Selected Experimental Protocols - Cenozoic: 2018 iGEM at University of California, Davis

Page created by Kyle Nguyen
Selected Experimental Protocols - Cenozoic: 2018 iGEM at University of California, Davis
Cenozoic: iGEM at UC Davis                Experimental Protocol

              Selected Experimental Protocols

                        Cenozoic: 2018 iGEM at
                  University of California, Davis
Cenozoic: iGEM at UC Davis                                        Experimental Protocol

Overview of Experiment

1. Make Genetic Constructs
      A. Obtain promoter sequences
              Synthesize suitable promoters (IDT)
              Anneal single stranded DNA
              Amplify remaining promoters out of mammalian genomic DNA
              Amplify via PCR
      B. Clone plasmid
              Grow up in DH5a
              Cryogenically preserve a sample in glycerol at -80º C for stock solution
      C. Insert promoters into plasmid backbone
              Restriction digest to remove sequence from plasmid and insert promoters
      D. Clone plasmid constructs in DH5a
              Heat shock transformation
              Plate on agar
              Pick colonies with desired phenotype
              Confirm promoter presence by qualitative PCR and gel electrophoresis
              Confirm by sequencing
              Cryogenically preserve samples in glycerol at -80º C for stock solution

2. Creation and Use of Bioassay
       A. Grow up mammalian cells
              Cryogenically preserve samples at -80º C for stock solution
              Record the passage number of each sample
       B. Transfection
              Plate cells on 96 well plate
              Allow cells to reach 70-90% confluency
              Transfect with constructs using Lipofectamine
              Expose bioassay to chemicals of concern
              Measure fluorescence
              Standardize fluorescence measurements
              Measure confluence
Cenozoic: iGEM at UC Davis                                            Experimental Protocol

               Measure cell viability

Part 1: make genetic constructs

Amplify not-yet-synthesized promoters out of the specific cell it comes from (can likely use the
primers that have already been made)

Isolation of Genomic DNA from Mammalian Cells:

4.1. Preparation
Make the buffered phenol. Add 0.5 g 8-hydroxyquinoline to a glass beaker containing a stir bar.
Add 500 ml phenol and 500 ml 50 mM Tris–HCl, pH 8.0. Cover with aluminium foil to protect
light-sensitive reagents from oxidation. Stir for 10 min at room temperature, allowing the phases
to separate. Decant most of the upper aqueous phase into an appropriate waste container.
Carefully remove the remainder with a 10-ml pipette. Add another 500 ml 50 mM Tris–HCl, pH
8.0. Stir and decant aqueous phase as before. Check the pH of the lower phenol phase with pH
paper. Repeat equilibrations with 50 mM Tris–HCl, pH 8.0 until the pH of the phenol phase
reaches 8.0. Add 250 ml of 50 mM Tris–HCl, pH 8.0. Store at 4 C in either a brown glass bottle
or a clear glass bottle wrapped in aluminium foil to protect from light. Have cells ready to extract

5.1. Overview
Cells grown in culture are harvested and washed.
5.2. Duration 20 min
        1.1 Collect cells in a 15-ml conical centrifuge tube. If starting with tissue culture cells in
suspension, directly collect suspension in a conical tube. If starting with adherent cells in culture,
trypsinize and collect cells in a conical tube.
        1.2 Determine the number of cells collected. Figure 13.1 Flowchart of the complete
protocol, including preparation. Isolation of Genomic DNA from Mammalian Cells 165
        1.3 Centrifuge at 500g for 5 min. Discard supernatant.
        1.4 Resuspend in 10 ml ice-cold PBS.
Cenozoic: iGEM at UC Davis                                         Experimental Protocol

       1.5 Centrifuge at 500g for 5 min. Discard supernatant.
       1.6 Repeat PBS wash (Steps 1.4 and 1.5).

6.1. Overview
A detergent-based buffer is used to disrupt cell membranes and release DNA, protein, and other
cell components. Proteinase K removes protein contaminants (see also Lysis of mammalian and
Sf 9 cells).
6.2. Duration 12–18 h
        2.1 Resuspend cells in a suitable amount of Lysis Buffer. In general, use 1 ml of buffer
per 108 cells.
        2.2 Transfer to a 1.5-ml microcentrifuge tube. Vortex the samples.
        2.3 Incubate at 50 C for 12–18 h.

7.1. Overview
Organic extraction is used to separate DNA from other cellular contaminants.
7.2. Duration 10 min
       3.1 Add an equal volume of phenol extraction buffer to the lysed cell suspension.
       3.2 Vortex for 10 s.
       3.3 Centrifuge at 2000g for 5 min in a microcentrifuge at room temperature.
       3.4 Transfer the upper aqueous phase, which contains DNA, to a new microcentrifuge
tube. Determine the volume of the aqueous phase obtained.
       3.5 Optional: Add RNase A to a final concentration of 20 mg ml1 . Incubate sample at 37
C for 20 min

8.1. Overview
Ethanol is used to precipitate DNA from solution.
8.2. Duration 40 min
       4.1 Add 0.5 volumes of 7.5 M ammonium acetate and 2 volumes of 100% ethanol.
       4.2 Centrifuge at 2000g for 10 min in a microcentrifuge at room temperature.
       4.3 Remove supernatant carefully, without disrupting DNA pellet.
       4.4 Add 1 ml of 70% ethanol and invert tube several times to wash the DNA pellet.
       4.5 Centrifuge at 1700g for 5 min in a microcentrifuge at room temperature.
       4.6 Remove supernatant. Uncap the tube and allow the pellet to air-dry for 10–15 min.
       4.7 Resuspend DNA in TE buffer or sterile water.
Cenozoic: iGEM at UC Davis                                         Experimental Protocol

8.3. Tip
Resuspension in TE buffer stabilizes the DNA for long-term storage. However, the EDTA in the
TE buffer may interfere with certain downstream applications, in which case, resuspension in
water is preferred.

Mini/Midiprep pcDNA-EGFP plasmid - Follow instructions from kit

        1. Transfer 20-50 mL overnight culture to a 50 mL centrifuge tube (not provided). Note:
The optimal volume to use depends on the culture density and plasmid copy number. The
optimal cell mass (OD600 x mL culture) for the HiBind® DNA Midi Column is 80-100. For
example, if the OD600 of a culture is 4.0, the optimal culture volume should be 20-25 mL. If
excess culture cell mass is used, alkaline lysis will be inefficient, the HiBind® membrane will be
overloaded, and the performance of the system will be decreased. The increase in lysate viscosity
will require vigorous mixing which may result in shearing of genomic DNA and contamination
the plasmid DNA.
        2. Centrifuge at 4,000 x g for 10 minutes at room temperature.
3. Decant or aspirate and discard the culture media. Note: To ensure that all traces of the medium
are removed, use a clean paper towel to blot excess liquid from the wall of the tube.
4. Add 2.25 mL Solution I/RNase A. Vortex or pipet up and down to completely resuspend the
5. Transfer the cell suspension to a 30 mL or 50 mL centrifuge tubes capable of withstanding
15,000 x g (not provided).
6. Add 2.25 mL Solution II. Invert and rotate the tube gently 8-10 times to obtain a cleared
lysate. This may require a 2-3 minute incubation at room temperature with occasional mixing.
Note: Avoid vigorous mixing as this will shear chromosomal DNA and lower plasmid purity. Do
not allow the lysis reaction to proceed more than 5 minutes. Store Solution II tightly capped
when not in use to avoid acidification from CO2 in the air.
7. Add 3.2 mL Solution III. Invert and rotate the tube gently until flocculent white precipitates
form. This may require a 2-3 minute incubation at room temperature with occasional mixing.
Note: It is vital that the solution is mixed thoroughly and immediately after the addition of
Solution III to avoid localized precipitation.
8. Centrifuge at 15,000 x g for 10 minutes at room temperature (preferably at 4°C). A compact
white pellet will form. Promptly proceed to the next step. Note: Steps 9-26 should be performed
Cenozoic: iGEM at UC Davis                                          Experimental Protocol

in a swing bucket rotor for maximum plasmid DNA yield. All of centrifugation steps should be
carried out at room temperature.
9. Insert a HiBind® DNA Midi Column into a 15 mL Collection Tube (supplied). Optional
Protocol for Column Equilibration: 1. Add 1 mL 3M NaOH to the HiBind® DNA Midi Column.
2. Let sit at room temperature for 4 minutes. 3. Centrifuge at 4,000 x g for 3 minutes. 4. Discard
the filtrate and reuse the collection tube.
10. Transfer 3.5 mL cleared supernatant from Step 8 by CAREFULLY aspirating it into the
HiBind® DNA Midi Column. Be careful not to disturb the pellet and that no cellular debris is
transferred to the HiBind® DNA Midi Column.
11. Centrifuge at 4,000 x g for 3 minutes
12. Discard the filtrate and reuse the collection tube.
13. Repeat Steps 10-12 until all of the cleared supernatant has been transferred to the HiBind®
DNA Midi Column.
14. Add 3 mL HBC Buffer. Note: HBC Buffer must be diluted with 100% isopropanol prior to
use. Please see the instructions in the “Preparing Reagents” section on Page 6.
15. Centrifuge at 4,000 x g for 3 minutes.
16. Discard the filtrate and reuse the collection tube.
17. Add 3.5 mL DNA Wash Buffer. Note: DNA Wash Buffer must be diluted with 100% ethanol
prior to use. Please see the instructions in the “Preparing Reagents” section on Page 6.
18. Centrifuge at 4,000 x g for 3 minutes.
19. Discard the filtrate and reuse the collection tube.
20. Repeat Steps 17-19 for a second DNA Wash Buffer wash step.
21. Centrifuge the empty HiBind® DNA Midi Column at 4,000 x g for 10 minutes to dry the
column matrix. Note: It is important to dry the HiBind® DNA Midi Column matrix before
elution. Residual ethanol may interfere with downstream applications.
22. Transfer the HiBind® DNA Midi Column to a nuclease-free 15 mL centrifuge tube (not
23. Add 0.5-1 mL Elution Buffer or sterile deionized water directly to the center of the column
24. Let it sit at room temperature for 3 minutes
25. Centrifuge at 4,000 x g for 5 minutes. Note: This represents approximately 65-80% of bound
DNA. An optional second elution will yield any residual DNA, though at a lower concentration.
Alternatively, a second elution may be performed using the first eluate to maintain a high DNA
26. Store DNA at -20°C.
27. Nanodrop the resulting DNA solution.

Nanodrop General Use Protocol
Cenozoic: iGEM at UC Davis                                                       Experimental Protocol

      Rinse with a kim wipe and small amount of water
    ● 2 ul molecular water- initialize
    ● 2 ul of chosen buffer (usually water) - blank
    ● 2 ul of actual sample. MAKE SURE TO LABEL THESE

For Gel Extraction:
   ● 1 uL of loading dye per 5uL of DNA sample
          ○ So, a 50 uL DNA sample would have 10ul of loading dye
          ○ For a 50 uL sample, tape together three teeth of the gel comb to make one big
             tooth, and load entire sample in

         For Promoters that are Inserted Into the Plasmid Using Restriction Digest
     1. Digest Plasmid & Promoter w/ proper restriction enzymes

         Select restriction enzymes to digest your plasmid.
    2. *Pro-Tip*​​ To determine which restriction enzymes will cut your DNA sequence (and
       where they will cut), use a sequence analysis program such as Addgene's ​Sequence

    3. Determine an appropriate reaction buffer by reading the instructions for your enzyme.

    4. *Pro-Tip*​​ If you are conducting a double digest (digesting with two enzymes at the
       same time), you will need to determine the best buffer that works for both of your
       enzymes. Most companies will have a compatibility chart, such as the ​double digest
       finder tool from NEB​.

    5. In a 1.5mL tube combine the following:
             a.   DNA
             b.   Restriction Enzyme(s)
             c.   Buffer
             d.   BSA (if recommended by manufacturer)
             e.   dH2O up to total volume
    6. *Pro-Tip*​​ The amount of DNA that you cut depends on your application. Diagnostic
       digests typically involve ∼500 ng of DNA, while molecular cloning often requires 1-3 µg of
Cenozoic: iGEM at UC Davis                                        Experimental Protocol

        DNA. The total reaction volume usually varies from 10-50 µL depending on application
        and is largely determined by the volume of DNA to be cut.

   7. *Pro-Tip* A typical restriction digestion reaction could look like this:
           a.   1 µg DNA
           b.   1 µL of each Restriction Enzyme
           c.   3 µL 10x Buffer
           d.   3 µL 10x BSA (if recommended)
           e.   x µL dH2O (to bring total volume to 30µL)


   9. *Pro-Tip*​​ The amount of restriction enzyme you use for a given digestion will depend on
      the amount of DNA you want to cut. By definition: one unit of enzyme will cut 1 µg of
      DNA in a 50 µL reaction in 1 hour. Using this ratio, you can calculate the minimal amount
      of enzyme for your reaction. However, keep in mind that restriction enzyme activity is
      determined under ideal conditions with very clean DNA, so using a little more enzyme is
      advisable. Reactions are often performed with 0.2-0.5 µL of enzyme because it is difficult
      to pipette less volume than this; 0.2-0.5 µL will likely be more enzyme than you will need,
      but that's okay because a little more enzyme is usually better.
Cenozoic: iGEM at UC Davis                                                       Experimental Protocol

    10. Mix gently by pipetting.

    11. Incubate tube at appropriate temperature (usually 37 °C) for 1 hour. Always follow the
        manufacturer’s instructions.

    12. *Pro-Tip*​​ Depending on the application and the amount of DNA in the reaction,
        incubation time can range from 45 mins to overnight. For diagnostic digests, 1-2 hours is
        often sufficient. For digests with >1 µg of DNA used for cloning, it is recommended that
        you digest for at least 4 hours.

    13. *Pro-Tip*​​ If you will be using the digested DNA for another application (such as a
        digestion with another enzyme in a different buffer), but will not be gel purifying it, you
        may need to inactivate the enzyme(s) following the digestion reaction. This may involve
        incubating the reaction at 70 °C for 15 mins, or purifying the DNA via a purification kit,
        such as a ​ QIAGEN DNA cleanup kit​. See the enzyme manufacturer's instructions for more

    14. To visualize the results of your digest, conduct ​gel electrophoresis​.

    15. Ligate promoter into plasmid

         For Promoters that are Inserted Using SLIC(the three small MT2 constructs)
Digest plasmid with restriction enzymes
Alternative Digest protocol (use when getting too low of yields of DNA):

44uL plasmid (around 100-200 ng/uL)

1uL of restriction enzyme

5uL NEBuffer

Silica column clean up, elute with 40uL water

Repeat with other Enzyme

For Gel Extraction:
   ● 1 uL of loading dye per 5uL of DNA sample
Cenozoic: iGEM at UC Davis                                           Experimental Protocol

           ○ So, a 50 uL DNA sample would have 10ul of loading dye
           ○ For a 50 uL sample, tape together three teeth of the gel comb to make one big
             tooth, and load entire sample in

Ligation Protocol with T4 DNA Ligase (M0202) also provides an ​interactive version of this protocol​​ where you can discover
and share optimizations with the research community.


      1. Set up the following reaction in a microcentrifuge tube on ice.
2.      (T4 DNA Ligase should be added last. Note that the table shows a ligation using a molar
ratio of 1:3 vector to insert for the indicated DNA sizes.) ​Use ​NEBioCalculator​ to calculate
molar ratios.
      3. COMPONENT                                        4. 20 μl REACTION

      5. T4 DNA Ligase Buffer (10X)*                      6. 2 μl

      7. Vector DNA (4 kb)                                8. 50 ng (0.020 pmol)

      9. Insert DNA (1 kb)                                10. 37.5 ng (0.060 pmol)

      11. Nuclease-free water                             12. to 20 μl

      13. T4 DNA Ligase                                   14. 1 μl

     15. * The T4 DNA Ligase Buffer should be thawed and resuspended at room temperature.
     16. Gently mix the reaction by pipetting up and down and microfuge briefly.
     17. For cohesive (sticky) ends, incubate at 16°C overnight or room temperature for 10
     18. For blunt ends or single base overhangs, incubate at 16°C overnight or room
         temperature for 2 hours ​(alternatively, high concentration T4 DNA Ligase can be used
         in a 10 minute ligation).​
     19. Heat inactivate at 65°C for 10 minutes.
     20. Chill on ice and transform 1-5 μl of the reaction into 50 μl competent cells.
SLIC Protocol:
Cenozoic: iGEM at UC Davis                                         Experimental Protocol

1. Prepare the following reactions for both the backbone (​pcDNA-EGFP​) and ​promoter ​in 1.5
   mL microcentrifuge tubes.
2. Add 2 uL of 10X NEB Buffer 2, 2uL of 10X BSA, and 15 uL total of equimolar DNA insert
   (promoter) and backbone (digested pcDNA-EGFP).
   1. Lastly, add 1uL of T4 DNA Polymerase (​diluted to 0.5 U/uL​​).
3. Incubate this reaction at room temperature for ​2.5 minutes​​.
4. Add 2 µL of 10 mM dCTP to stop the reaction. Mix. Place tubes on ice. ☐

     ● Colony PCR protocol:
          ○ Fill a PCR tube with 10 uL of molecular water
          ○ Take 10uL pipette, touch colony from whatever you’re using, touch the tip to
             your replicate plate (label this), touch to LB media if desired, then pipet up and
             down the molecular water in the PCR tube.
          ○ After all samples have been processed in the previous manner, lyse the bacterial
             cells in the PCR tubes in a thermocycler. Lyse at 98º C for ten minutes.
          ○ Use the lysate as DNA template for a 20 uL Taq. polymerase PCR reaction.
             Follow specific protocol from your supplier of enzyme. An example ​Protocol is
             available here​.
          ○ Run a gel (use 1 gram of agarose and 50 mL of TAE buffer at 120 volts for 27

   ● Making Freezer Stock of E. Coli:
       ○ Equal volume of cells w/media to pure 80% glycerol (the cryo tubes are 2mL, so
          add 800uL of each)
       ○ Store at -80º C

Part 2. Creation and Use of Bioassay

       1. Grow up mammalian cells
           a. Cryogenically preserve samples at -80º C for stock solution
           b. Record the passage number of each sample
       2. Transfection
Cenozoic: iGEM at UC Davis                                             Experimental Protocol

           a.    Plate cells on 96 well plate
           b.    Allow cells to reach 70-90% confluency
           c.    Transfect with constructs using Lipofectamine
           d.    Select for transfected cells using geneticin (G418)
           e.    Expose bioassay to chemicals of concern
           f.    Measure fluorescence
           g.    Standardize fluorescence measurements
           h.    Measure confluence
           i.    Measure cell viability

Use Lipofectamine for Transfection

Concentrations at which chemicals of concern will be exposed to bioassay

Chemical name Concentration [1]             [2]           [3]             [4]           [5]

Hydrogen             0 μM                   1 μM          10 μM           60 μM         100 μM

Copper sulfate       0 μM                   1 μM          10 μM           50 μM         100 μM
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