VS 1 SEP 14:00 BLOEMFONTEIN - Toyota Cheetahs Game Day

Page created by Joann Lynch
VS 1 SEP 14:00 BLOEMFONTEIN - Toyota Cheetahs Game Day

2 FEBRUARY  • 16:00
    1 SEP 14:00
VS 1 SEP 14:00 BLOEMFONTEIN - Toyota Cheetahs Game Day

EDITORIAL TEAM                               Guinness PRO14 Welcome Message
Ronel Pienaar
Kobus le Roux                                Toyota Sponsor’s Message
Chantelle du Plessis
                                             Free State Rugby Union Message
Wilna Jurack                                 Free State Cheetahs (Pty) Ltd Message
084 854 4492
                                             Toyota Cheetahs Player Profiles
Johan Pretorius                              Toyota Cheetahs vs Isuzu Southern Kings

TOYOTA CHEETAHS                             Guinness PRO14 Fixtures & Results
Kobus le Roux

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    CheetahsRugby      www.facebook.com/CheetahsRugby   @CheetahsRugby    www.fscheetahs.co.za
VS 1 SEP 14:00 BLOEMFONTEIN - Toyota Cheetahs Game Day
It may be winter in the north, but today we will be treated to some sensational summer rugby
                                     as the Toyota Cheetahs and the Isuzu Southern Kings show us exactly what our South African
                                     teams have added to the Guinness PRO14.
                                     Congratulations to both sides for their wins last weekend – the Toyota Cheetahs scored some
                                     sensational scores in their big win over Zebre, but hats off to the Kings for that terrific comeback
                                     against Edinburgh in Port Elizabeth.
                                     Yaw Penxe may have scored the winning try but it was an out of this world offload by Meli
                                     Rokoua that made it happen, certainly a try of the season contender. What we see on a regular
                                     basis from the Cheetahs and the Kings is imaginative rugby and a real risk-reward approach to
                                     their play which is turning a lot of heads around the Guinness PRO14.
                                     But don’t let the chillier weather in the north fool you, we’ve got plenty of teams who throw the
                                     ball around as well with Leinster, Scarlets, Glasgow Warriors and Zebre all sharing a flair for
                                     I also can’t let our success in Europe’s pool stages pass without mention as we are immensely
                                     proud to see five of our clubs in the draw for the Champions Cup Quarter-Finals and to have
                                     Connacht in the Challenge Cup knock-outs, too.
It is the first time since 2012 that we have had so many teams in the knock-out stages of the Champions Cup and that is reflective of
not only the talent on the pitch but the coaching teams and the structures of the clubs off it.
To see two Scottish clubs in the Quarter-Finals is a terrific achievement and a sure sign of where the game in Scotland is at. The
national team and the clubs are performing consistently under the direction of Scottish Rugby and in particular the work that has
been going on at Edinburgh under Richard Cockerill has added to the strength of their professional game.
In Ireland, Leinster and Munster continue to roll as they have in previous years and now Ulster have returned to the knock-outs as
they regain their momentum under Dan McFarland this season and you wouldn’t bet against them reaching the Guinness PRO14
Final Series either.
It’s also rewarding to see Connacht reach the Quarter-Finals in the Challenge Cup because of the positive rugby Andy Friend has
them playing and a very honourable mention for Benetton Rugby. Although they didn’t reach the knock-outs, they came close on 20
points and also scored wins over Harlequins, Grenoble and Agen so there is certainly something sparking in Treviso right now.
Naturally, a lot of debate has been sparked about which competition rules the roost when it comes to club rugby in the northern
hemisphere with many differing opinions. To have five teams from the Guinness PRO14 present is a great accomplishment, as is our
win ratio against teams from outside of our Championship over the past number of seasons.
But it is important to understand that the Guinness PRO14 is a very different proposition to the domestic tournaments in England and
France. For starters, those leagues are based upon private ownership, in our Championship we are led more by the unions who are
shareholders in the tournament.
Our metrics for success include performances in Europe and also how our shareholder unions perform in the Test arena, the exciting
brand of rugby we produce in the Guinness PRO14 and the litany of Next Generation talent that so quickly establishes brand new stars
of the world game.
The talent of coaching in the Guinness PRO14 is also at an extremely high level with many coaches stepping up to take roles at
international level based of their work in our Championship. That relies on technical expertise, shrewd recruitment and the ability to
accelerate young players into front-line talent all while getting the best out their international stars.
On these fronts we are delivering and that drive interest in the tournament through sponsorship and commercial activity which is
already evidenced by our record broadcast deals that came into effect this season.
As the game in Bloemfontein kicks off today I want all of our South African supporters to know that the Guinness PRO14 is going from
strength-to-strength            BESKIKBAAR
                      and that the Championship- www.fscheetahs.co.za
                                                  has not yet reached the peak. It is an exciting journey and one that we know you
will be on every step of the way.
With upwards of 10 teams still in contention of the knock-out stages the Guinness PRO14 Final is coming up into view at Celtic Park
on May 25. Without even making a tackle you can guarantee your place by going direct to bit.ly/glasgow2019 to get your tickets.
The Guinness PRO14 Final has become a great event for supporters of all our clubs and if you fancy treating yourself, or perhaps
surprising that passionate rugby fan in your life, then a trip to Celtic Park on May 25 should do the trick!

Martin Anayi
Chief Executive Officer
VS 1 SEP 14:00 BLOEMFONTEIN - Toyota Cheetahs Game Day
VS 1 SEP 14:00 BLOEMFONTEIN - Toyota Cheetahs Game Day

Welcome to today’s Guinness Pro 14            made of. We applaud the fighting spirit
match here at Toyota Stadium.                 that you have and the opportunity to show
                                              new markets and new regions what
It is amazing how rugby has changed over      Toyota Cheetahs rugby means to all of us.
the past 12 months. This time last year the   We will be beside you as you embark on
Toyota Cheetahs were in the Vodacom           this new challenge, and will continue to
Super Rugby tournament and now they           show the support we have provided over
face new, exciting and sometimes              the past few years as not only a sponsor,
unknown opposition in the Pro14 tourna-       but as a proud partner of Toyota Chee-
ment.                                         tahs.

A year is a long time in rugby it seems.      To the opposition – welcome to Toyota
Still, there are things that haven’t          Stadium. The battles will be tough and
changed, things that have improved and        uncompromising, but we are sure you will
things that will improve even more.           experience some of our world-famous
Not only are the Toyota Cheetahs doing        Free State hospitality during your stay.
ground-breaking work by competing
against the best of the Northern Hemi-        And lastly, but certainly not least, to our
sphere, they are charting a new way           loyal fans who support the team week in
forward and creating a breeding ground        and out, thank you for your exceptional
of players who understand the conditions,     undying support for the Toyota Cheetahs.
and what it takes to succeed in this new      You are the heartbeat of the stadium, the
environment.                                  inspiration for the players and without you
                                              rugby would be a lot poorer. Thank you
This has always been the Toyota Cheetahs      again for supporting our team.
way, to play an attractive brand of rugby
and to develop top class players that
South Africa can be proud of. Toyota has      Enjoy the match.
always been the catalyst for success in
supporting the players in the team and
our partnership is stronger than ever,
ensuring the Toyota Cheetahs can enter
this bold new world with both confidence
and strength.

To Franco Smith and his team, we stand
with you as you enter this new battle-        Andrew Kirby
ground, this new challenge that will both     President and CEO
test us and show the world what we are        of Toyota South Africa
VS 1 SEP 14:00 BLOEMFONTEIN - Toyota Cheetahs Game Day
VS 1 SEP 14:00 BLOEMFONTEIN - Toyota Cheetahs Game Day
VS 1 SEP 14:00 BLOEMFONTEIN - Toyota Cheetahs Game Day
VS 1 SEP 14:00 BLOEMFONTEIN - Toyota Cheetahs Game Day
VS 1 SEP 14:00 BLOEMFONTEIN - Toyota Cheetahs Game Day

Today marks the first South African        A very special word of thanks to
Guinness PRO14 derby for 2019 in           Toyota for their sponsorship of the
Toyota Stadium and it is a privilege for   Toyota Cheetahs as well as all the
me as President of the Free State          other sponsors without whom we
Rugby Union to welcome everyone at         cannot be successful.
this event.
                                           May you all enjoy this day and
A special word of welcome to the           especially the camaraderie of rugby
management, players and supporters         friends.
of the Isuzu Southern Kings. I hope
that you’ve enjoyed your stay in
Bloemfontein.                              Your Sincerely

The Toyota Cheetahs will enter the
match with a flawless win record
against      their     Eastern     Cape
counterparts – which currently stands
at played four, won four – but after
nail biting action in the dying
minutes at the Madibaz Stadium two
weeks ago to sneak through for a win,
our     Franco’s     team     will  not
underestimate Deon David’s charges.
                                           Jerry Segwaba
I thank our loyal supporters for their     President
motivation      and    encouragement
through good times and bad. It
carries the team to reach bigger
heights. It’s great to see the level of
passion and commitment of fans that
that live and breathe every kick, every
hit, every call and every try.

Considering the thrilling finish between   The rewarding results have put them into
the Toyota Cheetahs and Isuzu Southern     position to possibly play their way into the
Kings a fortnight ago, and the exciting    quarter-final for the second season in a
victories last weekend, we are looking     row, as the top three teams in each of the
forward to seeing sparks fly in Toyota     two conferences will make it through.
Stadium today!
                                           We wish Franco and his team well with the
I would like to welcome everyone to        encounter today.
today’s Guinness PRO14 match, a derby
between the two South African sides, the   We hope that everyone will enjoy the day
Toyota Cheetahs and the Southern Kings,    with us.
here in Bloemfontein.
A special word of welcome to all our
sponsors, suite holders, season ticket
holders and loyal supporters.

The Toyota Cheetahs are on a hot-streak
of three successive wins, which has
brought them within seven log points of
Ospreys and Connacht, who are in third
and fourth place respectively on the       Ryno Opperman
Conference A log.                          Chairman

                  1                        12                      13
                PROP                      HOOKER                   PROP
                105 kg                    108kg                    120 kg
                1.75 m                    1.75 m                   1.86 m
                 35 caps                  14 caps                  35 caps
OX NCHE                    JOSEPH DWEBA              ARANOS COETZEE

                14                         15                      16
                LOCK                       LOCK                   FLANK
                109 kg                     115 kg                 108 kg
                1.97 m                     2.09 m                 1.94 m
                6 caps                     12 caps                8 caps

                17                         18                      19
                FLANK                     NO. 8                  SCRUMHALF
                105 kg                    105 kg                 88 kg
                1.87 m                    1.89 m                 1.84 m
                24 caps                   13 caps                28 caps

                10                         1
                                           11                      1
                FLYHALF                    WING                     CENTRE
                89 kg                      83 kg                    93 kg
                1.82 m                     1.81 m                   1.80 m
                13 caps                    11 caps                  26 caps

TIAN SCHOEMAN              RABZ MAXWANE              NICO LEE

                13                          1
                                            14                          1
                CENTRE                        WING                      FULLBACK
                88 kg                         94 kg                     72 kg
                1.85 m                        1.84 m                    1.74 m
                13 caps                       28 caps                   13 caps

                 16                         1
                                            17                          1
                 RESERVE                    RESERVE                     RESERVE
                 118 kg                     120 kg                      120 kg
                 1.77 m                     1.91 m                      1.83 m
                 5 caps                     33 caps                     5 caps


                19                          1
                                            20                          1
               RESERVE                      RESERVE                     RESERVE
               115 kg                       110 kg                      109 kg
               2.09 m                       1.90 m                      1.90 m
               12 caps                      4 caps                      8 caps
JP DU PREEZ                  JASPER WIESE               NIELL JORDAAN

                22                          1
                RESERVE                     RESERVE
                77 kg                       94 kg
                1.69 m                      1.87 m
                3 caps                      7 caps

                 Ox Nche                    1        Schalk Ferreira
           Joseph Dweba                     2        Michael Willemse
         Aranos Coetzee                     3        Luvuyo Pupuma
            Sintu Manjezi                   4        Andries van Schalkwyk
        Walt Steenkamp                      5        John-Charles Astle (c)
  Abongile Nonkontwana                      6        Cyril John Velleman
        Junior Pokomela                     7        Martinus Burger
         Gerhard Olivier                    8        Ruaan Lerm
        Shaun Venter (c)                    9        Stefan Ungerer
          Tian Schoeman                     10       Ntabeni Dukisa
          Rabz Maxwane                      11       Bjorn Basson
                 Nico Lee                   12       Tertius Kruger
Benhard Janse van Rensburg                  13       Meli Rokoua
      William Small-Smith                   14       Yaw Penxe
             Malcolm Jaer                   15       Masixole Banda

             Reinach Venter                 16       Alandre van Rooyen
             Charles Marais                 17       Alulutho Tshakweni
              Luan de Bruin                 18       De-Jay Terblanche
                 JP du Preez                19       Stephan Greeff
               Jasper Wiese                 20       Andisa Ntsila
               Niell Jordaan                21       Sarel Pretorius
                  Rudy Paige                22       Bader Pretorius
            Ernst Stapelberg                23       Berton Klaasen

                Franco Smith            Coach        Deon Davids
             Ashwell Rafferty          Manager       Zingi Hela

                           Referee: Stuart Berry
        Assistant Referees: Quinton Immelman, Cwengile Jadezweni
                           TMO: Marius Jonker

   CheetahsRugby    www.facebook.com/CheetahsRugby   @CheetahsRugby   www.fscheetahs.co.za


                                           SAT, 1 SEP    Munster vs Toyota Cheetahs                                  38-0

                                           SAT, 8 SEP    Ospreys vs Toyota Cheetahs                                  46-14

                                           SAT, 15 SEP   Toyota Cheetahs vs Glasgow                                  24-52

                                           FRI, 21 SEP   Toyota Cheetahs vs Ulster                                   39-39

                                           FRI, 28 SEP   Cardiff vs Toyota Cheetahs                                  24-21

                                           FRI, 5 OCT    Edinburgh vs Toyota Cheetahs                                37-21

                                           SAT, 27 OCT   Toyota Cheetahs vs Cardiff                                  21-10

                                           SUN, 4 NOV    Toyota Cheetahs vs Munster                                  26-30

                                           SAT, 24 NOV   Toyota Cheetahs vs Benetton                                 31-25

                                           SAT, 1 DEC    Toyota Cheetahs vs Connacht                                 17-21

                                           SUN, 6 JAN    Zebre vs Toyota Cheetahs                                    12:27

                                           FRI, 18 JAN   Kings vs Toyota Cheetahs                                    17-24

                                           SAT, 26 JAN   Toyota Cheetahs vs Zebre                                    61-28

                                           SAT, 2 FEB    Toyota Cheetahs vs Kings                                    16:00

                                           SAT, 16 FEB   Connacht vs Toyota Cheetahs                                 19:00

                                           SUN, 24 FEB   Scarlets vs Toyota Cheetahs                                 15:00

                                           FRI, 1 MAR    Leinster vs Toyota Cheetahs                                 21:35

                                           SAT, 23 MAR   Glasgow vs Toyota Cheetahs                                  21:45

                                           SAT, 6 APR    Toyota Cheetahs vs Ospreys                                  17:30

                                           SAT, 13 APR   Toyota Cheetahs vs Dragons                                  19:35

                                           SAT, 27 APR   Toyota Cheethas vs Kings                                    17:30

                                            HOMEGAME                    *Fixtures and kick-off times are subject to change
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