Session 9 - Stevens Street Baptist Church

Page created by Gabriel Alexander
Session                 9
          The Woman with the Crooked Back
LEADER                                                                              Sunday, Jan 30, 2022
          Luke 13:10-17                                                             Younger Kids: K-2nd Grade
          While Jesus was increasingly hated by the religious leaders, Luke tells us that Jesus
          continued to teach in the synagogues, evidence that not all religious leaders wanted ill to
          befall Jesus. On this particular day as Jesus was preaching, He saw in the congregation a
          woman who had been disabled for 18 years. Luke sheds light on her condition by telling his
          readers that the woman had been gripped by an evil spirit in such a way that there was no
          seeming way of escape.
               Taking compassion on the woman, Jesus announced that she was healed from her
          physical disability, and she was instantly able to stand upright. Her healing led her to praise
          God for the deliverance.
               Instead of encouraging the crowds to glorify God as well, the synagogue leader chided
          Jesus for performing a healing on the Sabbath day. The leader went as far as to publicly
          call Jesus out by announcing for all to hear that the Scriptures require work to be done on
          six days. When Jesus chose to heal the woman, He broke the Sabbath rules by performing
          work. It is interesting to note that the synagogue leader did not credit the healing to
          God but instead credited Jesus with performing the miracle. Perhaps some had begun to
          recognize Jesus for exactly who He was.
               Jesus responded by explaining the meaning of the law to which the leader clung. For
          centuries, the religious leaders had continued to create additional laws to ensure that none
          of the commandments were broken. Their attempt to pigeonhole every situation ended up
          burdening the Jewish people even harder. Jesus called for common sense in the application
          of the law and asked if there was anyone who would not care for their own animals—even
          on the Sabbath day. Jesus’ question was not answered verbally because those in attendance
          that day were not only completely embarrassed but they had to also stand by while the
          crowds rejoiced over Jesus’ words.

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         BIBLE PASSAGE: Luke 13:10-17
         MEMORY VERSE: Acts 16:31a
         BIBLE VERSE: 1 John 3:18
         TEXT TRUTH: Jesus showed that we should care for those in need.
         BIBLE SKILLS SPOTLIGHT: Locate the names of prominent Bible people in the books where
         their stories are recorded.

         BIBLE STUDY                         APPLY THE TRUTH                   ACTIVITIES
         (35 MINUTES)                        (20 MINUTES)                      (20 MINUTES)
         ¨ Jump In: “Feeding                 ¨ Explorer Guides: Bibles,        ¨ Bible Skills: Item 16:
           Trough Etching” (Slide)             Explorer Guides, pens             “Who’s in the Bible?”
         ¨ Examine the Text:                 ¨ Review: dry erase board           (Poster Pack), foam balls
           Bibles, Item 8: “Text               and marker                      ¨ Move: Item 17: “Trough”
           Truth 9” (Poster Pack),           ¨ Missions: play food,              (Poster Pack), Item 34:
           Item 12: “Christ                    paper plates, painter’s           “Donkey” (Printables),
           in Context: Luke”                   tape                              tacky putty, blindfolds
           (Printables)                                                        ¨ Make: large poster board,
         ¨ Play the Video: Explore                                               washable paints, marker,
           the Bible on Location                                                 smocks
           video                                                               ¨ Explore: slips of copy
         ¨ Memory Verse:                                                         paper, pen, plastic bowl
           Item 2: “Acts 16:31a”
           (Poster Pack), 2 poster
           boards, markers, scissors
         ¨ Prayer: Family Cards

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   72      Explore the Bible: Younger Kids
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Luke 13:10-17                                                                       CHRIST IN CONTEXT:
                                                                                    The Book of Luke gives a
Jesus was teaching in a synagogue (SIN uh gahg) on the Sabbath when                 detailed description of the
He saw a woman who had been hurt by an evil spirit. For 18 years the                life of Jesus. Jesus was
                                                                                    described as the Son of
woman’s back had been hurt and she could not stand up straight. When
                                                                                    Man who came to save all
Jesus saw the woman, He told her, “Woman, you are free.” Then He                    people—Jews and Gentiles.
touched her, and instantly she was healed and began to praise God.                  Because Jesus was fully
                                                                                    human, He was tempted and
But the leader of the synagogue became upset that Jesus had worked to               suffered like we do. Luke
heal someone on the Sabbath day. The leader told the crowd that work                showed that Jesus cares for
was only allowed for six days of the week. No one was supposed to work on           people and can understand
                                                                                    when we face hard times.
the Sabbath day. The leader thought that working to heal someone on the
Sabbath day was wrong.
But Jesus asked, “Doesn’t everyone untie his donkey or ox from the feeding
trough on the Sabbath and lead it to water? This woman has been hurt by
Satan for 18 years—shouldn’t she be freed on the Sabbath day?”
Jesus understood that some work was necessary on the Sabbath day.
People cared for their animals on the Sabbath day. And God cared even
more about people! It was right and good for Him to heal the woman.
Healing the woman honored God.
All of the people who didn’t like Jesus were bothered after hearing His
words. But the rest of the crowd celebrated all of the wonderful things Jesus
was doing.

                                                                                    DON’T FORGET TO SEND HOME
                                                                                    THESE FAMILY RESOURCES
                                                                                    EACH WEEK:
                                                                                    • “Explore the Bible at Home”
                                                                                    •  Explore the Bible: Kids
                                                                                        Family Cards

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                                              © 2021 Lifeway

                                        BIBLE STUDY (35 MINUTES)
 TOOLS:                                 Need an Opening Activity? Choose one of the activities in the Activities
 • Jump In: “Feeding Trough             section and adapt it to introduce the session.
   Etching” (Slide)
 • Examine the Text: Bibles,            JUMP IN
   Item 8: “Text Truth 9” (Poster       • Display the “Feeding Trough Etching.”
   Pack), Item 12: “Christ in           • Greet children as they arrive and begin a game of farm animal charades.
   Context: Luke” (Printables)            Allow children to take turns acting out a farm animal while others guess.
 • Play the Video: Explore the            Play several rounds.
   Bible on Location video
                                        • Ask: “What’s your favorite farm animal?” (Answers will vary.)
 • Memory Verse:
                                        • Say: “Did you know that donkeys were very common animals during
   Item 2: “Acts 16:31a” (Poster
   Pack), 2 poster boards,
                                          Bible times? In fact, donkeys are related to today’s object. Our object is a
   markers, scissors                      Feeding Trough Etching.”
 • Prayer: Family Cards                 • Ask: “Do you know how this relates to today’s Bible story?” (Answers will
                                        • Say: “Jesus talks about how people cared for their donkeys by unhitching
                                          them on the Sabbath. Now we will hear why He said that in our Bible

                                        EXAMINE THE TEXT
                                        • Ask: “Do you know where to find today’s Bible story in your Bibles?”
                                        • Encourage the kids to find Matthew, which is the first book of the New
                                          Testament. Tell them to turn two books over from Matthew and they
                                          will find the Book of Luke.
                                        • In your own words, tell the first part of the Bible story. Stop when you
                                          have told the first paragraph. Select a volunteer to read Luke 13:10-11
                                          and another to read verse 12-13. Continue telling the rest of the Bible
                                        • Display the Text Truth: Jesus showed that we should care for those in
                                        • Say: “The religious leaders did not show care for those in need. When
                                          a woman who was sick for 18 years came to Jesus, He saw her and had
                                          compassion. He healed her! Instead of being happy that the woman was
                                          healed, the religious leaders became angry.”
                                        • Continue: “They complained that Jesus worked on the Sabbath, which
                                          was against their laws. They thought working to heal someone on the
                                          Sabbath day was wrong. But Jesus showed that we should care for
                                          those in need. He did not listen to the religious leaders. He knew it
                                          was right to help people and show them God’s love. Healing the woman
                                          honored God.”
                                        • Display the “Christ in Context: Luke” printable and remind kids of how
                                          the Book of Luke helps us discover more about Jesus.

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• Play the Session 9 video.
• Ask: “What special event was Joel preparing for? Where did Joel
  volunteer? Who did Joel meet? How can you care for someone in need?”

¨ Bible Verse Option: The Memory Verse activity each week is focused on the
  monthly Memory Verse, Acts 16:31a. If your kids quickly memorize the Memory
  Verse, you may opt to challenge them to learn an additional weekly Bible Verse.
  This week’s Bible Verse is 1 John 3:18.

¨ Write the Memory Verse on each poster board. Cut the poster boards into 2 large
• Display the “Acts 16:31a” poster. Form two groups and invite each to
  work together to put the Memory Verse puzzle together. Set a two-
  minute timer. Once solved, mix up the groups again and this time, set a
  one-minute timer for the kids to solve the puzzle. Ask two volunteers to
  recite the Memory Verse.

• Distribute Family Cards.
• Say: “Jesus showed that we should care for those in need.”
• Ask kids for prayer requests, and invite a volunteer to pray.

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                                                  © 2021 Lifeway

                                       APPLY THE TRUTH (20 MINUTES)
 TOOLS:                                EXPLORER GUIDES
 • Explorer Guides: Bibles,            • Distribute Explorer Guides and help kids locate today’s pages.
   Explorer Guides, pens               • Review the “Feeding Trough Etching.”
 • Review: dry erase board and         • Lead kids to read the situations in “Helping Those in Need” and tell a
   marker                                friend their thoughts.
 • Missions: play food, paper          • Select a couple of volunteers to read “Back Facts.”
   plates, painter’s tape              • Guide kids to examine the “Animals in the Bible.”
                                       • Help boys and girls complete the “Bible Story Review.”

                                       ¨ Print short phrases on the dry erase board about events from today’s Bible story.
                                         These should not be in sequential order.
                                       • Remind the kids that Jesus showed that we should care for those
                                         in need. Invite volunteers to come to the board and number the events
                                         in order. Allow other kids to help if the volunteer needs assistance.
                                         Continue to review the Bible story.

                                       ¨ Before group time, make a start line across the floor with painter’s tape.
                                       • Say: “In New Orleans, where Bobby and LaKeisha Williams are church
                                         planters, hurricanes are a regular part of life. In 2020, Hurricane Laura
                                         struck Louisiana, and it was one of the strongest storms to ever hit the
                                         area. Volunteers through the North American Mission Board were some
                                         of the first people on the scene, and they served around 400,000 meals
                                         to people who had been affected by the hurricane! Maybe someday one of
                                         you will volunteer to go and help by serving food and doing other things
                                         to show Jesus’ love to people who have been through a disaster.”
                                       • Group the kids into two teams. Give each team a plate with play food on
                                       • Say: “We’re going to have a relay race to see which team can serve up food
                                         the fastest! Your job is to take the plate of food to the other side of the
                                         room and touch the wall. Then bring the plate back and hand it to your
                                         teammate. If you drop any food, pick it up and go back to the start line!”
                                       • After the race, ask the kids to think of what they might say to someone
                                         who has been through a disaster. What could they say as they serve them
                                         a plate of food that would show the love of Jesus? Encourage the kids to
                                         say something like that to someone this week.

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      • Select one or more of the activities to complete as time allows. MAK                                      EXPL                 MOVE


               EXPL                    MOVE                BIBLE S

                                                                                     HITCH THE DONKEY



                                                                                     TO THE TROUGH

                                                                                    Tools: Item 17: “Trough” (Poster Pack), Item
       Tools: Item 16: “Who’s in the Bible?” (Poster                                34: “Donkey” (Printables), tacky putty,
       Pack), foam balls                                                            blindfolds
                                                      er.                           ¨ Make multiple copies of the “Donkey”
       • Display the “Who’s in the Bible?” post                                                                            and
                      nam   es of the peop  le and  wha    t                          laminate.
         Review the
                                                         e the
         they did. Mention which book in the Bibl
                                                                                    • Say: “Jes
                                                                                                 s showed that we should care for
         person’s stor y is located in.
                                                       names                           those in need. When the religious lead
       • Say: “It is helpful to know some of the                                                                                 ers
                                                       n this                          complained about Jesus healing a sick
         of the people in the Bible. We can lear
                       g their nam   es. We  can  begi  n to                          woman, Jesus used an example about
         by practicin                                                                                                          the
                                                         le in                        way people care for their donkeys. He
          find the names of prominent Bible peop                                                                              said
                                                        rded                          people take care of their animals’ need
          the books where their stories are reco                                                                                s on
          and rem   emb  er whe  re the  Bible men   tions                            the Sabbath, so why shouldn’t He take
                                                                                                                               care of
          their stories. Let’s review some people                                     people’s needs on the Sabbath as well
                                                                                                                              ? While
                                                        us                            we play our game, let’s remember Jesu
           the Bible now and play a game to help                                                                                 s’
           rememb   er whe  re the  Bibl e men  tions  their                          encouragement to care for those in need
           stories.”                                                                 we play!”
                                                          balls                    • This game is played similarly to Pin
        • Form groups of 3-4 kids and distribute                                                                           the Tail on
           to each grou  p.                                                          the Donkey. Instead of pinning the tail
                                                                                                                             on the
                                                     to one                          donkey, players will be blindfolded and
        • Invite groups to toss or roll the ball                                                                               will
            another  and read  a  pers on’s nam   e from                             attempt to “hitch” the donkey to the trou
                                                             e                     • Form two teams. Award points base
            the poster and say one fact about the Bibl                                                                     d on how
            person.                                                                  close players are able to “hitch” or plac
                                                                                                                               e their
                                                                                     donkeys to the trough. The team with the
                                                                                     most points at the end of the game wins

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                                                                  © 2021 Lifeway

                                                       MAK                    EXPL                MOMVA
                                                                                                      EK           BIBLEEX
                                                                                                                         S PL



  HEALED WITH A TOUCH                                                   HELPING HANDS

  Tools: large poster board, washable paints,                           Tools: slips of copy paper, pen, plastic bowl
  marker, smocks                                                       ¨ Before group, print ideas for ways to help
                                                                          others onto slips of paper. Fold and place
  • Remind children that Jesus healed the                                them into a plastic bowl.
    disabled woman with a touch. Distribute                            ¨ Some ideas can include: cleaning your room,
    smocks to protect children’s clothing.                               sweeping the floor, washing the dishes,
          Jesus showed that we should care
  • Say: “Jesus                                                          cleaning the garage, sharing a toy, taking out
    for those   in need. He healed the disabled                          the trash, wiping off the table, reading to a
    woman   with    a touch. Let’s make a mural with                     friend, and so on.
    our hands    so  we can remember that Jesus
    wants  us  to  also care for those in need.”
                                                                      • Explain what it means to pantomime.
  • Together,   create   a mural with everyone’s
                                                                      • Invite volunteers to choose a slip of paper
    handprint   . Print the  words Healed with a
                                                                         one at a time from the bowl. Encourage
    Touch  at the   top of the poster.
                                                                         volunteers to pantomime the action on the
                                                                      • Say: “We can do so much with our hands
                                                                        to help others. Jesus helped the disabled
                                                                        woman with one touch from His hands. Jesus
                                                                        showed that we should care for those in
                                                                        need. We pantomimed, or used our hands
                                                                        to act out, ways to help others. Which one of
                                                                        these actions can you do this week?”

  78    Explore the Bible: Younger Kids
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