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See Locally owned A newspaper for the rest of us - Lansing City Pulse

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4                                                                                                              City Pulse
                                                                                                                                                   City     • February
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                                                                                                                                                              • March 30,  2022

                                                                                                                                                                VOL. 21
                                                                                                                                                              ISSUE 34
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                                                                                            A newspaper for the rest of us
                                                                                                                     Bill Castanier, Ryan Claytor, Mary
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NOW AT 10:00 A.M.
SUNDAYS       on
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City Pulse
     Pulse •• March

 PULSE                                                                                                                                        NEWS & OPINION
Experts       MAGA
        skeptical    conspiracy
                  of BWL’s      theories
                           ‘naturally    on a coldboron
                                      occurring’    spring  day
  On Saturday (March 26), City Pulse           calling for a “Sec-                                                                                 Reset” — which is another framing of
Regulators         order
sent a reporter to suffer     tests
                          through the elec-
                                               water wells that BWL has so far tested.
                                               ond American
                                                                                             Site tests detected boron levels be-
                                                  Significant questions about the tween 2.48 mg/L and 4.17 mg/L.
                                                                                                                                                   wells located near and away from the
                                                                                                                                                   the New World Order, according to the
                                                                                                                                                   coal ash site is a quite simple task and
tion conspiracies and freezing cold of the     Revolution.” Of
on   60 more wells after
MAGA rally at the State Capitol, and the
                                               problem’s scope also remain: BWL still Michigan hasn’t set specific health lim-
                                               course, there was
                                                                                                                                                   Anti-Defamation League. She promised
                                                                                                                                                   (regulators and BWL) should provide
                                                                                                                                                   that it’ll surprise all those elites when “we
                                               doesn’t have a handle on the pollution its on the amount of boron allowed in                        that data rather than using ‘literature’
chemical       found
mixer that followed        in sixScot Golf
                       at Royal                a genius at the
                                               plume’s size or location, precisely how drinking water, though groundwater
                                                                                                                                                   the people” finally take back elections.
                                                                                                                                                   to prove their point,” he added.
& Bowl, so that you didn’t have to waste       Capitol proud-                                                                                         #7: ‘Dirty voter rolls’ in East Lansing
   Regulators have ordered the Lansing         many drinking water wells are contam- limits of 0.5 mg/L are in place — but                            EGLE said it’s up to BWL to deter-
your time. Here are eight takeaways:           ly displaying his                                                                                      Johnson claimed that her group
Board of Water & Light to test anoth-          inated in the nearby vicinity or how that is based on plant toxicity, not hu-                       mine the boron’s source and that EGLE
   #1: Yuge crowds!                            “January 6th Pa-                                                                                    knocked on 71 doors, spoke to 35 res-
er 60 drinking water wells for boron           long its neighbors have been drinking man health, officials at EGLE said.                           will “vet” BWL’s science and enforce
   Despite touting the event as a major        triot” sweatshirt                                                                                   idents and collected 23 affidavits that
and other contamination suspected to           contaminated water supplies.                  The EPA has an unenforceable                          state regulations.
rally featuring candidates endorsed by         for eager photog-                                                                                   showed false information from the elec-
be stemming from the Erickson Power               BWL repeatedly claimed to be “pro- “health advisory” drinking water limit                           Experts who reviewed the data also
former President Donald Trump, the ral-        raphers.                                                                                            tion in East Lansing on March 5, 2020.
Station’s toxic coal ash ponds.                actively” investigating the pollution,                                                               expressed some skepticism of BWL’s
ly at the steps of the Capitol was only able      John Paul Mo-                                                                                    She touts these “shocking” revelations
   The decision comes as BWL has be-           but the utility knew about toxins leak-                                                              theory because available evidence sug-
                                               ing from its ponds as early as April “There needs to beCredit:         a serious
to draw in about 65 people to stand on the     ran, the head of                                                                                    and “noteworthy problems” on the
gun to claim the boron may be natural-                                                                                                              gests the coal ash pond’s boron is be-
snow-covered ground in the frigid cold.        Grand Opportu-                                                           City Pulse/Kyle Kaminski   group’s website.
ly occurring in mid-Michigan’s Sagi-
But they brought lots of flags, Trump
                                               2020 and never alerted       the public or
                                               nity USA, which A sparse crowd turned out for the MAGA rally
                                                                                                             investigation                          hind the contamination.
                                                                                                                                                      Ingham County Clerk Barb Byrum
naw aquifer from which the wells draw,         its neighbors.                                                that would                                Evans said the boron may be natu-
stuff, and, of course, an abundance of         cosponsored the Saturday (March 26) at the Capitol.                                                 didn’t mince words in response.
not leaking from coal ash. It’s possible          It only began testing after the En-                                                               rally occurring in the deeper aquifer
conspiracy theories to appease everyone.
that the boron is naturally occurring,
                                               MAGA        Mixer,
                                               vironmental Protection Agency and                             include water                            “I call bullcrap on such claims and ac-
                                                                                                                                                    but said it’s already clear that the shal-
   #2: How many trucks make a trucker          couldn’t help himself proudly announc- ing alley was a “Christian” business that                    tivities perpetrated by these election con-
experts who have reviewed test results
                                               Michigan Department of Environ-                               quality tests.”
                                               ing himself a “gay dude.” That followed fought the COVID-19 restrictions from
                                                                                                                                                    low aquifer is contaminated from the
                                                                                                                                                   spiracy pushers,” Byrum told City Pulse.
                                               with opposition to “identity politics” and the state and won. It was an—     oddAvner
and aquifer data said, but they said the       ment, Great Lakes and Energy De-                                                                     ash, and she stressed that BWL and
   Four.                                                                                                                             senti-        “This is dangerous activity being done
evidence — at least so far — suggests          partment began enforcement action                                                                    EGLE are legally obligated to “aggres-
   That’s how many semi-trucks partici-
BWL’s coal ash is the source.                  on the pollution and BWL’s failure to
                                               a tirade against equality for transgender ment, considering     Duke
                                                                                                              the     University
                                                                                                                  company        reached           by election conspiracy proponents who
                                                                                                                                                    sively test wells until they determine
pated in the much-talked-about appear-
   Though drinking water wells are be-
                                               people — calling the concept “radical settlement agreements
                                               respond. EGLE officials told City Pulse                     expert with
                                                                                                                     on coal  bothash     the      have no understanding of Michigan elec-
                                                                                                                                                    the extent of the contamination.”
ance of the so-called “People’s Convoy”        gender bullshit agenda” and then declar- Michigan Department of Agriculture                         tion administration.” Byrum encouraged
ing tested, public health advocates said       that BWL is not acting proactively;                                                                     It’s also extremely rare to find nat-
to oppose COVID-19 vaccine mandates,           ing that “it has no place in our schools.”  and the Michigan Liquor Control Com-                    anyone contacted by such groups to con-
that’s insufficient.                           the agency is actually requiring BWL of 6 mg/L for adults and 3 mg/L for                            urally occurring levels of boron as
election fraud and who knows what else.           Moran also told mixer attendees that mission wherein it temporarily lost li-                     tact their local or county clerk.
   Water samples from around the               to test and provide drinking water to children. Boron is linked to develop-                         high as what has been detected in the
But those truckers had nine — count            he’s writing a global “bill of rights” that censes and paid fines.                                     #8: Nessel failed to defend Trump sup-
aquifer must be analyzed for chemical          impacted homes and businesses as part mental and reproductive toxicity, low                         drinking water wells, Vengosh said.
‘em all — NINE passenger vehicles with         will finally define a man and woman so        They sure showed them big, mea-                       porters?
markers that will clearly determine the        of a draft consent order that will legally birth weight and testicular shrinkage.                   And though the aquifer from which the
them. All were festooned with Ameri-           all this crazy transgender stuff stops. ny-faced government types!                                     Election conspiracy master Matthew
boron’s source, but state regulators ha-       mandate the utility to take the steps it’s    Naturally occurring?                                  wells are drawing does have a history
can flags, and they honked their horns         Even the losing GOP congressional can-        #6: The New World Order is coming.                    DePerno (a candidate for the Republican
ven’t required BWL to take that step,          taking.                                       EGLE spokesman Hugh McDiar-                           of high levels of naturally occurring bo-
through mostly empty streets.                  didate’s Transgender and gay friends          Patrice Johnson, chairwoman of the                    secretary of state against nomination)
and the state and utility may instead             Regulators said BWL violated a lit- mid wrote in an email that the agency                        ron, a “statistically valid” sample of wa-
   #3: Bigotry prohibited*                     agree with him on it — so you know it’s Pure Integrity for Michigan Elections,                      whined that State Rep. Cynthia A. John-
base their analyses on previously pub-         any of state and federal clean water is “not sure if the elevated boron in the                      ter collected from around the aquifer
   *sorta                                      the real deal!                              blathered on a bit like a 1990s Militia                 son, a Detroit Democrat, should’ve been
lished scientific literature.                  rules, and it faces the possibility of residential wells is due to contamina-                       around 20 years ago found those levels
   Organizers announced beforehand                #4: Second Amendment: YES! First adherent about the evil “New World Or-                          criminally charged for allegedly threaten-
   That would leave the boron’s source         fines or other penalties. Among vio- tion from the Erickson site or not” be-                        near Williamston — not near the plant,
that bigots and white nationalists need        Amendment: What?                            der” that President Joe Biden mentioned                 ing violence toward Trump supporters.
in doubt, experts said, and could al-          lations at the state level are a failure cause boron is also a naturally occur-                     he noted.
not attend, but attend they did. Shane            An armed man who identified himself during a speech last week in Europe in                          Never mind that the alleged threat was
low BWL to use its theory to shield it-        to prevent groundwater contamina- ring element that has been detected at                               Evans also said BWL’s monitoring
Trejo, grassroots director for Republi-        as “head of security” at the Capitol rally reference to the loss of democracy in                    a doctored video that had been pushed out
self from any responsibility to actually       tion, obtain proper licenses and keep a higher-than-normal levels in the Sagi-                      wells that check for the “background”
cans for National Renewal, denied last         demanded that multiple photographers Ukraine.                                                       through right-wing echo chambers until a
clean up the water contamination.              proper distance between the ponds and naw aquifer.                                                  levels of toxins near Lansing showed
week having ties to former podcast co-         — including City Pulse managing editor        But Johnson flung the words out like                  Honduran YouTuber capitalized on it and
   “It could be that those claims are          groundwater. The state also cited the         The aquifer once held salt water,                     much lower levels of boron than what’s
host Alex Witoslawski, who had pro-            Kyle Kaminski — stop taking photo- the black helicopters and UN troops were                         made some cash while trashing Johnson’s
true, but given that we are talking            utility company for a failure to install which can have higher levels of boron.                     in the drinking water wells. Meanwhile,
vided messaging training for the white         graphs and delete those in which he was massing on the border of Eaton Coun-                        reputation. Johnson was also booted from
about human health and people are liv-         proper pond liners, which are designed McDiarmid pointed to scientific liter-                       monitoring wells placed between the
nationalist group Identity Evropa. Trejo       pictured. Since the rally was obviously ty to round us all up for the internment                    committees by former House Speaker Lee
ing here, we can’t leave it as an academ-      to prevent pollution near the Erickson ature that found naturally occurring                         pond and wells show elevated levels
still spoke at both events.                    public, and there’s no expectation of pri- camps over in Grayling. Fear not, dear                   Chatfield, along with condemnation by
ic question. There needs to be a serious       Power Station site.                         levels as high as 6.4 mg/L. Determin-                   of boron, suggesting the presence of a
   One woman in the crowd at the steps         vacy in the middle of the sidewalk near patriots: She soothed an unimpressed                        fellow Democratic leaders.
investigation that would include water            Federal rules also required utilities ing the source will require “additional                    plume.
wore a sweatshirt boasting that she is a       the Capitol lawn, he didn’t comply.         crowd with notice this was the “Great                      DePerno was whining about this in-
quality tests,” said Avner Vengosh, a          to test water in 2017, but BWL did not investigation,” he said.                                        But without the appropriate testing,
“Proud wife of a Proud Boy,” alluding to          By the way, City Pulse was initially de-                                                         justice because a Republican-controlled
Duke University geochemistry and wa-           do so until 2020.                             “To do this, BWL is installing addi-                  the contamination’s source and extent
the western chauvinist white national-         nied media entry to the MAGA Mixer                                                                  Senate Oversight report on election con-
ter quality researcher who studies coal           “BWL’s three-year delay in sampling tional monitoring wells onsite, as well                      may never be known.
ist group. Some of those members have          at the bowling alley because organizers                                                             spiracies found that he and others were
ash ponds across the country.                  the groundwater, in violation of the as searching for additional existing                              “The law requires them to test, so
been charged with conspiracy to obstruct       said they wanted “only friendly media” in                                                           pushing false information to pad their
   Meanwhile, others have also ex-             federal rule, endangered nearby res- data for boron occurrence in the Sagi-                         why are they going to the library when
an official proceeding of Congress — you       the room. So, City Pulse bought a ticket                                                            pockets and should be criminally investi-
pressed concern over drinking water            idents,” said Lisa Evans, an attorney naw aquifer, and other potential sourc-                       they need to be sinking wells or testing
know, that silly certification of the Elec-    and I decided to go anyway — sitting in a                                                           gated by Attorney General Dana Nessel.
wells’ “unhealthy” lithium levels, which       with national environmental group es of boron in the area,” he added.                               drinking water?” Evans said.
toral College vote on Jan. 6 that led to       room with about 75 people who listened                                                                 Nessel, a Democrat, was a frequent
are just inside the federal water quality      Earthjustice, which has been moni-            But Duke’s Vengosh said the investi-                     Meanwhile, BWL’s spokeswoman,
an insurrectionist riot and hundreds of        to the Trump candidates, munched away                                                               target throughout the day’s events, with
standard, and could be naturally occur-        toring the issue. “BWL’s subsequent gations should also include water sam-                          Amy Adamy, said it will no longer an-
federal indictments against defendants,        on rubber chicken marinara and paid for                                                             random calls to “Lock her up!” and
ring.                                          failure to comply with the federal rule’s pling that checks for salinity, isotope                   swer questions from City Pulse.
who are from nearly all 50 states, the         their own booze. And yes: I came back                                                               during the MAGA Mixer, a call to put
   Officials discovered in early February      mandate to immediately determine the ratios and other markers that would                               (For more on this story, please visit
U.S. Justice Department says.                  with photos and audio from the event. I                                                             Gov. Gretchen Whitmer in Gitmo.
that boron suspected to have leaked            nature and extent of the pollution, and clearly tell whether the boron came               
   There was also an American flag with        guess Royal Scot isn’t Las Vegas.                                                                   — TODD HEYWOOD — TOM PERKINS
from the coal ash ponds had contam-            warn nearby residents, is at the core of from ash or was naturally occurring,
the Roman numerals “II” in the center             #5: Speaking of Royal Scot…                                          City Pulse/Todd Heywood
                                                                                                                                                   (Kyle Kaminski contributed to this story.)
inated six out of six nearby drinking          the present problem.”                         “Evaluating the water quality of
of the 13 stars — a Tea Party throwback           The staff told the crowd that the bowl- A man poses with a “Jan. 6 Patriot” shirt.
See Locally owned A newspaper for the rest of us - Lansing City Pulse
City Pulse • February 16, 2022              6                                                                           
           6                                                                                                                                                   City Pulse • March 30, 2022

                                               OF THE WEEK
                                                                          NEWS HIGHLIGHTS FROM THE LAST 7 DAYS
                                                                                                                                                                  By KYLE KAMINSKI
   with                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Kell
                                                                                                                                                                        Lansing rakes in weed cash
 e Nov.                                                                                                                               Let the
                                                                                                                                            Thegolden       nectar
                                                                                                                                                 tax revenues           flow
                                                                                                                                                                collected  from Lansing’s dispensaries led                           sing
Valdez,                                                                                                                                                                                                                              firs
he was                                                                                                          Gov. Gretchen Whitmer to     a $900,000 Monday
                                                                                                                                          proclaimed       payday for (March
                                                                                                                                                                         the city after
                                                                                                                                                                                         as state distributed
                                                                                                                                                                                             Oberon     Day                          rect
                 Eye Sore: Trash at Bancroft Park                                                                                        its second revenue sharing payment. Last year’s payment was
  ng Jr.                                                                                                      — a new holiday that marks      the state’s    “unofficial”     start
                   SinceEye spring
                              Sore: 1228        Allenwe’re
                                          is here,       St. de-                                                                         $280,000.    Ingham    County netted    moretothan
                                                                                                                                                                                         spring    and from
                                                                                                                                                                                             $1 million  the                         last
  court                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Ey
                  This home
                touring       aroundnear   the Potter
                                                  many board- Park                                                                       19  licensed  facilities, 16  in Lansing.   East
                                                                                                              30th anniversary of Oberon Ale from Bell’s Brewery. Whitmer, of course, has Lansing   collected
                ed-up  is noandstunner
                                                OF THE
                                              with its
                                                        buildings                                                                        about $169,000 from three dispensaries.                                                     Des
                across Lansing       cinder     blockin façade.
                                        this week          favor of
                                                                                                              long been a fan of the tasty beverage and has been repeatedly portrayed on                                             ligh
 tavius                                                                                                                                                                                                                              that
                a moreit’s the    massive
                             scenic    routeassortment
                                                 through Ban-      of                                         “Saturday Night Live” holding a bottle    Cops:    Stray
                                                                                                                                                            of the       bulletsMichigan
                                                                                                                                                                      famous      strike homes craft brew.
with a                                                                                                                                                                                                                               over
pe Av-         various
                croft Park  yard onand     porch
                                     the east        decor that
                                                  side.                                                                                     Two homes along the 4000 block of Bowline Court in Delhi
                   There’s  it aa spot
                                   winding,in this    recurring
                                                  wooded       trail;
                                                                                                              Fun fact: Last year, Michigan    residents
                                                                                                                                         Township           guzzled
                                                                                                                                                     were struck         downatmore
                                                                                                                                                                    by bullets     aboutthan
                                                                                                                                                                                          7:20 14  million
                                                                                                                                                                                                p.m.  Sunday                         port
 Mon-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                193
ue. An         feature.
                a large grassy field that could prob-                                                         pints of Oberon Ale.       (March 26), the Ingham County Sheriff ’s Department said.
                  There                                                                                                                                                                                                              Stre
but no          ably    use are    a fewtable
                              a picnic       old orpush
                                                      two;mow- a few                                                                                  Residents reported hearing three gunshots. Tips can be re-
               ers;                                                                                                                                                                                                                  the
 esday.         decks with water features;a a1970s
                       a   rototiller      or   two;           play-                                                                                  ported at (517) 244-1895.
               wood      chipper;     a busted                                      Federal
                                                                                         Twocash      flowsfinalists
                                                                                               fire chief     to Michigan   Avenue
                                                                                                                       in Lansing                                  Commission to replace Schertzing                                  gian
 asked          ground;       and last      week snowblow-
                                                     — heaping
               er;                                                          The
                                                                            Lansing Mayor Andy Schor could hire a in
                                                                                city of Lansing  is set to receive $1 million   federal funding         ANorthern
                                                                                                                                                          three-person    commission,
                                                                                                                                                                            Dog Park com-                                            Ave
mous-           pilesseveral
                        of trash.  rusty shelving units;                                                                      new   chief at the                      Tail
               plastic     containers local filled with       scrap      to make   “major  improvements”       to Michigan   Avenue,  including
                                                                          Fire Department as early as this week after the Board of Fire              prising Ingham
                                                                                                                                                                 reopens County   Clerk Barb                                         the
                   Fortunately,                        neighbors
               metal                                                     to help modernize    traffic signalsBattle
                                                                                                                and establish  a framework    to     Byrum,    Prosecutor     Carol    Siemon                                        of in
                caught the blockheads pro-
                          and    a  half-dozen        used      who       Commissioners     recommended                Creek Fire   Chief Brian         The park, at 6400 Abbot
               pane     tanks                                            support   autonomous      vehicles.  The cashHeights
                                                                                                                        will alsoAssistant
                                                                                                                                  allow for Fire
                                                                                                                                            the      and   Chief  Probate     Judge    Shauna                                        bold
mittee          dumped         the—messall scattered
                                             on camera.     across
                                                                 Un-      Sturdivant   (above right)     and Sterling                                 Road,    will    reopen     Friday
               the   property as                                         possibility  of new  bike   lanes.left). Nineteen applied. This will        Dunnings,     will meet next       month                                        inal
 epub-          fortunately,        theif suspects
                                           it was a yard still sale
                                                                hav-      Chief Edwin     Miller  (above                                              (April 1). Admission       is free
               that                                                                                                                                  to  establish   a  process   to   replace                                       elec
ett, re-        en’t ended       about 35 years
                      been apprehended               byago.
                                                         the Lan-         be the sixth Lansing fire chief in the last four years.                     and the park will be open
                  Unfortunately,                 homeowner                  Read moreAudit spots
                                                                                         about  theracism   at Lansing
                                                                                                    candidates     — andschools
                                                                                                                           why they want the         outgoing
                                                                                                                                                      daily fromCounty
                                                                                                                                                                   6 a.m. Treasurer
                                                                                                                                                                             to 10 p.m. Eric                                         city.
uld” to         sing   Police Department.
               Kevin                                                        An equity audit released  last week  found  that Black and multi-        Schertzing,
                                                                                                                                                      through the late fall.set to retire at
                                                                                                                                                                    who   is                                                         Con
 ehicle            TwoMeesevehicleshas — anolate plans
                                                    ‘90s to     tidy
                                                            or early      job — at
               up   his   collection.                                    racial students who attend the Lansing School District are more             the end of the month. The appointed                                             buil
t tried         2000s dark blue Chevy or GMC ex-
                  And he                                                 than twice as likely   to bevoting
                                                                                                       suspended     than
                                                                                                                            Maywhite      peers,     replacement      will serve      through                                        Pow
 rame-          tended      cabhas     a message
                                  pickup      truck with  for aanysil-                       Early            begins               election                       Council     condemns       Russian invasion
               neighbors                                                 according to reports
                                                                                          The in  the Lansing   State Election
                                                                                                                       Journal. In  addition   to    November,    at which
                                                                                                                                                                         City point   whoever                                        the
                ver workbox in the back andof
                                who   may    be   tired       look-
                                                           a newer                             South    Washington               Unit   at 2500         The Lansing            Council   unanimously passed a symbolic
               ing   at his      messy yard:         “Fuck      youa     inequitable discipline, the audit  also flagged the  district
                                                                                        S. Washington Ave. has opened to Lansing resi- for racial    is elected toon
                                                                                                                                                      resolution    theMonday
                                                                                                                                                                                    is expected to take
                                                                                                                                                                                            28) to      over the
                                                                                                                                                                                                   condemn    the job. The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Russian           that
                model,      slate-colored      SUV,     possibly
               then. If you’ve got a problem, then                       disparities in student
                                                                                        dents forachievement    and access
                                                                                                   voter registration        to AP courses.
                                                                                                                        and voting   on a $130       election filing  deadline   is  4 p.m. April 19.
                                                                                                                                                      invasion of Ukraine. The resolution labeled the Ukrainian re-                  ilize
udents          Toyota — arrived at Bancroft Park
               come over and help. Otherwise,                                           million bond proposal for the Lansing School Dis-             sponse as “strong and courageous” and denounced Russian                        the N
e Uni-          at 2:02 p.m. March 18. Video foot-
 ilding        shove it up your ass.”
                age obtained by police shows two                         trict that’s on the ballotWhitmer    appoints
                                                                                                     May 3. Walk-in        Lansing
                                                                                                                        early         judge
                                                                                                                              voting is available     PresidentHouse    Dems
                                                                                                                                                                  Vladimir       demands
                                                                                                                                                                             Putin’s            Chatfield
                                                                                                                                                                                         “years-long        probe against
                                                                                                                                                                                                        aggression”                     T
o help            Meese bought the 579-square-                                                  Cooley    Law  School    Professor  Tony
                                                                         8 a.m. t 5 p.m. weekdays and until 7 p.m. Wednesdays through     Flores        Democrats
                                                                                                                                                      Ukraine.       have demanded       an  investigation   into the “ethical       (abo
                hooded men heaving a mountain of
on site        foot home for about $16,000 in                            April 29. Walk-in was      appointed
                                                                                              absentee    votingto
                                                                                                                 is fill
                                                                                                                    alsoa available
                                                                                                                           partial term   onHall
                                                                                                                                     at City  the    failings and misconduct in office” of former House Speaker Lee                  Old
                garbage bags, broken furniture and
d next         2014. It didn’t come with a garage                                            54A District
                                                                         8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays..         Court following
                                                                                                           Absentee             the retirement
                                                                                                                      ballots were   mailed last     Chatfield, including
                                                                                                                                                                      Actionallegations    that he misused
                                                                                                                                                                                on ex-firefighter’s            staff resources
                                                                                                                                                                                                            suit                     corr
                other trash into the parking lot and
               — and Meese said he doesn’t have                          week. Drop boxes of  areJudge   Louise Alderson
                                                                                                   also available           in January.
                                                                                                                  at both locations.      Flores,
                                                                                                                                        Visit lan-   and   other  benefits, as well  as   on  the  lack of financial
                                                                                                                                                        A federal judge dismissed a portion of a longstanding          report-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           law-      edu
                then leaving the mess behind for city
               enough cash to build a shed or rent                                           who    has taught  at Cooley   since 2005,
                                                                to request an absentee ballot or find additional   served     ing  requirements   that  enabled     the  alleged  misdeeds
                                                                                                                                                      suit against the Lansing Fire Department that was levied        to occur.
                staffers and neighbors to clean up.
lution         storage space.                                                                as an assistant prosecutor in Mecosta County.
                                                                         ballot dropbox locations.                                                   Meanwhile,     Chatfield
                                                                                                                                                      former firefighter       is stillLynn
                                                                                                                                                                          Michael       under Jr.criminal investigation for
                   But because the video provided
                  “As it stands, most of this stuff                                          His partial term expires in January, meaning            allegedly
would           to police didn’t capture the license                                                                                                  in 2019,sexually
                                                                                                                                                                          that Lynnhiscouldsister-in-law starting when she
Coun-          either runs or it needs a carbure-                                  Teenagers he’llcharged
                                                                                                    have to run
                                                                                                              infor  election in
                                                                                                                 roadside         November for
                                                                                                                               shooting              was   a teenager at Chatfield’s    school.
                plate                                                                                                                                 not prove that he suffered an ad-
newly          tor   ornumbers
                           something.  and Social
                                              there do      not ap-
                                                         Security           Two unidentified a full  six-year
                                                                                                  Lansing     term. — ages 14 and 16 —
                pear    to   be  any   other    cameras       at the                                                                                 verse employment action from
some-          doesn’t pay the fucking bills,                     so                                                                                          ‘Dirt School’ toreports
                                                                                                                                                                                launchtheat Burchfield Park
                park    entrance,      local   cops   have     since     were charged in juvenile court with second-degree murder                    racial discrimination,
               where does that leave me? A lot                     of                 Fire chief
ng the          turned                                                   in the shooting    deathfinalists   namedTomaz
                                                                                                   of 20-year-old      in Lansing
                                                                                                                             Shessia. Author-        Journal. Lynn billed the move as a Plans are in motion to
               this  shittohas local  residents
                                    been    given to tohelp
                                                          me andwith
                                                                           Three   of  19 applicants    have  been   identified  as finalists to
 states                                                                  ities said Shessia was shot and killed near a bus           stop along      “win” because another unresolved build a $150,000 moun-
               Iwhat     could’ve
                 still need           easily
                                 to buy        been
                                           parts    to afixroutine,
                                                             it and      serve as the  next chief of the Lansing    Fire Department:    Interim
                open-and-shut           investigation.                   the 4200 block of South Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard                    portion of the suit — a claim of a tain bike skills park called
               resell it, so it’s just sitting there,”                   Chief  Michael Tobin;
                   Watch       the video on LPD’s Face-                  on Wednesday      (MarchSterling    HeightsFive
                                                                                                    23) morning.       Assistant  Chief Edwin
                                                                                                                          local teenagers   have     hostile work environment — can “Dirt School” at Burchfield
               Meese      explained.                                     Miller and Battle   Creek
erence          book     page    and dial (517)       483-4600           now been     charged   withChief
                                                                                                      murderBrianin Sturdivant. A search
                                                                                                                    juvenile court   in thecom-
                                                                                                                                            past     now continue on to a trial.            Park in Ingham County
 rward            Code enforcement                 officials       in    mittee is set to narrow  the  field toreported.
                                                                                                                two candidates today (March                                                 before the end of the year,
                                                                         year, the  Lansing   State  Journal
               Lansing are generally OK withIn
                to  report      tips  to   authorities.           the
                                                               chil-     23). The Fire Board of Commissioners will meet the next day                                                        reports
 e fire-        meantime,
               dren’s    toys and  cityoutdoor
                                                        also told                                                                                                                  Schor rolls    outthenewLansing
                                                                                                                                                                                                              budget State
n their                                                                  and forward     a recommendation
                                                                                     Lansing     Schools to fill to board
                                                                                                                     Mayor Andy
                                                                                                                            vacancySchor, who                                               Journal.
                                                                                                                                                                                               proposal  The    540-acre
                   likePulse       that they’re
                          lawn mowers          — being  consider-
                                                            stored                                                                                                                                                                  “Ey
pected                                                                   makes   the final  decision.
                                                                            The Board of Education at the Lansing School District is                                           Lansing Mayorpark isAndyalready   homewho
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Schor,     to
                ing installing
               outdoors,         evenmorepiledpolice
                                                   up insecurity
                                                              front                                                                                                                                                                 cont
  those                                                                   set to review applications, schedule interviews and vote this              more than 10 miles of mountain     bike trails. The  new
                                                                                                                                                                            recently recovered from a COVID-19 “bike play-
               yards.      Butin the    vicinity tothis
                                   collections           helplarge
                                                                 pre-                                                                                                                                                               poin
                                                                          month to appoint   Schor
                                                                                                a newcatches
                                                                                                                 member to replace outgo-            ground” will reportedlyinfection,
                                                                                                                                                                              feature tunnel  tubes, giant
                                                                                                                                                                                         returned           slalom
                                                                                                                                                                                                      to City       traffic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Hall   on
                vent    the   same     thing     from
               can rise to the level of a ticketable      happen-                                                                                                                                                                   Lans
                                                                          ing         Mayor Andy
                                                                               Vice President        Schor
                                                                                                Nathan       tested positive
                                                                                                          Burroughs.           for thewill
                                                                                                                        The choice     corona-
                                                                                                                                           serve     cones, ramps and bridges.
                                                                                                                                                                            Monday (March 29) to submit his fifth
                ing again
               offense,     citynext   week.told City Pulse.
                                  officials                                                                                                                                                                                         Eye
  5:30                                                                   virus
                                                                          throughSunday  (March
                                                                                    November    and20).  Schor
                                                                                                      then       saidinheNovember.
                                                                                                            can run        tested negative on                                 annual budget proposal to the Council.
                                       — —KYLE
High-                                                                    Friday (March 18) but decided to embark on a precautionary                              Lansing man  Thesentenced
                                                                                                                                                                                    plan focusesforonchild   porn for Lan-
was an                                                                   self-quarantine   over the‘Michigan
                                                                                       Whitmer:      weekend after    experiencing
                                                                                                                  is on  the move’mild cold-            Michael   McShan,    28, of Lansing,   was  sentenced
                                                                                                                                                      sing’s future growth” and includes “strategic investment”  in a federal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            in    Because
urnal.          “Eyesore of the Week” is our weekly look at              likeGov.
                                                                               symptoms.   A  subsequent    test on  Sunday   revealed   he add-
                                                                                                                                            was      courtroom    to 25  years in prison  after he was   convicted  through
                some of the   of the  Week”
                                  seedier      is our look at some
                                           properties   in Lansing. It            Gretchen Whtimer announced that the            state has            neighborhoods, parks and commercial corridors; community                    the Wee
cident         of the seedier properties in Lansing. It rotates with     positive.  Schor  —  who   is double-vaxxed     and  boosted   —   said     aservice
                                                                                                                                                       five-day  trial public
                                                                                                                                                                       last year on five criminal charges                         struction
                rotates     with Eye  Candy   of  the Week and Eye
               Eye Candy of the Week and Eye for Design. Have             ed jobs for 10 straight months with a low unemployment rate                         needs;          safety;  infrastructure;    and related  to the
                                                                                                                                                                                                               continued   ra-    Pennsylv
ce De-         afor   Design. Have
                 suggestion?     Email
                                         suggestion?               or    he
                                                                          of notified
                                                                             4.7% — the
                                                                                      down“very few”
                                                                                             from      people with whom
                                                                                                   a decades-long     high ofhe20.7%
                                                                                                                                was inreported
                                                                                                                                        contact      production    and   attempted   production     of
                                                                                                                                                      cial justice work, Schor said in a press release.child   pornography,
               call it in atManaging     Editor Kyle Kaminski at
                             517-999-6715.                                                                                                                                                                                        1932, ac
       or call in a nomi-              last
                                                                          last weekend
                                                                               April. Theand  willstate
                                                                                           latest  continue    to work
                                                                                                         statistics showfrom
                                                                                                                           thathome    “as more
                                                                                                                                 172,000   long      according to federal prosecutors. After he gets out, McShan will             ital Area
                nation at 517-999-6715.                                  as  necessary.”
                                                                          jobs  compared to last February.                                           be Read
                                                                                                                                                         on “supervised   release
                                                                                                                                                               more detailed      for the rest
                                                                                                                                                                                coverage       of his life,” authorities said.
                                                                                                                                                                                          at                was the
See Locally owned A newspaper for the rest of us - Lansing City Pulse
City Pulse • March 30, 2022                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           7

    Dear Reader,                                                                                                    March 9 - 15, 2022.

     I hope you’ve been enjoying the uptick in local
     coverage that City Pulse has been providing —
                                                                        Locally owned                                                                                                                                                    March 2 - March 8, 2022
                                                                        A newspaper for the rest of us

     much of it thanks to contributions by readers like
                                                                                                                                                                                  Locally owned                                                                        A newspaper for the rest of us

     In print and online, donations are making a dif-
     ference. Here are some examples since the first of
     the year:
                                                                                      Two years of pandemic survival
     • “Two years of pandemic survival” — a special                                   in Greater Lansing A special issue
        issue on how Greater Lansing is dealing with
                                                                      City Pulse Ads.qxp_Layout 1 5/11/21 2:24 PM Page 2

                                                                                                                                                                                       Tenth Birthday Banquet
        COVID-19.                                                                                                                                                                                      MSU Broad Museum finds the right angle
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   see page 15

     • “The Hunter’s Tale”— a serialization of a new                                                                                                                        City Pulse Ads.qxp_Layout 1 5/11/21 2:24 PM Page 2

        graphic novel by local cartoon artist Ryan Clay-
     • BWL well water pollution — Freelance environ-
        mental writer Tom Perkins broke the story and                                                                                                                                                                            A newspaper for the rest of us   Feb. 9 - Feb. 15, 2022

        continues to follow it with exclusive coverage.
     • Former House Speaker Lee Chatwell’s sister-in-                                                                                                                                                                                            Locally owned

        law accuses him of sexual assault. Todd Hey-
        wood broke the story online, then followed up
        with a look at the Up North church — or cult —
        that produced Chatwell.                                    City Pulse Ads.qxp_Layout 1 5/11/21 2:24 PM Page 2
                                                                                                                                        SEE PAGE 10
     • The Broad Museum at 10. Senior staff writer                                                                                                                                       C u lt ?
        Lawrence Cosentino has followed the Broad from                                                                                                                           Inside the movement that raised
                                                                                                                                                                                 former House Speaker Lee Chatfield

        its inception. As the Broad marks a decade, he
                                                                                                                                                                                                         see page 15
                                                                                                                                                                              City Pulse Ads.qxp_Layout 1 5/11/21 2:24 PM Page 2

        provided a knowledgeable look back and also
        broke the news that the museum will bring the
        Kresge collection out of storage in a new gallery.
   Those and other stories, including weekly staples such as Kyle Melinn’s statehouse column, Rich Tu-
   pica’s Turn It Down music feature, restaurant and theater reviews, and much more — are thanks to
   your gifts to City Pulse and to the City Pulse Fund for Community Journalism.

   You can give two different ways:
   • Directly to City Pulse. That helps us with general expenses, including salaries for our dedicated staff, printing costs
     (and we have had six increases in the cost of paper — our biggest expense after payroll — since the beginning of
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   Sincerely,                                    Donate online at
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   Berl Schwartz
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   Editor & publisher
See Locally owned A newspaper for the rest of us - Lansing City Pulse
Maybe Peffley is the problem
                                                                                                                  tively” tested six drinking wells in the                     claimed to be in compliance with
                                                                                                                  area. It was a sweetheart move for a                         federal coal ash rules, but experts said
                                                                                                                  utility company caught in the midst                          those rules were violated back in 2017
                                                                                                                  of a  possible    cover     up.                              when BWL failed           CitytoPulse
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  test •for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          March     30, 2022
   Lansing Board of Water & Light                            building a media firewall around
general manager Dick Peffley is start- Peffley and other top executives                                              Except, it wasn’t. BWL wasn’t pro-                        ination.

                                        School millage a no-brainer
ing to have some real problems on his to answer our questions. She has                                            actively   doing     anything.                                  BWL has also repeatedly made
hands, even though he refuses to look learned well from longtime Lansing                                             The   company,       instead,      had   actually         claims      about the investigation
down and acknowledge that he’s still                         public relations practitioner Steve                  been   ordered     by   state    regulators       to         process       that directly contradict
holding them.                                                Serkaian, executive director of public               get  a handle     on  the     pollution     situa-           statements         from EGLE. In other in-
   State We’ll
                   cut right to records
                                     the chase. We’re big    affairs  at BWLdepends
                                                               support-         and a holdover
                                                                                           on people  from        tion.  Moreover,       those
                                                                                                        choosing to live in them, and that         reactive    results         stances,
                                                                                                                                                          1960s and 1970s didn’t do enough    Adamy       and     Peffleyschools
                                                                                                                                                                                                             damage,         have onlyof
       ers ofin the
                      Lansing  revealed
                                   Schoolthat District’s bondtheproposal
                                                                  Bernero days.                                   spelled    out  some
                                                                               decision is often informed by the perceived quality of      really    bad    news:              downplayed           the    issue.
                                                                                                                                                          choice drained urban districts of both student talent
Peffley   hasaims
       that     known        for nearly
                      to invest     nearlytwo  $130 million in another neighborhood schools.                                                              and financial resources.Even BWL   ReversingBoard  theChairman
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   drain means
years about dangerous chemical
       major     round     of  modernizing         the district’s aging           Consider     the 1,000+   new   jobs  on  the  way   to  GM’s           continually          David
                                                                                                                                                                          raising   LSD’s Pricegame—    someone
                                                                                                                                                                                                        in  order    towho
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         narrow should
       facilities.   The    “Zero
contamination leaking from the large  Mill   Increase”   proposal    will      $2.5   billion  battery   plant in Delta  Township.       Where            the  margin          definitely
                                                                                                                                                                          between      the      be   in
                                                                                                                                                                                             perceived   the   know
                                                                                                                                                                                                             quality     —
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        of   wasn’t
toxic appear
       coal ashonponds the Tuesday,        May 3, ballot in the city of will its workers want to live? Most will be looking for
                                that surround                                                                                                             schools compared     informed
                                                                                                                                                                                   to Holt of   or the    contamination
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Haslett      or East Lansing.
the Erickson         parts of    East Lansing
                               Station      in Delta  and neigh-                                                                                               A vote for the  problems
                                                                                                                                                                                   bond proposalbefore isJanuary.
                                                                                                                                                                                                              a vote toHe  take was
Township       —townships
                    which forthat         fall within
                                    decades       may the school                                                                                               tangible steps  told   the ponds
                                                                                                                                                                                   toward       reducingweren’t      contaminating
                                                                                                                                                                                                              the still   yawning
have also            boundaries.
              poisoned        nearby drinking                                                                                                                  disparities between
                                                                                                                                                                               groundwater,  Lansing      schools
                                                                                                                                                                                                       which      wasandalsosubur-
           If votersfeeding
water supplies          approveprivate
                                     the millage,
                                                wellsas we hope                                                                                                ban districts.     It’s an investment
                                                                                                                                                                               contradicted                    in equity.docu-
                                                                                                                                                                                                      by regulatory
       they will, the
and municipal              proceeds will finance the con-
                       systems.                                                                                                                                    Approving      the millage renewal won’t solve the
       struction      of  four   new
   High levels of lithium, boron, TDS   buildings     to replace  the                                                                                          underlying       challenges
                                                                                                                                                                                  And when       of economic
                                                                                                                                                                                                     presentedstress  with on     LSD
       district’s    most    seriously
and molybdenum have been leaching          outdated     elementary                                                                                             students     and   their    families.     It  won’t
                                                                                                                                                                               statements, Adamy has still insisted   erase    the
       schools: Mt. Hope STEAM Magnet School,                                                                                                                  damage caused          by the pandemic.
                                                                                                                                                                               the agency         is wrong. It won’t, on its
from the three ponds since 2020 and
       Willow Elementary, Lewton School and Sher-                                                                                                              own, close theMeanwhile,
                                                                                                                                                                                    achievementPeffley   gap. But      every
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    still claimsworth-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     to be
still neither BWL nor state regulators
       idan Road STEM Magnet School — the oldest                                                                                                               while endeavor         starts    with   a  foundation
                                                                                                                                                                               “proactively” investigating the situa-       and    the
knows how long the problem has
       of which was built more than 70 years ago.                                                                                                              bond proposal   tionisdespite
                                                                                                                                                                                        a critical     building
                                                                                                                                                                                                    having      knownblockabout
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              for thethe
existed The— though         the plant, which is
                 district’s plan also makes significant                                                                                                        educational enterprise that will serve the needs of
off Canal     Road ininEaton           County,      hasSchool on                                                                                                               issue at the Erickson Power Station as
       investments            J.W. Sexton        High                                                                                                          Lansing children for the next 50 years.
operated      the   ponds     since     1974.                                                                                                                                  early as April 2020, records showed.
       the city’s west side, including upgrades to the                                                                                                             Within the broad success story of our nation’s
   When      City   Pulse     broke      that   news,                                                                                                                             While the state has ordered at least
       auditorium, new ceilings and window cover-                                                                                                              long-standing commitment to universal educa-
Peffley   and    his   PR    team     quickly
       ings, improvements to athletic facilities and
                                                                                                                                                                               another        60 wells to be tested, BWL
                                                                                                                                                               tion are still too many examples of falling short,
jumped      into   action     —   except      the
       refreshing the learning environment. New                 Instead    of an interview,      Peffley          BWL    only    tested    six   wells.   And     all  of      still  doesn’t
                                                                                                                                                               of inequitable distribution         have     a handle on
                                                                                                                                                                                                       of resources,        and the
damage       control
       systems           wasn’t centered
                    to improve       air quality   onand ensuring
                                                             responded only in a polished op-ed                   them came back for potentiallyunderinvestment   dan-         pollution in the plume’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                   single size
assessing     environmental
       that every      classroom and          public air condi-
                                       has working           in which he repeatedly questioned                    gerously high levels of boron. tool we canhow                 use to many
                                                                                                                                                                                          lift updrinking
                                                                                                                                                                                                    young people waterand  wells    are
          risks. are
                   Instead,      it was
                         also part          about
                                       of the    program. assessments from environmental ex-                         That’s   a  six  for  six,  Dick.                         contaminated            in   the
                                                                                                                                                               them the best possible shot at success. We have     nearby     vicinity
protecting ThereBWL’s       publicreasons
                    are myriad         image. supporting     perts
                                                               the and insisted that drinking water                  Michigan doesn’t set health alimits          chance toor   dohow
                                                                                                                                                                                    better  long    its neighbors
                                                                                                                                                                                               in our    own backyard.    haveLet’s
   And    that’s proposal
       millage     simply not    is athe
                                       good type             is safeaand that BWL’s water supplies
                                                idea. Let’s review                                                on  boron     in drinking       water,    though             sipping
                                                                                                                                                               seize the opportunity.        on   and    showering         in  boron
       few of them.
of leadership        we need at a publicly                   continue to “meet or exceed” all reg-                groundwater limits of 0.5 mg/L It’s              are time to water.
                                                                                                                                                                                  change the narrative about Lansing
           First and
owned utility            foremost, the proposal doesn’t
                     company.                                ulatory safety                                                                         in place.    EPA
                                                                                                                                                               schools and that   From       Day
                                                                                                                                                                                        starts      One,
                                                                                                                                                                                                 with         BWL has
                                                                                                                                                                                                         believing           not been
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        in them

                                                                                               The CP                    Edit
       raise   anyone’s      taxes.   It  simply
   In a January op-ed, Peffley attacked standards.  reups  the LSD’s                                                                                also   has
                                                                                                                                                          and    an
                                                                                                                                                                investing      forthcoming
                                                                                                                                                                              in them.     State     about
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Rep.        this
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Sarah     public
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Anthony,    health
       existing     education       facilities
City Pulse’s credibility for sounding             millage, which    the
                                                                While tech-                                                                         unenforceable
                                                                                                                                                          who    cochairs   thecalamity
                                                                                                                                                                                  millage      —   denying
                                                                                                                                                                                               campaign,          our
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 said  reporters
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       this   one   is a
       district    previously      used    to  finance
the alarm about the potential for con- nically true,     the construc-                                                                                    “hands-down,
                                                                                                                                                    “advisory”       lim-      no-brainer.”
                                                                                                                                                                               an   opportunity          to   conduct       basic
       tion ofgroundwater
taminated         the new Eastern     andHighdrink- School and
                                                             his make
                                                                  statements                               Opinion                                  it of 6 We
                                                                                                                                                             mg/L  concur. Vote     yes on Tuesday,
                                                                                                                                                                               interviews        and then     May     3. to answer
       significant      improvements
ing water supplies — even outright             to  Everett  High   School.
                                                             completely                                                                             for   Learn
                                                                                                                                                         adults    more
                                                                                                                                                                    and    about    the
                                                                                                                                                                               several    ballot
                                                                                                                                                                                           emailed  proposal       at
                                                                                                                                                                                                          questions.       The latest
           Every    public    institution
denying that drinking water could              eventually   arrives   at
                                                             ignored the       a community        with  quality housing,    safe neighbor-          3
                                                                                                                                                       mg/L     for            PR    tactic    seems      to   be   centered      on
       the   need    to  renew
be contaminated despite experts    its  facilities.  We’ve  seen   the         hoods   and   good
                                                             potential for contamination at dozens   schools. Let’s give  them
                                                                                                                  children.       a
                                                                                                                               BWL’sgood     reason
                                                                                                                                          well    tests      HOW
                                                                                                                                                         detected      TO  VOTEsimply      ignoring       City     Pulse    altogether
       consequences of decades of neglect of Michigan’s
who have       suggested otherwise. The                      of private wellstothat
                                                                                  choose    Lansing.
                                                                                       provide     drinking       boron levels between 2.48 mg/L             Register
                                                                                                                                                                    and to voteandbyhoping
                                                                                                                                                                                         absentee  theballot
                                                                                                                                                                                                         problem  online—or  orbyat least
       transportation infrastructure. When infrastruc-                            Significant progress in elevating
                                                                                                                  4.17    the
                                                                                                                        mg/L.   academic       suc-       mail   by   April  18  and
                                                                                                                                                                               public   then    return
                                                                                                                                                                                          awareness        a  completed
                                                                                                                                                                                                             of  the   problem ballot—
experts similarly poured cold water                          water for hundreds of people near
       ture crumbles, the failure of the systems that                          cess of LSD students also is a good         reasonshows
                                                                                                                     Research       to invest thatinboron by May
                                                                                                                                                              is 3. Voters        canevaporates.
                                                                                                                                                                               just     also register and vote in person
on BWL’s latest contention that the                          Erickson. His statements also didn’t
       depend on it is just a matter of time. That’s why                       better facilities. Student achievement
                                                                                                                  harmful to  may    still life
                                                                                                                                  plant    rankatinlower  on levels.
                                                                                                                                                              Election Day. Polls We’rewill      be opento
                                                                                                                                                                                             reluctant        fromsay7this
pollution is occurring naturally                             offer much acknowledgement that
       it’s time to invest in modern educational infra-                        the bottom half of districts statewide,        but   LSD     grad-         8 p.m.    Absentee     ballots     returned       within    two    weeks
   Groundwater           feeds                                                                                    Boron has also been linked to devel-                         statement given the inadequate lead-
       structure that        willdrinking
                                   serve Lansing waterstudents
                                                             a problem
                                                                  for      evenuation
                                                                                 existed,    much less
                                                                                        rates have improved from just 54% to nearly                       prior to Election Day should be hand delivered to
supplies.     At   best,   it was     unclear     then       explain    why   BWL    officials   seemed           opmental and reproductive toxici-                            ership also tied to his predecessor:
       generations to come.                                                    70% over the past five years. This remarkable success avoid potential delays. Visit or
whetherWe    contaminated            groundwater             to have    alerted  nobody     of  the public        ty, low birth weight and shrunken                            But if Peffley and the rest of his team
                know that the long-term prosperity of our                      should be recognized, celebrated and rewarded with                for more information.
was reaching         drinking       water     drawn          health    concerns.                                  testicles.                                                   don’t start prioritizing public safety
       city is inextricably tied to the quality of education                   complementary investments in the district’s facilities.
by wells.     Meanwhile,         utility    docu-
       in its schools and, just as important, the percep-       About    a month    later,  without     hav-         Peffley,   apparently,
                                                                                  Investing in a going concern that shows progress                hasn’t    been               over their public image, then perhaps
mentstiondidn’t     show     any    plans     to  test       ing  directly   addressed     any   problems,        drinking     from    those     taps.   His   ballsy          it’s time for him to seriously consider
              of that quality. There is a proven connection
              water    and    BWL        spokes-             the  PR
                                                                               and potential is always a smart move. Let’s give the
                                                                        campaign    continued      with   the     PR   campaign       only    continues.                            Correction
                                                                                                                                                                               resigning        from the post.
       between the perception of high-quality schools                          district’s capable new superintendent, Ben Shuldiner,                     Due  to  incorrect  information    provided to City Pulse, a story titled
woman       Amy     Adamy       was     too   busy
       and a region’s ability to attract business invest-    announcement        that  BWL      had   “proac-        EPA    documents
                                                                               and our teachers the tools they need to provide Lan-           showed       that   BWL
                                                                                                                                                         “Vandalized Malcolm X Historical Marker to be replaced — and
       ment, which creates jobs, increases property                            sing students with the best we can afford to give them. refreshed” in the March 2 edition was incorrect. Photos provided
       values and enhances our community’s quality                                There is no doubt that schools of choice threw a                       to City Pulse indicate the sign was destroyed in March 2021, not
Have something to say about a local issue or an item that appeared in our pages? Now you have two ways to sound off:
       of life. The success of Lansing neighborhoods                           wrench into urban education. As if white flight in the
                                                                                                                                                         in January, as previously estimated by Joy Gleason at Greater
                                                                                                                                                         Lansing Destination Tours.
1.) Write a letter to the editor.
• E-mail: letters@ • Snail mail: City Pulse, 1905 E. Michigan Ave., Lansing, MI 48912 • Fax: (517) 371-5800 • At
       Have something to say about a local issue or an item that appeared in our pages? Now you have two ways to sound off:
2.) Write a guest column. Contact Berl Schwartz for more information: or (517) 999-5061. (Please include your name, address
     1.) Write anumber
and telephone    letter tosothe
                                can reach you. Keep letters to 250 words or fewer. City Pulse reserves the right to edit letters and columns.)
     • E-mail: letters@ • Snail mail: City Pulse, 1905 E. Michigan Ave., Lansing, MI 48912 • Fax: (517) 371-5800 • At
     2.) Write a guest column. Contact Berl Schwartz for more information: or (517) 999-5061. (Please include your name, address
     and telephone number so we can reach you. Keep letters to 250 words or fewer. City Pulse reserves the right to edit letters and columns.)
See Locally owned A newspaper for the rest of us - Lansing City Pulse
City Pulse • March 30, 2022                                                                                                                         9

Don’t waste your cash on Councilman Brown’s ‘inspirational’ book
By LUTHER VANWINKLE                               Here are some of my favorite nuggets         passion.”                                    possibility that where you are supposed
   Jeff Brown isn’t just the newest mem-       of wisdom from Brown. It’s pretty deep             Here’s another: “Inspired to elevate.     to be cannot be reached by ground? Don’t
ber of the Lansing City Council. He’s an       stuff:                                          Elevated to empower. Empowered to            be afraid and fly to your next destination.
author.                                           “Tasks are not priorities. Priorities are    lead. Leading to equip. Equipped to pre-     Let the wind carry you.” Others read:
   And while his “inspira-        Review       what’s important.”                              pare. Prepared to succeed. Succeed to        “Fly to your next destination. It’s the only
tional” writing — at least so                     “Many people see opinion as bad, but         inspire. Inspired to                                  way to travel.” and “See yourself
far — hasn’t made any bestseller lists, I      that is opinion.”                               create hope. Hope                                     at the airport purchasing a plane
helped notch him one step closer to lit-          “Our thoughts are kept in our most se-       to believe. Believe                                   ticket to that promotion, to that
erary greatness this year when I bought        cret place, our heart.”                         to help. Help to                                      island, to that vision, to that new
a copy of his 2014 work, “Be Inspired,”           “What is the point of pointing out the       share. Share to                                       car, to that husband. It’s FREE.”
which Brown describes as “an inspira-          point if there is no point? Wow.”               love. Love to live.                                      I bought this book with the
tional journey.” The foreword promised            “Break through your barriers fighting.       Live to love. Wow.”                                   hope of finding out a little more
that the book would include “profound          Left, right, uppercut. Boom.”                      Brown also in-                                     about Brown because, frank-
thought and truth that can unlock your            “Tweedle dee and tweedle dumb.               cluded one rather                                     ly, Lansing didn’t really do its
greatest potential.”                           Sometimes people treat you like you are         confusing      entry                                  homework when it decided to
   Unfortunately, the book didn’t lead to      dumb.”                                          about       politics:                                 elect him to the Council. And
any epiphanies. In fact, I finished it feel-      Brown paid a few thousand dollars for        “Politics is simply                                   what we do know is troubling:
ing quite the opposite: uninspired and         his online master’s and doctorate degrees       a word, in other                                      He has a record of unsuccessful
disappointed for blowing about $12 on a        in theology, so his book also included a        words it doesn’t ac-                                  home healthcare businesses. He
bunch of mostly blank pages.                   few faith-based references that describe        tually exist. How-                                    also filed bankruptcy in 2015,
   The self-published softcover is about       the role that God plays in his life: “I don’t   ever, every situa-                                    apparently costing employees
200 pages. Half of them are filled with        let God bring me down. I let him lift me        tion that we must face locally, nationally   tens of thousands of dollars in income.
unattributed quotes that are designed to       up,” Brown wrote across one of the pages.       and across the globe does exist. Just a      He has been known to pal around with
“inspire” the reader. The others are just         Most of the other entries were just          thought, but you know I really don’t get     Trump Republicans. And he seems per-
filled with blank lines — presumably           a hodgepodge of buzzwords without a             involved in politics.”                       fectly comfortable with operating in the
where readers are supposed to detail           coherent point: “Commitment. Connec-               Several entries also appeared to have     shadows; He hasn’t had an interview
their own “moments of inspiration.”            tion. Confession. Confidence. Charisma.         been written on an airplane and only         with local media outlets for months.
   It’s a fun concept, which would make        All require consistent humility compro-         promote airline travel: “I know the cost        Unfortunately, this book only left me
sense if Brown’s quotes were the least bit     mising opinion to operate from a prism          may be less traveling by ground but is it    with more questions, like: Why did I
interesting.                                   of perspective through the lens of com-         worth the experience, the time, and the      waste my money?

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                                                                      The Michigan Moonshot is working with community leaders to help them bring
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                                                                      Let's #FixTheDamnInternet in Ingham County
See Locally owned A newspaper for the rest of us - Lansing City Pulse
10                                                                                                                                            City Pulse • March 30, 2022

The learning journey of a new artist
   By DEDRIA HUMPHRIES BARKER                       ers voted, my proposal for three spring            another show is going right up. And
   As I write my column, I am listening             shows fell apart. I'd been scheduled for           that's the case into summer.
to the historic confirmation hearings               The Public Gallery in the Hannah Com-                  As any student knows, just when you
             for Judge Ketanji Brown                munity Center, but the COVID-spike                 think you have studied enough, up pops
  Opinion Jackson. She is the first                 undid that. Their next open date was               another all-nighter. Bring on the vat of
             Black woman to be nomi-                August. My project period ends June                Red Bull.
nated for the U.S. Supreme Court. This              30.                                                    I discovered non-traditional private
is Black history in the                                The COVID-spike also seemed re-                 spaces generally exhibit their own stash.
making. And it's not                                sponsible for the MSU Broad Art Lab                Think Beggar's Banquet, or the new
even Black History                                  closing February through March, but                McLaren Hospital, or East Lansing City
Month.                                              then it closed for good, canceling my              Hall. Or they are too-huge. Artist Zah-
   That was February.                               show in May. I don't know why it closed.           rah Resh spent three months making
   Last month, in                                   A City Pulse report by Larry Cosentino             the flowers to fill the Butterfly Garden
February, my column                                 on the 10-year anniversary of the Broad            show in the MSU Federal Credit Union
titled, "The Learning                               Museum detailed some of the back-                  headquarters lobby on West Road.
Ways of Black Cler-                                 ground challenges there.                                                               Or they host art
gy," paid tribute to Barker                            I needed to renegotiate my show at                                               as an event. Be-
the most vital, most active, most effec-            the East Lansing Public Library. Space             Art exhibit by                   fore the pandem-
tive, most indispensable players in the             has been tight there since the repurpos-           Dedria Humphries ic my church, All
freedom quest of Black Americans, go-               ing of its gallery operated by the Friends         Barker                           Saints Episcopal                                     Photo by Dedria H. Barker

ing all the way back to 1619.                       fundraising group. Thank goodness the                                               on Abbott Road,        Artist Zahrah Resh filled MSUFCU
   It was published with one of my little           eye-catching brick wall gallery near the           April 15-16: Urban               hosted the popu-       headquarters with paper
drawings of blue-skinned people that I              big front windows remains, but recent-             Cottage Art Show, 134            lar Potter's Guild     flowers for the AgeAlive
have filled two notebooks with over the             ly, the Friends reaffirmed the fundrais-
                                                                                                       Leslie Street, Lansing.
                                                                                                                                        sale of ceramics.      exhibition, now through May 9.
                                                                                                       May: East Lansing Public
pandemic. It was suitable, if not liter-            ing purpose of that space.                         Library, 950 Abbott                 The big new
al; not meant to represent either of the               So, there I was, scrambling like a stu-         Road, East Lansing.              building on Ann        lic, Saper Galleries is the oldest. It's been
two clergy persons whose learning ways              dent who could not register for required           June: Blue Owl Coffee            Street ushered in      on Albert Street for 42 years.
were described.                                     courses for their major. I combed the              Co., 213 Ann Street, East two new exhib-                   Owned and operated by the same
   Rather, the drawing of a human with              City of East Lansing for replacement               Lansing.                         it locations. The      committed individual, Roy Saper, Saper
outstretched arms and a downcast                    venues, and new arrangements.                                                       showcase in the        Galleries is a world class gallery which
chin, but direct eyes, evoked a mood. It               If only I was an MSU alumnus. The               pedestrian underpass of the building                    has hosted major exhibits including Pi-
seemed to suggest Jesus, though there               beautiful Union building gallery is                is curated by the National Alliance of                  casso, Rembrandt and Hebron Glass.
was no cross, or hill, or heaven.                   open only to students and alumni. The              Mental Illness, Lansing, but how to get                 People lined up down the block to see
   How lucky I am to be able to have a              art school also operates the city-owned            in touch quickly? The store-front Foster                the Dr. Suess exhibit. Maybe one day I
place to display my art. Not all begin-             (Scene) Metrospace, at 110 Charles                 Coffee Co. has no system for hanging art                will be among the 150 artists exhibiting
ning artists do. But with support from              Street. An invitation for local artist ex-         yet. Push pins secured lightweight fiber                there, but right now I just want to ace
my publisher, I applied for an art grant            hibits is written on the front windows,            weavings on exhibit in March.                           my first grant.
from the East Lansing Arts Commis-                  but as soon as the current exhibit of                  Across the street at Blue Owl Coffee,                  With its 59-year-old juried art festi-
sion, and I got it.                                 MSU critical race studies artist-in-res-           art hangs in the window. On a clothes                   val, East Lansing was the logical place
   Almost as soon as the commission-                idence, Dan Paz, ends Friday (April 1),            line. Yep. And they use clothespins                     for newbie artists like me to test my new
                                                                                                                                             to hold up        interest. However, the city itself falls
                                      CITY OF LANSING                                                        STATE OF MICHIGAN               unframed          short on spaces where a fledgling artist
                                                                                                               PROBATE COURT
                                 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING
                                                                                                               INGHAM COUNTY
                                                                                                                                             work,      and    can exhibit. Unless they are perfect in
                  Act-8-2021 Sale of “Lot 50” (PID #33-01-01-16-277-043)
                                                                                                           NOTICE TO CREDITORS               S-rings for       their arrangements.
                                                                                                               Decedent's Estate
                                                                                                              Case No. 22-380-DE
                                                                                                                                             framed art.          And the creek don't rise.
 The Lansing City Council will hold a public hearing on April 11, 2022 at 7:00 p.m., in the Tony         Estate of E. Lynn John              This     inge-       Every student knows and dreads
 Benavides Lansing City Council Chambers, 10th Floor City Hall, 124 W. Michigan Ave.,                    Bowers. Date of birth:
 Lansing, Michigan, to consider a resolution selling the parcel commonly known as Parking                December 26, 1948                   nuity      also   group work. Yet, that seems to grow the
 Lot 50, at the southwest corner of E Shiawassee St. and Pere Marquette Dr. specifically                 TO ALL CREDITORS:                   marks       the   arts in Greater Lansing. I am happy to
 described as:                                                                                           NOTICE TO CREDITORS:
                                                                                                         The decedent, E. Lynn John          art     curat-    recognize Lansing Mayor Andy Schor's
                                                                                                         Bowers, died March 11, 2022.
 PARTS OF LOTS 40 & 41 COM NW COR LOT 40, TH S 309.15 FT, E 78 FT +/- TO W LINE                          Creditors of the decedent are       ed by Siso        Arts & Culture Commission on its an-
 PERE MARQUETTE DR R/W, N 09DEG W 49 FT +/-, N 00DEG 02MIN E 260 FT TO N LINE                            notified that all claims against    Dhladhla as       nouncement of a plan for a downtown
 LOT 40, W 71.49 FT TO BEG; ASSESSORS PLAT NO 36                                                         the estate will be forever
                                                                                                         barred unless presented to          being among       performing arts center, which may pro-
 Details of the sale are on file with the City Clerk’s Office and are available at Ninth Floor, City     Jeffrey S. Bowers, personal         the newest of     vide room for the Lansing Art Gallery.
                                                                                                         representative, or to both
 Hall, 124 West Michigan Ave. or For more information about this                the probate court at 313 W.         the new.          Not soon enough for me, but I solved
 sale, phone City Council Offices on City business days, Monday through Friday, between 8                Kalamazoo St., Lansing, MI
 a.m. and 5 p.m. at 483-4177.                                                                            48933, and the personal rep-          Coming          my show venue problem.
                                                                                                         resentative within 4 months         up for air, I        Dedria Humphries Barker, a Lansing
 For more information, please call 517-483-4177. If you are interested in this matter, please            after the date of publication
 attend the public hearing or send a representative. Written comments will be accepted                   of this notice.                     craved the re-    resident, is the chairperson of The An-
 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. on City business days if received before 5 p.m., on the day of the            Date: March 17, 2022                spite of Saper    drew and Mary Jane Humphries Foun-
                                                                                                         Robert L. Refior II P43374
 Public Hearing at the City Clerk’s Office, Ninth Floor, City Hall, 124 West Michigan Ave.,              1515 W. Mt. Hope Ave., Ste 5        Galleries         dation, and the author of a book about
 Lansing, MI 48933 or email                                                    Lansing, MI 48910
                                                                                                         517-394-8890                        and Custom        education for girls, Mother of Orphans:
 Chris Swope, Lansing City Clerk, MMC/CMMC                                                                                                   Framing. Of       The True and Curious Story of Irish Al-                                                                                 Jeffrey S. Bowers                                                                      612 Hawbrook Ave.                   East Lansing      ice, A Colored Man’s Widow. Her opin-
                                                                                                         Kirkwood, MO 63122                  galleries, pri-   ion column appears on the last Wednes-
                                                                                       CP#22-075         314-378-2667         CP#22-074
                                                                                                                                             vate or pub-      day of each month.
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