Page created by Geraldine Turner

                                                            Many of the challenges we face are
                                                            global, but we know that solutions
                                                            can and must be delivered at a local
                                                            level. Last summer, the Scottish
                                                            Greens made history by becoming
                                                            the first Greens to enter central
                                                            government in UK history.

                                                         Action by the Scottish Greens
                                                         has already led to free bus travel
for young people, unprecedented action on single-use plastics and record investments in
recycling, nature restoration and active travel.

Now, more than ever, we need to empower our councils to carry on this work for our
communities. Green Councillors across Scotland have made a real difference already, opposing
destructive developments, leading local authority action on the climate emergency and saving
vital local assets like libraries and swimming pools.

This election is an opportunity for Scottish Green Councillors to play an even bigger role,
entering councils that have never benefited from a Green voice before and leading change
across Scotland.

Candidates have been listening to their communities and have set out local manifestos that
reflect local needs and lead the way with the transformation required to meet national and
global challenges. They can be found at

Councils have a crucial role to play in addressing the local impact of the climate and economic
crises. The pandemic has shown us that global events can have a very profound local impact,
but it has also shown us the differences communities can make when we work together to
tackle the big challenges we face. We must continue that spirit and cooperation to deal with
the climate and economic crises.

Scottish Greens are committed to empowering local authorities to meet the needs of their
communities. That is why our MSPs in the Scottish Parliament have secured new powers for
councils, new money for active travel and recycling, and the biggest increase in funding for
teacher recruitment in a generation.

The next five years are vital for our democracy and our planet. Reforming local tax to get rid of
the unfair and outdated Council Tax will be the subject of a Citizen’s Assembly. Our MSPs have
also ensured that local authorities can regulate the number of Short-Term Lets so that Councils
can act to curb excessive concentrations of AirBnBs.

By electing Green Councillors to Council Chambers across Scotland you can change how your
council works. Electing a Green Councillor by giving them your first preference vote is the best
way to make your council one that supports you and your community to create a better place
in a better world.

By considering the climate emergency in every local action and decision we take, Green
Councillors will ensure a just transition to a zero-carbon economy and society.

                                                                THINK GLOBAL ACT LOCAL          1
TAKING LOCAL                                                            INVESTING IN
CLIMATE ACTION                                                          LOCAL SERVICES

                                                                 WE WILL
                                                                 We will keep schools in council control but give pupils,
                                                                 parents and teachers a real voice in how schools are run
                                                                 and how money is spent. We believe every council should
                                                                 have parent and pupil representatives on their education
WE WILL                                                          committee.
We will push for real change, to move from ambitious targets     We will champion those who care for the youngest
to tangible local action, using council powers in planning       and oldest in society, building on the pay rises we have
and service provision to contribute to net-zero goals.           introduced to bring care workers’ wages in line with those
                                                                 of NHS staff.
We will ensure that council land is managed to adapt to and
mitigate climate change in a way that delivers nature-rich       We will campaign for cheaper and more frequent bus and
places, benefiting wildlife and people.                          ferry services, building on Free Bus Transport for under-22s
                                                                 and over-60s through the fair fares review.
We will push our councils to divest from fossil fuels, nuclear
weapons and the arms trade; and support a just transition        We will bring local buses back into public or social
into new, secure jobs for people currently working in these      ownership, expanding services and making them more
industries, so they can be part of a clean, Green future.        affordable while reducing transport emissions.

2   THINK GLOBAL ACT LOCAL                                                                              THINK GLOBAL ACT LOCAL   3
CREATING COMMUNITIES                                                REVITALISING
FOR EVERYONE                                                        LOCAL DEMOCRACY

WE WILL                                                       WE WILL
We will invest in walking, wheeling and cycling networks      We will put local communities at the heart of planning,
and roll out 20-minute neighbourhoods (where                  prioritising their needs over those of big developers and
essential services can be accessed locally), making local     protecting precious green and open space.
neighbourhoods safe, healthy and welcoming for all.
                                                              We will help communities own, run or have more say over
We will tackle rip-off housing costs, taking action against   their areas.
rogue landlords, poor property conditions and fuel poverty.
                                                              We will give communities much more say over how
We will deliver Rent Controls and our councillors will        council money is spent, by making sure every council has a
introduce them locally.                                       participatory budget target and plan.

4   THINK GLOBAL ACT LOCAL                                                                            THINK GLOBAL ACT LOCAL   5
 THINK GLOBAL ACT LOCAL                                1
   Taking local climate action                         2
   Investing in local services                         3
   Creating communities for everyone                   4
   Revitalising local democracy                        5

 TAKING LOCAL CLIMATE ACTION                           8
   Moving to a net-zero Scotland                       9
   Managing land for the future                        10
   A circular economy                                  10

 INVESTING IN LOCAL SERVICES                           12
   Thriving schools and early years provision          13
     Teaching and learning                             13
     Schools and staff                                 14
     Schools as safe spaces for all                    14
     Empowering pupils, staff and parents/guardians    14
     Providing additional support                      14
     Poverty-proofing schools                          15
   Creating a healthy and caring Scotland              15
     Promote and enable good health                    15
     Ensure local delivery and accountability          16
     Support our staff                                 16
     Respect unpaid carers                             16
     Support those facing addiction                    17
   Supporting people in crisis                         17
   Better public transport                             18

   Thriving local economies                            21
   Affordable warm homes for all                       21
   Streets for people                                  22
   Leisure, recreation, arts and culture               23

 REVITALISING LOCAL DEMOCRACY                          24
   Planning for a green future                         25
   Fair funding for public services                    25
   Empowering local communities                        26

                                            THINK GLOBAL ACT LOCAL   7
                                                                                                  NET-ZERO SCOTLAND
                                                                                                  Setting targets for achieving net-zero is an
                                                                                                  important first step in tackling the climate
                                                                                                  crisis, but it is only the first step. Councils
                                                                                                  need detailed and ambitious plans for how
                                                                                                  to transform all aspects of their services and
                                                                                                  decision-making to achieve net-zero. This
                                                                                                  means doing things differently in planning,
                                                                                                  transport, waste management, housing and so
                                                                                                  much more.

TAKING LOCAL CLIMATE ACTION                                                                       We know this can be done in a way that helps
                                                                                                  local communities thrive, with warmer homes,
We know that tackling the climate emergency needs real leadership, ambition and action at         people-friendly streets and better local services.
a local level. This will require integrating climate adaptation and mitigation into all aspects   Proposals for how we will achieve net-zero in
of our life - not as an afterthought. Green Councillors will ensure that ambitious targets        all of these sectors are included throughout this
and plans are in place to become net-zero and, crucially, that action is taken in a way that      manifesto.
considers the needs of all of society.
                                                                                                  Green Councillors will:
                                                                                                  • Ensure councils set ambitious targets for
Since 2017 Green Councillors have:                                                                   achieving net-zero and develop detailed,
                                                                                                     robust and integrated plans for achieving
        Secured unprecedented commitments to tackle the climate crisis                               these targets.
          Secured Glasgow’s 2030 net-zero target.                                                 • Support local authority-wide carbon
          Persuaded Highland Council to declare a Climate and Ecological Emergency                   budgeting to help meet climate targets in
          and set a target of being carbon neutral by 2025.                                          the most cost-effective way and to ensure
          Led Edinburgh Council in declaring a Climate Emergency and setting a target                accountability to the public.
          of achieving net-zero by 2030 with interim targets and an action plan.                  • Reduce energy use in council buildings, with
                                                                                                     delivery of energy efficient and zero carbon
        Led urgent action on the climate crisis                                                      emissions heating; support homeowners
          Secured a £10m Climate Action Fund in Glasgow, to invest in renewable                      to retrofit their homes, saving energy and
          energy, green transport and restoring nature.                                              money; and promote the use of local heat
          Proposed a “Green budget for climate and social justice” in Edinburgh.                     networks, all supported by our work in
          Helped win a Climate Change Officer for Orkney Islands Council.                            government on net-zero buildings.
                                                                                                  • Look at the potential for use of council land
        Stopped climate-damaging investment                                                          for renewable energy generation, especially
          Secured divestment from fossil fuels in Glasgow.                                           for heat.
          Won agreement for a new Responsible Investment Statement in Highland &                  • Rethink the approach to street design and
          Islands policy, which includes divestment from fossil fuels.                               development planning, making walking,
                                                                                                     wheeling and cycling easier, safer and more
        Reduced waste                                                                                efficient, and reducing demand for cars and
          Increased recycling investment for flats and tenements and moved bulk uplift               parking in our towns and city centres.
          charging to a fairer per-item system in Glasgow.                                        • Make public transport a practical alternative
          Secured agreement to install recycling facilities in Edinburgh Council                     to car use, by improving bus services,
          buildings, reducing Edinburgh Council’s use of disposable plastics including in            supporting railway re-openings, integrating
          school packed lunches.

8   THINK GLOBAL ACT LOCAL                                                                                        THINK GLOBAL ACT LOCAL            9

    ticketing and bringing local bus services         becomes nature-rich, with wildflower           Reducing waste with less packaging,
    into public or social ownership.                  meadows and verges that benefit                encouraging more reuse and recycling
•   Ensure the indirect impacts of council            pollinators, tree planting and wetlands        means we can avoid incineration, save the
    business on the climate are reduced,              all creating spaces for nature within our      cost and environmental impact of landfill
    by pushing for divestment from fossil             communities.                                   and safeguard natural resources for the
    fuels and the arms trade and by carrying      •   Support habitat restoration by others,         future. Council investment in bin collections
    out a climate assessment of council               particularly where it benefits communities     and street cleaning is vital to make our
    procurement and any public funding of             and enriches biodiversity.                     neighbourhoods more attractive.
    arms-length organisations.                    •   Ensure councils invest in the staff they
•   Ensure that transitioning to net-zero is          need and in existing community expertise       Green Councillors will:
    equitable and results in a just transition,       required to manage land well, advise others    • Ensure all councils have a zero-waste plan
    by working closely with partners and local        and engage communities actively in this           by 2025.
    communities.                                      process.                                       • Improve bin collection services, extend
                                                  •   Protect and invest in parks and green             doorstep recycling to include textiles,
                                                      spaces, providing places for people to            promote composting and provide a rapid
MANAGING LAND                                         access the outdoors, benefiting their health      response service to deal with overflowing
                                                      and mental well-being, and for wildlife to        recycling containers.
FOR THE FUTURE                                        flourish.                                      • Establish grant programmes to support
Councils have a key role to play in tackling      •   Ensure councils use nature-based solutions        local deposit return schemes and
the climate and nature emergencies in                 to manage flooding, coastal erosion, urban        encourage communities to develop, repair,
the way they manage land. Working with                drainage and pollution wherever possible,         reuse and community recycling networks
nature we can create places that are rich in          and invest in the expertise needed to do          and organisations.
wildlife, help us manage water and pollution          this.                                          • Support local businesses to reduce
sustainably and benefit people. This should       •   Encourage local food production through           packaging and find recyclable and
be part of a long-term approach to working            increasing the accessibility of land and          biodegradable alternatives.
with nature but requires a radical change in          support available to community gardens,        • Support communities to develop litter
approach now.                                         allotments, school growing projects and           prevention plans involving all relevant local
                                                      more.                                             partners, enhancing community warden
Scottish Greens recognise that for people to      •   Support local consultations and                   services and taking firm action against
thrive, they need nature. Green spaces within         contributions to the Land Reform Bill and         fly-tipping and dog-waste problems.
our cities, towns and villages should improve         Regional Land Use Partnerships Pilot, and         Increase the number of environmental
health and wellbeing, add value to our lives          the rollout of the National Register of           health officers, explore ways to improve
and provide places for wildlife to flourish.          Ancient Woodlands.                                evidence gathering, and lobby for changes
                                                  •   Champion sustainable land use, including          to national legislation so it is easier to
Green Councillors will:                               crofting and small-scale farming,                 prosecute serious fly-tipping. We will
• Place councils’ duties to conserve and              promoting the contributions these                 also support the case for a separate
   restore biodiversity and tackle the climate        make to the local economy as well as              Environmental Court system to improve
   emergency at the heart of how they                 environmental enhancement.                        the enforcement of environmental
   manage land and carry out their work.                                                                protection laws.
• Ensure every council has an ambitious plan                                                         • Oppose the large-scale incineration of
   in place by 2025 to create a Local Nature                                                            waste and plan for a just transition for
   Network, that sets out the enhancement         A CIRCULAR ECONOMY                                    workers in this industry.
   and restoration needed to deliver a nature-    Scottish Greens are leading Scotland’s shift to
   rich connected network of habitats across      a circular economy in government, banning
   the whole of Scotland.                         single-use plastics, delivering record amounts
• Commit their council to Local Nature            for councils to support their recycling
   Network delivery by transforming               efforts and launching a major review into
   management of council land so it               incineration.
   maximises natural carbon capture and

10 THINK GLOBAL ACT LOCAL                                                                                                                               THINK GLOBAL ACT LOCAL 11
                                                                                                EARLY YEARS PROVISION
                                                                                                Scottish Greens believe in education that
                                                                                                offers children and young people much more
                                                                                                than qualifications – education that supports
                                                                                                their development as confident individuals
                                                                                                equipped to explore the opportunities and face
                                                                                                the challenges that our fast-changing world

                                                                                                brings. In government we have secured reform
                                                                                                of the qualifications and inspections system,
                                                                                                and funding for the biggest rise in teacher
Councils educate children and young people, provide care and support services to people,        recruitment in a generation.
and make our neighbourhoods better places to live. Green Councillors will continue to work
to protect and improve these services.                                                          TEACHING AND LEARNING
                                                                                                Green Councillors will:
                                                                                                • Support teaching which promotes literacy,
                                                                                                   numeracy, and health and wellbeing.
Since 2017 Green Councillors have:                                                              • Support creativity and critical thinking in the
        Delivered more teachers and safer schools                                                  school curriculum, alongside confidence,
          Delivered record teacher recruitment and investment in classroom ventilation             resilience, global and local citizenship,
          across Scotland, thanks to funding secured by Greens at Holyrood.                        practical life skills and outdoor learning.
                                                                                                • Support more play-based learning and
        Led on urgent action on the climate crisis                                                 outdoor education for young people.
          Secured the adoption of a Climate Change Charter for Health and Social Care           • Support Gaelic medium education at primary
          in Edinburgh; committed to the Edinburgh net-zero 2030 target; supported                 and secondary level.
          closing the gap on emissions, changing work practices, appointing climate             • Support parents and carers who wish to opt
          champions and reporting publicly on progress; secured agreement to install               their children out of standardised testing.
          recycling facilities in schools and successfully called for cycle lanes to schools    • Promote partnerships between schools and
          along key corridors.                                                                     trade unions which give young people the
          Worked to make streets safer for children with permanently car-free schools in           opportunity to learn about their rights before
          Glasgow.                                                                                 entering the workplace.
          Supported bike buses to school across Scotland.
                                                                                                SCHOOLS AND STAFF
        Ensured the vulnerable were protected                                                   Green Councillors will:
          Delivered a 10% increase to foster and kinship carers’ allowances, and reversed       • Work towards improving qualifications, wages
          cuts to Citizens’ Advice centres and women’s aid organisations in Glasgow.               and conditions for Early Years staff.
          Won agreement in Edinburgh to adopt John’s Campaign in hospital wards and             • Make free childcare hours more flexible, to
          care homes, ensuring that the families of those suffering from dementia have             support parents in shift-work or irregular
          full access to their loved ones and are included in all decisions about their care.      employment.
          Ensured that Playscheme holiday provision for disabled children in Edinburgh          • Plan for enough Early Years centres and
          was retained after the lockdown period.                                                  schools in areas where populations will rise
                                                                                                   and ensure buildings are high quality, flexible
        Championed public transport                                                                spaces, with environmental sustainability at
          Secured funding for a free public transport pilot in Glasgow.                            their core.
          Carried out a consultation on longer and standardised hours for bus lanes in          • Keep school class sizes down and replace
          Edinburgh.                                                                               teachers and support staff previously lost to
          Secured an extra £5.5 million for ferry funding in Orkney.                               cuts.

12                                                                                                              THINK GLOBAL ACT LOCAL 13

•   Campaign to protect rural schools and        EMPOWERING PUPILS, STAFF AND                                                                      CREATING A HEALTHY
    maintain quality library resources in all    PARENTS/CARERS                                   POVERTY-PROOFING SCHOOLS
    schools.                                     Green Councillors will:
                                                                                                                                                   AND CARING SCOTLAND
                                                                                                  Green Councillors will:
•   Maximise the use of locally sourced and      • Reform Education Committees to include                                                          Scottish Green Councillors believe everyone
                                                                                                  • Introduce statutory guidance to cap the
    organic produce in the provision of school      parents/carers, teachers, trade unions and                                                     has a right to the best physical and mental
                                                                                                     cost of school uniforms and ensure that
    meals.                                          young people.                                                                                  health, and access to high quality care,
                                                                                                     uniform requirements are gender neutral
                                                 • Ensure that schools have resources                                                              which is free at the point of use, maintaining
                                                                                                     and do not discriminate on the basis of any
SCHOOLS AS SAFE SPACES FOR ALL                      available to support the creation of                                                           individual freedom, choice and dignity.
                                                                                                     protected characteristic.
Green Councillors will:                             independent Pupil Unions, so that young       • Introduce uniform reuse schemes and
• Review local authority processes for dealing      people can have their voices heard in                                                          The pandemic has shone a light on the
                                                                                                     support uniform banks to reduce waste
   with sexual harassment and abuse within          education.                                                                                     results of a decade of under-investment
                                                                                                     and costs to parents/carers.
   schools to ensure that survivors feel able                                                                                                      in Scottish health and social care and the
                                                                                                  • Ensure all families have access to income
   to come forward and that a zero-tolerance     PROVIDING ADDITIONAL SUPPORT                                                                      growing inequalities in public health and life
                                                                                                     maximisation teams, helping low-income
   approach is consistently taken.                                                                                                                 expectancy. Waiting lists across social care
                                                 Green Councillors will:                             households access the social security
• Ensure that consent is taught as a core part                                                                                                     are unacceptably high – as are staff shortages
                                                 • Ensure that every child or young person           payments they are entitled to.
   of Sex & Relationships Education (SRE).                                                                                                         across services – making delivery of the
                                                    with additional support needs who would       • Ensure all children have access to healthy
• Make schools LGBTI-inclusive, this includes                                                                                                      preventative agenda and person-centred care
                                                    benefit from a Coordinated Support Plan          and nutritious school meals and continue
   implementing the Time for Inclusive                                                                                                             harder to achieve.
                                                    receives one, including care-experienced         to push for the expansion of free school
   Education (TIE) proposals.                       young people.                                    meals to older age groups.
• Support refugee and asylum seeker young                                                                                                          Green Councillors will ensure that Health
                                                 • Require that all staff assigned to support     • Immediately cancel all outstanding debt
   people to fully access the educational and                                                                                                      and Social Care is delivered locally, with
                                                    individual young people with additional          owed by pupils/families for school meals.
   social opportunities available in school.                                                                                                       community involvement at its heart, and that
                                                    needs have the appropriate training and/or
• Ensure that classrooms are Covid safe and                                                                                                        staff are properly valued.
                                                    qualifications to do so effectively.
   appropriately ventilated and heated.          • Make counselling available to all pupils by
• Make the Health & Wellbeing Census                establishing a right to access school-based                                                    PROMOTE AND ENABLE GOOD HEALTH
   available to everyone in the relevant age-       counselling provided by qualified mental                                                       Green Councillors will:
   group.                                           health practitioners.                                                                          • Work with local communities and trade
                                                 • Support pupils at risk of falling behind and                                                       unions to ensure all council policies aim
                                                    support alternative provision for those for                                                       to improve people’s wellbeing, and tackle
                                                    whom mainstream provision is not working.                                                         the root causes of poor health, such as

14 THINK GLOBAL ACT LOCAL                                                                                                                                        THINK GLOBAL ACT LOCAL 15

    poverty, inequality, addiction, poor housing        care at home and care home services                income maximisation advice to all unpaid       Green Councillors will:
    and air pollution.                                  in-house are taken up where appropriate,           carers and providing concessionary travel      • Campaign to secure funding for support
•   Ensure that there is good quality green             increasing control and accountability, while       for unpaid carers on income support.              services for those who have experienced
    space within walking distance of all our            ensuring continuity of care.                   •   Make sure income assessments for care             domestic abuse or sexual violence.
    homes with access to seating, ‘Changing         •   Support and enable locally-led social              charges do not include Carer’s Allowance,      • Implement rent controls with a ‘housing
    Places’ toilets, public conveniences and            care partnerships and social enterprises,          while we work to eliminate all care charges.      first’ approach to homelessness, with
    services so we can all enjoy the benefits all       including local disabled people’s              •   Support young unpaid carers by minimising         measures to empower tenants at risk
    year round.                                         organisations, to provide good quality             children’s practical caring responsibilities      of homelessness through better advice
•   Make funding available to the community             social care.                                       whenever possible, providing access to            and access to legal aid and improve the
    sectors to provide out of school activities     •   Ensure that the development and delivery           peer support and developing local forms of        standard of temporary accommodation
    and opportunities for sports, culture and           of services is fully informed by the views         financial support.                                available.
    leisure for disabled young people.                  and suggestions of all service users and                                                          • Ensure that every person leaving prison,
•   Provide a range of services for older               unpaid carers.                                 SUPPORT THOSE FACING ADDICTION                        hospital, residential rehabilitation, or
    people, recognising personal choice, and                                                           Green Councillors will:                               fleeing domestic violence is provided with
    that they may wish to be supported and          SUPPORT OUR STAFF                                  • Take an evidence-based, public health               accommodation that meets their assessed
    looked after in different ways at different     Green Councillors will:                               approach to tackling drug overdose and             needs.
    times in their lives.                           • Support all health and social care staff to         other addiction related deaths.                 • Help people to claim the social security
•   Ensure the value of continuity of care is          make sustainable travel choices including       • At the frontline, support the person-               benefits they are entitled to with ‘income
    respected, keeping care workers and the            by making work-travel free at the point            centred approach to addiction with a               maximisation’ teams embedded within
    people they support connected.                     of use, including public transport, with           focus on drop-in services, including drug          communities.
•   Ensure that everyone who needs mental              appropriate training and financial support         consumption rooms and crisis centres            • Welcome refugees and asylum seekers
    health support has access to the right             where needed.                                      which are accessible, making people safer          into our communities and push to ensure
    support, at the right time, by providing        • Ensure that the pay and conditions of paid          and providing holistic support.                    relevant support services are available to
    mental health staff at all GP practices and        carers reflect their expertise. Greens in       • Ensure that drug users who leave treatment          meet their specific needs as well as support
    funding for community-based support                Government have helped deliver pay rises           or statutory services, whether planned or          for people with No Recourse to Public
    groups and activities patients may be              for carers and Green Councillors support           unplanned, receive follow-up support.              Funds.
    referred to.                                       calls for social care workers to be paid at     • Work with addiction services to address          • Push to take asylum housing and support
•   Support HIV Scotland’s Generation Zero             least £15 an hour.                                 stigma and increase resources available for        out of private hands, so it is run by councils
    campaign to eliminate HIV transmission in       • Support fair working practices by tackling          family and friends and support campaigns           in partnership with the third sector,
    Scotland by 2030.                                  zero-hours contracts, ensuring social care         that increase drug overdose awareness.             ensuring dignified, safe housing based in
•   Strengthen the policy around alcohol               workers are paid for shift handovers, for       • Provide specialist care home provision for          communities, not hotels.
    licensing, with the aim of reducing                time spent travelling between jobs and             those suffering from Alcohol Related Brain      • Commit to discussions across local
    availability and reducing alcohol harm.            travelling expenses and have opportunities         Damage.                                            authorities on how to expand participation
•   Ensure access to free contraception and            for continuing professional development.                                                              in dispersal schemes for people seeking
    access to sexual health clinics.                • Provide free period products across                                                                    asylum throughout Scotland.
•   Ensure that local authorities Keep                                                                                                                    • Campaign to give people seeking asylum
    The Promise so that all young people
                                                       council buildings and ensure they are           SUPPORTING                                            the right to work.
                                                       made truly and fully accessible to staff,
    grow up loved, safe and respected                  young people and those in need.                 PEOPLE IN CRISIS                                   • Provide free bus travel to refugees and
    (                                                                   Scottish Greens believe councils have a key           asylum seekers.
    uploads/2020/02/The-Promise.pdf).               RESPECT UNPAID CARERS                              role to play in tackling poverty and helping       • Support a holistic approach to food
                                                                                                       people avoid crisis. Local councils can help          policy, tackling the health, social and
                                                    Green Councillors will:
ENSURE LOCAL DELIVERY                                                                                  tackle inequality and we will prioritise an           environmental impacts of food.
                                                    • Ensure that unpaid carers receive regular
AND ACCOUNTABILITY                                                                                     equalities-led approach, working closely with      • Support community food projects which
                                                       breaks to suit their needs and are fully
                                                                                                       those whose opportunities may be reduced              work to ensure good food is available to all.
Green Councillors will:                                supported with adult carer support plans
                                                                                                       due to class, race, gender, disability, age,       • Work with businesses to identify healthier,
• Ensure that the majority of care at home             ensuring their own physical and mental
                                                                                                       sexual orientation, religion or belief.               local and ethical food choices, including
   and care home services are provided by              health needs.
                                                                                                                                                             plant-based food, and promote these
   the public and voluntary sectors.                • Take steps to improve unpaid carers’
                                                                                                                                                             through council catering and public
• Ensure that opportunities to bring private           financial security - for example, providing
                                                                                                                                                             information campaigns.

16 THINK GLOBAL ACT LOCAL                                                                                                                                               THINK GLOBAL ACT LOCAL 17

                                                        degenerative conditions, and work to
BETTER PUBLIC TRANSPORT                                 improve the NEC application process to
Being able to travel broadens our                       ensure it is as accessible as possible.
opportunities. Scottish Greens want to              •   Implement a workplace parking levy in
improve our public transport options,                   areas where this would be appropriate and
while reducing car use, making it possible              beneficial to encourage shifts in travel to
for everyone to access the services and                 work practices, reduce congestion and
places they need. This will require both new            improve air quality.
infrastructure and new models for ownership,        •   Work with the Scottish Government to
management and integration of transport                 formulate an innovative fleet replacement
services.                                               strategy for Islands Councils, to add
                                                        capacity and replace ageing ferry fleets
Green Councillors will:                                 with renewable fuelled vessels, ensuring
• Connect communities with better bus                   lifeline services are maintained.
   services, actively support rural bus services    •   Support and plan for the reopening of
   in order to maintain thriving towns and              rail lines and stations, including through
   villages and champion the creation of a              the Strategic Transport Projects Review
   publicly owned bus company in areas                  and other means, such as identifying sites
   without one.                                         in Local Development Plans, protecting
• Support the complete transition to electric           strategic rail corridors and supporting rail in
   vehicles for public transport and the                City and Growth Deals.
   development of a charging point network
   for electric cars.
• Integrate low carbon modes of transport
   through deploying Mobility as a Service,
   Demand Responsive Transport, and
   delivering integrated transport hubs and
   ticketing systems.
• Ensure connectivity of bus and rail services
   by using powers under the new Transport
   Act when franchising to require providers
   to offer integrated through-tickets with
   fare caps.
• Increase the reach and quality of digital
   connectivity to create alternatives to travel.
• Review accessibility of public transport
   provision and deliver recommendations
   that make public transport as inclusive as
   possible, with particular focus on transport
   connections and the needs of those
   making multi-stage journeys.
• Promote the National Entitlement Card
   (NEC) scheme and support marginalised
   communities through the process, to
   ensure the highest possible uptake of free
   bus travel for under 22s.
• Support extending NEC eligibility,
   particularly the current three-year period
   of validity for people with chronic or

FOR EVERYONE                                                                                    THRIVING
                                                                                                                                                       Support payroll deduction savings schemes
                                                                                                LOCAL ECONOMIES                                        that allow council workers to save with
Councils can help build our communities and create the places and neighbourhoods where
we live. Green Councillors want them to be safe, green and attractive places. We will help to   Scottish councils spend billions of pounds             credit unions.
connect people with a thriving local economy and strengthen neighbourhoods with good            each year, directly into the local economy.        •   Support the better use of data by councils,
services and celebrations of local identity.                                                    But too often this money provides profits to           to identify issues like households under-
                                                                                                big companies rather than investment for our           claiming their entitlements and make it
Scottish Greens will keep pushing councils to take an approach to decisions, policy and         communities, small local businesses and the            easier to claim one benefit on the basis
funding which amplifies the voices of people with the most expertise on how to make our         third sector. Scottish Greens believe a thriving       of entitlement to another - for example,
towns, cities and communities fairer for everyone.                                              local economy is one based on what’s good              automatically giving a school clothing
                                                                                                for people, not profit. Our economy should             grant if the family claims free school meals.
                                                                                                be sustainable, connect people with decent         •   Support community buy-outs and asset
                                                                                                jobs and help to bind our society together.            transfers, and increase the availability of
Since 2017 Green Councillors have:                                                                                                                     grants, loans, financial advice, training,
        Protected housing for all                                                               Green Councillors will:                                and other assistance with setting up small
          Declared a rent crisis in Glasgow, putting tenants in charge of leading housing       • Take a Green New Deal-inspired                       businesses, cooperatives or other social
          reforms, and setting up a Tenant-led Commission to lead private rent reforms.            approach to procurement, oppose capital             enterprises with a focus on green jobs.
          Delivered action on empty homes in Edinburgh and Glasgow, successfully                   investment in outdated, carbon-intensive
          bringing hundreds of houses back into use.                                               infrastructure, and instead invest in
          Ensured that ‘affordable housing’ in Edinburgh is genuinely affordable for               sustainability and climate target projects      AFFORDABLE
                                                                                                   - for example, by retrofitting homes to be
          those on low incomes and, with other parties, delivered a two-year council
                                                                                                   warm and affordable to heat or supporting       WARM HOMES FOR ALL
          rent freeze during the pandemic.
          Enabled local progress, in Edinburgh and the Highlands, on limiting second               businesses in the circular economy.             Our vision for housing is for good-quality
          homes and short term lets prior to national legislation.                              • Build community wealth by increasing             homes that are truly affordable to buy,
                                                                                                   procurement spending with smaller local         affordable to rent and affordable to heat.
        Led urgent action on the climate crisis                                                    firms by 2% every year. Make ethical            There should be more social housing, better
                                                                                                   policies like paying the Living Wage and        control of rents and better management of
          Successfully called for a new Road Safety Action Plan in Edinburgh, with a
                                                                                                   environmental responsibility a condition of     the private sector.
          commitment to Vision Zero (a policy which aims to eliminate deaths and
                                                                                                   any council-funded support.
          serious injuries on our roads), and added a focus on environmental and green
                                                                                                • Support Close the Gap’s Equally Safe at          Green Councillors will:
          principles into the economy strategy.
                                                                                                   Work Employer Accreditation Programme           • Endeavour to limit the numbers of Short-
          Passed a motion for Greening the Fringe, the world’s largest arts festival, to
                                                                                                   to advance gender equality at work and             Term Lets, including through the new
          reduce its reliance on gas power and single-use plastics.
                                                                                                   prevent violence against women in the              Short-Term Let licensing schemes, by
          Increased recycling investment for flats and tenements in Glasgow.
                                                                                                   workplace.                                         introducing Control Areas and further
        Stopped climate-damaging investment                                                     • Support more social enterprises,                    actions as required.
                                                                                                   cooperatives and employee-owned                 • Help people who rent to create a stable
          Supported the Churchill Barriers as a vital economic artery for Orkney.
                                                                                                   businesses through public procurement              home by making information about good
          Helped secure a new future for Gorgie City Farm in Edinburgh, including over
                                                                                                   and access to publicly owned property.             letting agencies and landlords easily
          £100,000 in funding and additional support.
                                                                                                • Tackle rural and island fuel poverty, making        available, supporting action against bad
          Ensured the reopening of Glasgow’s libraries, museums and local venues after
                                                                                                   it a high priority for councils, developing        landlords and letting agents, and pushing
          vital community-led campaigns.
                                                                                                   local fuel partnerships and encouraging            for rent controls to limit rent rises that
        Championed sustainable transport                                                           renewable and local wood fuel initiatives.         could push people out of their homes.
                                                                                                • Encourage shops and post offices in local        • Promote better engagement between
          Ensured that all 40 km of Spaces for People cycle routes in Glasgow will be
                                                                                                   high streets, rather than chain stores or          Registered Social Landlords and tenants
          made permanent, opposing car-centric developments and moving Glasgow
                                                                                                   out-of-town development.                           and work to make housing services and
          closer to becoming the first city in the UK to ban drive-throughs.
                                                                                                • Support credit unions and local banks that          processes clear for people who have
          Ensured footway widening and segregated infrastructure would be considered
                                                                                                   understand the local business community.           language and other access needs.
          on all road resurfacing projects in Edinburgh, which has led to the installation
                                                                                                • Offer alternatives to high-interest payday       • Support new housing cooperatives or
          of new cycle and footpaths.
                                                                                                   lending and invest savings in the local            initiatives to bring rented property into

20 THINK GLOBAL ACT LOCAL                                                                                                                                         THINK GLOBAL ACT LOCAL 21

    shared management.                                                                                    connections.                                       for hire at affordable rates.
•   Make energy efficiency of existing                                                                •   Improve public space lighting and              •   Oppose the closure of local leisure facilities
    houses a priority through establishing          STREETS FOR PEOPLE                                    accelerate the roll-out of LED lighting,           and the selling-off of common good
    comprehensive and fully funded local Heat       Our streets should be part of neighbourhoods          including nature-friendly lighting.                assets.
    and Energy Efficiency Strategies to create      and communities we can enjoy and be proud         •   Seek local community input, giving priority    •   Support community-led festivals and
    warm homes, reduce fuel bills and tackle        to call home. Streets within our cities, towns        to women, disabled people and other                events.
    fuel poverty.                                   and villages need to be transformed, placing          marginalised groups, to identify where         •   Protect and enhance Scotland’s museums
•   Establish a trusted not-for-profit service      peoples’ needs at the heart of our approach           spaces could be better lit, redesigned or          and galleries, keeping general admission
    to manage major repairs, including              to transport and urban design, turning car-           activated to reduce risk.                          free whilst exploring new ways to raise
    to tenements, grants for low-income             dominated places into spaces where people         •   Take an equalities approach to road and            funding and enhance people’s experiences.
    households, interest-free loans, or options     have priority.                                        path maintenance, including maintenance        •   Support the call for a new national
    to defer paying repair costs until the                                                                and winter weather treatment of footways           museum of slavery, colonialism, migration
    property is sold.                               Green Councillors will:                               and cycleways that are particularly                and empire, and the ongoing strategic
•   Work to bring Scotland’s 43,000 empty           • Deliver 20-minute neighbourhoods, where             important to marginalised groups.                  work to both recognise Scotland’s history
    homes back into use.                               essential services can be accessed locally,    •   Engage with the public on investment in            and tackle the legacy of racism that
•   Support the construction of homes                  creating liveable towns and cities.                public art to revitalise our shared spaces.        continues today.
    built for affordable rent, to tackle the        • Extend 20mph speed limits within                                                                   •   Support the introduction of a Transient
    150,000-waiting list for social housing. This      residential areas and town and city centres                                                           Visitor Levy in appropriate tourist areas.
    will need land to be available at low cost         by 2025 and seek to lower 40mph speed          LEISURE, RECREATION,                               •   Support and show solidarity with the
    through a new council power to buy land            limits to 30mph to improve road safety,                                                               LGBT+ community and their right to live
    for housing at ‘existing use value’.               reduce air pollution, and give the streets     ARTS AND CULTURE                                       free from fear and harassment, including
•   Facilitate community-led housing projects,         back to communities.                           People and communities connect through                 seeking safe spaces for the community
    particularly in rural areas, and connect        • Seek to introduce low emission zones in         council services like libraries, community             to gather and providing support for
    communities to financial support through           town centres and carbon-free city centres,     centres and sport facilities. Festivals and gala       community organising.
    the Remote, Rural & Islands Housing Fund.          as well as introducing local authority         days help us celebrate our local area and          •   Increase support for Gaelic-inclusive
•   Prioritise new housing that is affordable,         targets for reducing carbon emissions from     identity.                                              tourism, culture and events.
    meets net-zero standards, is built on              transport.                                                                                        •   Support cultural ventures in all the
    brownfield sites and is connected to local      • Working with Greens in Government we’ll         Green Councillors will:                                languages of Scotland, encouraging use
    services, public transport and active travel       direct record investment into local walking,   • Work to protect libraries and support their          of Gaelic, Scots and Doric as well as
    routes. To help deliver housing and reduce         wheeling and cycling projects.                    role as community hubs and guarantee                languages of people from minority ethnic
    land speculation we will push for a local       • Reallocate road space to people and                funding for libraries for the life of the           backgrounds.
    ‘vacant and derelict land levy’.                   support the creation of low traffic               council term and ensure no decisions are        •   Provide access to council services in Gaelic
•   Support action to drive up space standards         neighbourhoods so that walking, wheeling          made to cut core library services without           and other community languages, including
    and design houses which are easy to adapt          and cycling are prioritised and made more         full local consultation.                            phone lines and translated web pages, and
    for independent living.                            attractive and safer.                          • Explore the potential for libraries to               support Gaelic signage across the transport
•   Explore ways of taking facilities like care     • Deliver more ‘Safe to School’ initiatives,         develop as climate action hubs, providing           network, including road signs, on trains
    homes and student housing into social              aiming to ensure that every child who lives       access to repair skills training, recycling         and buses and at transport hubs.
    ownership.                                         within a two-mile route from school is able       advice, seed banks, tool sharing and other
•   Support measures to protect heritage               to walk, wheel or cycle there safely.             services.
    buildings and extend conservation areas.        • Introduce a Vision Zero approach for road       • Quantify and promote the economic
                                                       safety, which will significantly reduce           contribution of the creative economy.
                                                       (and aim to eliminate) deaths and serious      • Work with cultural organisations to
                                                       injuries on our roads, and work with              understand how councils can best support
                                                       Greens in Government to fund road safety          the whole sector, rather than ‘picking
                                                       teams in all local authorities to make this       winners’ from competitive funding rounds.
                                                       happen.                                        • Improve accessibility to sport facilities.
                                                    • Work with communities to help prevent           • Support grassroots sporting activities, such
                                                       anti-social behaviour, tackle gender-             as running clubs, and ensure provision of
                                                       based violence and improve community              low cost ‘community-use’ sports facilities

22 THINK GLOBAL ACT LOCAL                                                                                                                                               THINK GLOBAL ACT LOCAL 23
REVITALISING LOCAL DEMOCRACY                                                                 PLANNING FOR
                                                                                                                                                  that benefit people and nature.
                                                                                                                                                  Prioritise development on brownfield land,
Scottish Greens believe that local government can put power in your hands. Green
                                                                                             A GREEN FUTURE                                       seek to protect green belt and open space
Councillors will listen to community concerns, then work hard to create solutions and make   Scottish Greens will strive for a planning           from development and oppose out of town
councils open and accountable.                                                               system that listens to people. It should be          retail developments.
                                                                                             transparent, accountable and give people         •   Help local authorities deliver their Climate
                                                                                             the power to shape their communities,                Change Act commitments by making
                                                                                             resulting in development that is driven by           carbon assessments a requirement of
Since 2017 Green Councillors have:                                                           public interest, not economic growth, and            development proposals and transitioning
        Empowered local communities                                                          which uses the planning system to tackle the         Scotland away from fossil fuel extraction
                                                                                             climate crisis, contribute to ending poverty,        and consumption.
          Consistently stood up for local communities against big developers.                and create pleasant, people-focussed places.     •   Seek to ensure the planning system plays
          Won funding for local communities in Glasgow, including millions of pounds                                                              its part in adapting to a world where
          for new play parks, back lane improvements, tenement repairs, 20mph speed          Green Councillors will:                              climate change means more extreme
          limits, local green spaces and food growing.                                       • Invest in planning as a public service -           weather events, ensuring our homes
          Stood up for migrant justice - opposing evictions, preventing deportations and        empowering local groups and individuals           and businesses are resilient to flooding,
          fighting for decent housing.                                                          to engage, providing meeting spaces, clear        working with nature wherever possible
          Supported the expansion of participatory budgeting schemes in Edinburgh,              and accessible information and dedicated          to manage flood water, and preventing
          such as £eith Chooses.                                                                staff.                                            developments in flood-risk areas.
          Sought additional support for community councils during the pandemic and           • Ensure transparency and accountability by      •   Support the development of local energy
          pushed to accelerate the reopening of community centres after the pandemic.           pushing to make the voting record for all         companies and local heat networks.
        Championed transparency and reform                                                      planning and development management           •   Seek to ensure the planning system plays
                                                                                                committee votes available promptly online         its part in tackling the climate emergency
          Helped return Glasgow Council to a proportionate, democratic committee                and in council offices.                           and ending poverty, by reducing the
          system and bring alternative voices into Council decision-making.                  • Ensure that planning officers and local            need to travel and creating 20-minute
          Won agreement to carry out a review in Edinburgh, led by the members of               councillors involved in planning decisions        neighbourhoods, by encouraging highly
          the BME community, of features within the city that commemorate those                 are supported with training to ensure they        energy efficient and nature-friendly
          with close links to slavery and colonialism, to consult widely on the review          understand the long-term carbon impacts           buildings, and by ensuring the delivery of
          outcomes and to make recommendations to rectify the glorification of slavery          of development.                                   truly affordable housing where it is needed.
          and colonialism.                                                                   • Campaign with our MSPs to balance
          Changed Orkney Island Council investment practices so that all decisions              the rights of communities with those of
          require discussion of Environmental, Governance and Social dimensions.                developers by giving them an equal right of   FAIR FUNDING
        Valued our council employees                                                            appeal over planning decisions. At present,
                                                                                                only developers have the right to appeal.     FOR PUBLIC SERVICES
          Committed Glasgow Council to the world-leading ‘Equally Safe at Work’
                                                                                             • Undertake a review of planning                 Scottish Greens believe in progressive
          programme and won support across parties to secure Scotland’s first-ever
                                                                                                enforcement processes to ensure that          taxation and investment in public services.
          local authority gender pay action plan.
                                                                                                developers deliver on all conditions of       The involvement of the community in
          Introduced best practice in Edinburgh Council’s recruitment and employment
                                                                                                their planning permission, that developer     financial decision-making is a cornerstone for
          practices, ensuring that equality, diversity and anti-discrimination training is
                                                                                                contributions are swiftly used for their      revitalising our local democracy.
          standard for all staff.
                                                                                                intended purpose, and that planning
        Led on urgent action on the climate crisis                                              breaches are effectively dealt with.          Green Councillors will:
                                                                                             • Expand the use of place plans and              • Engage with the forthcoming Citizens’
          Supported the school climate strikers in Edinburgh, securing authorised days
                                                                                                development briefs, led by local                 Assembly on local government funding,
          of absence for pupils attending global days of strike action.
                                                                                                communities, in order to ‘front load’ the        won by Greens in Government, with the
          Secured a commitment in Edinburgh to ensure all new buildings in the city will
                                                                                                planning system and provide more voice to        aim of ending the regressive Council Tax
          be very low-carbon under the new City Plan.
                                                                                                communities.                                     and replacing it with a fairer system.
          Included climate and nature emergency activist groups in Glasgow in
                                                                                             • Protect wildlife sites and local greenspaces   • Give council employees a say on how their
          decision-making, scrapped parking perks for councillors and ended Council
                                                                                                from development and seek sustainable            pensions should be invested, including
          use of internal flights.
                                                                                                solutions to managing public land in ways        options to divest from fossil fuels, tobacco

24                                                                                                                                                          THINK GLOBAL ACT LOCAL 25

    and weapons and invest in local housing           about public spending, increasing the use
    and renewable energy.                             of participatory budgeting.
•   Push councils to publish annual budget        •   Support community-led development
    proposals early so that they can be               plans and projects, including buildings,
    scrutinised by councillors and communities        parks, sports facilities, energy and
    and ensure that budgets have Equality             much more, financially and by sharing
    Impact Assessments.                               experience.
•   Support the return of the power to set the    •   Continue to work with rural and urban
    rate for 50% of the assessed value of non-        communities on buyouts of land and assets
    domestic property. This would devolve             that can transform local facilities and
    more fiscal power to local government and         economies.
    help make local decisions on rates which      •   Ensure that communities have a lead
    fit local circumstances.                          role in tourism development, facilitating
•   Support a fiscal framework for the                tourism that benefits local communities
    relationship between Scottish and local           rather than overwhelming them.
    government which promotes local               •   Work to provide non-intimidating
    democracy, devolved decision-making and           community discussion spaces. These will
    stability for public services.                    support a diverse array of voices and will
•   Support the continued devolution of               pilot new methods for participation in
    financial powers to local authorities by          council decisions, including through better
    developing new local tax powers like the          use of technology.
    Transient Visitor Levy.                       •   Make it easier for those with lived/direct
•   Review the way the third sector is funded,        experience of inequality to be involved in
    in particular funding for core services and       making council policy and directly fund
    the need for long-term funding.                   equalities and anti-poverty groups where
•   Improve conditions for frontline workers          their expertise is needed to support the
    across local authorities and support              development or implementation of council
    piloting a four-day working week which            policy.
    means a 20% reduction in working hours        •   Make it easier to find out and understand
    with no reduction in pay.                         what is happening in your council,
                                                      standardise the live webcasting of council
                                                      meetings, record councillors’ votes on
EMPOWERING                                            all committees and open up to public
LOCAL COMMUNITIES                                 •   Remove barriers to elected office for
Scotland needs a revitalised local democracy          under-represented groups and ensure
where citizens are engaged and active                 that council business is conducted in an
in the important matters affecting their              accessible and inclusive manner.
communities and where voters can make             •   Oppose top-down centralisation of
real choices about the services they want             services. We are open to collaboration
and how to pay for them. Councils, and the            between local authorities where this would    Only the Scottish Greens understand that the climate and
important decisions they make, must be                enable better service provision for all.      nature emergencies need urgent action by governments, by
accountable to local people.
                                                                                                    businesses and in our communities. We have proved that we can
Green Councillors will:                                                                             provide leadership in Scotland to tackle poverty and the climate
• Support more powers for community                                                                 emergency. Giving the Scottish Greens your first preference vote
   councils, citizens’ assemblies, street
   committees and other community bodies                                                            will build our leadership in your local council too.
   to be actively involved in making decisions

Promoted by Pete Morrison on behalf of the Scottish Green Party, both at 19b Graham Street, Edinburgh, EH6 5QN.
Printed by DTP Southfield, 4.4 Inveresk Mills Industrial Estate, Musselburgh, EH21 7UQ.
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