Scottish Government Support for the Veterans and Armed Forces Community 2021 - The ...

Scottish Government Support for the Veterans and Armed Forces Community 2021 - The ...
Support for the
Veterans and
Armed Forces

Scottish Government Support for the Veterans and Armed Forces Community 2021 - The ...
Cabinet Secretary for Justice and Veterans Foreword      2
Key Highlights                                           4
Veterans Strategy Cross-Cutting Factors and Key Themes   7
Summary of 10 Year Outcomes                              8
Veterans Strategy Cross-Cutting Factors  9
 Collaboration and Co-ordination        10
 Perception and Recognition             14
Veterans Strategy Key Themes                             17
 Community and Relationships                             18
 Employment, Education and Skills                        19
 Finance and Debt                                        25
 Health and Wellbeing                                    27
 Making a Home in Civilian Society                       31
 Veterans and the Law                                    34
Wider Achievements and Support                           35

Scottish Government Support for the Veterans and Armed Forces Community 2021 - The ...
Cabinet Secretary for Justice
and Veterans Foreword
                    This is the fifth    that the effects of the pandemic
                    annual update to     are overcome as promptly and
                    Parliament on        effectively as is possible.
                    support for the
                                         2021 has also seen many charities
                    Veterans and
                                         facing severe financial difficulties.
                    Armed Forces
                                         To help address this, the Scottish
                    Community in
                                         Government has made available
                    Scotland. I
                                         £1 million to create a fund to provide
                    previously served
                                         direct financial relief to third sector
as Minister with responsibility for
                                         organisations that provide support
Veterans affairs, and I am extremely
                                         to the Armed Forces community in
proud to once again be appointed to
                                         Scotland. I am pleased that we have
the role, one which enables me to
                                         been able to award funding to 19
support our veterans and Armed
                                         organisations providing support
Forces community right across
                                         for the Veterans and Armed Forces
Scotland. I am pleased to provide this
                                         Community across Scotland.
update which showcases the wide
range of activity and the sheer          This year also marks some truly
volume of work undertaken across the     significant anniversaries, including
Scottish Government and by public        the centenary year of the Royal
sector partners over the last 12         British Legion, Legion Scotland
months in support of the Veterans and    and the iconic Poppy appeal by
Armed Forces Community.                  Poppyscotland. I am thankful that
                                         this year we will be able to hold a
As with much of 2020, this last year
                                         special concert marking the occasion
has seen Scotland face significant
                                         and that all of our veterans who
challenges. Life has changed to a
                                         were unable to jointly mark the
degree that could not have been
                                         anniversaries of VE and VJ day last
predicted even 18 months ago. The
                                         year will finally be able to gather
effects of the pandemic have been
                                         together in celebration. The role of
felt across all sectors of society,
                                         our veterans charities cannot be
from our children facing significant
                                         overestimated and the vital support
interruptions to their education, to
                                         that they continue to provide to our
the serious impact on the health
                                         veterans and their families across
and wellbeing of the population. But
there have also been huge strides
in our efforts to fight this disease,    In addition, earlier this year also
not least an effective vaccination       marked the 80th anniversary of the
campaign which has had a dramatic        Clydebank Blitz in which the town
impact on hospitalisation rates. As      was largely destroyed and suffered
life begins to return to normal, I       the worst destruction and civilian
very much look forward to ensuring       loss of life in all of Scotland during
that our veterans and their families     World War 2. I will be attending
face no barriers in accessing the        a memorial service at the end of
support that they require, and           November to remember those who

Scottish Government Support for the Veterans and Armed Forces Community 2021 - The ...
were injured and killed in the raids    I would like to thank the current
and to pay tribute to all residents     Commissioner, Charlie Wallace, for
of Clydebank and survivors of           his work and unfailing support to
the blitz for their resilience and      our veteran community.
determination, and willpower to
rebuild their town.                     Over the past year, The Veterans
                                        Employability Strategic Group
As we continue to emerge from           continues to make good progress in
the pandemic, I am delighted to         improving employment opportunities
announce that we will also be           for veterans. Representatives of
taking the opportunity to review        the private sector are now working
and refresh our initial response to     within the Group, and I look forward
the Veterans Strategy, published        to continuing to highlight the huge
in January 2020. We will look at        benefits which employers stand to
the extent to which our existing        gain by offering sustainable and good
commitments remain valid and if         quality employment to veterans and
there is an opportunity to add more     their family members. We continue to
detail to existing commitments and/     welcome a number of veterans into
or add new commitments.                 employment with government and
                                        I look forward to building upon the
I am acutely aware of the impact        early success of the Going Forward
that COVID has had on our mental        Into Employment programme.
health and wellbeing, and that the
pandemic has prevented many             In closing, I am heartened by, and
of the social events which are a        hugely proud of, what has been
vital lifeline for our veterans. As     achieved in such a challenging time.
restrictions are slowly eased and our   I hope that the information which
veterans are able to come together      follows in this report goes to show
in a safe and secure manner, efforts    that despite the limitations which
to tackle social isolation will be      have been placed on us all, we have
resumed in earnest and in 2022          made great strides in ensuring that
we look forward to contributing to      our Veterans and Armed Forces
the implementation of the Veterans      community in Scotland receive the
Mental Health Action Plan.              best possible support and care. But
                                        as always, there is more that can be
I am pleased that the Scottish          done and we will continue to enhance
Veterans Commissioner has               our provision for veterans, Service
published two new reports on            personnel and their families across
Employment, Skills and Learning,        Scotland. They contribute a huge
and Housing. These contain a            amount to our society and I look
number of recommendations for           forward to ensuring that Scotland
the Scottish Government and, for        is the destination of choice for our
the first time, the UK Government.      Service leavers and their families.
I look forward to enacting the plans
we have in place to deliver the
recommendations to the Scottish
Government. As in previous years,
addressing these recommendations
is a key priority and one which         Keith Brown MSP
I believe is hugely important.
                                        Cabinet Secretary for Justice
                                        and Veterans

Scottish Government Support for the Veterans and Armed Forces Community 2021 - The ...
Key Highlights
Collaboration and coordination
The Scottish Government has             The Scottish Veterans Fund
contributed £250,000 per year from      continued in 2021, with a further
2020-21 until 2022-23 (for a total of   £200,000 awarded to 16 projects
£750,000) to the Unforgotten Forces     across Scotland, with a specific focus
Consortium.                             on projects that supported recovery
                                        from the COVID pandemic.

The Scottish Parliament agreed          Recognising that the Census only
that Scotland’s Census, which will      takes place every ten years, we have
take place on 20 March 2022, will       identified opportunities for more
include for the first time a question   regular data collections by including
on previous service in the UK Armed     the same question from the Census
Forces.                                 in the Scottish Government’s three
                                        primary surveys.

Perception and Recognition
For the first time, the Veterans        The Scottish Government accepted
Employability Strategic Group now       the recommendations within the
has membership from private sector      Scottish Veterans Commissioner’s
employers.                              new reports on Employment, Skills
                                        and Learning and Housing.
The Scottish Government’s 2021-
22 Programme for Government has
committed to securing improved
opportunities for veterans.

Scottish Government Support for the Veterans and Armed Forces Community 2021 - The ...
Community and Relationships
The Scottish Government will             An updated version of Welcome
develop a plan to tackle social          to Scotland was published in
isolation and loneliness backed by       March 2021 following extensive
£10 million across the lifetime of       consultation with the Military as
this parliament.                         well as third and public sector

Employment, Education and Skills
The Veterans Employability Strategic     The Scottish Government continues
Group has developed an action            to offer work placements and Fixed
plan giving the group a clear focus      Term Appointments to veterans
on enabling Service leavers and          through the Going Forward Into
veterans to access, sustain and          Employment programme.
progress in good jobs.

The Scottish Government provided
£35,000 of additional funding to
SCQF to develop a skills recognition

Finance and Debt
The Scottish Government published        The Scottish Government funded
the second Benefit Take-up Strategy      the publication of the Money Advice
in October 2021 and veterans             Trust’s new guide on ’How to Deal
stakeholders were consulted during       with Debt’.
its development.

Scottish Government Support for the Veterans and Armed Forces Community 2021 - The ...
Health and Wellbeing
The Scottish Veterans Care Network       The Scottish Government continued
was launched in November 2020,           to fund Combat Stress and Veterans
with an initial priority to develop      First Point during 2021-22.
a Mental Health Action Plan, which
will be available in December 2021.

The Drug and Alcohol Information
System was implemented on 1
December 2020 and went live across
Scotland on 1 April 2021.

Making a Home in Civilian Society
Funding continues to be available        A pathway to prevent homelessness
to deliver homes specifically for        for veterans is currently being
veterans where Local Authorities         developed by members of the
identify this as a strategic priority.   Veterans Scotland Housing Group
Since 2012 over £6m has been made        and will be published by the end of
available through the programme          2021.
to deliver over 100 homes for

We continue to support Housing
Options Scotland to provide its
Military Matters project.

Scottish Government Support for the Veterans and Armed Forces Community 2021 - The ...
Veterans Strategy Cross-Cutting
Factors and Key Themes
 Cross-Cutting Factors and Themes
This Strategy has a 10 year scope. Through the 10 year timescale, the Strategy addresses the
immediate needs of older veterans as well as setting the right conditions for society to empower –
and support – the newer generation. Initiatives and proposals will work towards an enduring Vision
articulated by three key principles.

  Those who have served in the UK Armed Forces, and their families, transition smoothly back into
  civilian life and contribute fully to a society that understands and values what they have done and
  what they have to offer.

The Principles articulate in greater detail the strategic objectives of the Vision.

               Veterans                        Veterans are                       are able to
             are first and                     encouraged                     access support that
          foremost civilians                  and enabled to                   meets their needs
          and continue to be                  maximise their                   when necessary,
             of benefit to                     potential as                   through public and
            wider society                        civilians                        voluntary

These Principles encompass Regular and Reservist Veterans and where appropriate, their families and
the bereaved. The focus is on those Veterans of the UK Armed Forces resident in the UK. In due course,
we will consider encompassing Veterans who return to or choose to live overseas. These Principles are
consistent with, and underpinned by, the Armed Forces Covenant.

Cross-cutting factors
That affect service provision for Veterans across all Key Themes

    Collaboration         Co-ordination             Data               Perception             Recognition

Key themes
That emerged as affecting Veterans’ lives

         Community and                    Employment, education                     Finance and debt
          relationships                         and skills

       Health and wellbeing                  Making a home in                    Veterans and the law
                                              civilian society
Scottish Government Support for the Veterans and Armed Forces Community 2021 - The ...
Summary of 10 Year Outcomes

                              Cross-Cutting Factors
1   Collaboration between        Improved collaboration between organisations
    organisations                offers Veterans coherent support.
2   Coordination of              The coordination of Veterans’ provision delivers
    Veterans’ services           consistent aims and principles over time and
                                 throughout the UK, ensuring Veterans, their
                                 families and the bereaved are treated fairly
                                 compared to the local population.
3   Data on the Veteran          Enhanced collection, use and analysis of data
    community                    across the public, private and charitable sectors
                                 to build an evidence base to effectively identify
                                 and address the needs of Veterans.
4   Public perception and        The UK population value Veterans and
    understanding                understand their diverse experiences and
5   Recognition of Veterans      Veterans feel that their service and experience is
                                 recognised and valued by society.
                                  Key Themes
1   Community and                Veterans are able to build healthy relationships
    relationships                and integrate into their communities.
2   Employment, education        Veterans enter appropriate employment and can
    and skills                   continue to enhance their careers throughout
                                 their working lives.
3   Finance and debt             Veterans leave the Armed Forces with sufficient
                                 financial education, awareness and skills to be
                                 financially self-supporting and resilient.
4   Health and wellbeing         All Veterans enjoy a state of positive physical
                                 and mental health and wellbeing, enabling them
                                 to contribute to wider aspects of society.
5   Making a home in             Veterans have a secure place to live either
    civilian society             through buying, renting or social housing.
6   Veterans and the law         Veterans leave the Armed Forces with the
                                 resilience and awareness to remain law-abiding

Scottish Government Support for the Veterans and Armed Forces Community 2021 - The ...
Veterans Strategy
Cross-Cutting Factors

         9   9
and Co-ordination
Armed Forces and Veterans               Supporting the Armed
Champions                               Forces Covenant
The previous Veterans Minister met      The Scottish Government continues
with the network of Local Authority     to be an active member of the
Armed Forces and Veterans               Armed Forces Covenant governance
Champions at the end of 2020.           structure, including the Covenant
During this roundtable discussion,      Reference Group.
the Champions’ Role Description
was agreed and defines how they         Furthermore, the Scottish
will deliver their role in support      Government continues to contribute
of the Armed Forces and Veterans        to the Armed Forces Covenant and
community in their Local Authorities.   Veterans annual report, which details
Furthermore, we continue to engage      how the principles of the Covenant
Champions to leverage their local       are being delivered across the UK.
knowledge and expertise, for            The Scottish Government continues
example in support of the Scottish      to engage with the MOD as it seeks
Veterans Commissioner’s latest          to further embed the Armed Forces
recommendations on Employability,       Covenant into legislation through
Skills and Learning.                    the Armed forces Bill introduced
In addition, during 2021 we have        in January 2021. We worked
established relationships with the      closely with the MOD in advance
new network of Champions in the         of introduction to try to ensure
Department for Work and Pensions        the legislation is fit for purpose in
in Scotland to determine how they       Scotland and we will continue to
are supporting the Armed Forces         work with MOD as they develop the
and Veterans community and how          Legislation’s statutory guidance.
the Scottish Government can best
support their efforts.

Unforgotten Forces                      Scottish Veterans Fund
Consortium                              The Scottish Veterans Fund (SVF)
The Scottish Government continues       continued in 2021, with a further
to fund the Unforgotten Forces          £200,000 awarded to 16 projects
Consortium, a partnership of 16         across Scotland, with a specific
civilian and ex-service charitable      focus on projects that supported
organisations with the purpose of       recovery from the COVID pandemic.
delivering a wide array of services     From 2022-23, the funding available
to Veterans in Scotland. The Scottish   through the SVF will increase to
Government has contributed              £500,000.
£250,000 per year from 2020-21
until 2022-23 (for a total of           Relationship with the
£750,000) to support their work in      Services and Family
improving the health, wellbeing and     Federations
quality of life for older Veterans in
Scotland. In 2021, the consortium       The Scottish Government has
expanded the targeting of their         an excellent relationship with
support to include all veterans         the Armed Forces and Families
over 60 years of age, instead of        Federations in Scotland. We continue
the previous 65.                        to hold regular discussions with the
                                        three Services to ensure a joined up
                                        approach to supporting the Services
                                        in Scotland at both Official and
                                        Ministerial level. We worked closely
                                        with the Military during 2021 to
                                        support the delivery of Defence and
                                        national security priorities within
                                        the various and ever-evolving COVID
                                        restrictions, helping the Services to
                                        better understand where, and how,
                                        the various restrictions applied and
                                        how essential Defence business
                                        could continue to be delivered safely
                                        and appropriately.
                                        We continue to have regular
                                        discussions with the Family
                                        Federations across all three Services
                                        and worked with them in 2021 to
                                        address issues around the rollout of
                                        the COVID vaccine in Military Bases
                                        and in the development of the latest
                                        version of the Welcome to Scotland

2022 Census and other                    will give us the option to utilise this
                                         sample to carry out more in-depth
surveys                                  research with respondents who
The Scottish Parliament agreed           identify as veterans.
that Scotland’s Census, which will
take place on 20 March 2022, will        Research on the veterans
include for the first time a question    community
on previous service in the UK Armed
Forces. This will help to support a      We have built strong relationships
better understanding of the veterans     across the wider academic and
community in Scotland including          research community to better
numbers, location, employment            understand and, where appropriate
status, housing and other needs          support, the delivery of research on
such as healthcare and education.        the veterans community in Scotland.
Analysis of the Census Outputs will      This close engagement will help us to
help to inform policy development        recognise research being delivered
and targeted support.                    and whether there is any need/scope
                                         for policy interventions to address
Recognising that the Census only         the findings.
takes place every ten years, we have
identified opportunities for more        We are developing a proforma to
regular data collections by including    be sent to veterans stakeholders to
the same question from the Census        better understand what data, if any,
in the Scottish Government’s             is currently collected by different
three primary surveys: Scottish          organisations across Scotland.
Household Survey (SHS), Scottish         This exercise will contribute
Health Survey (SHeS) and Scottish        towards an overview of veterans
Crime and Justice Survey (SCJS).         data collections, supporting the
All three surveys intend to include      co-ordination of data across the
the veterans Census question in          community. It will help us to
their next sweeps with subsequent        identify what data might be used
Scotland-level analysis expected to      to measure progress against the
be available at varying points during    Veterans Strategy and help us to
2023. Having a question in each of       identify evidence gaps and areas
these national surveys will improve      for development. In addition, we are
considerably our understanding of        exploring options to understand how
the profile, circumstances and needs     relevant data held and/or published
of veterans in Scotland, which in        by the Scottish Government could be
turn will help inform policy and         developed to improve the evidence
services. Each of the surveys also       base on veterans’ interactions with
collate re-contact samples, consisting   the justice system, which would in
of respondents who consent to being      turn help measure progress against
included in future research. This        a number of outcomes linked to the
                                         Veterans Strategy.

Exploring data-sharing                  Additionally, the Scottish
                                        Government is an active member
opportunities                           of the new Veteran and Covenant
As part of the Administrative           Data Working Group, which aims
Data Research Scotland (ADR-S)          to co-ordinate efforts to build a
programme, the Scottish Government      better evidence base in support
has been working with the MOD           of delivering the Armed Forces
to gain access to their Service         Covenant and the Strategy for our
Leavers Database (SLD) in order         Veterans. Scottish Government
to enable public benefit research       officials have presented on the
on Scotland’s veterans population.      Veterans Strategy monitoring
Information Governance documents        work and have established good
to enable the data share are in the     relationships with counterparts
final stages of review between SG       in the OVA, MOD and Welsh
and MOD. Once acquired, the SLD         Government. The group is actively
dataset will be indexed against the     exploring options to work
National Registers of Scotland’s        collaboratively to improve the
population spine and the NHS            available evidence on veterans in
Central Register to provide a best      Scotland.
estimate of veterans residing
in Scotland. Edinburgh Napier
University is leading on an ADR-S
project proposal to link the SLD with
Scotland’s 2011 Census. The analysis
of this data linkage project seeks to
answer key questions on the social
and personal circumstances of our
veterans community, and compare
and contrast these to non-veterans.
Those questions are based on the
themes of the Veterans Strategy.

Perception and
Promoting veterans as                     In addition, the Scottish
                                          Government’s 2021-22 Programme
assets to employers                       for Government has committed to
For the first time, the Veterans          securing improved opportunities
Employability Strategic Group (VESG)      for veterans, ensuring that those
has membership from private sector        who have risked their lives in the
employers. This is an important step      service of the nation can access
towards bridging the gap between          good jobs once their time in the
public sector policy, service delivery    military is over. We will launch a
partners and employers to support         public awareness campaign next
an improved understanding of              year, targeting employers and
the benefit of employing veterans         the business community to help
and thus ensuring they are                increase employment opportunities
better supported to find suitable         for veterans.
employment. The VESG is currently
establishing working groups as part
of its future focus, one of which is an
employer-led group.

In addition to the five primary       Holistic Transition Policy
Cross-Cutting Factors, our Veterans
Strategy consultation told us that    The Scottish Government provided
Transition remains a key issue for    comments to the MOD in advance
some of our Service leavers. It was   of a refresh of its Holistic Transition
clear from our engagement that        Policy in April 2021. The policy
veterans felt that little priority    is intended to support Service
had been given to the Transition      personnel and their families better
process in the past, but that it      prepare for life after the military on
has come a long way since then.       a through-career basis. It recognises
Stakeholders were clear that the      that transition is far wider than
process needs to start earlier        employment and that a wide range
and go beyond employment into         of life changing issues can affect
wider support, including education    both the Service person and their
options, finding suitable housing     immediate family as they leave the
and managing money.                   Armed Forces. Through the policy,
                                      the single Services will identify
                                      potential vulnerable Service leavers
                                      and facilitate a referral to the new
                                      Defence Transition Services.

Engagement with Defence                  Scottish Veterans
Transition Services                      Commissioner –
We have built strong relationships       focus on Transition
and engage regularly with the            Following the publication of the
Defence Transition Services (DTS)        Commissioner’s Transition scene-
which has ensured that DTS can           setting paper in December 2019, he
better support its clients in Scotland   has since published two additional
with a good understanding of the         reports on Employment, Skills
devolved services and support            and Learning (December 2020)
which are available to veterans          and Housing (June 2021), both in
in Scotland. In addition, DTS have       the context of Transition. These
the opportunity to raise with us         reports contained a number of
issues experienced by their clients      recommendations for the Scottish
which we can then take forward           Government and, for the first time,
as necessary, including improving        the UK Government.
guidance and signposting and
through the provision of advice.         The Scottish Government welcomed
This year, following an issue raised     both reports and accepted their
by DTS, we worked with partners to       recommendations. We continue to
better ensure that veterans do not       work with partners to prioritise
face disadvantage when applying for      the delivery of the Commissioner’s
social housing.                          recommendations and again
                                         contributed to his annual progress
                                         report. We look forward to his report
                                         on veterans Health, the final paper
                                         in the series focused on Transition.

Veterans Strategy
Key Themes

Community and
Social Isolation and
Breakfast Clubs
COVID restrictions have prevented
in-person breakfast clubs from
proceeding this year, however
Legion Scotland and many other
charitable organisation carried
out virtual clubs throughout the
pandemic to help combat social
More broadly, the Scottish
Government will develop a plan to
tackle social isolation and loneliness    Welcome to Scotland
backed by £10 million across the          Welcome to Scotland is a Scottish
lifetime of this parliament. As part of   Government guide created in 2018
our first 100 days we have already        to ensure Service Personnel and
announced the first £1 million to         their families are fully equipped with
tackle issues in communities across       the correct information and support
Scotland now.                             upon their move to Scotland.

Befriending and Mental                    An updated version of Welcome
                                          to Scotland was published in
Health First Aid                          March 2021 following extensive
We reported last year that in             consultation with the Military as
2020-21 the Scottish Government           well as third and public sector
provided £3,000 of funding to hold        organisations to ensure that the
two one-day Befriending training          guide is up-to-date and contains
sessions for up to 25 individuals as      the most relevant information for
well as four two-day Mental Health        personnel and their families ahead
First Aid training sessions per up to     of relocation to Scotland.
12 individuals from the Veterans
community. COVID-19 has thus
far precluded the delivery of this
training, but it is now anticipated
that this will now be delivered by
the MOD, in conjunction with Legion
Scotland, before the end of this year.

Education and Skills
Veterans Employability                      Employability Initiatives
Strategic Group (VESG)                      The Scottish Government, alongside
During 2020 the VESG was                    delivery partners, will continue
refreshed with two new co-chairs            to ensure employment support
and members from private sector             services for those facing significant
employers. The group has agreed             challenges when leaving the Armed
key areas for action linked to the          Forces continue to be enhanced.
SVC Employment, Skills and Learning         The employability support
report on Transition. An action             programmes are open to all
plan for implementation is being            individuals who meet the eligibility
developed with its key themes               criteria, including veterans and
focusing on:                                Service leavers. Implementation
•   Upskilling and retraining to            of No One Left Behind phase 1
    enable Service leavers and              is now complete with phase 2
    veterans to address skills gaps;        implementation planned for April
                                            2022, drawing on the best practice
•   Understanding the Labour market;        of Community Jobs Scotland (CJS)
                                            and the Employability Fund (EF).
•   Positive employer practice;
                                            Employability support funding will
•   Data; and
                                            be transferred to Local Employability
•   Third sector support.                   Partnerships (LEPs), where local
                                            decisions will be based on the
The action plan will give the group         needs, strengths and capabilities
a clear focus on enabling Service           of the individual and taking on
leavers and veterans to access,             board regional local employer needs
sustain and progress in good jobs,          and demands. LEPs are made up
building on a clear understanding of        of public, private and third sector
job opportunities available to them         bodies. Veterans are priority groups
in Scotland. The Group will work            within both CJS and EF programmes,
with employers to promote the skills        and will remain so under phase 2 of
they bring to the labour market and         No One Left Behind. The network of
promote alignment of services to            Local Authority Armed Forces and
ensure their accessibility.                 Veterans Champions will play a role
                                            in supporting LEPs and veterans into
                                            accessing the support and addressing
                                            any barriers to fair and sustainable

Skills and Qualifications                During 2021, the Scottish
                                         Government provided £35,000
Mapping                                  of additional funding to SCQF to
Since 2018 the Scottish Credit           develop a skills recognition tool
and Qualifications Framework             for use on My World of Work. The
Partnership (SCQFP) has undertaken       SCQF Partnership are working with
a substantial amount of work to          key partners in Skills Development
map military qualifications to           Scotland and MOD to deliver the
those recognised by employers and        project. Its aim is to develop a
education institutions including:        skills profiling tool specifically for
                                         Service leavers that supports them
•   A scoping report on priority job
                                         in understanding the skills they have
    roles within the Armed Forces;
                                         gained in the military and how these
•   Development of a number of           skills translate into language easily
    information leaflets for different   understood by civilian employers/
    job roles;                           institutions in order to gain a job
                                         or move into further learning. The
•   Development of a dedicated           initial phase will examine around 20
    webpage on the SCQF website to       job roles within the Armed Forces
    support Service leavers;             that were considered both priorities
•   Revision of the MOD’s                in terms of needing transitional
    qualifications matrix to ensure      support and roles typically held by
    accuracy of qualifications being     those Service leavers predominantly
    offered within the Armed Forces;     settling in Scotland. The project
    and                                  commenced on 1 April 2021 with a
                                         completion date of 31 January 2022.
•   Conversations with a range of
    awarding bodies to encourage
    more qualifications to be
    recognised on the SCQF.

Further and Higher                       Barriers to HE/FE for
Education Champions                      Service Children
The SFC-led Armed Forces and             Scotland’s Community of Access
Veterans Community Group (AFVCG),        and Participation Practitioners
which supports the work of the HE/       (SCAPP) arranged a presentation to
FE Veterans Champions Network,           members of the HE/FE Widening
meets three times per academic           Participation community to highlight
year. At the June 2021 meeting           the importance of support to the
the group agreed the priority            Service families community. Work
working areas for the upcoming           continues with the Service Children’s
academic year (2021-22) which            Progression (SCiP) Alliance to
are closer collaborative working         create a dedicated presentation
with MOD’s Directorate of Training,      and information toolkit to allow
Education, Skills, Recruiting &          the presentation of HE/FE as an
Resettlement (TESRR) and Career          opportunity to Service children.
Transition Partnership (CTP)
collaborative working.                   Scottish Funding Council’s
Two members of the AFVCG sit             Data Analysis
on, and have presented to, an            SFC has collected data on veterans
international veterans committee         accessing colleges since 2017-18.
which includes participants from         Since 2020-21, Service leavers
New Zealand, Australia, Canada           have been identified in the Higher
and United States, and supports the      Education Statistics Agency (HESA)
sharing of best practice, ideas and      Student return, data from which will
common understanding.                    be available from December 2021.
The HE/FE Veterans Champions             Like veterans, Service children or
Group was used to determine the          children of military families are
appetite for developing a Scottish       also considered one of the ‘At Risk’
Military Research Hub, the concept       groups. These are students at risk
for which is Scottish universities       of not achieving their full potential,
delivering research in partnership.      including from aspirations through to
Thus far, nine universities              successful outcomes and appropriate
have expressed an interest and           employment. Students from Service
representatives from the universities    families are to be identified in the
met in June 2021 to explore funding      HESA Student return from 2021-22,
options for the hub and discuss          however this data will not be
potential themes. These themes are       available until at least 2022-23. The
still being considered but will likely   data on Service children or military
focus around key transition areas        families will in future enable SFC and
such as health, housing, education,      other public bodies to plan and make
families, etc.                           informed decisions about students
                                         from Service families.

Forces Families Jobs                     NHS Careers Website
The Forces Families Jobs website is      A dedicated NHS Scotland Careers
a central portal for employment and      webpage, designed to support
training opportunities for military      veterans and promote the NHS as a
spouses and family members, which        post-service career, launched during
was launched in 2019. All employers      Armed Forces week 2021. The
who advertise on the Forces Families     page includes support for veterans
Jobs website have signed the Armed       to apply to NHS jobs, guidance on
Forces Covenant and a profile is         communicating transferrable skills,
provided for them to explain their       career case studies from veterans
individual commitment to being           and Armed Forces family members
forces family friendly. The Scottish     who have transitioned and work in
Government continues to work             the NHS, information on mapping
with Forces Families Jobs to post        Armed Forces skills to the Scottish
vacancies by directing to Work for       Credit and Qualification Framework
Scotland, our own job website.           (SCQF), and more. The launch of
                                         the website was accompanied by
Work Placements in                       a series of social media activities,
Scottish Government                      including the sharing of career case
                                         studies across social media channels.
The Scottish Government continues
to offer work placements and Fixed       Police Scotland –
Term Appointments (FTA) to veterans
through the Going Forward Into           Employment and
Employment (GFIE) programme.             Partnerships
Working with the Career Transition       During the past year, Police
Partnership and other partners to        Scotland’s National Recruitment
identify candidates, the initiative is   Team have undertaken several
giving us the opportunity to take on     activities to focus recruitment
Service leavers and veterans through     of veterans into Police Scotland
short placements and FTA which           including engagement with CTP and
could subsequently be converted          the Officer’s Association and utilising
to permanent. Three veterans have        Local Policing Veterans Champions
thus far been recruited successfully     to arrange bespoke career transition
through this route and we are working    events.
with partners to further embed GFIE
into our recruitment practices.          Both the National Recruitment and
                                         Talent Acquisition Teams support the
Additionally, the Scottish               Wounded, Injured or Sick Programme
Government is exploring the              (WISP), whereby Police Scotland
possibility of including a field         secondment opportunities are
on veteran status as part of             provided to personnel coming to the
the employee data voluntarily            end of their Service. Additionally,
provided by Scottish Government          Police Scotland recently announced
staff through its HR system. This        the new Volunteering Strategy which
would help monitor the progress of       provides more defined opportunities
activities aimed at increasing the       for those wishing to bring their
number of veterans employed by the       experience and transferable skills
Scottish Government.

into the challenging and rewarding      Cyber Skills Pilot
environment of volunteering in
policing. This could either be as       Last year, we reported that Scottish
a Special Constable within local        veterans were being retrained
communities, or as an Adult             via a cyber-skills pilot led by
Volunteer in mentoring and              Skills Development Scotland, in
supporting our cadre of Police          partnership with SaluteMyJob
Scotland Youth Volunteers (PSYV).       & Abertay University. The pilot
                                        concluded this year with 14
University of Strathclyde’s             individuals completing the course.
                                        We are working with partners
Articulation Route                      to determine the employment
An articulation mechanism has been      destinations of those who completed
developed and this will allow those     the course.
with HND qualifications to enter
initial teacher education. Since 2020   Scottish Armed Forces
three veterans have been awarded        Education Support Group
a STEM bursary whilst on the one
year PGDE programme. The bursary        The Scottish Service Children
scheme is an SG sponsorship for         Strategy Group (SSCSG) was re-
STEM students accepted on PGDE          constituted to take a more strategic
programmes, who receive £20k for        approach in improving the support
the year.                               to Children and Young People (CYP)

from Armed Forces backgrounds.
The group updated its term of
reference and was re-named the
Scottish Armed Forces Education
Support Group (SAFESG). This group’s
work and minutes are now available
here to raise the profile of this
work. This website will also share
information and resources on best
practice and support for AF CYP. The
SAFESG also aligns their work with
the Morgan review of Additional
Support for Learning and action plan.
Additionally, in conjunction with the
Association of Directors of Education
(ADES) National Transitions Officer
(NTO), the SAFESG invites head
teachers from schools across
Scotland to share their insights, best
practice and develop ideas with the
strategic group.                         SAFESG is also working closely with
                                         the NTO to support the next round
Some areas of best practice the          of data collection on Armed Forces
group has been working on include:       children and young people via
                                         Seemis. Data collection is due to take
•   Safeguarding: SAFESG facilitated
                                         place in autumn 2021 and results
    MOD input into the recently
                                         will be used to further enhance and
    updated Scottish Government
                                         develop the support available to
    Safeguarding guidance to ensure
                                         these children and young people.
    the needs and considerations
    of AF CYP and personnel were         The group is also working with
    reflected. SAFESG also facilitated   local authorities to understand and
    discussions on Safeguarding          support local data gathering, with a
    between stakeholders to ensure       view to developing and sharing best
    alignment with the various           digital practice.
    internal processes related to this
    area.                                In alignment with the Morgan review,
                                         SAFESG is considering research
•   Developing strategies to support     opportunities to further understand
    dispersed families.                  barriers to learning experienced
                                         by these learners and develop
•   Considering approaches to
                                         approaches to mitigate them.
    support families moving into
    Scotland and their engagement
    with the school and the Scottish
    education system. SAFESG has
    hosted sessions with Forces
    Families Federations to share the
    knowledge and experiences of
    families moving to Scotland.

Finance and Debt
Benefits                                    Social Security Scotland
The Scottish Government has                 Over the last year, Social Security
designed the application guidance           Scotland (SSS) has undertaken a
for devolved benefits to provide            number of actions to further embed
comprehensive information on                inclusive communication principles.
entitlement. Similarly, signposting         This has included close engagement
will be included to refer clients to        with its Inclusive Communication
the relevant agencies for reserved          External Stakeholder Reference
benefits where appropriate.                 Group, of which BLESMA is a
                                            member. Together, they will ensure
The Adult Disability Payment (ADP)          that the agency communicates
application form will ask clients           in ways that meet all of its
about their possible entitlement            clients’ communication needs and
to Armed Forces Independence                preferences, including veterans.
Payment, War Pensioners’ Mobility
Supplement and War Pension                  Furthermore, Social Security
Constant Attendance Allowance.              Scotland will develop signposting
Where appropriate, clients will be          and referral arrangements with a
directed to Veterans UK for further         range of organisations which will
advice, with whom we have worked            make it as easy as possible for
to develop an information sharing           clients, including veterans, to access
process. This is intended to ensure         services. SSS will also ensure that
that veterans can efficiently access        it is able to refer clients to partner
the support to which they are               organisations that deliver other
entitled. Furthermore, we engage            sources of financial or emotional
regularly with Veterans UK and MOD          support and will aim to make
to ensure that there is consistency in      that referral process as simple
the messaging provided to veterans.         as possible so that clients do not
                                            have to repeatedly give the same
                                            information to different people in
                                            other organisations.

Benefit Take-Up Strategy                 Money and Pension Service
The Scottish Government published        (MaPS)
the second Benefit Take-up               The Scottish Government
Strategy in October 2021. Since          co-ordinated in 2020 a Serving
the publication of the first Take-up     personnel and veterans virtual
Strategy in 2019, several Seldom         roundtable which was attended
Heard groups have been identified        by stakeholders and organisations
as being key to the development of       from across the Armed Forces
the second Strategy. These groups        and veterans community. During
are likely to experience reduced         the session, participants shared
access to, or take-up of, the Scottish   their perspectives about current
benefits to which they are entitled.     challenges relating to financial
Extensive engagement has been            wellbeing to inform the development
carried out with stakeholders            of MaPS’ Financial Wellbeing
representing these Seldom Heard          Delivery Plan for Scotland. The
groups, and the outcomes of this         intention is that this will be
engagement has been intrinsic to         published before the end of 2021.
the development of the Strategy.
In order to ensure the inclusion         Throughout the pandemic MaPS
of veterans in the development           established partnership relationships
of our Strategy, both BLESMA             with teams including Defence
and Veterans Scotland have been          Transition Services and Veterans
engaged, and representatives from        Welfare Service. This provided the
both organisations attended the          opportunity for MaPS to deliver
Benefit Take-up Round Table Event        webinar presentations to raise
for Seldom Heard groups, held in         awareness and signpost to the
August 2021. Going forward, we           practical support and guidance
will continue to work with these         offered by MaPS/MoneyHelper
organisations and build lasting          across various delivery channels.
relationships with the aim of
increasing benefit take-up.

Money Advice Trust
The Scottish Government funded
the publication of the Money Advice
Trust’s new guide on ’How to Deal
with Debt’. This was published
in January 2021 and can be
found here. This includes specific
signposting advice for veterans and
Service personnel.

Health and Wellbeing
Armed Forces Personnel                    provide support to veterans who
                                          are struggling to gain Priority
& Veterans Health Joint                   Treatment, access to health services,
Group                                     or are encountering other health-
The Implementation Group (IG)             related issues. We are in frequent
continues to regularly meet to drive      contact with NHS Champions on a
forward progress on priorities set        range of matters, drawing upon their
by the Strategic Oversight Group          knowledge of local health systems
(SOG). The IG provided an update to       and professional expertise. Through
the SOG in May 2021, and priorities       representation at the Joint Group,
were refreshed. The 2021-22               Champions contribute local expertise
priorities are a continuation of the      and insight to policy development
October 2020 priorities – Mental          and other areas of work. For
Health, employability of veterans in      example, this year a veteran was
the NHS, and Priority Treatment –         attending a local hospital for an
plus the addition of Veteran Aware        ongoing condition. He had been in
GP Accreditation and exploring the        the area for some time, but due to
setup of a veterans trauma network        enduring COVID restrictions was
within the Scottish health landscape.     isolated and struggling with other
                                          issues related to housing. The
Armed Forces and Veterans                 veteran was connected with the local
                                          NHS Champion who put SSAFA and
NHS Champions                             the Royal British Legion in touch
Utilising their knowledge of local        with him to offer their support and
health systems, NHS Champions             guidance.

Cross-Border Networks                   Drug and Alcohol
We continue to participate in           Information System
and reinforce mutually beneficial       The Drug and Alcohol Information
relationships and networks with         System (DAISy) was implemented
organisations in England and the        on 1 December 2020 and went
devolved nations. We continue           live across Scotland on 1 April
to participate in the MOD/              2021. Public Health Scotland are
DHSC/Devolved Administrations           developing a series of reports for
Partnership Board, including            use at a local and national level to
continued input into the cross-         better understand the issues related
nation Priority Treatment Working       to alcohol and drug harms. This will
Group. Recognising the value of         include issues for veterans.
collaboration, we provide frequent
updates to the Partnership Board        The Short Life Working Group on
and have brought papers for cross-      Prescription Medicine Dependence
nation agreement. These actions         and Withdrawal presented its draft
facilitate cross-nation sharing of      recommendations to the Cabinet
best practice. Through the UK-wide      Secretary for Health and Sport at the
Priority Treatment Working Group,       end of 2020. These recommendations
there has been agreement to review      were then published as a consultation
and work on engaging with veterans/     in spring 2021. The consultation has
clinicians on the current terminology   now closed and Scottish Government
and opportunities for improvement.      is considering the responses
                                        together with the Short Life Working
We also have quarterly meetings         Group prior to making finalised
with the Office for Veterans Affairs    recommendations to the Cabinet
and partake in cross-nation meetings    Secretary.
centred on health IT alignment
between NHS Scotland and the
Defence Medical Service. Programme
Cortisone is due to rollout later in
2021, with pilots scheduled to take
place across the UK. Programme
Cortisone will further align IT
systems within Defence Medical
System and the NHS, and allow quick
electronic transfer of records.

Scottish Veterans Care                  Additionally, the National Suicide
                                        Prevention Leadership Group
Network (SVCN)                          (NSPLG) undertook an academic
The SVCN was formally launched          review of existing literature on
in November 2020, with an initial       veterans’ suicide, and sponsored
priority to develop a Mental Health     further research into their
Action Plan (MHAP). The Plan will       experiences with suicide and
be available in December 2021.          suicide prevention services, which
Contributions to the plan have come     is currently under review. This
from over 80 veterans and their         and other relevant research will
representatives, NHS Boards and         be considered in the development
Integrated Joint Boards (IJBs). There   of the new suicide prevention
has also been extensive consultation    strategy which will be published in
with Third Sector veterans mental       September 2022.
health and wellbeing providers,
the MOD and the Scottish Veteran        Veteran Aware Status for
Care Network Health and Wellbeing       GPs and Hospitals
Group. The Network has linked with
colleagues in England and Wales to      The Joint Group have decided
share knowledge and experience and      that, as a primary entry into the
conducted an extensive literature       health system, it would be useful
review. The completed plan will         to begin with General Practice
aim to support veterans in Scotland     accreditation. A sub-group –
to live a healthy life and be able      featuring representation from
to reach their full potential. When     NHS, Scottish Government, Royal
required, they will be able to access   College of General Practitioners,
high quality mental health and well-    and Veterans Scotland – has been
being services that are tailored to     established to take forward our
meet their needs.                       2021-22 priority on Veteran GP
                                        Accreditation. The accreditation will
Suicide Prevention                      seek to further embed good practice,
                                        raise awareness of veterans’ issues,
Under Action 7 of the Suicide           and promote learning across General
Prevention Action Plan, work            Practices. This work will align well
has been undertaken to identify         with the NHS Fife Pilot Project,
groups at elevated risk of suicide      centred on improving methods
and facilitate specific preventative    of identifying and clinical coding
interventions to target them. The       veterans.
Scottish Government’s Mental Health
Transition and Recovery Plan,
published in October 2020, featured
a commitment to identify prevention
opportunities for veterans, alongside
existing work on at-risk groups.

Data on Veterans Health                 Combat Stress
If expanded across Scotland, the        Funding for Combat Stress has
NHS Fife Pilot Project, centred on      continued in 2021-22 at the same
improving clinical coding within        rate as the previous year. Any future
General Practices, will provide a       funding will be determined by the
basis for identifying veterans within   recommendations from the Veterans
healthcare and, in turn, hopefully      Mental Health Action Plan. Combat
improve data on veterans in             Stress is in the process of closing
Scotland. Complementing this work,      Hollybush House in South Ayrshire
the Veteran Aware GP Accreditation      with a view to opening more
will encourage clinical coding of       accessible facilities in Glasgow and
veterans in practices. Additionally,    Edinburgh.
the inclusion of a veterans question
in the Census and the Scottish          Veterans First Point (V1P)
Household and Health Surveys will       The six health boards that host V1P
improve health data on veterans.        in Scotland have agreed to match
                                        fund the Scottish Government
NHS Inform                              award to V1P for this financial year
The NHS Inform veterans page            (2021-22). The Cabinet Secretary
remains up-to-date. We frequently       for Justice and Veterans opened a
share emerging information with         new facility for V1P Fife on 20 July
our networks, such as the Veterans      2021. Any future funding will be
Scotland Health and Wellbeing           determined by the recommendations
Group, as appropriate.                  from the Veterans Mental Health
                                        Action Plan.

Making a Home in
Civilian Society
Housing to 2040                           Human Rights Bill to be introduced
                                          in this Parliamentary term.
Scottish Government published
Housing to 2040, Scotland’s first         Local Housing Strategies
long-term housing strategy, in
March 2021, following extensive           Following the refresh of Local
consultation with the housing sector      Housing Strategy (LHS) guidance in
and people of Scotland, including         2019, which requires consideration
Veterans Scotland’s Housing Group.        of the needs of Armed Forces
Housing to 2040 sets out a vision         communities, local authorities
that everyone in Scotland should          are demonstrating this in their
have access to a safe, warm,              Local Housing Strategies. For
affordable and energy efficient           example, in North Lanarkshire
home that meets their needs in the        Council, consultative LHS for the
place they want to be, regardless of      period 2021-2026 proposes to
tenure. Equality is at the heart of the   strengthen support for the Armed
strategy and the right of everyone        Forces community through further
to an adequate standard of living,        engagement and consultation
including the right to adequate           with the community and their
housing, will be included in a new        representatives.

Social Housing Allocations                they are allocating homes. This
                                          priority is over and above any
The position remains in Scotland          priority for those Service leavers
that in law, the responsibility for the   who are homeless, threatened with
allocation of social housing lies with    homelessness or have a high level
social landlords (local authorities       of housing need as set out in the
and registered social landlords).         reasonable preference categories.
Each landlord sets out in their           Landlords should also ensure Service
allocations policy how they allocate      personnel and ex-Service personnel
their social housing. Our guidance        are not disadvantaged in accessing
for social landlords in Scotland on       social housing because of their time
allocations is practice guidance to       in Service.
support landlords in complying with
legislation and statutory guidance.       Affordable Housing Supply
It also covers areas of policy and
practice where landlords set out their    Programme
own criteria and priority categories      Funding continues to be available
in accordance with local needs.           to deliver homes specifically for
                                          veterans where Local Authorities
The allocations practice guidance
                                          identify this as a strategic priority.
encourages landlords to consider
                                          Since 2012 over £6m has been made
giving priority to Service personnel
                                          available through the programme
and ex-Service personnel
                                          to deliver over 100 homes for
appropriate to the context in which

Earlier this year Riverside Scotland   Homelessness Prevention
began the construction of 19 homes
specifically for veterans across two
sites in North Ayrshire and South      A pathway to prevent homelessness
Ayrshire and Hillcrest Housing         for veterans is currently being
Association are due to complete        developed by members of the
five homes for veterans in             Veterans Scotland Housing Group.
Edinburgh in January 2022.             This has included wide consultation
These projects are being               with a range of homelessness,
supported with over £1.8 million       housing and Armed Forces and
of Scottish Government grant.          veterans organisations and
                                       veterans with lived experience.
Housing Options Scotland
                                       The report, with recommendations,
We continue to support Housing         is expected to be published by the
Options Scotland to provide its        end of 2021.
Military Matters project. This
service focuses on housing issues
affecting people serving in the
Armed Forces in Scotland; all UK
Service personnel transitioning
into civilian life in Scotland, and
veterans – helping them to find the
right home in the right place. Since
it began in 2012, the project has
supported just under 1000 people
in total. In 2020-2021, the service
received 266 new referrals.

Veterans and the Law
Veterans in Custody                      or at risk of becoming involved in
                                         the criminal justice system. The
Support Officers (VICSOs)                Scottish Government is a member of
We have regular engagement               the Strategic Group, which will help
with stakeholders from the VICSO         ensure that we can support Sacro
network to better understand how         and the veterans for whom they
they are supporting veterans in          provide support. The group last met
custody, if there are opportunities      in late September 2021.
for collaborative efforts and if the
Scottish Government can provide          Police Scotland –
support. Furthermore, we have            Champions and Support
developed good relationships with
the Scottish Prison Service and          Police Scotland continues to invest
Edinburgh Napier University to           in its cadre of Veterans Champions
understand and, where appropriate        across the country, located in each
support, research into the veterans      Local Policing Division and across
population in prison. We will consider   the custody estate within the
research as it is published, including   national Criminal Justice Services
any recommendations made.                Division (CJSD). The core role of
                                         Veterans Champions is to promote,
Breakfast Clubs                          amongst their divisional colleagues,
                                         the existence of Police Scotland’s
The Scottish Government supports         bespoke referral mechanism with
the use of Breakfast Clubs in prisons    the Armed Services Advice Project
to encourage veterans to socialise       (ASAP) for serving and former
in the prison community. We are          members of the military.
working with the VICSO network,
in particular the Governor of HMP        In November 2020, Police Scotland’s
Perth to understand how we can           National Forum of Veterans
support breakfast clubs being rolled     Champions became a virtual event,
out across the prison estate in          which resulted in enhanced sharing
Scotland. We will attend a veterans      of information, ideas and innovation
Breakfast Club event and VICSO           which has ultimately led to an
gathering when we are able to do so.     increase of over 375% in the number
                                         of referrals being submitted by police
Supporting the work of                   officers in the past nine months.
Sacro                                    The Champions have promoted the
                                         referral mechanism within their
Sacro has recently established a         respective communities and frontline
strategic oversight group for its        police officers are better informed
Veterans Mentoring Service which         and equipped to support serving and
will oversee the work of the Service     former members of the military when
in supporting veterans who are in        they need it.

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