Service and Handling Brochure for Deutsche Post Business Mail and Deutsche Post Packet Products - Handling Brochure

Page created by Lisa Cole
Service and Handling Brochure for Deutsche Post Business Mail and Deutsche Post Packet Products - Handling Brochure
Handling Brochure

Service and Handling Brochure
for Deutsche Post Business Mail
and Deutsche Post Packet
Valid: January 2019     ENTER
Service and Handling Brochure for Deutsche Post Business Mail and Deutsche Post Packet Products - Handling Brochure
Deutsche Post Business Mail and Deutsche Post Packet   2


1   Product Information3                         	Franking and postage
                                                    print impressions                              11
    Deutsche Post BUSINESS MAIL3
                                                  	Postage print impressions
	Registered Mail /
                                                    of Deutsche Post International                 11
  Registered Mail with advice of delivery    3
                                                  	Registered service label
                                                    and barcode                                    11
                                                  5	Customs regulations –
    Deutsche Post PACKET STANDARD4
                                                     what you need to know12
    Deutsche Post PACKET PRIORITY4
                                                  6    Prohibited items17
    Deutsche Post PACKET TRACKED4
                                                  7    Aviation safety regulations18
    Deutsche Post PACKET PLUS4
                                                  8    All-around posting19
    Deutsche Post PACKET RETURN5
                                                       Document                                    19
2	What items can I send with
                                                  	Example of an airwaybill
   Deutsche Post Business and
                                                    (shipping document)                            19
   Deutsche Post Packet?6
                                                  	Delivery of shipment data                      20
    Deutsche Post Business Mail              6
                                                  	Pre-alert for shipments
    Deutsche Post Packet                     6
                                                    > 250 kg                                       20
    Product Summary                          7
                                                  	Deutsche Post International
3   Posting and sorting requirements8              Mail STOP note                                 20

    Posting requirements                     8   9	Transport to Deutsche Post
                                                     International Post Centre21
	Dimensions including
  envelope/packaging                              	Drop off at Deutsche Post
  of mail items                              8     International Post Centre                      21

	Oversized and / or overweight                   	Pick-up organised through
  handling of mail items                     9     Deutsche Post                                  21

    Sorting requirements                     9   10 Billing with details of zones22

4   Preparing shipments for dispatch10           11 Return of undeliverable items22

    Formats	                                10   12 Book shipments 23

    Address and Postage                     10   13 Service availability by country 24

    Address format                          11
Deutsche Post Business Mail and Deutsche Post Packet               3

1 Product Information

Deutsche Post Business Mail
Benefit from our international mail expertise and worldwide Deutsche Post network to deliver your letters.
Our business mail service is convenient, easy and can be fully tailored to your needs.

With Deutsche Post Business Mail, you can send (miscellaneous) business mail to addresses around the world.
Your Deutsche Post shipment may contain international printed matters e.g. invoices, contracts, documents and
photos with no commercial value.

Deutsche Post BUSINESS MAIL STANDARD                                               Registered Mail / Registered Mail with advice of
The perfect time and effort-saving solution for those                              delivery1
looking for a cost efficient way to deliver international                          nn Registered Mail – Delivery of a shipment by the
business mail.                                                                         foreign postal service against signature.
nn Global shipping to over 220 countries of regular                               nn    egistered Mail with advice of delivery – Delivery is
    business correspondence, press items, publications                                  provided against the signature of the consignee on an
nn     ostal standard shipping for mail items up to
      P                                                                                 advice of delivery that will be returned to the shipper.
      2 kg and max. dimensions L + W + H < 90 cm and                                    The advice of delivery is only available for Business
      each side < 60 cm                                                                 Mail Registered.

Deutsche Post BUSINESS MAIL PRIORITY                                               Deutsche Post INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS REPLY
For more urgent deliveries our priority service offers                             nnEconomical solution for international business
the quicker way to deliver international business mail,                               replies up to 50 g
getting letters and invoices, publications and press                               nn    ustomer provides business reply card/label
products to your customers when time is of the essence.                                 for shipper outside Germany according to
nn Global shipping to over 220 countries of regular
                                                                                        Deutsche Post specifications
    business correspondence, press items, publications
                                                                                   nn    usiness reply card or letter is dropped off at a post
nn     riority handling and delivery times for mail items
      P                                                                                 office or into the postal letterbox by your customer
      up to 2 kg (L + W + H < 90 cm and each side < 60 cm)                              and sent to Deutsche Post
nn     vailable with the value added services Registered
      A                                                                            nn    eutsche Post receives international business replies
      Mail and Registered Mail with advice of delivery                                  and consolidates the shipments
                                                                                   nn    elivery of consolidated returns to the customer
                                                                                        address in an EU country
                                                                                   nn    ax. dimensions: L + W + H < 90 cm and
                                                                                        each side < 60 cm

     Important to know
     Please note that an agreement must be concluded and, where appropriate, setup is necessary before you start
     posting. Your Sales Representative or local sales support team will be happy to assist you.

     Please also consult the specific product information available at

1 Deutsche   Post Business Mail Registered and Deutsche Post Business Mail Registered with advice of delivery will be invoiced as non-boxable E-format.
Deutsche Post Business Mail and Deutsche Post Packet      4

Deutsche Post Packet
A cost effective range of products and services for delivery of lightweight packets by international mail up to 2 kg.
Choose between tracked or untracked services to have items such as apparel, accessories or DVDs sent around the world.

Deutsche Post PACKET STANDARD                                                 nn    overage of loss and damages can be achieved with
PACKET STANDARD is the convenient and affordable                                   an additional shipment value protection service for
solution for internationally shipping anything.                                    items shipped to the 55 countries with delivery
nn Delivery of shipments by respective foreign postal                             status updates
    service                                                                   nn    ax. dimensions: L + W + H < 90 cm and
nn    S implified customs declaration CN 22 to the extent                         each side < 60 cm
       permitted by law                                                       nn   Max. weight: 2 kg
nn     ax. dimensions: L + W+ H < 90 cm
      and < 60 cm on each side                                                Deutsche Post PACKET PLUS
                                                                              High-value service for lightweight items:
Deutsche Post PACKET PRIORITY                                                 Deutsche Post PACKET PLUS offers global shipping to
When faster delivery is required: PACKET PRIORITY                             over 220 countries with range-definite transit times,
offers you both convenience and our priority handling                         milestone tracking with delivery confirmation in key
of your shipments.                                                            destinations and shipment value protection option.
nn Priority delivery by the respective foreign postal service                nn Priority delivery and against signature by the

nn    S implified customs declaration CN 22 to the extent                        respective foreign postal service
       permitted by law                                                       nn   Each PACKET PLUS has its own barcode, a unique
nn     ax. dimensions: L + W+ H < 90 cm
      M                                                                             identifier, which makes it possible to fully track the
      and < 60 cm on each side                                                      goods in more than 50 key countries and to track
                                                                                    goods in the rest of world to the extent that data is
Deutsche Post PACKET TRACKED                                                        provided by the service provider at destination
PACKET TRACKED is a tracked service providing status                          nn   S implified customs declaration with CN 22 to the
updates from posting to delivery in 55 destination                                  extent permitted by law
countries and from posting to departure origin country
                                                                              nn    he Deutsche Post Customer Portal /API facilitates
or to arrival at destination country to other countries
                                                                                   the easy shipment preparation and the electronic
                                                                                   tracking of your PACKET PLUS shipments. This allows
nn Home or mailbox delivery if possible, otherwise the
                                                                                   you and the recipient of your goods optimum
    consignee will be asked to pick up the shipment at
                                                                                   transparency during the delivery process
    the local post office or service outlet
                                                                              nn    ptional labelling throught the Deutsche Post
nn    Each PACKET TRACKED has its own barcode, a
                                                                                   Customer Portal /API, subject to availability
       unique identifier, which makes it possible to fully
       track the goods from posting to delivery and to                        nn   Including liability of up to 30 special drawing rights²
       track goods in the rest of world to the extent that                          (approx. EUR 36) for loss and damages
       data is provided by the service provider at destination                nn    dditional coverage can be achieved with Deutsche
nn    S implified customs declaration with CN 22 to the                           Post Shipment Value Protection service which can be
       extent permitted by law                                                     combined with the PACKET PLUS delivery service
      The Deutsche Post Customer Portal /API facilitates                      nn    ax. dimensions: L + W + H < 90 cm and
      online shipment preparation and provides a tracking                          each side < 60 cm
      overview of your PACKET TRACKED shipments                               nn   Max. weight: 2 kg

  Tracking restrictions
     A proof of delivery or electronic delivery notification will not be provided if customs clearance or the delivery
     processes of the destination country do not support these services. The use of the Deutsche Post Customer
     Portal /API shall be subject to the applicable Portal Terms of Use.

1 Please
       see chapter 13 to check service availability per country.
2 The
     special drawing right (SDR) is a unit of calculation and a means of payment for transactions with the International Monetary Fund.
 An average value is calculated on 1st January every year and used as the basis for charges, value information and liability amounts.
 In 2019, the value of one SDR is EUR 1.1950 (official exchange rate for 2019 according to UPU).
Deutsche Post Business Mail and Deutsche Post Packet   5

DEUTSCHE POST PACKET RETURN is a service complementing your international shipping of goods. We make it easy
for your customers in EU countries to return a package free of charge to you. You only pay for the returns you receive.

nn   S olution for international returns of low-value                         nn    eutsche Post receives shipments and consolidates
      goods up to 2 kg from 24 countries                                            the returns
nn    he Deutsche Post Customer Portal /API offers
     T                                                                         nn    elivery of consolidated returns to the customer
     convenient solutions to print or provide the return                            address in the EU country
     labels to your customer                                                   nn    ax. dimensions: L + W + H < 90 cm and
nn   S hipment must be dropped off at the foreign post                             each side < 60 cm
      office or into the postal letterbox by the shipper
      and will be delivered by the foreign postal provider
      to Deutsche Post

Deutsche Post Packet Shipment Value Protection

Service Description
Deutsche Post Shipment Value Protection Service meets the general requirements for loss and damage during
shipping. This value added service is available for Deutsche Post PACKET TRACKED* and Deutsche Post PACKET
PLUS. Protection is effective from the first processed scan in the mail terminal IPZ. Physical loss or damage of
goods up to 100, 200 or 300 EUR is covered, subject to specific limitations and exclusions.

Limitations and exclusions                                                     Basis of loss settlement
Shipment Value Protection covers items in transit                              Cover is limited to the value declared by the shipper,
worldwide, although temporary restrictions may apply                           replacement cost, invoice value or actual cash value
from time to time as a consequence of, but not limited                         whichever is the lowest, but max. to the chosen
to, political, terrorist, nuclear and war risks, or on the                     amount of the Shipment Value Protection Service.
advice of government officials. The major exclusions are                       Evidence may be requested to substantiate the
as follows:                                                                    declared value in the event of a claim.
nn delay;
                                                                               How to make a claim
nn   ordinary leakage;
                                                                               If you wish to make a claim, you should always notify
nn   loss in weight or volume, or wear and tear of the                        your local sales support team as soon as possible, but
      shipment;                                                                in any event, no later than 30 calendar days from
nn   loss, damage or expense caused by insufficient or                        the date that Deutsche Post accepted the shipment.
      unsuitable packing or preparation of the shipment;
nn   loss, damage or expense caused by inherent vice or
     nature of the shipment;
nn   loss, damage or expense attributable to the wilful
      misconduct by the customer or its agents;
nn   loss, damage or expense caused by delay;
nn   loss, damage or expense arising from the use of any
      atomic or nuclear weapon or radioactivity.

* to 55 destinations where tracking from posting to delivery is provided.
  Please find furter information about service availability in chapter 13 on
  page 24.
Deutsche Post Business Mail and Deutsche Post Packet                  6

2 What items can I send with
Deutsche Post Business Mail and
Deutsche Post Packet?
Deutsche Post Business Mail (items that can differ                              Deutsche Post Packet
with regard to their contents):                                                 nnGoods like accessories, apparel and sporting goods
nn Mixed (miscellaneous) mail such as invoices,                                   up to 2 kg
    reminders, policy documents, bank statements                                nn   Books, brochures and calendars up to 5 kg with
    and financial end of year statements                                             PACKET PRIORITY. Please check chapter 12 for
nn      Data storage media such as CDs and DVDs                                      detailed information about book shipments.
nn       rinted matter such as direct mail, product leaflets,
                                                                                What items are excluded, when using
        catalogues and promotional leaflets
                                                                                Deutsche Post Packet products?
nn      Newspapers and magazines                                                nn Dangerous and prohibited goods, i.e. lithium
                                                                                    batteries (see chapter 6 and 7)
What items are excluded when using
Deutsche Post Business Mail products?                                           nn    oods that do not comply with the import
nn Unaddressed mail; items sent through Deutsche                                    restrictions of the destination country
    Post Business Mail must always have an address.                             nn   F urther excluded goods are described in the General
    Please contact your Deutsche Post representative                                  Terms and Conditions Deutsche Post AG International
    if you wish to send unaddressed mail                                              Business, Dialogue Marketing, Packet
nn      Goods with a commercial value                                           nn    omestic mail: items with same origin country and
nn       omestic mail: items with same origin country
        D                                                                            destination country (ABA Remailing)
        and destination country (ABA remailing) 1                               nn   Deutsche Post Packet products cannot be used for
nn      Deutsche Post Business Mail products cannot be                               shipments from German customers (so-called export
        used for shipments from German customers                                     shipments).
        (so-called export shipments).

1 Inthe ABA remailing the mail originating in Country A is transported to Country B and put into the postal system there in order to be sent via the
  international postal network system back to Country A where the final consignee resides. This also applies to non-physical remailing where material of
  a sender residing in Country A is being printed in Country B and sent to Country A. In such a case DPAG will invoice the difference between the
  agreed rate and 80% of the domestic postage to the sender.
Deutsche Post Business Mail and Deutsche Post Packet                  7

All products at a glance
 Product                    Suitable for               Shipping profile                             Compensation                       Min. items
                                                                                                    for loss and                       per posting
                                                                                                    damages and
                                                                                                    available shipment
                                                                                                    value protection
 BUSINESS                   International              Letters, e.g. invoices, contracts,           N/A                                50 items
 MAIL                       printed material,          documents and photos with
 PRIORITY                   items up to                no commercial value within 2-5
                            2 kg                       working days in Europe and
                                                       5-12 working days for the rest
                                                       of the world*

 BUSINESS                   International              Letters, e.g. invoices, contracts,           N/A                                50 items
 MAIL                       printed material,          documents and photos with no
 STANDARD                   items up to 2 kg           commercial value

 INTERNATIONAL              International              Business reply postcards and                 N/A                                N/A
 BUSINESS                   replies up to 50 g         letters with no commercial
 REPLY                                                 value free of charge
                                                       for shippers worldwide

 PACKET                     Low-value items            Dispatch of goods                            N/A                                50 items
 STANDARD                   up to 2 kg

 PACKET                     Low-value items            Dispatch of goods within 2-5                 N/A                                50 items
 PRIORITY                   up to 2 kg                 days in Europe and 5-12 days
                                                       for the rest of the world*

 PACKET                     Trackable deliv-           Dispatch of goods with                       N/A / shipment value               50 items
 TRACKED                    ery of goods for           tracking within 2-5 working                  protection available
                            items up to 2 kg           days to Europe and 5-12 days                 with additional charge
                                                       for rest of the world.*                      for items to the
                                                       Available to 55 countries with               destinations countries
                                                       tracking from posting to deliv-              incl. Tracking from
                                                       ery, other with tracking from                posting to delivery
                                                       posting to departure origin or               (see page 5)
                                                       arrival at destination country

 PACKET PLUS                Secure shipping            Dispatch of goods that requires              up to 30 special draw-             50 items
                            goods for items            tracking or delivery against                 ing rights**/ shipment
                            up to 2 kg                 signature within 2-7 working                 value protection
                                                       days to Europe and 6-15 working              available with addition-
                                                       days for the rest of the world*              al charge (see page 5)

 PACKET                     Returns within             Return of goods free of charge               N/A                                N/A
 RETURN                     the European               for shipper ex 25 countries
                            Union up to 2 kg

 * ex Deutsche Post International Post Centre, Frankfurt.The transit time is subject to change and provided without guarantee ofcompleteness or accuracy.
** The special drawing right (SDR) is a unit of calculation and a means of payment for transactions with the International Monetary Fund. An average val-
    ue is calculated on 1st January every year and used as the basis for charges, value information and liability amounts.In 2019, the value of one SDR is
    1.1950 EUR (official exchange rate for 2019 according to the UPU).
Deutsche Post Business Mail and Deutsche Post Packet         8

3 Posting and
sorting requirements
Chapters 3 and 4 describe the prerequisites and processes in our mail terminal IPZ
Frankfurt. Regarding delivery into mail terminal London please contact your local
sales manager.

Posting requirements
Shipments must meet the following requirements:
Minimum revenue          EUR 100, excluding pick-up cost
Minimum item number      50 items per pick-up or drop

Maximum size of transport units                                                Units that exceed the maximum dimensions or height
The items shall be consolidated in transport units and                         will be returned to the sender. The costs of the return
must meet the following requirements: the receptacles                          must be borne by the sender.
can be bags, boxes, pallets and pallet boxes that are
                                                                               For further instructions regarding the formation
disposable and will not be returned. The maximum
                                                                               and securing of loading units, please check our
weight of a bag or a box must not exceed 25 kg.
                                                                               Secure Transport Guide, which is available online at
Units with a higher total weight shall be handed over
to Deutsche Post on pallets or other industrial loading
aids that can be handled by lifting equipment, e.g.
pallet trucks or forklift trucks. These units must not
exceed the height of 1,600 mm due to work safety.

Dimensions including envelope/packaging of mail items

                              Envelope                                  Boxed Package                             Tube / Roll-shaped Package

 Min. Dimension               Length: 140 mm                            Length: 140 mm                            Length: 140 mm
                              Width: 90 mm                              Width: 90 mm                              Width: 90 mm

 Max. Dimension               Length, width and height                  Length, width and height                  Length and double
                              together no more than                     together no more than                     diameter together 1040 mm;
                              900 mm; the longest                       900 mm; the longest                       the longest measurement
                              measurement should                        measurement should                        should not exceed 900 mm
                              not exceed 600 mm                         not exceed 600 mm

 Max. Weight                  2 kg                                      2 kg                                      2 kg

 Notice for mailing tubes: To ensure faster processing of mailing tubes, the use of a sleeve (shipping aid for mailing tubes)
 with attached address label is recommended.
Deutsche Post Business Mail and Deutsche Post Packet   9

Oversized and overweight handling of mail items               Sorting requirements
Items that exceed the maximum dimensions and/or               Items have to be sorted according to format (P, G, E)
maximum weight cannot be processed in the Deutsche            and service level (Priority, Standard). Additional sorting
Post Mail Network. The items will be separated, relabelled,   by country and zone is preferred but not essential.
and processed and delivered as international parcel.
                                                              The format of the address shall be suitable for machine
This process will only be automatic for small quantities.
                                                              reading. Please use the Automatable Mailing Guide,
This service will be provided for parcels to European
                                                              which is available online at
Union countries. Non-EU shipments will be returned at
the expense of the shipper.
                                                              Items can be bundled and presented on pallets,
A surcharge of EUR 6.50 per item applies for forwarded        bags or in cardboard boxes.
and returned items. Additionally, the DHL Paket
standard rates that are published in the internet are         You must complete the Deutsche Post Airwaybill
applicable based on the weight and the dimensions             (AWB) in full. An airwaybill must be filled out for
captured by Deutsche Post AG. The rate for the                each product and service level combination, with the
handling and transport of these items will be invoiced        respective authorisation number for the product and
monthly. The rate information is available at                 service level. Your authorisation number(s) will be              provided by the sales support team.

                                                              Please ensure that the dispatch documents for each
If at least 4 packets cannot be forwarded as mail
                                                              shipment are affixed in a clearly visible manner,
product, they are initially stopped. Your local sales
                                                              as described on page 20.
support will contact you to coordinate further steps.
                                                              We are unable to process any shipments that are
                                                              submitted without the accompanying dispatch
Deutsche Post Business Mail and Deutsche Post Packet                                      10

4 Preparing shipments
for dispatch

All mail items are classified into basic boxable formats P and G and non-boxable format E. These are based on the
shape, dimensions and weight and the degree of machinability.

Box Formats

  Format                                 Maximum dimensions

                                                        Length                       Width                                                    Height             Weight

  Boxable Formats P                                    24.5 cm                     16.5 cm                                                     0.5 cm        Up to 100 g

  Boxable Formats G                       35.3 cm (38.1 cm*)          25.0 cm (30.5 cm*)                            3.0 cm (2.0 cm*)                         Up to 500 g

  Non-Boxable Format E                             Max 60 cm                     Max 60 cm                                          Max 60 cm               Up to 2,000 g

                                         < 90 cm combined

*For Packet Return, the maximum dimensions are 38.1 cm x 30.5 cm x 2 cm (length x width x height)

For more information on shapes, dimensions and weights, please refer to the Automatable Mailing Guide,
which is available

Address and postage                                                         nn    If undeliverables should be returned to you a
The following must always be present on any mail item                              dedicated PO box must be indicated in the PPI
that is to be sent abroad:                                                  The areas in which you should add this information in
nn Address
                                                                            order for your international mail to reach its destination
nn    ostage paid impression (PPI) with a specific PO box
     P                                                                      quickly are displayed in the picture below. It is always
     (Postfach) indication and a German return address                      advisable to have a sample of your mail layout checked
     (PO box in the postage print impression).                              by your local sales support team before posting.
nn   You will receive this specific PO box from your local
     sales support team


                                                                                            En cas de non remise     Deutsche Post
                                                                                            prière de retourner à
                                                                                            Postfach 3001
                                                                                                                          Port payé
                                                                                                                        60544 Frankfurt
                                                                                            36243 Niederaula
                                                                                                                          Brief / Lettre
                                                                                            ALLEMAGNE                  Luftpost/Prioritaire

                                    Reading zone

                             15mm                                                                                                             15mm

                                                                         Encoding zone                                                               15mm

Deutsche Post Business Mail and Deutsche Post Packet                   11

 Address format                                                                   Postage print impressions of Deutsche Post International
 The postal operator in each country has defined its                              There are several options to prepare the franking of your
 respective valid address format. If the street name,                             shipments. The minimum size of the postage print
 postcode, place name and country are shown in the                                impression is 45 mm x 23 mm (width x height). The
 wrong order, this may lead to a delay in the delivery                            maximum size is 74 mm x 40 mm. The image below shows
 of your mail and cause additional cost.                                          the available layout of the postage print impressions (PPI).

 For more information on the correct format for                                   Please note that undeliverable shipments will be returned
 addresses, please refer to the Universal Postal Union                            to the International Mail Centre in Germany and a
 website or                             dedicated PO box (Postfach) must be indicated in the
 descriptionPostcodesAddressingAddressElementsEn.pdf                              PPI to identify your return address.

 Franking and postage print impressions                                           Your Deutsche Post Sales Consultant will be
 Deutsche Post offers franking as a standard service for                          happy to assist you and provide the necessary
 items that do not have to be returned to a customer-                             PO box number and PPI image.
 specific PO box. This service does not apply to items
                                                                                  Registered service label and barcode
 containing goods. The PPI prepared by the customer
                                                                                  Packet Plus and Business Mail Registered
 must meet the PPI specifications and be confirmed
                                                                                  can be labelled with:
 by a Deutsche Post representative before posting.
                                                                                  nn Registered service barcode stickers, which can be
 Please note that Deutsche Post must relabel items                                    ordered from your local sales support team, or
 with incorrect PPI. This process is automatic for small                          nn    L abels prepared via the Deutsche Post
 quantities. For this service the customer will be                                       Customer Portal /API
 charged with EUR 2.50 per item.
                                                                                  In any case, the barcode and registered service
 If at least 20 items in one shipment are not franked correctly,                  (tracking) number on the items must be readable,
 the complete shipment will be stopped. Your local sales                          scannable, compliant with the Deutsche Post label
 support will contact you to coordinate further steps.                            specifications and unique (not used before). Please
                                                                                  note that items with an incorrect, unreadable and/or
                                                                                  unscannable sticker or barcode must be corrected by
                                                                                  Deutsche Post and a surcharge of EUR 2.50 per item
                                                                                  will be invoiced for this service.

                        Destination worldwide                                                                         Destination worldwide
                                                                         Destination Germany
                         (without Germany)                                                                                 inc. Germany

                               PRIORITAIRE                                             Deutsche Post                          PRIORITAIRE
                                                            Wenn unzustellbar,

           En cas de non remise        Deutsche Post        zurück an               Entgelt bezahlt        Wenn unzustellbar,          Deutsche Post
           prière de retourner à        Port payé                                      60544 Franfurt           zurück an
                                       60544 Franfurt       Postfach XXXX                  (2222)         En cas de non remise     Briefentgelt bezahlt
           Postfach XXXX                 Allemagne          36243 Niederaula                              prière de retourner à         Port payé
           36243 Niederaula                                                             PRIORITY            POSTFACH XXXX             60544 Franfurt
           ALLEMAGNE                 Luftpost/Prioritaire                                                   36243 Niederaula            Allemagne

           En cas de non remise       Deutsche Post                                    Deutsche Post       Wenn unzustellbar,        Deutsche Post

                                                             Wenn unzustellbar,                                 zurück an
           prière de retourner à
                                                                zurück an                                 En cas de non remise     Briefentgelt bezahlt
                                        Port payé                                   Entgelt bezahlt       prière de retourner à
             Postfach XXXX                                                                                                              Port payé
                                       60544 Franfurt         Postfach XXXX            60544 Franfurt       POSTFACH XXXX
            36243 Niederaula                                                                                36243 Niederaula          60544 Franfurt
                                         Allemagne           36243 Niederaula              (2222)
              ALLEMAGNE                                                                                       ALLEMAGNE                 Allemagne
Deutsche Post Business Mail and Deutsche Post Packet      12

5 Customs regulations –
what you need to know

The following notes are designed to help you to follow                         nn    ore and more customs authorities require that
all the relevant regulations when exporting dutiable                                incoming international packets are accompanied by
goods abroad.                                                                       electronic pre-advice

Deutsche Post will handle customs formalities as                               nn   Packets without this electronic information will
defined in the Universal Postal Convention.                                         eventually be refused by some destination countries
                                                                                    in the future; or penalties or additional charges
Dutiable items can be sent to most countries in the                                 might apply
world using Packet, PACKET PLUS and PACKET
                                                                               nn   Please contact your local sales representative for
TRACKED service. Customs regulations must be
                                                                                    further information
followed when goods and other articles are sent in
items to recipients:                                                           Further important information
nn In non-EU countries and territories                                        nn The customer is obliged to inform himself
    not in the EU customs territory, and                                          comprehensively about all existing customs
nn   In third territories as defined under VAT law                                regulations and comply with them
                                                                               nn    he sender is liable for the consequences of shipping
Customs declaration
                                                                                    goods abroad without the proper authorisation and
nn All items containing goods must have a customs
                                                                                    non-compliance with the import and customs rules
    declaration on the address side, even if the goods
                                                                                    of foreign countries. This also applies if the CN 22 or
    are being sent free of charge (e.g. in advertising
                                                                                    CN 23 customs declaration is not filled in correctly or
    mailshots or magazines with samples or specimens)
                                                                                    in full, and if the applicable export regulations are
nn   If you enclose a CN 23 customs declaration inside the                         not observed. It is the sender’s responsibility to obtain
      shipment, please also mark the shipment by affixing                           the correct information from the recipients of the
      the CN 22 to the outside on the address side                                  shipments, the foreign missions of the destination /
nn   If the value of the content is up to SDR* 300.00                              transit countries, foreign trade offices, chambers of
      (EUR 358.50), affix a CN 22 customs declaration to                            industry and commerce and other relevant bodies
      your shipment. If the value is over SDR 300.00,                          nn    he CN 22 and CN 23 customs declarations
      a CN 23 customs declaration must be used                                      are available to download at
nn    he customs declaration must always be completed
     T                                                                              business-customers/downloads.html
      in full                                                                  nn   Privately printed forms are accepted, provided they
nn   For sales – including auction transactions via eBay,                          are identical tothe preprinted Deutsche Post forms
      for example – the “Other” box must always be selected
                                                                               nn    commercial invoice or a pro-forma invoice stating
nn    he actual value must always be provided. A value
     T                                                                              the words “value for customs purposes only” and
     of “0” is not permitted.                                                       showing the value of the goods must be included
nn   The country of origin must be stated in all cases                             with shipments containing commercial items.
nn   It is not allowed to use collective names for the                             For commercial items, it is not enough simply to
      description of the goods                                                      state the value in the CN 22 or CN 23 customs

Requirements regarding electronic pre-advice customs data

*The special drawing right (SDR) is a unit of calculation and a means of payment for transactions with the International Monetary Fund.
  An average value is calculated on 1st January every year and used as the basis for charges, value information and liability amounts.
  In 2019, the value of one SDR is EUR 1.1950 (official exchange rate for 2019 according to UPU).
Deutsche Post Business Mail and Deutsche Post Packet   13

How to fill in the CN 22 customs declaration correctly

 CUSTOMS DECLARATION                                                    May be opened officially
                                                                                                   CN 22
 DÉCLARATION EN DOUANE Peut être ouvert d’office.
Postal                                                                               Important! See
administrationAdministration                                                         instructions on reverse Voir
des postes                                                                           instructions au verso

        Gift                          Documents                    Commercial sample                    Other
        Cadeau                        Documents                    Echantillon commercial               Autre            1. Select and tick the type of good
 Tick the appropriate box(es). Cocher la ou lees cases appropriées.

 Quantity and detailed description of contents (1)              Weight (in kg) (2)          Value (3)                    2. D
                                                                                                                             escribe the content and state the
 Quantité et description detaillée du contenu                   Poids (en kg)               Valeur                          quantity and unit of measurement

                                                                                                                         3. S pecify the weight and value of the
                                                                                                                             individual items and the currency used

                                                                                                                         4. E
                                                                                                                             nter the relevant data for
                                                                                                                            commercial goods

                                                                                                                         5. E
                                                                                                                             nter the total weight and value of the
                                                                                                                            shipment and the currency used
 For commercial items only                                      Weight (in                  Total Value (7)
 Pour les envois commerciaux seulement                          kg) (6)                     Valeur totale
 If known, HS tariff number (4) and country                     Poids (en kg)
                                                                                                                         6. Enter the date and signature
 of origin of goods (5)
 N° tarifaire du SH et pays d’origine des                                                                                7. A
                                                                                                                             ffix the completed customs declaration
 marchandi- ses (si connus)
                                                                                                                            to the front of your shipment

                                                                                                                         [CN 22 customs declaration
                                                                                                                         (also valid in black and white)]
 I, the undersigned, whose name and address are given on the item, certify that the particulars given in this
 declaration are correct and that this item does not contain any dangerous article or articles prohibited by
 legislation or by postal or customs regulations.

 Je, soussigné dont le nom et l’adresse figurent sur l’envoi, certifie que les renseignements donnés dans
 la présente déclaration sont exacts et que cet envoi ne contient aucun objet dangereux ou interdit par la
 législation ou la réglementation postale ou l’entreposage est exclu par les Conditions générales de
 Deutsche Post.

 Date and sender’s signature (8)/Date et signature de l’expéditeur:
Deutsche Post Business Mail and Deutsche Post Packet                                                           14

How to fill in the CN 23 customs declaration correctly
P400/0096/19        8/15/03               1:32 PM              Page 1

                                                                                                                                                CUSTOMS DECLARATION                                                                                   CN 23
     From Name                                                                                             Sender’s Customs reference
                                                                                                           (if any) Référence en douane de
                                                                                                                                                No. of item (barcode, if any)                              May be opened officially Important!
     De                                                                                                    l'expéditeur (si elle existe)
                                                                                                                                                DÉCLARATION EN DOUANE                                                               See instructions
           Business                                                                                                                                                                                                                 on the back
          1                                                                                                    20
                                                                                                                                                No de l'envoi (code à barres, s'il existe)                 Peut être ouvert d'office

           Postcode                                                  City
     To    Name
           Street                                                                                                                               Importer’s reference (if any) (tax code/VAT No./importer code) (optional)
                                                                                                                                                Référence de l'importateur (si elle existe (code fiscal/N de TVA/code de l'importateur) (facutatif)

          3                                                          City                                                                       Importer’s telephone/fax/e-mail (if known)
                                                                                                                                                No de telephone/fax/e-mail de l'importateur (si connus)
           Detailed description of contents (1)                                                                    Net Weight (3)                                                    For commercial items only
                                                                                  Quantity (2)                                                       Value (5)                       Pour les envois commerciaux seulement
           Description détaillée du contenu                                       Quantité
                                                                                                                   Poids Net
                                                                                                                                                     Valeur                          HS tariff number (7)                       Country of origin of goods (8)
                                                                                                                   (in kg)                                                           No tarifaire du SH                         Pays d'origine des marchandises

          4                                                                          5                                      6                            8                             16                                            17

                                                                                                                   Total gross weight (4) Total value (6)                            Postal charges/Fees (9)             Frais de port/Frais
                                                                                                                   Poids brut total
                                                                                                                                             7        Valeur totale
                                                                                                                                                                            9                                                                                10
           Category of item (10) Catégorie de l'envoi               Commercial sample Echantillon commercial Explanation:                                 Explication:               Office of origin/Date of posting              Bureau d'origine/Date de dépôt

                Gift Cadeau                                        Returned goods
                                                                                               Retour de marchandise

                Documents                                          Other Autre                                                                                                                                                                               14
           Comments (11): (e.g.: goods subject to quarantine, sanitary/phytosanitary inspection or other restrictions)
           Obserrations: (p. ex. Marchandise soumise à la quarantaine/à des contrôles sanitaires, phytosanitaires ou à d'autres restrictions)

                                                                                                                                                                                     I certify that the particulars given in this customs decla-
                                                                                                                                                                                     ration are correct and that this item does not contain any
          12                                                                                                                                                                         dangerous article or articles prohibited by legislation or
                                                                                                                                                                                     by postal or customs regulations

                Licence (12)         Licence                       Certificate (13)          Certificat                    Invoice (14)          Facture                             Date and sender’s signature (15)
           No(s). of licence(s)                               No(s). of certificate(s)                             No. of invoice
                                                  13                                                 13                                                                  13                                                                                 15

1.   Name and address of sender                                                                                                                   13. If licenses, certificates or invoices are enclosed,
                                                                                                                                                       please select the relevant boxes and state the
2.   Name and address of recipient
                                                                                                                                                       numbers of the documents.
3.   Destination country
                                                                                                                                                  14. Office and date of posting
4.	Detailed description of all individual
                                                                                                                                                  15. Signature and date
    items in the shipment (e.g. cotton shirt).
    General descriptions such as food,                                                                                                             he following additional information
    spare parts, samples, etc. are not permitted.                                                                                                 is required for commercial items:

5.   Quantity of each item                                                                                                                        16. Customs tariff number (six digits) from the
                                                                                                                                                       “Harmonised Commodity Description and
6.   Weight of each item in kg
                                                                                                                                                       Coding System” (HS) for each item
7.	Total gross weight of the shipment
                                                                                                                                                  17. Country of origin of each item
    (including shipment packaging) in kg
                                                                                                                                                   he following information should also
8.   Value of individual items with currency
                                                                                                                                                  be added if it is known:
9.   Total value of individual items with currency
                                                                                                                                                  18. The recipient's tax code, VAT number
10. Postage cost                                                                                                                                       or customs number

11. Please mark the item type with a cross                                                                                                        19. The recipient’s telephone number,
                                                                                                                                                       fax number and email address
12. P
     rovide the relevant information if the
    items are subject to quarantine, sanitary/                                                                                                    20. The sender’s customs number
    phytosanitary inspection or other restrictions.
Deutsche Post Business Mail and Deutsche Post Packet   15

Information about the commercial invoice
In addition, an invoice is always required for commercial transactions regardless of the value of the item.

The invoice must be enclosed in a self-adhesive pouch affixed to the shipment. The invoice must contain the
following details in the language of the destination country or in English:

When sending goods of no commercial value such as samples or warranty items involving no payment by the recipient,
it is recommended that a pro-forma invoice stating the words “value for customs purposes only” is attached.

The following organisations can provide more information about customs regulations:
nn Chambers of industry and commerce
nn   Foreign missions of the destination countries

                                                                                                                                   1.   S ender’s address, preferably with
                                                                                                                                         telephone and fax numbers
      Commercial Invoice                                                                                                           2.    AT number of the sender and
                                                                                                                                        the recipient, if applicable
                                                                      Invoice No.      123456789
                                                                      Date             02.06.2016        3
      Shipper                                                                                                                      3.   Invoice number and date of the
      Company name
      Department                1                                                                                                        commercial invoice
      No. Street name
      Zip Code City name
      Country                                                                                                                      4.    ecipient’s full address, preferably
      Phone No.
                                2                                                                                                       with telephone and fax numbers
      VAT Registration No.

                                                                                                                                   5.    etailed description of items,
      Company name
                                4                                      Incoterm / Delivery term: Delivery duty unpaid                   including name and quantity
      Department                                                       No. of items: 10
      No. Street name                                                  Gross weight: 1,2 kg
      Zip Code City name                                               Net weight: 1 kg                                            6.   Customs tariff number

      Phone No.
                                       6              7
                                                                       Carrier: Deutsche Post
                                                                                                                                   7.   Country of origin of the items
      Commodity description         HTS Code Country of origin         Quantity        Unit price      Total price
                                                                                                                                   8.    alue of items: unit prices and
      DVD (Music)                   85231090 Great Britain             10              9,59             94,90 EUR                       total value with currency unit,
      Delivery cost                                                                                     16,90 EUR         8
      Invoice value                                                                                    111,80 EUR
                                                                                                                                        and, if necessary, a separate list
                                                                                                                                        of the packaging, insurance and transport
      Reason for shipping: Merchandise        9
                                                                                                                                        costs, shown separately if applicable
      I / We hereby certify that the information on this invoice is true and correct and that the contents of the
      shipment are as stated above.
                                                                                                                     10            9.    eason for export, e.g. sample,
      Date                                                                                                                              advertising flyer
      Signature / Name / Stamp      11                                                                                             10. S tatement concerning preferential
                                                                                                                                        arrangements, if applicable
                                                                      Bank Details of shipper:
                                                              12      Bank name and City
                                                                      IBAN                                                         11. O
                                                                                                                                        riginal signature and stamp,
                                                                                                                                       including the sender's name

                                                                                                                                   12. Sender’s bank details
Deutsche Post Business Mail and Deutsche Post Packet                        16

Member States of the European Union1: Special Customs Regulations

  EU Member State                                     Territories not                                    Third territories as
                                                      in the EU customs territory                        defined under VAT law
  CN 22 or CN 23 customs
                                                      CN 22 or CN 23 customs declaration required2
  declaration not required

  Belgium                                             -                                                  -

  Bulgaria                                            -                                                  -

  Denmark                                             Faroe Islands, Greenland                           -

  Estonia                                             -                                                  -

  Finland                                             -                                                  Åland Islands

  France (including Monaco)                           Overseas territories:                              Overseas departments:
                                                      French Polynesia, New Caledonia                    French Guiana, Guadeloupe,
                                                      Territorial collectivities: St-Pierre              Martinique, Réunion
                                                      et Miquelon and Mayotte

  Greece                                              -                                                  Mount Athos

  Great Britain and Northern                          -                                                  Channel Islands (Jersey, Guernsey,
  Ireland (including the Isle of Man)                                                                    Alderney, Sark, Herm, Jethou)

  Ireland                                             -                                                  -

  Italy                                               Livigno and Campione d’Italia                      -

  Croatia                                             -                                                  -

  Latvia                                              -                                                  -


  Luxembourg                                          -                                                  -

  Malta                                               -                                                  -

  Netherlands                                         Non-European territories                           -
                                                      (Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao, Saba,
                                                      Sint Eustatius, Sint Maarten)

  Austria                                             -                                                  -

  Poland                                              -                                                  -

  Portugal                                            -                                                  -

  Romania                                             -                                                  -

  Sweden                                              -                                                  -

  Slovakia                                            -                                                  -

  Slovenia                                            -                                                  -

  Spain                                               Ceuta and Melilla                                  Canary Islands
                                                                                                         (El Hierro, Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria,
                                                                                                         La Gomera, La Palma, Lanzarote,

  Czech Republic                                      -                                                  -

  Hungary                                             -                                                  -

  Cyprus (Greek part)                                 -                                                  -

1 Including  territories belonging to the sovereign territory of these states, but not to the customs territory of the Community, and territories defined as
  third territories under VAT law. The shipment of certain Deutsche Post products to these states isnow subject to VAT. The Deutsche Post brochure
  entitled Services and Prices contains details of all the important changes.
2 When posted, shipments to recipients in these territories must be treated as shipments to recipients in non-EU countries.
Deutsche Post Business Mail and Deutsche Post Packet   17

6 Prohibited items

The following letter mail items are prohibited:               6. Live animals, with the exception of:
nn Items which do not fulfil the conditions set out in the   nn Bees, leeches and silkworms (but not in declared
    Universal Postal Union Convention and Regulations,            value shipments);
nn   Items which do not fulfil the conditions set out        nn    arasites and destroyers of noxious insects intended
      in the General Terms and Conditions Deutsche Post            for the control of those insects and exchanged
      AG International Business, Dialogue Marketing,               between officially recognised institutions (but not
      Packet, and                                                  in declared value shipments);
nn   Items sent in furtherance of a fraudulent act or        nn   F lies of the Drosophilidae family for biomedical
      with the intention of avoiding full payment of the            research exchanged between officially recognised
      appropriate charges.                                          institutions (but not in declared value shipments);
Examples of articles, which cannot be sent:                   7. O
                                                                  ther articles, of which the importation or circulation
1. Narcotics and psychotropic substances, as defined by         is prohibited in the destination country
    the International Narcotics Control Board, or other
                                                              8. A
                                                                  rticles which, by their nature or packing, may
    illicit drugs, which are prohibited in the destination
                                                                 expose officials or the general public to danger
                                                                 or soil or damage other items, postal equipment
2. E
    xplosive, flammable or radioactive materials, medical       or third-party property
   specimens and dangerous goods prohibited by the
                                                              9. C
                                                                  orrespondence, with the exception of archived
   General Terms and Conditions Deutsche Post AG
                                                                 materials, exchanged between persons other than the
   International Business, Dialogue Marketing, Packet.
                                                                 sender and the addressee or persons living with them
Other articles, which cannot be sent:
                                                              10. Securities payable to bearer of any kind, travellers’
3. Obscene or immoral articles
                                                                   cheques, platinum, gold or silver, whether
4. Counterfeit or pirated articles                                 manufactured or not, precious stones, jewels or other
                                                                   valuable articles. Exceptions: such articles maybe sent
5. R
    eplica or inert explosive devices and military
                                                                   in declared value shipments or, if the national
   ordnance, including replica or inert grenades,
                                                                   legislation of the countries of origin and destination
   inert shells and the like
                                                                   permits, they may be sent in
                                                                   a closed envelope as registered items

                                                              11. Items containing weapons, in particular firearms or
                                                                   parts thereof, replica weapons or ammunition
Deutsche Post Business Mail and Deutsche Post Packet              18

7 Aviation safety regulations

EU Regulations* (No 272/2009 and No 300/2008)                             Please follow the aviation safety rules
provide for the detection of explosives in all items                      According to EU Regulations (EC) numbers 300/2008
carried by air across the EU. They also apply to mail                     and 272/2009 of the European Parliament and of the
items (letters, parcels).                                                 Council, as of 1st May 2010, all European postal
                                                                          companies are obliged to inspect the contents of all
Apart from explosive, flammable or other dangerous
                                                                          airmail items for the security of civil aviation in order
substances, more common objects can also fail the
                                                                          to ensure the detection of explosives in all items
screening process. The non-exhaustive list below
                                                                          transported by air. As part of this obligation according
contains some examplesof contents that are not
                                                                          to EU regulations, Deutsche Post will x-ray all items
suitable for airmail:
                                                                          transported by air, in a similar way to hand luggage at
nn Petrol and gas lighters
                                                                          the airport. Only items classified as safe will then be
nn Cans of paint and varnish
                                                                          transported. Please also observe the current exclusions
    with dangerous content
                                                                          from conveyance stipulated by the Universal Postal
nn Aerosols (spray cans)
                                                                          Convention and the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations.
nn Sparklers
nn Wet-cell batteries                                                     Further information regarding materials and goods
nn Lithium batteries designed to operate                                 that are not permitted can be found on the internet at
    electronic devices                                          
nn Toys imitating weapons or parts of weapons
In compliance with the General Terms and Conditions
Deutsche Post AG International Business, Dialogue
Marketing, Packet, Deutsche Post will use a different,
suitable method of carriage (e.g. road or sea) or will
return airmail items to the sender if the scan shows them
to be potentially hazardous under the applicable rules.

 *Commission Regulation (EC) No 272/2009 of 2nd April 2009 and Regulation (EC) No 300/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Deutsche Post Business Mail and Deutsche Post Packet                      19

8 All-around posting

Example of an airwaybill (shipping document)
A fully completed Deutsche Post airwaybill must accompany each piece of the shipment and must be placed in a
pouch. Airwaybills can be easily and conveniently created via the Deutsche Post Customer Portal /API.

Deutsche Post Airwaybill (shipping form)
                                                                                      ¹ The authorisation number(s) will be provided by
                                                                                         your local sales support team. Each format and
                                                                                         service level has a different authorisation number
                        1            6                                                   when zone pricing has been agreed. Items must
                                                                                         be sorted on format (P, G, E) and service level
                        2            7
                                                                                         (Priority, Standard) and the shipment must display
                        3            8                                                   a Deutsche Post airwaybill with the correct
                        4            9                                                   authorisation number.

                        5           10





Completing an airwaybill is easy. Simply enter the following details in the corresponding fields:

 1                                                             9. T
                                                                   own/city: the town/city in which
       Mandatory field
                                                                  your company is located
 6     Optional field                                          10. Telephone no.: your telephone number
1. E
    KP no.: your 10-digit Deutsche Post AG                    11. S ervice level: indicate the desired service level,
   account number                                                   Priority or Standard
2. Company: your company name                                  12. Item format: the format of the mail item
3. Address: your address                                            (P, G or E)
4. Postcode: your postcode                                     13. Q
                                                                    uantity: enter the total net weight of the
                                                                   shipment (without loading aids and transport
5. Contact name: your name
                                                                   unit packaging) and the number of mail bags/
6. Y
    our job reference: your invoice reference,                    boxes/pallets (transport units)
   which needs to be quoted on the invoice
                                                               14. S ignature: enter the date of dispatch and your
7. A
    uthorisation no.: your authorisation number                    signature to indicate agreement
   as given by Customer Services¹
                                                               15. T
                                                                    his space is for Deutsche Post Encoding.
8. C
    ountry: the country in which your                             Please leave this space blank.
   company is based
Deutsche Post Business Mail and Deutsche Post Packet   20

Delivery of shipment data                                  Deutsche Post International Mail STOP note
Delivering shipment details electronically is              In order to identify the receiving point, a Deutsche Post
recommended for all products, but it is mandatory to       International Mail STOP note must be attached to the
provide shipment details for Packet, Packet Plus, Packet   receptacles, e.g. pallets. A printable file will be
Tracked and Business Mail Registered. However, if there    provided by your local sales support team or Deutsche
are discrepancies between the data provided by the         Post Sales Consultant.
customer and the data recorded on receipt, it is the
data recorded and verified by Deutsche Post that will
be invoiced.

Pre-alert for shipments > 250 kg
A pre-alert must be provided at least two working days
before posting for shipments exceeding 250 kg.
This pre-alert must be sent with the subject "Pre-Alert"
to the following email address:

The pre-alert must contain the following information:
nn Customer name
nn   EKP no. (account no.)
nn   Total net volume in kg
nn   Total volume (transport units)
nn   Expected arrival date at FRA
nn   Items pre-franked Y/N
nn   Items pre-sorted Y/N
Deutsche Post Business Mail and Deutsche Post Packet    21

9 Transport to Deutsche Post
International Post Centre
Drop off at the Deutsche Post                               Maximum size of transport units
International Post Centre                                   Receptacles can be bags, boxes, pallets or pallet boxes.
You can deliver and post your shipments                     The maximum weight of a bag or a box must not exceed
directly to the International Post Centre (IPC)             25 kg. Units with higher weight shall be handed over to
in Frankfurt. The address of the IPC is:                    Deutsche Post on pallets or other industrial loading
                                                            aids, which can be handled by lifting equipment, e.g.
Deutsche Post AG                                            pallet trucks or forklift trucks. These units must not
IPZ Frankfurt/M.                                            exceed the height of 180cm due to work safety.
Flughafen Geb. 190
(Lademeisterbüro Westseite)                                 Dates for pick-up or line-haul transport shall be agreed
Mailterminal (3. OG)                                        separately. However, please contact us as soon as
60549 Frankfurt/M.                                          possible, at least three working days prior to handover
Germany                                                     of the items. If the estimated and actual volumes differ
                                                            by more than 10%, you must notify Deutsche Post of
Shipments can be delivered to IPZ from Sunday, 5:00 p.m.    this at least 24 hours in advance. You must ensure that
to Saturday, 6:00 p.m. Please consider possible ban on      the items to be collected are placed at the agreed
driving for special trucks on Sunday and bank holidays.     pick-up point at the agreed times.
To access the IPZ your driver needs a valid ID.
                                                            Please note that a freight order cannot usually
Pick-up organised through Deutsche Post                     be cancelled without incurring a cost if the cancellation is
Pick-up covers the collection of the agreed quantities      declared less than two working days before the scheduled
of mail items and the transporting and delivering of the    handover of the items. As such, we explicitly reserve
items to the agreed entry point.                            our claims for reimbursement of expenses for pick-up or
                                                            line-haul, which were specially organised for you.
You can contact us by phone or email to submit your
pick-up request. We will need you to provide the            You must complete one airwaybill per authorisation
following details:                                          number and indicate the number of containers and the
nn The address from which the goods need to                total weight of the shipment, tick the relevant service
    be collected                                            level and any additional service required and sign the
                                                            airwaybill. In the case of different service levels –
nn   The number of pallets to be collected
                                                            Priority and Standard – you must group the items by
nn   The time at which the goods must be collected          service level and mark them accordingly in different
nn   The total weight                                       pieces. Even with larger shipment quantities, you may
                                                            dispatch several packages with a single waybill. The
Note on transport to other Deutsche Post International      copies of the airwaybill are used for this purpose and
receiving centers or hubs                                   numbered sequentially (e.g. 1 of 2, 2 of 2).
Please note that these terms are only valid for posting
into IPZ Frankfurt. Should your goods be received at
other Deutsche Post locations please ask your Deutsche
Post International contact person for the detailed guide.
Deutsche Post Business Mail and Deutsche Post Packet     22

10 Billing with
details of zones
You will receive an invoice; this invoice (or the annex to it) will give details of service levels (Priority/Standard),
zones, airwaybill numbers, job reference (if provided) and additional services.

11 Return of
undeliverable items
A sender's address is not necessarily required provided either that these items do not contain goods or that no
tracking service is used. Based on the sender’s instruction in the PPI, undeliverable items are returned by the
Return Service Center of Deutsche Post AG(RSC) to the sender.

Undeliverable packets will be returned to the sender within the EU. For returns you must indicate a dedicated PO
box in the postage print impression. If this specific PO box is missing, return to the sender cannot be guaranteed.
The destruction of items by Deutsche Post AG is not possible. Only items including exclusively paper can be
destroyed. If the sender does not meet the requirements, surcharges for investigation and identification of a
deliverable return address will be invoiced separately. You will receive the specific PO box from your local sales
support team. In addition, the GT&Cs Deutsche Post AG International Business, Dialogue Marketing, Packet apply.
Deutsche Post Business Mail and Deutsche Post Packet       23

12 Book shipments – economical
alternative for dispatching books
If you send books we offer an efficient solution with PACKET PRIORITY that allows book shipments up to 5kg.
The requirements for book shipments are:

Content                                                      nn   Books may contain advertising and a dedication,
Printed books, brochures, sheet music and maps can be             if the following criteria are met:
sent as book items. Addressed written communications              • The advertising in or on the main dispatch item
(letters) are not permitted. In addition, you may enclose           must be limited to the outer and inner sides of the
invoices/delivery notes, pre-printed payment forms,                 envelope and to a maximum of four consecutive
reply envelopes/return labels as well as lending cards or           pages at the beginning and end of the item.
book inventory cards. Book items may not serve
                                                                  • The dedication may consist of a short phrase, such
commercial purposes.
                                                                    as 'in loving memory, the author', to which brief
Form                                                                quotes may also be added. This dedication can
nn Books and brochures must be bound or have a cover                also be on a loosely attached sheet or card.
nn    he pages must be tightly held together on the side.
     T                                                            • Catalogues, flyers and other advertising may be
     Supplementary deliveries for loose-leaf works, whose           included with the main dispatch item.
     primary work could itself be sent as a book shipment,
                                                             Addressed written communications (letters) are still not
     do not have to be bound
                                                             permitted, e.g.:
nn   Books and brochures with removable CDs attached         nn Individual letter texts of all kinds, whether
     inside. (CDs are subject to the same content               handwritten or printed.
     restrictions that apply to books and brochures, i.e.
                                                             nn   Texts with salutation (e.g., 'Dear customer').
     they may not serve commercial purposes or contain
     prohibited advertising, etc.)                           nn   Texts with a politeness formula (e.g., 'Yours sincerely').
nn   Items can be prepared using, for example,               nn   Personal messages (e.g., 'rest to follow').
     photocopiers, laser printers, computer printers
nn   Factual information can be inserted loose or            Book shipments must be posted in an unsealed package
     attached to items or their packaging. Such              and bear the inscription "Büchersendung"(book
     information/supplements can be, for example:            shipment) above the address. The inner packaging may
     • The invoice or delivery note for the contents of      be sealed if it is the manufacturer's packaging and the
       the item.                                             sender has consented to the item being opened for
     • A payment form, also pre-printed, with the            inspection by making the printed note "Darf zu
       invoice amount.                                       Prüfzwecken durch die Post geöffnet werden"
                                                             (May be opened for inspection by the postal service).
     • A return reply envelope or return label.
     • A lending slip.                                       Book shipments may be sealed if they contain at least
                                                             100 copies of the same kind of item – i.e. items with
     • Printed documents, for example, brochures, cards
                                                             the same format, the same weight class and the same
       with general and interchangeable texts (e.g.,
                                                             sender – when they are posted and the sender has
       'with best wishes for a good year') or general
                                                             consented to the package being opened for inspection.
       printed texts. These printed documents may not,
                                                             Sealed shipments must be marked with the remark
       however, be the main dispatch item.
                                                             "Büchersendung / EntgeIt gepr." (book shipment /
     • Brief information describing the content, for         postage verified) above the address.
       example: internal label, location and date of
       dispatch as well as sender details and signature.     Please note that book shipments to non-EU countries
                                                             must display a completed CN22 customs declaration.

                                                             For detailed information please contact your
                                                             Deutsche Post Account Manager.
Deutsche Post Business Mail and Deutsche Post Packet   24

13 Service availability
by country
The list below shows the availability of our products with tracking and signature service
by destination. Please note that the information are subject to change. For detailed
and update information about the countries where Deutsche Post International do
not provide delivery service or where there are service disruptions please check

Service availability
                                         PACKET PLUS                 PACKET TRACKED          PACKET        BUSINESS
                                                                                             RETURN*)      MAIL
  ISO        Country             tracking         signature     tracking         country
                                 incl. delivery   and country   incl. delivery   tracking
                                 status           tracking      status

  AF         Afghanistan                               ✔                             ✔                          ✔

  AX         Åland Islands                             ✔                             ✔                          ✔

  AL         Albania                                   ✔                             ✔                          ✔

  DZ         Algeria                                   ✔                             ✔                          ✔

  AS         American Samoa                            ✔                             ✔                          ✔

  AD         Andorra                                   ✔                             ✔                          ✔

  AO         Angola                                    ✔                             ✔                          ✔

  AI         Anguilla                                  ✔                             ✔                          ✔
             Antigua and
  AG                                                   ✔                             ✔                          ✔

  AR         Argentina                 ✔               ✔                             ✔                          ✔

  AM         Armenia                                   ✔                             ✔                          ✔

  AW         Aruba                                     ✔              ✔                                         ✔

  AU         Australia                                 ✔              ✔                                         ✔

  AT         Austria                   ✔               ✔              ✔                           ✔             ✔

  AZ         Azerbaijan                                ✔                             ✔                          ✔

*) refers to country of origin
Deutsche Post Business Mail and Deutsche Post Packet   25

Service availability
                                              PACKET PLUS                 PACKET TRACKED          PACKET         BUSINESS
                                                                                                  RETURN*)       MAIL
  ISO        Country                  tracking         signature     tracking         country
                                      incl. delivery   and country   incl. delivery   tracking
                                      status           tracking      status

  BS         Bahamas                                        ✔                             ✔                          ✔

  BH         Bahrain                                        ✔                             ✔                          ✔

  BD         Bangladesh                                     ✔                             ✔                          ✔

  BB         Barbados                                       ✔                             ✔                          ✔

  BY         Belarus                        ✔               ✔                             ✔                          ✔

  BE         Belgium                        ✔               ✔              ✔                           ✔             ✔

  BZ         Belize                                         ✔                             ✔                          ✔

  BJ         Benin                                          ✔                             ✔                          ✔

  BM         Bermuda                                        ✔                             ✔                          ✔

  BT         Bhutan                                         ✔                             ✔                          ✔

  BO         Bolivia                                        ✔                             ✔                          ✔
             Bonaire, Saba und
  BQ                                                        ✔                             ✔                          ✔
             Sint Eustatius
             Bosnia and
  BA                                                        ✔                             ✔                          ✔

  BW         Botswana                                       ✔                             ✔                          ✔

  BV         Bouvet Island                                  ✔                             ✔                          ✔

  BR         Brazil                                         ✔              ✔                                         ✔
             British Indian Ocean
  IO                                                        ✔                             ✔                          ✔

  VG         British Virgin Islands                         ✔                             ✔                          ✔

  BN         Brunei Darussalam                              ✔                             ✔                          ✔

  BG         Bulgaria                                       ✔                             ✔                          ✔

  BF         Burkina Faso                                   ✔                             ✔                          ✔

  BI         Burundi                                        ✔                             ✔                          ✔

  KH         Cambodia                                       ✔                             ✔                          ✔

  CM         Cameroon                                       ✔                             ✔                          ✔

  CA         Canada                                         ✔              ✔                                         ✔

  CV         Cape Verde                                     ✔                             ✔                          ✔

*) refers to country of origin
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