 4 Conceptual model For computations, the cells are vectorized rather than rep- resented on a grid, as is typical for spatially distributed mod- The design principles of Shyft led to the development of a els. This aspect of Shyft provides significant flexibility and framework that attempts to strictly separate the model do- efficiency in computation. main (region) from the model forcing data (region environ- ment) and the model algorithms in order to provide a high degree of flexibility in the choice of each of these three ele- 4.2 Region environment ments. In this section how a model domain is constructed in Shyft is described and how it is combined with a set of mete- Model forcing data are organized in a construct called a re- orological forcing data and a hydrological algorithm in order gion environment. The region environment provides contain- to generate an object that is central to Shyft, the so-called ers for each variable type required as input to a model. Me- region model. For corresponding Shyft API types, see Fig. 2. teorological forcing variables currently supported are tem- perature, precipitation, radiation, relative humidity, and wind 4.1 Region: the model domain speed. Each variable container can be fed a collection of geo- located time series, referred to as sources, each providing In Shyft, a model domain is defined by a collection of geo- the time series data for the variables coupled with methods located subunits called cells. Each cell has certain properties that provide information about the geographical location for such as land type fractions, area, geographic location, and a which the data are valid. The collections of sources in the unique identifier specifying to which catchment the cell be- region environment can originate from, e.g., station observa- longs (the catchment ID). Cells with the same catchment ID tions, gridded observations, gridded numerical weather fore- are assigned to the same catchment and each catchment is casts, or climate simulations (see Fig. 4). The time series of defined by a set of catchment IDs (see Fig. 4). The Shyft these sources are usually presented in the original time reso- Geosci. Model Dev., 14, 821–842, 2021
830 J. F. Burkhart et al.: Shyft v4.8 Figure 4. A Shyft model domain consisting of a collection of cells. Each cell is mapped to a catchment using a catchment ID. The default cell shape in this example is square; however, note that at the boundaries cells are not square but instead follow the basin boundary polygon. The red line indicates a catchment that could be defined by a subset of catchment IDs. The framework would allow for using the full region, but simulating only within this catchment. The blue circles mark the geographical location of meteorological data sources, which are provided by the region environment. lution as available in the database from which they originate. The region model provides the following key functionali- That is, the region environment typically provides meteoro- ties that allow us to simulate the hydrology of a region. logical raw data, with no assumption on spatial properties of the model cells or the model time step used for simulation. – Interpolation of meteorological forcing data from the source locations to the cells using a user-defined inter- 4.3 Model polation method and interpolation from the source time resolution to the simulation time resolution. A construct The model approach used to simulate hydrological processes named cell environment, a property of each cell, acts as is defined by the user and is independent of the choice of a container for the interpolated time series of forcing the region and region environment configurations. In Shyft, variables. Available interpolation routines are descried a model defines a sequence of algorithms, each of which de- in Sect. 5.1. scribes a method to represent certain processes of the hydro- logical cycle. Such processes might be evapotranspiration, – Running the model forward in time. Once the interpo- snow accumulation and melt processes, or soil response. The lation step is performed, the region model is provided respective algorithms are compiled into model stacks, and with all data required to predict the temporal evolution different model stacks differ in at least one method. Cur- of hydrologic variables. This step is done through cell- rently, Shyft provides four different model stacks, described by-cell execution of the model stack. This step is com- in more detail in Sect. 5.2. putationally highly efficient due to enabled multithread- ing that allows parallel execution on a multiprocessing 4.4 Region model system by utilizing all central processing units (CPUs) unless otherwise specified. Once a user has defined the region representing the model domain, the region environment providing the meteorolog- – Providing access to all data related to region and model. ical model forcing, and the model defining the algorithmic All data that are required as input to the model and gen- representation of hydrologic processes, these three objects erated during a model run are stored in memory and can can be combined to create a region model, an object that is be accessed through the region model. This applies to central to Shyft. model forcing data at source and cell level, model pa- rameters at region and catchment level, static cell data, Geosci. Model Dev., 14, 821–842, 2021
J. F. Burkhart et al.: Shyft v4.8 831 and time series of model state result variables. The lat- a model stack cell by cell. This section gives an overview of ter two are not necessarily stored by default in order to the methods implemented for interpolation and hydrologic achieve high computational efficiency, but collection of modeling. those can be enabled prior to a model run. 5.1 Interpolation A simplified example of how to use the Shyft API to configure a Shyft region model is shown In order to interpolate model forcing data from the source in Fig. 3, or one can consult the documentation: locations to the cell locations, Shyft provides two different interpolation algorithms: interpolation via inverse distance notebooks/shyft-intro-course-master/run_api_model.ipynb weighting and Bayesian kriging. However, it is important to (last access: 22 November 2020). mention that Shyft users are not forced to use the internally provided interpolation methods. Instead, the provided inter- 4.5 Targets polation step can be skipped and input data can be fed di- rectly to cells, leaving it up to the Shyft user how to interpo- Shyft provides functionality to estimate model parameters by late and/or downscale model input data from source locations providing implementation of several optimization algorithms to the cell domain. and goal functions. Shyft utilizes optimization algorithms from dlib ( 5.1.1 Inverse distance weighting bobyqa, last access: 22 November 2020): Bound Optimiza- tion BY Quadratic Approximation (BOBYQA), which is Inverse distance weighting (IDW) (Shepard, 1968) is the pri- a derivative-free optimization algorithm and global func- mary method used to distribute model forcing time series to tion search algorithm explained in Powell (2009) (http:// the cells. The implementation of IDW allows a high degree of, last ac- flexibility in the approach of a choice of models for different cess: 22 November 2020) that performs global optimization variables. of a function, subject to bound constraints. In order to optimize model parameters, model results are 5.1.2 Bayesian temperature kriging evaluated against one or several target specifications (Gupta et al., 1998). Most commonly, simulated discharge is evalu- As described in Sect. 5.1.1 we provide functionality to use a ated with observed discharge; however, Shyft supports fur- height-gradient-based approach to reduce the systematic er- ther variables such as mean catchment snow water equiv- ror when estimating the local air temperature based on re- alence (SWE) and snow-covered area (SCA) to estimate gional observations. The gradient value may either be calcu- model parameters. This enables a refined condition of the lated from the data or set manually by the user. parameter set for variables for which a more physical model In many cases, this simplistic approach is suitable for the may be used and high-quality data are available. This ap- purposes of optimizing the calibration. However, if one is proach is being increasingly employed in snow-dominated interested in greater physical constraints on the simulation, catchments (e.g., Teweldebrhan et al., 2018a; Riboust et al., we recognize that the gradient is often more complicated and 2019). An arbitrary number of target time series can be eval- varies both seasonally and with local weather. There may be uated during a calibration run, each representing a different situations in which insufficient observations are available to part of the region and/or time interval and step. The over- properly calculate the temperature gradient, or potentially the all evaluation metric is calculated from a weighted average local forcing at the observation stations is actually represen- of the metric of each target specification. To evaluate perfor- tative of entirely different processes than the one for which mance users can specify Nash–Sutcliffe (Nash and Sutcliffe, the temperature is being estimated. An alternative approach 1970), Kling–Gupta (Gupta et al., 1998), or absolute differ- has therefore been implemented in Shyft that enables apply- ence or root mean square error (RMSE) functions. The user ing a method that would buffer the most severe local effects can specify which model parameters to optimize, giving a in such cases. search range for each of the parameters. In order to provide The application of Bayes’ theorem is suitable for such maximum speed, the optimized models are used during cali- weighting of measurement data against prior information. bration so that the CPU and memory footprints are minimal. Shyft provides a method that estimates a regional height gra- dient and sea level temperature for the entire region, which together with elevation data subsequently model a surface 5 Hydrologic modeling temperature. Modeling the hydrology of a region with Shyft is typi- 5.1.3 Generalization cally done by first interpolating the model forcing data from the source locations (e.g., atmospheric model grid points or The IDW in Shyft is generalized and adapted to the practi- weather stations) to the Shyft cell location and then running calities using available grid forecasts: Geosci. Model Dev., 14, 821–842, 2021
832 J. F. Burkhart et al.: Shyft v4.8 1. selecting the neighbors that should participate in the Table 1. Input data requirements per model. IDW individually for each destination point; Input variable Unit Model stacks – The Z scale allows the selection to discriminate Temperature ◦C all model stacks neighbors that are of different height (e.g., precipi- tation, relative humidity, prefer same heights); Precipitation mm h−1 all model stacks Radiation W m−2 all model stacks – the number of neighbors that should be chosen for Wind speed m s−1 PTGSK any given interpolation point; and Relative humidity % PTGSK – excluding neighbors with distances larger than a specified limit. hydrologic calculations. In these remaining model stacks, the 2. Given the neighbors selected according to (1), a trans- model stack naming convention provides information about formation technique or method adapted to the signal the hydrologic methods used in the respective model. type is applied to project the signal from its source po- sition into the destination position. The weight scaling 5.3 PTGSK factor is 1/pow(distance, distance_scale_factor). – PT (Priestley–Taylor) – Temperature has several options available. Method for evapotranspiration calculations according to – The temperature lapse rate is computed us- Priestley and Taylor (1972). ing the nearest neighbors with sufficient and/or maximized vertical distance. – GS (Gamma-Snow) – The full 3D temperature flux vector is derived Energy-balance-based snow routine that uses a gamma from the selected points, and then the vertical function to represent sub-cell snow distribution (Kol- component is used. berg et al., 2006). – For precipitation, – K (Kirchner) (scale_factor)(z distance in meters/100.0) , the scale Hydrologic response routine based on Kirchner (2009). factor specified in the parameter, and the z distance as the source–destination distance. In the PTGSK model stack, the model first uses Priestley– Taylor to calculate the potential evapotranspiration based on – Radiation: allows for slope and factor adjustment temperature, radiation, and relative humidity data (see Ta- on the destination cell. ble 1 for an overview of model input data). The calculated potential evaporation is then used to estimate the actual evap- 5.2 Model stacks otranspiration using a simple scaling approach. The Gamma- In Shyft, a hydrologic model is a sequence of hydrologic Snow routine is used to calculate snow accumulation and methods and a called model stack. Each method of the model melt-adjusted runoff using time series data for precipitation stack describes a certain hydrologic process, and the model and wind speed in addition to the input data used in the stack typically provides a complete rainfall–runoff model. Priestley–Taylor method. Glacier melt is accounted for using In the current state, the model stacks provided in Shyft dif- a simple temperature index approach (Hock, 2003). Based on fer mostly in the representation of snow accumulation and the snow- and ice-adjusted available liquid water, Kirchner’s melt processes due to the predominant importance of snow approach is used to calculate the catchment response. The in the hydropower production environments of Nordic coun- PTGSK model stack is the only model in Shyft which pro- tries, where the model was operationalized first. These model vides an energy-balance approach to the calculation of snow stacks provide sufficient performance in the catchments for accumulation and melt processes. which the model has been evaluated; however, it is expected 5.4 PTSSK that for some environments with different climatic condi- tions more advanced hydrologic routines will be required, – SS (Skaugen Snow) and therefore new model stacks are in active development. Temperature-index-model-based snow routine with a Furthermore, applying Shyft in renewable energy production focus on snow distribution according to Skaugen and environments other than hydropower (e.g., wind power) is Randen (2013) and Skaugen and Weltzien (2016). realizable but will not be discussed herein. Currently, there are four model stacks available that un- As with the PTGSK model stack, all calculations are iden- dergo permanent development. With the exception of the tical with the exception that the snow accumulation and melt HBV (Hydrologiska Byråns Vattenbalansavdeling) (Lind- processes are calculated using the Skaugen Snow routine. ström et al., 1997) model stack, the distinction for the re- The implementation strictly separates potential melt calcula- maining three model options is the snow routine used in the tions from snow distribution calculations, making it an easy Geosci. Model Dev., 14, 821–842, 2021
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