See MMIW & MMIG on Page 5 " - Photos and Article By KAYLA DUOOS - Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe

Page created by Derrick Carpenter
See MMIW & MMIG on Page 5 " - Photos and Article By KAYLA DUOOS - Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe
May 2022                                                                                      Newspaper of
Volume XXXVIII                                                                                 the Leech Lake
  Number 11                                                                                    Band of Ojibwe

General Election Info
The MCT General Election for Leech Lake
will take place on June 14, 2022. Also LIC,
Housing Board & School Board.

Pages 8-9

Ojibwemowin Program
LLBO Members able to register for no-cost
access to newly developed Ojibwemowin
program through Rosetta Stone.

Page 3

Fishing Opener
Governor Tim Walz and Lieutenant
Governor Peggy Flanagan visit Lake
Winnie for Fishing Opener Celebration.
Page 3

Boarding Schools Report
The Department of Interior releases
Volume 1 of its on-going boarding school
investigation for MN and other States.

Page 7


                                              Photos and Article By KAYLA DUOOS   See MMIW & MMIG on Page 5 »
See MMIW & MMIG on Page 5 " - Photos and Article By KAYLA DUOOS - Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe
2                                                                                 Waabigwano-giizis • Flowers Budding Moon                                                    May 2022 | Debahjimon

    Vol XXXVIII No 11
     The Debahjimon is a free,
     monthly publication of the
    Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe.

         Leech Lake                                                                                                              MN DFL Endorses Senate District
                                                                                                                                 Two Candidates for 2022 Elections
        Tribal Council
    ˤ Faron Jackson Sr.,
                                                                                                                                       By KAYLA DUOOS                  • Erika Bailey-Johnson is an
    ˤ Arthur “Archie” LaRose                                                                                                                                             enrolled member of the Red
      Secretary-Treasurer                                                                                                        CASS LAKE – The Democratic-             Lake Band and was endorsed
                                                                                                                              Farmer-Labor (DFL) Party held its          for the Minnesota House 2B
    ˤ Robbie Howe, District I                                                                                                 regional convention for Minnesota          seat which surrounds Bemidji
      Representative                                                                                                          Senate District 2 on Saturday, April       on three sides and stretches
                                                                                           KAYLA DUOOS | DEBAHJIMON           30 and endorsed candidates for the         from just east of Grand
    ˤ Steve White, District II                LLBO Environmental Deputy Director Brandy Toft speaks with visiting students.   2022 election.                             Rapids all the way to just
      Representative                                                                                                             The event held at Cedar Lakes           north of Detroit Lakes,

    ˤ LeRoy Staples Fairbanks III,            LLBO DRM Celebrates Earth Day                                                   Casino in Cass Lake, saw three
                                                                                                                              candidates earning their endorse-
                                                                                                                                                                         including both Leech Lake
                                                                                                                                                                         and White Earth
      District III Representative
                                                2022 with Community Event                                                     ments for the state legislature
                                                                                                                              including two Tribal members.
                                                                                                                                 The newly redrawn Senate
                                                                                                                                                                         Reservations. Bailey-Johnson
                                                                                                                                                                         lives in Beltrami County with
                                                                                                                                                                         her husband Matt and two
                 Staff                                 By KAYLA DUOOS                 example asbestos from previous          District 2 now includes the entire         sons and is the sustainability
    Michael Chosa, Editor                                                             construction.                           counties of Beltrami, Clearwater,          director at Bemidji State
   Kayla Duoos, Journalist                        CASS LAKE – The Leech Lake              The St. Regis superfund site        Lake of the Woods and Mahnomen             University.
Anthony Belgarde, Graphic Design              Department         of    Resource       consists of areas within Cass Lake      along with portions of Itasca, Cass,     • Reed Olson was endorsed as a
                                              Management celebrated Earth Day         that have legacy hazardous waste        Hubbard and Becker, along with             candidate for the Minnesota
                                              with the community, April 22.           contamination from the wood             Red Lake, Leech Lake and White             House 2A seat. Olson lives in
          Submissions                             The event which ran 11:00 AM        treatment facility that operated        Earth Nations.                             Bemidji where he co-owns the
   The submissions of pictures,               to 3:30 PM featured a number of         from the 1950’s to 1980’s.                                                         Wild Hare Bistro. He has pre-
  articles, announcements and                 booths by various Leech Lake divi-          The booths presentation asked             Endorsed Candidates                  viously served two terms on
     letters is encouraged. All               sions providing information to          community members to highlight            • Alan Roy, an enrolled member           the Bemidji City Council and
    submissions are subject to                community members ways to               areas they’d like to see developed          of White Earth Nation who              is currently serving his sec-
  editing for spelling, grammar,              reduce waste and create a sustain-      as the project calls for community          serves as the Secretary/               ond term on the Beltrami
   length and libelous content.               able life.                              involvement.                                Treasurer of the White Earth           County Board of
Submission does not guarantee                     This year’s Earth Day highlight         The Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe           Tribal Council was endorsed            Commissioners.
publication. The Editor reserves              booth featured the Cass Lake            and City of Cass Lake will hold             for the Minnesota District 2
 the right to reject any material             Brownfield redevelopment propos-        another meeting public regarding            Senate. District 2 includes            The convention also elected
    submitted for publication.                al. This redevelopment project tar-     the project in July, and invite all         Leech Lake, Red Lake and           DFL officers for the district: Mike
                                              gets brownfield sites and the St.       community members to attend.                White Earth Nation. the            Simpkins as chair, Christina
                                              Regis superfund site in the City of         If you want more information            entire counties of Beltrami,       Bowstring as vice-chair, Mike
        DEBAHJIMON                            Cass Lake. Brownfield sites are         on Earth Day or the Brownfield              Clearwater, Lake of the            Albrecht as treasurer, Rebecca
      190 Sailstar Dr. NW                     defined as potentially contaminat-      Redevelopment project, please con-          Woods, and Mahnomen,               Colebank as secretary and
      Cass Lake, MN 56633                     ed land parcels that may have con-      tact the LLBO Environmental                 along with portions of Itasca,     Christian Taylor-Johnson as the
                                              tamination from business use, for       Department at 218-335-7400.                 Cass, Hubbard, and Becker.         affirmative action officer.
                                              Work on Multi-use Trail to Begin in Bena Community this Summer
       Ph: (218) 335-8200                                                                                                                                            By KAYLA DUOOS
       Fax: (218) 335-8309
                                                                                                                                                                         CASS LAKE – Construction on
                                                                                                                                                                     Highway 2, going through Cass Lake
            Deadlines                                                                                                                                                will take place over the summer.
Jun. Issue.......................5/27/2022                                                                                                                               This Urban Reconstruct Project
Jul. Issue........................6/24/2022                                                                                                                          on Highway 2 is led by Leech Lake
Aug. Issue......................7/29/2022                                                                                                                            Band of Ojibwe and will work on
                                                                                                                                                                     adding additional multi-use trail, as
                                                                                                                                                                     well as pedestrian crossing areas.
                                                                                                                                                                     The plans for the trail are for it to
                                                                                                                                                                     connect Winnie Rd. to the current
                                                                                                                                                                     trail in Bena.
                                                                                                                                                                         There is no planned traffic
                                                                                                                                                                     impacts for motorists outside of
                                                                                                                                                                     possible lane reductions.
                                                                                                                                                                         Community members can find
                                                                                                                                                                     more information on the Hwy 2
                                                                                                                                                                     reconstruction project on MNDOT
See MMIW & MMIG on Page 5 " - Photos and Article By KAYLA DUOOS - Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe
May 2022 | Debahjimon                                                           Waabigwano-giizis • Flowers Budding Moon                                                                                 3
                                                                                                                                  LLBO Band Members, Others
                                                                                                                                Can Register for Access to Rosetta
                                                                                                                                 Stone’s Ojibwemowin Program
                                                                                                                                      By MICHAEL CHOSA

                                                                                                                                  CASS LAKE – Leech Lake Band
                                                                                                                              members can now register for no-
                                                                                                                              cost access to the newly developed
                                                                                                                              Ojibwemowin program on Rosetta
                                                                                                                              Stone thanks to the LLBO
                                                                                                                              Education Department and the
                                                                                                                              DRM. The Ojibwe Rosetta Stone
                                                                                                                              Project was developed by the
                                                                                                                              Aanjibimaadizing Program (Mille
                                                                                                                              Lacs Band of Ojibwe) and released
                                                                                                                              to the public on March 1, 2022.
                                                                                                                                  No-cost access will also be          ly to your email. Licenses granted
                                                                                                                              available to LLBO Descendants,           through this opportunity will be
                                                                                                                              LLBO Band Member Households              good for two years.
                                                                                                                              and all LLBO Employees. While                Once your account has been
                                                                                                                 via MN.GOV   this is a first come-first serve         activated, participants will have
MN Governor Tim Walz high fives LLBO Chairman Faron Jackson Sr. as the two celebrate the 2022 State Fishing Opener.           opportunity, Leech Lake Band             the option of accessing the
                                                                                                                              Members will receive priority when       Ojibwemowin lessons via the web-

Governor Walz, Lieutenant Governor Flanagan Celebrate
                                                                                                                              signing up.                              site at https://login.rosettastone.
                                                                                                                                  Participants must be at least 15     com/ or using the Rosetta Stone

    2022 Governor’s Fishing Opener in Leech Lake
                                                                                                                              years of age and have an email           Fluency Builder App for smart-
                                                                                                                              address. To sign up, please fill out     phones and Tablets (iOS/iPhone/
                                                                                                                              the online form at:    iPad or Android).
            via MN.GOV                                                                                               After              All other persons interested in
                                                                                                                              signing up, you will receive a con-      learning the Ojibwe Language
     BENA – The weekend of May                                                                                                firmation email. Once your appli-        using this program can find more
14, Governor Tim Walz and                                                                                                     cation has been processed you will       info here: https://www.culture.aanji.
Lieutenant Governor Peggy                                                                                                     receive a personal login sent direct-    org/language/ojibwe-rosetta-stone/.
Flanagan         celebrated       the
 Governor’s Fishing Opener on
Lake Winnibigoshish, where
 Governor Walz hooked a 21-inch                                                                                                District III Elder Birthdays             From the District III
walleye. The weekend included                                                                                                                                         Office LeRoy, Toni & Kari
Radio Row in the Chippewa
National Forest, visits to highlight
 the local outdoor and hospitality                                                                                                                         Kenneth Hough             Garr Pemberton
 industries, a community celebra-                                                                                                  Joseph Aitken            Ernest Howard            Phyllis Pendleton
 tion, a Launch Ceremony, and a Governor Walz reels in a walleye on Lake Winnibigoshish.           via MN.GOV                       Linda Aitken            Evelyn Howard                Diane Pieri
walleye shore lunch.                                                                                                                 James Allen           Nanette Howard               Dawn Purdy
     “There’s nothing better than              Schedule of Events           Seelye Bay. The Governor and                             Betty Allen          Gerald Humphrey              Sue Robinson
 early summer days on the lake in         On Friday morning , Governor Lieutenant Governor fished with                            Gloria Beaulieu           Matthew Hunt                Berton Rock
Minnesota – especially when the Walz and Lieutenant Governor Leech Lake Chairman Faron                                            Shirley Beaulieu           Fred Jackson               Thomas Roy
 fish are biting,” said Governor Flanagan hosted Radio Row and Jackson, Sr. and guides Tom                                         Jathon Bebeau           Michael Johnson              Ernest Ryan
Walz. “We’re proud of our state’s talked with reporters from around Neustrom and Rory Haaland.                                   Kenneth Bellanger        Beverly Kamrowski              Paul Smith
 abundant natural resources and the state. Later, they stopped by               This weekend follows the first                    Tracey Benjamin           Francis Kangas             Rosetta Smith
 the businesses that make up our three local businesses: Norway ever State of Minnesota Fishing                                  Timothy Boisvert          Matthew Kangas              Carol Staples
 strong outdoor economy. I hope Beach Resort, Reeds Family Summit hosted by MN-FISH,                                               Evelyn Brown               Verna King               Connie Taylor
 this year’s Opener encourages peo- Outdoor Outfitters, and the Leech where industry leaders discussed                                Sue Brown             Carol Kingbird           Kathy Thompson
 ple to get out and explore new Lake Market, to highlight the the future of fishing. Governor                                    Anthony Budreau            Gregory Kleeb            Victor Thompson
 areas of the state and take part in importance of Minnesota’s vibrant Walz committed to prioritizing                             Melvin Burnette         Timothy Littlewolf         Kenneth Tibbetts
 the wonderful tradition of fishing.” hospitality and retail industries. state investments in fishing infra-                       Annette Cloud              Linda Losh             Annette Vaughan
     “While I graciously conceded On Friday evening, Governor Walz structure, including hatcheries and                             Charles Dahle           Sharon Lovelace           Kevin Wakefield
victory in our annual fishing com- and Lieutenant Governor Flanagan public water access.                                               Carl Day              Nina Martin                Carol White
 petition to Governor Walz, it was a attended a Fishing Opener com-             The Governor's Fishing Opener                       Ramona Day             Rhonda Michaud               Claire White
 joy to be out on the lake with good munity celebration hosted by the has been a tradition in Minnesota                             Tony Donnell            Edwin Monroe                Peter White
 friends and still catch some fish,” Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe to meet since 1948. The event was designed                            Muriell Ellis           Tony Morris               Phyllis White
 said Lieutenant Governor Flanagan. with community and industry lead- to promote the development of                                  Holly Evans           Janet Northbird             Rodney White
“Fishing has been deeply embedded ers from across the region.               Minnesota's $2.4 billion fishing                      Aaron Fairbanks          Richard O’Brien            Francis Wiggins
 in the culture and traditions of this    On Saturday morning , May 14, industry, and in recent years, it has                        Ronald Finn            Michael Olson            Colleen William
 area for generations. Miigwech to 2022, Governor Walz and served as an iconic kick-off celebra-                                  Kathleen Frazer
 the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe and Lieutenant Governor Flanagan tion for the summer tourism sea-                                  Michael Garbow
 community members near Lake fished on Lake Winnibigoshish, son. Travel and tourism have tradi-                                     Keith Garton         ALL ELDERS ARE ENTITLED TO $10 SLOT PLAY
Winnibigoshish for welcoming us attended a send-off ceremony on tionally generated approximately                                  Barbara Haugen          & $10 MEAL COUPON THAT MUST BE USED
with open arms as we celebrate the East Seelye Bay, and returned for a $16 billion in leisure and hospitality                       John Herrera               WITHIN THE BIRTHDAY MONTH.
 best of Minnesota this weekend.”      shore lunch and celebration on East gross sales in Minnesota annually.
See MMIW & MMIG on Page 5 " - Photos and Article By KAYLA DUOOS - Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe
4                                                                        Waabigwano-giizis • Flowers Budding Moon                                                  May 2022 | Debahjimon

                                            PRESERVING THE PAST, EMBRACING THE FUTURE

                                            BUG O NAY GE SHIG                                                                          SCHOOL NEWS
                                           15353 Silver Eagle Drive, Bena, MN 56626 | Phone: 218-665-3000 Toll Free: 1-800-265-5576 |

  This week, Mrs. Beranek’s Kindergarten and Ms. Meghan’s First Grade
made bird feeders! They will be hanging them in trees outside their class-
rooms to watch the birds eat!
                                                                                Bug O Nay Ge Shig School 3rd
                                                                             graders took advantage of the fresh
                                                                             snow last week. They took the oppor-
                                                                             tunity to go snowshoeing before the
                                                                             snow melts. The weather was awe-        The Bug O Nay Ge Shig Spring Volleyball Team is traveling for scrimmages!
                                                                             some and the students had fun.       They were hosted by Grand Rapids recently. It was a great practice for all!

Bug O Nay Ge Shig School’s
Seasonal Activities classes have                                                At Bug O Nay Ge Shig School,
begun preparing for Sugarbush sea-                                           much of the math, science, language
son. Pictured above, a student con-                                          arts and art curriculum is centered
structs taps from sumac. The classes,                                        around seasonal activities. Since we
taught by Richard Armstrong, have                                            are now into Sugarbush season,
all had a chance to do each of the                                           much of the curriculum involves the
stages of maple syrup / sugar pro-                                           process of make maple syrup/sugar.         As part of diabetes prevention, Bug O Nay Ge Shig School has been host-
duction, such as drilling, cleaning                                          Pictured is Culture teacher, Jullita   ing Josh RedDay of the Leech Lake Diabetes Program each week. His presen-
and inserting a tap, collecting, build-                                      Grayhawk, working with students        tations focus on healthy eating and exercise. This week he taught students
ing the fire and processing.                                                 on their sugarbush projects.           some Lacrosse skills before they tested their skills in a high action game.
See MMIW & MMIG on Page 5 " - Photos and Article By KAYLA DUOOS - Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe
May 2022 | Debahjimon                                                             Waabigwano-giizis • Flowers Budding Moon                                                                                      5
 Continued from Front Page

Women, men and children marched across Bemidji, MN during the MMIWP Awareness Rally. The march was followed by speakers sharing their truths in this crisis and a drum group.       KAYLA DUOOS | DEBAHJIMON

    BEMIDJI – School work left           Nevaeh's story was one of many Missing and Murdered Native                               at 10 times the national average              passing of Savanna’s Act and the
undone, a prom dressing left hang- shared at the MMIW march that Women and Girls. To rally for                                    and four out of five Native                   Not Invisible Act, and the intro-
ing in the closet for a date well took place, Thursday May 5.             awareness, community members                            American women are affected by                duction of the Presidential Task
since passed.                            A number of Nevaeh's class- dressed in red and marched from                              violence.                                     Force on Missing and Murdered
    These are the sights Nevaeh mates, and teachers showed up to the Sanford center to Paul and                                       Statistics from the U.S. Centers          American Indians and Alaska
Kingbirds mother Teddi Wind is the rally, a move which touched Babe. The march was followed by                                    for Disease Control and Prevention            Natives.
presented with everyday, marking Wind, who said her daughter loved an evening spent remembering                                   show homicide is the third-leading                Most recent developments
the teens absence. It’s been close to school, and wouldn’t miss a day. and sharing stories of those who                           cause of death among American                 include the Department of the
200 days since the 15 year old went Wind thanked attendees, and rela- are still lost.                                             Indian and Alaska Native girls and            Interiors recently established the
missing in Bemidji, in October of tives shared hopes the event would         The federal recognition of this                      women ages 10 to 24 and the fifth-            Missing & Murdered Unit (MMU)
last year.                            bring about more information on day has prompted awareness                                  leading cause of death for Native             within the Bureau of Indian Affairs
    Kingbird was last seen leaving a the missing teen.                    events across the country in hopes                      American women between the                    Office and the newly opened
home in Southview Terrace Park in        A search was conducted for to deter the large number of                                  ages of 25 and 34.                            MMIW office in Minneapolis, MN.
southeast Bemidji on October 22, Nevaeh that same afternoon by Indigenous relatives who face vio-                                     A number of measures have                     Anyone with information about
2021. She was last seen wearing a Bemidji Police but yielded no lence on a regular basis. The                                     taken place within recent years to            Kingbird or any of the open MMIW
black zip-up hoodie, blue skinny results.                                 Coalition to Stop Violence Against                      combat these figures including: the           cases in the area are asked to con-
jeans, a white t-shirt or tank top,      May 5 is federally recognized as Native Women statistics show that                       reauthorization of Violence                   tact the Bemidji police department
and black and red Nike sandals.       the National Day of Awareness for Indigenous women are murdered                             Against Women Act (VAWA), the                 at (218) 333-9111.
See MMIW & MMIG on Page 5 " - Photos and Article By KAYLA DUOOS - Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe
6                                                                        Waabigwano-giizis • Flowers Budding Moon                                                                  May 2022 | Debahjimon

                                                                                                                                                                                  via WATERMARK ART CENTER
                                                                             “Spring Dances in the North” by artist Karen Goulet (Left) and “Pointe aux Chenes Lost Treasure Map” by artist Monique Verdin (right).

                                                                                 BEMIDJI – A new                                                                                       and written word.
                                                                             exhibit is coming to                                                                                      She is a White Earth
                                                                             Bemidji's Watermark                                                                                       Ojibwe Band mem-
                                                                             Art           C ent er,                                                                                   ber and is also from
                                                                             Miikinaan gallery.                                                                                        Metis and Sami/Finn
                                                                                 The Miikinaan                                                                                         people. Her work is
                                                                             gallery which is                                                                                          informed by her
                                                                             home to the center's                                                                                      experiences, the peo-

                                                                             Traditional art exhibits will host                                                         ple she is from and places she loves.
                                                                             Aabijijiwan (It Flows Continuously),                                                       She has been exhibiting nationally
                                                                             May 15-August 17, 2022.                                                                    and internationally for 25 years.
                                                                                 The exhibit which is part of the                                                       She is the Program Director for the
                                                                             Big River continuum collection is a                                                        Miikanan Gallery at the Watermark
                LLTC Hosts Inaugural                                         display of two artists' work, Karen                                                        working as a community change
                                                                             Goulet and Monique Verdin who                                                              maker through her creative prac-
          Collegiate Competitions focused on                                 both explore multimedia art styles.                                                        tices.
                                                                             The works featured by both Goulet                                                             Monique Verdin is a multidisci-
              language, art and tradition                                    and Verdin are inspired by the                                                             plinary artist responding to the
                                                                             Misi Ziibi (Mississippi River) and                                                         complex interconnectedness of
 Photos and Article By KAYLA DUOOS     in the absence of the usual nation- sacred systems of the watershed,                                                             environment, economics, culture,
                                       al event held by the American found up and downstream. Goulet                                                                    climate, and change along the Gulf
   BEMIDJI – The Leech Lake            Indian       Higher       Education and Verdin describe Aabijijiwan (It             Featured artist Karen Goulet.                South. Her indigenous Houma rel-
Tribal College hosted the inaugu-      Consortium. Typically held in Flows Continuously) as a reflection                                                                atives and their life-ways have been
ral “Meshkwadooningeng” com-          Washington, D.C., the ongoing of their “journey together over the                                                                 the primary focus of her storytell-
petition at the Sanford Center,        COVID-19 pandemic means it past two and a half years; illumi-                                                                    ing practice. Monique is the direc-
April 21 and 22.                       hasn’t occurred in two years.         nating diversities, connecting per-                                                        tor of The Land Memory Bank &
   The two day event hosted stu-           The college hopes for the sonal memories and curiosities                                                                     Seed Exchange, a part of the
dents from Tribal colleges across     “Meshkwadoonigeng” event to grow and witnessing how the layers of                                                                 Another Gulf Is Possible
Minnesota, North Dakota and            to an annual occurrence that is host- indigenous and colonial histories                                                          Collaborative, co-producer/subject
Wisconsin for language, art, and       ed by a different college each year.  are the foundations anchoring the                                                          of the documentary My Louisiana
traditional game competitions.             If you have questions about the consequences of our current con-                                                             Love and co-author of Return to
   In addition to the cultural        “Meshkwadoonigeng” event or ditions.”                                                                                             Yakni Chitto; Houma Migrations.
components, attendees could also      you’d like to tour the college, you
view a variety of science presenta-    can visit them at 45 Little Wolf Rd            About the Artists                                                                    The Indigenous Expressions
tions by students and network.         NW, Cass Lake, MN from 8am-              Karen Goulet is a multimedia                                                            exhibit will be on display at
   Inspiration for the event came      4:30pm or call (218) 335-4200.        artist often working with textiles            Featured artist Monique Verdin.              Watermark until August 17, 2022.

DEBAHJIMON                     District II                      Tribal Justice Center               Financial Services                    Leech Lake Health Division            LLBO Health Clinic
Debahjimon can be found        Bug O Nay Ge Shig School         Facility Center                     Woman's Services                      RBC Building                          Bemidji State Univ. AIRC
at the following locations:    Bena Community Center            Dairy Queen                         Opioid Clinic                         Tribal Development                    Northwest OIC
                               Bena Store                       Cass Lake IHS                       Leech Lake DRM                        Leech Lake Housing                    Oshki Manidoo Center
District I                     Sugar Point Comm. Center         Cass Lake Dental Clinic             MCT Headquarters                                                            Simonson's Station
Ball Club Comm. Center         Kego Lake Comm. Center           Leech Lake Market                   Cass Lake-Bena H.S.                   Bemidji                               Tesoro Station
White Oak Casino                                                Shell Station                       Cedar Lakes Casino                    Sanford Center Box Office
Cenex Station                  District III                     Diabetes Clinic                     Leech Lake Gaming                     Tesoro Station                        The Debahjimon is a free,
Max Mart                       Cass Lake Rest Area              Woman's Halfway House               Junction Station                      Bemidji Public Library                monthly publication.
Inger Comm. Center             Che We Station                   White Earth Office                  Leech Lake Tribal College             Social Services Building
Deer River School              Leech Lake RTC                   Child Welfare Office                Men's Halfway House                   Bemidji IHS Building
See MMIW & MMIG on Page 5 " - Photos and Article By KAYLA DUOOS - Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe
May 2022 | Debahjimon                                                                                                      Waabigwano-giizis • Flowers Budding Moon                                                                                                                                                                                           7
             DOI Releases Historic Report on Federal Indian Boarding Schools
  Initial Investigation                                                                                             Federal Indian Boarding School Sites                                                                                                                                                                                    21 Federal Boarding
  reports 408 of these                                                                                                    Identified In Minnesota
                                                                               The content of this document may be disturbing or distressing. This version of this document is being made available to the public for informational purposes only. The information in it is subject to change or revision.
                                                                                  While DOI strives to make the information in this version of this document as accurate as possible, DOI makes no claims, assurances, or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of its contents.
                                                                 DOI gives no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, with respect to its contents. DOI expressly disclaims liability for errors or omissions in the content of this version of this document or for any use of, or reliance on, its content by any person.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Schools located in
    types of schools                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Minnesota alone
         By KAYLA DUOOS                                                                                                                                                                   had on these children and commu-
                                                                                                                                                                                          nities. It’s also an extensive and
    WASHINGTON – The US                                                           !               !                                                                                       first-ever inventory of federally
Department of Interior has                                                                                                                                                                operated schools.
released Volume 1 of its on-going                                            !      ! !                                                                                                       Moving forward, as part of the
boarding school investigation and                                            !      !                                                                                                    Federal Indian Boarding School
identified 21 federal boarding                                                                                                                                                           Initiative, Haaland also announced
schools in Minnesota.                                                                                                                                                                    “The Road to Healing.” It’s a year-
    Minnesota was tied with Alaska                                                                                                                                                        long tour that includes travel
for the third-most boarding school                                                                                                                                                        across the country to allow Native
sites, clustered in areas around                                             !
                                                                                      !!                                                                                                 American, Alaska Native, and
White Earth, Leech Lake and Red                                                                                                                                                          Native Hawaiian survivors of the
Lake reservations. There were also                                                        !                                                                                               federal Indian boarding school sys-
sites located west of the Twin                                                                                                                                                            tem to share their stories. The DOI
Cities and near St. Cloud.                                                                                                                                                               will also connect communities
    Minnesota’s Lt. Gov. Peggy                                            ! !                                                                                                            with trauma-informed support and                                                                                                         ®
Flanagan, who is a member of                                                                                                                                                              facilitate collection of a permanent                                                                             0       30      60

White Earth Nation, made a state-                                                                                                                                                         oral history.
                                                                                                                         Number of Federal Indian
ment following the report's release.                                                                         !
                                                                                                                         Boarding          School        Sites      -  21
                                                                                                                                                                                              The second volume of the inves-
    “This report is devastating and                   U.S. Department of the Interior                                                                                                     tigative  report will include more
important,” Flanagan said. “We                                                                                                                                                            identification of marked and
                                                                                                               Note: An individual federal Indian boarding school may account
                                                      Federal Indian Boarding School Initiative represents for multiple sites as some schools changed locations over time. This map

have a responsibility here in                                                                                                                                                             unmarked burial sites, an approxi-
                                                                                                                    federal Indian boarding school sites identified as of April 1, 2022.
                                                                                       Service Layer Credits: The National Geospatial Data Asset by the U.S. Census Bureau is displayed with American Indian Reservations, Federally Recognized Tribal Entities, and Alaska Native Villages,

Minnesota – and across the coun-                                                                                                                                                          mation of the total amount of fed-
                                                         and other data by Esri, HERE, Garmin, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), (c) OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community.

try – to understand the impact the                                                                                                                                                        eral funding used to support the
boarding schools had on our fami-      marked and unmarked burial sites found that 19 of these boarding highlights some of the conditions federal Indian boarding school sys-
lies and to take action.”              at 53 different schools across the schools accounted for over 500 that Native American children tem and “further investigation to
    Arizona had the most board-        system. More burial sites are child deaths, but the DOI expects endured at these schools, and determine the legacy impacts of
ing schools with 47 and South          expected to be identified as the that number to increase as the “raises important questions about the school system on American
Dakota had the second-most with        investigation continues.            investigation continues.                             the short-term and long-term con- Indian, Alaska Native, and Native
30. The investigation also found          The initial investigation also       The investigation’s first volume sequences” the boarding schools Hawaiian communities today.”

  Walz Signs Law Establishing                                                                                                             For more information on the
                                                                                                                                       frontline worker pay, community
     One Time Payment to                                                                                                               members can visit frontlinepay.
  Qualifying Frontline Workers                                                                                                              A look at the numbers as
                                                                                                                                                    of May 13:
         By KAYLA DUOOS                    The frontline worker bonus is                                                                  The Minnesota Department of
                                        available to workers in healthcare,                                                           Health says the state’s total number
    ST. PAUL – Frontline workers emergency response, childcare,                                                                       of confirmed coronavirus cases is
can expect a payout from the state schools, food service, public transit,                                                             now at 1,479,047. Of them, nearly
in the upcoming summer months.          and manufacturing, among other                                                                1,447,550 no longer require isolation.
    On Friday, April 29, Governor areas. The frontline workers must                                                                       The state’s death toll is now at
Walz signed a law establishing a have worked at least 120 hours in                                                                    12,559 with 5,733 of those deaths
$500,000,000 fund for eligible Minnesota between March 15,                                                                            involving cases in long-term care
COVID-19 frontline workers to 2020 and June 30, 2021.                                                                                 (LTC) facilities.
receive an estimated $750 bonus.           Eligibility is also based on                                                                   If you are experiencing symp-
State legislators believe that income: workers with direct                                                                            toms or have been exposed, please
approx i mately             6 67, 0 0 0 COVID-19 patient care responsi-                                                               call the Cass Lake IHS COVID hot-
Minnesotans may be eligible for bilities must have had an annual                                                                      line at 335-3426 or 335-3427
this bonus which is likely to be paid income less than $175,000 (or                                                                   Monday through Friday 8:00 am to
out in early summer 2022.               $350,000 for married joint filers),                                                           4:30 pm. If you are experiencing
    Unlike prior pandemic finan- and those without direct COVID-                                                                      shortness of breath, please contact
cial assistance, the bonus pay- 19 patient care responsibilities must                                                                 the Emergency Department at 335-
ments will not be automatically have had an annual income less                                                                        3327 or dial 911.
sent out to eligible workers. Instead, than $85,000 (or $185,000 for mar-                                                                 IHS eligible community mem-
the Minnesota Department of ried joint filers). Frontline workers                                                                     bers are eligible to receive the
Labor and Industry will create an who received more than 20 weeks                                                                     COVID vaccine. If you are interest-
application process and provide of unemployment insurance bene-                                                                       ed please call the COVID-19
eligible workers a 45-day window fits during the above-time period                                                                    Vaccine hotline and reserve your
to apply for the bonus.                 are not eligible for the bonus.                                                               spot now at 218-368-4763.
See MMIW & MMIG on Page 5 " - Photos and Article By KAYLA DUOOS - Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe
8                                                                        Waabigwano-giizis • Flowers Budding Moon                                                    May 2022 | Debahjimon

       Leech Lake MCT                                                        Secretary / Treasurer Candidate Essay
    General Election Notice:                                                                                          and we must take the time to gather plete for the FY23 budget. I am
                                                                                                                     Band member input in all impact- thankful for our hardworking
    Polls open June 14, 2022                                                                                         ful, long-term and strategic deci- accounting and finance staff at
                                                                                                                      sions. Our Band members’ voices both the RBC and within Gaming,
      By MICHAEL CHOSA                        without meeting the                                                     need to be heard and lead the way but there needs to be much stron-
                                              residency requirements                                                  in our decision-making. All meet- ger support from the Secretary/
     CASS LAKE – The MN                       outlined below                                                          ings of the RBC should be Treasurer in our accounting teams
Chippewa Tribe has posted the                                                                                         livestreamed for Band member for financial planning moving for-
General Election Notice for the            Voters can also cast an absentee                                           input and comment, with agendas ward. I will be directly involved in
Leech Lake Reservation. The 2022 ballot in person by visiting the                                                    posted with as much advance helping to shape our budgets and
General Election will be held on Election Board offices in Cass Lake                                                  notice as possible so our members financial plans in accordance with
June 14, 2022 with polls open (located in the SE corner of the Che                                                    are aware of the decisions that are direction from the full RBC, our
from 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM. With We building, 115 6th St, Cass Lake, Vote Leonard “Lenny” Fineday                         going to be made. Local Indian people and the strategic plan we
the District I and District II MN 56633). Absentee voters must LEECH LAKE RBC                                        Councils need to have a bigger role create together.
Representative races decided in bring an acceptable ID (see list SECRETARY / TREASURER                                in gather community input and              There are, of course, many other
the April Primary Election, the below) when voting in person. June 14, 2022                                           setting the direction for our tribal areas to address: housing, chemical
remaining Tribal Council race on Ballots are not permitted to leave                                                   government.                             dependency, child welfare, educa-
the ballot will be for the Secretary- the Election Board office. The only     Greetings People of Leech Lake!             Along with transparency, we tion, natural resource protection,
Treasurer position. Candidate exception is if there is a voter that              My name is Leonard “Lenny”           need to move away from the subtle elder services, healthcare, and
Leonard M. Fineday will run is unable to vote in person (handi- Fineday, and I am humbly asking                       culture of fear that has poisoned many more. My hope and desire is
unopposed on the ballot in that capped, elder, etc) Those voters are for your support and vote to be                  our tribal politics for far too long. I to tackle these issues together, as
contest.                               able to sign a form requesting assis- your next Secretary/Treasurer. I         know even now rumors are circu- the Leech Lake people, incorporat-
     In addition to the Secretary- tance to vote and a minimum of was born at the CLIHS Hospital in                   lating that with the upcoming tran- ing your voice in our planning and
Treasurer seat, voters will fill posi- two Election Board members will 1982, and grew up in Portage Lake              sition in RBC, there is a growing implementation. This is the only
tions for the Local Indian walk the ballot out and assist the (Bena area) and in Cass Lake. I                        “list” of people who are going to be meaningful way to bring true and
Councils, Leech Lake Housing voter.                                          graduated from Cass Lake Bena            fired. I can assure you that I do not lasting change. I intend to work
Authority Board and the Bug O                                                High School in 2001, from Bethel         have a list and it is my hope and toward a comprehensive plan for
Nay Ge Shig School Board. The             Acceptable Identification for      University with a Bachelor of Arts       intention to work with everyone. Leech Lake that addresses all of
filing period for those positions                      Voters                in Political Science in 2005, and       Working in tribal government, these areas with Band member
closes today, May 16 2022 at 4:30          *Must have acceptable ID – No from Marquette University Law               whether as a member of the RBC, a input setting the priorities, goals
PM. For more info see, https:// vouching                                     School in 2011 with a Juris              director, manager or frontline and benchmarks. This comprehen-
www.leechlakenews.                         The forms of identification that Doctorate. I have also been licensed     worker, all positions are positions sive planning document will be the
com/2022/04/19/election-notice- may be used by a voter who appears to practice law since 2011. I have                 of service to our Band Members. map to our success and help us
local-indian-councils-housing- at a polling place to vote on Election spent the last nineteen years work-            This is what we need to keep front work together to help restore and
board-b-school-board/.                 Day include:                          ing for Indian Country, from             and center in any discussion about rebuild our Reservation and our
                                          • Official Valid Tribal            interning with the National             tribal government employment. communities.
  Absentee Voting Information               Identification Card of Leech     Congress of American Indians to         Who you support or who you know             I am confident that our greatest
     In order to receive an absentee        Lake Band of Ojibwe; or          my present position serving as           or who your family is should not days are still in front of us and that
ballot, voters can fill out an absen-     • A current and valid photo        General Counsel for the White            determine whether you will have a by working together, we will
tee ballot request card provided            identification card issued by    Earth Nation. My father was the          job or not; the knowledge, skills become stronger, healthier, and
by a candidate or submit a written          the State of Minnesota or the    late Rev. Leonard F. Fineday and my      and abilities one brings to the table better positioned to live our
request to the Election Board at            United States government; or     mother is Mary Fineday.                  along with the ability to effectively Anishinabe way of life for genera-
LLBO Election Board, 115 6th St           • Military ID; or                      Previously, I served as a Cass       serve our people should be the tions to come. I am available to
Ste E, Cass Lake MN 56633.                • US Passport or US Passport       Lake City Council member, as a           guiding principles in our employ- meet with you or your family in
Written requests MUST contain               Card                             member of the Leech Lake Tribal          ment decisions.                         advance of the election. Please
the following information:                                                   College Board of Trustees, and I             Furthermore, the RBC should reach out to me at (218) 760-1712 if
   • Full Name                               Establishing Residency          am a former two-term president of        not even be involved in hiring and you would like to meet! Also call or
   • Mailing Address                       *A voter must have resided the Minnesota American Indian                   firing and other Human Resources email if you need an absentee ballot
   • Physical Address (if different)   within that district for at least Bar Association. Currently, I serve         matters. The RBC sets the policies or a ride to the polls. Again, I hum-
   • Date of Birth                     (30) days immediately preceding as a School Board member for the               and procedures, then the HR bly ask for your vote on June 14,
   • Voting District                   the election.                         Cass Lake Bena Board of Education,      Department and executive staff 2022 and am available to answer
       ˤ A District must be                The forms acceptable to estab- as a member of the Children’s               implement those policies and pro- any questions you may have.
          declared on your request     lish residency:                       Justice     Initiative    Statewide      cedures fairly and consistently.
          in order to receive an          • An original or copy of a cur-    Advisory Board and Co-Chair the         This is how our HR process should                    Miigwech!
          absentee ballot, failure to       rent utility bill; or            Children’s Justice Initiative ICWA      work, and I hope to bring this               Leonard “Lenny” Fineday
          provide one will lead to        • An original or copy of a cur-    Subcommittee. These past and             change to Leech Lake so the RBC
          significant delays                rent bank statement; or          present leadership positions have        can focus on governing and bigger               EDITOR’S NOTE
       ˤ District cannot be               • An original or copy of current   instilled in me the importance of       picture items.                           Disclaimer: The views and opinions
          changed without estab-            government check; or             public service, understanding the            As it relates to our Band financ- expressed in the Candidate Essays‚
          lishing residency (see          • An original or copy of current   role of a governing body, imple-         es, we need to develop short and located in this section‚ are those of
         “Establishing Residency”           paycheck; or                     menting strategic goals and priori-      long range plans that will ensure the authors only and do not neces-
          below)                          • An original or copy of a cur-    ties, and promoting effective and       that we are using our resources sarily reflect the official policy or
       ˤ Out of State voters who            rent other government docu-      meaningful change. These are the        properly and living within our position of the Debahjimon News-
          have not declared a dis-          ment that shows the voters       qualities that I hope to bring to the   means. I was pleased to see the paper‚ Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe
          trict in a previous elec-         name and current address         Leech Lake Reservation Business          recent attempt to meet with Band or any of its entities. Submissions
          tion shall declare a dis-                                          Committee.                              members on the FY23 budget as from the candidates are presented
          trict to vote in                 For more information, includ-         My top priority is to work very      required by the Budget Ordinance, as received. The guidelines for sub-
       ˤ Out of State voters are       ing polling places, candidate essays hard to re-establish trust between        but I am also saddened to hear that mission included stipulations that
          not eligible to select a     and more, visit the Election our people and the tribal govern-                the RBC has failed to enact the authors include no libelous or slan-
          new district if they have    Information page at leechlakenews. ment. We must have greater trans-          FY22 budget and that even at this derous statements and refrain from
          chosen one previously        com/election-information.             parency in our decision-making           late stage planning is still incom- attacking any other candidates.
See MMIW & MMIG on Page 5 " - Photos and Article By KAYLA DUOOS - Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe
May 2022 | Debahjimon                                                 Waabigwano-giizis • Flowers Budding Moon                                                                              9
              Election Calendar 2022
                                 General Election

    JUNE 14                   General Election (Polling places open from
                              8:00 am until 8:00 pm)
    JUNE 15                   General Reservation Election Board certifies
                              results of Election.
                              Prior to 8:00 p.m.
    JUNE 16                   General Reservation Election Board publishes
                              Election results.
    JUNE 17                   Deadline for Request for Recount. (Filed with
                              General Election Board prior to 5:00 p.m.)
    JUNE 21                  4:30 p.m. - Deadline for Notice of Contest.
                             (Filed with Reservation Election Judge and
                             Executive Director of the Minnesota Chippewa
    JUNE 22                   Decision on Request for Recount and Results
    or 21, if request for     of Recount, if allowed.
    Recount is filed
    before deadline
    JULY 1                    Deadline for Decision on Contest for General
    JULY 5                    4:30 p.m. - Deadline for appeal to Court of
    or within 3 days of       Election Appeals. (Filed with Executive Director
    decision on contest       of the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe and
                              Reservation Tribunal rendering Decision).

    JULY 8                    Record of contest forwarded to Court of
    at least two (2)          Election Appeals.
    days prior to the
    hearing date
    JULY 12                   Last Day for Hearing on Appeal.
    hearing within 7
    days of notice of
    JULY 12                   Winning candidates assume office by operation                MCT Election Ordinance- Section 1.6 Voter Eligibility
                              of law, unless sooner seated, or the election is
                              subject of appeal to the Court of Election                   1.6 (A). Judging           ballot a voter must       ty, an eligible voter    voter has never
                              Appeals.                                                     Qualifications.            meet all constitu-        is not able to vote      resided on the res-
                                                                                                                      tional requirements.      at the polls and         ervation of his/her
   JULY 22                    Deadline for decision of the Court of Elections              Each Band governing        In addition, to be eli-   notifies the General     enrollment, he/she
   10 days from               Appeal.                                                      body will be the sole      gible to cast a vote      Election Board con-      must declare in his/
   hearing on appeal                                                                       judge of the constitu-     for Committeeperson,      sistent with this        her request which
                                                                                           tional qualifications      a voter must have         Ordinance, he/she        district has been
    DAY FOLLOWING             Winning Candidate prevailing on appeal takes                 of its voters and may,     resided within that       will be entitled to      selected in which to
    DECISION OF               office.                                                      by official action, del-   district for at least     vote by absentee         cast the ballot for
    APPEAL                                                                                 egate this responsi-       thirty (30) days          ballot in the man-       Committeeperson.
                                                                                           bility to its General      immediately preced-       ner and under the        A voter may not
                                                                                           Reservation Election       ing the election,         procedures as pro-       thereafter change
                                                                                           Board.                     unless the voter          vided by Section         his/her district for
                                                                                                                      casts an absentee         2.2(B). To cast an       absentee voting
   Elections for Local Indian Council seats, Leech Lake Housing Authority Board and        1.6 (B). Eligibility       ballot as permitted       absentee ballot for      purposes without
  Bug O Nay Ge Shig School Board will take in place in conjunction with the Leech Lake     to Vote: Generally.        by this Ordinance.        Committeeperson,         actually residing
        MCT General Election on June 14, 2022. Precinct polling sites in all three                                                              an eligible voter        within a different
     districts and urban areas will be open from 8:00AM to 8:00PM on Election Day.         Eligible voters are        1.6 (C). Eligibility      must have resided        district on his/her
                                                                                           enrolled members of        to Vote: Absentee.        within that district     reservation of
       The Minnesota Chippewa Tribe will also be conducting a referendum on blood          the Tribe, 18 years of                               for a period of at       enrollment for at
   quantum during the June 2022 General Election. The exact wording and nature of the      age or over. All eligi-    Whenever, due to          least thirty (30) days   least thirty (30) con-
            referendum question(s) have not yet been finalized by the MCT.                 ble voters shall vote      absence from the          as his/her last reser-   secutive days imme-
                                                                                           by secret ballot. To       reservation, illness      vation residence. In     diately preceding
                                                                                           be eligible to cast a      or physical disabili-     the event an eligible    the election.
See MMIW & MMIG on Page 5 " - Photos and Article By KAYLA DUOOS - Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe
10                                                                        Waabigwano-giizis • Flowers Budding Moon                                                  May 2022 | Debahjimon

                                                                                                  being a big baby simultaneously. And oh boy,
                                                                                                  if you were holding sister and she saw, you
                                                                                                  better make room on your lap for her too
                                                                                                  because she was definitely coming over and
                                                                                                  crawling up too. You couldn’t do one thing
                                                                                                  without the other, anything sister could do,
                                                                                                  you can bet Amarii was right there waiting for
                                                                                                  her turn. The bond they shared as sisters, is
                                                                                                  irreplaceable. And if she seen you with food,

       Helen Johnson                            2022 at 11:00 AM at Squaw Lake Fire Hall.
                                                Naabek Liberty will serve as Spiritual Leader.
                                                Arrangements will be provided by Carroll
                                                                                                  you better just hand it over, because she was
                                                                                                  coming for that too! Amarii had that smile,
                                                                                                  where if you were passing her in Target, you
                                                Funeral Home in Deer River, MN                    would want to stop and wave and smile back.
                                                   Pallbearers caring for Helen will be Corey     She could brighten anyone's day up, with one
                                                Miettinen, Jordan Miettinen, DeAndre Bryan,       of her big squishy hugs from her little baby
                                                Doug Bryan Jr., Zachary Anderson, Jaydyn          self. And man, you would melt for those
                                                Johnson. The alternate pallbearers are            dimples of hers! Contagious happiness from a
                                                Bezhiganakwad Hardy, and Christopher              chunky, bossy, lovable, smart Babygirl.
                                                Bryan. Honorary pallbearers are Ernie             Although she lived a short life, the impact she
                                                Stevens, Janet Kern, Joyce Laporte, Sheila        made on us all, will live on with us forever.
                                                Schuman, Pam Bowstring, David Treuer, Paul        We are so grateful for the time we were Mother Elizabeth Jane Washington, Brothers
                                                Lindom, Tana Morgan-Robinson, Nancy               allowed with her; we are so grateful she Gene Washington, Allen Washington Sr.,
                                                Washington, Archie LaRose, and Darrell            blessed us with her presence and memories. Melvin Washington, Oliver Washington,
                                                Kingbird.                                         We maintain that she was simply too beauti- Elmer Washington, John Washington, Teddy
                                                                                                  ful for this world, that our higher power had Washington. Sisters Mariam Washington,

                                                       Amarii Hogan                               a grander plan for this little one. We believe Irene Tuttle, Elizabeth Washington Boyd. Son
                                                                                                  that she is with her Grandpa, and we forever Allen Wayne Goggleye, Daughter Myrna Jean
                                                                                                  have two Guardian Angels watching over us.       Rogers, Grandson Keith Joel Rogers.
                                                                                                      Family that will care for Amarii in the          Ruby enjoyed spending time with her
                                                                                                  spirit world are her grandpa, Darryl grandchildren, and going to cook-outs ath
                                                                                                  Northbird, great grandma, Sara Isham; auntie, the beach with all her family. Ruby really
                                                                                                  Kaelynn Isham; uncle, Daniel Isham and enjoyed when her older grandsons would

H    elen Jean (Charwood) Bryan Johnson
     February 4, 1940 - April 5, 2022
                                                                                                  many other family members.
                                                                                                      She leaves behind her parents, Allaurah
                                                                                                                                                   take her to town to go shopping.

    Helen Jean (Charwood) Bryan Johnson,
age 82, of Squaw Lake, MN died on Tuesday,
April 5, 2022. She was born in Max Township
                                                                                                  Isham and Derrean Hogan, Jr .; siblings,
                                                                                                  Leland Villebrun, Leilani Hogan and Aniya
                                                                                                  Hogan; grandmas, Liberty (Kent) Isham and
                                                                                                                                                       John Pemberton
and she resided in Squaw Lake her whole life.                                                     Sharon Lyons-Curry; grandpa, Derrean
Helen will be forever be missed and remem-                                                        Hogan, Sr .; great grandpa, Phillip Collard;
bered by her children Russell (Margaret)                                                          numerous aunties, uncles and cousins.
Bryan Jr., Janice Bryan, Larry Bryan, Linda                                                           An overnight wake for Amarii will begin
Bryan, Mason Bryan, 17 grandchildren, 35                                                          at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 29 and con-
great grandchildren and 1 great great grand-                                                      tinue until her 1:00 p.m. traditional service on
child, also, by her 3 cats. Helen was preceded                                                    Wednesday, March 30 all to be held at the
in death by; Husbands Russell Bryan, Robert                                                       Veteran’s Memorial Building in Cass Lake,
Johnson, Father Walter Charwood, Mother                                                           MN. Arnold and Darrell Kingbird will be her
Josephine Charwood, Brothers Max                                                                  Spiritual Advisors. Helping to lay Amarii to
Charwood, Phillip Charwood, Walter                                                                rest are Michael Norton, K-Lib Isham, Dennis
Charwood, Sisters Gloria Michaud, Shirley
Bebeau, Sons Douglas Bryan Sr., Darwin          A  marii Jewelz Hogan, 16 months, "Giiwedin
                                                   Anang Giiwitaa Giizhigook" which means
Bryan, Grandsons Ryan Miettinen, Russell “North Star – All Around the Sky” of Cass
                                                                                                  Isham, Leland Villebrun, and Kent Isham.
                                                                                                  Her honorary pallbearers are Evan Northbird,
                                                                                                  Emery Northbird, Macen Norton, Niiwii
Bryan III, Keith Rogers, and Granddaughter Lake, Minnesota began her journey to the               Norton, Leilani Hogan, Akirah Northbird
Jeanine White.                                 spirit world unexpectedly from the Mercy           and all her other relatives. Interment will be
    Helen was a head start teacher for 18 Hospital in Council Bluffs, IA on Monday,               in the Northbird Family Cemetery at Cass
years in Squaw Lake. Helen enjoyed going to March 21, 2022.                                       Lake, MN.
bingo, and going to the casino to play slots.                                                         Amarii’s care has been entrusted to
She enjoyed attending pow-wows. Helen                  A little about our baby girl.              Northern Peace Funeral Home of Walker,
served on the S. Lake Local Indian Council         Amarii Hogan was born October 25, 2020.
member, and also was on the pow-wow com- She is the second beautiful daughter of
mittee. In her spare time she made quilts and Allaurah Isham and Derrean Hogan, Jr.
                                                                                                  MN. Online condolences for the family may
                                                                                                  be left at                J  ohn Wayne Pemberton, 84, of Kalispell,
                                                                                                                                                     Montana and formerly of Cass Lake, MN,
                                                                                                                                                   went home to be with the Lord on Monday,
braided rugs. She enjoyed gardening. She Amarii was born in Bemidji MN, and lived in
loved spending time with her grandchildren Cass Lake with her mom, dad, sister and papa
and great grandchildren.                       for most of her infant life before recently
                                                                                                           Ruby Rogers                             December 13, 2021. He was born in Cass
                                                                                                                                                   Lake, MN on Sunday, August 15, 1937, to
                                                                                                                                                   Margaret Thompson Pemberton and John
    Helen and Russell Bryan Sr. paved the way being in Omaha. She was the younger sister,
for Indian Gaming with their Supreme Court and one look from those big beautiful bratty
case Bryan V. Itasca County. The decision eyes and you couldn't tell her no! She was so
                                                                                                  R   uby Jane Rogers 1938- 2022. On Sunday Pemberton.
                                                                                                      April 3, 2022, Ruby Jane Rogers of S. Lake,      He grew up and attended school in Cass
                                                                                                  Minnesota joined the spirit world at the age Lake, MN. John graduated in 1956 and joined
recognized Tribal Nations have civil-regula- fun and full of adventure, even at a young age.      of 83 years old.                                 the United States Army Reserves. On
tory jurisdiction on their Tribal Lands. This You could tell this little girl was on a mission!       Ruby will forever be remembered by her October 13, 1958, John married Karen
case was used as precedence for the later She was at the age where she wanted to be               children; Mary (Sean) McCarthy, Roy Fredricks. Together they moved to Columbia
Supreme Court case, Cabazon, which ulti- picked up, then set down, then picked back               Washington, Karen (Curtis) Bowstring, Falls, Montana, where they raised their three
mately led to Indian Gaming.                   up, then sat back down (because she spied          Debbie (Lawrence) Gotchie, Marvin Rogers, children. He worked in construction most of
    A wake will begin at Sunday, April 10, something curious and wanted to check it out           Elizabeth Rogers, Teri (Thomas) Kuhlman.         his working life. John loved to hunt and fish
2022 at 4:00 PM at Squaw Lake Fire Hall. but also wanted to be held at the same time).            She was preceded in death by; Husband and spend time with his family during his
Services will follow on Monday, April 11, Amarii was learning her independence and                Everett Rogers, Father Joseph Washington, annual trips back to Cass Lake.
May 2022 | Debahjimon                                                         Waabigwano-giizis • Flowers Budding Moon                                                                                11
    John has been reunited with his wife             building pride in our cultural identity. Grass Towkio and a few other artists. He'd bounce or        Isabelle and Lloyde.
Karen, two sons, Ken John, and Christopher,          roots efforts and standoffs with the sheriff wiggle when he heard his dad and brother's                  Nellie was born and raised in Inger, MN it
one sister and one brother.                         were just the beginning of her advocacy. And it voices. When we made the announcement to             was instilled at a very young age the impor-
    He leaves behind his daughter, Kimberly         worked. She went on to serve the community the family, everyone was happy and excited for             tance of family and hard work. Nellie early
Cavalar of Spokane, WA; three grandchildren,         as the Indian Education director for the Cass our newest addition. He sadly left us due to a        years were spent looking after her siblings,
Angela, Tony and Nick; five great grandchil-         Lake Bena school district. Soon after she used subchorionic hemorrhage. He will be deeply            thus allowing her mother and father to work
dren, Carter, Julian, Ryder, Gracie and Seth;        her college degree to bring education directly missed.                                               and provide for their family. At the age of 18
two brothers, Doug (Nan) of Minneapolis              to the classroom teaching at Bug-O-Nay-Ge-            Welcoming Baby Ahrwen home are his            Nellie was proposed marriage by Lawrence
and Robert of Cass Lake; a sister, Betty (Ken)       Shig, Heart of the Earth Survival School, and grandparents, Jeffrey (Tanya) Keezer; uncles,         "Sandy" Gotchie, with the approval of Edward
Anderson of Walker, many nieces, nephews,            Cass Lake Schools. She never wasted a Jeffrey Keezer, Jr. and Lucas Hilton, Sr .; special            and Rose, which was respectfully requested
Pemberton and Thompson cousins.                      moment using the voice and spirit the Creator uncles, Jordan Dubbe and Lance Robinson                prior to. Lawrence & Nellie were married the
    A Memorial Mass for John will be held at         gifted her with to make a better world for all in and recently his grandma, Gladys Arlene            following year, they made their home Ball
10:00 a.m. on Saturday, May 21, 2022, at the         her community. Towards the end of her career Fairbanks.                                              Club, MN. "Sandy and Nellie" (as it always was
St. Charles Catholic Church in Cass Lake,            she worked for Leech Lake in Human                    He is survived by his loving parents, Odawa    and will be) had 10 children raising 11 who
MN. Father Kuriakose “KK” Nediakala will             Resources and finally with Leech Lake Housing. and Seneca Bermodes; big brother, Tyler               include William and Caleb. Nellie was a life-
officiate. Urn bearers for John will be Keith,       She was a member of St. Peter's Episcopal TyJay; grandparents, Morning Star Little Creek,            long homemaker, always making sure her fam-
Doug Jr., and Dennis. His honorary pallbear-         Church in Cass Lake. She participated and Clifford and Alberta Jones, Grampy Joe                     ily was well taking care of. Nellie was also a
ers are Angela, Tony, and Nick. Per John’s          volunteered in the Parent's Committee-WML, Fairbanks, and Rebecca Lowry; aunties and                  hunter, fisher and wild rice harvester right
wishes, his ashes will be buried in the              and with the Leech Lake Boys and Girls Club. uncles, Tina (Shane Roy) Headbird, Donald               alongside Sandy, together they traveled miles
Thompson Cemetery at Cass Lake, MN fol-              She enjoyed crocheting, knitting, gardening, (Sara) Headbird, Gary (Lisa) Keezer, and                near and far on the pow-wow trail.
lowing his Saturday service. Immediately fol-        taking drives around Cass Lake pointing out Karina Dunn; special auntie, Vicky Goggleye                  To know Nellie was to know Home, her
lowing burial, a lunch will be provided back at      the history of the area, writing, and visiting and his Godmother, Charlee Johnson.                   heart and door was always open. If Nellie was
the church.                                         with friends over a cup of coffee. She loved           A memorial dinner and inurnment will be        in her chair, you knew there was always hot
                                                     crafting and spending time with her grand- held at a later date. Urn bearers will be his             coffee, sweetened tea and a meal for you. If she
                                                     children.                                         father Odawa Bermodes and brother TyJay.          was by your side you had a best friend, a confi-
Shirley “Nahbun” LaDuke                                  She is survived by her: Children, Alden           Baby Ahrwen's care has been entrusted to       dante, a lending ear. She gave you happiness.
                                                     (Vickie) Fairbanks Sr., James (aIris) Dean Northern Peace Funeral Home of Walker, MN.               Nellie shared her strength with you and gave
                                                     Fairbanks, Teresa LaDuke, Geraldine Littlewolf, Online condolences for the family may be left       you confidence just knowing she was near. Our
                                                     Faith Littlewolf, Connie (Brian) Littlewolf, at                         hearts are hurting but will never forget Nellie
                                                     Rebecca Littlewolf, Sarah (Duane) Brown,                                                             and all of her love she had for everyone. Sandy
                                                     Stephanie (George) Northbird, Gordon
                                                     Northbird Jr., Mike Castillo, Sister, Gloria
                                                    Annemarie Dunn, and her special dog Jack.
                                                                                                             Nellie Gotchie                              & Nellie are together once again
                                                                                                                                                              We had a grandmother One who never
                                                                                                                                                          really grew old, Her smile was made of sun-
                                                         She was preceded in death by her parents                                                         shine And her heart was solid gold. Her eyes
                                                     Maefred and Eirving D. Arey, father Gabriel                                                         were bright as shiny stars And her cheeks fair
                                                    “Guy” LaDuke, daughter, Roxanne Fairbanks,                                                            roses you see, We had a wonderful grandmoth-
                                                     siblings Bruce "Sonny" VanOss, Rodney                                                                er And that's the way it all always be. So never
                                                     LaDuke, Tanya LaDuke, grandsons Benjamin                                                             forget, because She's still keeping an eye on all
                                                     Northbird, Tristan Fairbanks, and Carter                                                             of us, So let's make sure She Likes what she sees.

                                                      Ahrwen Bermodes                                                                                          Luella Brunelle

S  hirley Mae LaDuke, "Nahbun," 80, of Cass
   Lake, MN passed peacefully Wednesday,
April 13, 2022 at her home in Cass Lake, MN.
    Funeral Services will be held at 11:00am,
Wednesday, April 20, 2022, at the Veteran's
Memorial Building in Cass Lake, MN. A wake
will begin at 3:00pm, Monday, April 18, 2022,
at the Veteran's Memorial Building, and will
continue until the time of the service.
                                                                                                      N ellie Howard Gotchie 86 of Ball Club, MN,
                                                                                                        died May 13, 2022 at her home in Ball
                                                                                                   Club, MN. Nellie was born December 1, 1935
Interment will be at the Pine Grove Cemetery                                                       in Inger, MN to Ernest and Rose Howard.
in Cass Lake, MN. Arrangements are with the                                                            Preceding her in death were her husband
Cease Family Funeral Home in Bemidji.                                                              Lawrence "Sandy" Gotchie, Parents Ernest and
    She was born on March 3, 1942, in Cass                                                         Rose;Siblings, Donna DeVault, Edward Sr.,
Lake, MN, the daughter of Gabriel "Guy"                                                            Ernest Jr., Thomas Sr., Loretta Robinson,
LaDuke and Maefred VanOss. She was raised                                                          Pauline Hill, Evelyn Bowstring, Rose Hamilton.
and educated in Cass Lake, and for a time in                                                       Children; Andrew Sr., Ernest & William;
Minneapolis, before her family moved back to
Cass Lake. She attended and then graduated
from Bemidji State University in 1976. Her          A
                                                                                                   Grandchildren Shane Whitebird, Terrell
                                                        hrwen Bermodes started his spiritual jour- Wilson and Donald Jr.
                                                        ney to the spirit world on May 10, 2022,
                                                                                                                                                       uella Mae Brunelle, age 81 of Cass Lake,
                                                                                                                                                       MN began her journey on Monday
                                                                                                       Nellie is survived by Children; Lawrence Jr. February 28, 2022 following a battle with a
legacy goes far beyond her commitment as a          from the womb at 15 weeks' gestation. His (Debbie), Robert Joseph, Donald Sr. (Sheila), rare brain disease.
mother and grandmother to her own. Her              parents are Odawa and Seneca Bermodes of Edward, Rose, Donna, Mary Jo, Steven (Becky).             Luella was born on December 19, 1940 in
work in education for Native children echoes        Cass Lake, MN.                                 Her Sister & best friend Lucille "Butchie" Cass Lake, MN to Clifford and Margaret
now and forever through the Cass Lake educa-           Baby Ahrwen made his presence known (Joseph) White, Grandchildren 42, Great Beaulieu. She was an enrolled member of the
tional system that so many of our community's       the day after his father's birthday and was a Grandchildren Numerous, One Great-Great White Earth Nation. Luella graduated from
families are part of today. She labored tire-       wonderful surprise. He was a wiggle worm, Granddaughter, Koa Rae. Daughter-in-laws; Cass Lake High School in 1958 and then...
lessly to improve the lives of Native kids in the   enjoyed having his mama doing fat girl stuff. Linda, Candace, Miriam and Tana. Special
Cass Lake community through education and           On car rides he'd wiggle along with Doja Cat, family friend Thomas Bellanger, Siblings; Sue ,              Obituaries Continued on Page 12.
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