Shhh... Scholastic s best kept secret! - BEST OF THE BEST TEACHING RESOURCES FROM AROUND THE GLOBE! ISSUE 1 2020 - Scholastic Australia

Page created by Kathryn Tran
Shhh... Scholastic s best kept secret! - BEST OF THE BEST TEACHING RESOURCES FROM AROUND THE GLOBE! ISSUE 1 2020 - Scholastic Australia

              Shhh... ,
            Scholastic s
             best kept
Shhh... Scholastic s best kept secret! - BEST OF THE BEST TEACHING RESOURCES FROM AROUND THE GLOBE! ISSUE 1 2020 - Scholastic Australia
Teacher Essentials
    & School Essentials

  teacher essentials /ˈti tʃər ǝsɛnʃǝls/, 1. the best of the best teaching resources
  from around the globe 2. discounted prices 3. special bargains providing a
  sneak peak into the full range of resources available at
  4. seasonal offers reflecting areas of importance to Australian schools
  5. delivery-free way to resource your classroom and earn Scholastic Rewards towards
  your next order at the same time 6. a teacher’s best friend 7. and so much more!


  school essentials /skul ǝsɛnʃǝls/, 1. your learning and literacy partner available
  online 24/7 2. a curated collection of resources to support all curriculum areas
  3. a wealth of classic and contemporary literature to stock school and classroom
  libraries 4. the widest available choice of affordable storage solutions colour-coded
  to reading levels 5. cutting-edge STEM solutions 6. innovative resources to create
  inspiring learning environments 7. and so much more!

Shhh... Scholastic s best kept secret! - BEST OF THE BEST TEACHING RESOURCES FROM AROUND THE GLOBE! ISSUE 1 2020 - Scholastic Australia

                                                                 PAGE 30

Teacher Created Resources. 30 postcards, each 102mm x 152mm.
$9.99 TE $6.50

                                                                            SAVE OVER


Whitney and Britney are two gorgeous chooks, Fluffy
and silky with stunning good looks. Dora is perplexed
about where her chooks go each night. Little does she
know, they are Whitney and Britney, Chicken Divas!
Lucinda Gifford. Scholastic Australia. Hardcover. Full colour.
32 pp. Early Years/Foundation/Lower Primary.
$17.99 TE $12.00

                       PAGES 28–29


Shhh... Scholastic s best kept secret! - BEST OF THE BEST TEACHING RESOURCES FROM AROUND THE GLOBE! ISSUE 1 2020 - Scholastic Australia
                                                                                   WHILE STOCKS LAST!


                                                                                                                                                  SAVE OVER

                                                          804. 15 BOOKS FOR $39 (EARLY YEARS)
                                                          15 books (may be a mix of softcovers and hardcovers; titles without a star may vary).
                                                          $244.85 TE $39.00

    803. SAY CHEESE!                                                                                                                      30 BOOKS
    Some students just won’t stay still! And others                                  805. 30 BOOKS FOR $69

                                                            Double-                                                                    SAVE $420.70
    won’t look at the camera! Will Maxwell Mouse,                                    (EARLY YEARS)

    photographer, be able to get all the students                                    WOW! Order item 805 to receive

                                                              take!                                                                       $
    to SAY CHEESE for their school photo?                                            TWO SETS of item 804 for
    Frances Watts, illus Marjorie Crosby-Fairall.                                    OVER 85% OFF RRP!
    Scholastic Australia. Hardcover. Full colour. 32pp.                              $489.70 TE $69.00
    Early Years/Foundation/Lower Primary.
    $24.99 TE $22.00

                                                          SAVE OVER



                                                          807. 15 BOOKS FOR $39 (LOWER PRIMARY)
                                                          15 books (may be a mix of softcovers and hardcovers; titles without a star may vary).
                                                          $164.85 TE $39.00

    806. The Wonderful Wisdom of Ants                                                                                                     30 BOOKS
    The answers to life’s biggest questions                                          808. 30 BOOKS FOR

                                                                                     $69 (LOWER PRIMARY)
    can be found in the smallest places. An                                                                                            SAVE $260.70

    insightful (and hilarious) peek into what                                        WOW! Order item 808 to receive

                                                              take!                                                                       $
    we can learn from the world of the ant.                                          TWO SETS of item 807 for
    Philip Bunting. Omnibus Books. Hardcover.                                        OVER 75% OFF RRP!
    Full colour. 32 pp. Primary.                                                     $329.70 TE $69.00
    $17.99 TE $12.00

                                                          PLEASE NOTE: WOW PACKS ARE NOT INTENDED TO BE GIVEN AS GIFTS/REWARDS.
Shhh... Scholastic s best kept secret! - BEST OF THE BEST TEACHING RESOURCES FROM AROUND THE GLOBE! ISSUE 1 2020 - Scholastic Australia

                                    12                                                                                                SAVE OVER

                                             810. 15 BOOKS FOR $39 (MIDDLE PRIMARY)
                                             15 books (may be a mix of softcovers and hardcovers; titles without a star may vary).
                                             $208.85 TE $39.00

809. Emergency Rescue Angel                                                                                                    30 BOOKS
Mitch lives with his mum, after the                                        811. 30 BOOKS FOR $69

                                                Double-                                                                      SAVE $348.70
recent death of his father. When a                                         (MIDDLE PRIMARY)

new girl, Max, arrives at school, things                                   WOW! Order item 811 to receive

                                                  take!                                                                         $
start to change, and for the better.                                       TWO SETS of item 810 for
Cate Whittle. Omnibus Books. Softcover.                                    OVER 80% OFF RRP!
240 pp. Middle/Upper Primary.                                              $417.70 TE $69.00
$16.99 TE $12.00

                                                                                                                                      SAVE OVER


                                             813. 15 BOOKS FOR $39 (UPPER PRIMARY)
                                             15 books (may be a mix of softcovers and hardcovers; titles without a star may vary).
812. Drama                                   $256.85 TE $39.00
Callie is the set designer for the
school play and she’s determined
to create a set worthy of Broadway.
But ticket sales are down, and now                                         814. 30 BOOKS FOR $69                               30 BOOKS

                                                                           (UPPER PRIMARY)
she has to deal with all the drama—
                                                                                                                            SAVE $444.70

onstage AND off!                                                           WOW! Order item 814 to receive

                                                  take!                                                                         $
Raina Telgemeier. Scholastic US. Softcover                                 TWO SETS of item 813 for
graphic novel. 240 pp. Upper Primary/                                      OVER 85% OFF RRP!
Lower Secondary.                                                           $513.70 TE $69.00
$16.99 TE $12.00

THEY ARE BOOKS THAT CHILDREN WOULD CHOOSE TO READ IN THE CLASSROOM.                                                              ISSUE 1 2020     5
Shhh... Scholastic s best kept secret! - BEST OF THE BEST TEACHING RESOURCES FROM AROUND THE GLOBE! ISSUE 1 2020 - Scholastic Australia
Project X Hero Academy is a new series designed to motivate young readers and turn them into reading superheroes! Comprised
of inspirational fiction books that are fully decodable and matched to a letters and sounds phonics sequence, the fine phonic
progression ensures you can match every child to the right book. Suitable for one-to-one, independent and guided reading.

                                                       6 TITLES x 6 COPIES EACH!

    63         .95

815. Hero Academy:
Oxford Level 1+, Letters
and Sounds Phase 2
Oxford University Press. 36 full-colour
softcovers (6 titles x 6 copies each).
Oxford Reading Level 1+;
Reading Level 1;
Fountas & Pinnell Level A. Foundation.
$318.95 TE $255.00

                                                       6 TITLES x 6 COPIES EACH!


    $          .95

816. Hero Academy:
Oxford Level 2, Letters
and Sounds Phase 3
Oxford University Press. 36 full-colour
softcovers (6 titles x 6 copies each).
Oxford Reading Level 2;
Reading Level 2;
Fountas & Pinnell Level B. Foundation.
$338.95 TE $265.00

                                                       6 TITLES x 6 COPIES EACH!

    $          .95

817. Hero Academy:
Oxford Level 3, Letters
and Sounds Phase 3
Oxford University Press. 36 full-colour
softcovers (6 titles x 6 copies each).
Oxford Reading Level 3;
Reading Level 3-5; Fountas & Pinnell
Level C-D. Foundation.
$338.95 TE $265.00

Shhh... Scholastic s best kept secret! - BEST OF THE BEST TEACHING RESOURCES FROM AROUND THE GLOBE! ISSUE 1 2020 - Scholastic Australia
SHARED READING                                                                                              & STORAGE

       NEW                  BOOK!
                                                                      NEW      HANG-UP BOOK BAGS
                                                                     THE storage solution for levelled readers, chapter books, picture
                                                                     books and Big Books! With heavy-duty plastic-coated metal hooks,
                                                                     these book bags are the strongest available and will withstand years
                                                                     of use without discolouring or tearing.

                                                    20         .99

                                                                                              5-PACK                                                   5-PACK

818. Thelma the Unicorn Big Book                                     820. Hang-Up Book Bag                                 821. Hang-Up Book Bag
Thelma is an ordinary pony who longs to be more.                     (Small) 5-Pack*                                       (Standard) 5-Pack*
By turning herself into a unicorn with the help of                   Scholastic Australia. Set of 5,                       Scholastic Australia. Set of 5,
a little paint and glitter, Thelma quickly rises to                  each 295mm x 335mm.                                   each 520mm x 630mm.
fame. But does she really want all the attention?                    $13.25 TE $12.50                                      $26.75 TE $22.50
Now in Big Book format for all to share!
Aaron Blabey. Scholastic Australia. Softcover, full-colour,
24-pp Big Book. Early Years/Foundation/Lower Primary.
$39.99 TE $19.00                                                                                   Hang-Up
                                                                                                   Book Bag                5-PACK
                                                                                                   Scholastic Australia.
       NEW                  BOOK!                                                                  Set of 5, each
                                                                                                   360mm x 460mm.
                                                      SAVE                                         $18.75
                                                    20         .99                                 TE $17.50


                                                                                                                                       823. Hang-Up
                                                                                                                                       Book Bag
                                                                                                                                       (Large) 5-Pack*
                                                                                                                                       Scholastic Australia.
819. Macca The Alpaca Big Book                                                                                                         Set of 5, each
Macca the Alpaca is small, kind and friendly. His                                                                                      510mm x 800mm.
days are easy and carefree until he accidentally                                                                                       $29.50 TE $27.50
bumps head-first into Harmer the llama... Now in
Big Book format for all to share!
Matt Cosgrove. Scholastic Australia. Softcover, full-colour,
24-pp Big Book. Early Years/Foundation/Lower Primary.
                                                                                                                                      * Books not included.
$39.99 TE $19.00

                                                                                                                                       ISSUE 1 2020             7
Shhh... Scholastic s best kept secret! - BEST OF THE BEST TEACHING RESOURCES FROM AROUND THE GLOBE! ISSUE 1 2020 - Scholastic Australia
PHONICS                                                     PUNCTUATION
                                                            & WORD FAMILIES

824. Giant Rainbow
Magnetic Phonics
An engaging magnetic
resource to gradually develop                                                      84 MAGNETIC PIECES
children’s understanding of
how letters can be joined
together to create new sounds,
and how more complex words
can be constructed. Ideal
for displaying in the classroom
or for use in activities with
larger groups of children.
Junior Learning. 84 magnetic
pieces in a handy storage box.
TE $49.00


                                                                                                                      84 MAGNETIC PIECES

825. 50 Phonemic Awareness Activities                                      826. Rainbow Phonics Magnetic Letters
Activity cards for teaching phonemic awareness, covering                   Practise sounding out and building words with this complete magnetic
rhythm, instrument sounds, discriminating between sounds,                  phonics set with brightly coloured, tactile letter-pattern components.
awareness of rhyme, syllables, initial sounds, alliteration,               Includes a handy week-by-week activity guide across a synthetic
articulation, segmenting, blending and phonemes.                           phonics progression.
Junior Learning. 50 double-sided, laminated activity cards, each 115mm x   Junior Learning. 84 magnetic letters with magnetic whiteboard.
180mm. Early Years/Foundation/Primary.                                     Early Years/Foundation/Lower Primary.
TE $29.00                                                                  TE $39.00

                                                    74 PIECES
827. Word Families Literacy Game
An interactive literacy game made up of 74 different word                                                               40 MAGNETIC PIECES
tiles which can be joined, broken down and arranged into
endless combinations.                                                      828. Rainbow Magnetic Punctuation Marks
Junior Learning. 74 pieces, game guide and word list. Ages 5 plus.         Junior Learning. 40 magnetic pieces in a handy storage box. Primary.
TE $39.00                                                                  TE $19.50

Shhh... Scholastic s best kept secret! - BEST OF THE BEST TEACHING RESOURCES FROM AROUND THE GLOBE! ISSUE 1 2020 - Scholastic Australia
Teaching writing is now even easier with everything you need to help students use the six traits—Ideas, Organisation, Voice,
Word Choice, Sentence Fluency and Conventions—to improve their writing! With six all-new mentor texts per grade and
24 time-saving lessons, each Trait Crate Plus makes teaching writing engaging and relevant through lessons and activities
that inspire a love of literature and complex literacy thinking for every student.

In addition to the valuable features and components of the original       Each kit includes:
Trait Crates, these enhanced editions offer:                              • Six high-interest picture books hand selected for each trait
• An emphasis on modes—Narrative, Informational and Opinion—to           • Six teaching guides filled with step-by-step lessons, graphic
   help you address higher standards                                         organisers, a scoring rubric and extension activities
• A companion website that provides access to downloadable pages         • Six teaching posters (each 432mm x 559mm)
   for students, video interviews with children’s authors, and student-   • Colour-coded stickers for organisation
   friendly scoring guides
                                                                          • The Writing Thief, a 216-pp resource with practical activities that
• Ruth Culham’s best-selling The Writing Thief, that takes a deep dive      incorporate the traits of writing across informational, narrative
   into the theory and practice of using mentor texts to teach the           and argument modes.
   craft of writing.

                 SAVE                                                                        SAVE
             50         .99
                              829. Trait Crate Plus (Foundation)
                              $199.99 TE $149.00
                                                                                          50        .99
                                                                                                            830. Trait Crate Plus (Grade 1)
                                                                                                            $199.99 TE $149.00

                 SAVE                                                                        SAVE
             50         .99
                              831. Trait Crate Plus (Grade 2)
                              $199.99 TE $149.00
                                                                                          50        .99
                                                                                                            832. Trait Crate Plus (Grade 3)
                                                                                                            $199.99 TE $149.00

                 SAVE                                                                        SAVE
             50         .99   833. Trait Crate Plus (Grade 4)
                              $199.99 TE $149.00
                                                                                          50        .99     834. Trait Crate Plus (Grade 5)
                                                                                                            $199.99 TE $149.00

                                                                                                                         ISSUE 1 2020              9
Shhh... Scholastic s best kept secret! - BEST OF THE BEST TEACHING RESOURCES FROM AROUND THE GLOBE! ISSUE 1 2020 - Scholastic Australia
CONFIDENT, DYSLEXIC                                                                                              & RELUCTANT

                                                                                                                        836. 7 Steps to Get
                                                                                                                        Your Child Reading
                                                                                                                        Literacy expert Louise
                                                                                                                        Park provides a timely
                                                                                                                        reference for parents and
                                                                                                                        teachers who want to see
                                                                                                                        their children reading for
                                                                                                                        the love of it. It contains all
                                                                                                                        you need to know in order
                                                                         SAVE                                           to help children to become

                                                                                                                        enthusiastic readers in an
                                                                        $ .99
                                                                                                                        age of digital distraction.
835. The Raymie Nightingale Collection                                                                                  Louise Park. Allen&Unwin
Two-time Newbery Medalist Kate DiCamillo’s trilogy about the                                                            Australia. Softcover. 264 pp.
Three Rancheros is now complete for confident readers to savour.                                                        Foundation/Primary.
Kate DiCamillo. Walker Books. Three hardcovers + slipcase, 768 pp in total.                                             $24.99 TE $22.00
Middle/Upper Primary.
$54.99 TE $49.00
                                                  6 SOFTCOVERS WITH DYSLEXIA-FRIENDLY FONT

                                                                                                                                        SAVE OVER

837. EDGE: I HERO Toons 6-Pack
Take on the role of a cartoon hero in each of these fully interactive, wacky, choose-your-own-destiny adventure stories. Age appropriate for
6 to 8-year-old readers, but also suitable for reluctant readers and less confident older readers. Each title is printed using a dyslexia-friendly
font on an off-white background.
Hachette. Six softcovers with B/W illustrations, each 64 pp. Primary.
$91.94 TE $69.00
                                                                   READING LEVELS 10–20

838. Hi-Lo Chapter Books Set 1
Twenty Hi-Lo titles covering Reading Levels 10 to 20! The priority of
these readers is literacy improvement through continual reading practice.
The stories are real and are important in the Australian context, providing
a means for further discussion and writing.                                                      SAVE
Knowledge Books & Software. 20 full-colour softcovers. Reading Recovery Levels 10-20.
Upper Primary/Secondary.
$239.00 TE $190.00

839. Reading Smart
One side of these two-
sided bookmarks lists the
behaviours common to good
readers. The other side gives
students hints for choosing a
book they’ll enjoy.
Teacher Created Resources.
36 full-colour bookmarks printed
both sides, each 152mm x 50mm.
TE $7.50

           160 MAGNETIC PIECES                                                                                      OVER 1.5 METRES HIGH!

840. Rainbow Magnetic Sentences
Through a range of nouns, verbs, adjectives, pronouns, sight words and
punctuation, this hands-on magnetic resource will stimulate children to
understand how to construct different sentences and stories. This pop-up                    841. What Good Readers Do Colossal Poster
box with in-built magnetic board means that children can take the learning                  This colossal poster is impressive visually and can
wherever they go!                                                                           be used as a learning aide or visual reminder, library-
Junior Learning. 160 magnetic pieces plus built-in magnetic board in a handy storage box.   shelving end panels, general display or studies.
Foundation/Primary.                                                                         Teacher Created Resources. 1.68 metres H x 559mm W.
TE $39.00                                                                                   $19.99 TE $17.50

                                       842. Oxford Australian                                               843. Oxford Australian
                                       Middle Primary Dictionary                                            Advanced Primary Dictionary
                                       Written specifically for Australian                                  An essential resource for Upper
                                       schoolchildren aged 8–10 and                                         Primary students, this dictionary
                                       featuring over 25,000 headwords,                                     is a user-friendly and comprehensive
                                       this dictionary serves as a working                                  reference with more than 50,000
                                       tool in the classroom that                                           headwords, contemporary Australian
                                       accustoms students to the                                            terms, hundreds of encyclopaedic
                                       style in which most adult                                            entries, and a 32-page grammar
                                       dictionaries are written.                                            and reference guide.
                                       Oxford University Press. Softcover.                                  Oxford University Press. Softcover.
                                       Middle Primary.                                                      Upper Primary/Lower Secondary.
                                       $25.95 TE $22.00                                                     $29.95 TE $25.00

                                                                                                                         ISSUE 1 2020             11
                                         844. Respect:
                                         Consent, Boundaries and
                                         Being in Charge of You
                                         From setting boundaries,
                                         to reflecting on your own
                                         behaviour and learning how
                                         to be an awesome bystander,
                                         this book will have you feeling
                                         confident, respected, and
                                         100% in charge of yourself
                                         and your body.                                           50 DOUBLE-SIDED CARDS
                                         Rachel Brian. Hachette.
                                         Hardcover. 64 pp. Primary.                 845. 50 Social Scenario Activities
                                         $15.99 TE $14.00                           Activity cards ideal for reflecting on empathy, tolerance
                                                                                    and communication skills.
                                                                                    Junior Learning. 50 double-sided, laminated activity cards,
                                                                                    each 115mm x 180mm. Foundation/Primary.
                                                                                    TE $29.00

846. Traffic Light Flips                                                            847. Social Emotional
Children can communicate              SET OF 6                                      Learning Cubes                                                 6 CUBES
their understanding of a                                                            Get kids talking, sharing,
topic (or their feelings)                                                           and learning! A great way
without having to wait, put                                                         to support and encourage
their hand up or interrupt                                                          a positive mindset.
the class. And you can see                                                          Learning Resources. 6 cubes,
at a glance which children                                                          each 41mm x 41mm x 41mm.
need help or support.                                                               Foundation/Primary.
Junior Learning. Set of 6, each                                                     $25.99 TE $24.00
150mm L x 85mm W x 60mm H.
TE $29.00

                                         848. Ravi’s Roar                                                                     849. The Good Egg
                                         Who wants to play with                                                               The good egg starts to crack
                                         someone who won’t share                                                              from all the pressure of feeling
                                         or play nicely? Ravi is about                                                        like he has to be Grade A
                                         to discover something                                                                perfect. A timely story that
                                         very important about                                                                 reminds us of the importance
                                         expressing his feelings                                                              of balance and accepting
                                         and making amends.                                                                   those we love (even if they are
                                         Tom Percival. Bloomsbury.                                                            sometimes a bit rotten).
                                         Softcover. Full colour. 32 pp.                                                       Jory John, illus Pete Oswald.
                                         Early Years/Foundation/                                                              HarperCollins. Hardcover. Full
                                         Lower Primary.                                                                       colour. 40 pp. Foundation/Lower
                                         $14.99 TE $12.00                                                                     Primary.
                                                                                                                              $19.99 TE $16.00

850. Carpet Markers: Positive Sayings                                                     12 PIECES IN 6 COLOURS!
Teacher Created Resources. 12 Velcro pieces in 6 colours, each 102mm in diameter.
$19.99 TE $16.00

  851. The Human Rights Game
  The aim of this highly engaging game is to help students
  understand how they can make a positive difference to the
  world as they learn more about their rights, freedoms and
  responsibilities as individuals and groups of individuals. Children
  will learn how to make better choices in a rapidly changing
  world, and to understand the relevance of the United Nations                           SAVE
  Articles to their everyday lives.

  Much of the learning takes place through discussion, short story-
                                                                                       10      .99

  telling and problem-solving as students come to understand
  that more than one solution may be acceptable, the relevance
  of problem-solving, and the importance of healthy rules
  and regulations.
  The Brainary. Includes Instruction Booklet, 6 pawns, 1 dice, 1 one-minute timer,
  60 Article Cards, 60 FED Cards, 10 Chance Cards, 10 Bounce Back Cards,
  and game board. Playing time 40-60 minutes. Upper Primary/Secondary.
  $129.99 TE $119.00

                                                   852. Together We Can!                                                          853. Love From
                                                   Celebrating friendship,                                                        the Crayons
                                                   compassion, diversity and                                                      Explore the bright
                                                   inclusivity, this joyous                                                       colours and subtle
SAVE OVER                                          picture book is ideal to                                                       shades of love.

20%                                                share for Harmony Day!
                                                   Caryl Hart, illus Ali Pye.
                                                   Scholastic UK. Softcover.
                                                                                                                                  Drew Daywalt, illus
                                                                                                                                  Oliver Jeffers. Hardcover.
                                                                                                                                  Full colour. 32 pp. Early
                                                   Full colour. 32 pp.                                                            Years/Foundation/
                                                   Early Years/Foundation.                                                        Lower Primary.
                                                   $15.99 TE $12.50                                                               $14.99 TE $14.00

                                                        SAVE OVER

                      120 STICKERS                                                                                24 PIECES

                                                                       855. Grow Your Mindset Bulletin-Board
  854. Words to Inspire Stickers                                       Encourage students to bloom with self-confidence and motivate them to do their best!
  Teacher Created Resources. 120 stickers in 20 designs.               Teacher Created Resources. 24 pieces (title piece measures 533mm x 152mm).
  $5.99 TE $4.50                                                       $16.99 TE $15.00

                                                                                                                                          ISSUE 1 2020         13
CONTEMPORARY                                                                                                         CHILDREN’S

                                                                                                                                    856. The Proudest Blue
                                                                                                                                    It’s Faizah’s first day of school,
                                                                                                                                    and her older sister Asiya’s first
                                                                                                                                    day of hijab. But not everyone
                                                                                                                                    sees hijab as beautiful. In the
                                                                                                                                    face of hurtful, confusing
                                                                                                                                    words, will Faizah find new
                                                                                                                                    ways to be strong? An
 4    .99
                                                                                                                                    important and uplifting family
                                                                                                                                    story from Olympic medallist
                                                                                                                                    Ibtihaj Muhammad.
                                                                                                                                    Ibtihaj Muhammad & S K Ali, illus
                                                                                                                                    Hatem Aly. Walker Books. Hardcover.
                                                                                                                                    Full colour. 40 pp. Foundation/Lower
                                                                                                                                    and Middle Primary.
                                                                                                                                    $24.99 TE $20.00

                                                                                                                   DOWNLOAD DAN SULTAN’S ALBUM
                                                                                                                 ‘NALI & FRIENDS’ AT: DANSULTAN.COM
                                               857. Liarbird
                                               Liarbirds learn to lie from
                                               the day they hatch. They                                                                     858. Nali
                                               are the best in the bush at                                                                  When Nali was born,
                                               fibbing, faking, fabricating                                                                 she was the smallest
                                               and fake-news creating. Until                                                                bird on the iceberg.
SAVE OVER                                      one lyrebird decides to go             SAVE OVER                                             Join Nali as she learns

20          %                                  straight, and discovers that
                                               sometimes even the
                                               truth hurts.
                                                                                      33%                                                   to fly, and takes off on an
                                                                                                                                            adventure that takes her
                                                                                                                                            around the world.
                                               Laura Bunting, illus Philip Bunting.                                                         Dan Sultan & Rhys Graham,
                                               Hardcover. Full colour. 32 pp.                                                               illus Tali Gal-on. Omnibus Books.
                                               Foundation/Lower and                                                                         Hardcover. Full colour. 24 pp.
                                               Middle Primary.                                                                              Foundation/Lower Primary.
                                               $17.99 TE $14.00                                                                             $17.99 TE $12.00

                             SET OF 6 SOFTCOVERS

LESS THAN                                                                                                                     SAVE OVER

PRICE!                                                                                                                         25%

    859. The Mo Willems’ Pigeon Book Collection                                                   860. Aussie Kids
    Discover the wonderful world of multi-award-winning Mo Willems.                               The first two titles in the Aussie Kids series—an exciting new
    Pigeon’s cockeyed defiance and Willems’ impeccable comedic timing                             series for emerging readers 6-8 years about children living
    are irresistible to kids and grown-ups alike!                                                 in unique places in Australia.
    Mo Willems. Walker Books. 6 full-colour softcovers, each 32 pp.                               Maxine Beneba Clarke and Belinda Murrell, illus Nicki Greenberg.
    Early Years/Foundation/Lower Primary.                                                         Penguin Books Australia. Two softcovers, each 64 pp. Lower/Middle Primary.
    $99.00 TE $42.00                                                                              $25.98 TE $19.00


BEFORE READING                                sexuality, etc. rather than understanding      presented in The Proudest Blue, including
Based on the cover, what do you think         that every person is different? How is         how Asiya and her friends react to
this story is about? How do you think         prejudice shown in The Proudest Blue?          the bullies.
it will begin/end? After reading, revisit     What policies does your school have             Consider the spreads where Faizah is
your answer to this question. Were            in place regarding bullying, racism and        describing her sister’s hijab. How are
your predictions correct? Consider            prejudice? Can you add to or improve           they similar or different to other spreads
the subtitle: ‘A Story of Hijab and           these policies? What should you do             in the book? You could consider the
Family’. What do students already know        if you witness a student or teacher            text, the colours, and the size of the
about wearing hijab? Do they have             demonstrating bullying, racist or              characters. Why do you think they’ve
any questions about it? Make a list of        prejudiced behaviour?                          been presented in this way? How does
statements and questions the students                                                        it make you feel?
may have about wearing hijab.                 EXPLORING THE ILLUSTRATIONS
                                              Examine several of the spreads and have        FURTHER ACTIVITIES
EXPLORING THE TEXT                            a class discussion about the following:        Faizah goes through a range of emotions
The first day of wearing hijab is an                                                         in the story. Look at each spread and
important moment for Asiya and her            • What is the composition (i.e. where
                                                are the key elements placed)? Are            discuss how she may be feeling, and how
family. Does your religion, culture or                                                       you can tell using clues from the text
family have any special traditions that         the characters large or small? In the
                                                foreground or background? Do they            and illustrations. For each emotion, ask
are important to you? What does this                                                         students to consider when they have
tradition mean to you?                          seem powerful or weak; happy or sad;
                                                scared or confident?                         experienced a similar emotion and how
“Some people won’t understand your hijab…     • What are the characters on this page         it made them feel.
but if you understand who you are, one          doing and where are they looking? Why        Family is an important theme in The
day they will too.” Discuss this quote with     are they doing this? What effect does        Proudest Blue. Ask students to write a
the class, and revisit the statements and       this have?                                   short piece about a family member they
questions you had about wearing hijab.        • Is the illustration framed or does it take   feel close to and share it with the class.
Have students’ understanding of hijab           up the whole page? Why do you think          Read the author notes from Ibtihaj
changed? Can the class now answer any           Hatem Aly illustrated it this way?           Muhammad and S. K. Ali. How did
of the questions they may have had?           • Do the colours change from spread to         they make you feel? Did they inspire
“Don’t carry around the hurtful words that      spread? Make a list of the colours used      or encourage you? Research Ibtihaj
others say. Drop them. They belong only to      in each area (this is called the colour      Muhammad and make a fact sheet
those that said them.” What do you think        palette). Why do you think he chose          about her achievements.
this statement means? How are Asiya             these colour palettes?
and Faizah affected by hurtful words in
the story? Use this quote to have a class     Asiya, Faizah and their friends are in
discussion about the powerful effect          colour and illustrated in detail, but
words can have on others. What is your        the bullies are not. Why do you think
understanding of prejudice? What are          the illustrator made this choice? How
the dangers of making judgements about        does it affect you as a reader? Have a
people based on race, gender, age,            wider discussion about how bullying is


                 LIFE ON THE GOLDFIELDS                        Examine the battle scene incorporating       ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERACY
                 IN 1850S AUSTRALIA                            the newspaper clipping headed                This text is written in first person, past
                 Life on the goldfields was very hard.         ‘Rebellion!’ What does it suggest about      tense, and in the voice of Molly. How
                 People lived in tents, and had little         the struggle between miners and those        might the story have been told if Chen
                 money for food, or with which to pay the      in power?                                    had written it?
                 hefty licence fees demanded. Research         The Eureka Flag is a symbol of the           Write a letter as if penned by Chen to
                 their lives and the challenges they faced.    movement to protect workers’ rights.         his mother and sister at home in China.
                 Mark Wilson tells us in an afterword          In 2018, the Australian Building and
                 that this story is inspired by the life of    Construction Commission (ABCC)               VISUAL LITERACY
                 Catherine Martin and her descendants.         sought to have the flying of the flag        The front and back endpapers portray the
                 Research her life and that of other           banned on worksites but the Fair Work        moment before the battle commences
                 people on the goldfields.                     Commission ruled this invalid. What were     between miners, soldiers and police. How
                 Images in the book show Molly and Chen        the arguments for and against the flag       is the drama of this moment conveyed in
                 panning for gold and then using a ‘cradle’    being flown?                                 the illustration?
                 that made the process more efficient.                                                      The medium or style employed for many
                 Research the various methods of finding       CHINESE IMMIGRANTS AND RACISM                of the illustrations is photo-realism in
                 gold. How did life change in towns like       IN 1850S AUSTRALIA                           acrylic painting on canvas. Invite students
                 Ballarat before and after the gold rush?      Many Chinese people arrived in Australia     to use various techniques to create their
                 From what countries did people come           in this period and worked hard to            own images of Molly and Chen panning
                 to the goldfields, and how did they           establish themselves. Why did people of      for gold.
                 get there?                                    European origin resent them so much?         What effect does the photo-realism
                 What effect did the gold rush have on         Research the treatment of Chinese            of many of the illustrations convey to
                 Indigenous people in the area?                people in this time, and how that resulted   a reader?
                                                               in the Immigration Restriction Act 1901
                 THE EUREKA STOCKADE AND                       which was introduced immediately             CREATIVE ARTS
                 THE HISTORY OF TRADE UNIONS                   after Federation.                            Create a classroom mural which tells
                 IN AUSTRALIA                                  How might the marriage between               the story in a series of dramatic frames
                 This rebellion was a seminal event in         Molly and Chen have been regarded            designed and executed by students.
                 Australian economic and social history.       during this time? Would they have            Write, direct and act out a scene based on
                 Research to discover the impact it had on     experienced racism?                          any incident in this book.
                 later history. Peter Lalor was a key figure
                 in the rebellion. Research his later life.                                                 Design a Book Trailer based on this book.
                                                               VALUES                                       Visit sites such as:
                 Why has he become such a symbol of this       Discuss the values conveyed in this text.
                 movement? The Eureka Centre in Ballarat                                                    au/teachers/book-trailers for advice.
                                                               Chen is kind to Molly and her father,
                 commemorates the rebellion. Visit their       despite the fact that people have treated
                 website:        him poorly because he is Chinese.            MATHEMATICS
                 facilities-and-venues/eureka-centre to        How difficult is it to forgive, and to be    Explore statistics relating to the gold
                 discover more about this history.             kind to people when you have been            rush period and the population growth in
                                                               subject to unkindness?                       places such as Ballarat during that time.
AUSTRALIA                                                                 KNOWLEDGE
                                                                          & UNDERSTANDING

                                                                                                                               861. Eureka! A Story
                                                                                                                               of the Goldfields
                                                                                                                               A stirring story of the
                                                                                                                               goldfields and the Eureka
                                                                                                                               Rebellion, captured by
                                                                                                                               award-winning author/
                                                                                                                               illustrator Mark Wilson.
                                                                                                                               Mark Wilson. Hachette Australia.
                                                                                                                               Hardcover. Full colour. 32 pp.
                                                                                                                               $26.99 TE $24.00

                                                                                                            SAVE OVER
                                                      SAVE OVER

862. The Man from Snowy River                                             863. Australian Story Picture Book Pack
A beautifully illustrated edition of Banjo Patterson’s                    Australian stories of the devastating effects of fire and drought.
best-known bush ballad.                                                   Through the Smoke (Phil Cummings, illus Andrew McLean, Scholastic Australia,
A. B. Paterson, illus Freya Blackwood. Scholastic Australia. Hardcover.   hardcover, full colour, 32 pp) + Drought (Jackie French, illus Bruce Whatley, Scholastic
Full colour. 32 pp. Primary.                                              Australia, hardcover, full colour, 32 pp). Foundation/Lower Primary.
$17.99 TE $14.00                                                          $49.98 TE $19.00

                                                                                                                       INCLUDES FREE POSTER!

                                                                                                                                                       SAVE OVER
864. Will the Wonderkid
It is December 1914, and young Will Hutchison heads off into              865. The Big Book of Australian History + Free Poster
the South Australian desert in search of gold. Each chapter               Drawing on the impressive collections of the National Library
offers information about different aspects of Australia, from             of Australia, this comprehensive book provides children with an
travelling on the Ghan to surviving in the desert and opal                engaging overview of how Australia evolved as a nation. Plus a richly
mining. Includes a glossary, background reading and an index.             illustrated poster identifying 150 defining moments.
Stephanie Owen Reeder. National Library of Australia. Hardcover.          Peter Macinnis. National Library of Australia. Hardcover. Full colour. 292 pp.
Full colour. 132 pp. Primary.                                             Plus poster (600mm x 1000mm). Middle/Upper Primary and Lower Secondary.
$24.99 TE $22.00                                                          $59.94 TE $39.00

                                                                                                                                     ISSUE 1 2020             19
OXFORD ATLASES provide coverage of the Years F–6 Science and HASS Australian Curriculum content, and foster the
application of STEM knowledge and skills within and across content areas. Each print atlas introduces students to the
basics of mapping skills, and features highly engaging thematic spreads and world maps. And an online Teacher Dashboard
provides professional support notes; teaching activities, ideas and experiments; assessment activities; videos; and digital
interactives including interactive maps.

                                        SAVE                                                       SAVE                                                        SAVE

                                     $ .95
                                                                                                $ .95
                                                                                                                                                          $ .95

866. Oxford Atlas for Australian                           867. Oxford Atlas for Australian                           868. Oxford Atlas for Australian
Schools - Foundation-Year 2                                Schools - Years 3-4                                        Schools - Years 5-6
Oxford University Press. Softcover. Full colour.           Oxford University Press. Softcover. Full colour.           Oxford University Press. Softcover. Full colour.
112 pp. Foundation/Lower Primary.                          168 pp. Middle Primary.                                    216 pp. Upper Primary.
$32.95 TE $27.00                                           $34.95 TE $29.00                                           $35.95 TE $30.00

                                                                                                                           SAVE OVER
                                                                               870. Democracy and the Australian Government 4-Pack
869. Australian Map Learning Mat                                               This exciting series gives readers insight into how our government
A labelled and colour-coded map on one side with the                           institutions work so that students can explore the importance of
reverse side blank for students to label themselves.                           democracy to our society.
Ashley Productions. Washable, write-on/wipe-off, double-sided,                 Daintree Books. Four full-colour softcovers, each 32 pp. Middle/Upper Primary
poly learning mat, 431mm x 305mm. Primary.                                     and Lower Secondary.
$7.99 TE $5.00                                                                 $79.96 TE $49.00

                                                                                                                        871. Australian States &
                                                                                                                        Territories 8-Pack
                                                                                                                        Boost your classroom reference
                                                                                                                        library with eight nonfiction titles
                                                                                                                        covering the geography, history,
                                                                                                                        economics, government, Aboriginal
                                                                                                                        history and culture, and little-known
                                                                                                                        facts about each Australian state
LESS THAN                                                                                                               and territory. Includes biographies
HALF                                                                                                                    of notable people, maps, timelines,
                                                                                                                        statistics, historic illustrations and
PRICE!                                                                                                                  much more.
                                                                                                                        Daintree Books. Eight 32-pp, full-colour
                                                                                                                        softcovers. Middle/Upper Primary.
                                                                                                                        $159.92 TE $69.00


872. When We Became Humans                            873. A Street Through Time                              874. Coming Home to Country
Step back in time to discover what makes              Take a 12,000-year journey to find out the              Perch on a rock, slip into crystal water…
us human. From the anatomical changes                 story of a single street—how it looked in the           A visual and lyrical depiction of coming
that allowed us to walk upright to social,            Stone Age or during the Industrial Revolution,          home to country from acclaimed author/
cultural and economic developments.                   and how it may look 50 years from now.                  illustrator Bronwyn Bancroft.
Michael Bright, illus Hannah Bailey. Quarto           Dorling Kindersley, illus Steve Noon. Hardcover.        Bronwyn Bancroft. Little Hare Books. Hardcover.
Education. Softcover. Full colour.                    Full colour. 32 pp. Primary/Secondary.                  Full colour. 24 pp. Foundation/Primary.
$17.99 TE $15.00                                      $19.99 TE $19.00                                        $24.99 TE $22.00

                                                            READING LEVELS 20-30                                                        NEW!

875. Indigenous Readers Set 3
Reading-levelled, take-home readers that are ideal to use as take-home readers, or for guided reading groups and free reading sessions.
Knowledge Books & Software. 20 full-colour softcovers. Reading Recovery Levels 20-30. Middle/Upper Primary.
$239.00 TE $190.00

                                                               30 DOUBLE-SIDED CARDS                                                            NEW!

                                                   ADDITIONAL SUPPORT RESOURCES ONLINE
876. Yarn Circles Cards                                                                                                                SAVE

Develop understanding of how Indigenous people feel connection to land and culture. Each card includes a symbol
that represents a feeling or emotion. The reverse sides offer activities, teaching notes and Indigenous words.
                                                                                                                                   $         .99
Knowledge Books & Software. 30 laminated cards, each 150mm x 210mm. Foundation/Primary.
$59.99 TE $49.00

                                                                                                                                 ISSUE 1 2020             21
JOHN SOUTHON, Principal at Trundle          This current drought is robbing our
Central School in Central West NSW,         farming families of these fundamentals.
writes: Farming practices, especially       At Trundle Central School we installed
the increase in mechanisation and           showers which are available to the
corporate farming, has resulted in a        community at any time, free washing
decline in Trundle’s population, school     machines, and delivered hundreds
enrolment and local businesses.             of pamper packs to our farming
Vacant shops are a feature in most          women. These packs contain perfume,
towns in the region, a sign of both         moisturiser, scented soaps and much
former prosperity and troubled times.       more. A little piece of normality during
                                            this national disaster.
The drought has not caused rural decline
and the movement to larger centres          In addition to this, the school has
as reported widely in the media. This       delivered over 500 food packages              38 degree days is extensive. However,
national disaster has placed another        and in excess of 8 tonnes of bottled          I believe the benefit for positive mental
layer of complexity across rural towns      water. Also, through fund raising, the        health far outweighs the cost.
and farming families.                       school has injected over $90,000 into
                                            the local economy through vouchers            There are times when I have been
The choice for schools is to either sit     issued to farming families that can           outspoken in my views about how our
back and hide behind the statement ‘our     only be spent in our businesses.              school has felt isolated. But sometimes
core business is the classroom,’ or try     Unfortunately our efforts to help             it helps to speak up and we recently
to make a difference. Drought is not an     save our remaining food shop have             had both State and Federal Ministers
economic and farming problem alone, it      been in vain, with the shop shutting in       visit. A year 3 boy asked the Deputy
is a human problem. The catalyst for my     November. This means locals have to           Prime Minister ‘does anyone care for
passion to help within the community        drive to Parkes or Forbes—a 130 km            us?’. As Principal of the school I often
is the fundamental right of every           round trip—for groceries.                     ask this question. It is very hard for city
student in this country to have equal                                                     and coastal people to understand the
opportunity. Rural decline and drought      The maintenance of mental health is           complexities of living in the grip
is robbing children of opportunity.         vital during these difficult times. The       of drought, and they can’t know.
                                            school has irrigated, through purchased
The school’s response to the drought        water, approximately 100 square metres        This little school will continue to try
has been to look at the fundamentals        of lawn at the front of the school. This is   to be a physical and emotional oasis for
that every family needs, as well as those   to show students that we can still have       our students and hopefully, when the
things that maintain our mental health.     something green and alive despite these       drought breaks, the linkages developed
The deep relaxation of warm water           crisis times. This strategy has met with      with other schools and organisations
flowing over your head after a long         some criticism because of the cost, and       will give us the building blocks for
day—or the ability to have clean clothes.   the amount of water required during           future prosperity.

If you have a story to share with Teacher Essentials readers, email our editor Virginia Greig:
                                                                            SAVE OVER

                                            877. Our Planet
                                                                            20%                                                  878. You Can Save
                                                                                                                                 the Planet
                                            A stunning fusion of colour                                                          In the words of Greta
                                            illustrations and breathtaking                                                       Thunberg, ‘no one is too
                                            photographic visuals. Children                                                       small to make a difference.’
                                            will learn how the Earth’s                                                           This book outlines the global
                                            fascinating habitats, and the                                                        problems that need to be
                                            plants and creatures living
4      .99                                                                                                                       addressed NOW and is packed
$                                           there, interconnect to create                                                        with 101 smart, practical and
                                            the place we all call home.                                                          fun things kids can do.
                                            Matt Whyman, illus                                                                   Clive Gifford & J A Wines,
                                            Richard Jones, foreword by                                                           illus Sarah Horne. Michael O’Mara
                                            Sir David Attenborough. Hardcover.                                                   Books. Softcover. 144 pp.
                                            Full colour. 96 pp. Primary.                                                         Middle/Upper Primary.
                                            $29.99 TE $25.00                                                                     $19.99 TE $15.00

    879. A Planet
    Full of Plastic
    Our world is drowning in
    plastic that sticks around
    forever. Find out where
    it comes from, why it
    doesn’t biodegrade,
    why that’s dangerous                                                                                    50 DOUBLE-SIDED CARDS
    for animals and humans
    alike... and how we make                                                             880. 50 Nature Activities
    a difference.                                                                        Encourage children to connect with nature with these
    Neal Layton. Hachette.                                                               cross-curricular task cards.
    Softcover. Full colour. 32 pp.                                                       Junior Learning. 50 double-sided, laminated activity cards,
    Foundation/Lower Primary.                                                            each 115mm x 180mm. Foundation/Primary.
    TE $15.00                                                                            TE $29.00


                                                                                                                                                            $ .99
                                                    SAVE OVER


    881. One World                                       882. A Hollow is a Home                                   883. The Illustrated Enclopaedia
    Multi-award-winning children’s author/               Inspire the next generation to tackle                     of Ugly Animals
    illustrator Michael Foreman’s stunning               the challenge of biodiversity loss.                       Enter the fascinating hidden world of
    picture book about the threat of                     They’ll discover more than 340                            ugly animals in this encyclopaedia of
    pollution to the environment,                        species of incredible Australian                          the animal kingdom’s most unusual
    particularly coastal areas.                          animals that call hollows home.                           and beauty-challenged species.
    Michael Foreman. Walker Books. Softcover.            Abbie Mitchell, illus Astred Hicks. CSIRO.                Sami Bayly. Hachette. Hardcover. Full colour.
    Full colour. 32 pp. Foundation/Lower Primary.        Hardcover. Full colour. 104 pp. Primary.                  128 pp. Middle/Upper Primary.
    $16.99 TE $14.50                                     $29.99 TE $23.50                                          $32.99 TE $25.00

                                                                                                                                          ISSUE 1 2020             23
                                     4 PIECES                                               15 WRITE-ON/WIPE-OFF MATS IN EACH SET!
   10       .99

884. Write-On/
Wipe-Off Dice
Dry-erase sides
allow you to create
personalised learning
Learning Resources.
4 write-on/wipe-off dice
in 4 colours, each 50mm.
$39.99 TE $29.00

                                                                                                              SAVE OVER


885. Mathlink Cubes
These stackable cubes are great for counting to 100 by ones
and tens, grouping, and one-to-one correspondence. Cubes link                 886. Learning Puzzles: Basic Maths Skills
together on all sides for more complex patterning activities.                 Four sets of hands-on, self-checking learning puzzles, with teaching tips,
Learning Resources. 100 high-quality plastic cubes in 10 colours, each        to help kids learn key numeracy skills—the fun way!
20mm, plus activity guide. Foundation/Lower Primary.                          Scholastic Inc. 4 boxed sets. Early Years/Foundation/Lower Primary.
TE $24.00                                                                     $99.95 TE $49.00

                                                            32 VELCRO SPOTS IN 8 COLOURS!

887. Seating Spots
These extra-large colourful Velcro spots are perfect for place marking on any short-weave carpet.                        SAVE
Scholastic Australia. 32 Velcro spots in 8 colours, each 140mm in diameter.
$54.99 TE $49.00
                                                                                                                      $ .99

                                                                                                   9 MAGNETIC CIRCLES

                                                                                                888. Magnetic
                                                                                                Fraction Circles
                                                                                                This hands-on set of double-
                                                                                                sided magnetic circles—
                                                                                                labelled with fractions on
                                                                                                one side and percentages
                                                                                                on reverse — will help
                                                                                                students to understand
                                                                                                the relationship between
                                                                                                fractions and percentages.
                                                                                                Learning Resources. 9 magnetic
                                                                                                circles, each 191mm, plus activity
                                                                                                guide. Primary.
                                                                                                TE $49.00

889. Place Value Learning Mat
The washable poly surface means you do not need to laminate
this chart and it can be used with dry-erase pens, washable
crayons or water-based markers.                                       SAVE OVER

Ashley Productions. Washable single-sided, poly learning mat,
330mm x 483mm. Primary.
$7.99 TE $5.00




  35%                                                                 121 MAGNETIC PIECES

890. Fractions Learning Mat
One side is a brightly coloured, quick reminder of basic fraction        891. Giant Magnetic Base 10 Set
facts, the reverse side includes write-on/wipe-off spaces.               Model essential base-10 and place-value concepts on any large magnetic
Ashley Productions. Washable, write-on/wipe-off, double-sided, poly      surface for the whole class to see!
learning mat, 431mm x 305mm. Primary.                                    Learning Resources. 121 magnetic pieces: 100 units, 10 longs, 10 flats, 1 cube. Primary.
$7.99 TE $5.00                                                           TE $49.00

                                                                                                                                     ISSUE 1 2020             25
EXPLORING                                                                      IDEAS &


                                               SAVE OVER

                                                                                                     892. Monster Maché Art
                                                                                                     It’s incredible what you can do with paper and glue!
                                                                                                     Make a monster greedy bin, a BIG long-neck dinosaur
                                                                                                     to go on permanent display, or monster-inspired
                                                                                                     fridge magnets and lots more...
                                                                                                     Emily Kington. Hungry Tomato. Softcover. Full colour. 32 pp.
                                                                                                     $14.99 TE $12.50

                                                 14      .99

 893. Music Basics Colossal Poster                   894. Artie 3000 Coding Robot
 Clearly displays important information              You write the code and Artie 3000 draws the lines! Artie 3000 also comes ready
 about musical notes and symbols.                    to draw with pre-programmed designs, shapes and games. Or students can write
 Teacher Created Resources. 1.68 metres H            their own custom codes.
 x 559mm W.                                          Learning Resources. Includes WiFi-enabled drawing robot; drag-and-drop visual programming software;
 $19.99 TE $17.50                                    4 coloured markers; and a quick-start guide. Requires 4 AA batteries (not included). Ages 7+
                                                     $139.99 TE $125.00

                                                     SET OF 10

300mm x 250mm
                                                            $ .99
                                                                                                                19      .99
                                                                                                                                             229mm x 305mm

 895. Magnetic Double-Sided Dry-Erase Board 10-Pack                                     896. Maths Grid Dry-Erase Boards 10-Pack
 CSS. Pack of 10, each magnetic/dry-erase on one side and dry-erase only                Teacher Created Resources. 10 double-sided write-on/wipe-off boards,
 on the other side, 300mm x 250mm.                                                      each with 1cm grid lines on one side, 229mm x 305mm. Primary.
 $74.99 TE $69.00                                                                       $59.99 TE $40.00


                                                                                        10        .99

                                                                                                                                                   INBUILT SPIRIT

897. 5-in-1 Outdoor Measure Mate
This versatile five-in-one tool is the perfect way to introduce the concept of measurement to young learners in an outdoor setting.
Its robust build means that it will cope with vigorous use in rough terrain and its bright colouring ensures pieces won’t go astray.
Can be configured into the following measurement tools: Vertical Measure to measure freestanding objects; Callipers to measure internal
and external dimensions of an object; Trundle Wheel to measure distances; Spirit Level to discover whether a surface is level (horizontal)
or plumb (vertical), and Measuring Stick to be used as a ruler.
Learning Resources. 7-piece set includes: 2 x Calliper Jaws; Trundle Wheel featuring ‘bird footprint’ tread; Handle/Base; Measuring Stick showing centimetres
and inches, colourful stickers and Activity Guide in a Mesh Storage Bag. Primary.
$99.99 TE $89.00

                                                                               898. Jumbo Magnifiers with Stand

                                                                               Observe on a grand scale with extra large magnifiers! Each magnifier
    $         .99                                                              features a super-safe, plastic lens and has a flip-out stand to allow for
                                                                               engaged, hands-free viewing.
                                                                               Learning Resources. 6 magnifiers in 6 colours, each 114mm in diameter
                                                                               and 203mm L, plus stand.
                                                                               $69.99 TE $59.00

          SET OF 6


899. Tobbie the Robot
                                                                                                20        .95

Build Tobbie, an intelligent six-legged
robot, for hands-on STEM engagement!
Tobbie has two programmed modes
to follow or avoid objects. Students
can challenge Tobbie as it spins in any
direction, and beeps and flashes its eyes
while moving around.
Johnco. Finished model 150mm H. Instructions
included. Middle/Upper Primary.
$79.95 TE $59.00
                                                          TWO PROGRAMMED MODES:
                                                          FOLLOW OR AVOID OBJECTS!

                                                                                                                                          ISSUE 1 2020          27

                                                                5 SETS
                                                             SAVE OVER

901. STEM Starters Classroom Set
STEM Starters provide students with essential tools to complete hands-on projects. When combined with everyday items, these materials can
be used to design and execute projects using creative exploration and the engineering design process. By approaching a problem or a challenge
with this thought process, children are able to make educated guesses, problem-solve, and learn without the fear of making a mistake. Perfect
for individuals or small groups.
Teacher Created Resources. Set includes: STEM Starters Egg Drops (60 pieces to make 6 devices) + STEM Starters Paper Circuits (24 pieces to make 6 devices) + STEM Starters
Zip-Line Racers (38 pieces to make 6 devices) + STEM Starters Balloon Cars (60 pieces to make 6 devices) + STEM Starters Hydraulics (18 pieces to make 6 devices). Ages 8 +.
Adult supervision may be required.
$149.95 TE $99.00

  1.   Paper Straws (50 pieces)            OVER 3750
  2.   Foam Wheels (40 pieces)               PIECES!
  3.   Craft Sticks (500 pieces)
  4.   Multicolour Craft Sticks (250 pieces)
  5.   Jumbo Craft Sticks (200 pieces)
  6.   Multicolour Jumbo Craft Sticks (200 pieces)
  7.   Skinny Craft Sticks (120 pieces)
  8.   Mini Craft Sticks (100 pieces)
  9.   Multicolour Mini Craft Sticks (100 pieces)
10.    Wooden Dowels 3mm (100 pieces)
 11.   Wooden Dowels 6mm (12 pieces)
12.    Square Wooden Dowels (12 pieces)
13.    Pipe Cleaners (100 pieces)
14.    Clothespins (50 pieces)
15.    Multicolour Clothespins (50 pieces)
16.    Medium Clothespins (50 pieces)
 17.   Medium Multicolour Clothespins (50 pieces)
18.    Project Fabric (10 pieces)
19.    Matchsticks (1000 pieces)
20.    Skill Sticks (250 pieces)
21.    Multicolour Skill Sticks (250 pieces)                                                                                                        27 SETS
22.    Multicolour Foam Cubes (40 pieces)                                                                                                         SAVE OVER

23.    Wooden Squares (150 pieces)
24.    Wooden Wheels (60 pieces)                     902. STEM Basics Complete Classroom Kit
25.    Wooden Cubes (25 pieces)                      Teacher Created Resources. See for full list of details
26.    Wood Slats (8 pieces)                         and dimensions. Early Years/Foundation/Primary.
27.    Wooden Corks (10 pieces)                      $212.73 TE $159.00

Polydron is the original and superior construction shape, recognised as the world’s leading resource for teaching shape,
spacial awareness, two-dimensional and three-dimensional geometry, and design and technology.

                                                                             184 PIECES
                                                                            IN A STURDY
                                                                           STORAGE TUB!

903. Polydron Class Set
This classroom set provides excellent
play value, while also being versatile
enough to be utilised for complex
mathematical theories. Unique joints
readily snap together, giving a superior
hinge. Includes a set of teaching notes
to help children explore the world of
basic geometry, shape and space.
Polydron UK. 184 pieces (20 x hexagon
shapes, 40 x square shapes, 100 x equilateral
triangle shapes, 24 x pentagon shapes).
Plus an activity guide and a sturdy Gratnells
storage container. Foundation/Primary.
TE $275.00

904. Polydron Bridges
Recreate iconic bridges from
around the world, unlocking the
secrets of bridge building as you
go. Comprehensive activity/work
cards and lesson plans provide
step-by-step instructions to
piece together truss, suspension,
cantilever, drawbridge, cablestay,
swing and bascule bridges, and
challenge children to go beyond
the set shapes to experiment
with their own creations.
Polydron UK. 134 pieces plus a
sturdy Gratnells storage tub.
Middle/Upper Primary.
TE $259.00
                                               134 PIECES IN A
                                            STURDY STORAGE TUB!

                                                                                                         ISSUE 1 2020      29



                                                         $      .99            906. Small Magnetic Timer
                                                                               Simply turn the dial to set a time frame and a red indicator zone
                                                                               appears to make it easy for children to understand the length
 905. Big Magnetic Tri-Zone Timer                                              of ‘time to go’. The red zone counts down and a ringing bell
 A red, yellow and green... time-to-go timer!                                  alarm goes off when time is up!
 Ashley Productions. Sturdy plastic frame (152mm diameter) with table stand,   Ashley Productions. Sturdy plastic frame (76mm diameter) with table stand,
 hanging hook and strong magnet on the reverse side. No batteries required.    hanging hook and strong magnet on the reverse side. No batteries required.
 $59.99 TE $49.00                                                              $29.99 TE $29.00

                                160 SCENTED STICKERS

                                                                                                                           3 EMOJIS IN 1 BELL!

 907. Tropical Scented Stickers Pack                                           908. Emojis Call Bell
 Paper Magic. 160 scented reward stickers in 2 scents.                         Ashley Productions. One 76mm call bell, printed with three emoji designs.
 $13.98 TE $10.00                                                              $15.99 TE $11.00

 Give students the opportunity to practise NAPLAN-style tests. These books have been written to review and practise the key skills
 required to approach the tests confidently and successfully. Units include explanations of each new concept with examples and
 practice opportunities. And each book includes a pull-out NAPLAN-styled test for timed practice. Answers provided.

                                                                                         909. Back to Basics: NAPLAN Year 3
                                                                                         3 full-colour softcovers, each with a pull-out NAPLAN-styled test
                                                                                         for timed practice. NB: these are not officially endorsed publications
                                                                                         of the NAPLAN program and are produced by Pascal Press
                                                                                         independently of Australian governments.
                                                                                         $29.85 TE $24.00


                                                                                         910. Back to Basics: NAPLAN Year 5
        %                                                                                3 full-colour softcovers, each with a pull-out NAPLAN-styled test
                                                                                         for timed practice. NB: these are not officially endorsed publications
                                                                                         of the NAPLAN program and are produced by Pascal Press
                                                                                         independently of Australian governments.
                                                                                         $29.85 TE $24.00

                                                                                                                                                                                  ORDERS DUE BY:

Teacher Essentials                                                                                                                                         ISSUE 1 2020

                                                  NAME:                                                                                            CLASS:                          TEL:

                                                  #       TE Titles                  Price    Qty   $       #    TE Titles                      Price    Qty   $    #     TE Titles                           Price      Qty       $
                                 801 Confetti Welcome Postcards                      $6.50                 840 Rainbow Mag Sentences            $39.00             879 Planet Full of Plastic                 $15.00
                                802 Whitney and Britney…                            $12.00                 841 What Good Readers Do Poster      $17.50             880 50 Nature Activities                   $29.00
                                803 Say Cheese!                                     $22.00                 842 Oxford Aust MP Dictionary        $22.00             881 One World                              $14.50
                               804 15 Books for $39 (EY)                            $39.00                 843 Oxford Aust Advanced Dict.       $25.00             882 Hollow is a Home                       $23.50
                                805 30 Books for $69 (EY)                           $69.00                 844 Respect…                         $14.00             883 Illus Enclopaedia Ugly Animals         $25.00
                               806 Wonderful Wisdom... Ants                         $12.00                 845 50 Social Scenario Activities    $29.00             884 Write-On/Wipe-Off Dice                 $29.00
                                 807 15 Books for $39 (LP)                          $39.00                 846 Traffic Light Flips              $29.00             885 Mathlink Cubes                         $24.00
                               808 30 Books for $69 (LP)                            $69.00                 847 Social Emotional... Cubes        $24.00             886 Learning Puzzles                       $49.00
                               809 Emergency Rescue Angel                           $12.00                 848 Ravi's Roar                      $12.00             887 Seating Spots                          $49.00
                                 810 15 Books for $39 (MP)                          $39.00                 849 Good Egg                         $16.00             888 Mag Fraction Circles                   $49.00
                                   811 30 Books for $69 (MP)                        $69.00                 850 Carpet… Positive Sayings         $16.00             889 Place Value Learning Mat                $5.00
                                  812 Drama                                         $12.00                 851 Human Rights Game               $119.00             890 Fractions Learning Mat                  $5.00
                                  813 15 Books for $39 (UP)                         $39.00                 852 Together We Can!                 $12.50             891 Giant Magnetic Base 10 Set             $49.00
                                  814 30 Books for $69 (UP)                         $69.00                 853 Love From the Crayons            $14.00             892 Monster Mache Art                      $12.50
                                  815 Hero Academy... Level 1+                     $255.00                 854 Words to Inspire Stickers         $4.50             893 Music Basics Poster                     $17.50
                                 816 Hero Academy... Level 2                       $265.00                 855 Grow Your Mindset BB             $15.00             894 Artie 3000 Coding Robot               $125.00
                                   817 Hero Academy... Level 3                     $265.00                 856 Proudest Blue                   $20.00              895 Mag Dry-Erase Boards 10-Pk             $69.00
                                 818 Thelma the Unicorn Big Bk                      $19.00                 857 Liarbird                         $14.00             896 Maths Grid Boards 10-Pk                $40.00
                                 819 Macca The Alpaca Big Bk                        $19.00                 858 Nali                             $12.00             897 5-in-1 Outdoor Measure Mate            $89.00
                                820 Hang-Up Bag (Small) 5-Pk                         $12.50                859 Mo Willems' Pigeon Collection   $42.00              898 Jumbo Magnifiers                       $59.00
                                  821 Hang-Up Bag (Stan) 5-Pk                       $22.50                 860 Aussie Kids                      $19.00             899 Tobbie the Robot                       $59.00
                                 822 Hang-Up Bag (Med) 5-Pk                          $17.50                861 Eureka!                          $24.00             901 STEM Starters Class Set                $99.00
                                 823 Hang-Up Bag (Large) 5-Pk                        $27.50                862 Man from Snowy River             $14.00             902 STEM Basics Class Kit                 $159.00
                                 824 Giant Mag Rainbow Phonics                      $49.00                 863 Australian Story Pict Bk Pk      $19.00             903 Polydron Class Set                    $275.00
                                 825 50 Phonemic Awareness…                         $29.00                 864 Will the Wonderkid               $22.00             904 Polydron Bridges                      $259.00
                                826 Rainbow Phonics Mag Letters                     $39.00                 865 Big Bk Australian History…       $39.00             905 Big Magnetic Tri-Zone Timer            $49.00
                                  827 Word Families... Game                         $39.00                 866 Oxford Atlas (F-2)               $27.00             906 Small Magnetic Timer                   $29.00
                                828 Rainbow Mag Punctuation                          $19.50                867 Oxford Atlas (Years 3-4)         $29.00             907 Tropical Scented Stickers              $10.00
                                829 Trait Crate Plus (F)                           $149.00                 868 Oxford Atlas (Years 5-6)        $30.00              908 Emojis Call Bell                        $11.00
                                830 Trait Crate Plus (Gr 1)                        $149.00                 869 Australian Map Learning Mat       $5.00             909 Back to Basics: NAPLAN Yr 3            $24.00
                                  831 Trait Crate Plus (Gr2)                       $149.00                 870 Democracy/Aust Gov 4-Pk         $49.00              910 Back to Basics: NAPLAN Yr 5            $24.00
                                 832 Trait Crate Plus (Gr 3)                       $149.00                 871 Aust States & Terr 8-Pk         $69.00              911 Woo's Wonderful… Maths                 $25.00
                                 833 Trait Crate Plus (Gr 4)                       $149.00                 872 When We Became Humans            $15.00             912 Eddie Woo's Magical Maths              $18.00
                                 834 Trait Crate Plus (Gr 5)                       $149.00                 873 Street Through Time              $19.00             913 Sir Cumference Maths…                  $49.00
                                 835 Raymie Nightingale Coll.                       $49.00                 874 Coming Home to Country           $22.00             914 School Essentials Catalogue FREE!
                                 836 7 Steps to… Reading                            $22.00                 875 Indigenous Readers Set 3        $190.00
                                  837 EDGE: I HERO Toons 6-Pk                       $69.00                 876 Yarn Circles Cards              $49.00
                                                                                                                                                                        Order your personal copy of our NEW
                                 838 Hi-Lo Chapter Books Set 1                     $190.00                 877 Our Planet                       $25.00
                                                                                                                                                                        2020 School Essentials Catalogue now!
                               839 Reading Smart Bookmarks                            $7.50                878 You Can Save the Planet          $15.00
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                                   Eddie Woo is the head mathematics teacher at Cherrybrook Technology High School,
                                   Sydney. He has been teaching maths for more than ten years. In 2012, Eddie started
                                   recording his lessons and uploading them to YouTube, creating ‘Wootube’. Since then,
                                   he has amassed a following of more than 270,000 subscribers and his videos have been
                                   viewed more than 14 million times. In 2018, Eddie was named Australia’s Local Hero of
                                   the Year and shortlisted as one of the top ten teachers in the world.

                                   911. Woo’s Wonderful                                             912. Eddie Woo’s
                                   World of Maths                                                   Magical Maths
                                   Maths is all about patterns, and                                 A bumper book of fun
                                   our universe is extraordinarily                                  with maths, stuffed with
                                   patterned. With enthusiasm,                                      things to draw, puzzle,
                                   humour and heart, Eddie                                          invent, order, unscramble,
                                   Woo shows how card tricks,                                       code and decode—from
                                   conspiracy theories, teacups,                                    Australia’s best-known
                                   killer butterflies, music, lightning                             maths man! There’s magic
                                   and so much more illuminate the                                  in maths—if you know
                                   spellbinding world of maths that                                 where to look...
                                   surrounds us.                                                    Eddie Woo. Pan Macmillan
                                   Eddie Woo. Pan Macmillan Australia.                              Australia. Softcover. 240 pp.
                                   Softcover. 368 pp. Middle/Upper                                  Middle/Upper Primary and
                                   Primary and Secondary.                                           Secondary.
                                   $29.99 TE $25.00                                                 $19.99 TE $18.00

A series of entertaining, clever and imaginative medieval fantasy tales set in a world full of fun geometry-based names
(Sir Cumference, his wife Lady Di of Ameter, son Radius, the Dragon of Pi and many more). Puns—both literal and visual—
abound as readers follow hysterical adventures, discovering new maths concepts along the way. A great way to introduce
key maths terms.

913. Sir Cumference
Maths Adventures
Cindy Neuschwander. Penguin
Books. 4 full-colour softcovers,
each 32 pp. Primary.
$55.96 TE $49.00
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