September 2021 - Construction Products Europe

Page created by Gordon Schneider
September 2021 - Construction Products Europe
In this issue: Hungarian legislative proposal against internal market; White paper on EPD information; Brexit update; EC report on renovation; Level(s) latest news;
Construction 2050 - skills; CWA on urban heat island effect; Life funding and ECJ ruling on harmonised standards


              IN THIS ISSUE
• Hungarian legislative proposal
against internal market
• White paper on EPD information
• Brexit update
• EC report on renovation
• Level(s) latest news
• Construction 2050 - skills
• CWA on urban heat island effect
• Life funding
• ECJ ruling on harmonised

         UPCOMING EVENTS                                            Watch the presentations from our speakers Andrea
                                                                    Cassoni, Managing Director, Business Line General
• Safer Chemicals Conference -
online, 6 October                                                   Industry Robotics and Discrete Automation, ABB and
• Cementing Europe's Future: Action                                 Julen Astudillo, Architect, Building Technologies, Tecnalia
Through Policy - Brussels & online,                                 about the present and future of robotics in construction.
12 October

     TWEET OF THE MONTH                                             Hungarian legislative proposal on
                                                                    raw materials & construction
#Construction Welcomes Delay to                                     On 30th June 2021, the Hungarian Government notified a
UKCA Product Marking Changes                                        draft Government Decree on “measures to relaunch the
                                                                    economy in relation to the export of raw materials and
The @ConstructionCLC has                                            products of strategic importance for security of supply in
welcomed confirmation that the UK                                   the construction sector”. Read the industry concerns
Government has postponed changes                                    expressed by Construction Products Europe as this act
to product marking rules, for one                                   would distort the functioning of the internal market. Read
more year, amidst concerns about                                    more...
sector's preparedness post

                                                                    White paper “Construction
                                                                    Products Key Environmental
                                                                    Cobuilder recently released this publication to facilitate the
                                                                    development of sustainability strategies and policies that
                                                                    are based on Environmental Product Declarations (EPD).
September 2021 - Construction Products Europe
Indeed, data templates are the key to manage complex
                                 information, as required by Level(s), Green Public
                                 Procurement, green building certification schemes and, in
                                 a more global perspective, the goals of the EU Green Deal
                                 and the Renovation wave.

                                 Brexit – CE marking acceptance
— Construct UK (@_ConstructUK)   deadline postponed by one year
August 27, 2021
                                 On 24th August 2021, the UK Government revised the
                                 Construction Products Regulation guidance, referring to a
          MONTH                  new end-date for recognition of the CE mark in United
                                 Kingdom, now set for 1st January 2023. Clarification on
                                 the need for additional legislation to end recognition of the
                                 CE mark is also included. This action is expected to
                                 alleviate the pressure on manufacturers placing products
                                 on UK market. Read our updated Brexit FAQ...

                                 Integrated approaches for the
                                 renovation and modernisation of
                                 the built environment
                                 An assessment of the legal and non-legal policy
                                 instruments in Europe was recently published by the
                                 European Commission as part of the initiatives related to
                                 building renovation. The work, led by Buildings
                                 Performance Institute Europe (BPIE), provides insight on
                                 the role of digitalisation, financing, mandatory
                                 requirements and urban planning.

                                 Level(s) latest news
                                 Recording of the session “Search for sustainable
                                 buildings”, showing how the New European Bauhaus
                                 (NEB) and Level(s) can drive a circular and inclusive built-
                                 environment transformation, is available. Watch the

                                 Visit the new Level(s) website to understand how Level(s)
                                 works and to get the latest information on the sustainable
                                 construction initiative, including interviews, links with
                                 building certification systems, and policy instruments, etc.

                                 Construction 2050 – Opportunities
                                 for new talent
                                 The second public event organised by the Construction
                                 2050 Alliance, which brought together 200 participants,
                                 showing that construction can offer many opportunities to
                                 new talent. The discussions proved that, in light of the EU
September 2021 - Construction Products Europe
Green Deal and of the Recovery and Resilience plans,
                                              construction can restore and create better and safer jobs.

                                              Urban Heat Island effects with cool
                                              A draft CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA) on ‘Mitigation of
                                              Urban Heat Island effects with cool materials’ has recently
                                              been developed. Comments will be collected until 5th

                                              Funding opportunity under Life
                                              The European Commission recently announced the
                                              possibility for companies and stakeholder organisations in
                                              the built-environment sector to apply for funding as part of
                                              the first LIFE Call for Proposals under the new LIFE
                                              programme (2021–2027). The deadline for submission of
                                              proposals for Standard Actions Projects relating to Circular
                                              Economy and Quality of life and Environment Governance
                                              is 30th November 2021.

                                              Court of Justice ruling on free
                                              access of harmonised standards
                                              On 14th July 2021, the General Court of the EU ruled in
                                              case (T-185/19) that the European Commission is right to
                                              deny free access without charge to harmonized standards
                                              (hENs). The Court stated that the fact that hENs have legal
                                              effect under EU law does not establish an overriding public
                                              interest which would prevail over commercial interests and
                                              force their disclosure. The ruling is not yet final and could
                                              be appealed before the European Court of Justice. Read

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