Page created by Jamie Garcia
september 25-30, 2019

                   ROADRUNNER DUNES

What a whirlwind it has been for Bhakti Fest this year! Through the changes and
challenges, our team has worked diligently to create a sacred space and bring
together our conscious heart centered community for the 11th annual Bhakti
Fest. Here we excited to gather in our new home at Roadrunner Dunes in
the City of 29 Palms, we hope you will love the new space and all the expanded
offerings it allows us.

At Bhakti Fest we join together in sacred space, to expand our consciousness
and be transformed. There are so many offerings to immerse yourself in, from
workshops to uplift your mind, body and spirit, to two stages featuring Kirtan
and sacred music, and a huge array of yoga classes for every level. Plus sound
healings, transformational bodywork and our incredible Kidsland. The Mantra
Dome is returning where you can get up close and personal with your favorite
artists. Don’t miss your chance to learn the ins and outs of playing Kirtan at
Kirtan School, sponsored by Old Delhi. There is truly something for everyone
from the most experienced seeker to those just beginning their journey.

Bhakti Fest is a time to let go of all that no longer serves us. You’re invited to
leave the busy world behind and open your hearts and minds. Make sure to take
care of yourself. Drink plenty of water, (available filtered at the Ener-C Vibrant
Water Shrine). Use sunscreen liberally and cover up with a hat or scarf. Enjoy
a wide array of delicious vegetarian/vegan fare in our Food Court. Take care of
Mother Earth and be mindful of trash bins, recycling, and personal waste. Please
keep electronics use to a minimum. Take time to just sit among the trees and
reflect, or join in enlightened conversation with your community.

Thanks to the Roadrunner Dunes and their staff, all of the artists, teachers and
presenters, our sponsors and vendors, and the Bhakti Fest staff. Gratitude to all
of you for coming together and contributing to the magic of the festival. We
could not do it without you.

In loving service,
The Bhakti Fest Staff

                                                                                                       LIVING AS A COMMUNITY                            EMERGENCIES AND FIRST-AID
                                                                                                       Be considerate of your neighbors—no late         If the situation may be life-threatening, call
   DID YOU KNOW that the desert is actually an incredibly fragile ecosystem?                           night noise, music, or drum circles. Please      911 immediately, then contact Security. The
   Crazy, right! Many people do not know this, as the desert gives off a tough, sharp                  extend this courtesy to the early morning        First Aid Station is located across from
   exterior. One of our main goals during Bhakti Fest is to leave our space in the desert              hours in the campground and residential          the Food Court entrance next to HQ and is
   better than we found it, and help to protect its vast beauty!                                       areas. Quiet hours in the campground are         staffed for the duration of the festival.
                                                                                                       from 10pm-7am.
                                                                                                                                                        BHAKTI FEST INFO BOOTH
   Please help us maintain the sanctity of Bhakti Fest by ensuring the safety and
                                                                                                       ENER-C VIBRANT WATER STATIONS                    The Bhakti Fest Info Booth is located near
   integrity of all. Read carefully and honor the following regulations and principles.
                                                                                                       Free filtered water will be available at the     the Festival entrance. Stop here to check for
   Thank you for your mindfulness and cooperation day and night and for respecting                     Ener-C hydration stations, located next          any schedule changes or Ride-Share sign up.
   the land of Roadrunner Dunes. We’re so blessed and grateful to have found this                      to the music bowl entrance and in the            If you need anything or have any concerns,
   beautiful space, and let’s all do our part to leave it better than we found it.                     campground. Make sure to pick up a pack          please talk to us. Bhakti Fest staff will be on-
                                                                                                       of Ener-C to add to your water for extra         site throughout the festival. Look for a person
                                                                                                       hydration.                                       wearing a staff badge or check with Security.

IN AND OUT POLICY                                   entrance. Please note that Bhakti Fest is not      BHAKTI FEST HEADQUARTERS                         SECURITY Please report anything that seems
Wristbands will be issued upon arrival.             responsible for your bike/scooter and that you     THUR FRI SAT 7AM–9PM,                            contrary to the spirit of Bhakti Fest to Security
Anybody with a valid wristband can come             will not be able to move your bike/scooter         SUN 7AM–6PM                                      or the Bhakti Fest Info Booth.
and go during festival hours. Campers (with         unless you are leaving the festival grounds. For
camping wristbands) can go to and from their        safety reasons, any form of transportation that    Please ensure that your valuables are safe. Center for Spiritual Studies, Inc. and Bhakti Fest
camping area all day and night. However, after      would carry you faster than a walking pace is      will not be held responsible for missing items. Thank you. Enjoy. Have fun. Sing. Dance.
arrival, RVs and campsites cannot be moved.         not allowed. This applies in all areas: camping,   Practice. Play. Be happy!
                                                    parking, and the festival area.
This is an alcohol-free, cigarette-free, and        LOST AND FOUND
drug-free event. You will be asked to leave         Located at Bhakti Fest Headquarters. After
the Festival if you are found to be engaging        noon on Monday, all remaining items will be
in these activities.                                donated to charity.

NO PETS                                             BLANKETS AND CHAIRS
Animals of any kind are not allowed anywhere        Blankets and chairs may be left at the Stage
on-site (including in parked cars, tents, or        areas as long as you agree to allow others
campground). If you bring an animal on the          to use them when you are not present. If
property you will be asked to leave. Service        you leave unattended chairs at the main
animals are the ONLY exception and you will         stage, expect people to use them until you
need to provide documentation and a receive         return. We encourage you to share space in
a special festival pass. Service animals are not    the open-hearted and generous spirit of the
permitted in yoga or workshop halls.                festival. Any items left Sunday night will be
                                                    moved to Lost and Found.
Open flames, including fires and candles,           PHOTOGRAPHY/VIDEO POLICY
are not permitted. Please respect our desert        Photography is allowed for personal use.
environment.                                        Commercial video or photography is not
                                                    allowed without advance approval. Only
OTHER ITEMS NOT PERMITTED                           professional media personnel with approved
No weapons of any kind. No fireworks. No            media passes may film or photograph our
indoor furniture. No bicycles, scooters, or         performers. Please respect people’s privacy.
personal motorized vehicles will be permitted       By entering the event you are granting
into the festival grounds. Note: You will be able   permission for your name and likeness to be
to park your bicycle or scooter at any festival     photographed and video taped.
                                                                                                               CHAI LOUNGE                                          SPIRITUAL HUMANITARIAN AWARD
OPENING FIRE CEREMONY                                 THE BHAKTI SHOPPE                                        SOUTH STAGE                                          PRESENTED TO JAY SHETTY
NORTH STAGE                                           FOOD COURT                                               THURSDAY-SUNDAY 10am-10pm                            NORTH STAGE SAT 6:30-7PM
THURSDAY 8:00-10:00am                                 THURSDAY-SUNDAY 10am-10pm                                Sip delicious Chai Tea in this delightful            Don’t miss the opportunity to catch web
Vishwajeet, will perform an ancient Vedic fire        Stop by to get your Bhakti Fest merchandise.             atmosphere. All proceeds are donated to              series host and motivational speaker, Jay
ritual known as Agni Hotra to help set intentions     Make sure to check out our fair-trade clothes,           Food for Life Vrindavan, India. FFLV service         Shetty speak live, followed by a very special
and energy for Bhakti Fest 2019. As we chant          jewelry, essential oils, mala beads, saris, crafts,      includes free meal distribution, cleaning and        moment when he is presented with the annual
sacred Sanskrit mantras and make offerings of         books, bags, deities, and so much more from our          tree planting, paper recycling, organic farming,     Bhakti Fest Spiritual Humanitarian Award by
special herbs and ghee to the fire, we will release   pilgrimages throughout India - and an exciting           and a sewing and embroidery centre that              Radhanath Swami.
obstacles that hold us back and clear the way for     new shipment just arrived from THAILAND.                 encourages self-sufficiency for village women.
positive energy to flow into our lives.                                                                        Visit to learn more.                    POST- INTENSIVE
                                                      AIReal Yoga™
                                                                                                                                                                    with DAWN CARTWRIGHT
HANUMAN CHALISA                                       Founded and created by professional cirque               LUMEN LOUNGE                                         SPONSORED BY KEITH’S CACAO
WORKSHOP HALL 1                                       performer and acclaimed yogi Carmen Curtis.              FOOD COURT                                           MONDAY
FRIDAY-SUNDAY 8:00-9:00am with Nina Rao               Uses a looped hammock to allow deeper stretch,           Lumen offers cold-press juicing of the entire        The Fire That Pierces The Heart Master Class
Every morning dive into the sacred and mystic         correct alignment, safe inversions, and refinement       hemp plant to create an amazing new super-           Join Dawn Cartwright and guest musicians
practice of using the Hanuman Chalisa as not          of postures. See schedule for a list of daily classes.   food ingredient that will revitalize your Bhakti     Jaya Lakshmi and Ananda Yogiji for a Bhakti
just a devotional practice but also as a way to                                                                experience. Whether you’re looking for a             Fest Post-Intensive and Cacao Ceremony that
unlock the heart’s true potential.                    AQUARIAN SADHANA                                         wellness boost for your morning yoga sessions,       will change your relationship to sex and love
                                                      YOGA HALL 2 THURSDAY-SUNDAY 4-6:15am                     a refreshing Lumenade at mocktail hour, or           forever. Singles and couples welcome.
ARTi PUJA CEREMONY with ANNAPURNA                     For a really unique and nurturing experience, join       just a place to cool off, this is the place to be.
NORTH STAGE FRIDAY-SUNDAY 9:30AM                      Dr. Haridass Kaur and special guests. Experience         Plus don’t miss the full schedule of fun events      SUNCHASER SUP
SOUTH STAGE FRIDAY-SUNDAY 10AM                        the predawn meditative experience of Kundalini           happening daily.                                     THURS, 4PM DEMO CLASS
At Aarti we join together in the spirit of            Yoga and chanting in a cozy group consciousness.
                                                                                                                                                                    FRI SAT SUN 8AM, 10AM, and 5PM, LAKE
profound love, humility and gratitude to be                                                                    ANU ALCHEMY                                          SunChaser SUP located on the sand at West
immersed in the unconditional grace of God.           KEITH’S CACAO LOUNGE & WORKSHOP                          NORTH STAGE                                          Briarfield Drive. SunChaser SUP is a paddle
                                                      Make sure to stop by Keith’s Cacao Lounge to             Anu Alchemy’s products will be available for         and yoga company. They offer daily SUP yoga
KIRTAN SCHOOL                                         enjoy their amazing pure Cacao offerings and             sampling and purchasing. They offer Ormus            and fitness classes around San Diego. They
SPONSORED BY OLD DELHI MUSIC                          ceremonies. Don’t miss their Cacao Ceremony              collected in Navapashanam water, Siddha              thrive on creating an experience our students
THURSDAY-SUNDAY                                       Workshop with Founder & Cacao Shaman,                    Medicines and Spirit Totem Essences. In addition     will remember.
A unique and blessed learning journey, these          Keith, on Saturday at 3:00pm in Workshop                 to Healing sessions and Tarot card readings.
2-hour classes will expand your knowledge             Hall 2. Participate in other Cacao Workshops
of how to use instruments and chanting for a          throughout the Festival with Jaya Lakshmi
deeper Bhav experience. Three sessions per day        & Anand, Maggie Taurick, Premi Mandali and
lead by your favorite artists. Make sure to enter     Dawn Cartwright.
to win a Harmonium from Old Delhi Music.
                                                      HYLUNIA SPA LOUNGE
SOUND TEMPLE                                          NORTH STAGE
THURSDAY-SUNDAY 7:30pm-1am                            Refresh & enjoy complimentary mini spa
Join us nightly in this sacred space and              services from Hylunia Wellness including;                   WE LOVINGLY
be transported on a deep healing journey.             wellness consultations, Dosha Body Typing,
Experience the amazing vibrations created by
gongs, crystal bowls, and so much more.
                                                      10 minute neck/back chair massages,
                                                      Virtual Guided Relaxation Meditations, skin
                                                      consultation and more.
KIDS LAND                                                                                                         BHAKTI FEST 2019
Bhakti kids and families explore, learn and           BETTER BOOCH BAR
grow through yoga, art, ‘play’ shops, sing-
alongs, puppet shows and more! Daily activities
                                                      Come hang out at the Better Booch Kombucha
                                                      Lounge and enjoy their amazing organic, healthy,
                                                                                                                  TO OUR BELOVED
scheduled. *Please remember this is not for
child drop off, but a family participation space.
                                                      delicious, probiotic, premium kombucha tea
                                                      made in small batches in Los Angeles.                       FRIEND & TEACHER
RAW REVELATIONS TONIC BAR & LOUNGE                    TASPEN LOUNGE                                               SHYAMDAS
FOOD COURT                                            NORTH STAGE
Make sure to recharge and nourish in their            Stop by their booth located at the entrance to
roomy lounge! Enjoy frosty shakes, ice                the North Stage to try their amazing line of CBD
cream and hot tonics chock full of herbs and          and other health and wellness products and to
superfoods to keep you thriving.                      receive your FREE CBD product ($25 value).
                                                                               THE CHOCOLATE SHAMAN

                                                                              SATURDAY CEREMONY
                                                                             SATURDAY   CEREMONY
                                                                             3:30PM at Workshop Hall 2
                                                                                 3PM WORKSHOP HALL 2
                                                                             Join Keith for a cup of Ceremonial
                                                                               Join Keith for a cup of Ceremonial
                                                                               Cacao at the Keith’s Cacao Tent
                                                                                 Cacao at the Keith’s Cacao Tent
                                                                              (main   stage) and
                                                                               and experience     experience
                                                                                                how            how
                                                                                                     Keith’s Cacao
                                                                              Keith’s    your elevates
                                                                                       Cacao  mood, connects  you
                                                                                                       your mood,
                                                                                     to your
                                                                               connects   youheart and makes
                                                                                               to your heart and
                                          Mind Body Detox Retreats                    everything more FUN!
                                                                                makes everything more FUN!
                                            Beyond Panchakarma


visit us online at                     TONIC BAR + LOUNGE                      HOT ELIXERS           FROSTY SHAKES

                                         VEGAN SOFT SERVE + GF CONES
AMRITAKRIPA                                         Sufi culture is profoundly heard and felt in thier
Amritakripa has been practicing devotional          10 albums and recent documentary “Music
music for over 25 years. With their roots in the    of the Mystics”, and their soul-stirring live
earth of traditional bhajans, Amritakripa and       performance.
her band create a fusion of rhythm and prayer
that invites you to dance and dissolve.             FANTUZZI
                                                    Drumming circles, sweet ballads, kirtan
ANANDA DEVI & SHIVA DAS                             gatherings, spiritual and uplifting music that
Ananda Devi & Shiva Das lead kirtan and yoga        moves people in many ways. Party music of
together in Santa Fe, New Mexico. As Bhakti         the most energetic order: Latin, Afro’ beats,
Yogis, their devotion to the divine and each        Reggae, Salsa—all accompanied by eclectic
other shines through their music. Their blend       accomplished musicians who gather to the call
                                                                                                             MIKE LOVE
of traditional bhajans and modern melodies will     that is Fantuzzi.
lead you straight to your heart.
                                                    GAURA VANI
ARJUN BABA                                          At the age of six Gaura Vani left the US to study
Arjun Baba shares the traditions of Kirtan/         sacred music in a gurukula or temple school in
Bhajan, and Sufi Ghazal/Qawwali devotional          the Vrindavan, India. He learned ancient prayers                                                   JAI UTTAL
music in the west and worldwide.                    in Sanskrit and Bengali and to sing and play
                                                    instruments like the harmonium and mrdanga.
NEW BRAJ THEATRE                                    Over 30 years later he continues to share the
New Braj Theatre is a group of actors, dancers      magic he received and performs extensively                                              SHANTALA
and musicians who from a young age have             throughout the world, on every continent.
been immersed in vedic culture and philosophy.
With its origins in a rural spiritual community     GINA SALA
at the foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountains,    Gina Salá began Indian classical singing
New Braj Theatre seeks to share the moods of        and mantra in her childhood ashram years.
the bhakti yoga culture through the medium of       With warmth and devotion, and a repertoire
theatric performances.                              spanning 23 languages, she leads India tours
                                                    and international retreats.
Mystic Minstrel - heart-opening cosmic roots        GIRISH
music - awakening, enlivening and prayerful         Girish is an accomplished musician of many genres
songs of love and devotion                          and a former monk infused in spiritual practice. He      JENS JARVIE
                                                    is a wordsmith linking lyrics and rhythm in a blissful
DEVADAS                                             musical event, singing traditional Sanskrit mantras
Devadas is a kirtaniya, composer and artist         with a modern, funky, yet deeply devotional twist.
hailing from Brooklyn, New York. A devotee          Accompanied by his amazing band, you’re invited
of Mata Amritanandamayi, he leads kirtans           to sing along, chant, and dance!                         MC YOGI
throughout the world and has recorded a wide
variety of acclaimed CDs, including 3 Prayers,      GOVIND DAS & RADHA
Radio Nada, and Brooklyn Mellows.                   Founders of Bhakti Yoga Shala in Santa Monica,
                                                    this husband and wife lead kirtan, bhakti
DJ DREZ                                             workshops, and transformational retreats
DJ Drez is a sound pioneer. With an ear for         throughout the world. Govind Das & Radha
cutting edge sonic ambiance, a finger on the        have uniquely melded ancient Indian mantras
pulse of music that makes bodies move, and the      with heart-opening melodies, playing traditional
vision and skill to obliterate genre and boundary   Indian instruments.
with his own trademark sound and production,
Drez has skyrocketed to international acclaim       THE HANUMAN PROJECT
from the dancehall to the yoga shala.               The Hanuman Project is a collection of Bhakti
                                                    Yogis based in the Maha Devi Ashram, Lake
FANNA-FI-ALLAH SUFI QAWWALI                         Atitlan, Guatemala. Their mission is to share the
Traditional Sufi music is a powerful celebration    heart-opening flow of grace in a deep, euphoric
of the Beloved. The wisdom and vibrancy of          and ecstatic fashion.

                                                                                                                           GOVIND DAS & RADHA
                                              JAI UTTAL                                                  unprecedented depth, refinement, and innovation
                                              Jai Uttal, a Grammy nominated sacred                       to the sacred art and practice of kirtan.
                                              music composer, recording artist, multi-
                                              instrumentalist, and ecstatic vocalist, combines           KAVITA KAT MACMILLAN
                                              influences from India with influences from                 Kavita Kat Macmillan (Open Heart Kirtan) is a
                                              American rock and jazz, creating a stimulating             kirtan artist & yoga instructor who apecializes in
                                              and exotic multi-cultural fusion that is truly             nada (sound) yoga. Kavita is known for her deep
                                              world spirit music. Jai has been leading kirtans           heartfelt music with strong vocals, Indian-inspired
                                              around the world for more than 30 years,                   instrumentation and rich harmonies.
                                              creating a safe environment for people to open
                                              their hearts and voices.                                   KRISHNA’S KIRTAN
                GAURA VANI                                                                               Krishna’s Kirtan is a devotional music group based
MIKEY PAUKER                                  JAYA LAKSHMI & ANANDA                                      in Southern California.They bring a joyful love and
                                              Jaya Lakshmi and Ananda create a sonic force               devotion to the music. Don’t miss singing with
                                              field of healing as their voices intertwine.               Krishna’s Kirtan. The group consists of Jason
                                              Brimming with bhakti, their music touches the              Rotman, Ari Marsh, Bahman Sarram, and TJ Moss.
LARISA STOW                                   hearts of many.
                                              JENS JARVIE                                                Cymbals clash and punctuate a rhythm.
                                              Jens Jarvie is a passionate musician whose                 Drums begin to throb and thunder. That’s The
                                              lyrics reflect heart-opening devotion for life on          Kirtaniyas: four energetic, multi-talented artists
                                              the spiritual path. His songs invoke healing and           who each come from a rich, colorful background.
                                              transformation and will take you on a journey of
                                              depth and transcendence.                                   LARISA STOW
                                                                                                         Larisa Stow was born to wake, shake and create
                                              JIM BECKWITH                                               a vibration-raising revolution in her lifetime. She
                                              Jim Beckwith teams up with international jazz              is the lead singer and driving force of Larisa
                                              outfit Native Vibe to create music of passion,             Stow and Shakti Tribe.
                                              appealing to folks who like their pop with a
                                              world-beat flavor and relish Afro-Cuban beats,             MASOOD
                                              blasting ecstatic horns and introspective lyrics.          Masood Ali Khan offers a unique musical
                                                                                                         performance and voice that inspires a meditative
                                              JOSS JAFFE                                                 experience with his mesmerizing combination of
                                              Joss Jaffe’s music is rooted in his desire to unite        the ‘Hang’ (drum), hand pans and sacred mantras.
                              CHAD WILKINS    people through spirit, love, joy, community and
                                              consciousness. Joss brings international artists           MADHU PURA DASA
                                              from different cultures and languages into a               Mādhurī Pūra Dāsa (Madhu) After living in a
                                              nexus where new music is discovered.                       monastery for almost 5 years and recently
                             THE KIRTANIYAS                                                              graduating, he now takes the sacred knowledge
                                              JOHANNA BEEKMAN                                            of Bhakti yoga and shares it around the globe.
                                              Johanna is a critically acclaimed multi-genre
                                              recording artist, loved for her soulful voice, her         MC YOGI
                                              radiant spirit, and her inspiring songs and chants that    MC Yogi specializes in a mystical fusion of styles.
                                              tap deep into the collective soul. She is the creator of   After a life-changing meditation session with an
                                              Lullaby Yoga and the founder of Shakti United.             Indian spiritual leader, he immersed in the studies
                                                                                                         of yoga, devotional chanting, and philosophy,
                                              KAMINI NATARAJAN                                           but never lost his love for reggae, electronica,
                                              Kamini is a traditional Kirtan and Indian Classical        dancehall, dub, and hip-hop.
                                              singer and teacher. She combines elements of
                                              Ragas with Kirtans to enhance and go deeper                MICHAEL HATHAWAY
                                              into Nada-Yoga.                                            Michael Hathaway is a kirtan artist, leading
                                                                                                         kirtan events and singing for yoga classes in the
                                              KALAKAR                                                    L.A. area.
                                              With roots in multiple spiritual and musical
                                              lineages, and diverse musicality, Kalakar brings
ARTISTS                                                                                                            JOIN US IN HONORING

                                                                                                                  Jay Shetty
Kirtan Leader, Mike Cohen, trains hundreds of              Samuel J, is an innovative singer-songwriter,
aspiring and current Kirtan Leaders each year.             producer, and conservationist from Cornwall
His music blends Eastern mantra + Western                  (south UK). His unique soul touching voice,
grooves in an intoxicating manner. Yoga Chicago            gracious melodies and deeply moving lyrics are
Magazine called him “inspiring, addictive and              in-captivating hearts around the world. Samuel’s
highly-chantable”.                                         incredible love and respect for all people and            with our 2019 annual
                                                           the importance of nature is a thread that shines
With a foundation rooted in the spirituality and
                                                           through in his music.                                  SPIRITUAL HUMANITARIAN
message-based music of Reggae and Rastafari,
he blends the sounds of progressive and classic
                                                           SAUL DAVID RAYE
                                                           A soulful, moving, ecstatic experience that dives
rock, pop, R & B, soul, blues, flamenco, jazz and
so much more. Healing is at the core of his music.
                                                           deep into the heart. Combining ancient mantras,
                                                           soulful grooves, eastern and western instruments          Saturday North Stage
                                                           and heart wisdom, atma kirtan invokes an
MIKEY PAUKER                                               experience of raw and ecstatic connection to life.            presented by
Mikey Pauker is a folk/world artist from Berkeley,
California. His new album, ASCENSION, is an                SITA DEVI DASI                                              Radhanath Swami
invitation to listen to the call of our inner wilderness   Soulful Kirtan of the Holy Name. Uplifting
and to greet our darkness with understanding and           and spiritually enlightening. Hare Krishna
an open heart. Listeners are elevated with catchy          mahamantra in different ragas or tunes.                   5:30pm Jay Shetty Shares
melodies and reggae/rock beats.
                                                           SITA DEVI
                                                                                                                    6:30pm Award Presentation
NINA RAO                                                   Sita Devi is a yogini, kirtan artist and ecstatic
Nina Rao learned traditional chants (bhajans)              dance facilitator in service to the divine. She
from her grandfather in a village in south India           holds a BFA in dance from the University
when she was nine years old. The chants quietly            of California Santa Barbara, and performed
stayed with her until she rediscovered chanting            professionally with Method Dance and Ledges
with Krishna Das in New York in 1996.                      and Bones Dance Project in Los Angeles.

PREMA MANDALI                                              SHARANAM
Prema Mandali, meaning Mandala of Divine                   Long-time yoga Practitioner, and leader of
Love, is a sisterhood of kirtan wallis who invoke          meditation. He has been involved with yogic
sweet, strong Shakti. The bliss mandala ripples            practice and philosophy since 1973. A long-time
through shared, supported leadership, where all            musician playing and singing Indian style music,
members take turns leading and supporting one              self-accompanied on the Electric Dulcimer.
PREMA HARA                                                 Benjy and Heather Wertheimer lead kirtan
Kamaniya and Keshavacharya spent many
years living in ashrams, searching for the
                                                           worldwide as the duo, Shantala, with soul-
                                                           stirring vocals, sacred lyrics, and exotic                                    SEPT 26-29
Divine through devotional service and singing.             instrumentation,     weaving    Benjy’s   Indian
They have dedicated their lives to touring                 classical singing with Heather’s soaring vocals.
internationally sharing their love of kirtan.
                                                           VISVAMBHAR SHETH & FRIENDS
PORANGUI                                                   Vish is an internationally recognized kirtan-singer
As a live looping artist and one-man orchestra             and inspirational speaker. He began leading kirtan
Poranguí     weaves    ancestral  songs   and              when he was five years old, and is a master of the
indigenous rhythms from around the globe.                  Mridanga drum. Vish is the lead singer of the The
                                                           Mayapuris. He is also a performer and recording
ROB AND MELISSA                                            artist with World-beat ensemble, The Hanumen.
Husband and wife devoted to celebrating                    Vish is a multi-instrumentalist, playing guitar,
the divine. Their music has been described as              harmonium, bansuri flute, sitar, cajon, and bass. In
“heart-opening bliss,” “joyful medicine,” and              this capacity, he accompanies other kirtan singer,
“love and devotion materialized.”                          like kirtan pioneer Jai Uttal or Gaura Vani.
SOUND ARTISTS                                                                                              BHAKTI KIDSLAND
                                                                                                           Bhakti kids and their families are invited to explore, learn and grow through yoga classes,
                                                                                                           art, ‘play’ shops, sing-alongs, puppet shows and more in our expanded Kids Land
SHANE CHUNEPHISAL                                      language and shamanic frequencies as we are         experience for the Bhakti Fest 11 Year Anniversary.
Shane is a California-based Master Sound               held in the loving support from our angels,
Alchemist residing in Santa Barbara, CA.               masters and guides.
He regularly holds workshops, instructional
classes, and ceremonies to share his musical           DANIELLA WINDSONG
gifts using the crystal gemstone singing bowls,        Daniella Windsong channels Spirit through the       10:00am Opening Ceremony
gongs, and many more instruments.                      modalities of Server of Sacred Sound, Song          11:00am Creating of the Gratitude, Love and Kindess Box (Naraya Sita)
                                                       Carrier from cultures worldwide, Women’s            12:00pm One World Community with River Stones (Aya Sheevaya)
AVATARA LEVINE                                         Wisdom Web Weaver, Healing Energy Channel,          1:00pm Free to Be Me Expression Workshop (Carolina Grace and Friends)
Ava has been facilitating yoga, meditation,            amongst many other paths.                           2:00pm Peace Guardians
sensory/sound therapeutics, and the mystic arts                                                            3:00pm We Win Together: The Coorperative Games Play Shop (Suzanne Lyons)
for over 10 years. She uses crystal bowls, tuning      ERIC ARJNA                                          4:00pm One World, One Love: Sacred Poetry and Storytelling (John Smrtic)
forks, essential oils, gems, and intention coaching.   Eric Ajna is a Sound Alchemist, Reiki Master
                                                                                                           5:00pm Good Luck Yogi: Meditation with The World’s First Inner Peace Hero
                                                       and Clairaudient Healer whose unique
LYNDA ARNOLD                                           approach to sound healing incorporates
Lynda Arnold is a certified Sound Healer,              attuned analog frequencies integrated with
Musician, Composer and seasoned Performer              contemporary instruments.                           FRIDAY
on a life long mission to provide a gateway for                                                            10:00am   I am Love Expression Workshop (Carolina)
people to reduce stress, transform consciousness       GISELLE ABADIE                                      11:00am   Good Luck Yogi: Meditation with the World’s First Inner Peace Hero
and heal through sound and meditation.                 Giselle is a certified Yoga teacher and certified   12:00pm   Kyoshi and The Bhakti Puppets
                                                       Sound practitioner, combining her experience        1:00pm    Sing the World Awake (Karen Seva)
SANTOSH & ANGEL                                        in Sound vibration, Kundalini Yoga, Hatha,
                                                                                                           2:00pm    Peace Guardians
Cosmic 432hz acoustic soundscapes are                  Ayurveda, Tantra, Chanting and Meditation.
created through an intuitive stream of                                                                     3:00pm    Wee Yogis
consciousness process using Quartz Crystal             MAGGIE TAURICK & DIANA EGIZI                        4:00pm    Parent and Child Connection (Maasha)
Singing Bowls, Tibetan Bowls, Planetary Gongs,         Heart-nourishing devotional sound and               5:00pm    Drumming Dance Party (Fantuzzi)
Shamanic Drums, Angelic singing of the divine          mantra, weaving a tapestry of prayer from
Shakti mantras, and other magical instruments.         various cultural traditions with the threads
                                                       of unconditional love, presence, and                SATURDAY
GUY DOUGLAS                                            empowerment.                                        10:00am I am Kind Expression Workshop (Carolina)
Guy believes in the eastern philosophy of music
                                                                                                           11:00am Wee Yogis
that helps clear dormant pathways to open              SARAH ELENOR
the heart. He’s the creator of The Breathwork          Sarah’s sound meditations marry the arts of         12:00pm Good Luck Yogi: Meditation with The World’s First Inner Peace Hero
Sound Bath, The Gong Chair, Gong Flow Yoga             sound meditation, mindfulness, shamanic             1:00pm Proud Source Sponsor: Making Musical Shakers
and The Holistic Chamber of Sound.                     clearing, poetry, mysticism, kundalini yoga,        2:00pm Peace Guardians: Performance
                                                       and improvisational music using a variety           3:00pm Sing the World Awake (Karen Seva)
GONGSTER (LISA LIPPINCOTT)                             of ancient and modern healing instruments           4:00pm Kyoshi and The Bhakti Puppets
Channeling vibration and frequency from multi-         played concert-style.                               5:00pm Dance Party (DJ Maasha)
dimensional realms, she uses 6+ gongs; the sound
healing way. Relax, reset, feel, be and belong.        SHANNON MCINTEER
                                                       Shannon Mcinteer ((OmShantiSound)) is a
ERIC SEDOROVITZ                                        holistic health and wellness enthusiast with        SUNDAY
Eric creates a deeply meditative, dynamic journey      a passion for healing on a physical, mental,        10:00am   Free to Be Me Expression Workshop (Carolina Grace and Friends)
of sound that marries both ancient and modern          emotional and spiritual level.                      11:00am   Elemental Movement Journey (Kaiya Ashanti)
sound healing practices for a vibrationally                                                                12:00pm   Good Luck Yogi: Meditation with The World’s First Inner Peace Hero
uplifting experience that brings the listener into     SHELLY KREMER                                       1:00pm    Sing the World Awake (Karen Seva)
an effortless state of peace, bliss, and gratitude.    Shelly Kremer has traveled the world to heal        2:00pm    Peace Guardians
                                                       and honor nature and humanity. She has a            3:00pm    Krishna Funskool (Sita Devi Dasi)
SHAKTI MAYUMI                                          master set of 10 alchemy crystal singing bowls
                                                                                                           4:00pm    Hero’s Journey Tai Chi (Gallo)
Shakti Mayumi creates a sacred sound journey           beautifully harmonized to balance and open
using her voice and healing instruments,               your chakras, activate your light body and give     5:00pm    Closing Ceremony: Creating of the Gratitude, Love and Kindess Box (Naraya Sita)
vocally channeling angelic tones, light                you a deep sense of peace and harmony.
                                                  TASPEN/DRAGONFLY        ANU ALCHEMY
  NORTH STAGE             SOUTH STAGE                                                     YOGA HALL 1         YOGA HALL 2              YOGA HALL 3
                                                WORKSHOP HALL 1        WORKSHOP HALL 2

   OPENING FIRE         PUJA W/ANNAPURNA       MAS VIDAL MEDITATION      LISA GNIADY       OLEG FLOW                                   DR. HARIDASS
 HOMA CEREMONY               11-11:30am               8-9am                9-10:30am        9:30-11am                                  KHALSA PHD
 W/ VISH CHATTERJI                                                                                                                       7-8:30am
       8-10am            MICHAEL HATHAWAY                                                                    DHARMA SHAKTI
                              12-1:15pm                                  DHARMA DEVI       GOVIND DAS          10-11:30am
                                                 DAWN CARTWRIGHT         11am-12:30pm        & RADHA                                      HA CHI
      KALAKAR             ROB AND MELISSA         W/JAYA LAKSHMI                           11:30am-1pm                                   9-10:30am
      12:30-2pm             1:30-2:45pm              & ANANDA                                                 DANA DAMARA
                                                    11:30am-1pm         SITA DEVI DASI                          12-1:30pm
                                                                                         SAUL DAVID RAYE                                   YOON
                                                                                           1:30am-3pm                                  11am-12:30pm
     2:30-4pm                3-4:15pm                                                                             EMILY PERRY
                                                 RADHANATH SWAMI        DAVID NICHTERN                             2-3:30pm
                                                                                                                                      KRISTIN OLSON
                                                     1:30-3pm              3-4:30pm      BRIAN CAMPBELL
    GAURA VANI              JOSS JAFFE                                                       3:30-5pm
                                                                                                            HEMALAYAA & DTO
     4:30-6pm                4:30-6pm
                                                                                                               4-5:30pm                   LEEZA
                                                                        GREG FRIEDMAN
                                                                                         MARK WHITWELL                                 VILLAGOMEZ
                                                PAUL HEUSSENSTAMM          5-6:30pm
                                                                                            5:30-7pm                                     3-4:30pm
     FANTUZZI                 GIRISH                 3:30-5pm
     6:30-8pm                8-9:30pm

     8:30-10pm               10-11:30pm              5:30-7pm                                      MEN’S                          WOMEN’S
                                                                                                SACRED SPACE                    SACRED SPACE

 KIRTAN SCHOOL                                   SOUND TEMPLE                                                                      JOSIE KEYS
                       AT SOUND TEMPLE
                                                                                                      SRIDHAR                       8-9:30am
     MADHU DAS              SHARANAM              MAGGIE TAURICK
                                                                                                                                  ANAHITA KING
     10am-12pm                9-11am           SOUND HEALING & CACAO
                                                    7:30-8:30pm                                    TROY CASEY
                       ANANDA DEVI/SHIVA DAS                                                         1-2:30pm
KAVITA KAT MACMILLAN         1-2:30pm              GISELLE ABADIE                                                                     ZOË KORS
        1-3pm                                     SACRED FEMININE                                                                 11:15am-12:45pm
                           CHAD WILKINS                9-10pm                                   ROB LUNDSGAARD
                             3-4:30pm                                                               3-4:30pm
                                                                                                                                JOHANNA BEEKMAN
   SITA DEVI DASI                                SANTOSH & ANGEL
       4-6pm               JIM BECKWITH           432HZ HEALING
                              4:45-6pm             10:30-11:30pm                                  SACRED SONS
                                                                                                    5-6:30pm                    MONIKA NATARAJ
                                                  SHELLEY KRAMER                                                                   3-4:30pm
                                               TASPEN/DRAGONFLY           ANU ALCHEMY
  NORTH STAGE            SOUTH STAGE                                                      YOGA HALL 1        YOGA HALL 2          YOGA HALL 3
                                            WORKSHOP HALL 1            WORKSHOP HALL 2

        PUJA                  PUJA               NINA RAO                MAS VIDAL        DR. HARIDASS       KRISTIN OLSON         OLEG FLOW
   W/ANNAPURNA           W/ANNAPURNA          HANUMAN CHALISA            MEDITATION       KHALSA PHD           8-9:30am             7-8:30am
     9:30-10am             10-10:30am              8-9am                  7-8:45am          7:30-9am

                                                                        DAVID NICHTERN   PANDIT ACHALA     SRI DHARMA MITTRA       JOHN SMRTIC
KAVITA KAT MACMILLAN      SITA DEVI DASI                                                                        10-11:30am
                                                  PORANGUI                 9-10:30am        ARJUNA                                   9-10:30am
     11am-12:15pm            12-1:30pm
                                                   9:30-11am                                9:30-11am
                                                                       RADHANATH SWAMI
     NINA RAO           JOHANNA BEEKMAN                                                                      JAYA LAKSHMI         MELISSA GRISI
                                                                           11-12:30pm      GOVIND DAS
     12:30-2pm              2-3:30pm                                                                           & ANANDA            11am-12:30pm
                                                DHARMA DEVI                                  & RADHA
                                                 11:30am-1pm              ZOË KORS         11:30am-1pm          12-1:30pm

      SAMUEL J            PREMA HARA                                       1-2:30pm                                              MARK DEVENPECK
     2:15-3:45pm            4-5:30pm                                                     SAUL DAVID RAYE                           & NEWTON
                                                                                                                 MAS VIDAL
                                                   RAMANA               PANDIT ACHALA      1:30am-3pm                               CAMPBELL
                                                   1:30-3pm                ARJUNA                                                    1-2:30pm
   MIKEY PAUKER         SAUL DAVID RAYE                                    3-4:30pm          JAI DEV
     4-5:30pm              6-7:30pm                                                         3:30-5pm
                                                                                                             EMILY PERRY
                                              DAWN CARTWRIGHT           GREG FRIEDMAN                                             DANA DAMARA
    AMRITAKRIPA             DJ DREZ               3:30-5pm                 5-6:30pm      MARK WHITWELL                              3-4:30pm
     6-7:30pm               8-9:30pm                                                        5:30-7pm

                                            MICHAEL BRIAN BAKER
  FANNA-FI-ALLAH           MIKE LOVE             5:30-7pm
     8-9:30pm              10-11:30pm                                                              MEN’S                       WOMEN’S
                                                                                                SACRED SPACE                 SACRED SPACE

 KIRTAN SCHOOL                                SOUND TEMPLE                                                                     JOY LEVINE
                       AT SOUND TEMPLE
                                                                                                 MARK WHITWELL                  7-7:45am
    MIKE COHEN             SHARANAM               GONGSTER
                                                                                                                               JOSIE KEYS
& THE SHAKTI GROOVE          9-11am           THE GONGSTER WAY
      10am-12pm                                   7:30-8:30pm
                                                                                                   JOHN SMRTIC
                           MADHU DAS
                                                                                                     1-2:30pm                MONIKA NATARAJ
                           11:30am-1pm     ERIC MATTHEW & RADIANT
     FANTUZZI                                 GONG IMMERISONS
       1-3pm              JENS JARVIE               9-10pm
                                                                                                 GREG FRIEDMAN                  GINA SALÁ
                                                                                                    3-4:30pm                   11am-12:30pm
                                            SHANE THUNDER 432HZ
                                                                                                                               LARISA STOW
       4-6pm                3-4:15pm              10:30-11:30pm
                                                                                                  SACRED SONS                    1-2:30pm
                           JOSS JAFFE      ERIC AJNA & SHAKTI MAYUMI
                                                                                                                             SIANNA SHERMAN
                            4:45-6pm                 12-1am
                                                     TASPEN/DRAGONFLY            ANU ALCHEMY
   NORTH STAGE              SOUTH STAGE                                                               YOGA HALL 1         YOGA HALL 2            YOGA HALL 3
                                                  WORKSHOP HALL 1            WORKSHOP HALL 2

         PUJA                     PUJA                 NINA RAO                 MAS VIDAL              KIA MILLER         MELISSA GRISI          CHERYL SLADER
    W/ANNAPURNA              W/ANNAPURNA            HANUMAN CHALISA             MEDITATION              7:30-9am            8-9:30am                7-8:30am
      9:30-10am                10-10:30am                8-9am                   7-8:45am
                                                                                                    SRI DHARMA MITTRA
  KAMINI NATARAJAN                                                              ZAT BARAKA                               SIANNA SHERMAN         DHARMA SHAKTI
     11am-12:15pm           PREMA MANDALI                                                                9:30-11am
                                                        RAMANA                   9-10:30am                                  & MASOOD              9-10:30am
                              12:00-1:30pm                                                                                  10-11:30am
      SITA DEVI                                                                    JAI DEV          SAUL DAVID RAYE
      12:30-2pm                DEVADAS                                                                11:30am-1pm                                  MAS VIDAL
                               2-3:30pm                                                                                       MARTI NIKKO         11am-12:30pm
                                                    DR. MANOJ CHALAM
     ARJUN BABA                                                                                                                & DJ DREZ
      2-3:30pm                                          11:30am-1pm              ZOË KORS           BRIAN CAMPBELL
                                                                                  1-2:30pm            1:30pm-3pm               12-1:30pm
                         JAYA LAKSHMI & ANANDA                                                                                                       HA CHI
      SHANTALA                  4-5:30pm                                                                                                            1-2:30pm
       4-5:30pm                                     RADHANATH SWAMI            KEITH’S CACAO        MARK WHITWELL       SRI DHARMA MITTRA
                                                        1:30-3pm                  3-4:30pm             3:30-5pm
                             LARISA STOW                                                                                     2-3:30pm             JOHN SMRTIC
      5:30-6:30pm              6-7:30pm                                     PANDIT ACHALA ARJUNA                                                    3-4:30pm
                                                                                                       EOIN FINN
                                                      MIRABAI DEVI                 5:30-7pm
                                                                                                        5:30-7pm        HEMALAYAA & DTO
SPIRITUAL HUMANITARIAN          MC YOGI                 3:30-5pm
         AWARD                 10-11:30pm
                                                  MICHAEL BRIAN BAKER
      JAI UTTAL                                        5:30-7pm
       7-10pm                                                                      WORKSHOP                    MEN’S                          WOMEN’S
                                                                                    HALL 3                  SACRED SPACE                    SACRED SPACE

                                                    SOUND TEMPLE
  KIRTAN SCHOOL          AT SOUND TEMPLE                                            SAM GEPPI                                                  JOY LEVINE
                                                                                     9:30-11am                 GOVIND DAS                       7-7:45am
     MIKE COHEN               SHARANAM               AVATARA LEVINE                                                                          DANA DAMARA
                                                                                   PREMA HARA
 & THE SHAKTI GROOVE            9-11am               & LYNDA ARNOLD                 11:30am-1pm                                                8-9:15am
       10am-12pm                                        7:30-8:30pm                                            ZAT BARAKA
                           KRISHNA’S KIRTAN                                    SWAHA RON & TILSON                1-2:30pm                     SYAMARANI
                              11:30am-1pm          SINESTHESIA W/SHANE              1:30-3pm                                                  9:30-10:45am
      GINA SALÁ                                  THUNDER & AVATARA LEVINE
        1-3pm                   MASOOD                    9-10pm                                             SAUL DAVID RAYE                DAWN CARTWRIGHT
                                                                               BIANCA AND MICHAEL
                               1:15-2:15pm                                         ALEXANDER                    3-4:30pm                       11am-12:30pm
                                                      GUY DOUGLAS                   3:30-5pm
     GAURA VANI            JOHANNA BEEKMAN       BREATHWORK SOUND BATH                                                                           RADHA
       4-6pm                  2:30-3:45pm              10:30-11:30pm                                          SACRED SONS                       1-2:30pm
                                                                              JAYA LAKSHMI & ANANDA
                                                                                 CACAO CEREMONY                 5-6:30pm
                               DEVADAS               SHELLEY KRAMER                  6pm-7pm                                                 CINTAMANI DEVI
                               4-5:15pm                   12-1am                                                                                3-4:30pm
                                                       TASPEN/DRAGONFLY        ANU ALCHEMY
   NORTH STAGE                SOUTH STAGE                                                           YOGA HALL 1         YOGA HALL 2           YOGA HALL 3
                                                    WORKSHOP HALL 1         WORKSHOP HALL 2

         PUJA                      PUJA                  NINA RAO             MAS VIDAL              KIA MILLER              HA CHI           MONICA HEIM
    W/ANNAPURNA               W/ANNAPURNA             HANUMAN CHALISA         MEDITATION              7:30-9am              8-9:30am            7-8:30am
      9:30-10am                 10-10:30am                 8-9am               7-8:45am
                                                                                                      MC YOGI
                          ANANDA DEVI & SHIVA DAS                                JAI DEV            9:30-11:30am            EOIN FINN        CHERYL SLADER
   ROB AND MELISSA               12-1:15pm               SYAMARANI              9-10:30am                                   10-11:30am         9-10:30am
     11am-12:15pm           NEW BRAJ THEATRE              9:30-11am                                 SRI DHARMA
                            W/THE KIRTANIYAS                                 PREMA MANDALI            MITTRA
                                                                                                                      SIANNA SHERMAN             SITA DEVI
                               1:30-2:15pm                                    11am--12:30pm          12-1:30pm
                                                                                                                         & MASOOD              11am-12:30pm
       DEVADAS                                       DAWN CARTWRIGHT
       12:30-2pm                JENS JARVIE            11:30am-1:30pm          MAS VIDAL        SAUL DAVID RAYE           12-1:30pm
                                  2:30-4pm                                      1-2:30pm           2-3:30pm                                    EMILY PERRY
                                                                                                                        MELISSA GRISI           1-2:30pm
                                & FRIENDS                                                                                 2-3:30pm
 & THE SHAKTI GROOVE                                      & FRIENDS            MACMILLAN               RADHA
      2:15-3:45pm                4:30-6pm                  2-3:30pm             3-4:30pm              4-5:30pm                              MARK DEVENPECK
                                                                                                                                               & NEWTON
                            GOVIND DAS & RADHA                                                                          JAYA LAKSHMI
                                                                              SITA DEVI DASI         JOHANNA                                   CAMPBELL
                                 6:30-8pm                                                                                 & ANANDA
THE HANUMAN PROJECT                                      DR. LINGAM              5-6:30pm            BEEKMAN                                    3-4:30pm
       4-6pm                    KIRTANIYAS                3:45-5pm                                    5:45-7pm

       6:30-8pm                   10-11pm                5:30-7pm                WORKSHOP                    MEN’S                         WOMEN’S
                                                                                  HALL 3                  SACRED SPACE                   SACRED SPACE

  KIRTAN SCHOOL                                       SOUND TEMPLE
                           AT SOUND TEMPLE                                        TROY CASEY                                               JOY LEVINE
                                                                                   9:30-11am                  MAS VIDAL                     7-7:45am
      SHANTALA                  SHARANAM             SHANNON MCINTEER—                                                                     JOSIE KEYS
                                                                                 ANAHITA KING
      10am-12pm                   9-11am              OM SHANTI SOUND                                                                       8-9:15am
                                                           6-7pm                                            TOMMY ROSEN
                            MICHAEL HATHAWAY                                                                  1-2:30pm                    SITA DEVI DASI
 GOVIND DAS & RADHA           11:15am-12:30pm       SHANE THUNDER - 432HZ                                                                    9:30-11am
                                                                              AREZU KAYWANFAR
        1-3pm                                       SPIRIT METACINE SOUND         1:30-3pm
                             KRISHNA’S KIRTAN             MEDITATION                                         ZAT BARAKA                     ZOË KORS
                                  1-2:15pm                   8-9pm                                            3-4:30pm                     11:30am-1pm
                                                                             MAGGIE TAURICK CACAO
       4-6pm                     KALAKAR             ERIC MATTHEW & RADI-                                                                 MIRABAI DEVI
                                2:30-3:45pm         ANT GONG IMMERSIONS -                                   SACRED SONS                     1:30-3pm
                                                      SOUND EXPLORATION                                       5-6:30pm
                               JIM BECKWITH                 10-11pm                                                                       DHARMA DEVI
                                  4-5:30pm                                                                                                  3:30-5pm

AIReal Yoga™ with Carmen Curtis                       SAT 2pm YOGA HALL 2
FRI SAT 7am 9am 5pm SUN 7am 9am                       The Essence of Yoga and Yoga Nidra
AIReal Yoga™ uses a looped hammock to allow           A unique opportunity to learn about the essence
deeper stretch, correct alignment, safe inversions,   of yoga directly from a living yoga master. In
and refinement of postures. Defy gravity,             combination with Yoga Nidra, this makes for a
move freely, release fear, and float into deeper      potent mixture. Dharma Yoga Nidra provides
personal wellness. Beneficial for beginners and       instant, pure energy, and this energy is 100%
                                                                                                               SIANNA SHERMAN
advanced students alike! Founded and created          natural. Soon, you will go beyond ordinary
by professional cirque performer and acclaimed        consciousness to where your thoughts become
yogi Carmen Curtis.                                   powerful and creative. Regular practice will
                                                      allow you to tap into the boundless joy that is
BRIAN CAMPBELL                                        already within.                                                                          DHARMA MITTRA
THU 3:30pm YOGA HALL 1
SAT 1:30pm YOGA HALL 1                                SUN 12pm YOGA HALL 1
Yoga Ceremony for Self-Healing                        Charging Practice
Activate your “inner healer” and learn to mend        The latest Asana-centric Dharma Yoga practice
the parts of your Body and Spirit that have been      sequenced by Sri Dharma Mittra. Stretch the
injured or neglected.                                 spine in all directions and release tensions and
                                                      impurities, so the process of purification that is
CHERYL SLADER                                         yoga can begin in earnest. Session will include
SAT 7am YOGA HALL 3                                   short-form Yoga Nidra, chanting of the Om and            MC YOGI
                                                                                                               EMILY   AND AMANDA
SUN 9am YOGA HALL 3                                   carefully curated breathing exercises. Explore
Live Music Rockin Flow Yoga                           traditional and less well-known techniques with a
A vinyasa flow class with detailed attention          teacher of deep experience with them all.
to breath linked with movement. Gentle
healing hands-on adjustments may be made.             DANA DAMARA
Aromatherapy relaxation will end class. All levels    THU 12pm YOGA HALL 2
and ages welcome and encouraged!                      Radical Self-Care: Yoga, Breath, Essential Oils
                                                      This class is all about radical self-care. Take charge
SRI DHARMA MITTRA                                     of your health today. Learn how essential oils are
FRI 10-11:30am YOGA HALL 2                            used on and off the mat to boost immunity, help
Dharma Yoga Master Class                              manage weight and regulate emotions. Combine
An Asana-centric practice, intended to give           oils with a yoga practice. Asana practice + lecture
intermediate to advanced Yogis a chance to            included.
explore core practices of Dharma Yoga and to
plant seeds for taking personal practice to the       FRI 3pm YOGA HALL 3
next level. The session also includes short-form      Chakra Dive - Energetic Anatomy
Yoga Nidra, chanting of the main mantra, the          Learn about subtle energy anatomy. Yoga is
Om, and guided instruction regarding the main         energy medicine, the body moves with breath,
breathing exercises. Learn from the best to help      dissolving dis-ease of the body and neurosis of
take your yoga to the next level.                     the mind. The goal is to enable energetic shifts to
                                                      create true healing. Seeing beyond the physical
SAT 9:30am YOGA HALL 1                                form and into the energy field. Asana practice +
Maha Shakti For Psychic Energy                        lecture included.
An expertly sequenced Dharma Yoga practice for
the body, mind, and soul, designed to exercise,       DHARMA SHAKTI
rejuvenate and energize the entire system.            THU 10am YOGA HALL 2
Amazing postures to promote radiant health            SAT 9am YOGA HALL 3
will be practiced. Divine breath control will         Awakening Shakti: Vinyasa Yoga
gradually purify the nerves. During Meditation        Dharma leads an empowering vinyasa-based
in Shavasana, body and material sensation will        class that will awaken & empower your inner
gradually disappear and even the mind will be         strength, your Shakti. With a spiritually based &
set into silence. Recommended for all.                soul connecting teaching style, Dharma brings
                                                                                                                  KIA MILLER

                                                                       her many skills to create MUCH MORE than just a       GOVIND DAS & RADHA
                                                                       physical asana class, providing you a deep sense      THU 11:30am YOGA HALL 1
                                                                       of awareness of your inherent greatness that is       Gratitude and Grace: Bhakti Vinyasa
                                                                       naturally ingrained within you, anchoring you in      Bhakti is the yoga of gratitude, grace and devotion.
                                                                       your SPIRIT SELF, your true self.                     Govind Das guides yogis through vinyasa yoga as
                                                                                                                             a body prayer; each sequence becomes a gratitude
                                                                       EMILY PERRY                                           offering for the gift of life. Combine devotional
              JOHN SMRTIC                                              THU 2pm YOGA HALL 2                                   asana sequences with bhava and mantra - opening
                                                                       Wild at Heart: Shakti Soul Flow                       to divine grace. Live music and kirtan by Radha.
                                                                       Explore the energy of the goddess & the divine
                                                                       within in this soulful practice. Find your ground     FRI 11:30pm YOGA HALL 1
                                                                       and expand from the center: together we’ll            Jai Ma Shakti Vinyasa
                                                                       release the hips and heal the Heart. Expect           Come join Govind Das for a juicy and soulful
                                                                       innovative sequencing, chanting, mudra, and           Vinyasa practice with live Kirtan by Radha. We will
                                                                       soulful expansion.                                    flow, sing, dance and celebrate the Grace of the
                                                                                                                             Divine Mother! Jai Ma!
                                                                       FRI 4pm YOGA HALL 2
                                                                       Rise Up: Soulful Bhakti Flow                          SUN 4pm YOGA HALL 1
                                                                       It’s time to RISE: to heal our planet, and our        Mindful and Kindful: Lunar Flow, Yin Restorative
                                                                       hearts. From a place of gratitude align with your     In this “Lunar” style and deeply calming yoga, a
                                            JAYA LAKSHMII & ANANDA
                                                                       true north and your purpose as you deepen the         shanti-bhav or “peaceful mood” will support us in
                                                                       connection within. Uncover the possibility as         a sweet vinyasa flow, long holds and restorative
                                                                       we twist it out and rise together in love. Expect     poses that release stories, traumas and emotions,
                                                                       innovative sequencing, chanting, mudra, and           a true letting go.
                                                                       soulful expansion.
                                                                       SUN 1pm YOGA HALL 3                                   THU 9am YOGA HALL 3
                                                                       Let Love Rule: Soulful Bhakti Flow                    SAT 1pm YOGA HALL 3
                                                                       Love is our true nature: deepen your heart            SUN 8am YOGA HALL 2
                                                                       connection as you root in love & possibility.         Jivamukti Yoga - Hot, Hip & Holi
                                                                       Soulful Bhakti vinyasa will carry you into the cave   Jivamukti is grounded in the principles of Love,
                                                                       of the heart so you can align with love. Expect       Spirituality, and Activism. A dynamic practice
                                                                       innovative sequencing, chanting, mudra, and           adhering to 5 central tenets: Ahimsa, Bhakti,
                                                                       soulful expansion.                                    Nada, Dhyana & Shastra. Through a vigorous
                                                                                                                             intelligent vinyasa, eclectic music and yoga
                                                                       EOIN FINN                                             philosophy we experience liberation while living!
                                                                       SAT 5:30pm YOGA HALL 1
DANA DAMARA                 JAI DEV SINGH                              Open Heart, Open Hips                                 DR. HARIDASS KHALSA PhD
                                                                       (intermediate and advanced)                           THU 7am YOGA HALL 3
                                                                       It’s time to get super deep with our hip openers.     FRI 7:30am YOGA HALL 1
DJ DRES &                                              KRISTIN OLSON   This means we will take some time to break down       Removing Anger to Create Neural Patterns
MARTI NIKKO                                                            the basics of hip function, the muscles we are        of Happiness
                                                                       targeting and the potential risk and alignment        Deep-seated anger and avoidance create
                                                                       strategies so we can choose the appropriate level     numbness so that we are missing out on the finer
                                                                       without harming ourselves.                            things in life. Awaken the subtlety of your Soul.
                                                                                                                             Join me for 90 minutes of pure bliss after some
                                                                       SUN 10am YOGA HALL 2                                  active breathing, movement, and meditation.
                                                                       The Skill of Chill
                                                                       Be ready for a deep soulful slow flow yoga class      HEMALAYAA + DTO
                                                                       and an incredible meditation experience that is       THU 4pm YOGA HALL 2
                                                                       nothing short of paradigm-shifting. We want to        Transformational Movement EXPERIENCE
                                                                       share the tools and techniques of how to be more      Experience yoga, dance, and live music together
                                                                       present and feel the profound connection to our       for vibrational up-leveling, optimal health, and
                                                                       bodies, our community and nature.                     spiritual connection with yogi musician and
music producer DTO of Buddha Music Group and         JOHN SMRTIC                                              awaken, open, strengthen and balance the chakras         MARK DEVENPECK & NEWTON CAMPBELL
internationally-renowned yoga teacher, dancer,       FRI 9am YOGA HALL 3                                      to allow a free flow of creative energy through our      FRI 1pm YOGA HALL 3
entertainer and soul-inspirer Hemalayaa!             EQUAL VISION                                             body. Awaken a deeper connection to your Soul.           SUN 3pm YOGA HALL 3
                                                     To truly see from the Heart, we begin to see with                                                                 Energizing Yin /Discovering Dharma
SAT 4pm YOGA HALL 2                                  real eyes. It is with this soul vision, awakened         KRISTIN OLSON                                            The energy locked up or stagnated in our bodies
The Goddess within Every Woman                       sacred consciousness, that we can begin to               THU 1pm YOGA HALL 3                                      are shifted through the various, sequential Asanas.
A journey of remembering and returning home.         manifest collective unity in the most dazzling           FRI 8am YOGA HALL 2                                      Discover your own yoga.
The Goddess is an aspect of us that is beautiful,    diversity. Utilizing Krishna’s Bhagavad Gita             Mix the powerful Shakti Fest energies, the
fierce, sensual, intuitive, powerful and wise. She   teaching to Arjuna that an enlightened being             sweetness of the honey bee’s honey, the saucy            MARTI NIKKO AND DJ DREZ
is there through our best moments, radiating         sees with sama darshinah, or equal vision, an            humor and you find Kristin! Practice the art of          SAT 12pm YOGA HALL 2
brightly like the sun. But too often there are       adventurous and invigorating vinyasa-based               inward connection, befriend your healing body,           Explorers of Infinity
moments of great self-doubt and self-judgment        practice, with an always groovin’ playlist. It will      invite alertness & strength. Partner in joyful           Set yourself free. Moving into grace with intention
when the inner critic takes over and disconnects     be our springboard to explore going beyond               CommUnity for Balance, Readiness, Steadiness,            and celebration. Let’s bring our spirits together
us from our true essence. Your true essence is       outer form and impositions of value on sacred            Surrender, Radiance.                                     and expand our borders with our voice and heart
a force of nature, a power-woman, and a bold,        beingness based on commoditization and                                                                            creating connections that will serve through
sensual ALIVE woman - let’s bring her out to play!   perceived utility. By daring to lift the veil on the     LEEZA VILLAGOMEZ                                         infinity. Enjoy the community as we practice in
                                                     cultural and egoic myth of ‘how it is,’ we begin to      THU 3pm YOGA HALL 3                                      devotion with each other. Come exactly as you
JAI DEV SINGH                                        see to the heart of the matter where the Beloved         Vinjapa                                                  are. No experience necessary. This workshop
FRI 3:30pm YOGA HALL 1                               resides in all.                                          Join Leeza for her spirituality charged, interactively   will include asana, mantra, discussion and some
Arousing The Heart Center                                                                                     fun heart centered classes. Leeza offers the new         beautiful dope music.
A Kundalini Yoga Experience; At the base of          SAT 3pm YOGA HALL 3                                      or experienced Yogi a balanced approach to
the spine resides great power. At the top of         RE-MEMBERING THE TRIBE                                   traditional Hatha Yoga fused with chanting and           MONICA HEIM
the crown is a profound awareness. Yet, it is in     Calling all Earth guardians, modern mystics,             live music (TBA), creating a personalized practice       SUN 7am YOGA HALL 3
the center of the chest where the power of the       writers of the new mythology and divine                  that helps you step into your most authentic self.       Yoga and Self-Acceptance
human and the magic of the heavens unite. At         dreamers dancing unity into manifestation – the          WARNING: Dancing Occurs.                                 In this class, we will practice self-acceptance:
the nucleus of every being, and in the center        time is now. The Great Remembering is upon us                                                                     body, mind & soul. By changing our perception
of all creation is the force of supreme love, of     and the call of sacred community and awakening           MAS VIDAL                                                of our faults or limitations from one of resistance
unbiased compassion.                                 consciousness is here. Come! Let us gather and           FRI 2pm YOGA HALL 2                                      to open-hearted acceptance, we are able to free
                                                     celebrate life and what is truly possible in love        SAT 11pm YOGA HALL 3                                     ourselves from unnecessary suffering. If we
JAYA LAKSHMI AND ANANDA                              and spirit with an inspiring and specially selected      Dynamic integral yoga that merges Hatha                  choose to bow in gratitude to our short-comings,
FRI 12pm YOGA HALL 2                                 playlist, chanting, meditation and a strong              and Raja systems to create a transcendental              we may find the lessons they teach us to lead to
SUN 4pm YOGA HALL 2                                  vinyasa-based practice. “All that we do now must         experience.                                              wisdom and joy.
From Shakti to Bhakti                                be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.
Kundalini Yoga and Meditation                        We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.”                 MELISSA GRISI                                            MC YOGI
Join Jaya Lakshmi and Ananda for a journey                                                                    FRI 11am YOGA HALL 3                                     SUN 9:30am YOGA HALL 1
into the healing sound current and technology        KIA MILLER                                               SAT 8am YOGA HALL 2                                      Super Yogi Blast Off
of Kundalini Yoga. Renowned for their heart          SAT 7:30am YOGA HALL 1                                   SUN 2pm YOGA HALL 2                                      Be inspired, uplifted and fully activated in this
moving live musical performances, this duo           Luminous Heart                                           Yoga for Warriors                                        fun, joy-filled yoga and music experience with
offers a transformational Kundalini Yoga and         There is a luminous presence within each and every       Yoga for active-duty military and veterans.              renowned artist, teacher and Spiritual Graffiti
Meditation class. Tap into your inner power          one of us, waiting to be ignited into a flame that       A gentle yoga class to “rest and restore” from           author MC YOGI. Set to an awesome soundtrack
(Shakti), transform it into Bhakti (devotion and     can inspire and heal. This is our destiny as yogis, as   daily and cumulative stressors.                          of hip-hop, electronic and dance music, this is the
heart connection). Come ready to move energy,        healers, as seekers. As we build a heart-centered                                                                 one you’ve been waiting for! Be ready to move,
breathe, dance, shake and sing!                      consciousness we can approach true prosperity            MARK WHITWELL                                            breath, fly and leap into this super-powered
                                                     and abundance. The more we open the more                 THU 5:30pm YOGA HALL 1                                   awesome yoga activation!
JOHANNA BEEKMAN                                      we can attract. Awaken your inner power and              FRI 5:30pm YOGA HALL 1
SUN 5:45pm YOGA HALL 1                               presence so you can increase your capacity to be a       SAT 3:30pm YOGA HALL 1                                   OLEG FLOW
Lullaby Yoga ™                                       torchbearer of light.                                    With profound passion the principles of                  THU 9:30am YOGA HALL 1
Lullaby Yoga, created by Johanna Beekman, RYT                                                                 yoga are clarified and ancient wisdom made               Gymnastics Yoga Flow
500, is a unique blend of restorative and yin yoga   SUN 7:30am YOGA HALL 1                                   completely relevant to modern life. Student              Gymnastics has lots of beautiful tools , but it
with heart-opening live music. Her classes focus     Living in the Vibration of Sat Nam                       of Tiramalai Krishnamacharya, Mark has                   is very important the way they are applied!
on deep relaxation and healing using principles      One key to accessing vitality and increasing joy lies    taught internationally for over 30 years and             Combined with yoga they can significantly
from therapeutic yoga, yoga nidra, bhakti yoga       in purification of the chakras. Each chakra represents   contributed to TKV Desikachar’s “The Heart of            empower your personal practice, your flexibility,
and nada (sound) yoga.		                             an aspect of consciousness, a perspective, and           Yoga.” His own books include “Yoga of Heart”             mobility, and even your body posture! If you
                                                     certain modes of behavior. Our effort as yogis is to     and “The Promise.”                                       are trying to improve your handstand practice,
gymnastic yoga flow will nourish and prepare          SIANNA SHERMAN
your body for the best handstand possible by          SAT 10am YOGA HALL 2
becoming the best conditioning training!              Rasa Yoga - Chakra of Compassion: Backbends,
                                                      Pranayama & Chanting
FRI 7:00am YOGA HALL 3                                Love is the Source and Love is the Force! Awaken
Handstand Clinic                                      your heart of compassion in this bhakti flow of
The reason it’s called the handstand clinic is the    backbends, pranayama, and chanting. Learn
handstand practice if done correctly can be very      a skillful sequence to full wheel pose, Urdhva
beneficial for your body overall. When you start      Dhanurasana, and creative variations of deeper
this class you will find your body’s strong and       backbends. With proper alignment, backbends
weak sides! This class is the doctor that will give   help to heal the body, clear the mind and open
you the diagnostics of your body, the imbalance,      the lungs to breathe more deeply. This is a
and the recipes on how to fix them. At the point      progressive sequence of standing poses with
you get to the handstand itself it will become        symmetrical and asymmetrical backbends +
much more than a handstand. It will turn your         functional anatomy to recalibrate your body and
world upside down in every possible way!              align with the divine.

PANDIT ACHALA ARJUNA                                  SUN 12pm YOGA HALL 2
FRI 9:30am YOGA HALL 1                                Rasa Yoga - Transform Poison into Nectar:
Hatha Yoga Vidya: Body as the Temple of the Self      Deep Hips & Emotional Intimacy
                                                      Yoga is a path of embrace. All parts of the self are
SAUL DAVID RAYE                                       welcomed home through the practices of yoga.
THU 1:30pm YOGA HALL 1                                Explore the asana of hips, twists, and forward folds
Evolutionary Heart                                    with mantra and emotional intelligence. Sianna
The Heart is the center of our being and the          will guide you on an alchemical journey through
seat of evolving consciousness. Activate Heart-       the hips with the embrace of your emotions. You
fullness and resilience with a healing flow of        will learn the 9 emotional gateways of the yoga
movement, breath, chanting and meditation.            tradition, called rasas, and how to work with
                                                      emotions for transformation. Rasa Yoga is a bhakti
FRI 1:30pm YOGA HALL 1                                fusion of asana, mantra, mudra, myth, pranayama,
Soul & Soma                                           meditation, functional anatomy, Tantric yoga
Healing Soma based practice focusing on               philosophy, shadow work, and soul alchemy.
awakening the body’s inner intelligence, fluidity
and intuition.                                        SITA DEVI
                                                      SUN 11am YOGA HALL 3
SAT 11:30am Yoga Hall 1                               Bhakti Yin Flow
Earth Centered Yoga for Healing                       SUNCHASER SUP
The yoga tradition has long held a tradition          FRI SAT SUN 8am 10am 5pm ON THE LAKE
of connection of reverence for Mother Earth.          SunChaser SUP located on the sand at West
This class includes earth wisdom teachings and        Briarfield Drive. SunChaser SUP is a paddle and
practices, tantric asana, breathwork, meditation      yoga company. They offer daily SUP yoga and
and chanting. There is no transformation of the       fitness classes around San Diego. They thrive on
earth without you. You are the transformation.        creating an experience our students will remember.

SUN 2pm YOGA HALL 1                                   YOON
Prana Shakti                                          THURS 11am YOGA HALL 3
A full spectrum practice cultivating the power of     Yoon Yoga Flow
healing breath and our connection to the field        Through Hatha Vinyasa Flow, the theme of this
around us.                                            class is opening the Heart and Hip, making
                                                      flexible Body and Soul. This is going to be our
                                                      journey, feeling the inner peace, spreading the
                                                      energy for love.
ANAHITA KING                                         DAWN CARTWRIGHT
THU 9:45am WOMENS SACRED SPACE                       THU 11:30am WORKSHOP HALL 1
Ayurveda and the Moon Cycle                          The Elements of Pleasure: Rose Petal
Yoni self-care; after sex tips, three classic        Cacao Ceremony — Sponsored by Keith’s Cacao
categories of PMS imbalances, the cycle’s            It’s an elemental universe. We are elemental beings.
relationship to menopause, and the role of the       According to the mysteries of Neo-Tantra, the
body, mind and soul down there. Come away            elements contain secrets for living a pleasurable
with kind and gentle therapies for your sacred       and meaningful life. You’re invited to join me for a
feminine self.                                       beautiful rose petal cacao ceremony where we’ll
                                                     explore these secrets and discover what it means
SUN 11:30am WORKSHOP HALL 3                          to be elemental men, women and lovers. Jaya
Feel your stress unwind with joyful Ayurveda         Lakshmi & Ananda Yogiji join us with their divine
practices. Balance your nervous system to slow       mantras and music. Singles & couples welcome.
                                                                                                                 DHARMA DEVI   DAVID NICHTERN
aging, increase your natural glow and radiate                                                                                                      RADHANATH SWAMI
vitality. With Ayurveda, the sister science          FRI 3:30pm WORKSHOP HALL 1
of yoga, learn simple tips for restful sleep,        Sensual Pleasure: Neo-Tantra Secrets
breathing practices for mental clarity and           for Lovers
Marma (vital energy points located over joints       Neo-Tantra is a vast tradition of personal expansion
and organs) to soothe and pacify the body,           through sensual and sexual development.
mind and spirit.                                     Practices ignited in the body and expanded
                                                     through the heart. Sensual pleasure awakens
AREZU KAYWANFAR                                      us to our relationship with the world and each
SUN 1:30pm WORKSHOP HALL 3                           other through our senses. Join her for deep dive
Brain Booster Workshop                               into openness and receptivity. Learn new ways to
Join Arezu, a Kundalini teacher and brain            sharpen your senses and fall deeply in love. Jaya
longevity specialist, as she will teach you          Lakshmi & Ananda Yogiji join us with their divine
about the 4 pillars of brain health. Show you        mantras and music. Singles & couples welcome.
the research and brain scans done on the
meditation, proven to reverse memory loss as         SAT 11:00am WOMENS SACRED SPACE
well as depression and anti-aging. Lastly, to        Women’s Sacred Sexuality
lead you through some kundalini kriyas and           Since ancient times women have gathered
guide you through the meditation.                    together to dream mystical dreams, share wisdom
                                                     and renew sexual power. Sisters, it is time to gather
BIANCA & MICHAEL ALEXANDER                           together again. You’ll explore the secrets of the       DAWN CARTWRIGHT   SAUL DAVID RAYE   MICHAEL BRIAN BAKER
SAT3:30pm WORKSHOP HALL 3                            cosmos through the gateway of your womb and
Conscious Living: Practicing The Eightfold Path      emerging refreshed, renewed and empowered by
of Yoga                                              all that’s been shared and witnessed. Your body,                                                   SACRED SONS
Integrate Patanjali’s sacred Yoga Sutra philosophy   heart and spirit will be soothed, revealing the
off the mat and into the real world. Taught by       beauty and sweetness of your essential nature.
Michael & Bianca Alexander - kriya yogis & hosts
of Conscious Living TV - this workshop will help     SUN 11:30pm WORKSHOP HALL 1
you apply the sacred teachings of yoga to every      Sexual Pleasure: Neo-Tantra Secrets
aspect of your life.                                 for Lovers
                                                     Sexual pleasure is the weaving of love with the
CINTAMANI DEVI                                       natural erotic energy of the body. Sex, when a
SAT 3pm WOMENS SACRED SPACE                          solid loving foundation is created, connects us to
Water Flow: A River of Emotional Purification        the Sringara sentiment, a fire that burns in every
We will learn how to bring balance to our            heart. A flame that is awakened by the energy
emotions as women through Ayurveda.                  of life, sexual energy. Learn Neo-Tantra practices
Recognize the relationship between micro             to awaken this fire and build loving foundations
and macro-cosmos, the elements and our               for sexual expression. Jaya Lakshmi & Ananda
lives, to have a full and healthy existence in       Yogiji join us with their divine mantras and music.
this world.                                          Singles & couples welcome.

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