Medicine & Technology - FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg Our strong combination at
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Medicine & Technology Our strong combination at the FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller
Degree Program Medical Engineering at the FAU Motivation Environment Master MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 2
Growth Market Medical Technology ● Increase in population and diseases ● Demographical development until 2050: More people, longer life expectancy: ● Diabetes + 50 % Dementia + 100 % ● Infarction + 100 % Stroke + 100% ● Cancer + 50 % ● Increasing demand for diagnostic and therapeutic treatment MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 3
Paradigms in Medical Technology ● Earlier Costs Chance of Recovery ● Prevention, Early Diagnosis ● Shorter ● Diagnostic Procedures ● Therapeutic Interventions s ● Safer Time of Diagnosis ● Reduction in Dosage ● Risk Minimization ● More comfortable ● Space, Ergonomics, Frequency of Treatment MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 4
MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller Open Surgery 1888 10/2/2014 Ilya Efimovich Repin, The surgeon JW Pavlov in the operating theatre, 1888; picture taken at The State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow 5
Motivation Medical Engineering ● Niches into Nothing “Spezialisierung ist gut. Aber für Studenten werden ausgefallene Uni-Abschlüsse mitunter zur Sackgasse. Wenn die wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen fehlen, führt das ins berufliche Abseits.“ Specialization is fine. But for students, fancy university degrees every now and then turn into dead ends. When the scientific fundamentals are amiss, vocational marginalization ensues. Süddeutsche Zeitung, 05.10.2009 MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 8
Medical Engineering: Program Guidelines ● Unison of subject and program contents ● Currency and practical relevance via the use of specific locational advantages (hospital, industry, small firm sector) ● Well-founded engineer training with medical basics ● Innovation through interdisciplinarity (from the outset) MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 9
Degree Programs for Medical Engineering in the German-speaking world MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 10
Let’s Find Out (1) ● Let’s get to know each other a little better first. ● Form small groups (of three) with your neighbors and briefly introduce yourselves to each other (in about four minutes). ● Afterwards we are going to play a short game using the information from the introductions. MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 11
Some points to talk about… ● How you obtained your Bachelor’s degree ● Where you are from ● Which branch of study you picked ● If you have any conditions for the admission ● If you live with family ● The courses you intend to take ● Your hobbies, jobs ● etc… MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 12
Let’s Find Out (2) ● Next, we would like to ask the students at the sides to come forward to the blackboard. ● The rest of you will receive a short handout with further instructions. MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 13
Optimal Embedding in the Local Environment Motivation Environment Erlangen Contact Master MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 14
MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 15
MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 16
Medical Engineering in Erlangen‘s Environment ● 500 companies involved in Medical Engineering (180 exclusively) ● 16.000 jobs, 45.000 in periphery (170.000 in Germany) ● 21.000 cots (500.000 patients a year) in 43 hospitals ● Over 20 non-university research facilities closely related to Medical Engineering ● 32 % of all German patent applications in Diagnostics and Surgery ● 68 Chairs at the FAU with an active research focus in Medical Engineering ● 75 % cluster actors within 15 km MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 17
Medical Valley: Medical Engineering Campus 8 4 3 2 1 14 7 5 11 10 9 6 12 13 1 Zentralinstitut für 5 Medical Valley Center (MVC) 9 Metrilus GmbH Medizintechnik (ZiMT), 10 6 FAU Chairs for Medical Engineering MedTech CapitalFonds “Central Institute of ME” • Medical Physics 11 University Hospital Erlangen • Physical-Medical Engineering 2 Siemens Healthcare 12 • Bioengineering METEAN/Fraunhofer IIS Global Headquarter 7 Knowledge and Technology Transfer 13 Imaging Science Institute 3 Siemens MR Factory Office of the FAU 14 Medical Valley EMN e.V. 4 Corscience 8 Röthelheim Campus MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 18
Central Institute for Medical Engineering (ZiMT) MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 19
Strategic Cooperation of Faculties for Interdisciplinary Research & Teaching MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 20
ZiMT Tasks MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 21
Zentralinstitut für Medizintechnik (ZiMT) ● “Central Institute for Medical Engineering” ● Cross-Section: The ZiMT ● Founded in 2009 by 33 professors and lecturers ● By now over 70 members ● Collegial Administration: ● Prof. Joachim Hornegger ● Prof. Jürgen Schüttler ● Prof. Ben Fabry ● Management: ● Dr.-Ing. Kurt Höller, MBA MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 22
A: Neues HS-Gebäude, Ulmenweg 18 B: Audimax, Bismarckstr. 1 C: Anatomie, Universitätsstr. 19 D: Biochemie, Fahrstr. 17 E: Organische Chemie, Henkestr. 42 F: ZiMT/MVC, Henkestr. 91 G: Physikum, Staudtstr. 5 H: Südgelände, Egerlandstr. 3 è „Bicycle Distance“ MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 23
Persons in Charge Motivation Environment Erlangen Contact Master MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 24
Responsible Persons ● Degree Program Coordinator Studiengangskoordinator ● Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joachim Hornegger ● Persons Responsible for the Degree Program Studiengangsverantwortlicher ● Dr.-Ing. Kurt Höller ● Deputy: Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Zobel MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 25
Contact Persons ● Subject Advisor ● TBD ● Planning of studies ● Studying abroad ● Accreditation of coursework achievements ● Support for formalities ● Switching the subject ● Miscellaneous questions regarding studies MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 26
Contact Persons ● Subject Advisor Studienfachberater ● TBD blue CompSci tower, room 2.158 ● Visiting Hours ● Student Advice and Career Service Informations- und Beratungszentrum ● Elisabeth Bächle-Grosso ● Examinations Office Prüfungsamt ● Helga Jahreis MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 27
Master of Science Medical Engineering Motivation Environment Master Structure Study Organization Additional Help MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 28
Semesters & Exams at the Faculty of Engineering ● ~ ½ split between lecture period / semester break ● 30 ECTS workload per semester ● Re-Registration each semester (bank transfer of semester contribution) ● Two exam periods: 1. First two weeks into the break 2. Last three weeks before the next semester’s lecture period ● Failing an exam: Second + third chance, one semester after the last ● Winter Semester 2014/15: 01.10.2014 – 31.03.2015 ● Lecture Period: 06.10.2014 – 31.01.2015 ● Recess: 22.12.2014 – 06.01.2015 ● Re-Registration: 02.02.2015 – 06.02.2015 ● Exam Registration: 10.11.2014 – 28.11.2014 (12:00) MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 29
What is “ECTS”? ● European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (Initially for credit transfer for periods of study abroad) ● Basis: Student workload required for objectives (learning outcomes, competences) of a program Ø 60 credits ≡ full-time student‘s annual academic workload Ø 1 credit ≅ 25 to 30 working hours ● Often: Additional ECTS grade ● Also comprises certain documents Ø Course Catalog, Learning Agreement, Transcript of Records MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 30
Degree Structure: Bachelor and Master Master‘s Thesis 4 Semesters Program Masters Degree Program Bachelor‘s Thesis + 10 weeks work placement 4 Semesters SPECIALIST AREA I: SPECIALIST AREA II: Bachelors Program ØElectrical Engin. ØMechanical Engin. ØInformation Tech. ØMaterials Science ØComputer Science ØChemical & Bioengin. Scientific and Technical 2 Semesters Fundamentals Medical Fundamentals MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 31
Entrance Criteria for Masters Program ● Basics acc. to §29 APO [general examination regulations] ● Grade point average of 2.5 or better in the B.Sc. ● Four focus modules from the Bachelor must together have an average of at worst 3.0 ● Oral aptitude test in the qualification assessment process following specifications given by the Admissions Committee (also upon non-equality or related subjects) ● Proof of certain compulsory modules (e. g.: Math, GET, Algorithmics) MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 32
Conditions ● Must be passed within one year. Otherwise they will prevent successful re-registration for the 3rd semester after enrollment. ● Examinations Office’s certificates need to presented to the Student Records Office. ● Some modules offer lectures only once a year Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik II SS Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen WS (exerc.: SS) Mathematik A3 WS ● Examination results often only available after delay If needed, ask the lecturer for a preliminary “4.0 certificate”. MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 33
Medical Eng. Master Guidelines at the FAU ● Three skill-oriented branches ● Medical Image and Data Processing ● Medical Engineering ● Device & Production Engineering, Prosthetics à Focus on Engineering ● Some modules offered entirely in English ● Medical Image and Data Processing à International Degree Program ● Hospitals actively involved MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 34
Medical Valley EMN – Internationally Competitive Innovative Strength Medical Intelligent Imaging Sensors Siemens Healthcare: Corscience: 50 % of sales Nr.1 worldwide for MRs international Therapeutic Ophthalmology Systems WaveLight: 36.5 % global Peter Brehm: 60 % of sales market share abroad FAU (incl. hospital) is involved in eponymous leading-edge clusters with over 13 Mio. € of subsidies MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 35
Teaching Based on Leading-Edge Research Medical Image and Medical Electronics Data Processing Device & Production Optical Technologies Engineering, Prosthetics [proposed] Masters Program Medical Engineering MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 36
Structure of Masters Program Medical Engineering Branches of Study Laboratory Training & Research Internship § Medical Electronics 10 ECTS Master‘s Exam § Medical Image and Data Processing (collateral to studies) § Device & Production Engineering, Master‘s Thesis Prosthetics Duration: 6 Months/30 ECTS Master of Science (M.Sc.) MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 37
Distribution of Courses by Branch of Study MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 38
Feasibility of Studying ● Total of 120 ECTS evenly spread over four semesters Ø 30 ECTS each. ● Start possible both during the summer and winter semester ● Flexible budget of 10 ECTS ● Mobility window to go abroad: 3th and 4th semesters ● English-language path selectable MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 39
Master as Part-Time Studies ● Embedded in the framework for part-time studies of the Faculty of Engineering ● Standard duration of studies: 8 semesters ● 15 ECTS per semester (50 % of regular assignment) ● Master‘s Thesis spread over 2 semesters ● Limited options to switch among part-time and full-time ● Start both in winter and summer Modulgruppen ECTS 1. Semester (WS) 2. Semester (SS) Studiengang Master of Science Medizintechnik - Rahmenstruktur Teilzeitstudium Wintersemesterbeginn - 3. Semester (WS) 4. Semester (SS) 5. Semester (WS) 6. Semester (SS) 7. Semester (WS) 8. Semester (SS) ● All three specialist areas M 1.2 M 1.3 "Anatomie und Physiologie für Nichtmediziner" (M 1.1) Medizinische Vertiefung 1 Medizinische Vertiefung 2 im Umfang von 5 ECTS ist obligatorisch anstelle von M1 Medizinische Vertiefung (Wahlkatalog) (Wahlkatalog) 8,3% M 1.2 oder M 1.3 nachzuholen, wenn nicht im Bachelor belegt 10 5 ∑ ECTS 5 ∑ ECTS M 2.X Ingenieurwissen-schaftliche M2 8,3% Fachrichtungs-Wahlkatalog In jeder Fachrichtung wird ein eigener Wahlkatalog angeboten. Kernfächer I 10 10 ∑ ECTS Kernfächer, die ggf. zu Lasten anderer Katalogmodule in M 2 / M M 3.X 3 oder M 10 obligatorisch nachzuholen sind, können in jeder Ingenieurwissen-schaftliche Fachrichtungs-Wahlkatalog M3 8,3% Fachrichtung individuell festgelegt werden. Kernfächer II 10 10 ∑ ECTS M 4.X Kernfächer der M4 8,3% Fachrichtungs-Wahlkatalog In jeder Fachrichtung wird ein eigener Wahlkatalog angeboten. Medizintechnik I 10 10 ∑ ECTS Kernfächer, die ggf. zu Lasten anderer Katalogmodule in M 4 / M M 5.X 5 oder M 10 obligatorisch nachzuholen sind, können in jeder Kernfächer der Fachrichtungs-Wahlkatalog M5 4,2% Fachrichtung individuell festgelegt werden. Medizintechnik II 5 5 ∑ ECTS M 6.1 Gesundheitsökonomie und Medizinprodukterecht oder M6 Kernkompetenzen MT M 6.2 Gründerseminar und Medizinprodukterecht 4,2% 5 5 ∑ ECTS M 7.X Vertiefungsfächer der Fachrichtungs-Wahlkatalog M7 4,2% Medizintechnik I In jeder Fachrichtung 5 5 ∑ ECTS wird ein eigener M 8.X Wahlkatalog angeboten. Vertiefungsfächer der Fachrichtungs-Wahlkatalog M8 4,2% Medizintechnik II 5 5 ∑ ECTS M 9.1 Medizinethik (2,5 ECTS) + Seminar MT (2,5 ECTS) Vertiefungs- M9 5 ∑ ECTS kompetenzen MT M 9.2 4,2% Laborpraktika (5 ECTS) 5 5 ∑ ECTS M 10.X M 10.X Freie Wahl Uni Freie Wahl Uni M 10 Flexibles Budget Schlüsselqualifikationen Schlüsselqualifikationen 8,3% 10 5 ∑ ECTS 5 ∑ ECTS M 11.1 Ingenieurnahes MT 10 Praktikumswochen M 11 8,3% Industriepraktikum 10 10 ∑ ECTS M 12 M 12 Master- Masterarbeit Masterarbeit M 12 25,0% arbeit 30 15 ECTS 15 ECTS Summe ECTS 120 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 In den Modulgruppen M4 und M5 bzw. M7 und M8 können auch Module der jeweils anderen Modulgruppe eingebracht werden. In die Modulgruppen M4 und M5 können Module mit insgesamt bis zu 5 ECTS-Punkten aus den Modulgruppen M2 - M5 aller Fachrichtungen eingebracht werden. In die Modulgruppen M7 - M8 können Module mit insgesamt bis zu 5 ECTS-Punkten aus den Modulgruppen M2 - M8 aller Fachrichtungen eingebracht werden. Bei nicht konsekutivem Studienmodell legt die Zugangskommission nachzuholende Module im Rahmen des flexiblen Budgets in Modulgruppe M10 fest. Für ein durchgehend englischsprachiges Studium können internationale Studierende in M1, M6 und M9 gleichwertige englischsprachige Fächer einbringen. BESCHLUSS Fakultätsrat Stand 2011-12-07 MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 40
DGBMT Specifications: Masters Program ● Specific to subject: ● Engineering, core subjects: 20 ECTS ● Medical Engineering, core subjects: 20 ECTS ● Medical Engineering, focus modules: 10 ECTS ● Scope non-specific to subject: 70 ECTS ● Based on DGBMT recommendation ● Possible to study non-consecutively MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 41
Master: Scope Non-Specific to Branch of Study ● Focus Modules in Medicine: 10 ECTS ● Core Competences Medical Engineering: 10 ECTS ● Medical Device Regulation and Elective Health Economics / Founder Seminar / etc., each 2.5 ECTS ● Medical Ethics and Seminar Medical Engin., each 2.5 ECTS ● Practical Competences Medical Engineering: 10 ECTS ● Laboratory Training & Research Internship ● Flexible Budget: 10 ECTS ● Soft Skills and Engineering Focus Modules ● Thesis (6 months): 30 ECTS ● In total: 70 ECTS MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 42
Colloquium MT Research and Industry MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 43
Master of Science Medical Engineering Motivation Environment Master Structure Study Organization Additional Help MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 44
Study Plan ● Most important source of information: Website of the degree program ● Available there: ● Universal catalog of elective compulsory modules* ● Catalogs specific to branches of study ● Link to the module handbook ● Information on laboratory training & research internship * (stage studies thus far) MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 45
Study Plan ● Most important source of information: Website of the degree program ● Available there: ● Links to ABMPO TechFak** and FPO MT** ● Link to the formalities of the Examinations Office ** Allgemeine Bachelor- und MasterPrüfungsOrdnung der Technischen Fakultät [General Examination Regulations for Bachelor's and Master's degrees of the Faculty of Engineering] *** FachPrüfungsOrdnung MedizinTechnik [Degree Programme and Examination Regulations Medical Engineering] MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 46
Master Course Scheme (from FPO) empfohlene Art- und Umfang der Studien- und Nr. Modulgruppen ECTS Semesteraufteilung 8) Prüfungsleistung 4) 1. 2. 3. 4. Medizinische Vertiefungsmodule PL: Klausur 60/90 min M1 10 5 5 gemäß Wahlpflichtkatalog für alle Studienrichtungen 1) 2) 3) / mündl. Prüfung 30 min Ingenieurwissenschaftliche Kernmodule PL: Klausur 60/90 min M2 20 10 10 gemäß studienrichtungsspezifischem Wahlpflichtkatalog 2) 3) / mündl. Prüfung 30 min Medizintechnische Kernmodule PL: Klausur 60/90 min M3 20 10 10 gemäß studienrichtungsspezifischem Wahlpflichtkatalog 3) 5) / mündl. Prüfung 30 min Medizintechnische Kernkompetenzen PL (Ausarbeitungen + Vorträge gemäß M4 10 5 5 gemäß Wahlpflichtkatalog für alle Studienrichtungen 1) 2) 3) Vorgaben des Lehrstuhls) Medizintechnische Vertiefungsmodule PL: Klausur 60/90 min M5 10 5 5 gemäß studienrichtungsspezifischem Wahlpflichtkatalog 3) 6) / mündl. Prüfung 30 min Medizintechnische Praxiskompetenzen uSL (Ausarbeitungen gemäß Modulbe- M6 10 10 gemäß Wahlpflichtkatalog für alle Studienrichtungen 3) schreibungen & Vorgaben des Lehrstuhls) M7 Flexibles Budget 7) 10 10 PL: gemäß einschlägiger PO M8 Masterarbeit 30 30 PL (Ausarbeitung + Vortrag) Summe ECTS 9) 120 30 30 30 30 MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 47
Master Course Scheme (translated) Recommended Distribution Type and Scope of Coursework and Nr. Module Groups ECTS to Semesters 8) Examination Achievement 4) 1. 2. 3. 4. Focus Modules in Medicine PL: Exam 60/90 min M1 acc. to catalog of elective compulsory modules for all 10 5 5 / Oral Test 30 min branches of study 1) 2) 3) Core Modules in Engineering PL: Exam 60/90 min M2 acc. to catalog of elective compulsory modules for selected 20 10 10 / Oral Test 30 min branch of study 2) 3) Core Modules in Medical Engineering acc. to catalog of PL: Exam 60/90 min M3 20 10 10 elective compulsory modules for selected branch of study 3) 5) / Oral Test 30 min Core Competencies in Medical Engineering PL (Reports + talks according to chair’s M4 acc. to catalog of elective compulsory modules for all 10 5 5 instructions) branches of study 1) 2) 3) Focus Modules in Medical Engineering PL: Exam 60/90 min M5 acc. to catalog of elective compulsory modules for selected 10 5 5 / Oral Test 30 min branch of study 3) 6) Practical Competencies of Medical Engineering uSL (Reports according to module descript- M6 acc. to catalog of elective compulsory modules for all 10 10 tions and instructions from the chairs) branches of study 3) M7 Flexible Budget 7) 10 10 PL: Acc. to relevant examination regulations M8 Master’s Thesis 30 30 PL (Thesis + Talk) Sum of ECTS 9) 120 30 30 30 30 MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 48
Basic Course Scheme / Catalog of Electives Basic Scheme (for all students) Catalog of Electives (for each branch) MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 49
Types of Courses ● V = Vorlesung [Lecture] ● Ü = Übung (Tafel- / Rechnerübungen) [Exercise (tutorial / computer exercises)] ● P = Praktikum [internship / placement] ● S = Seminar Performance Record ● Prüfungsleistung (PL) [examination achievement] ● Schriftlich [written] ● Mündlich [oral] ● Studienleistung (SL) [coursework achievement] ● Unbenotet [non-graded, pass / fail] ● Benotet [graded] MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 50
M 6: Practical Competencies (1) ● Laboratory Training ● Preparation of a project, commonly through reading appropriate literature and doing exercises according to project description ● Execution according to project instructions ● Documentation via a lab notebook to record e. g. used substances, methods, results, their evaluation and discussion ● To be taken from the appropriate course offerings of these departments: ● Mechanical Engineering ● Materials Science ● Electrical Engineering - Electronics - Information Technology ● Computer Science ● Person responsible for module: Tobias Zobel MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 51
M 6: Practical Competencies (2) ● Research Internship ● Topic offered by and worked on at a chair (possibly with an external partner) ● Chair must be involved in the program ● Exception: Internship well suited for semester abroad ● Topic must relate to research in Medical Engineering ● Concludes with a summary (~ 4-6 p.) in the style of a scientific publication ● Chair confirms completion with certificate to submit to the Examinations Office (Form available on the website of the program) ● Chairman of the Study Commission can alternatively approve other ungraded elective modules of the Faculty of Engineering ● Person responsible for module: Kurt Höller ● Both training and internship: 5 ECTS each MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 52
M 8: Master’s Thesis ● FPO§45 (1) 1: The Master‘s Thesis serves to attest to the independent execution of scientific tasks within Medical Engineering. ● Can be written after acquiring 75 ECTS and completing all (if any) conditions ● 900 hours of work to be completed within six months ● Has to be written at a chair that supervises a mandatory, elective or core module (excluding the “Flexible Budget”) ● Requires a Medical Supervisor: „mindestens ein [Angehöriger] des Universitätsklinikums oder einer vergleichbaren Einrichtung“ (FPO) “at least one [member] of the university hospital or a comparable institution” ● Care for your topic in due time! Ø Meaning also: Select your modules with prudence ● Ask for personalized / non-advertised topics at the chairs MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 53
Studying Abroad ● Especially suited for accreditation: ● M1 Medical Focus Modules (10 ECTS) ● M6 Laboratory Training (LabCourse) (5 ECTS) Research Internship (5 ECTS) (Certificates to be provided by foreign university lecturer) ● M7 Flexible Budget (10 ECTS) ● (M8 Master’s Thesis – only in cooperation with local university lecturer → grading) ● For other modules: ● Check with Study Advisor in a timely manner (at least three months prior to departure). ● Coordinate with the RIA. MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 54
Accreditation of Course Achievements ● Art. 63 of the BayHSchG: "[...] Prüfungsleistungen, die in Studiengängen an anderen staatlichen oder staatlich anerkannten Hochschulen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland [...], erbracht worden sind, sind [...] anzurechnen, außer es bestehen wesentliche Unterschiede hinsichtlich der erworbenen Kompetenzen (Lernergebnisse)." Course achievements obtained in degree programs at other state or state-approved colleges in the FRG are to be accredited, except when there exist essential differences regarding the acquired competences (learning outcomes). MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 55
Accreditation of Course Achievements ● Kompetenzgewinn — Competence Gain “While choosing modules from the catalogs of the available branches of study within the Master’s program, gains in competence — both with respect to the preceding Bachelor’s degree and specific to the subject of Medical Engineering — have to be demonstrated.” (For example: It is not possible to receive double credit for achievements already used for the Bachelor’s degree.) MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 56
Accreditation of Course Achievements Baring essential differences in competences, accreditation is possible for ● achievements which have not been used for the Bachelor’s degree. ● achievements obtained during visits abroad. → Ask the subject advisor. MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 57
Extracurricular Foreign Language Training At the Sprachenzentrum [Language Center], Bismarckstraße 1 ● English Course Catalog (UnivIS) ● French Section: „Sprachenzentrum“ Pre-Registration required! ● Italian Base language commonly German ● Spanish ● Portuguese For foreign students: ● Russian German (also as crash course) ●… è Also suitable for M 7 (Flexible Budget) è Up to four courses for free MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 58
Master of Science Medical Engineeing Motivation Environment Master Structure Study Organization Additional Help MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 59
Organization 1. Compile your class schedule, register if need be → UnivIS 2. Visit lectures & study → StudOn 3. Register for exams → meinCampus 4. Re-Register → meinCampus + Bank 5. Pass exams → Brain 6. Report on your conditions → Examinations Office & Student Records Office MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 60
RRZE Login ● A RRZE login is required for nearly all personalized online services of the FAU. ● If you haven’t already, use the IdM Portal with the activation password mailed to you to obtain one. Email Address ● A FAUMail address has been automatically generated for you. ● It’s used as default recipient for mails from the university. ● To relay: IdM Portal → Services → Click on the address → Field “Relay to“ MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 61
mein campus: Personal Management ● Login Ø Ø “Single Sign-On” → Same session for other services ● Tab Bar ● Startseite (Front Page) Ø News (mein campus maintenance, Exam Registration, Re-Registration, …) ● Prüfungen (Exams) Ø Exam Registration / Cancelation (when active) Ø Details of Exams (for which you’re currently registered) Ø Overview of Grades / Achievements Ø “Study Matrix”: Recommended distribution of modules MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 62
mein campus ● Tab Bar (cont.) ● Veranstaltungen (Courses) Ø Used to register for certain courses / their exercises Ø Usually announced in the first lecture or module description ● Bescheinigungen (Certificates) Ø Contains all kinds of forms and applications, incl. for past semesters Ø Examples: Certificate of Enrollment, Semester Contribution Receipt ● Studentenkanzlei aktuell (Student Records Office news) ● Persönliche Optionen (Personal Options) Ø To chance password, post address and phone number, notifications MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 63
StudOn: E-Learning Platform ● Login via “Single Sign-On” Ø ● Übersicht (Overview) Settings (Language): Persönlicher Schreibtisch → Einstellungen (→ Sprache) MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 64
StudOn ● Persönlicher Schreibtisch (Personal Desktop) Ø Overview of courses for which you have registered Ø Subitems with course news (e. g. new files, forum posts), calendar, mail ● Online-Angebote (Online Resources) Ø Overview of all courses offered throughout the FAU Ø Hierarchical ordering (most MT courses in “5. Tech”) Ø Courses may have e. g. a time limit, quota resp. password for registration Ø Successful registration automatically subscribes to course emails Ø Separate file folders & discussion board for each course ● Mailbox Ø Small icon to the left of your same (top right) Ø To view and send mails (e. g. to course work groups) MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 65
StudOn: Mail Group for Medical Engineering Students Register! Only those registered will receive important news regarding the program. MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 66
StudOn: Mail Group for Medical Engineering Students Ø Those with an internet-capable device and not yet registered: Please do it now. Ø Only those registered will receive important news regarding the program. 1. Log into StudOn: 2. Click “Online Resources” and again “Online Resources – Home” 3. Under “Categories”, click “Zentrale Einrichtungen” 4. Under “Categories”, click “ZiMT” 5. Under “Groups” (at the bottom), click on the “Action” button next to “Master Medizintechnik”, and in the appearing menu on “Join” 6. Confirm by clicking either “Join” on the following page MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 67
UnivIS: University Information System ● Persons, Lectures / Class Schedules, Modules, Rooms, … ● Useful to create course schedules Ø Switch language by clicking on the flag (Note: Poor and only partial translation) MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 68
Creating a Course Schedule with UnivIS 1. Pick your courses according to the course scheme and its catalogs (and preferably the recommended semester distribution) 2. Open the Medical Engineering section a) „Vorlesungs- und Modulverzeichnis nach Studiengängen“ (course list) b) „Medizintechnik (MT)“ (Health Care Engineering) c) Master: Modulverzeichnis (Module Directory) 3. Check that the current semester is selected (top right) 4. Select appropriate modules to display Ø “nur Module im Semester (gemäß Musterstudienplan)” → anzeigen (TL: “only modules of the th semester (according to course scheme)” → display) Ø For modules specific to a branch of study, select the applicable “Studienrichtung”. MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 69
Creating a Course Schedule with UnivIS 5. To select a module: 1. Toggle its icon ( → ) 2. To add / remove it to your actual selection, click at the bottom: (The selection is temporarily stored to allow changing pages.) 6. Switch to “Modulbelegung” (module selection) and repeat with dates • I. e., → . Conflicting schedules will not be rejected. • Note: Some chairs are notoriously late to enter information for their modules. 7. Finally, open the schedule and save it as PDF 1. Click “Sammlung/Stundenplan” (Collection/class schedule) at the top 2. Then “Stundenplan” (class schedule) at the left 3. Lastly, “PDF Querformat” (PDF landscape) MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 70
Master of Science Medical Engineering Motivation Environment Master Structure Study Organization Additional Help MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 71
Additional Services at FAU & co. ● The FAU and other institutions in Erlangen offer various services related not just to studying, but also life in general. ● Examples: Everything related to your program → Subject Advisor Studying in general (e. g. academic leave) → IBZ Aid to foreign students / going abroad → RIA Psychological Aid → Counseling Center, Open Door Flat Hunt → Housing Service MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 72
Referat für Internationale Angelegenheiten (RIA) ● “Central Office for International Affairs” ● For all international students, i. e. both those from and to abroad ● Those from abroad should have received an invitation to one of the biweekly orientation courses (15.9. – 20.10.). ● Topics the RIA covers or supports (examples) ● Opening a bank account & paying the student fee ● Registering as resident & health care coverage ● Enrolling at university & finding accommodation ● Obtaining a residency permit & visa issues (for non-citizens of the EU) ● Registering for intercultural training ● Finding buddies & student tutors MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 73
Referat für Internationale Angelegenheiten ● Locations and hours ● Central Office: Helmstraße 1 [near train station – see map] (Mo-Fr: 9-12, Welcome Center closed on We) ● International Office at the TF: Erwin-Rommel-Straße 60 [lecture hall building] Rooms U1.250 & U1.251 (Tu 9-16, We 8:30-12:30, Th 9-16, appointment) Bottom floor, near passage to new building MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 74
Informations- und Beratungszentrum für Studiengestaltung & Career Service (IBZ) ● “Student Advice and Career Service” ● For advice concerning one’s studies at the FAU ● Topics the IBZ supports (examples) ● Changing subject or program / suspending studies ● Help for studying with particular / personal difficulties (e. g. people with disabilities, paternal leave, competitive athletes, …) ● Preparing for employment (Careers Service) ● Opening Hours ● Advisory Office: Mo-Fr 8:00-18:00 ● IBZ Location ● Schlossplatz 3/Halbmondstraße 6, Room 0.021 ● Entrance opposite to the city palace MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 75
WohnService ● “Housing Service“ ● In charge of the Studentenwerk’s dormitories ● Also offers housing referral to private landlords / other institutions ● Henkestraße 38a (near City Mensa) ● Mo, We, Th: 9:00-12:00 / Tu 10:00-12:00 + 13:30-15:30 IBZ (bottom blue) WohnService MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 76
Psychotherapeutische Beratungsstelle & Offene Tür ● Counselling Center of the Studentenwerk (Student Services) ● For every kind of advice and guidance, alone or as group ● Secretariat: Mo-Fr 8:30-12:00, Open Consultation: Tu 13:30-16:30 ● Erlangen: Hofmannstraße 27, 2nd floor ● Open Door Erlangen run by the Catholic Church ● Churchly contact point, but open for everybody ● Open Consultation: Mo-Fr 9:00-18:00 (school vacations: 14:00-18:00) ● Katholischer Kirchenplatz 2 MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 77
Hints and Tips ● Bulletin Board at the Dean‘s Office (Exam Dates) ● Internet: ● Degree program‘s site with module handbook, module overview, examination regulations, internship guidelines (German) ● Site of Central Institute for Medical Engineering (German) ● Search engine for the catalog of FAU libraries + managing your library account ● Student forum of the Medical Engineering Student Association (FSI) ● Student Services: Accommodation, BAföG, Canteen / Mensa, … ● Personal Consultation with the Student Advisor MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 78
In Praxi – for Students, by Students Fachschaftsinitiative (FSI) Medizintechnik Student Association Medical Engineering MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 79
FSI Medizintechnik location As long as the tower is closed: Guest at FSI Maschinenbau U1.249 Blue Computer science tower Room 01.150 MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 80
FSI Medizintechnik Contact • Personal • Website: • E-Mail: MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 81
FSI Medizintechnik: How can we help you? • Tips for exams and lectures • Access to an collection of old exams • An place to go for complains • and organisational problems MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 82
FSI Medizintechnik: How can you help us? • Bring us your exam information • Old exams • Report of the asked questions • Tell us your complains • Inform us about the organisational problems MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 83
You Can Give Direction to… Student Association Representatives Student Study Subsidies Commission Council Student Commission Elected Representatives of the Students Faculty Council Senate Commissions University Elections Commissions Committees Committees MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 84
We Look Forward to Constructive Dialog… … because high Motivation in this top Environment leads through a focused Master our students to Success MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 85
Questions? Thanks for Your Attention! MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 86
Basic Course Scheme MA MT (2) M4 Kernkompetenz Medizintechnik V+Ü+S+P 10 5 0 5 0 M 4.1 Einführung in die Medizinproduktebranche 5 Dr. Maria Zellerhoff 4.1a2 Seminar Medizinprodukterecht 0+0+2+0 2,5 2,5 0 0 0 uSL INF Dr. Maria Zellerhoff / Anja Forster WS/SS 4.1b2 Sicherheit und Recht in der Medizintechnik 2+0+0+0 2,5 2,5 0 0 0 uSL EEI Dr. Hans Kaarmann WS 4.1c3 Evaluationen (Grundlagen) 2+0+0+0 2,5 2,5 0 0 0 uSL WISO Prof. Dr. Oliver Schöffski WS 4.1d3 Grundlagen gesundheitsökonomischer Evaluationen 2+0+0+0 VHB uSL WISO Prof. Dr. Oliver Schöffski WS/SS 4.1e3 Einführung in die Gesundheitsökonomie WISO Prof. Dr. Harald Tauchmann WS Wahlkatalog 4.1f3 Gründerplanspiel - Erlangen 0+0+2+0 2,5 0 2,5 0 0 uSL WISO Prof. Dr. Kai-Ingo Voigt SS 4.1g3 5 Euro Business 0+0+2+0 2,5 2,5 0 0 0 uSL WISO Prof. Dr. Kai-Ingo Voigt WS 4.1h3 Unternehmer/innen Seminar 0+0+2+0 2,5 0 0 0 uSL WISO Prof. Dr. Kai-Ingo Voigt WS 4.1i3 Interdisciplinary innovations 2+0+0+0 2,5 0 0 0 uSL INF Sultan Haider/ Tobias Zobel WS M 4.2 Seminar Medizintechnik und Medizinethik 5 Dr.-Ing. Kurt Höller 4.2a Medizinethik 2+0+0+0 0 0 2,5 0 uSL THEOL Dr. Jens Ried WS 4.2b Seminar Medizintechnik 0+0+2+0 0 0 2,5 0 30 m Pfp N.N. WS/SS 2 Auswahl 1 aus 2 3 Auswahl 1 aus 7 M5 Vertiefungsmodule der Medizintechnik 20 10 10 0 0 90/30 s/m siehe Kataloge für die einzenen Studienrichtungen M6 Vertiefungskompetenzen MT V+Ü+S+P 10 0 0 10 0 M 6.1 Hochschulpraktikum 0+0+0+4 5 0 0 5 0 uSL Tobias Zobel WS/SS M 6.2 Forschungspraktikum 0+0+0+4 5 0 0 5 0 uSL Dr. Jochen Weinzierl WS/SS M7 Flexibles Budget V+Ü+S+P 10 0 0 10 0 M 7.1 Freie Wahl Uni / Softskills 10 0 0 10 0 M8 Masterarbeit 30 0 0 0 30 In die Modulgruppe M3 können Module mit insgesamt bis zu 5 ECTS-Punkten aus den Modulgruppen M2 - M3 aller Fachrichtungen eingebracht werden. Pfp Portfolioprüfung In die Modulgruppe M5 können Module mit insgesamt bis zu 5 ECTS-Punkten aus den Modulgruppen M2 - M5 aller Fachrichtungen eingebracht werden. PL Prüfungsleistung Bei nicht konsekutivem Studienmodell legt die Zugangskommission nachzuholende Module im Rahmen des flexiblen Budgets in Modulgruppe M7 fest. uSL unbenotete Studienleistung Das 3. und 4. Semester sind als Mobilitätsfenster konzipiert, in dem insbesondere Auslandsaufenthalte realisiert werden können. s schriftlich Die genannten Lehrveranstaltungen können mit zusätzlichen Übungen und Praktika ergänzt werden. m mündlich o online Stand:''25.03.2013 Seite'2/2 MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 87
Branch of Study MedBDV (1) Studienrichtungskatalog und Prüfungen im Masterstudium der Medizintechnik Studienrichtung "Medizinische Bild- und Datenverarbeitung" Das englischsprachige Studium besteht aus den hell unterlegten Modulen mit ggf. englischsprachigen Modulprüfungen. In M1, M4 und M6 können internationale Studierende gleichwertige englischsprachige Fächer einbringen. 1. Jahr 2. Jahr Studien- Gesamt Module SWS und Prüfungs- Department leistungen WS/SS Modul- WS SS WS SS Modul Nr. Modulverantwortlicher/ Dozent gruppe schr./mdl./ ben./ unb. ECTS ECTS ECTS ECTS ECTS online Modulbezeichnung V+Ü+S+P Studien- Prüfung, leistung Dauer/min M1 Medizinische Vertiefungsmodule 10 5 5 0 0 120 s siehe Grundcurriculum für alle Studienrichtungen M2 Ingenieurwissenschaftliche Kernmodule V+Ü+S+P 20 10 10 0 0 M 2.11 Pattern Recognition 3+0+0+0 5 5 0 0 0 30 m INF Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joachim Hornegger WS 1 M 2.2 Pattern Analysis 3+0+0+0 5 5 0 0 0 30 m INF Prof. Dr.-Ing. Elmar Nöth SS M 2.3 Computer Vision 3+1+0+0 5 0 5 0 0 30 m INF Prof. Elli Angelopoulou SS Übung INF M 2.4 Hardware-Software-Co-Design 2+2+0+0 5 0 5 0 0 90 s INF Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Teich SS Übung INF M 2.5 Parallel Systems 2+2+0+0 5 0 5 0 0 30 m INF Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Teich SS Übung INF Dr.-Ing. Frank Hannig M 2.6 Eingebettete Systeme (Embedded Systems) 2+2+0+0 5 5 0 0 0 90 s INF Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Teich WS Übung INF M 2.7 Domain Specific and Resource Aware Computing on Multicore Architectures 2+2+0+0 5 5 0 0 0 30 m INF Dr.-Ing. Frank Hannig WS Übung INF M 2.8 Reconfigurable Computing 2+2+0+0 5 5 0 0 0 30 s INF Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Teich WS Übung INF M 2.9 Ereignisgesteuerte Systeme 2+2+0+0 5 5 0 0 0 90 s INF Dr.-Ing. Michael Glaß WS Übung INF M 2.10 Cyber-Physical Systems 2+2+0+0 5 0 5 0 0 30 m INF Dr.-Ing. Torsten Klie WS/SS Übung INF Wahlkatalog M 2.11 Systemprogrammierung I 2+2+0+0 5 5 0 0 0 90 s INF Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Schröder-Preikschat WS/SS Übung INF M 2.12 Digital Communication 3+1+0+0 5 5 0 0 0 90 s EEI Prof. Dr.-Ing. Johannes Huber WS Übung EEI Stand:'25.03.2013 Seite'1/3 MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 88
Branch of Study MedBDV (2) Wahlkatalog M 2.13 Information Theory/ Informationstheorie 3+1+0+0 5 0 5 0 0 90 s EEI Prof. Dr.-Ing. Johannes Huber WS: engl. Übung EEI SS: dt. M 2.14 Channel Coding/ Kanalcodierung 3+1+0+0 5 0 5 0 0 90 s EEI Dr.-Ing. C. Stierstorfer WS: engl. Übung EEI SS: dt. M 2.15 Signale und Systeme II 2,5+1,5+0+0 5 0 5 0 0 90 s EEI Prof. Dr.-Ing. André Kaup SS Übung EEI M 2.16 Konzeptionelle Modellierung 2+2+0+0 5 0 5 0 0 90 s INF Prof. Dr. Richard Lenz WS/(SS) Übung INF M 2.17 Digital Signal Processing 3+1+0+0 5 5 0 0 0 90 s EEI Prof. Dr.-Ing. Walter Kellermann WS Übung EEI M 2.18 Statistical Signal Processing 3+1+0+0 5 0 5 0 0 90 s EEI Prof. Dr.-Ing. Walter Kellermann WS Übung EEI M 2.19 Computergraphik 3+1+0+0 5 5 INF Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marc Stamminger WS Übungen INF M 2.20 Geometric Modeling 3+1+0+0 5 5 0 0 0 30 m INF Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marc Stamminger WS Übung INF M 2.21 Applied Visualization 2+2+0+0 5 0 5 0 0 30 m INF PD Dr.-Ing. Peter Hastreiter SS Übung INF 1 obligatorisch nachzuholen (ggf. auch im Rahmen von M7), wenn nicht im Bachelor belegt. 2 Auswahl 1 aus 2 M3 Kernmodule der Medizintechnik V+Ü+S+P 20 10 10 0 0 M 3.1 Diagnostic Medical Image Processing 3+0+0+0 5 5 0 0 0 30 m INF Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joachim Hornegger WS INF M 3.2 Interventional Medical Image Processing 3+0+0+0 5 0 5 0 0 30 m INF Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joachim Hornegger SS INF M 3.3 Biomedical Signal Analysis (Biomedizinische Signalanalyse) 2+2+0+0 5 5 0 0 0 90 s INF Prof. Dr. Björn Eskofier WS Übung INF M 3.4 Computer Architectures for Med. Applications 2+2+0+0 5 0 5 0 0 30 m INF Prof. Dr. Gerhard Wellein SS Wahlkatalog Übung INF Prof. Dr. Dietmar Fey M 3.5 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) 2+2+0+0 5 0 5 0 0 30 m MED Prof. Dr. Harald H. Quick SS Übung MED M 3.6 Image and Video Compression 3+1+0+0 5 0 5 0 0 90 s EEI Prof. Dr.-Ing. André Kaup SS Übung EEI M 3.7 Visual Computing in Medicine I 4+0+0+0 5 0 2,5 0 0 30 m INF PD Dr. Peter Hastreiter WS Visual Computing in Medicine II 2,5 INF PD Dr. Thomas Wittenberg SS M 3.8 Molecular Imaging 0+0+0+0 5 5 0 0 0 90 s MED N.N. Übung MED geplant M4 Kernkompetenzen Medizintechnik 10 5 0 5 0 uSL siehe Grundcurriculum für alle Studienrichtungen Stand:'25.03.2013 Seite'2/3 MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 89
Branch of Study MedBDV (3) M5 Vertiefungsmodule der Medizintechnik V+Ü+S+P 10 0 5 5 0 120 M 5.1 Organic Computing 2+2+0+0 5 0 5 0 0 30 m INF Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Rolf Wanka SS Übung INF M 5.2 Architecture for Smart Camera Systems 2+2+0+0 5 0 5 0 0 30 m INF Prof. Dr. Dietmar Fey SS Übung INF geplant M 5.3 Informationssysteme in der Intensivmedizin 2+2+0+0 5 0 5 0 0 20 m MED PD Dr. Thomas Bürkle SS Übung MED M 5.4 Angewante IT-Sicherheit 2+2+0+0 5 0 5 0 0 90/20 s/m INF Prof. Dr. Felix Freiling WS Übung INF Wahlkatalog M 5.5 Human Factors in IT-Security 2+2+0+0 5 0 0 5 0 90/20 s/m INF Dr. Zinaida Benenson SS Übung INF M 5.6 Computerunterstützte Messdatenerfassung 2+2+0+0 5 0 0 5 0 90 s EEI Prof. Dr.-Ing. Reinhard Lerch WS Übung EEI M 5.7 Software Test and Analysis 2+2+0+0 5 0 5 0 0 60/30 s/m INF Prof. Dr. Francesca Saglietti WS Übung INF M 5.8 Datenstromsysteme 2+2+0+0 5 0 0 5 0 30 m INF Prof. Dr. Klaus Meyer-Wegener WS Übung INF M 5.9 eBusiness Technologies und Evolutionäre Informationssysteme 4+0+0+0 5 0 0 5 0 60/30 s/m INF Prof. Dr. Richard Lenz WS 0 Christoph P. Neumann, M6 Vertiefungskompetenzen Medizintechnik 10 0 0 10 0 uSL siehe Grundcurriculum für alle Studienrichtungen M7 Flexibles Budget 10 0 0 10 0 siehe Grundcurriculum für alle Studienrichtungen M8 Masterarbeit 30 0 0 0 30 In die Modulgruppe M3 können Module mit insgesamt bis zu 5 ECTS-Punkten aus den Modulgruppen M2 - M3 aller Fachrichtungen eingebracht werden. Pfp Portfolioprüfung In die Modulgruppe M5 können Module mit insgesamt bis zu 5 ECTS-Punkten aus den Modulgruppen M2 - M5 aller Fachrichtungen eingebracht werden. PL Prüfungsleistung Bei nicht konsekutivem Studienmodell legt die Zugangskommission nachzuholende Module im Rahmen des flexiblen Budgets in Modulgruppe M7 fest. uSL unbenotete Studienleistung Das 3. und 4. Semester sind als Mobilitätsfenster konzipiert, in dem insbesondere Auslandsaufenthalte realisiert werden können. s schriftlich Die genannten Lehrveranstaltungen können mit zusätzlichen Übungen und Praktika ergänzt werden. m mündlich o online Stand:'25.03.2013 Seite'3/3 MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 90
ABMPO and FPO MT Der Text dieser Prüfungsordnung ist nach dem aktuellen Stand sorgfältig er- stellt; gleichwohl ist ein Irrtum nicht ausgeschlossen. Verbindlich ist der amtli- che, beim Prüfungsamt einsehbare, im offiziellen Amtsblatt veröffentlichte Text. Hinweis: Für Studierende, die Ihr Studium vor In-Kraft-Treten der letzten Ände- rungssatzung aufgenommen haben: Bitte beachten Sie auch die vorangegangenen Änderungssatzungen mit ihren Übergangsbestimmungen. Hinweis: Diese Prüfungsordnung gilt für Studierende, die vom WS 2007/08 ab das Studium aufnehmen. Studierende, die nach der bisher gültigen Allgemeinen Prüfungsordnung für die Dip- lom-, Bachelor- und Masterprüfungen an der Technischen Fakultät vom 17.10.1972 (KMBl 1973 S. 91) und der für ihren Studiengang maßgeblichen Fachprüfungsord- nung studieren, legen ihre Prüfungen nach dieser Prüfungsordnung ( DPO_TechnischeFak_Alt.pdf ab. - Neu - Allgemeine Prüfungsordnung für die Bachelor- und Masterstudiengänge an der Technischen Fakultät der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg – ABMPO/TechFak – Vom 18. September 2007 geändert durch Satzungen vom 25. Juli 2008 3. Dezember 2009 4. März 2010 6. Mai 2010 7. Juli 2010 7. Juni 2011 30. Juli 2012 Auf Grund von Art. 13 Abs. 1 Satz 2, Art. 43 Abs. 4 bis 5, Art. 61 Abs. 2 Satz 1 des Bayerischen Hochschulgesetzes (BayHSchG) erlässt die Universität Erlangen- Nürnberg folgende Prüfungsordnung: I. Teil: Allgemeine Bestimmungen ..................................................................... 2 §1 Geltungsbereich, Zweck der Bachelor- und Masterprüfung .............. 2 §2 Akademische Grade .............................................................................. 3 §3 Bachelorstudiengänge, Prüfungen und Regelstudienzeiten ............. 3 §4 Masterstudiengänge, Prüfungen und Regelstudienzeiten ................. 3 § 4a Teilzeitstudium, Wechsel, ECTS-Punkteüberschreitungen .............. 4 §5 ECTS-Punkte .......................................................................................... 4 §6 Modularisierung, Studienbegleitende Leistungsnachweise .............. 4 §7 Prüfungsfristen, Fristversäumnis......................................................... 5 §8 Prüfungsausschuss............................................................................... 5 §9 Prüfende, Ausschluss wegen persönlicher Beteiligung, Verschwiegenheitspflicht...................................................................... 6 § 10 Bekanntgabe der Prüfungsart, der Prüfungstermine und der Prüfenden; Anmeldung, Rücktritt ........................................................ 7 MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 91
Class Schedule (Lectures only) ● First: Add all lectures to collection ● Check box in front of lecture(s) à „Auswahl zur Sammlung hinzufügen“ (bottom) MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 92
Class Schedule (Lectures only) ● „Sammlung/Stundenplan“ à „Darstellung als Stundenplan“ “Collection/Class Schedule” à “View as Class Schedule” MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 93
Class Schedule (Lectures only) ● „Darstellung – PDF-Querformat“ “View – PDF Landscape Format” MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 94
Class Schedule (complete) ● Adding of exercises to collection Ø Same procedure ● View as Class Schedule (PDF example): MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 95
Class Schedule (complete) ● Selecting an Exercise Group ● Mathe A1, GET I: Arrangement of groups via StudOn Ø Activation of the registration at a fixed point in time: “First come, first serve” ● AuD-MT, MT I: Arrangement via EST System (Exercise Submission Tool) Ø Selection of desire, feasible and impossible dates / groups Ø Final arrangement determined by computer ● More information in the appropriate lectures! MA MT at the FAU | K. Höller 10/2/2014 96
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