Senior Tidings - Crawford County Council on Aging

Page created by Julia Maldonado
Senior Tidings - Crawford County Council on Aging
FEBRUARY/MARCH 2021 “Your Community Senior Center”

                                     Senior Tidings
419-562-3050 or 800-589-7853
Monday-Friday 8:30am—5pm


Utility Assistance…….......Pg 2
Valentine packets......…….Pg 2
Congrats Courtney…….....Pg 3
Thank-you Crawford Co....Pg 4
Feb. Calendar..…..….........Pg 5
Feb/March Menu...........Pg 6-7
Valentine Fun Facts...........Pg 8
Adopt-A-Senior…………...Pg 9
Medicare Answers…….Pg 9-10
    Newsletter Donations
Donations for the Council on
Aging newsletter, Senior Tid-
ings, are always appreciated.
The mailing cost for each home
is estimated to be $3.00 per
       Mail donations to:
       Council on Aging,
       200 S. Spring St.,
        P.O. Box 166,
      Bucyrus, OH 44820
Senior Tidings - Crawford County Council on Aging
Utility Assistance
                Consumer Utility Assistance
Assistance may be available for Ohioans who need help paying
their utility bills. There are many different forms of assistance for
Ohioans. Some assistance programs may help reduce your monthly
bills, help weatherize your home, or create a personalized payment
plan. Eligibility varies from program to program, so make sure you      We are offering a take-home
qualify for a program before applying. Listed below are programs        Valentine’s Day packet for sen-
provided by utilities, the State of Ohio, and various other organiza-
                                                                        iors ages 60 and older. Packets
                                                                        include valentine candy, activity
•   Summer Crisis Program – During the summer months, con-              pages, scratch art, crafts include-
    sumers may qualify to receive up to $500 to pay an electric bill    a bunny frame & a heart dream
    or repair a central air conditioning unit.                          catcher. You MUST sign up to
• Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) – Two separate pro-             receive this packet! Registration
    grams, HEAP and Emergency HEAP, can help pay a portion of           deadline is Monday, Feb. 8th.
    winter heating costs for eligible Ohioans.                          Packets may be picked up be-
• Medical Certification Waivers – Medical Certification Waivers         tween 1p.m.- 2p.m. on Feb.
    may help Ohioans that have a health condition that would be         12th. There are a limited
    affected by disconnection.                                          amount of packets available.
• Percentage of Income Payment Plan (PIPP Plus) – Income-               Availability will be first-come
    eligible Ohioans may limit their electric and/or natural gas bill   first-serve.
    payments to a pre-determined percentage of their household
    monthly income.
• Telephone Lifeline Programs – Qualifying Ohioans can receive
    assistance to make their telephone service more affordable.
• Consumer Assistance for Military Families – Military members
    and their families may qualify for special assistance programs.
• Home Weatherization Assistance Program (HWAP) – Low-
    income Ohioans may be eligible to receive assistance weatheriz-
    ing their home to increase energy efficiency, which can help        Please R.S.V.P. by calling (419)
    lower utility bills.                                                562-3050, option 4.
• Winter Reconnect Order (WRO) – During the winter heating
    season, the WRO may allow all Ohioans, regardless of income,
    to reconnect or to avoid the disconnection of their utilities for
    one payment of $175.
• Fuel Funds – Many utility companies offer payment assistance
    to qualifying low-income customers.
For more information, contact Ohio Heartland Community Action
at (740) 387-1039.

2 | Crawford County Council on Aging
Senior Tidings - Crawford County Council on Aging
Congratulations Courtney Moody!
      Congratulations Courtney & Spencer
            on their new baby boy!

Welcome baby, Myles J. Moody born at 9:54 pm
Jan. 14, 2021, weighing 7 lbs. 2oz and measuring
19.5 inches. The seniors miss you doing Activities,
but Spring will be here soon enough!

                               Courtney titled this
                               picture,    “Kissy
                               Face.” We think
                               this one is perfect
                               for the month of

                               Keep Space Blank For Ads
Senior Tidings - Crawford County Council on Aging
Thank You...Crawford County Community
Because of you (Crawford County Community          •     Bucyrus Road Materials
Members), the drive-thru Holiday Meals & the
Secret Santa Tree was a success for many seniors   •     Beverly Whaley
during the holiday season. What started out as a
                                                   •     Sharon Huber
small event, turned out to be a bigger success
than we ever anticipated. We couldn’t have done    •     Charles & Nancy Heinlen
it without you!
                                                   •     Mary Kemery
Thank you to the following sponsors:
                                                   •     Gerald & Marcia Kreinbrink
• Netpoint Consulting

                                                   •     Thomas McAdams
•   First Federal Community Bank
                                                   •     Rebecca & Robert Posey
•   IAFF Local 1120 (Bucyrus Fire Dept.
                                                   •     Good Hope Lutheran Church Men of
•   Bucyrus Kiwanis Club
                                                   •     Ken & Deb Cameron
•   Kennedy Landscaping
                                                   •     Saint Paul Lutheran Church
•   Phil Lazar Plumbing & Heating
                                                   •     Gerald & Rita Fegley
•   Steve Ritzhaupt (Financial Advisor with
    Edward Jones)
                                                   •     Joseph & Ann Wagner
•   Doug Godwin (Midwest Furniture)
                                                   •     Thank you to the many sponsors who
                                                         also donated anonymously.
•   David & Brandy Robertson

•   Herbert & Doris Jones
                                                       The generous donations we have remaining will be
•   Ken & Dorothy Emerson
                                                             used towards an event in the spring.
•   Ed McCartney

•   Quality Inn

•   Susan Monroe & Michael Kalb

•   Betty & Dennis Taylor

•   Mrs. Alberta Lohr

4 | Crawford County Council on Aging
Senior Tidings - Crawford County Council on Aging
Activities                           FEBRUARY 2021
     Sun          Mon           Tue        Wed        Thu         Fri        Sat
             1             2          3          4          5           6

7            8             9          10         11         12          13

14           15            16         17         18         19          20


21           22            23         24         25         26          27

28           3/1           3/2        3/3        3/4        3/5         3/6

3/7          3/8           3/9        3/10       3/11       3/12        3/13

6 | Crawford County Council on Aging
Senior Tidings - Crawford County Council on Aging
FEBRUARY 2021                                            Menu
  Monday             Tuesday Wednesday Thursday                                   Friday
1.Coutry Fried    2.Sliced Beef OR    3. Smoked           4.Beef & Noodles    5.Egg Salad OR
Steak OR          Baked Chicken       Sausage OR          OR Chicken &        Roast Beef
Salisbury Steak   Breast              Diced Ham           Noodles             Sandwich
Green Beans       Ranch Fries         Green Beans         Brussel Sprouts     Pineapple
Mashed Potatoes   Broccoli            Yukon Potatoes      Corn                Fresh Melon
Pears &           Apple Juice         Peach Crisp         Banana              Fruit Punch

8.BBQ Chicken     9.Spaghetti OR      10.Sliced Beef OR   11.Chicken Leg      12.Beef Vegetable
OR Meatloaf       Jumbo Ravioli       Shredded Chicken    OR Smothered        Soup OR Chili
Peas & Onions     Cheesy Broccoli     Zucchini            Hamburger           Tossed Salad
Sweet Potato      Mandarin Oranges    Peach Crisp         Corn                Fruit Salad
Fries             Garlic Bread        Juice               Baked Potato        Juice
Apple Juice                                               Fruit Punch
Cereal Bar

15.              16.Mini Pancake      17.Turkey Burger    18.Cheese Mani-     19. Potato Soup
    CLOSED -     Wraps OR Turkey      OR Spicy Chicken    cotti OR Marzetti   OR Cheddar
In Observance of Sausage              Tomato/Lettuce      Peas & Onions       Broccoli Soup
President’s Day! Baked Apples         Italian Green       Cheesy Broccoli     Tossed Salad
                 Redskin Potatoes     Beans               Grape Juice         Crackers
                 Fresh Orange         Banana                                  Tropical Fruit

22.Turkey         23.Stuffed Pepper   24.Ham Slice OR     25.Chicken &        26.Beef Taco OR
Meatballs OR      OR Orange           Turkey Sausage      Dumpling Filling    Chicken Taco
Grilled Chicken   Chicken             Baked Apples        OR                  Lettuce, Tomato &
Peas              Brussel Sprouts     Redskin Potatoes    Hamburger Gravy     Cheese
Cauliflower       Corn                Fresh Orange        Mashed Potatoes     Tropical Fruit
Apple Juice       Pineapple           Mini Maple          Corn
                  Rice                Waffles             Banana

                                                            To Receive         Menu Subject
                                                           Your Meal You       To Change At
                                                           Must Be Home          Anytime
                                                            At Time Of            Without
                                                             Delivery.            Notice.

                                                 | 6
Senior Tidings - Crawford County Council on Aging
MARCH 2021                                           Menu
  Monday              Tuesday Wednesday Thursday                                  Friday
1.Crispy Chicken   2.Turkey Bacon,    3.Cabbage Roll     4.Sloppy Joe OR      5.Chicken Salad
Sandwich OR        Cheese & Egg       OR Sweet &         Sloppy Jack          OR PB & J
Hamburger Patty    Pizza OR Sausage   Sour Chicken       Broccoli             Grapes
Peas & Onions      & Gravy Pizza      Succotash          Scalloped Potatoes   Apricots
Coined Carrots     Baked Apples       Orange Pineapple   Fruit & Jell-O       Fruit Juice
Apple Juice        Redskin Potatoes   Juice                                   Graham Cracker
                   Muffin             Pickled Beet &
8.Meatloaf OR      9.Sliced Beef OR   10.Turkey Pot      11.Lasagna Rollup    12.Stuffed Pepper
Southern Style     Baked Chicken      Roast OR Beef      OR Baked Ziti        Soup OR
Pork Chop          Breast             Stroganoff         Broccoli             Minestrone Soup
Prince Charles     Ranch Fries        Baked Potato       Cracker Bread        Tossed Salad
Vegetables         Broccoli           Brussel Sprouts    Sticks               Whole Tomato
Baked Potato       Apple Juice        Pineapple          Juice                Tropical Fruit

15.Chicken         16.Chicken         17.Sliced Roast    18.Ham Slice OR      19.Sausage Pizza
Nuggets OR         Parmesan           Beef OR Sliced     Turkey Sausage       OR Mozzarella
Pork Chop          OR Spaghetti       Turkey             Baked Apples         Pizza
Mashed Potatoes    Broccoli           Italian Blend      Redskin Potatoes     Tossed Salad
Corn               Pears &            Baked Potato       Maple Waffles        Fruit Salad
Fruit Punch        Blueberries        Tropical Fruit     Syrup

22.Turkey          23. Popcorn        24. Sloppy Joe     25. Sliced Pork OR   26. Mac & Cheese
Meatballs OR       Chicken OR         OR Sloppy Jack     Turkey Breast        OR Escalloped
Grilled Chicken    Chipped Beef       Steamed            Green Beans          Chicken & Noodles
Breast             Mashed Potatoes    Cabbage            Mashed Potatoes      Baked Apples
Peas               Banana             Seasoned           & Gravy              Three Bean Salad
Cauliflower                           Potatoes           Pears &              Juice
Apple Juice                           Pineapple          Blueberries

29.Chicken Leg     30. Beef Stew OR   31.Turkey Burger     To Receive          Menu Subject
OR Pork Chop       Chipped Beef       OR Chicken          Your Meal You        To Change At
Mashed Potatoes    Biscuit            Sandwich
                                                          Must Be Home           Anytime
Corn               Princes Charles    Green Beans
Juice              Vegetables         Baked Potato         At Time Of             Without
                   Pickled Beets                            Delivery.             Notice.
                   & Egg

                                                | 7
Senior Tidings - Crawford County Council on Aging
Valentine’s Day Fun Facts
1. Valentine's Day is the second most popular day       8. The symbol of the ribbon, which often adorns
   of the year for sending cards. Christmas is the          modern-day Valentines, is rooted in the Middle
   first most popular.                                      Ages. When knights competed in tournaments,
2. Worldwide, over 50 million roses are given for           their sweethearts often gave them ribbons for
   Valentine's Day each year.                               good luck.
3. About 1 billion Valentine’s Day cards are ex-        9. In order of popularity, Valentine's Day cards are
   changed each year.                                       given to teachers, children, mothers, wives,
4. Approximately 27 percent of women buy flow-              sweethearts and pets.
   ers for themselves, with 73% of the flower pur-      10. Richard Cadbury invented the first Valentines
   chases made by men.                                      Day candy box in the late 1800s.
5. Cupid is said to be the symbol of valentines. Cu-    11. More than 35 million heart-shaped boxes of
   pid is the son of Venus. Venus is the Roman god          chocolate will be sold for Valentine's Day.
   of love and beauty.                                  12. At least 9 million people buy their pets a gift on
6. The heart is associated with Valentine’s Day as          Valentine`s Day.
   it is considered the source of all human emo-        13. The oldest known Valentine’s Day card is on
   tions.                                                   display at the British Museum in London. It’s
7. All over the world, over 50 million roses are giv-       dates back to the 1400’s.
   en for Valentine’s Day each year.

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Senior Tidings - Crawford County Council on Aging
Adopt A Senior & Medicare Answers
  Adopt-A-Senior for Valentine’s Day                       Am I eligible for a transition refill?
Many times friends and family ask what they can        Dear Marci,
do for our older adults during the holiday season.              I just realized my new Part
Why not Adopt-A-Senior to provide services as a                 D plan doesn’t cover one of
                                                       my prescriptions. I have an appointment with my
way of giving back?
                                                       doctor in a few weeks to discuss switching to a
As a non-profit organization, the Crawford Coun-       similar drug that is covered by my plan, but what
ty Council on Aging relies on contributions to sup-    should I do about my prescription until then? Am
port its mission of enabling seniors with long-term    I eligible for a transition refill?
care needs to live independently in their homes. As    -Ruth (Akron, OH)
our senior population continues to grow rapidly in
the coming years, we need to provide essential ser-    Dear Ruth,
vices to assist independence, safety, and quality of   Yes, it sounds like you are likely eligible for a
life.                                                  transition refill! Let’s discuss why:
Adopt-A-Senior helps to support Home Delivered         A transition refill, also known as a transition fill,
Meals; In-Home Care (including personal care and       is typically a one-time, 30-day supply of a drug
homemaking); and Transportation. Any donations         that you were taking:
made will be used to expand and enhance our exist-     • Before switching to a different Part D plan

ing programs. Below are some ways you can help             (either stand-alone or through a Medicare Ad-
during the holiday season.                                 vantage Plan)
                                                       •   Or, before your current plan changed its cov-
                 Adopt-A-Senior:                           erage at the start of a new calendar year.
            Meals for One Week-$25
                                                       Transition refills let you get temporary coverage
This enables one home bound senior to enjoy one
                                                       for drugs that are not on your plan’s formulary or
meal a day for one week.                               that have certain coverage restrictions (such as
                 Adopt-A-Senior:                       prior authorization or step therapy).
       Transportation for Two Weeks-$40
                                                       Transition refills are not for new prescrip-
This enables one senior transportation (round trip)    tions. You can only get transition fills for drugs
once a day for two weeks.                              you were already taking before switching plans or
             Adopt-A-Senior:                           before your existing plan changed its coverage.
      Homemaker or Personal Care Services              The following situations describe when you can
           for One Month-$250                          get a transition refill if you do not live in a nursing
This enables one senior to receive homemaking or       home (there are different rules for transition refills
personal care services for two hours two times a       for those living in nursing homes):
week.                                                  1. Your current plan is changing how it covers a
                                                       Medicare-covered drug you have been taking.
                                                       •   If your plan is taking your drug off its formu- | 9
Senior Tidings - Crawford County Council on Aging
Marci’s Medicare Answers
    lary or adding a coverage restriction for the        additional temporary refills until the exception is
    next calendar year for reasons other than safe-      completed.
    ty, the plan must either:                            Remember: All stand-alone Part D plans and Med-
   Help you switch to a similar drug that is on         icare Advantage Plans that offer drug coverage
    your plan’s formulary before January 1               must provide transition fills in the above cases.
                                                         When you use your transition fill, your plan must
   Or, help you file an exception request before        send you a written notice within three business
    January 1
                                                         days. The notice will tell you that the supply was
   Or, give you a 30-day transition fill within the     temporary and that you should either change to a
    first 90 days of the new calendar year along         covered drug or file an exception request with the
    with a notice about the new coverage policy.         plan. Best of luck with your transition refill!
2. Your new plan does not cover a Medicare-                     —Marci
covered drug you have been taking.
•   If a drug you have been taking is not on your        The start of a new year can be a good time to look
    new plan’s formulary, this plan must give you        ahead and set goals. One common goal for adults
    a 30-day transition refill within the first 90       is to incorporate more physical activity into our
    days of your enrollment. It must also give you       lives. If our bodies are not used to much physical
    a notice explaining that your transition refill is   activity, though, it can be tough to get started or to
    temporary and informing you of your appeal           reach our goals. The National Institute on Aging
    rights.                                              has some helpful tips on how older adults can get
•   If a drug you have been taking is on your new        started with exercise.
    plan’s formulary but with a coverage re-             •   First, start slowly! Begin with low-intensity ex-
    striction, this plan must give you a 30-day              ercises for short amounts of time and work
    transition refill free from any restriction within       your way up. Also incorporate warm-ups be-
    the first 90 days of your enrollment. It must            fore exercising and cool-downs afterwards to
    also give you a notice explaining that your              ease your body in and out of activity.
    transition refill is temporary and informing
    you of your appeal rights.                           •   Consider talking to your doctor about exercise.
                                                             You can ask questions like: Are there exercises
•   In both of the above cases, if a drug you have           or activities I should avoid? Is my preventive
    been taking is not on your new plan’s formu-             care up-to-date? How does my health condition
    lary, be sure to see whether there is a similar          affect my ability to exercise?
    drug that is covered by your plan (check with
    your doctor about possible alternatives) and, if     •   Finally, write down and track your fitness
    not, to file an exception request. (If your re-          goals. It can be helpful to have short-term goals
    quest is denied, you have the right to appeal.)          (for example, in the next two weeks I will make
                                                             sure I have the shoes and comfortable clothes I
Note: If you file an exception request and your              need to start walking for exercise) and long-
plan does not process it by the end of your 90-day           term goals (for example, next summer I will be
transition refill period, your plan must provide             able to play catch with my grandchild).
10 | Crawford County Council on Aging
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