YOUR LOCAL PRIORITIES - LOCAL ELECTION MANIFESTO 2022 Your Local Priorities | 1 - Scottish Conservatives

YOUR LOCAL PRIORITIES - LOCAL ELECTION MANIFESTO 2022 Your Local Priorities | 1 - Scottish Conservatives
                           Your Local Priorities | 1
YOUR LOCAL PRIORITIES - LOCAL ELECTION MANIFESTO 2022 Your Local Priorities | 1 - Scottish Conservatives






                                      Your Local Priorities | 2
YOUR LOCAL PRIORITIES - LOCAL ELECTION MANIFESTO 2022 Your Local Priorities | 1 - Scottish Conservatives

Introduction.............................................................................................................................................. 4

Your local priorities - not the SNP’s.....................................................................................................5

Helping pupils to catch up.................................................................................................................... 7

Rebuilding local economies................................................................................................................ 10

Building the housing we need........................................................................................................... 12

Delivering a fair deal for you and your community........................................................................14

Connecting communities.....................................................................................................................17

Strengthening local environmental protections............................................................................. 19

A local health and social care service.............................................................................................. 21

Putting your priorities first..................................................................................................................23

                                                                                                                         Your Local Priorities | 3
YOUR LOCAL PRIORITIES - LOCAL ELECTION MANIFESTO 2022 Your Local Priorities | 1 - Scottish Conservatives
                                         The local election in May is an             The other parties will cut a shady
                                         important opportunity for you to do         backroom deal that will put the SNP in
                                         just that.                                  power.
                                         I served as a councillor for a decade       We know this because we have seen
                                         before entering parliament. I know the      it before. After the last local election,
                                         incredible work that they can do for        Labour formed a coalition with the
                                         their communities, through resolving        SNP in six councils. They will always
                                         everyday problems and delivering            prefer to work with the SNP than lock
                                         improvements to local services.             them out of power.
                                         By voting for Scottish Conservative         The Scottish Conservatives are
                                         councillors in your local area, you will    Scotland’s second largest party and in
                                         elect councillors who will be totally       last year’s election we won 100,000
Scotland is emerging from a two-year     focused on your local priorities.           more votes to prove that we are the
pandemic that has done incredible                                                    only pro-UK party that is growing in
harm to lives and livelihoods across     Councillors who will be focused             strength and the only party that can
Scotland.                                on getting on with the job of fixing        challenge the SNP.
                                         potholes and the local roads that you
At this point we should be looking       drive on;                                   With your vote, we can beat the SNP
to rebuild our public services and                                                   in your local area and get your council
deliver our recovery. Pupils need        investing in tutoring and additional        focused on your local priorities.
help catching up from two years of       classes to help pupils catch up from
disrupted schooling, patients are        the damaging impact of two years of         It is time to end this stalemate and put
facing long backlogs for treatment       disrupted schooling;                        constitutional politics behind us.
and families are worried about rising    opposing the SNP Government’s               It is time to rebuild and recover from
costs.                                   plans to introduce a workplace              the pandemic and move forward
After all that we have been through,     parking tax;                                together.
we should be looking ahead to the        and fighting for your community             It is time to get the focus onto your
future and coming together to move       to have the final say over local            local priorities.
forward.                                 planning developments, not the SNP
Yet instead, we feel stuck. Nicola       Government in Holyrood.
Sturgeon and the SNP Government          They will do all this while tackling the
are again pushing their number one       cost-of-living crisis, by keeping council
priority, instead of tackling the real   tax low and cutting bills for almost one
issues that Scotland faces right now.                                                Douglas Ross
                                         million Scottish households.
                                                                                     Leader of the Scottish Conservative and
This is holding us back from our         You will also send a strong signal to       Unionist Party
recovery when we should be working       the SNP Government that you want
with the whole of the UK to rebuild.     Scotland to move on from nationalist
We need to break this stalemate.         politics.
We need to send a strong signal to       The alternative is an SNP-run council
the SNP Government to park the           that will centralise local services, hike
constitutional debate and get the        council tax and put the priorities of the
focus onto your local priorities.        SNP Government first.

                                                                                                 Your Local Priorities | 4
YOUR LOCAL PRIORITIES - LOCAL ELECTION MANIFESTO 2022 Your Local Priorities | 1 - Scottish Conservatives
Your local priorities - not the SNP’s
This year’s local elections are about     SNP Government are focused on              increased, as the SNP take funding
the local services we use every           their nationalist priorities. When we      away from local services and use
day. They are about the roads we          should be coming together to move          it to pay for national projects. In
drive on, the schools our children        forward from Covid, the SNP and            addition, it means a council that will
go to, the housing being built in our     their Green coalition partners are         be distracted by their only real priority,
communities, the frequency of our bin     distracted by their obsession with         independence, instead of working
collections and the council tax we pay.   another independence referendum.           with the UK Government to secure
                                          We believe that this is completely the     vital investment in your community.
Our councils should be totally focused    wrong priority for our country and
on these important local issues. This     Scottish Conservative councillors          However, if you elect Scottish
is even more important as we rebuild      will be totally opposed to a second        Conservative councillors then we
our public services and deliver our       referendum.                                pledge to put your local priorities
economic recovery from the Covid                                                     first. Scottish Conservative councillors
pandemic. Our local authorities           This election is your chance to get the    will work hard to ensure that pupils
are facing immense challenges.            focus of your council onto your local      get the additional support they need
Our housing market is overheating         priorities and not those of the SNP.       to catch up on months of missed
because of a lack of supply, pupils                                                  schooling. We will keep council tax
have missed months of schooling           If an SNP council is elected in your       low and look to cut the tax for single
over the last two years and local         local area, then they will put the         adult households, to help them with
businesses are still seeing footfall      priorities of Nicola Sturgeon and          their bills. We will stand up to the
down dramatically from what it was        the SNP Government first. That             SNP Government over its plans to
before the pandemic.                      means local services being cut, as         introduce a workplace parking tax and
                                          the SNP Government take forward            its plans to undertake an expensive
However, instead of supporting our        their plans for centralisation without     reorganisation of social care.
councils to deal with these difficult     any objection from your council.
issues, Nicola Sturgeon and the           It also means council tax being

                                                                                              Cllr Ade Aibinu
                                                                                    Candidate for Victoria Park
                                                           “I’m standing to oppose the SNP’s workplace parking tax and
                                                                                                  improve local roads.”

                                                                                                 Your Local Priorities | 5
YOUR LOCAL PRIORITIES - LOCAL ELECTION MANIFESTO 2022 Your Local Priorities | 1 - Scottish Conservatives
The Scottish Conservatives are the
only party you can trust to say no
to a deal with the SNP. Labour are
already working with the SNP in six of
Scotland’s councils and the Greens
are in government with the SNP and
support them in Glasgow Council.
Both Labour and the Greens would
prefer to do a deal with the SNP than
work with other parties and will put
them into power in your local area.
Scottish Conservative councillors will
not do any deal that puts the SNP into

At last year’s election, the Scottish
Conservatives won over 100,000
more votes while Labour and the
Liberal Democrats went backwards
again. We are Scotland’s second
largest party and the only pro-UK
party that is moving forward. Over the
last year, in local by-elections all over
Scotland we were only a few hundred
votes behind the SNP. Together we
can beat the SNP in your local area.
                                                                 Cllr Angela Doran-Timson
In May’s local election, you face a          Candidate for Broxburn, Uphall and Winchburgh
choice between an SNP council that
will put Nicola Sturgeon and the             “I used to represent Labour but they can’t be trusted to stand up for
SNP Government’s priorities first or                                 working people against the SNP anymore.”
Scottish Conservative councillors who
will put your local priorities first. Only
a vote for the Scottish Conservatives
can get your council focused on your
local priorities not the SNP’s.

                                                                                       Your Local Priorities | 6
YOUR LOCAL PRIORITIES - LOCAL ELECTION MANIFESTO 2022 Your Local Priorities | 1 - Scottish Conservatives
Helping pupils to catch up
The Covid pandemic has meant              equally across all pupils. Some would     Conservatives believe that we need
that children and young people            have been encouraged to do home           to begin a national conversation
have faced two years of disrupted         schooling and online lessons during       around replacing Curriculum for
education, with school closures lasting   the lockdowns while others would not.     Excellence with a new framework
for months and widespread absences.                                                 built around returning to strong
This has had a significant impact         We need to take targeted measures         Scottish education traditions. Scottish
on pupil’s educational performance        to help those pupils who have seen        Conservative councillors will support
with the attainment gap at its widest     their education suffer the most during    that national conversation.
since 2016/17. Our children and young     Covid. The Scottish Conservatives
people need additional help to catch      have called for the SNP Government        The SNP Government are considering
up so that the impact of the pandemic     to set up a national tutoring             the future of exams. Our view is
on their learning does not become a       programme to provide one-to-one or        that traditional exams provide a fair
permanent one.                            small group tuition for those children    way of assessing pupil performance
                                          and young people who need the             against standards and should remain
However, despite the hard work            most help. Scottish Conservative          an important part of our education
of teachers and staff, the Scottish       councillors will work to set up a         system. Scottish Conservative
education system has been                 local tutoring scheme. They will also     councillors will support the
plummeting down international             provide additional funding for after-     continued role of exams in our
rankings ever since the SNP came          school classes and campaign for the       schools.
to power. We cannot continue with         SNP Government to allow schools
this same failed SNP approach. We         to make payments to teachers who          We welcome the SNP Government’s
need a mindset shift in our schooling,    deliver additional revision sessions      long overdue decision to scrap
which allows pupils and our education     in the run-up to exams and for pupils     the SQA and Education Scotland.
system to catch up not just from the      who need additional assistance. In        However, this cannot simply be a
pandemic but from the last 15 years.      addition, they will pressure the SNP      name-change exercise, it must be
                                          Government to fund a pilot extension      a substantive shift in the education
In 2016, Nicola Sturgeon said that        to the school day, to further help        oversight structure and its culture,
education was her “number one             pupils to catch up on missed              and should be led by teaching
priority”, but the reality is that a      learning.                                 professionals. At least one of the new
generation of Scottish school children                                              bodies should be based outside of
have been let down by the SNP                                                       the Central Belt, such as in Aberdeen,
Government. We need to restore            The future of Scottish                    to better understand the issues faced
our school system, so that it delivers    education                                 by schools in all parts of the country.
the world class education that all
Scots used to enjoy. Unlike the SNP
Government, Scottish Conservative
                                          Scotland’s education system has           Empowering schools and
                                          gone from being one of the best in
councillors will make our schools         the world to being just internationally   teachers
their number one priority.                average over the last two decades.
                                          Our school performance is now not         At the heart of our approach to
Catching up from the                      just lower than the UK average but        Scotland’s education future must
                                                                                    be more autonomous schools and
                                          worse than schooling in countries like
pandemic                                  Estonia and Poland.                       empowered teachers. We need to
                                                                                    trust our teaching professionals more
The Covid pandemic has had an             The SNP approach to managing              and build a system which allows them
enormous impact on our children and       our education system is dragging          to run classrooms and schools in the
young people’s education. However,        down standards and Curriculum             best way for their pupils.
as the growing attainment gap has         for Excellence is at the heart
shown, this impact has not been felt      of that approach. The Scottish            Scottish Conservative councillors will

                                                                                               Your Local Priorities | 7
YOUR LOCAL PRIORITIES - LOCAL ELECTION MANIFESTO 2022 Your Local Priorities | 1 - Scottish Conservatives
support increased school autonomy            We also need to ensure that our          In addition, Scottish Conservative
through giving headteachers more             schools have the best teachers.          councillors will make more local
control over their schools, and              Since the SNP came to power              authority-owned attractions and
teachers more control of the content         there are over 800 fewer teachers        facilities free for children.
of lessons in their classrooms. They         in Scotland’s schools. We need to
will also support greater parental           attract more teachers to work in our     Our schools have an important role in
involvement in the management of             schools particularly in remote areas.    educating our children about sexual
schools.                                     Scottish Conservative councillors will   health and wellbeing, but this should
                                             support alternative pathways into        be age appropriate and undertaken
Part of empowering our schools is            teaching and set up grant schemes        in close consultation with parents,
ensuring that they have the right            to attract good teachers where           who ultimately should decide what is
equipment to deliver a modern                there are shortages, such as in rural    best for their child. As such, Scottish
education. However, the SNP                  communities. Scottish Conservative       Conservative councillors will vote
Government have been slow to                 councillors will also pressure the       to boycott future SNP Government
deliver on their promise of a free           SNP Government to fully fund the         school sex surveys that ask children
laptop for every pupil. Scottish             placement of dedicated STEM and          intrusive personal questions.
Conservative councillors will invest in      PE teachers in every primary school.
school IT equipment. They will also                                                   All of Scotland’s children deserve
pressure the SNP Government to
ensure that all schools have access to
                                             Supporting our children’s                the best start in life and improving
                                                                                      access to early years education is an
a full fibre broadband connection.           wellbeing                                important part of delivering this. We
                                                                                      know that the SNP’s rollout of 1,140
This will allow schools to better            Beyond education, our schools and        hours of free childcare is being held
support each other through sharing           councils have an important role in       back by a lack of funding and staff,
resources and expertise online.              ensuring the broader wellbeing of        so Scottish Conservative councillors
However, this is no substitute for           children and young people. The           will lobby the Government for this
schools being able pool resources            impact of the Covid pandemic has         programme to be properly funded
locally where they are able. Clustering      shown us all the importance of good      from national budgets.
allows schools to build local                mental health. Scottish Conservative
specialisation while offering pupils         councillors will introduce trained       Scottish Conservative councillors
access to a larger range of subjects.        mental health leads with links to the    also want to see parents given the
Scottish Conservative councillors will       NHS in every school to help improve      flexibility to choose the setting and
support the formation of both local          children’s wellbeing.                    hours that work best for their family.
and online clusters to widen subject                                                  We believe the SNP Government
choice.                                      We also need to encourage children’s     must do more to help councils widen
                                             physical activity to improve physical    choice, make good on funding
This will allow our schools to offer         and mental wellbeing. Scottish           following the child and better
the broadest possible experience             Conservative MSPs are bringing           recognise the vital role childminders
to pupils. Scottish Conservative             forward a bill to give children the      and the private and voluntary sector
councillors will ensure that all pupils      opportunity to participate in at least   play in delivering this policy.
in their council area are able to take       one week of residential outdoor
at least seven subjects in S4. They          education in their schooling. Scottish
will also support school children to         Conservative councillors will deliver
learn two additional languages in            this opportunity locally to help build
order to increase the linguistic skills of   children’s confidence and self-
Scotland’s students. Additionally, they      esteem. They will also reintroduce
will ensure that every child has the         P5 swimming lessons and will deliver
opportunity to play an instrument and        more support for children and youth
play a sport.                                groups, especially those with a
                                             focus on sport and physical activity.

                                                                                                 Your Local Priorities | 8
YOUR LOCAL PRIORITIES - LOCAL ELECTION MANIFESTO 2022 Your Local Priorities | 1 - Scottish Conservatives
Helping vulnerable                      While we believe that every effort
                                        should be made to keep families
                                                                                   Pupils with additional support needs
                                                                                   are being let down by shortages
children                                together, this is not always possible.     in specialist staff and inadequate
                                        Scottish Conservative councillors          services. Scottish Conservative
We need to ensure that appropriate      will deliver on local authority            councillors will ensure that teachers
support is in place for vulnerable      commitments made through The               in their local authority area receive
and disadvantaged children. Scottish    Promise in full . They will also support   the appropriate training to identify
Conservative councils would support     the delivery of the Mockingbird            and support children with conditions
a pilot programme for Family Hubs       Programme in their local areas to          such as dyslexia and autism. They will
to bring health, education and social   build supportive communities around        also press the government for funding
care services together and provide a    foster families.                           to grow the school support staff
‘one stop shop’ of parenting support.                                              workforce for children with additional
                                                                                   support needs.

                                                                                             Your Local Priorities | 9
YOUR LOCAL PRIORITIES - LOCAL ELECTION MANIFESTO 2022 Your Local Priorities | 1 - Scottish Conservatives
Rebuilding local economies
Our town centres and high streets         and £24 million for the upgrading of        economic partnerships, to deliver
took a major hit during the pandemic.     the B714 in North Ayrshire through the      growth across our country.
Local businesses that thrived             Levelling Up Fund. The Growth Deals
before Covid have closed or are           Programme has also seen over £3
struggling to pay their bills. Many       billion invested by both of Scotland’s      Supporting local
shops, restaurants, pubs and hotels       governments in every part of our            businesses
are concerned about their future,         country.
particularly once the SNP Government                                                  The pandemic is still having a
removes business rates relief in June.    There are huge opportunities at all         damaging impact on businesses in
                                          levels for our communities to work          our town centres and high streets,
During the pandemic, councils             with the UK Government to secure            with footfall not having returned to
played a major role in supporting         investment, from the billions of            previous levels. However, the SNP
businesses by distributing essential      pounds available for crucial economic       Government is ending support for
grant funding to them. It is important    infrastructure through the UK Shared        businesses in June. It is clear that
that as we continue to recover from       Prosperity Fund to hundreds of              businesses need to be supported
the pandemic, councils remain an          thousands of pounds available for           through the recovery and that taxes
important player in driving local         community hall refurbishments               should be gradually reintroduced.
growth. They must continue to have        through the Community Ownership             Scottish Conservative councillors
the flexibility to support businesses     Fund. It is essential that Scotland’s       will pressure the SNP Government
that fall between the cracks in           communities take advantage of               to keep business rates relief in place
national schemes and support local        this exciting agenda to boost their         for the entire financial year. They will
partnerships as we rebuild. They must     economies, rather than allowing             also look at introducing longer-term
also work hard to attract national        the narrow nationalism of the SNP           discount schemes for businesses
funding and new opportunities for         Government and SNP councils to hold         in traditional town centres and high
their local areas.                        them back. Scottish Conservative            streets. Additionally, they will look into
                                          councillors will work hard to               creating joined up online systems for
Consumer habits have shifted              secure access to UK Government              businesses for licensing and non-
because of Covid. Our response            investment for their communities.           domestic rates.
must be to distinguish between what
are likely to be short and long term      However, we know that there is              However, we also need to do more
changes and realise the benefits while    not a level playing field, with some        to help businesses to rebuild their
mitigating the challenges. Scottish       councils being larger and more              customer base and encourage footfall
Conservative councillors will work        able to access funding than others.         in our town centres. To support local
hard to create jobs and growth in their   Scottish Conservative councillors           shopping, Scottish Conservative
communities.                              in smaller councils will work with          councillors will remove parking
                                          enterprise bodies to build capacity in      charges in council owned car parks
                                          their local authorities, so that they can   for set times at weekends and will
Levelling Up our                          successfully bid for projects.              pressure the SNP Government to
communities                                                                           fully fund their scrapping entirely.
                                          In many parts of Scotland, the Growth
The UK Government has set                 Deals Programme saw councils come           Local cultural events are an important
up substantial funds to deliver           together to form natural partnerships       way of encouraging footfall, yet
growth and opportunity across             to deliver regional growth. We need to      many will have struggled during
Scotland. These have already led          continue to embrace this approach to        the Covid pandemic and will be
to transformative investments in          build on Scotland’s regional economic       facing continued uncertainty around
communities, such as the £20 million      strengths. Scottish Conservative            their future. Scottish Conservative
investment in the ‘masterplan’            councillors will support the formation      councillors will establish a grassroots
regeneration of Aberdeen city centre      and strengthening of regional               events fund to incentivise the return of

                                                                                                 Your Local Priorities | 10
festivals and other cultural events, and   tax, which will further increase         start up and scale up. Scottish
provide start-up support for new ones.     costs on those businesses. Scottish      Conservative councillors will support
                                           Conservatives councillors will oppose    comprehensive Business Gateway
Accommodation providers have               the introduction of any tourism tax      Services in their local area.
had their businesses restricted or         which damages local businesses.
closed for significant periods over                                                 Broadband infrastructure plays an
the last two years. We should be           Our councils spend £4.9 billion of       essential role in helping businesses
supporting those businesses to get         public money collectively each year      to develop, particularly with a
back on their feet but instead the         on procurement in Scotland. This level   larger proportion of the workforce
SNP Government are imposing new            of funding has the potential to be a     continuing to work from home.
administrative burdens through the         transformative investment in local       However, the SNP’s R100 programme
short-term lets licensing scheme.          businesses. Scottish Conservative        is not due to be finished until 2027,
Scottish Conservative councillors          councillors will support a ‘Scotland     six years after the originally promised
will continue to fight for the blanket     First’ procurement policy and buy        completion date. This slow rollout is
short-term lets licensing scheme to        for quality and to protect local jobs.   holding Scotland back, households
be scrapped and for it to replaced         They will also increase procurement      and businesses deserve better.
with a scheme that has local choice at     spend with smaller local firms by 2%     Scottish Conservative councillors will
its heart.                                 every year.                              work to support the faster rollout of
                                                                                    full fibre broadband to every home
At the same time, some councils            Business Gateway services                and business in their local area
are considering introducing a tourist      are essential for businesses to          and will ensure that new homes are
                                                                                                   Ade Aibinu
   Richard Brooks
   Candidate for Kincorth, Nigg and Cove                                                     Candidate for xxxxxx
   “We are the only party that stands up for the North East economy
   and Scotland’s oil and gas industry.”                                                                     “xxxxxxx”

                                                                                              Your Local Priorities | 11
Building the housing we need
Scotland is facing a housing crisis.      home they have lived in for decades          increase taxes.
Too few houses are coming on the          because they can no longer afford to
market and there is pent-up demand        pay, while many young adults cannot          Heating bills have increased rapidly
following the Covid pandemic. This        afford to pay the bills that living alone    following the pandemic and the
is leading to spiralling prices, with     would entail. While higher council tax       Russian war against Ukraine. In the
home ownership rapidly becoming           can lead to better local services, it will   immediate term, to help tackle the
an unaffordable ambition for too          also damage individuals and families         cost-of-living crisis, we need to cut
many Scots. The SNP Government            at a time when they can least afford it.     heating costs. Yet, in the long-term,
have only increased this problem.                                                      to cut bills and achieve our net zero
Over the last parliament they fell over   It is clear that there needs to be a         target, we need to reduce heating
8,000 homes short of their affordable     balance, particularly in the middle          demand. However, making our
house building target and they are        of a cost-of-living crisis. Scottish         homes more energy efficient will
continuing to show a lack of ambition     Conservative councillors will keep           cost thousands of pounds that many
in home building in this parliament.      council tax increases as low as              homeowners cannot afford. Scottish
                                          possible, while protecting local             Conservative councillors will press
At the same time, monthly bills are       services. They will ensure that every        the SNP Government to introduce a
increasing at an unaffordable rate.       penny of your money is spent as              Help to Renovate scheme, to support
Yearly household energy bills have        effectively as possible to support           home upgrades that will reduce
gone up by £693 since April and           local services. When budgets allow,          heating costs and increase energy
council tax by an average of £38.         Scottish Conservative councillors will       efficiency. Scottish Conservative
Renters have also faced rising costs,     freeze council tax, so that households       councils will also support
with average monthly rents increasing     do not face rising costs.                    homeowners and businesses in the
by £81 from last year. The most recent                                                 removal of combustible cladding.
SNP Government budget has left            We know that council tax hits single
councils with a £251 million real-
terms cut in their funding, leaving
                                          households hardest. Single parents,
                                          young professionals and elderly
                                                                                       Cutting the costs of
them again with the difficult choice to   people living alone face paying              getting a home
increase council tax or reduce local      higher housing costs because of
services.                                 their personal circumstances. The            House prices in Scotland are
                                          single persons discount provides 25%         increasing at an unaffordable rate,
Scottish Conservative run councils        relief from council tax for single adult     with the average sale price increasing
already have lower levels of council      households. Scottish Conservative            by 30% in the last decade. While the
tax than SNP or Labour councils.          councillors will increase the single         pandemic has increased this problem,
Our councillors will continue to work     persons discount to 35% when                 the SNP Government have also failed
to keep your bills low, while helping     funding is available - saving a single       to meet their own house-building
buyers to get onto the property           person £134 per year on an average           targets, leading to a shortage in
ladder.                                   Band D property and benefitting              supply and increased competition.
                                          almost 1 million Scottish households.
Keeping home bills low                                                                 The best way to slow rapidly
                                          The other Scottish parties have              increasing prices is to build more
                                          proposed overhauling our system              homes. Scottish Conservative
Council tax helps to fund the             of local taxation, however their             councils will therefore support
essential local services we use           alternatives would lead to some              increasing the rate of house building,
every day. However, it also leaves        households paying hundreds or even           so long as it is matched by an
many individuals and families facing      thousands of pounds more in tax.             expansion in local services and
hundreds of pounds in charges each        Scottish Conservative councillors            in transport infrastructure. Where
year just to live in their home. Many     will oppose any immediate reform,            possible these new developments
of our elderly face having to sell the    especially if used as an excuse to           should be placed on brownfield

                                                                                                 Your Local Priorities | 12
sites. We want to see completions          the government’s Rural Housing            allow councils to respond to varying
across all sectors increase to 25,000      Fund, to help incentivise construction    prices across Scotland. Scottish
new homes per year, with a specific        in remote and rural communities.          Conservative councillors will support
focus on the affordable and social         Scottish Conservative councillors will    a raising of the national threshold for
rented sectors. Scottish Conservative      also fund a serviced self-build plot      LBTT from £145,000 to £250,000 to
councillors will also work to increase     pilot across local authorities in rural   take account of rising house prices,
their local authority’s stock of council   areas                                     cutting the tax on home purchases
housing.                                                                             by up to £2,100. We also believe that
                                           However, increasing house building        councils should have the opportunity
The lack of new housing is a particular    will take a longer time to have an        to raise the threshold further in their
concern in rural communities.              effect, when buyers need help just        local authority area, to take account of
The Scottish Conservatives have            now. The SNP Government needs             higher local prices.
continually called for a doubling of       to cut taxes for home buyers and

Helping the most                           future proofing of new-build housing
                                           for easier accessibility adaptations.
                                                                                     secure accommodation. Scottish
                                                                                     Conservative councillors will support
vulnerable with their                      In addition, they will work with the      the delivery of a Housing First
housing                                    third sector to help develop additional   programme in their local area and
                                           capacity for assisted living schemes.     press the SNP Government to deliver
Many elderly people live in dated                                                    a national programme.
homes that are inefficient to run and      Rough sleeping and homelessness
no longer tailored to their needs.         are a blight on modern Scotland. Over     The war in Ukraine has led to a
However, they may have emotional           5,000 adults sleep rough at least         humanitarian crisis, with over one
attachment to the property and their       once a year and our homelessness          in ten Ukrainians already having
home may also be in close proximity        death rate is more than double the        been forced to flee their country. It is
to their support networks.                 rate in England and Wales. The            essential that we do all that we can
                                           number of children in temporary           to support the Ukrainian people at
We should support elderly and              accommodation is at its highest level     this time and offer a place of safety
disabled people to live independently      since records began. All of this is a     for those who have had to leave
for as long as they are able to.           national scandal.                         their homes. Scottish Conservative
Scottish Conservative councillors                                                    councillors will press for their local
will work to properly support care         The Scottish Conservatives are            authority to be generous in its
and repair services to reduce waiting      committed to ending rough                 support for the Homes for Ukraine
times for adaptations for assisted         sleeping by 2026, by ensuring that        Scheme.
living. They will also encourage the       everyone has access to safe and

                                                                                                Your Local Priorities | 13
Delivering a fair deal for you and your community
While we need to build more housing
to meet increased demand, this
                                           Fighting for a fair deal for              final decision on planning approvals,
                                                                                     to ensure developments, such as
will put increased pressures on            your community                            wind farms, directly benefit their
communities if not managed properly.                                                 communities. They will also oppose
Far too often, housing estates are built   The SNP Government have grabbed           new incinerators and support a
without the infrastructure, schools,       powers and cash from our local            national moratorium, due to the harm
shops and community facilities to          authorities for years. Right across       they can do to communities and the
support them. Local roads are not          Scotland, money meant to be used to       environment.
upgraded, leading to increased             fund local services, such as business
congestion. All of this results in a       rate revenue, is being distributed        We also need to ensure that large
worse experience for newcomers             through national schemes by SNP           developments benefit the people who
and the residents already living in a      ministers. We need to see local           already live in a community. Councils
community.                                 taxation being used to fund local         should not approve large housing
                                           services.                                 developments without making sure
Scottish Conservative councillors will                                               there are services to support them.
ensure that Scotland’s local authorities   Scottish Conservative MSPs are            Scottish Conservative councillors will
are not just supporting house-building     bringing forward a bill to deliver        work with large property developers
but are building whole communities         fair funding through a new fiscal         to secure more investment in local
instead. That means ensuring that          framework for local government. Our       services, like new schools, expanded
communities benefit from housing           bill will deliver a fixed proportion of   roads and upgraded community
developments, with developers              the Scottish Government Budget            facilities.
encouraged to invest in local services.    to councils, so that they cannot be
It also means maintaining proper           underfunded by the SNP. Due to the        Derelict properties are a blight on
safeguards in planning rules to ensure     UK Government’s Spending Review           our communities. Across Scotland
that developments do not put undue         this will also ensure that councils       there are around 43,000 long-term
pressure on communities.                   can plan ahead, with the certainty of     unoccupied properties. Scottish
                                           multi-year spending plans. It will also   Conservative councillors will support
However, our local services will           ensure that taxes raised in a council     the introduction of Compulsory Sales
always be overstretched if they            area are spent in that council area.      Orders for long-term unoccupied
continue to be underfunded and             Scottish Conservative councillors         properties to stop the growth of
undermined by this SNP Government.         will fight for a fairer deal for their    unused buildings in our communities.
Local government revenue funding           local communities from this SNP           They will also support a relaxation of
has fallen from 36% to 33% as a            Government by supporting this bill.       planning laws, with regards to derelict
proportion of the SNP Government’s                                                   properties, so that they can be more
budget from 2007/8 to 2021/22.             Encouraging responsible                   easily redeveloped.
Meanwhile, in the last 5 years,
379 local planning decisions were          development
overturned by SNP Ministers. It is                                                   Supporting local services
clear that the SNP Government are          Scottish Conservatives believe that
stripping powers and funding away          communities should have the final         Our local services are what build
from communities and the services          say over developments in their area,      communities. However, after 15 years
they rely on. Scottish Conservative        not the government in Holyrood.           of SNP underfunding of our councils
councillors will stand up to SNP           However, SNP Government Ministers         they are overstretched, and many
centralisation and fight for a fairer      currently have the power to overturn      facilities have already been forced
deal for their communities.                council decision making and local         to close. Scottish Conservative
                                           democracy. Scottish Conservative          councillors will make protecting
                                           councillors will fight for their local    frontline local services a key priority
                                           authorities to be able to take the        for the next five years.

                                                                                               Your Local Priorities | 14
Scottish Conservative councillors will
keep community facilities, like libraries
                                            Backing community                          ensure that their council supports the
                                                                                       police in tackling them.
and sports halls, open. They will also      action
ensure that admissions fares are                                                       Anti-social behaviour can result in
kept affordable and where there are         People in our communities came             possessions and property being
ALEOs in place they will ensure that        together during the Covid pandemic         vandalised or damaged and can
they deliver value for money for their      to support one another on a scale          lead to people feeling threatened.
communities. Scottish Conservative          not seen in this country for decades.      Scottish Conservative councillors will
councillors will also open school           We need to continue to reward and          ensure that local authority officers
facilities to the public in evenings        support volunteering and create new        are properly resourced to take
and at weekends. To ensure that             opportunities for people to help.          effective action, such as investigating
services are operating as effectively                                                  disturbances and issuing fines.
as possible, Scottish Conservative          Scottish Conservative councillors
councillors will support the creation       will establish a local community           Councils manage Community
of a separate local government              champions award to recognise               Payback Orders and, with the SNP
ombudsman to assess and investigate         people who have gone above and             Government’s presumption against
complaints against councils and local       beyond for their local area. They will     short prison sentences, these will
services.                                   also establish a local database of both    be used even more frequently
                                            council and third sector volunteering      for offenders in future. Scottish
Scottish Conservative councillors           opportunities, to make it as easy as       Conservative councillors will ensure
will also ensure that essential             possible for people to volunteer. They     that these are used as punishment
services continue to be available in        will also, if given financial certainty    and to carry out work for community
communities. They will campaign to          from the SNP Government, deliver           benefit, such as litter picking.
keep local bank branches open and           multi-year funding awards to third
ensure free access to cash in their         sector organisations so that they can      Since the creation of Police Scotland
communities. They will also support         better plan ahead.                         by the SNP, 140 police stations have
the continued operation of community                                                   been closed. Scottish Conservative
hubs in their council area and expand       Community councils play an important       MSPs are bringing forward a Local
their services where they are needed.       role in expanding local democracy          Policing Act to guarantee a strong
In addition, they will support the          and representation, however they are       police presence in our communities
introduction of a community first right     often held back by a lack of support       and more regular patrols. Scottish
to buy when businesses or community         and access to funding. Scottish            Conservative councillors will oppose
facilities close.                           Conservative councillors will work         police station closures in their area.
                                            to support the activities of their local
Many women have raised legitimate           community council and increase the
concerns about their rights and safety      funding available to them for their        Cleaning up our
following the publication of the SNP        work.                                      communities
Government’s Gender Reform Bill. We
believe that these concerns should          Tackling anti-social                       Fly-tipping has damaged the
be heard and acted upon rather than                                                    environment around many rural
dismissed. Scottish Conservative            behaviour and community                    communities and is increasingly
councillors will seek to ensure that
there are single-sex spaces available
                                            crime                                      becoming a problem in our towns and
                                                                                       cities. This has led to town centres
in all council-run facilities, including                                               and community facilities being viewed
schools, parks and swimming pools.          The Scottish Conservatives are the
                                            only major party in Scotland that is       as run-down and as unpleasant places
                                            prepared to be tough on crime and          to visit. The Scottish Conservatives
                                            stand up for the victims affected by       view it as our civic duty to clean up
                                            it. Violence and anti-social behaviour     our communities, yet we also need to
                                            are on the rise in Scotland and            deal with this problem at its source.
                                            Scottish Conservative councillors will

                                                                                                 Your Local Priorities | 15
Scottish Conservative MSPs are
bringing forward a bill to ensure that
local authorities and other agencies
can effectively prosecute offenders
and make them pay for clean-
up costs. Scottish Conservative
councillors will support increased
fixed penalties and maximum fines
for litter and fly-tipping and use the
increased income to resource council
enforcement measures, as well as
introduce regular reporting.

Bin collections have reduced in
frequency as councils have had to
make savings. Scottish Conservative
councils across Scotland already have
more regular rubbish collections than
those run by the SNP and Labour.
Scottish Conservative councillors
will ensure that regular rubbish and
bin collections are a council priority,
to cut down on illegal dumping and
littering on our streets.

                                          Cllr Nathan Wilson
                                          Candidate for Motherwell South East
                                          and Ravenscraig
                                          “I’m standing to clean up your community and deliver
                                          better local services.”

                                                                                      Your Local Priorities | 16
Connecting communities
In addition to local services, our
communities need good transport
                                            drivers will have to pay.                  Ensuring better public
networks in order to thrive and grow.       One of the main criticisms of car          transport
However, across Scotland there are          travel is the emissions that it causes.
many villages, towns and even parts         However, the Scottish Conservatives        Our public transport network is
of cities that have inadequate public       believe that this should be a              essential for connecting communities
transport networks and poor roads.          challenge to make driving greener          and for our tourism sector. However,
Meanwhile, the SNP Government and           rather than reduce car travel. Scottish    the Covid pandemic has reduced
their Green partners are punishing          Conservative councillors will therefore    passenger numbers across all
drivers with a workplace parking tax,       support the rollout of electric vehicle    transport types and service reductions
when so many people rely on their car       charging points across their local area.   have exacerbated this problem
every day.                                  This will include requiring new large      by making public transport less
                                            housing developments to incorporate        frequent and less reliable. We need to
We need to ensure that there is a           charging points, to make electric          encourage people to return to using
proper balance between active, public       vehicle ownership more accessible.         public transport, by making services
and personal transport and recognise                                                   as frequent, as affordable and as fast
that one model will not work for every      The condition of our roads is a serious    as possible
community. Scottish Conservative            issue. Across Scotland far too many
councillors will always support the         local roads are plagued with potholes      The nationalisation of ScotRail
most appropriate travel options for         which damage vehicles. Scottish            presents a real opportunity to
their local areas as they work to better    Conservative councils will set aside       deliver a better, cheaper service
connect their communities.                  local Pothole Action Funds, to give        for rail users. However, ScotRail
                                            communities the right to request           have instead reduced services and
                                                                                       raised fares on passengers. The
Supporting drivers                          repairs to local roads.
                                                                                       Scottish Conservatives want to see
                                            Many of our major roads are also           this opportunity used to reconnect
For many parts of Scotland driving a                                                   communities that have not had access
car is not a luxury but a necessity, with   in need of upgrading, to reduce
                                            congestion and speed up journey            to the rail network for decades.
public transport being too infrequent,                                                 Scottish Conservative councillors
slow, unaffordable or impractical. We       times across Scotland. Scottish
                                            Conservative councillors will pressure     will pressure the SNP Government
should not blame drivers for this, yet                                                 to reopen the Beeching railway lines
that is exactly what this SNP-Green         the SNP Government to do more to
                                            upgrade our major roads including the      and stations in their area.
Coalition is doing by introducing
the workplace parking tax and               A77, A75, A82, A90, A96, A1 and the
                                            A83 Rest and Be Thankful.                  Local bus services are an essential
considering the reintroduction of road                                                 way for many people to travel around
tolls. Conversely, the UK Government                                                   communities. However, rural bus
is supporting car drivers by cutting        20mph zones have been introduced
                                            in many Scottish towns and cities.         networks have been in decline for
fuel duty.                                                                             years. To address gaps in services,
                                            While these can improve safety,
                                            particularly around schools, when          Scottish Conservative councillors will
Scottish Conservative councillors                                                      consider setting up local authority run
will stand up for Scotland’s drivers        introduced on a blanket basis they
                                            can also cause unnecessary delays          bus services where necessary. They
by opposing the introduction of the                                                    will also ensure that there is adequate
workplace parking tax. They will also       to travel. Scottish Conservative
                                            councillors will listen to their           bus provision for pupils traveling to
oppose any plans to reintroduce road                                                   and from school, particularly in rural
and bridge tolls in their communities.      communities as to whether they
                                            want a 20mph zone introduced in a          areas. To match the free travel offer
In the middle of a cost-of-living crisis,                                              being offered on our bus networks,
our councillors will not bring in SNP-      targeted local area and will oppose
                                            blanket zones being enforced.              Scottish Conservative councillors will
led policies that increase the amount                                                  lobby the SNP Government to fully

                                                                                                 Your Local Priorities | 17
fund free travel for under-22s and
over-60s on the Glasgow Subway
and Edinburgh Tram.

Ferries are an essential lifeline for
our island communities, yet they
have been let down by an SNP
Government that has spent over £250
million on two unfinished ferries that
have been delayed for years. Scottish
Conservative councillors will pressure
the SNP Government to deliver a
reliable and affordable ferry service.

Encouraging active travel
It is important that we make active
travel as safe as possible for children
and adults. Scottish Conservative
councillors will ensure that every
major Scottish city has a dedicated
cycle network in place. They will also
ensure that their local authority invests
in cycling proficiency training for
children and adults and cycle repair
vouchers to encourage more people
to take up cycling and increase safety.

          Your Local Priorities | 18
Strengthening local environmental protections
People across Scotland want to live       cycling and running. This includes           place, and Scottish Conservative
in greener, healthier communities.        developing new and expanding                 councillors will act to protect and
Our lands and waters are host to an       existing playparks for our children.         enhance ancient woodland while
iconic and beautiful array of plants                                                   supporting the delivery of tree
and animals, but Scotland, has            Scotland needs more high-quality             planting targets. They will also
experienced decades of biodiversity       housing for families to live in, but there   support nature corridors plantations in
decline. Species abundance has fallen     is more than enough brownfield land          every local authority, alongside local
by a quarter since 1994.                  to build on rather than erasing our          woodland expansion and riparian tree
                                          precious green spaces. We believe            planting.
And this matters beyond                   that local communities should have
sentimentality, because nature            the final say over developments              Scotland is also home to the majority
underpins the food we eat, the air we     in their area, rather than the SNP           of the UK’s peatlands, which store
breathe and the water we drink. Many      Government in Edinburgh, and this            more CO2 than all our forests
efforts in our communities to protect     extends to our Green Belt. Where it          put together. But four-fifths of our
our green spaces and encourage            enjoys community support, Scottish           peat bogs are degraded. Scottish
wildlife also have the double benefit     Conservative councillors will protect        Conservative councillors will support
of locking up carbon and offsetting       and enhance our Green Belt.                  measures to restore peatlands to their
pollution, helping us cut emissions                                                    former glory – helping deliver Climate
and meet international targets to limit   Housing developments themselves              Change Committee targets.
global temperature rises to 1.5°C.        can also be greener. Some

That is why Scottish Conservative
                                          housebuilders are leading the way
                                          with inbuilt nature corridors, wildflower
                                                                                       Supporting local farmers
councillors will be focused on            patches and simple measures like
protecting our natural environment,       green roofs forming part of the fabric       Scotland is home to the world’s best
ensuring that growing communities         of buildings. Scottish Conservative          food and drink, and it is becoming
means more parks and green spaces         councillors will use the planning            increasingly clear that the route to
and that we protect and enhance           process to encourage nature-friendly         a sustainable and climate-friendly
our Green Belt which has become           housebuilding practices to become            food production system requires
so important during the pandemic.         more widespread.                             the consumption of more high-
Climate change and nature recovery                                                     quality, local produce. This should
can and must be twin priorities for                                                    go hand in hand with reducing
                                          National Parks protect our beautiful         waste, encouraging healthier diets
local councils.                           landscapes for future generations.           and lifestyles. That’s why Scottish
                                          They can support nature tourism,             Conservative councillors will support
Protecting our green                      boost local economies, and prevent
                                          the erosion of scenic views. Scottish
                                                                                       local food strategies which back
                                                                                       Scottish farmers and their high-
spaces                                    Conservative councillors will support        welfare, environmentally friendly
                                          the designation of new National              produce, especially in public
During the pandemic, we                   Parks across Scotland, where they            procurement. To better educate P4/5
rediscovered how important our            enjoy local support.                         children on local farming and food,
green spaces are for our mental                                                        Scottish Conservative councillors
and physical health. They also help       Tree planting is the cornerstone of          will also introduce a Countryside
create a sense of place and improve       our efforts to tackle climate change.        Education Day in their local
the desirability of a neighbourhood.      However, we must avoid and correct           authorities.
That’s why Scottish Conservative          the SNP’s mistake of over-planting
councillors will support the creation     non-native conifers, often against           Many farm businesses are looking
of new green spaces in cities and         local wishes, which harms rather             to diversify into other sectors of our
towns on existing brownfield sites,       than strengthens local biodiversity.         economy, such as tourism. This can
to allow more space for walking,          The right tree must go in the right

                                                                                                 Your Local Priorities | 19
have benefits for the development          extreme weather.
of local green spaces and our
environment. Scottish Conservative         Flooding can also be a significant risk
councillors will support those farms       for communities in parts of Scotland
by promoting agritourism and easing        and can cause significant damage
planning barriers.                         to property. Scottish Conservative
                                           councillors, in the affected areas, will
The decline in local abattoirs across      fast track a Catchment Management
Scotland has undermined local food         Assessment, to ensure that flood risk
networks and is a hinderance to            is properly analysed at all points in the
sustainable farming. To help farmers       river.
to find an appropriate abattoir for
their produce, Scottish Conservative
councillors will support an expansion
in the network of local and mobile
abattoirs and processing facilities.

Protecting against storms
and extreme weather
We saw during the extreme weather
of the past few months, such as
Storm Arwen, the terrible damage
that high winds can do to people
and communities. It can lead to
households being cut off as roads are
blocked and left without power and
heating. It can also damage properties
and, at its worst, kill. Unfortunately,
due to climate change, we can
expect extreme weather to be a more
common occurrence in the future and
all levels of government need to be
better able to respond to it.

Despite the best efforts of workers
on the ground, our public services
were too slow to respond to extreme
weather and help households
affected. Scottish Conservative
councillors will work to build better
local resilience and coordination
with emergency response to prepare
for future extreme weather. They will         Kathleen Robertson
press for the SNP Government to be            Candidate for Forres
better prepared to activate the Bellwin
Scheme and will set up local Climate          “The SNP have left rural Scotland behind. I’m standing to deliver a
Resilience Funds to be deployed in            fairer deal for our communities.”
the initial response to a storm or other

                                                                                              Your Local Priorities | 20
A local health and social care service
Our health and social care services         by supporting a Local Healthcare            uniform consistency above quality.
are vital to people and communities         Guarantee. We will campaign for a           We will ensure care and support is
across Scotland. However far too            presumption against centralisation          delivered as close as possible to
many local facilities are being closed      and to protect local services like GPs      those who need it, especially in rural
down and essential services moved           and community hospitals.                    or island communities.
elsewhere. This problem is only going
to get worse when the SNP undertake
a costly reorganisation to centralise       Keeping care local                          It will also see our care system move
                                                                                        towards ethical commissioning of
social care into a national service.                                                    care, including investing in staff
                                            As we emerge from the pandemic, we          and fair terms and conditions for
People across Scotland deserve              do so with a renewed appreciation           the workforce. In addition, our
to have good local health and care          for the role that social care and           councillors will support the building
facilities. They should not have to         carers play in our national life and a      of minimum pay and conditions into
travel for hours for routine operations     determination to build a care system        the commissioning and procurement
and treatment or to access maternity        founded on dignity, human rights            of local authority delivered care, often
services. They should also expect           and individual freedom of choice and        called ‘ethical commissioning’ and
to get a residential care place close       control.                                    work to make care a rewarding career.
to their family and support network                                                     Scottish Conservative councillors will
- not moved across the country by a         We agree that social care must              also support supported breaks from
national service.                           change and improve but this can be          caring for unpaid carers and call for
                                            done without further centralisation.        this to be appropriately legislated for
Scottish Conservatives believe that         The SNP’s proposed National Care            and funded by the SNP Government.
health and social care services should      Service would merge a budget four
be delivered as locally as possible.        times greater than Police Scotland.         It has been nearly a decade since the
Our councillors will campaign hard          This will lead to a costly reorganisation   Social Care (Self-directed Support)
against any centralisation of services      that will take funding away from the        Act 2013 was introduced, which
by this SNP Government.                     frontline where it is needed most.          was supposed to revolutionise our
                                                                                        approach to care. But people still
                                            Backed by SNP councillors, the SNP          describe accessing support as a
Fighting for a community                    Government will centralise social           ‘battle’ and less than half of people
health service                              care services just as they have health
                                            services. Every Scottish Conservative
                                                                                        report that all four SDS options
                                                                                        were discussed with them during
                                            Councillor elected in May will fight to     their needs assessment. Scottish
The SNP’s centralisation agenda             retain local services and quality local     Conservative councillors will
has removed local health and social         care partnerships – acting on your          support a renewed push to embed
care facilities from communities            local priorities, not the SNP’s. We will    Self-Directed Support into local
across Scotland. All over the country,      support the creation of a Local Care        practice and call for the necessary
departments at local hospitals have         Service, run by local communities for       funding to be provided by the SNP
closed or moved miles away with             local communities.                          Government.
patients facing lengthy journeys
just to get essential treatment. The
downgrading of maternity services           Scottish Conservative plans for a           Any proposals to fix social care must
at Dr Gray’s Hospital in Elgin and          Local Care Service would provide a          start with fair funding after years
Caithness General Hospital in Wick          guarantee against out-of-area care,         of SNP cuts to local government
are prime examples of the SNP riding        where a person is moved miles away          settlements. The UK Government’s
roughshod over local clinicians.            from their community, family and            announced increase in national
                                            support networks. This risks becoming       insurance contributions will provide
                                            more widespread under the SNP’s             an estimated additional £1.1 billion to
Scottish Conservative councillors will      centralised service, which prizes           Scotland by 2024/25. This is a rare
fight for the retention of local services

                                                                                                  Your Local Priorities | 21
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