SHICC PUBLIC HEALTH BULLETIN #11 - Thursday, 10 February 2022 12:00 Hours
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SHICC PUBLIC HEALTH BULLETIN #11 Thursday, 10 February 2022 12:00 Hours This bulletin has been authorised by the A/Deputy Incident Controller – Public Health, Dr Tania Wallace COVID-19 case and vaccination numbers • Summary: as of Thursday, 10 February, in Western Australia (WA), there have been: o 2,044 confirmed cases of COVID-19 notified o 1,619 people recovered from COVID-19 o 2,361,441 COVID-19 tests conducted • WA: Daily snapshot & Vaccination dashboard • National: Current National Status & Australia’s vaccine roll-out • Worldwide: WHO Situation Reports & WHO Dashboard Living with COVID Chief Health Officer advice The latest advice from the Chief Health Officer is available here. High caseload setting Western Australia (WA) transitioned to high caseload setting arrangements from Tuesday, 8 February 2022, to appropriately manage COVID-19 in the community. The high caseload setting arrangements include: • new close contact definition • new testing and isolation guidelines • schools and childcare centre close contact protocols • mandatory positive rapid antigen test registration • removal of casual contacts. Refer to the announcement and the media release for further information. Travel From Wednesday, 9 February 2022, the following travel-related high caseload setting changes will be implemented: • quarantine for approved international and interstate travellers reduced to seven days • travellers must then wear a mask in indoor and outdoor settings for the seven days after they end their self-quarantine • vaccinated direct international travellers permitted to self-quarantine at a suitable premise, if eligible, with the arrivals cap doubled to 530 travellers per week • mandatory use of G2G NOW will still be required by all arrivals in self-quarantine • unvaccinated international arrivals required to complete 14 days in hotel quarantine. Refer to the media release and announcement for new hard border arrangement information.
RATs for travellers All interstate and international travellers will be given two RATs on arrival at Perth Airport to accommodate their testing requirements. Refer to the announcement for information. New hard border Western Australia’s new hard border is now in place to enable safe, compassionate travel into WA and the return of Western Australians. This includes new requirements for approved travellers to enter WA from interstate or international locations. Refer to the announcement and the website for information. Elective surgery WA will reduce the number of elective surgery bookings made in anticipation of expected system pressures as COVID-19 case numbers increase. All public hospitals, including public-private partnership hospitals, will temporarily pause further bookings for multi-day non-urgent Category 2 and Category 3 elective surgeries from 28 February 2022 for a two-months. Bookings made before this time are expected to be performed. A weekly cap will be introduced for Category 2 procedures. All Category 1 bookings will continue. Refer to the media statement for information. Transition resources for HCW The Department of Health has developed a webpage for transition policies and resources for healthcare workers. The policies and resources will assist the WA health system in responding to the anticipated surge in COVID-19 community transmission and continue to provide excellent care to our community. The information applies to WA public sector clinicians, private health providers, general practices and pharmacies. RAT use Rapid antigen tests (RATs) can now be used as a diagnostic tool for COVID-19, as per high caseload setting health advice. Positive COVID-19 RAT results must be reported online within the Department of Health. Those without online access must register their positive RAT result by phoning 13 COVID (13 26843). Information regarding RAT use is available at HealthyWA and Information for managing COVID-19 can be found at HealthyWA. RAT for emergency department screening WA public hospital emergency departments (EDs) in Perth and the South West will bolster their COVID-safe measures by screening patients using RATs before they enter. Refer to the media release for information. Public health advice In line with the national approach, reference to casual contacts has ceased in WA. High risk exposure locations related to close contacts – where we cannot identify all contacts at the location – will continue to be listed. Low risk exposure sites may be listed in circumstances determined by public health. Western Australians are asked to continue to visit this HealthyWA regularly for updated or new exposure sites.
Anyone experiencing any symptoms should get tested immediately and isolate until they receive a negative result. This applies to anyone symptomatic – even if you have not visited a listed exposure site. Western Australians are encouraged to stay vigilant and use SafeWA/ServiceWA and mandatory contact registers to check into businesses and venues. For information on public health measures including mask wearing and proof of vaccination, see the website. More information is also available in the media statement. New information on HealthyWA The WA Department of Health continues to develop information material to ensure the WA public can continue to access critical health advice relevant to the current situation. You are encouraged to check back regularly for updates, particularly as new announcements are made. The website now has information on managing COVID-19 at home and in the community, which will continue to be refined as the situation evolves. The WA COVID Care at Home program, rapid antigen test information and positive rapid antigen test result online registration portal has recently been published. Business, industry and agencies developing COVID-19 resources should refer to information on HealthyWA, the Department of Health and websites to ensure appropriate advice is sourced. Public hospital visitor guidelines and SAR The COVID-19 Public Hospital Visitor Guidelines continues to be updated to provide clarification and incorporate feedback. The WA Health COVID-19 Framework for System Alert and Response (SAR) will be updated in the coming weeks to align with revised policy and to provide clarification. Topics under review includes: • visitor guidance • testing guidelines • publicly funded dental services • mental health services provided by HSPs. Outpatient guidelines are being revised and work is being progressed to develop web content. The current risk rating is interim Amber for the following regions: • Perth/Peel • South West. All other regions of the State remain at alert level Green. Refer to the visitor guidelines document and SAR on the Department of Health website under ‘clinical guidelines’ accordion. Community Face masks The use of face masks is an important tool to minimise COVID-19 transmission and the effect on the WA community, particularly when there is active community transmission. The Directions that require mask use offer a list of exceptions, including if the person has a physical or mental illness, condition or disability that makes wearing a face mask unsuitable.
If registered health practitioners believe their patient’s medical condition is serious enough that they are unable to safely wear a mask, they can provide their patients with a letter of confirmation. The letter does not need to define the patient’s condition. Schools and gatherings The WA Government released new guidance to schools to limit in-school gatherings of students to minimise the effect of a COVID-19 case attending the school before diagnosis. In-school gatherings of students and staff should be limited to class groups or small groups within a year level. Refer to the media release for information. Information for the fishing industry The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) have developed guidance for the fishing industry, particularly relating to the impact of COVID-19 and mandatory vaccination. Refer to the website for further information. Test and isolation payment The WA Government announced a new COVID-19 Test Isolation Payment program to support Western Australian’s who are required to isolate while waiting for a COVID-19 PCR test result and lose income as a result. More information is available in the announcement and FAQs. RAT consumer quotas New regulations were implemented to enable proper management of the supply of COVID-19 rapid antigen tests in WA. A new iteration of the Directions is now available. COVID-19 vaccination program ATAGI approves Pfizer boosters for 16 and 17-year-old children On 3 February 2022, ATAGI recommended all 16 and 17 years old receive a booster vaccination with the Comirnaty (Pfizer) vaccine, 3 or more months after receiving their previous primary dose. This includes those who were aged under 16 years when they received their last primary dose and are now aged 16 years. Those aged 16 and 17 years who are immunocompromised and have received a third primary dose of COVID-19 vaccine should also receive a booster dose (fourth dose) of the Pfizer vaccine when they become eligible. Those aged 16 and 17 years with risk factors for severe disease (including chronic disease) or pregnancy, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, or those who work in environmental settings that place them at higher risk should receive their booster as soon as they are eligible. ATAGI advice on Novavax use in mixed primary schedule ATAGI has advised that Novavax COVID-19 vaccine can be administered as part of a heterologous (mixed) primary schedule to people who have received one or more doses of another COVID-19 vaccine, including as a third dose for people with severe immunocompromise. Novavax COVID-19 vaccine is not currently recommended for use as a booster vaccine. Booster Blitz A two-week vaccination blitz to increase booster vaccination rates was announced on 2 February 2022 to keep Western Australians safe. The blitz will see an extra 40,000 appointments available at the State-run vaccination clinics, increasing the weekly capacity at these clinics to around 100,000
doses. People are encouraged to book an appointment by visiting VaccinateWA or calling 13COVID if assistance is required. Community vaccination clinics Please check the community vaccination clinic list online for further information and opening times. To avoid extended queues, people are encouraged to make a booking at VaccinateWA or 13COVID, as people with bookings will be prioritised. There will be numerous regional pop-up clinics available for walk-ins in the coming weeks. Visit the COVID-19 vaccine webpage for a list of these clinics and their opening times. Existing Community vaccination clinics in WA include Armadale, Mirrabooka, Carramar, Mandurah, Canning Vale, Midland, Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre, Claremont Showgrounds, Joondalup, Kwinana, and Bunbury. The Comirnaty (Pfizer), Spikevax (Moderna) and Vaxzevria (AstraZeneca) COVID-19 vaccines are being administered at participating GPs and pharmacies for eligible populations. Participating GPs and pharmacies can be found by using the COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic Finder. Vaccine information and resources Please visit the sources below for more information and resources related to vaccines: • HealthyWA – COVID-19 Vaccine (for WA community) including FAQs • WA Health – COVID-19 Vaccination Program (for WA health providers) • Small Business Development Corporation (SBDC) – workplace information about the COVID-19 vaccine FAQs (general information for businesses and employers) • The Australian Government – COVID-19 Vaccines hub • Roll up for WA and Roll up for WA posters • KAMS – Get vaccinated against COVID-19 TVC Campaign Directions updates COVID-19 State of Emergency Declarations and community advice summarises the latest COVID-19 Directions that are in place in WA. Further information can be found on WA Government website. New Directions • COVID Transition Sports Directions Carlton Football Club • COVID Transition Sports Directions Collingwood Football Club • COVID Transition Sports Directions West Coast Eagles Football Club • Air North (Crew and Engineer) Directions (No 3) • Chief Health Officer Approval to Request COVID-19 Testing on Patients of a Private Hospital • Air Services and Border Worker (Restrictions on Access) Directions (No 3) • Aircraft Travel (Face Mask) Directions (No 2) • Airport and Transportation (Face Mask) Directions (No 2) • COVID Transition (Testing and Isolation) Directions • Close Contact Definition Amendment Directions • Fire and Emergency Services Worker (Restrictions on Access) Directions (No 3) • Quarantine Centre Workers (Secondary Employment) Directions (No 2) • Rapid Antigen Test (Restrictions on Sale and Supply) Directions (No 2) • Flight Crew Directions (No 10) • Proof of Vaccination (No 2) (Revocation) Directions • Transiting Aircraft Passengers Directions (No 4) • Access to Quarantine Centres Directions (No 3) • Air North (Crew and Engineer) Directions (No 2)
• Aircraft from Restricted Locations Arrival Directions (No 2) • Beach Energy Ocean Onyx Workers Directions (No 2) • COVID Transition (Consequential Revocations) Directions • Critical Businesses Worker (Restrictions on Access) Directions (No 2) • DFES Interstate Firefighter Directions • Entry by Approved Border Community Residents and Workers Directions (No 2) • Entry to Kimberley Directions (No 3) • Exposed On-Board Worker Directions (No 3) • Exposure Sites (Outside of Western Australia) Directions (No 4) • Kuri Bay Worker Directions (No 2) • Maritime Crew Member Directions (No 3) • Presentation for Testing Directions (No 39) • Rig or Platform Crew Member Directions (No 3) • Santos Bayu-Undan Workers Directions (No 2) • Seasonal Workers Directions (No 2) • Transitional Travellers (Continuation of G2G Entry QR Codes) Directions • Transport, Freight and Logistics Directions (No 12) • Yongah Hill Immigration Detainees Directions (No 4) • COVID Transition (Border Requirements) Amendment Directions (No 3) • Health Care Workers Directions (No 3) • Proof of Vaccination Directions (No 3) • COVID Transition (Border Requirements) Amendment Directions (No 2) • Unofficial Consolidation of the COVID Transition (Border Requirements) Directions (as at 4 February 2022) • Health Care Workers Directions (No 2) • Meat Industry Worker (Restrictions on Access) Directions (No 2) • Eastern Goldfields College: Identification Of Class To Whom A Proof Exception Under Paragraph 8(D) Applies Updated fact sheets • Information on COVID-19 and Building Ventilation • Information on COVID-19 and Air Purifiers/Cleaners • Information on COVID-19 and Ventilation at Home Testing General population testing criteria Any person may be tested if they have any one of the following clinical criteria: fever (≥37.50C) OR history of fever (e.g. night sweats, chills), without a known source OR acute respiratory symptoms (e.g. shortness of breath, cough, sore throat, runny nose) OR acute loss of smell or taste OR a positive or inconclusive rapid antigen test result. Testing locations Testing locations are listed on HealthyWA. Reporting Notify suspected COVID-19 cases by completing the notification form either ONLINE or by printing out the notification form. Positive rapid antigen test results must be registered
Series of National Guidelines (SoNG) The latest iteration was released on 14 January 2022. Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) The Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) is the key decision-making committee for health emergencies. It is comprised of all state and territory Chief Health Officers and is chaired by the Australian Chief Medical Officer. The AHPPC has an ongoing role to advise the Australian Health Ministers’ Advisory Council (AHMAC) on health protection matters and national priorities. AHPPC is also tasked with the role of mitigating emerging health threats related to infectious diseases, the environment as well as natural and human made disasters. Business and industry Resources for more information • WA Department of Health and HealthyWA • Department of Health Media Releases • Australian Government Health Department • Advice for the public (WHO) • Advice in other languages and Translated Resources • Advice for Aboriginal people • Covid Clinic walkthrough – in multiple languages • Contact register information • SafeWA user guide • Mandatory vaccination Directions and supporting documents • Mandatory vaccination general and industry-specific FAQs • Proof of vaccination Directions, information and FAQs More information • COVID-19 Clinic ONLY Test Results Enquiry Line: 1800 313 223 (Note: NOT for GP referred testing or private pathology clinic tests) • COVID-19 WA Public Information Line: 132 6843 (13 COVID) • COVID-19 Travel Restrictions Exemption Application: Visit the G2G PASS website • COVID-19 WA Police Line: 131 444 To report breaches of: self-quarantine, business activities, border controls and other State of Emergency Directions Next advice – The Bulletin is issued weekly. Next issue: 15 February 2022. Last updated 10 February 2022 This document can be made available in alternative formats on request for a person with disability. © Department of Health 2021
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