Senior Curriculum Booklet Spring 2020-2021 - Hydesville ...

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Senior Curriculum Booklet Spring 2020-2021 - Hydesville ...
Senior Curriculum Booklet
       Content                                              Homework        Assessment                   Trips   Clubs   Ways you can help your child

Year   Spring 1:                                            Set at key                                   n/a     n/a
7                                                           points during                                                 Monitor and support
                                                            project                                                       homework tasks
            1) Get creative competition:                                     End of project evaluation
        No materials? No worries!
        Pupils will work on ‘found’ surfaces (envelopes,
        wrapping paper, magazines pages……..). They
                                                                                                                         Pupils will be asked to submit
        should use more unusual drawing materials
                                                                                                                         their work via Microsoft
        (coffee, soy sauce, ribena…..) and create their
        own ‘brush’ or drawing implement.                                                                                Teams assignments

            2) Wellbeing.
               Creating artwork inspired by Charlie                                                                      Pupils should have their own
               Mackesy’s book ‘The boy, the mole, the                                                                    scissors/ rubber/ glue stick
               fox and the horse’.                                                                                       etc. All specialist materials
                                                                                                                         are provided
            3) Aboriginal art
               Design clay tile- consider how to use
               texture and relief.

        Spring 2:

            4) Create Aboriginal clay tile (if in school)

        Georgia O’Keeffe: Close up
        Exploring flowers. Fruit and insects.
        Using a variety of 2D and 3D materials

        Paper insects
Year   Spring 1:                                           Set at key      End of project assessment   n/a   n/a   Monitor and support
8                                                          points during                                           homework tasks
            1) Get creative competition:
        No materials? No worries!                                                                                  Pupils will be asked to
        Pupils will work on ‘found’ surfaces (envelopes,                                                           submit their work via
        wrapping paper, magazines pages……..). They
                                                                                                                   Microsoft Teams
        should use more unusual drawing materials
        (coffee, soy sauce, ribena…..) and create their
        own ‘brush’ or drawing implement.

            2) Wellbeing.                                                                                          Pupils should have
               Creating artwork inspired by Charlie                                                                their own scissors/
               Mackesy’s book ‘The boy, the mole, the                                                              rubber/ glue stick etc.
               fox and the horse’.                                                                                 All specialist materials
                                                                                                                   are provided
            3) Ian Murphy – Archtecture
               Exploring how to create atmospheric
               drawings of architectural details

        Spring 2:

            4) Ian Murphy continued

            5) Clay self-portraits (if in school)

            6) Ian MacCulloch- Rural landscape
               Explore the process of lino printing

Year   Spring 1                                            Set at key      End of project assessment   n/a   n/a   Monitor and support
9                                                          points during                                           homework tasks
           1) Get creative competition:
        No materials? No worries!
Pupils will work on ‘found’ surfaces (envelopes,                                                       Pupils will be asked to submit
        wrapping paper, magazines pages……..). They                                                             their work via Microsoft
        should use more unusual drawing materials                                                              Teams assignments
        (coffee, soy sauce, ribena…..) and create their
        own ‘brush’ or drawing implement.
                                                                                                               Pupils should have their own
             2) Wellbeing.                                                                                     scissors/ rubber/ glue stick
                Creating artwork inspired by Charlie                                                           etc. All specialist materials are
                Mackesy’s book ‘The boy, the mole, the
                fox and the horse’.

             3) Different surfaces – final piece

        Spring 2
            4) Colour and pattern: Textured painting/

             5) Maps and journeys

Year   Portfolio:                                          1 hour 30                               tbc   n/a    Monitor and support
10                                                         mins        Pupils work will be                      homework tasks
                                                                       assessed using OCR
           ✓ Exploring artists                                         marking criteria Work                   Pupils will be asked to submit
           ✓ Experimenting with materials and                          produced this term can                  their work via Microsoft
             techniques                                                count towards their final               Teams assignments
           ✓ Visual recording                                          GCSE
           ✓ Own photos
                                                                                                               Pupils should have their
                                                                                                               own scissors/ rubber/
                                                                                                               glue stick etc. All
Spring 1:                                                                                                   specialist materials are
       Focus on ensuring thoroughness of exploration of first                                                      provided

       Spring 2:
       Begin exploration of second artist
Year                                                                                                   n/a   n/a    Monitor and support
11      Development of portfolio-                                           Due to Covid 19                         homework tasks
                                                                1 hour 30
        ensure research is the required depth                               pandemic this year GCSE
         Explore different techniques and materials                         art will just be awarded
                                                                                                                   Pupils will be asked to submit
                                                                            based on the portfolio
                                                                                                                   their work via Microsoft
        Develop own, original, imaginative idea for final                   section alone.
        piece                                                                                                      Teams assignments
                                                                            Pupils should create a
        To complete all portfolio work by Easter holidays                   digital portfolio which
                                                                            maty be required for                   Pupils should have their own
        Create digital portfolio of work                                    moderation purposes                    scissors/ rubber/ glue stick
                                                                                                                   etc. All specialist materials are
                                                                            Pupils work will be
                                                                            assessed using OCR
                                                                            marking criteria
Business Studies (Year 10-11)
       Content                               Homework         Assessment              Trips Clubs/         Ways you can help your child
Year   Spring 1 and 2                        Distributed on   Spring 1 Assessment –   N/A N/A                  •   Monitor and support
10         • Completion of a                 Thursdays        Date TBC                                             homework tasks, checking
               personalised revision plan                                                                          and discussing with your
               from their checklist to aid   Y10 Business                                                          child.
               revision.                     Studies to be    Spring 2 Assessment-                             •   Help with spelling of
           • Exam questions and              handed in on     date TBC                                             keyword terminology
               techniques discussed and      Tuesdays                                                          •   Check that work is being
               practiced ready for Paper 1                                                                         reviewed and transferring
               mock examination              Approx.                                                               to revision material using
                                             1 hour-    1                                                          appropriate revision
       Unit 4                                hour 30                                                               techniques
                                             minutes                                                           •   Test your child’s
          •     Production processes                                                                               knowledge by questioning
          •     Quality of goods and                                                                               classwork
                services                                                                                       •   Aid their revision by
          •     The sales process and                                                                              questioning them on units
                customer service                                                                                   of work that have been
          •     Consumer law                                                                                       completed
          •     Business location                                                                              •   Test them with exam style
          •     Working with suppliers                                                                             questions (can be found
                                                                                                                   within their revision guides
                                                                                                                   under timed conditions
                                                                                                                   (EG/ 1 mark a minute as a
                                                                                                               •   Discuss business related
                                                                                                                   news from television/
                                                                                                                   newspaper/ app headlines
Year   Spring 1                                Distributed on   Spring 1 Assessment –    N/A   N/A   •   Monitor and support
11     Completion of a personalised            Thursdays        Paper 1 which includes                   homework tasks, checking
       revision plan from their checklist to                    units 1, 2 and 3 and                     and discussing with your
       aid revision.                           Y11 Business     Paper 2 which includes                   child.
                                               Studies to be    units 4, 5 and 6.                    •   Help with spelling of
       Exam questions and exam                 handed in on                                              keyword terminology
       techniques discussed and                Tuesdays         Paper 1                              •   Check that work is being
       practiced ready for the Paper 1                          Date – Wednesday                         reviewed and transferring
       and 2 mock examinations at the          Approx.          20th January 2021.                       to revision material using
       end of January 2021.                    1 hour –    1                                             appropriate revision
                                               hour 30                                                   techniques
       Revision paper 1                        minutes          Paper 2                              •   Create a revision
       Units 1-3                                                Date- Wednesday 27th                     timetable with allotted
           - Business activity,                                 January 2021.                            breaks
               marketing and people                                                                  •   Test your child’s
           - Marketing                                                                                   knowledge by questioning
           - People                                                                                      classwork
                                                                                                     •   Aid their revision by
       Revision paper 2                                                                                  questioning them on units
       Units 4-6                                                                                         of work that have been
           - Operations                                                                                  completed
           - Finance                                                                                 •   Test them with exam style
           - Globalisation                                                                               questions (can be found
                                                                                                         within their revision guides
       Spring 2                                                                                          under timed conditions
           • Identification of errors/                                                                   (EG/ 1 mark a minute as a
               mistakes of mock                                                                          guide).
               examinations completed                                                                •   Discuss business related
           • Reviewing and revising                                                                      news from television/
               content for units 1-6 in line                                                             newspaper/ app headlines
               with their personalised                                                               •   Relate said business
               revision plans.                                                                           related news to your
           • Further exam practice and                                                                   child’s learning
               exam techniques.
Character Education (Years 7 - 8)
         Content                  Homework          Assessment                  Trips Clubs/ Intervention        Ways you can help your child
Year 7   Emotional wellbeing      Following some    Baseline and end-of-topic   n/a Mentoring for those          Discuss what they have learned
or 8     and how we can           lessons           assessments but no                children struggling with   or what they are trying to do
         ensure it is in place.                     preparation necessary nor         certain themes in the      differently, so they feel
                                  Typically 30      reporting of outcomes             course                     supported in their development.
         Reducing stress and      minutes
                                  Submission time
                                  will be
                                  dependent on
Computer Science (Year 7-11)
       Content                                    Homework         Assessment           Trips Clubs/         Ways you can help your child
Year   ECDL- Level 1                              Distributed on   Spring 1             N/A N/A                  •   Monitor and support
7      Spring 1                                   Tuesdays         Assessment based                                  homework tasks,
       Microsoft PowerPoint                                        on points covered-                                checking and
           • Introduction to presentation         Approx 30-45     Date TBC                                          discussing with your
               software                           mins                                                               child.
           • Storage and retrieval                                 Spring 2                                      •   Help with spelling of
           • Use presentation software tools to   Expected day     Assessment based                                  keyword terminology
               edit                               of hand in:      on points covered-                            •   Discuss e-safety with
           • Check and print                      Tuesday          Date TBC                                          your child.
           • Assessment

       Spring 2
       Online safety
           • Healthy friendships/ relationships
           • Cyber-bullying
           • Digital footprint
           • Online risks
Year   ECDL- Level 1                              Distributed on   Spring 1             N/A   N/A                •   Monitor and support
8      Spring 1                                   Y8A-             Assessment based                                  homework tasks,
       Microsoft PowerPoint                       Thursdays        on points covered-                                checking and
           • Introduction to presentation         Y8B- Friday      Date TBC                                          discussing with your
               software                                                                                              child.
           • Storage and retrieval                Approx 30-45     Spring 2                                      •   Help with spelling of
           • Use presentation software tools to   mins             Assessment based                                  keyword terminology
               edit                                                on points covered-                            •   Discuss e-safety with
           • Check and print                      Expected day     Date TBC                                          your child.
           • Assessment                           of hand in:
Spring 2                                   Y8A-
       Online safety                              Thursdays
           • Healthy friendships/ relationships   Y8B- Friday
           • Cyber-bullying
           • Digital footprint
               Online risks
Year   R354 OCR Entry level Computer Science      Distributed on   Spring 1             N/A   N/A             •   Monitor and support
9      Spring 1 and 2                             Thursdays        Assessment based                               homework tasks,
           • Computer Legislation                                  on points covered.                             checking and
                   • Moral issues                 Approx. 45       Date TBC                                       discussing with your
                   • Legal issues                 minutes – 1                                                     child.
                   • Environmental issues         hour             Spring 2                                   •   Help with spelling of
                   • Open source and                               Assessment based                               keyword terminology
                       proprietary software       Expected day     on points covered.                         •   Discuss e-safety with
                   • Computer Science             of hand in:      Date TBC                                       your child.
                       Legislation                Y9A- Tuesdays
           • Boolean logic                        Y9B-
           • Boolean operators                    Wednesdays
           • Arithmetic operators
           • Computational thinking
           • Binary/ denary numbers
           • Units of computer memory
           • Data structure/ compression
           • Data in the form of binary digits
           • Flow charts

Year   J277 OCR 9-1 GCSE                          Distributed on   Spring 1             N/A   Intervention    •   Intervention for pupils
10     Spring 1 and 2                             Thursdays        Assessment based           for pupils if       if needed- TBC
           • Data storage:                                         on points covered.         needed- TBC
                  o Characters                    Approx.          Date TBC
                  o Images                        1 hour 30
                  o Sound                         minutes          Spring 2
           • Compression                                           Assessment based
           • Architecture of the CPU                               on points covered.
           • CPU performance                                       Date TBC
•   Embedded systems                      Expected day
          •   Primary storage (Memory)              of hand in:
          •   Secondary storage                     Tuesday

          •   Python lessons

          •   Practical programming technqiues

Year   J276 OCR 9-1 GCSE                            Distributed on   Spring 1             N/A   Intervention    •   Monitor and support
11     Programming project                          Thursdays        Assessment data            for pupils if       homework tasks,
          • Pupil completion of programming                          will derive from           needed- TBC         checking and
              project                               Approx.          programming                                    discussing with your
          • 20 hours project                        1 hour 30        project and report                             child.
          • Project report outlining                minutes                                                     •   Help with spelling of
                  o Planning                                         Spring 2-                                      keyword terminology
                  o Designing                       Expected day     Y11 Mock                                   •   Check that work is
                  o Creating                        of hand in:      examinations-                                  being reviewed and
                  o Testing                         Tuesday          paper 1 and paper                              transferring to revision
                  o Evaluating                                       2.                                             material using
                                                                     Date TBC                                       appropriate revision
                                                                                                                •   Create a revision
       Spring 2                                                                                                     timetable with allotted
       Completion of a personalised revision plan                                                                   breaks
       from their checklist to aid revision.                                                                    •   Test your child’s
                                                                                                                    knowledge by
       Exam questions and exam techniques                                                                           questioning classwork
       discussed and practiced ready for the                                                                    •   Discuss e-safety with
       Paper 1 and 2 mock examinations at the                                                                       your child.
       end of Spring 2 2021.

       Revision paper 1
       Units 1-4
           • Systems architecture, memory and
•   Wired and wireless networks
   •   Systems software and security
   •   Ethical, legal, cultural and
       environmental concerns

Revision paper 2
Units 5-8
    • Algorithms
    • Programming
    • Logic and languages
    • Data representation
Year     Content                               Homework     Assessment                Trips Clubs Ways you can help your child

Spring   Component 1: Devising.                Friday       Fortnightly assessments   TBC   TBC    Monitor and support your children to complete
1        Pupils will develop skills in         30 mins- 1   to measure consistent                  research tasks and sections of their portfolio
         group work, research and              hour.        progress. This may be                  to specific deadlines. Please help them to
         negotiation, while also                            done as a workshop or                  rehearse scripts and develop their role at
         developing                                         structured performance.                home ready for their performance piece.
         creativity, performance and                                                               Support your child when rehearsing content
         design skills. Pupils will consider                                                       for Component 2.
         the impact that they can
         make on an audience, as they
         develop the ideas that they want
         to communicate.
         Component 2: Performance.
         Pupils will learn two monologues
         from a chosen published play
         and develop performance skills
         in preparation for their
Spring   Component 1: Devising.                Friday       Fortnightly assessments   TBC   TBC    Monitor and support your children to complete
2        Pupils will develop skills in         30 mins- 1   to measure consistent                  research tasks and sections of their portfolio
         group work, research and              hour.        progress. This may be                  to specific deadlines. Please help them to
         negotiation, while also                            done as a workshop or                  rehearse scripts and develop their role at
         developing                                         structured performance.                home ready for their performance piece.
         creativity, performance and                                                               Support your child when revising content for
         design skills. Pupils will consider                                                       Component 3.
         the impact that they can
         make on an audience, as they
         develop the ideas that they want
         to communicate.
Component 3: Recap, revision
and develop knowledge in
preparation for examination.
Spring   Content                    Homework      Assessment             Trips         Clubs             Ways you can help your child
Year 7   Dystopia                   30 mins x2                           NA            Grammar Clinic    Monitor and support homework
         Key features of the gene                                                      Reading           tasks.
         Extract analysis                         Creative writing and                 Mentors           20 minutes of independent
         Create writing –                         language analysis                    Accelerated       reading three times per week to
         descriptive and                                                               Reader            support Accelerated Reader
         narrative                                                                     KS3 Book Club     programme.
         Sentence types
Year 8   Detective Fiction and      30-45 mins    Extract Analysis       NA            Grammar Clinic    Monitor and support homework
         True Crime                 x2                                                 Reading           tasks.
                                                                                       Mentors           20 minutes of independent
                                                                                       Accelerated       reading three times per week to
                                                                                       Reader            support Accelerated Reader
                                                                                       KS3 Book Club     programme.
Year 9   The Modern Novel           30-45 mins    Summary and recall     Shakespeare   Grammar Clinic    Monitor and support homework
                                    x2            tasks for plot and     Birthplace    Reading           tasks.
                                                  characters             workshop      Mentors           20 minutes of independent
                                                  Extract analysis                     Accelerated       reading three times per week to
                                                                                       Reader            support Accelerated Reader
                                                                                       KS3 Book Club     programme.
Year     Macbeth                                  Mock examinations in                 Intervention by   Monitor and support homework
10       Context                    45 mins – 1   Literature                           appointment       and revision tasks.
         Plot                       hr x2                                              KS4 Book Club     Monitor use of Seneca.
         Characters                                                                    Reading
         Shakespeare’s language                                                        Mentors
         Dramatic techniques
Year     Paper 1 English            45 mins -1    Mock examinations in Poetry Live     Intervention by   Monitor and support homework
11       Language                   hr x2         Language and                         appointment       and revision tasks.
         Unseen extract analysis                  Literature                           KS4 Book Club     Monitor use of Seneca.
         revision through                                                              Reading
         Literature texts                                                              Mentors
Spring   Content                    Homework      Assessment             Trips         Clubs             Ways you can help your child
Year 7   Dystopia                   30 mins x2                           NA            Grammar Clinic    Monitor and support homework
         Key features of the gene                                                      Reading           tasks.
         Extract analysis                         Creative writing and                 Mentors           20 minutes of independent
         Create writing –                         language analysis                    Accelerated       reading three times per week to
         descriptive and                                                               Reader            support Accelerated Reader
         narrative                                                                     KS3 Book Club     programme.
         Sentence types
Year 8   Science Fiction and        30-45 mins    Extract Analysis       NA            Grammar Clinic    Monitor and support homework
         Science Fact               x2                                                 Reading           tasks.
                                                                                       Mentors           20 minutes of independent
                                                                                       Accelerated       reading three times per week to
                                                                                       Reader            support Accelerated Reader
                                                                                       KS3 Book Club     programme.
Year 9   The Modern Novel           30-45 mins    Summary and recall     Shakespeare   Grammar Clinic    Monitor and support homework
                                    x2            tasks for plot and     Birthplace    Reading           tasks.
                                                  characters             workshop      Mentors           20 minutes of independent
                                                  Extract analysis                     Accelerated       reading three times per week to
                                                                                       Reader            support Accelerated Reader
                                                                                       KS3 Book Club     programme.
Year     Macbeth                                  Mock examinations in                 Intervention by   Monitor and support homework
10       Context                    45 mins – 1   Literature                           appointment       and revision tasks.
         Plot                       hr x2                                              KS4 Book Club     Monitor use of Seneca.
         Characters                                                                    Reading
         Shakespeare’s language                                                        Mentors
         Dramatic techniques
Year     Paper 1 English            45 mins -1    Mock examinations in Poetry Live     Intervention by   Monitor and support homework
11       Language                   hr x2         Language and                         appointment       and revision tasks.
         Unseen extract analysis                  Literature                           KS4 Book Club     Monitor use of Seneca.
         revision through                                                              Reading
         Literature texts                                                              Mentors
KS3 French
       Content                      Homework          Assessment Trips Clubs Ways you can help your child

Year   Spring 1                     30 minutes        TBC         TBC   TBC    Your son/daughter will be tested regularly and therefore keeping
7      Describe personality         per week                                   on top of vocabulary is vital.
       Name family members          (one writing or
       Say who you live with and    reading                                     Test him/her on vocabulary from French into English and
       what they are like           exercise or                                  English into French using the vocabulary list.
       Give opinions of school      vocabulary
       subjects                     learning)                                   Pupils should create an account for Quizlet and test
       Talk about friends and say                                                themselves. My username is MrsPDh and all the vocabulary
       how long you’ve known                                                     we will be learning will be on my account.
       Talk in detail about home                                     
       and family
       Compare yourself now                                                     Please do not allow the use of translation sites, they are
       with how you used to be                                                   inaccurate and do not help pupils to progress. For nouns,
       • Avoir and être                                                          pupils should use a bilingual dictionary.
       • Adjective agreement
       • Possessive adjectives:                                      
       • Connectives: et, parce
         que, car, mais, par                                                    For verbs and tenses, they should type the verb into a
         contre                                                                    conjugation website where they will be able to choose the
       •       Comparisons                                                         correct part of the verb and tense.
         using plus/moins                                            
       • Depuis + present tense
       • Object pronouns: le, la,                                               Check that your son/daughter completes all work set
       les                                                                       including corrections and completes timely revision in
       Spring 2                                                                  preparation for tests/half termly assessments.
       Talk about school and
       where you live
Name different places to
       Talk about leisure
       activities and personal
       Talk about domestic pets,
       wild animals and farm
       Describe animals using
       colours and other

       • Present tense of
         regular -er verbs
         (1st/2nd/3rd person
       • Irregular verbs: aller,
       • Avoir and être (full
       • Use of j’ before a vowel
       • Adjective agreement;
         position of colour
       • Plural of nouns and
Year   Spring 1                     30 minutes        TBC   TBC   TBC   Your son/daughter will be tested regularly and therefore keeping
8      Talking about families       (one writing or                     on top of vocabulary is vital.
       Describing the weather       reading
       Jobs and future plans        exercise or                          Test him/her on vocabulary from French into English and
       Describing a typical day     vocabulary                            English into French using the vocabulary list.
       • Reflexive verbs recap      learning)
       • Present tense of                                                All pupils should already have an account for Quizlet and are
            regular verbs – ER                                            able to test themselves. My username is MrsPDh and all the
                                                                          vocabulary we will be learning will be on my account.
verb revision, IR and                              
           RE verb endings
       •   masculine and                                                 please do not allow the use of translation sites, they are
           feminine nouns                                                 inaccurate and do not help pupils to progress. For nouns,
       •   Recap the conditional                                          pupils should use a bilingual dictionary.
       •   Introduction to the                                
           future tense                                       
       Spring 2
       TV programmes                                                     For verbs and tenses, they should type the verb into a
       Films                                                                conjugation website where they will be able to choose the
       Invitations and reactions                                            correct part of the verb and tense.

       •   Recap the present,                                            Check that your son/daughter completes all work set
           conditional and future                                         including corrections and completes timely revision in
           tense                                                          preparation for tests/half termly assessments.
       •   Introduction to the
           modal verbs VOULOIR,
           DEVOIR and POUVOIR

Year   Spring 1                     30 minutes        TBC   TBC   TBC   Your son/daughter will be tested regularly and therefore keeping
9      Planning what you will do    (one writing or                     on top of vocabulary is vital.
       in the future using the      reading
       pronoun “on”                 exercise or                          Test him/her on vocabulary from French into English and
       Predictions for the future   vocabulary                            English into French using the vocabulary list.
       Talking about future         learning)
       careers                                                           All pupils should already have an account for Quizlet and are
       Give reasons for future                                            able to test themselves. My username is MrsPDh and all the
       careers using modal verbs                                          vocabulary we will be learning will be on my account.

       •   Introduction to the                                
           Simple Future Tense
           for those doing GCSE
•   Revision of the near               Please do not allow the use of translation sites, they are
    future tense for all                inaccurate and do not help pupils to progress. For nouns,
    other pupils                        pupils should use a bilingual dictionary.
•   Using quand with the
    future tense            
•   revision of modal       
    verbs – vouloir, devoir 
    and pouvoir in the
    present tense                      For verbs and tenses, they should type the verb into a
                                          conjugation website where they will be able to choose the
                                          correct part of the verb and tense.
Spring 2                    
Talking about what you
used to do when you were               Check that your son/daughter completes all work set
younger – using the                     including corrections and completes timely revision in
imperfect tense                         preparation for tests/half termly assessments.
To use the imperfect
tense to solve a crime.

•   Introduction to the
    imperfect tense using
•   Recognising the
    endings for he/she/it
•   Using qui and que to
    say which/who/that

                              KS4 French
Year   Spring 1                   1 hour           TBC   TBC   TBC   Ensure that your son/daughter independently learns vocabulary
10     Free time activities       (writing or                        and grammar accordingly.
       Music, cinema and TV       reading
       Food and eating out        exercises plus                      All pupils should already have an account for Quizlet and are
       Sport                      vocabulary                           able to test themselves. My username is MrsPDh and all the
                                  learning)                            vocabulary we will be learning will be on my account.
       Perfect tense with être
       Revision of the future                              
       Verb +infinitive                                               Please do not allow the use of translation sites, they are
       Demonstrative pronouns                                          inaccurate and do not help pupils to progress. For nouns,
       Pronouns y and en                                               pupils should use a bilingual dictionary.

       Spring 2                                            
       Customs and Festivals                               
       International festivals                                        For verbs and tenses, they should type the verb into a
       Describing events                                                 conjugation website where they will be able to choose the
                                                                         correct part of the verb and tense.
       Reflexive verbs in the                              
       perfect tense
       Perfect infinitive                                             Monitor your son/daughter’s use of Kerboodle website.
       Imperfect tense                                                 (pupils have usernames and passwords)
       Using the perfect and
       imperfect tense together                                       Check that your son/daughter completes all work set
                                                                       including corrections to the best of his/her ability and
                                                                       completes timely revision in preparation for tests/half termly
Year   Spring 1                 1 hour              TBC TBC TBC Ensure that your son/daughter independently learns vocabulary and
11                                                              grammar accordingly.
       Travel and tourism       (writing or
                                reading exercises
       Holiday preferences
                                plus vocabulary
                                                                     All pupils should already have an account for Quizlet and are able to
       Past holidays            learning)                             test themselves. My username is MrsPDh and all the vocabulary we will
       Discovering French                                             be learning will be on my account.
       Different French towns                             
       and cities

                                                                     Please do not allow the use of translation sites, they are inaccurate and
                                                                      do not help pupils to progress. For nouns, pupils should use a bilingual
       Depuis + present
       Pronoun y                                          
       Perfect and imperfect                              
       Using 3 time frames

                                                                     For verbs and tenses, they should type the verb into a conjugation
       Spring 2                                                       website where they will be able to choose the correct part of the verb
       My studies, life at                                            and tense.
       school, Post 16                                    
       education and career
                                                                     Monitor your son/daughter’s use of Kerboodle website. (pupils have
       Describing a school                                            usernames and passwords)
The differences            Check that your son/daughter completes all work set including
between schools             corrections to the best of his/her ability and completes timely revision
                            in preparation for tests/half termly assessments.
School rules
School improvements
Future plans
University or
How to get a job
Advantages and
disadvantages of jobs

Perfect tense of ER, IR
and RE verbs revision
Modal verb revision
Conditional tense
Si clauses + present
Quand clauses +
False friends
Qui and que
Passive voice
       Content                     Homework       Assessment           Trips          Clubs         Ways you can help your child

Year                               Every two         •   Self-         A trip to be   GEOGRAPHY        •   Help ensure all
7      ENVIRONMENTS                weeks.                assessment    organised      GURUS                homework tasks are
          • Biomes                 Homework          •   Mid-unit      during the     Friday               completed in detail
          • Tropical rainforests   tasks will            assessment    summer term    lunchtime *      •   Get familiar with atlases
          • Hot deserts            usually take      •   End of unit                                   •   Talk about places when
                                   around 90             assessment                                        out and about
                                   minutes to                                                          •   Hand in homework
                                   complete                                                                when due

Year   DEVELOPMENT                 Every two         •   Self-         A trip to be   GEOGRAPHY        •   Help ensure all
8         • Development            weeks.                assessment    organised      GURUS                homework tasks are
             indicators            Homework          •   Mid-unit      during the     Friday               completed in detail
          • Why do LICs exist?     tasks will            assessment    summer term    lunchtime *      •   Hand in homework
          • Recognising            usually take      •   End of unit                                       when due
             development           around 90             assessment
          • Global inequality      minutes to

Year   WEATHER AND CLIMATE         Every two         •   Self-         A trip to be   GEOGRAPHY        •   Help ensure all
9        • Weather symbols         weeks.                assessment    organised      GURUS                homework tasks are
         • Forecasting             Homework          •   Mid-unit      during the     Friday               completed in detail
         • Climate variations      tasks will            assessment    summer term    lunchtime *      •   Discuss changes in
         • Climate graphs          usually take      •   End of unit                                       weather and climate,
                                   around 90             assessment                                        and what impacts these
                                   minutes to                                                              might have
POPULATION AND                                                                                        •   Hand in homework
       MIGRATION                                                                                                 when due
          • World growth
          • Population
          • Population
          • Population change
          • Population control
          • Migration
          • The American
Year   THE LIVING WORLD            One per week.     •   Self and peer     Urban            GEOGRAPHY        •   Help ensure all
10        • Ecosystems             Homework              assessments       challenges       GURUS                homework tasks are
          • Tropical rainforests   tasks will        •   Mid-topic         field trip in    Friday               completed in detail
          • Hot deserts            usually take up       assessments       the summer       lunchtime *      •   Help become more
                                   to an hour to     •   End of topic      term                                  familiar with the new
                                   complete              and end of unit                                         GCSE specification
                                                         assessments                                             (found on the AQA
                                                     •   Exam                                                    website)
                                                         questions                                           •   Hand in homework
                                                                                                                 when due
Year   THE CHANGING ECONOMIC One practice            •   Exam              Urban            Optional         •   Become more familiar
11     WORLD                     exam question           questions         challenges       lunchtime drop       with the new GCSE
          • World                per week            •   Unit              fieldwork:       in sessions,         specification(found on
             classifications                             assessments       second half of   daily                the AQA website)
             according to levels                                           spring term                       •   Obtain the AQA revision
             of economic                                                                                         guide, where possible
             development and                                                                                 •   Encourage independent
             quality of life                                                                                     study, and return to
          • Economic and social                                                                                  teacher for feedback
              measures of
              development and
              their limitations
•   Demographic
    transition model
•   Causes and
    consequences of
•   The development
•   A case study of one
    NIC or NEE
•   Economic futures in
    the UK
Spring   Content                         Homework   Assessment                              Trips Clubs      Ways you can help
1                                                                                                            your child
Year 7   Medieval life                   1 hour     Why did William of Normandy win the     N/A   KS3        Monitor and
         11th Century Britain.                      Battle of Hastings? Categorisation of         Debating   support homework
         The Battle of Hastings, key                evidence to rank the importance of            club       tasks.
         contenders, the battle and                 reasons.                                                 Check teacher
         its outcomes.                                                                                       feedback on
         The Norman Conquest and                                                                             classwork and
         its impact.                                                                                         homework.
         The Black Death, ideas
         about causes of illness and

Year 8   The Victorians                  1 hour     Interpretations of evidence about the   N/A   KS3        Monitor and
         Life in Victorian England for              Jack the Ripper Murders to evaluate           Debating   support homework
         the rich and poor, housing,                witnesses and suspects.                       club       tasks.
         fashions, traditions and                                                                            Check teacher
         literature.                                                                                         feedback on
         Crime and punishment: the                                                                           classwork and
         Police Force and the Jack                                                                           homework.
         the Ripper murders.

Year 9   Nazi Germany                    1 hour     How did Jewish lives change between     N/A   KS3        Monitor and
         Persecution of the Jews                    1933 and 1945? Research focus which           Debating   support homework
         through the Nuremberg                      is assessed as a presentation to the          club       tasks.
         Laws                                       class.                                                   Check teacher
         Kristallnacht: its causes                                                                           feedback on
         and impact                                                                                          classwork and
         The Final Solution and                                                                              homework.
The importance of
       Holocaust Memorial Day in

Year   Germany 1870-1945             One exam question     GCSE practice questions interpreting       N/A   N/A   Monitor and
10     Democracy and                 per week as well as   evidence about the Kaiser’s rule and the               support homework
       Dictatorship                  creating revision     new republic following World War One.                  tasks.
                                     resources. 2 hours                                                           Check teacher
       Kaiser Wilhelm and the                                                                                     feedback on
       difficulties of ruling                                                                                     classwork and
       Germany.                                                                                                   homework.
       Impact of the First World                                                                                  Ensure revision is
       War socially, economically,                                                                                completed
       and politically on Germany.                                                                                regularly.
       Weimar democracy and
       rebellions against the new
       Germany and the impact of
       the Great Depression.

Year   Elizabeth I                   One exam question     GCSE practice questions interpreting       N/A   N/A   Monitor and
11     Elizabeth’s background: her   per week as well as   evidence about Elizabeth I’s rule at the               support homework
       early life, key individuals   creating revision     start of her reign, problems she faced                 tasks.
       and events.                   resources. 2 hours    and how she tried to overcome them.                    Check teacher
       Elizabeth’s court and the                                                                                  feedback on
       Privy Council.                                                                                             classwork and
       Marriage suitors and the                                                                                   homework.
       succession crisis.                                                                                         Ensure revision is
       Religious matters and the                                                                                  completed
       division between Catholics                                                                                 regularly.
       and Protestants.
Spring   Content                                         Homework            Assessment                    Trips           Clubs      Ways you can
2                                                                                                                                     help your child
Year 7   The Tudors                                      1 hour              Interpretations about Mary    N/A             KS3        Monitor and
         The Tudor family tree.                                              I and assessing evidence                      Debating   support
         The reigns of Henry VIII, Edward VI, Mary I,                        to evaluate whether she                       club       homework
         and Elizabeth I considering actions,                                deserves to be                                           tasks.
         challenges and religious issues.                                    remembered as ‘Bloody                                    Check teacher
                                                                             Mary’.                                                   feedback on
                                                                                                                                      classwork and
Year 8   The Victorians                                                      Interpretations of the        Visit to the    KS3        Monitor and
         The Industrial Revolution, inventions, and      1 hour              Victorian time period to      Black Country   Debating   support
         social change.                                                      evaluate whether it should    Living          club       homework
         Life in factories and for coal miners.                              be considered as a            Museum as                  tasks.
         Child labour and education.                                         remarkable era.               part of the                Check teacher
         Local History study of the Black Country                                                          local study.               feedback on
         Museum.                                                                                                                      classwork and
Year 9   Medicine through time                           1 hour              Interpretations of evidence   N/A             KS3        Monitor and
         Hippocrates and Galen                                               about Ancient and                             Debating   support
         The Black Death                                                     Medieval medicine.                            club       homework
         Medieval surgeons                                                                                                            tasks.
         Beliefs about Miasma, Astrology and                                                                                          Check teacher
         natural/supernatural.                                                                                                        feedback on
         Medieval treatments for disease.                                                                                             classwork and

Year     Germany 1870-1945 Democracy and                 One exam            Interpretation questions      N/A             N/A        Monitor and
10       Dictatorship                                    question per        about life in Nazi Germany.                              support
                                                         week as well as     Completion of practice                                   homework
         Hitler’s rise and consolidation of power: the   creating revision   exam paper on the whole                                  tasks.
         Reichstag Fire, changes in Chancellors,                             of the 1870-1945 content.
Night of the Long Knives, propaganda, key     resources. 2                                                Check teacher
       individuals. Life in Nazi Germany: the        hours                                                       feedback on
       economy, women, education, young people.                                                                  classwork and
       Jewish persecution, the Nuremberg Laws                                                                    homework.
       and the Final Solution.                                                                                   Ensure
                                                                                                                 revision is
Year   Elizabeth I                                   One exam            GCSE case study exam        N/A   N/A   Monitor and
11     Reflections on the golden age of Elizabeth,   question per        question on Kenilworth                  support
       the theatre, culture, Poor Laws and           week as well as     Castle, as well as                      homework
       discoveries.                                  creating revision   interpretation questions                tasks.
       The role of key individuals such as Francis   resources. 2        which consider whether                  Check teacher
       Drake.                                        hours               Elizabethan England was a               feedback on
       The Spanish Armada, its causes, actions                           ‘golden age’.                           classwork and
       and impact.                                                                                               homework.
       Case study of Kenilworth Castle and its                                                                   Ensure
       importance in Elizabethan England.                                                                        revision is
       Content                                      Homework     Assessment        Trips Clubs             Ways you can help your child

Year   Fractions,                                   Twice per    Following every   N/A                     Enquire about twice weekly maths
7      Fractions, decimal & percentage              week.        unit, usually           Codebreaking      homework.
       equivalence & place value.                                every 3 weeks.          enrichment and    Visit
       Algebra.                                                                          after lunchtime

Year   Fractions and percentages.                   Twice per    Following every   N/A   Codebreaking      Enquire about twice weekly maths
8      Volume.                                      week.        unit, usually           enrichment and    homework.
       Algebra – brackets, substitution.                         every 3 weeks.          after lunchtime   Visit
Year   Ratio & proportion – problem solving,        Twice per    Following every   N/A                     Enquire about twice weekly maths
9      bar modelling.                               week.        unit, usually           Codebreaking      homework.
       Algebra – quadratic expansions and                        every 3 weeks.          enrichment and    Visit
       factorisation.                                                                    after lunchtime

Year   Pythagoras & trigonometry.                   Twice per    Following every   N/A   Codebreaking      Enquire about twice weekly maths
10                                                  week.        unit, usually           enrichment and    homework.
                                                                 every 3 weeks.          after lunchtime   Visit

Year   Higher: Data handling including              Twice per    Following every   N/A                     Enquire about mock preparations,
11     histograms, stratified sampling and          week.        unit, usually           Codebreaking      revision card notes, revision
       cumulative frequency graphs & box                         every 3 weeks.          enrichment and    booklet completion.
       plots. Algebra including cubics, graphical                                        after lunchtime
       inequalities and graphical simultaneous                                           support.
       Foundation: Vectors, congruence,
       similarity, graphical quadratic equations.
Spring   Content                                  Homework     Assessment             Trips        Clubs          Ways you can help your
1                                                                                                                 child
Year 7   STOMP                                    1 x 30-      Baseline               N/A due to   N/A due to     Ask your child to perform
         Students will learn about pulse and      minute piece Assessment.            COVID        COVID          what they have learnt each
         rhythm and use their understanding       a week                              guidelines   guidelines     week, supporting them
         to compose arrangements of                            End of project                                     throughout their learning
         rhythmic patterns, which they will                    performance using                                  journey.
         also learn to perform.                                percussive
                                                               instruments or body
Year 8   The Blues                                1 x30        Performance of blues   N/A due to   N/A due to     Ask your child to perform
         Students will learn about the genre of   minute piece bassline               COVID        COVID          what they have learnt each
         blues and learn to utilise some of the   a week                              guidelines   guidelines     week, supporting them
         key features in blues-based                           Blues project                                      throughout their learning
         compositions.                                                                                            journey.

                                                                                                                  Support them in completing
                                                                                                                  their project.
Year 9   Pop Song Composition                     1 x 30-      Imagine arrangement    N/A due to   N/A due to     Ask your child to show you
         Pupils will learn about the musical      minute piece                        COVID        COVID          what they have composed
         elements and processes required to       a week       Pop song               guidelines   guidelines     each week, supporting
         compose their own pop song,                           composition project                                them throughout their
         eventually using this to use music                    (elements)                                         learning journey.
         technology to create their own piece
         using a DAW.

         Spring 1: Melody, texture, rhythm and
         song structure
Year     Course introduction: study of set        1 x 60-      Formative listening                 Intervention   Ensure teacher feedback is
10       works – Bach Brandenburg Concerto        minute piece and appraising tasks                when           utilised to give direction
         No.5 Movement iii and Beethoven          a week       during lessons.                     appropriate    and support.
         Piano Sonato No.8 Movement I
Composition tasks.                              Listening to performances
                                                                                                                   and support in home
                                                                                                                   learning (such as revision

Spring                                                                                                             Ways you can help your
         Content                                         Homework       Assessment       Trips        Clubs
2                                                                                                                  child
         The History of Music
         Students will learn about the different
         periods of music throughout time and their
         characteristics; the evolution of musical
         instruments in the last 2000+ years; the                                                                  Ask your child to perform
                                                         1 x 30-        Appraisal and    N/A due to
         role of music in society including sacred                                                    N/A due to   what they have learnt each
                                                         minute         historical       COVID
Year 7   and secular music; the evolution of music                                                    COVID        week, supporting them
                                                         piece a        context          guidelines
         notation; iconic composers of the last 2000                                                  guidelines   throughout their learning
                                                         week           assessment
         years                                                                                                     journey.

         They will also compose Medieval music;
         learn to play some Baroque music and
         compose classical music
         The Blues (continued)                                                                                     Ask your child to perform
         Students will learn about the genre of blues                                                              what they have learnt each
         and learn to utilise some of the key features                                                             week, supporting them
                                                         1 x30                           N/A due to   N/A due to
         in blues-based compositions.                                                                              throughout their learning
                                                         minute          Final Blues     COVID        COVID
Year 8                                                                                                             journey.
                                                         piece a        composition      guidelines   guidelines
                                                                                                                   Support them in completing
                                                                                                                   their project and encourage
                                                                                                                   proof reading and detail.
                                                                        Final            N/A due to   N/A due to   Ask your child to share
                                                         1 x 30-
Year 9   Pop Song Composition                                           composition of   COVID        COVID        what they have
                                                                        pop song         guidelines   guidelines   learnt/composed each
Pupils will continue the Pop song project     piece a                                     week, supporting them
       studying the areas below of ‘Imagine’ and     week      Written                           throughout their learning
       then creating their own composition.                    evaluation of                     journey.
                                                               song writing
       Spring 1: Chords, lyrics, hooks, use of                 process
                                                                                                 Ensure teacher feedback is
                                                               Formative                         utilised to give direction
       Study of set works – Afro Celt Soundsystem:
                                                               listening and                     and support.
       Release & Esperanza Spalding: Samba Em        1 x 60-
                                                               appraising tasks   Intervention
Year   Preludio                                      minute
                                                               during lessons.    when           Listening to performances
10                                                   piece a
                                                                                  appropriate    and support in home
                                                               Composition                       learning (such as revision
       Composition: Free
                                                               tasks.                            resources).
Physical Education
Physical    Content                                         Homework Assessment                                        Ways you can help your
Education                                                                                                              child
Year 7       In physical education lessons pupils will be   N/A        In physical education lessons a number of       Encouraging pupil’s
            working on a block of fitness. This will                 baseline tests will be recorded throughout        involvement in
            consist of pupils developing an                          this term. Pupils will be tested on their         extracurricular activities
            understanding of the short term effects of               cardiovascular endurance, agility, flexibility,   and playing sport outside
            exercise on the body.                                    muscle endurance and coordination.                of school.
            In games lessons the pupils will develop an              In games the baselines test will take place
            understanding of the skills and techniques               during the first two lessons. A continued
            in football.                                             assessment will take place during every
Year 8       In physical education lessons pupils will      N/A       In physical education lessons a number of        Encouraging pupil’s
            be working on a block of fitness. This will              baseline tests will be recorded throughout        involvement in
            consist of pupils developing an                          this term. Pupils will be tested on their         extracurricular activities
            understanding of the effects of exercise on              cardiovascular endurance, agility, flexibility,   and playing sport outside
            the circulatory and respiratory systems                  muscle endurance and coordination.                of school.
            In games lessons the pupils will develop an              In games the baselines test will take place
            understanding of the skills and techniques               during the first two lessons. A continued
            in football                                              assessment will take place during every
Year 9       In physical education lessons pupils will      N/A       In physical education lessons a number of        Encouraging pupil’s
            be working on a block of fitness. This will              baseline tests will be recorded throughout        involvement in
            consist of pupils developing an                          this term. Pupils will be tested on their         extracurricular activities
            understanding of the long term effects of                cardiovascular endurance, agility, flexibility,   and playing sport outside
            exercise on the body.                                    muscle endurance and coordination.                of school.
            In games lessons the boys will develop an                In games the baselines test will take place
            understanding of the skills, techniques and              during the first two lessons. A continued
            tactical awareness in football                           assessment will take place during every
Year 10                                                     N/A      Pupils will not be formally assessed but we       Encouraging pupil’s
            In physical education lessons pupils will be             will continue to assess their knowledge every     involvement in
            working on a block of fitness. This will                 lesson.                                           extracurricular activities
            consist of pupils developing an
understanding of the long term effects of                                                            and playing sport outside
          exercise on the body.                                                                                of school.

Year 11   In physical education lessons pupils will be   N/A   Pupils will not be formally assessed but we     Encouraging pupil’s
          working on a block of fitness. This will             will continue to assess their knowledge every   involvement in
          consist of pupils developing an                      lesson.                                         extracurricular activities
          understanding of the long term effects of                                                            and playing sport outside
          exercise on the body.                                                                                of school.
       Content                                     Homework     Assessment                Trips Clubs Ways you can help your child

Year   Spring 1:                                   Not set      No formal assessment.     n/a   n/a
7                                                  each week.                                
              1) Votes for schools – Will Brexit                Assessment
                 affect you?                                    (questioning etc.) to
              2) Non-toxic new year resolutions.                ensure understanding of
                 Ditch the label resources                      each topic
              3) Winter lockdown got you down?
                 How to help your mental health.
                 Gratitude journal. Ditch the
                 label resources.
              4) Personal hygiene
              5) Anger management
              6) RAOK – random acts of
                 kindness. How to be kind to
                 others and to yourself.

       Spring 2:

              7) British values
              8) Careers booklet
              9) Homelessness
              10) Careers booklet
              11) Role models
              12) Keeping good friendships

Year   Spring 1:                                   Not set      No formal assessment.     n/a   n/a
8                                                  each week                                 
1) Votes for schools – Will Brexit                   Assessment
                affect you?                                      (questioning etc.) to
            2) Non-toxic new year resolutions.                   ensure understanding of
                Ditch the label resources                        each topic
            3) Winter lockdown got you down?
                How to help your mental health.
                Gratitude journal. Ditch the label
            4) How are young people portrayed
                in the media?
            5) How are disabled people
                portrayed in the media?
            6) ROAK – random acts of kindness.
                How to be kind to yourself and
        Spring 2:
            7) How can we care for the
            8) Vaping, nicotine and addiction
            9) Democracy and government
            10) General election
            11) Personal manifesto
            12) Body image

Year   Spring 1:                                     Not set     No formal assessment.     n/a   n/a
9                                                    each week
          1) Votes for school – Will Brexit affect               Assessment
             you?                                                (questioning etc.) to
          2) Non-toxic new year resolutions                      ensure understanding of
             Ditch the label resources                           each topic
3) Winter lockdown got you down?
      How to help your mental health.
      Gratitude journal.
   4) Responsible health choices:
      vaccinations, blood and organ
      donations – stem cells and hygiene
   5) Consumers and the law – what are
      my rights?
   6) ROAK – random acts of kindness.
      How to be kind to yourself and

Spring 2:

   7) Careers booklet
   8) Taking control of my future-
       personal development planning
   9) Careers booklet
   10) Enterprising people- their
       characteristics and suitable
       qualities for the workplace
   11) Peer pressure- why is it so powerful
       and how can we overcome it?
   12) Money laundering – what is it and
       why is it an issue?
Religion, Philosophy & Ethics
Spring    Content                      Homework                   Assessment                            Trips Clubs Ways you can help your
Term 1                                                                                                              child
Year 7    A continuation of our unit   1 x 30 minutes per week    Written assessment on key terms &     N/A N/A     Monitor and support
          on: An Introduction to       – in line with the         ideas covered                                     homework tasks.
          Judaism:                     homework timetable.                                                          Check teacher
                                                                                                                    feedback on classwork
          Prophets                                                                                                  and homework.
          Places of worship
          Rite of passage
Year 8    Introduction to Hinduism:    1 x 30 minutes per week    Written assessment covering key       N/A   N/A    Monitor and support
                                       – in line with the         terms and ideas explored over the                  homework tasks.
          The Origins of Hinduism      homework timetable.        half term.                                         Check teacher
          Hindu views on God                                                                                         feedback on classwork
          Deities                                                                                                    and homework.
          Creation Stories
          Sacred Festivals
          The Caste System
Year 9    Science vs Religion:         1 x 30 minutes per week    Written assessment covering key       N/A   N/A    Monitor and support
                                       – in line with the         terms and ideas explored over the                  homework tasks.
          What is truth?               homework timetable.        half term.                                         Check teacher
          Are Science and Religion                                                                                   feedback on classwork
          compatible?                                                                                                and homework.
          The medieval world view
          The Scientific Revolution
          Religious and Scientific
          origins of our universe
Year 10   Theme D: Religion, War &     2 x 30 minutes – in line   A practice 12-mark question will be   N/A   N/A    Monitor and support
          Peace                        with the homework          given each half term on the most                   homework tasks.
                                       timetable.                 current topic of study.
Violence & Violent Protests                              Individual examination questions will               Check teacher
          Religion & Belief as a                                   be given throughout the year to                     feedback on classwork
          cause of violence in the                                 inform teaching and learning.                       and homework.
          modern world
          Peacemakers                                              One summative examination will take
          Victims of war                                           place at the end of each unit of work
          Peace & Reconciliation.                                  (where appropriate).

Year 11   Theme A: Relationships &      2 x 30 minutes – in line   A practice 12-mark question will be     N/A   N/A   Monitor and support
          Families                      with the homework          given each half term on the most                    homework tasks.
                                        timetable.                 current topic of study.                             Check teacher
          Contraception                                                                                                feedback on classwork
          Pre-marital and                                          Individual examination questions will               and homework.
          Extramarital sex                                         be given throughout the year to
          Homosexuality                                            inform teaching and learning.
          Marriage and divorce
          Gender Equality                                          One summative examination will take
          Polygamy                                                 place at the end of each unit of work
                                                                   (where appropriate).
Religion, Philosophy & Ethics
Spring    Content                             Homework                   Assessment                             Trips Clubs Ways you can help
Term 2                                                                                                                      your child
Year 7    An Introduction to Ethics:          1 x 30 minutes per         Written assessment on key terms        N/A N/A     Monitor and support
                                              week – in line with the    & ideas covered                                    homework tasks.
          What is Ethics?                     homework timetable.                                                           Check teacher
          Utilitarianism                                                                                                    feedback on
          Ethical Egoism                                                                                                    classwork and
          Religious ethical decision making                                                                                 homework.
          Medical Ethics
Year 8    Ethics – War & Peace:               1 x 30 minutes per         Written assessment covering key        N/A   N/A    Monitor and support
                                              week – in line with the    terms and ideas explored over the                   homework tasks.
          The ethics of War (arguments for    homework timetable.        half term.                                          Check teacher
          and against warfare)                                                                                               feedback on
          Weapons of mass destruction                                                                                        classwork and
          Just War & Holy War theories                                                                                       homework.
Year 9    End of Life:                        1 x 30 minutes per         Written assessment covering key        N/A   N/A    Monitor and support
                                              week – in line with the    terms and ideas explored over the                   homework tasks.
          Life After Death                    homework timetable.        half term.                                          Check teacher
          Ideas on Heaven and Hell                                                                                           feedback on
          Reincarnation                                                                                                      classwork and
          Mediums                                                                                                            homework.
          Near Death Experiences
          Atheist views
Year 10   Christian Beliefs                   2 x 30 minutes – in line   A practice 12-mark question will       N/A   N/A    Monitor and support
                                              with the homework          be given each half term on the                      homework tasks.
          The nature of the Christian God –   timetable.                 most current topic of study.                        Check teacher
          The Holy Trinity                                                                                                   feedback on
          The Christian creation story and                               Individual examination questions                    classwork and
          interpretations of this story                                  will be given throughout the year to                homework.
          Original Sin                                                   inform teaching and learning.
          The Incarnation
The crucifixion                                                One summative examination will
          The resurrection                                               take place at the end of each unit
          Salvation through law, grace and                               of work (where appropriate).
          The nature of the Christian God –
          Omnipotence, Justice and
          The existence of evil and

Year 11   Theme E: Crime & Punishment         2 x 30 minutes – in line   A practice 12-mark question will       N/A   N/A   Monitor and support
                                              with the homework          be given each half term on the                     homework tasks.
          Causes of crime                     timetable.                 most current topic of study.                       Check teacher
          The existence of good and evil                                                                                    feedback on
          The Death Penalty                                              Individual examination questions                   classwork and
          The aim(s) of punishment                                       will be given throughout the year to               homework.
          The treatment of criminals                                     inform teaching and learning.

                                                                         One summative examination will
                                                                         take place at the end of each unit
                                                                         of work (where appropriate).
         Content                           Homework      Assessment                        Trips Clubs          Ways you can help your
Year 7   Biology                           7A: Friday                                            Science club   Monitor and support
                                           60 minutes    End of unit test                        Monday         homework tasks.
         Biology                           7B: Friday    Practical assessment                    lunchtime
         Topic to be covered is Genetics   60 minutes    Scientific writing assessment
         and Evolution which includes                    Weekly spelling test                                   Ensure that all
         learning about variation, DNA,                                                                         homework is completed
         Natural selection, selective                                                                           to a high standard
         breeding and biodiversity.
                                                                                                                Check spellings of key
         Biology                                                                                                words
         Topic to be covered is Diet and
         Health which includes looking                                                                          Encourage pupils to
         at the eating healthy, learning                                                                        revise for assessments
         about the human digestive
         system, Food tests and food
         groups, studying micro-
         organisms, different types of

Year 8                                     8A: Thursday Weekly tests on key words                               Encourage to read
         Biology                           60 minutes                                                           around latest scientific
         Topic to be covered is Genetics   8B: Thursday Scientific writing assessment                           developments. Monitor
         and Evolution which includes      60 minutes                                                           and support homework
         learning about variation, DNA,                 Written assessment at the end of                        tasks.
         Natural selection, selective                   each sub topic
         breeding and biodiversity.                                                                             Ensure that all
                                                         Test at the end of each topic                          homework is completed
                                                                                                                to a high standard.
Topic to be covered is Materials                                                                 Check spellings of key
          used in everyday life which                                                                      words.
          includes looking at natural
          resources, the earth and the                                                                     Encourage pupils to
          atmosphere, learning about                                                                       revise for assessments.
          composite, polymers and
          ceramics and there uses.
          Studying how we use natural
          resources for cooking and

Year 9    Topic 1b                                       Weekly tests on key words                         Encourage to read
          Energy resources                                                                                 around latest scientific
          National grid                                  Written assessment at the end of                  developments. Monitor
          How electricity is made                        each sub topic                     Science Club   and support homework
          Topic 2a                                                                                         tasks.
          Electricity                                    Scientific writing assessment      Every Monday
          Circuits                                                                          lunch time     Ensure that all
                                                         Test at the end of each topic                     homework is completed
                                                                                                           to a high standard.
                                                                                                           Encourage pupils to
                                                                                                           revise for assessments.

Year 10   10                                 10A/10B     Weekly tests on key words                         Ensure pupils spends
          GCSE AQA Chemistry                 3x 60                                          Science Club   time reviewing their
          Topic 7 Organic chemistry          minutes                                                       written work and makes
          10                                             Scientific writing assessment      Every Monday   notes independently.
          GCSE AQA Biology                   Chemistry                                      lunch time
          Topic 4                            Biology                                                       Help pupils learn
                                                         Written assessment at the end of
          Respiration and plants             Physics                                                       definitions of new
                                                         each sub topic
          Bioenergetics                                                                                    scientific words.
          10                                             Assessment at the end of each
          GCSE AQA Physics                               topic
          Revision of paper 1 content
Required practical writeups                                                                       Ensure that all
          Topic 5                                        Practical assessment                               homework is completed
                                                                                                            to a high standard.
Year 11   GCSE AQA Chemistry                             Practical assessments                              Ensure pupils spends
          Topic 7                          11A                                               Intervention   time reviewing their
Chemistry Organic Chemistry                Mon: 60                                           Thursday       written work and makes
          Topic 10                         minutes       Written assessment at the end of    lunch time     notes independently.
          Using Resources                  11B           each sub topic
                                           Friday : 60                                                      Help them to re-arrange
                                           minutes       Test at the end of each topic                      equations and apply
                                                                                                            them in their work.
                                                         Exam style questions as part of
                                                         lesson/homework/revision                           Help pupils learn key
                                                                                                            words and their
                                                         Pupils will be examined on a                       definitions and
                                                         weekly basis to identify areas of                  encourage them to use
                                                         weakness, improve timing and
                                                                                                            them in their written
                                                         understand the format of
                                                         examination questions.
                                                                                                            Support pupils during
                                                                                                            assessments by helping
                                                                                                            them complete exam
                                                                                                            style questions under
                                                                                                            test condition to
                                                                                                            improve on timing as
                                                                                                            well as confidence.
Year 11   GCSE AQA Physics                 11A/11B       Practical assessments                              Ensure pupils spends
          Review of each topic each        Wednesday:                                        Intervention   time reviewing their
Physics   week                             60 minutes                                        Friday lunch   written work and makes
          Revision of required practical                 Written assessment at the end of    time           notes independently.
                                                         each sub topic
                                                                                                            Help them to re-arrange
                                                         Test at the end of each topic                      equations and apply
                                                                                                            them in their work.
Exam style questions as part of                     Help pupils learn key
                                           lesson/homework/revision                            words and their
                                                                                               definitions and
                                                                                               encourage them to use
                                           Pupils will be examined on a                        them in their written
                                           weekly basis to identify areas of                   work.
                                           weakness, improve timing and
                                           understand the format of                            Support pupils during
                                           examination questions.                              assessments by helping
                                                                                               them complete exam
                                                                                               style questions under
                                                                                               test condition to
                                                                                               improve on timing as
                                                                                               well as confidence.
Year 11   GCSE AQA Biology   11B           Practical assessments                               Ensure pupils spends
          Topic 7a,b         Mon: 60                                           Intervention    time reviewing their
Biology   Ecology            minutes                                           before school   written work and makes
          Topic 6            11A           Written assessment at the end of    8.00am every    notes independently.
                             Friday : 60   each sub topic                      Tuesday
                                           Test at the end of each topic
                                                                                               Help them to re-arrange
                                           Exam style questions as part of                     equations and apply
                                           lesson/homework/revision                            them in their work.
                                                                                               Help pupils learn key
                                           Pupils will be examined on a                        words and their
                                           weekly basis to identify areas of                   definitions and
                                           weakness, improve timing and                        encourage them to use
                                           understand the format of                            them in their written
                                           examination questions.                              work.
                                                                                               Support pupils during
                                                                                               assessments by helping
                                                                                               them complete exam
                                                                                               style questions under
test condition to
improve on timing as
well as confidence.
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