Page created by Phyllis Bauer

                                                     Reference No: 9020MKY
                                                            Version 5
                                                       08 November 2018

                                  Any alterations to this Plan must be approved by the:
                                              Manager Aviation Operations

                                    The current copy of this Plan is held on SharePoint

                     It is your responsibility to ensure you hold the current copy of this Plan

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 Reference No             Version          Status         Sponsor                                        Author
 9020MKY                       5         Approved Manager Aviation Operations                            Aviation Administration Officer

 Amendments                                                               Date                           By whom
 Version 1 - NQA Full document control                                    03 November 2014               Manager Aviation Operations
 procedures applied
 Version 2 - Updated MAPL Logo, removed Tiger                             03 November 2015               Manager Aviation Operations
 Airways, removed Aromas, inclusion of Cyclone
 information from Mackay Regional Council
 Local Disaster Management Group.

 Version 3 - NQA Full document control                                    07 July 2016                   Aviation Administration Officer
 procedures applied

 Version 4 – Full Review of document inclusive                            18 July 2017                   Aviation Administration Officer
 of document control process as per Company

 Version 5 – – Full Review of document inclusive                          08 November 2018               Aviation Administration Officer
 of document control process as per Company

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1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................. 4
2. CYCLONE STATE ADVISE, NOTIFICATION AND ACTION ..................................................................... 5
3. TROPICAL CYCLONE WARNING SYSTEM ............................................................................................ 7
4. TROPICAL CYCLONE FORECAST THREAT AND TRACK MAPS .............................................................. 7
5. TROPICAL CYCLONE CATEGORY SYSTEM ........................................................................................... 7
6. SEVERE WEATHER AND CYCLONE COMMITTEE................................................................................. 8
           ANNEXURE A: Trigger and Action Documents ........................................................................ 10
           ANNEXURE B: LMDG Cyclone Tracking Map .......................................................................... 13

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      The Disaster Management Act 2003 S13(1) defines a disaster as a serious disruption in a
      community, caused by the impact of an event, that requires a significant coordinated response
      by the State and other entities to help the community recover from the disruption. Disasters
      that may affect Mackay Airport include:
                 Tropical cyclones
                 Gale force winds
                 Storms
                 Storm surges
                 Earthquake
                 Tsunamis
                 Volcanic ash
                 Tornados
      The Mackay Airport Severe Weather and Cyclone Plan has been prepared to counter potential
      danger and damage that may occur as a result of a disaster.
      Post disaster where airport infrastructure suffers significant damage impacting on airport
      operations, the Aerodrome Emergency Committee (AEC) would be convened to manage a
      disaster recovery program as per the Mackay Airport ‘Airport Emergency Plan’ (AEP).
      As a lesson learnt from Cyclone Marcia, the Mackay Regional Council Local Disaster
      Management Group (LDMG) have developed, with the assistance of the Bureau of Meteorology
      (BOM), reference documents Cyclone/Tropical Low Timing Calculator, Cyclone/Tropical Low
      Distance Map and Cyclone/Tropical Low Error Margins to assist with planning (refer to
      Annexures A and B).

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Severe Weather & Cyclone Plan SOP

2. Cyclone State Advise, Notification and Action
 STAGE           ACTIVITY                        WIND SPEED                      NOTIFICATION             COMMENTS/ACTION
 Stage 1         CYCLONE WATCH -                 Gale Force Winds (above         Advice via SMS by        Cyclone watch:
                 Initiated by Bureau of          75km/h) (41kt) 24 - 48 hrs      Mackay Airport           NQA team members to ensure company procedures are followed as per SOPs and review company
                 Meteorology (BOM) by            away                                                     procedures
                 announcement of a                                                                         Tenants review Severe Weather and Cyclone Plan and company procedures
                 Cyclone affecting the                                                                     Secure or remove non-essential equipment from open areas
                                                                                                          Check emergency stores equipment (fuel, generators, radio’s etc.)
 Stage 2         CYCLONE WARNING -               Gale Force Winds (above         Advice via SMS by        Cyclone Warning:
                 Initiated by BOM by             75km/h) (41kt) 24 hrs           Mackay Airport            Severe Weather and Cyclone Committee is convened
                 announcement of a               away                                                      Complete initial preparation
                 Cyclone affecting the                                                                     Implement company procedures
                 region.                                                                                   Complete removing / securing non-essential equipment
                                                                                                           Remove / secure light aircraft
                                                                                                          Continue to monitor cyclone activity via BOM website / media etc.
 Stage 3         CYCLONE WARNING                 Gale Force Winds (above         Advice via SMS by        Cyclone Warning Current:
                 CURRENT – BOM                   100 km/h) (54kt) 6 -12 hrs      Mackay Airport            Commence partial shutdown of facilities, documents computers etc.
                 Monitoring System               away                                                      Consider sending non-essential staff home. Light aircraft relocated / stored /securely tied down
                                                                                                           Consider flood precautions / sandbagging etc.
                                                                                                          Continue to monitor cyclone activity via BOM website / media etc.
 Stage 4         CYCLONE WARNING                 Gale Force Winds (above         Advice via SMS by        Cyclone Warning Current:
                 CURRENT – BOM                   100 km/h) (54kt) at airport     Mackay Airport            Stage shut down of airport facilities, including terminal, airport ground lighting etc.
                 Monitoring System               are 3 - 6 hrs away                                        ATC, ARFF, Airlines will cease operations as soon as possible after declaration of Stage 4
                                                                                                           Airport tenants expected to complete their own shut down of their own operations in a similar timeframe
                                                                                                           After consultation with ATC, and upon departure of last aircraft, Mackay Airport Manager Aviation
                                                                                                                Operations will issue a NOTAM advising of non-availability of airport facilities (from time/date)
                                                                                                          All staff should have departed from airport. Severe Weather and Cyclone Committee is stood-down.
 Stage 5         CYCLONE WARNING                 Gale Force Winds (above         Nil Advice by            Cyclone Warning Current:
                 CURRENT                         100 km/h) (54kt) have           Mackay Airport           ALL AIRPORT OPERATIONS HAVE CEASED
 Stage 6         CYCLONE WARNING                 Gale Force Winds (above         Nil Advice by            Cyclone Warning Current:
                 CURRENT                         100 km/h) (54kt) have           Mackay Airport           ALL AIRPORT OPERATIONS REMAIN CEASED
                                                 passed                                                   ALL CLEAR NOT YET ANNOUNCED – STAGE 5 MAY BE RE-DECLARED
 Stage 7         CYCLONE WARNING MAY             Gale Force Winds have           Nil Advice by            CYCLONE WARNING MAY STILL EXIST
                 STILL EXIST                     passed Mackay, though a         Mackay Airport            Cyclone Committee to reconvene
                                                 Cyclone warning may still                                 Commence call-in of essential staff to return Airport to normal operational status
                                                 exist                                                     NOTAM to be lifted by Mackay Airport Manager Aviation Operations
                                                                                                          Timing to be determined by Airport Cyclone Committee and through the Chair

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 STAGE           ACTIVITY                        WIND SPEED                      NOTIFICATION             COMMENTS/ACTION
 Stage 8         Cyclone Warning                 Declaration of All Clear by     Advice via SMS by        Cyclone Warning Cancelled
                 cancelled                       District Disaster Manager       Mackay Airport            Staff returning to Airport to re-commence operations
                                                                                 Declaration of all        Tenants clean-up operations commence
                                                                                 clear                     Tenants to liaise with Mackay Airport Assets Department regarding loss of services and damage to
                                                                                                          NOTE: Following a severe cyclone Stage 8 may extend to several days as clean up continues

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Severe Weather & Cyclone Plan SOP


    Tropical Cyclone Advices are issued by the BOMs Tropical Cyclone Warning Centre and broadcast by
    radio and television stations.

    Information is also available directly from BOM by:

         Method                                      Details                                               Contact Details

         Fax Poll                                    Forecast Track Map                                    1902 935 277

         Telephone                                   Cyclone Advice                                        1300 659 212

         Internet                                    All Weather and Warnings                    

    The Bureau of Meteorology provides a Tropical Cyclone Forecast Threat and Track Map displaying the
    forecast positions of each tropical cyclone up to 24 hours and is available on BOM’s web page at


         Category              Max. Wind Gust                Typical Effects

                                 90 – 125km/h                Tropical Cyclone: Negligible house damage, damage to some
              1                   (48 – 67kt)                crops, trees, caravans and craft may drag moorings

                                                             Tropical Cyclone: Minor house damage, significant damage to
                                125 – 164km/h
              2                   (67 – 89kt)
                                                             signs, trees and caravans, heavy damage to some crops, risk
                                                             of power failure, small craft may break moorings

                                165 – 224km/h                Severe Tropical Cyclone: Some roof and structural damage,
              3                  (90 – 120kt)                power failure likely

                                                             Severe Tropical Cyclone: Significant roofing loss and structural
                                225 – 279km/h
              4                  (121 – 150kt)
                                                             damage, blown away, dangerous airborne debris, widespread
                                                             power failures

                                   < 280km/h                 Severe Tropical Cyclone: Extremely dangerous with
              5                     (> 151kt)                widespread destruction

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6.1 The Severe Weather and Cyclone Committee is convened at:
                   Stage 2 Cyclone Warning, and/or
                   As determined by BOM weather warnings for severe weather and disasters including
                    storms, storm surges, earthquake, tsunamis, volcanic ash and tornados.

6.2 Chair of the Severe Weather and Cyclone Committee in succession is:
                   General Manager
                   Manager Aviation Operations
6.3 Membership of the Severe Weather and Cyclone Committee is:
                   Airport Incident Management Team:
                            General Manager
                            Manager Aviation Operations
                            Manager Infrastructure, Maintenance, Safety & Environment
                            Supervisor Airside Safety
                            Terminal Operations Coordinator
                            Infrastructure Maintenance Supervisor
                            Infrastructure Maintenance Coordinator
                            Aviation Administration Officer
                   Cairns Airport remote support may include:
                            Manager Human Resources
                            Aerodrome Manager
                            Manager ICT
                            Security Manager
                            Corporate Affairs Manager
                            Technical Services Coordinator

6.4 The core members of the Mackay Airport Severe Weather and Cyclone Committee comprise of:
                   Mackay Airport staff
                   Bureau of Meteorology (advice received via phone or email)
                   Airservices Australia
                            Air Traffic Control
                            Infrastructure Support Services
                   Aviation Rescue and Fire Fighting
                   Aerocare
                   Qantas Freight
                   Oznorth Services
                   Security Contractor
                   General Aviation Representatives
                   CQ Rescue
                   Secure Park
                   Catercare
                   Relay

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                   O’Brien Electrical Services, Mackay
                   Virgin Australia Technician
6.5 Note
      6.5.1 The Chair of the Severe Weather and Cyclone Committee will advise any change to the
            operational status of the Airport to the Chief Executive Officer and Corporate Affairs Manager.
      6.5.2 The Manager Aviation Operations (or if unavailable the Chair of the Severe Weather and
            Cyclone Committee) will advise any change to the operational status of the Airport to:

                   Mackay Local Disaster Management Group (LDMG)

                   Local Disaster Coordinator                      Jason Devitt

                   Telephone                                       074965 9007

                   Mobile                                          0418 782 870


                   Mackay District Disaster Management Group

                   Telephone                                       04 4840 0800 or
                                                                   07 4840 0814

      6.5.3 Manager Aviation Operations (or if unavailable) the Chair of the Severe Weather and Cyclone
            Committee will log on to the BOM website in preparation for the meeting.

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ANNEXURE A: Trigger and Action Documents

Cyclones & Tropical Lows – Triggers and Actions

In preparation for making decisions regarding triggers and actions of the Local Disaster Management Plan
reference will need to be made to Appendices:

          Cyclone/Tropical Low Timing Calculator
          Cyclone/Tropical Low Distance Map
          Cyclone/Tropical Low Error Margins
It is important to understand that advice from the Bureau of Meteorology and other sources are based on
best knowledge however due to the nature of cyclones and tropical lows this information cannot be
relied upon as providing defi8nitive tracks, timings and intensities. Systems can slow down or speed up.
Therefore the triggers and actions contained in this section rely primarily on distance.
Whilst distance is a primary driver, timing is important to consider. For some State support a minimum of
24 hours’ notice is required (e.g. Cyclone Shelter Management Team deployments). The expected timing
of the event may also coincide with weekends, [public holidays or other events. The timing of the event
may necessitate the need to bring the timing of the activation level forward or some actions forward.
The following table may be used to determine the timing for actions:

    Level                                        Triggers                                              Action/s

                                   CYCLONE/TROPICAL LOW IS               1.  LDMG will primarily consist of the LDC and Chair.
                                                                         2.  LDMG emailed.

                                   800KM FROM OUR COASTLINE
                                                                         3.  Email to Council Staff, Managers, Directors, Emergency
                                   Other triggers can also be the            Management Teams (ELO’s, PSC Teams, Recovery,
                                   expected category (intensity), the        Special Needs Groups).
                                   speed of travel, its expected track   4. Contact Department of Education, Training and
                                   and consideration must be given           Employment for potential handover of Public Cyclone
                                   to error margins.                         Shelter.
                                                                         5. Consider RFA for Public Cyclone Shelter Management

                                   E.g. If the system is travelling at
                                   30km/h and an allowance of 5
                                   hours is given for the initial        6. Create folder naming for event in Guardian.
                                   impacts (prior to the core) then      7. Active monitoring of the system to commence.
                                   there is only 22 hours                8. Checking of tides and potential storm surge scenarios
            STORM SURGE

                                   preparation time available. At        9. Media to commence preparation messaging to the
                                   10km/h there is 75 hours of               community using Facebook, TV, radio.
                                   preparation time. Be aware
                                                                         10. No deployments of essential staff/SES out of area.
                                   systems can speed up.

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    Level                                               Triggers                                          Action/s

                                          CYCLONE/TROPICAL LOW IS               1.    LDCC set up for operations (rosters, inform staff of
                                          500KM FROM OUR COASTLINE                    potential start time).
                                                                                2.    Handover of Public Cyclone Shelter to LDMG.
                   CYCLONE/TROPICAL LOW

                                          Other triggers can also be the        3.    Basic set up of Public Cyclone Shelter (prepare team, set
                                          expected category (intensity), the          up registration areas, check inventory and operational
                                          speed of travel, its expected track         capacity – do not set up chairs at this time).
                                          and consideration must be given       4.    Identify and make ready any Places of Refuge.
                                          to error margins.                     5.    LDMG Meeting to commence on advice of Chair.
                                                                                6.    LDMG emailed.

                                          E.g. If the system is travelling at   7.    24 hour monitoring of event by staff to commence.
                                          30km/h and an allowance of 5          8.    Continued checking of tidal and storm surge scenarios.
                                          hours is given for the initial        9.    Media messaging in relation to preparedness and
                                          impacts (prior to the core) then            evacuations to increase.
                                          there is only 12 hours                10.   Voluntary evacuations and self-evacuations to
                                          preparation time available. At              commence.
                                          10km/h there is 45 hours of           11.   Evacuation Plans to be activated.
                   STORM SURGE

                                          preparation time. Be aware            12.   Ensure Emergency Alert templates and polygons are
                                          systems can speed up.                       correct.
                                                                                13.   SITREP/emails to all council staff and Emergency
                                                                                      Management Teams.
                                                                                14.   Assessment of localised flood risks and take necessary

                                          CYCLONE/TROPICAL LOW IS               1.  Activation of all relevant sub plans.
                   CYCLONE/TROPICAL LOW

                                          250KM FROM OUR COASTLINE              2.  LDMG stood-up with regular meetings.
                                                                                3.  Regular emails to Managers and LDMG.
                                          Other triggers can also be the        4.  Public Cyclone Shelter opened for evacuees (if expected
                                          expected category (intensity), the        to be Category 2 or higher).
                                          speed of travel, its expected track   5. Places of Refuge prepared and opened for overflow
                                          and consideration must be given           from Public Cyclone Shelter.

                                          to error margins.                     6. Conduct evacuations.
                                                                                7. Media – providing all messaging and event information.
                                          E.g. If the system is travelling at   8. Consider the use of Emergency Alerts.
                                          30km/h and an allowance of 5          9. Event Action Plans written.
                                          hours is given for the initial        10. Rapid Damage Assessments conducted, collated and
                   STORM SURGE

                                          impacts (prior to the core) then          distributed.
                                          there is only 3 hours preparation     11. Undertake response actions (RFA’s/Guardian).
                                          time available. At 10km/h there       12. Stand-up Recovery and Relief Groups (pre-empt
                                          is 20 hours of preparation time.          requests from the community).
                                          Be aware systems can speed up.
                                          Cyclone/Tropical Low has passed       1.    LDMG stood down.
                  TROPICAL LOW

                                          out of our area                       2.    LDCC stood down

                                                                                3.    Shelter handed back to DETE.

                                          No more response RFA’s                4.    Debrief conducted (hot/full) and After Action Review
                                          No further need for a multi-          5.    Handover to Relief & Recovery.
                                          agency response.                      6.    Post Event Evaluation conducted.

                                          Have transitioned back to core

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ANNEXURE B: LMDG Cyclone Tracking Map

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