Serial Murders and Their Victims Syllabus 2019 - UTPB

Page created by Steven Franklin
Serial Murders and Their Victims
Syllabus 2019
Serial Murders and their victims
Spring 2019
Syllabus CRIM 3389.001

Basic Information
Instructor Name: Dusty Gallivan
OFFICE: Room No office Adjunct
NOTE: The due dates and times for the activities will adhere to the Central Time

Course Description
Course Description:
This course examines the extent, causes, and social characteristics of serial killers.
After examining general criminological theories and the characteristics of murders, the
course will investigate the popular images about serial killers, the motivations of these
offenders, the distribution of their crimes over time and across geographical areas,
elements surrounding these offenses, and the offenders' methods of selecting victims.
The topics of homicide investigation techniques, crime profiling, and the criminal
prosecution of serial killers will also be covered in the course. Video material, case
studies, and results from current research will provide a comprehensive investigation of
these extreme and rare forms of criminal behavior.
Measurable Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
   •   Articulate the prevalence and patterns of forms of serial homicide over time.
   •   Apply and contrast the main criminological theories used to explain serial homicide and
       speak to the respective empirical validity of each as applied to this rare form of criminal
   •   Articulate the strategies of investigation and crime scene analysis used in the used in the
       investigation and prosecution of serial offenders.
Required Materials:
Serial Murders and their victims, seventh edition, Eric W. hickey, Cengage Learning
Other materials:
Student will need access to Microsoft Word. The student has free access to these
programs thru Office 365. This is provided by the University to the student using their
UTPB email. You can go to (Links to an external
site.) (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.)Links
to an external site. and use your UTPB email and password and have access to word,
excel, note, power point, and storage space. You can download the programs to your
computer, or tablet; either mac or pc, android, or apple.

Important Academic Dates
UTPB Academic Calendar:

Course Overview
Readings: There will be a reading assignment for each module of the semester as well
as additional readings as assigned.
Video: There may be videos assigned during the semester. These videos will
complement the assigned material.
Pop Quizzes: This course will have pop quizzes periodically throughout the semester.
Exams: There are 13 exams during the course, a syllabus test and an exam on each
chapter. There is no official midterm or final. The last test will be the final exam.
Presentations: Every student will present an in-depth analysis of a serial killer to the
class. This presentation will cover the background and psychology of the killer. The
student will be expected to relate material covered in class to the serial killer in their
Grading: All Exams are weighed evenly (5.38% of final grade each; 70% total). Pop-
quizzes/participation will be worth 3.5 exams (20% of final grade), current affair essays
will count as approximately 2 exams (10% of final grade).
Grading Scale:

 Grade Range                   Letter Grade

 90 and above                  A

 80 to 89                      B

 70 to 79                      C

 60 to 69                      D

 Less than 59                  F

*Unless otherwise stated, all materials, activities, and assessments are required and are
not optional.
Communication, Grading & Feedback: Modules close on SUNDAY at 11:59pm
(central daylight time). It is my goal to have weekly assignments graded by Wednesday
following the Sunday due date. I expect to have email answered with in two days.
Time Management:
Time management is of critical importance. How effectively you manage your time will
greatly reflect how much material you learn and as a result what type of grade you
achieve. As the professor, I can’t tell you exactly how much time you will need for each
module. I do not know how fast you read, how well you retain information, do you take
notes, do you re-read text, how quickly you write, how much thought you put into
writing, how long does it take you to do research, there are many more factors that
determine how much time you will need for a module. When I was in college the
unofficial rule that for every credit hour the student would spend three hours outside of
class doing or preparing for class. A general rule is 3 hours of out of class work for
each hour of class time. Again, this will be different for each student. I suggest you
start early in the week to not be in a hurry on Sunday night.
Modules will be open on Sunday the week we will cover the material. You are expected
to read the material BEFORE you come to class. It is YOUR responsibility to get the
work completed and turned in on time. NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED.
1. Discussion Board: Discussion Board is primarily for discussing course related
   topics and issues.
   Best practices are:
   1. Read all message postings in online discussion.
   2. Respond to the question directly
   3. Reply to minimum of two other student posts.
   4. Use a person's name in the body of your message when you reply to their
   5. Avoid postings that are limited to 'I agree' or 'great idea', etc.
   6. Ensure responses to questions are meaningful, reflective.
   7. Support statements with concepts from course readings, refer to personal
       experience, examples. There is additional information in the link Discussion
       Instruction located in the modules which have discussions in them.
   8. Follow Rules of Behavior.
2. Rules of Behavior: Discussion areas are public to every student in this class
   (including your instructor) who will see what you write. Please pay attention to the
   language you use and adhere to the following guidelines:
   1. Do not post anything too personal.
   2. Do not use language that is inappropriate for a classroom setting or prejudicial in
       regard to gender, race, or ethnicity.
   3. Do not use all caps in the message box unless you are emphasizing (it is
       considered shouting).
   4. Be courteous and respectful to other people on the list
   5. Do not overuse acronyms like you would use in text messaging. Some of the list
       participants may not be familiar with acronyms.
   6. Use line breaks and paragraphs in long responses.
   7. Write your full name at the end of the posting.
   8. Be careful with sarcasm and subtle humor; one person's joke is another person's
3. Late Submission Policy:
   All course activities must be submitted before or on set due dates and times. NO
4. Academic Dishonesty/Plagiarism/Cheating: The academic community regards
   academic dishonesty as an extremely serious matter, with serious consequences.
   Any effort to gain an advantage not given to all students is dishonest whether or not
   the effort is successful. Any suspicion of academic dishonesty will be reported and
   investigated. A student who engages in scholastic dishonesty that includes, but is
   not limited to cheating, plagiarism, and collusion will receive an “F” for the course.

   All persons involved in academic dishonesty will be disciplined in accordance with
   University regulations and procedures. For complete information on UTPB student
   conduct and discipline procedures consult the university’s handbook
at: (Links
     to an external site.)Links to an external site.

     Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to cheating, plagiarism, collusion,
     falsifying academic records, misrepresenting facts, the submission for credit of any
     work or materials that are attributable in whole or in part to another person, taking an
     examination for another person, any act designed to give unfair advantage to a
     student such as, but not limited to, submission of essentially the same written
     assignment for two courses without the prior permission of the instructor, or the
     attempt to commit such acts.

     Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to the appropriation of, buying, receiving as a
     gift, or obtaining by any means material that is attributable in whole or in part to
     another source, including words, ideas, illustrations, structure, computer code, other
     expression and media, and presenting that material as one's own academic work
     being offered for credit.
5.   Attendance and Class Participation: Regular and active participation is an
     essential, unmistakably important aspect of this course. All students are expected to
     do the work assigned and read the assigned material BEFORE class in order to
     have an active discussion of the material during class. Check email more
     often. Many times when I send out emails it is time sensitive.
6.   Tracking: The learning management systems have a tracking feature. Statistics are
     collected that quantifies how often and when students are active in the course and
     provides information if the student has accessed different pages of the course.
7.   Absenteeism: All the course activities have set dates to be completed and
     submitted. After the due dates the activities will not be available for the
     students. Contact instructor immediately in case of emergency medical situation.
8.   Course Incomplete/Withdrawal/Grade Appeal:
     All students are required to complete the course within the semester they are signed
     up. Incomplete grades for the course are rarely given, will only be granted if the
     student provides a valid, documented excuse for not being able to complete the
     course on time, and has contacted the instructor prior to the scheduled last class to
     request an extension. The student signs a contract that includes the incomplete
     course activities and the new due dates.

     Find information and dates regarding drops and withdrawals at
     drops (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

     For grade appeal process go to
     students/grievances (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

9. Accommodation for Students with Disabilities: Americans with Disabilities Act:
   Students with disabilities that are admitted to The University of Texas of the Permian
   Basin may request reasonable accommodations and classroom modifications as
addressed under Section 504/ADA regulations. The definition of a disability for
   purposes of ADA is that she or he (1) has a physical or mental impairment that
   substantively limits a major life activity, (2) has a record of such an impairment or,
   (3) is regarded as having such an impairment.

   Students who have provided all documentation and are eligible for services will be
   advised of their rights regarding academic accommodations and responsibilities.
   The University is not obligated to pay for diagnosis or evaluations nor is it obligated
   to pay for personal services or auxiliary aids. Students needing assistance because
   of a disability must contact Testing Services & Academic Accommodations
   Department, 432-552-2630, Leticia Madrid,, no later than 30
   days prior to the start of the semester.

   For the accessibility and privacy statements of external tools used within online and
   blended UTPB courses, go
   to (Links to an external site.)Links
   to an external site..

Computer Skills, Technical & Software
Students can use cloud version of Word, PowerPoint and other Microsoft products
through use of their UTPB Outlook 365 and UTPB email address. For more information
refer to Student Services below or visit:
computer-accounts-e-mail/office-365 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external
site. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
To obtain software licensing and media for selected Microsoft titles at very low cost
through a software agreement visit:
students/software-distribution/microsoft-select (Links to an external site.)Links to an
external site. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
Computer Technical Requirements: Information
at (Links to an external
site.)Links to an external site.
UTPB requires that each student who registers for a distance course is the same
student who participates in, completes, and receives credit for the course. UTPB’s
Distance Education Policy requires faculty members to employ at least two methods of
verification to ensure student identities. To access online courses students must login
to the UTPB learning management system using their unique personal identifying
username and secure password. UTPB’s Distance Education Policy requires at least
one additional student identification method within the course that has been determined
and approved by the faculty or academic program. This process will be a three-step

•   Exam using an approved photo ID*.

*Approved photo identifications are: passports, government issued identification,
driver’s licenses, military ID from DoD. UT System college photo ID.
Step 1. A clear image of yourself

•   In color
•   Well lit, and no shadows on your face or your ID that can obscure your image
•   Must be taken on the day you submit the photo to reflect your current appearance
•   Taken in full-face view directly facing the camera
•   With a neutral facial expression and both eyes open

Step 2. Then a picture of your photo ID (can be a UTPB ID, driver’s license, or
government issued ID) with only your name and picture showing (one may cover the ID
number with tape or something)
Step 3. Finally, attach both image files in either JPEG or PNG format and then submit.
There is a module tab on the home page called “online student authentication” you can
submit the photo there.

Preparation for Emergencies
Computer Crash: Not having a working computer or a crashed computer during the
semester will NOT be considered as an acceptable reason for not completing course
activities at a scheduled time. NOTE: Identify a second computer before the semester
begins, that you can use when/if your personal computer crashes.
Complete Loss of Contact: If you lose contact with course connectivity completely
(i.e. you cannot contact me via Canvas or email), you need to call instructor, and leave
message regarding connectivity loss and contact information.
Lost/Corrupt/Missing Files: You must keep/save a copy of every project/assignment
on an external drive, UTPB Outlook 365 OneDrive, or personal computer. In the event
of any kind of failure (e.g. virus infection, student’s own computer crashes, loss of files
in cyberspace, etc) or any contradictions/problems, you may be required to resubmit the

End-of-Course Evaluation & Instructor
Every student is encouraged to complete an end-of-course evaluation/survey provided
by UTPB. During the last few weeks of class, you will receive an announcement through
email notifying you that the Course/Instructor Survey is available. You may follow the
link in the email to complete the survey using the same credentials to access your
courses here. When entering the emailed Survey link you will see a list of surveys for
you to complete. Another way to find End-of-Course Evaluations is through you account > My Surveys & Evaluations are on the first page after you login.
The survey is anonymous and your responses are confidential. Your feedback is critical
to us and to your instructor as we strive to improve our offerings, and our support of
you, the students.

Student Support Services
SERVICE                   CONTACT

                      Testing Services & Academic Accommodations Department
                      (432) 552-2630
                      success/TSAAD (Links to an external site.)Links to an
                      external site.
                      UTPB E-Advisor
                      success/academic-advising-center/e-advisor (Links to an
                      external site.)Links to an external site.
                      (432) 552-0220
Bookstore    (Links
                      to an external site.)Links to an external site.
                          Information Resources
Email, Outlook 365,
                          Service (Links to an
                          external site.)Links to an external site.
                          (432) 552-2620
Financial Aid and
                 (Links to an
                          external site.)Links to an external site.
                          (432) 552-2370
                          The J. Conrad Dunagan Library Online
                          at (Links to an external site.)Links to
                          an external site.
                          (432) 552-2635
                          registrar (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Links to
 Student Services
                           an external site.)Links to an external site.

                           Canvas 1-866-437-0867
 Technical Support

                           If you are taking courses through UTPB the following links
                           provide services: Smarthinking Online Tutoring (Links to an
                           external site.)Links to an external site. (provides tutoring
                           services), SmarterMeasure (Links to an external site.)Links
 Tutoring & Learning
                           to an external site. (measures learner readiness for online

                           tutoring (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Disclaimer & Rights
Information contained in this syllabus was to the best knowledge of the instructor
considered correct and complete when distributed for use in the beginning of the
semester. However, the instructor reserves the right, acting within the policies and
procedures of UTPB to make changes in the course content or instructional techniques
without notice or obligation. The students will be informed about the changes, if any.

Copyright Statement
Many of the materials that are posted within UTPB courses are protected by copyright
law. These materials are only for the use of students enrolled in the course and only for
the purpose of the course. They may not be further retained or disseminated.

 Module       Close      Assignment                                          Activity

                                                                             Chapter 1
 01           1-20-19    Chapter 1 Introduction                              Exam and
                                                                             Syllabus Test

                                                                             Chapter 2
 02           1-27-19    Chapter 2 Cultural Development
Chapter 3
03      2-3-19    Chapter 3 Psychopathology and biogenics

                                                                   Chapter 4
04      2-10-19   Chapter 4 Social Construction of serial murder

                                                                   Chapter 5
05      2-17-19   Chapter 5 Sexual predators

                                                                   Chapter 6
06      2-24-19   Chapter 6 Healthcare Killers

                                                                   Chapter 7
07      3-3-19    Chapter 7 The male serial killer

                                                                   Chapter 8
08      3-31-19   Chapter 8 Team Killers

                                                                   Chapter 9
09      4-7-19    Chapter 9 The Female serial killer

                                                                   Chapter 10
10      4-14-19   Chapter 10 Victims of serial killers

                                                                   Chapter 11
11      4-21-19   Chapter 11 A global perspective

12      4-28-19   Presentations

                                                                   Chapter 12
13      5-5-19    Chapter 12 Responding to serial murders

14      5-8-19    Final Presentations

Final   5-8-19    Final                                            Exam
You can also read