Page created by Dennis Jordan
GROUP              933
                                                                                                                                                   CO 2 NEUTRAL
                                                                                                                                                   IN 9 COUNTRIES
                                                                                                                                                   SINCE 2015

GERMANY                                             POLAND                                                               OFF-STREET
                                                                                                                         & ON-STREET SITES
187 cities                                          9 cities
438 sites                                           29 sites                                             CITIES
95  791 off-street spaces                           16  702 off-street spaces
19  689 on-street spaces                            1 ESPA-certified* car parks
70 ESPA-certified* car parks


30 cities

                                                    9 cities
                                                    46 sites

110 sites                                           13  249 off-street spaces                                                                          CHARGING
50  972 off-street spaces                           5 ESPA-certified* car parks                                                                        STATIONS
31 ESPA-certified* car parks
                                                    ITALY                                           CUSTOMERS
                                                    103 cities
11 cities                                           112 sites
65 sites                                            14  222 off-street spaces
40  659 off-street spaces                           68  310 on-street spaces
35 ESPA-certified* car parks                        4 ESPA-certified* car parks

FRANCE                                              ROMANIA

14 cities                                           2 cities
61 sites                                            5 sites
26  112 off-street spaces                           3  929 off-street spaces

2  964 on-street spaces                             1 ESPA-certified* car parks
20 ESPA-certified* car parks

                                                                                                                  1 ST                       ESPA CAR PARKS

                                                                                                   2  461
32 cities                                                                                                         LUNG
67 sites                                                                                                          IN THE CITY**
29  924 off-street spaces
565 on-street spaces                                                                               EMPLOYEES
31 ESPA-certified* car parks

* ESPA (European Standard Parking Award). The highest parking quality certification in Europe.
** Ionisation system which reduces particles as well as fine and ultrafine particles in the air.
PROFILE                                                               of more than €464 million, representing
                                                                      an EBITDA of €143 million. Each year,
                                                                      our portfolio of car parks grows, with new

                                                                      projects, acquisitions or renovations that
                                                                      are not only appealing for cities and our
                                                                      customers, but also garner the approval
                 CITIES                                               of third parties. To date, Interparking
                                                                      - a member of the European Parking
                                                                      Association and a number of national
                                                                      parking federations - has obtained 198
                                                                      European Standard Parking Awards. These
                    In the space of 60 years, Interparking has        certifications acknowledge the hard work
                    become a European leader in the urban             of our teams and show our customers that
                    mobility sector. As well as offering comfort-     they have made the right choice.
                    able and secure car parks, we are growing
                    a range of innovative products and services       2018 was also a crucial year for the roll-out

                    that meet the needs of major European
                    cities. Every day, our teams help to facilitate
                    travel in urban centers and surrounding ar-
                                                                      of the Interparking digital experience: in
                                                                      each country where we operate, you can
                                                                      now book a space, take out a subscription
IN 9 COUNTRIES      eas, focusing on three strategic priorities:      or order a Pcard+ via our digital channels.
                                                                      The next step in our digital strategy will be
                    - continuous improvement in the quality of       for the Pcard+ to go dematerialized.
                       our services;
                    - an innovative offer of mobility solutions to   SMOOTHER TRAVEL
                       meet the challenges of cities;                 Offering comfortable, accessible parking
                    - an environmentally-responsible policy.          spaces located close to strategic hubs
                                                                      helps to improve the flow of traffic within cit-
                    Interparking relies on a strategic presence       ies. By doing so, Interparking is positioned
                    in 9 European countries: Belgium, the             as a fully-fledged player in the mobility
                    Netherlands, France, Germany, Austria,            policies of major European cities.
                    Italy, Spain, Poland and Romania.
                    We provide our clients with 933 sites,            In addition to offering parking spaces, we
                    representing a total of 383  088 spaces           are developing a comprehensive range of
                    across the European continent. If you             services aimed at making life easier for
                    were to line up all the vehicles parked in        public road users:
                    our parks, the queue would stretch almost
                    2  000  kilometers!                               -a digital experience in the 9 Group
                    Our innovation and expansion strategy             - car parks connected to public transport
                    is reflected in the figures. In 2018, the            stations;
                    Interparking Group generated a turnover           - innovative and safe solutions for cyclists;
383  088
              291  560 OFF STREET
              91  528 ON STREET

- flexible payment methods;
- cutting-edge technologies to make life
- services tailored to new modes of mobility,
   such as electric vehicles and car sharing;
                                                            A WIDE RANGE OF
- a warm welcome that focuses on human                     SERVICES OFFERED
- pricing adapted to the level of service and
   customized invoicing for business clients;     equipped with ENS technology to eliminate
- etc.                                            fine and ultrafine particles. Furthermore,
                                                  by reducing our electricity consumption
OUR ENVIRONMENTAL                                 and supporting CO2-reduction projects in
RESPONSIBILITY                                    emerging countries, we have managed to
At Interparking, we are convinced that every      offset all our carbon dioxide emissions. This
company must contribute to a healthier            approach means that we are certified as a
environment for all. The environmental            “CO2-neutral company” in all the countries
impact of each new project is examined            where we operate.
meticulously, to favor the least polluting
solutions such as LED lighting. We also           PARTNER TO MOBILITY PLAYERS
encourage environmentally friendly modes          Maintaining a regular dialog with all our
of transport, in particular by developing suit-   stakeholders is essential in order to stim-
able spaces for car sharing or by providing       ulate innovation, respond to new societal
charging terminals for electric vehicles.         needs and reinforce our position in a highly
                                                  competitive market. To imagine the mo-
Interparking has positioned itself at the         bility of tomorrow, we constantly consult
cutting edge of the fight against climate         our institutional customers, daily road users,

change by becoming the first company in           the public authorities and local residents.
Belgium to take out a green loan where the
total cost is linked to environmental perfor-                                                      MULTIMODAL CAR PARKS
mance criteria. Our Beffroi parking is actu-                                                       (LOCATED NEAR PUBLIC
ally one of the first car parks in Europe to be                                                    TRANSPORT)
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             02 60 years of passion for urban development
             04 60 years of innovation
             10 Events 2018

             14   Excellence - At the heart of new urban dynamics
             18   Proximity - Ongoing dialog with our customers
             22   Products and services - An increasingly digital experience
             26   Partnerships - Serving actors on the ground
             30   Commitment - A more sustainable economy

             34   Board of Directors and Management
             36   Management report
             38   Consolidated balance sheet
             40   Consolidated profit and loss accounts
             42   Notes to the consolidated financial statements
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2018 marks the 60th
anniversary of the founding
of Interparking, started
alongside the 1958
International Exhibition                    TRANSITION:
                                            AN OPPORTUNITY
                                            HOW DO YOU VIEW THE PAST                        tablets, enabling them to react even more
                                            YEAR?                                           quickly to our customers’ requests.”
                                            “We took advantage of 2018 to strengthen
                                            our presence considerably in all the markets    WHAT WERE THE MAJOR
                                            in which we operate. On the one hand, this      HIGHLIGHTS OF THE YEAR
                                            strategy took the form of opening new car       IN TERMS OF THE CAR PARK
                                            parks or renovating existing operations in      OFFERING?
                                            large European cities. On the other hand,       “It would be impossible to mention them
                                            we also took significant steps forward in       all, but we can name a few projects that
                                            digitizing our services. In fact, the invest-   are emblematic of our strategy: strength-
Parking 58.
                                            ments made as part of our 3+1 strategy          ening our position by offering high-qual-
Sixty years ago, we built our first car
park in the heart of Brussels. This first   have produced very tangible results which       ity car parks that contribute to the evo-
multi-storey car park, built to welcome     are directly visible to our customers. At the   lution of urban dynamics. For example,
visitors to the 1958 World Fair, became     end of 2018, 505  car parks lots were ac-       we acquired very large car parks in Italy,
a symbol of modernity. It closed its
doors in July 2017. The exhibition was      cessible with the Pcard+, 716  offered online   at Bergamo Hospital – which is home to
long gone, the car park and its name        subscriptions and 100  car parks, mainly        the most renowned oncology center in the
remained for decades.                       those near train stations, airports and show    country – and an other near Milan Linate
                                            venues, offered the ability to book a space     Airport. In France, we won concessions
                                            via our digital channels. We have also digi-    for two car parks in Montauban – one of
                                            tized our internal procedures by equipping      which to be built –, two others in Versailles,
                                            our parking lot employees with connected        four in Menton, as well as one car park in
| 3

Azay-le-Rideau. In Belgium, we reopened        center and renovate old car parks into new     EBITDA rose by 8% from €132.5 million to           parks. In addition, at Beffroi car park, in
the Industrie car park in Brussels following   modern operations, freeing up space on         €142.7 million. All indicators are also posi-      Namur, we’re going to be introducing our
its complete renovation. We also started       the surface for pedestrians. Finally, in the   tive at operating level: at the end of the year,   first “lung in the city”, an ionization process
work on the construction of the Grognon        Netherlands, we now manage the Olympic         we had nearly 121 million customers – a            which will eliminate fine and ultrafine par-
car park in Namur, at the same time as         Stadium parking lot, which was built for the   new record. We went from 898 sites oper-           ticles. Developed in collaboration with the
obtaining the concession for another car       1928 Olympic Games!”                           ated in 2017 to 933 last year, spread across       University of Delft in the Netherlands, this
park located beneath the Place du Palais                                                      397 cities in 9  countries. All this brings        technique neutralizes 70% of the particles,
de Justice. In Spain, we acquired the San      ARE INTERPARKING’S GOOD                        our offering to a total of 383  088 parking        40% of the fine particles and 20% of the
Fernando car park in Jerez. In Poland, we      SERVICES IN 2018 ALSO                          spaces. 198 of our car parks have been             ultrafine particles emitted by the vehicles
more than doubled our offering of spaces       REFLECTED IN THE FIGURES?                      awarded ESPA certification, the highest            that use our car parks. It’s going to bring
to support the growth of Gdansk Airport.       “Absolutely. Our turnover increased from       certification for car parks.”                      a breath of fresh air to the cities where we
In Germany, we worked together with the        €437.8 million to €463.5 million in 2018,                                                         operate.
Cologne City Council to revitalize the city    which represents a 6% growth of our sales.     DID INTERPARKING ALSO STAND
                                                                                              OUT THIS YEAR FOR INNOVATION?                      In addition, 2019 will also coincide with the
                                                                                              “We launched a new tarification model in           Pcard+ going paperless. This means we’re
                                                                                              Belgium: tarification by the quarter-hour. We      going to roll out number plate recognition
                                                                                              started with a test phase in a few car parks       systems at the entrance to our car parks,
                                                                                              in Brussels, before extending the model            which will mean that customers no longer
                                                                                              to other cities. The formula is unique in          have to scan their card. Of course, quality
                                                                                              Belgium: we’re switching from a price that         will always remain one of our top priorities,
                                                                                              considered that every hour initated was an         with new ESPA certifications in the pipeline.
                                                                                              hour charged to a price that is much clos-         With regard to projects, the extension of
                                                                                              er to our customers’ actual consumption.           the P3 car park at Brussels Airport, with
                                                                                              Moreover, the feedback from our customers          2 100 extra parking spaces, will be just one
                                                                                              regarding this new charging system has             of the year’s major projects.”
                                                                                              been very positive.”

                                                                                              WHAT ABOUT THE OUTLOOK
                                                                                              FOR 2019?
                                                                                              “2019 will be a year of major environmental
                                                                                              challenges. We’re already pioneers in this
                                                                                              area and we’re going to take our efforts
                                                                                              even further. We’re already CO2-neutral cer-
                                                                                              tified in all nine of the countries in which
                                                                                              we operate since 2015. In 2018, we also
                                                                                              took out the first green loan on the Bel-
                                                                                              gian banking market. To be specific, this
                                                                                              is a loan from BNP Paribas Fortis where
                                                                     Roland CRACCO            the interest rate is linked to the company’s
                                                                          Managing Director   environmental performance. 2019 will mark
                                                                                              an additional step toward even greener car
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1958 – 2018 :

60 years
of innovation

In 2018, Interparking celebrated its 60th anniversary.
The celebrations involved staff and customers
throughout the year, with special competitions, a
website dedicated entirely to the company’s history
and the publication of a book containing for the first
time published archive documents.
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In 1958, Interparking built its first car park in the center of Brussels, to welcome
visitors to the World Expo. Parking 58 would go on to become the company’s
registered office up until 2016. 60 years on, Interparking has become a major
actor in mobility in major European cities and surrounding areas, offering
ever-more innovative solutions. The urban, economic, architectural and
technological context has changed, but the demand remains the same: to
develop a range of products and services that make life easier for motorists in
large urban centers.

Today, Interparking manages more than 900 parking sites in 9 European
countries. Thanks to the daily efforts of nearly 2  500 employees, the
company provides motorists with 383  088 spaces. If you were to line up all the
vehicles that park there, the queue would stretch almost 2  000 kilometers.
This all means fewer vehicles parked in public spaces!

Finally, on the historic site of Parking 58, in 2023 we will re-open a 450-place
car park under the new administrative centre of the City of Brussels, “Brucity”,
which will serve the city centre of Brussels even better.
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      60 YEARS OF PARKING IN A BOOK*                   come up with innovative ways of parking ve-
      To mark this anniversary, this year Interpark-   hicles that gradually became part of the urban
      ing published a book entitled “60 years - The    landscape. The book reviews how parking
      History of a Parking Company”. The volume,       techniques evolved, from the wackiest meth-
      which is more than 300 pages thick and has       ods to the most effective. Before car parks on
      been translated into all languages used within   several levels with the traditional spiral access
      our group, traces the evolution of the actual    ramp, other formulas were tested, notably the
      concept of parking, starting with its oriental   use of automated lifts to transport vehicles to
      ancestor the caravanserai which, from the        their space.
      9th century onward, allowed merchants from
      modern-day Iran to accommodate their camels      Payment techniques also underwent major
      for a fee.                                       changes, hand in hand with access barrier
                                                       management becoming automated. The job
      In the meantime, car travel became popular       of car park managers and controllers has al-
      from the second half of the 20th century on-     ways kept pace with the new expectations of
      ward, prompting the engineers of the time to     users, playing a key role in the user-friendli-
                                                       ness of car parks. Likewise, today’s car parks
                                                       meet new requirements in terms of soft mo-
                                                       bility, alternatives that are less polluting than
                                                       conventional vehicles, connectivity, security,
                                                       lighting and service customization.

                                                       Today, the car park controller, who opened
                                                       the barrier manually and collected users’
                                                       fees in a bag, has given way to a range of
                                                       digitized products and services, accessible
                                                       online or via mobile devices. The role of staff
                                                       within car parks has moved towards support
                                                       tasks, personalized or à la carte services and
                                                       prevention missions.

                                                       * This book is available upon request on
| 7

Drawing on numerous archive documents,
period photos, drawings, sketches and
plans, Interparking’s book sets the evolu-
tion of parking techniques in their historical,
technological and social context.

On June 6, 2018, Interparking brought
together no fewer than 600 guests to
celebrate its 60th anniversary at the Grand
Place parking in Brussels. To mark the event,
nearly 120 vintage cars were on display,
tracing the history of the company and that
of the car. Every year, from 1958 to 2018,
was represented by different vehicles.
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YEAR-LONG CELEBRATION                         to better understand how modes of parking    In addition, the entire second half of the year
Interparking’s anniversary was an oppor-      have evolved over the past half century      was marked by an international competition
tunity to celebrate not only its employees,   or so, and Interparking’s contribution to    on an unprecedented scale to reward cus-
but also our customers who enabled this       the development of innovative solutions.     tomer loyalty. Two cars, one motorcycle,
genuine success story.                        Visitors can also watch a seven-minute       several citytrips and hundreds of prizes
                                              documentary film about the company’s first   have been offered to hundreds of custom-
A website devoted entirely to the history     60 years, featuring interviews with Claude   ers across Europe. This competition was
of the company (www.interparking-             De Clercq, the company’s founder, and his    also an opportunity to showcase throughout invites customers as well        successors, as well as numerous original     Europe Interparking’s digitized products,
as those among us who are simply curious      archive images.                              which gives flesh to the “3+1” strategy.
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                                                      In addition to expanding its presence in 9 European
                                                      countries, Interparking invested significantly in the
                                                      roll-out of digital technologies in 2018 to offer an

IN 2018                                               optimal experience to all its customers, regardless
                                                      of which channel they favor.

       Digitalization goes international

       For Interparking, 2018 was the year of the international roll-out of
       its “3+1” digitalization strategy, which aims to make it possible, in
       all Group countries, to take out a subscription, book a space and
       order a Pcard+ via online channels. As of this year, all 9 Group
       countries now offer their customers this digital experience. In 2019,
       Interparking will begin the next phase of its digital conversion by
       offering a dematerialized Pcard+.
| 11

                                                                                            GERMANY: NEW CAR PARK UNDERNEATH A HOTEL COMPLEX
                                                                                            Contipark opened a new car park in Cologne in March 2018. It provides 370 spaces
                                                                                            on four underground levels, beneath a brand-new hotel complex. Located on the
                                                                                            site of the former “Cäcilienstrasse” parking garage, its very attractive rates and
                                                                                            state-of-the-art technological equipment set this new car park apart.

                                                                                            	Monitoring customer satisfaction
© Giovanni Terzi, courtesy of Asst Papa Giovanni XXIII
                                                                                            	Customer satisfaction is worked on every day across all channels. Contipark,
                                                                                              in Germany and Austria, now uses a tool for tracking customer insights
                                                                                              and requests using cloud technology. The tool improves the search engine
Interparking acquired 100% of the company Bergamo Hos-
                                                                                              optimization of the 527 locations in Germany, enhances the quality of the
pital Parking, responsible for managing all the car parks at
                                                                                              information available online and centralizes the monitoring of the Group’s
Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital in Bergamo. With this acqui-
                                                                                              image across 58 platforms such as Google, Facebook, Yelp, Instagram
sition, Interparking now manages a multi-storey car park
                                                                                              and the websites of the cities in which we operate. The customer service
as well as 4 open-air parking lots, with a total capacity of
                                                                                              department ensures continuous dialog with users in order to guarantee an
2  852  spaces at one of Italy’s main hospitals.
                                                                                              optimal experience across all these channels.

                                                                                            BELGIUM: TWO NEW CAR PARKS IN BRUSSELS
                                                                                            In Brussels, the Industrie parking reopened last June. It was renovated
                                                                         1/4 HOUR           from top to bottom using hydrodemolition of the concrete structure
                                                                         TARIFICATION       before being completely renovated. Also in Brussels, the “Brabant-Gare
                                                                                            du Nord” parking project will be completed in mid-2019. Located close
                                                                                            to Gare du Nord train station, this new car park will provide 199 spaces
                                                                                            over 5 underground levels using a very limited number of columns.
                          In Belgium, Interparking is the first car park operator to
                          offer its customers tarification by the quarter hour. This new
                          tarification grid guarantees a much fairer parking price. First
                          tested in Brussels, this new concept was next implemented
                          in the car parks in Antwerp, Ghent, Bruges, before being
                          rolled out across the whole country in the future.
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                                                                                                                    FRANCE: TWO FUTURE CAR PARKS
                                                                                                                    IN MONTAUBAN
                                                                                                                    Montauban Municipal Council has chosen Interparking
                                                                                                                    France to design, build and operate its future Franklin
                                                                                                                    Roosevelt parking. This car park will offer 451 spaces over
                                                                                                                    5  underground levels, instead of the current open-air and
                                                                                                                    one floor underground car park, which offers 190 spaces.
                                                                                                                    At the same time, Interparking is being entrusted with the
                                                                                                                    development of the Berges du Tarn enclosed car park. The
                                                                                                                    car parks are scheduled to open in 2021 as part of an urban
                                                                                                                    redevelopment program launched by the city.

                                                                                        ADDITIONAL SPACES FOR
AT GDANSK AIRPORT                                                                       THE FUTURE FRANKLIN
In February 2018, Interparking opened its P6 Low Cost                                   ROOSEVELT PARKING
                                                                                        IN MONTAUBAN, FRANCE
parking at Gdansk Airport. The project was also used to
extend the capacity of the P1 parking. The total offering has
consequently risen from 1  350 to 3  300 spaces. The P6 Low
Cost parking is also equipped with photovoltaic panels to
                                                                THE NETHERLANDS: A CAR PARK UNDERNEATH
meet its electricity needs.
                                                                AMSTERDAM’S OLYMPIC STADIUM
                                                                Olympisch Stadion was built for the 1928 Olympic Games
                                                                in Amsterdam. Located on the outskirts of the city, it hosts
                                                                a large number of outstanding sporting and musical events.
                                                                90  years after it was built, Interparking now manages

                  1  950
                                                                850  spaces located underneath the stadium’s arena. This
                                                                car park is very popular with tourists, who park there and
                                                                travel into the city by bike or public transport.
                  NEW PARKING SPACES AT
                  GDANSK AIRPORT IN POLAND
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    GERMANY                                                              SPAIN                                                                THE NETHERLANDS
Operational achievements                                             Operational achievements                                              Operational achievements
• 25 new car parks, including one in Cologne, which was first       • New Mercado car park in San Fernando (Cadiz)                        • 5 new car parks
   demolished before being completely rebuilt underground            Technical achievements                                                • Start of construction on the Noordboulevard parking in the
Technical achievements                                               • P-App mobile app (ticketless booking, license plate recognition,      seaside resort of Scheveningen
•E  stablishment of a tool to monitor customer satisfaction            online payment and invoicing) integrated into the Group’s “3+1”    Technical achievements
   across 58 online platforms (Google, Facebook, Yelp, etc.)            digital strategy and connected to the Pcard network.               • Renovation of the Helicon parking
• New features integrated into                     Awards and certifications                                             • Introduction of the Pcard+ and launch of a new website
• 40 new car parks equipped with LED lighting                        • CO2-neutral certification                                              dedicated to the Pcard
• Migration of the site to                                                                                  • Adoption of the Aeroparker platform for online bookings
• 435 car parks connected to the Pcard network                           FRANCE                                                            • Launch of an online platform which centralizes job offers
Awards and certifications                                            Operational achievements                                              Awards and certifications
• CO2-neutral certification                                         • 3 new car parks in Rouen and Bordeaux                               • 6 new ESPA certifications, including one ESPA Gold
• 2 new ESPA GOLD certifications                                     Technical achievements                                                • CO2-neutral certification
                                                                     • New flexible charging technology for short-stay parking.            • Renewing the ISO 14001 and ISO 9001 certifications
    AUSTRIA                                                          Awards and certifications
Operational achievements                                             • CO2-neutral certification                                              POLAND
• 2 new car parks                                                                                                                          Operational achievements
Technical achievements                                                   ITALY                                                             • 11 new car parks in Gdansk, Wroclaw, Bydgoszcz en Warsaw
• Establishment of a tool to monitor customer satisfaction across   Operational achievements                                              Technical achievements
   58 online platforms (Google, Facebook, Yelp, etc.)                • Acquisition of 100% of the shares in Bergamo Hospital Parking,     • Launch of a control room to supervise 11 car parks throughout
• 5 new car parks equipped with LED lighting                            with a total of 2  852 spaces                                         the country
• 11 car parks connected to the Pcard network                        • Acquisition of Linate Parking at Linate Airport in Milan           • 3 car parks connected to the Pcard network
Distinctions et certifications                                       • Acquisition of the remaining 31% of the shares in Park San         • Installation of photovoltaic panels at the P6 parking
• CO2-neutral certification                                             Giusto Spa (Trieste), after having acquired 69% in 2017               at Gdansk Airport
                                                                     • 1st ESPA “on-street” certification in Europe                        • Opening of new offices in the center of Warsaw
    BELGIUM                                                          Technical achievements                                                Awards and certifications
Operational achievements                                             • Activation of online bookings for the Linate parking                • CO2-neutral certification
• Construction of 2 new car parks: Brabant-Gare du Nord in          Awards and certifications
   Brussels and Grognon in Namur                                     • CO2-neutral certification                                              ROMANIA
• Renovation of the Roosevelt parking in Antwerp                     • Renewing the ISO 14000 and ISO 9001 certifications                  Operational achievements
• Reopening of the Industrie parking following renovation                                                                                  • New car park at the Sun Plaza shopping mall in Bucharest
• Launch of the projects for two future car parks in Namur at the                                                                         Awards and certifications
   Place du Palais de Justice and Casernes sites                                                                                           • 2 car parks connected to the Pcard network
Technical achievements                                                                                                                     • CO2-neutral certification
• 200 charging terminals for electric vehicles
• Tarification by the quarter hour rolled out
• Offer of additional services at P1 VIP at Brussels Airport
• First green credit concluded with BNP Paribas Fortis
Awards and certifications
• CO2-neutral certification
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       DEVELOPING INNOVATIVE                                 EXPANDING OUR OFFERING
       SURROUNDING AREAS       MOBILITY                      STANDARDS
| 15

       Besides the practical aspects, our car wash customers are
       particularly mindful of the quality of our services. What fleet
      managers, company car users and private individuals have in
      common is that when they entrust us with their vehicle to clean
     the inside or outside, they expect the work to be impeccable.
     As we work entirely by hand, this involves care, precision and
    know-how. Over time, we have forged a genuine relationship of
   trust with our customers
  and partners.
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       2018 was an opportunity to expand         A UNIQUE MOBILITY EXPERIENCE
                                                 Interparking offers its customers far more
                                                                                                  In Germany and Austria, we now use cloud
                                                                                                  technology to monitor customer satisfaction
       the offering in all the countries         than parking spaces. By serving urban            even better. From a single app, the teams
                                                 centers, we are inviting our customers to        at our subsidiary Contipark are now able to
       where Interparking already operates.      be part of the new economic, cultural and        enhance the quality of the information avail-
       We offer innovative parking               social dynamics of cities undergoing trans-      able across 58 platforms such as Google,
                                                 formation, to meet the expectations of their     Facebook, Yelp, Instagram and the websites
       solutions in the heart of the cities in   residents and visitors even better.              of the cities in which we operate. The cus-
       order to deal with the flow of cars       In order for our customers to be satisfied, we
                                                                                                  tomer service department ensures continu-
                                                                                                  ous dialog with users in order to guarantee
       in urban centers and surrounding          must provide an optimal experience across        an optimal experience across all channels.
       areas. In this way, our car parks are     our car parks: accessibility, fast payment,
                                                 guidance, lighting, etc. Smart LED lighting,     THE FAIREST RATES
       part of the new dynamics in urban         ventilation systems, new-generation eleva-       In Belgium, Interparking has overhauled its
       planning and mobility.                    tors, online booking systems and payment
                                                 facilities with Pcard+ significantly improve
                                                                                                  tarification policy. Formerly calculated on
                                                                                                  the basis of the hours commenced, the
                                                 the service offered to our users.                new tarification system is now divided into
                                                                                                  15-minute segments. This means that cus-
                                                                                                  tomers benefit from a price that is closer to
                                                                                                  the parking time actually consumed. Fol-
                                                                                                  lowing a successful test phase in several
                                                                                                  car parks in Brussels, the new tarification
                                                                                                  system was extended to most car parks of
                                                                                                  the European capital. It is now being rolled
                                                                                                  out in other major cities, such as Antwerp,
                                                                                                  Ghent, Bruges and Liège.
| 17

                                                                                                the European Parking Association regarding
                                                                                                comfort, security and service quality.

                                                                                                Similarly, Interparking has obtained ISO
                                                                                                certification in quality management and
                                                                                                environmental management in Italy, the

   NEW  15
                                                    CAR PARKS EQUIPPED
                                                                                                Netherlands and Spain.

                                                                                                In 2018, Interparking maintained its
   IN OUR CAR PARKS                                 WITH LED LIGHTING                           CO2-neutral certification in all the countries
                                                                                                where the Group operates.

ITALY: ACQUISITION OF BERGAMO                 is due to be built by 2028 which will span
HOSPITAL PARKING                              35 hectares and provide housing, office
Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital in Bergamo is    space, shops, public facilities and parking
one of the largest hospitals in Lombardy.     garages.
It covers 320  000 square meters and
has more than 900 beds. Its oncology          Bordeaux Métropole Aménagement has
center is one of the most renowned in         called on Interparking to run its 244-space
Italy, treating patients from all over the    car park.
country and even from abroad. In 2018,
Interparking acquired 100% of the shares      CERTIFICATIONS: A GUARANTEE
in the company Bergamo Hospital Parking,      OF QUALITY
which manages all 2  852 parking spaces       Industry professionals are best placed to
at this massive hospital.                     judge the quality of our services and in-
                                              frastructures. Their opinions, and those
FRANCE: CAR PARK IN A NEW ECO-                of our customers, are ultimately the only
DISTRICT IN BORDEAUX                          ones that really matter.
Interparking already offers an imposing car
park at Cité du Vin in Bordeaux. A few        As of December 31, 2018, 198 of
kilometers away, on the right bank of the     Interparking’s car parks have obtained the
Garonne, development work has started         European Standard Parking Award (ESPA)
on the new eco-district Bastide NIEL. On      certification. This certification informs users
a site in Bordeaux formerly used for rail     that they are entering a car park that meets
and military activities, a new urban area     the very demanding standards laid down by
18 |


Most of the reasons that prompt customers to
contact us concern opening the access door for
pedestrians or problems with reading their ticket
at the payment terminal. Being able to help them
gives me a great deal of satisfaction. As soon as
the problem is resolved, I can hear the gratitude
in their voice.

                                PRESENCE IN OUR CAR PARKS   DIALOG WITH OUR            EXPERIENCE OF THE
                                FROM USERS                  CHANNELS                   EVERY TIME
| 19

Customer satisfaction is earned every day. It requires
the development of new innovative products and
services, but also ongoing dialog with all users. As a
result, our employees are the best ambassadors for our
network. Interparking is also stepping up its presence in
new communication tools, such as social media.

              Whatever efforts are made to plan new
                                                             at all times. They can also remotely monitor
                                                             the opening and closing of barriers and
                                                             access doors, as well as alarms and all
                                                                                                             CAR PARKS EQUIPPED
              technological solutions, human contact         the technology in the car park. In 2018,        WITH 24/7 ASSISTANCE
              alone ensures the right response to any        Interparking opened its first control room in
              question our customers may have. With          Poland: a fully-dedicated centralized team
              control rooms available 24/7, Interparking     constantly supervises activities in 11 car
              provides its customers with remote assis-      parks across the country. To date, we op-
              tance. Whatever request they may have,         erate 11 control rooms located in Belgium,
              they can talk to one of our employees. If      Spain, Germany, the Netherlands, Austria,
              required, mobile teams are ready to re-        Italy, Poland and France.
              spond: customer support, help using pay-
              ment terminals, prevention, presence that      Feedback from countries which have been
              increases their feeling of safety, cleaning    pioneers in this area, for example Belgium
              and maintaining cleanliness, etc.

              From the control room, our employees can
                                                             and the Netherlands, has been used to
                                                             guide the setting up of similar control rooms
                                                             in other countries, such as Poland and Italy.
                                                                                                             2.3  M
                                                                                                             CALLS TO THE CONTROL
              keep watch on the situation in our car parks                                                   ROOMS EACH YEAR
20 |

                                                         5  800   fans in the Netherlands, 4  500 fans
                                                         in France and so on. These various spaces
                                                         are developing synergies, particularly
                                                         regarding information about car parks
                                                         near train stations and airports. That way,
                                                         customers know where to find the same
                                                         level of service when traveling abroad.

                                                         In Italy, some of the Group’s iconic car parks
                                                         have their own Facebook page. This is the
                                                         case for the legendary Tronchetto parking
                                                         in Venice (2  300 fans) and Padua Station
                                                         parking (1  400 fans).

                                                         Customers who have a Pcard in Belgium
       SECURITY IN THE CAR PARKS:                        and Germany also receive an e-newsletter
       A PRIORITY                                        containing the latest information about our
       Dog handler patrols have been stepped up          car parks, competitions and suggestions
       to make people feel safer and enable imme-        for dining out or cultural outings in the cities
       diate intervention in difficult situations. The   we serve.
       role of the dog handlers is twofold, covering
       both safety and security. The former en-          ONLINE EXPERIENCE
       compasses everything related to preventing        As part of its “3+1” digital roll-out strategy,
       verbal or physical abuse, physical damage         Interparking is significantly expanding the
       and rude behavior, while the latter covers        opportunities to interact online with its cus-
       interventions aimed at preventing fires or        tomers. Since 2018, it has been possible
       coming to the assistance of someone who           in each of the 9 Group countries to book a
       is feeling unwell. Their role is primarily pre-   space, take out a subscription or order a
       ventive and to act as a deterrent.                Pcard+ via digital channels.

                                                         The Interparking mobile app also makes it
       SOCIAL MEDIA: THE DIALOG                          easy to find the nearest car park, consult
       NEVER STOPS                                       its rates and opening times, locate charg-
       Interparking also uses social media to            ing terminals and so on. In Germany, our
       communicate with its customers, who can           subsidiary Contipark, via a joint venture with
       find practical information, tips as well as       the Deutsche Bahn railway company, gives
       competitions on our pages. Since they were        our customers access to a mobile app that
       launched, the Group’s various Facebook            is very useful for locating and paying for a
       pages have been an overwhelming                   parking space close to a train station. In
       success: 21  900 fans in Germany, 15  500         2018, all on-street spaces in Germany were
       fans in Belgium, 7  800 fans in Spain,            included in the DB BahnPark app.
| 21

GDPR AND DATA PROTECTION                           Interparking has of course adapted all its
The European GDPR (General Data Protec-            processes that involve the treatment of
tion Regulation) Directive came into force on      data regarding customers, as well as staff                                    1 ABC 234
May 25, 2018. It governs the processing of         members and any other relevant person
personal data within the European Union.           (subcontractors, suppliers, etc.), in order to
The new regulation applies to all personal         comply with the new regulation. Informa-
data and sensitive data of natural persons.        tion sessions were also organized to raise
Personal data is data that makes someone
identifiable or subject to identification. The
collection, use, recording, consultation and
                                                   awareness about these new issues among
                                                   staff members at head office and in the
                                                   customer service department. Customers
                                                                                                    CAR PARKS
                                                                                                                        LICENSE PLATE
retention of all this data are now very strictly   can also read about how their personal data      COMPATIBLE WITH     RECOGNITION
regulated.                                         are processed on Interparking’s website.         THE MOBILE APP OF
                                                                                                    OUR JOINT-VENTURE
                                                                                                    DB BAHNPARK
The GDPR Directive concerns Interparking
directly, since customers can be identified
in the company’s information systems, for
example via their Pcard+ number or the
data recorded each time they enter or leave
a car park.

The Interparking mobile app makes it easy to find the
nearest car park, consult its rates and opening times,
locate charging terminals and so on.
22 |


       THE “3+1” STRATEGY            PCARD+                   CUSTOMIZED SERVICES
| 23

     2018 will be remembered as the year that the Pcard+ was
    launched in the Netherlands. After having rolled out all the
    procedures in our back offices, we were able to connect
   8  Dutch car parks to the Pcard+ network. We have also started
  using Google Tag Manager to better understand how our
  customers use the online tools and to improve their experience.

                  400  000
                                                           CAR PARKS WITH
                  THROUGHOUT EUROPE                        DYNAMIC SIGNAGE
24 |

                                                                                                                                                    tomers can book a bike at an attractive rate
                                                                                                                                                    to cycle through the streets of the city.

                                       In 2018, Interparking rolled out its “3+1”                                                                   ELECTRIC MOBILITY AND CAR
                                      strategy in all nine Group countries. The                                                                     SHARING
                                                                                                                                                    The growing popularity of electric cars
                                      brand experience is now continuing through                                                                    means that appropriate infrastructures need
                                     our online channels. The next step will be for                                                                 to be provided. Each year, we install new
                                                                                                                                                    charging stations in spaces reserved for
                                    the Pcard+ to go dematerialized.                                                                                electric vehicles. To date, our network of car
                                                                                                                                                    parks already has more than 700  charging
                                                                                                                                                    stations: customers who pay for the charg-
                                                                                                                                                    ing with their Pcard+ even benefit from one
                                                                                                                                                    of the most attractive electric charging rates.

                                                                                                                                                    In the Netherlands, drivers of low emission
                                                                                                                                                    vehicles can also benefit from a reduced rate
                                                                                                                                                    for their parking time.

“3+1”: A TOTAL ONLINE                             Since 2016, Interparking has rolled out spe-     consequently receives a single document
EXPERIENCE                                        cific versions of its Pcard+ in Belgium, on a    listing their energy, parking and carwash
Called “3+1”, the strategy for developing         cobranding basis. Consequently, Brussels         expenses and enables him to recover VAT.
online services took concrete form in 2018        Airport offers its customers a red Pcard+.       Furthermore, since we now offer split billing,
in all 9 countries where the Group operates.                                                       the employer can distinguish between busi-
Customers can now book a space, take out          To date, Interparking has distributed more       ness and private spending.
a subscription and order their Pcard via our      than 400  000 Pcards across Europe and
digital channels.                                 this number keeps increasing.                    MULTIMODAL TRANSPORT
                                                                                                   The Pcard+ not only provides access to our
PCARD+: THE WALLET-SIZED                          MANAGEMENT TOOL FOR B2B                          car parks at an attractive rate, but also pro-
INTERPARKING EXPERIENCE                           CUSTOMERS                                        vides access to our partners’ public trans-
The Pcard is a card with a chip and a mag-        For business customers, the Pcard makes          port networks. Users today can combine
netic strip that can be used when entering        accounting easier, particularly when it comes    several modes of transport to travel around
and leaving our car parks. The monthly            to VAT. It also provides access to the charg-    our cities, for example car, tram, bus, metro,
consumption is then recorded on a single          ing terminals in our car parks and to Fleet-     train and bike sharing. In Berlin, the “E-Park
invoice sent to the customer. They can opt        Wash, a vast independent carwash network.        & Rail” online booking method enables you                      CAR SHARING
for automatic payment or payment by bank          All expenses related to the use of the vehicle   to book a parking space at Berlin Südkreuz
transfer following receipt. The Pcard is avail-   are brought together on a single invoice. At     when you buy train tickets. In Amsterdam,
able today in all 9 Group countries.              the end of the month, the business customer      thanks to the “Park&Bike” service, our cus-
| 25

ECO PARKING                                      PREMIUM SERVICES
Another innovative concept is car sharing.       In 2018, Interparking opened a new VIP
For users, this practice considerably reduc-     parking at Brussels Airport. This serves as
es the cost of using a car they only use to      a showcase for the high-end services we
travel a few kilometers per month. In terms      offer to premium customers. In addition to
of traffic, car sharing should in theory dras-   car washing, customers who opt for the
tically reduces congestion on the roads and      P1 VIP parking can choose from a range
notably frees up parking spaces.                 of services, such as having their windshield
                                                 repaired by Carglass or having a basket of
To encourage this form of shared mobility,       fresh products delivered for when they get
Interparking now reserves shared spaces          back from their trip.
within its car parks. These are marked on
the ground in yellow, making them easier to
identify. Interparking has also entered into
a partnership with a number of car sharing
services, including DriveNow, Poppy and
Zen Car, offering free spaces for their users.
26 |

Contipark (Interparking Group) is a valued long-standing
partner. Our exchanges are very constructive: They
relate, for example, to the latest technical innovations
or recommendations to increase customer satisfaction.
Today, parking is very much part of the passenger
experience. Contipark’s specific expertise contributes
greatly to this.


                                             ENHANCING OUR RANGE IN    ANTICIPATING FUTURE
| 27

We combine our efforts with those of the best
partners to offer cutting-edge service, both
to infrastructure managers and their users.
Interparking has teamed up not only with          MULTIMODAL: THE FUTURE
actors in the mobility and transport sector,      OF URBAN MOBILITY
but also with service providers that add to the   Interparking offers spaces right next to ma-
                                                  jor public transport hubs, for example the
range of products and services we are able to     metro, tram, bus lines, train stations or to

offer our customers.                              airports.

                                                  In Germany, Contipark provides parking ser-
                                                  vices at the train stations via a joint venture
                                                  with the Deutsche Bahn railway company,
                                                  notably through a mobile app that enables
                                                  you to select your preferred parking time,
                                                  pay the parking fee and, if necessary, extend
                                                  the parking time while on the move.

                                                  In Belgium, users of the Brussels pub-
                                                  lic transport network STIB can load their
                                                  transport tickets straight onto their Pcard+.

                                                  FRANCE: A MULTIMODAL HUB AT
                                                  As part of a public service delegation, the
                                                  City of Versailles has entrusted Interparking
                                                  France with the management and operation
                                                  of the Cathedral parking and the future
                                                  Chantiers parking as from 1 January 2019.
28 |

                                                           POLAND: NEARLY 2  000 ADDITIONAL
                                                           SPACES AT GDANSK AIRPORT
                                                           Built in the wake of the First World War,
                                                           Gdansk Airport is one of the country’s most
                                                           dynamic airports. Since the early 2000s, it
                                                           has posted virtually uninterrupted growth,
                                                           with traffic increasing from 250  000 to
                                                           4.6  million passengers per year. To sup-
                                                           port its development, the airport has de-
                                                           cided to increase its offering of parking
                                                           spaces significantly. In February 2018,
                                                           Interparking opened its new car park, known
                                                           as the P6 Low Cost. At the same time, the
                                                           capacity of the P1 parking was increased
       25 million passengers pass through Ver-             following renovation work. The total offer-
       sailles-Chantiers station each year. The            ing at Gdansk Airport has therefore more
       new car park will offer 405 spaces over             than doubled from 1  350 to 3  300 parking
       2 underground levels. This is part of the           spaces! The brand-new P6 parking is also
       redevelopment of the train station district,        equipped with photovoltaic panels that cov-
       which notably includes the creation of a            er a portion of its electricity comsumption.
       multimodal hub and a new bus station.
       The other car park, located at the foot of          BRUSSELS AIRPORT: A WIDE
       Saint-Louis Cathedral, offers 317 spaces            RANGE OF VIP SERVICES
       over 6 underground levels.                          In early 2018, Interparking opened its
                                                           new P1 VIP parking at Brussels Airport. It
       The purpose of the redevelopment of the             is positioned as the pinnacle of high-end
       Chantiers district is to facilitate access to the   services for our premium customers. An
       Saint-Louis district for all users, including       optical license plate recognition system
       those traveling by bus, by bike or on foot.         automatically controls access to the car
                                                           park. After entering the car park, the driver
       THE NETHERLANDS: BY BIKE OR                         hands the keys to a valet, who will take
       WITH A CHAUFFEUR                                    care of the car.
       The Pcard provides easy access to optimal
       mobility. In Amsterdam, for example, Pcard          Interparking has also formed partnerships
       holders benefit from a 50% discount when            with major brands to offer even more per-
       hiring a bike from our partner Amsterdam            sonalized services. These include the col-
       Bike Rent. The same applies to custom-              laboration with Carglass, so that customers
       ers who opt for the “Rent a Bob” private            can have their vehicle’s windshield repaired
       chauffeur service, which avoids them driv-          or replaced while it is parked in the VIP
       ing when tired or after a night of partying.        parking. They can also order a food ham-
| 29

per from Rob, the Belgian leader in fresh     favorable rates for hospital personnel and
products.                                     patients suffering from chronic diseases.

The P1 VIP parking at Brussels Airport also   Special apps have also been developed,
offers high-end carwash services.             as in the Netherlands with the Bluefield
                                              app which helps hospital personnel to find
HOSPITAL CAR PARKS                            in a quick and efficient way their parking
In the Netherlands, Interparking is the       spaces.
leading hospital car park operator with
16  hospital car parks. In Europe, we
operate 34  hospital car parks and offer

                PARKING                                 BIKES                              SHOPPING      CAR SHARING
                GUIDANCE                                BIKE PARKING
                                                                                           PARK & SHOP   SPACES FOR SHARED

                GUIDING MOTORISTS
                TO CITY CENTERS
30 |


As part of a green loan agreement with BNP Paribas
Fortis, Interparking has set itself additional ambitious
targets for reducing its environmental footprint. The
company is aiming to reduce its electricity consumption
by 20% per parking space and its carbon footprint by
30%. A number of levers can be used: LED lighting,
automation, 100% green energy contracts, greener mobility
for employees, etc.

                                                                           COMMITTING TO A FAIR AND JUST
                                                                           SOCIETY THROUGH A POLICY OF
                 ESTABLISHING A PROACTIVE AND                              ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL,
| 31

                     Interparking has always paid particular
                     attention to its impact on society. In 2018, the
                     Group took another step forward in contributing
                     to a more sustainable and environmentally-
                     friendly economy.

                     FIRST GREEN LOAN IN BELGIUM                   20% respectively between now and 2020,
                     In October 2018, Interparking became          Interparking will benefit from a discount of
                     the first company in Belgium to take out      close to 10%.
                     a green loan for which the cost depends
                     on environmental criteria. This €80 million   CO2-NEUTRAL CERTIFICATION
                     credit facility was granted by the bank BNP   To reduce its energy consumption, Inter-
                     Paribas Fortis. The terms of the loan are     parking is generalizing the introduction of
                     determined by Interparking’s sustainability   LED systems, implementing low-energy ven-
                     performance between now and 2020.             tilation systems and replacing its vehicle fleet
                                                                   with low-pollution vehicles. The company
                     How does the green credit work? The rate      also uses green energy and automation,
                     that Interparking will pay to BNP Paribas     which avoids having the lights on in car
                     Fortis will be calculated based on specific   parks 24 hours a day. Since the beginning of
                     environmental indicators: on the one hand,    2016, Interparking supports Wanrou (www.
                     the reduction in the company’s carbon, a carbon offsetting project in
                     footprint per full-time equivalent and, on    Benin. This way, the residual CO2  emissions
                     the other hand, the reduction in the en-      generated by Interparking’s activities are off-
                     ergy consumption of the car parks. If the     set by the carbon gains made on the African
                     carbon footprint per full-time equivalent     continent.
                     and energy consumption fall by 30% and
32 |

This approach is acknowledged by the              innovative positive ionization technique to
“CO2-neutral” certification. Since 2015, all      eliminate fine and ultrafine particles in the
the Group’s activities are certified neutral      Beffroi parking in Namur. After the installa-
thanks to the offsetting projects carried out     tion, the quality of the air has become better
in partnership with the independent consul-       in the car park than in the surrounding city.
tancy firm CO2Logic.
                                                  SOCIAL DIALOG
GREEN MOBILITY                                    Social dialog is also part of corporate re-      PARKING
In recent years, electric mobility has con-
tinued to grow on our roads. Interparking
intends to support the transition toward
                                                  sponsibility. Interparking is offering more
                                                  opportunities, often at the initiative of the
                                                  employees themselves, to stimulate ex-
low-polluting vehicles by making available        changes between the teams. On May 31,
charging stations for rechargeable electric       2018, a European works council was cre-
and hybrid vehicles in its car parks.             ated to inform its members, and the staff
                                                  of the different countries, of the group’s
In the Netherlands, Interparking has formed       activities in the event of transnational op-
partnerships with several green mobility          erations. These exchanges help to ensure
actors such as New Motion, EV-Box and             a healthy and friendly working environment.
Ecotap. In Rotterdam, thanks to license
plate recognition technology, drivers of clean
vehicles also benefit from a €0.20 per hour
discount off the basic parking rate.

In Belgium, Interparking is using the potential
of Big Data to encourage electric mobility: by
using recharging data for public terminals,
the company was able to identify those ar-
eas where demand for charging stations is
highest. By the end of 2018, 200 charging
stations had been installed in the car parks,
on islands that are easily identifiable due
to their own color coding. By using their
Pcard+ to charge their vehicle battery, In-
terparking customers benefit from one of                                       CARBON NEUTRALITY
the lowest rates on the market.                                                IS APPLIED ACROSS
                                                                               THE GROUP
At the same time, Interparking tested, meas-
ured and implemented ENS technology, an
| 33

                                                                    SPACES FOR
                                                                                                                  6  412
                                                                                                                  TONS OF CO2 OFFSET
               TERMINALS                                            PERSONS
               FOR ELECTRIC                                         WITH REDUCED
               VEHICLES                                             MOBILITY

CORPORATE PHILANTHROPY                           about the issue of urban violence. Conti-      assisted in February in the organisation
A successful company must also commit            park was also involved in organizing a ball,   of a large-scale blood drive in Salon de
to a fairer and more just society. At Inter-     the profits from which are helping to get      Provence.
parking, this commitment is reflected in         children out of poverty.
a number of corporate philanthropy and                                                          In addition, we support various cultural in-
sponsorship initiatives in social, environ-      In Austria, Contipark supports Salzburg        stitutions in Belgium such as “La Monnaie”
mental, cultural and sporting areas.             tennis club, which supports many social        opera house in Brussels, the “Concertge-
                                                 projects. The company also funds research      bouw” in Bruges, the “Festival van Vlaan-
In terms of social aspects, we set up the        programs into multiple sclerosis.              deren”, the “Klarafestival” and many other
Parking School, which teaches and trains                                                        cultural initiatives.
our teams and enables them to obtain             In France, we support the Saint-Joseph
training certificates, from blue collar to car   Foundation. Interparking also offered free
park manager level. We are also partners         parking to volunteers and donors who
of the 50’s @ WORK program, which aims
to help people over 45 get back into the
labor market.

We support organizations such as Samu-
social, the objective of which is to promote
the social reintegration of the homeless -
the very people we see in our car parks
every day.

In Germany, Contipark has partnered with
Sports Against Violence since 2012. This
NGO organizes a six-day race every year
to raise awareness among young Berliners
34 |


       Director                 Director     External Director        Director     Managing Director       Director       Vice-President         Director           President     Director
| 35

  Serge Fautré            Chairman
  Amand Benoît D’hondt(1) Member
  Yves De Clercq(4)       Member
  Laurent Levaux (2, 7)   Member
                                                                 CLAUDE DE CLERCQ

 Marc Van Begin (5)      Chairman
 Stephen Huntley         Member
 Amand Benoît D’Hondt(1) Member                    OPERATIONAL MANAGEMENT

                                                                 PATRICK MINNAERT                 DAVIDE FORNASIERO
                                                                 Belgium                          Italy (off-street)
                                                                 S.A. Interparking N.V.           Interparking Italia S.R.L.
 Serge Fautré       Chairman                                     Rue Brederode, 9                 Isola Nuova del Tronchetto, 14
 Antonio Cano       Member                                       1000 Brussels                    30135 Venice
 Neil King          Member                                       Tel.: +32 2 549 58 11            Tel.: +39 041 520 75 55

 Roland Cracco(3)        Chief Executive Officer                 MARC GRASSET                     ALESSANDRO GUERRA
 Elisabeth Roberti       General Secretary                       France                           Italy (on-street)
 Edouard de Vaucleroy(6) Chief Financial Officer                 Interparking France S.A.         S.I.S. Segnaletica Industriale
                                                                 Rue de Gramont, 30               Stradale S.r.l.
 Ilse De Graeve          Budget & Control
                                                                 75002 Paris                      Via T. Tasso, 12
 Olivier Maes            IT Systems
                                                                 Tel.: +33 1 55 04 66 00          06073 Corciano (PG)
 Marc Iannetta           International Audit                                                      Tel.: +39 075 605 195

                                                                 ROLF OOSTENDORP                  MICHAEL KESSELER
                                                                 Netherlands                      Germany                      Austria
                                                                 Interparking Nederland B.V.      Contipark                    Contipark International
                                                                 WTC                              Parkgaragen GmbH             Austria GmbH
                                                                 Beursplein, 37                   Rankestraße 13,              Reichenhaller Straße 8,
                                                                 3011 AA Rotterdam                10789 Berlin                 5020 Salzburg
                                                                 Tel.: +31 88 542 13 42           Tel.: +49 30 25 00 970       Tel.: +43 662 80 99 00

                                                                 ROBERT FALECKI                   ERNESTO PIERA
                                                                 Poland                           Spain                        Romania
(2) MEMBER SINCE 02/22/2018                                      Interparking POLSKA Sp. z o.o.   Interparking Hispania S.A.   Alpha Parking SRL
(3) KINGSDALE CONSULTING SPRL                                    ul. Św. Barbary 4 lok 2          Calle Valencia, 93, 3º 2ª    Parcarea Subterana Inter
(4) YVES DE CLERCQ SCA                                           00-686 Warsaw                                                 Bd. N. Balcescu nr. 4
                                                                                                  08029 Barcelona
                                                                 Tel.: +48 22 629 59 44           Tel.: +34 93 451 66 24       010051 Bucuresti sector 1
(7) LYS CONSEIL SPRL                                                                                                           Tel.: +40 21 315 60 47
36 |


             Dear Sirs,

             We have the pleasure of presenting you the       from €437.8 million in 2017 to €463.5 mil-        or shopping centres that wish to maintain
             consolidated accounts of the Interparking        lion, a growth of 5.9%.                           their attractiveness feel the need to contin-
             Group as of 31 December 2018.                                                                      ue to redevelop their conviviality spaces,
                                                              Including new acquisitions, as of 31 Decem-       which have, until now, often been occupied
             The past year saw significant social, eco-       ber 2018, Interparking operated 933  sites        by a poorly organized or even disorganised
             nomic and political uncertainty, which           in 397 cities in 9 European Union countries       parking, mitigating thus - at least partially -
             weighed on Interparking’s overall business       and managed over 383  000  parking spaces         the effects of this change of behaviour on
             environment.                                     compared to 898 sites and 373  000 park-          the operation of our car parks.
                                                              ing spaces at the end of 2017.
             Our Group’s activity is clearly linked to the                                                      The commercial, economic and cultural
             economic trends affecting the European           The most significant specific risk that can       attractiveness of each of the locations of
             countries in which we are active and to          affect our Group’s development is the risk        the Group’s car parks is also essential. In-
             private consumption indices. Our diversi-        related to the use of the car and the ac-         terparking therefore favours operations in
             fication and long-term investment policy         cessibility of city centres using this means      quality cities that have a strong and diver-
             ensure that our income is characterised by       of transportation. We strive to meet these        sified attractiveness.
             recognised growth thanks to the various          mobility challenges, particularly by improv-
             revenue drivers to which our car park op-        ing our parking guidance systems and by           Our presence in Italy increased significantly
             erations are associated (city centre, leisure,   developing partnerships with the cities in        during the past financial year with, nota-
             shopping, work, airports, train stations,        which we are present.                             bly, the acquisition of a car park with over
             hospitals, etc.) and the range of policies                                                         2  800 spaces at the Bergamo hospital and
             pursued by the cities and regions in which       The cost of using the car as well as an           the acquisition of a car park near the Milan
             we work in Europe.                               awareness of ecological issues leads the          airport.
                                                              population to a more rational use of the car
             Overall, the Group’s consolidated sales,         and to a modification of certain behaviours.      In Belgium, the Industrie car park in
             excluding non-recurring items, increased         Confronted to this attitude, cities and leisure   Brussels reopened following a complete
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