Security considerations in the 5G era - An exploration of mobile edge computing and how to be ready for the transition to 5G - SAM Seamless Network

Page created by Cory Thomas
in the 5G era
An exploration of mobile edge
computing and how to be ready
for the transition to 5G
Mobile edge computing (MEC)
  is an emerging concept introduced
  to bring cloud services and
  resources closer to the user by
  positioning them at the edge of
  the network.
  MEC helps achieve desired outcomes of low latency,
  location awareness, and mobility. In this paper, we discuss
  the cybersecurity aspects of mobile edge computing in
  the context of the 5G transition and how it facilitates two
  important results:

  Delivers secure                       Creates safe digital environments
  infrastructure                        for consumers and machines

  Mobile Edge Security for Consumers
  While telecom providers have been deploying 5G networks prior to last year,
  2020 was the year that the world was introduced to a hands-on experience with 5G with
  new smartphones from multiple manufacturers including Samsung and Apple. The iPhone
  12 was the first model with support for 5G, including both mmWave and Sub-6GHz 5G,
  the two types of 5G, and it set a record for sales.1

  The term 5G is often associated with IoTs, VR and autonomous cars; however, today,
  smartphones dominate the 5G market. Out of 715 devices certified by the Global
  Certification Forum last year, 71% were smartphones. 2 And, according to estimates from
  Ericsson’s latest Mobility Report, the number of 5G smartphone subscriptions worldwide
  is expected to rise to 600 million by the end of this year, almost tripling the 2020 total.3

SAM | Mobile Edge Security                                                                       1
5G Certifications by Type                                                                                         Other

  Considering the increasing and                                                                2.0%
  widespread adoption of such                                                       2.0%
  innovative technology, its’s critical                            WLAN Router
  to examine two key considerations:
  1. How to ensure the technology                           (personal comms)
  infrastructure and supply chain
  are safe and do not increase the
  attack surface.                                                   13.4%

  2. How to utilize the technology
  to protect subscribers from risks
  in the application layer.


  Safe 5G
  The 5G transition enables new services riding on           Current 5G deployments leverage legacy
  top of 5G and it brings tremendous promise in              infrastructure and untrusted components
  capabilities and innovation. However, only investing in    as it builds upon previous generations
  functionalities and turning 5G deployment into a race
                                                             of wireless networks; they are currently
  while not simultaneously securing the infrastructure,
                                                             being integrated with 3G/4G networks
  dangerously leaves the door open for security
                                                             and contain legacy vulnerabilities.
                                                             Vendors, service providers, and integrators MUST push to
  Roll outs of both the hardware and software
                                                             upgrade the legacy components; delaying this to save money
  components of 5G deployments require standards that
                                                             today will cause tremendous costs in the future. According
  emphasize security and resilience to prevent attempts
                                                             to IBM System Science Institute, addressing security issues
  by threat actors that may influence the design, hijack
                                                             during design is 15 times less expensive than during testing,
  software, or control traffic.
                                                             and 100 times cheaper than during maintenance. 4
  It’s critical to fully understand the risks and how to
  remediate them prior to any breach or threat occurs.

SAM | Mobile Edge Security                                                                                                   2
SDN (Software Defined Networking)                                      The barriers to entry as an infrastructure
  will play a crucial role in the design of 5G                           provider within the 5G marketplace today
  wireless networks. However, like any other                             are very high; only a few vendors (e.g. Nokia,
  software-based solution, ongoing remote                                Ericsson, Samsung and Huawei) are invested
  updates are the most notable advantage                                 in building the core infrastructure, which
  and the most challenging risk.                                         creates limited competition, resulting in
  Consider similar software-based products; it seems that
                                                                         proprietary solutions.
  the SaaS Application Development Lifecycle is well defined             The ability of the community to audit proprietary solutions is
  to handle innovative technology while limiting the possibility         challenging, so programs like “bug-bounty”* cannot be fully
  of vulnerability in production. However, assuming that                 leveraged. Limited competition means that once a hacker
  5G is an isolated network increases the attack surface                 discovers a vulnerability in one component, it has a worldwide
  dramatically.                                                          impact.

  Therefore, vendors, service providers, and integrators must            These two risks alone could potentially damage the
  adopt secured cloud development methodologies that                     reputation of the entire 5G industry. Vendors, service
  assume that everyone is accessible, but no one is trusted.             providers, and integrators MUST leverage open
                                                                         architectures like O-RAN* and OpenRAN.
  According to IBM, organizations can
  cut costs by 15X if they address security
  during design.

  O-RAN                                                                  Bug-Bounty
  O-RAN Alliance is an operator defined open radio access                Bug-bounty refers to specific programs organizations and
  network that works to transform the industry to an open,               websites have developed that offer compensation and recognition
  intelligent, virtualized, and fully interoperable RAN.                 for reporting bugs, particularly if they are related to security
                                                                         breaches and/or vulnerabilities.

  True Seamless Security                                                 5G connectivity
                                                                         is 600X faster than current
  5G promises to offer speeds of approximately 10 gigabits
                                                                         4G mobile phones
  per second to your phone. That's more than 600 times faster
  than the today’s 4G speeds on mobile phones—fast enough
  to download a 4K high-definition movie in 25 seconds.

  The evolution of mobile connectivity

                                   3G                          4G                            5G

            Development year       2004 -2005                  2006 - 2010                   2020 and beyond

            Bandwidth              2 mbps                      200 mbps                      > 1 Gbps

            Latency                100 - 500 Milliseconds      20 - 30 Milliseconds          10 Milliseconds

            Average Speed          144 Kbps                    25 Kbps                       200 - 400 Mbps

SAM | Mobile Edge Security                                                                                                                  3
Reaching 10 gigabit per second and 1 millisecond latency requires offloading cloud
  computing into the edge, known as Mobile Edge Computing (MEC). It helps reduce
  congestion on mobile networks to enhance the quality of experience (QoE), and this routing
  reduces costs which is essential in mass production technologies.

  MEC will also change the way consumers are protected. Today, consumers primarily
  use endpoint software like Antivirus to defend themselves. MEC releases the chains
  of download, installs and maintains endpoint software, damages the battery, and requires
  dedicated flavor for each operation system missing the advantages of Cloud Applications.

  Leveraging MEC changes the game
  in the following areas:

  User privacy                                                        Digital safety
  VPN is a great tool to protect user privacy; it masks IP            Being anonymous is just a part of the equation for
  addresses, so your online actions are virtually untraceable.        information security. Another more important factor
  Even more importantly, VPN services establish secure and            is filtering malicious content like malware, phishing, and
  encrypted connections. One of the well-known drawbacks              spyware, that are delivered in email, websites, and social
  of VPN is the slow internet caused by the doubled                   media.
  roundtrip of traffic.
                                                                      Today, mobile devices are protected against these scenarios
  Before the mobile device traffic arrives at its destination,        mostly by endpoint security software. However, most
  it is redirected via the VPN server, which might be located         consumers lack the awareness to ensure this is implemented
  far away from the user or the destination.                          on their devices.

  Increase efficiency and save bandwidth costs by installing          Having a safe browsing module in the edge will provide
  VPN servers closer to the endpoint.                                 agentless, network-based security that can protect mass
                                                                      production users.

  Remote work
  As 5G networks allow users to send large amounts of data
  to cloud-based applications, it will require the traffic to
  go directly into the cloud without passing through their
                                                                      Secure Access Service Edge is a term coined by Gartner
  organization's private networks. However, CISOs will want
                                                                      in August 2019. It refers to a new network security model
  to enforce advanced security controls such as Zero Trust
                                                                      that combines different functions of network and security
  Network Access (ZTNA), Cloud Access Security Brokers
                                                                      solutions into a unified cloud security platform to be delivered
  (CASB), and Secure Web Gateways (SWG).
                                                                      as a service.
  Applying these security controls without redirecting the
  traffic via the organization’s private networks will require
  an extension of the SASE5 solutions into the Mobile Edge.

SAM | Mobile Edge Security                                                                                                               4
Mobile Edge
  Enterprise Security


                               Edge                                           SDWAN
  Smartphone                                                                                       Headquarters

  PC with
  5G Module

                                                                                             Enterprise Cloud Apps

          CASB          ZTNA

          SWG            IPS

     Advanced Security Controls                               WWW

  Mobile Edge Security for IoTs
  Although there is a higher adoption rate of 5G smartphones versus IoT devices today,
  billions of dollars are spent on enabling access machines to connect to the 5G network
  via cutting-edge technologies like eMTC, NB-IoT, NR-Light, and eMBB. Imagine being able
  to wear smart glasses outdoors, without any WiFi Hotspot around, or text your vehicle
  to drive itself from the parking garage to pick up your children from the school. Today,
  IoT security solutions are focused on protecting local managed networks such as homes,
  offices, and enterprises.

  However, the 5G transition requires IoT security solutions to deep dive into distributed
  unmanaged assets like cars, solar panels, wearable devices, and smart cities to ensure
  they’re properly secured.

SAM | Mobile Edge Security                                                                                           5
Distributed IoT Security
  Unlike enterprise networks, where the CISO or IT team control which devices have access
  to the network, in mass production IoT, the user needs a SIM card to gain access and
  create damage. Mass production IoT security solutions have cloud-native architecture that
  leverages MEC to identify the devices, enforce security policies and detect anomalies.

  Using MEC as part of its architecture enables better user privacy and safety, without impact
  on the customer experience, and offers the service provider a new way to monetize 5G
  after investing billions of dollars in the architecture.

  Mobile Edge Consumer
  and IoT Security

  Consumer IoT
  & Wearables

                                                                 User                             User
                                                                 Plane                            Plane
                                                   VNFs         Function                         Function      VNFs
  Critical IoTs                                    CNFs                                                        CNFs

                                                        Packet Core                                  Mobile Edge


                                                    Isolation        Dynamic

                                                 Advanced Security Controls                            WWW

SAM | Mobile Edge Security                                                                                            6
The following technologies are the building blocks
                      of Mass Production IoT Security solutions

  Device Fingerprint
  Again, without a CISO as a gatekeeper for the network,             The ability to identify devices down to the specific device
  nobody knows which devices are connected along with the            level in seconds requires leveraging machine learning
  vulnerabilities they bring with them. Identifying the devices      algorithms trained on real-world data sets that operate in
  based on their network signature is core functionality that        the edge, so that all the required data is visible.
  every IoT security solution should have.

  Smart Device Policies
  Once the connected devices are identified, it becomes possible to enforce device security policies. These policies cover both
  prevention and remediation, and they are built on top of two enterprise-grade technologies:

  (a) Virtual patching: Attackers can access IoTs as they are        (b) Dynamic firewall: By leveraging device classification, it
  connected directly into the mobile network. If devices have        allows IoT devices to communicate only with the intended
  any vulnerability, this technology patches the devices over        internet addresses. For example, based on thousands of
  the network remotely to block the exploits and reduce the          nest smoke alarm devices connected to the mass IoT security
  possibility of compromising the device.                            solution, we can map the communication pattern of each nest
                                                                     smoke alarm model and enforce the correct communication
                                                                     path for each one of them.

                                                                             Hostnames *.nestcom
                                                                             Any port

                                                                             Hostnames *
      Whitelisted                                                            Ports 123, 443
      Access                                              SAM
      Condnonal                                           Mobile             Hostnames *
      Access                                                                 1e100. net Port 443
                                                                             Hostnames *
                                                                             Port 443

  Network Isolation
  Slicing is the most crucial component for implementing the         Isolation of each network slice helps service providers and
  personalization of mobile networks for unmanaged devices.          organizations enhance their products' privacy and security
  By the definition of 5G network slicing, logical networks can      while not impacting other network slices. This can be
  be virtually represented by a single network. Every network        implemented in various ways – by device classification, risk
  slice will have specific network functions to provide tailored     score, identity, and required functionality.
  services for different requirements, offering better agility,
  flexibility, and cost-efficiency.

SAM | Mobile Edge Security                                                                                                           7
Make it happen!
While crafting and reviewing this paper, we became even more convinced about how many different aspects just
from a security perspective must be covered and maintained in parallel to all the great opportunities 5G brings.

Enabling 5G is a mission that MUST involve every part of the supply chain, from the physical antenna
manufacturer to Cloud-Native Function (CNF) vendor, which provides VR streams.

Service Providers, vendors, and integrators, we at SAM Seamless Network are here to help you establish
reliable and secure 5G connectivity in the following areas:

Review of your 5G                                 Mobile Edge Security                        Consumer networks
security infrastructure                           for enterprises                             and IoTs
attack vectors and ensure                         using a combined solution of the            using the SAM Platform
a secured environment.                            SAM Platform together with our              to create new ways to monetize
                                                  technology partners.                        the 5G advantages.





5.   SASE - Coined by Gartner in August 2019, is a new network security model that combines different functions
     of network and security solutions into a unified cloud security platform to be delivered as a service.

Contact us
For more information about SAM Seamless Network, visit our website, or contact us at

                            Israel - Headquarters             New York Office                           Berlin Office
                            Totseret Ha'arets 7, Tel Aviv     488 Madison Ave, 11th Floor, NY 10022     5, Schinkelpl, 10117 Berlin
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