Seymour. strength optimism justice - Seymour College

Page created by Cynthia Miles
Seymour. strength optimism justice - Seymour College
            Seymour OSHC Vacation Care Program
                      October 2018
                      For girls and boys aged 5–12.
               Daily fee: $55 per child plus activity cost.
                     Child Care Subsidy available.
Operating hours: 8.00am to 6.00pm, Seymour College Junior School OSHC Room.

                                           CRICOS No 00628G
Seymour. strength optimism justice - Seymour College
Seymour OSHC October 2018 Vacation Care Program                                             OSHCVCOCT2018

Week 1: Monday 1 October to                           Week 2: Monday 8 October to
Friday 5 October 2018                                 Friday 12 October 2018
Monday 1 October – Public Holiday                     Monday 8 October – Activity Fee $18
No Vacation Care                                      Gymnastics | Make a fortress with your friends.
Tuesday 2 October – Activity Fee $22                  Tennis | Spend the morning with Tiger Tennis
                                                      coaches, learning the correct technique,
STEM: Super Robotix | Stimulate your critical         footwork and usage of grips and play tennis
thinking and learn new skills at our robotics         related games.
                                                      Ice cream Van Visit | I scream, you scream, we
Gymnastics | Play gym games and make a                all scream for ice cream!
fortress with your friends.                           Art and Craft | Decorate your own kite and
Scavenger Hunt | Explore the College to try and       spend the afternoon flying it on the College's
find all the items on your list!                      Mitchell Oval.
Cupcake decorating | Before you enjoy a               Tuesday 9 October – Activity Fee $26
cupcake for afternoon tea, decorate it with icing,
                                                      Excursion: HOYTS Cinema | Catch the bus to
sprinkles and edible glitter.
                                                      Norwood Hoyts to see a movie. Popcorn and a
                                                      drink included.
Wednesday 3 October – Activity Fee $22
                                                      Sport | Play soccer and football with friends, throw
Camping 101 | Spend the morning with Active
                                                      the frisbee, or make your own obstacle course.
Education, learning basic camping skills,
including how to put up a tent and cook a camp        Treasure Hunt | Work in teams and follow the
meal.                                                 instructions to get from one clue to another. The
                                                      final treasure is worth hunting for!
Art and Craft | Design your own Pillow Case.
Party Games | Get ready for an afternoon of           Wednesday 10 October – Activity Fee $15
group games, an egg and spoon race, the limbo         Magic Show and Workshop | Get ready to be
and pass the parcel.                                  entertained and learn some new tricks from
                                                      the award winning Magician, The Amazing
Thursday 4 October – Activity Fee $28                 Magic Mike.
Excursion: Hahndorf Farm Barn | Wear your             Disco | Bring your best dance moves, and wear
country best for a day up at the Hahndorf Farm        something bright or sparkly for our OSHC Disco.
Barn.                                                 Art and Craft | Make a Friendship bracelet.
Sports | Have a hit of tennis, throw the vortex, or   Thursday 11 October – Activity Fee $20
kick the footy with friends.
                                                      Art and Craft | Work with your friends to create
Art and Craft | After a busy morning, relax           signs for our OSHC Carnival.
and make beaded jewellery and Hama                    Gymnastics | Develop your skills and
bead creations.                                       choreograph your own gymnastics routine.
Friday 20 April – Activity Fee $13                    BBQ Lunch | Enjoy an Aussie BBQ for lunch.
Ninja Warrior | Challenge yourself on our             OSHC Carnival | Spend the afternoon on our Velcro
inflatable extreme Ninja Warrior course.              Wall, drinking slushies, eating popcorn, and being
                                                      creative with face paint and temporary tattoos!
Gymnastics | Develop your confidence and have
a go on our Gymnastics circuit.                       Friday 12 October – Activity Fee $13
Workout | Get your heart rate going as we blast       Gardening | Spend the morning with Active
some music and participate in a fun fitness           Education painting your own pot, and planting a
circuit.                                              plant to take home and grow.
Movie and Popcorn | Get comfortable and settle        Gymnastics | Enjoy gymnastics games, develop
in for a relaxing afternoon.                          your skills and play with the parachute.
                                                      Picnic and Sport | Enjoy a picnic on the Oval
                                                      and playing a range of sports with your friends.
                                                      OSHC Trivia | Work in teams and participate in
                                                      our Quiz Afternoon.
Seymour. strength optimism justice - Seymour College
Seymour OSHC October 2018 Vacation Care Program
Booking Request Form
Parent/Guardian name (person to contact regarding booking)


Phone .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................



Child 1 full name.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Child 2 full name.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Child 3 full name.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Places are limited and days may be fully booked prior to the closing date so to avoid disappointment please
return your booking form ASAP.

Already enrolled at Seymour OSHC
Please complete the attached Seymour OSHC Vacation Care Booking Form (with excursion consent forms)
and return to OSHC or e-mail to
Not enrolled at Seymour OSHC
Please contact Tori for an enrolment form.
Tori Plunkett (OSHC Manager):
Sessions and Costs
                                       Total daily cost $55 +             Name of
Dates                              extra activity fee (before CCS)   children attending

Monday 1 October – Public Holiday

Tuesday 2 October – Activity Fee $22         $77.00

Wednesday 3 October – Activity Fee $22       $77.00

Thursday 4 October - Activity Fee $28        $83.00

Friday 5 October – Activity Fee $20          $75.00

Monday 8 October – Activity Fee $18          $73.00

Tuesday 9 October – Activity Fee $26         $81.00

Wednesday 10 October – Activity Fee $15      $70.00

Thursday 11 October – Activity Fee $20       $75.00

Friday 12 October – Activity Fee $13         $68.00

Authorisation for Excursion Form October 2018 - Farm Barn
I give permission for my child(ren)

CHILD(REN)’S NAME/S:_______________________________________________________

SURNAME NAME/S:__________________________________________________________

to attend the programmed excursion on the day on which they are enrolled.

Thursday 4 October, 2018
Location: The Hahndorf Farm Barn

Activity: Recess, meet animals, feeding animals, milk a cow, wildlife park visit, lunch,
wildlife and reptile show.

Transport: Bus

Departure time: Approximately 9.00am

Return Time: Approximately 2.15pm

Alternative Weather Plan (in circumstances of extreme heat, rain etc.): This excursion
will still go ahead as most activities are inside the Barn and Recess and Lunch are under
cover. If weather is extreme, wildlife park visit will not occur.

Parents/Guardian sign for permission:

By signing the Authorisation for Excursion Forms, I agree to and understand the
following -

   •   My child has my permission to attend the excursions selected.
   •   I am listed on the child’s Enrolment Form as a Parent or Guardian.
   •   The service has conducted an Excursion Risk Assessment, which is available for
       your review upon request.
   •   Your child must be at OSHC 30 minutes before excursion departure time.
   •   The contact details, including all emergency contact details, listed on my child’s
       Enrolment Form are up-to-date.
   •   We operate on a ratio of 1 staff member to 15 children onsite and 1 staff member
       to 8 children on excursions.
   •   We anticipate we will have 32 children attend this excursion and 4 educators.
Authorisation for Excursion Form October 2018 – Movies
I give permission for my child(ren)

CHILD(REN)’S NAME/S:_______________________________________________________

SURNAME NAME/S:__________________________________________________________

to attend the programmed excursion on the day on which they are enrolled.

Tuesday 9 October, 2018
Location: HOYTS, Norwood Parade

Activity: Watch a movie

Transport: Bus

Departure time: Approximately 9.00am

Return Time: Approximately 12.00pm
(Times will be confirmed day before due to movies times not yet released)

Alternative Weather Plan (in circumstances of extreme heat, rain etc.): This excursion
will still go ahead as it is an inside activity.

Movie Rating: By signing this, I give consent for my child to attend the excursions and
view a G or PG movie.

Parents/Guardian sign for permission:

By signing the Authorisation for Excursion Forms, I agree to and understand the
following -

   •    My child has my permission to attend the excursions selected.
   •    I am listed on the child’s Enrolment Form as a Parent or Guardian.
   •    The service has conducted an Excursion Risk Assessment, which is available for
        your review upon request.
   •    Your child must be at OSHC 30 minutes before excursion departure time.
   •    The contact details, including all emergency contact details, listed on my child’s
        Enrolment Form are up-to-date.
   •    We operate on a ratio of 1 staff member to 15 children onsite and 1 staff member
        to 8 children on excursions.
   •    We anticipate we will have 32 children attend this excursion and 4 educators.
Places are limited and days may be fully booked prior to the closing date so to avoid disappointment please return
your booking form ASAP.

GENERAL INFORMATION                                             FOOD
                                                                Morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and a drink bottle must
Email                                    be brought each day. If children are staying for a long day
SERVICE LOCATION                                                we do suggest you pack extra snacks.
Seymour OSHC Vacation Care operates from the Seymour            We follow Seymour Nut Free Policy. No food containing
College Junior School OSHC Room, 546 Portrush Road,             nuts is to be brought to Vacation Care.
Glen Osmond.
                                                                Our program is designed for girls and boys aged 5 to 12
The vacation care program will operate from 8.00am to
                                                                years of age. We aim to provide a fun, safe, healthy and
6.00pm during school holidays.
                                                                educational environment where children can enjoy their
Your child can be dropped off and picked up any time            school holidays.
during these hours.
                                                                STAFF RATIOS
CHILD CARE SUBSIDY (CCS)                                        We operate a minimum ratio of 1 staff member to 15
Seymour OSHC is an Approved Provider. If you want               children, with a 1:8 ratio for excursions.
to claim CCS please make sure you have provided
the relevant details on your enrolment form and                 VACATION CARE BOOKINGS
have completed your Centrelink Child Care Subsidy               Please complete the attached booking request
Assessment. This can be completed through myGov,
                                                                form with the days you require and return to
using your Centrelink online account, or through the
                                                       A booking confirmation
Express Plus Centerlink mobile app. If you are unsure
                                                                will be emailed out when enrolment/booking form
of what to do please do not hesitate to contact Tori
                                                                is received.
Plunkett, OSHC Manager.
                                                                Bookings will not be confirmed if your child is not
CLOTHING                                                        enrolled with Seymour OSHC.
Children are advised to wear comfortable clothing and
sports shoes. Every child must have a named hat, drink          COLLECTION NOTICE
bottle and sunscreen every day.                                 Seymour College (the College) collect/s personal
DAILY FEE                                                       information, including sensitive information, about students, school
$55 per child plus any additional activity costs.               employees, school Board members and others who interact with
                                                                the College. The primary purpose of collecting this information is
ENROLMENT                                                       to enable the College to provide services to its students, or others
All children using the Vacation Care program must be            and for marketing/promotional purposes. Some of the information
enrolled with Seymour OSHC. Enrolment forms can be              collected is to satisfy the College’s legal obligations.
found on the Schools website or a hard copy can be
                                                                The College may, from time to time, disclose personal information
collected from the OSHC or the Sports Centre.
                                                                to others for advisory, administrative, child protection, legal or
Already enrolled at Seymour OSHC                                educational purposes. Such disclosures will only be in relation
Please complete the attached Seymour OSHC Vacation              to the primary purpose of collection, or for secondary purpose,
Care Booking Form (with excursion consent forms) and            related to the primary purpose, and which the individual would
return to OSHC or e-mail to             reasonably expect.

Not enrolled at Seymour OSHC                                    The College occasionally uses contractors to assist the College in
Please contact Tori for an enrolment form.                      its functions and discloses relevant personal information to these
Tori Plunkett (OSHC Manager):            contractors to enable them to meet their obligations. The College
                                                                may store personal information in the ‘cloud’ which may mean
CANCELLATIONS                                                   that it resides on servers which are situated outside of the College.
Full fees will be charged for any cancellations unless we       The College’s Privacy Policy sets out how a person may seek access
are able to fill your child’s spot from our waitlist.           to personal information collected about them. However, there will
If your child is sick please provide a doctor’s certificate     be occasions when access is denied. Such occasions would include
and fees will be waived. A day's attendance fee will be         where access would have an unreasonable impact on the privacy
charged if children are booked in and OSHC has not              of others, or where access may result in a breach of confidence. The
been notified of their absence.                                 Seymour College Privacy Policy also sets out how you may register
                                                                a complaint about a breach of privacy and how the College will
FEE PAYMENT                                                     deal with such a complaint.
Invoicing will be done via direct debit on Thursday
                                                                Any questions in relation to the collection, use and disclosure and
4 October and Thursday 18 October
                                                                retention of personal information collected by the College may
Seymour OSHC has partnered with EZIDEBIT to manage              be directed to, or a copy of the College’s Privacy Policy may be
all direct debit payments. Direct debit details must be set     obtained from, the Seymour College Privacy Officer. The Privacy
up on your Xplor account prior to your child attending.         Policy is also available to view on the College website.

                     Seymour College OSHC, 546 Portrush Road, Glen Osmond SA 5064
      Telephone: 08 8303 9000 Facsimile: 08 8303 9010
                                          CRICOS Provider Code 00628G OSHCVCJUL2018
Seymour College OSHC
October 2018 Vacation Care Program

546 Portrush Road, Glen Osmond South
Australia 5064
Phone +61 8 8303 9000

CRICOS Provider Code: 00628G
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