Seafood Future Report 2020 - Sustainability & Social Responsibility at Bumble Bee

Page created by Derrick Osborne
Seafood Future Report 2020 - Sustainability & Social Responsibility at Bumble Bee
Seafood Future
Report 2020
Sustainability & Social
Responsibility at Bumble Bee
Seafood Future Report 2020 - Sustainability & Social Responsibility at Bumble Bee
The world’s oceans represent so much—70% of the
      earth’s surface, the livelihoods of more than 40 million
      people and the primary source of nutrition for billions.*
     They play a critical role in the health of our planet
      as well as our ability to feed the growing population.
     The challenges of the global pandemic have only
      amplified the need for companies to address the
      impact of their actions on people, food systems, labor
      and the planet, and oceans are a huge part of that.

                                                                                an Tharp
                                                                               & CEO

*According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (UN FAO)
Creating the
seafood company
of the future
by acting now
With a heritage dating back more than 130 years
to dockside fishers, we have always endeavored to
engage in practices and operations that support the
health of the oceans and the people we rely on.

Over time, we have continued to lead the charge
through our work as founders of the International
Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF), our role
in the world’s first Fair Trade Certified™ fishery in
Indonesia and our leadership driving longline tuna
Fishery Improvement Projects (FIPs).

This is not the beginning for us, but an opportunity for
renewed commitment and response. Now is the time
for us to create the model for global seafood companies
of the future through our actions in the present.

We know we can do more, and we will.
Ensuring the health of
                 the world’s oceans and
                 all who rely on them,
Our vision for
                 redefining sustainability
                 for seafood companies
Fighting for the
             future, acting now

      Fish               Oceans                    People

Stocks & alternatives   Bycatch & plastic   Labor practices & community
Stocks & alternatives
Providing seafood from sustainable sources
and broadening the definition of seafood to
include ocean-inspired alternatives
Bumble Bee aims to source fish from
populations above Maximum Sustainable
Yield (MSY). We cease participation in       Continuous improvement
fisheries where the fishery is overfished    Fishery Improvement Projects (FIPs)
and where management action plans            are multi-stakeholder initiatives that
are not in place for returning the fishery   drive fisheries towards sustainability
to a sustainable state. We also seek         certifications through transparency
third-party recognition and certification    and demonstrated improvement in
of the fisheries from which we source,       best practices.
and work to continuously improve
                                             Leading certifiers
fisheries through Fishery Improvement
                                             The Marine Stewardship Council
Projects (FIPs) and direct partnerships.
                                             (MSC) and other certification programs
                                             recognized by the Global Sustainable
                                             Seafood Initiative (GSSI) recognize
                                             and certify fisheries based on
                                             robust standards.
A label
with a big
Wild Selections® is our MSC-certified
product line that gives 13 cents
from the sale of each can to the
World Wildlife Fund (WWF), directly
supporting their ocean conservation
programs. To date, Bumble Bee has
given over one million dollars
in support of WWF and their goal
of securing our oceans’ future.
                               our stocks
The catch of today
Currently, 44% of our supply
meets our sustainable
sourcing goals

Looking ahead
By 2025, all branded seafood
sourced will be externally
recognized as sustainable or
in a formal program moving
towards certification
Our goals                                                                                                               Quahog clams

by species
                                                                                                                        Goal: MSC
                                                                                                                        Current Status: Already MSC certified

                                                                                                                                                        Skipjack tuna
 Goal: GSSI recognized, in credible FIP
                                                                                                                                                        Goal: MSC by 2022
or recognized as well-managed, healthy
                                                                                                                                                        Current Status: < 1% MSC
       fisheries by third parties by 2025
      Current Status: 80% meet goal

                                                                                                                                                       Wild salmon
                                                                                                                                                       Goal: MSC by 2022
                                                                                                                                                       Current Status: 68% MSC

                           Albacore tuna
                Goal: Credible FIP/P&L-
        handline by 2023; MSC/credible
              FIP/P&L-handline by 2025                                                                                    Other specialty product species
         Current Status: 45% in FIPs/                                                                                     (crab, mackerel, shrimp, oysters, etc.)
               P&L-handline; < 1% MSC                                                                                     Goal: GSSI recognized, in credible FIP/AIP or recognized
                                                                                                                          as well-managed, healthy fisheries by third parties by 2025
                                                                                                                          Current Status: 34% meet goal

FIP: Fishery Improvement Project   MSC: Marine Stewardship Council		             AIP: Aquaculture Improvement Program
P&L: Pole & Line Caught		          GSSI: Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative
Inspired by
    the ocean
                At Bumble Bee, we believe that
                part of ensuring we have enough
                seafood for future generations means
                expanding the very definition of what
                we mean by seafood.
                We’ll always love tuna (and sardines, and salmon,
                and clams), but we are going to be open to innovative
                ways to explore plant-based options, cellular
                development, invasive populations and regenerative
                ocean farming as well as all of the other amazing
                nutrients that come from the oceans such as kelp,
                algae, seaweed and more.
Our seafood future
                                       Over the next 10 years, we
                                       will commit to expanding our
                                       portfolio in plant-based seafood,
                                       cellular aquaculture and
                                       fermentation, with at least two

A good                                 new partnerships or acquisitions
                                       in seafood alternatives.

match with
Good Catch
This past year, Bumble Bee began
a partnership with plant-based
seafood company Good Catch to help
bring plant-based fish to consumers
nationwide. We’re leveraging our
sales, logistics and distribution
networks to offer ocean-inspired
alternatives at affordable prices.
This is the first partnership of its
kind within the seafood industry,
and just the beginning of our work
to expand the idea of seafood for
consumers everywhere.
Bycatch & plastic
Creating healthier marine ecosystems by
reducing bycatch and addressing the
impact of plastics, particularly ghost gear
Best practices in use

                                                                                       Longline & purse seine fishing

                                                                                                                Circle hooks
                                                                                   Difficult for non-target species to swallow

                                                                                              and less harmful to released fish

                                                                                                                 Deep sets
                                                                                                 Reduces accidental capture
                                                                                                    of surface level animals

                                                                                                          Skipper training
                                                                                    Specialized in proper handling practices

                                                                                                     Monofilament leads
                                                                                                  Reduces capture of sharks

                                                                                                             Bird scaring
                                                                                 Reduces interactions and harm to sea birds

                                                                                                 Shark finning prohibited
                                                        We are resolved to                              A policy since 2012
                                                       continuously reduce
                                                                                                            Fin fish for bait
Every year, marine animals are inadvertently      bycatch in our fisheries and
                                                                                                  Reduces interactions with
caught in global fishing operations. This is       will seek out opportunities
                                                                                                sea turtles and some sharks
known as bycatch. Bumble Bee is committed              and partnerships to
to mitigating and reducing bycatch through a       develop innovative open-                        Non-entangling Fish
                                                        sourced solutions.                 Aggregating Devices (FADs)
combination of sourcing objectives, utilization
                                                                                      Reduces marine animal entanglement
of best practices and innovation.
The ocean
plastic we
need to
talk about
Ghost gear is lost or
discarded fishing gear
that accumulates in                        Bumble Bee does
the oceans, resulting                      not engage in the
in substantial deaths                        fishing methods
of marine species                          at highest risk for
and the destruction of                    ghost gear, but any
marine ecosystems.                        commercial fishing
                                       has an impact and we
                                        wish to do our part in
                                           finding solutions.
                                As a global leader in seafood, we are
                              committed to addressing this challenge
                           head on through funded innovation, fishery
                         improvements and regulations, and initiatives
                                     within local fishing communities.
Our partnership
with the Global
Ghost Gear Initiative
        In 2018, Bumble Bee joined the Global Ghost Gear Initiative
        (GGGI), a global cross-sectoral alliance dedicated to addressing
        the issue of ghost gear worldwide.

        We are the sole corporate sponsor of the third phase of GGGI’s
        Gear Marking in Indonesian Small Scale Fisheries project, running
        now through 2021. This project aims to develop ocean-safe tracking
        mechanisms to find and collect lost and abandoned fishing
        equipment and to incentivize end of life use.

        Click to learn more about the project.
Labor practices & community
Ensuring the fair and safe treatment of all
people connected to Bumble Bee and
contributing to the health of our communities
Fair and safe
                                                                 supply chain

We are committed to     The safety and well-being of all those who contribute to our      We have always endeavored to set a high standard through
doing more to ensure    supply chain is of the utmost importance. Fair and responsible    our supplier Code of Conduct. Tackling global fishing labor
the products we         working conditions and sustainable livelihoods for workers are    practices is a complex, industry-wide challenge involving
love help benefit the   essential to the integrity of our operations. More importantly,   multiple layers of supply chain actors as well as foreign
                        they are our duty as a business that desires to do good in        governments and workers. Despite that, we’re doing even
people who produce
                        the world.                                                        more to ensure that our standards are followed from the fishing
and harvest them.
                                                                                          vessels all the way to canning facilities.
Ensuring                                            Fair trade seafood
good                                                Under Anova’s Natural Blue brand, we
                                                    represent the world’s first Fair Trade
practices                                           Certified™ seafood.

We have an established third-party
audit program for all supply plants
and have worked with our suppliers
and with initiatives such as the
Seafood Task Force to expand              Where we’re headed
audits back to fishing vessels.        By 2025, all tuna fleets that Bumble
The vessel audit program has           Bee purchases from will be covered
audited a dozen fleet offices and      by an audit program with third-party
30 vessels, interviewed over 100       oversight. We will also invest in new
fishers and is continuing to expand.    and innovative systems to address
                                       these challenges, particularly in the
                                       areas of recruiting and worker voice.
Doing good for our
communities near and far
Around the world, roughly 200 million people rely on fishing
for their livelihoods.* Whether it’s in fishing communities
in Southeast Asia, at our plants in Cape May and Santa Fe
Springs or right here in San Diego, we contribute to our
extended community whenever we can.

               We have donated $1.25M to food banks as a response to the
               Covid crisis, bringing us to more than $4M in the past five years.

               We have donated more than $1M to Big Brothers Big Sisters
               in San Diego, and 30% of our employees have participated
               in the program.
                                                                                       Good partners
               We have partnered with Pacific Fishing Company in Levuka, Fiji         across the globe
               for more than 15 years. Together, we’ve supported education          We commit to having at least
               and youth programs on the island by sponsoring numerous              one ongoing project in every
               local schools, community events and sports teams.                    community in which we have
                                                                                     a meaningful presence in
                                                                                       the U.S. and abroad.

*According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (UN FAO)
Innovations in
Packaging & beyond
Looking at the whole of our business to
continuously reduce our footprint and do
more good for people and the planet

                                                 © ISSF (2012)
                                           Photo by David Itano
Sustainable packaging
 2020                                      2021                                     2025
 Currently, just over 5% of our products   By 2021, we will be eliminating shrink   By 2025, less than 2% of our packaging
 are made from non-recyclable material     wrap on our multipacks, decreasing       will be made of non-recyclable materials
                                           that number to 4%

                                                                                          Currently, 95% of
                                                                                          our products are
                                                                                        recyclable, and we’re
                                                                                          working hard to get
                                                                                          as close to 100%
                                                                                            as possible.
Can be continuously
                                                                  recycled in a “closed loop”
                                                                  recycling process

The can
Safe and
sustainable                                  More valuable for
packaging                                   municipal recycling
                                                programs than
                                                                                       Lightweight, stackable
                                                                                       and strong to reduce

since 1889                                     other materials
                                                                                       shipping weights

While we continue to look for ways to
make our packaging and materials
more sustainable all the time, we
think there are some things that you
just get right the first time. We may
not have invented steel cans, but
                                        Lower energy to produce                        Higher recycled
we’ve been using them to preserve
                                            steel from recycled                        content than other
fish since the early days of our
                                              material than new                        packaging types
company more than 130 years ago.
Here are some reasons we have
never tried to reinvent the wheel—
that is, the can.
    traceability   In 2015, Bumble Bee launched the Trace
                   My Catch initiative, enabling consumers
                   to track the source of their seafood from
                   catch to can by entering a code found on
                   the package.
                   This allows us to ensure food safety and verify that seafood
                   entering our supply chain is legally harvested and meets all
                   of our sustainable sourcing commitments.

                   Just as we led the industry in establishing full transparency
                   through Trace My Catch, we are working to further improve
                   the integrity of our supply chain by leveraging blockchain
                   technology for tracing.

                   Currently, our entire line of Anova products is traceable with
                   blockchain and we continue to pursue the technology across
                   our entire portfolio as a way to make our traceability efforts
                   even more accessible and reliable.

                   Click to learn more about the project.
Bumble Bee Seafood
         Accelerator Fund

               We know that we can’t solve the world’s problems     We’ll look to innovate across our three action points

$40 million    with the same level of thinking that created them.
               That’s why we’re investing $40M over the next five
                                                                    and develop solutions around issues like ghost gear,
                                                                    seafood alternatives, improved fisheries monitoring

over 5 years   years dedicated to piloting novel solutions to the
               biggest challenges facing our industry.
                                                                    and more.
A call for
The challenge of
sustainability is, well,
as big as the oceans.
And as global leaders in
seafood, the future of fish
populations, the health
of the world’s oceans
and the well-being of the
communities that rely on
them are more and more
relevant for us every day.
It requires collective efforts on the
parts of seafood brands, suppliers,
retailers, fishers, governments,
researchers, scientists and NGOs.
And it requires people to learn more
about where their food comes from,
demand better choices and hold
brands accountable.
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