Session II: Focus on local authorities - Interreg Europe

Page created by Shawn Hubbard
Session II: Focus on local authorities - Interreg Europe
Session II: Focus on local authorities

10:05 Examples of the use of new support mechanisms for housing policy
and thermo-modernization in local government policy

by M.Ar. Cezary Czemplik, Nationwide Natural Building Association
by Katarzyna Przybylska, Habitat for Humanity Poland

                           • Architect
                           • consultant in PL 2050 Think Tank Wielkopolska
                           • building physics and building energy certification

                             • advocacy manager with Habitat for Humanity Poland,
                             • focused on advocating for access to affordable housing
                               and decent living conditions,
                             • popularizing and advocating for implementation of
                               social rental agencies in Poland;
Session II: Focus on local authorities - Interreg Europe
Third Interregional
 Thematic Seminar

17 - 18 June 2021
Session II: Focus on local authorities - Interreg Europe
Social rental agency (SRA)

1. the model and Habitat Poland’s program
2. new solution in Poland
3. how to use SRA?
Session II: Focus on local authorities - Interreg Europe
1. the model and Habitat
Poland’s program
Session II: Focus on local authorities - Interreg Europe
The model of Social
                           Rental Agency
                                   - it is a a non-profit
Benefits for tenants
                                   intermediary that
                                                                Benefits for landlords
                                   negotiates between
▶   Affordable and safe rent       property owners and          ▶   Guaranteed rent payments
▶   Good quality                   households in need of        ▶   Legal assistance
    accommodation                  housing.                     ▶   Real estate management
▶   Ongoing support                                             ▶   Service repairs
▶   Mediation in case of arrears                                ▶   No fees
▶   No middleman fees
                                        Affordable and
                                           safe rent


                                         Good quality
          Tenants                                                        Landlords

                                                            Responsibilities of
    Responsibilities of                                     landlords
                                                            ▶   Lowering rent (at least 20%
    ▶   Timely rent payment                                     off)
    ▶   Taking good care of the                             ▶   Providing good quality flats
        flat                                                ▶   Accepting the tenant
    ▶   Open communication
Session II: Focus on local authorities - Interreg Europe
HomeLab project results
                               Average of housing and employment related
                                 indices at the time of baseline and final
                                 surveys for treatment and control group

                                                                                                         3,16                 3,11
                                                                                                 2,93                                2,93

          2,71                                                 2,71
                 1,99             2          2          1,97
   1,89                                          1,87

 Bezpieczeństwo mieszkania        Czynsz do dochodu       Jakość mieszkania               Zatrudnienie                  Dochód
 Housing security       Housing affordability
               Objęta wsparciem Pretest
                                                         Housing quality
                                        Objęta wsparciem Posttest
                                                                  Kontrolna ważona Pretest
                                                                                           Kontrolna ważona Posttest

Source: prof. Ryszard Szarfenberg, Summary report of a HomeLab project in Warsaw, data taken from Analysis of Polish
Homelab Pilot Outcomes
Session II: Focus on local authorities - Interreg Europe
SRA in Warsaw in
           numbers June 2021

⮚ 14 municipal flats and 28 private flats

⮚Average monthly rent
                                                   = approx. 80% market
municipal flat: 118 EUR    private flat: 388 EUR
⮚ Average flat size
municipal flat : 35 m2    private flat : 44 m2

⮚ Renovated flats: 19 (incl. 12 municipal)

⮚ Beneficiaries: 2018-20: 100+

Session II: Focus on local authorities - Interreg Europe
2. New solution in Poland
– legislation on SRAs
Session II: Focus on local authorities - Interreg Europe
▶   SRA – municipal initiative:

        ⮚   Municipalities will decide on establishing SRAs,

        ⮚   SRAs will be operated by NGOs or companies controlled
            by municipalities on basis of an agreement concluded with
            the municipality,

        ⮚   Municipal legal act will set out criteria for clients of SRA;

Session II: Focus on local authorities - Interreg Europe
▶   Funding

      ⮚   According to the bill establishing and operating SRAs will require
          involvement of local authorities (municipalities) funding,

      ⮚   According to municipalities a central funding / subsidies are needed,

      ⮚   According to NGOs public funding is crucial;

      ⮚   The bill provides for:

            ⮚   Special housing allowances for the clients of SRAs,

            ⮚   Tax exemption for landlords renting their flats to SRAs;

▶   Assumed scale:

     ⮚    45 SRAs until 2030,

     ⮚    each SRA will operate 50 flats,

     ⮚    2,000 flats by the end of 2030,

     ⮚    EUR 80 / month for each household.
3. How to use SRA in
 • housing
  • social
  • energy efficiency
solution for people from the ‚missing middle’ /
Housing      people waiting for social housing / vulnerable

             possibility of offering additional services by
             SRA’s employees (e.g. solution for young
 Social      people leaving foster care / immigrants /
             single parents)

             with sufficient scale of operations SRA may be
             used as a tool of energy efficiency policy (e.g.
 Energy      contractor for thermal-upgrading, organization with
             access to numerous flats and buildings capable of
efficiency   verification of a need for thermal-upgrading,
             educator in the field of Energy efficiency)

Katarzyna Przybylska
Advocacy manager
tel. 795 979 907

       Thank you for your attention!

                               Project smedia
How to use SRA, social
  cooperative and natural building
  techniques to tackle fuel
Cezary Czemplik              Project smedia
      without ownership             PROBLEMS:
           without             decapitalized condition
                                   of the building
                    fuel poverty

     poverty                                     high costs
                                                low housing
   low income                                     standard
                          no solution

     age >50                                   high costs of
 health problems                                  thermal
 family problems                               modernisation
one-person family

                      no credit
Local municipal programs   synergy in Wrocław      Central government programs

                             +   energy
                                 subsidies, with   no offer for
                                 the possibility   energy poverty
                                 of preparing
                                 an individual
                                                   group in
                                 offer             STOP- SMOG

       no solutions
       to the                +   human
       problem of                message
       oversized                 based on
       apartments                experience
Anyone can check how their choices will affect the emissions related to housing, but not everybody can !?

                              if you         count
                                  the effect of
                                reducing heating
                               costs - you will get
                                 a guarantee of
                             reducing operating

                                       Heat Master is an advanced, though very user-friendly calculator
                                       visualising heat losses of the building. By modifying
                                       insulation,ventilation, heating source and other house parameters
                                       You will see how they influence the energy consumption and what
                                       can be done to minimize it.
4. SRA could manage
Most polish single, and   thermo modernization
two family houses were
built between 1950-90     of single family flats
with no insulation
Decapitalized housing tissue with a value below the
replacement cost PLN 1,000-2,000 per m2 but final price
comparable with new development .

Old two family houses in
cities between                        New single family houses -
50 - 150 000 inhabitants              development with smaller houses
An exemplary modernization of a single-family building

Acquiring up to 2
investors, 250,000zł

co-financing from                                                    division into 4
support programs                                                     apartments, 55 m2 +
                                                                     110 m2 of common
2x 30,000zł for furnace                                              parts
replacement and
thermal modernization                                                1000m2 plot with a
                                                                     garden in the city
loan up to 300 000 zł
secured by a mortgage                                                price per m2 after
                                                                     modernization PLN
                                  Rent 4 x 1000zł /month per
senior rental with the                                               4,000 zł/ m2
                                 apartment      = 4000zł
                                 Cost of the loan -2800 zł/ month
possibility of releasing
                                 for 10 years
the municipal resource           costs of heating -200zł/ month
or transferring another          The owner could stay in house for
private real estate at
the disposal of the SAN          or chose another location.
Social cooperative - new way of
building natural houses

                          Project smedia
Polish current trend in
cheap housing - after COVID

                                               The Polish government came up with a
- Boom for houses without a building           proposal to build houses of 70 m2, without
permission up to 35m2, summer type
                                               a building permit, on plots of 2000 m2
and all-year-round

                                                -   this will lead to a further overflow of
                                                    suburbs development of rural areas in
                                                    an uncontrolled manner

                                                -   buildings which do not meet energy

 without a permit 35m2                              but…
 from 44,000 zł for self-assembly
 up to 150,000 zł ready to move in
                                                -   everybody should be given a
 tch=cl-e2101-d3794-c3683-uni-1-4-0611              100 000zł for housing with loan
                                                    security given by government
A natural 70m2 house made of light clay
 using the method of Wojciech Brzeski
                                      Dom rodziny Zbyszka Ściany z   Build with the credit
                                       domu pomocowego BARKI w       94 000 zł
                                                        Marszewie    from Habitat for Humanity
                                                                     non profit organization

                                                                      -   with the huge help of
                                                                          volunteers and local
                                                                          BARKA family
                                                                      -   with the use of recycled
                                                                      -   natural,clay and straw
                                                                          traditional, but technical

                                                                      -   meeting the insulation
                                                                          requirements of
                                                                      -   brick weight and                                                  dimensions 25x25x50                       -   seasonal manual labor
                                                                      -   necessary technological
                                                                          brake time , e.g. for the
                                                                          bricks to dry
small                                   specialists from YES,
    comunes                                  naturally! OSBN team
                        natural, economy
                       communal building
                        internal, external
                       natural insulation
                                                building with
social entrepreneurs                         future inhabitants

          volunteers                      craftsmans
    very long building process   quick installation on building
            technology                         site
     quality based on fresh        quality based on a team
       trained workers                    knowledge

     one, local realization in   comune buildings realized by
       specific conditions           social cooperative
         fot. Studio Matówka
The “Słomiany Dom” is social cooperative
provides employment for approx. 10 people.
building 3-4 projects per year.
 -   currently working to initiate prefabricated
     solution to scale production up to 15 buildings
Construction based on annual plants is currently the only
chance for carbon dioxide accumulation without increasing
the pressure on deforestation and timber harvesting.


                                        “If you build with natural materials, it is possible to
                                          actually store half the CO2 (35 tons) you would
                                             otherwise release using standard building
                                         materials (65 tons). That makes a difference of
                                              100 tons of CO2 for just one building!”

                                                53Eu/tCO2 = 5300Euro tj. 23 000zł
Customer group                                                  YES, naturally!
 fuel poverty = inaccessible change of                                       support
household situation (credit allowance)                                -    building system
                                                                      -    financing system
                                                                      -    training
                            Local leader                              -    prefabricated products
                            -   leading local                         -    construction menagment
                                customer group

                                                 searching locally
                                                   more families
                                                     in similar
                                                     situation            Local Comune
                                                                      -    organising land
                                                                      -    procedure help

comune buildings realized                                                 finance -Bank
            by                                                                Credit
    social enterships                                                Local co-operative Bank with
                                                                     govenment help
Social Housing
     and Straw in UK
“North Kesteven’s straw houses are
designed to last around 200 years and      Training natural builders
have so far proven to be low costing
and energy-efficient for the tenants. We
                                           through community business
are dedicated to finding new initiatives     Empowerment, Sustainability, Passion, Fun
in our council homes and working with
contractors to always exceed
requirements for energy efficiency.” -
Councillor Stewart Ogden
Contact information:
arch. Cezary Czemplik

tel. 693379300

       Thank you for your attention!

                                  Project smedia
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