Scottish Bus Emissions Abatement Retrofit Programme - Phase 1 Assessment Process Guidance - Energy Saving Trust
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Disclaimer Applicants should be aware that as the Scottish Bus Emissions Abatement Retrofit Programme Phase 1 (BEAR Phase 1) is a new grant fund, this guidance will be reviewed as the programme evolves and therefore may be subject to change. Transport Scotland reserves the right to amend the published guidance during the period of the programme. The Energy Saving Trust and/or Transport Scotland reserves the right to reject an application where: an application is submitted late, is completed incorrectly, is materially incomplete or fails to meet any submission requirements which have been notified to the applicants; and/or the applicant (including any partners) are guilty of a material misrepresentation or false statement in relation to its application and/or the application process. The Energy Saving Trust and/or Transport Scotland reserves the right at any time: not to consider applications other than those submitted in accordance with the requirements of the application process; to issue amendments or modifications to the application documents during the application process; to require an applicant (including any partners) to clarify their application in writing and/or provide additional information (failure to respond adequately may result in an application being rejected); alter the timetable of any aspect of the application process; to not award any grant funding under the BEAR Phase 1; and/or to cancel the application process at any time. Any costs or expenses incurred by an applicant (including any partners) or any other person in participating in the application process will not be reimbursed by the Energy Saving Trust and/or Transport Scotland. The Energy Saving Trust, Transport Scotland and/or any of their representatives or advisors will not be liable in any way to any applicant (including any partners) or any other person for any costs, expenses or losses incurred by any applicant (including any partners) or any other person in connection with this application process. Version Control Date Issue Status Author Authorised by 21/02/2018 V6 FINAL Energy Saving Trust Transport Scotland Scottish Bus Emissions Abatement Retrofit Programme – Phase 1 Assessment Process Guidance II
CONTENTS 1 Purpose of this document .......................................................................................................... 1 2 Summary ............................................................................................................................... 1 2.1 The need for an assessment process .............................................................................. 2 2.2 BEAR Phase 1 strategic aims ......................................................................................... 2 3 Overview of assessment process ........................................................................................... 4 4 Timelines ............................................................................................................................... 5 5 Pre-panel assessment process.................................................................................................. 6 5.1 Screening........................................................................................................................ 6 5.2 Eligibility check................................................................................................................ 6 5.3 Monitoring Requirements ................................................................................................ 9 5.4 Fund Requirements......................................................................................................... 9 5.5 State aid ....................................................................................................................... 12 5.6 Scoring ......................................................................................................................... 13 5.7 RAG rating ........................................................................................................................ 13 5.8 Preparation of material for Assessment Panel ............................................................... 14 5.8.1 Case Papers .......................................................................................................... 14 5.8.2 Summary Paper ..................................................................................................... 14 6 Assessment Panel ............................................................................................................... 15 6.1 Role of the Assessment Panel ...................................................................................... 15 6.2 Membership of the Assessment Panel .......................................................................... 15 7 Awards and due diligence .................................................................................................... 16 ANNEX 1: Screening checklist .................................................................................................... 17 ANNEX 2: Eligibility checklist ....................................................................................................... 18 ANNEX 3: Fund requirements ..................................................................................................... 20 ANNEX 4: State aid checklist ...................................................................................................... 21 ANNEX 5: Scoring framework ......................................................................................................... 22 ANNEX 6: Example Case Paper ................................................................................................. 27 ANNEX 7: Conflict of interest procedure ...................................................................................... 30 ANNEX 8: Scotland’s Air Quality Management Areas .................................................................... 31 Scottish Bus Emissions Abatement Retrofit Programme – Phase 1 Assessment Process Guidance III
1 Purpose of this document This document sets out the approach for taking BEAR Phase 1 applications through a process of assessment in order to allocate grant funding to projects that support the strategic aims of BEAR Phase 1. This document has been prepared by Energy Saving Trust (EST) which has been appointed to administer BEAR Phase 1 on behalf of Transport Scotland. 2 Summary There are three key stages to the assessment of BEAR Phase 1 applications. The flow chart below summarises these stages. Scottish Bus Emissions Abatement Retrofit Programme – Phase 1 Assessment Process Guidance 1
2.1 The need for an assessment process Transport Scotland and EST will ensure the BEAR Phase 1 assessment process is open, transparent and fair for all applicants. A robust assessment process will ensure that: If BEAR Phase 1 is oversubscribed, the allocation of grant funding is fair and supports a range of projects most likely to support the strategic aims of the programme. If the fund is undersubscribed, grant funding is not awarded to projects that do not meet the criteria of the fund. 2.2 BEAR Phase 1 strategic aims In order to be considered for funding, applications need to identify projects that deliver benefits directly in line with the core strategic aims of BEAR Phase 1. The strategic aims of BEAR Phase 1 are to: Support licenced bus operators (including community transport operators) to reduce nitrogen dioxide (NOx) and particulate matter (PM) emissions of existing eligible fleet vehicles operating on routes within, or located primarily within, one of Scotland’s cities identified in the Programme for Government 2017 LEZ commitment (i.e. Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh and Glasgow) and/or one of Scotland’s Air Quality Management Areas (AQMAs) through the installation of Clean Vehicle Retrofit Accreditation Scheme (CVRAS) accredited retrofit technology measures. To demonstrate and evidence the effectiveness of retrofit technology to Scottish bus operators through an effective monitoring framework collecting, analysing and sharing operational data to demonstrate real world emissions reduction from the use of the retrofit technology and identify and assess any associated impact on fuel consumption and efficiency, and contributing to LEZ monitoring and enforcement. Subsequent phases of the BEAR programme will also support work to establish the Scottish Engine Retrofitting Centre. Specifically, BEAR Phase 1 aims to deliver a minimum of: 55 existing buses/coaches fitted with CVRAS accredited selective catalytic reduction (SCR) and diesel particulate filter (DPF) retrofit technology measures, with up to five of these vehicles also fitted with electric fan units (EFans). Monitoring and evaluation identifying evidence of the effectiveness of retrofit technology to Scottish bus operators by sharing operational data to demonstrate real world emissions reduction from the use of the retrofit technology and identifying and assessing any associated impact on fuel consumption and efficiency. Scottish Bus Emissions Abatement Retrofit Programme – Phase 1 Assessment Process Guidance 2
Scottish Bus Emissions Abatement Retrofit Programme – Phase 1 Assessment Process Guidance 3
3 Overview of assessment process The assessment process will occur in three distinct stages. This process will be completed by 30 March 2018 (see timeline in section 4). Process/Activity Screening (see section 5.1) Screening Checklist (Annex 1) completed for each applicant. Eligibility check (see section 5.2) Stage 1 Eligibility Checklist (Annex 2) completed for each applicant. Applications determined to be ineligible will not be assessed any further. Fund Requirements & State Aid (see sections 5.4 and 5.5) Applications will be assessed against fund requirements (see Annex 3) During this process clarification can be sought from applicants if required. Scoring (see section 5.6) Applications will be scored using framework described in section 5.6 and Annex 5. Stage 2 During this period clarification can be sought from applicants if required. Case Papers will be prepared for each project, as well as a Summary Paper – which will provide a strategic view of the applications reviewed, an explanation of the scoring process, and recommended package of proposals for the Assessment Panel to consider Assessment Panel (see section 6 ) Assessment Panel receive copies of the completed application forms, Case Papers for each project and Summary Paper. Assessment Panel tests and ratifies the recommendations in Summary Paper. The Assessment Panel will either ratify recommended applications, or agree to fund alternative applications. Preparation and circulation of Assessment Panel report for confirmation. Stage 3 Assessment Panel report sent to Transport Scotland for final approval. Awards (see section 7) Conditional offers of funding drafted. Successful and unsuccessful applicants notified of outcome. Unsuccessful applicants will be offered feedback on their application. If relevant, final due diligence undertaken to ensure all outstanding issues have been addressed. Funding awards announced. Scottish Bus Emissions Abatement Retrofit Programme – Phase 1 Assessment Process Guidance 4
4 Timelines January February March 26 29 30 31 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30 F M T W T F M T W T F M T W T F M T W T F M T W T F M T W T F M T W T F T M T W T F M T W T F BEAR Phase 1 announced BEAR Phase 1 open for applications n Engagement event Applications due Screening/Eligibility check/Fund requirements/State aid n Scoring n Panel reviews assessments Panel meets n Conditional offers Awards announced n n Meetings between Transport Scotland and EST, including engagement event and Panel meeting The Assessment Panel will meet in the week beginning 19 March 2018. Conditional offers will be made from the 22 March 2018, and final awards will be announced on 30 March 2018. Scottish Bus Emissions Abatement Retrofit Programme – Phase 1 Assessment Process Guidance 5
5 Pre-panel assessment process During the pre-panel assessment process applications will undergo initial screening and an eligibility check. Then those determined to be eligible (or partially eligible) will be assessed further and scored against the assessment framework outlined below. Each assessment will produce a score out of 30 and a Case Paper will be produced outlining how this score was reached (see Annex 5 for the scoring framework and Annex 6 for an example Case Paper). The Assessment Panel will receive a Case Paper for each project as well as a Summary Paper presenting a strategic overview that assesses all the applications received against the available grant funding and the strategic aims of the BEAR Phase 1 programme. 5.1 Screening Applicant organisations are expected to provide full details of their proposed project on the BEAR Phase 1 application. EST will screen all applications to ensure that they meet the following criteria: The application form has been received before or on the deadline. The application form is complete. The required supporting information has been provided. The application form has been signed and dated by someone within the applicant organisation with the authority to do so. The Screening Checklist (Annex 1) will be used to check that an application is valid. Where material is missing the applicant will be contacted via email and asked to provide the required material within 2 working days. If the material is not received within 2 working days, the application will not be progressed. Applicant organisations will not be provided with an opportunity to rework any element of their application. Applications received after 2 March will not be considered, unless under exceptional circumstances. 5.2 Eligibility check EST will complete an eligibility check that will assess all applications against BEAR Phase 1 eligibility criteria i.e. the applicant organisation, vehicles and measures. Questions on the Eligibility Checklist (Annex 2) will be answered ‘yes’, ‘no’ or in some cases ‘partial’. Applications must have either ‘yes’ or ‘partial’ for each eligibility criteria to progress to the next stage. ‘Partial’ eligibility will apply in circumstances where the application has an ineligible element, or a potentially ineligible element, and it is judged that the project is likely to remain viable if certain conditions are met. Scottish Bus Emissions Abatement Retrofit Programme – Phase 1 Assessment Process Guidance 6
EST will administer BEAR Phase 1 based on set criteria and agreed with Transport Scotland: Grant of up to 100% and commercial loan funding to make up any difference will only be open to licenced bus operators (including community transport operators) operating eligible vehicles based on routes within or located primarily within a local authority with one of Scotland’s AQMAs within its geographical area. Priority (by means of application scoring, see below) will be given to applications from licenced public transport operators operating eligible vehicles on routes that pass through one of Scotland’s AQMAs and/or one of Scotland’s cities identified in the Programme for Government 2017 LEZ commitment (i.e. Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh and Glasgow). Details of all of Scotland’s AQMA’s can be found in Annex 8 of this document and details and maps can be found on the Scottish Air Quality website: Grant and loan funding will only be open to vehicles that meet the following eligibility criteria: Eligibility criteria Requirements Vehicle Buses and coaches operated under a Public Service Vehicle operator licence or used for voluntary, community or other non-profit making purposes Age Less than 13 years old Remaining service life A remaining service life of at least five years Emissions standard Euro III, IV and V. If vehicle is not fitted with an ad-blue system it will need to be fitted as part of the retrofit Data At least 12 consecutive months of fuel consumption data for each specific vehicle in order to effectively monitor and evaluate any associated impact on fuel consumption and efficiency resulting from retrofit installation Environmental A statement from operator outlining how services will commitment be delivered in an LEZ and/or AQMA. If a vehicle is poorly maintained, then it is possible that retrofit technology will not operate effectively and applicants will therefore be required to demonstrate a history of effective maintenance (scored as part of the application evaluation) and commit to an agreed maintenance cycle as part of the application process. Bus retrofit technology manufacturers currently support some, but not all, bus models operating in Scotland that meet these eligibility criteria. The engine configurations currently CVRAS accredited are as follows: Product Technology Approved vehicle applications Eminox Retrofit Double Deck Buses Single Deck Buses SCRT® exhaust Cummins ISBe 6.7 litre Scania DC901 9.0 after- Euro IV & V powered litre Euro III powered treatment Volvo D5F 4.8 litre Cummins ISBe 5.9 system Euro IV & V powered litre Euro III powered Volvo D9B 9.4 litre Euro IV & V powered Scottish Bus Emissions Abatement Retrofit Programme – Phase 1 Assessment Process Guidance 7
HJS Retrofit Double Deck Buses Single Deck Buses SCRT exhaust Cummins ISBe 6.7 litre Cummins ISBe 35,36,40, after- Euro IV & V powered 4.5litre Euro IV & V 41 treatment Cummins ISBe 4.5 litre powered 42, 44 system Euro IV & V powered hybrid Volvo D5F Euro IV & V powered Volvo D9B 9.4litre Euro IV & V powered Baumot Retrofit Double Deck Buses Single Deck Buses BNOx exhaust Cummins ISBe 6.7 litre Cummins ISBe after- Euro IV & V powered 4.5litre Euro IV & V treatment powered system Cummins ISBe 6.7 litre Euro IV & V powered More vehicle/engine configurations are being tested and will be added as test data is provided. There is also the possibility for CVRAS to assess approval extensions on a case by case basis dependent on bus fleet composition and applications required. The retrofit supply industry is currently assessing the market needs of the Scottish bus fleet to understand the vehicle/engine combination requirements for retrofit emissions reduction solutions. Grant and loan funding will only fund retrofit technology measures accredited by the Clean Vehicle Retrofit Accreditation Scheme (CVRAS)1. EST and the Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership (LowCVP) jointly launched CVRAS in mid-2017. CVRAS provides a detailed list of accredited retrofit technology providers to the bus sector. A number of bus models operating in Scotland may not have an accredited retrofit technology because the technology has yet to be tested on these specific bus models. BEAR Phase 1 grant and loan funding will be available for the following CVRAS accredited technologies: o Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) units that reduce NOx emissions by reacting with ammonia over a catalyst resulting in emitting harmless emissions of nitrogen and water. o Diesel Particulate Filters (DPF) that reduce the particulate matter emissions from an exhaust. 1 Scottish Bus Emissions Abatement Retrofit Programme – Phase 1 Assessment Process Guidance 8
5.3 Monitoring Requirements As retrofit technology has not been deployed in Scottish bus fleets before on any scale a key objective of BEAR Phase 1 will be to establish an effective monitoring framework to: Demonstrate and evidence the effectiveness of retrofit technology to Scottish bus operators. Obtain feedback from Scottish bus operators on the use of bus retrofit technology. Understand the logistics of installing bus retrofit technology, to create early findings that will inform subsequent BEAR phases and the creation of Scotland’s Bus Retrofitting Centre. Test and, where necessary, refine the funding model to support subsequent BEAR phases. Collect, analyse and share operational data from emissions monitoring equipment (including the fitting of low-cost diffusion tubes to vehicles to create ‘mobile labs’) and vehicle telematics to demonstrate real world emission reduction from the use of the retrofit technology and support CVRAS accreditation. Identify and assess any associated impact on fuel consumption and efficiency resulting from retrofit installation to inform bus operators and subsequent BEAR phases. Support LEZ monitoring and enforcement. Because monitoring and evaluation is a key objective of BEAR Phase 1, the provision of data by BEAR Phase 1 grant recipients will be an absolute requirement. As a minimum BEAR Phase 1 grant recipients will be required to provide a record of specific fuel consumption, distances driven, hours operated, daily average NOx and PM emissions reductions for each vehicle funded. Applicants will therefore be required to agree to the installation of additional emissions and air quality monitoring equipment on vehicles sufficient to allow vehicles emissions to be monitored, the performance of retrofit technology to be monitored and accredited where necessary, and to enable mobile air quality monitoring. Applicants will also be required to agree to a monitoring process that will involve the collection, analysis and dissemination of associated data to help inform Transport Scotland, Scottish Ministers, Scottish bus operators and other key stakeholders on the impact of the programme. This additional monitoring equipment is not subject to State Aid and will be funded separately from grant and loan awards to successful applicants. Working with the commercial and bus sectors, the Energy Saving Trust and LowCVP, Transport Scotland aims to establish an Engine Retrofitting Centre in Scotland to support the delivery of LEZs, creating new jobs and with the goal of winning business from outwith Scotland. Transport Scotland is currently developing detailed proposals for the development of the Scottish Engine Retrofitting Centre in 2018. Data collected BEAR Phase 1 will be used to support the development of the Scottish Retrofitting Centre and will be made available on the Centre’s website. 5.4 Fund Requirements BEAR Phase 1 will provide successful applicants with grant or grant and loan funding of up to a maximum of £25,000 per vehicle. Retrofitting technology equipment and installation costs vary depending on the manufacturer, but typically cost c£15,000 per bus. Once additional ancillary costs over the life-cycle of the bus following installation such as maintenance costs for installed Scottish Bus Emissions Abatement Retrofit Programme – Phase 1 Assessment Process Guidance 9
equipment, associated technical training, short term hire of replacement vehicles during retrofit, additional vehicle telematics to support monitoring, warranty costs and potentially an approximate ~5% rise in fuel costs are also accounted for, the cost per bus is likely to rise to approximately £25,000 per bus (based on feedback provided by bus operators). Applicants will be required to identify and provide evidence of primary and ancillary costs in their application and these will be assessed and reported to the Assessment Panel. If an application receives a ‘no’ for any of these questions and is ultimately successful, it is likely that a condition of funding will be providing additional evidence. BEAR Phase 1 grant funding constitutes State Aid within the context of the European Union rules. Applicants therefore have the option of applying for BEAR Phase 1 grant funding either under the European Commission’s De Minimis Regulations, or under the General Block Exemption Regulation (GBER) requirements. De Minimis grant funding allows organisations to receive up to €200,000 (or €100,000 for organisations in the road freight transport sector) of De Minimis state aid over any three year fiscal period. GBER grant funding this allows organisations to receive funding of between 40% and 60% of the total eligible costs (i.e. primary and ancillary costs of up to £25,000 per vehicle). Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) can receive funding to cover 60% of the total eligible costs and large enterprises can receive funding to cover 40% of the total eligible costs. The definition of SMEs used in the State aid area is as follows: A medium-sized enterprise is an enterprise satisfying all of the following criteria: - has fewer than 250 employees and - has either an annual turnover not exceeding €50 million, and/or a balance-sheet total not exceeding €43 million. A small enterprise is an enterprise that satisfies all of the following criteria: - has fewer than 50 employees and - has either an annual turnover and/or a balance-sheet total not exceeding €10 million. A micro- enterprise is an enterprise that satisfies all of the following criteria: - has fewer than 10 employees and - has either an annual turnover and/or a balance-sheet total not exceeding €2 million. The criteria must be applied to the company as a whole (including subsidiaries located in other Member States and outside the EU). The Regulation provides definitions of an autonomous enterprise, partner enterprise and linked enterprise in order to assess the real economic position of the SME in question. Scottish Bus Emissions Abatement Retrofit Programme – Phase 1 Assessment Process Guidance 10
Illustrative examples of the BEAR Phase 1 funding options are provided below. Example 1: Bus Company A is a small enterprise and has a fleet of eight vehicles it wishes to have retrofitted and has not received any De-Minimis funding in the last three financial years. Bus Company A has a choice of two funding options: Option 1 De-Minimis Bus Company A can apply for De-Minimis funding of up to funding: €200,000 and can apply for funding to retrofit seven of its eight vehicles (7 x £25,000 = £175,000 or €196,000). Option 2 GBER Bus Company A can apply for GBER funding to retrofit all funding: eight of its vehicles. GBER cover under Article 36 will allow Bus Company A to fund up to 60% (40% plus an additional 20% for a small company) of the cost of retrofitting its eight vehicles (8 x £25,000 = £200,000 x 60% = £120,000). Bus Company A has the option of also applying for a Commercial Loan funded by Transport Scotland and administered by EST for the remaining 40% (£80,000). Example 2: Bus Company B is a large enterprise and has a fleet of 20 vehicles it wishes to retrofit and has received €142,000 in De-Minimis funding in the last three fiscal years. Bus Company B has a choice of two funding options: Option 1 De-Minimis Bus Company B can apply for De-Minimis funding of up to funding: €58,000 and can apply for funding to retrofit two of its 20 vehicles (2 x £25,000 = £50,000 or €56,000). Option 2 GBER Bus Company B can apply for GBER funding to retrofit 20 funding: of its vehicles. GBER cover under Article 36 will allow Bus Company B to fund up to 60% (40% for a large enterprise) of the cost of retrofitting its 20 vehicles (20 x £25,000 = £500,000 x 40% = £200,000). Bus Company B has the option of also applying for a Commercial Loan funded by Transport Scotland and administered by EST for the remaining 60% (£300,000). Any funding required in addition to GBER grant funding can be applied for as a Commercial Loan funded by Transport Scotland and administered by EST. Scottish Bus Emissions Abatement Retrofit Programme – Phase 1 Assessment Process Guidance 11
In order to avoid State Aid in a publicly funded loan agreement BEAR Phase 1 loans will be offered at a market rate, or in its absence a proxy market rate, established in the following way: If information on comparable loans for similar debt transactions is available on the private finance market it will be used to set an interest rate. In the absence of empirical market information on a specific debt transaction compliance with market conditions may be established on the basis of a comparison with comparable market transactions. When a comparable market transaction is not available to establish a market rate a proxy rate for the market rate will be calculated using the current UK base rate from the Commission website2 and basis points will be added depending on the rating of the undertaking concerned and the collateral offered. Rating category Collateralisation High Normal Low Strong (AAA – A) 60 75 100 Good (BBB) 75 100 220 Satisfactory (BB) 100 220 400 Weak (B) 220 400 650 Bad/financial difficulties (CCC and below) 400 650 1000 Example: if the UK base rate is 0.73 and Bus Company A has a good credit rating (BBB) and low collateralisation (220) the interest rate will be calculate at a proxy market rate of 2.93%. (2.20 + 0.73 = 2.93%). Applicants can only apply for either De Minimis or GBER funding. If applicants opt for GBER funding they are not required to also apply for commercial loan funding. Grant offer letters to successful applicants will specify a payment schedule based on the specific conditions of the award and the timescales specified application. See Annex 3 for an explanation of how these questions will be assessed. Additional considerations YES NO Does the application comply with the maximum grant or grant and loan funding of £25k per vehicle? Does the application provide a breakdown and evidence of primary equipment costs? Does the application provide a breakdown and evidence of ancillary costs? 5.5 State aid Each application will undergo an assessment to document State Aid. EST will complete a State Aid checklist (see Annex 4) and submit their findings to the assessment panel who will review and determine if they agree. Where further advice is required, the application will be reviewed by the State Aid Unit at the Scottish Government for decision. BEAR Phase 1 grant funding constitutes State Aid within the context of the European Union rules and the presence of State Aid does not make a project ineligible for funding. 2 Scottish Bus Emissions Abatement Retrofit Programme – Phase 1 Assessment Process Guidance 12
The Case Paper for each project will provide a comment on State aid as follows: State aid YES NO Comment Is State aid present? [If yes, comment will outline how this is to be addressed, e.g. has the appropriate GBER Article being selected and relevant aid intensity applied to total project costs.] 5.6 Scoring There are five project impact criteria that will be assessed and scored for each project. Scores will be determined based on the information provided in the application form. Any supplementary documents provided to support the application will not impact the score of an application. EST may contact applicants throughout the assessment process to seek clarification on specific elements of the application; however, any information provided to EST subsequent to the submission of the application form will provide context only and will not impact scoring. Applicants should ensure that all project impact criteria have been addressed in the application form. Each criterion will be weighted equally and given a score out of five – meaning that total scores will be out of 25. EST assessors will provide a short comment with a justification for the score. All criteria will be weighted equally. The five criteria that will be assessed and scored are: Project rationale Strategic fit Additionality Deliverability Financial viability For an explanation of each of these criteria and how they will be assessed see Annex 5. 5.7 RAG rating In addition to an overall score, each project will also be assigned a red, amber or green (RAG) rating. The purpose of the RAG rating is to highlight any risks or issues identified during the assessment to the Assessment Panel. An explanation or justification of the RAG rating will be provided in the Case Paper based on both objective (e.g. annual vehicle mileage within an AQMA or LEZ) and subjective criteria (e.g. stated environmental commitment). RED Projects that receive a red RAG rating are considered high risk, or where a significant issue has been identified. Projects that receive an amber RAG rating are considered medium risk, or where AMBER an issue has been identified and at the time of the Assessment Panel remains unresolved. GREEN Projects that receive a green RAG rating are considered low risk, and will have no unresolved issues. Scottish Bus Emissions Abatement Retrofit Programme – Phase 1 Assessment Process Guidance 13
Ineligible projects (i.e. those that do not undergo full assessment) will not be scored and therefore will not be included in this RAG rating process. A red RAG rating, therefore, does not mean that the project is ineligible; it means that the project is eligible, but high risk. 5.8 Preparation of material for Assessment Panel 5.8.1 Case Papers The Assessment Panel will receive a copy of each eligible application form, a Case Paper for each eligible application, and a Summary Paper that provides a strategic view, an explanation of scoring process, and recommendations of applications to be funded. See Annex 6 for an example Case Paper. 5.8.2 Summary Paper The Summary Paper will provide a ‘roadmap’ for the Assessment Panel discussion. The paper will recommend a number of applications to be funded, with options for discussion, and it will then be the responsibility of the Assessment Panel to test and ratify these recommendations. The outline of the Summary Paper is as follows: An overview of the strategic aims of BEAR Phase 1. A complete list of all projects and their respective scores and RAG ratings. A list of recommended applications to be funded, with options for funding package variants (if applicable). An explanation of the rationale behind the recommendations, i.e. an assessment of overall alignment to strategic aims of BEAR Phase 1, value for money etc. Proposed key areas of discussion. An explanation of the scoring process and project impact criteria. Scottish Bus Emissions Abatement Retrofit Programme – Phase 1 Assessment Process Guidance 14
6 Assessment Panel 6.1 Role of the Assessment Panel The Assessment Panel will be responsible for testing and ratifying the assessments presented to them in the project Case Papers and the recommendations made in the accompanying Summary Paper prepared by EST. The Assessment Panel will discuss the relative scores of the applications as well as issues and risks associated with the projects, and, importantly, how various combinations of applications will achieve the strategic aims of BEAR Phase 1 (see section 2.2). The Assessment Panel will have discretion to recommend awarding funding to a combination of applications that may not necessarily represent the highest ranked, but will deliver on strategic aims – such as geographic spread across Scotland’ AQMAs, number of operators introducing retrofit technology, etc. Options for best delivering on these strategic objectives will be presented to the Assessment Panel in the Summary Paper. The Assessment Panel’s decisions will be reflected in a report following the meeting and this will be submitted to Transport Scotland for final approval. 6.2 Membership of the Assessment Panel The specific individuals who will be asked to serve on the Assessment Panel are yet to be confirmed. However the principles on which it will be established are that the number of individuals on the Assessment Panel will be sufficient to ensure: A good balance of opinions and perspectives is represented. Membership will also be as inclusive and diverse as possible. Membership will be voluntary and unpaid. Travel costs and expenses will be reimbursed to enable attendance at a full day Assessment Panel meeting. Members will be independent of the project applications proposed. Assessment Panel members will be required to review and complete the conflict of interest procedure before reviewing any applications (see Annex 7). Where any links exist between Assessment Panel members and an application, the member will be asked not to join the discussion of that particular project, and will not be able to make a contribution to the final funding decision for that project. The Assessment Panel will be chaired by a senior representative from Transport Scotland and EST will provide secretariat support to the Assessment Panel. Scottish Bus Emissions Abatement Retrofit Programme – Phase 1 Assessment Process Guidance 15
7 Awards and due diligence Following the Assessment Panel, and once Transport Scotland has given final approval, letters providing conditional offers of funding will be issued to the successful applicants. Letters will include all conditions set by the Assessment Panel and requests for any outstanding information to support any final due diligence necessary. Due diligence will ensure the information provided by the applicant organisation is accurate and complete, for example financial information, legal status, vehicle eligibility. It will also ensure that any concerns raised by the Assessment Panel have been addressed. Unsuccessful applicants will be informed of the outcome and offered feedback on their application. Final announcements of awards will be embargoed until all further due diligence has been satisfactorily completed. Scottish Bus Emissions Abatement Retrofit Programme – Phase 1 Assessment Process Guidance 16
ANNEX 1: Screening checklist On receipt of application this form will be used by EST to check that each application is complete and valid before it progresses to the next stage of assessment. Application Screening questions YES NO Note Form Section - Was the application form received before or on the Note capturing deadline? why/why not met - Is the application form complete? 1 Has the applicant answered ‘Yes’ to all of the questions in the Self-Assessment checklist (section 1 of the application form)? 9.1 Is the application signed and dated by someone within the applicant organisation with the authority to do so? 4 Has the applicant provided a financial quotation of cost from their specified retrofit technology installer? - Has the applicant attached any additional information referred to in the body of the application form, e.g. additional vehicle data, a breakdown of project costs, etc.? Scottish Bus Emissions Abatement Retrofit Programme – Phase 1 Assessment Process Guidance 17
ANNEX 2: Eligibility checklist This form will be used by EST to conduct an eligibility check of all the applications against the following eligibility requirements. If an application receives a ‘No’ for any of these criteria, it will not progress to the next stage of assessment. Where an application receives a ‘Partial’ mark for any of the criteria, this will inform the conditions the Assessment Panel may wish to attach to the funding in the event that the project is approved. Application Eligibility requirement YES PARTIAL NO Form Section Applicant eligibility 2.1 Is the applicant organisation a licenced bus n/a operator/community transport operator? 2.1 Does the applicant organisation operate eligible vehicles n/a on routes within or located primarily within a local authority with one of Scotland’s AQMAs3 within its geographical area?4 3.1 Does the applicant organisation operate eligible vehicles n/a on routes that pass through one of Scotland’s AQMAs and/or one of Scotland’s cities identified in the 2018-19 Programme for Government LEZ commitment?5 3.1 Can the applicant organisation provide figures for the n/a number of miles travelled per annum by the vehicles for which grant funding has been applied for operating specific bus route(s) and within LEZ and/or AQMA area(s)? Vehicle eligibility 3.2 Are the vehicles for which the applicant organisation is n/a applying for less than 13 years old (i.e. Euro III, IV and V emission standards), fitted with or to be fitted with an ad-blue system and with a remaining service life of at least five years? 3.2 Can the applicant organisation provide at least 12 consecutive months of fuel consumption data for each specific vehicle applied for? Eligible measures 3.2 Are the specific retrofit measures the applicant n/a organisation is applying for Selective Catalytic Reduction 3 I.e. Aberdeen City Council, City of Edinburgh Council, Dundee City Council, East Dunbartonshire Council, East Lothian Council, Falkirk Council, Fife Council, Glasgow City Council, Highland Council, Midlothian Council, North Lanarkshire Council, Perth & Kinross Council, Renfrewshire Council, South Lanarkshire Council and West Lothian Council. 4 Verification may be sought from constituent local authorities to confirm the accuracy of the information provided. 5 I.e. Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh and Glasgow. Scottish Bus Emissions Abatement Retrofit Programme – Phase 1 Assessment Process Guidance 18
Application Eligibility requirement YES PARTIAL NO Form Section (SCR) and/or Diesel Particulate Filters (DPF)? 3.3 Are the specific retrofit measures the applicant organisation is applying for accredited by the Clean Vehicle Retrofit Accreditation Scheme (CVRAS)? Scottish Bus Emissions Abatement Retrofit Programme – Phase 1 Assessment Process Guidance 19
ANNEX 3: Fund requirements The following additional considerations will be marked as ‘yes’ or ‘no’. This will not form part of the score of the project (or RAG rating), but will be noted for the Assessment Panel. Application Additional consideration How this will be marked Form Section 4.1 Does the application comply Applications will be marked ‘yes’ if the application with the maximum grant or complies with the £25,000 per vehicle funding limit. grant and loan funding of £25,000 per vehicle? 4.2 Does the application provide a Applications will be marked ‘yes’ if the application breakdown and evidence of provides a breakdown and evidence of primary primary equipment costs? equipment costs. 4.2 Does the application provide a Applications will be marked ‘yes’ if the application breakdown and evidence of provides a breakdown and evidence of ancillary ancillary costs? costs. Scottish Bus Emissions Abatement Retrofit Programme – Phase 1 Assessment Process Guidance 20
ANNEX 4: State aid checklist This checklist will be used by EST to determine and document whether State aid is present in the proposed project at both organisation and beneficiary level. State aid assessment YES NO ments (application form section 7.4) 1 Has the applicant or any partner If No, refer to point 2. declared it is involved in an economic If Yes , refer go to point 5 activity on the project? 2 If the applicant has declared No - If No, please refer to point 4 Are you are satisfied that the applicant If Yes , refer to point 3. or any partner is not an undertaking? 3 If you are satisfied that the applicant or n/a n/a Note – Please consider Beneficiary any partner is not an undertaking there of project and complete State aid is no need to assess the measure for Checklist at this level to determine State aid at this level. whether State is present. 4 Has the applicant provided sufficient If No,seek further information from evidence to support the response? applicant. If yes, refer to point 5. 5 Has the applicant applied the 4 State aid If No, refer applicant to the SG State tests and determined the possible aid guidance and ask them to apply presence of State aid? the 4 State aid tests and provide the result of this assessment. If Yes , refer to point 6. 6 Has the applicant declared whether If No, refer to point 7. there is any State aid present? If Yes , refer to point 8. 7 Has the applicant explained how the If No, request applicant provides this project activities have been assessed evidence in order to proceed with against the four State aid tests and application. provided evidence to support a finding of If Yes, refer to point 9. ‘No State aid’? 8 Has the applicant made an assessment If No, request applicant does this and of whether the State aid present is provides evidence to confirm findings. compliant under the appropriate GBER If Yes , refer to point 10. scheme? 9 Complete State aid Compliance n/a n/a Once project has been approved and template Grant Award letter issued insert details of project onto BEAR Programme project tracking spreadsheet for monitoring and State aid review. 10 Check that the GBER Article selected is If No, application should be withdrawn. appropriate and advise applicant of the If Yes , refer to point 9. relevant aid intensity applied to total project costs and confirm whether applicant wish to proceed with application/project. Does the applicant wish to continue? Scottish Bus Emissions Abatement Retrofit Programme – Phase 1 Assessment Process Guidance 21
ANNEX 5: Scoring framework The following scoring framework will be used to assess applications. There are six project impact criteria that will be scored out of five – the total score for a project will be out of 30. 0= No evidence to address criteria 1= Significantly deficient against the criteria 2= Addresses some of the criteria but is deficient 3= Satisfies the criteria 4= Satisfies the criteria well 5= Satisfies the criteria exceptionally well Please note that the ‘what will assessors consider’ column provides an indication of the sorts of questions assessors will consider. It is not necessarily exhaustive, nor will every question be relevant to every application. Project impact criteria Application Key Question What will assessors consider Sco re Comments and justification Form Section Project Rationale 1. 5.1 Does the proposed project fit How does the project rationale align with the with the strategic aims of the BEAR Phase 1 aims? I.e. has the application BEAR Phase 1? demonstrated how the project will reduce NOx and PM emissions of existing buses operating on routes within, or located primarily within, one of /5 Scotland’s AQMAs? Is the proposed project likely to achieve these stated aims based on the description of the project? Strategic fit 2. 5.2 Will the proposed project Does the application details of specific vehicles /5 contribute to reducing NOx employed on one or more specific named routes? Scottish Bus Emissions Abatement Retrofit Programme – Phase 1 Assessment Process Guidance 22
Project impact criteria Application Key Question What will assessors consider Score Comments and justification Form Section and PM emissions of existing How long are the specific vehicles identified likely buses? to be employed following the installation of retrofit Will the proposed project technology? I.e. the length of time the vehicles support reducing NOx and could potentially contribute to improved air quality. PM emissions within one of Is the project likely to demonstrate and evidence Scotland’s AQMAs? the effectiveness of retrofit technology to Scottish Will the proposed project bus operators? support reducing NOx and PM emissions within an AQMA in one of Scotland’s four largest cities? Emissions reduction 3. 3.1 Does the applicant Do mileage figures indicate that vehicle retrofit organisation provide figures would have an appreciable impact on emissions in for the number of miles LEZ and/or AQMA area(s)? travelled per annum by the Do mileage figures indicate that vehicle retrofit /5 vehicles for which grant would have an appreciable impact on emissions funding has been applied on identified bus route(s)? for? Additionality 4. 5.3 Does the proposal provide Does the application propose new or additional clear evidence of added activity? E.g. in addition to the installation, value of the project? operation and monitoring of retrofit technology such as enhancement to existing services, /5 additional information sharing to demonstrate the viability of retrofit technology, etc. Has the applicant organisation identified any Scottish Bus Emissions Abatement Retrofit Programme – Phase 1 Assessment Process Guidance 23
Project impact criteria Application Key Question What will assessors consider Sco re Comments and justification Form Section anticipated additional outputs and outcomes as a result of the proposed project? Has the application identified how it would contribute to the development of the Scottish Retrofitting Centre? Deliverability 5. 4.1 Can the project be delivered Project Management 5.4 by December 2018? Does the application provide realistic costs, targets and timeframes for delivery? Have appropriate milestones have been identified and target dates set? E.g. can retrofitting be contractually agreed by the end of March 2018? Are the use of appropriate management tools and techniques demonstrated? Have risks been identified and assessed? How risks will be addressed in relation to prevention, reduction, and contingency and avoidance? /5 Has the organisation put in place an appropriate governance structures for delivery? Ownership and permission Are there any ownership issues and lease agreements in place that might affect the delivery of the project? E.g. an operator leasing rather than owning fleet vehicles identified for retrofitting. Organisational Capacity Scottish Bus Emissions Abatement Retrofit Programme – Phase 1 Assessment Process Guidance 24
Project impact criteria Application Key Question What will assessors consider Sco re Comments and justification Form Section Does the applicant demonstrate it has the capacity required to deliver the project, and the on-going reporting commitments? E.g. can vehicles be taken off the road to enable retrofitting without impact to service delivery? Has the applicant organisation provided evidence of effective fleet management and fleet maintenance? Compliance Does the applicant demonstrate an understanding and a commitment to the requirements of on- going reporting? Financial viability 6 2.1 Is this project financially Has the application demonstrated eligibility for the 3.1 viable? requested grant funding? 3.2 Is the lead applicant Is project expenditure realistic? Does the 3.3 organisation financially application provide sufficient evidence to justify viable? requested grant funding? 4.1 4.2 Is the applicant financially viable? Are there any 5.4 risks to the viability of the lead applicant /5 organisation? Has the applicant demonstrated it can continue to operate vehicles equipped with retrofit technology on an on-going basis beyond the duration of BEAR Phase 1? Scottish Bus Emissions Abatement Retrofit Programme – Phase 1 Assessment Process Guidance 25
Project impact criteria Application Key Question What will assessors consider Score Comments and justification Form Section Total score /30 Scottish Bus Emissions Abatement Retrofit Programme – Phase 1 Assessment Process Guidance 26
ANNEX 6: Example Case Paper Case Paper: [Ref # – Project title] Applicant [Applicant name] No. vehicles [Number] applied for Type of [Licenced public transport operator/Licenced Technology [SCR/DPF, organisation Community Transport Operator, etc.] installed etc.] Local authority [Details of local authority area(s) and AQMA(s) RAG area(s), within which vehicles operate and route(s) rating Green AQMA(s) and vehicles identified for retrofit operate] bus route(s) Score 31/45 Project overview [From Project Summary section of application form] Assessor’s Comments [This is where the assessor provides an overall view of the project, including any particular issues or risks that the Assessment Panel should discus. The comment will also provide a justification for the RAG rating.] Proposed conditions [This will capture and address any issues with eligibility (i.e. if an application received a ‘partial’ for any of the eligibility criteria). Conditions may include requests to provide further evidence that match funding is secured, or a new project plan that removes an ineligible element etc.] Assessment Eligibility YES PARTIAL NO Comment Applicant [If partial or no, provide explanation] 27
Vehicle(s) Measures Fund requirements YES NO Does the application comply with the maximum grant funding of £25,000 per vehicle? Does the application provide a breakdown and evidence of primary equipment costs? Does the application provide a breakdown and evidence of ancillary costs? State aid YES NO Comment Is State aid present? [If yes, comment will outline how this is to be addressed, e.g. has the appropriate GBER Article being selected and relevant aid intensity applied to total project costs.] Project impact criteria Score Comment and justification Project rationale /5 Strategic fit /5 Additionality /5 Deliverability /5 Financial viability /5 Total /25 28
For completeness, the Assessment Panel will be provided with the following details on ineligible projects. Below is an example of a Case Paper for a project determined to be ineligible. Case Paper: [Ref # – Project title] Applicant [Applicant name] No. vehicles [Number] applied for Type of [Licenced public transport operator/Licenced Technology [SCR/DPF, organisation Community Transport Operator, etc.] installed etc.] Local authority [Details of local authority area(s) and AQMA(s) area(s), within which vehicles operate and route(s) AQMA(s) and INELIGIBLE vehicles identified for retrofit operate] bus route(s) Project overview [From Project Summary section of application form] Assessor’s Comments This project was determined to be ineligible for funding from BEAR Phase 1 for the reasons outlined below. It did not undergo a full assessment. Eligibility YES PARTIAL NO Comment Applicant Applicant is ineligible as they are not a licenced public transport operator. Vehicle(s) Measures 29
ANNEX 7: Conflict of interest procedure The following Conflict of Interest Procedure is to be used by members of the Assessment Panel. It also covers the process for identifying conflicts of interest and what will happen in the Assessment Panel meeting. Members of the BEAR programme Phase 1 Assessment Panel are expected to review any applications to the Fund in an objective manner. The applications may contain confidential information, which cannot be passed on outside of the Assessment Panel. Members must not make use of information that they have been given access to in order to further their organisations’ activities unless this is agreed with EST and Transport Scotland, and this will only be under specific circumstances (e.g. beneficial stakeholder linking between two projects). When members receive the list of BEAR programme Phase 1 applications, they must first review the projects listed and identify if you have any potential conflicts of interest at the following three levels: They are directly involved in an application, either as the project lead, or as a project partner. Their organisation is involved in an application, either as the project lead, or as a project partner. They have other links to the project (e.g. their organisation is a potential stakeholder, or were involved in a feasibility study). Any potential conflict of interest must be reported back to EST prior to the Assessment Panel meeting. During the Assessment Panel meeting, when each project is discussed, EST will review the submitted conflict of interest statements from each Assessment Panel member. Any Assessment Panel member with a conflict of interest will be asked not to join the discussion of that particular project, and will not be able to make a contribution to the final funding decision for that project. If a conflict of interest is identified as being potentially commercially sensitive in nature, discussion will take place without the Assessment Panel member being present. Assessment Panel members will be asked to complete and return the following conflict of interest statement when you have reviewed the list of applications to --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Organisation: Please enter any projects where you have a potential conflict of interest in the table below: Project ref # Project Name Lead Organisation Description of Conflict of Interest 30
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