Page created by Joel Sutton
Sharon Community Education
Enrichment, Term 2, 2021-2022
        Grades 1-8
Table of Contents

   CATEGORY                                                     PAGE

   Procedures and Guidelines …………………………………............             1-2

   At a Glance ……………………………………………………………                             3-4

   Academics …………………………………………………………….                               5-6

   Sports ………………………………………………………………….                                7-9

   STEAM…………………………………………………………………                                  10-12

   Languages ………………………………………………………..........                       13-14

   Adult Ed …………..…………………………………………..………..                           15

   School Calendar …………..…………………………………………...                        16

     Like us on Facebook
                   Follow us on twitter @sharoncommed


STEAM…educating children in the 21st century. Watch for STEAM in this brochure
                              for these classes.

                   Science Technology Engineering Art Math
Procedures and Guidelines
The following procedures and guidelines have been established for the After-
School Enrichment programs sponsored by the Sharon Public Schools for the
2021-2022 school year:

We now offer the ability to register and pay online through our website at There is no fee for this payment service.
All families, if you haven’t already done so, must create an account for your child
to be registered for enrichment, as this is the method for taking attendance.
Payment is required at time of registration.

If you have questions regarding any of these programs, please contact the
Community Education Office, 77 Pond Street, Sharon, 781-784-1574, between
the hours of 9:15 AM and 4:30 PM.

Acceptance will be on a first-come/first-serve basis. Should a class sell out a
waiting list will be created.

Each program has been scheduled according to the instructor’s availability, as
well as the facility in which the class will be held.

Activities are run only if the school is in session with the exception of classes
such as Ice Skating, Skiing, Tennis, as they are held at outside venues. Classes
are usually not scheduled on Early Release Days. In the event of postponement,
due to weather conditions or instructor unavailability, class may be extended at
the end of the scheduled session.

Snack is not provided. Students attending an enrichment session should bring a
snack from home.

The Sharon Public Schools reserves the right to terminate or limit a child’s
attendance in a program when, in the judgment of the staff, the child’s behavior is

All programs are covered under the Town of Sharon’s liability insurance policy
while the programs are in session and are held on Town property. Outside
venues are covered by their own policies.

All After-School Enrichment Programs must be pre-paid in full and all waivers
MUST be completed and submitted. Waivers are found online at the time of
registration. They can be completed online and emailed to us or may be printed
out and mailed to our office.

If a child misses the Community Education Van for any reason, parents, then
emergency contacts will be notified, and they are responsible for driving the child
to the program.

It is the responsibility of the parents or guardians to notify the Community
Education office at 781-784-1574 prior to 2:00 PM, if their child will be absent
from the class. Communication with the child’s school does not reach us.

Children are expected to ride on the Community Education Van to all the
Enrichment Programs. If you choose to drive your child, stay with them, and
drive them home, you must notify our office of this alternate transportation for
each occurrence.

If a student has an outstanding tuition balance in any Community Education
Program, he/she will not be eligible to participate in additional Community
Education Programs, until the balance is paid.

Failure to pick up your child by the time indicated in the program description will
result in a penalty fee of $5.00 for each five-minute interval.

Refunds of registration fees are processed when classes are canceled dependent on
status of class. Refunds for withdrawals after the start of programs will require
approval from Community Education Office and the Instructor.

 COVID-19 Update: Community Education will be beginning to provide
transportation to our Enrichment Programs. Masks will be required at all times by
staff and students during transportation. Please check off-site COVID-19
procedure plans under course descriptions.

        CLASSES                          LOCATION                      Max. # of      DAY/TIMES      GRADES

       Kumon: Math             Kumon, 700 South Main St., Shaw's           7            Tuesday        1-5
                                            Plaza                                      3:45- 4:45

     Kumon: Reading            Kumon, 700 South Main St., Shaw's           7            Tuesday        1-5
                                            Plaza                                     3:45-4:45pm

          Tennis              Brown Billone Tennis, 153 Chestnut          14           Thursday        1-5
                                       St., No. Easton                                4:00- 5:00pm

                                        East Elementary                               Wednesday
          Chess                         45 Wilshire Dr.                   14          3:45-4:45pm      1-5

                                     Sharon Middle School                              Monday
  Dungeons and Dragons                75 Mountain Street                  20           2:15-3:15       6-8

                                The Skating Club of Boston, 750                       1:15- 2:05pm
        Ice Skating               University Ave., Norwood           10 per session      Sunday        1-5
                                         617-782-5900                                 1:15-2:05pm

                              Blue Hills Ski Area, 4001 Washington                      Friday
   Skiing/Snowboarding                   St, Canton, MA                   28           4:30-5:45       2-5

                                        East Elementary                                 Monday         2-5
     Writing Wizards                    45 Wilshire Dr.                   14          3:45-5:15pm

                                      Cottage Elementary                               Thursdays       2-5
Your Voice: Public Speaking             30 Cottage St.                    14          3:45-5:15pm

                                            Cottage                                    Tuesdays
        Metrocraft                       30 Cottage St.                   14          3:45-5:15pm      2-5

   Digital Game Design                  East Elementary                   14           Tuesdays        3-5
                                        45 Wilshire Dr.                               3:45-4:45pm

Sharon Middle School              20   Wednesdays    6-8
 Digital Game Design            75 Mountain Street                    2:15-3:15pm

                                Heights Elementary                    Wednesday     1-5
        French                 454 S Main St, Sharon             14   3:45-4:45pm

                                Heights Elementary                      Monday      1-5
       Spanish                 454 S Main St, Sharon             14   3:45-4:45pm

                                        Zoom                           Thursday
American Sign Language   Links will be sent by instructor on a   20   4:00-5:00pm   3-5
                                     weekly basis

                                        Zoom                            Tuesday
American Sign Language   Links will be sent by instructor on a   20   3:00-4:00pm   6-8
                                     weekly basis

      *Please call 781-784-1574 while classes are in
    session with all questions/absences. Thank you!*

Kumon: MATH Grades 1-5 Let your child amaze            Transportation: One-
you. Kumon is a program designed to help children      way van
master the basics of math and unlock the potential     transportation is
in each child. Students begin at a comfortable         provided to this
starting point, determined by our placement test,      program, however
with worksheets that can be easily completed. Your     parents are
child will master the basics and reach complete        responsible for picking
proficiency with each successive step. This is a       up their child promptly
wonderful opportunity for children who may be          at the end of class at
struggling in math or who would like to advance to     Kumon.
the next level. Speed + Accuracy=Mastery.
                                                       COVID-19 Facility
CLASS DATES: Tuesdays- 1/4, 1/11, 1/18, 1/25,          Procedures:
2/1, 2/8, 2/15, 2/22* (8 weeks, **Parents are          Following CDC
responsible for transportation on 2/22)                guidelines everyone is
LOCATION: Kumon, 700 South Main St., Shaw's            required to wear
Plaza (781-762-6284)                                   masks/face coverings
TUITION: $245                                          while in the facility.

                                                       TUITION: $245
Kumon: READING Grades 1-5 This reading                 Transportation: One-
program is designed to reinforce fundamental           way van
concepts such as sentence structure, grammar,          transportation is
and punctuation while helping students build their     provided to this
vocabulary and improve their reading                   program, however
comprehension skills. Through daily assignments,       parents are
which are adjusted based on age and skill level,       responsible for picking
students are encouraged to take personal               up their child promptly
responsibility for their learning, strengthen their    at the end of class at
concentration skills, and develop good study habits.   Kumon.
This dual-focus on subject area mastery and work
skill is the key to each student’s success.            COVID-19 Facility
CLASS DATES: Tuesdays- 1/4, 1/11, 1/18, 1/25,          Following CDC
2/1, 2/8, 2/15, 2/22* (8 weeks, Parents are            guidelines everyone is
responsible for transportation on 2/22)                required to wear
TIME: 3:45-4:45PM                                      masks/face coverings
LOCATION: Kumon, 700 South Main St.,Shaw's             while in facility.
Plaza (781-762-6284)

Dungeons and Dragons Grades 6-8 We are                 Please Note: Parents
happy to announce the return of our Dungeons and       are expected to arrive
Dragons program at Sharon Middle School! This          at the front door of
program is open to both new and experienced D&D        Sharon Middle School
adventurers. All game materials will be provided,      promptly at 3:15 to
students simply need to show up and enjoy!             dismiss their students
                                                       from the program. If
CLASS DATES: Mondays- 1/3, 1/10, 1/24, 1/31,           you would like your
2/7, 2/14 (6 Weeks, NO CLASS 1/17)                     student to be
TIME: 2:15-3:15pm                                      dismissed another
LOCATION: Sharon Middle School                         way when the
                                                       program ends you
TUITON: $30                                            must contact the
                                                       Community Ed office.

CHESS Grades 1-5 Enter into the magical and            TRANSPORTATION:
exciting world of chess with Chess Wizards! You        One-way van
will participate in epic chess games, fun and          transportation is
interactive lessons, tournaments, team matches,        provided to this
trivia and more! Our specialized classes are a blast   program, however
for everyone. Whether you have been playing            parents are
chess for your entire life and want to improve, are    responsible for picking
brand new to the game, or you just want to have a      up their child promptly
fun experience with your friends - Chess Wizards is    at the end of class at
the place for you!                                     the East Elementary
CLASS DATES: Wednesday- 1/5, 1/19, 1/26, 2/2,
2/9, 2/16, 3/2, 3/9 (8 Weeks, NO CLASS 1/12,
TIME: 3:45-4:45PM
LOCATION: East Elementary


TENNIS Grades 1-5 Experience the wonderful              Transportation:
world of tennis. This program will introduce tennis     Round-trip van
to beginners and help build on beginner skills in       transportation is
those with a little tennis experience. Your young       provided to this
superstar will learn tennis by developing their hand-   program. Parents are
eye coordination, ball striking, control, and           responsible for picking
competitive skills. Students should bring their own     up their child promptly
raquet. Players will be organized into groups           at Cottage Street
according to their tennis ability.                      Cafeteria at 5:20 PM.

CLASS DATES: Thursday- 1/6, 1/13, 1/20, 1/27,           COVID-19 Facility
2/3, 2/10 (6 Weeks)                                     Procedures:
TIME: 4:00-5:00PM                                       Following CDC
LOCATION: Brown Billone Tennis, 153 Chestnut            guidelines everyone is
St., No. Easton (508-297-1599)                          required to wear
                                                        masks/face coverings
TUITION: $170                                           while in the facility.
                                                        When students have
Equipment Needed: Please make sure that your            reached their
child brings their own tennis racquet and has the       assigned court the
proper athletic attire for class.                       instructor will give
                                                        them instructions to
                                                        remove their
                                                        mask/face covering.

ICE SKATING Grades 1-5 Ice Skating lessons are        LOCATION: The
fun, goal-oriented classes for beginners through      Skating Club of
advanced levels. Students will be introduced to the   Boston, 750
basic foundations, such as skating forwards and       University Ave.,
backwards, stops, edges, crossovers, and turns.       Norwood (617-782-
Students will be assigned to small groups no larger   5900)
than 12 skaters based on their age and ability.
Waivers must be accessed online and returned          Equipment Needed:
to the Community Ed. Office prior to your child       Participants should
participating. There will be three (3) sessions       bring their own skates
offered this term, please be sure to select the       and a helmet MUST
correct day when registering.                         be worn.

CLASSES:                                              Transportation:
Saturday- 2/19, 3/5, 3/12, 3/19, 3/26, 4/2, 4/9 (7    Parents are
Weeks NO CLASS 2/26)                                  responsible for driving
TIME: 1:15-2:05PM                                     their child to and from
Cost: $235                                            Skating.

Sunday: 2/27, 3/6, 3/13, 3/20, 3/27, 4/3, 4/10 (7     COVID-19 Facility
Weeks)                                                Procedures:
Time: 1:15-2:05pm                                     Following CDC
Cost: $250                                            guidelines everyone is
                                                      required to wear
Monday: 1/10, 1/24, 1/31, 2/7, 2/14, 2/28, 3/7 (7     masks/face coverings
Weeks NO CLASS 1/17 & 2/21)                           while in the facility,
Time: 7:00-7:50pm                                     even during their
Cost: $235                                            lessons.

Skiing/Snowboarding Lessons Grades 2-5 No               TUITION WITHOUT
need to travel to play in the snow. Come ski or         RENTIAL
snowboard at Blue Hills with our neighbors in           EQUIPMENT: $320
Canton. All levels of skiers are welcome. You may
bring your own skis, or rentals are available.          TUITION WITH
Students will break into groups according to their      RENTAL
ability of skiing. Participants should wear             EQUIPMENT: $400
appropriate snow clothes.                               Transportation: Two
All students must wear a helmet (bike                   -way van
helmet is acceptable).                                  transportation is
Waivers must be accessed online and returned            provided to this
to the Community Ed. Office prior to your child         program. The vans will
participating.                                          arrive to Cottage
PLEASE BE SURE TO REGISTER BY                           Elementary between
DECEMBER 17 AT THE LATEST!                              6:30 and 6:45pm.
Please be aware that there are various packages being   Please be at Cottage
offered. Register accordingly.                          promptly at 6:30pm to
                                                        receive your
CLASS DATES: Fridays, 1/7, 1/14, 1/21, 1/28, 2/4        child(ren.)
(5 weeks)
TIME: 4:30-5:45PM
LOCATION: Blue Hills

Writing Wizards Grades 2-5 In Writing Wizards,                      CLASS DATES:
we foster a love of writing by guiding our students                 Monday, 1/3, 1/10,
to write and publish their own short novel! Using                   1/24, 1/31, 2/7, 2/14
literature like Harry Potter and The Chronicles of                  (6 Weeks, No class
Narnia as inspiration, each pair of students designs                1/17)
a fantasy world that includes major and minor
characters, fantastic settings, an extended                         TIME: 3:45-5:15PM
backstory and a world of wonder. The authors use                    LOCATION: East
artwork and brainstorming to design plot twists and                 Elementary School
dynamic characters. Teachers guide the students,
providing contextual mini-lessons on writing                        TUITION: $130
techniques that include the use of dialogue,
detailed descriptions, sensory-rich word choice, and
character development. At the end of the course,                    Transportation: One-
students take home their completed novel!                           way van
                                                                    transportation is
                                                                    provided to this
                                                                    program, however
                                                                    parents are
                                                                    responsible for picking
                                                                    up their child promptly
                                                                    at the end of class
                                                                    from the East
                                                                    Elementary Cafeteria

Your Voice: Public Speaking Grades 2-5 Public                       TIME: 3:45-5:15PM
speaking and presentation skills are critical! We say it is never   LOCATION: Cottage
too early to start learning these talents! Elementary and           Elementary
middle school students who learn skills like making eye
contact, using a loud voice, scanning their audience, speaking
from notes and making persuasive arguments will be                  Transportation: One-
confident and powerful speakers. Using fun and engaging             way van
activities to teach public speaking and presentation can help       transportation is
make a sometimes-scary task much less daunting. Our                 provided to this
students write and deliver informative and persuasive
speeches on fun topics of their own choosing, learning how to
                                                                    program, however
organize what they want to say and deliver it in a powerful and     parents are
persuasive manner. Students also play fun public speaking           responsible for picking
games, engage in mini-debates on kid-friendly topics and            up their child promptly
create a classroom newscast featuring news anchors,                 at the end of class
weather reports, sports updates, and movie reviews! Let's
make public speaking fun!
                                                                    from the Cottage
                                                                    Elementary Library.
CLASS DATES: Thursdays- 1/6, 1/13, 1/20, 1/27,
2/3, 2/10 (6 Weeks)                                                 TUITION: $130

Metrocraft Grades2-5 Students learn economics,           CLASS DATES:
civics, geometry, and technology as they work            Tuesdays- 1/4, 1/11,
together to create a city within a virtual Minecraft-    1/18, 1/25, 2/1, 2/8 (6
type world. As students serve on the city council,       Weeks)
they study how laws are made while working
together to create their own constitution of laws.       Time: 3:45-5:15PM
Students use mathematics and geometry to                 Location: Cottage
construct a working urban environment as they            Elementary
serve on a city council that responds to natural
disasters and challenging city issues. STEAM             Tuition: $130
learning has never been so fun!

Transportation: One-way van transportation is
provided to this program, however parents are
responsible for picking up their child promptly at the
end of class from the Cottage Elementary Library.

Digital Game Design Grades 3-5 This course                CLASS DATES:
introduces students to The Unreal Engine, a game          Tuesdays- 1/4, 1/11,
development platform that is great for creating 2D        1/18, 1/25, 2/1, 2/8 (6
and 3D games. Among the many skills students will         weeks)
take away from this class, some of the most
important are scene design, character design,             TIME: 3:45-4:45PM
computer programming, story crafting and writing, a       LOCATION: East
little physics and math, and, most importantly,           Elementary
imagination. With a basic knowledge of this create        TUITION/SESSION:
worlds for different platforms, like tablets, PCs,        $150
laptops, virtual reality, and beyond. These skills can    Transportation: One-
easily be applied to other disciplines, like graphic      way van
design, architecture, physics, math, computer             transportation is
programming, fine arts, writing, and engineering.         provided to this
We will be happy to equip you with the skills             program; however
needed to empower your creativity! By Tinker and          parents are
Create. More details at          responsible for picking
                                                          up their child promptly
                                                          at the end of class
                                                          from the East
                                                          Elementary Cafeteria.

                                                          CLASS DATES:
Digital Game Design Grades 6-8 This course                Wednesday- 1/5,
introduces students to The Unreal Engine, a game          1/19, 1/26, 2/2, 2/9,
development platform that is great for creating 2D        2/16 (6 Weeks, No
and 3D games. Among the many skills students will         Class 1/12)
take away from this class, some of the most               TIME: 2:15-3:15PM
important are scene design, character design,             LOCATION: Sharon
computer programming, story crafting and writing, a       Middle School
little physics and math, and, most importantly,
imagination. With a basic knowledge of this               TUITION/SESSION:
platform, students can begin to think about how to        $150
create worlds for different platforms, like tablets,
PCs, laptops, virtual reality, and beyond. These          Please Note: Parents
skills can easily be applied to other disciplines, like   are expected to arrive at
graphic design, architecture, physics, math,              the front door of Sharon
computer programming, fine arts, writing, and             Middle School promptly
                                                          at 3:15 to dismiss their
engineering. We will be happy to equip you with
                                                          students from the
the skills needed to empower your creativity! By          program. If you would
Tinker and Create. More details at                        like your student to be                                  dismissed another way
                                                          when the program ends
                                                          you must contact the
                                                          Community Ed office.

French Grades 1-5 Sharon Community Education         TIME: 3:45-4:45PM
is pleased to partner with Rola Languages to offer   LOCATION: Heights
Sharon students the opportunity to become            Elementary
exposed to foreign languages and cultures as early
as kindergarten. Students will acquire (language)    TUITION/SESSION:
skills through songs, games, crafts, short writing   $200
activities, and storytelling, resulting in fun and
rigorous learning experience for children.           Transportation: One-
Instruction is adapted for a variety of learning     way van
levels, making this an excellent introduction for    transportation is
beginners and great opportunity for returning        provided to this
students to expand their proficiency. Please note    program, however
that these clubs are not designed for advanced       parents are
speakers.                                            responsible for picking
                                                     up their child promptly
CLASS DATES: Wednesday- 1/5, 1/19, 1/26, 2/2,        at the end of class
2/9, 2/16, 3/2, 3/9 (8 Weeks, NO CLASS 1/12,         from the Heights
2/23)                                                Elementary Cafeteria.

                                                     LOCATION: Heights
Spanish Grades 1-5 Sharon Community Education        Elementary
is pleased to partner with Rola Languages to offer
Sharon students the opportunity to become            TUITION/SESSION:
exposed to foreign languages and cultures as early   $200
as kindergarten. Students will acquire (language)
skills through songs, games, crafts, short writing   Transportation: One-
activities, and storytelling, resulting in fun and   way van
rigorous learning experience for children.           transportation is
Instruction is adapted for a variety of learning     provided to this
levels, making this an excellent introduction for    program, however
beginners and great opportunity for returning        parents are
students to expand their proficiency. Please note    responsible for picking
that these clubs are not designed for advanced       up their child promptly
speakers.                                            at the end of class
                                                     from the Cottage
CLASS DATES: Monday- 1/3, 1/10, 1/24, 1/31, 2/7,     Elementary Library.
2/14, 2/28, 3/7 (8 Weeks, NO CLASS 1/17, 2/21)
TIME: 3:45-4:45PM

American Sign Language Grades 3-5 Equal                Class Dates:
access to language is a gift and a birthright! Share   Thursdays- 1/6, 1/13,
the gift of language! This program introduces the      1/20, 1/27, 2/3, 2/10
fundamentals of ASL and readies signers for            (6 Weeks)
conversational sign. Enjoy a journey into Deaf
culture and learn to sign without offending. This      Time: 4:00-5:00pm
highly regarded program offers students a chance       Location: Zoom links
to learn ASL without the pressure of homework or       will be sent directly by
exams. This program will take place over zoom and      the instructor at the
serve as a great introductory program for ASL with     beginning of each
in person classes intended to be offered in the        week
                                                       Cost: $140

American Sign Language Grades 6-8 Equal                Class Dates:
access to language is a gift and a birthright! Share   Tuesdays- 1/4, 1/11,
the gift of language! This program introduces the      1/18, 1/25, 2/1, 2/8
fundamentals of ASL and readies signers for            (6 Weeks)
conversational sign. Enjoy a journey into Deaf
culture and learn to sign without offending. This      Time: 3:00-4:00pm
highly regarded program offers students a chance       Location: Zoom links
to learn ASL without the pressure of homework or       will be sent directly by
exams. This program will take place over zoom and      the instructor at the
serve as a great introductory program for ASL with     beginning of each
in person classes intended to be offered in the        week
                                                       Cost: $140

Registration for Winter Adult Ed
opens in December. Keep an eye
    on our website for more
We are so excited for our Winter season of Adult Education! Our winter
session will offer a mix of in person and virtual programs. We are also
 expanding our offerings through our partnership with to
provide quality and affordable online skill building and Career Training

   For more information and to view all our programs, please visit:

        Interested in running a program? Email Sara Norton at

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