Security Analysis and Enhancements of a User Authentication Scheme

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International Journal of Network Security, Vol.23, No.5, PP.895-903, Sept. 2021 (DOI: 10.6633/IJNS.202109 23(5).17)        895

    Security Analysis and Enhancements of a User
               Authentication Scheme
                                  Wan-Rong Liu1 , Xin He2 , and Zhi-Yong Ji1
                                           (Corresponding author: Zhi-Yong Ji)

           Shanghai Sixth People’s Hospital East affiliated to Shanghai University of Medicine, Health
                                      Sciences, Shanghai 201306, China1
     Department of Engineering Science and Technology, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306,China2
          This work was supported in part by the 2018 ”Research and Development and Application of
                    Limb Local Drug Delivery Dialysis Device” of the seed fund program of
                      Shanghai university of medicine, health Sciences (SFP-18-21-14-001)
           (Received June 15, 2020; Revised and Accepted May 6, 2021; First Online Aug. 15, 2021)

Abstract                                                        the time utilization rate, but also effectively reduces the
                                                                direct contact between medical staff and patients during
With the rapid development of the Internet, telemedicine        the prevention and control of severe infectious diseases,
information system is more and more around us. Still,           greatly reduces the risk of infection, and maximizes the
the security of people’s information is one of the biggest      therapeutic effect of patients. However, the application
limiting factors for the widespread use of telemedicine         of telemedicine information system has produced a large
information systems. Aslam et al. suggest that Amin et          amount of physiological information of patients, which is
al.’s authentication protocol is their analysis of the          easy to be intercepted or modified by attackers if it is
three-factor authentication protocol is one of the best.        transmitted in an insecure channel. If the doctor gets
Still, through our analysis, we find that Amin et al.’s         the wrong information about the patient, he may make
protocol is susceptible to the agreement of privilege           a wrong diagnosis. If the information is intercepted, the
internal attack, replay attack. So on, we base on the           patient cannot get timely treatment, which may endan-
agreement Amin et al.’s protocol propose an improved            ger the patient’s life in serious cases. In this case, identity
three-factor authentication protocol verified by BAN            authentication is particularly important [13, 30].
logic, the performance, and efficiency compared with the           Identity authentication refers to through certain
agreement of our agreement in the increase in a small           means, complete the identification of the user’s iden-
amount of calculation has higher security.                      tity, the purpose is to confirm that the current claimed
Keywords:       Anonymity;     Authentication;    Telecare      as a certain identity of the user, is indeed the claimed
Medicine Information System                                     user [15, 16, 21, 22, 26]. Considering the number of par-
                                                                ties in the authentication protocol, the authentication
                                                                schemes can be divided into three types: one-way, mutual,
1    Introduction                                               and group authentication [27]. Considering the number
                                                                of factors in the authentication agreement, the authenti-
Telecare Medicine Information Systems (TMIS) is an in-          cation scheme can also be divided into three categories:
formation system that adopts network technology and can         one, two, and three factor. Many authentication pro-
carry out consultation, monitoring and other special med-       tocols have been proposed for telemedicine information
ical activities for patients in any location [14, 25]. This     system [11, 18, 32]. The first remote computer authen-
system is of great significance both from the perspective       tication scheme was proposed by Lamport [20]. In the
of patients with physical disabilities and from the perspec-    beginning, the authentication protocol is mainly based
tive of the prevention and treatment of severe infectious       on single-factor authentication, such as static password,
diseases [7, 9]. By implanting or wearing sensors on the        where the user sets a string of static data, and the static
patient to collect physiological data of patients, continu-     password will remain unchanged until the user changes it.
ously monitor their health status, and send the data to the     However, the security of static password has many short-
hospital in real time, so that hospital professionals can di-   comings, although users can often change the password to
agnose patients and figure out the next treatment plan. It      improve the security, password will remain unchanged for
not only saves the commuting cost for patients, improves        a period of time, the single-factor authentication method
International Journal of Network Security, Vol.23, No.5, PP.895-903, Sept. 2021 (DOI: 10.6633/IJNS.202109 23(5).17)   896

has not been able to meet the needs of the Internet for        Computational Diffie-Hellman (CDH) problem and times-
identity authentication security. The first two-factor au-     tamp mechanism [24]. The CDH problem based on DH
thentication scheme was proposed by Hwang in 1990 [17].        problem is a discrete logarithm problem based on finite
So far, scholars have done a lot of research on two-factor     field, which obtains the calculation results indirectly in-
authentication protocol [1, 12, 28, 33].                       stead of solving the discrete logarithm problem directly.
   In the early 21st century, the three-factor authentica-      1) Discrete logarithm problem: given P, aP ∈ E/F q,
tion schemes were proposed. In three-factor authentica-            for unknown a ∈ Zn∗, the probability of success of
tion, the user needs to provide his/her biometric infor-           finding the value of a is negligible.
mation in addition to smart card, ID and password. The
biometric information of each person is unique to him-          2) Computational Diffie-Hellman problem:           given
self. The digital information converted from the biomet-           P, aP, bP, P ∈ E/F q, for unknown a, b ∈ Zn∗, the
ric information has a high entropy value and does not              probability of success of finding the value of abP is
require the user to remember, which makes it difficult             negligible.
for the attacker to guess the user’s biometric information
                                                               A timestamp is a piece of data that represents informa-
and keep the information secret. Although biometrics has
                                                               tion that already exists at a particular point in time. It
good characteristics, users cannot guarantee that the bio-
                                                               is mainly proposed to provide an electronic evidence for
metrics information input is exactly the same every time,
                                                               users to prove the generation time of some data of users,
such as fingerprints, and a slight deviation will lead to
                                                               ensuring the freshness of information. We employ El-
failure and rejection.
                                                               lipse Curve Cryptography (ECC) in our protocol, which
   In order to solve the problem of failed rejection, Jin et   require a small amount of computation, faster process-
al. [19] proposed a authentication protocol with finger-       ing speed, and less storage space and transmission band-
print data and marked random numbers. To achieve this,         width. We carry out BAN logic proof for our proposed
biological hash functions were created, a technique that       protocol. We also perform performance comparisons and
combines tagging random numbers with biometric recog-          efficiency analyses. The result shows that our improved
nition. However, not all experts adopt the biological hash     protocols have higher securing with little more computa-
function to reduce the failure rejection rate. They believe    tion cost.
that users cannot guarantee that the input of biometric
information is exactly the same every time, and accept the
input biometric information as long as it is within a cer-     2      Review of Amin et al.’s Scheme
tain error range, such as Arshad and Nikooghadam [5]’s
authentication protocol. But Lu et al. [35] have shown         We review of Amin et al.’s scheme. All notations that
that Arshad and Nikooghadam’s authentication protocol          have been used, are described in Table 1.
has shortcomings such as offline password guessing at-
tacks. In 2013, Chang et al. [31] proposed one of the first                         Table 1: Notations
three-factor authentication scheme for TMIS, and their
scheme depends on the biometric information of the user              Symbol                      Definition
as the third layer of the security. In the same year, Das et            U          User
al. [8] exposed some weaknesses in Chang et al.’s scheme.             Ms /S        Medical Server
Liu and Chung [23] proposed a user authentication scheme               ID          Identity of U
for wireless healthcare sensor networks in 2017.                      PW           Password of U
                                                                        x          Secret key
   Challa et al. [10] proposed an improved protocol of Liu
                                                                      r, R         A random number
and Chung’s scheme. But Liu and Chung” scheme and
                                                                        P          A point on the elliptic curve
Challa et al.” scheme power consumption are greatly in-
                                                                      P x          The value of on x-axis
creased, which is not suitable for telemedicine information
                                                                        A          The adversary
systems. In 2015, Xu et al. [34] proposed a user authen-
                                                                       SC          The smart card
tication scheme preserving uniqueness and anonymity for
                                                                                   Symmetric key encryption/decryption
connected health care. Amin et al. [3] proved that Xu et           Ek (c)/Dk (·)
                                                                                   by key k
al.’s scheme has a design flaw and proposed a secure three-
                                                                       h(·)        One-way hash function
factor user authentication and key agreement protocol for
                                                                        ⊕          Bitwise XOR operation
TMIS with user anonymity. Meanwhile, Aslam et al. [6]
                                                                        ||         Concatenation operation
thought Amin et al.’s scheme was the best among all the
                                                                        T          The current time of system
three-factor authentication methods in their survey. In
                                                                       SK          Session-key
2016, Niloofar et al. [29] pointed out some weaknesses
                                                                                   The maximum time interval for
in Amin et al.’s scheme, such as the inability to defend               ∆T
                                                                                   transmission delay
against replay attack. We think the agreement structure
                                                                       H(·)        Bio-hash function
of Amin et al is good, so further analyze Amin et al.’s
                                                                        B          Biological characteristics
scheme in detail, propose an improved three-factor au-
thentication protocol for TMIS. The protocol is based on
International Journal of Network Security, Vol.23, No.5, PP.895-903, Sept. 2021 (DOI: 10.6633/IJNS.202109 23(5).17)           897

2.1    Registration Phase                                         3.3    Weakness 3: Stolen Smart Card At-
he registration phase of Amin et al.’ scheme is shown in
Figure 1.                                                     We suppose that an attacker A has stolen the smart card.
                                                              A can extract the message ⟨Fi , CIDi , Ai , Bi , h(·), H(·)⟩.
Step 1: Ui /smartcard chooses IDi , P Wi , Ti , computes Then A computes Ai = h(ID∗ ||P W ∗ ), where A selects
     Ai = h(ID||P Wi ), Fi = H(Ti ), sends messages ID∗ and P W ∗ respectively. If the equation is equal, A
     {IDi , Ai , Fi } to server.                              obtains the correct identity and password of the legitimate
                                                              user. Otherwise, A chooses another identity and password
Step 2: Server computes W = h(IDs ||x||IDi ), Bi = until he/she finds the correct answer.
     h(IDi ||Ai ) ⊕ W , CIDi = EN Cx(IDi ||Ran), em-
     beds messages Fi , CIDi , Ai , Bi , h(·), H(·) in smart-
     card, delivers smartcard to Ui .                         3.4 Weakness 4: User Impersonation At-
2.2    Login and Authentication Phase                     The attacker be an illegal user with IDA, he will mas-
                                                          querade as any user. Firstly, A manipulates the smart-
The login and authentication phase of Amin et al.’ scheme card to generate < C2A , CIDA , C4A > in the name of
is shown in Figure 2.                                     U , where C2A = ru ⊕ W , CIDA = EN Cx(IDu ||Ran),
                                                          C4A = h(IDu ||ru ||W ). After that, the smartcard sends
                                                          < C2A , CIDA , C4A > to S over the public channel. S
2.3 Password Change Phase                                 cannot distinguish between a fresh message and old mes-
The password change phase of Amin et al.’ scheme is sage. The telecare server accepts the attacker A as a legal
shown in Figure 3.                                        user with identity IDu .

3     Weaknesses of Amin et al.’s 4 Proposed Protocol
      Protocol                    4.1 Registration Phase
                                                                  The registration phase of the proposed scheme is shown
3.1   Weakness 1: Privileged Insider At- in Figure 4.
The Ui sends < IDi , h(ID||P Wi ), H(Ti ) > to S. A priv- 4.2 Login and Authentication Phase
ileged insider user of medical server S being an attacker The login and authentication phase of the proposed
named A, who knows < IDi , h(ID||P Wi ), H(Ti ) >. A scheme is shown in Figure 5.
with knowing < IDi , h(ID||P Wi ), H(Ti ) > can acquire
P Wi as follow:                                                   Step 1: Ui inserts the smart card and inputs messages
                                                                      {IDi , P Wi , Ti }, verifies whether Fi∗ = H(Ti ) = Fi ,
Step 1: Guesses a P Wi ∗.                                             A∗i = h(P Wi ||r) = Ai , RIDi∗ = h(IDi ||r) = RIDi
                                                                      hold, if these equations are true, Ui generates ran-
Step 2: Computes Ai ∗ = h(IDi ||P Wi ∗).                              dom number ri , computes C1 =r i · P , W = Bi ⊕
                                                                      h(RIDi ||Ai ), C2 = ri ⊕ W C4 = h(RIDi ||ri ||W ||T1 ),
Step 3: If A∗i is equal to Ai , so P Wi∗ = P Wi , otherwise           sends messages {C2 , CIDi , C4 , T1 } to server.
      A guesses another P Wi∗ and computes A∗i until A∗i =
      Ai .                                                        Step 2: Server checks |Ts − T1 | ≤ ∆T , extracts RIDi
                                                                      from CIDi , computes W = h(IDs ||x||RIDi ), ri∗ =
                                                                      C2 ⊕ W , Ci∗ = ri∗ · P , C4∗ = h(RIDi ||ri∗ ||W ||T1 ),
3.2 Weakness 2: Replay Attack                                         verifies whether C4∗ = C4 holds, if the equa-
                                                                      tion is true, server generates random number
Let’s say A listens message < C2 , CIDi , C4 >. Then A
                                                                      rj , computes D1 = rj · P , SK = rj · C1∗ ,
sends same message < C2′ , CIDi′ , C4′ > to S. S computes
                                                                      G1 = D1 + C1∗ , Li = h(RIDi∗ ||h1 (D1 )||W ||T2 ),
all the following calculations without realizing that the
                                                                      CIDi′ = EN Cx(RIDi ||Ran′ ), sends messages
message is a duplicate message. W = h(IDs ||x||IDi ),
                                                                      {Li , G1 , CIDi′ , T2 } to Ui .
ri∗ = C2 ⊕ W , C1∗ = ri∗ · P , C4∗ = h(IDi∗ ||ri∗ ||W ). S checks
C4∗ is equal to received C4′ or not. Since C4∗ is equal to C4′ , Step 3: Ui checks |Tc − T2 | ≤ ∆T , computes D1∗ =
so S believes < C2′ , CIDi′ , C4′ > is not sent by an illegal         G1 − C1∗ , L∗i = h(RIDi ||h1 (D1∗ )||W ||T2 ), SK =
user. Then the attacker A is authenticated. The attacker              ri · D1∗ = ri · rj · P , verifies whether L∗i = Li holds, if
forwards the old eavesdropped message < C2 , CIDi , C4 >              the equations is true, computes Zi = h(RIDi ||SK),
to S by retransmission and old login message. Because S               replay CIDi with CIDi′ , sends messages {Zi } to
has no way to tell when the message is delivered.                     server.
International Journal of Network Security, Vol.23, No.5, PP.895-903, Sept. 2021 (DOI: 10.6633/IJNS.202109 23(5).17)   898

               U ser U i /Smartcard                          Server     S
       Chooses < IDi , P Wi , Ti >
       ChomputesA1 = h(ID||P Wi )
                F1 = H(Ti )              −−−−−−−−−−→         Computes W = h(IDs ||x||IDi )
                                                             Bi = h(IDi ||Ai ) ⊕ W
                                                             CIDi = EN Cx (IDi ||Ran)
                                                             Embeds < Fi , CIDi , Ai , Bi , h(·), H(·) > in SC
                                          delivers SC to U

                                              Figure 1: Registration phase

          U ser Ui /Smartcard                                                             Server S
 Insert the smart card and
  inputs < IDi , P Wi , Ti >
 comprtex Fi∗ = H(Ti ) = Fi
          A∗i = h(IDi ||P Wi ) = Ai
          generates random number ri
          C1 = ri · P
          W = Bi ⊕ h(IDi ||Ai )
          C2 = ri ⊕ W
                                                                {C2 CIDi ,C4 ,Ti ,}to S
          C4 = h(IDi ||ri ||W )                                 −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−→ S extroctsIDi f rom CIDi
                                                                                 S computesW = h(IDi ||x||IDi )
                                                                                 ri∗ = C2 ⊕ W, C1∗ = ri∗ · P
                                                                                 C4∗ = h(IDi ||ri∗ ||W )
                                                                                 Checks C4∗ = C4
                                                                                 Generates random number rj
                                                                                 D1 = rj · P, SK = rj · C1∗
                                                                                 G1 = D1 + C1∗
                                                                                 Li = h(IDi∗ ||h1 (D1 )||W )
                                                                                 CIDi′ = EN Gx (RIDi ||Ran′ )
                                                                 {Li , G1 M CID ′ }
 Ui computex Di∗ = G1 − C1∗
             L∗i = h(IDi ||h1 (D1 )||W )
             SK = ri · D1∗ = ri · rj · P
             Checks L∗1 = Li
             Computes Zi = h(RIDi ||SK)
             Re places old CIDi with new CIDI′ in SC
                                                                {Zi }
                                                                −−−→                      S computesZi∗ = h(IDi ||SK)
                                                                                          checks Zi = Zi

                                      Figure 2: Login and authentication phase

                         Ui /Smartcard                                                     Server    S
                Ui inputs < IDi , P Wi >
                SC computes Fi∗ = H(Ti ) = Fi
                         A∗i = h(IDi ||P Wi ) = Ai
                         inputs new P Winew
                           i   = h(IDi ||P Winew )
                         Bi    = h(IDi ||Anew
                                           i   )⊕W
                replaces < Ai , Bi > widh < Anew i , Binew >
                                                                  −−−−−−−−−−−−→ −−−−−−−−−−−−→
                                                                  Secure chanmel insecre charmel

                                           Figure 3: Password change phase
International Journal of Network Security, Vol.23, No.5, PP.895-903, Sept. 2021 (DOI: 10.6633/IJNS.202109 23(5).17)   899

               U ser U i /Smartcard                           Server   S
       Chooses < IDi , P Wi , Ti , r >
       ChomputesAi = h(P Wi ||r)
               F1 = H(Ti )
               RIDi = h(IDi ||r)
                                         −−−−−−−−−−→          Computes W = h(IDs ||x||RIDi )
                                                              Bi = h(RIDi ||Ai ) ⊕ W
                                                              CIDi = EN Cx (RIDi ||Ran)
                                                              Embeds < Fi , CIDi , Ai , Bi , h(·), H(·) > in SC
                                          delivers SC to U

                                              Figure 4: Registration phase

Step 4: Server computes Zi∗ = h(RIDi ||SK), verifies          6    Security Analysis Using BAN
    whetherZi∗ = Zi holds.
                                                              In this section, we use BAN logic to perform a formal
                                                              security analysis of the proposed protocol.
4.3    Password Change Phase
                                                               Goals: We use the BAN logic structure to prove that our
The password change phase of the proposed scheme is
                                                                 proposed scheme can achieve mutual authentication.
shown in Figure 6.
                                                               Goal 1: U ser| ≡ (U ser ←→ S).

5     Security Analysis of the Pro-                                                   SK
                                                               Goal 2: S| ≡ (U ser ←→ S) .
      posed Scheme                                            The arrangement of proposed scheme to idealized form is
                                                              as follows.
 1) Privileged insider attack. Once the user sends <
    RIDi , Ai , Fi > securely to S. The attacker gets          Message 1: U ser → S : {U ser ←→ S, Tc }rj · C1∗ .
    all available information from the server and guesses
    user password. But IDi , P Wi , Ti and r are never         Message 2: S → U ser : {U ser ←→ S, T2 }ri · D1∗ .
    sent in plaintext. In addition, r is a random nonce.
                                                               Assumptions: We make the following assumptions to an-
 2) Replay attack. We add the timestamp to the original           alyze our proposed scheme.
    scheme. We assume that A listens on the login mes-                               ri ·D ∗
    sage < C2 , CIDi , C4 , T1 > that Ui sends to S. Be-       H1: U ser| ≡ (U ser ←→1 S).
    cause the timestamp mechanism means is not the lat-
                                                                                rj ·C ∗
    est. The server will check |Ts −T1 | ≤ ∆T . Even if the    H2: S| ≡ (U ser ←→1 S).
    attacker logs in at the same time as the user, he/she
    cannot compute W = (IDs ||x||RIDi∗ ), ∗i = C2 ⊕ W          H3: U ser| ≡ #(T2 ).
    and pass the test of C4∗ = h(RIDi ∗ ||ri∗ ||W ||T1 ).
                                                               H4: S| ≡ #(Tc ).
 3) Stolen smart card attack.           We assume that A                              SK
                                                            H5: U ser| ≡ S ⇒ (U ser ←→ S).
    has stolen SC. A can extract the message <
    Fi , CIDi , Ai , Bi , h(·), H(·) > inSC. r is a random                            SK
                                                            H6: S| ≡ U ser ⇒ (U ser ←→ S).
    nonce. The A should compute RIDi = h(IDi ||r),
    Ai = h(P Wi ||r). The agreement succeeded in fend- Based on the above assumptions and the rules of BAN
    ing off the A ’s attack.                               logic, we analyze the idealized form of the proposed
                                                           scheme and the main steps of proof.
 4) User impersonation attack. Because the timestamp          From Message 1, we have:
    mechanism indicates that every session message be-                   SK
                                                              S ◁ {U ser ←→ S, Tc }rj · C1∗ .
    tween the two is not delayed and the test of C4∗ =
                                                              From H2 and message-meaning rule, we have:
    h(RIDi∗ ||ri∗ ||W ||T1 ), where W = h(IDs ||x||RIDi∗ )                         SK
    and ri∗ = C2 ⊕ W , is not an easy question. The at-       S| ≡ U ser| ∼ (U ser ←→ S, Tc ).
    tacker cannot be a malicious user with and she/he         From H4 and freshness rules, we have:
    can masquerade as any user.                               S| ≡ #(U ser ←→ S, Tc ).
International Journal of Network Security, Vol.23, No.5, PP.895-903, Sept. 2021 (DOI: 10.6633/IJNS.202109 23(5).17)   900

                    U ser Ui /Smartcard                                       Server S
           Insert the smart card and
            inputs < IDi , P Wi , Ti >
           comprtex Fi∗ = H(Ti ) = Fi
                    A∗i = h(P Wi ||r) = Ai
                    RIDi∗ = h(IDi ||r) = RIDi
                    generates random number ri and timestamp T1
                    C1 = ri · P
                    W = BI ⊕ h(RIDi ||Ai )
                    C2 = ri ⊕ W
                                                    to S
                    C4 = h(RIDi ||ri ||W ||Ti )    −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−→ Checks |Ts − T1 | ≤ ∆T
                                                                    extracts RIDi f rom CIDi
                                                                    computes W = h(IDs ||x||RIDi )
                                                                    ri∗ = C2 ⊕ W, C1∗ = ri∗ · P
                                                                    C4∗ = h(RIDi ||ri∗ ||W ||T1 )
                                                                    Checks C4∗ = C4
                                                                    Generates random number rj
                                                                    D1 = rj · P, SK = rj · C1∗
                                                                    G1 = D1 + C1∗
                                                                    Li = h(RIDi∗ ||h1 (D1 )||W ||T2 )
                                                                    CIDi′ = EN Gx (RIDi ||Ran′ )
                                                    Li , G1 M CID ′ , t2
           checks |Tc − T2 | ≤ ∆T                    ←−−−−−−−−−i−−−
                         ∗          ∗
           compuges D1 = G1 − C1
                    L∗i = h(RIDi ||h1 (D1∗ )||W ||T2 )
                    SK = ri · D1∗ = ri · rj · P
                    Checks L∗i = Li
                    Re places old CIDi with new CIDI′ in sc
                    Computes Zi = h(RIDi ||SK)
                                                   −−−−−−− −−−−→              S computesZi∗ = h(RIDi ||SK)
                                                                              checks Zi = Zi

                                      Figure 5: Login and authentication phase

                     Ui /Smartcard                                                               Server     S
            Ui inputs < IDi , P Wi >
            SC computes Fi∗ = H(Ti ) = Fi
                     A∗i = h(P Wi ||r) = Ai
                     inputs new P Winew
                       i   = h(P Winew ||r)
                     RIDi = h(IDi ||R)
                     Binew = h(RIDi ||Anew
                                         i  )⊕W
                     replaces < Ai , Bi > widh < Anew
                                                  i   , Binew >
                                                                           −−−−−−−−−−−−→        −−−−−−−−−−−−→
                                                                           Secure chanmel       insecre charmel

                                           Figure 6: Password change phase

                               SK                                                SK
   From S| ≡ U ser| ∼ (U ser ←→ S, Tc ) and nonce verifi-         U ser ◁ {U ser ←→ S, T2 }ri · D1∗ .
cation rule, we have:                                             From H1 and message-meaning rule, we have:
                         SK                                                                SK
  S| ≡ U ser| ≡ (U ser ←→ S, Tc ).                                U ser| ≡ S| ∼ (U ser ←→ S, T2 ).
  From message judgment rule, we have:                            From H3 and freshness rules, we have:
                         SK                                                           SK
  S| ≡ U ser| ≡ (U ser ←→ S).                                     U ser| ≡ #(U ser ←→ S, T2 ).
  From H6 and message judgment rule, we have:                                                    SK
                                                                  From U ser| ≡ S| ∼ (U ser ←→ S, T2 ) and nonce veri-
  S| ≡ (U ser ←→ S). (Goal 2)                                  fication rule, we have:
  From Message 2, we have:                                        U ser| ≡ S| ≡ (U ser ←→ S, T2 ).
International Journal of Network Security, Vol.23, No.5, PP.895-903, Sept. 2021 (DOI: 10.6633/IJNS.202109 23(5).17)    901

    From message judgment rule, we have:                       Acknowledgments
    U ser| ≡ S| ≡ (U ser ←→ S).
                                                               The authors gratefully acknowledge the anonymous re-
    From H5 and message judgment rule, we have:
                                                               viewers for their valuable comments.
    U ser| ≡ (U ser ←→ S). (Goal 1)

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               Server   7Th + 4Tmul + 2Tf un        4Th         6Th + 2Tmul    6Th + 3Tmul + 2Tf un
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                                                              Ji Zhiyong biography. received his bachelor’s degree
                                                              from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Biography                                                     in 2012. He received his MS degree Jiangsu University
                                                              in 2017. He is the master’s supervisor of mechanical en-
Liu Wanrong biography. received her bachelor’s degree         gineering of Shanghai Ocean University. He is also the
in electrical engineering and automation from Luoyang In-     medical equipment senior engineer and deputy director of
stitute of Technology in 2018. Now, she is a student at the   Shanghai Sixth People’s Hospital East. His research di-
College of Engineering Science and Technology, Shanghai       rections include the development and application of wear-
Ocean University. Her main research is communication          able medical devices based on the Internet of things and
security and Internet of things technology.                   the information security of the medical Internet of things.
He Xin biography. received his bachelor’s degree in me-
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