Self-Play Monte-Carlo Tree Search in Computer Poker

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Computer Poker and Imperfect Information: Papers from the AAAI-14 Workshop

                       Self-Play Monte-Carlo Tree Search in Computer Poker

                                             Johannes Heinrich and David Silver
                                                        University College London
                                                        Gower Street, London, UK

                            Abstract                                     (Lanctot et al. 2009), these are generally full-width meth-
                                                                         ods and therefore are particularly exposed to the curse of di-
     Self-play reinforcement learning has proved to be suc-              mensionality. This might prevent them from scaling to larger
     cessful in many perfect information two-player games.
     However, research carrying over its theoretical guaran-
                                                                         games, e.g. multi-player poker. In addition, some methods
     tees and practical success to games of imperfect infor-             are undefined for games with more than two players, e.g.
     mation has been lacking. In this paper, we evaluate self-           the excessive gap technique (Hoda et al. 2010), while other
     play Monte-Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) in limit Texas                  approaches lose their theoretical guarantees, e.g. CFR. In
     Hold’em and Kuhn poker. We introduce a variant of                   spite of this, CFR has achieved strong performance in three-
     the established UCB algorithm and provide first empiri-             player limit Texas Hold’em (Risk and Szafron 2010). The
     cal results demonstrating its ability to find approximate           MCTS methods discussed in this paper are well defined
     Nash equilibria.                                                    for any number of players but do not yet have any es-
                                                                         tablished theoretical convergence guarantees even for two-
                                                                         player zero-sum imperfect information games.
Reinforcement learning has traditionally focused on station-                MCTS is a simulation-based search algorithm that has
ary single-agent environments. Its applicability to fully ob-            been successful in high-dimensional domains, e.g. computer
servable multi-agent Markov games has been explored by                   Go (Gelly et al. 2012). Selective sampling of trajectories
(Littman 1996). Backgammon and computer Go are two                       of the game enables it to prioritise the most promising re-
examples of fully observable two-player games where re-                  gions of the search space. Furthermore, it only requires a
inforcement learning methods have achieved outstanding                   black box simulator and might therefore plan in complex
performance (Tesauro 1992; Gelly et al. 2012). Computer                  environments, e.g. with approximate generative models of
poker provides a diversity of stochastic imperfect informa-              real world applications. Finally, it is built on principles of
tion games of different sizes and has proved to be a fruitful            reinforcement learning and can therefore leverage its well-
research domain for game theory and artificial intelligence              developed machinery. For example, function approximation
(Sandholm 2010; Rubin and Watson 2011). Therefore, it is                 and bootstrapping are two ideas that can dramatically im-
an ideal research subject for self-play reinforcement learn-             prove the efficiency of learning algorithms (Tesauro 1992;
ing in partially observable multi-agent domains.                         Silver, Sutton, and Müller 2012).
   Game-theoretic approaches have played a dominant role                    (Ponsen, de Jong, and Lanctot 2011) compared the quality
in furthering algorithmic performance in computer poker.                 of policies found by MCTS and MCCFR in computer poker.
The game is usually formulated as an extensive-form game                 They concluded that MCTS quickly finds a good but subop-
with imperfect information and most attention has been di-               timal policy, while MCCFR initially learns more slowly but
rected towards the two-player Texas Hold’em variant. Ab-                 converges to the optimal policy over time.
stracting the game (Billings et al. 2003; Gilpin and Sand-
holm 2006), by combining similar nodes, reduces the size of                  In this paper, we extend the evaluation of MCTS-based
the game tree and has allowed various approaches to com-                 methods in computer poker. We introduce a variant of UCT,
pute approximate Nash equilibria. Common game-theoretic                  Smooth UCT, that combines MCTS with elements of fic-
methods in computer poker are based on linear program-                   titious play and provide first empirical results of its con-
ming (Billings et al. 2003; Gilpin and Sandholm 2006), non-              vergence to Nash equilibria in Kuhn poker. This algorithm
smooth convex optimization (Hoda et al. 2010), fictitious                might address the inability of UCT to converge close to a
play (Ganzfried and Sandholm 2008) or counterfactual re-                 Nash equilibrium over time, while retaining UCT’s fast ini-
gret minimization (CFR) (Zinkevich et al. 2007). Except for              tial learning rate. Both UCT and Smooth UCT achieve high
Monte-Carlo counterfactual regret minimization (MCCFR)                   performance against competitive approximate Nash equilib-
                                                                         ria in limit Texas Hold’em. This demonstrates that strong
Copyright � c 2014, Association for the Advancement of Artificial        policies can be learned from UCT-based self-play methods
Intelligence ( All rights reserved.                        in partially observable environments.

Background                                           to all policies in π except π i . Ri (π) is the expected reward
Extensive-Form Games                                                           of player i if all players follow the policy profile π. The
                                                                               set of best responses of player i to his opponents’ policies
Extensive-form games are a rich model of multi-agent in-                       π −i is bi (π −i ) = arg maxπi ∈∆i Ri (π i , π −i ). For � > 0,
teraction. The representation is based on a game tree. Intro-                  bi� (π −i ) = {π i ∈ ∆i : Ri (π i , π −i ) ≥ Ri (bi (π −i ), π −i ) −
ducing partitions of the tree that constrain the players’ infor-               �} defines the set of �-best responses to the policy profile
mation about the exact position in the game tree allows to                     π −i .
add versatile structure to the game, e.g. simultaneous moves
and partial observability. Formally, based on the definition                   Definition 3. A Nash equilibrium of an extensive-form
of (Selten 1975),                                                              game is a policy profile π such that π i ∈ bi (π −i ) for all
Definition 1. An extensive-form game with imperfect infor-                     i ∈ N . An �-Nash equilibrium is a policy profile π such that
mation consists of                                                             π i ∈ bi� (π −i ) for all i ∈ N .
• A set of players N = {1, ..., n} and a chance player c.
• A set of states S corresponding to nodes in a rooted game                    MCTS
  tree with initial state s0 . SZ ⊂ S is the set of terminal
  states.                                                                      MCTS (Coulom 2006) is a simulation-based search algo-
• A partition of the state space into player sets P i , i ∈                    rithm. It is able to plan in high-dimensional environments by
  N ∪ {c}. Each state s ∈ P i represents a decision node                       sampling episodes through Monte-Carlo simulation. These
  of player i and A(s) is the set of actions available to this                 simulations are guided by an action selection mechanism
  player in s. In particular, P c is the set of states at which                that explores the most promising regions of the state space.
  chance determines the successor state.                                       This guided search results in efficient, asymmetric search
• For each player a set of information states Oi and a surjec-                 trees. MCTS converges to optimal policies in fully observ-
  tive information function I i that assigns each state s ∈ P i                able Markovian environments.
  to an information state o ∈ Oi . For any information state                      A MCTS algorithm requires the following components.
  o ∈ Oi an information set I i = (I i ) (o) is a set of                       Given a state and action, a black box simulator of the game
  states s ∈ P i that are indistinguishable for player i.                      samples a successor state and reward. A learning algorithm
                                                                               uses simulated trajectories and outcomes to update some
• A chance function T c (s, a) = P(act = a | st = s),
                                                                               statistics of the visited nodes in the search tree. A tree pol-
  s ∈ P c , that determines chance events at chance nodes.
                                                                               icy is defined by an action selection mechanism that chooses
  Transitions at players’ decision nodes are described by
                                                                               actions based on a node’s statistics. A rollout policy deter-
  their policies.
                                                                               mines default behaviour for states that are out of the scope
• For each player a reward function Ri that maps terminal                      of the search tree.
  states to payoffs.
                                                                                  For a specified amount of planning time the algorithm re-
   For each player i ∈ N the sequence of his informa-                          peats the following. It starts each Monte-Carlo simulation at
tion states and own actions in an episode forms a history                      the root node and follows its tree policy until either reaching
hit = {oi1 , ai1 , oi2 , ai2 , ..., oit }. A game has perfect recall if        a terminal state or the boundary of the search tree. Leav-
each player’s current information state oit implies knowledge                  ing the scope of the search tree, the rollout policy is used to
of his whole history hit of the episode. If a player only knows                play out the simulation until reaching a terminal state. In this
some strict subset of his history hit , then the game has im-                  case, we expand our tree by a state node where we have left
perfect recall.                                                                the tree. This approach selectively grows the tree in areas
   The following definition is similar to (Waugh et al. 2009)                  that are frequently encountered in simulations. After reach-
but makes use of information functions.                                        ing a terminal state, the rewards are propagated back so that
Definition 2. Let Γ be an extensive-form game. An abstrac-                     each visited state node can update its statistics.
tion of Γ is a collection of surjective functions fAi : Oi →                      Common MCTS keeps track of the following node val-
Õi that map the information states of Γ to some alternative                   ues. N (s) is the number of visits by a Monte-Carlo sim-
information state spaces Õi . By composition of the abstrac-                  ulation to node s. N (s, a) counts the number of times ac-
tion with the information functions I i of Γ, we obtain alter-                 tion a has been chosen at node s. Q(s, a) is the estimated
native information functions, Ĩ i = fAi ◦ I i , that induce an                value of choosing action a at node s. The action value
abstracted extensive-form game.                                                estimates are usually updated by Monte-Carlo evaluation,
                                                                                                    �N (s,a)
    Mapping multiple information states to a single alterna-
                                                                               Q(s, a) = N (s,a)       i=0    Rs (i), where Rs (i) is the cumu-
tive information state results in the affected player not being                lative discounted reward achieved after visiting state s in the
able to distinguish between the mapped states.                                 i-th Monte-Carlo simulation that has encountered s.
    Each player’s behavioural strategy is determined by his                       (Kocsis and Szepesvári 2006) suggested using the bandit-
policy π i (o, a) = P(ait = a | oit = o), which is a probability               based algorithm UCB (Auer, Cesa-Bianchi, and Fischer
distribution over actions given an information state, and ∆i                   2002) to select actions in the Monte-Carlo search tree. The
is the set of all policies of player i. A policy profile π = (π 1 ,            resulting MCTS method, Upper Confidence Trees (UCT),
... , π n ) is a collection of policies for all players. π −i refers           selects greedily between action values that have been en-

hanced by an exploration bonus,                                                   determines the acting player i’s information state. OUT-
                                                 �                                OF-TREE keeps track of which player has left the scope
                                                     log N (s)                    of his search tree in the current episode.
        πtree (s) = arg max Q(s, a) + c                        .      (1)
                           a                          N (s, a)                       The basic idea of searching trees over information states
                                                                                  is similar to (Auger 2011; Cowling, Powley, and Whitehouse
The exploration bonus parameter c adjusts the balance be-                         2012). However, algorithm 1 defines a more general class of
tween exploration and exploitation. For suitable c the prob-                      MCTS-based algorithms that can be specified by their action
ability of choosing a suboptimal action has been shown to                         selection and node updating functions. These functions are
converge to 0 (Kocsis and Szepesvári 2006). The appropri-                        responsible to sample from and update the tree policy. In this
ate scale of c depends on the size of the rewards.                                work, we focus on UCT-based methods.
   Other MCTS methods have been proposed in the litera-
ture. (Silver and Veness 2010) adapt MCTS to partially ob-                        Algorithm 1 Self-play MCTS in extensive-form games
servable Markov decision processes (POMDPs) and prove
                                                                                    function SEARCH(Γ)
convergence given a true initial belief state. (Auger 2011)
                                                                                       while within computational budget do
and (Cowling, Powley, and Whitehouse 2012) study MCTS
                                                                                           s0 ∼ Γ
in imperfect information games and use the bandit method
                                                                                           SIMULATE (s0 )
EXP3 (Auer et al. 1995) for action selection.
                                                                                       end while
                                                                                       return πtree
   Self-Play MCTS in Extensive-Form Games                                           end function
Our goal is to use MCTS-based planning to learn an opti-
mal policy profile of an extensive-form game with imperfect                         function ROLLOUT(s)
information.                                                                           a ∼ πrollout (s)
   Planning in a multi-player game requires simulation of                              s� ∼ G(s, a)
players’ behaviour. One approach might be to assume ex-                                return SIMULATE(s� )
plicit models of player behaviour and then use a planning                           end function
algorithm to learn a best response against these models.
However, the quality of the policy profile learned with this                        function SIMULATE(s)
approach will depend on the assumed player models. In                                  if ISTERMINAL(s) then
particular, to learn an optimal policy profile, we will most                                return r ∼ R(s)
likely need a player model that produces close to optimal                              end if
behaviour in the first place. We will therefore pursue an al-                          i = PLAYER(s)
ternative approach that does not require this type of prior                            if OUT- OF - TREE(i) then
knowledge. Self-play planning does not assume any explicit                                  return ROLLOUT(s)
models of player behaviour. Instead, it samples players’ ac-                           end if
tions from the current policy profile, that is suggested by the                        oi = I i (s)
planning process. E.g. self-play MCTS samples player be-                               if oi ∈
                                                                                             / T i then
haviour from the players’ tree policies.                                                    EXPANDTREE (T i , oi )
   The asymmetry of information in an extensive-form game                                   a ∼ πrollout (s)
with imperfect information generally does not allow us to                                   OUT- OF - TREE(i) ← true
span a single collective search tree. We will therefore de-                            else
scribe a general algorithm that uses a separate search tree                                 a = SELECT(T i (oi ))
for each player. For each player we grow a tree T i over his                           end if
information states Oi . T i (oi ) is the node in player i’s tree                       s� ∼ G(s, a)
that represents his information state oi . In a game with per-                         r ← SIMULATE(s� )
fect recall a player remembers his sequence of previous in-                            UPDATE (T i (oi ), a, r i )
formation states and actions hit = {oi1 , ai1 , oi2 , ai2 , ..., oit }. By             return r
definition of an extensive-form game, this knowledge is also                        end function
represented in the information state oit . Therefore, T i is a
proper tree. An imperfect recall extensive-form game yields
a recombining tree.
   Algorithm 1 describes MCTS that has been adapted to                            Information State UCT (IS-UCT)
the multi-player, imperfect information setting of extensive-                     IS-UCT uses UCB to select from and update the tree pol-
form games. The game mechanics are sampled from transi-                           icy in algorithm 1. It can be seen as a multi-player version
tion and reward simulators G and R. The transition simula-                        of Partially Observable UCT (PO-UCT) (Silver and Veness
tor takes a state and action as inputs and generates a sample                     2010), that searches trees over histories of information states
of a successor state st+1 ∼ G(st , ait ), where the action ait                    instead of histories of observations and actions of a POMDP.
belongs to the player i who makes decisions at state st . The                     In fact, assuming fixed opposing players’ policies, a player
reward simulator generates all players’ payoffs at terminal                       is effectively acting in a POMDP. However, in self-play
states, i.e. rT ∼ R(sT ). The information function, I i (s),                      planning, player’s policies might never become stationary

and keep changing indefinitely. Indeed, (Ponsen, de Jong,               Algorithm 2 Smooth IS-UCT
and Lanctot 2011) empirically show the inability of UCT                   SEARCH (Γ), SIMULATE (s) and ROLLOUT (s) as in algo-
to converge to a Nash equilibrium in Kuhn poker. However,                 rithm 1
it seems to unlearn dominated actions and therefore might
yield decent but potentially exploitable performance in prac-             function SELECT(T i (oi ))
tice.                                                                        u ∼ U [0, 1]
                                                                             if u < ηt then                           �
Smooth IS-UCT                                                                                                             log N (oi )
                                                                                 return arg maxa Q(oi , a) + c
To address the lack of convergence guarantees of IS-UCT in                                                                 N (oi ,a)
partially observable self-play environments, we introduce an                 else                          i
alternative tree policy algorithm. It has similarities to gener-                 ∀a ∈ A(oi ) : p(a) ← NN(o(o,a)

alised weakened fictitious play (Leslie and Collins 2006), for                   return a ∼ p
which convergence results have been established for some                     end if
types of games, e.g. two-player zero-sum games.                           end function
Definition 4. A Smooth UCB process is defined by the fol-
lowing sequence of policies:                                              function UPDATE(T i (oi ), a, ri )
                                                                             N (oi ) ← N (oi ) + 1
               πti = (1 − ηt )π̄t−1
                                    + ηt UCBit ,                             N (oi , a) ← N (oi , a) + 1
                                                                                                          −Q(oi ,a)
               ait ∼ πti                                                     Q(oi , a) ← Q(oi , a) + r N   (oi ,a)
                               1                                          end function
                 π̄ti = π̄t−1
                              + (ait − π̄t−1
                                             )              (2)
for some time t adapted sequence ηt ∈ [c, 1], c > 0. πt                 and multi-street play. As there exist closed-form game-
is the behavioural policy profile that is used for planning at          theoretic solutions, it is well suited for a first overview of
simulation t. Players’ actions, ait , i ∈ N , are sampled from          the performance and calibration of different methods.
this policy. π̄t is the average policy profile at time t.                  (Ponsen, de Jong, and Lanctot 2011) tested UCT against
   UCB plays a greedy best response towards its optimistic              MCCFR in Kuhn poker. We conducted a similar experiment
action value estimates. Smooth UCB plays a smooth best                  with Smooth IS-UCT. We calibrated the exploration param-
response instead. If UCB were an �-best response to the op-             eter for both IS-UCT and Smooth IS-UCT, and set it to 2 and
ponents’ average policy profile, π̄t−i , with � → 0 as t → ∞,           1.75 respectively. We tested two choices of Smooth UCB’s
then the Smooth UCB process would be a generalised weak-                mixing parameter sequence ηt :
ened fictitious play. E.g. this would be the case if the action                       ηti (oi ) = max π̄t−1
                                                                                                            (oi , a)               (3)
value estimates were generated from unbiased samples of                                             a
the average policy. However, this is clearly not what hap-                                                 10000
                                                                                     ηti (oi )   = 0.9       �                     (4)
pens in self-play, where at each time players are trying to                                        10000 + Nt−1 (oi )
exploit each other rather than playing their average policy.
                                                                        Both worked well in standard Kuhn poker. However, only
Intuitively, mixing the current UCB policy with the average
                                                                        schedule (3) yielded stable performance across several vari-
policy might help with this policy evaluation problem.
                                                                        ants of Kuhn poker with varying initial pot size. All reported
   Algorithm 2 instantiates general self-play MCTS with a
                                                                        results for Smooth IS-UCT on Kuhn poker were generated
Smooth UCB tree policy. For a constant ηt = 1, we obtain
                                                                        with schedule (3). The average policies’ squared (SQ-ERR)
IS-UCT as a special case. We propose two schedules to set
                                                                        and dominated (DOM-ERR) errors were measured after ev-
ηt in the experiments section. Note that for a cheaply deter-
                                                                        ery 104 episodes. The squared error of a policy is its mean-
mined ηt the update and selection steps of Smooth UCB do
                                                                        squared error measured against the closest Nash equilib-
not have any overhead compared to UCB.
                                                                        rium. The dominated error of a policy is the sum of the prob-
   We are currently working on developing the theory of this
                                                                        abilities with which a dominated action is taken at an infor-
algorithm. Our experiments on Kuhn poker provide first em-
                                                                        mation state. The results, shown in figures 1 and 2, were av-
pirical evidence of the algorithm’s ability to find approxi-
                                                                        eraged over 10 identically repeated runs of the experiment.
mate Nash equilibria.
                                                                           In standard Kuhn poker, Smooth IS-UCT performs better
                                                                        both in terms of squared and dominated error. We repeated
                       Experiments                                      the experiment for variants of Kuhn poker with higher ini-
We evaluate IS-UCT and Smooth IS-UCT in Kuhn and                        tial pot sizes. This is supposed to emulate the varying opti-
Texas Hold’em poker games.                                              mal action probabilities that in poker depend on the bet size
                                                                        relative to the pot. Using mixing schedule (3), Smooth IS-
Kuhn Poker                                                              UCT was able to converge close to a Nash equilibrium in
Kuhn poker (Kuhn 1950) is a small extensive-form game                   each variant. For larger pot sizes, Smooth IS-UCT seems to
with imperfect information. It features typical elements of             suffer a larger dominated error than IS-UCT.
poker, e.g. balancing betting frequencies for different types              To conclude, Smooth IS-UCT might focus its self-play
of holdings. However, it does not include community cards               search on regions of the policy space that are close to a Nash

0.05                                                                  player i and ct is the sequence of community cards publicly
                        Smooth IS-UCT, SQ-ERR                             revealed by chance by time t. In Texas Hold’em only the
                      Smooth IS-UCT, DOM-ERR                              private cards constitute hidden information, i.e. each player
                               IS-UCT, SQ-ERR                             observes everything except his opponents’ private cards.
                             IS-UCT, DOM-ERR                                 Let gA (c, pi ) ∈ N be a function that maps tuples of
                                                                          public community cards and private cards to an abstraction
                                                                          bucket. The function fA (ā, c, pi ) = (ā, gA (c, pi )) defines
    0.02                                                                  an abstraction that maps information states O = ∪i∈N Oi
                                                                          to alternative information states Õ = ∪i∈N Õi of an ab-
    0.01                                                                  stracted game. An abstracted information state is a tuple
                                                                          (ā, n) where ā is the unabstracted sequence of all players’
       0                                                                  actions except chance and n ∈ N identifies the abstraction
           0   1e+06 2e+06 3e+06 4e+06 5e+06 6e+06                        bucket.
                         Simulated Episodes                                  In this work, we use a metric called expected hand
                                                                          strength squared (Zinkevich et al. 2007). At a final betting
                                                                          round and given the corresponding set of community cards,
Figure 1: Learning curve of IS-UCT and Smooth IS-UCT                      the hand strength of a holding is defined as its winning per-
in Kuhn poker. The x-axis denotes the number of simulated                 centage against all possible other holdings. On any betting
episodes. The y-axis denotes the quality of a policy in terms
                                                                          round, E[HS2 ] denotes the expected value of the squared
of its dominated and squared error measured against a clos-
                                                                          hand strength on the final betting round. We have discre-
est Nash equilibrium.
                                                                          tised the resulting E[HS2 ] values with an equidistant grid
                                                                          over their range, [0, 1]. Table 1 shows the grid sizes that we
    0.25                                                                  used in our experiments. We used an imperfect recall ab-
                        Smooth IS-UCT, SQ-ERR
                      Smooth IS-UCT, DOM-ERR                              straction that does not let a player remember his E[HS2 ] val-
                               IS-UCT, SQ-ERR                             ues of previous betting rounds, i.e. gA (c, pi ) is set to the
                             IS-UCT, DOM-ERR                              thresholded E[HS2 ] value of pi given c.
                                                                                 Game size      Preflop    Flop    Turn     River
     0.1                                                                         2p S            169        100    100       100
                                                                                 2p L            169       1000    500       200
    0.05                                                                         3p              169       1000    100       10

       0                                                                  Table 1: Abstraction bucket discretisation grids used in our
           0   1e+06 2e+06 3e+06 4e+06 5e+06 6e+06                        two and three-player Texas Hold’em experiments
                         Simulated Episodes
                                                                             In limit Texas Hold’em, there is an upper bound on the
                                                                          possible terminal pot size based on the betting that has oc-
Figure 2: Learning curve of IS-UCT and Smooth IS-UCT in                   curred so far in the episode. This is because betting is capped
a Kuhn poker variant with an initial pot size of 8.                       at each betting round. To avoid unnecessary exploration we
                                                                          update the exploration parameter for the current episode at
                                                                          the beginning of each betting round and set it to
equilibrium. However, in large games, the number of visits
to a node might be too low to provide a stochastic average                      ct = potsize + k ∗ remaining betting potential,       (5)
policy with small dominated error.
                                                                          where k ∈ [0, 1] is a constant parameter and the remaining
Limit Texas Hold’em                                                       betting potential is the maximum possible amount that play-
                                                                          ers can add to the pot in the remainder of the episode.
We consider limit Texas Hold’em with two and three play-                     Each two-player policy was trained for about 7 billion
ers. The two-player variants’ game tree contains about 1018               episodes, which took about 30 hours on a modern com-
nodes. In order to reduce the game tree to a tractable size,              puter without using parallelization. Each three-player agent
various abstraction techniques have been proposed in the lit-             was trained for about 12 billion episodes, requiring about
erature (Billings et al. 2003; Gilpin and Sandholm 2006;                  48 hours of training time. After training, the policies were
Johanson et al. 2013). The most common approach is to                     frozen to return the greedy, i.e. highest value, action at each
group information states according to strategic similarity of             information state. Performance is measured in milli-big-
the corresponding cards and leave the players’ action se-                 blinds per hand, mb/h.
quences unabstracted.
   A player’s information state can be described as a tuple               Two-player We evaluated the performance of the trained
oit = (āt , ct , pit ), where āt is the sequence of all players’        policies against benchmark opponents in two-player limit
actions except chance, pit are the two private cards held by              Texas Hold’em. Both opponents, Sparbot (Billings et al.

2003) and FellOmen2, play approximate Nash equilib-                    match-ups against dummy agents that blindly play accord-
rium strategies. Sparbot is available in the software Poker            ing to a fixed probability distribution. We chose two dummy
Academy Pro. FellOmen2 is a publicly available poker bot               agents that were suggested by (Risk and Szafron 2010). The
that was developed by Ian Fellows. It plays an approximate             Always-Raise agent, AR, always plays the bet/raise action.
Nash equilibrium that was learned from fictitious play. It             The Probe agent randomly chooses between the bet/raise
placed second, tying three-way, in the AAAI-08 Computer                and check/call action with equal probability.
Poker Competition.                                                        All three-player MCTS policies were trained with explo-
   All two-player MCTS policies were trained using explo-              ration schedule (5) with k = 0.5. Smooth IS-UCT used mix-
ration schedule (5), with parameter k given in the table. The          ing schedule (3), with ηt set to zero for nodes that have been
Smooth IS-UCT agents used the same mixing schedule (3)                 visited less than 10000 times in order to avoid disproportion-
as in Kuhn poker. The abstraction sizes are shown in table 1.          ate exploration at rarely visited nodes.
   The results in table 2 show an overall positive perfor-                The results, shown in table 3, suggest that self-play MCTS
mance of UCT-based methods. However, some policies’ per-               can train strong three-player policies. IS-UCT outperforms
formance is not stable against both opponents. This suggests           Smooth IS-UCT in the match-up against two instances of
that these policies might not be a good approximation of a             Poki. It performs slightly worse than Smooth IS-UCT in the
Nash equilibrium. Note that we froze the policies after train-         other two match-ups. Both MCTS policies achieve strong re-
ing and that these frozen policies are deterministic. This gen-        sults against the combination of AR and Probe despite using
erally yields exploitable policies, which in turn exploit some         imperfect recall. This is notable because (Risk and Szafron
types of policies. This might explain some of the contrary             2010) reported anomalous, strongly negative results against
results, i.e. very positive performance against Sparbot while          this combination of dummy agents when using imperfect re-
losing a large amount against FellOmen2. A coarse abstrac-             call with CFR.
tion might emphasize these effects of freezing policies, as
larger amounts of information states would be set to a par-              Match-up                    IS-UCT      Smooth IS-UCT
ticular action.                                                          2x Poki                    163 ± 19       118 ± 19
   Due to the large standard errors relative to the differ-              Poki, IS-UCT                   -           81 ± 24
ences in performance, comparing individual results is dif-               Poki, Smooth IS-UCT         73 ± 24           -
ficult. IS-UCT with a coarse abstraction and low exploration             AR, Probe                  760 ± 77       910 ± 78
parameter, IS-UCT S, k=0.5, trained the policy that achieves
the most robust performance against both opponents. On                 Table 3: Three-player limit Texas Hold’em winnings in mb/h
the other hand, Smooth IS-UCT trained two policies, with               and their 68% confidence intervals. Each match-up was run
both fine and coarse abstractions, that achieve robust per-            for at least 30000 hands. Player positions were permuted to
formance. More significant test results and an evaluation of           balance positional advantages.
performance for different training times are required to bet-
ter compare Smooth IS-UCT against IS-UCT.

                                   Sparbot    FellOmen2                                       Conclusion
    Coarse abstraction:                                                This work evaluates computer poker policies that have been
    IS-UCT S, k=1                  72 ± 21     -47 ± 20                trained from self-play MCTS. The introduced variant of
    IS-UCT S, k=0.5                54 ± 21     26 ± 21                 UCT, Smooth IS-UCT, is shown to converge to a Nash equi-
    Smooth IS-UCT S, k=1           51 ± 20      7 ± 21                 librium in a small poker game. Furthermore, it achieves ro-
    Smooth IS-UCT S, k=0.5         56 ± 20     -41 ± 20                bust performance in large limit Texas Hold’em games. This
                                                                       suggests that the policies it learns are close to a Nash equi-
    Fine abstraction:
                                                                       librium and with increased training time might also converge
    IS-UCT L, k=0.5                60 ± 20     -17 ± 21                in large games. However, the results were not conclusive
    Smooth IS-UCT L, k=0.5         18 ± 19     32 ± 21                 in demonstrating a higher performance of Smooth IS-UCT
                                                                       than plain IS-UCT, as both UCT-based methods achieved
Table 2: Two-player limit Texas Hold’em winnings in mb/h               strong performance.
and their 68% confidence intervals. Each match-up was run
                                                                          The results against FellOmen2 suggest that self-play
for at least 60000 hands.
                                                                       MCTS can be competitive with the state of the art of 2008, a
                                                                       year in which algorithmic agents beat expert human players
Three-player In three-player limit Texas Hold’em, we                   for the first time in a public competition. However, testing
tested the trained policies against benchmark and dummy                performance against benchmark opponents is only a partial
opponents. Poki (Billings 2006) is a bot available in Poker            assessment of the quality of a policy. It does not explicitly
Academy Pro. Its architecture is based on a mixture of tech-           measure the potential exploitability and is therefore insuffi-
nologies, including expert knowledge and online Monte-                 cient to assess a policy’s distance to a Nash equilibrium.
Carlo simulations. It won the six-player limit Texas Hold’em              We think that the following directions of research could
event of the AAAI-08 Computer Poker Competition. Due                   improve the performance and understanding of self-play
to a lack of publicly available benchmark bots capable of              MCTS in computer poker. A study of the theoretical prop-
playing three-player limit Texas Hold’em, we also included             erties of Smooth IS-UCT might unveil a class of algorithms

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