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THE  BUSINESS                                           JOURNAL
                                                        VOLUME 3

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                                 P R I N C I PA L A N D
                                 R E C R U I T M E N T M A N AG E R

                                 LISA LEE
HIRE                             H U M A N R E S O U R C E S M A N AG E R
                                 A N D N AT I O N A L LY
                                 A C C R E D I T E D M E D I AT O R
                                 D AV I D WA L L I S
N D I S A P P R OV E D           D I S A B I L I T Y E M P L OY M E N T
P R OV I D E R                   M A N AG E R A N D L A B O U R
                                 H I R E C O N S U LTA N T

Phone 07 4638 3599
92 Herries Street, Toowoomba Q 4350
TABLE OF                  CONTENTS

           P. 07                          P. 08                                                  P. 14              P. 17

           P. 05                                       P. 15                                             P. 20-21
           PRESIDENT & CEO MESSAGES                    FITZY’S - AN ICONIC                               BUSINESS@DUSK
                                                       TOOWOOMBA BUSINESS                                + PHOTO GALLERY
           P. 06
           SHOW THEM YOU MEAN BUSINESS                 P. 16                                             P. 23
           Why visibility is important.                QANTAS PILOT ACADEMY                              NEW DIRECTION FOR
                                                       TO LAND AT WELLCAMP                               REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT
           P. 07                                       Exciting news for the whole community.
           SIGNATURE STYLE                                                                               P. 25
           Toowoomba’s newest development project      P. 17                                             WHY JOIN CHAMBER?
           will soon be here with the Bernoth Centre
                                                       TOOWOOMBA CHAMBER                                 + OUR TEAM INFO
                                                       CONNECTS GLOBALLY                                 + MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS
           P. 08-09                                    Toowoomba Chamber and Toowoomba
                                                       Regional Council visit China and Japan.           P. 26
           A message from the Heritage Bank CEO.                                                         OUR VALUED SPONSORS
                                                       P. 19
           P. 10                                       SME’S TRANSITIONING
           2018 HALL OF FAME INDUCTEE                  INTO THE DIGITAL AGE
                                                       The opportunities and challenges of
           Stahmann Farms recognised.
                                                       transitioning into the digital age.
           P. 14

PAGE   4                                                                                                                         the business journal
PRESIDENT’S                                    A breakfast this year hosted by Chamber, gave our members an
                                                                                   unprecedented opportunity to meet and network with the Treasurer

                                        WELCOME                                    and other Cabinet ministers was another highlight of the year.

                                                                                   Our year has been capped off with our annual Heritage Bank
                                                                                   Business Excellence Awards and as always, I was blown away by the
                                    JOY MINGAY - PRESIDENT                         diversity and quality of businesses who had entered and won.
                                    Toowoomba Chamber of Commerce
                                                                                   Congratulations and a big shout out to all our winners and a special
                                                                                   mention of – Monkey Business Catering who won the Business
             Welcome to our third edition of the Chamber Business Journal. As
                                                                                   of the Year, Jason Doig who won the Future Leader of the Year and
             the year is ending, it is a chance to reflect on the past 12 months
                                                                                   Stahmann Farms who were inducted into the Hall of Fame.
             and what cracker of a year it has been for our city and for the
             Toowoomba Chamber of Commerce.
                                                                                   It was a great night and the wonderful Empire Theatre provided a
                                                                                   stunning backdrop for the evening. Thank you to Heritage Bank
             Highlights for 2018 have been the incredible response to our
                                                                                   and all our sponsors for their continued support of the Awards.
             Business at Dusk series in partnership with USQ – we have
             had record crowds attending and networking along with the
                                                                                   I hope 2018 has been a successful one for you and your business
             opportunity to visit a diverse range of businesses.
                                                                                   and I look forward to connecting with you again at a Chamber
                                                                                   Event in 2019.
             Our Future Leaders Group has seen a resurgence of interest and
             activity under their newly formed Advisory Group and I look
                                                                                   May I wish you a wonderful Christmas break spent with those you
             forward to 2019 with much anticipation.
             The introduction of the FAN – will see Chamber able to represent
             and support Toowoomba businesses involved in the food and
             agribusiness industries and I look forward to working with their
             new Advisory Group also.
                                                                                   Joy Mingay

                                    JO SHEPPARD - CEO
                                    Toowoomba Chamber of Commerce

             Businesses are currently operating in a time where an                 Our effectiveness as a Chamber is only made possible with the
             unprecedented rate of change is impacting every aspect of how         support of our members and our network of related Chambers
             they ‘do business’. Disruptive technologies in the digital space      throughout Queensland and Australia. To represent the voice
             are changing how people connect with information, products            of business effectively, it is vital that Chambers work and stand
             and services and businesses are faced with performing in an           together on the issues that matter to business.
             environment where speed to market and customer insights
             present both challenges and opportunities.                            As an independent, business membership organization that is
                                                                                   nationally and internationally recognized, the Chamber is the
             Whilst the environment in which businesses operate is changing        vehicle through which we can build a strong, united voice for
             continually, Chamber’s reason for being remains steadfast. We are     business. Let’s continue to grow the momentum – what is good
             dedicated to providing our members with the support, expertise        for small business is good for our community.
             and representation that they need to grow and prosper.

             Advocacy is our core purpose. The Toowoomba Chamber of
             Commerce is an independent voice for its business members and
             for the Toowoomba business community.
                                                                                   Jo Sheppard

toowoomba chamber of commerce                                                                                                                             PAGE   5
           MEAN BUSINESS
           Marketing is an essential part of modern-       tells us that more than 57% of purchasing      non-verbally communicates your business’s
           day business and yet there are times that it    decisions are made before customers make       values and beliefs.
           gets pushed down the list of priorities for     direct contact with a business.
           business owners and managers.                                                                  Think about what you want potential
                                                           Think about what is most important to your     customers to think about your brand and
           We recently sat down with Kym Ebenestelli,      target customer. While price is likely to be   what you want them to say about you when
           Director and co-owner of dms CREATiVE, to       a factor, it normally isn’t the only factor.   you aren’t in the room. Then, lay out all of
           get her top 3 tips to ensure you are putting    Your website, radio ads, building signage,     your branded materials, side by side, and
           your best foot forward and positioning          social media accounts etc. all need to show    pretend you are seeing them all for the first
           yourself for success.                           potential customers that you know what is      time. I mean brochures, website, capability
                                                           important to them, and that it is important    statements, social media, building signage,
           Tip number 1: Make sure your business           to you too. You only get one chance to make    documents, invoices, quotes – everything
           is visible.                                     a positive first impression.                   you can think of. If you think these might
                                                                                                          not be sending the right message about
           When potential customers are looking for        Your job is to reduce the perception of risk   your business, then now is the time to do
           your products and services, can they find       in dealing with your business and give         something about it.
           you? This is such a simple question but is so   potential customers confidence to give you
           often overlooked. What happens if you type      a go.                                          dms CREATiVE is a Toowoomba based
           your business name into Google? What                                                           strategic marketing and creative design
           happens if you type in one of your products     Tip number 3: Think about what your            studio, specialising in graphic design, logos
           or services? How easy is it for potential       brand is saying about you.                     & branding, advertising, website design,
           customers to find you and the products and                                                     marketing strategies, copywriting and social
           services you offer?                             If you say you have premium quality
                                                           products and services, yet your logo is
           Tip number 2: Check that your content           daggy and your branding is inconsistent,
                                                                                                          Check them out online at
           is relevant for your potential target           you are instantly creating a disconnect in
           customer.                                       the mind of the buyer, and we know that
                                                           inconsistency breeds doubt. Your brand         Or phone 4639 1622 to book an
           Think about what happens when a potential       acts like a mirror, it visually reflects the
           customer first comes into contact with your                                                    obligation free appointment to discuss
                                                           quality of goods and services you offer and
           business. What do they find? Research                                                          your marketing and branding needs.

           Kym Ebenestelli, Co-Owner of dms CREATiVE

PAGE   6                                                                                                                                    the business journal
                                                            NEW BERNOTH CENTRE EXTENSION
         Toowoomba’s newest development project           The building rises seven stories above the      directions. It’s also within a five-minute
         will soon be here with the Bernoth Centre        city with many apartments enjoying lovely       drive to Queens Park.
         extension offering 3000m2+ of retail,            views that stretch easterly towards the
         office and café space and the exclusive          range and escarpment and around to the          “This is an extremely rare opportunity for
         Inspire South Central residential complex        CBD to the north. Buyers can choose from        local owner-occupiers and investors alike
         of 25 luxury apartments due for completion       a selection of two-bedroom, two-bathroom        to secure a foothold into this fast-growing
         by Christmas 2019. This architect-designed       layouts, each with ducted air-conditioning      property market,” said Mr Stewart.
         development is destined to set new               and a secure double lock-up garage.             The Bernoth Centre Extension and Inspire
         standards in the area for design quality and                                                     South Central has been designed by a
         style featuring good interior proportions        “Only the finest materials have been
                                                          used to finish this superb development to       collaboration of Architect’s each specialising
         with high-end inclusions and elevated                                                            in delivering different aspects to bring
         outlooks over the surrounding area.              provide designer low maintenance living
                                                          with lifestyle convenience,” said Mr Stewart.   a unique blend of luxury, functionality
         Mike Stewart, CEO of LJ Hooker                   “Each unit has been crafted to maximise         and wow-factor to Toowoomba’s vibrant
         Toowoomba, is excited that such a premium        space, natural light and feature clever         streetscape. Making a creative statement
         project is coming to the Toowoomba region.       floorplans to ensure generous living with       that pushes the boundaries of architectural
         “This is the first mixed-use residential tower   form and function.”                             innovation, the building embraces state-
         in Toowoomba and will bring tremendous                                                           of-the-art technology with an integrated
         appeal to the local market”, he said. “It will   Located within a 500m walk to                   security system plus a luxurious lobby and
         have luxury apartments along with state-of-      Toowoomba’s CBD and directly across the         entrance.
         the-art office space and ground floor retail     road from the Bernoth Centre shopping
         outlets, including restaurants, cafes and        precinct, the complex enjoys a central
         shopping.”                                       location with good accessibility in all

                                                                                                                    L-R Mitchell Bernoth, Jeremy
                                                                                                                    Lewis, Mike Stewart and Barry

toowoomba chamber of commerce                                                                                                                              PAGE   7
           HERITAGE   BANK
                 PETER LOCK - CEO
           Congratulations to all the business              the region, and gauge how they compare to     Heritage Bank is proud to be a Toowoomba-
           achievers who have been part of the              the award winners.                            based company and to support the
           Toowoomba Chamber of Commerce and                                                              Business Excellence Awards. We were born
           Industry’s Business Excellence Awards this       Second, they get to hear about all the        here 143 years ago, and we continue to
           year. I never fail to be impressed by the        amazing things our business leaders are       achieve great things for our community
           quality of the businesses who nominate for       doing, and be inspired by the remarkable      from our Toowoomba base.
           the awards and I certainly do not envy the       success stories to be found in all industry
           judges the difficult task of selecting winners   sectors.                                      All business leaders from the region
           across the categories.                                                                         should be just as proud of what they do
                                                            We’re blessed to have so many excellent       and how they make a difference to the
           Not all the entrants walked away with a          businesses in the Toowoomba area that         lives of people in this community. Through
           trophy, but all of them have walked away         show true innovation, commitment and          our sponsorship of this event, our goal is
           as winners nonetheless. That’s because           professionalism.                              to make our strong business sector even
           there are huge benefits for all businesses in                                                  stronger.
                                                            A strong business community is essential in
           simply being part of the Awards process.         maintaining the prosperity and quality of     Congratulations once again to everyone
           First, these firms get to benchmark              life that makes Toowoomba such a fantastic    who took part this year.
           themselves the best of the best from across      place to live.

           Monkey Business Catering ‘Business Of The Year’ (L-R): Peter Lock (Heritage CEO) and Amy Thompson (Monkey Business Catering)
           (Award Sponsored by Heritage Bank)

PAGE   8                                                                                                                                  the business journal
BUSINESS EXCELLENCE AWARDS PRESENTED BY                                                                     TOOWOOMBA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE

                                 Stahmann Farms                                         Classic Beauty Therapy‘Business Excellence in Retail & Wholesale’
                            ‘2018 Hall of Fame Inductee’                                (L-R): Kiara Handley, Jasmin Hutchinson, Kate Ruijter, Pippa Kelly
               (Award Sponsored by Toowoomba Chamber of Commerce)                             and Triss Clark (Award Sponsored by BEST Employment)

                                                                Round Square Marketing                       Electrical Sensations ‘Business Excellence in
                ‘Future Leader of the Year’               ‘Business Excellence in Tourism’ (L-R):               Industry’ (L-R): Nigel & Leanne Phillips
           Jason Doig & Sponsor Kate Venables         Bradley Siddans, Lauren Hope & Jayden Leask                (Award Sponsored by Russell Mineral
              (Catholic Care Social Services)           (Award Sponsored by Oakey Beef Exports)                               Equipment)

                 Kath Dickson Family Centre ‘Business Excellence as a Not-For-Profit’                ‘Best Regional Business’ (L-R): Stacey & Jon Burrell
                        (Award Sponsored by Toowoomba Regional Council)                             (Award Sponsored by Toowoomba Regional Council)

            Straney & Collier ‘Business Excellence in Professional Business, &
                           Business Excellence in Innovation’                                 Pulse Data Centre ‘Business Excellence in Innovation’
                        (Award Sponsored by TAFE QLD & Telstra)                                           (Award Sponsored by Telstra)

toowoomba chamber of commerce                                                                                                                                PAGE   9
            2018 HALL OF FAME INDUCTEE
            This year, Stahmann Farms celebrates             Their flagship brand “Riverside All            to more than double that number when
            50 years of business in Australia. Deane         Australian” was released into the Australian   fully developed.
            Stahmann Jnr came to Australia in the            marketplace in 1984 and today continues
            1960s with a vision of establishing a            to deliver top quality Australian grown,       Celebrating 50 years of business in
            southern hemisphere pecan industry. With         processed and packaged nuts. Stahmann          Australia is a major achievement, and
            his innovation, spirit and determination         Farms are immensely proud that their           this milestone has been recognised
            he achieved that in spectacular style            pecans and macadamias, walnuts and             by Stahmann Farms being the 2018
            with the development of “Trawalla” farm          almonds continue to be processed               inductee into the Toowoomba Chamber
            near Moree, still one of the largest, most       and packaged at their Toowoomba,               of Commerce Hall of Fame at the recent
            productive and innovative pecan orchards         Queensland facility, providing upstream        Heritage Bank Business Excellence Awards.
            in the world.                                    and downstream jobs to Australian              This award is a testament to the combined
                                                             communities.                                   achievements and efforts of their staff, past
            Deane did this at a time when few in this                                                       and present and validates that, at heart,
            country had even heard of a pecan nut. The       Most recently they have released an            Stahmann Farms are a people business with
            Stahmann name is now synonymous with             exciting new flavour range including Lime      family life and family culture at their core.
            pecans. But it’s no longer the only thing        and Black Pepper Macadamias, Chilli
            they do.                                         Macadamias, Vanilla Maple Pecans and Dry       Stahmann directly employs more than 150
                                                             Roasted & Salted Pecans into China and         people and this year two staff celebrated
            Today, Stahmann Farms is a fully vertically      recently two of these into Dan Murphy’s        35 years of service in Toowoomba. It has
            integrated grower, processor, marketer and       stores across Australia.                       been a wonderful year of celebrations for
            retail packer of nut products. They represent                                                   Stahmann Farms!
            paddock to plate, tree to table, in the truest   With investments in the past 12 months,
            form. They grow the nut, process the nut,        they have now purchased three macadamia
            and retail pack the kernel which reaches the     farms in the Bundaberg region, currently
            end consumer.                                    producing approx. 700T a year, and heading

PAGE   10                                                                                                                                     the business journal
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            Around the world, interest in food, cooking      Kristen said “And we love showcasing the      “Now is the perfect opportunity to attract
            and food production is rapidly escalating,       foodie experiences we have to offer here      tourists and visitors to the region to sample
            providing what Dine Darling Downs                in Toowoomba and the Darling Downs            our paddock to plate offers and thriving
            founder Kristen O’Brien feels is the perfect     both online and via social media streams      restaurant and café scene. This can be done
            opportunity to bring our region clearly into     Facebook & Instagram. Who can resist a        via short stay food tours and farm gate
            focus, locally, nationally and internationally   great food pic or the temptation of a long    to plate food events like our Lunch Club
            as an outstanding foodie destination.            lunch?”                                       events. We’ve only scratched the surface,
                                                                                                           the Darling Downs region has the capacity
            Launching four years ago Dine Darling            Whilst promoting regional culinary            to build an iconic food tourism industry to
            Downs is the only website & directory            experiences and restaurants is an important   rival any in the world and that’s an exciting
            dedicated solely to good food and dining in      part of her platform, Kristen believes        concept” Kristen said.
            the region.                                      showcasing our regional farmers and
                                                             producers is equally important.               Chamber recommendation…check out
            And the concept is fast gaining traction                                              the next
            with over 100 000 visitors landing on the        “Let’s face it, we have the best produce      time you are looking to eat out and explore
   website              in the world grown right here on our          the extraordinary cuisine on offer right here
            each month. “People are interested in            doorstep”.                                    in our local foodie scene #foodFAN
            our unique and exciting food culture”

            Gabbinbar Chefs at work.                                       Lunch at The Finch.                     Kristen O’Brien showcasing our
                                                                                                                   foodie culture.

PAGE   14                                                                                                                                    the business journal
         The Fitzgibbons Family is synonymous           family business. John started business           “Being a proud part of your locality is what
         with the hotel industry. They’ve been          on his own accord in Toowoomba in 1983           it’s all about. As a family and a business,
         pouring beers and sharing a good laugh         owning and operating the Café Rest Point         we very much enjoy being part of the
         with patrons for 80 years and have actually    and Clifford Carvery, Clifford Gardens as        Toowoomba fabric. This town is a vibrant,
         tended bar now for four generations.           well as The Patio Carvery in the Kmart Plaza.    ever-changing place to live, work and play
                                                                                                         and we wouldn’t have it any other way”.
         “Fitzy’s” as we know it today is steeped in    “It doesn’t get much more rewarding than
         history. The original hotel was established    a family business. It’s a journey unmatched      And Fitzy’s contribute to the community
         in the late 1800’s as the Caledonian before    by anything else. Watching your children         in many ways providing our community
         becoming the Post Office Hotel in the ‘30’s.   and even grandchildren prosper alongside         with gathering place and an outstanding
         A full rebuild was undertaken in 1999 and      of one another really is something special       culinary experience. Some of their major
         the Dowling’s Fibber Magee soon became         and working together means we get to             charitable endeavours include the Colour
         ‘the place to be’ in Toowoomba and a much      spend a lot of time together. We are blessed     of Change Breast Cancer Luncheon and It’s
         loved part of the local business community.    that we all get along very well, not that        a Bloke Thing Prostrate Cancer Luncheon
                                                        we agree on everything, but everyone’s           of which John is a founding Committee
         Today, thanks to the hard work of John and     opinion is considered, and it helps us get       member.
         Maralyn Fitzgibbons, the family tradition      through the inevitable highs and lows of
         continues on through their children            business” John said.                             One gets a sense that the best is yet to
         Brad and Anita at the undoubtedly iconic                                                        come with Fitzy’s as this family continue
         Toowoomba business that is Fitzy’s.            John received the highly regarded industry       to grow the business and significantly
                                                        award of “Hotelier of the Year” by the QHA       contribute to the vibrancy and character of
         Toowoomba is lucky to have a number of         in 2016. Fitzy’s are proud of their local        our local community.
         families who invest locally over the long      community and Brad Fitzgibbons summed
         term and the Fitzgibbons are notably one       up how the Fitzgibbon Family feel about
         of these families. John Fitzgibbons (Fitzy’s   Toowoomba nicely.
         Director and Founder) has a passion for

                                                                                                        L-R Maralyn Fitzgibbons (Director), John
                                                                                                        Fitzgibbons (Founder and Director), Anita
                                                                                                        Armanasco (Marketing Manager), Brad
                                                                                                        Fitzgibbons (General Manager).
                                                                                                        Photo Credit: The Toowoomba Chronicle

toowoomba chamber of commerce                                                                                                                           PAGE   15
            PILOT  ACADEMY
               TO LAND AT WELLCAMP
            Toowoomba Wellcamp Airport and                  Qantas Group’s strategy in meeting the         their speed to market through the record
            Business Park is ready for take-off as Qantas   increasing need for skilled aviators.          breaking construction of the airport in
            announced on the 27 September 2018 that                                                        19 months. The same pioneering leaders
            it will be the first location to host its new   Proposed to be constructed at the Airport      can deliver to QANTAS GROUP, its goal
            National Pilot Training Academy, which is       and Business Park will be state of the art     of building a world class pilot training
            expected to open its doors in mid to late       airside training room/facility, hangar, land   academy in record time. Toowoomba’s
            2019.                                           side ground training school, mess/kitchen,     lifestyle, location, infrastructure, avionics
                                                            communal kitchens and dwellings. Stage 1       and regional offering is second to none
            Qantas attraction to Toowoomba was due          will accommodate 100 students and Stage        and will serve QANTAS GROUP for many
            to a combination of the modern/state of art     2 will see an increase to 250 students.        decades to come, and there is no doubt
            facilities of Toowoomba Wellcamp Airport,                                                      that this Academy will have an important
            spaciousness of the Business Park and           The Academy will create ongoing
                                                                                                           economic uplift for Toowoomba and the
            the City’s location, climate, attractiveness    employment for up to 160 people in
                                                                                                           surrounding region in a timely manner.
            and supporting infrastructure, all allowing     training and support roles, in addition to
            students and trainers to immerse into a         300 indirect jobs in the local construction
            culturally diverse community, which is          industry. World-leading L3 Commercial
            essential for pilot training and the Qantas     Aviation has been appointed as the training
            culture.                                        provider for the Academy, to which Stage 1
                                                            will comprise 100 students, increasing to
            Forecasts reveal that over the next 20          250 students in Stage 2.
            years, globally the aviation industry needs
            approximately 790,000 more pilots, and          The entrepreneurial dexterity possessed
            accordingly, this facility forms part of        by the Wagners have demonstrated

                 The Toowoomba Wellcamp Airport shuttle service is back!
                 Darling Downs Transport Services, Toowoomba’s ground
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                 from Toowoomba, 7 days a week. With fantastic fares starting
                 from only $29.95 with child and pensioner discounts available,
                 you can book online or see your local friendly travel agent.
                                                                                                             0488 00 29 28
                                                              Booking Entity Authority - 22278

PAGE   16                                                                                                                                      the business journal
         Chamber’s Vice President, Harrison            §§ Meeting with the Yuecheng Chamber          §§ Attending the Takatsuki Agricultural and
         Humphries represented the Toowoomba              of Commerce hosted by District Mayor          Forestry Festival where the indigenous
         Chamber and members as part of a                 Mr Yuan Jian and District Deputy              group, Winangali Infusion, performed to
         Toowoomba Regional Council delegation to         Mayor Mrs Chai Lingling. In addition          more than 6000 residents.
         China and Japan last month.                      to local government and Chamber
                                                          representatives, approximately 20          §§ Meeting with the Takatsuki Chamber of
         The highlights of the trip included:             business leaders attended the meeting,        Commerce and Industry (TCCI), which
                                                          with several companies interested             is celebrating its 70th anniversary in
         CHINA                                                                                          2018. The meeting was hosted by TCCI
                                                          in fostering trade with Toowoomba.
                                                          The event proved a success as plans           President, Mr Tadayuki Kaneda who
         §§ Meeting with the Hangzhou Federation
                                                          for a Yuecheng delegation to visit            visited Toowoomba in 2017 and formed
            of Industry and Commerce (HFIC).
                                                          Toowoomba were initiated.                     a friendship with our own President, Joy
            Chairperson, Mr Mao Fujun led the
                                                                                                        Mingay. Mr Kaneda expressed the TCCI’s
            meeting, The HFIC was established in
                                                       JAPAN                                            desire to strengthen the partnership
            1903 and has some 30,000 members.
                                                                                                        to better identify trade and knowledge
            Hangzhou is home to 9 million people       §§ Celebrated Takatsuki’s 75th anniversary       sharing opportunities. The TCCI currently
            and multinational corporations,               as a city and 27th anniversary as             has 2100 members. Synergies with
            including the Alibaba Group. Mr Mao           Toowoomba’s sister city                       Toowoomba’s focus on mental health
            indicated the HFIC’s intention to send a
                                                                                                        and tourism were noted. Toowoomba’s
            business delegation to Toowoomba in        §§ Attending the presentation to the
                                                                                                        growing population and improved
            2019.                                         Takatsuki Rotary Club President, Ms
                                                                                                        infrastructure were of great interest to
                                                          Chiaki Ito with an Earthquake Relief
         §§ Attending the 2nd Shaoxing                                                                  the TCCI.
                                                          Fund donation of $16,500 raised by TRC
            International Friendship Cities               and the Toowoomba East Rotary Club.        The trip reinforced the benefit to our
            Conference at which Mayor Paul
                                                                                                     members of being part of the worldwide
            Antonio signed the sister city agreement   §§ Meeting with Takatsuki Mayor Mr
                                                                                                     Chamber network. The Chamber name and
            with Yuecheng District of Shaoxing            Takeshi Hamada who offered to support
                                                                                                     brand is recognised around the globe and
            and USQ signing a Memorandum of               any Toowoomba athlete who is selected
                                                                                                     it is hoped this trip will lead to more import
            Understanding with Zhejiang Yuexiu            to compete at the Tokyo Olympics in
                                                                                                     and export opportunities for our members
            University of Foreign Languages               2020.
                                                                                                     as well as strengthened relationships
                                                                                                     between the respective Chambers.

         Takatsuki Chamber President Mr Tadayuki Kaneda,
         presenting Toowoomba Chamber VP Mr Harrison             Mayor of Takatsuki Mr Takeshi Hamada, accepting the Toowoomba Chamber’s
         Humphries with a gift for the Toowoomba Chamber.        gifts from VP Harrison Humphries, at Takatsuki City Hall on 9 November 2018.

toowoomba chamber of commerce                                                                                                                         PAGE   17
                                                                 1800 626 754
                                                                 SHOP 3, 227 WEST STREET
                                                                  TOOWOOMBA, QLD 4350

            IS YOUR FACILITY
               PEST FREE?

Today’s social media connections mean that            Knowing local conditions often means we can
both good and bad news travels incredibly fast,       be much more proactive with threats rather than
when this is combined with food safety, your          reacting to incidences after they have occurred.
reputation can be at risk very quickly.               Combine this with cutting edge technology, and
                                                      you are ahead of the game.
Darling Downs and Lockyer Valley food
producers, manufacturers and Restaurants              CDI Pest Management utilize Integrated
now have a locally owned and operated Pest            Pest Management practices, this allows for
Business that is internationally certified for Food   sensitive areas such as Organic sites and Insect
Safety and Quality Management systems.                Breeding labs to be protected.
                                DIGITAL AGE                                                 THE OPPORTUNITIES
                                                                                            & CHALLENGES
                                In 1971 the computer chip had a mere              EFEX – Technology Managed is a local
                                2300 transistors on its surface. Fast            company that works to reduce risk for
                                forward to 2018 and there are now over           business owners by providing Technology
                                7 billion. The observation of this increase      as a Service (TaaS). EFEX shoulder the
                                was made by Intel co-founder Gordon              burden and the unknown of procuring
                                Moore and stated that the computing              technology, and provide all hardware,
                                power of a microchip should double               software and local support to mitigate
                                every two years as technology and science        the business owners need to manage
                                advances. Because of Moore’s Law,                the operational aspect of their IT
                                technology is consistently getting smaller,      infrastructure. Consequently the need for
                                lighter, faster and more powerful than           capital expenditure around technology
                                earlier models for the same price, and the       is eliminated and enhanced cashflow is
                                implications of this apply to almost every       delivered through a business technology
                                type of business.                                plan that’s tailored to the individual
                                Like compound interest, the acceleration of
                                business technology is both exhilarating if      No longer is it just about managing digital
                                you’re on the right side of it, and terrifying   disruption, it’s about avoiding destruction.
                                if on the wrong side of it. To know where        According to Harvard University,
                                you are currently positioned, consider for       businesses who do not digitise in the next
                                a moment just how much your business             3-5 years will not be in business in the
                                relies on technology day to day. Whether         next 10-15. The good news is you CAN
                                it’s picking up a phone, sending an email        manage this right now, through effective
                                from a smart device or printing out a            planning and by making the choice to
                                job sheet, SME’s who have a technology           move faster with technology than you’ve
                                plan in place to counter the effects of          ever moved before. Because the reality
                                Moore’s law have a significant competitive       is, if you don’t use tomorrow’s innovation
                                advantage. In days gone by, businesses           to your competitive advantage today,
                                would either employ staff to manage their        someone else will.
                                technology or engage tech companies on
                                an ad hoc basis for support. With the rapid      Tristan James is Business Development
                                advance of cloud based applications and          Manager for EFEX Toowoomba.
                                devices, it can be increasingly difficult for    For more information go to
                                office managers and business owners to
                                know what decisions to make and when to
                                make them.

toowoomba chamber of commerce                                                                                                   PAGE   19

                                                                                   June B@D (L-R): Warwick Fraser (Frasers Livestock Transport),
                                                                                                    Jenni Butler (TAFE QLD)

            June B@D (L-R): Alistair Green (Focus HR), David Janetzki (Member
                for Toowoomba South) & Bill Armagnacq (Heritage Bank)

                                                                                   August B@D
                                                                                       July   (L-R):
                                                                                            B@D      Tim
                                                                                                 (L-R):  Wheller
                                                                                                        Wendy    (BAC),
                                                                                                              Green     Simon Lees
                                                                                                                     (Cobb+Co       (TACAPS) &
                                                                                      Mayor  Paul Antonio
                                                                                          Matthew   & Emma(Toowoomba     Regional
                                                                                                            Hart (Brumby’s        Council)

             June B@D (L-R): Josh Ragh (Harvey Norman) & Elizabeth Gillam
                        (Toowoomba Garden of Remembrance)

                                                                                   July B@D (L-R): Kristen O’Brien & Donna James (Dine Darling
                                                                                         Downs) & Sarah Delahunty (NEXUS Infrastructure)

              August B@D (L-R): Tim Wheeler (BAC), Simon Lees (TACAPS) &
                  Mayor Paul Antonio (Toowoomba Regional Council)

                                                                                July B@D (L-R): Dennis Campbell (Heritage Bank), David Snow (Peter
                                   August B@D (L-R):                            Snow Real Estate) Mary Wagner, Steve Cooper (Cobb +Co Museum),
                Lisa Pearce (Grand Central) & Matthew Greg (Civic Assist)         Joy Mingay (Classic Recruitment) & Jim Grayson (QLD Museums)

PAGE   20                                                                                                                                 the business journal
                                                       AUGUST BUSINESS@DUSK DISCO | SEPTEMBER BUSINESS@DUSK J.J. RICHARDS

                                  September B@D (L-R):
            Brett Mullen (Civic Assist) & Peter Regenberg (Reward Hospitality)

                                                                                                      September B@D (L-R):
                                                                                 Sally Ziesemer & Savannah Barber (LJ Hooker), Sharne Lategan
                                                                                          (Enterprise Legal) & Jeremy Lewis (LJ Hooker)

              November B@D (L-R):B@D (L-R):
                                  John      Kate
                                        Olive    WhittleAccounting
                                              (Horizon   (CCIQ) & Group)
                         Nick Wagner(Monkey    Business
                                        (Joe Wagner      Catering)

                                                                                  October B@D (L-R): Jaime McGuire (Absolute Cool), Marshall
                                                                                   Blacklock (CDI Pest Control) & David Riwoe (Aden Lawyers)

            October B@D (L-R): Emma Linton Doig (Fortress Financial), Jason
           Doig (JJ Richards) & Chanele Lucht (Toowoomba Wellcamp Airport)

                                                                                  November B@D (L-R): John Olive (Horizon Accounting Group)
                                                                                            & Nick Wagner (Joe Wagner Group)

                                                                                                         November B@D (L-R):
           November B@D (L-R): Nicole Howard & Caitlin Easton (Kath Dickson      Kate Ruijter & Triss Clark (Classic Beauty Therapy), Libby Gardiner
              Family Centre), Kosta & Jasmin Theodosis (Halo Properties)              (Inspiring New Horizons) & Lachlan Brealy (LJ Hooker)

toowoomba chamber of commerce                                                                                                                          PAGE   21
               THE WORKPLACE
For over 136 years, TAFE Queensland has proudly                            physical resources for practical demonstrations
workedFor     over
           with    136 years,industry
                employers,    TAFE Queensland
                                      and highhas   proudly
                                                 schools  to                physical
                                                                           and       resources for
                                                                                assessments.       practical
                                                                                                Training  candemonstrations
                                                                                                                be adapted to suit
provide Queenslanders with access to training and to
          worked  with employers, industry and high schools                business needs with customisedadapted
                                                                            and  assessments.  Training can  be  trainingtopackages
skills to provide Queenslanders with access to training and
          equip them    for the jobs of the future.                         business needs with customised training packages
                                                                           available for the current demands of the workplace.
          skills to equip them for the jobs of the future.                  available for the current demands of the workplace.
TAFE Queensland        SouthSouth
         TAFE Queensland         WestWest region   continues
                                               region   continues          Ian
                                                                             IanExintaris,    AutomotiveTeacher
                                                                                  Exintaris, Automotive      Teacher   says
                                                                                                                    says  “the“the  van is
                                                                                                                               van is
to embrace     change
         to embrace       and innovative
                       change    and innovative wayswaysto deliver
                                                            to deliver     really
                                                                             reallypopular    asemployers
                                                                                      popular as  employers   areare happy
                                                                                                                  happy  thatthat  the work
                                                                                                                              the work
training training
          to suit to
                   business   needs.       A recent    initiative
                     suit business needs. A recent initiative      has
                                                                     has   isisstill being  carried  out  at  the  workplace”.
                                                                                still being carried out at the workplace”.
seen a van,
         seen custom      built into
                a van, custom    built ainto
                                             a mini-classroom    toto
         resemble   a mobile   Training    Centre,             Withaa range
                                                             With     range of
                                                                                courses,skill sets
                                                                                          skill    andand
                                                                                                 sets   courses  for for
resemble    a mobile    Training   Centre,      taketake   training
                                                      training      and
                                                               licences, TAFE Queensland   will  continue to work
assessment      direct direct
                        to thetoworkplace.
                                  the workplace.             licences, TAFE Queensland will continue to work
                                                             with   community andandindustry
                                                                                      industryin the region
                                                                                                 in the     to ensure
                                                                                                        region  to ensure
        Scott Pengelly, Managing Director at Pengelly          students are equipped with the skills and experience
Scott Pengelly, Managing Director at Pengelly                students are equipped with the skills and experience
        Trucks & Trailers in Toowoomba, is extremely happy needed for the jobs of the future.
Trucks &with
           Trailers  in Toowoomba,
              their apprentice           is extremely
                                training using         happy needed for the jobs of the future.
                                               the mobile
with their apprentice
        training unit.    training  using  the  mobile
training unit.
          “The van is very well equipped to cover all facets
 “The vanof training
             is very for
                      wellheavy  vehicle to
                            equipped       technicians;
                                              cover all and
                                                        facets the
         fact  that staff do not  have   to be  taken
of training for heavy vehicle technicians; and the    out   of the
fact thatworkplace    for weeks
           staff do not    have to at abe
                                        time  for block
                                           taken   out oftraining
                                                           the is
         extremely convenient, not only for our business but
workplace for weeks at a time for block training is
         for the students as well” Scott said.
extremely convenient, not only for our business but
         The air-conditioned
for the students                self-contained
                     as well” Scott      said. van is fitted
          out with a workbench, student desk, tool kits and
The air-conditioned self-contained van is fitted
out with a workbench, student desk, tool kits and
          1300 308 233
               TAFE QLD
1300 308 233
                                                                                                                                RTO 0275

      TAFE QLD
         Regional Development Australia Darling         our new business plan, which focuses           all levels of government, business and
         Downs and South West (RDA DDSW) has a          on employment and skills, investment           community groups to support the economic
         new direction, new committee and recently      attraction, value chains and innovation,”      development of their regions.
         appointed Trudi Bartlett as their new          she said.
         Director of Regional Development.                                                             With a clear focus on harnessing the
                                                        “Our three over-arching priorities are         competitive advantages of their regions,
         After 20 years in business advisory roles      improving access to funding, assisting         seizing on economic opportunity and
         and economic development, Trudi Bartlett       with the progression of projects and           attracting investment, RDA Committees
         sees this new role as an exciting challenge.   communicating back to the government           deliver the RDA Charter.
                                                        the opportunities and critical issues within
         “I am passionate about supporting              the region.”                                   RDA DDSW is an independent not-for-profit
         businesses in regional areas and I am                                                         organisation partly funded by the Australian
         looking forward to working with industry       “I would encourage any business or             Government. The RDA DDSW committee is
         and the business community to promote          community group who is looking at grants       chaired by Prof Jim Cavaye and consists of
         this region as the place for investment,       or have a project they want to progress to     local leaders volunteering their time and
         growth and to set up home,” Ms Bartlett        please contact us via phone or email.”         skills to support economic development.
                                                        Regional Development Australia (RDA)           For more information on RDA DDSW,
         “I am lucky to work for an amazing board of    is a national network of Committees            contact Trudi on 0488 11 22 98 or email
         volunteers. In my first month we developed     comprising of local leaders who work with

         Director of Regional Development
         Trudi Bartlett

                                                                                       An innovative and dynamic
                                                                                        Catholic day and boarding
                                                                                      school for girls in Years 7 to 12.

toowoomba chamber of commerce                                                                                                                         PAGE   23
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                                      For all your timber needs. KBH Enterprises restores and upcycles timber
                                   furniture, manufactures pegs and stakes and makes bespoke timber products
                                 including artwork, timber machining and furniture, whilst employing people with a
                                        disability. Support a local who is supporting locals in the community.

                                            T: 07 4632 2761 E:
                                                     For all your timber needs. KBH Enterprises restores and upcycles
                                                       timber furniture, manufactures pegs and stakes and makes bespoke
                                                       timber products including artwork, timber machining and furniture,
                                                                    whilst employing people with a disability.
                                                           Support a local who is supporting locals in the community.

   PAGE 24
H Enterprises restores and upcycles                    Telephone: 07 4632 2761     Email:
                                                                                                                            For all your timberthe
                                                                                                                                                needs.      KBH En
                                                                                                                                                   business journal
WHY JOIN                                The Toowoomba Chamber of Commerce is one of Queensland’s largest
                                                   regional Chambers. Together we represent a significant voice and as a group

                                                   we can make a positive difference for our local business community.

                                                   Contact our Chamber team today to learn more on how we can help you. We
                                                   work for business. Email:

                         JO SHEPPARD                     ANNA MEREDITH                                 LOUISE VENZ
                         Chief Executive Officer         Membership &                                  Events & Admin Officer
                                                         Marketing Officer
                         E: ceo@toowoomba                                                              E: admin@toowoomba
                                 E: events@toowoomba                 

toowoomba chamber of commerce                                                                                                    PAGE   25
                           Foundation Sponsor                                  Platinum Sponsors

                           Gold Sponsors

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                           Silver Sponsors                                                             Federal Budget Event Partner

                                                                 Media Sponsors

                           Major Sponsor                   Category Sponsors

                           Event & Media Partners

                 THE        BUSINESS                                    JOURNAL
                                                                        VOLUME 3

                 TOOWOOMBA CHAMBER OF                PO Box 3629, Toowoomba         OFFICE HOURS:
                 COMMERCE & INDUSTRY                 Queensland 4350                8:30am - 4:30pm
                                                                                    Monday to Friday
                 353 Ruthven Street,
                                                     PH 07 4638 0400
                 (Access via Russell Street)
                                                     ABN 78 423 372 476
                 Toowoomba Qld 4350
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