SEA 2022 Spring Meeting - Registration Brochure - Society for Education in Anesthesia

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SEA 2022 Spring Meeting - Registration Brochure - Society for Education in Anesthesia

Registration Brochure
SEA 2022 Spring Meeting                             Jointly provided by the
                                                     American Society of
                                                    Anesthesiologists (ASA)

Innovation: A Renaissance of Training, Practice,   and Society for Education
                                                     in Anesthesia (SEA).

and Mindset in Anesthesiology
April 8-10, 2022
The Westin Pittsburgh – Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Register Online at
SEA 2022 Spring Meeting - Registration Brochure - Society for Education in Anesthesia
    Target Audience                                               Disclaimer
    This meeting is intended for medical students, residents,     The information provided at this activity is for continuing
    and faculty physician educators in anesthesiology             medical education purposes only and is not meant to
    and related disciplines who are interested in how             substitute for the independent medical judgment of a
    technology, economics and legislation impact medical          healthcare provider relative to diagnostic and treatment
    and anesthesia education, as well as how to improve           options of a specific patient’s medical condition.
    teaching skills and faculty development.                      Disclosure Policy
    About This Meeting                                            The American Society of Anesthesiologists remains
    The purpose of this annual meeting is to educate and          strongly committed to providing the best available
    share information that will enable anesthesia educators       evidence-based clinical information to participants of
    to provide the highest level of education and improve         this educational activity and requires an open disclosure
    patient outcomes. Opportunities for questions and             of any potential conflict of interest identified by our
    answers will be provided at the conclusion of each            faculty members. It is not the intent of the American
    presentation.                                                 Society of Anesthesiologists to eliminate all situations
    Learners will acquire skills to become more effective         of potential conflict of interest, but rather to enable
    educators of medical students and resident physicians         those who are working with the American Society of
    and to produce graduates who meet the differing               Anesthesiologists to recognize situations that may be
    expectations of the various education stakeholders.           subject to question by others. All disclosed conflicts of
                                                                  interest are reviewed by the educational activity course
    Registration                                                  director/chair to ensure that such situations are properly
    Registration for the 2022 Spring Annual Meeting               evaluated and, if necessary, resolved. The American
    includes a continental breakfast, coffee breaks, lunch, all   Society of Anesthesiologists educational standards
    workshops and the program syllabus. Note that all fees        pertaining to conflict of interest are intended to maintain
    are quoted in U.S. currency. Non-Member registration fee      the professional autonomy of the clinical experts inherent
    includes SEA Active Membership Dues for the remainder         in promoting a balanced presentation of science.
    of 2022. Member registrants must have 2022 dues paid          Through our review process, all American Society of
    in order to receive the member discount. Registration for     Anesthesiologists activities are ensured of independent,
    the meeting can be made either by using the registration      objective, scientifically balanced presentations of
    form in this brochure or through the SEA’s website at         information. Disclosure of any or no relationships will be                                                made available for all educational activities.
    Early Registration Deadline                                   Disclosures
    The early registration deadline for the meeting is March      This activity’s content is not related to products or
    18, 2022. Registrations received after March 18, 2022,        services of an ACCME-defined ineligible entity; therefore,
    will be processed at a higher fee.                            no one in control of content has a relevant financial
    Accreditation and Designation Statements                      relationship to disclose, and there is no potential for
    This activity has been planned and implemented in             conflicts of interest.
    accordance with the accreditation requirements and            Special Needs
    policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing          The Society for Education in Anesthesia fully complies
    Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint                   with the legal requirements of the Americans with
    providership of American Society of Anesthesiologists         Disabilities Act and the rules and regulations thereof.
    and the Society for Education in Anesthesia.                  If any attendee in this educational activity is in need of
    The American Society of Anesthesiologists is accredited       accommodations, please contact the SEA at (414) 389-
    by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education          8614.
    for physicians.                                               Cancellation Policy
    The American Society of Anesthesiologists designates          Cancellations received through March 18, 2022, will
    this live activity for a maximum of 12.75 AMA PRA             receive a full refund. Cancellations received from March
    Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should only claim credit      19, 2022 through March 24, 2022 will receive a refund
    commensurate with the extent of their participation in the    of 60 percent. Refunds will not be given after March
    activity.                                                     24, 2022. Cancellation of a meeting registration must
                                                                  be submitted in writing. Refunds will be determined by
                                                                  date written cancellation is received at the SEA office in
                                                                  Milwaukee, WI.

2     @SEAnesHQ • #SEA22Spring                              (414) 389-8614               
SEA 2022 Spring Meeting - Registration Brochure - Society for Education in Anesthesia
At the conclusion of this activity, participants should be able to:
• Gain insight on the impact of new anesthesia practice and artificial intelligence on the anesthesia education.
• Reflect the past advancement of anesthesia education for the future changes of anesthesia education.
• Share educational research findings and innovative curriculum ideas among the anesthesiology educators.
• Gain foundation of improving current educational program through workshops.

(Listed Alphabetically)
Abstract to Publication – Turning your Education Projects                Effective Formative Feedback Practices
into Publishable Scholarship                                             Rachel Moquin, EdD, MA; Melissa Ehlers, MD; Reena Parikh,
Lauren Buhl, MD, PhD; Viji Kurup, MD; Tetsuro Sakai, MD,                 MD, MBA
PhD, MHA, FASA; Dante A. Cerza, MD, MACM
                                                                         1. Participants will understand key principles for delivering
1. Name several journals that publish medical education                     effective feedback.
   scholarship relevant to anesthesiology.
                                                                         2. Participants will consider ways to adapt effective feedback to
2. Use institutional resources to conduct a thorough literature             individuals, factoring in resident perspectives.
   review in medical education.
                                                                         3. Participants will create, deliver, and evaluate examples of
3. Differentiate common methods to approach medical                         effective feedback.
   education research questions.
                                                                         4. Participants will reflect on how their perspective on feedback
4. Formulate a high-quality research question that addresses a              has changed as a result of this practice.
   local issue in medical education.
                                                                         Evolving with COVID – incorporating online learning into
Developing Learner-Centered Health Equity Education                      your teaching practice
Katie J. O’Conor, MD; Adam Laytin, MD, MPH; Crisanto Torres,             Leila Zuo, MD; Dawn Dillman, MD; Amy Miller Juve, MEd, EdD;
MD; Serkan Toy, PhD; Michael Banks, MD, MEHP; Deborah                    Steven Porter, MD
Schwengel, MD, MEHP
                                                                         1. Discuss the adult learning theory behind the flipped
1. Describe several fundamental concepts of health equity and               classroom model.
   ACCM-specific examples of health equity in practice, in the
                                                                         2. Compare and contrast at least 3 online learning resources for
   overall specialty and/or in their subspecialty, that would be
   relevant for use in an educational curriculum.
                                                                         3. Create a lesson plan and worksheet for converting a current
2. Identify an action plan (goals, potential challenges, strategies)
                                                                            traditional lecture brought to the session into a flipped
   for developing, right-sizing, and incorporating health equity
                                                                            classroom model, incorporating online learning resources.
   curriculum into the existing learning structure for their target
   learner audience.                                                     4. List at least 3 techniques to increase active learning in a
                                                                            lecture setting.
3. Identify several strategies for developing learner-centered
   content using dynamic educational formats.                            5. Describe how to assess outcomes of changing to the flipped
                                                                            classroom model.
4. Describe strategies for engaging and cultivating health equity
   educators within one’s department.
5. Describe basic approaches to academic assessment of
   educational interventions in health equity.

       @SEAnesHQ • #SEA22Spring                                        (414) 389-8614                                 3
SEA 2022 Spring Meeting - Registration Brochure - Society for Education in Anesthesia
    From Ideas to Curricular Breakthroughs – Turning                      Integrating Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality (XR)
    Inspiration into Impactful Scholarly Work                             Into an Anesthesiology Curriculum
    Dante A. Cerza, MD, MACM; Lauren Buhl, MD, PhD; Susan M.              Garrett W. Burnett, MD; Daniel Katz, MD; Chang Park, MD;
    Martinelli, MD, FASA; John Mitchell, MD                               Robert Maniker, MD, MSc; Elvera L. Baron, MD, PhD, FASA,
    1. Describe a strategy (Kern’s 6 steps) for structured,
       methodical curricular development.                                 1. Be able to describe the various XR modalities available to
                                                                             the academic anesthesiologist, as well as the evidence to
    2. Describe strategies to perform the needs assessment (the
                                                                             support these technologies.
       gap between actual situation and ideal condition) as the first
       step in curricular development.                                    2. Be able compare the benefits and drawbacks of XR following
                                                                             first-hand experiencing each modality.
    3. Describe methods to anticipate and address necessary
       resources, key stakeholders, and potential obstacles relevant      3. Be able to identify successful methods to and barriers to the
       to the implementation and completion of an educational                use of XR and the development of XR training content.
                                                                          4. Be able to formulate an XR simulation scenario and develop
    4. Identifying crucial questions to answer in developing a               an outline of necessary steps to complete this educational
       curriculum.                                                           content.
    5. Identify means for sharing of scholarly work.
                                                                          Learn to use Peer Coaching of Teaching Skills to
                                                                          Innovate your Career and Serve SEA.
    From Resistance to Resilience Mindset: Skills for
                                                                          David A. Young, MD, MEd, MBA, FAAP, FASA, CHSE; Tracey
    Innovative Leadership
                                                                          Straker, MD, MS, MPH, CBA, FASA; Carol Ann Diachun, MD,
    John Mitchell, MD; Balachundhar Subramaniam, MD, MPH;
                                                                          MSEd; Lisa Caplan, MD
    Tulsi Chase, EdM; Sepideh Hariri, PhD; Sugantha Sundar, MD
                                                                          1. Identify the benefits to oneself and others from performing a
    1. Apply evidence-based approaches/skills to effectively
                                                                             Peer Coaching evaluation of teaching skills.
       manage resistance and enhance creativity in your daily life
       and work.                                                          2. Appreciate the professional development benefits to oneself
                                                                             and the SEA membership from becoming a SEA Peer Coach.
    2. Recognize relevant opportunities to utilize these approaches
       and skills in your professional and personal life and apply        3. Recognize advanced issues associated with performing a
       integration strategies to meaningfully embody a resilience            Peer Coaching evaluation of teaching skills.
                                                                          4. Demonstrate the effective use of the SEA Peer Coaching
    3. Formulate a plan to incorporate these approaches and                  Program Worksheet during two simulated teaching activities
       resources at your own institutions and to improve your                and to evaluate the delivery of this workshop.
       innovative leadership in your work with colleagues and
                                                                          5. Demonstrate effective delivery of formative feedback after
                                                                             performing a Peer Coaching evaluation of teaching skills.

    The Gap Between What Should Be and What Is: Moral
                                                                          The “One Minute Preceptor”: A Framework for Making
    Distress and Burnout in Clinical Medicine
                                                                          the Most Out of a Teachable Moment
    Lauren Lisann-Goldman, MD; Elvera Baron, MD, PhD, FASA,
                                                                          Michael P. Hofkamp, MD; Dawn Dillman, MD; Nerlyne Jimenez,
    FASE; Bryan Mahoney, MD; Andrea Luncheon-Hillman, MD;
                                                                          MD; Tina Tran, MD; Kristen Vanderhoef, MD
    Barbara Orlando, MD, PhD; Mada F. Helou, MD
                                                                          1. Describe the five micro skills of the one-minute preceptor
    1. Understand distinctions between moral distress and burnout.
    2. Recognize how personal and systemic factors affect moral
                                                                          2. Practice the five micro skills of the one-minute preceptor
       distress and burnout.
                                                                             model in a simulated intraoperative teaching scenario.
    3. Describe empowering strategies for each member of the
                                                                          3. Implement the five micro skills of the one-minute preceptor
       healthcare team to voice concerns and offer resolutions in the
                                                                             model into your intraoperative teaching.
       setting of morally problematic scenarios.
    4. Summarize practical solutions for changing the culture
       surrounding moral distress and burnout in a health care

4     @SEAnesHQ • #SEA22Spring                                       (414) 389-8614                  
Optimizing your virtual recruiting and interviewing process:              Standing in the Gap: Practical Tips to Navigate
From before interview season through match day                            Generational Divide in Graduate Medical Education.
Bryan Mahoney, MD; A. Elisabeth Abramowicz, MD; Brittany                  Elvera L. Baron, MD, PhD, FASA, FASE; Mada F. Helou, MD;
Reardon, MD; John C. Rose, DO; Olivia K. Kenwell, BA                      Robert Owen, MD
1. Identify the resources, platforms and methods available to             1. Describe current generations working within medical
   optimize pre-interview forums and interview day formats in                education.
   the post-COVID era.
                                                                          2. Identify the different learning and teaching styles in each
2. Describe the strategies employed for virtual forums, pre-                 generation.
   interview materials, and interview days.
                                                                          3. Discuss practical tips to bridge generational gaps and create
3. Design a comprehensive approach for next interview season                 a more effective clinical learning environment.
   incorporating the best practices for virtual forums, pre-
   interview materials and interview day format for the next              Strategies to Improve the Diversity Recruitment Pool in
   application cycle.                                                     Graduate Medical Education
4. Create metrics to assess the effectiveness of proposed                 Tracey Straker, MD, MS, MPH, CBA, FASA; Herodotos Ellinas,
   changes to virtual forums and interviews over the next year.           MD, MHPE; Marie Angele Theard, MD; Bryan Mahoney, MD;
                                                                          Isabel Pesola, MD; Darryl Brown, MD
Priority-driven well-being: Mindset tools from software                   1. Identify contributing factors to the lack of successful
engineering and a fish market                                                recruitment of URiM applicants (e.g., interviewer implicit bias,
Phillip S. Adams, DO, FASA; Kristin Ondecko-Ligda, MD, FASA;                 system bias, organizational pull).
Stephen McHugh, MD, FASA
                                                                          2. Outline non-traditional criteria for recruitment (e.g., experiences,
1. Apply the process of assigning priority/severity to their life            attributes vs USMLE scores, medical school grades).
                                                                          3. Develop strategies in enhancing URiM recruitment (e.g.,
2. List the four Fish! principles and state the meaning of each.             holistic interviews, targeted second look opportunities,
3. Describe how they can implement the Fish! Philosophy to
   maximize meaningful time spent with every priority item.               4. Set objective metrics for success in URiM recruitment.
                                                                          5. Implement a strategy of success for URIM residents.
Promoting Psychologically Safety in the Clinical Learning
Environment: An essential framework for our renaissance
                                                                          Teaching & Modeling Trauma-Informed Care in ACCM
in anesthesiology training
                                                                          Katie J. O’Conor, MD
Franklyn P. Cladis, MD, FAAP; Samuel D. Yanofsky, MD, MSEd
                                                                          1. Describe trauma-informed care.
1. Explore the importance of a psychologically safe clinical
   learning environment impacting anesthesia training.                    2. Identify settings and associated example cases where trauma-
                                                                             informed care may be utilized in ACCM clinical practice.
2. Identify barriers to psychological safety in the clinical learning
   environment.                                                           3. Demonstrate ability to implicitly and explicitly teach trauma-
                                                                             informed to learners, respectively via modeling of trauma-
3. Develop a mini change plan to promote psychological safety
                                                                             informed care behaviors and direct instructional guidance in a
   utilizing specific educational elements enhancing a learner
                                                                             clinical setting.
   growth mindset.

                                                                          Validated Analysis of the Resident Role: The KEY to
Reflections of the wallflower: the roadblocks to
                                                                          Successful Recruitment and Selection
overcome in women’s success medicine via the
                                                                          Amy Miller Juve, MEd, EdD; Elizabeth W. Duggan, MD, MA;
educational pathway.
                                                                          Dawn Dillman, MD; Lara Zisblatt, EdD, MA, PMME; Brian Frost,
Vidya T. Raman, MD, MBA; Michelle M. Leriger, MD; Christina
                                                                          PhD; Neil Morelli, PhD
                                                                          1. Outline the key steps required to perform a validated job/role
1. The learner should know the different modalities to tap into
   (committees, hospital, panels).
                                                                          2. Discuss the advantages of a validated job/role analysis
2. The learners should understand how some women navigated
                                                                             compared to informal process including its application to
   the academic path via education to success and understand
                                                                             selection assessment and competency evaluation.
   global versus individual barriers.
                                                                          3. Apply principal steps of job/role analysis to an anesthesiology
3. The leaner should learn various collaborations and
                                                                             residency program.
   networking that exist for success.
                                                                          4. Construct a short plan to introduce and implement job/role
                                                                             analysis to an individual’s institution.

       @SEAnesHQ • #SEA22Spring                                         (414) 389-8614                                       5
    FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 2022 All times listed are in Eastern Time Zone.
    Time                Event
    6:30am – 4:00pm     SEA Spring Meeting Registration
    7:00am – 8:00am     Breakfast & Committee Roundtable Discussions
    8:00am – 8:15am     Welcome and Announcements
                        Tetsuro Sakai, MD, PhD, MHA, FASA (Chair, 2022 Spring Meeting)
                        Viji Kurup, MD (Co-Chair, 2022 Spring Meeting)
                        Susan M. Martinelli, MD, FASA (Co-Chair, 2022 Spring Meeting)
                        Phillip S. Adams, DO, FASA (Co-Chair, 2022 Spring Meeting; Chair, Social Program)
    8:15am – 9:00am     Keynote: Future of Anesthesia Practice and its Implication in Anesthesia Education
                        Moderator: David G. Metro, MD
                        Aman Mahajan, MD, PhD, MBA
    9:00am – 9:15am     Q&A
    9:15am – 9:30am     Coffee Break
    9:30am – 10:00am    Presidential Address
                        Introduction: Karen J. Souter, MB, BS, FRCA, MACM, ACC
                        Stephanie B. Jones, MD, President, SEA
    10:00am – 11:00am   Panel-1: Artificial Intelligence and Anesthesia Education
                        Moderator: Tetsuro Sakai, MD, PhD, MHA, FASA
                        Daniel Hashimoto, MD, MS
                        Daniel B. Jones, MD, MS
    11:00am – 12:00pm Moderated Poster Viewing
    12:00pm – 1:30pm    Membership Luncheon & Business Meeting
    1:30pm – 2:30pm     Top Oral Abstract Presentations
                        Research Abstracts:
                        Moderator: Lauren Buhl, MD, PhD
                        • Use of Simulation-based Mastery Learning Curriculum to Improve Breaking Bad News Skills
                          Amongst Pediatric Anesthesiologists: A Pilot Study
                        • Using electroencephalography to explore neurocognitive correlates of procedural proficiency: A pilot
                          study to compare experts and novices during simulated endotracheal intubation.
                        • Publication rate of abstracts presented at the Society for Education in Anesthesia Meetings in 2011 - 2019
                        Curriculum Abstracts:
                        Moderator: Bridget M. Marroquin, MD
                        • Identification of 20 Topics to be Taught in an In-Person 4 Week Medical Student Anesthesia Elective:
                          A Three Round Delphi Study
                        • A game-based curriculum to teach intrahospital mass casualty response.
                        • The Pittsburgh Innovation and Technology Track (PITTrack): An integrated innovation curriculum
                          addressing barriers to physician-led innovation
    2:30pm – 2:45pm     Coffee Break & Poster Viewing

6    @SEAnesHQ • #SEA22Spring                               (414) 389-8614                    
PROGRAM SCHEDULE                                                           continued

 FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 2022 continued
Time               Event
2:45pm – 4:15pm    SEA Workshops – Set # 1 (Space is limited to 30 per workshop)
                   • Workshop A: Learn to use Peer Coaching of Teaching Skills to Innovate your Career and Serve SEA.
                   • Workshop B: Effective Formative Feedback Practices
                   • Workshop C: Promoting Psychologically Safety in the Clinical Learning Environment: An essential
                     framework for our renaissance in anesthesiology training
                   • Workshop D: Priority-driven well-being: Mindset tools from software engineering and a fish market
                   • Workshop E: Optimizing your virtual recruiting and interviewing process: From before interview
                     season through match day
                   • Workshop F: Standing in the Gap: Practical Tips to Navigate Generational Divide in Graduate Medical
5:00pm – 6:00pm    President’s Reception and SEA Member Celebration
                   (Included with your registration fee)
6:00pm             Dine Around
                   Phillip S. Adams, DO, FASA

SATURDAY, APRIL 9, 2022 All times listed are in Eastern Time Zone.
Time               Event
6:30am – 4:00pm    SEA Spring Meeting Registration
7:00am – 8:00am    Breakfast & Committee Roundtable Discussions
8:00am – 8:15am    Welcome and Announcements
                   Tetsuro Sakai, MD, PhD, MHA, FASA
                   Phillip S. Adams, DO, FASA (Chair of Social Program)
8:15am – 3:30pm    Chief Leadership Course
                   (For Chief Residents – Separate Agenda)
8:15am – 9:00am    Panel-2: Renaissance of Education: Learning from the Past
                   Moderator: Susan M. Martinelli, MD, FASA
                   Melissa L. Coleman, MD
9:00am – 9:15am    Q&A
9:15am – 9:30am    Coffee Break & Poster Viewing
9:30am – 10:15am   Award Presentations
                   SEAd Grant
                   • SEAd Grant Reports 2019-2021
                      • Heather A. Ballard, MD (2019)
                      • Matthew Hirschfeld, MD, MEd (2020)
                      • Gianluca Bertolizio, MD, FRCPC (2021)
                   • SEAd Grant Award 2022
                   • Philip Liu Innovations in Anesthesia Education
                   • SEA/HVO Fellowships

    @SEAnesHQ • #SEA22Spring                             (414) 389-8614                             7
      SATURDAY, APRIL 9, 2022 continued
    Time                Event
    10:15am – 11:45am   SEA Workshops – Set # 2 (Space is limited to 30 per workshop)
                        • Workshop A: Strategies to Improve the Diversity Recruitment Pool in Graduate Medical Education
                        • Workshop B: Integrating Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality (XR) Into an Anesthesiology
                        • Workshop C: Abstract to Publication – Turning your Education Projects into Publishable Scholarship
                        • Workshop D: Validated Analysis of the Resident Role: The KEY to Successful Recruitment and
                        • Workshop E: Reflections of the wallflower: the roadblocks to overcome in women’s success
                          medicine via the educational pathway.
                        • Workshop F: Teaching & Modeling Trauma-Informed Care in ACCM
    11:45am – 12:30pm Panel-3: Introducing “Innovation” Curriculum in Your Residency
                      Moderator: Phillip S. Adams, DO, FASA
                      Philip Carullo, MD
                      Sergio Hickey, MD
                      Stephen Z. Frabitore, MD
    12:30pm – 2:00pm    Lunch on Your Own
    2:00pm – 2:45pm     Panel-4: How Patients Might Transform Anesthesia Education
                        Moderator: Viji Kurup, MD
                        Larry Chu, MD, MS(BCHM), MS(Epidemiology)
                        Amy Price, MS, MA, DPhil
    2:45pm – 3:00pm     Q&A
    3:00pm – 3:15pm     Coffee Break & Poster Viewing
    3:15pm – 4:45pm     SEA Workshops – Set # 3 (Space is limited to 30 per workshop)
                        • Workshop A: The Gap Between What Should Be and What Is: Moral Distress and Burnout in Clinical
                        • Workshop B: From Ideas to Curricular Breakthroughs – Turning Inspiration into Impactful Scholarly Work
                        • Workshop C: None
                        • Workshop D: Developing Learner-Centered Health Equity Education
                        • Workshop E: The “One Minute Preceptor”: A Framework for Making the Most Out of a Teachable
                        • Workshop F: Priority-driven well-being: Mindset tools from software engineering and a fish market
    6:00pm              Social Program (ticket event)
                        Phillip S. Adams, DO, FASA

8    @SEAnesHQ • #SEA22Spring                              (414) 389-8614                  
PROGRAM SCHEDULE                                                          continued

  SUNDAY, APRIL 10, 2022 All times listed are in Eastern Time Zone.
Time               Event
7:00am – 8:00am    Breakfast & Committee Round Tables
8:00am – 8:15am    Morning Remarks and Announcements
                   Tetsuro Sakai, MD, PhD, MHA, FASA
                   Phillip S. Adams, DO, FASA (Chair, Social Program)
8:15am – 9:15am    Best of the Year
                   Moderators: JEPM Editors
                   Dawn Dillman, MD
                   Amy Miller Juve, MEd, EdD
                   Emily Peoples, MD
                   Lara Zisblatt, EdD, MA, PMME
9:15am – 9:30am    Meeting Wrap Up
                   Tetsuro Sakai, MD, PhD, MHA, FASA
                   Viji Kurup, MD
                   Phillip S. Adams, DO, FASA
9:30am – 9:45am    Coffee Break
9:45am – 11:15am   SEA Workshops – Set # 4 (Space is limited to 30 per workshop)
                   • Workshop A: From Resistance to Resilience Mindset: Skills for Innovative Leadership
                   • Workshop B: Strategies to Improve the Diversity Recruitment Pool in Graduate Medical Education
                   • Workshop C: Evolving with COVID – incorporating online learning into your teaching practice
                   • Workshop D: Effective Formative Feedback Practices

    @SEAnesHQ • #SEA22Spring                            (414) 389-8614                         9
     Phillip S. Adams, DO, FASA           Viji Kurup, MD                        Annette Mizuguchi, MD, PhD,          Tetsuro Sakai, MD, PhD, MHA,
     Co-Chair, 2022 Spring Meeting;       Co-Chair, Spring 2022 Meeting            MSC                                  FASA
        Chair, Social Program             Professor; Vice Chair for Medical     Assistant Professor                  Chair, Spring 2022 Meeting
     Assistant Professor                     Education                          Brigham and Women’s Hospital         Professor
     University of Pittsburgh School of   Yale New Haven Hospital               Boston, MA                           UPMC
        Medicine                          New Haven, CT                                                              Pittsburgh, PA
     Pittsburgh, PA                                                             Kristin Ondecko Ligda, MD,
                                          Beth L. Ladlie, MD, MPH                  FASA                              Kristen Vanderhoef, MD
     Adrian Hendrickse, BM, MMEd,         Residency Program Director            Chair Designee, Educational          Assistant Professor
       FRCA                               Mayo Clinic Florida                      Meetings                          University of Florida – Jacksonville
     Chair, Educational Meetings          Jacksonville, FL                      Assistant Professor                  Saint Johns, FL
     Associate Professor, Director                                              University of Pittsburgh Medical
       MOCA Simulation Program            Susan M. Martinelli, MD, FASA            Center                            David A. Young, MD, MEd, MBA,
     Department of Anesthesiology,        Co-Chair, 2022 Spring Meeting         Pittsburgh, PA                         FAAP, FASA, CHSE
       University of Colorado             Professor, Residency Program                                               Professor of Anesthesiology
     Arvada, CO                             Director                            Barbara Orlando, MD, PhD             Texas Children’s Hospital/Baylor
                                          The University of North Carolina at   Associate Professor; Chief of          College of Medicine
                                            Chapel Hill                           Obstetric Anesthesiology           Houston, TX
                                          Chapel Hill, NC                       University of Texas Health Science
                                                                                  Center at Houston
                                                                                Houston, TX

     A. Elisabeth Abramowicz, MD          Gianluca Bertolizio, MD,              Lisa Caplan, MD                      Larry Chu, MD, MS(BCHM), MS
     Professor, Residency Program           FRCPC                               Associate Professor of                 (Epidemiology)
        Director                          Associate Professor                      Anesthesiology                    Professor of Anesthesiology
     New York Medical College/            McGill University                     Texas Children’s Hospital/Baylor     Stanford University School of
        Westchester Medical Center        Montreal, Quebec, Canada                 College of Medicine                 Medicine
     Valhalla, NY                                                               Bellaire, TX                         Stanford, CA
                                          Darryl Brown, MD
     Phillip S. Adams, DO, FASA           Mount Sinai West and Mount            Philip Carullo, MD                   Franklyn P. Cladis, MD, FAAP
     Assistant Professor                    Sinai Morningside Hospitals,        Assistant Professor of               Professor of Clinical
     University of Pittsburgh School of     Icahn School of Medicine at            Anesthesiology and Critical          Anesthesiology and
        Medicine                            Mount Sinai                            Care Medicine                        Perioperative Medicine
     Pittsburgh, PA                       New York, NY                          Johns Hopkins University School      University of Pittsburgh School of
                                                                                   of Medicine                          Medicine
     Heather A. Ballard, MD               Lauren Buhl, MD, PhD                  Pittsburgh, PA                       Pittsburgh, PA
     Assistant Professor                  Instructor in Anaesthesia at
     Lurie Children’s Hospital               Harvard Medical School,            Dante A. Cerza, MD, MACM             Melissa L. Coleman, MD
     Chicago, IL                             Associate Residency Program        Chair Designee, Research             Faculty
                                             Director for Depart                  Committe                           Penn State Hershey Medical
     Michael Banks, MD, MEHP              Beth Israel Deaconess Medical         Physician                              Center
     Vice Chair of Diversity and             Center                             Nemours Childrens Hospital           Hershey, PA
        Inclusion, Assistant Professor    Boston, MA                              Delaware
     Johns Hopkins Medicine                                                     Wilmington, DE                       Carol Ann Diachun, MD, MSEd
     Columbia, MD                         Garrett W. Burnett, MD                                                     Professor of Anesthesiology
                                          Assistant Professor                   Tulsi Chase, EdM                     Univ of Fl COM Jacksonville
     Elvera L. Baron, MD, PhD,            Icahn School of Medicine at           Head, Outreach and Education         Jacksonville, FL
        FASA, FASE                           Mount Sinai                        Beth Israel Deaconess Medical
     Associate Professor of               New York, NY                            Center                             Christina D. Diaz, MD, FASA,
        Anesthesiology; Director                                                Boston, MA                             FAAP
        Simulation Center                                                                                            Professor of Anesthesiology
     Case Western Reserve University                                                                                 Medical College of Wisconsin
        SOM; Louis Stokes Cleveland                                                                                  Wauwatosa, WI
        VA Medical Center
     Cleveland, OH

10      @SEAnesHQ • #SEA22Spring                                         (414) 389-8614                      
FACULTY continued
Dawn Dillman, MD                      Mada F. Helou, MD                     Stephen J. Kimatian, MD, FAAP           Bridget M. Marroquin, MD
Clinical Professor                    Assistant Professor; Residency        Professor of Anesthesiology             Medical Clerkship Director
University of Iowa                      Program Director                    Vice Chair of Pediatric                 Larner College of Medicine at the
Iowa City, IA                         University Hospitals Cleveland           Anesthesiology                          University of Vermont
                                        Medical Center                      Department of Anesthesiology            South Burlington, VT
Elizabeth W. Duggan, MD, MA           Lyndhurst, OH                            and Pain Management, UT
Associate Professor                                                            Southwestern                         Susan M. Martinelli, MD, FASA
University of Alabama at              Sergio Hickey, MD                     Anesthesiologist-In-Chief, Children’s   Co-Chair, 2022 Spring Meeting
   Birmingham                         Pain Medicine Fellow                     Health                               Professor, Residency Program
Birmingham, AL                        University of Pittsburgh              President and Chair,                      Director
                                      Pittsburgh, PA                           Anesthesiologists for Children       The University of North Carolina at
Melissa Ehlers, MD                                                          Dallas, TX                                Chapel Hill
Director of Anesthesiology            Matthew Hirschfeld, MD                                                        Chapel Hill, NC
   Resident Education                 Associate Professor                   Adam Laytin, MD, MPH
Albany Medical College                University of Rochester Medical       Assistant Professor                     Stephen McHugh, MD, FASA
Albany, NY                              Center                              Johns Hopkins Medicine                  Assistant Professir
                                      Rochester, NY                         Baltimore, MD                           University of Pittsburgh School of
Herodotos Ellinas, MD, MHPE                                                                                            Medicine
Professor and Co-Director             Michael P. Hofkamp, MD                Michelle M. LeRiger, MD                 Pittsburgh, PA
  Collaboratories Kern Institute      Clinical Associate Professor          Fellowship Director
Medical College of Wisconsin          Baylor Scott & White Medical          Childrens Omaha                         J. Thomas McLarney, MD
Milwaukee, WI                            Center-Temple                      Omaha, NE                               Professor of Anesthesiology
                                      Round Rock, TX                                                                Division Chief, Preoperative
Stacy L. Fairbanks, MD                                                      Lauren Lisann-Goldman, MD                  Assessment
Associate Professor of                Nerlyne Jimenez, MD                   Fellow                                  University of Kentucky College of
  Anesthesiology                      Assistant Professor                   Montefiore Medical Center                  Medicine
Core Residency Program Director       Emory University                      New York, NY                            Lexington, KY
Medical College of Wisconsin          Atlanta, GA
Milwaukee, WI                                                               Andrea Luncheon-Hillman, MD             David G. Metro, MD
                                      Daniel B. Jones, MD, MS               Assistant Professor                     Core Program Director
Stephen Z. Frabitore, MD              Professor of Surgery                    Anesthesiology; Critical Care         University of Pittsburgh School of
Resident Physician                    Harvard School of Medicine              Intensivist                              Medicine
Department of Anesthesiology          Saratoga Springs, NY                  Montefiore Medical Center               Pittsburgh, PA
   and Perioperative Medicine,                                              New York, NY
   University of Pittsburgh Medical   Stephanie B. Jones, MD                                                        Amy Miller Juve, MEd, EdD
   Center                             Professor and Chair of                Aman Mahajan, MD, PhD, MBA              Vice Chair of Education
Pittsburgh, PA                           Anesthesiology                     Professor and Chair                     Oregon Health & Science
                                      Albany Medical College                University of Pittsburgh Medical           University
Brian Frost, PhD                      Albany, NY                               Center                               Portland, OR
Assistant Professor                                                         Pittsburgh, PA
University of Georgia                 Daniel Katz, MD                                                               John Mitchell, MD
Athens, GA                            Associate Professor                   Bryan Mahoney, MD                       Associate Professor Harvard
                                      Icahn School of Medicine at           Associate Professor; Vice Chair           Medical School
Sepideh Hariri, PhD                      Mount Sinai                          Education; Residency Program          Beth Israel Deaconess Medical
Instructor                            New York, NY                            Director                                Center
Harvard Medical School                                                      Mount Sinai St Lukes and West           Boston, MA
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical         Olivia K. Kenwell, BA                   Hospitals
   Center                             Residency Program Manager             New York, NY                            Rachel Moquin, EdD, MA
Boston, MA                            Mount Sinai Morningside and                                                   Director of Learning and
                                         West Hospitals                     Robert Maniker, MD, MSc                    Development
Daniel Hashimoto, MD, MS              New York, NY                          Associate Professor                     Washington University School of
Flexible Endoscopy/Foregut Surgery                                          Columbia University Vagelos                Medicine in St. Louis
   Fellow                             Viji Kurup, MD                          College of Physicians and             St. Louis, MO
University Hospitals Cleveland        Co-Chair, Spring 2022 Meeting           Surgeons
   Medical Center, Case Western       Professor; Vice Chair for Medical     New York, NY                            Neil Morelli, PhD
   Reserve School of Medicine            Education                                                                  Assistant Professor
Cleveland, OH                         Yale New Haven Hospital                                                       University of Georgia
                                      New Haven, CT                                                                 Roswell, GA

        @SEAnesHQ • #SEA22Spring                                          (414) 389-8614                                           11
FACULTY continued
     Katie J. O’Conor, MD                  Steven Porter, MD                     Karen J. Souter, MB, BS, FRCA,       Serkan Toy, PhD
     Faculty                               Assistant Professor                     MACM, ACC                          Assistant Professor of
     Johns Hopkins Medicine                Mayo Clinic                           Faculty                                Anesthesiology
     Baltimore, MD                         Jacksonville, FL                      University of Washington             Johns Hopkins School of
                                                                                 Seattle, WA                            Medicine
     Kristin Ondecko-Ligda, MD,            Amy Price, MS, MA, DPhil                                                   Lutherville Timonium, MD
        FASA                               Associate Director, Senior Research   Emily Stebbins, MD
     Assistant Professor                      Scientist                          Associate Professor                  Tina Tran, MD
     University of Pittsburgh School of    Stanford University School of         University of Vermont Medical        Assistant Professor
        Medicine                              Medicine                             Center                             Johns Hopkins University
     Mars, PA                              Stanford, CA                          Burlington, VT                       Fulton, MD

     Barbara Orlando, MD, PhD              Vidya T. Raman MD, MBA                Tracey Straker, MD, MS, MPH,         Kristen Vanderhoef, MD
     Associate Professor; Chief of         Professor, Clinical                      CBA, FASA                         Assistant Professor
       Obstetric Anesthesiology            OSU                                   Professor Anesthesiology             University of Florida-Jacksonville
     University of Texas Health Science    Columbus, OH                          Montefiore Medical Center            Saint Johns, FL
       Center at Houston                                                         Yonkers, NY
     Houston, TX                           Brittany Reardon, MD                                                       Samuel D. Yanofsky, MD, MSEd
                                           Assistant Professor, Associate        Balachundhar Subramaniam,            Professor of Clinical
     Robert Owen, MD                          Program Director                     MD, MPH                              Anesthesiology and Medical
     Fellow, Cardiothoracic                Mount Sinai Morningside and           Professor of Anesthesiology            Education
        Anesthesiology Program                West Hospitals                     Harvard Medical School               University of Southern California
     Icahn School of Medicine at           New York, NY                          Boston, MA                             Keck School of Medicine
        Mount Sinai                                                                                                   West Hollywood, CA
     New York, NY                          John C. Rose, DO                      Sugantha Sundar, MD
                                           Assistant Professor, Associate        Assistant Professor and Director,    David A. Young, MD, MEd, MBA,
     Reena Parikh, MD, MBA                   Program Director                      CME                                  FAAP, FASA, CHSE
     Assistant Professor of                Mount Sinai Morningside and           Harvard Medical School               Professor of Anesthesiology
        Anesthesiology                       West Hospitals                      Boston, MA                           Texas Children’s Hospital/Baylor
     Albany Medical College                New York, NY                                                                 College of Medicine
     Albany, NY                                                                  Marie Angele Theard, MD              Houston, TX
                                           Tetsuro Sakai, MD, PhD, MHA,          Associate Professor
     Chang Park, MD                           FASA                                 Anesthesiology                     Lara Zisblatt, EdD, MA, PMME
     Assistant Professor                   Chair, Spring 2022 Meeting;           Oregon Health & Science              Education Specialist
     Icahn School of Medicine at              Chair, Spring 2022 Research          University                         University of Michigan
        Mount Sinai                           Committee                          Portland, OR                         Ann Arbor, MI
     New York, NY                          Professor
                                           UPMC                                  Crisanto Torres, MD                  Leila Zuo, MD
     Emily Peoples, MD                     Pittsburgh, PA                        Fellow                               Associate Program Director,
     Clinical Assistant Professor                                                Johns Hopkins Medicine                 Assistant Professor
     University of Michigan                Deborah A. Schwengel, MD,             Baltimore, MD                        Oregon Health & Science
     Ann Arbor, MI                           MEHP                                                                       University
                                           Associate Professor of                                                     Portland, OR
     Isabel Pesola, MD                       Anesthesiology, Critical Care
     Assistant Professor                     Medicine and Pediatrics
        Anesthesiology                     Johns Hopkins School of
     Montefiore Medical Center               Medicine
     New York, NY                          Lutherville-Timonium, MD

     Andrew Bronson, CAE                                Morgan Healey                                     Megan Sage
     Executive Director                                 Coordinator                                       Coordinator
     Society for Education in Anesthesia                Society for Education in Anesthesia               Society for Education in Anesthesia
     Milwaukee, WI                                      Milwaukee, WI                                     Milwaukee, WI

12      @SEAnesHQ • #SEA22Spring                                            (414) 389-8614                     
The Westin Pittsburgh
1000 Penn Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Phone: 412-281-3700

Reservations start at $179/night. Reservation can be made online at

We recommend you make your accommodations as soon as possible to ensure a room at the Loews Philadelphia Hotel. Any
unsold rooms after March 17, 2022 will be released to the general public.

Airport Transportation:
Pittsburgh International Airport is 18 miles from the hotel.

Visit for details on parking, amenities, flight status, terminal maps and more for the Pittsburgh
International Airport.

See the transportation via shuttle here:, there are also cabs and ridesharing services (Lyft and
Uber) from the airport.


                 2022 Fall Meeting                                                 2023 Workshop on Teaching
                 November 10, 2022                                                     January 28-31, 2023
            Swissotel Chicago • Chicago, IL                                       The Alfond Inn • Winter Park, FL

                                                                                          2023 Spring Meeting
                                                                                            April 14-16, 2023
                                                                                     Grand Hyatt Seattle • Seattle, WA

      @SEAnesHQ • #SEA22Spring                                  (414) 389-8614                            13

       SATURDAY, APRIL 9, 2022
     Time                Event
     8:15am – 8:30am     Welcome / House Rules: Stacy L. Fairbanks, MD & Bridget M. Marroquin, MD
     8:30am – 9:00am     Meet Your Neighbor / Introductions: Stacy L. Fairbanks, MD & Bridget M. Marroquin, MD
     9:00am – 9:45am     What to Expect?: Stacy L. Fairbanks, MD
     9:45am – 10:30am    Leadership Primer: Stephen J. Kimatian, MD, FAAP
     10:30am – 10:45am Break
     10:45am – 11:30am Feedback / Practice (3 Sessions): Emily Stebbins, MD & Bridget M. Marroquin, MD
     11:30am – 12:00pm Colleagues in Trouble: Stacy L. Fairbanks, MD & J. Thomas McLarney, MD
     12:00pm – 12:45pm Networking Lunch
     12:45pm – 1:30pm    Empathy Toy: Bridget M. Marroquin, MD
     1:30pm – 1:45pm     Break
     1:45pm – 3:00pm     Round Tables (Chief Residents Choose 3) - 25 Minutes Each
                         1: How to Keep Your Bank Account Healthy and Your Wallet Safe: Emily Stebbins, MD
                         2: Managing Microaggressions: Herodotos Ellinas, MD, MHPE & Marie Angele Theard, MD
                         3: Reflecting on Leadership: What’s my Plan?: Stephen J. Kimatian, MD, FAAP
                         4: Double Jeopardy: Peer & Leader: Stacy L. Fairbanks, MD
                         5: How Leaders Can Foster Wellness: Bridget M. Marroquin, MD
     3:00pm – 3:30pm     Wrap Up: Stacy L. Fairbanks, MD & Bridget M. Marroquin, MD

14            @SEAnesHQ • #SEA22Spring                             (414) 389-8614               
REGISTRATION FORM                                                                                                                   page 1

  SEA 2022 Spring Meeting - April 8-10, 2022 • The Westin Pittsburgh • Pittsburgh, PA
                                              The registration deadline for the early bird rate is March 8, 2022.
                          After you registration is processed, a confirmation email will be sent to the address listed on this form.

*First Name                                     MI              *Last Name

*Affiliation(s) and Degrees(s)                                  *Institution

*Title                                          *Mailing Address

*City                                                           *State                          *Zip Code

*Daytime Phone                                                  Fax

*Email Address                                                  *ASA Membership #
*Required Information

                                                                             Early Bird    After
Registration Fees                                                           By March 18		 March 18
                                                                                                                   Special Needs
 SEA Member..................................................................$575.00....................$675.00
                                                                                                                   q I will require special needs for
 Non-Member*.................................................................$825.00....................$925.00     attending this meeting.
 International Non-Member*................................................$605.00....................$705.00        If so, please contact SEA at
 Emeritus Member............................................................$225.00....................$325.00      (414) 389-8614.
 Resident, Fellow or Medical Student Member..........................$225.00....................$325.00
 Resident, Fellow or Medical Student Non-Member*...................$240.00....................$340.00

                                                           Total Fees Due to SEA:____________________
                                                                                                                    Please mail or fax both
Cancellations received through March 18, 2022 will receive a full refund. Cancellations received from March
19, 2022 through March 24, 2022 will receive a refund of 60 percent. Refunds will not be given after March 24,
                                                                                                                      pages of form with
2022. Cancellation of a meeting registration must be submitted in writing. Refunds will be determined by date            payment to:
written cancellation is received at the SEA office in Milwaukee, WI
                                                                                                                    6737 W Washington St, Suite 4210
                                                                                                                         Milwaukee, WI 53214
Method of Payment
q Check (made payable to Society for Education in Anesthesia and must be in U.S. funds                                     Fax: (414) 276-7704
  drawn from a U.S. bank)
                                                                                                                           Or register online at
q Visa        MasterCard          Discover          American Express                                            

                                                                                                                        Questions? (414) 389-8614

Credit Card Number					                                                     CVV Number                 Exp. Date

Name on Card
                                                                                                                         Please select your
                                                                                                                     Workshops on page 2 of the
                                                                                                                        registration form.
Authorized Signature

          @SEAnesHQ • #SEA22Spring                                           (414) 389-8614                                      15
REGISTRATION FORM                                                                                                        page 2

     SEA 2022 Spring Meeting - April 8-10, 2022 • The Westin Pittsburgh • Pittsburgh, PA
     *First Name                                     MI              *Last Name

     *Affiliation(s) and Degrees(s)                                  *Institution

     Virtual Workshops (Maximum Selection of 4):
     Friday, April 8 – Workshops                                              Saturday, April 9 – Workshops (Afternoon)
     q Workshop A: Learn to use Peer Coaching of Teaching Skills to           q Workshop A: The Gap Between What Should Be and What Is: Moral
       Innovate your Career and Serve SEA.                                      Distress and Burnout in Clinical Medicine
     q Workshop B: Effective Formative Feedback Practices                     q Workshop B: From Ideas to Curricular Breakthroughs – Turning
                                                                                Inspiration into Impactful Scholarly Work
     q Workshop C: Promoting Psychologically Safety in the Clinical
       Learning Environment: An essential framework for our renaissance in    q Workshop C: TBD
       anesthesiology training                                                q Workshop D: Developing Learner-Centered Health Equity Education
     q Workshop D: Priority-driven well-being: Mindset tools from software    q Workshop E: The “One Minute Preceptor”: A Framework for Making
       engineering and a fish market                                            the Most Out of a Teachable Moment
     q Workshop E: Optimizing your virtual recruiting and interviewing        q Workshop F: Priority-driven well-being: Mindset tools from software
       process: From before interview season through match day                  engineering and a fish market
     q Workshop F: Standing in the Gap: Practical Tips to Navigate
       Generational Divide in Graduate Medical Education.                     Sunday, April 10 – Workshops
                                                                              q Workshop A: From Resistance to Resilience Mindset: Skills for
     Saturday, April 9 – Workshops (Morning)                                    Innovative Leadership
     q Workshop A: Strategies to Improve the Diversity Recruitment Pool in    q Workshop B: Strategies to Improve the Diversity Recruitment Pool in
       Graduate Medical Education                                               Graduate Medical Education
     q Workshop B: Integrating Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality (XR)     q Workshop C: Evolving with COVID – incorporating online learning into
       Into an Anesthesiology Curriculum                                        your teaching practice
     q Workshop C: Abstract to Publication – Turning your Education           q Workshop D: Effective Formative Feedback Practices
       Projects into Publishable Scholarship
     q Workshop D: Validated Analysis of the Resident Role: The KEY to
       Successful Recruitment and Selection
     q Workshop E: Reflections of the wallflower: the roadblocks to
       overcome in women’s success medicine via the educational pathway
     q Workshop F: Teaching & Modeling Trauma-Informed Care in ACCM

16               @SEAnesHQ • #SEA22Spring                                    (414) 389-8614                  
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